
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon, Book Six - Our Life And The Spiritual Realm

Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Six - Our Life And The Spiritual Realm
Chapter One - The Path of Life
Section 1. Our Path of Life

1.1. We cannot foresee our immediate future

It is a common saying that human beings come and go. This applies even to the most eminent people of history. You need to be aware that the continuing influence of heavenly principles in the flow of history applies to us even at this moment. We shall come and go ourselves. We do not know by what internal affinities or through what relationships we came to be here, but we know that the reality is we came into this world, have struggled with all kinds of phenomena and ideological concepts, and will eventually depart this world.
If that is so, for what did we come here, and for what purpose do we pass on? Numerous philosophers and religious people have devoted their entire lives to the resolution of these issues but have failed. Human history has continued to this day tainted by the grief from such continuing failure, and even now continues on this path. (7-178, 1959.9.6)
Why was I brought into this world? Why do I have to live? Where am I heading? You should never allow yourself to think that you were born by your own will. You were born into this world, yet you do not know the source and purpose behind your birth. You are ignorant of the motivation and purpose of your being. In other words, we were born in spite of our wishes. We live notwithstanding our wishes, and we die notwithstanding our wishes. Then what is there to be proud of? We have no control over our birth; we are merely custodians in this life, and we cannot avoid the path of death. Thus, any attempt to take pride in ourselves is pitiable. Once born, we are destined to live and destined to die. (7-178, 1959.9.6)
We are moving towards a certain place whether we know it or not. We are heading towards that place even as we work and even as we rest. Not only ourselves, but this nation, this world and furthermore, heaven and earth are going towards a certain place as well. This is an undeniable fact. To what kind of place will we go at the end of this life? This is a very important question that humankind must resolve. Through religion, philosophy and historical studies, people have mobilized to solve this question. Therefore, you cannot deny that all of you are caught up in this and are pulled by this destiny. (8-194, 1959.12.20)
Numerous sages, wise men, and founders of religions, have paused on their path of life, interrupted their minds' concerns and their hearts' inclinations, and asked, "Where am I going?" They have struggled to solve this question. These people set out to solve this question, but no one to this day could confidently claim, "My body, mind and heart, my life and ideals are hastening towards the ideal destination; hence, everyone and all beings existing in heaven and on earth should follow me to that place." (8-194. 1959.12.20
Today people live for only seventy to eighty years. Our heart knows that our lifetime is too short to allow us to restore all the realms of goodness that entangled in history. Even a billion years would still not be enough. Yet, we have to establish a lasting bond with the realm of goodness during this short period of seventy to eighty years. Our mind and conscience become desperate, knowing how immense this task is. We should not die! If we die we cannot accomplish it. During our lifetime we should make that connection of heart and restore the sovereignty of the Homeland on this earth. We must find the original homeland, attend the Heavenly Sovereign, and live with His people in His nation. Only then can we go to heaven in the spirit world. How desperate our heart would be if we knew we were unable to go and live in that world! (155-27, 1964.10.6)
Although I have a destiny, where is my body trying to go? Where is my mind trying to go? Toward what is my life being oriented? Where is my heart trying to go? My wishes, hopes, and ideals -- where are they trying to go? Even if we cannot answer these questions, we must still follow the path to our destiny. When we die, our body will be buried in the ground. Will my mind, my life, heart, ideal, and even my hope be buried together, the day my body is buried? Do they disappear? Unless you have integrity, a clear sense of purpose, and definite answers, you will inevitably become an unhappy person. (8-194, 1959.12.20)
For what reason are we born? What should be the focus of our life, and for what purpose do we pass on? We can never answer these questions without God. Without God, we cannot find the real motive in our life. The one who is without a motive can neither reap the fruit of his work nor have his value recognized. A building is constructed according to the designer's blueprint. A building that is built without reference to the original blueprint cannot be what the designer originally intended. (21-100, 1967.11.17)
If you make a wrong start, you will end up in the wrong place. That is why when a ship sets out into the great ocean, it should chart out the course and follow the compass carefully from the moment it first sets sail from port. Then, what is the port of departure for human life? People do not know. Where can we find the direction, the compass guiding us to reach our destination in the world beyond? Human beings have not been able to find this, so they have been wandering about to and fro. No matter how they have tried, they have not been able to overcome their human limitations. (172-28, 1988.1.3)

1.2. Where are we heading in life?

What is the purpose of life? We need to think about this issue again. The source of our life does not come from us. Thus, the purpose of life certainly does not belong to us alone. No one would object to the idea of being happy in life. No one would reject a dazzling life. Yet the reality is that none of us is free to live in that way. Still, each of us wishes to have pride in ourselves, to live freely with respect to our own will, and to be remembered accordingly. These intersecting elements all can he found within our hearts. (7-178, 1959.9.1)
The arrival of the autumn season foretells the coming of winter. Only those with vitality can pass through the course of winter. Things without vitality have no choice but to retreat from there. That is why new life needs to be injected before the coming of winter. New life should have a new principle and thought based on a new love, and should be armed with a new outlook on life, the world and the universe. Without these it cannot survive through the winter season. Although the course may be harsh, once you attain the vitality to pass through winter, spring will draw nearer with each passing day. The spring days will come upon you. The Unification Church is walking this path. (35-8, 1970.10.3)
We live in this world, yet we know that this is not all there is and that the spirit world exists. The physical and spirit worlds are not separate but are connected as one. Then, where is the place to which we are destined to go and ultimately settle down? We are now living in the flesh on this earth, but are moving towards the eternal world. We pass through our teenage years, our twenties, thirties, and after we have outgrown our youth, we enter the prime of our life, then gradually pass the peak, and eventually reach old age. Like the setting sun, our life comes to an end in this way. (140-121, 1986.2.9)
Those who know the existence of the spirit world understand that our life in this world is short, and that the world we enter after death is eternal. Hence, physical life is a time to prepare for the eternal world. Isn't that how it is? (140-121, 1986.2.9)
Where are people going? They are going towards the spirit world. The spirit world is like the ocean. We are destined to go there. Just as there are different currents in the ocean, infinite changes unfold in the spirit world. Within the main currents of the ocean, there are many things living harmoniously that are not found in fresh water. Just as there are many families of fish in the sea, there are many new families who are harmonized with heaven and earth. We must become like this when we go to the spirit world. (141-306, 1986.1.2)
Where, then, are people going? They are going to heaven. How about angels? They are also going to heaven. How about your mother and father? They are also going to heaven. How about your dog? It is not going to hell. At the time of the Korean War, one rich family was trying to escape to the South. They had a dog they had boasted about as being very expensive, but they didn't take it with them; they just tied it to the door and said, "Good-bye, we're going." Our Unification members should not do such things. Now, dogs and all creation can follow their masters to heaven or anywhere else that their masters may go. (71-36, 1975.6.10)
We must find a way to overcome all the complicated circumstances in the physical and spirit worlds and the complex human thought systems. We should be aware of the amazing fact that we can go forward with one clear set of values by aligning ourselves with a single simple direction. We will inevitably follow certain stages of development and preparation in our lives. A certain force will accompany us through the stages along the way. The driving force of love can respond within all the realms of our life. Thus, we are born in love, receive love, give love and go to the world of love. We return to God. The resultant being returns to the causal being. Therefore, we must think in the same way as God thinks. (126-111, 1983.1.12)
When, where should we go? Where is the place that we have to go, even if it requires that we put our life on the line? The day must come when we seek God, attend Him, and rejoice in our hearts -- a day when our hearts say there is no greater hope. For this we endure pain, mistreatment and resentment, and persevere through this worldly life. If we cannot go successfully through this world, we will perish with it. (8-202, 1959.12.20)
Why do people not wish to die, even when they are living a mediocre life? Why live? What is the origin of life? I am sure that you have many questions like this. However, your questions cannot be answered through the philosophy books written by men. Philosophy until now has only, in effect, been seeking a path toward God. What is religion then? A religious life begins when you know God and live together with Him. (188-12, 1989.1.24)
We should not ignore the spirit world. We are created to go there eventually. Thus, even people who are well off should live on this earth in accordance with the Principle, and fulfill the ideal of unity and uniform balance between the physical and spirit worlds. It is possible to form a plane of equalized reciprocal relationships between the two worlds. This balances itself and should rotate in a smooth motion perpendicular on the vertical axis. When it rotates even 360 degrees, it should not get stuck. If Satan can make even the smallest accusation, it will get stuck. A person whose life rotates around a vertical axis and is never swayed should appear. The age will come when the family will be seriously re-examined. It will be the age of the re-examination of the Unification Church. The church will no longer be needed. It will he the original age where we can live in attendance to God. (271-277, 1995.5.28)
The entire world faces the same conditions and patterns of corruption in the realm of life, realm of love and realm of lineage. Everything is entangled in the same degradation. Hence, you can stand within the boundary of the Kingdom or Heaven on earth if you can renounce everything that your body desires in the satanic domain and totally move into the realm of your conscience. Thus, you can attain the free rights that lead to the borderless and infinite nation of God, the world of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world. You should realize that you need to go into that place. People are living in ignorance of these difficult issues. They end up in hell because they go to the spirit world oblivious to what is going on behind the scenes. (2514-343, 1994.3.20)
Once we are born it is inevitable that we will die. Where do we go after death? We do not disappear like smoke. We are bound to go to the spirit world. In that world we will see a heavenly nation. Who, then, is the master of the spirit world? It is God. Therefore, we should become the sons and daughters of God. If we do not become God's children, we cannot enter heaven. (208-109, 1990.11.17)
If there is a spirit world, do you think that it would be in constant change? There is a saying, "A person's mind changes morning and evening, yet mountain scenery never changes." The spirit world is also unchanging. Assuming God exists, would He change? God is unchanging. If there is a nation in the spirit world under the reign of God, that nation would be unchanging. It would live under the established law for eternity, without any dissatisfaction or discontent. It would endure in dignity and harmony, and survive by means of adapting and refining itself. This place would have no need of a revolution. All those who tried to bring about a revolution would perish. (203-326, 1994.6.28)
You should all enter the blessed land of Canaan. The era of the global village has arrived because the earth was made to become the blessed land of Canaan and because the physical world has been brought closer to heaven. With the invention of satellites we entered the age when we can view the universe from where we sit. The time is coming when satellites will connect it with the spiritual realm.
Then the computer age will come. There are computers in the spirit world that show all the records of one's life on earth. We are entering an age where the history of and everything about one's life will be revealed in an instant. In the same way, the age of expansionism for hell on earth has been replaced by the age of the emergence of heaven on earth through the Unification movement. (266-296, 1990.6.18)
Did Adam and Eve pay for the food they ate in the Garden of Eden? It was all free. In this regard, God, who created the environment for human beings, gave infinite value to them freely. Consequently, when we go and live in the spirit world we are naturally provided with everything of infinite value there. God lives in the spirit world, His original homeland. There, food is not bought with money. It is a place where everything can be provided to an extent that goes beyond our imagination.
You are the way you are because you do not know the spirit world. If you were of the original lineage with no relation to the Fall, you would surely know the spirit world. (263-78, 1994.8.21)
Why do we long for the original homeland? It is the same as the love towards our parents, our siblings, our couples and towards the land, mountains and streams in our hometown, the world after death follows the same formula of true love. In our original homeland we can find our parents, spouse, and siblings. Everything is there, even superb food. Food can become genuine only when the physical food and spiritual food are combined. Why do we have to suffer like this? It is for the sake of going to our original homeland. We are doing this to inherit a spirit world that is filled with hope. (225-135, 1992.?.3)
Your hometown is not confined to a limited space. You have to be able to live anywhere, as though it were your hometown. Wherever you go, live in that place thinking that it is your beloved hometown. Anyone who can bring together all forty million people of the Republic of Korea to live in harmony shall find the value of his spiritual character increase in the spirit world. When you think about your hometown, be sure to consider the spirit world as you strive to attain a character of love, and live for the sake of others as if they were your parents, elder brothers or elder sisters. In the meantime, be determined to invest your love and life in raising your children so that you can leave behind wonderful descendants in your hometown. If you live armed with this way of thinking, then, when you pass to the spirit world, the entire world will become your hometown. (209-17, 1990.11.24)
What kind of path should Unification Church members follow? They should follow the path that God desires. They should follow the way of God's will. What is the will of Heaven? The will of heaven consists of the way for the individual, the family, the society, the nation, the world and even the spirit world. You do not know so much about the spirit world, do you? The specialist in that field is this person standing here right now. The spirit world surely exists. (121-146, 1982. 10.21)

1.3. Our lifetime is preparation for going to the spirit world

No matter what you may think about it, there is nothing you can do about the dispensation of nature. None of you want to die, do you? Are you confident you can avoid death? Nature regulates this. By the same logic, you also have to follow the laws of the spirit world. (247-45, 1993.4.25)
The spirit world is our homeland; it is the original homeland. This earth is the homeland of our original body. The spirit world is the homeland of our original mind. The world we are to enter after this one, is the world of heart, the spirit world. Hence, if we train ourselves for our future entry into the spirit world, we will have no problems once we get there. Americans have to eat hamburgers and cheese, don't they? Koreans have to eat kimchi and kochujang if there are hamburgers and kimchi in the spirit world, then... So if we live our life on earth in the same rhythm as the spirit world, there will be no pain when we go there. (207-72, 1990.11.1)
To this day, people have thought that everything disappears with death, but that is not the case. Life continues into the spirit world. We have to make preparations on earth in order to enter the next world. You breathe love in the spirit world. Thus, you should live with love as the center of your life on earth in order to freely breathe in the spirit world. It you do not live centered on love during your physical life, you will be unable to breathe freely in the spirit world. The spirit world is a world where you breathe love. You can think of it as a world in which love is the air. Physical death is the start of the second stage of life. Hence, there is nothing to be afraid of. Death opens the gates to a new beginning. (249-280, 1993.10.11)
The spirit world is our original hometown. During your life on earth you have to maintain a standard in order to return to your original hometown and live there for eternity. You cannot live as you wish on this earth. You cannot live like the worldly people who have been ignorant of these things. You have to know the spirit world and live accordingly. Then, when you leave this world you can go before God and form a connection with heaven. Without knowing the spirit world, it is impossible to make that connection. You need to be clearly aware, therefore, of the reality of the spirit world. (295-120, 1998.2.19)
The spirit world is filled with the air of love. If your spirit self is not prepared, it will not be able to breathe in heaven. The world here is a world of air, but the other world is the spirit world of love. You have to prepare your spirit self so that it can feel love. Unless you do so, you cannot establish relationships in the spirit world. This is the problem and it will be compounded. It can take millions of years to resolve. (265-327, 1994.12.1)
All of you should engage in original love. In the spirit world, love functions as air. Only when your cells experience the fulfillment of love can everything become natural. All cells breathe, don't they? You can nurture the cells of love by becoming a true couple and letting your cells grow with God's love. Then you can enter God's world and breathe the air of love for eternity. In this way you will not die. As love is the root, the spirit world is a place where, with love, anything is made possible. You can create anything and everything for your loved ones. Such a spirit world exists. Our original homeland exists. (283-267, 1997.4.13)
What is the difference between salt water and fresh water? They taste different. Sea water is salty. Fresh water has no taste at all. In the same way, there is no "flavor" on this earth. But in the spirit world there is flavor. Water has the power to sustain life, but salt is needed for producing life. (229-90, 1992.?.1)
River water should flow to the deepest levels of the sea. Fresh water from a large river will still become salt water when it enters the sea. Even water of a river which is famous for its clear streams will be changed without delay once it enters the sea. It changes to a totally different color and taste. In the same way, everyone goes to the spirit world in the end. Fresh water cannot maintain its characteristics once it joins the sea. It inevitably becomes sea water.
Correspondingly, during their lives, religious people should acquire the ability to add salt water. Then, there will he no conflict in the spirit world. If fresh water enters the sea and retains its original characteristics, problems will arise. Likewise, if people enter the spirit world as they are, they will find themselves in serious trouble. (244-178, 1993.2.7)
Where does the river flow? It goes to the sea. Sea water is different from river water. The earth is like river water, and the spirit world is like sea water. Everyone living on earth will pass into the spirit world. When fresh water and salt water mix, what happens? What happens to freshwater fish when they are placed in salt water? Freshwater fish cannot survive in salt water. They suffocate.
Hence, they should get accustomed to the salt water. When the color and temperature of the water are the same, you would be all right, no matter where you drink water. If the physical world and spirit world are connected suddenly, you will end up dead like a fresh-water fish in salt water. How will you breathe in that situation? It takes two weeks for salmon to gradually get accustomed to the water as they swim from salt water up into fresh water. The salmon progress in stages in order to minimize the pain of transition. (256-6I, 1994.3.12)
How would fresh water feel when it flows into the sea? Would it resist saying, "I don't want to go?" Would all rivers think like that? If I ask you where you go after death, I'm sure you will all answer that you go to the spirit world. Then how do you go to the spirit world? You get there by dying. Though that is the case, no one wants to die. Then, what happens when the river finally flows into the sea? What would happen if the fresh water was completely engulfed by the sea water? Would the fresh water feel good about it? It would feel shocked as though everything had contracted, or shall I say shrunk... It would feel a great shock, as if what had originally been the largest thing had become the smallest thing. (229-20, 1992.4.12)
Even though people may not want to go to the spirit world, they all have to go nonetheless. All of you here please raise your hand if you think you will never die. Even though you stick a knife in the table and pledge otherwise, death is inevitable. Where do you go after death? You pass on to the spirit world. Life on earth is like a large river; but no matter how large the river, it all flows towards the sea. Those who say, "I can't go to the sea; I don't want to go to the sea," may be alive but are as good as dead. It is the same as not realizing the value of their existence. (229-38, 1992.4.11)
When we take a good look at the effect of what we do in our life before going to the spirit world, we can see that it is a serious matter. The spirit world is a world unknown. We are destined to go to the spirit world, the unknown world. It is a world that expands into infinity. When you go there you will be able to meet all your ancestors. It is a place where you can meet thousands and tens of thousands of your ancestors at once. Your ancestors will evaluate you when they meet you. (142-160, 1986.3.9)
There is no easy way to prepare. Let us think about our life as a whole. Those who know that their youth is the time to prepare for young adulthood will become prosperous. The prime of life is the time to prepare for old age. Old age is the time to prepare for the spirit world. I know very well that life is like a training course, a period of preparation in which to attain a great and universal character. (147-188, 1986.9.2)
At the present time, visas and national borders create problems. Once language is unified, however, we will be able to live in any location as if it were our own hometown and country. In the end, things will move in this direction. The peoples of the Soviet Union and America will therefore live together as one family.
In the future, televisions will be made even as small as a wallet. Isn't that even happening now? Are there not micro-televisions that can fit in one's pocket? We have entered an age in which you can see everything wherever you are with the aid of satellite communications. The world is brought to us in condensed form. Human life will become more convenient; transportation to any place will be easy. The age must come when we can travel around carrying all those small things in our car. You will be able to leave Korea and travel the world until you are seventy or eighty years old. Such an age is sure to come. I am making preparations for that time. (238-361, 1992.11.22)

1.4. Life is too short

Our life is too short. Ten years can pass and we are barely aware of it. Everything will be decided within thirty years after your marriage. In this way, the path of life does not wait for you. It is busy going on its own way. We all have to die some day. Do you think you won't die? Can you be sure that you won't die? You have to die. Where do you go after death? Do you know that there is a spirit world? Am I staking my entire life on this work because of the spirit world because I know the spirit world even as I manage the entire world. Life on this earth is but an instant. It is like the ten months you spend in your mother's womb. (113-333, 1986.3.21)
The Unification Church is the place where you make preparations to go to the spirit world. For this reason, it is a place to prepare to qualify for the spirit world. So the question is whether you pass the examinations perfectly or whether you pass the examinations imperfectly. There is also the possibility of failing and being disqualified.
In light of this, while you are on earth you should prepare for when you go to the spirit world. Life on earth is like a wanderer's journey. You have to pass through many courses. As a woman, you were born from your parents; you live with them and you reach a certain age. Even though you may not know the purpose for which you were born, you meet a man and walk together with him, giving birth to a child through love. You labor in life in this way as you would labor to pull a wagon. But there is no knowing when that wagon will break down. At times you will travel steep roads of stone. One mistake and it can break down. What will you do if it breaks down? You will not be able to go any further. You will have to repair it. If you are not capable of repairing it, you are in deep trouble.
That is why if you don't have strength arability, it will take you a year, two years, or even ten years to travel this path. If you cannot overcome this, you will perish. Such is the nature of your journey. At times you may stop by somewhere and meet many people. You may stop by all sorts of places. Life is like a journey. In the end, though, this path takes you to the spirit world. (229-209, 1992.4.12)
Life goes by very quickly. By the time you come to have some wisdom and begin to understand the affairs of the world, you are already forty or fifty years old. A decade goes by in the blink of an eye. Ten more years and you become sixty -- but only for a moment. After sixty, in no time you're seventy. Now that I think about it, I can really empathize with the saying: "Life is but a fleeting dream." (188-38, 1989.2.16)
Our lifetime is but a moment. Our one lifetime goes up and down against the measure of eternal values. Like a scale, it goes up and down. That's the way it is. (46-155, 1971.13.3)
Let's say you live for about eighty years. If you take out the time for sleep, it is reduced by half to forty. Is sleeping living? Sleeping is like being dead. To sleep means death. For this reason, you only spend half of the twenty-four hours of your time struggling to live. Then what if we takeout an hour for each meal? You need an hour to eat each of your meals.
Further, if we take out the time spent for friends' parties, the sixtieth birthday celebration for the next door neighbor, funerals, sick days, and so on, do you think you really live even half your life? Last time I calculated, I found that we only spend seven years really living our lives. Out of these seven years, how many days can be counted as a day that you truly lived? How many days in all? (49-436, 1971.10.24)
Life in this physical world is short. We do not live for a long time. When you know this, the time you spend sleeping and eating costs you dearly. You will eat as you go on your way. You will sleep on the way, and take your recreation as you go... How pitiful! But as you do these things, you will be given unprecedented blessings. You should realize that all this will become a historical record. (11-226, 1975.10.23)
A person's fortune stretches and shrinks like a rubber band. If someone who is born with fortune to the degree of 100 spends to the degree of 120, in the course of his life his descendants will perish. If he spends only eighty, however, he can bequeath the remaining twenty as a blessing to his descendants. That's how it should be. (75-333, 1971.6.11) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Six - Our Life And The Spiritual Realm
Chapter One - The Path of Life
Section 2. The Correct Understanding of Death

2.1. Death is the inevitable conclusion of earthly life

There are many people who have lived to this day thinking that death is the end of life, saying, "If I live seventy or eighty years, I am content. And if I die, so be it: During the course of history, there were people who thought deeply about how to live forever. They wondered if there was any way to live beyond death. The more one clung to this ideal, the more one thought and asked, "What is the meaning of life? Why are we born and why do we walk our path like wanderers?" People would say, "Life is a bitter ocean," or "Life is fleeting like dew on the grass." Yet, if they could live forever there would be no occasion for such worries to arise. (14-229, 1971.1.30)
Numerous sages, wise men, and founders of religions have paused on their path of life, interrupted their mind's concerns and their heart's inclinations and asked, "Where am I going?" They have struggled to solve this question. These people came forth to solve this question, but no one to this day could confidently make the claim: "My body, mind and heart, my life and ideals have hastened toward this ideal destination; hence, everyone and all beings existing in heaven and on earth should follow me towards this place." (8-194, 1959.12.20)
Would you like to live here forever on earth, or would you rather live eternally in a place where you can be an embodiment of love without a physical body? When God wants to show you the infinite world of His creation, can you follow God with your body? You, therefore, need your spirit self. This is a fact, not a fantasy. If God were at the center of spirituality and if He needed a being with whom to relate, He would want to bring human beings with Him, show them and give to them His eternal ideal realm of creation in its entirety. (111-112, 1981.2.1)
Suppose you had only one piece of clothing to wear. If someone tried to take it from you by force, you would desperately resist. Let's say you had clothes for each of the four seasons of spring, summer, fall, and winter. Suppose that it were springtime, and someone was wearing winter clothes. You could go and tell him, "These are winter clothes. Why don't you take them oil?" You would have to bring spring clothing. You would have to bring summer clothing to a person wearing spring clothing in summer, and tell him or her to change. That person may not have realized the need to change. The issue of dying is the same. People do not know that there is a future life. They do not know that there is something more valuable than this physical life. (200-91, 1990.2.24)
God has made infinite efforts to guide those who are living on earth with secular, humanistic hopes to live instead with a fresh hope that can overcome the valley of death in longing for the eternal world. Hence, those who lived a life of faith have taught that we should not live with hopes confined to this earth. Rather, we should embrace the hope that overcomes death and dream of a world of eternal hope. (6-41, 1959.3.22)
All of you will go to the spirit world at some time. Is it one realm or two? It is one world. Then, what will life in that world be like? Have you ever thought about that?
Fish cannot survive outside the world of water in which they live. Water is absolutely vital to their life. Fish living in a river should not live in the river waters alone. They should go back and forth to the sea as well. Why should they live that way? Some freshwater fish cannot procreate without tasting water that connects to sea water. You should be aware of this. Some sea fish have to come to the fresh water and taste it in order to reproduce. The two worlds must be experienced. Similarly, corresponding with the mind and body, you should experience both physical and spirit worlds. (210-128, 1990.12.17)
There are no friends on the path of death. It is a path that you take alone without your parents, without your beloved siblings, without your beloved spouse and beloved children. It is a path that you must take alone. This path cannot be revisited, nor can you return from it. Once you take this path you can never return. What kind of heart will you have when you go on this path? Unless you have hope that enables you to overcome death the moment you face it, it will be your end. (6-53, 1959.1.22)
If someone dies of old age, in Korean we say that person "went back." When someone asks about our deceased grandparents we say, "They went back." To where did they return? They returned to the spirit world. Since we originally come from the incorporeal God, the incorporeal world is our original homeland. From the incorporeal world we come to the corporeal world, prosper on this earth and then return to the incorporeal world. We return to the spirit world in this way. We originate from the incorporeal Father, and we are then born through our natural father who lends his body, and we live in the physical world. Later, we discard our physical body and return to the spirit world in our original form. (242-166, 1993.1.1)
Human beings, both men and women alike, have five sensory organs. Among the five sensory organs, four can be found in our head. Our eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and hands make up the five sensory organs. The most important ones can be found on our head. The four sensory organs on our head symbolize the spirit world centered on God. It is a world separate from the body. The head can freely move about. The reason it moves about is to see, hear, smell, and speak in all four directions. Hence, what would happen if our head couldn't move? The inconvenience would be great. (228-85, 1992.3.27)
The people on earth must return to the original world, a third stage, after their physical life. Thus, in order to become a person who can go and live in the world of love, we need to prepare ourselves with organs for breathing in that world of love. We go to that world when our physical body breaks down, just as a baby bursts the amniotic sac and destroys it in order to be born. That is why the mother feels labor pains. In the same way, death is like a second set of labor pains.
For what should we prepare during our life in this physical body? During our time in the womb our lungs were made in preparation for breathing air. In the same way, during our physical life we need to prepare ourselves to breathe with our love-breathing organ of the spirit world. So, after discarding your physical body you have to breathe with your love-breathing organ, overcome the limited environment of your past life and live as a person with unrestrained freedom. (274-104, 1995.10.20)
Human beings want to resemble God, and if they are His sons or daughters, it is inevitable that God would have the idea of allowing them to resemble Him. I want to resemble God, and God wants to take me with Him. Therefore, God will seek the way to make this possible. Therefore, we come to the conclusion that human beings must be born in a form through which they can resemble God. God waits for the day of that birth. Human beings wait for this day as well. Do we need a day when we are born with that body, or not? That day would be the day of our physical death.
Well then, should human beings welcome death or not? When we are asked what the purpose of death is, we should say, "We die for the sake of God's true love." The reason we discard our physical body is to actively participate in the work of God's infinite love, and for the sake of God's world of love. (116-172, 1982.1.1)
Death means to be born in God's love. But in the human world, people make a fuss, saying, "Oh, I am dying!" Seeing this, would God laugh merrily or would He exclaim, “Oh, no!"? When God looks at people crying like this in the human world, does He feel sorrow or joy? Leaving the realm of limited love, we enter the joyful realm of infinite love. Isn't death the moment to welcome this joyfulness? Isn't this going through the path of death the moment of actually a second birth?
If this is the case, would God be joyful about the day your physical body is gone? Would He be joyful when someone is born as a son or daughter who can act for the sake of love in the second, innately expanded world? Why do I talk about such things? You cannot establish a relationship with God without liberating yourself from the fear of death. I am speaking about this because you must understand this reality. (1l6-172, 1982.1.1)
On the day you are really born as God's son... Amongst the innumerable stars, do you think there is a realm of diamond stars or not? Think about it. You want to have diamonds, don't you? You can't say there isn't a star made just of gold. It is possible. How rich God, our Father, is! Have you ever thought about that? We can travel this infinite universe in a moment. Are you interested? Are you truly interested? If so, what we need to do is observe the normative laws in accordance with God's commands: "Don't do this!" or "Do that!" This is possible only when you observe what God says to do or not to do. It is only logical that this becomes impossible if you live according to your selfish desires.
Can you abide by what God says to do or not to do? Since human beings have duality, they consist of mind and body. Since the mind is the subject partner, and the body the object partner, mind and body must be united. Is that right or wrong? (116.174, 1982.1.4)
What was God's deep anguish? It originated in the fact that He could not educate His true sons and daughters to become people of perfected heart, that He could not educate them about the siblings' heart, and the heart of a husband or wile. He could not educate them in the standard of heart that dictates what a couple should be like on earth. God could not educate them in how to become a couple and then how to be a parent.
This education should have become the textbook for human life. Yet, humankind lost that textbook and came to lead a self-centered life. Therefore, when such a person goes to the spirit world, he goes to hell. Even when people go to hell they do not go to just one place. In hell, there are all sorts of groups wandering about. Adam and Eve were supposed to take charge of this education of heart, but because of their ignorance, they fell and could not perfect themselves.
Consequently, the all-knowing God had to take responsibility for this. Who initiated the providence for salvation? God did. God initiated the providence for restoration and He also had to initiate the providence for re-creation. (228-265, 1992.2.5)

2.2. Life and death are a process that connects three worlds

Our life consists of a ten-month period in the womb, a hundred-year period in the physical world, and eternity in the spirit world. Our face consists of three stages: the mouth, nose and eyes. These represent the three ages of human life. Our mouth symbolizes the age of the womb in the material world. Our nose represents the age of the earth in the earthly human world, and our eyes represent the age of heaven in the spirit world. (298-304, 1999.1.17)
When a person is born, he is born from the deepest place -- in water. The period in the womb is the age of water. A baby inside the mother's womb is floating in water. Looking at this, we may feel that the baby would find it difficult having to breathe in the mother's womb. But to the baby, the womb is the universe. Though he lives in water, that world is the baby's universe where he is free. Isn't it obvious that the baby would take in and pass water during his life in the water? To do so, babies in the womb live by virtue of the umbilical cord connected to their stomach. (299.69, 1999.2.?)
A person's life passes through three worlds: the formation-stage world, the growth-stage world, and the completion-stage world. We live in a world of water inside our mother's womb, and then in this earthly world, and finally in the aerial world in the spiritual realm. In other words, we go through three stages: the aqueous world in the womb, followed by a hundred years on this earth after our birth, and then the aerial world where we can fly.
While a baby is in the womb, does he try to escape to the outside world, or does he want to stay there? When he has to go out through such a small hole, does he say, "Oh, nor or, "Oh, that's great!"? Suppose the baby were told, "If you want to go out, this house you live in will be destroyed, and the source and value of nourishment where you are will all be destroyed. Your head and body will have to swell. Would the baby still want to go out?" Would he say yes, or would he say no? Just before the time of delivery, the mother desperately pushes and the baby says, "Oh, no!" until the moment of birth; but at last the mother pushes the baby out. When this happens, one world completely disappears and the baby begins to breathe in another world. (116-474, 1982.1.11)
The earth is like the mother's womb. You have to be sure about this. Through what do you eat and breathe during the time in the womb? Do you breathe with your mouth? Do you breathe with your nose? With what do you breathe? You both eat and breathe through your belly button, don't you? Since you do all of this through your belly button, you don't need a mouth to eat and a nose to breathe. Would you need a sensory organ to see, or not? Why would you have sense organs when you don't need them in the womb? They are developing so that you can use them after you come out of the womb. (295-321, 1998.9.24)
Do you use your five sensory organs during your time in the womb? You don't need to use them. You don't urinate, you don't defecate. All the organs are dormant. Isn't it mysterious how you spend ten months like that? Even urine and excrement cannot precede true love. Urine and excrement themselves cannot emerge before the person does. Only after Adam is born does he begin those functions, and not before. Everything is made that way. (297-12, 1998.11.15)
Human beings have to take in water during their time in the womb. The human body is three quarters water. This earthly world is the world of air. Therefore, you have no need for your eyes, ears, nose and other sensory organs when you are in the water of the mother's womb. You stay still with your eyes closed because you don't need to use your five sensory organs. Have you ever seen a baby breathe with his nose during the ten months he spends growing in the womb? The baby would die if he tried to breathe with his nose. It would be the end of him. (302-166, 1999.6.13)
Then why does a baby in the womb need a nose? It was made in preparation for the next world. When this gradually matures to become a respiratory organ the baby has to come out, destroying everything around him. He has to cut himself away from his mother and destroy the amniotic sac in order to come out. What this means is that the baby's environment -- the amniotic sack and placenta -- is completely destroyed.
It means death. It is like announcing the destruction and end of the world of water and the beginning of a new life. (11-327, 1982.3.27)
Should we use the umbilical cord again, or should we cut it? We should cut it off. You may say, "That cord is someone's lifeline. So can you sever the lifeline that connects one person to another? Why should we cut it?" When the baby sees it coming, he cries, thinking that he is about to die. But when God looks at this, does He laugh or cry? The situation is exactly the same in the world of air.
The spirit self is attached to the physical self like the embryo in the womb. When the physical body grows old and the spirit self tries to free itself by kicking the physical body away, the physical body may say, "Oh no, I won't die! I'm not dying!" When God looks at this, does He smile? Does He sympathize? Or does He say, "You foolish person!"?
When a baby is born into this physical world, he can become the object partner of love to his mother and father, and eventually become his parents loving friend. Babies are born into this world on earth where they can share love with their mother and father. Likewise, you should be reborn into the spirit world where you can share love with God, who is the eternal Parent connected to the infinite spirit world. (16-174, 1952.1.1)
Those who breathe love on the earth are not dead but are alive. When a baby breathes in the womb, he lives attached to a cord that connects him to the future world of air. The baby lives through this umbilical cord, but when he destroys the placenta and comes out into the new, higher-dimensional world, how much does this change?
His needs are supplied on a higher dimension. The baby comes out and receives a supply of air. After leaving the womb, how will the baby develop? Through love. He will receive elements of love. You should not just eat food. The bodily part of the self, which eats, is on the path towards death. This body that takes in water to live is already on its way to death. With what and for what purpose should you feed yourself during the period on earth? During this period, you should cultivate a character of love. (139-211, 1986.1.31)
When you come out from the womb to join the world of air, you destroy things from your life in the womb, such as the umbilical cord and the amniotic sack. The umbilical cord and the placenta are destroyed and die. What appears at the same moment as the death of these organs? A baby comes out into the universe, to the mother earth. From that moment, the baby lives by the supply of elements taken in through his mouth. (139-212, 1986.1.30)
Before transforming into a cicada, the larva would say, "I want to remain a larva. Oh, I don't want to take off my cocoon." But once it casts off its cocoon, it uses its wings and flies. Do you think the larva would want to discard its skin when it becomes a cicada? Wouldn't it say, "Oh, I hate it all, the land, air -- everything"? Or, do you think it would say, "All right, get this skin off me"? It would not be thinking about flying. Dragonflies swim in the water during their larval stage, then come out onto the land and crawl around for a time. Then they fly freely to and fro. Many insects develop through three stages of life. Most insects have wings, don't they? As we have seen, insects live in the water, on land and in the air. As lords of creation, should we human beings just live on the earth? (116-176, 1982.1.1)
You may not welcome death, but once all of you die and discard your flesh you can fly about freely. Would you object to this? This is the reality. You have to know that this is plain fact, not a lie. You should understand that human beings go through the same three stages of life and that death to us is the blessed gate to our second birth. (49-286, 1971.10.17)
Insects and birds know how to fly. Shouldn't a person also know how to fly? Even seeds fly when the wind blows. I am talking about dandelion seeds. They are designed to fly naturally. They are made to fly. In this way, birds, insects, and the seeds of plants fly. Shouldn't a human being, who is the lord of all creation, fly? Should we just sit still and wait for God? Wouldn't you want to protest and say, "Oh, God, everything else can fly; why didn't you give me the ability to fly?" Then God would say, "Whoa, wait a minute. After a few decades, you too will become like that, so just wait."
Then you can say, "Oh! I see. That's the way it is." What shall you do until then? You should train while on earth so that you can adjust to the other world when you go there. Only when you can appreciate your mother and father can you find delight in God. Only when you like your spouse can you come to like God when you go to the next world. The physical world is the training ground for the spirit world. Can you receive what you desire without dying? Is it possible without dying? Is it possible without taking physical body? Do you or do you not need to discard this physical body? (116-176, 1982.1.1)
You have lived in a world of water and in the world of land, haven't you? So then, would you want to have the experience of living in the aerial world or not? When you were about to be born from the womb, did you think such things as, "I will go out to the world of land and eat honey, rice cakes, rice, beef, and everything else with this mouth?" Do you suppose you gave it any thought? You were breathing through the umbilical cord and thinking that you would die if you came out of the womb. If we reflect on life in the womb, how confining it would seem to be! If we think about it now, it seems stifling. Despite that, when a baby is about to come out from the womb, he or she inevitably protests, "Oh, I don't want to go out: Even though he says that he doesn't want to, when the time comes, everything comes bursting out. He comes out naturally along with the gush of the amniotic fluid. In this way, the baby is born through a safe and natural process. (49-286, 1971.10.17)
During our time on earth, we have "mother universe" or "mother creation." This is the land. The planet earth is the mother. She supplies you with elements, doesn't she? The earth is the mother that supplies you with elements on a different level from that of your own mother. When you grow in the mother's womb, how do you breathe in the womb? You breathe through an umbilical cord, don't you? This is your link to your mother's body. You should remember this.
When you leave your mother's womb, you know that you are connected to the second realm, the world of air. When you come out of the womb after finishing life there, your old environment is destroyed. What do you connect to at the moment of your first cry? You come to be connected to the world of air, where you breathe air through your respiratory system. When you are connected to the world of air, your nostrils become the absolute supply line. (139-212, 1956.1.31)
Water symbolizes the age of the womb. Your nose symbolizes the age of air. After coming out of your mother's womb you live in the age of air. Afterwards, it becomes the age of the eyes, the age of the sun and the age of light. Love is also called light. It is said that love lights everything up, isn't it? It is the world of light.
Life goes through three periods. Even a dragonfly spends time in the water, on land and then, after discarding its shell, it flies about feeding on other bugs. It goes through three stages. It is the same with human beings, the lords of creation. After the age of the womb, when you emerge from your mother's womb, do you come out with your arms full of household goods or do you come out destroying and cutting everything away? It would cause serious trouble if you came out with even one item.
You used to eat and breathe through your umbilical cord. Wouldn't you expect to die if you cut it? Yet you need to cut it in order to come out of the mother's womb. You have to cut it ruthlessly. You have to destroy everything as you come out. (299-37, 1999.2.1)
What is the meaning of death? Living on earth in the environment of the air is like swimming around in the womb. We live within a wrapping cloth of air. Isn't that so? Then what is death? Death itself is nothing special; it is merely the rebirth into the third stage of life. That moment of transition is what we call death. If you look at it in this way, you feel better, don't you? (49-286, 1971.10.17)
What should our body be doing now? As you were "breathing" through the umbilical cord in the womb, you were also preparing the nostrils through which to breathe later. Then, when you burst out from the womb, you change the organ that you use and begin to breathe. Likewise, what you need after your birth is to experience love to the very core of your being. You need to breathe the air of love from your mother and father. You should go through everything in life while being supplied with the air of love.
Once you are born as a baby in a family, you go up along a growth curve and then you eventually age and fade away physically. After you are born as a baby, you grow, and then you eventually disintegrate. You are born as a baby and go back to being a baby again in the spirit world. When that happens, you should detach yourself from the world of the second womb and connect yourself to the realm where you can breathe elements of love in the third stage. You leave behind parents' love and siblings love on earth and enter the world of love that is in total harmony with the Original Being of the great cosmos, God.
The spirit world is made up of the air of love. It is filled with the air of love. Therefore, while you live in the earthly world, you should prepare a supply line in order to breathe love. Hence, you need experiences or the spirit world. You can be immortal only when you become a person who can feel spiritual love and breathe the air of love. (139-212, 1986.1.31)
We will all have to throw off our physical bodies someday and move on to the spirit world. So we, as human beings living on earth, should be prepared for death. We should work hard to form our good self, our second self that will be the one living in the eternal world.
We can only be born as a healthy and good baby it we receive good prenatal influence while inside our mother's womb. Our life on earth is similar to our life in the womb. Therefore, we should grow resembling God's image, His heart, and His divine nature. After we grow, we should put our life on the line and overcome all obstacles with our love. (14-17, 1964.4.19)

2.3. Death is a transition to a better world

When people look at things based on their own perspective, they seem to have hope, but still they lack the hope necessary to move them through the valley of death. People are passing away without having that kind of hope. Is our model of life one in which we have to die with lack of hope? Or will we search for a single hope through which we can scorn death and conquer it, and still live while enjoying that hope? This is a very important issue about which people who live on earth today have to think. (6-45, 1959.3.22)
Where are we ultimately destined to go? We will go to the spirit world. What does that mean? Usually it is taken to mean the world after death, but this is not accurate. Why should it not be regarded as the world after death? It is because the spirit world is directly related with love. Since that world is related with love, it is not actually the world after death. The spirit world begins based on true love. Thus, when we stand within the realm of true love, that very place is the spirit world. The spiritual and physical worlds -- these two worlds become one in love. That's why love is so magnificent. (144-199, 1986.4.24)
Your first parents are the parents who gave you birth. Your second parent is our planet Earth. Its soil supplies you with all the elements essential for your physical growth. The earth is the second parent of your physical body. After living with your second parent, your physical death provides the entrance to the eternal realm of the third parent. However, you cannot go to the third parent as you are. In order to return to the third parent you have to resemble God, who is the Original Parent. (138-98, 1986.1.19)
Have you ever once thought, "I will go this way even when I reach the age of seventy"? Have you ever thought, "I will continue this way of life even when I turn eighty and am about to pass on"? Even when you die, you have to be able to present proof that you can do these things in the future, saying, "I have shed light on history in this way and have done these things in my life." You should not just say this with words. It should not be just words. After such a person dies, people should cling to him for this reason, saying with tears, "You lived the right way!" (73-114, 1974.8.16)
We should dedicate our course of life to the search for the infinite God of love. Even if we have to go through the valley of death ten or a hundred times, we should search for His love. The greatest path that we can take in our lives is to constantly seek that love, even in death. (19-210, 1971.3.10)
There is a goal that people must fulfill in their lifetime. They should live focusing on that goal for ten, twenty, thirty years, seventy years -- and throughout their life. The larger the goal, the stronger they need to commit themselves internally. Unless they do that, they cannot reach that goal. People cannot fulfill their goals unless they maintain an even greater internal determination over the necessary time period. (31-149)
Where is the final destination of the mind? In other words, where is the final destination of our desires? It is where we can occupy God's love. Even if you have God in your possession, without capturing God's love, which is the most precious, God cannot be yours. Therefore, you should occupy God's love. If you occupy His love, then it is all right even if God isn't there.
When the things that belong to God become mine and the things that are mine become God's, the inside and outside can be united for the first time. That kind of nation will become the ideal homeland that has no upper and lower classes.
When you are in that state, all existing beings in the universe will appear to be good, and you will feel that they exist for your sake. If that is the realm of God's love, what kind of place is the spirit world, or heaven, to which all people alive today are to go? It is a place filled with love. (19-210, 1971.1.1)
Even I, the teacher of the Unification Church, will die. But against what background will that come to pass? I will embrace the people and country of Korea, and die for the sake of this world. If the Korean people unite and lay down their lives for the sake of the world, that will open the path or being able to live together with this world. That is why I seek that path. (34-192, 1970.9.6)
The formula course for eternal life is universal. It applies to grandfathers and grandmothers, as well as descendants thousands of years later, and even to those who are in the spirit world now. There is a gate that only those who lived for the sake of others can pass through, and you should know that there are gatekeepers there. Please understand well, that whatever I ask of you is to help qualify you to pass through that gate. (203-193, 1990.6.24)

2.4. Death is an ascension (Sunghwa) to a higher dimension

If human beings had not fallen, someone's passing would have been a happy occasion. That is why I have taught the Unification Church not to greet death in sorrow. Hence, we speak of death as Sunghwa (ascension). (99-353, 1990.2.20)
None of you may like the idea of discarding your flesh and dying; but once you die and discard your flesh, you become a spirit person who can quickly fly away in order to pass through the blessed gates of the second birth. {297-261, 1999.12.19)
In the beginning, we are connected to the placenta and umbilical cord in our mother's womb. We are raised in this placenta which is wrapped around us like cloth. We are born by discarding and cutting away everything as we emerge from this cloth. In the same way, our physical body is like a cloth wrapped around our spirit self. Thus, we break out of it and fly away. Such being the case, we pass through the world of water, the world of land, and the aerial world of light to live ultimately in the eternal world of true love. (298-311, 1999.1.17)
In the Unification Church we do not hold funerals in the usual way after a person's death. Instead, we have a Sunghwa Ceremony. Is there anything to fear in this world? Is there anything to fear in the universe?
From this world of sin and chaos we have to take the form of an autonomous center, aligned with the standard of heaven and earth, and thus enter into an upright position within the realm of God's love. Why do we need to enter the vertical position? It is because it creates no shadow. Can a shadow be found in a vertical position? Everything is perfected. Consequently, as rotation takes place, everything in the environment will align vertically. (198-124, 1990.1.25)
On the day of your death, how to ascend and rise to heaven at a ninety-degree angle will be the challenge. You cannot reach heaven if you stand at a forty-five-degree angle. Only by ascending at a ninety-degree angle can you become the object partner of God's love. God's love goes the shortest distance. Thus, there is no way other than the ninety-degree angle. There is only the vertical way. (215-109, 1991.2.6)
A funeral in the Unification Church is called a Sunghwa Ceremony. The spirit of a dead person will lament if he sees people holding on to his dead body and crying. He will think, "The ignorance of these people is a rope that ties me down and prevents me from going on my way." Since we know these things, the Unification Church refers to death as Sunghwa. Sunghwa means gloriously soaring to heaven. With the power of love you have to push the person along. Do not hold him back, but push him. (199-130, 1990.2.16)
What is the Sunghwa Ceremony? It means to be transformed and go up to another stage. (196-55, 1989.12.2)
People today do not know what it means to die. It is not a sorrowful occasion. It is not a sad occasion. You should see it as a transition from a lower-dimensional world to a higher-dimensional world through the bridge of love. That is why the Unification Church refers to death as Sunghwa. To die is to ascend to a higher dimension. This is only possible through love. (137-316, 1986.1.5)
For whom does God exist? God, the subject of love, exists for the purpose of seeking and raising a partner of love. With what shall He do this? He will do this based on true love. True love is living and investing oneself for the sake of others, and forgetting one's investment. Eternal life can be found here. The entire world is made this way. I myself am like this. As I know the value of eternal life, lacing the gallows is not a problem. There is nothing to fear. That is why the Unification Church refers to death as Sunghwa and its ceremony as the Sunghwa Ceremony.
Unification Church members live in communication with their spouses in the spirit world. That the world today is ignorant of the spirit world leaves me at a loss for words. Do you think spiritual life can be bought with money? (109-160, 1991.11.28)
The Sunghwa Ceremony began with the death of my son, Heung-jin, was established at that time. At the hospital I had to remove his oxygen mask. I had to arrange the way for him to pass into the spirit world. By doing so, he was free from the fallen realm. That is why, when Heung-jin came down again in the spirit, he said that there was no way to repay me. He was the first from the True Parents' family to go to the spirit world as a young adult. Heung-jin went to the spirit world as the Messiah to the spirit world in the same position as the Second Coming. By uniting with him you can go to a high place in the spirit world. (225 136, 1992.1.5)
Our departure to the spirit world is not a sad occasion. Raise the flag of heaven amidst the trumpet call for liberation. Go on boldly, undefeated. Raise the flag signaling your glorious return home. This is the path that lets you proudly enter your original hometown where the nation and all of humanity will welcome you with cheers. It is not a sorrowful occasion. We do not shed tears on these occasions in the Unification Church. What do we call this? We call it the Sunghwa Ceremony. Heung-jin’s ascension brought down the walls of death. That is why it is called the Sunghwa Ceremony. (227-260, 1992.2.17)
Death should not bring dejection or despair. It is not a plunge, but a leap. It is about ascending. For that reason, Unification Church members should not have any dread of death. Death comes in accordance with the natural order of things. It is simply the process of transferring to a better world. (196-270, 1990.1.2)
Love has overcome all the realms of death True love overcomes the realm of death! This is the principle of creation. That is why I declared the Day of Victory of Love. With Heung-jin's ascension to the spirit world, Satan has no basis of accusation towards any of the sons and daughters of the families of the Unification Church when they hold the Sunghwa Ceremony. Even when you board the boat that takes you to the other shore, all the righteous people in the spirit world will come out to welcome you. It is time to connect with that great, history-making revolutionary dimension. (242-278, 1993.1.2)
What is the meaning of the Day of Victory of Love? This is something you have to know. I did not shed even one tear from the time of Heung-jin's passing to when I sent him off to the spirit world. The realm of death had to be overcome. Without the declaration that love had overcome death, the Sunghwa Ceremony could not have been established.
The Sunghwa Ceremony began with Heung-jin, did it not? What is the meaning of "victory of love" in the Day of Victory of Love? It means victory over death. If it were any other person, the mother would be writhing in sorrow, crying and wailing from deep within. Yet Mother could not shed a tear. We had to do this ceremony within three days. I had to proclaim that death was overcome.
In this way, the Sunghwa Ceremony came to be held in the Unification Church. It is a ceremony of going beyond death and onward to joy. Those who go through the Sunghwa Ceremony can easily go beyond all the valleys in the spirit world. Of course, there will be some who fail to do so and remain in-between. You have to understand this. The Sunghwa Ceremony began with Heung-jin. (212-96. 1991.1.2)
We conduct the Sunghwa Ceremony in the Unification Church when a person passes on, don't we? It is the moment of springing up and moving on to a separate world. Therefore, you should shout with joy. The spirit world is visible to a person after he dies and arrives there. You are not going to a place where you cry, but you are moving toward a place of joy. We were ignorant of this fact because our eyes were completely blinded through the Fall. (253-294, 1994.3.11)
Dementia originates when someone's conscience becomes numbed to this world and focuses on the body. It arises when his conscience becomes paralyzed and communicates with the spirit persons in hell. Through good spirits you should let that person remember the ideal of heaven, so that you can gradually allow him to be purified and enable him to ascend to heaven. (258-136, 1994.3.17)
Everyone's birth, marriage and death are recorded in the family register, aren't they? We also have to do the same, but we do not have God's nation. If we have a nation, we have to register our birth, marriage and ascension. When you die, all of you will enter the spirit world as Americans. The gatekeeper there will ask you, "Where did you come from?" You would answer, "I came from America." He will also ask, "Do you want to enter heaven?" When asked, "Where did you come from?" there will be no problem whatsoever in entering heaven if you can answer, "1 came from the Kingdom of Heaven on earth where I was attending True Parents." This is a fact, not just a theory. (278-36, 1996)

2.5. Our attitude in the face of death

When people die, who do they first call upon? They call out to God. The ultimate reality is that people will seek God when they find themselves in the most difficult position. The way to forgiveness can be opened for those who sincerely call upon God at the time of death. Why is that so? It is because such is the way of death. If you can die keeping close to this principle, then the path to resurrection will be opened.
That is why when death comes to people, they all seek God saying, "Oh my God!" This is the truest of all lessons. When a person dies, he usually dies at least saying the right thing. When we observe this, we can see that the person was properly educated, though we may not know who taught him. Nothing truer than this can he said. (26-297, 1969.11.10)
We should form a four position foundation before we die. Those who die without establishing a four position foundation will not be able to walk the path of death properly. Thus, spirits come and go even after death. As you all know this principle, who will you hold on to when you die? First, you will hold on to God, then True Parents. As we are all born through God, we should also die through Him in order to live eternally with God in the spirit world. We were born through God; hence, we should bring our life to a conclusion through Him. Living by this principle is the way of filial piety and the path of loyalty. We arrive at the conclusion that a person who fulfills his duty of filial piety and loyalty has fulfilled the responsibilities that he must carry out in the course of his life. You should live life in this way. (26.297, 1969.11.1)
What will you focus on at the time of your death? Will you die forgetting all about love or will you die embracing it? Whose love will you hold on to when you die? You must first hold on to parental love. Then you should hold on to the love between husband and wife, and then children's love. Death must also conform to the principle of the four position foundation. (26-297, 1969.11.10)
The question is, what will your last words to your children be? What will your last words be? Can you as a parent tell your children to do something that you yourself never practiced? The intentions of those parents would be just to exploit their children. Therefore, if all of you first can practice what you believe in and tell your children before you die, "I lived this way without shame. You should also live like this," then God will protect your last words for eternity. Are you confident that you can leave such words behind to your descendants when you die? This is a serious matter. (26-400, 1969.11.10)
In general, people throughout history, when focusing on the eternal nature of life, have tended to think not only in terms of ten or a hundred years, but of thousands, tens of thousands, or hundreds of billions of years. Yet when a person dies, it's the same as when an animal dies; what use are the remains? Nowadays, even people who do not believe in God say, "Ah, I have to leave behind an honorable legacy," but what use is it to leave that behind?
Even if one became a patriot for America and was honored with a monument, that monument would be destroyed totally if America perished. Only the American people would know of you. It would not mean much to leave your name behind. Even if you accomplished that, as the ages of history rise and fall, a good name can be treated like a bad one. All rulers will die in less than a hundred years, and nations perish within several hundred or a few thousand years. What would you do if there were someone who would neither die nor perish for eternity? If there were such a person, you would want to bring your name and your legacy to him and leave it all behind with him. Have you ever thought about that? (103-16, 1979.1.28)
You should die within the realm of the Kingdom of Heaven. The heavenly kingdom is larger than any nation on earth, isn't it? You should die in the Kingdom of Heaven, which is only one in heaven and on earth. If so, where will you die? There is a place to die. You should not die in the ordinary Korean way. With the Korean way, no matter how many times you die, it has no meaning. You should die in the highest position centered on the nation of God's heart, which penetrates heaven and earth. You should die in the midst of the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom of Heaven is the best place to die. When the entire world opposes you, what will you do? Should you run away? No. You should endure and die in circumstances that lead everyone in heaven and on earth to raise a flag and welcome you. (34-115, 1970.9.6)
As for the numerous people of faith who upheld and followed God's will, they did not retreat before the path of death. Rather, they scorned death and overcame it in a dignified manner. We know very well that throughout history such people exalted the way of heaven.
Each one of you has to maintain the hope that you will overcome death when you come face to face with it. You have to have the hope and desire to stand before heaven in a dignified way when you overcome this path. You have to be able to run with joy to the original world that you yearn for in your heart. You have to realize that you can overcome death only when your heart is desperate, filled with the hope for God's ideal world. (6-53, 1959.3.24)
What kinds of people live with the hope of God? They are those who can cross joyfully over the valley of death that brings sorrow to humankind. Those are the people who hold on to the hope of God. Therefore, you should not become someone who, in the face of death, resents and laments over all the affairs of this world. Instead, you should become someone who can stand before Heaven with joy and be proud of the value of your death. We should know that God is looking for those sons and daughters of hope. God cannot help loving a person who feels the joy of Heaven in such a situation. He cannot help answering the cry of the group of people who cry out to Him from such a position. (6-54, 1959.1.22)
Whosoever loses his life for God's will shall preserve it, and whosoever tries to preserve his life will lose it. What is the meaning of those words? You have to die in the position that calls for you to die for God's will. Then what will happen when you die? You belong to yourself before death; you belong only to God after death. That is because we inherited the fallen lineage.
Accordingly, until we die, our life as a whole cannot be free from its ties to the satanic side. Our ties to God are established after death, however. Which is stronger, life or death? Is life stronger than death? Is death stronger than life?
Death is stronger than life in the satanic world. Therefore, after you come to know God's will, when you face death you should not despise it. (34-47, 1970.2.29)
When Unification Church president, Eu Hyo-won, was about to depart from this world, I asked him, "You have followed this way since you met me, but how are you going to bring it to a conclusion?" Before he passed away, Rev. Eu said that he would never change for all eternity. It has to be that way. The satanic world must in any case die away. Without dying, it cannot be resurrected. Unless we pass through one age, we cannot welcome another. (34-47, 1970.10.29)
What is the meaning of death in the Bible? It does not mean the destruction of eternal life in God. It means killing the life that inherited the fallen lineage of the satanic world. Therefore, whoever is willing to die for God's will shall live. These words sound paradoxical, but we cannot achieve resurrection unless we live like that from the point of view of the Fall and restoration.
This is the normal logic of restoration. The biggest question, therefore, is whether we can offer our lives. How was it when I set out on this path? I reflected on whether I was ready to offer my life. (1970.8.29)
What will you do with your life? You should leave behind a tomb made of love when you pass away. This is the conclusion. Let us leave behind a tomb of love! If you live in the middle of a tomb of love, you will have no bitter regrets. Even if you have had enough of living in a place like a tomb, you will have no resentment if you live in love. Let us live and leave a tomb of love behind! Then, your life will be deemed a success for all eternity.
If you die after living like that, God will bless you and bring His sons and daughters to welcome you in the spirit world. If your hand never wore a ring, God will place a diamond of the Kingdom of Heaven on your finger. If you never wore good clothes, God will clothe you in the best garments of the royal family of the Kingdom of Heaven.
What will you leave behind from your life? A tomb of love. Please understand this and never forget it. Those who are determined to live like that, raise your hands. I see everyone's hands are up. May God's blessings be upon you all. (97-469, 1978.3.12)

2.6. The Blessing opens the path of eternal life

2.6.1. The importance of eternal life

Everyone wants to live his life in his own way. "Living" comes down to everyday life. "Lifetime" means your entire life. Furthermore, religious people use the words “eternal life." An eternal life is not just a lifetime, but a life that continues eternally. How you connect your life course to the eternal reality is important for your eternal life. This becomes your lifelong responsibility. (197-186, 1990.1.14)
How long do you think you will live?
How long? Doesn't everyone think, "We might live until we are seventy or eighty years old?" Don't you think you may die before then? You are greedy. Even though you absolutely believe you will live until eighty or one hundred, you may die tomorrow -- or even today. You may die while you are eating. Do you understand? Or you may take off your shoes and come into the house in the evening, go to bed, and then die during your sleep.
You all think, "Because I'm young, I can live another forty or fifty years." Don't you all have that kind of desire? Did God guarantee that for you? You should think that you could die soon, maybe within a year. You should prepare as if only such a time period remains. You must keep this in mind during your life. The shorter the time you may think you have, the happier you will be. The shorter the time you think you have, the less you have to lose. Preparation during this time represents building your home for your eternal life. (102-122, 1978.11.27)
When you go to bed in the evening after taking off your shoes, do you have confidence that you will be here to put them on again the next morning? No matter how busy you say you are, nothing in this world is more important than the matter of eternal life.
The reason we have people leaving our church is that they do not feel how serious it is for them to resolve the question of eternal life while they are in this world. (10-249, 1960.10.21)
If someone has confidence that a life of faith is not preparation for the present life, the physical life, but is preparation for life in the eternal world, then he will keep his life of faith even if he is left to himself. The more the days and years pass by -- forty years, fifty years -- and the closer the day of death comes, the more serious becomes the concept of eternal life. The older people become the more serious they become. The thought processes weaken as one grows older. However, when the concept of eternal life is involved, people become more serious.
Thus, in the future, only religious thinking can lead this world. How often we experience evil circumstances and chaos! If you can break through and overcome chaotic circumstances, and no matter where you are, keep to an absolute concept of eternal life despite experiencing all kinds of distracting situations, then nothing will be insurmountable for you. (230-22, 1992.4.18)
What kind of beings did God create us to be? God made us the object of His love so that we could possess God's absolute and unique value. This is an amazing fact. How much value does a person's life have these days? How much money is a person worth? A human being's value cannot be expressed in monetary terms. The amazing fact is that God created man and woman as partners in love with such a precious value that they could not be exchanged even for the entire universe! That is astounding! (142-143, 1986.3.8)
We human beings resemble God as God's masterpiece of creation. Necessarily, we should have an eternal nature since God is an eternal being, and thus our mind should not become old. Therefore, we should live eternally. Only because we live eternally do we have value as that masterpiece. (159-281, 1968.5.19)
People, whoever they are, seek to become the best. When someone stands in the highest position, God belongs to him, and that person belongs to God. Thus, he becomes God's son and becomes like God himself. Then, to whom does the universe belong? If God has something that He loves the most and thinks is the most precious, would He have created it in such a way that He would throw it away after spending one day, ten years, or a hundred years with it? Or would He create it to be with Him eternally? He would create it to be with Him for eternity. So it is with humankind. When someone dies, would it be better for him to stay dead or live eternally? He should live eternally. Why? Human beings are the object partners of the absolute God, who created us with absolute love so that He could feel joy. (39-342, 1971.1.16)
If God is an eternal, absolute being, the object of His love should also live eternally. Consequently, human beings have longed for eternal life for time immemorial. God, the Absolute Being, cannot help looking for a loving son and daughter who possesses the value of having eternal life. This should be understood clearly. (39-343, 1971.1.16)
The more love people have for each other, the more they want to be together. Once there was a man whose wife died young, and who then remained single for the rest of his life, carrying her handkerchief. Nehru was this kind of person; having lost his wife when she was young, he wore roses on his clothes the rest of his life because his wife loved roses. When God created His most precious son and daughter, did He create them to perish after one hundred years? Therefore, we can understand the fundamental principle that human beings live eternally. (39-342, 1971.1.10)
Human beings are born from love, grow up in love, live with love and die with love. Yet they do not just disappear. God, who is the Subject, is eternal, unchanging, and unique. Hence, human beings can also live eternally when they can stand as objects of love before God. This is where eternal life originates from. It does not begin from life. (142-113, 1986.3.3)
Since God is eternal, absolute, and lives forever, when we say that human beings were created because of love, it is naturally logical that anyone who is united with true love can attain eternal life. Therefore, to attain eternal life, we should live in the realm of true love. (211-272, 1990.12.30)
We can live forever! We want to attain eternal life! We desire eternal life; so what is it that is unchanging? The answer is love. That's how it is. All other things change according to their environment, so why doesn't love change? Love does not change because it exists as the center of power for all life. Why doesn't love change? It is because love occupies the central position of the ideal environment. The center does not disappear until all the surroundings have disappeared. Love is the center of the universe. Since that love is united with God's love, anything that unites with that love can remain as long as God exists. (157-267, 1967.4.10)
Eternal life! We are people who live eternally. We are also the people who practice true love. We practice the way of eternal life and true love here on earth. Whatever we do here, such as working in a factory, can provide material for the broadening of our eternal life.
Please think that the purpose of your job is to train yourself for eternal life and to produce training material that can enhance your eternal life. All of you need eternal life and true love at all times. You will need these for eternity. (216-122, 199?.2.9)
The perfection of the body and mind is made possible fundamentally through that which belongs to true love. The infinite Original Cause created the growing process as a way that could lead to the bearing of ideal fruit through love alone. God exists forever because of, and rooted in, true love alone.
As a result of what can God exist forever? Eternal life is connected with love. Therefore, you need to live in an environment of love in order to create an environment of eternal life. To attain the substantial realm of love, we must have a substantial experience of love. (218-134, 1991.7.14)
If someone asks you how to attain eternal life, how will you answer him? Can you attain eternal life just by believing in Jesus? Are you saved through your faith? It doesn't make any sense. Only through love can you be saved.
Looking from the viewpoint of the essence of God's principles of creation, only a true person is the partner of God's love. Therefore, if someone has true love he can live for eternity. Once you enter the realm of that love, whether you are in the spirit world or on earth, you will be able to see where you are going to live in the spirit world. (315-53, 1991.2.6)

2.6.2. The concept of eternal life originates in love

How can we describe God's attributes? They are mysterious. God is absolute, unique, eternal and unchanging. There is no way to deny this. A person with those qualities of love is an absolutely happy person, uniquely happy person, eternally happy person and unchangingly happy person. Eternal, absolute, unchanging and unique. Freedom and ultimately, an absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal kind of holiness is found in such circumstances. By inheriting these attributes, eternal life automatically results. That is the way it is. (279-73, 1996.7.24)
If you have love you do not mind whether you eat or not. People in love do not get tired when they don't sleep, or hungry when they don't eat. People in love can overcome time and space. If God's partner of love were to come to Him do you think God would sleep when night falls? He can transcend the night when His beloved partner appears. It is from here that the concept of eternal life originates. As long as the power of eternal love continues, you can live for eternity. The eternal life of joy is possible because love can overcome and absorb everything. (277-22, 1996.3.17)
If God is absolute love, we can logically conclude that if we become an absolute partner in relation to that love, and thereby become a unified being, we will live forever -- as long as God exists eternally. Humankind has not known this. People have not been aware that we human beings are created as the object partner God absolutely needs. Were this not the case, it would be logical that God would live alone. (262-137, 1994.7.23)
God is the standard of absolute value. Centered on absolute love, the person who seeks God and absolute love can never deny the heavenly sovereignty as the partner. Even God, as the Absolute Being, cannot deny this. The position that we have attained with absoluteness cannot be denied. This is something that is firmly settled. This is why God's love is eternal. Since God is an eternal being, through forming a relationship of that kind of love, eternal life is established as a realm of relationships that is naturally in accord with this. Thus, the way of life of the person of true love will remain forever on earth, in the physical world and in the spirit world. This cannot be denied. As there are no relationships of true love in the fallen world, people end up in hell. (272-63, 1995.5.30)
Love has an eternal quality within it. Partners of love are unwilling to separate. True love is eternal. The partners unceasingly resist being separated. For that reason, eternal life can be found in true love. Eternal life cannot be found where there is separation. This is why love is great. Love is unchanging and eternal. When we establish a blood relationship centering on true love, we will naturally live forever.
God is the subject of unchanging love. Love is united with God, the subject partner. Since God is unchanging and eternal, it is logical to conclude that God's object partner who unites with His love is also unchanging and eternal. (289-133, 1995.1.1)
If the parents infinitely invest and sacrifice for the sake of their children, as long as true love is behind this, the child will be infinitely grateful for that true love; and the parents compensate for their sacrifice by experiencing great joy. By developing the action of giving and receiving the power of sacrificial true love in this manner, we come into a relationship of eternal joy and peace from within the true family and the true world. The ideal world of eternal life manifests itself in these places. (288-199, 1997.11.28)
This universe grew in size from a small point in this way: through partners coming into existence, unceasing motion occurred and the universe came into existence. The universe has been engaged in endless motion by the power of inertia that transpires in the dimension of space.
In other words, centering on a model relationship of partners -- for example in the solar system -- the solar system would be created, then it would enter into maturity and engage in endless motion. In the same way, when Adam and Eve become one centering on and by the action of the love that completely lives for the other, they can engage in ceaseless motion.
Thus eternity and eternal life begin. Eternity cannot be found on a straight line. The realm of eternal life is not there. Eternity comes from rotation and revolution. For that reason, the phenomenon of historical development has gradually grown in scale through rotation. This rotation has only one center. (261-151, 1994.6.9)
That which harmonizes with the origin of the great principles of the universe can exist for eternity. Anything else will perish. Since God exists forever, His object partner that lives for others exists eternally. With logic, we naturally come to this conclusion with regard to the principles of eternal life. Is that clear? (260-254, 1994.5.19)
The entity we call "myself" was created to be an object partner of God's love. We are in the position of object partner to the absolute God who stands as the subject partner. We are partners to God in love. God values the concept of true love more than He values His own being.
God is the center of absolute and eternal life. Therefore, God's ideal is more profoundly eternal, and the center of that ideal is the reality of true love. We are the partners in that love. How do we enter that eternal realm? How precious the position of God's eternal partner is! It is where the subject partner and object partner become one. When that happens, we can be located anywhere, and follow God wherever He goes. We can inherit God's entire fortune. We can inherit the realm of God's eternal life, and even His Heart.
God's heart of love, God's heart that belongs with creation, God's heart of wanting to reside in the heart of every single person -- we can inherit all of these things. How precious this is! How joyful it is to discover that great value! It is a most sublime and noble position that nothing can rival. It is an amazing grace. (216-115, 1991.3.9)
When the atmospheric pressure falls to an absolute low, a high pressure area is immediately created and this automatically brings about circulatory movement. God is the King of true wisdom. Why should one invest everything and then give it no further thought? It is because the principle of circulation guarantees eternal reciprocation. The theory of eternal life is thereby logically established.
When you invest, invest again and invest still more; the theory of eternal life will operate. When you live for others you will not perish. The small things go to the bigger things and the bigger things go back into the center. (204-107. 1990.7.1)
When God looks for a partner of absolute love, whom does He seek? We can conclude with certainty that He seeks a human being. Therefore we find the old proverb, "Amongst all creation, human beings are most precious." What does this mean? We can reach the logical conclusion that humankind can be the partner of the Creator's eternal love, and it is natural that the partner who is one with God's love will live forever.
Eternal life is a natural implication of this logic. Eternal life begins from here. The question of how to establish a rational argument for eternal life based on the relationship of love is an extremely precious one in religion. Eternal life cannot he found in only man or only woman. It cannot he found in God alone. We can conclude that eternal life lies within God's love. (218-211, 1991.7.29)
Now you can stand in the same position as God, to the extent that you can even participate in the realm of eternal true love. Search where you will, you will not find this concept of eternal life anywhere else. Since you were born as an eternal being, you pass on to the Spirit World after this life. You will make an amazing leap in one second. The spirit world is a dimension different from this limited earthly world. You cannot move freely within restricted confines. The spirit world is a higher-dimensional place, so you can do anything there. You can jump beyond time. If you have a desire for something centering on true love, you can obtain it anytime, anywhere. This is on an infinite scale. (216-115, 1991.3.9)
I live for eternity; I am connected to true love centered on God; I am connected to true life centered on God; I am connected to the true lineage centered on God. The conclusion is clear: I live for eternity centering on true love, like God. God created me this way. If you come to fulfill this portion of responsibility, you will be truly successful. (216-115, 1991.3.9)
Even God breathes. He breathes with love. Since God also keeps in time with the universe, the universe can continue for eternity centering on love. Eternal life can be found in love. Consequently, all of you should attain it. Only then can you enter into the realm of God's breath and quickly achieve harmony. (201-191, 1990.4.1)
If you begin with the reasoning that God's providence is living and moving in history on earth, and that its purpose is to pave the way for eternity, then you can understand that this process is facilitated through religious faith. Otherwise, the foundation for getting this on solid ground, the foundation to impart faith on earth, will be frustrated. By clearly pointing out the limitations of the age, one can establish a solid groundswell of faith.
As I cooperate with God's work on earth, the spirit world that has fulfilled God's will can relate to our actual life today, enabling us to grasp the concept of living eternally with God. Therefore, the purpose of this earthly life is for us to prepare for the eternal life to which it is directly connected. People cannot lead an authentic life of faith without understanding this reality: (198-7, 1990.1.20)

2.6.3. Blessing and eternal life

Fallen people must change their lineage. This is a fundamental issue. The relationship of God and humankind is that of parent and children. Since all these facts have remained unknown. The problems of history could not be resolved, and to this day people have been ignorant of God's providence. The change of lineage must be carried out within all the realms: the individual, family, people, nation and world. The Messiah must come and do this. Without the Parent, the lineage cannot be changed.
An individual has to take responsibility for all these problems. That individual should continue to move forward by solving these things. Since people are ignorant of this, the Messiah, who knows these things, comes and does all this for them. (161-147, 1987.1.18)
All of you must inherit a new lineage. In order for you to do that, the Messiah comes as the Father. He, together with Eve, should restore this new lineage through indemnity on the victorious individual foundation that goes beyond the world, where Satan cannot intervene. He will establish sons and daughters through families centering on marriage, and horizontally carry out the task of engrafting.
That is the reason for having the Blessing Ceremony in the Unification Church. The Unification Church is unique. Where did the lineage of the Unification Church originate? It originated from God. That is why we dare the satanic world to oppose us. When they oppose us they have to pay compensation for the damages they incur. (169-37, 1987.10.4)
Because they received Satan's lineage, human beings cannot go back to God by themselves. The Messiah must absolutely restore and purify the lineage which Satan contaminated. He has to change this lineage. That is why the Messiah must come. Unless the Messiah comes, the lineage cannot be restored. The lineage must be restored. (172-53, 1989.1.7)
What will we see in the age of the Last Days? People will have sexual relationships with others of the same family. Incest will be rampant. It will be the same amongst family and relatives. Why will it be like this? Who was Jesus' father? It was Zachariah. Christianity speaks of Jesus' conception through the Holy Spirit, but that is an incomplete understanding. Do you know what an unfertilized egg is? What is an unfertilized egg? Like a hen's egg, the seed did not enter that egg. Fallen people today can be likened to unfertilized eggs. They have nothing to do with God. That is why they do not have eternal life. (274-256, 1995.11.3)
What is the mission of the True Parents? They must correct the false lineage which is the root of the satanic world, restore the false life to true life, and put right the false way of love. The Bible tells us that whosoever loses his life will preserve it, and whosoever tries to preserve his life will lose it. Why did such a paradoxical statement have to appear? It is because the satanic world must die. (169-37, 1987.10.4)
Who is going to change the lineage? Not just anyone can do that. You have to know that I walked the way of the tearful cross in order to do this work. It is because of this standard of heart that you, without having merit, can inherit the new tradition of the Blessing.
God had to labor for thousands of years, and as the substantial manifestation of God, I had to go through a life of suffering in order to establish the victorious authority based on the transition of lineage. All of you now stand on the foundation of these efforts. The Blessing means engrafting to God's lineage. Through the process of engrafting the lineage is changed. (51-78, 1970.10.13)
Thus, only when the vertical Parent and the horizontal parents harmoniously join together centered on true love can this a place of convergence of firmly established love become the origin of life and the connection to the lineage. People born from that place are sons and daughters born in God's love and beings who can live for eternity with God's lineage. In this way, they become a royal family that can maintain the lineage for the future generations in the eternal Kingdom of Heaven. (245-94, 1993.2.28)
When you live together in love you can connect to eternal life. True love is the love desired by God. As God is absolute, unchanging and eternal, we come to the conclusion that human beings who are the objects of God's love, also live forever. This is a logical conclusion. There is no room for doubt at all. (247-223, 1993.5.9)
Didn't you all attend the ceremony for changing the lineage at the time you received the Blessing? You have to believe in this more than in your own life. Even though this is a ceremony of the Unification Church, you should not think of it as a religious ceremony it is an injection to raise you from the dead. It is the antidote. (216.109, 1991.3.9)
The Messiah may be the one who changes the lineage, but it is the individual who has to take action so that his or her lineage can be changed. Without establishing such a standard you cannot reach the path to salvation. This is not easy to achieve. You have to go beyond the point of not knowing whether you will live or die. Changing the lineage is only possible when, for example, you do a forty-day fast or pass through a state of near death where you spew blood. (35-160. 1970.10.13)
First, you should genuinely yearn for the Parents with all your heart. You will not receive salvation unless you attend the Parents with the attitude that they are the source of your life, the entirety of your hope, and the origin of all your ideals and happiness.
Have you ever offered attendance like that? You should clearly understand this. Therefore, you should have the firm conviction that you are the sons and daughters who can eternally unite with True Parents, to the extent that it surpasses the awareness of your very existence. You must have that kind of conviction. (30-337, 1970.3.23)
The Fall was in fact an erroneous marriage in the Garden of Eden. Now this can be reversed by having the True Parents conduct a proper marriage. By clearing away the mistakes committed by the false parent, the True Parent can abolish hell and give the Blessing of marriage even to the hundreds of billions of ancestors in the spirit world. Through the family foundation of their descendants on this earth centered on true love, the ancestors in the spirit world and their descendants on earth can vertically unite as one; and furthermore, with this family foundation as a starting point, east and west can be connected. (300-222, 1999.3.14)
How much should you love me? This goes back to the fundamental problem. You should not love in a position that has traces of the satanic world and that is tainted with the love of that world. You should be in a higher position. What position is that? You should love me more than you love your parents, spouse and children born in the satanic world.
That is why in the Bible Jesus says, "Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me." He reached this clear conclusion for everyone. Later, he also says, "Take your cross and follow me." He asks you to take up your own cross. Taking up the cross means overcoming the power which pulls you in the opposite direction is taking up the cross. You should shed bitter tears over this. (178-97, 1988.6.1)
When you go to the spirit world it will be like this: it will be a place with no shadows, a place overflowing with light from the eternal morning. The white light becomes so bright that it changes to a purple light. It changes to silver and golden hues. The light of electricity is the light of love. Lightning flashes when the positive electricity comes together with the negative electricity. In the same way, God's inner nature and external form come together and manifest like lightning. Lightning is the light of the eternal true love. That is the essence of eternal life. You have to reach that final destination. (292-265, 1998.4.26) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Six - Our Life And The Spiritual Realm
Chapter One - The Path of Life
Section 3. The Value of Our Earthly Life

3.1. Earth is the place of harvesting the fruits of love

Earthly life is absolutely important. You have to know how important this earth is. Christians think they can all go to heaven by abandoning this world, don't they? This belief is a delusion. You should perfect yourself while on earth. You have to know the value of earthly life. Open your eyes to the importance of earthly life and never forget it. Your earthly life will be reflected in the eternal spirit world at all times. Everything you do is a seed. The seeds you plant here will bear fruit in the spirit world. Thus, you have to sow perfect seeds. Once again: you have to realize the importance of earthly life. (232-322, 1992.7.10)
People on earth have a body, and everything in their lives is limited. Spirits do not have a physical body and live in the infinite world. People on this earth have a body but it is not their eternal dwelling place. Spirits do not have a physical body hut they are positioned in their eternal dwelling place. In this way, an infinite number of points of contrast can be found in comparing earthly people and spirits.
When we observe the corresponding aspects of earthly people and spirits, we see that life on earth and the life of those in the spirit world each represent one half of the whole reality. Thus, each side can only fulfill that half. Then, how can the body and spirit each bear fully ripe fruit? Ripe fruit can be produced by successfully concluding life on earth before the physical and spiritual selves separate. Problems arise when a spirit self comes to the spirit world without being fully mature. (293-256, 1998.6.1)
The seeds of a fruit should assimilate and condense all the aspects of time and space connected with its growth. The seed, root, branch and fruit can all be found in the seed. The flower and fruit are also included. Thus, we should become people who can begin life in this way. Only then can we say that God is ours centering on love. No one could object to this. (137-330, 1986.1.5)
What is the purpose of life? It is to bear the fruit of love. When the fruits of someone's love go into the warehouse of the Kingdom of Heaven, should God say, "No, I don't like this!"? Wherever it goes, the fruit of love says, "Oh, it is okay to place me anywhere in this universe." How valuable it is to know that this fruit of love can stand in the center of everything around it, even if' it is placed in the secret warehouse of the Kingdom of Heaven! Since it was sown in love, shouldn't it be harvested in love? (139-219, 1986.1.31)
Why are you valuable? You are valuable because you inherited the tradition of love. Love is precious, and you are valuable because you stand at the core of the universe in a position to inherit the tradition of the core of all the ideal forces in this universe. You are valuable because you were born through and connected to that love, and because you can bear the fruit that expands from that love. Do you know why you have to respect your parents, and why you have to be devoted to your parents? Your roots should be deep. I am talking about the vertical roots. (166-217, 1987.6.7)
The mind and body of a man and woman centering on God's love should meet the vertical at a ninety-degree angle, in a balanced way. When a man and woman emerge and polarize to the east and west as living beings rooted in God's love, it stimulates the original nature of the universe to ignite, spawning thunder and lightning. When that happens, God, man and woman are brought together in complete oneness. Who will break them apart? Can the man break them apart? Can the woman break them apart? Even God cannot extract Himself from this.
This love, which is the love that becomes the root of the mind of man and woman, is the standard of the original nature of humanity. The flower blooms and bears fruit through love. Through the ideal of the laws of spherical circulation, love develops in the shape of a spiral and extends to the world. Amen! Try studying to discover what all this means. (173-109, 1988.2.7)
How do you transmit life? Is it through a living body or through blood? We know of the term "lineage," but there is no such thing as a "life lineage" or "love lineage." There is only "lineage." Through combining the blood, life emerges. By bringing together the blood of a man and a woman, two lives are combined. Then, when each life is invested, it bears fruit as the substance of love.
Then what happens? The blood and life of your mother and the blood and life of your father bear fruit through love, which manifests as you. I ask you here, are the blood of your parents inside you or not? The life of your mother and father is inside you. The love of your parents is inside you. Therefore, you can assert nothing about yourself that is separate from your mother and father. (225-52, 1992.1.2)
You are the fruit of love. All the characteristic elements of the central root, trunk, branch, flower and bud that have evolved throughout a thousand-year history are embodied within you, who are its fruit. When you as that fruit go forward, it is as if you were carrying history with you. Wherever you plant that fruit, history can continue to develop. What makes this possible? This is possible through love. It is connected through the love between man and woman, the love between the subject partner and object partner. Consequently, he who violates this love should go to hell, as he is the most licentious person, the person who destroys the order of the universe. (226-53, 1992.2.1)
The love in the relationship between parent and child ripens the fruit of the mother's love toward her son and the son's love toward his mother. When these two types of love ripen, God will want to pick this fruit. The owner of love is God, and He, therefore, works to see the fruit of the mother's love for her child and the child's love for her mother fully ripen.
Does God pick that perfected fruit just to eat it? Or does He gather it in order to perfect love further? After God created Adam and Eve, then as a Parent, He wanted to obtain the fruit of love that is children and at the same time let His children obtain the fruit of love that is the Parent. God wanted to perfect both of those fruits. Therefore, we can say that God wanted to harvest and enjoy both fruits through this process. (222.309, 1991.11.6)
We are born and live in God's love, give birth to children, thus arriving at the destination of love, and then return to God to live with Him for eternity. In other words, our life begins in love, ripens in love and is harvested as the fruit of love. Our passing away signifies the harvesting of this fruit of love.
Because we receive parental love, share the love of husband and wife, and love our children, everything that God's love has sown in the internal realm of heart can bear fruit in our lifetime and be harvested as we pass into the spirit world. Therefore, when people completely unite in love they come to resemble God. When a couple unites and completely fulfills these three stages and goes to the spirit world, they become an eternal object in front of God, who is the eternal Subject. This is achieved when a couple passes into the spirit world after practicing true love. Thus, we begin our life with God and end our life with God. (298-511, 1999.1.17)
If the fruit of love had been harvested and stored in a warehouse, heaven would have been established. A family, nation and people of heaven would have emerged. Yet midway, this fruit was invaded, fell to the ground and became completely bad; thus was created a family of hell and people of hell. This incident is called the Fall. Human beings fell and now live in hell. Though they hate to admit it, they should acknowledge these two facts. People were supposed to bear the fruit of love and go to the warehouse of the Kingdom of Heaven. Instead, however, they are rotting in the warehouse of hell because of the Fall. (252-15, 1997.2.16)
Children, siblings, couples and parents all come together at one point and bear fruit. The fulfillment of this is determined on the basis of true love. The hearts of the child, sibling, husband, wife and parent are connected through true love. True love is the focal point. The spirit and body can be perfected by uniting with God in love. From here, parents come forth and give birth to children. God gave us children as a gift so that we could feel what He felt at the time of creation. (241-310, 1995.3.1)
The spirit world is a warehouse in which the fruits of true love are to be stored. These fruits have never been produced to this day. I am talking about the term true love and its fruit for the first time, so they cannot be found in the spirit world yet. How great each one of you is! (245-172, 1993.3.7)
The woman, not the man, touches every nook and cranny in the home. Men stand at the center and do not touch anything. But women touch everything. What does this mean? It means loving the earth and loving the universe. The more she lays her hands on things, the more love permeates these things and the more they become the focal point of the core essence of the universe. The husband then replenishes the woman's strength by showing her absolute love. Only such a family can enter into God's warehouse in heaven. What is the warehouse of heaven? Heaven is the warehouse where God stores the fully ripened fruit. (244-120, 1995.2.1)
There is a seasonal cycle with love. There can only be proper balance if there are four seasons. If the heat is extended, the cold is also extended. Consequently, when living together as a couple in love, there is autumn, summer, spring, and what else? There would be a winter season. Only when you digest all these can you lift up your face when you go to the spirit world. (223-110, 1991.11.10)
The father should not be ashamed to call the grandfather "father." The father should not be ashamed of calling to his child, "Hey, so-and-so!" And the son should not be ashamed of calling his father and grandfather. What should they be focused on to be beyond shame? Just because the father is unable to make money and is dependant on the grandfather doesn't mean he has failed his responsibility.
You cannot reproach the father for not making money or not having knowledge. Why not? The reason is because blood relations, love, and life are not transmitted through knowledge, money or power. Through what are they transmitted then? They are transmitted through love! The fruit is produced through love. The fruit of life is produced through that love and the lineage is connected through that love. It is not through money. (213-190, 1991.1.20)
Why did God create heaven and earth? When we think about the central focus of the relationships among God, humankind, and the created world, we can see that the motivation was not to obtain knowledge, power or money. These relationships were established for the sake of the bonds of love.
Consequently, all of you were born for the sake of love. You were born because of love, you live centering on love, and you go on to the world in which love bears fruit -- the world of the fruit of love. What kind of place is the world of the fruits of love? It is the spirit world. That is the place where we are all destined to dwell -- the place where the fruits of love are harvested. The spirit world is a place where you are evaluated based on the results of love from your life. Then, who is the owner who evaluates this? That owner is God. (11-44, 1991.2.1)
You have to become the seeds of love. That is the conclusion. When you become the seeds of true love, then through religion you can enter the realm of oneness in the future historical age. Do you understand? Seeds. Do seeds have a root or not? Do they have a trunk? Do they have a branch? Do they have a flower? Do they have a fragrance? Do they have nectar? Do they have fruit? Do they have life? They have everything.
So, have you all become seeds? Look at the present day. In terms of climate, the ancient times belonged to the tropical regions and the medieval times belonged to the civilizations within the temperate zone. At one time, the north wind from Siberia... When this phenomenon is applied to human life, it takes one rotation through the four seasons that lasts for sixty to seventy years. This present period is a time for enriching the world. (182-90, 1988.10.14)
How great are human beings? They conduct an orchestra of love. The fact that human beings eat from the animal and plant worlds, where love sustains the entire universe through the vitality of life, means that they live off the fruit of love. They live off the fruit. Even if there is just one piece of bread remaining in the cafeteria when you eat, you should think, “This bread went through countless hands throughout the world, many means of transportation, and prevailed over great hardships to get here. This bread has been made and given to me as the fruit of the efforts of many people, as the fruit of their love. As the owner of love, I shall eat it thinking of the value of my partners."
However, those who are in discord with this are bound to fall ill. Those who are peaceful with it will be sure to resist any illness. Those spiritual masters who eat the fruit of the world that is filled with love are just human beings! What do you think? Those who can love with the idea of digesting and eating the fruit of love, and do so with gratitude in unity with God's essential love, will not fall ill. This is our logical conclusion. (217-307, 1991.6.12)

3.2. The people of heaven are created on the earth

Planet earth is the production line for creating the people of the Kingdom of Heaven. People are not produced in the spirit world. They come from the earth. God created the earth that we live on as the factory to produce His people. Then why did God divide Adam and Eve into male and female form only to see this followed by the Fall that degenerated to our present form and circumstances? The basis for reproduction cannot be found in God alone for He is vertically positioned and without physical form. (201-44, 1990.2.28)
Why did God create human beings? He needed a horizontal base in dimensional space. Countless cells can divide and emerge from this dimensional and spherical space. Therefore, God needed space because He wanted to produce the people of the Kingdom of Heaven through the bodies of Adam and Eve in the human world. Our married life becomes the factory for producing those people. People have been talking loudly without knowing these things. What kind of pretence is that? They are completely blind, yet still boast and brag about themselves. In the spirit world, such things will be exposed at once. The teachings I have given will unfold in the spirit world as a reality. (233-89, 1992.7.30)
Why did God create Adam and Eve as physical beings? The spirit world is a world of vertical relationships. It does not have horizontal dimensional space. There is no reproduction in the spirit world.
Heaven is a boundless place. After creating heaven, God planned to have Adam and Eve's family and the families of their descendants serve as the base for producing the people of heaven. The reason God needed Adam and Eve to have physical bodies is because God's direct sons and daughters occupy only one point on the vertical axis and thus have no dimensions in space. There is no base to reproduce. However, when all creation is divided and rotates centering on the vertical axis in relation to east and west and front and back, it then assumes a spherical shape and becomes the infinite universe with infinite space.
God created Adam and Eve as the factory for creating people to fill the Kingdom of Heaven based on the families that are descended from Adam and Eve. Your families are the branch factories for creating the people of the Kingdom of Heaven. Adam and Eve are the main factory. The product is still the same whether it is from the main factory or the branch factory. Its value is the same. (262-229, 1994.7.23)
The spirit world is the vast Kingdom of Heaven. It is the original homeland and the original palace in which we shall live. God created a vast world, but He does not give birth to His children there.
The rotation of front-back and left-right around the vertical axis forms a spherical shape that is infinitely large. The space of the universe was created in this way. Because this space is enormous, countless people can be produced and move on to the spirit world. The branch factories producing the people of the Kingdom of Heaven are your families. (261-220, 1991.6.19)
People cannot be produced in the spirit world. Because God cannot reproduce from a vertical position, the earth is the production center for the people of heaven. This is why God needs to have dimensional space. God created Adam and Eve as physical entities in order to multiply people of His nation. They are the sons and daughters of the Kingdom of Heaven. When the third and fourth sons belonging to the peripheral ancestry of the second son follow him, they become the people of the Kingdom of Heaven. The descendants of the first son in each generation, the direct lineage, will inherit the kingship of the earthly and heavenly worlds. (229-349, 1992.4.13)
This universe is a museum of love. Human beings must become the owners of this museum. The mineral world and plant world multiply centering on relationships of love. Without love, history would end. History can continue because there is reproduction. Consequently, man and woman should marry and give birth to children. Without doing so, they cannot find their place in the spirit world. When a baby is born, you should come before God and offer that baby as a gift to Him. Without this gift, you cannot hold your head up proudly.
When you go back to your hometown, what is it you will be most proud of and want to show your parents? You will take pride in how well you raised your children. It is the same in the spirit world. When you go before God, there is no greater gift than bringing God's children, the people of heaven, whom you have raised on this earth. Money, power, and knowledge are not important. (229-15, 1992.1.9)
This earth is the endless producer of the people of heaven. No one has known this. The life course of the original couple living on the earth is one in which they give birth to children as the people of the Kingdom of Heaven, and raise them to become perfected people. Therefore, when a baby is born, you offer the gift to God when you go to Him. Without this gift, you cannot be proud.
When you go back to your hometown, what is it you will be most proud of and want to show your parents? You will take pride in how well you raised your children. It is the same in the spirit world. When you go before God, there is no greater gift than bringing God's children, the people of heaven, whom you have raised on this earth. Money, power, and knowledge are not important. (229-15, 1992.4.9)
The earth is a production center where the royal descendants, the people of the Kingdom of Heaven, are created. "The heavenly kingdom is an infinite world. Those who give birth to many children on earth, who are trained to love in an environment filled with diversity, and who have digested and united through love with people of all types of character -- symbolizing north, south, east, west, front, back, left, right, top, and bottom will have a wider scope of activity in the spirit world. (209-99, 1990.11.27)
Why did God create human beings? You will not find a production center in the spirit world. God created human beings because there is no reproduction of His image from the vertical dimension alone. The vertical position stands only on a single point. As God loves from one point, from a vertical position, He cannot multiply. There is no multiplication in the spirit world. Therefore, God needs to have the 360 degrees afforded by a position in the horizontal world. There are plenty of places to reproduce in the horizontal world, in the north, south, east, and west.
Therefore, when women and men go to the spirit world, they become one body and come to resemble God. Later on, they become God-like. You should resemble God. We say that God has dual characteristics. God's dual characteristics began from love. Through love coming to fruition, we resemble the original God and go back to Him. This is all due to the fact that even God is lonely when He is all alone by Himself. (206-137, 1990.10.3)
Can we give birth to babies in the spirit world? The answer is "No." Why can we not give birth to babies there? The spirit world is a vertical world. It is a world in the form of a circle, with God as its center. Therefore, there is no need to give birth to children there. God created the physical body of human beings because He needed a horizontal base.
Then why do people practice birth control? They do so based on a command from Heaven that states that the evil lineage should no longer be multiplied. Think about it. I am sure there are many people these days who do not know who the father of their baby is. Everyday, every week, women are meeting different men. When I think about it, I cannot even begin to describe how confused this is. Think about the consequences of those people having children. For this reason, those people practice birth control. (205-97, 1990.2.7)
What is the unique value of this earth? There is no multiplication in the spirit world. Go and see for yourself. You will find no multiplication. If you go to the spirit world without children, you cannot have any children there either. You have to bear children on earth first, and then go to the spirit world. Only then, can you join the realm of heart which represents the ideal of creation based on God's heart and live experiencing the stimulation of love. This is why you must have children before going to the spirit world. You must also love your spouse before passing on to the spirit world. Marriage is absolute and the mandate to produce children is an absolute rule. (264-150, 1994.10.9)
What is important for us to know about the spirit world? You cannot reproduce in the spirit world. The earth produces the people who will live in the spirit world. Why is this so? God exists as a vertical being. Anything vertical gathers only to one point. It does not create a plane. In order to manifest the value of its vertical existence, it must connect to the horizontal. The vertical needs the horizontal. The horizontal needs the vertical. This is also based on the principle of living for the sake of others.
Why does the vertical exist? It exists for the sake of the horizontal. From the outset, this was the ideal of creation. The vertical was created for the sake of the horizontal partner. Only by establishing this logic can we avoid logical contradictions within the system of relationships. (252.114, 1993.11.14)
Human reproduction is not possible in the spirit world. Reproduction can occur only on a horizontal base. Consequently, the numerous horizontal physical bases are being expanded to form various tribes, races, and nations in order to fill the vast, infinite spirit world. It cannot be considered full with just one or two people. Therefore, the countless people produced from the expansion of the worldwide horizontal foundation of families must be perfected on the earth. Heaven is the hometown to which we return after life on earth. Those who have achieved perfection as an individual and have established a perfected family, tribe, nation, and world of God's desire -- those who have lived as God's kin from all over the world -- create Heaven. Since they came from God, they return to His side. That is the how the spirit world is. (245-188, 1993.3.7)

3.3. Ownership in the spirit-world is decided on earth

Why did God create? His purpose in creation was to have His living children on earth. If you leave such children behind on earth, you can stand in the same position as God when you go before Him in the spirit world. This indeed is the meaning of the biblical passage. "Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth." What are you trying to leave behind? Nothing else remains besides living with your spouse in joy and having children. (146-223, 1986.7.1)
What have you done since you joined the Unification Church? This is a serious question. Now that you are past the age of fifty, how many years have you worked for the Unification Church? How many people have you witnessed to? How many did you witness to in a year? This is a serious matter. When you go to the spirit world, your realm of ownership will be set according to how many people you have brought to God's Kingdom. They will be your eternal fortune. The time has come to inquire into these things. The time will surely come when millions of people will be witnessed to in a day.
The Unification Church has tremendous substance. Look at the world. How many people are restlessly wandering around half-crazy, agonizing over whether to live or die, questioning life, and committing suicide? (215-227, 1991.8.19)
Once a person goes into the spirit world, the bigger his bosom of love is, the more people will line up to enter it. This person will be respected in the spirit world. If thousands and tens of thousands of people surround this person, saying, "Oh, I would like to live with this person," he will be wealthy and will have much more territory. Therefore, while on earth, when you reach the gates of someone's house you should not just pass by without paying a visit. A person who has nurtured many hearts with love cannot simply pass by, but instead is compelled to stop. This person becomes the model standard for human character in the spirit world. The realm within which this person relates based on love will become the realm of his ownership in the next world. (205-347, 1990.10.2)
There is nothing peculiar about wealthy people in the next world. Those who invested greatly for love are rich. In Seoul, there are twelve million people waiting to receive blessings from you. What would stop you from associating with them? You have to visit them, saying that you will pray for them to receive blessings. When dogs bark at you, you should think, "You are dogs who do not know how to receive blessings. I carry a bag of blessings for your house. I am a magnet. I am a perfect plus that attracts all the blessings. I will pull away all the minus elements and leave behind only the plus elements of Satan -- those truly on Satan's side." Since these plus elements belong only to the satanic sphere, they will fall away to hell. This is how you should look at it. You are going around collecting blessings. (205-30, 1990.10.2)
In order to pass through the twelve gates in the spirit world, you will be asked how many people on this earth have you restored and retrieved from the satanic dominion to become citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven. You have to shed tears, sweat, and blood to do this. Based on a heart of true love for re-creation, you have to invest yourself more than parents do in the satanic world -- more than husband, wife, and children -- and go through the course where your tears, sweat, and blood intersect. Without doing so, you cannot claim your people in the Kingdom of Heaven. You should be aware that your position of glory in the spirit world and the degree to which you will be close to God will be determined in proportion to this result. (211-352, 1991.1.1)
When you go to the spirit world in the future, you will not be going there with money. You do not go there in the name of the Unification Church either. Even your position as a regional director does not matter. What you should do from now on is to see how many sons and daughters loved by God you can create before you go there.
People can give birth to a limited number of babies. Everyone can do this. What do you have to accomplish in the process of restoration at this time? If you create many sons and daughters whom God can love in the satanic world, this accomplishment connects with your ancestors and opens the way to liberate them. This is the greatest gift you can receive in the course of restoration. Do you understand what I am telling you? It is a gift. (230-25, 1992.4.15)
Just eating, living, and raising sons and daughters does not count for much once you are in the spirit world. We have to find the people of the Kingdom of Heaven. They will come into your possession in that kingdom.
We quickly have to assimilate the five billion people of this world. If we can do this, all the spirits in the spirit world will be restored through returning resurrection. If the right of the firstborn son, which became the satanic foundation, is restored and Adam gains that birthright, the archangel will listen to Adam and follow him. Is this not so? If the archangel stands in the position to obey absolutely, he will come into the realm of God's love and Adam's love. Then, he naturally will follow Adam into heaven. This is the way of the Principle. (230-25, 1992.4.15)
You should not be proud of how many years you have been in the church. What matters is how many regional directors you raised, how many people you blessed, how many people you connected to Father's tribe and lineage. This is a serious problem. Pak Bo-hi, Kwak Chung-hwan, and Yoo Jung-ok became my in-laws, but this does not mean they fulfilled this criterion. As a foundation for everything else, they have to expand the realm of the tribal messiah thousands of times, and quickly raise people of the Kingdom of Heaven who are shameless in the historic age to come. (230-27, 1992.4.15)
Do not spend your months and years aimlessly. You can leave behind a foundation to be proud of before your descendants only after you have given birth to and raised up children of God during your younger years. Likewise, only when those children become great people can you be proud before history. If you do not have results that you can be proud of, you may be able to join the group of your family and town, but not of the nation. To reach the national level, you need results that can remain in the historical record and tradition. This is why everyone desires to leave something recognized by the nation, by the world, and by heaven and earth. It is the same principle on every level.
You have to have the clear concept that your lifelong purpose comes down to the issue of how you establish your territory of ownership. This is why, on the way of God's will, you cannot give up even if you do not like it. (230-27, 1992.4.35)
What is God doing? He is saving the world. Once you go to the spirit world, you will find that the works of all the highly placed people in that world are works done on earth. What is the critical characteristic of the earth? It is its ability to produce the citizens of the heavenly kingdom. Heaven is broad and vast. It is infinite! It is so huge! People have come and gone in the last hundred million years, but the spirit world is so vast that you do not know where they all are. Even if each person were to give birth to a hundred children, the Kingdom of Heaven is so huge that there would never be overpopulation. The other world can accommodate any number of people. Therefore, should you use birth control, or not? Once you go to the spirit world, the question becomes how many citizens of the heavenly kingdom you have created and brought there.
You have to know that it is your privilege to raise and lead many sons and daughters of the true heavenly kingdom. It is the distinction by which you will be honored in the heavenly world. (202-10, 1990.5.3)
It is more important to harvest the people for God's Kingdom than to eat. Members do not have this concept clearly in their minds. Think about it. This is our original profession. This is the main occupation of the members who live on the earth. Amongst the things you should do in your lifetime, there is nothing more important than this. All your achievements after joining a company and advancing in your position, or collecting money in this world, will pass away. No matter how much money you amass, it will be of no use in the other world. Material things are not necessary in the next world. There is no need for knowledge for things. Even if you are not learned externally, you will understand everything in your heart immediately. You will come to know everything important within a week. (230-28, 1992.4.15)
Later on, when you go to the spirit world, what will you say before God, who has guided the history of restoration and who toiled until this day in search of one Adam? Did He not search for the perfected person of Adam from the time of creation to this day? Now you all know the Principle. This is your weapon to save thousands and tens of thousands of people.
To this day, God could not teach humankind. To replace God's anguish over having to guide the providence in the dark, we should do greater things than He can do on this earth. We have the path to enlighten and bring hundreds and thousands of Adams through the Principle. Think about it. Where can we find a task greater than this? (231-128, 1992.4.15)
How many sons and daughters did you create, whom you can take to the Kingdom of Heaven? There is nothing else for you to do. Even if you have hundreds of millions of dollars and live in riches, it all will pass away. You have to invest all your materials, knowledge, and your very life -- yes, even the life of your fallen self -- into this task. You have to invest everything at once. As your entire investment adds up, its value will increase in proportion. (230-28, 1992.4.15)
Heaven is an infinite world, so there should be bridges to connect people through a heart of love. Consequently, if the people you have witnessed to are spread widely across the world, you will have more paths on which to come and go, covering a wider area within the spirit world. Everyone will want to relate to you and form ties with you. They will be interconnected through learning our teaching while on earth, and this sphere of relationships will center on you. (230-25, 1992.4.15)
The internal core of love within a person will enlarge with the more children they raise. When such a person goes to heaven, this core will go too. Nothing else will go. Money, fame, and wealth in this world are not a blessing. When you raise children, if you create a world based on the four seasons and four directions of human characteristics, its land will adjust to you and come into balance. The more freely you are able to give to the north, south, east, and west, in all directions, the more you will be fulfilled. However, if you cannot stand in this position, you will always be uni-directional. (235-247, 1992.5.1)
This earth is the endless producer of the people of heaven. No one has known this. The life course of the original couple living on the earth is one in which they give birth to children as the people of the Kingdom of Heaven, and raise them to become perfected people. Therefore, when a baby is born, you should come before God and offer that baby as a gift to Him. Without this gift, you cannot hold your head up proudly.
When you go back to your hometown, what is it you will be most proud of and want to show your parents? You will take pride in how well you raised your children. It is the same in the spirit world. When you go before God, there is no greater gift than bringing God's children, the people of heaven, whom you have raised on this earth. Money, power, and knowledge are not important. (119-15, 1992.4.9)
Parents with many children have extensive experience in relationships of love. Therefore, when they go to the spirit world, they can freely meet anyone in all directions. Among women who have given birth to true children, not one was evil. Why is this so? It is because each has the mind of a mother who loves her children and always compares and thinks about others as her own sons and daughters. Each naturally ascends to the stage of love in the realm of daily life. Those who have raised many children are, therefore, in the highest realm in the spirit world. (239-156, 1992.11.24)
As tribal messiahs, all of you should create many citizens of heaven before you pass away. This is the most valuable thing, the most valuable wish you can make in your life. This ownership is your treasure. There has never been a person like this in the spirit world. Therefore, you must bring more than a hundred, even a thousand people to the kingdom, so that, later, many of your friends can appear around you in the spirit world as soon as you call them. (227-208, 1992.2.11)
All of you should raise your children well on this earth before leaving them behind when you go to the spirit world. In the future, your children will all go to the spirit world as well. Once there, they will become the citizens of heaven. When you think about how many people you offered as the citizens of heaven, you realize that although it may have been a laborious task, in the eternal world it will turn out to have been the path of noble glory. (21?-319, 1991.8.22)

3.4. Our earthly life is recorded in detail

Both your spirit self and physical self should be as clear as crystal during your life. You will then have no problems in the spirit world. You cannot enter heaven if there is any kind of flaw. How you live your life on earth is so important. You live in the spirit world as you have lived on this earth. No one is an exception to this. Your entire being is transparently on view. (294-26, 1998.6.5)
In the spirit world, suppose there is a man named Kim. If the code for this Kim is entered, his life history will appear in an instant. Your intuition will quickly perceive this phenomenon because the spirit world transcends time and space. There is no way to avoid this. Consequently, your conscience is an instrument to record your earthly life for the sake of when you go to the eternal world. As if by a computer, everything is recorded in an orderly way. Everything is entered into the record without fail. (275-36, 1995.10.3.11)
Each action, each expression you make is recorded, as if on a videotape. Can you hide these things in the spirit world? You cannot hide this record, just as you cannot hide what is in your mind. The spirit world is more clearly apparent than the mind and is a place where everything is exposed. There is no use for excuses. You cannot make excuses. The more you open your mouth, the closer your shame before the universe approaches you. You cannot advance in that world. There is only retreat. A fearful age is coming. (205-37, 1990.1.15)
The conscience knows everything. As long as the conscience knows, it is recorded in the computer of the spirit world, in the original palace of the world of conscience. When someone is called, the record of that person's ancestors will appear. All the things that person's mother or father did, whether good or bad, will be revealed. All that you did in your life is disclosed in an instant. It does not take long. It is revealed in an instant. You will know in the blink of an eye. You are entering a human world that has expanded to this extent. (263-127, 1994.8.21)
When you go to the spirit world you will find that your life has been completely recorded in the computer there. It will all be revealed. The conscience is like a computer that is exhibited in the eternal world. Everything is in that file. With the click of a button, all the details of your lifetime, from your time as a baby being held and breastfed by your mother, will be known through the images of your mind. Every day that world is creating a record of your life in order to carry out a complete appraisal of your being. The day for this comes when you die. No one can tell a lie in the presence of that powerful computer that appraises people. The images in the spirit world appear as if in a mirror. Everything is being recorded. (116-188, 1993.1.16)
Your conscience knows everything about what you did in your lifetime. It knows everything about you. This knowledge is transferred intact into the computer in the spirit world. It goes there without fail. You will know when you enter the spirit world: (258-63, 1994.3.16)
Conceited people commit adultery -- and do all kinds of things. They cannot go to heaven. As I searched in the spirit world, I uncovered things and came to know the facts. So many times I thought, "Oh! It would have been better not to have known these things!" There are endless ranges of mountains. God is suffering as if He were in a prison under eternal siege because of the love lost to Satan. (290-17, 1998.2.2)
Don't you think that your mind -- even your fallen mind -- knows what you have done in your life? Do you or do you not know what kind of person you are? You cannot deceive yourself. Each of you knows what you are really like. You should not think too highly of yourself.
Everything will be totally revealed in the spirit world. Your misdeeds will be revealed first. You have to first clear up your misdeeds before entering the spirit world. Without doing so, you cannot enter the heavenly spirit world. Even if you close your eyes, your misdeeds will be revealed and punishment demanded. Consequently; you must be educated until you rid yourself of that misbehavior. You have to receive training. You have to undergo intense training. The spirit world as a whole is now being trained and is creating an education system guided by Heung-jin. (187-203, 1997.10.30)
The conscience does not lie. It records everything about you as if on a videotape. In the spirit world, how you have lived your life will be seen according to the number you are assigned. Someone who already knows the scale of the brightness of your spirit will take you where you receive a number. If your number is eighteen, then when someone presses the number eighteen, everything about you will be known in an instant. From the time of your birth to that moment, everything will be revealed. There is no way to avoid this. Your conscience will weep bitterly. You are not aware that the good and bad you have done determines which side of the boundary between heaven and hell you end up on. The spirit world does not move at random. It is a mathematical world. It moves according to logic. God is the King of scientists. Heaven does not move in any way it likes. (284-23, 1997.4.13)
Habits can last for eternity; they are so difficult to change. Nonetheless, they can be corrected while you live on earth. You can clear away your old habits by overriding them with new ones. You should do this 100%. If you do not, you will have problems when you enter the spirit world. Once there, you will find yourself caught. (289-208, 1998.1.2)
When shedding its skin, a snake will move along until it finds a crevice in which its tail gets caught. It will then wind its body around a tree and use all its strength to rub against it, even bleeding in an effort to cast off its skin. Only after passing through the illogical unprincipled course can you go through the logical principled course. Even if you recognize that you are fallen, all human beings must go through this inevitable formula course, which is unprincipled. Those who unite the mind and body, become a couple, and become parents in accordance with principled logic will not have to go through the illogical unprincipled course.
In the spirit world, you can be dragged away in reverse based on your wrongful acts and others' accusations. Consider a tree that is to be transplanted. If it is properly handled, the transplant will go smoothly, but if it is pulled out by the branches and dragged away violently, it will be damaged. It then becomes more difficult to replant successfully. This is exactly how it is in the restoration course. (255-74, 1997.1.21)
There is no forgiveness in the spirit world. Lies will not work. You have all seen videotapes. If you laughed, that laughter appears just as it was. An ordinary video cannot go beyond the limitations of time and space, but the spiritual video transcends time and space.
Just with one click, your entire life, all your past years, are projected. When it is turned on, no one will tell you where to go. Each person finds where he is to go by him or herself, and so will you. You are pushed along without knowing how. Something pushes you. You may expect to end up in a good place, but you are constantly pushed along beyond your will. Finally, you end up in a limited zone, which you cannot leave. Do you think you would heave a big sigh? I am teaching you and doing these things because I know the spirit world. These phenomena happen on entering the spirit world. Do you realize how fortunate you are? (163-308, 1987.5.1)
When you come to know how life after death is closely related with the life in this world, you will be more careful about how you live because your present life tells you what to expect in the next life. (294-9, 1998.6.3)
You have to be aware of how fearful the consequences of life on earth are. People live as they please because they do not know that their life on earth has a direct influence on the circumstances of their eternal life. (295.127, 1998.8.19)
You have to do well in your earthly life. You should devote yourselves and reflect many times a day to see how your life compares to the principled standard. To do this, I am earnestly asking that from morning, noon, and until the evening, twenty-four hours a day, you live in a way that you do not transgress the heavenly law. (114-26, 1998.6.3)
When you go before God, after clearing up everything you did on earth, you should not just report what you did well. You should first report what you did wrong, and then report what you did right later. It is the other way around in this world. When asked, "What did you do?" people usually say, "I did this," and hide their misdeeds. The spirit world is not like this. In the spirit world, you should first report your misdeeds. This is the order of things. When you are asked what you did, it all appears as if on television. You should report first what you did wrong. Why? Cain should come first. Bad things happen first and bad things are reported first. Then why does the good come afterwards? The Abel-type things come second. If, when compared to the first, the Abel side has more good things for a given person, then that person can be educated. From that point, they will be taught about the spirit world. (196-283, 1990.1.2)

3.5. Sins committed in the flesh should be indemnified on earth

Whatever you bind on earth should be released on earth. If you pass on to the spirit world without doing so, you will face serious consequences. By rousing yourself into action, you should avoid this situation. If you do not do it on earth, you will fall into hell for eternity. (129-27, 1992.4.9)
Whether human beings like it or not, as the fallen descendants they are destined to surmount the steep pass of indemnity from now, even unto death. No one can deny this. You must traverse this path. If you pass to the spirit world without overcoming this in your lifetime, there is no way to know how many millions of years it will take you in the spirit world.
There is no payment of indemnity in the spirit world. It is a liberated realm of perfection filled with the waves of love, so the possibility of indemnity or re-creation does not exist. There is no reproduction either. Since there is no mechanism to stimulate these processes, once you are fixed in a position, it is permanent. This is a serious problem. Knowing these things, God sent the Messiah to the earth. (229-243, 1992.4.12)
Does the snake grow or shrink in size when it sheds its skin? If you can shed your sinfulness ten times a day, you should do so. This would gradually eliminate the burden of your past sins. In the spirit world, there is nothing to stimulate this process to take place. There is no such mechanism. No matter how much you wish to return to this earth and clear up your transgressions, it is impossible. Once you pass away, you cannot freely return. (242.305, 1993.1.2)
In the spirit world, you can find stimulating elements of love, but you cannot offer indemnity in order to remove your sins. Thus, it takes a very long time to indemnify your sins in the spirit world. Since I knew of these things, I laid all the foundations in forty years. I lived not knowing day and night. I usually ate but one meal, in the morning or evening, each day. That is how I lived. (243-177, 1993.1.3)
Although it is challenging to do so, there are many ways to embrace one another during your physical life, weeping together and moving people's hearts. However, from the spirit world it is much more difficult to move the hearts of people on earth. (250-112, 1993.10.12)
How important is life on this earth? It only comes to you once. It is but an instant and it comes only once. Earthly life is but a dot compared to eternal life. It is too short. However, this is not the important point. What is important is that you use the short time you have in your physical life to prepare for the spirit world. With this kind of core thinking, you must be able to stand in the center and control and subdue everything. Without doing so, you cannot perfect yourself. (207-99, 1990.11.1)
The things most detested in the spirit world are the customs and habits of the fallen realm. Habits arise from customs. What is the favorite dish for a Japanese person born in Japan? It would be soup and rice. Americans like hamburgers and Koreans like kochujang and kimchi. If you live confined by customs, you will never be able to eliminate your habits.
Then, how will you eliminate these habits? If it is this difficult to rid yourselves of everyday habits on earth, then how much more difficult will your situation be in the spirit world if you go there with a hardened fallen nature and stubborn habits. You need to resolve these things on the earth. This is very difficult to do when you go to the spirit world. Therefore, a spouse is not the main concern. Children are not the main concern. Only after you remedy all your bad habits should you think about finding a husband or wife and having children. (228-114, 1992.1.26)
[If you try to] release things in the spirit world, you will be disappointed to find that it is difficult to solve your problems there. You will not find any villains opposing you or any realm opposing your goodness there. Similarly, if something is wrong, instead of going against it, you will try to deflect it on its way. You should try to disassociate from it completely. (256-28, 1994.3.12)
In the spirit world you will have to live in a restricted environment. You have to wait there for thousands of years. In the future, even blessed people will be in this situation. All your sons and daughters would be upset and cry out, "Mother, why did you bring me into this world as someone like this? Why did you drag me into this place?" Do you not think your children would be agitated? The levels of your families are all different. You go to the place that is consistent with your level and stay there for a long time. Then, your ancestors and your children will accuse you saying, "Why did you do that? Why did you not do better? What is this?" You will have to stay in that place to the extent that corresponds to the degree of accusation. It is not an easy thing. This is why you have to deal with this on the earth. You have to do everything I tell you to do. (207-99, 1990.11.1)
You have not yet become true families, have you? When you pass into the spirit world you will all be divided. People who never fell and created heavenly families are destined to go to the Kingdom of Heaven. Ultimately, you are all bound to enter the spirit world for eternity. Problems that arise on the earth can be solved within seventy to eighty years, but in the spirit world, where you will reside eternally, the path is difficult even after you have followed it for millions of years. You have to settle all your misdeeds while you are on earth. The Bible says that what is released on earth is released in heaven, and what is bound on earth is bound in heaven. If you lose something on this earth, you have to find it on this earth. (283-184, 1997.4.12)
If you control your body, striking it for three years or longer, you will then enter the realm of the completion stage of the growth period. Is this not so? If you make more of the physical side, the spiritual side diminishes. If you get rid of the physical side, the spiritual side will be elevated. Therefore, for the same reason, when you ignore the superficial things and attach importance to the deeper aspects of life, the spirit world will come closer to you. Then, when you are engrafted to the original standard of conscience there will be a great surge like that in an electrical power plant when positive and negative interact. Consequently, changes occur in heaven and earth. You should be aware that you need to have such spiritual experiences. (282.308, 1997.4.7)
In the Bible it says, "What is bound on earth is bound in heaven. What is released on earth will be released in heaven." This logic can be understood through understanding the unity of the dual structure. Human beings today should know how valuable their physical lifetime truly is. The conclusion is that the period of their life on earth is the only time when they can liberate God, revive this universe, and unite all heaven and earth. God and creation combined together could not equal the value of the physical world. Why is this so? God and this universe combined, without human beings in the flesh, cannot be perfected. Thus, they have to understand how important the human body is, while they are alive on earth. How great this is! (91-191, 1977.2.13)
If there were two paths, one that goes to heaven and another to hell, on which path would there be more people? There would be more people going to hell. What must God's heart be like seeing this? How bitter He must feel! How appalled God is to see His sons and daughters, who were supposed to come to heaven, all going to hell. They were to have become the people of a vast nation living together with God in love and with no relation to hell. Think about how it would be if your children had to go to the place of death. All of you will ultimately come to know these things when you pass on to the spirit world. (244-25, 1993.?.29)
You will be challenged about everything in the spirit world in the same way that True Parents' teachings challenge you. Did you pass or fail with regard to this standard? Did you strive to align yourself to this standard by uniting your physical and spiritual live senses?" What do you think? Heaven is not a place you can deal with freely, as you please. It is not a place tolerant of those who lived a haphazard life and then received the Blessing. It is a place of gathering for people who took God's will seriously. You all should be more serious than True Father. (246-191, 1993.4.16)
When you pass to the spirit world, who is the first person you would like to meet? Whom would you want to meet? Have you ever thought about this? You cannot meet your mother no matter how much you wish to do so. You cannot meet her until True Parents liberate her. No matter how much you love someone, you will not be able to meet him or her. You will only be able to see that person from a distance; you will not be able to meet them up close. (285-125, 1997.4.21)
When human beings register into the heavenly spirit world, they should take with them a certificate that confirms the details of their life on earth. I am talking about a certificate of your entire life with which you can say, "This is how I lived. This is what I did." You are not the one who writes this kind of certificate. Satan should first write it for you. You should first receive the certificate from Satan and then receive Jesus' certificate. Then you should receive God's certificate. (299-77, 1999.2.4)
In the future, you all will have to write your autobiography. You have to write honestly about your life after joining the Unification Church. When you enter the spirit world, you should be able to weep over your autobiography, saying, "Was I really able to do such works?" You have to write this on the earth and then, when you are about to enter the heavenly kingdom, you have to get in line and pass through 160, 240 and 360 spiritual guards. If you lie, you will be struck by lightning on the spot. You cannot deceive them. (297-120, 1998.11.19)
When you pass on to the spirit world, a recording of your entire life can be accessed with the press of a button. Is this not terrifying? If True Father forgives all the evil that you have done) the recording of that evil will be completely erased. Did you know this? (165-90, 1987.5.20)

3.6. To live in harmony with nature is precious

A person who works with nature is usually more religious. The world of religion is a world without ostentation. The earth and nature do not lie. If you invest your utmost effort, the results of that effort will he brought to you. There is no speculation. You will not make a fortune without effort. There is no inclination to gamble. When you become fifty years old, you return to nature. There is no better preparation for your way to the spirit world than living a life of faith immersed in nature. (244-322, 1993.3.1)
In the future, I will build a farm here and bring all the members from around the world. When you reach the age of sixty or seventy, you will grow things in nature, deeply experiencing the same heart as when raising children and deeply experiencing the realm of God's heart at the time of the Creation. Then, when you go to the spirit world, you can ascend to a higher level. Therefore, for those undergoing hardships in the Unification Church, I am planning to bring them to a farm in their later years and let them live in self-sufficiency in a country house. This is the ideal homeland. This is my plan. (246.216, 1993.4.16)
When you pass the age of sixty, you should retire from public life, return to the farm village in your hometown, cultivate the earth and prepare to go to the spirit world. You will be busy preparing for the spirit world. For this reason, you should devote yourself sincerely and deeply involve yourself in a farming village, taking responsibility to guide its people the way I would.
You should not go to the spirit world until you have accomplished something in the leisure industry and in your hobbies. Only then, can you go to a higher level in the spirit world, become a person with deep emotions, and be able to make good use of the great arena of the spirit world. What do you think? (289-193, 1993.1.2)
You work until the age of sixty. After working until that age, you are freed from your period of public mission. Then you work publicly for three more years without pay. In order to prepare to go to the spirit world, you should not want anything in return. This is a training period. If you have good results, it may be extended to seven years. Then how old will you be? To make the foundation to go to the spirit world you can work until the age of sixty-seven -- working until the age of sixty and then seven years more. When this is done, you can be proud of yourself wherever you go.
When you go to the spirit world with the Unification Church foundation, people might receive you as my representative saying, "Welcome, worthy subject." If you think about going to the spirit world on the basis of having lived for others, you know that you will have the requisite maturity. Amen! (289.195, 1998.1.2)
It is better to go to the spirit world after having experienced travel on land, in the water, and in space. This is why I am planning a project that will allow people to live under the sea. I am conducting research on a submarine that will enable five people to live freely underwater. You begin your travels after having established your life on earth. Ideally, you go to the spirit world after traveling on land, undersea, and in space. (279-200, 1996.8.4)
You can raise animals, like deer, and release them, raise fish and release them. Now I can apply new technology to develop crops and other natural resources, and whatever else is needed to improve the environment. How wonderful that will be! You can reproduce whatever God originally created. You can think of God as you gaze upon your creation, and harmonize with nature. All people will live in cooperation with one another while they enjoy their hobbies. When they grow old, they will eventually pass to the spirit world. Through this, it is possible to decentralize the urbanized world. Do you understand? (252-210, 1993.12.30)
Have you thought about God's desire for the future family system? In light of this, True Father has thought about the hobby industry and the world of leisure. In the future, what kind of communal system should you create in each nation? You should build a "condominium system," and train people within that system where four families live together in unity. They should earn money together, eat together, educate their children together, and live as one family. If they fail to live together in harmony, those families will be pushed into a restrictive environment in the spirit world. There, they will not be able to live with others in harmony. (27?-327, 1996.6.23)
The leisure or hobby culture exists everywhere. From the time of creation to the time of restoration and perfection, life on earth and in the spirit world was made to be interesting. It does not make sense that Americans should be the only ones living in affluence. Do Africans want a better life? How about letting the poorest person in Africa live in the house of the richest person in America for a month? If you cannot do this, I will do it. (278-123, 1996.5.1)
When you settle in your original homeland, all of heaven and earth become your hometown. Since everything from heaven and earth is provided, there is no need to bring anything when you go there. You should just leave everything behind. You can still form a spiritual connection to those things. You can recreate the things of the earthly world in the spirit world. There, you can recreate the same house you lived in on earth and make it your own. Do you need to carry it when you go or not? (289-144, 1998.1.1)
If you have a boat, you can use it to go and meditate by yourself. You can even put up a small tent and sleep inside it. You can go sightseeing. It is like heaven! In order to be immersed in nature and go sightseeing in this way, you need a boat. You absolutely need a boat. Do you think this is the case or not? If not, then you need to realize that it is so. (262 270, 1994.8.1)
The spirit world is a world where you can have plenty of energy without sleeping or eating. You can commute a tremendous distance in an instant. You can include the entire universe within the radius of your activity. If you are interested in exploring nature, you should consider the special and unique trees and birds in South America. You would find them very interesting and exciting. A while ago, I caught a large snake with yellowish-brown skin, about eight meters in length. Would it not be exciting for you to catch a snake like that? It would be great to catch an even longer one. (276-77, 1996.2.4)
Throughout your life, your daily life and leisure activities should harmonize with history and the ideal human lifestyle, bringing it into relation with the spirit world. They should be connected to a world of happiness through nature. (278-123, 1996.5.1)
Nature’s artistry is displayed more vividly through a variety of weather, than a succession of fine days. When you feel loved in that environment, you can make clouds or fog appear in the clear sky of the spirit world just by wishing it. You can become a person with a special ability to create all kinds of manifestations of the mind through love. For this reason, all of the spirit world will take an interest in you. Everyone would say, "Hey, being with this person is fun." (201-102, 1990.3.11)
When I go to the mountain and see a meadow, I know what is edible. When buds sprout, they are mostly edible. Young calves and lambs all graze on sprouts. Even poisonous herbs are edible, as they do not contain poison at that stage. I taught myself this. There are many things to eat in the mountains.
It is great to take a nap in an overgrown place. How wonderful it is to uncover your belly and lie down in a cool place during the hot and humid summer! Even if it rains, it just feels cool and refreshing.
If a Buddhist nun, passing by, were to see a man laying out like this, spreadeagled happily under a wisteria, breaking wind, and snoring as he sleeps, she would say, "How sweet!" Why? Because his state of being is wonderful. She is not a stone statue of Buddha. Do you understand what I am saying? A woman who would not feel anything from such a scene would be devoid of human emotion. She would be unable to give birth to children and unable even to get married. On the contrary, if this Buddhist nun gazes upon that man and exclaims "How sweet!" and her breasts and hips are stimulated, then she is elevated one dimension higher. It is true. It is like this in the spirit world. A Buddhist monk or nun who does not know conjugal love is sadly disqualified from the kingdom.
It is no use saying that you will go to Heaven by believing in Jesus. I searched every corner of the spirit world. Do you know where Kim Hwal-lan is now in the spirit world? She is in a world of turmoil. (202-231, 1990.5.24) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Six - Our Life And The Spiritual Realm
Chapter One - The Path of Life
Section 4. The Secret of Entering Heaven

4.1. Heaven is a place to enter with the honor of a royal family

You cannot enter heaven without complying with the requisite standard. You cannot freely enter heaven. There is a formula. The standard for a meter can be found in the Louvre Museum. It does not change with the climate or temperature there. There are a great number of meter measures, and if each were to follow its own standard, to debate whether any particular length is right or wrong is absurd. The only way is to decide after comparing your measure with the standard meter. You should he aware that there is such a standard in heaven. Not just anyone can go to heaven. (248-299, 1993.10.3)
Do you all want to go to heaven? If you want to go to heaven, you have to have the qualification that lets you enter there. Do you need a ticket on entering heaven? Will you go through with a free pass or will you be examined based on some requirement? It is not a free pass. They will know immediately. Do you think you will find computers in the spirit world or not? Computers are amazing, but the computers in the spirit world can show your entire life in a minute with the touch of a button. You cannot lie. How you were born as someone's son or daughter, and how you lived your life -- everything will be revealed. Everything about a mischievous woman, or a woman with many unpleasant experiences accumulated as the result of her misdeeds, will come out. (250-110, 1998.10.12)
If human beings had not fallen, they would have entered heaven as God's direct sons and daughters born from His lineage. Original families would have entered heaven. Yet, the first family fell and inherited the lineage of the enemy. The standard for entering God's original nation cannot be established until one family attains the position to be His direct children who have not fallen. Once this family exists, God can forget that humankind inherited the lineage of the enemy and became the enemy of His love. The person who directly loves God's children, his own children who are of God's lineage, can enter heaven. Yet, without fulfilling the condition of loving the children of the enemy in the satanic world even more, he cannot actually enter heaven. You cannot attain the qualification for entering heaven without loving the children of the enemy more than your own children. (262-304, 1994.8.1)
The main problem lies in the fact that human beings inherited the lineage of the enemy, Satan. Human beings should inherit God's lineage and be directly connected to heaven in the spirit world. People should unite mind and body in God's love, become united couples, and become one with their children. They should live a heavenly life in the heavenly kingdom on earth and then enter the Kingdom of God in heaven. These are the fundamental principles of creation. As God's direct lineage, human beings should have established the absolute ties of true love, lived on earth based on the framework of a unified individual, couple and family, and then entered heaven. This would meet the standard of the principle and law. (264-168, 1994.10.9)
Hell was created after the Fall, was it not? Heaven is a realm where people from both the spiritual and physical worlds enter through the gate of True Parents' love. If Adam and Eve had not fallen, and had entered heaven through True Parents' love, they would have become the model for all families. One original model of the family would have entered heaven. Through this, all families would have connected to the realm of love through this royal family that inherited the original tradition and would have become like branches spreading towards the north, south, east, and west, relating to one central trunk. All families would have entered heaven in accordance with the principle that integrates all realms. A unified world would have developed naturally. You should clearly understand this. (231-76, 1992.5.31)
Do you have grandparents in your family? The True Parents are in the position of the grandparents in your family. If there are true parents in your God, your family will stand in a position that is higher than that of regular parents. Were you not all born as true children? Did you give birth to many children? Your children will create royal families in the future.
God will create royal families for the first time in history, perfect those families, and take them to the spirit world. They will become the ideal families of the Most High. Those are the royal families of heaven. The original Adam and Eve are thus perfected. They are royal families based on true love. Heaven is the place they can enter after perfection.
It would be wonderful if True Father went out and lived in your homes. Why? If you live by attending the True Parents during your lifetime, you automatically go to heaven. This is the heavenly tradition. The True Parents have lived such a life. Thus, they are connected to heaven naturally. Consequently, all of you are also connected. How amazing, joyful, and precious this is! You should not exchange this for anything. (230-110, 1992.4.26)
Let me speak about one more thing on the principle of restoration through indemnity. This principle is the unchanging truth. Restoration cannot be achieved unless the crime Eve committed in Eden is indemnified within Eve's world in the ensuing generations. I am sure you all know this. By restoring this, the satanic world will begin to disappear. When the original standard of relationship between Adam and Eve is established worldwide based on the True Parents, then the original heaven with no connection to the Fall will be created. Humankind can hope to enter this world of peace only by way of a single, unified direction. (262-214, 1994.7.231
When you unite with the True Parents and inherit their tradition, you have the basis on which your family can govern all nations through that proactive tradition. When your family can retain this proactively, you can be registered into the realm of the royal family in the Kingdom of Heaven. In this way, you enter heaven. Not everyone enters heaven. Three generations should resolve to follow this path. The grandmother and grandfather, the mother and father, the husband and wife, with the children together make up four stages. The set consists of three generations of couples. (228-295, 1992.7.5)
Had it not been for the Fall, our first ancestors would have become God's son and daughter and the prince and princess of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world. This would have had global significance. They would have been the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega. However, since the evil parents emerged at the alpha instead of the good parents, all this must be discarded. Therefore, the True Parents, who can digest everything that began from the false parents, should appear. (226-319, 1992.2.9)
Originally. Adam and Eve were God's son and daughter. Were they not? As God's son and daughter. They were the prince and princess of the Kingdom of Heaven in both heaven and earth. They were the prince and princess of the kingdom in the spirit world, but at the same time they were to grow up to become king and queen on this earth. They were of the royal lineage.
By abiding by and practicing the laws of the palace in the Kingdom of Heaven, they would have become an ideal model based on God's love in all directions -- high, low, front, back, left, and right. Wherever they went, to the east west, south, north, front, or back, they would have stood as the ideal model. This is because they were placed on earth to be at the center of all creation. That central position is the core of all relationships -- east, west, north, south, above, and below. From this view, all of you have to stand as a model wherever you go. (226-258, 1992.2.9)
Based on my possession of love, I can gain ownership over my hometown and family. There, the children are perfected, the siblings are perfected, the couple is perfected, and the parents are perfected. Today, through the True Parents, all the things present in God's manual of creation that were unfulfilled can appear. When this is accomplished, God can completely overcome His deep feelings of anguish and educate humankind as they stand in the original position before the Fall. Through this, you can be qualified as the people of heaven and become a qualified family. The spirit world is connected to the ocean of love on this earth. It is the spiritual Kingdom of Heaven. Consequently, you cannot survive in that kingdom in spirit world without having a heart embodying love on earth. (226-173, 1992.2.2)
All five billion people of humanity are to become the royal relatives who inherit the kingship of the direct lineage of the realm of the firstborn son of God. Those who experience the realm of heart of the heavenly royal family will go to heaven. Therefore, you should live in the realm of the royal family that has expanded worldwide; you should embody its substance, the realm of heart based on global unity. From there, we stand above the eldest son as the True Parents. This is the kingship of the True Parents, who lead the surrounding royal families based on this kingship.
You can enter heaven by attending the kingship at the head of your own royal family, which includes your brothers and sisters as well as your parents. You enter heaven after living with this kind of heart. What kind of place is heaven? Adam and Eve were born like twins; they should have matured, married, and become parents. Similarly, those who can enter heaven have experienced this realm of heart, established this kingship, and stood at the head of their royal families with this authority. You can enter heaven with your royal family only after the original king enters heaven. In this way, on the horizontal plane, four great kingships arise. (247-265, 1993.5.9)
Now, as we enter the age of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, our families become royal households. This is what you must exemplify. Can the king live as he pleases? Can a queen live as she pleases? Can their sons and daughters live as they please? The king, queen, prince, and princess should all follow the laws of this nation. Furthermore, there are palace laws within the code of laws. Were there not laws for the nobility that lived in palaces? Is life difficult or easy for the royal descendants in places like Britain and Korea? (232-326, 1992.7.10)
True Father has followed the entire path, the path of restoration. Without following it, you cannot perceive heaven. You cannot be raised to the position of the king who reigns over Heaven. How can you become the king of men without knowing how to attend the queen? Is this not an issue? (232-331., 1992.2.10)
Each of you should become a royal family based on true love. If Adam, who is of royal lineage, is the direct heir, then his brothers and sisters would naturally all become his people. Thus, in order to enter heaven, you have to receive love as the prince and princess of the Kingdom of Heaven and enter with this authority and dignity. Let it be known that heaven is the nation of the original homeland and that people can enter in this way! (220-219, 1991.10.19)

4.2. Those who embody the love of the four great realms of heart can enter heaven

What kind of people will enter heaven? Those who embody the love that perfects the four great realms of heart can enter heaven. God longs for His object partner to be thousands of times better than Himself. As the object partner of God's love, you should be aware that your family is a central family representing the three kingships of the Kingdom of Heaven, the kingdom on earth, and the kingdom of the future. Since these have been lost, we should practice these ideals and values and bring them to fruition within the restored family. You have the responsibility to hand this down through your sons and daughters.
Since the original path was lost, you need to perfect the way and return to the origin. You should know that this is the path of restoration and the path of recreation. Amen! These are not my words. They are God's words. (235-254, 1992.11.22)
Is this the first time for many of you to hear these words? Heaven is that to which you should ascend with the love of the royal family by restoring the four great realms of heart and three great kingships. No matter how great you may be here on earth, you will be caught in the spirit world. Instead of feeling regret once you get there, saying, "I should have listened to Rev. Moon!" you should quickly make your decision to receive the Blessing. This is the fastest way to resolve these issues. You can learn through the Blessing.
Man and woman should come together in harmony, find the lost family of the Kingdom of Heaven, and attend God as the King. This is why the grandparents are God's representatives. You have to attend your grandparents as God's representatives. Your father and mother are the king and queen representing the families of all the five billion people of humanity. Their sons and daughters should be attended like future kings. You should inherit the way of the parents by attending the parents, who are like God, the parents who are like monarchs who represent the families of today. The world to which you bequeathed this parental way that will prevail for all future ages will become the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Amen! (239-76, 1992.11.23)
The family that perfects the four great realms of heart and three great kingships is the ideal family. The grandparents stand as God, the parents as the king of the families of this world, and you as the children are the future kings and queens who will inherit the kingship in the spiritual and physical worlds. You become the kings and queens who inherit all of this. The ideal family is the place where the three great kingships should bear fruit. (239-185, 1992.11.24)
The purpose of the restoration of the right of parents is the restoration of kingship. The purpose of the restoration of kingship is the restoration of the right of the royal family. This incorporates the four great realms of heart. The grandparents, parents, and your couple symbolize the three great kingships. The grandparents symbolize the past, your parents symbolize the present, and your couple, as children, symbolizes the future. The grandparents were sent to your home as a special envoy from the spirit world. Therefore, the family that is obedient to the words of the grandparents will prosper. (249-306, 1993.10.11)
Our way of life on earth is transferred to the spirit world as it is. This being the case, when you go there, how do you make horizontal connections? Your family relationships on earth will transfer to the spirit world and expand to encompass all beings in order to enliven the universe as an extended family. In this earthly world, you live with your family centered on your horizontal Parents and the vertical Parent, which means centered on God's realm. After life on earth, you enter the eternal, vertical world, which is the parental world. Since that is the spirit world, it does not just encompass one generation. Thousands of generations will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
The spirit world is a world that expands your life on earth, which you spent with your grandparents, parents, sons, and daughters centering on God. Therefore, if you wish to enter and live freely in that world, you should be able to harmonize with others through the same responsible, loving relationships you experienced within your family on earth, as an elder sister, younger sister, wife, and mother, or as an elder brother, younger brother, husband, and father. (247-308, 1993.6.1)
In marriage, a man should absolutely become one with a woman; a woman should absolutely become one with a man. The parents with their sons and daughters, and God with His sons and daughters should absolutely become one. Siblings should also absolutely unite. Heaven is the place to which you pass on after having lived a family life with God and His love at the center. (219-114, 1996.8.1)
Adam is God Himself. He is the master of the family, but also God's body. The center of the nation and the center of the cosmos are also God. Therefore, after a person is born, he has to go through three stages of becoming one with the family, one with the nation, and one with the spirit world. (278-169, 1996.5.5)
Adam could receive only God's love. Yet, Adam's sons and daughters could receive two types of love: God's love and Adam's love. They could inherit the kingship of the spirit world and the kingship of the earth. Only then, after living in the kingdom on earth, could they enter the Kingdom of Heaven in the spirit world. Therefore, these kingships cannot be divided. (276-161, 1996.5.5)
You must love your nation more than you love your family, while nonetheless retaining a heart that you absolutely need your grandfather and grandmother, father and mother, husband and wife, and children. Love the world more than your nation, knowing that humanity is made up of these four stages. If you wish to go and live harmoniously in the spirit world, you have to love it more than you love the world. This is because it is where your loved ones, who passed through those four stages representing past, present, and future, are residing. The Kingdom of Heaven on earth is such a world established here on earth. The Kingdom of Heaven in the spirit world is automatically created through the kingdom on earth. (277-192, 1996.4.15)
The four great realms of heart bear fruit when a couple unites in love. The three great kingships are completed only when Adam and Eve give birth to sons and daughters. Only with the birth of sons and daughters are the three great kingships achieved. The grandfather who represents God represents the spirit world. Adam and Eve as the parents represent the present. The sons and daughters who represent the future come into being centering on Adam and Eve. This means the past, present and future are all represented. The origin that has been divided should be united once again. (270-252, 1995.7.16)
Through their feelings upon their coming together at the time of their marriage, Adam and Eve are united vertically with God and horizontally between themselves, thus manifesting all the things God felt in the past but which could not manifest in the spirit world. From here, siblings are created and thus an original sphere of relationships emerges. This original sphere creates the realm of the royal family, within which the couple establishes kingship. The realm of the unity of three generations is created. Three generations become one. (270-268, 1995.7.16)
The grandfather is the king of the past. Since he stands in the position of God, he is the special envoy sent from heaven representing the spirit world. The realm of the mother and father, the realm of Adam and Eve, pertains to the king and queen of the nations of this world. The grandfather and grandmother stand in the position of the king and queen of heaven. The father and mother are the king and queen representing the families of this world. Their descendants are the ones who inherit the union of these two kingships: the kingship of the grandfather representing the spirit world, and the present kingship representing the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
Thus, sons and daughters should always be united with their parents and grandparents. The grandparents should always be united with their grandchildren centering on the parents. The parents, likewise, should be at one with the grandparents. The foundation of heaven will go awry if you deviate from this. (246-74, 1993.3.23)
No matter how great the difference in dimensions between heaven and earth, everything residing in these worlds consists of four stages. There is grandfather and grandmother even in the spirit world. There are people who are the age of your mother and father, the age of young adults, and the age of adolescents. If we condense this a little more, it becomes two people. Two people! (253-132, 1994.1.23)
You know about the four great realms of heart and the three great kingships. As couples, you must accomplish these things. If you can do this, you can freely come down to the earth from the spirit world at any time. (253-71, 1994.1.7)
The perfection of the four great realms of heart is made possible by a couple becoming one in love through marriage. If this unity is broken, then the realms of the children's heart, siblings' heart, couples' heart, and parents' heart will remain incomplete. You need to perfect these realms of heart in order to pass smoothly to the spirit world. Yet, because of the Fall, no one has ever achieved perfection in these realms of heart. This is why you need to carry out restoration through indemnity. (249-289, 1993.10.11)

4.3. The body should harmonize with the mind

You did not know that the conscience was your second God, the central aspect of your existence. You have to attend it more than you attend God. Attend your conscience more than you would the founders of religions, even Jesus. Then you can attain a position higher than that of believing in Jesus. Do not believe in me, the founder of the Unification Church. If you accept my teachings and become completely one with your conscience, you can go to heaven even without following me.
You have to buy all the materials and study. A person who fails to open his conscience, establish himself as a liberated person, and attain unity between his body and conscience cannot go to heaven. I searched heaven, but I could not find such a person who had entered there in that way. Even now in the spirit world, people are lamenting and groaning in the midst of their course of cultivating their character. Amongst pastors, church elders, and those who carried themselves with pride, there are many who are bound in chains upside down. (253-45, 1994.1.1)
You should liberate your conscience. Your mind is the guard post of heaven. Your body is the guard post of hell. Does your body drag your mind around or does your mind drag your body around? For those who believe in religion, their minds drag their bodies around. For those who do not believe in religion, their bodies will always drag their minds around. They live centering on themselves. That is the difference.
Therefore, each of you is the starting point of hell, and yet you are also the starting point of heaven. If you live according to your conscience, you will go to heaven. If you live according to your body, you will go to hell. If you live for the sake of others, you will go to heaven. If you insist on living for the sake of yourself, you will go to hell. When you go back home today, you should declare the liberation of your conscience. (252-257, 1994.1.1)
What is the relationship between mind and body? It is a partnership of subject and object. They should both exist for the sake of their partner. The mind lives for the body and the body for the mind. When they unite, you will have not five, but ten sensory organs. You will see and know the heavenly spirit world. Everyone will hear the music that comes from heaven. (233-253, 1997.1.13)
In the future, when people enter the Kingdom of Heaven the spiritualists will come forth. Those who committed evil will be pierced with a stick, as Jesus was pierced with a spear. You should be aware that a ruthless age will come. There have been kangaroo court trials, have there not? Although it will not be to that extent, you will want to avoid it, but will be unable to, and you will never be able to rest. Realizing that such an age will come, your mind and body should become one. (252-140, 1993.11.14)
If God exists in unity, any fallen being that contains internal struggle can only go to the place that is opposite to God. We call that place hell in both the spiritual and physical worlds. Evil things should go to hell. Everything must be put in order according to principles. Do you understand clearly? If your conscience and body continue to struggle without forming unity, will you be put away in hell or heaven? It will be hell! You should make your conscience and body one, sometime or other, before you die. Those who think they can go to heaven without bringing these into oneness are thinking nonsense. This is the conclusion. (258-309, 1994.3.20)
Satan is not to be found a long way off He is connected to the self. Each of you is a dividing line between heaven and hell. Hell and heaven can be found within you. Your conscience is heaven, and your physical body is hell. Though your conscience is the subject partner, humankind fell. Through the practice of love, your conscience must become one with love and stand in the position of the complete spiritual, intellectual, and eternal subject of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in heaven. (255-51, 1994.3.12)
What is the human body? It is the central core of hell. It is the nucleus of that core. Then what is the conscience? It is the central core of heaven. These two are in continuous struggle. This is the problem. The greatest task in your life is how you are going to resolve this conflict. Thus, you should think of striking and controlling your body as one of your hobbies. Your conscience should constantly occupy the opposite territory and possess more and more of it. Then the physical body's dominance will gradually diminish.
You are expanding limited territory into the infinite world. You are living for the sake of the eternal world. Thus, you continue to dominate your physical body and go all the way to the spirit world. You should go on until the body can naturally follow the conscience. The Kingdom of Heaven on earth cannot come without having achieved this. Otherwise, you will not be able to restore the original state where body and mind can unite based on original true love having nothing to do with the Fall. (254-221, 1994.2.13)
Heaven is where the God of goodness reigns and hell is where the devil rules. What is heaven like? It is a place where things are built. Hell is where things are destroyed. This is the difference. The collision between this construction and destruction within you is the struggle of your mind and body. (261-196, 1994.6.19)
Since mind and body are united within God, those born as the ideal sons and daughters will naturally have unity of mind and body. They will live in harmony on the earth and then pass on to the heavenly spirit world. People whose mind and body are in conflict will not be able to go there. God does not like seeing such forms of existence.
Therefore, what is the hope of humanity? It is that a master and parent who can stop this struggle will come. Since human division originated from false parents, true parents must come and teach the truth in a clear and logical way. Since humankind broke down somewhere, heaven will remain eternally remote from the earth unless a movement is initiated on earth that can restore the essential point of breakdown. (261-300, 1994.7.24)
How much has humankind sacrificed the conscience for the body? Do you know the history of the conscience that you have trampled upon for your entire life? Your conscience is exhausted in caring for you day and night. Yet, it tirelessly blocks the body's desire to go toward misconduct. It says, "You have done enough. It is time to quit. It is now time to listen to me." The closest being to you and the one that stands as the representative of the ideal teacher, parent, and God, is your conscience. The mind itself does not need to be educated, but the body absolutely needs to be educated. (214-282, 1991.2.3)
Throughout their lives, everyone keeps the most precious teacher in their heart. Yet, they mistreat this teacher, trample on him, and abuse him. This teacher is your conscience. Your conscience always tells you things in order to help you and strives to connect you to true love. Like a parent, your conscience urges you to become a good and selfless person. It guides you according to God's will. However, a rebel inside your mind always challenges your conscience. That rebel is your physical desires. (201-208, 1990.4.9)
Mind and body cannot be achieved without true love. Thus, the mind sacrifices itself for the body and still forgets, repeatedly. The mind is in the position representing God and thus is your greatest teacher. The mind is your center that God sent as His manifestation. It is the vertical you. (226-60, 1992.2.1)
When I was young, I did everything that I could to control my body. I slept with my eyes open for seven consecutive nights. You men should likewise learn to discipline your bodies so that even if you slept among numerous beautiful women and touched the triangular area of those beautiful women, your organ should remain unmoved. Those who cannot control their body cannot go to heaven. (263-100, 1994.8.21)
Where are the root of heaven and the root of hell? They are not the world. The world of the Last Days is neither heaven nor hell. Where is the root of heaven and hell? You should realize that it will always be in your mind and body. People have not understood this. Numerous saints came, gave their teachings, and tried to apply them to the world of human relationships. Nevertheless, they failed to destroy the root of the struggles that occur within the self Unity should begin from there. It has to begin from the root. (263-199, 1994.10.4)
The satanic world goes to hell. God's world goes to heaven. A world that lives for its own sake will go to hell, while one that lives for the whole purpose will go to heaven. The crossing point of good and evil lies within oneself.
When the mind and body come together, the former tries to live for the greater good, while the latter tries to live for the individual. The mind and body always struggle; one adopts a public-minded position and the other a self-centered position. You should reject your birth from false love, false life, and false lineage. You should cut off these things and be restored to life by engrafting yourself to true love, true life, and true lineage. The individual and humankind need to follow this path. This is the conclusion.
Religion emerged for the purpose of subjugating the body and making it one with the mind. Having accomplished that, you should unite with true love and give birth to sons and daughters who can go to heaven after living on the earth. Without believing and practicing God's word, you cannot give birth to true sons and daughters who can go to heaven. Thus, a religion should appear that can subjugate the body, making it one with the conscience. When people become one with the True Parents and engraft to them, then wild olive trees will become true olive trees and give birth to true sons and daughters. After living on the earth, they will ascend to the spirit world and enter heaven for eternity. This is the ideal of creation. (263-281, 1991.10.15)
You should resolve the war inside yourself at the earliest possible date. It is not possible to enter heaven without ending this war while you are still living on earth. Otherwise, you will be caught forever in an unsavory place in the spirit world. Your parents are not the problem, your families are not the problem, and your tribe is not the problem. You, yourself, will be caught in an instant. (264-121, 1994.10.9)
Those who cannot unite their mind and body cannot go to heaven. They are not true beings. Even if a heavenly nation is established, you should know that a seven-year course based on the family will remain for each individual to accomplish. You have to go through this harsh course.
A snake passes through a narrow crack between the rocks to remove its skin. The larger the snake, the more laborious this is. It is easy for the small ones, but for the larger ones it is painful. Is there a crevice that would allow a large serpent to pass through and remove its skin? The serpent should remove all of its skin by keeping low on the ground. Hence, the larger it is, the more difficult it is. Do you think world unification is difficult? Then consider how difficult it will be for the unification of the spirit world. (303-264, 1999.9.9)
We should be constantly aware of the fact that Satan's blood is coursing through our veins. The mission of putting an end to this and eliminating the root is the course of our lifetime. It begins in our daily lives. Without eliminating Satan's blood, you will be brought down in the eternal world.
As you seek the path to enter heaven, you need to find a model course through which you can apply the formula God created. Do you not think this is how it should be? There is a formula. If you want to graduate from school, you have to go through all the school courses, get your credits and receive your diploma. In the same way, there is a course for going to Heaven and upon its completion can say, "With this, I have graduated." There must be a formula for entering heaven. (263-81, 1994.8.21)
In the spirit world, your conscience becomes your body and God appears as the conscience to that body. Your conscience becomes God's body. When you enter the mystical world and ask, "God, where are you?" He will answer from inside of you. "Here, I am here!" People have gone through many such experiences. For this reason, one hears it said that humankind is God. (250-156, 1993.10.14)
When you enter the mysterious spirit world and pray, "Where is God?" the answer, "Why are you asking this?" will come from deep within you. You are experiencing such things. Even without your knowing, He will speak words such as "Do not go there." If you act against this, you will run into trouble. Who is speaking? It is God speaking. If you pray earnestly, you will enter a state in which you have such mystical experiences. (249-223, 1993.10.10)

4.4. Heaven and hell are divided based upon absolute sex

The first love relationship between a man and a woman is their time for meeting God. The moment of the first love relationship after marriage is the point at which the husband is perfected as a man. He rules over God's entire world of plus as an antenna. He represents all male-types and right-sided beings. The negative electrical charge and positive electrical charge meet at exactly the same point at the top of the antenna. The point where a husband and wife make love is where they are both perfected.
The royal palace of love can begin from that place and establish itself on earth as the center of heaven and earth. It is the origin of perfected love, and life can be connected from there. Is this not so? The lineage is connected to that place. At the same time, a heavenly nation is created from there. The Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world begins from the first perfected love relationship, from that place where the gate of the first perfected love is opened. Humankind has not understood this. (261-16, 1994.5.15)
Do you know about the original palace of love? The first love relationship is the beginning point of the Kingdom of Heaven both on earth and in the spirit world. It is where man and woman are absolutely united into one. In the absolute state of unified masculinity and femininity within God, God's invisible internal nature and external form could divide and start the process of creating human beings. Similarly, man and woman give birth to sons and daughters by becoming one in love. Human beings are creating, in the visible, substantial realm, that which was created by the invisible God.
Love is the power that can join lineages. What is the central axis that can bring together different lineages? What is the power plant? It is the first love between the convex and concave parts of man and woman. From that love, for the first time, electricity begins to be generated through the love relationship. That place is the epicenter for the generation of true love, true life, true lineage, and a true family on earth, as well as the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world. Those who ignore this cannot truly exist. They can only go to hell. There is no way around this. (259-229, 1994.4.10)
You have to realize the importance of the love organs of man and woman. God comes down through them. God's liberation begins from them. God can begin to sing and dance around them. They are connected to the royal palace of love, to the eternal royal palace. The gate of the first love relationship of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world opens in that place. Does this seem true or false?
Were you all aware of how valuable this was when you were single? Your first love is important. If your first love goes away, the whole universe goes to hell. This is where everything was lost: the royal palace of love, the royal palace of life, the future history of true lineage, and the origin of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world. What would be the fate of the one whose first love went wrong? There exists a set of principles and laws, yet what is his fate? He will have no place to continue to exist. He will be thrown out. People were created to live forever, but they are going to waste. Onto the wasteland they go. They end up living upside-down. (261-27, 1994.5.15)
Where is the original place where the perfection of man, woman, and even God is brought about? Where can God's love be perfected? Where can man and woman be perfected? Where is the central place of settlement? These are the issues. The heaven that emerges from the ideal of love cannot expand on the earth without knowing where that place is. Is that place your eyes, your nose, your hand, or your feet? Where is it? (261-167, 1994.6.9)
The place where man and woman, convex and concave, unite is the place where God is perfected. That is where woman, who is one half, and man, who is the other half, is perfected. The land of settlement, where the ideal of love can be perfected, begins from the place where concave and convex unite and the first love relationship is established after marriage. The first love relationship of man and woman represents the place where the object partner of God is perfected. This is the core of the universe. When this moves, the entire universe swings back and forth in harmony. It is the base of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world.
Since this is the origin of love, it is called the original palace of love. Among the many royal palaces, the central palace is called the original palace. This is the original palace of love, life, and lineage, and the origin of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world. It is the place where the freedom, happiness, and peace longed for by humanity begin. This place is the royal palace for love, life, lineage, and all creation. The individual, family, tribe, and race are connected from here. You should understand that it is the original source and starting point of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world. It is also the origin of freedom, happiness, and peace. If a woman does not have a man, she is in absolute darkness. If a man does not have a woman, he is in absolute darkness. (261-173, 1994.6.9)
Where is the greatest place a man can worship? Is it a woman's face? Is it her breasts? Is it her body? Where is it? There is only one place where concave and convex can fit together. The natural environment, the society, nation, world, universe, and Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world are brought into connection by this place. This is the iron rule and formula for the existing world. (262-55, 1994.7.23)
The base of peace and everything that constitutes the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world arises from love. What kind of love? Is it man's love, woman's love, or the combined love of man and woman? It is the combined love. Where does the love of a man and woman come together? Is it combined at the face? Is it combined at the fingertips? It is combined at the concave and convex organs. (263-52, 1994.5.16)
God's wedding is Adam and Eve's wedding. Consequently, the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and the Kingdom of Heaven in the spirit world are created at the same lime. They begin from the love nest. The moment a man and woman unite through their sexual organs without committing the Fall is the origin of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world. That place is the base upon which the three great kingships should be established. The love nest can be built in no other place. (263-57, 1994.8.16)
Since the first love relationship is the starting point for establishing the ideal heaven, it is the royal place of love. It is the royal palace. The sexual organs are the royal place of love. In order for it to become a royal palace, you have to be married centered on God. Through married life, the royal palace of love is created. How is a couple united? Are they united through the lips when a man kisses a woman? They are united through the concave and convex organs.
This is a tremendous discovery. Through this love relationship, the entire being of a man and the entire being of a woman are completely united. From here, the lineages of man and woman are brought together and, for the first time, amid a vortex, a new history is connected and established based on a new life. It does not end with one generation. The eternal history is connected. The Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world begins from this place. (263-122, 1994.5.21)
A wife lives for the sake of her husband's love organ. She lives for love, life, and her sons and daughters. All women like babies. Women have large breasts and large hips for the sake of the baby. Their attributes should be locked up. Where can we find the original place of the three great palaces of true love, life, and lineage? It is a fundamental issue for human beings. This is the root of the family, society, and nation, and the root and origin of the earth, the spirit world, and the Kingdom of Heaven. (252-104, 1993.11.14)
The original palace of love is the royal palace that perfects God and brings solace to Him. How is this achieved? The royal palace emerges at the unified meeting point of Adam and Eve's convex and concave sexual organs. That is a truly great place. Thus, the sexual organs are called the original palace of love. These are amazing words. The original palace of love is the royal palace that perfects the entire creation of heaven and earth and also provides a place of settlement for all, even God. The Kingdom of Heaven in the spirit world and on earth does not come first. Heaven begins from the family. That is the original palace. These are amazing words.
The place of conjugal unity is the original palace based on true love, true life, and true lineage. It is the origin of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world. Without this unity, the original world of the Kingdom of Heaven, the spiritual realm, and the earthly realm of human beings cannot be established.
This amazing place of true love has been vulgarized. Since it became the cause of national ruin and destroyed heaven and earth, it has been treated as the most evil thing to this day. Originally, it was something holy. You teachers, do you understand? When you get up in the morning, you should greet your love organ, saying, "Good morning!" You should know that this very place is the place that enables you to attend the love of your greatest ancestors rather than the ancestors themselves. (263-347, 1994.11.27)
If you use your love organ recklessly, you will be punished. It is the royal palace of love, the ancestral garden of love. Love, life, and even history started from that place. It is the origin of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world. The origin of God's happiness is formed there. The basis for God's smile starts from there. That is the very place where God can find love and dance with joy. You have to search for and find that place. Is this right or not? This is how precious it is. (256-199, 1994.3.13)
The fact that the flower of God and the flower of human beings blossom from love allows the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world to emerge. Thus, the phrase, "True love is the flower of complete perfection," makes sense. In this regard, each of you inherited from God the ability to create new life through the conjugal relationship. How great is the glorious position of being able to feel the joy God felt, and to experience the eternal existence of God deeply and substantially? (256-235, 1994.3.13)
If you wish to become a beautiful person in heaven, you should harmonize with the flower of love that blooms in all its glory, express the beauty and the fragrance of that flower in the world of relationships, and live on this earth in a manner that can harbor new seeds from that flower. When you pass on to the spirit world after living in this way, you will appear in the same way in the eternal world. (256-170, 1994.3.13)
The woman's sexual organs are the source of the universe. The place where you hold a relationship of love becomes the original palace of love. It is the original palace. Love begins from there. The first love relationship of a blessed marriage is the start of the original palace of love. The life of the woman and the life of the man become one for the first time. Therefore, that place is the original palace of ideal life and the original lineage begins from there. Thus, that place becomes the original palace of the lineage.
Heaven also begins from there, so that place also becomes the original palace for the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world, and the original palace of human perfection and God's perfection. (257-324, 1994.3.16)
When human beings fell, it was because of love. Thus, the sexual organs are the most terrifying thing. Religion regards the act of adultery as the sin to be most feared. So then, is free sex in America part of the devil's doctrine for expanding hell, or a doctrine for expanding heaven? It is a part of the devil's doctrine. It is the kingdom of hell on earth and the kingdom of hell in the spirit world. All of it will be destroyed. (261-302, 1994.7.20)
I searched for all manner of truth. I looked into the spirit world and the physical world and inquired into all the scriptures. Yet, there were no answers to my questions. Does God exist or not? If God exists, He would not leave the world the way it is. I fought to reach a conclusion about these issues.
What are the fundamental principles regarding the birth of humankind? Why was humankind born? Man was born for the sake of woman. This is the greatest truth of all truths. The ideal man is the greatest truth for a woman. This is the essence of the truth of the ideal that perfects the entire universe. For a man, an ideal woman is also the essence of the truth of the universe. She is an absolute embodiment of truth. (267-230, 1995.1.8)
I never imagined that the fundamental problems humanity has struggled with, to this day, had such a simple and straightforward solution. I went through terrible hardships. Not knowing how simple the solutions were, I entered the spirit world and searched through things that were extremely repulsive and suffered all sorts of hardships. In the end I discovered that the solutions existed within each one of us. I exclaimed, "Ah! This is what I did not know!" The answers lie within us. This is inspiring! The entire universe is inside you. It is inside every one of us. (199-314, 1990.2.21)
The truth is not found outside of ourselves. Each one of us is equipped with the truth. It is not something that can be learned anywhere else. I myself searched everywhere for the truth, but I could not find it anywhere in the universe. I searched all over the spirit world, throughout the earthly world, and suffered in the pursuit of discovering it, but in the end, I realized God has given everything to us. It was a big surprise. I had not known until then, but all the answers lie within us. (263-47, 1994.8.?)

4.5. Conjugal love is the central flower of the ideal of love

God has the attributes of vertical dual characteristics and human beings are substantial entities that have attributes of horizontal dual characteristics. The ideal of the husband and wife is the unity of God and human beings in a perfect sphere, actually the shape of an apple. They are the parent body consisting of four shapes of internal nature connecting the ideals of love from the north, south, east, and west. (127-99, 1943.5.5)
If you are married, you no longer exist just in a horizontal plane. Although you as an individual only have a two-dimensional base, the vertical concept comes into being when high connects to low. A two-dimensional history might bring order to the universe, but it will not bring order to the cosmos. When the vertical meets the horizontal at a ninety degree angle. It all fits together. Whether you replace heaven with the earth, or the earth with heaven, or front with back, or back with front, or between any correlative aspects -- left, right, top, bottom, front, or back. The standard for the perfection of the physical world leads to the complete perfection of the spirit world. (230-259, 1992.5.8)
While on earth, you have to paint the absolute ideal of husband and wife, establish an artistic couple, and draw a picture of love never created before. The passing over to the spirit world with this picture is the beginning of a journey into an infinite, eternal, and heavenly world. There, you do not need money. You do not need food. You do not need clothes. If there is something you want to give to your beloved partner, it will be your privilege to give it to them. If you want to clothe your partner with garments of gold or anything imaginable on earth, then, by maintaining an earnest and giving heart of love, the object will appear. You will be able to travel anywhere you like. You will be free wherever you go. (271-211, 1995.8.28)
You have to make your family life into a work of art. You have to become a pleasing and artistic husband. If you find something good in a magazine, you should bring it home and read it with a soothing voice to your wife when she is about to fall asleep. If you dream of your wife while falling asleep after having been deeply moved by this, your dream will be substantiated. This way of life will continue into the spirit world. How wonderful this is! Would you like to live like this, or would you like to live as very drab couples? If you wish to live such a life, you have to assume a new direction with a fresh mindset enabling you to possess good vitality. This is the basic requirement. (271-382, 1995.8.28)
When you enter the spirit world, you will not need to farm but rather you will just eat and be at leisure. Then how will you enjoy yourself? You have to think about this. Do you think you would become bored? How would you enjoy your life if you were not involved in any disputes? How can you enjoy life without something that you would never tire of, even in a thousand years, something you would enjoy touching and listening to for thousands of years, even for billions of years? Food, you can eat everyday. Spirit world is a place where you easily can find anything you wish to eat and do anything you like. (279-21, 1996.6.9)
There, you would live a mobile lifestyle. (203-57, 1990.6.14)
If you watch TV for a month, you come to know everything about how people live in this world. Everything becomes very predictable and you become tired of it. This is why you have to understand the spirit world. You must know the spirit world.
When you offer your prayer with sincerity, the image of the spirit world will unfold. How wonderful that will be! Angels will come down and dance. Even those famous people from hundreds of years ago will gather to dance. How wonderful! These are not fanciful ideas. (203-57, 1990.6.14)
In the original world, all elements are connected, as the parts of a plant are connected to the root. The sap, leaves, and flowers growing from the same roots will all be of the same strain. If you can harmonize with the essential elements coming from your roots, then, when there is unity, there is nothing extra you need to learn.
Can any one draw his or her own face with total accuracy? Why do you need a drawing when each of you has something even greater? What use is a picture when you can have a beautiful couple with the ideal of love, a couple blossoming through the relationship of man and woman? This is how precious love is. The greatest masterpieces among paintings themselves are yearning to praise the love of the ideal couple. You do not realize how valuable this is.
When people wear colorful clothes, they do so in such a way that reflects and harmonizes with the environment in accordance with the seasons. All sorts of cultures and the arts have developed in empathy with and as an expression of love of the environment. (202-92, 1990.3.6)
If your spirit self lives for eternity after entering the spirit world, who would you seek out? Your mother or father? Your elder brother or elder sister? Your children? It would not be your children. It would not be your elder brother or sister, nor would it be your mother or father. It would be your spouse. Why?
You feel tremendous joy and fulfillment in having given birth to and having raised children. The joy of giving birth to a baby for the first time, after living as a couple, is the most stimulating. Amidst that joy, your heart goes out most to the first son. With one mind, the husband and wife both invest their heart in the baby. This is why the first child if often loved the most. The difference between the first son and second son is that the first son received more love. The same can be said for the first daughter. The first son and first daughter are, undoubtedly, the extension of the father and the extension of the mother. (258-242, 1994.3.20)
When human beings reach perfection, God's internal nature enters the mind of man, and God's external form enters the mind of woman. The substantial marriage ceremony for Adam and Eve becomes God's marriage ceremony. You will know this clearly when you go to the spirit world. This incomprehensible theory is correct. So, where is God? Where can He be found in relation to the couple? He is in the womb. This is where God is found. This is where the root of love is. I have revealed, for the first time in history, the systematic arrangement of the spirit world and its composition. (252-119, 1993.11.14)
Do you think God does not look at your couple when you are making love? It is all public. It is publicly in view before the entire spirit world. It is a big mistake to say that God does not see you. Your ancestors are all watching you. In the spirit world, you can see the act of love right before your eyes. You are being watched as if you were doing it standing on the palm of their hand. Therefore, it is a big mistake to try to hide this. (250-244, 1993.10 13)
All the harmonies and phenomena of this world that come out of love are as a fragrance to God. God wants to live within this beautiful fragrance and so He is seeking it. God's love descends to the place of sexual relationship between husband and wife. This is where all creation and the universe are harmonized. (Blessed Family - 889)
If you think about a royal palace of love, there is a royal palace in the spirit world and a royal palace on the earth. Where do these palaces make contact? That is the question. In other words, where do human beings and God meet? The sexual organs that bring the unity of true love are the original land. Since this is the original land, in terms of palaces, it becomes the original palace. This is the palace that God initiates, and it is the first thing He initiates. It is the original palace. (265-215, 1994.11.21)
After happily living together with your spouse, what will you think about when you pass away? You will always think about the love organ. You will remember your spouse's face and kiss. The only memories that remain after going to the spirit world are the ones about the union of the love organs when the husband and wife kissed and made love. Would you want to pass away holding and kissing the love organ? (11-57, 1995.4.7)
Through love, you are born as an incarnation of God and you live by love. You give birth to sons and daughters in order to reach the destination of love and you return to God in order to live with Him for eternity. Therefore, when you become completely united in love, you come to resemble God. When a couple comes into union, completely fulfills these three stages of life, and goes to the spirit world, they become an object partner god before God, who is the eternal subject partner. This happens when a couple lives and passes away centering on true love. Thus, human beings begin life with God and end their life with God. (201-36, 1990.10.21)
Men and women should live intoxicated by conjugal love. This is their aspiration. If they are attending their parents, they should want to live amidst their parents' love and the love of the family. That is the ideal and source of happiness. Happiness does not exist elsewhere. No matter how much you like the spirit world, after you go there, what will you do? I will seek out Mother. I will look for Mother.
There are two mothers. One who gave birth to you as a baby and the other who gave birth to your sons and daughters. Two mothers live in one household: your mother who gave birth to you and the mother of your sons and daughters. There is also your father's mother, your grandmother. This is why you love your mother. Is it not so? (174-250, 1988.3.1)
Each of you resembles God. You also resemble the perfected Adam and Eve. You resemble both parents. Since these are united as one, your mind and body do not struggle against each other. Man and woman do not struggle against each other. They are completely one. A new fountain gushes forth in the perfected place where the spirit world and physical world are one, where God the Creator and the creation are one and complete. This is the starting point for peace. It is the beginning of happiness. It is the beginning of the ideal and of hope. All these things were lost and hence, should be restored. (254-281, 1994.2.15)
In the spirit world, you will find that those born as men, who lived alone and died single, are not in a good place. They cannot go to a good place. In these circumstances, they lower their heads when they gaze upon God and look down before Him. God asks, "Hey you, why are you looking down?" The tip of the male's organ is pointing downwards, the man can only look down. What does that mean? How can a monk, born as a man, not knowing the harmony of heaven and earth, the union of yin and yang, and conjugal love, understand the way of love, which is the center of the great principle of heaven and earth? (197-24, 1990.1.7)
If you go to the spirit world without giving birth to and raising sons and daughters, you will have to stay on one side. You will not be free to move about. You will be in shame. Thus, those who emphasize a single life are under the direct line of the devil. The devil, Satan, will be driven out in the Last Days. Even so, such people will follow Satan. The devil was once the archangel. He does not live with the ideal of loving a spouse. Consequently, when that age comes, the young people will fall into ruin; the older men and women will grow weary of love, and sink into the devil's love, leading a single life. Those who lead a single life will all end up in hell. (228-263, 1992.7.5)
Those who live a single life stand as criminals before God's original will. Those who practice birth control and declare they will not have children will go to the other world and face the words of judgment: "Through your sons and daughters. I was going to send the prince and princess that would govern the universe! Shame on you!" Once you pass into the spirit world, these things will be known in an instant. You would come to know of this in a moment. God was trying to bring blessings to your generation and tribe through the merits of your ancestors who had worked hard through thousands and tens of thousands of years of bitter painful history. Yet, you were the one who cut off that channel. (264-150, 1994.10.9)
Widows will have a hard time in the other world. I do not mean widows, but those who live alone. What do you call them? I mean those single women who never married, and those men who die single. After they die, people call them bachelor ghosts. What do you call them while they are still alive? A bachelor ghost is a dead person. What is the word? What do we call them? A single woman? Single people have a hard time in the spirit world. They are not able to harmonize with anyone wherever they go.
When a single woman goes to the groups of women or when a single man goes to the groups of men, they have no place to stand. They have nowhere to go. So they head for a shadowy place, a world of shade. They cannot turn around. Harmony is possible centered on love in all directions: east, west, south, and north. Since they are stuck in one direction, they cannot turn back. You will see for yourself when you pass to the spirit world. (119-442, 1989.10.19)
You should not stain your Blessing lineage. All of you should be fully aware of this. Your lineage is your asset that will enable you to succeed to and inherit heaven. It is like a document of your blood relatives, or deed papers to your lineage. It is the equivalent of your genealogy. The issue is how you protect your purity. (263-62, 1994.?.16)

4.6. Entering heaven as a family unit

Our families and the Kingdom of Heaven have similar characteristics. There are parents, husband and wife, children, and brothers and sisters in a family. The household can be united through love. In a family, unification can be established, life can be connected, and the ideal can be realized. Therefore, you can become qualified to enter the Kingdom of Heaven when you respect conjugal love and parental love. Grandparents hand down love to parents, who hand down love to husband and wife, who hand down love to children.
If you deny any one of these, the Kingdom of Heaven cannot be established. You should love your parents more than you love your spouse, and you should love your grandparents more than you love your parents. This is the essence of Heaven and the ideal motto. (Blessed Family - 946)
As God is the original substance of true love, when one is connected to true love, everyone becomes part of one body. Parents are gods living in God's stead on earth, husband and wife are mutual counterpart gods, and sons and daughters are little gods. A family structure comprising three generations centering on true love in this manner is the basis of the Kingdom of Heaven. Without achieving such a basis, the kingdom cannot be established. The family is the center of the universe. The perfection of the family is the basis for the perfection of the universe, so if there is love in a family and love for the universe, you can freely go anywhere. In this case, God stands in the combined central position of love as the Parent of the whole universe. (298-306, 1999.1.17)
The four-position foundation of the Unification Principle is the realm of love of three generations. When three generations live together in one household in harmony and happiness, the ideal of the creation of heaven and earth is established. Naturally, husband and wife should love each other and they should pray for their children with love and sincerely care for them in order to create a happy and harmonious family. When this is accomplished vertically through three generations and connected horizontally with relatives, perfect love is established. Even cousins and second cousins should become one in love to form the perfect shape of love. (Blessed Family - 947)
The family is the basic unit of the Kingdom of Heaven. Once you enter the Kingdom of Heaven, you would never want to leave, because "The One" with whom you want to meet ten times and even hundreds of times, dwells there. If all humankind had a common desire to enter there and wanted to meet and live with "The One," the world could be unified right away. The Unification Church is heading towards that destination. However, this cannot happen all at once. First, an individual foundation should be established, followed by the family foundation, which then extends to the people, nation, and world. (12-150, 1963.4.1)
Where does the life in the Kingdom of Heaven begin? It starts in a family. It does not start anywhere else. The Kingdom of Heaven is the spherically extended form of a family. It is not something wholly outside the domain of a family. Therefore, you have to think you are embracing your spouse so that the men and women of the world may become one. The family is the place where you can erect the foundation for loving the whole of humankind. (30-82, 1970.3.17)
What is the world of God's ideal of creation? It is a world where the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world is established through the authority of the True Parents. The Kingdom of Heaven can only be established on the foundation of love. In the fallen world, no one received the love of true parents; there is no trace of it. Since this has been the case on earth, the same situation also applies for people who have passed to the spirit world. Man's love, woman's love, son's love, daughter's love, parents' love, and God's love are all included in the original family-level foundation centering on God. Whoever loves their parents, spouse, and children in such a harmonized manner leads the life of the Kingdom of Heaven. (Blessed Family - 946)
What is the mission of the Unification Church? It is different from other religions of the past that have emphasized individual salvation. The Unification Church wants to build the original ideal world as it was before the Fall. When people perfect themselves in heart, marry with God's love at the center of their relationship, and give birth to children, they can enter the Kingdom of Heaven that is the original ideal world.
How can people claim it is the Kingdom of Heaven if the father goes to hell while the mother goes to heaven or if the parents go to heaven while the children go to hell? The Kingdom of Heaven is the place everyone goes to -- parents and children, tribes, peoples, and nations. (42-286, 1971.3.27)
God's ideal for the Kingdom of Heaven on earth can be established for the first time in the place where heaven is established on the family level. This should become a four-position foundation. In the Unification Principle, the perfection of the ideal of creation is the perfection of the four-position foundation. Why is this so? It is because the four-position foundation is established when the world of vertical relationships and the world of horizontal relationships are created through three stages, centering on God and Adam and Eve.
The horizontal world can unfold only through Adam and Eve's sons and daughters. When this happens, the vertical world forms naturally. Considering the body, the children are the horizontal extension or multiplication of the body and the spirit world is the horizontal extension of the mind. God is able to come down there for the first time. Thus, the Kingdom of Heaven is manifested on the earth. (96-29, 1978.1.1)
The Unification Church view of salvation is not just that the husband goes to heaven while the wife goes to hell. Both have to be together. You cannot let your father and mother go to hell. You should bring them, as well as your sons and daughters, to the Kingdom of Heaven.
The Unification Church is on a different level of teaching from any other religion since it shows the way to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven with the family and with the tribe whom we love. This is why the Unification Church emphasizes the family while other religions emphasize the single way of life. The family-centered way is the way to go. This kind of family lives for the sake of God and the world. This is the way for Unification Church members to follow. (34-359, 1970.9.20)
The Unification Church teaches that salvation absolutely cannot come to you as an individual alone. Individually, you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. You cannot enter by yourself alone. This is the principle. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve would have been able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven together. Could the husband, Adam, or the wife, Eve, have entered the Kingdom of Heaven alone? You cannot enter the kingdom without the unity of husband and wife and family. This is the ideal. What kind of heaven is it if the father goes to hell and the mother goes to heaven? You should enter the Kingdom of Heaven as a couple, a family, and furthermore, with the relatives and tribe, and ultimately the whole nation. (50-63, 1971.10.31)
You should attend your grandfather like God, and your father and mother like the parents who can unify the world. Your grandfather is the special envoy of the heavenly world, and your father is the ambassador plenipotentiary to this world. You should think of yourself as growing to become the ambassador plenipotentiary, the son and daughter, and inheritor of two kingdoms: the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and the Kingdom of Heaven in the spirit world. Then, you will surely go directly to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Such people would have gone to the kingdom. Some Christians today, however, teach that the way to Heaven is through faith alone, but they need to exercise the greatest caution in promoting this narrow assertion. They should try going to the spirit world to see what happens. They will be stunned. They would say, "I never knew that it would be like this. How can this be?"
What do I mean? There are heavenly principles and there are consequences of deviating from them. There may be tens of thousands of people who believe a certain way, but if they are wrong, every one of them will enter a dung-filled pit. You therefore must seek a principled standard of life. (249-261, 1991.11.1)
Your grandfather is the special envoy of heaven. If Adam's family had not fallen, the grandfather would have been attended like God. Your grandfather is the last remaining master amongst your ancestors who have all passed away to the spirit world throughout history. Consequently, he is God's representative, and your father is the king of the families of this world. Your parents are the king and queen of the families of all the six billion of humankind today. (246-191, 1993.4.16)
The grandfather symbolizes the spirit world, the heavenly world. Therefore, you should attend him like God. He is the ambassador plenipotentiary of heaven. Since the father and mother symbolize the present, they are the king and queen representing all the families of humanity in this world. The parents are the king and queen that represent humanity. The sons and daughters represent the future. They are the future princes and princesses who will inherit the kingships of two worlds: the spirit world and the earthly world. (246-256, 1993.4.18)
The grandfather symbolizes the past. The subject partner of the past ages is heaven, the spirit world. The grandfather can be called the representative who connects the spirit world with the earth. He is God's ambassador who connects God and all the good things in heaven to his family on earth. Who is the ambassador for the Kingdom of God? It is the grandfather. (249-301, 1993.10.11)
The family is the model for forming a nation. The family represents the first stage. The nation starts from the family foundation. You should know this. Within the family, you find three stages: the grandfather and grandmother, the father and mother, and the children. These three stages of the family can be expanded in the process of forming the nation and world. Through the family, not only can you connect to this world but also to the spirit world. When you observe the world, you find a grandparent level, parent level, and child level. If you can expand all the things that are being practiced in the family to the world, you can easily fit in wherever you go. (225-166, 1992.1.12)
When you look at a family, you find a grandfather and grandmother, a father and mother, and sons and daughters. This makes three generations. All throughout history, this is the way it has always been. The grandparents represent your ancestors in heaven who have passed away to the spirit world. They are the ambassadors plenipotentiary sent to your household. So, like whom should you attend your grandfather and grandmother? You should attend them like God. By attending them in this way heaven will begin. (226-56, 1992.1.1)
Why do you need to have sons and daughters? There is a principle that states you have to enter the spirit world with your family. Originally, your descendants were to be born from the combination of the love that came vertically from God and horizontally from the parents, that is, the coming together of the vertical and horizontal lineages of God and the parents. Therefore, those who do not have descendants cannot harmonize heaven and earth when they go to the spirit world, nor can they keep in rhythm with the north, south, east, and west. Without having descendants, you cannot have a place in the other world for enjoyment and rest. (297-269, 1998.12.19)
You should give birth to sons and daughters and be able to train them in the traditional way of the family. You should become the head of your tribe and eventually pass into the spirit world. When you enter the spirit world, the perfection of children, siblings, couples, and parents should be complete. (226-156, 1992.2.4)
You should first endeavor to become a filial son or daughter centering on the parents in the family, and then you can go on to become a patriot in relation to the nation. Following on from this, you should become a saint in relation to the world. A saint is a person who loves the world.
A divine son is God's son. Therefore, he loves God, the palace laws of the heavenly kingdom, and the people who live in the palace. Since such people live centering on God's love, they respect the life of love and the lineage of love. The ideal land that human beings seek for should be a place where they respect these things and are able to live anywhere on this earth as if it were their hometown. When people who live like this enter the spirit world, they will go directly before God without any reservations. (209-16, 1990.1.24)

4.7. Heaven is a life of living for the sake of others

The Kingdom of Heaven is where those who have made sacrifices for others become the masters. The family should sacrifice for the sake of the tribe, the tribe for the people. The people for the nation, the nation for the world, the world for the cosmos, and the cosmos for God. The ultimate purpose is in reaching God and occupying Him. The highest ideal for all living beings is to occupy God's love. This is their highest goal. Human beings are given this privilege. (249-49, 1993.10.7)
In the spirit world, people who valued those around them and who served and sacrificed for the whole can go to a higher level. This is the common character of the people of heaven. What kind of people go to the higher realms of the spirit world? They are those who invest everything, invest like God, and invest and forget about what they have invested. Those who brought many people to God's side for the sake of the salvation of humanity can enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Your position and situation in the spirit world is determined by the number of citizens you raised up for the Kingdom of Heaven. (249-40, 1993.10.8)
When you go to the spirit world, you will clearly know how miserable those men and women are who failed to live for the sake of others, who failed to live with love. In heaven, there are only people who live for the sake others. If you can live like that here on earth, you will swiftly rise to God as you are. Since I have known this, I have not wanted to show myself until this time. I let all my disciples go in front of me and let them stand in a glorious position. (202-249, 1990.5.24)
If you search for that which is true, you have to make your body live absolutely for the sake of your mind. When these become one, you can stand in a spiritually upright position directly connected to heaven and earth centering on God and you would know everything about the whole situation wherever you go, to the north, south, east, west, high, or low. You would automatically connect to the spirit world. You would know without having to learn. How did I come to know everything about the secrets of heaven and earth? I found out everything after achieving that kind of state.
After having reached the state where the mind and body resonated centering on true love, everything became clear. I could experience God fully. I could see the world of heaven. I could see history. I could see everything. Why? God's principles for His original ideal of creation provide the requisite environment that enables us to relate and bond through true love and lead an ideal life. Therefore, on entering that state, I had access to everything. I could call upon my ancestors in the spirit world and they would immediately appear; and I was able to ask them anything. (199-172, 1990.2.21)
What kind of being is the God who created this universe and its laws? He is the one who stands in the representative position of having lived for the sake of others more than anyone else has. This is God. Therefore, in order to meet Him, you have to live for the sake of others. Even though He is the great king of knowledge, He does not ask you to come to Him with knowledge. God is also the great king of power, yet He does not ask you to come with power. He is also the master and great king of authority, money, and material, but His desire is not for people to gather these things. If you live for the sake of others, everything can come to you. (133-16, 1984.7.11)
The original homeland only welcomes those people who lived for God, were born for others, and lived and died for others. This is the fundamental nature of the original homeland. Therefore, God raised many religions throughout the course of history to train people to seek for the original homeland.
Religions teach people to be humble and meek and to sacrifice because those are the principles of the spirit world to which they are destined to go. Religions have had to train people during their earthly life to qualify for the other world. Therefore, the more advanced religions emphasize a higher level of sacrifice and service in order to raise people in line with the heavenly world through their daily lives. (75-320, 1975.1.16)
Those who follow money cannot go on the path of eternal life. Those who follow knowledge cannot go on the path of eternal life. Where can you find eternal life in knowledge or learning? The more knowledge one has, or the more one knows, the more arrogant one becomes and arrogance borders the satanic world. The master of arrogance, the gang leader of arrogance, is Satan. I am sorry, professors, but this is the truth, as I know it. You will find out once you die. Once you go to the spirit world, you will find out if what I said was right or wrong. Once there, you can protest to me. As a teacher, I am right since I taught you the right thing. I am a teacher here. I am a teacher there. Moreover, I am not a bad teacher. (200-127, 1990.2.24)
In the spirit world, stubbornness is the greatest enemy. Those who served as congressional representatives will truly have a hard time in the spirit world. You should know this clearly. Professors should be re-educated. This is why I take off their shell and have them sweat as laborers again. They should sweat and dig the ground. That is what they should do. In this regard, I wove those professors together and warmly welcome them to this day. If I continue to treat them so well, they will accuse me in the spirit world. They will say, "Why did you do that, knowing all those things? Why didn't you teach us the right way?" This is the truth. Try going to the spirit world to see if my words are true. (201-257, 1990.4.28)
People who lived for the sake of others go to the heavenly world. People who ask others to live for their sake cannot go there. For this reason, those who became scholars, presidents, and kings in this world go to hell. They did not live for others. If you observe the heart of church ministers, you see that they only think of gaining something for themselves, not about giving to others. No matter how much the parents give to their child, they try to prepare something more to give. Such efforts, which are based on a heart of giving, will prosper. (276-30, 1996.3.10)
When the spirit world and human beings forge a connection, we realize that nothing can be hidden. When you observe water, you see that it always flows from top to bottom. Any empty space will be filled up with air. In the same way, the spirit world is an entity in motion. There is no emptiness wherever the spirit world goes. It fills everywhere. In order to receive water your container should be empty. If there is something in the bowl, then you can only receive enough to till whatever space is left empty. In the same way, air enters empty spaces, but if those spaces are clogged up, air cannot fill them. (280-11, 1996.10.13)
If you slip away to the spirit world, people from thousands and tens of thousands of years ago will try to gather around you. When you move, they will band together and come flocking to you. All of you want to live near me, do you not? When you are nearby, you all think, "I want to live looking at Father like this." Who makes it this way? It is not you, yourself. Heavenly fortune and the laws of the universe try to make everyone gather around such a person and unite with him. That is the law. No matter how you try to stay away, you cannot. (255-170, 1994.3.10)
Become a person who lives for others. This is the root of the creation and of the formation of the cosmos. Even God exists to live for the sake of others. In this way, the world of peace will unfold before your eyes. There is nothing in the cosmos that goes against this principle. The cosmos and even God will welcome a person who stands in the essential and core position of the subject and root-of-creation. I am such a person. You do not feel you have to live for others because you do not know these things. The spirit world is moving focused on me. Are you aware of that world? No! This is why you go about carelessly. (235-176, 1994.3.10)
Those who live for others centering on true love will be welcomed, day and night, wherever they go in the cosmos. All of you will end up on display in the gallery of the spirit world. The spirit world holds exhibitions of human beings. The way in which a person lived his life on earth will be immediately displayed in the spirit world. Would you like to be at the tail end of the line or would you like to be a person praised by everyone? Which will it be? Do you want to be someone who is praised most highly? In order to become such a person, you should live the way I tell you. In order to be praised as the most high, you should live by the highest standard. That person will surely become the central person. (255-479, 1994.3.10)
Young people do not know this principle. If you have twenty friends, then who remains as the center of all your friends? If you insist, "All of you should live for my sake!" they will all run away from you. If a person lives for the sake of those friends for ten years, twenty years, until his life ends, even in death; then, if there is a spirit world, everyone will gather around that person. This is an indisputable truth. The person who lives more for others and sacrifices more than others will become the central person. (237-44, 1994.3.13)
Those who live for others will not perish. Furthermore, those who live for others will be constantly coached by the spirit world. They will be constantly encouraged to establish relations with new things. Through establishing these relations, they naturally become famous and known worldwide. (292-26, 1991.3 3.27)
Parents first think about their sons and daughters when going through hardships. Men, what is the deepest concern of people's hearts? You have to know how to find people of misfortune and strive to raise them up to your standard. When you do this, the entire world may oppose you and treat you with contempt, but God and heaven will admire and protect you.
The spirits centering on God in the spirit world will go around protecting you like a cloud. Such a person will not perish. When this happens the clouds will sweep away the entire circumstance and sort it out. Thus, you can create results in equal measure to how hard you work and how much you have invested. Although you are persecuted and suffer hardship, heavenly fortune comes behind you and lays this foundation. Saints were persecuted in their times, but in the following generations they left behind their names. Such phenomena occur because the spirit world, heaven, and heavenly fortune make it this way. (207.99, 1990.11.1)
Those who wish to enter the Kingdom of Heaven should live miserably, die miserably, and depart miserably. Are these good words or bad words? They are good words. Then, the words, "Go out and die leading people to the church!" are also good words. You should die for the sake of others. If you die, not for your own sake, but for the sake of others, for the world, and for heaven and earth, you will be raised up as the master of the great universe. (49-303, 1971.10.17)
What remains forever is the suffering of a public life. If, when you go to the spirit world after undergoing the suffering of a public life and find yourself in ruin, you can protest to me. Those who are persecuted during their work for the sake of the people, the world, and heaven are wise people. (19-30, 1967.12.10)
You who begin the religious path should go the way of death until you die. You will go through hardships after you die too, but you have to go this way in order to pay indemnity during your lifetime. By completing the indemnity payment in your lifetime, you reduce the billions of years of suffering that would come after you die. Accordingly, the religious path is to indemnify on earth the suffering course that would otherwise have to be paid eternally. (31-320, 1970.6.7)
The Unification Church does not teach that one should live a rich and comfortable life on earth. Even though you may live a miserable arid poor life, and die on the street so that even the dogs do not touch your corpse, the day will come when flowers will blossom at the place of your death. All holy people will gather at that place to create a capital city.
My belief is to have the members of the Unification Church go through tremendous hardships for the nation and world in order to make them filial children and loyal subjects of the kingdom. I shall chastise those who are not willing to go. Even though I might kick you with my foot, that is my love to enable you to overcome your current miserable situation and present difficulties. (49-303, 1971.10.17) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Six - Our Life And The Spiritual Realm
Chapter Two - What Kind of Place Is the Spirit World?
Section 1. The Reality of the Spirit World and Its Laws

1.1. The spirit world is an infinite world that transcends time and space

Do you know how infinite and unchanging the spirit world is? We are now aware of the vastness of the universe. The universe is over 22 billion light years across. How big is that? Light travels 300 million meters in a second. In one second, light can go around the Earth seven and a half times. The distance light covers at that speed in one year is called a light year. Light takes 22 billion years to cross the universe, not 200 days. So how vast is the universe? The entire universe is the stage for our activities. (206-33, 1990.10.3)
God exists transcendent of time and the world of space that we know of today. In the spirit world, there are no such things as one year, two years, or even a day. Isn't that convenient? Once you enter the spirit world, you do not need to sleep. You can live without sleeping. You can live without eating. You can eat and sustain yourself completely by your thoughts. If you see something and remember that it is good, you will not forget it in thousands of years. Isn’t that wonderful? (176-294, 1988.5.13)
Heaven does not have three hundred sixty-five days in a year like the Earth in the solar system, nor does it have twenty-four hours in a day. The concept of one year or two years that we speak about is for this earth. A year on Earth is measured using the position of the planets in the solar system, and a day is calculated by the rotation of the earth on its axis. The spirit world has no reason to rotate on its axis for a day, like the Earth, or to travel along its orbit around the sun for a year. Morning can be eternal in the spirit world. There is no concept of a day or a year in the spirit world. (175-196, 1988.4.17)
In the spirit world, you can travel billions of miles in a second because it is transcendent of time and space. You can look back a thousand, or even tens of thousands of years, and see things from the past. What would you be looking for when you looked into the past? If you looked at nothing else, what is it you would want? If you are a man, you would want to meet a woman. After meeting her, you would wonder how great the original love inside that person's heart is, or how much love that person has. Love becomes the standard of measurement. (209-17, 1990.11.24)
What is the center of the spirit world? The structure of the spirit world centers on the absolute God. And, if there is such an absolute God, He would have been the originator of the universe at the outset. He has created everything. Since all of creation belongs to God, everything feels as He feels and exists in relationship to Him. For example, we have trillions of cells in our body and whenever each cell feels something in a certain area, this feeling is directly communicated to the brain. It is the same for all existing beings that are interconnected around the original Creator. Moreover, those who are human beings by birth, who live in pursuit of goodness and the values of a higher dimension, originate from God, the original cause. Therefore, human life is about living in the resultant world, where we can connect to our origin by going through a particular course. (140-123, 1986.2.9)
What kind of being is God? God is like the mind of the existing universe. Can you see your mind? The spirit world is like the world of the mind. It is a place that transcends time and space. In the spirit world, you can freely eat whatever you want. There is no need to worry about food. There is no need to worry about water. There is no need to worry about clothes. You transcend all worries for food, clothing and shelter.
In the spirit world, you can go back and forth, covering billions of miles, in just an instant. With what power can you do this? You can do so with the power of love. If you wish to see someone you love, that person will instantly appear before you. (210-225, 1990.12.23)
Since birds can fly, it is understandable that human beings, who are the lords of creation, also wish to fly. People were supposed to fly. The spirit world is a place where people can go anywhere in an instant without the aid of an airplane, even though the world is hundreds of light years in length. Don't you want to visit this place? (199-128, 1990.2.16)
If you were to ask God, "Why is it that insects and even pigeons can fly, but we, human beings, cannot?" what do you think His answer would be? When God comes down to visit you from His high place in the spirit world, do you think He will come down on foot or fly down in an instant? The spirit world is an infinite world. These days, we have man-made satellites traveling as far as Venus. These are times when satellites track moving objects for fourteen years and take pictures, which they transmit back to us. In the spirit world, however, none of this would take fourteen years. It would only take an instant. The spirit self moves faster than lightning. Consequently, if you wish to follow God, who moves about like a spirit person, and become an object partner to the Subject of love and live with Him, should you walk or fly? You can only take so many steps with your physical body. (298-289, 1999.1.16)
When you look at the vast universe, don't you think there would be diamond stars in the spirit world? Don't you think there would be stars made of gold? All of those stars belong to you. You can experience that joy. You look at God's astonishing creation and... This is the ideal world where all the loving communities -- God's loving family -- are harmonized as a whole and experience a life of travel and exploration. Would you like to be in their company and be a part of this family? (126-145, 1983.4.12)
How convinced are you that the spirit world exists? The spirit world is a more certain world than this one. What kind of world is the spirit world? It is a world where everything is possible, based on conceptions approved by God. (107-56, 1980.1.20)
So many people are in the spirit world. It is such a remarkable, ideal world, where, in one moment, you can serve feasts for everyone from every different nation and the billions of people in the spirit world, and still have something left over. I am moving toward that kind of world. I am not going forward with this world in my sights. I am preparing myself here, to go to the other eternal world. (107-56, 1980.1.20)
Once in the spirit world, each couple will look like one huge person. What are people like in the spirit world? Each of you will become like cells in the universal body. The entire spirit world will completely look like men and women. That's how it will appear. It will all be combined. If you walk in a certain way, the spirit world will walk that way. Those who are in that realm are like God's cells. They are one body. (207-97, 1990.11.1)
There is no need for explanations and excuses in the spirit world. You will know everything with just a glance. In an instant, you can discern if a person is below you, next to you, or in a higher place than you. Even when you meet old people who lived millions of years ago, you can immediately see their rank in the hierarchy of love. This rank is absolute. Those with a high rank adjust naturally to it and stand in their rightful position. This does not happen at random. The spirit world is different from this world. Those who succeed in earthly life by slandering and plotting against others will be turned upside down in the spirit world. They will be in the opposite position. For this reason, I am telling you to seek and find the path of righteousness. (194.133, 1989.10.17)
What would people in the spirit world desire? The spirit world is a place where you can be supplied with all your needs, according to your standard. If you want something, it comes to you immediately. It is a world where nothing is impossible for a person with a heart of willingness and initiative. If you want to give a party for one million people, it can be done very quickly because one million people will appear at once, and all the preparations will be finished the moment you think about it. That's the kind of world it is. What makes this possible? Atomic energy produces heat when atoms divide; thus in the same way, when you start the creative division process of love, anything will be possible in an instant. Don't you think it will be like that? (141-278, 1956.3.2)
In the spirit world, when you are determined to go somewhere, you are already going there. It is like that. Imagine if the vast universe became the stage of your activities. Love must take precedence. If so, you have only to say, I want to see him. I want to see him!" If you desire to see someone as you would your spouse or someone you love, you will be able to go to that person in an instant. If you meet an artist in the spirit world, your artistic abilities would be instantly cultivated to a level that rivals that artist. Everything is possible in the spirit world. So when you go there, you can sing and dance in any place you like. Everyone would rejoice and your mind and body will harmonize and dance and sing. It is a beautiful sight.
If God drew a picture, would He not win the top prize? Right? Does God take a picture, someone else's masterpiece, hang it on a wall, and look at it? Or does He look at His citation that behaves like a masterpiece? Which do you think God prefers? Masterpieces are not necessary, right? Since the spirit world is in such a supreme position where you are intoxicated with the heart of love, you do not age there. My mother is old now, but in the spirit world, she appears the way she looked, for me, at her best. (201-101, 1990.3.11)
It would be boring if we only had bright, sunny days every day. There should be fog and the moon should be ringed by clouds and sometimes hidden from view. How artistic it is when we can see so many variations in the weather! Think about it. It is a world of art. It is an artistic world. You can become such a person who could make a fine day in the spirit world become cloudy, or make fog roll in if you wish; you can become a person who has the distinct quality and capacity to create a sphere of many different kinds of emotion with love. So everyone in the spirit world will be interested in you. They will all say, "It is fun to be with that person." (201-101, 1990.3.11)
The spirit world transcends time and distance. There is no concept of time. If you think about seeing something, it instantly appears. You can relate to the vast Kingdom of Heaven in an instant. Even the phones on earth do not have a problem with distance, right? In the same way, you can communicate with any place like that in the spirit world. That world exists as the world of cause, hidden behind the scenes like a powerhouse. (283-126, 1997.4.8)
Will there he night in the spirit world or not? Once you get to the spirit world, you can communicate with the earth freely and directly connect with this material world. In spirit, you can go through water and go directly through the Earth to another continent or region. There are countless stars in the universe, but all the roads are opened to you when you go as the partner of God's true love. The speed of love is by far the fastest. The speed of light can cover 300 million meters or go around the Earth seven and a half times in one second. But love is thousands of times faster than this. If true love decides to go across millions and billions of miles, it immediately covers that distance. The vast spirit world can be activated in an instant. (294-310, 1998.8.9)
What kind of work do you think you will do when you go to the spirit world? What is there to do in that world? Will you earn money there? Will you need clothes and a house? Everything you want will be instantly provided. No matter how much noise or threats you make in the spirit world to order something for yourself, it will not appear. You should know this. On the other hand, everything will instantly appear if you say that you need it because you love God, you love the world, and you are attending the King from the position of the prince of the Kingdom of Heaven. In an instant, you will be able to have all those things that you couldn't have before in the earthly world. You should know that anything imaginable is possible in the spirit world. (129-101, 1983.10.1)
Love is likened to heat. You talk about it as if it were heat, don't you? You say, "My heart is on fire," don't you? In the spirit world, since God is the essence of love, He appears as light and heat. When you look with your spiritual eyes, you are supposed to know how strong the light of love shines, what color it is, how brilliant it is, and whether it shines in rainbow colors. The family should be combined to become a shining star. All the stars become like moons. There are even stars that have other stars like our sun orbiting around them. (303-42, 1999.7.4)
When God began creation, do you think He started by first creating the color He liked the most or the color He disliked the most? If that's the question, then what color is the flower that blooms in early spring? It is a purple color. The color purple includes red and pink, and what other colors? It has all the colors in it. You like the color purple, don't you? Elegant things are in purple. In the spirit world, the most beautiful color is purple. (197-49, 1990.1.7)
In the spirit world, it might appear that there are no colors. It is so bright that it looks almost like silver. It looks like silver, but because it is so bright and radiant, it appears purple. When electricity passes through a filament, it lights up with white light. Similarly, in the spirit world, people will shine brilliantly. Skin color is not an issue there. Good people who lived with a true conscience go to a high place in the spirit world. There are no handicapped people there, either. Those who are handicapped or have deformities will have no disability once they discard their flesh. (293-223, 1998.5.26)
How old do you look when you live in the spirit world? You live with the appearance you had at the age when you were the most beautiful. That is how you would look in the Kingdom of Heaven. You stay like that for eternity. The more beautiful the way of thinking you have, the more beautiful your face and appearance becomes. If you know the spirit world, all those things are related in that way. (294-309, 1998.8.9)
Once you enter the spirit world, you forget about the earth. What are you going to do on this stifling earth which is only the size of your palm? The great universe is before you. Would you even remember about something the size of a grain of sand? Still, the earth is the only place with a factory for producing the citizens of the spirit world. There is only one of its kind in the universe. What? Do you think that there are people living on Venus? This is the only place in the universe where there are people. (198-367, 1990.2.11)

1.2. Love reigns supreme in the spirit world

The spirit world is a place filled with the concept of true love. The Kingdom of Heaven is where you go after fully experiencing true love on earth equally with all your five senses. When you reach that state, you can do everything in the spirit world. The ideal environment for life begins from there. You do not know how wondrous this is. (246-44, 1993.3.23)
What kind of place is the spirit world? It is a world of harmony where everything is filled and overflowing with love. Can you believe that we can send electricity to several million families in New York City in an instant, with just one push of a button? So does it sound like a lie or the truth when I say that this universe can operate with just one push of a love button? The Kingdom of Heaven on earth is the place where the lights are all love bulbs. Then what is the Kingdom of Heaven in spirit world? It is a place that is completely lit up by love bulbs.
Therefore, as long as you keep a loving heart and pull the rope of love, you can drag everything around. When you pull it towards the back, it will go towards the back. When you pull it to the side, it moves sideways. When you pull it this way, it tries to go like this. If you pull it up that way, it tries to go upwards. You can control it the way you want. It does not resist moving, but does so naturally. It automatically becomes like that. Do you understand? (112.17, 1981.3.15)
There is nothing to envy in the spirit world. Will you compare your incarnation of love to a diamond, or to gold nugget, or to a pearl? Precious stones are not really the issue. You give out a brighter luster than any of these; an incarnation of love is more beautiful. Are there diamonds of love among diamonds? Are there diamonds of life? We are beings of such value that we can even move the hearts of diamonds and influence all things. We are a precious diamond of love. We are a precious diamond of life. That is what we are. So how wonderful we are! (201-101, 1990.3.11)
The spirit world is a place filled with the electricity of love. That is the spirit world I know. People these days try to establish relationships of love with everything. Why do they try to establish relationships of love? It is to keep pace with the spirit world. This conforms precisely to theory. Since that is the way things are, we, as existing beings, have no choice but to respond to it. You should know that we cannot avoid being in that position. (111-17, 1981.3.15)
There are innumerable and fantastic mines in the spirit world, which go beyond the imagination. There is an endless supply of gold, silver, and precious stones. With the beautiful flowers there, if someone they love approaches, they will wake from sleep, suddenly opening their eyes and mouths wide to welcome that person. But if that person just goes away, even though the flowers ask him or her to stay for a moment, they will say, "Oh!" and wither away. (213-277, 1991.1.21)
When God laughs, the whole world laughs together with Him. That's how it is in the spirit world. When you go to the spirit world, you will discover a world of intuition; you will intuitively know whether God is pleased or not that day, and whether He feels happy or not. If something happens in the physical world that pleases God, then the whole spirit world begins to float, inflated with joy. (193-264, 1989.10.4)
What are you going to do in the heavenly spirit world? You will sing songs of love and speak words of love. In the spirit world, if you are spoken to in a melodious operatic way, you should respond to that person in the same operatic way. If you are spoken to through the medium of dance, you should dance back in response. You will rejoice eternally and never get tired of dancing. When dancing begins in one part of heaven, the entire Kingdom of Heaven will begin to dance. When singing begins in one part of heaven, everyone will begin to sing. Brothers, you will dance with your beloved wives. If you should dance with another man's wife, you would say to her, "I am dancing with you in order to love my beloved wife a hundred times more than you." You would think like that.
If you should ever dance holding hands with another man's wife, you would do so for the purpose of making love with your own wife in a way that is a thousand or ten thousand times more stimulating than that. (107-331, 1980.6.8)
When God looks at you in the spirit world, if you reach the place where your heart resonates with the bell of love, the light of your love gradually intensifies. This light shines radiantly in five colors. In God's eyes, it looks brighter than a diamond. God doesn't simply like this light; He is drawn to it, especially because there is a pleasing taste within the light. The more He looks at it, the more He becomes intoxicated.
For this reason, God talks about love. If your heart is ringing with the bell of love, then heaven and earth will be moved. If you can move the hearts of people from all races, God will exclaim, "Ah!" and be moved. You have to realize that there is such a bell. Therefore, however many tears you have shed for love and however many heartbreaks of love you have experienced -- these are your fortune. (103-29, 1979.12.11)
Once we go to the heavenly spirit world, we can meet with someone in an instant through the power of love, even if this person lives far away. If we want to visit someone far away in our hometown for the sake of love, we can return there in an instant.
Since the spirit world is an infinitely vast world, we can go back and forth over many millions of miles in an instant, through love. Love has the fastest possible speed. If you have no foundation of uniting your mind and body based on love, then you have nothing to do with the heavenly spirit world. That is why you have to know clearly that the starting point of unification originates within yourself, not in any objective being. (216-192, 1991.3.31)
No matter how exalted God is, if you should call for Him with a heart of love saying, "God!" He will immediately answer inside your heart saying, "Yes?" If you should ask, "God, where are You?" He will answer, "Where? Why do you ask where I am? I'm at the source of your heart." Isn't God originally the source? He is at the root and source of our hearts. That is how it is. (194-42, 1989.10.15)
What is essential in the spirit world is to love God -- more than the world, your country, your wife, and even your own son. That is the principle. Your mother, father, and children must all love God in this same manner. Your mother should say to her husband, "My dear, you can love me, but love God more than me." Only then can she receive her husband's God-like love in a higher dimension.
Even the children must beg on their hands and knees saying, "Please set us aside and first receive love from your other Parent. I want to love you as the parents who have received love from the original Parent." (126-142, 1983.4.12)
The spirit world is a world where a person standing as the object partner before God, the embodiment of the ideal of love, can create in an instant everything that he can imagine. It is a world where you can immediately prepare a banquet for billions of people.
If you wear dazzling clothes and determine to give pleasure to God as His object of love, you take on a quality of magnificence. The spirit world is a world where it is possible for things to exist or occur beyond anyone's imagination. For those who know of that world, there is nothing on this earth that they would feel attached to. That is why even when I am locked up in prison, I have no problem. Our short life on earth is like holding one's breath for an instant when compared to life in the eternal world. (211-244, 1990.12.30)
Focused upon God's heart and the heart of the Kingdom of Heaven, you can unite and harmonize with everything, wherever you may be. When that happens, those people who can pass through those gates and live within that realm will say, "Wow! Mansei! God is great!" They will want to follow God around and everyone will be happy. They can eat anything they want to eat, wear anything they want to wear, play if they want to play, and do anything they want. They can feel all the things they could not feel in the hundred years of their life on earth. They can feel deep joy and gratitude, which can be experienced in a moment and remain thereafter. (106-229, 1979.12.30)
What kind of world is the heavenly spirit world? It is a place where anything is possible if you attain the heart enabling you to stand at the same level as God's heart. In the future, when we have tens of millions of members, you can say, "Oh! You should all change your clothes to these new clothes," and they would all change their clothes to the new ones in an instant. Then if you say, "Let such and such banquet venue wear!" it will become so at once.
The tables will be adorned in gold and silver, with cloth woven in five dazzling colors. The chairs will also be like that, and all the people sitting there will dance intoxicated with joy, delight, and love. It is a place where you can be joyful even if you should dance for a thousand years. (106-229, 1979.12.30)
In the spirit world, just by saying with a strong heart of love that you want to meet with a person who is a hundred million miles away, he will appear at once. If you ask him, "Why did you come here?" he will answer, "I came here because you called me." If you ask him, "From how many miles away have you come?" he will reply that he came from a hundred million miles away. The spirit world transcends distance. It is to become the base for your activities, so why are people tying themselves tip in knots for things that do not exist there, like money, knowledge and power? Such things do not exist at all in that world. Nothing related to those things will endure.
People need money, knowledge, and power in this world, but these things are not needed in the spirit world. If these are your focus, nothing in the spirit world will welcome you. Even if the spirit world were to show interest in you and want to unite with you, you could not have anything there. Nothing that stands against the original essence can become one with you there. You will not be able to catch the interest of the spirit world. (205.128, 1990.7.29)
If you think, "I want to meet such and such a person," he will immediately appear before you. You can have a conversation with him, at which time you will ask, "Are you such and such a person?" and he will answer, "Yes, I lived in such and such a place hundreds and thousands of years ago. Did you want to see me? Is there something you want to ask me?" To which you will answer, "Yes, I do. I've taught things in this way. How different you and I are! Do you see?" It doesn't take time. You will immediately know things as soon as the conversation begins. How inconvenient it is to live in this earthly world! There will be no need for a car in the spirit world. The emotions of love can create everything. Everything can be created through ideas. Anything can be created, centering on the idea of true love. (217-131, 1991.5.12)
Those who lived millions, even eight or ten million years ago will come and greet you. The Bible says that human history is what -- six thousand years? That's quite unreasonable. How much has changed over the past thousand years? People who lived so long ago could sense heaven with their hearts much more than those who live today. However, looking from the viewpoint of our standard of living, it is the opposite.
The development of living standards and the realm of the spirit occur together, isn't that so? If you become profoundly learned, you understand more according to the measure of your knowledge and become sensitive in your evaluation of everything. Consequently, the foundation to absorb inspiration is further expanding. Therefore, from now on, the spirit world will naturally teach those with such knowledge and concern about the flow of developments in this world. Through the spiritual vibration and through intuition, they will understand what is going to happen. When you go towards the highest position, there is only one conclusion, isn't there? It is like that. (206-138, 1990.10.3)
If you wish to meet with someone who is millions or billions of miles away, that person will immediately appear. Even though the Kingdom of Heaven is vast, when you prepare your heart and say that you would like to meet with someone you love, he will appear before you. How wonderful that is! Isn't that great? When he appears in front of you, you will immediately know which level you are on; you will know if you are higher or lower than he. Even if he is your closest friend, if your level of love is higher than his from heaven's point of view, he will bow to you as soon as he comes to you. Even your own mother or your ancestors who lived on earth long ago will bow to you. Such a place is the spirit world. (206-1313, 1990.10.3)
You worry about food in this life, don't you? We need factories to manufacture automobiles, fertilizer, clothes, food, and so on, don't we? People busy themselves with preparing food at home, don't they? In the spirit world, many of these things do not exist. There is no need for cars and no need for airplanes. In the blink of an eye, you will be able to travel a hundred million miles. Spiritual energy travels faster than the rays of the sun. The sun's rays, which were created by God, travel 300 million meters in a second. Doesn't electricity travel as fast as the speed of light? God's original love energy and life energy travel many thousands of times faster than that. (206-138, 1990.10.3)
In the spirit world, when you visit someone who is on a level of love lower than yours, you can possess that person's house if you like it. When you quietly enter such a house, the owner of it becomes aware of this possibility as soon as he sees you. He will know as soon as he sees your forehead and face. If he recognizes you as someone higher than him in spiritual stature, he will happily welcome you into his living room and say, "Welcome to my house!" (207-95, 1990.11.1)
If you become God's son or daughter, the whole vast universe will become yours. When you go to the spirit world, would you want to follow me around? You cannot do that now. You cannot follow me to the place I go. The gate of your heart is narrow. True love enables you to freely go through a wide gate or a narrow gate. Only true love makes it possible. The place of true love represents the whole so you can enter and leave anywhere that you want. (207-95, 1990.11.1)
How much you love humankind and all the things God created is measured based on the standard of how much you love them in the way that God loves them. That being the case, you will be capable of coming to know anything at once, faster than a computer. Married women talk proudly about how much their husbands love them, don't they? Likewise, in the spirit world, centering on God's love, you can be proud of how much you have received God's love. Original true love is love of the highest level. From there, each level is determined. (216-171, 1991.3.10)
If a ladder to God's heart exists in the heavenly kingdom, how will you climb that ladder? By going back and forth on a helicopter? Or by an elevator that brings you straight up? Would you go by helicopter? You would go by an elevator. It is an all-year-round elevator. It is vertical. In order to connect with God's love, you have to be in a perpendicular position.
The Bible states, "Love God with all your heart and with all your mind." What this means is that the center of everything is love. When you concentrate all your functions and consciousness on loving God, you will go straight up in that elevator. You have to experience that wondrous world. (208-142, 1990.11.17)
In the spirit world, if you have an upright relationship with God, you will fit perfectly wherever you go, to the north, south, east, and west. Any society comprising many associations, and having so many different characteristics... How many people are here in this room?
If there are five hundred, then there are five hundred types of people. Everyone is different. Right? In the spirit world, people of similar nature come together in groups. This occurs more precisely than if it was arranged by a computer. You can tell your own disposition just by walking past others. Within a week, you will be able to see through everything, behind everyone and even into the inner reaches of a person's secret world. Words are not necessary. You can sense what a person's heart is trying to tell you. It is an all-knowing world, like a grandfather computer. (211-244, 1990.12.30)
Do you understand that God created everything for love? If you ask God what He loves most, what do you think His answer will be? God does not have His favorites. He has no need of money, knowledge, or power. What do we need? In love, money, knowledge, and power are included. The power of love is an everlasting power.
A person who understands genuine love will have nothing more to learn in heaven. Such people can go in and out of God's heart at any time. They can freely move east, west, south, and north through God's heart, which is like a central railway station. When you go in and out of there, tremendous power is generated, because all energy from the north, south, cast, and west becomes concentrated there. Even a humble person will be elevated to the same position as God when he comes through the center of love. Love has such great power. (202-86, 1990.5.6)
I understand why today's world is so excited about space and electricity. It's because they are similar to internal lubrication oil for establishing the ideal world of love. You are supposed to say, "Amen." Thus, we can say that the spirit world is a world filled with the electricity of love.
Harmony is created in that world where nothing is impossible when we tap into the electricity of love. There is nothing that we cannot do through the electricity of love. So we can see that the spirit world presents possibilities for us to resolve some basic problems concerning our understanding and awareness. Then what is the spirit world? It is an eternal realm that desires eternal elements.
Thus, a spirit self that has experienced love here on earth would surely go to just that kind of world automatically, as if pulled by a magnet. The level of the spirit world you go to depends on how much you have experienced and felt those things. (12-17, 1981.3.15)

1.3. Love is like air in the spirit world

Of what does the spirit world consist? The air in that world is love. Love is the air. Your mind and body should feel the touch of love on this earth and experience it as something that brings harmony. Then once you enter the realm of this experience, you can go anywhere. You will be connected with God in the way the sap of a tree connects its bud and root. You will naturally sense when God is rejoicing. You will know that God's banquet is going to be held in the East. You can go there automatically. It is the land of freedom. (162-227, 1987.4.17)
The air you breathe in the spirit world is made of love. Everything comes from love, lives for love, and harmonizes with the principle of love for the sake of love. Only when you fulfill that love can you embody the hope that God has longed for throughout human history and be welcomed wherever you go in the Kingdom of Heaven. (143-72, 1986 3.15)
The spirit world is covered with the constituents of love. The earth is covered with air but the spirit world is wrapped in love. On earth, we breathe air in and breathe out carbon dioxide, but in the spirit world we should live by breathing love. We are not to give and receive secular human love in the spirit world. Instead, we are to give and receive true love in that world. (145-267, 1986.5.15)
I have to beat you to make you into pure gold. I have to make pure gold out of you. After that, you have to sacrifice yourself. You have to die until you disappear. Disappear, disappear, sacrifice, sacrifice, and become a zero. Why have we entered the space age and the age of electricity? It is because the spirit world is drawing close. Our teaching says that before the appearance of the truth, external or Cain-type things will appear first. This world is a Cain-type world. From this point of view, I am the founding teacher of studies of the electricity of God's love. (112-19, 1981.3.15)
Once you go to the spirit world, everything will be connected from hell to the midway spirit world, to paradise and to the Kingdom of Heaven, depending on how much you adapt and align yourself to the Principle. Shouldn't there be such a principle? Even if one is an American president, a Nobel Laureate or a world-famous scholar, can such a person go to the Kingdom of Heaven when they enter the spirit world? Can they be admitted? No. they cannot. That is why the world of religion teaches people to give everything up and follow. You have to give everything up and follow. Then what is the most precious thing? What counts is how much a person received pain for the sake of heaven, how much he received pain for this world, and how many tears he shed. That is the ticket to pass into the next world. Make no mistake about this. It is absolute. This fits the theory. (97-172, 1980.3.15)
Would you like to become a person who, even though breathless, suffocating and having to breathe oxygen from a mask, can pace themselves with the eternal world for the sake of being resurrected there? Or will you live free within God's sphere of love where you can move about in freedom? This is one's path of life because life on earth should be for this purpose and for the sake of the world. You should know that the inevitable path of life must be one that you follow for the sake of the future. (107-56, 1980.1 20)

1.4. The lives and relationships of people in spirit world

God is the Creator who made heaven and earth. He is the origin, the very parent of all beings in this world. He is the origin of the value of all existence. Because of Him, this phenomenal world of today came to exist. Such an absolute being does not change according to the changing of the ages. An absolute being does not change. He is not limited by time and space. He transcends all limitations and is the one who governs every limitation. Who is that being? We do not only call Him God. He is our "Father,* so we call Him "Heavenly Father." What do you call God? He is your Father who gave birth to you. The word "rebirth" exists because of the Fall, but it was God, your Father, who originally gave birth to you. Your physical father forms a bridge between you and God. But after your physical father goes to the spirit world, you will call him your brother, not your father. In the same way, you will call your physical mother your sister. (21-249, 1968.11.24)
When you go to the spirit world you will find that Adam and Eve call God "Father" and you, who descended from them thousands of generations later, will also call Him "Father." When you pray do you say, "God, my elder brother," or "Heavenly Father"? Then what about your natural father? What will he be to you in the spirit world? He will be your elder brother. What is an elder brother? It is someone born before you. Your elder brother is someone who came into being before you. So the internal elder brother is God and the external elder brother is your physical father. You should know that there can be no higher theory than this. (102-168, 1999.4.13)
What do all the people call God? Everyone calls God "Father" just as Christians do. In the same family, the grandfather calls God "Father," and the father also calls Him "Father." Grandchildren also call God "Father." Everyone in the family calls Him "Father." This is why God is the Father of all humankind. Thus, He is the Father of humanity and therefore all people are brothers and sisters. I sometimes wonder how interesting the spirit world will be when everyone thinks that way. (21-249, 1968.11.24)
Ideally, we would be able to meet our first generation ancestors on earth. But what about meeting the God who created our ancestors? We should also be able to see God. Do you know what this means? The family is the place where the invisible God expresses His love. All the ancestors throughout history who were born from love are governed by that love in the spirit world. It is the same love. (214-268, 1991.2.3)
If all families become one in true love and enter the spirit world, they will live forever, feasting on the spiritual elements of God's flesh and blood. When you go there, you will find no farming and no work. You can live forever just by smelling the food of true love. You can taste it just by looking at it. You share and eat the food of love. You live by sharing God's flesh and blood and love. (278-286, 1996.5.26)
Who is God? He is your friend! He is your best friend. He is your elder brother, Father, King and Creator. So when you enter the vast world of heaven in the spirit world, even if you ask God for something greater than anything there, He will make it for you. That will not be a problem. How proud you will be! That is the position representing God. Do you think God would dislike people who reach that position? No! He will welcome them saying, "My son, my number one son!" This is the greatest wish of a parent. (293-161, 1998.5.26)
The love between father and child is cherished in this world. If while on earth you live your life with that kind of love, you will be attending God as your parent and will live in heaven as God's son or daughter. That kind of life in the spirit world corresponds in every respect to the way of life of an unfallen family on earth, since the character and quality of the people are the same. (214-268, 1991.2.3)
A family that is not fallen can communicate with both the spiritual and physical worlds. If you call for your great-great-grandfather, you will be able to meet him. You will be able to find out who his grandfather is and in this way whom your ancestors are from the fourth generation back, the fifth, the hundredth, the thousandth, and beyond.
If you wonder what Adam and Eve look like, they will appear and say, "This is how we look." You will say, "My eyes resemble Adam and Eve's! My nose too! And my mouth!" The shape of your faces will be similar. Are there more than four things that make up the shape of your face? Eyes, nose, ears, and mouth. Four things. You will also say, "Oh, our limbs are the same! Their eyes blink too! They also speak! We look alike! We look so alike!" (214-268, 1991.2.3)
In the spirit world the wrinkled grandmothers and grandfathers you remember will look much prettier than you. They will look more beautiful. They can remain in that state if they have love. It is a unified and beautiful world. Can you behave in the same way as usual when you meet your grandfather and grandmother? How wonderful it would be for us to see beautiful grandfathers and grandmothers! A wonderful scene to behold in the spirit world is a granddaughter shouting with excitement as she approaches her grandparents. If you are like your grandfather, then who is his grandfather? Who is your ancestor's grandfather? The first grandfather is God. If you say, "Ah ha, God, I am so happy!" God will say, "Welcome!" and He will burst out in joy, "Ha, ha, ha!" and say, "Ah ha, that's right." (216-180, 1991.3.10)
When you go to the spirit world, you will not recognize your grandfather or father as they were on this earth. Your grandfather and father will be completely transformed and will appear young and handsome. They will not look old. So at first, you will not recognize your grandfather because he looks young. However, after talking to him for a while, you will say, "Yes, that's right. You are my grandfather!" and embrace him. That's the kind of world it is. (271-333, 1995.9.3)
When you go to the spirit world, your face will return to its most beautiful state: as it was when you were in your twenties in the springtime of your youth. The principle of creation pertains to the time when love blooms and spreads its fragrance. So when you enter the Kingdom of Heaven, the original homeland, your face will return to how it was at that time. You would not recognize the oldest person in the world after he goes to the spirit world, even if you met him there. His face would be that of a young adult in his twenties. If you knew someone when they were eighty years old, that old person won't he there. That is why you won't recognize him. World-famous and historic people are in the spirit world, but you will not recognize them. You only know them by the pictures taken at the time of their death, but since their appearance has returned to how it was at the age when they were most beautiful, you will not recognize them. (271-124, 1995.8.23)
Who are the closest siblings in the spirit world? The closest siblings are not natural siblings. In this world, is the relationship between a parent and child or that between siblings closer? Since the relationship between a parent and child is closer, you will be closest to your father, then to your grandfather, and then great-grandfather and so on.
When you trace the vertical line all the way up, who is the last grandparent? God. That is why you do not have to feel lonely if you have no friends in this world. You do not have to feel sad when you live by yourself and die. When you go to the spirit world, you will have numerous siblings above you and by your side. But you will not become their sibling automatically without doing something.
You can become their sibling only when you have attained the privilege of attending God as your Father. Do you feel bad to have your father as your elder brother, or your grandfather as your elder brother? Do you feel good or bad? In a sense, you feel bad, don't you? On earth, you used to call him your father, but in the spirit world, you will call him your brother. From your father's point of view, he would feel bad too. However, that is what you have to call him. (21-249, 1968.11.24)
What will happen to a dark-skinned person in the spirit world? Will a black man's skin be dark? What do you think? If a black person wishes to appear as a white person, he can choose to do so whenever he wants, and vice versa. In that case, what effect would that have in the spirit world? A light must he bright. What kind of light? The light of love. In order to magnify the light of love, you must be ablaze internally and externally.
You should he on fire from the impetus to love. You have to unleash this energy in large quantities to the east and west. Love is able to do such a thing. When we come to understand this, all events in this world just become passing visits. (194-56, 1989.10.15)
If you wish to become a beautiful person in heaven you must harmonize with the flower of love that blooms in all its glory. You must express the beauty and fragrance of that flower in your world of relationships, and live on earth in such a way as to bear new seeds from that flower. If you go to the spirit world after living like this, you will look like this in the eternal world. (256-170, 1994.3.13)
When you go to the spirit world, you will want to expand the love with your husband on earth and make it more stimulating. In the spirit world, a woman who is in love will have a man within her. (255-308, 1994.3.11)
What heights will conjugal love reach? Let me describe how it is when you enter the spirit world. Even if you are sitting down, if your husband goes for a walk, in your mind, you go with him. When he returns, your mind is already returning with him. You are walking with your husband in your mind. You know where he is coming from and you know where he is going. These days, men go to a bar and other places. Their women scold them and yet are always deceived because they don't know where they have been. But in the spirit world, you know everything. (238-70, 1992.11.19)
You have to go to the other world, the spirit world, and resemble God. You are returning to God. God's dual characteristics, His internal nature and external form, are completely one. After becoming completely united in the same way, a man and woman appear to be cocooned together, and they return to God on the basis of being one. (210-201, 1992.5.3)
In the spirit world, when a couple is truly one in spirit and body, at any time the man can become the woman, and the woman can become the man. They say that love is being one flesh, right? If you look inside a woman, there will be a man within her. Her husband will be within her. It is exactly the same with God's dual characteristics. Since men and women have been separated from God's internal nature and external form, when they return to the origin, they need to climb the ladder of love. Since the standard of creation began from love, they must return to that by going up this ladder. Ultimately, the final destination is to become like God. (205-97, 1990.7.7)
When you go to the spirit world and look at a man who lived happily with his wife on earth, you will find a woman inside him. If you ask him, "Who is that woman?" he will answer, "My wife." You will also see a man within a woman. In this way, when these two unite, the number of the four directions -- north, south, east, and west -- arises. Man and woman are two. When a man and woman as a plus and minus go in all four directions, they are attending God. God becomes a protective fence. If that happens, God becomes your God and you live together with Him. Did you know that when parents grow old and are over 100 years old, they become friends with their son who is eighty years old? They do not say, "Hey, son!" They say, "Hey, you!" They speak to him as a friend. They must return to God and the original relationships. (252-105, 1993.11.14)
When a couple that engages in true love goes to the spirit world, they encounter God's original standard where God exists with an original internal nature and original external form. The original absolute God also absolutely obeys true love. So when that couple also reaches the original standard, which is a single point, they become like God. They return to God. He is the Alpha and the Omega. What makes this possible is true love. Sons and daughters born on earth go to the spirit world as parents. Don’t they? It follows the same logic. So when you go to the spirit world, look at those men who lived harmoniously with their spouses on this earth. They look like men. But when you look closer, you will find the smiling face of a woman inside each one. She will be that man's beloved wife. That is the greatest ideal. Then you can become God's friend. Only then can you live with Him. You were born because of love. (226-141, 1992.2.2)
In the spirit world, God harmonizes with human beings through love and we become one with God through love. We become God-like. In the creation, we can see how God's dual characteristics are divided, but when man and woman become completely united in love, they will be like one person in the spirit world. If you were to just glance at a person, he would clearly look like a man, but on closer inspection, you will find a woman harmonized inside him. The eyes of love are completely united in what they see. Even ugly people look beautiful. Do beautiful people look ugly? They look beautiful. (205-141, 1990.10.2)
If you want to become a partner in true love, you must stand in the zero position. When that happens, God says, "Yes, yes!" and when He looks at the earthly world, He shines as the sun shines on the earth. The instant two people explode in love; even God in the spirit world will be surprised at what He sees. God will say, "Oh! Yes!" That phenomenon of love is the signal flare. On seeing that flare, God will visit the place where that couple are emptying themselves in a zero position, blazing with the fire of love that shines like the sun. He will want to go inside and spend the night in that place of first love. (202-34, 1990.5.1)
In the spirit world, a person who lives thousands and billions of miles away will come to you and not want to leave you because you have the same standard of heart. You would not say, "Oh, I wish he would leave soon!" There is no need for food in that world. Everything will be solved by your intuition. That is the intuition of love. It spreads out to all nations from the complete experience of this love. Once you attain the heart of God's representative, all the necessary people will gather and a platform will appear that can be filled at once with millions of people. (225-223, 1992.1.20)
God does not exist elsewhere. Where does He exist? God's omnipresence means that He doesn't just exist in any single place. He exists where there is love. You must know this. God is omnipresent through love. Each of us can also be omnipresent through love. It is our privilege. So the owner exists in the places where there is love. You will instantly know the owner, so there is no possibility for the reversal of owner and guest. That is how the spirit world is. Everything is controlled based on love. (149-23, 1986.11.1)
What is a man? He is only half by himself. What is a woman? She is also just half. Even God, the Supreme Being, cannot be without an object partner. So the top needs the bottom, and the bottom needs the top. What is the spirit world? It is just half of the cosmos. The physical world is also just a half by itself (161-320, 1987.3.1)
What will you do when you go to the spirit world? How will you live in the future when all the people from past history come together to live beyond the worldly domain? You will be living for each other. When you go to the spirit world, you continue with a life revolving around the ideal of love. Therefore you are investing in something that has greater value and that brings joy to you.
The spirit world is the extension of the physical world. If you pursued the deep, joyful and all-embracing aspects of the ideal of heavenly love while on earth, then when you go to the spirit world, you will connect with both the outer sphere of love with all its different qualities and its inner essence. So ultimately, you must be able to invest your love in all of its aspects -- deep, shallow, high, and low. You have to live such a life of re-creation in God's stead. (164-326, 1987.5.18)
Do you want to become a representative who can move the spirit world? Racists will never be effective. Humanists, materialists, and denominationalists will not be effective. Only Unificationists will be effective in this matter. Let us say you go to the spirit world. There is no worry about food or clothing there. You have no worries about living. What hobby would you have there? You must realize that there is nothing greater than enjoying gatherings and banquets with God. Having a feast with God is the greatest ideal. There you will find love and joy. The beginning of happiness will well up from that place. (162-110, 1987.3.30)
In the spirit world, people will come to you from hundreds and even millions of miles away in an instant. When you meet them, you will know where they have come from by looking at their forehead. You won't ask where a person is from, look at him, and then bow your head. That is not the custom in the spirit world. When you meet people who used to live hundreds of years ago, if the standard of your character of love is high, they will naturally first bow their heads to you. People are moved by love. How much you love humankind and all the things that God created out of love is measured according to the standard of how much you love them in the way that God loves them. You would know at once, faster than a computer. Married women proudly talk about how much their husbands love them, don't they? Likewise, in the spirit world, you can be proud of how much you receive God's love. Original true love is the love of the highest dimension. Every other level is determined compared to it. (216-171, 1991.3.10)
A flower will bloom even for an old person when he experiences the essential and original love. That is why when people go to the spirit world, everyone returns to the time of the blossoming of their youth. They return to the appearance they had when they were at their most beautiful -- during their young adulthood -- and remain like that for eternity. That is why love is great. If you don't believe this, you can die today and find out for yourself. Won't it be wonderful to become young again? (204-82, 1990.7.1)

1.5. Food, clothing and shelter are not constraints in the spirit world

What is life like in the next world? You don't need to worry about what to eat, where to live, or what to wear. Why not? Because depending on your spiritual state, everything you want is possible. You can eat in the spirit world too. When you touch yourself in the spirit world you can feel your flow and pulse of your blood. Although it is a spiritual body, it feels just the same. When you want to eat, food will be created at once. When you express the desire for something, it will appear immediately. Where dues it come from? The spirit world is a place where you can use the power of autonomy to mobilize the elemental resources. What does this initiating and active authority have that enables it to mobilize the whole? It is neither power, knowledge, nor money. It is love. (194-42, 1980.10.15)
This is an enormous universe God has created! There are no cars or restaurants in the spirit world. Yet in the spirit world, we can lovingly express our original abilities. We can create everything as if we were like God, the Creator, who creates all sorts of things based on the concept of true love. When out of love, you command something to appear, the thing will appear in its complete form. If you say, "That kind of tool appear!" it will appear at once. Isn't that wonderful? If you wishfully think, "I need to prepare this kind of meal for the ten thousand or even millions of people who have come to a banquet hall," it will appear without fail. If you wish for a golden formal dress, it will appear instantly. How beautiful and wonderful this is! It is wonderful indeed! (217-293, 1991.6.2)
Will there be a car factory in the next world? In the spirit world, cars can go millions of miles in an instant. I know very clearly about all these things in that world, which is why I do not want to live in the physical world. The vast spirit world is all built around love. Everything is complete if you possess the sphere of God's heart that is harmonized with that love. The history of creation will continue forever. You have to accomplish what you have planned by harmonizing yourself to that mind of love. Once you determine and command, it will unfold at once. (202-86, 1990.5.6)
When you are in the spirit world, do you think that you have to urinate or not? Why don't you go there and find out? I can tell you that you will have to urinate, even in the spirit world. However, those who disagree should go there and find out for themselves. Then what about bowel movements? Do you think we do that there or not? You do everything there, but it will immediately return to the elements. Scientists say that there are 107 basic elements in the universe, although the number is constantly increasing. Anyhow, urine and feces will return to their elements. That is why you do not have to wash in the spirit world. If you wave your hands with the heart of love, everything will go back to its original place. If you ask something with a heart of love, it will come out. With the heart of love, the mobilization of all kinds of things is possible. (212-30, 1992.2.10)
Is there a bread factory in the spirit world or not? Is there a factory that produces cola and juice or not? Why not? You don't know why, do you? Is there a factory that makes cars in the spirit world or not? Would you say, "I want to go around in a luxurious car," and then travel around in that car? On earth, people boast of owning a Mercedes Benz, but in the spirit world there is no need for cars. (207-94, 1990.11.1)
In the spirit world, you can keep your eyes open forever and you can hear forever. You can live forever, even without eating. Would you eat rice because you are told to when you are already content with the way you are? Would you eat if you were told to? I would not eat. In the spirit world, you can wear clothes in whatever way you want. "Let's all wear a gold suit today. Okay, let's put on a diamond. The Queen of England has a 517-carat diamond, so let's have a better one. Give me a 17,000-carat diamond." If you say these things, you can have them all in an instant. You can create anything. When you hear this, you may think I have a wild imagination. But you should know that I'm speaking to you within the logical realm of possibility. (112-17, 1981.3.15)
The heavenly spirit world is a place filled with the air of love. We can understand this concept with the structure of perception that exists on this earth. If the God of love, with a heart of love and in the hope of feeding all humanity at once thereby making them happy, says, "Let there be rice," it will appear. This is so because we have to eat, even in the spirit world. Therefore, you eat the food of love. When people look at each other, they do so with loving eyes. Even if you are beaten, you try to be hit again. There are no words to describe the mystery of the spirit world. You never get tired of listening. There is no concept of sleep or fatigue. You never feel tired and there is nothing that can excite you more than God's love. Nothing bores or disturbs you. How can you get tired if none of these things exist? (112-17, 1981.3.15)
In the spirit world, you are completely free from the problems of food, clothing, and shelter. When you stand in the realm of loving unity, in the position of God's object partner, you can do the things that God does. You can do anything. You can transcend billions of years in an instant. The speed of love is super-speed. It doesn't take time for you to visit the place where the person you love resides. You can come and go back in an instant. So you can immediately meet the person you love. There are no obstacles since it is an absolute realm. It is a world that goes beyond limitations and transcends time and space. No one knew that kind of infinite world was prepared for human beings. People came to know these things from the True Parents. (259-56, 1994.3.27)
In the spirit world, do you know what your life will be focused on? Are there factories and cars in the spirit world or not? Are there factories for expendable items? Do you eat in the spirit world? Do you wear clothes? Although these physical things do not exist in the spirit world, if the quality of your character reaches the standard as having the value as God's object partner, you can inherit God's creative ability. You can instantly prepare a banquet for a million people in the spirit world. If you have a true heart of love that feels, "I have to feed these people," and if you have a mind of sincere love like God has, anything is possible. Therefore, in the garden of love, the person who during his life has trained to pace himself in swimming through all the waves of the world of love can even enter inside God. Why? Because the waves of true love are the same; there is no discord. (201-140, 1990.6.28)
When you go to the spirit world, if you think, "Today, I would like to have this food," it will instantly appear. If you want to meet the person you love, in a flash you can be one with that person. If you ask in such a way, he or she can appear immediately. You can create a banquet room for tens or hundreds of thousands of people in an instant. This is not made up. The theory itself is that way. The leftovers return to their original form. They revert back to the elements in their original state. That's how convenient the spirit world is. Therefore, I am going to such a place where everyone in the cosmos longs to be with me. (227-100, 1992.2.10)
In the ideal world of creation, the Kingdom of Heaven is my home. Although it is vast, it is the stage for the activity of my life. It is not my nation. There are many institutions and kinds of occupation in a nation. It isn't like that in the spirit world. It is simple. Will there be factories supporting the economy? Will there be factories making clothes and processing rice? None of the necessities of life or things needed in this world are necessary there. So would we need factories or not? It is an ideal society where only flowers bloom. You can eat whenever you want. Whatever you think appears immediately. Would there be a need for rubbish bins? There are no rubbish bins. It is a world where things revert back to its elements with a wave of your hand. (204-174, 1990.7.8)
When you go to the eternal world, there will be a political system. But there is no need for an economic system. You are supplied with everything you need at any time. (167-59, 1987.6.14)
Economy is a secondary problem. Do you think you will enter the spirit world holding a rice bowl? Do you think you will carry a tin can? In the spirit world, food appears the minute you wish to eat. After you finish eating, if you tell it to return to zero, it will do so. Thus, everything is just an object that can be used based upon the quality of your character. The object would not have any subject-like influence to affect anything. (167-61, 1987.6.14)
Words cannot express how wonderful the spirit world is. It is a place in which there are no worries about food, clothing, and shelter. There are houses, clothing, and food to eat that you can use as you please. A person will be freely supplied with the appropriate environmental conditions according to the standard of love his mature character has achieved. Even if you are asleep, your spiritual body leads you to places where you can eat breakfast and dinner. That's how it is in the spirit world. You are free in this way. You can even eat in your sleep and go on your way according to your desire. Your spiritual body is made that way. (248-163, 1993.8.1)
What happens when you go into the spirit world? You will have no worries there about what you will eat. You will not work for bread or food. You can eat whenever you want to eat. The interesting thing is what happens to the leftovers after you have finished eating. You say. "Return!" and they will revert back to the elements, the primary reality. What kind of a person can move around in all directions in that world? It is a person who lives intoxicated by God's love. Since the spirit world is a place where the God's ideal of love is realized in all directions, people who live enraptured in God's love stand in a prominent position. (198-291, 1990.2.3)
In the spirit world, you drink the elements. If it's water, you drink the elements of water. Do you know what these elements are? In this way, you eat your fill and with a wave of your hand, it returns to the elements. There are no rubbish bins. (211-244, 1990.12.30)
Do you need a job in the spirit world? Do you have to work for eight hours even there? Is there night? There is no night. Your eyes are always open. Your organs are always working, but what are they doing? What are they occupied with? What kind of activity would you enjoy even though you can go on for eternity with your eyes open and without sleep? It is love. Once you have the ideal of love and you demand something to appear, it will appear instantly. If ten thousand people are gathered there, everything will be prepared when you command, "Prepare a dining hall and a banquet for ten thousand!" (107-331, 1986.1.5)
Should there be air in the spirit world? Why do you need air? How wonderful it would be to live without breathing! Why? You cannot grow if you live without breathing. You would not be able to connect the two worlds. You have to connect them. You have to connect your spiritual and physical body. In order for the spiritual self to grow, it needs to have a growing physical body. It cannot be locked in its present state. Then what should we do? Even things that are invisible supply the elements that become the source of life, in the same way that God breathes the invisible air of love. (197-42, 1990.1.7)
In this world, your eyelids blink to stop the dust in the air going into your eyes. Is there dust in the spirit world or not? If God had His eyes open in the spirit world for thousands and tens of thousands of years, would He feel good? Since they blinked out of habit on the earth, they will blink in the spirit world, even though there is no dust. Why does God blink? It is because He resembles us. (197-15, 1990.1.7)
Do you want to go to the spirit world or not? I may be telling you a lie. Even if it is a lie, if you believe it to be the Word of God and since God has the ability to create, you should know that these words are capable of creating things that are even greater than God's wishes. When the devil says, "Hey, God has told you such and such," and you believe in things greater than what the devil has said and act on them, God has plenty of ways to create and make this come true. (212-30, 1991.1.1)

1.6. Love is the origin of authority in the spirit world

In the spirit world, you do not need money. You do not need knowledge. That is how it was when I went there. You do not need power. God can create enough money to spare. He can even make stars out of diamonds. He is the Absolute Being. He is the great King of knowledge. He is the great King of authority. He can eternally and freely exercise His authority at all times, beyond the four seasons of winter, spring, summer, and autumn. What could He need? (196-311, 1990.1.12)
There are billions of people living in the infinite spirit world. When you go there, you can meet anyone. There is no need to study history. However, if you think, "I want to meet so and so!" and call that person, he will only appear if you call him out of love. He will not appear if you are greedy and think, "Because he is a learned man. I will meet him to get knowledge." You will not be able to meet him. You have to have love. If you call a person with a loving heart, recognizing the difficulties he went through to become such a famous person. You can deal with anyone from the east, west, or all four directions. (233.140, 1992.8.1)
Money? You can make as much money as you want. Knowledge? God is the King of knowledge. Power? Is the president of the Republic of Korea any more than a piece of rag? I may sound rude, but what is the president of a country one-hundredth the size of the Soviet Union? Knowledge, money, and power are just some of the values people pursue during their lifetime. Can a professor be proud of his knowledge for one thousand or ten thousand years? Can he show it off as he wanders around? It stays with him during his lifetime. Your knowledge is with you only during your physical life. It is the same with money and power. I'm sorry to say this. When you talk about someone saying, "He is great," isn't it usually because of his knowledge, money, or power? That may be the case in this world, but God regards those values as nothing. They are all worthless in the spirit world. (203-291, 1990.6.27)
On what basis can humankind and its history be resolved and completed? People should know God. God is a God of character. God cannot be vague. We ourselves are real and substantial. Since we are beings of character -- with intellect, emotion, and will -- then our subject partner God also has character that includes intellect, emotion, and will. That is how we understand it. What is the central attribute of God among all His many attributes? It is emotion. It is love. God needs love most of all in order to live in complete fulfillment. In the Kingdom of Heaven, we do not live by knowledge alone.
Because of your ignorance of the spirit world, you do not understand this, but it would take less than a week for you to learn everything in that world. It is like a mirror in which you can see your own heart reflected. The spirit world is a world of intuition where within a week you could obtain all the knowledge that a very intellectual person has acquired throughout his life on earth. Because you see things through the light of your heart, you will automatically understand that world and all its related connections. Only through emotion and heart will you understand whether a person is in a relationship with you as your object partner or subject partner. It cannot be done through knowledge or any of the other attributes of God. (210-312, 1990.12.27)
What is knowledge? With knowledge or information you can control the environment. If you only have love, which is the greatest knowledge among all knowledge, you have a foundation for everything in heaven and earth to connect to you. It is people with knowledge who rule this world. Don't they say knowledge is power? It is logical that a person of power rules. For that reason, a person who has love does not need knowledge. In the spirit world, you will know everything even without studying it. (202-86, 1990.5.6)
The universe is our great stage for action, yet we are strangling ourselves with things like money, knowledge, and power, which do not exist in the spirit world. None of those things remain in that world. On earth, money, knowledge, and power are necessary, but there is no need for them in the spirit world. People in the satanic world covet those things. (205-128, 1990.7.29)
Do you need money in the spirit world? Do you need power, knowledge, or food? If you need those things, they will appear the moment you wish for them. There are no factories producing food in the spirit world. There are no schools. There are no people with secular authority. God alone is the source of strength.
The spirit world is our eternal homeland. Our place of rest awaits us there. Whether one wishes it or not, everyone will go to that place. I know this well. (231-270, 1992.6.7)
Power is not necessary in that world. The spirit world is a harmonizing power based on love. It is a power of influence based on love. That world is such a world. Therefore, a person who has not acquired the power of influencing through love cannot be harmonized in essence with the original world, which is influenced by love, and is instead repelled once he enters that world. That person will go to hell. This is a serious matter. (230-28, 1992.4.15)
Nobody hates love. If you don't have money, you just make it. You can always study in the spirit world if you don't do so now. In the spirit world, it doesn't even take three days to meet the standard needed to graduate from Tokyo University.
When you try to express your innermost thoughts while looking into a person's heart, he will catch your thought before you voice it. For that reason, you cannot hide anything in that world. Isn't that convenient? Even a computer with the most memory and fastest processor cannot compete with this. (229-93, 1992.4.11)
Everything in this universe is connected through love. The spirit world and all creation are connected by love. They are connected based on true love. Therefore, you can be connected with any place just by having true love. If you have true love, everything will bow its head to you. There is no need for education in the spirit world. Within a week, anyone can learn ten times more than someone who has graduated from Tokyo University. Do not be proud of yourself just because you graduated from there. A conscientious person will see through everything in an instant. He will not need any explanation. (229-20, 1992.4 9)
In the spirit world, there is no need to study languages. You will know everything in a week. You will know all the thoughts that arise in the mind. You will know them even before they are expressed. Therefore, people cannot be deceived. In that world, you will gaze upon people who are revealed in your searchlight. You should know how to pass through that light safely, without any problem and connect with your original position -- this is your lifetime task. (205-67, 1990.7.7)
How inconvenient this world is! Do you or do you not need to earn money in the spirit world? Do you have to study? You will understand everything without studying. Before anything is said, your heart will already know.
In that world, you will see clearly who is higher and lower around you. You will know as soon as you meet someone. You can measure their level. You will know how it is in the east, west, south, and north. In this way, even as you lie still, you will sense whether someone is calling you. In that case, you enter a state of nothingness and set up the spirit world as your subject partner. It is a world that is being created through the power of love. (202-416, 1990.5.6)
The structure of the spirit world is such that everything is made into a system focusing on one's life so there is no such thing as power politics. Here, people use any means strongly for military expansion or political purposes, but such things do not exist in the spirit world. The issue is how everyone will be able to live an enriched life based on the movement for economic equalization of resources. The physical world should also be this way. (303-192, 1999.5.15)
Do you understand that God created everything because of love? If you ask God what He loves the most, what do you think His answer will be? God does not have favorites. He has no need of money, knowledge, or power. What do members of the Unification Church need? The same thing. Love includes money, knowledge, and power. The power of love is an everlasting power.
A person who understands genuine love will have nothing more to learn in heaven. That kind of person can go in and out of God's heart at any time. He can freely move east, west, south, and north through God's body. This acts like a central railway station. Do you understand?
Why do we need God's heart? When you go in and out of His heart, tremendous power is generated because energy from the four directions is concentrated there. Even a small, unimportant person will be elevated to the same position as God when he comes to the central point. Love has such great power. (202-86, 1990.5.6)

1.7. The spirit world is the world of God's law and order

The sun rotates on its axis just like the earth. The sun, whose mass is 1.3 million times greater than the earth, is constantly moving. There are vast galaxies in the universe whose mass is 200 billion times greater than the solar system. These galaxies are called microcosms. There are countless nebulae like these galaxies in the universe. Considered together we call this the macrocosm. We should broaden our minds and look at the world of this vast and boundless universe.
God, who created this enormous universe whose radius spans hundreds of millions of light years, has moved this great universe along for millions and billions of years in accordance with an unchanging law. God is moving all these celestial bodies with a power that goes far beyond our imagination and senses.
The more we think about God, who created this universe, the more naturally we come to bow our heads before His grandeur and greatness. We should broaden our minds to consider the fact that the Creator of this great universe is our Father, who looks after us, our God who protects us, and the great living Master. (5-342, 1959.3.8)
Trains run on rails that were made based on meticulous calculations. If a train's speed is beyond a certain limit for even a second, it will be derailed and cause a disaster. The great universe conforms to the laws of nature and smoothly rotates with ease. Even the solar system has nine immense planets that all rotate in this way. You should know that the vast universe has 100 billion solar systems and even now they are active as they go through all sorts of courses of movement. This universe with a 100 billion solar systems does exist. They are all moving; every one of them. We call it nature because it has developed naturally and spontaneously. (94-252, 1977.10.11
The origin must be revealed. If God existed from the beginning, He must be an absolute being. He must be unique, unchanging and eternal. That's how He must be. The laws He established have to be absolute. For that reason, this universe continues to move for thousands, tens of thousands and billions of years according to those laws. The animal world, the plant world and the world of micro-organisms continue their existence based on scientific formulas and laws. Consequently, everything can be explained using mathematics. (172-35, 1988.1 3)
People have to go to the spirit world when they die. What is it like in that world? The spirit world is a place where everything is in order. You have to know all about it. What kind of world is it? It is an ideal world where order is established. It is a world permeated by love. You breathe in love. We breathe air in this world, don't we? Fish breathe water, don't they? Then what do we breathe in the spirit world? We breathe love. (132-270, 1984.6.20)
With what does God govern heaven and earth? He governs them through the law, a law of dominion through love. The universal law exists in order to support the way dominion is undertaken. God's reason for creating human beings is that He longs for love. He could have remained by Himself, but for what did He create us? It is because He needs stimulating and impulsively expressed love. (121-103, 1982.10.24)
Many people are experiencing the spirit world. It is a special world. They have come to know that it is extremely difficult to comprehend the vastness of that world; for example, from what kind of principles did the spirit world originate, and how does it operate as a result? If you look at the content of the Principle that the Unification Church advocates, you will realize that the spirit world is a realm that we can perceive on the basis of a principled formula. I believe that the fact that this Principle was revealed will be regarded as a momentous event in history. (53-327, 1972.3.6)
Have you ever felt very keenly, yet with gratitude, about how amazing it is that God governs all the laws that move the universe while guiding the providence to re-create human beings and raise them as beings of value who can govern the universe in His stead? (5-344, 1959.3.6) 

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Go on to Section 2. Heaven and Hell.
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Six - Our Life And The Spiritual Realm
Chapter Two - What Kind of Place Is the Spirit World?
Section 2. Heaven and Hell

2.1. Heaven is the world of the ideal of love

What kind of place is heaven? It is a place with God's love at its core. Heaven is the realm where the environment of God's love is established. Then what kind of person can enter and live within that realm? It should be someone who can harmonize with the essence of God's love. Only such a person can go there. (46-36, 1971.7.10)
As heaven is the world where people live for the sake of others, you have to go forth based on the concept of living for the sake of others. If you only think about being served, you will he destroyed. Heaven is the world filled with God's love. The essence of love is to live for the sake of the whole, rather than to be served. Thus, heaven is different from the secular world. Religion teaches us to live for the sake of others, to be absolutely obedient, to sacrifice and to serve. The secular world does not have such teaching. This teaching may seem to be something practiced by groups of beggars who know nothing of this world. Yet, this was God's secret strategy against Satan so that people could receive good fortune, even though they were unaware of the heavenly law. (46-40, 1971.11.8)
You go to heaven on the tracks of love. When I explain it like this, doesn't it seem real? The line of love is not like elastic so it will not become thin, even while it is being pulled. Because it is extremely strong, the more it is pulled the thicker it becomes. In this sense, to become the king of suffering for the sake of God's will is the secret method to occupy the world. The king of suffering exclusively possesses the glory of the Kingdom of Heaven. (57-162, 1972.3.31)
What kind of world is heaven? It is not a world where people regard each other with animosity and jealousy, turning green with envy over another's fortune or getting upset over someone else's happiness. One person's success represents the success of the whole. One person's joy can be shared by the whole. Therefore, heaven is where everyone can be pleased over any person's happiness, and everyone can join in and rejoice when anyone rejoices. (18-102, 1967.5.28)
Heaven is the world of God's love. It is a world where you smell the air of love. That world is filled with life. There is no place that doesn't throb with life. Everyone is bound together through blood ties. Since people are descended from God's single lineage, if God is sorrowful over something, then the entire spirit world, as a single cell or body, would feel that sorrow. If God feels joy, everyone would feel that joy. That is the kind of world it is. In this way, God's love is moving the vast Kingdom of Heaven. The living world responds harmoniously to this love, and becomes artistically beautiful through the subject-object relationship between all the elements of the creation. They are connected together by lineage. If God is happy, you are happy; if God is sad, you are sad. It was inevitably made that way. (226-113, 1992.2.2)
Will there be struggles in heaven? What would we do in that eternal world without struggles? That world does not end after a year but goes on for eternity. Wouldn't it be dull then? What would you do there? Would you live alone, or would you have relationships with all existing beings in the spirit world? With what will you establish those relationships? With true love, in that case, what is the essence of that world? When you eat, you should do so feeling love; you should wear clothes feeling love; you should live feeling love; and you should travel around embodying God's love. That love should be God's essential love. Without doing so there will be no harmony. A person with a character resembling God's essential love will occupy a high place in the spirit world. All existing beings in that world will live in harmony based on such a character. It is a world where such people can live in harmony. (201-97, 1990.3.11)
True love expressed through human beings is the blossoming of absolute value. For what reason does God exist? He came into being through true love and lives based on true love. Why were we born and why do we live? We were born because of true love and live because of true love. In that case, both God and human beings have no cause for complaint. Humanity blooms like the flower of the universe and fills it with fragrance. With true love at the center, both sides become one. The right and left sides will both say "Mansei!" with their hands in the air. A true person would say "Mansei!" The spirit world would look down and say "Mansei!" This side and the other side would all say "Mansei!" Everyone unites and releases a fragrance. Intoxicated, they all shout three cheers of "Mansei!" (201-201, 1990.4.1)
Siblings with the same mind live together in the spirit world. If you aren't trained to live like that in this world, there will be a collision in the next world. That would be a great problem. What does it mean to be of one mind with another person? While training to attend God, there is no better method than being in tune in with other peoples' minds. Do you know how exacting God is? There is no forgiveness if you deviate from the Principle. Therefore, you must be able to be in accord with peoples' minds, and harmonize with others. There is no other training for attending God that is as quick as this. (207-353, 1990.11.11)
When a perfected person enters the spirit world, he makes friends wherever he goes. He passes as a friend when he enters the position of a child, sibling, spouse or parent. He can be at home anywhere, including God's throne. (245-173, 1993.3.7)
How can you go to heaven? You have to be crazy for God's love. You have to love God more than Adam and Eve did. You must love Jesus more than Peter, James and John did. Without that, the realm of a partnership of true love, in which God can love you, cannot be restored. Only when this is restored will everything be fulfilled. (142-289, 1986.3.13)
Do not worry that you have no money. Do not worry that you have no children. If you continuously follow this path for ten or twenty years, you will be able to scale very high and steep mountains. You may feel that you are only going through hardships and gradually declining, but actually you are moving higher and higher. The Unification Church becomes bigger by being persecuted. In a family of ten the one who is opposed by the others, and continuously endures for the common good, can become the master of that family. In other words, that person becomes an owner in the Kingdom of Heaven. (142-289, 1986.3.13)
Heaven is a world of love. It is the world that exists for the sake of God, the central being. It is the world of living for the sake of God. (98-35, 1978.4.8)
The first people who should enter heaven should be the True Parents. If I say that heaven is empty, people will think I am demented. But Jesus could not enter heaven. You cannot go there alone. Our original ancestors should have grown through adolescence, established the ideal of love in which God dwelt, become parents and bequeathed the seeds of true love. Then the first place they would have entered would have been heaven. But up until now, there have been no parents embodying God's love, who were able to leave the seeds of true love. There was no foundation on which to leave behind such descendants. Thus, heaven is empty. (140-45, 1986.2.1)
Will you all head towards a global heaven or an individual heaven? You may say that you will head towards a global heaven. I have been going this way, enduring persecution for forty years, because I too am greedy to grasp the line of love that leads to the global heaven. This was so I could grasp the line of love beyond the individual, family, tribe, people, nation and world. Then, with this in my grasp where will I go? After finding the love line of the world, we must go back to our hometown because we have received many blessings and succeeded in life. Shouldn't we go to our hometown and save the unfortunate people there? (143-141, 1986.3.17)
The way to heaven is opened by loving your brothers as God does. You are trying to follow me, but while keeping such a heart you should strive to reach out and bring your brothers with you. We can conclude that the one who teaches the highest, quickest and best way to go to heaven is neither God nor me, but your brothers. (66.125, 1973.4.18)
Religious people today say, "Let's go to Heaven" But can people just go to heaven? People should first encounter heaven on this earth before they go there. In order to enter heaven on earth, you have to go through the law of love. The more children you have in your family, the greater you should bear the additional cross of loving God's Kingdom. The reason many children are sent to your family is because your family has to carry many crosses. Thus, your family has many responsibilities for the sake of the kingdom. Once you know this, you should fulfill your responsibility completely. To such a family, children will be born who can inherit good fortune in the generations to come. (32-232, 1970.7.19)
What kind of person can enter heaven? First of all, it should be someone who is one with God's mind. To what extent should he be in accord with God's mind? If God works towards the eternal ideal based on His eternal purpose, that person's mind should be in harmony with God's mind for eternity. This harmony should not be one that lasts for just ten years. He should eternally align his mind to the eternal God. How can this be done? He should become the son who can eternally like and be liked by God. In order to be such a son, he should not appear to be a sad person. (47-255, 1971.8.29)
The concept of heaven can be established from the position of subjugating Satan, denying everything related to Satan, and furthermore, eliminating him. Heaven is affirmed on the basis of having denied and removed the negative historic relic of Satan and all the contents of a satanic lifestyle. Without removing these things, you cannot exhibit the content of heaven. (46-74, 1971 7.25)
To enter heaven, a person must not sin, must receive God's love directly, have no need to believe in Jesus, and no need of a savior. He must go through a course to attain the qualification to become such a child. Only when a person who has lived in that way goes to heaven, can God's ideal heaven be established. (160-49, 1968.8.11)
Who is the oldest grandfather in the universe? It is God. Who are the final descendants of God who will unite this world and all heaven and earth? They are the future descendants. Both the first one, God, and the final descendants have to be connected. They are connected by the family. Not the nation. When you enter heaven, you will not be recognized because you are an American. And you will not be rejected for being from an underdeveloped country. In heaven, only the model family that can join the past, present and future to God's will based on this mainstream system and family institution will be acknowledged. You should know that this is the formula. The warehouse where the fruits of such families are stored is heaven. (135-118, 1985.10.4)
In order to live a life of attendance, preparation for attending is required. After the preparation process, one needs to practice the life of attendance. After the preparation process and living the life of attendance, one can go to heaven. The place where people who have attended wholeheartedly go is heaven. The place where we can be proud of our preparation for attendance, and where we can be proud of our life of attendance, is heaven. It is our destiny to follow the course that advances towards the world of heavenly purpose. (8-290, 1960.2.14)
You cannot enter heaven without being joined in heart. Heaven is the original nation, the nation of original nature, which can have dominion over the whole. You cannot possess that nation based on your situation. Only people who have a deep bond of heart can possess it. Therefore, Christianity is ultimately not a religion dealing with situations but dealing with heart. The purpose of God's providence on earth is to create the foundation to be able to share heart beyond our personal circumstances. (8-290, 1960.2.14)
What kind of place is heaven? It is where you can take pride in what you prepared during your life on earth, and where you take pride in your life of attendance. Then what kind of person can enter heaven? Is it the place for those who believe in the lord so as to receive blessings or for those who go forth for blessings? No. Those who prepare themselves for wholeheartedly attending God can go to heaven. It is a place for those who can leave a life of attendance as their legacy and joyfully move on even if they were to die in the process. That is resurrection. The hidden efforts of your daily life are not seen. How we should live from now on is the important question we should think about in our life of attendance. (8-301, 1960.2.14)
What is heaven like? Heaven is bright wherever you go. Didn't Dr. Lee Sang-hun talk about the reality of the spirit world like that? It is exactly like that. Heaven is where God's light of love shines into all corners of the universe, and all creation within its bosom gives three cheers of "Mansei!” for what? It is not for eternity. It is three cheers for liberation! If we are liberated, everyone should shout out, "Mansei for liberation!" and let go of all their resentments. (300-203, 1999.3.4)
You can only enter heaven when, based on God's love, you represent the family standard of true love and bond to the original parents. You have to be united with the true love of the true God and True Parents. Those who have lived together and are related to the children born from God's lineage can go to heaven. However, up until now no one has lived such a life before going to the spirit world. Therefore, heaven is empty. (176-210, 1988.5.9)
Even if you have been attending church for a hundred years, if you still have a self-centered mind you will never enter heaven. You cannot receive salvation. You have to know which religion is true today. You should realize what kind of person is a true person, and what kind of nation is a true nation. (78-118, 1975.3.6)
What kind of person can harmonize with the essence of God's love? A person who is self-centered does not have any value. Only the one who can invest everything -- his own life and all his devotion for the sake of others -- can live continuously in the realm of God's love. Historically, the great people and saints followed such a way. (46-36, 1971.7.18)

2.2. Heaven is where people serve and live for one another

You must invest yourself and then forget. If among a hundred members there is someone who is wearing poorer clothes than your sons and daughters, you should not be able to sleep. You should want to give him clothes. That is the heart of God, the heart of a parent. What is the leading system of thought of the Unification Church? It is to have a parental heart, wear the clothes of a servant, shed sweat for earth, tears for humankind and blood for heaven. What is heaven? It is the world of love to which you bring your children. You receive love and say that you will give it to the entire universe. I love God. I know everything right through from the spirit world to the physical world. (296-120, 1998.11.3)
Until now, the heavenly spirit world was a world of mystery. It is the place where people go who live according to the principles of existence that God established, which means living for the sake of others. The ideal heaven is a world that is built based on such principles. (298-313, 1999.1.17)
What should you do to prosper? You must be selfless. The Unification Church practices absolute selflessness -- living for the sake of others. This is the dividing line. One side will fall to hell; the other side will go to heaven. That is how it is in the spirit world. You will know immediately. You will know the place where people who lived for others will go. For that reason, you should live for others; accept the way of thinking of the saints, the teachings of the Savior, and God's way of thinking. What is God's way of thinking? It is to live absolutely for the sake of others. (299-217, 1999.2.16)
Smaller things must be invested for the greater good. Therefore, it stands to reason that the family should sacrifice itself for the sake of the tribe. The tribe should sacrifice for the people; the people for the nation; and the nation for the world. Those who take national property and give it to their families will all hang upside down in hell. They will perish. If they don't go to ruin here on earth, they will hang upside down in the spirit world. (302-171, 1999 6.13)
Earthly life and life in heaven are opposites. Fallen people live for their own sake on this earth, but in the spirit world they are supposed to live for the sake of the whole. By becoming people who can disavow the Fall and live for the whole, they can become God's object partner! They should say "Amen!" for eternity. (303-33, 1999.7.4)
Those who live for their own sake cannot go to heaven. What is an evil person? It is someone who tries to unite everything around himself. Such a person is a dictator and a villain. He will go directly non-stop to hell. That is not allowed in the Unification Church. The individual must live for the family; the family for the tribe; the tribe for the people; the people for the nation; the nation for the world; the world for the universe; the universe for the cosmos; and the cosmos for God. Then who does God live for? He lives for you. (303-260, 1999.9.9)
What does religion, which should guide people to the original homeland, teach? You should know that it must teach them to live for the sake of others. The higher the religion, the more strongly it emphasizes the importance of living for others. Therefore, we must be gentle and meek. Why? Religion teaches us to stand in a position to lift up many people and live for their sake. It teaches us to sacrifice and serve. Why? It is because religions must train people to conform to the rules of the Kingdom of Heaven. (78-117, 1975.1.6)
After people have lived on earth, they enter the spirit world. All those who go to the higher realm are people who lived for others. For example, those who go to forty countries in the world and live for others with the heart of a mother in a family, and those who have the heart of a saint to save the people of the world from evil will go to a higher place. I think in that way. "I am one man, a general who represents sons of filial piety of the historical ages, a general of patriots and of saints. Although everyone else who had the name of God's son failed, I was born as a victorious son: There is only one thing that will enable you to say that. It is to live absolutely for others. We can conclude that only those who give and serve others and then forget can digest that world. It is simple. (203-100, 1990.6.17)
There is no one who can avoid death. You cannot avoid death. People will die after they live here. When people who lived for themselves go to the spirit world, after making a circle they enter hell. In contrast, people who lived for others go to the spirit world, after making a circle they enter heaven. Those two worlds are separated at death. (203-100, 1990.6.17)
From now on, a long line of people will form to offer their property to heaven. It will be the longest line in the world. In other words, everyone should become a penniless person who has offered everything. Then there are only tears, mucus and blood left to offer. I was like that. There was nothing else left to offer. I offered all my life and property. If you have a savings bankbook for your sons and daughters, should you use that for them? Or should you use it for the salvation of the world? Only if you think in that way and act upon it can you participate in the ranks of the Messiah's chosen ones. You should live for others. Live for the whole and for the greater good. Live for the world, for God, and for the liberation of humankind. You have to motivate people to change to the new lineage through your efforts. (203-157, 1990.4.24)
What kind of competition will there be in the future? A competition in living for the sake of others. Why? Since those who live for others go to a higher position in the Kingdom of Heaven, if you live for such a person, you can be raised up using him as your foothold. At Cape Canaveral there is a launch pad for satellites. Just like a satellite, you are launched and fly into the sky. (213-194, 1991.1.20)
If you live for the sake of someone, you demonstrate the same motivation that God had in creating His partner in love. You will stand in the position of loving counterpart to that person. Don't you think so? For that reason, follow someone and live for others. You work following me, don't you? Aren't you trying to occupy God by leaping upwards to become the object of my love? Is it true, or not? Satellites should be launched towards a destination, shouldn't they? It is the same idea. Satellites are symbolic of today's believers trying to jump up towards the Kingdom of Heaven, crossing thousands and tens of thousands of miles. (213-194, 1991.1 20)
What kind of world is the spirit world? It is where people live for others out of true love. People live not for the self, but for the whole. Even in this world, those who live 100 percent for others say, "Walk over me and go on!" No matter how big America is, if there is someone who lives more for the nation than the president does, everyone will welcome him, even if he steps on the president in order to do this. But if someone only lives for his own sake, everyone becomes an enemy.
It is the same in the spirit world. If someone lives for a greater cause, he can pass along freely. If something benefits a higher purpose, it can pass freely. So, if someone lives for the world, he does not have to live for America. America is included in the world. Korea is the same. All the nations are included. What is the essence of the purpose that everyone can agree on that goes beyond the family level? We can conclude that it is to follow the way of true love by living for the sake of others. (215-174, 1991.2.17)
If you are fifty years old and you lived for the sake of the universe and the heavenly principle for over twenty-five years, you can go to heaven. You can pass to the next world and live in a better part of the spirit world. But people who live their whole life centered on themselves go to the original homeland of evil -- hell -- rather than the original homeland of goodness, regardless of how they feel. You have to know these facts and liquidate your past way of living for your own good. You should make an effort for the rest of your life to live for the sake of the whole, the nation, the world, heaven and earth and God. If you do so, it follows that you will go forward, not to hell, but to the ideal world of heaven. (78-119, 1975.5.6)
Even in the face of death, Jesus cried out, "Father! If it is possible, please let this cup pass from me. But not as I wish, but as the Father wishes." Even as he died, he did not protest to God, but was ready, without questioning, to offer a complete sacrifice for the sake of God's will. Jesus' attitude brought him the closest to God because it enabled him to go deeper. In front of such a person, even God cannot do as He wishes. The one who strikes such a person will be instantly destroyed. God would personally inflict punishment upon that person. (36-85, 1970.11.15)
Do you know about the spirit world? Heaven is for people who live for the sake of others. The one who lives a self-centered life can never be there. He will be in hell. No matter how great a minister he was, he will find out where he is once he arrives there. Our Unification Church tries to save its enemies and even the communists. Yet the communists try to cut off the heads of Unification Church members. That is the difference. So, what kind of love should have dominion over the world? We must be stronger than communists. You should not grow strong by becoming an evil person. If we become strong based on love through living for the sake of others, it will be enough to save the world. (91-173, 1977.2.6)
Heaven is where you live a life of giving. God also has to give. Parents have to give to their children. The parental mind is to want to give, and give again when you have something better to give. (34-141, 1970.8.10)
If I can give one thousand things and forget that I gave, in front of God who gives a hundred things and forgets, God will surely become my partner. Do you know this? That is great. Positions will be exchanged within the subject-object partner relationship. Then, would that person who tried to live for goodness more than God go to hell or heaven? Would he go to heaven and just become an errand boy for God's breakfast table, or would he go there and remain in a position where he can sit with God and share meals of love with Him? Which would it be? (208-208, 1990.11.18)
I have experienced the reality of the spirit world more than anyone else. The spirit world is my major, my special field of study. What is the origin of order in the spirit world? Heaven is a world based on the principle of living for the sake of others. That is our original homeland. (74-51, 1974.11.27)

2.3. The Kingdom of Heaven in the spirit world must emerge through the kingdom on earth

Historically, the people called by God were usually over the age of fifty or sixty. Most of them were old, worn out and just one step away from their funeral and the grave. In the background of His providence, God was working with these hardened and withered people at that time, but He knew that in the future He would work with the young generation. So, God was concerned about how to develop his providential history through that younger generation. Embracing such circumstances, God has trodden the course of history. (20-95, 1968.4.28)
Even a person like Buddha, when he was in an esoteric state, said, "I am my own lord throughout heaven and earth." When someone who has trained himself to achieve oneness of mind, enters the spirit world and stands as a complete object partner of God, he can say that he is his own lord throughout heaven and earth. Once, I felt that I was grasping the world tightly in my hand, and it seemed to melt. When you reach this level, miracles can happen automatically. The curing of diseases comes as a natural result of religious life. (76-143, 1975.2.2)
When you look at most people today, they go about their life's daily routine -- waking up in the morning and eating meals -- and still say, "I am fine in God's eyes." There are many people who believe this. However, such people cannot be owners of heaven. They are not fine in front of God. Without the factor that enables you to be acknowledged as a partner to God, you cannot have an absolute standard of faith. Since the Kingdom of Heaven can come only after the standard of absolute faith is established, when you do not have it, it will not be established. It will never happen. Why is this so? It is because Satan remains in that place. (46-79, 1971.7.25)
Today, many religions teach that heaven will be established only by their own religion. This is irrational fantasy. Many religions say that heaven will be established through their founder's teaching. Look at Christianity. It is divided into many denominations. They usually regard churches outside their own denomination as heretical or satanic. In reality, if they were to do this from a position authorized by God, there would be no problem. If they do it for their own benefit, though, then their motivation is not pure. Accordingly, such a denomination will perish. If today's Unification Church does this, then it will also decline. (17-250, 1971.8.29)
Even the spirit world has been divided by walls. There are realms for Buddhists and realms for Confucians. They are all separated by walls. All of the barriers have to be overcome by way of a higher standard that comes from God's heart. From the high throne of heaven and the higher realms, all the walls must be broken down in reverse order. The walls and barriers that separate ancestors and peoples from many thousands of years ago and ages past must all be broken down. All the walls on earth must be eliminated and a way to connect this to hell must be paved. Otherwise, the opening of the gates of heaven cannot be achieved. (140-43, 1986.2.1)
What standard do you, as an Unificationist, have to attain? You have to be a better person than Buddha, a better person than Confucius and even better than Jesus. Until now, the purpose of religion was individual salvation.
However, the purpose of the Unification Church is family salvation, rather than individual salvation. This is the difference between Unificationism and other religions. For salvation we are saving the family. When we go to heaven we are not going alone. (34-359, 1970.9.20)
Heaven is a place which you cannot enter alone. You can enter heaven only after you realize the ideal of a couple. Therefore, to enter heaven, fallen human beings must go through the dispensations of restoration, resurrection and recreation. To give the Blessing to you is to open wide the gates of heaven. Through the Blessing, I am opening the closed gates of heaven for you. (152-240, 1963.25)
Jesus said that heaven was in our hearts, but imagine how lonely and miserable he was when he could not say that heaven was in our families. So, as you have a family, you can even sing with happiness. We are given the opportunity to live this way. Yet, Jesus, the Lord of truth who came to save the universe, God's only begotten Son, could not even dream of the circumstances necessary for heaven. He wandered around for almost three years trying to revive heaven within our hearts by saying that the Kingdom of Heaven was within us. But then he was crucified. How utterly lonely and miserable His life was! 820-48, 1982.10.3)
The tracks of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and those in the Kingdom of Heaven in the spirit world are the same. When a locomotive crosses over the boundary between two countries, the tracks in one country must match with those in the other for the train to continue running smoothly. Likewise, the tracks on earth and in heaven should be connected. The path of true love -- living for the sake of others ­- is the path that connects the rails from earth so that the family that embodies the train of love can go directly to heaven, nonstop all the way to the throne of heaven. The individual human path and the family's path should both be connected together. They should go along in the same direction. (211-288, 1990.12.30)
We are destined to go to the spirit world whether we like it or not. That is a fact of life. We are like a wanderer who is moving ever closer to that destination. What becomes the issue is whether you have lived more for the sake of others or for yourself. If you have lived more for others, you will go to heaven. If the opposite is true, you will go to hell. You may not want to believe this fundamental formula given your present situation, but when you die you will come to understand. (74-51, 1974 11.27)
People are staying at various levels in the spirit world. How did they come to be like that? They stay in the position that corresponds to the degree they have practiced filial piety according to the way of love; whether they pledged their loyalty to their nation; and how much they fulfilled the way of a saint in this world. The path that people should take in their earthly life is the way of righteousness. Concerning this, there is one path for the individual, one for the family, the tribe, the people, nation, world, universe and even for God. This should be one and the same path. What is that path? It is the path of original love. (147-183, 1986.9.21)
What kind of world will you go to in the end? Are you going to heaven or to hell? On the way there, are you going to be a person who says, "Father, please help me!" or a person who says, "Welcome, True Father!" That will be a matter of life and death. After marriage, you made a pledge to live happily. When I say live you should live well, it means that you should become an unchanging couple. In order to become like that, you should go to the ever-changing world and receive training together. You should keep your promises even if you go to a world where people are divided, north and south or in all four directions. You should maintain such a well-trained position. (129-182, 1983.10.30)
The sons and daughters born from true parents are not false children but true children. The true family can emerge from them. With the emergence of a true family, a true tribe, a true ethnic people, a true nation, and a true world will be created. In that world, people should live a heavenly way of life with God in the family, tribe, people and world. Only then can this earth become the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. After living this way, people will discard their bodies on the earth and enter the eternal heaven. Thai place is called heaven in the spirit world. This is the ultimate reality of God's providence. (160-44, 1968.8.11)
You should not think you are entitled to go to heaven. You should think of building heaven on earth. Besides that, you must become a heavenly person. In order to become such a person, you have to make unity of heart with Heavenly Father to the degree that you can say confidently, "Father's heart is my heart, and my heart is Father's heart." Accordingly, in this earthly life, you should he a person representing God's heart, the Lord's heart, as well as the heart of your ancestors. By doing so, all historical problems can he solved. (3-298, 1958.1.19)
Suppose there is a dying person who says, "God, even though I did not live according to Your will until now, in my mind I tried to go to heaven. So please regard me as having established the proper indemnity conditions!" Because God is fair, He will bring that person to the position of wanting to go to heaven. God rewards him according to his actions, placing him in a position of wanting to go to heaven. That position can be just below paradise. Even people in hell are trying to go to heaven. (57-265, 1972.6.4)
People may say that the Unification Church is a place where people just come and go, but that is not the case You alone are responsible for deciding the actions you commit on earth and for making any recompense for wrongdoing. These actions cannot be erased. If this door is closed, no one else can open it again for eternity, only you can be responsible for it. If it is opened, no one except you can ever close it again. What is bound on earth should be released on earth: you should release what you bind. This is the problem. Therefore, when you go witnessing now, you should witness to your family members and relatives. (34-266, 1970.9.13)
If you can claim, "I love the fruits of the love of two billion people on earth more than I love the mother and father who gave birth to me. I love those four billion people more than I love my parents", then you are able to love humankind in a unified position within the realm of God's love. Thus, you stand in a position that has no relation to the satanic world. (140-56, 1986.2.1)
The original person is someone who, as an unfallen person and one who is unrelated to Satan, establishes a family based on the love of the ideal couple and goes directly to heaven after his life on earth. That is why we call it the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. The kingdom on earth inherits the ideals of the heavenly kingdom. Therefore, the fact that Peter received the keys to the gates of heaven means that the way of establishing heaven is to be found on earth. You should know this clearly. (208-345, 1990.11.21)

2.4. Jesus and paradise

If wasn't for the Fall, heaven would have been the place where God's only begotten sons and daughters would have gone to after creating a family of God and living in His love. Heaven can only be entered as a family. You cannot enter heaven by yourself. Since Jesus did not form a family, he was unable to enter heaven and is waiting in paradise, which is the waiting room for heaven. Paradise is like a preparatory environment before entering heaven. (143-25, 1956.3.15)
Jesus could not establish an ideal world through his family and kin. Therefore, he has to come again and fulfill this ideal, otherwise he cannot enter heaven. Where can you find the right prerequisites and circumstances to open the gates of heaven? They are on the earth. Therefore, Jesus left the keys to heaven on earth. Since he and his twelve disciples could not create families, the Unification Church today must establish 70 and then 120 disciples with Blessed Families. If that is accomplished, heaven will be opened. (160-39, 1968.5.11)
Can you go to heaven just by believing in Jesus as the Christians say? If Jesus himself does not fulfill the ideal of the couple, even he cannot go to heaven. Can Jesus realize true love by himself? Even God could not substantiate true love by Himself. Therefore, Jesus has to come again. If that is the case, can he realize true love by coming on the clouds? Now is the time for the people of this nation, who in their own minds understand the current circumstances, to follow me. (176-210, 1988.5.9)
Christians today think that they are saved and will go to heaven by believing in Jesus; that each person goes to heaven as an individual. Only a few people say they want to take their father and mother with them to heaven. In the future, religion should not teach just about individual salvation. If it is a true religion founded by God, then it must be able to remain universal until the end. The religion all humanity desires would be one that states that God's will is not just to have individuals enter heaven. It should teach about heaven not just for individuals, but also for their mothers and fathers. When this has been understood by the heads of families and tribal leaders, everyone will follow them into heaven together. (91-341, 1971.2.18)
Why couldn't Jesus enter heaven? God created heaven for human beings who lived without falling. People can only enter heaven when they live according to the original standard of the Principle. Jesus was meant to save fallen humanity, stand with his spouse in the position of unfallen Adam and Eve as the parents of humanity, and enter heaven with his children. However, Jesus came and went alone; he had no children and thus he could not enter heaven and instead went to paradise. He is in a place for waiting before entering heaven. (41-300, 1971.2.17)
Heaven is empty. From this you can realize that God's providence for restoration has been a sorrowful one. God lost Adam and Eve. Yet, it did not end there. The loss of Adam and Eve meant the loss of their tribe. That tribe would have expanded to become a race, nation and world; but all these were lost. In this way, in losing one man, Adam, God lost His kingdom based on the kingship of heaven. He lost the people of heaven, tribes of heaven, and heavenly man and woman -- His only begotten son and daughter. (143-25, 1986.3.15)
Originally, families were supposed to enter the spirit world but there are no families there. Jesus was single and did not live a married life. What about the great sages such as Confucius or Buddha? Or the kings? They are living single lives in the spirit world, without an ideal partner, since they were descendants of the realm of the archangel. If I continue to talk about these things, someone ignorant or unknowledgeable might learn a lot and think, in an unprincipled way, that he could be like a king. You cannot become a top leader without true love. You have to live for the sake of others. (296-191, 1998.11.9)
God has worked his providence to save humanity through religion. Therefore, the higher the dimension of a religion, the more that religion's teaching should be in accord with the purpose and principle of the original homeland; they could not help but teach the idea of sacrifice and service. In this way, there is no denying the fact that God has been working providentially behind history and religion. In the light of these principles, we conclude that a religion that strives to live for the sake of others will develop, while a religion that causes problems in the world by trying to take a self-centered, subject position will decline. (74-51, 1974.11.27)
The Bible states, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind! This is the first commandment." Those who do not abide by this commandment cannot enter heaven. What is the second commandment? It is, "Love your neighbor as yourself!" The one who loves God first and loves his neighbor second can be a filial child. (198-259, 1990.2.4)
The disciples of Jesus thought that Jesus would dominate the Roman Empire in an instant and become the king of Israel, and that they would then each receive high positions. However, that was not the essential matter. First of all, you have to make the foundation for heaven within your mind, and then, based on such a mind, make the foundation for unity between your body and God. This is the greatest challenge. In the end, it all begins from you. Hence, your mind is the base for heaven. (47-273, 1971.8.29)
When God is being friendly, you should not be hot-tempered. If He is amiable, you should also be amiable. The internal and external should be matched. Does everything work out just by having the internal and external match? You should align this with God's will. That being the case, can you do things that aren't on your mind? Can you do things that your body detests? You have to do things that both your mind and body enjoy. If God exists, there should be things that He likes. Since Jesus is God's Son, he also has to like such things. (47-257, 1971.13.29)
You cannot free yourself from the satanic realm without loving God. Therefore, you must love God more than your wife or husband. From the trap of love within the satanic realm, fallen humanity has only reached the edge of that realm, but they still have not been able to completely come out of it. Therefore, you should not love your father and mother more than God. (41-299, 1971.2.17)
In the spirit world, you will see that martyrs who died so as to enter heaven did not actually get there. Conversely, those martyrs who were able to think, "Heavenly Father walked the path of suffering and shed blood to find me. I will follow any path in order to return His grace," and then died saying, "I am grateful for this moment of glory enabling me to participate in returning this grace," could enter the kingdom. Such people did not die for their own sake but died for the sake of heaven and earth. If you think, "I will die like this in order to enter heaven," it is dying for your own sake. Fallen human beings can never enter heaven by putting them selves forward. (41-355, 1971.2.18)

2.5. Hell has no relationship with the love of God

What was the Fall? We have reached the conclusion that we were overtaken by the darkest of nights because of the Fall. Instead of taking a ticket to heaven we took a ticket to hell. Doesn't that sound realistic? Our ticket to heaven was transformed into a ticket to hell because of the Fall. (132-82, 1981.5.20)
What is hell? Hell is a place that has no relationship to God's love, life or lineage or even to God Himself. (201-97, 1990.3.11)
Hell is where you are alone with everything shut away from you. You long for everything but it is unattainable. Intuitively you can see and feel a vast realm of happiness of this universe, but you cannot move an inch. So what is it that I am doing? I am initiating a movement to love God, heaven and earth, based on a universal system of thought: the Principle. This is so that from now on, you have to prepare the way you will take when you go to the spirit world. You are doing great things by making such preparations. (106-308, 1980.1.13)
The spirit world is in finite. The homeland that will embrace us is so immense. Our eternal hometown, the spirit world, is an enormous place. Do you like the spirit world? You do not know how vast it is. You are making that world the stage for your activities. Only when your mind is global and universal can it keep pace with that world. It is not possible if you are individualistic. Individualism is unable to connect to the whole. What greater hell is there than that? It is like catching an eagle, locking it up in a dark hole where it cannot move, and just feeding it. The eagle is the bird that symbolizes America, isn't it? How miserable it would be, just living by eating what needs to be eaten? Is that happiness or unhappiness? It is a tragedy. (247-171, 1993.5.1)
To commit suicide is the worst sin of all sins. It is an atrocity that destroys the universe. Such a person would go to the lowest level of hell. (107-36, 1950.1.20)
Have you ever thought what would happen if you breathed in air one-tenth through your nostrils and one-tenth through your mouth? That would be hell. Hell is not something else. Hell is where you cannot receive when you want to and where you cannot give when you want to. When you have the urge to breathe or inhale air, see what happens if you try to suppress it. How many minutes can you endure? How long can you go without exhaling when you want to or without inhaling when you want to? That is hell. (112-210, 1981.4.12)
You cannot eat without God's love in the spirit world. You do not have a right to eat. You have to realize that hell is a place where you watch but cannot eat, and know but cannot act. Therefore, you should know that only those who have made substantial the core value that can unite the spiritual and physical worlds based on God's love, and who have experienced the life of heaven on earth with their mind and body united, can take ownership in the eternal ideal world of the Kingdom of Heaven. (91-173, 1971.2.4)
What will you do in the spirit world? Would you like to eat food? Why would you eat food there? You eat based on love. Consequently, a person who doesn't have love will not be able to open his mouth no matter how much he wants to eat. That is his punishment. (207-94, 1990.11.1)
The world is in chaos. How about the spirit world? Since the people who are living on earth go to the spirit world in confusion, it also cannot help but be in chaos. If stealing becomes a habit, you will always end up stealing something. Consequently, when a person who committed theft on earth goes to the spirit world, he naturally wants to get something for nothing. Since it is difficult to deal with such a person in the spirit world, hell was made. God did not make hell. You don't build a house after you have bought a rubbish bin. You acquire a rubbish bin after building the house. It is the same thing. Christians do not understand such fundamentals. (148-28, 1986.10.4)
Hell is like a storage place for waste. Since hell has nothing to do with God's love, all humanity, who began from false love, inevitably go to hell. Therefore, the person who goes to heaven is the one who lives with God, and whose mind and body, spouse and children are united with God's love. Just as God's mind and body are in absolute unity, if a man and woman and all the members of their family can absolutely unite their minds and bodies, and live together in front of God, the subject partner, as His object partners, they would naturally move from this earth to the Kingdom of Heaven in the spirit world. (274-9, 1995.10.25)
God never sends people to hell. When people go to the spirit world, they go to hell on their own account. When people who live an evil life go to places of goodness they cannot breathe. They cannot breathe. So, inevitably they go in search of a place that suits them. They go to hell, to a darker place, and say, "Ah ha, this is the place that is hell. People like me cannot stay in hell, even if we were told to live there. I wouldn't be able to breathe. It would smell and taste repulsive to me. Who sends people to hell? It is not God. You go to hell on your own. (200-192, 1990.2.25)
If you go to heaven, you would be able to freely come and go, even to hell. Would you rather become a person limited in the spirit world or a liberated person in the free heaven and earth? You have to consider the person next to you, thinking to yourself, "So, this person is from the tollgate of heaven. He is the gate keeper," and allow yourself to be trained by him so that you can pass through the gates. You should think, "I need to pass those gates. I consider you to be the gatekeeper. I'm going to touch and melt your heart, so that you will guide me when I reach those gates." (115-58, 1981.10.28)
Hell is a place without a future. Heaven is a place with a future. Hell is without one. There is a future when you enter heaven. Where did the Fall begin? All of you should know that the Fall began from the place which has no future in the public sense; a place where the self is the only center. Living for your own sake is the way to hell. Living for others is the way to heaven. That is the concept of heaven and hell. (111-11, 1981.1.11)
Let us think about balloons. If you fill one with hydrogen, it slowly rises. It rises but there is a limit. At first it would seem to rise without end. But there is a limit to how far it rises. It stops at the place where it finds a balance with its weight. It remains at the same level of atmospheric pressure. It is the same in the spirit world. Those who are greedy go down. They are heavy. For that reason, hell is where heavy things gather and collide with one another. That is how it is. (115-186, 1981.11.15)
Suppose a white person and black person go to the spirit world. What would happen if the gate keeper of heaven for the white person was black, and the gate keeper to heaven for the black person was white? Would they go back the way they came? Then what would they do? If a person was blocked from entering and turned back, would he cling to the gate keeper crying out, "Kill me. I didn't understand in those days!" and plead for mercy, or would he run away? He would experience a living hell hundreds and thousands of times greater than the suffering he gave to black people in his lifetime. If I were God, I would also put such keepers by the gates. (116-108, 1981.12.27)
You will not be free to go anywhere in the universe. You will have no place to run to. You cannot run away as you wish. You have to know that you are unable to free yourself from the realm of universal law and order. You have to follow the right path. You should realize that you are living under the rule of the universal law based on the standard of the official constitution. This affects everything relating to the order of love and morality: family, society, nation, world, cosmos and God. The path of giving love and living for the sake of others is the only way to attain an autonomy that is supported and upheld by all the laws including the laws of nature. Unification Church members do not have a clear concept of hell. You should know that hell exists. You should know that there is a severe and fearful hell it you do not follow the way of carrying the banner of love. Did you know that? I hope that you can stand in court and be victorious. (117-312, 1982.4.11)
In the other world, when you lack the discipline to persevere in conforming to the ideal practice of love, a reaction comes against you. Nobody tells you to go to hell. (121-173, 1982.10.24)
The terms private matter and public matter are clear. Being public means living for the greater good, doesn't it? Being private means putting yourself first. Living for your own sake leads to hell. Public-mindedness leads to heaven. (121-127, 1982.10.24)
Unification Church members are not without value. We are not a simple group that believes we can go to heaven just by going to a Sunday service with the Bible under our arm or by giving a few pennies in donations. That is for simple folk. That is not for people as intense as us. Once we believe in something, we do it till the end. Placing our life on the line, even if our spouse grabs us to prevent us from following, we are so intense. We follow the path of faith, even if there at the risk of it leading to divorce. (121-70, 1982.10.24)
The reason you suffer now is for the sake of finding the freedom of heaven. It is to create heaven even in hell. Even if you go to hell and act like a judge, those serving time in hell would say, "Since you went through it all, we cannot accuse you!" In this world if a person went down to this position or if he went down from a high level to a lower one, wouldn't he make a fuss? He would say, "Why should I go there? Why should I go?" Going down to a lower position is something that would never happen in a society of brothers, but is only possible within the realm of the parental heart. God, the most High, can go all the way down to the bottom of hell. That is a parent -- a true parent. He would do that even if He were to be injured in His face or whatever may happen to His body. (16-115, 1981.12.27)
If those people say with glaring eyes, "You shouldn't drink alcohol. Go to the devil!" they are just a group of good-for-nothings. They have no peace of mind. I am weary of them. When I see them saying, "That goes against the Bible, Matthew chapter so-and-so. You're going to hell," really, those rogues. If killing someone could save a nation, then don't you think they would pass a law to free the person who had killed for the sake of saving the nation? Those good-for-nothings! They have to think about that... If there is a pine tree the size of a fist with its roots wedged in a crack in the granite along the mountain ridge, not even a dog going by would stop to urinate on that tree. He would only urinate if it has shade. The dog is ashamed of urinating, so it goes close to something when it urinates. That's better than people. It goes to the shade to urinate. Why? Because he is ashamed if he is watched by others. (120-240, 1982.10.17)
What is the greatest obstacle to entering heaven? The self is your greatest enemy. The reason hell and the satanic world were created was because of the awareness of the self. The archangel thought centered on himself. He thought about himself intensely. What is a traitor? You call a person who puts himself before his nation and sovereign, a traitor! Rising up from the paths of a traitor is the summit based on the self. It is the road that leads to hell. For human beings it is the path that leads to ruin. This foundation called the self, and centered on the self, leads to death. (122-20, 1982.10.31)
Wanting to receive love is the path to hell and belongs to Satan's side. Wanting to give love is the path to heaven and belongs to heaven's side. This is clear. There is only one love of that kind in this world. There is only one kind of parent's love. Parental love continues to give even when the child refuses to receive. Though all humankind is fallen, the path still remains through parental love. Since God is the parent, that kind of love still remains in human beings. (122-234, 1982.11.14)
What is your destination? Where will you go and live? I will go to the spirit world and stay at the highest point of all kinds of love. Just as there is a North Pole and a South Pole, there is a Love Pole. No matter how hard you try searching at the half way point, or however much you go around, you will not find me. Since you cannot find me, you might say, "Rev. Moon went to hell." Would it be easy to stay at the highest point? "I will not freeze to death at the North Pole. I will be like a fireball of love!" This is a great ideal and a great system of thought. So, everything will be fulfilled. Even God is inside me. The people of the world are inside me. Those who say that they will inherit love are of my tribe! You're not offended? (108-182, 1980.9.28)
If God visits hell, the devils in hell will bow their heads. They bow their heads to Him. Even Satan cannot oppose absolute love. If God goes to hell, hell must adapt to Him. Even hell belongs to God. If God goes there, hell must open all its gates. This is a simple point, but you should know that the fundamental rule for the relationships of all beings is made in this way. (125-41 1985.3.13)
There are no boundaries in the mind. When we think about God, even He does not have any boundaries in His mind. Consequently, God can go anywhere. He wants to go to heaven, He can go there. If God wants to go to hell, He can go there. He can go anywhere. That means there are no borders in the mind of God. (121-184, 1983.2.15)
A person going to the place of execution would detest their clothes no matter how nice they might be. But no matter how ugly the clothes might be, if they were made by the loving hands of your wife, the clothes would shine extremely brightly. We can conclude that anything done out of the essence of love will be welcomed by God wherever it goes. Even if it goes to hell, if it went there because of love, God can go and be there with it. How would it be if the word 'love' was attached to hell to make 'love hell'? Would you like it? Even if it was hell, how would you like it if it was the hell of love? Those in hell would grimace but if you said, "Hell of love!" they would laugh "Ha, ha, ha." Do you know that? Don't you think it would be like that? (129-284, 1983.11.20)
People who go to prison because of the person they love are not really in prison. They are in a place that lets them bring further brightness to their loved one and deepens the bond between them. Therefore, true love can control both God at the highest level, and hell at the lowest level. Then, can this love only be given in the world of humankind? No. It is the same throughout the whole world of creation: in the earth and in the world of plants and animals. They all like the song of love.
When you wake up in the morning, do you like to hear the sound of birds singing love songs or the sound of them fighting? You would like to hear their song of love. Now you know. In this universe there are no borders in places that have true love. There are no boundaries and those with true love have what it takes to pass through any place. They have what it takes to control God and hell. Thus, you should know that it has the strength to break down barriers and go anywhere. (129-284, 1983.11.2)
Love became the pillar that let this universe come into being. You should know that in the same way this love became the pillar that supports hell. How difficult it is to put right something that became like this! Even if you wash its cells with really powerful bleach, because love makes up its root, it becomes tainted again. (133-219, 1985.1.1)
Only the strength of true love can make total unity. Speaking words of true love would make God say, "Mmm..." and even Satan in his hell would say, "Mmm..." and the entire world would say, "Mmm..." What makes everything become one is the power of true love. Is there anyone who can tell me? "You're wrong about that?" (133-311, 19YS.1.1)
We're trying to build a cable car between the highest summit where God is, and the human world that is in the depths of hell. What is that cable made of? A cable made of money would snap in an instant. This cannot be done with a cable made of money. Then what about a cable made of knowledge? Even a cable made of authority would not do. A cable made of love that transcends the top and the bottom should be used to hang the cable-car so it can run on the cable. (130-35, 1983.12.11)
What does a clown do? A clown amuses people and dances. Even if you can't dance in such a place, you should at least keep in time with the beat. God is not so stingy as to say, "Oh dear, if you, as the founder of the Unification Church, are found keeping time with a clown, then you go to hell." God is truly amazing. God's mind is not smaller than the toenail of a dog, or awkward like the front leg of an ant. We haven't known that He is such a great God who is so large that He can open His mouth and inhale all the air in the universe and still have room to spare. (130-87, 1983.12.26)
When we look at God's providence, do you think God sends the people in the spirit world to hell and only undertakes the providence of restoration for those on earth? If God is love in the truest sense, what would be the limit of that love? Wouldn't God desire that His providence of salvation be completed even if it crosses the boundary lines of hell? This is the answer you would get. (121-297, 1982.10.10)
The human mind is not like crystal but like ice. All sorts of odds and ends are combined and frozen in it. We are trying to melt it, get rid of all the odds and ends and make it into a lump of pure ice. Out of clean water, we are trying to make a lump of ice that God could suck. Only when you think, "There is ice that Satan likes and ice that God likes. Let's become the ice that God likes!" can you be restored into a lump of ice belonging to heaven rather than one belonging to hell. (109 28, 1980.10.26)

2.6. We choose to go to heaven or hell

You decide whether you go to heaven or hell. I do not decide. God does not decide. You are the one who decides. If you complain, it is hell. If you go with a grateful heart to places where you would have complained, it is heaven. (96-122, 1978.1.2)
God did not make hell out of jealousy or envy. Since false people appeared, God made hell as a warehouse in which to manage them. Do people make a rubbish bin before they build their house? For example, if you bought a cabbage to make kimchi, but while making it you discovered the outer leaves had been eaten by worms, you would dump it into a rubbish bin. The Fall was committed by the ancestors of humanity. Therefore, in order to indemnify that, and remove sin, someone with the qualification of the true parents must emerge. (20-118, 1968.5.1)
Up until the present, all the people who were born into this world were destined for hell, because there was no condition for God to save them. It is as if they would be devoured by insects and worms. As such people are only good for pigs' fodder or some such purpose, He cannot help but place them in hell. Hell and paradise do exist. In the light of this, we can really feel that heaven is empty. (135-118, 1985.10.1)
From the birth of humanity up until the present, people have been born of a fallen lineage, and there has not been even one moment when all humankind attended God with all its heart. Before Adam and Eve fell, they grew according to the ideal of creation, but they never attended God within a relationship of heart. (8-290, 1960.2.14)
What is hell? Hell is a place that bears no relation to God or His love, life and lineage. No matter how much effort you make or how well you do in this life on earth, the physical world has become such that you cannot establish a relationship with Heaven, the realm of God. This is the tragedy and bitter situation that we find on earth. (201-97, 1990.3.11)
What is God's bitter pain? It lies in the fact that human beings, who were created to attend God wholeheartedly, fell into a position where they could not do so. In other words, God, who should have been lovingly attended, was left deserted. God's deep anguish is not that there was no one who believed in Him or knew Him. The bitter grief of heaven and earth is that no one attended and related with God in heart. (8-290, 1960.2.14)
You have to hate your fallen self. You should hate your body. The blood of the enemy is coursing through your veins. You should understand that you cannot sever this with a knife or burn it away. You have to realize your pitiful situation: you have become a waste factory that consumes and digests the things of creation and you are in a position where you are unable to receive God's protection. (214-283, 1991.2.3)
What determines the division between heaven and hell? It is not decided by knowing or preaching the Bible well. It is decided through results and heart. In the end, the boundary line between heaven and hell is determined by the boundary line of the heart, and the boundary line of results. (32-231, 1970.3.19)
In the other world, when you lack the discipline to persevere in conforming to the ideal of love, a reaction comes against you. No one tells you to go to hell. Therefore, the Bible states, "Love your enemy!" Genuine love exerts its influence on the enemy. If this love goes to the enemy once, twice, thrice and four times, the enemy will disappear for sure. It is because love has such great power that Jesus said, "Love your enemy!" (121-173, 1982.10.24)
When God sees humanity dying in hell, He becomes desperate, trying to give them eternal life. Only then will His responsibility as the parent of heaven be fulfilled. If He were to say, "Ugh! Let me eliminate everything," He could not stand in the position of a parent. Therefore, this establishes the logic that God even has to liberate hell. When a son sees his parents desperately trying to save him, he will say, "My mother and father have done so much for me!" and repent thousands of times for his sins. If there is such a mother and father, the son will repent till his bones melt and flesh falls away. Because of the parents' heart, such a way can be made. (62-51, 1972.9.10)
Not even Satan can accuse God for His love in trying to save humanity. There is no rule preventing forgiveness for the one who repents through the love of his parents. Hell must also be liberated through this kind of heart. That is the way of a true devoted child, isn't it? Therefore, the Unification Church believes that it must liberate even hell. Why? It is because God has such a parental heart. (62-51, 1972.9.10)
Hell is the place where you can never escape once you are caught. Despite this, you do not feel desperate about the fact that your mother, father and relatives are going to hell. You just think, "It will work out somehow." However, let's think seriously about your beloved parents really going to hell. Human nature is such that if your parents were to go to prison, you would cry and do all sorts of things to have them released. Then, even more so, if you knew that your sons and daughters, parents and relatives, brothers and sisters -- with whom you have bonds made in heaven -- were going to go to an eternal prison, could you just think casually about their fate? (34-266, 1976.9.13) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Six - Our Life And The Spiritual Realm
Chapter Two - What Kind of Place Is the Spirit World?
Section 3. The Relationship between Those in the Spirit World and Those on Earth

3.1. The spirit world is divided into good and evil worlds

Those who go to the spirit world are all divided. In the other world there is no horizontal communication between people of different groups. Vertically, they communicate in a limited way. (218-125, 1991.7.14)
The spirit world is divided into two, the satanic world and God's world. If we can lay out a way that enables people to quickly move from the satanic spirit world to God's world of goodness, then the situation on earth will be naturally resolved. What kind of way is that? As long as we have a special method to enable the transfer of all the satanic individuals, families, tribes, and nations to the heavenly side, it is possible. When such a time comes to the spirit world, it will be reflected on earth. As a result, transformation of all kinds will quickly come about, and it will roll into God's world. (134-15, 1985.1.1)
You cannot properly understand the spirit world without seeing the overall picture of how it develops, acts, and makes a relationship with the world on earth. The spirit world can be divided into good and evil -- into two worlds. This is a world that really exists, although people on earth do not realize it. (134-9, 1985.1.1)
The spirit world up until the present day has carried out numerous spiritual works in mainstream religious history. These mainstream works had to connect to a certain line of relationship with the physical world. Spirit people cannot come to earth and carry out their works as they please. They are blocked from doing that. Unless a bridge is built by way of religion, only a few special people can return to earth. Factions were created within Judaism. When they come down from the spirit world, the mainstream cannot come in a straight line. When different factions of Judaism each make their own spiritual offerings, the mainstream moves back and forth accordingly.
Therefore, for those coming down from the spirit world, only the ones who are connected with the mainstream can come down. Otherwise, they cannot come and co-operate through the process of returning resurrection. Eventually, people on earth will also go to the spirit world. Once in the spirit world, if they want to come down to the next generation, they have to follow the same principle. Yet, only a few special ones will be able to do so. (102-29, 1978.11.19)
There will be more and more walls in the spirit world, making it more and more complicated. The next generation will all eventually go to the spirit world. Consequently, these walls become bigger and bigger. There are walls everywhere. It is now a global age. Imagine how complicated it must be. Think how many times you must turn around and around in order to find a mainstream individual on earth through the religious mainstream in spirit world. So when the time comes, the walls must he broken down. We are creating paths that come down from, and go into, the spirit world. This is what the Unification Church is doing. (102-29, 1978.11.19)
In the progress towards God's original world of ideals -- an ideal realm of goodness, where original human beings can go -- good spirits are fighting their way towards it, and evil spirits are struggling to block the way. The evil spirit world and evil world on earth are constantly connected. They are in constant communication. Good spirits are the ones who have been opposed and persecuted in the evil world. These spirits are the ones who were religious believers. (134-9, 1985.1-1)
Good and evil spirits are struggling with one another in the spirit world. There is a battle going on there. The battle is that good spirits are trying to lead evil spirits to good places; while evil spirits are doing everything they can to prevent good spirits from going up to good places. You should know that evil spirits are connected centering on Satan, and people on the earth today are living under their dominion. Why is that so? All throughout history, our ancestors have passed away to the spirit world whether they were good or evil. The good spirits are standing on the good side, not because they are completely good from God's point of view, but because they have established some sacrificial foundation on earth for separating from satanic influence. (134-9, 1985.1.1)
If you go to the other world, you will find murderers, their victims, and all sorts of people staying there. That being the case, there are times when people brandish their swords to get their revenge. But many walls are blocking them. For that reason, evil spirits go to the descendants of their enemies and cause sudden deaths by accidents in order to bring them to the spirit world. These things must be resolved. In order to deal with this, it must first be resolved on earth. To resolve it, something better must be offered. It cannot be done without offering something that is better than the death of the enemy, something better than that which created such an enemy. (191-205, 1989.6.24)
It was tragic enough that Jesus died on the cross on the earth, but after his death he had to descend to hell for three days. That was the test. Death is the biggest fear for humankind, but going to hell was the greatest fear for Jesus. Then, in hell, did Jesus become the master of fear or the master of happiness? Jesus went to hell and for three days had to go through the ordeal of overcoming suffering. (34-144, 1970.8.30)
With what is the spirit world liberated? With what is God liberated? Complicated relationships were created by our human ancestors. They have created chaos in the spirit world. Therefore, the descendants must now compensate for their ancestors' mistakes. If a child wishes to become a filial son, he should pay back his parents' debts. In that light, we should create a movement to knock down all the walls blocking our ancestors in the spirit world. In so doing, your ancestors will come down and teach you. This sounds like a dream but it is very real. (191-205, 1989.6.24)

3.2. The situation of people in the spirit world

The physical world is Satan's base for activity, while the spirit world has been God's base for activity. These two have always been crossing paths. It is an undeniable fact that this reality has remained as the condition for bitter resentments in the providential age of restoration. These two should not cross paths. The God-centered realm of the mind and the realm of the body that can he governed centered on God must be prepared. This standard for the unified foundation can only materialize on earth according to how it is practiced within the realm of daily life. (45.213, 1971.7.1)
For the Unification Church to achieve unity in this world, first, it must unify the spirit world. Do you know that world? Unification Church members should know the spirit world. You must unify it. Do you think that will be easy? Without unification in the spirit world there cannot be unification on earth.
Aren't the struggles in this world today unbearable? They are very difficult. However, the conflicts in the spirit world are more difficult than those on earth. When we think about this, the Unification Church members should not allow the words, "It is difficult," to come to their lips. (153-56, 1963.10.18)
In the process of searching for the ideal, what is it that brings about unity between spiritual things and physical things? The spirit world has a very spiritual dimension and the earth has a very physical dimension. The spirit world and earthly world must change places in order to become one.
This cannot be done by just holding on to what you have. Only when you give everything will the other side come to you, and only when the other side gives everything to you can you go to the other side. You are going over to the position that was lost. (117-94, 1986.8.31)
To connect the spiritual and physical worlds in the future, you should first be conscious of a worldview and unified system of thought; and then be ready to go the path of suffering in order to break through on a global scale. When this happens, the spiritual and physical worlds will automatically become one. Unification will begin from there, and the direction of its path will be determined. (19-235, 1970.3.11)
Can you bring unity on earth before uniting the spirit world? You cannot. That is the rule. For this reason, I drove the Unification Church members on earth into the jaws of death and mercilessly attacked them. When that happens the spirit world cannot but help you all. The more you enter a miserable situation, the more intense the spirit world comes together in its own way around that position. When you go down into a low place, the realm of heaven will emerge from the 30 million people of this race. This realm also includes those who went to hell in the past. (49-109, 1971.10.9)
This world belongs to the devil. You have to seek out, and restore back to God the world of the devil. You don't know when you are going to die, do you? Everyone dies. Without laying the foundation on the earth to freely overcome the valley of death, the Kingdom of Heaven on earth cannot be created. Without the kingdom on earth, the kingdom in spirit world cannot be established. You should make it possible to freely come back to the earth, after you go to the spirit world. Only then can you live in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, and establish the Kingdom of Heaven in spirit world, and live there. (146-223, 1986.7.1)
The spirit world is a world that transcends the material world. It transcends the world of knowledge. Since it is a world that transcends time and space, it is a place where yesterday's joy can become today's joy, and today's joy can become tomorrow's joy. In this light, that essential world does not move based on the things that we, who live on earth today, require or value. What is important for the spirit world is the center of everything of value within life in that world. (141-268, 1986.3.2)
We must complete our mission to three separate ages. We should liberate the spirits in the spirit world; liberate the people living in the sinful world today; and liberate the future generations from here as well. The realm of liberation for three generations comes forth in this way. This is an immense and remarkable process. What will happen if such dream-like things come to pass? Your eyes will open wide, your mouth will open in awe, your ears will prick up; but you will then have to bow your head. (28-201, 1970.1.11)
The spirit world is where everyone now living on earth, without exception, and whether they like it or not, will go and dwell. From the barbarians to the civilized people, a great diversity of people of all forms will be gathered there, who came and went throughout history. History until now has failed to become one that is based on peace, on happiness, and on the ideal. So, what has happened to the people in the spirit world? How have they been ruled? The people who lived on earth could not suddenly change in the spirit world. Isn't there a saying, "A habit formed at the age of three years continues until the age of eighty."? It is difficult to correct your inner nature. (141-268, 1986.3.2)
Is there anything about those in the spirit world that is very different from those who have lived on earth to this day? Would they suddenly change? They cannot. You are harvested in the exact form you lived in this world. All those in the spirit world are, after all, just people who have lived on earth. When you look at it this way, the spirit world is no different from the world that people live in today. (141-268, 1986.3.2)
How do you want your life to progress in the spirit world? It is the same as here; you wish to be in a better position tomorrow than you are today. The common desire of people living on earth is that they wish that today will be better than yesterday, and for tomorrow to be better than today.
Regardless of who you are, whether you are from the West or the East, or from the past, present or future, the common desire is for something better in life than the present. This does not change. Everyone in the spirit world is like this. They hope things will become better than the present. They wish to be better than they were during their earthly life. (141-269, 1986.3.21

3.3. Perfection of the spirit person can only come through people on earth

Since the world until now has been Satan's world, evil people have taken the lead in directing nations. Good people, however, have been at the opposite end of this; nevertheless, the angelic world comes to the descendants who have ancestors with good achievements, and tries to co-operate with them. The person they come down to co-operate with is not someone in a high position. Since it could be a person in a low position, we should not just consider people at the top levels of society. (286-194, 1997.1.11)
My situation is like this. After wearily going around the world in my lifetime, there is nothing left when I return home. That being the case, the one thing I planted in people was a heart of yearning for me that grows despite the changes of the days and seasons. Whichever nation I go to, if I live there based on a true heart of love and a heart of yearning. The angels will come and do their works; the good ancestors will come down making it a playground that has no relation to the Fall. They will make it a beacon of hope.
The spirits in the spirit world cannot always come to the earth. Amongst the four seasons there is one that conforms to the gates of their hearts. Even your friends have good times and bad times. When the doors to their heart are in accord, spirits will come down to the earth and co-operate. (283-291, 1997.4.13)
The mainstream religion in spirit world does not work through the realm of the Israelites alone. It switches to, and appears through, each new stage of providential reformation. The mainstream religion has worked through returning resurrection with the co-operation of those spirits. But from now on, since the entire authority of the realm of the mainstream religion has been leveled, your ancestors will unite with those who believe in the Unification Church. Since your ancestors were born before you; they are like the angels in heaven, who, in the same way, were created first. Since we stand in a similar position to Adam, the fundamental rule is to have your ancestors; who naturally stand in a heavenly position, to support the descendants who are in the position of Adam and Eve. It's simple. However, this must be cultivated on the earth. This is not done in the spirit world. You are supposed to cultivate your realm of heart on earth. (140 200, 1986.2.9)
In the past, the angel who watched over Adam and Eve committed the act that made them fall, but our ancestors will no longer do such things. The descendants are all sons and daughters of those archangelic ancestors. Since the foundation is made for your ancestors in that position, to come down and support you, you should live in a way that will not create any basis for them to accuse. This comes from the principle and the law. Live according to the principle and the law. You should practice this in your life. If you do, the spirit world will help you and you will surely prosper. The solution depends on how you practice it in your life. (145-116, 1986.4.30)
Since we are meeting together, we should come to a conclusion together. For what? For the sake of living in the circumstances that God desires, centered on the question of whether Korea is going to live or die. This is what your ancestors are yearning for, for this race; this is God's will; this is the desire of the 40 million people in our nation today, and it will be the desire of our descendants.
If you fail your responsibility at this historical point, you will not be able to avoid reproach from all your ancestors, from people living today, and from your descendants to come. You are all in a more serious position than any of your ancestors, any person at this time, and any of your descendants to come. I live each day with that kind of philosophy. Since I live with such a philosophy of life, and struggle in my battles, God helps me. Because this is happening, my opponents will perish. There is no exception. They have been chased into a corner. I have driven them there thinking, "It's either you or me." (138-335, 1986.1.24)
Despite differences between various cultural spheres, if people understand that the origin that connects life and connects love is one, then it is also important to have the concept: "We are absolutely one". The concept that people are absolutely one is important. Japanese, Koreans, Chinese and Westerners are of the same origin. There is just one origin for the people living on earth today and the many who are in the spirit world. All those on earth will ultimately depart and dwell in the spirit world. (192-257, 1989.7.9)
Since even the gates to hell are opened with a path that rises to the heavenly world, you should be educated... Your parents and ancestors are the archangels, aren't they? But they are no longer the angels who bring ruin to the heavenly side. They take on the mission of the angel who brings ruin to the fallen world, the archangel on the heavenly side, who, according to the laws of restoration through indemnity, no longer stands in the position of bringing ruin to heaven, but stands in the opposite position to the past. Through this, they will co-operate with their descendants who are the Adam-like figures. Such phenomena will occur when the spirits in the spirit world co-operate. Through this, these spirits can progress, alongside people on earth. (164-276, 1987.5.17)
In order to be liberated from their current position, the spirit persons cannot avoid pain without going through people on earth. Since they cannot be freed from their sins, they always seek their earthly dwelling places. They seek out their kith and kin or those related to them, and continue to send them signals. (293-249, 1998.6.1)
When you go to the spirit world you have to be able to come down to the earth. Without establishing the heavenly kingdom on earth, you cannot come down to support your descendants. This is not an impossible idea. It just happens this way. You should work on it even for eternity. Your ancestors were all caught because of their portion of responsibility and indemnity conditions. Unable to find their way in spirit world, they came down to the earth and paid indemnity again. You should not follow them in the same way. If Divine Principle is true, you may all become blameworthy. (146-223, 1986.71)
The reason I am driving you into suffering is not because I dislike you, but because I want to save you. You should realize that this is all for the sake of saving you. You have to understand and be grateful that your suffering is for your own salvation. Then, the world of heavenly heart, the new world of heart, will unfold before you. This is the order of things. So, once you possess the bonds of heart, you can fly anywhere, day and night, according to the heavenly command. If you are determined to take responsibility and lead the world like a locomotive, the spirit world will help you. If you think this way, the spirit world will surely come to support you. (96-279, 1978.213)
Would you all like to go to the spirit world? Between your desire to go to the spirit world and the desire of spirit people to return to earth, which is more sincere? From the standpoint of the Principle, should you be more passionate, or should the spirit world be more passionate? The spirit world is the world of the archangel, and this world is the world of Adam and Eve, the world of the children. The children should be more passionate than the servant, not the other way around.
Are you supposed to help the spirit world or is the spirit world supposed to help you? The spirit persons are waiting to come to your aid, but why are they still waiting? Would they help you in building the Kingdom of Heaven on earth or would they help you to live comfortably? They help you in building the kingdom on earth. (161-227, 1987.2.15)
In the spirit world, there are evil spirits, midway spirits, and good spirits. They dwell within the three stages of formation, growth and completion. By their relating to the completion of the third seven-year course, a path will be created that enables the good spirits to communicate with the earth. This is inevitable. Since the realms of formation and growth lie within the dominion of Satan, the evil spirits within the territory of evil influence have played a leading role, and evil people have dominated the entire world. From now on, the spirits will begin to be transposed. The spirit world comes down at this time of transposition, in which the evil spirits come down first. This time of change is the time of going beyond the growth stage midway spirit world and entering the realm of the good spirit world.
At the time of transition the good spirits will go up with the good people and the evil spirits will go down with the evil people. Until this time, good and evil were in confusion where each was replacing the other by going up and down. However, my view is that, from now on, we will enter an age of a new dimension where good and evil can be completely separated. (75-193, 1975.1.5)
The question is whether you have the standard of heart that will mobilize those in the spirit world, who are unknown to humankind, and have them testify. The spirit world is calling for this standard. Since that world knows God's heart, if such a person makes an appeal on earth, spirit people are mobilized to help in earthly matters concerning the realization of the heavenly ideal. The reason spirit persons are unable to come down to earth is because this earth has become a wall of lamentation and bitterness. (4-60, 1958.3.2)
Now you should pray: "In accordance with True Father's words, you good spirits please return and lead your evil descendants on earth to heaven through your virtuous embrace." An age is coming where such commands will be made possible. We live in the age and realm of Adam, and spirits live in the realm of angels. Due to the principle and law that angels must assist Adam, we quickly come to the conclusion that they would be compelled to help. (89-113, 1976.10.4)
You should get up early in the morning and pray in tears for your neighborhood, for the area of your responsibility. This is the way of the heart and the way of establishing a spiritual bond with the spirit world. You should feel that when God looks upon this neighborhood, He cannot help shedding tears because they are all destined for hell, and you would feel yourself shedding tears on behalf of God, feeling that you just had to weep. When a powerful resonance sets in, enabling you to shed tears based on God's heart, the entire spirit world will be mobilized. (96-282, 1978.2.13)
You should witness even when it does not go well. It is like throwing stones into the sea. You keep doing it without limit until the stones fill the sea and form a mountain. Through this, you grow in heart. Although the body does not change, your heart grows. (96-282, 1978.1.13)
The six-thousand-year history has been a history of searching for one Adam, and a history of recreating Adam. This is why you should follow me. Eve cannot be created without Adam. This is why God has to create one man, Adam. For this purpose, the flesh and blood of countless people who have appeared in the providence of restoration should be used as raw material.
The hatred and animosity of the millions of people in the spirit world have to be lumped together in this place. When the substantial Adam figure finally appears, only then can the martyrs, who had shed blood and died under severe persecution, be sure that their lives were worthwhile. Though they are in the spirit world, they can only receive liberation by connecting with people on earth. This is how it works. This should not be just a vague concept. The question relates to how we can really make this substantial. (29-271, 1970.3.11)
We should move on, no matter what others are doing at our side, whether they are eating or resting. In front of us, thousands are continuously going forward. If you struggle and make strong efforts to go forward, pulling the rope relentlessly, then other people will also hold the rope for you. In the meantime, you will also feel that many people fall away from the rope. It is like a marathon competition. There will be first and second places. History has been like this.
For thousands of years up until the present time, countless spirit people have clung to this rope. When you take the highest position, and pass on to the next world, if you then connect to the rope-winding point and wind the rope in completely, both the spiritual and physical worlds will be restored. 132-145, 1970.7.5)

3.4. Co-operation from the spirit world

Since the spirit world has now moved extremely close, the age has come where good spirits will settle down on this earth. They will come and live here. To this day, Satan and evils spirits have divided up this earth and taken charge of it. But now, the good spirits will take over the earth and be in charge of it. For this to happen, members of the Unification Church must shed tears, sweat and blood, and offer devotion. You should pray with a fervent heart greater than the devotion offered by Christians and more than that of the Islamic faith, Buddhism and all other religions. You should pray, saying, "Since the substantial foundation has been restored on the earth through all of you spirits, the Unification Church will march forward through all the realms of spirit world based on this spiritual foundation!" (169-40, 1987.10.1)
Did you know that the people in the spirit world can only he saved through us? Therefore, if you live for the sake of those who have passed to the spirit world, the blessings from that world will come to you. If you can become such a person who can live and offer indemnity and repentance for the spirit world, then it will come down and be with you. The entire spirit world moves with you at the center. You have to know how indemnity and repentance are so important. (125-52. 1983.3.1)
Since there is no boundary there, the territory of the spirit world is endless. Nevertheless, wherever you go there, spirit people will come and say, "I assisted you. When you were a leader of such and such a place, I was there to assist you." They are all your friends. They will become your comrades who stand in the same age of the providence. Like I explained, the spirit world must be mobilized. How can heaven be created without mobilizing the spirit world? It is not possible.
Heaven is supposed to begin from the true parent, not from fallen descendants. Just as the angelic world assisted at the time of the creation of Adam, the spirit world should return to earth and assist with re-creation. Without doing so it is not possible to build heaven on earth. Isn't this the Principle of Resurrection? It will be generally recognized to be true when it becomes visible as results. Thus, how pleased will the spirit world be with me? (162-114, 1987.3.30)
If you go forth with strong conviction, your ancestors would hold down and immobilize your mother or any other relatives that oppose us, and keep them from opening their mouth. The ancestors would say, "Listen to me!" Why is that so? It is because the fallen evil spirits have retreated, and you stand on the foundation with True Parents of having pushed Satan away on the global level. The True Parents are connected with the national level, and based on your original tribal foundation, you can relate to the parental position within the sphere of goodness. Hence, the evil spirits have retreated and all your ancestors from the archangel-type spirit world will co-operate with you. (154-91, 1989.3.19)
Even your ancestors in the spirit world would look down and want to come to this earth with the desire to assist their descendants of whom they are proud. That is why many of your ancestors come down to be with you. This is the realm of religion based on the tribes or relatives that transcends denominations. Do you understand? Your ancestors want to follow you while placing their trust and love in you. That is why they want to devote themselves in assisting you. (189-275, 1989.5.1)
At this time, on the earth, when people pray after joining the Unification Church, their ancestors would appear in a week and teach them everything. We have reached such a situation. What this means is that religions, so far, have paved the way for a global domain and prepared the ground for the vertical spiritual path by way of the bond of heart. Since the Unification Movement broadened the horizontal physical domain to a global level, connecting this to the ends of the world, it has become an age where the ancestors in the spirit world can finally come down to earth and give their assistance to their tribe. Home Church is the miniaturized foundation of this global domain.
Then what happens to the good spirits? In the past they came, offered their assistance and returned. But now they will settle down on the earth. Such an age is coming. They will settle down, do you understand? When I say, “jeong-joy" (settle down), I am not talking about my hometown kongiu. I am saying that we have entered an age where the good spirits in the spirit world can finally settle down and live on the earth. You have joined the Unification Church, and so engage in its activities. Your good ancestors will live with you and assist you. That is why it is possible to restore your tribes. (163-301, 1987.5.1)
Although we have entered a global age, you still have an individual position, which is connected with the highest saints in the spirit world. Thus, if you are a person who has a similar frame of mind, who keeps such a standard of heart, then you would inherit the spiritual foundation that enables you to receive immeasurable assistance, wherever you are and whenever you need it. That is why, based on the present-day activities of the Unification Church on earth, the spirits of the patriots of each nation have built a protected foundation in spirit world and have now come down and settled on the earth.
When you consider past military campaigns, haven't tens and hundreds of times more people died than the population of a nation, in trying to defend their country? They have now come to earth to set up camp and are waiting for operations to expand. Therefore, all missionaries should initiate a national movement, a total mobilization, and be ready to make sacrifices representing both physical and spirit worlds. The spirits will all come to their aid once the order for advance is given. (162-108, 1987.3.30)
Since the religions have failed so far to connect the spiritual and physical worlds, then making contact with the spirit world has only been possible by harmonizing with its vertical rhythm and wavelength through offering spiritual devotion. But now we have entered the broadcasting station itself. We stand in a position similar to a diaphragm, which is not the wave itself, but the transmitter of the waves. By choosing the frequency at ten, a thousand or a very short wavelength, you can send out electric waves of differing wavelengths.
Because you have a broadcasting station, then when you say, "Let all my ancestors in the spirit world come down to support me. Good ancestors, come and help me. I need that kind of vibration and resonance." then they will come down instantly... You can draw individuals and families just by calling them. The ancestors can move and come down now that the earth has become like a foothold which allows them to connect with the realms of the tribe, people and world.
When this phenomenon occurs, your body, which was trying to go in one direction, would turn around involuntarily and be drawn back. When the spirits come and take hold of you and guide you, then, since you would be unaware that you are caught, you would be drawn along and he none the wiser. You would feel as though you are going by your own volition. Do you believe that? This is not an empty theory. It is logical. (162-103, 1987.3.30)
When the Unification Church moves, Mohamed will come to its assistance, along with all the representatives of Confucianism and Buddhism. Even God will come to its support. Thus, you should take pride in the fact that you move amidst the co-operation of the whole spiritual realm, since you represent humanity, spirit world and God. (162-15, 1997.3.15)
The position of the perfected parents cannot receive the co-operation of the fallen spirit world. This is the reason the spirit world could not support and co-operate with True Parents until now. Isn't this how it was originally with the Principle? The position of the perfected parents should be supported by God and the unfallen archangel. No matter how numerous the spirits within the satanic realm are, they stand in a position that prevents them from assisting True Parents. Since the spirits who are in the spirit world now, were not born from the True Parent but from the false parent, they cannot assist the True Parent.
But by indemnifying all the failures of the archangel, they can support as much as they like in the position of the children, that is, the position of Adam and Eve who are still growing. In this way, through the co-operation of the spirit world, the fallen world will gradually crumble and collapse in the near future. (146-312, 1986.7.20)

3.5. Atheists are like wandering spirits

Everyone, do you know how gigantic the spirit world is? Have you ever imagined what the population of that world would be? According to a spiritualist, he calculated that there are about 3,320 spirits for each living person. If such a number were all on our side, would we lose or win the fight against the satanic world? (86-19.3, 1976.3.28)
Considering that people do not live longer than one hundred years, out of five billion people, fifty million pass on to the spirit world each year. What can we do for those going to hell? God wants us to harvest to His side what Satan has sown. What would happen if this was constantly delayed? So far, during the last forty years, how many have gone to hell? Billions have gone to hell. This is serious. If you go to the spirit world, and they say, "When you were alive on earth, you did not fulfill your responsibility for us, did you?" Then, how are you supposed to reply to them? You should at least do this in your mind. When you talk to them, at least in your mind, and move on with the determination to take the responsibility for the future, they will say, “You are an amazing person. You cared for us." (205-355, 1990.10.2)
Now, 60,000 people are dying each day. Since twenty million people die of hunger each year now, 60,000 are dying in one day. When the parents, brothers and sisters, and children of the dying see them, their hearts are torn with pain and filled with tears. If those who are referred to as True Parents do not sympathize with them and prepare for their rescue, True Parents will be accused by their contemporaries on earth. (205-355, 1990.10.2)
Those who are more pitiful than starving people are those who deny God. This is because those who are starving will be granted a certain level in the other world according to the merits of their good intentions, but atheists will have no standing because they deny spirit world. They wander around in the spirit world like clouds. They become wandering spirits. Just as clouds gather and produce rain, they get together and create evil influence. They all go to hell and inflict pain in hell. Although I know this all too clearly, I have to save them, and this is why I am doing this work. (205-355, 1990.10.2) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Six - Our Life And The Spiritual Realm
Chapter Two - What Kind of Place Is the Spirit World?
Section 4. Our Ancestors and Ourselves

4.1. We are the fruit of our ancestors

All of you are the historic reincarnations of your ancestors, wearing their faces. How long is this history? It is known to be hundreds of thousands of years old. The long course of history was eventually to create one person, yourself. In order to create one such person, for example, from the Kim family, countless ancestors came and went. Therefore, we are the fruits of human history. (46-155, 1971.8.13)
When I see someone's face, I can usually tell if he has good or had ancestors. Some people have good ancestors and receive blessings, whereas others have bad ancestors and suffer all the time. Such people will suffer terribly when they go witnessing in their mission places. (37-144, 1970.12.23)
If you keep pace with the Unification Church by way of the principled standard, good spirits and ancestors in the spirit world who used to cooperate with the national fortune will work for you. Externally, you may appear unlucky with a flat face and small ears but spirit world sees you as a lucky child. Your ancestors within ten generations are especially anxious, because the history of restoration is realized based on ten generations. But when an evil descendant appears, ancestors within ten generations judge him saying, "Hey you! You're going to ruin us!" (11-20, 1964.4.19)
Just as spirits of good ancestors at the time of Jesus could rise from the level of form-spirit to life-spirit in the spirit world, your ancestors have entered the realm which gives them the special privilege to return to earth through you. When you understand this and become part of the victorious foundation, you stand in a position of having created life. For this reason, your ancestors will help you. In this way, you should be the base through which your ancestors of thousands of generations can return. (14-22, 1964.4.19)
When you go to the spirit world, you will meet countless saints and ancestors, and share with them. They will ask you, "Where did you come from? What part of the world? Which country? Where?" and reminisce as they talk with you. Don't friends also share past stories when they meet? When you go to the spirit world you will meet your great-great-grandfather and thousands and tens of thousands of your ancestors. Would you feel offended if they impolitely say to you, "You good-for-nothing! How was your life?" Think about that. (148.321, 1986.10.26)
Now, our ancestors must help us, in order to receive blessings. The more they oppose, the deeper they fall into a pit. Heavenly fortune is changing rapidly. In the future, they will clamor to have a picture of me hanging in each of their houses. They will admonish you from the spirit world. That is why those who raise the church flag, hang my picture and greet it everyday, would bring alive the work of resurrecting their ancestors. (208-154, 1990.11.17)
Until this time, those who communicated with low-level spirits told you not to go to the Unification Church. But now those such as Buddha, Jesus and Confucius must teach people to go to the Unification Church; otherwise, they will be judged by heavenly law. Why? It is because the religion I teach is the religion of the parents. (208-154, 1990.11.17)
You have to be able to say, "Through the True Parents we have become ancestors who can bequeath a new lineage, and become a blessed tribe that brings about liberation! Our tribe will be of God's eternal unchanging household and kin." Then, you will be eternally separated from Satan. That is why the Unification Church allows the honoring of ancestors.
Does Christianity allow you to perform ancestral rites? The Unification Church should carry on and establish this tradition. This is not a secular tradition. By attending the heavenly Parent, the heavenly kingdom and the heavenly ancestors, a royal domain will emerge, one where we can eternally attend the realm of tribal messiahship as part of the mainstream lineage and bequeath the way of attendance to succeeding generations. It will be a nation where we can attend the King, and sing praises for the eternal reign of peace and prosperity. You, your mother, father, family and tribe can go directly to heaven only after having lived in such a nation. (221-221, 1991.10.19)
If you pray and connect with the spirit world, you would know that the spirits are working very hard to bring their descendants closer to heaven. But here on earth, people sometimes speak badly of their ancestors and try to live well-off on their own. (223-38, 1969.5.11)
In order to be liberated from their current position, the spirit persons cannot avoid pain without going through people on earth. Since they cannot be freed from their sins, they always seek their earthly dwelling place. They seek out their kin or those related to them and continue to send signs to them. (293-249, 1998.6.1)

4.2. Ancestral salvation conies from those on earth

When you leave behind a love greater than that of your great-grandparents in the house where you and your ancestors were born and have lived, heaven will see the luster of love shining forth. Hundreds, thousands, and millions of volts of light will shine forth. This light goes up to your ancestors. It goes to the spirit world, the Kingdom of Heaven and God. This Kingdom is our original homeland. Isn't God our original Father? (213-190, 1991.1.20)
All your ancestors in the spirit world are watching the way you live. There is nowhere to hide. They are watching everything. When you go to the spirit world, you are able to see through walls and even the entire earth. We are to go and live in such a world eternally.
Since we were created as God's objects of love, God eternally needs a being that becomes an object partner to His eternal love. Just as God is eternal, we are eternal. Without being a partner of love, there is no eternal life. (213-196, 1991.1.20)
The spirit world is in your hands; your relatives are in your hands - not only your relatives, but even your country is in your hands; even the task of setting the right tradition for your descendants is in your hands. You should always keep this in mind. Whether you, as a single person, accomplish or not, will determine whether your ancestors and relatives will be liberated, and whether your descendants can be the chosen people of liberation. (66-76, 1973.3.17)
You should always he thinking that you are representing three ages. For this reason, you have to realize that the spirit world is in your hands and that your ancestors are at your mercy. If we gather the past, present and future together, and put physical and spiritual realms together, and lead them, they will come running to you. We should accomplish that mission. (66-76, 1971.3.17)
The world is now changing rapidly. Many evil people are dying in accidents. Suddenly they are dead. Now there is no indemnity. An age has come where decisions and punishments are instantly rendered. You have to straighten out your act. Who is doing this? The devil is not bringing our indemnity. Your own ancestors are dealing with it. The standard of the Blessing I have now given you is equal for you all. If you fall away from this standard... When you go to the spirit world the standard should not be lost. Since you have to stand in a certain spiritual position, you should be taken to the spirit world in order to prevent your losing that standard. Such an age will come. Your ancestors will give you both the illness and the medicine. They will say, "Attend True Parents' picture!" (301-164, 1999.4.23)
You should receive your ancestors' cooperation with a fervent heart greater than heaven and earth. Everything goes in this way. Three generations are included. Your ancestors are the first generation, you are the second generation and your children are the third generation. You have to bind them together with a fervent heart so that your descendants, the third generation, on earth, who are born anew, can even reach to your parents and ancestors in heaven. Isn't that so? (302-39, 1999.5.18)
Your ancestors in the spirit world would look down and want to come with the desire to assist their descendants of whom they are proud. That is why many of your ancestors come down to you. This is the realm of religion based on the tribes that transcends denominations. Do you understand? Your ancestors want to follow you while placing their trust and love in you. That is why they want to devote themselves in assisting you. (189-278, 1989.5.1)
In order for my mother to come down to the earth and give assistance, she could come only after attaining the proper position as my mother. That is why she has come now. Resurrection can occur because of you. Even your ancestors are given salvation through you. For that reason, they wish to actively support you. Therefore, in your local area, work hard without rest. (179-25, 1986.6.15)
One iron rule that you must know is that you have to do more than any loyal servant, patriot, filial child or church minister has done, who lived in your area. If you make greater efforts than they did, they will all support you. That is the condition. If you do that, you will be standing in the place which is above the realm that Satan can accuse. Therefore, Satan will not oppose you and, with the support of the spirit world, your ancestors will appear to your family and relatives and spiritually push them to join the Unification Church. What happens is that your grandfather comes to assist you and goes witnessing for you. (179-17, 1986.6.15)
When you are sitting on the toilet, the spirit world tells you, "Hey, you should do these things today!" and teaches you the entire program. Such wonderful things are really occurring. Therefore, when you are on the streets, there are many cases where connected people are spiritually contacted in advance, and end up meeting you. That is why you should enlist support from the spirit world. You must have the support of the spirit world.
Now, your ancestors will cooperate with you. In the world of the unfallen realm, the perfection of Adam was to be achieved by having the angels protect him, raise him, and bring him to the occasion of the Blessing. By having the spirit world fulfill its original mission, the archangelic realm of the spirit world will be restored, and through this the earthly realm will be restored.
The archangel caused the Fall, didn't he? Therefore, your ancestors will come and act as the good archangel. Through this, you stand in the original position of the unfallen Adam and can come within the realm of God's heart. Since you can follow that path within the enclosure of cooperation from your ancestors, this does not belong to the fallen realm. It is standing in the victorious realm of the original heart, and marching towards the realm of deliverance. This way you can directly go to heaven. This all conforms to the principles of restoration through indemnity. There is nothing vague about this. (178-133, 1988.6.1)
The spirit world will support you. They will gather your relatives and all who are near to you and bring them before you. In this way, the spirits in the spirit world centering on God will come down and surround you who are in the position of Adam. Because your good ancestors will be surrounding you, they will create a realm where evil and Satan cannot invade. So, based on that standard, you will inherit the position of the original true ancestor through bonds of heart. Since this has become like a newly-planted foundation, centering on that standard of heart, all the grandfathers and grandmothers among your relatives will bow their heads to you. (177-75, 1988.5.15)
Now, your ancestors will support you. In the past, evil ancestors used their descendants, but now is the time when good ancestors come down and act. Therefore, you have to bear the cross. There has to be someone who is willing to bear the cross and pay indemnity for the tribe, people, nation and world. The hope of the nation and race should be incorporated within the providential age of the worldwide ideal, but up until this time the ancestral spirits could not stand in a high position of influence and were held captive in the lower realms.
If you bear the cross and fight for the benefit of the world level, everything can be quickly resurrected because of you. Then, from those living on earth, a foundation can be laid to save all the ancestors equally across the generations. That is the only way your tribe can he liberated. Do you understand what I am saying? (172-253, 1958.1.23)
From the earthly perspective, all your ancestors will come and build a bridge. Since your ancestors are in the archangelic position, they cooperate with re-creation and are raised up according to their bond with True Parents' love. Since even the gates of hell are opened to a path that rises to the heavenly world, you should receive education and...
Your parents and ancestors are the archangels, aren't they? But they are no longer the angels who bring ruin to the heavenly side. They take on the mission of the angel who brings ruin to the fallen world. This is the archangel on the heavenly side, who, according to the laws of restoration through indemnity, stands in the opposite position to the past. Consequently they will cooperate with their descendants and Adam-like figures. Such phenomena will occur when the spirits in the spirit world cooperate and can be resurrected along with people on earth. (164-276, 1987.5.17)
Good spirits and all your ancestors will come down and assist you. There will be no more occasions when you have to feel nervous about people who oppose the Unification Church. Now, even if the entire world created a disturbance your minds will be tranquil. Your mind will not tremble. That time has already come. The evil spiritual atmosphere cannot touch us.
When you look carefully at the descendants of good ancestors, their heart is such that they like having you come to their house; and when you do, they want to give you something precious. Though you may not be aware of it, when your ancestors cooperate and make you take action through your feeling to help a needy person, they benefit from that. You also can develop through that. In accordance with the principle of cooperation between the angelic world and the realm of Adam, then, in this age of re-creation, your ancestors from the angelic realm will support you who are the descendants of Adam. By cooperating with the process of re-creation, then, in a certain way, they can grow up in the presence of God's will. (164-308, 1987.5.17)
Even though your grandmother and grandfather passed away, they can come alive because of you. Your mother and father can come alive through you. Because of true love, and based on true love, when you say, "Be alive!" then your grandmother will appear saying, "Yes?", and you can meet your grandparents and parents who have passed away. You should know that such a path is found in true love. Your grandmother and grandfather and all your ancestors are in the spirit world. But when you say, "I have this difficult problem. Help me," they will solve it for you immediately. You are entering such an age. They will instruct you. God is our ancestor and we are His grandchildren. Hence, when you say, "Please let this be so, as I am asking." He will say "Yes." He will not say "No." Everything will come out alright with God. (162-143, 1987.4.5)
The spirits in the spirit world mobilize in many ways in order to receive the help of people on earth and comedown to their descendants. However, since their descendants do not know how to solve the situation, their family circumstances start to go awry, the path becomes difficult, and other problems are repeated. The spirits who are elevated through the help of people on earth move to a better position than their current one. In this way, their life becomes comfortable and the lives of their descendants on earth also become peaceful. (192-287, 1998.4.27)

4.3. Blessed families and honoring one's ancestors

The Unification Church allows for honoring ancestors and should carry on that tradition. In the future, however, this will be done with reference to the True Parents, and will thus differ from the secular tradition in the secular world. By at tending the heavenly Parent, the heavenly kingdom and the heavenly ancestors, a royal domain will emerge, one where we can eternally attend the realm of tribal messiahship as part of the mainstream lineage and bequeath the way of attendance to succeeding generations. It will be a nation where we can attend the King, and sing praises for the eternal reign of peace and prosperity. You, your mother, father, family and tribe can go directly to heaven only after having lived in such a nation. (220-221, 1991.10, 19)
You should value the right of the chosen people and their lineage. The right of the chosen people is the right of the eldest son. Korea is the country of the eldest son. The purpose of Korea becoming a race that loves their genealogy was for the sake of carrying on the lineage. It is not wrong to worship your ancestors and perform services in their memory. In the future, there will be a time when we revere our parents more than those who belong to Confucianism. Do you understand what I am saying? (226-277, 1992.2.9)
If your grandparents are deceased, you should visit their graves. You should visit and pay your respects to them as if God were buried in that grave. As of that day, you are to make amends for the bitter sorrow of not attending your grandparents during your lifetime. (220-349, 1991.10.20)
The firstborn son of the eldest son must drive his roots deep. No one can uproot it. The grandfather cannot do so, nor can the uncle. That is why when you perform ancestral rites, you first have the eldest son stand at the head even before his uncle, cousin, third-cousin and even his great-uncle. Did you know that? The eldest son is set at the front, thus, we can see that the Korean race was one which attached great importance to the first son's position by virtue of its traditional cultural background that reveres its ancestors. Did the lowly people live with the nobility? Did they carelessly mingle with each other? No. It was said that the nobility would not even light a fire made with husks of rice, even if they were to freeze to death. That is amazing. (197-340, 1990.1.20)
There is some element of truth in Christianity's ban on the performance of ancestral rites to this present day. This rite should be offered to God and the True Parent of all humankind. The ancestors ideally should be first served from heaven. However, due to the Fall, this has been prohibited until the present time. In the age of restoration, since you have received the Blessing, you should attend your ancestors from now on. (221-210, 1991.11.10)
When the day for a memorial service comes, the firstborn son of the eldest son decides the time of the service. That is why you can hold the service at five o'clock in the morning, even if previously it was done at one o'clock in the morning. Depending on the circumstances, the time could be changed again from five to seven o'clock in the morning, or even sometime during the day. The person who decides this is not your grandfather or ancestor who has passed away, but the eldest son. The offering table can he served to the grandparents who passed away only when they come at the time designated by the firstborn son of the eldest son. If the grandparents don't like the time, they will not be served. Is not the earth the center? By the same logic: what is released on earth is released in heaven. That is why the two must become one. (231-168, 1992.6.2)
You should love and serve your ancestors. It is not a sin to do so. Even in the satanic world, people serve their ancestors. But in the case of Christianity, don't they tell you not to serve your ancestors? In the future, though, you will have to serve the ancestors of the heavenly world continuously. That is why the Unification Church approves of ancestral rites. Christians make a fuss about it saying, "Oh, that's an idol," don't they? But Blessed families who live in the fallen world have the responsibility to keep this tradition and pass it on to their descendants. (241-127, 1992.12.20)
Korean history is truly amazing. An uncle would take part in the memorial services while attending the eldest son during the services held in his house, wouldn't he? You should know the historical background of Korea in God's providence was for the purpose of establishing it as the eldest son race. Knowing this, you can see how superior the Korean race is, and how great the Korean people are. Therefore, your children would not be timid. You should clearly know these things. (245-156, 1993.2.28)
In regard to the firstborn son of the eldest son, even the grandfather comes under his command when that son performs the ancestral rites. The grandfather has to show his respect. The fact that Koreans place value in the lineage of the firstborn son, and also in their genealogy and lineage, holds record-breaking historical value in God's providence of restoration, which can never be forgotten from the deepest root of His mind. (290-9, 1998.2.2)
No matter how many children Adam has, the nation is centered on his first son. Then, with the first son at the head, his brothers spread out on both sides to become a tribe and nation. The first son succeeds to the throne. In Korea, this pertains to the firstborn son of the eldest son. This is truly amazing. What is great about Korea is that it could receive blessings from God because it has been protecting the tradition of the eldest son.
When the eldest grandson of the grandfather holds a memorial service, then the granduncles -- those who are the younger brothers of the grandfather -- must attend that son as the center when performing the ancestral rites. It is remarkable that they have been attending the eldest son. They must be absolutely obedient. (301-189, 1999.4.26)
In the Korean tradition of the eldest son, even the granduncles had to uphold the position of the firstborn son of the eldest son during ancestral rites. That history is amazing. When this tradition of the first son relates to a higher standard of lineage, life, and love, then God can take it as the highest standard of His desire. Centering on heaven, this standard influences earthly circumstances, which are absorbed into that sphere of influence. Consequently, it is possible for the Kingdom of Heaven on earth to develop in this way. This is all logical. It is not a fanciful idea. tin1.222, 1999.3.5)
What is the path of a divine son? 'Divine son' indicates something vertical. It is talking about the vertical concept of connection to God. 'Saint' is horizontal with regard to the four directions of north, south, east and west. Isn't that how it is in Confucianism? When we say, "Cheon" (heaven), doesn't it give us the impression that only the son of Heaven can relate to it? That is why it is vertical. What is amazing in Korean etiquette is that, even the uncle allows the eldest son of the head family to perform the ancestral rites. Why does he do that? It is vertical. The vertical comes first. (196-320, 1990.1.12) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Six - Our Life And The Spiritual Realm
Chapter Two - What Kind of Place Is the Spirit World?
Section 5. The Spirit World Must Be Known

The reason I told that special team to carry out a research project is because science is now highly advanced. I asked them to do research on the frequency that enables contact with the spirit world. The motions in the spirit world are all made up of vibrations. I instructed them to research this because we have entered an age where the existence of the spirit world can be scientifically proven. This can be done by discovering the frequency of vibrations used by spiritualists when they contact the spirit world. After I gave a full explanation about the spirit world to them, their eyes were wide open with surprise.
That is why, yesterday, I explained in what manner the psychological process is related to the physical and spirit worlds. It is said that the psyche puts into effect an absolute force. People only know one side of the question of why this is so. Electricity is created through the interaction between plus and minus. They don't know that it is the same phenomenon, when force is manifested by the plus and minus within that circle of relationship. Therefore, if we delve into this area, a world of new dimensions will be found. When we enter the age where the unknown spirit world can be rationally understood, the age of religion will be brought to an end. It would be an age where humankind would believe in God even if they were told not to. This is a great task. (134-239, 1985.7.20) 

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Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Six - Our Life And The Spiritual Realm
Chapter Two - What Kind of Place Is the Spirit World?
Section 6. Judgment

6.1. God has no concept of the enemy

Why did God create humankind? Would God enjoy being alone? Would He be happy, or would He be lonely? Religion today cannot even answer these questions. Christians say, "God is the great Lord of judgment, the judge who sends the bad to hell and the good to heaven." If God is chief justice, is lie qualified to be God? He would he a grim God. No one would want to deal with such a God. What God wanted to become was the God of true love towards humankind. (278-197, 1996.5.24)
The concept that God is the Lord of judgment does not exist in God. If He harbors the idea of getting His revenge, God's ideal world would not emerge. That is why the concept of judgment by literal fire does not exist in God. Since the concept of the enemy is alien to Him, God raised Abel to have him bring Cain to submission through natural means, not by force. (233-228, 1992.8.1)
Even in this world, if the chief justice passes the death sentence five times, he has terrible dreams at night. If God had passed judgment on millions and billions of people and sent them all to hell, would those spirits in hell be calm? They would go after this God. How dreadful would God's dreams be then? It wouldn't actually be like that, but what I just said makes sense. (221-113, 1991.10.23)
Idealism cannot be found in a place where the omniscient and omnipotent God passes judgment as He pleases, sending Christians to heaven and nonbelievers to hell. That which is ideal must be universally valid. It must be the same in any place and at any time in the past, present or future. The reason we can say that sea water is ideal in its unchanging attributes, is because it always fills the deep places, while its surface is always horizontal. There is no change. When change happens, it becomes dualism or tripleism. (219-39, 1991.8.25)
God cannot destroy anyone. God created with the ideal of love. God, who desires to practice the love ideal, cannot pass judgment with His rod of iron. God cannot do that. Why? It is because He created with the ideal of love. Therefore, even if that ideal has not been realized, He cannot strike. If He were to strike and leave behind a tradition and habit of striking, there would be no way to resolve this. These days there is a term called 'habitual,' isn't there? In light of this, the absolute God must be able to bring about absolute enlightenment, even without striking. (213-11, 1991.1.13)
Throughout history, God's strategy in His battles has been one of being hit first, and then taking back what is His. God cannot strike first. If the argument is established that God can strike first, then the logic that God had set down the rules enabling Him to judge, would arise. If we say that God has the responsibility to judge good and evil, then the logic would arise that God had the concepts of good and evil within Himself. This would lead to dualism. For this reason God cannot strike. (212-108, 1993.1.1)
When you ask the Christians, "What does God do for a living?" they would answer, "He sits on His throne and sends evil people to hell and good people to heaven." Is that what God does? You should try playing judge for five years at the Supreme Court. Could you do that? Imagine passing judgment on your own children, giving the death sentence to your own wife or mother. Would you be able to sleep after sentencing your own mother and father to death? Who would be able to relieve the pain in your anguished heart? Neither a nation nor the whole world would be able to remove this. It is a contradiction in itself to attend God as the master of world peace under such a one-sided view that puts God in such a miserable position. That style of Christianity must decline. (201-100, 1990.7.1)
You may not know the spirit world well but when you go there. God does not become the judge of righteousness and say, "Bang! Off to hell with you!" This never happens. How can God be like that? Would God, the Father of humankind and greatest monarch of goodness, have created hell for the sake of sending people there? Those who talk about predestination and the like are crazy. How well do you think I know the spirit world? I know about everything, even Jesus' secrets. That is why I cracked the secrets of the Bible, and created a consistent system of thought based on an obscure Biblical reality that no one knew until today. Who indeed is the great teacher? Isn't it the very person who is greatly persecuted, and yet is standing before you? (201-273, 1990.4.29)
The parents cannot find happiness when their beloved child falls ill. If God does not feel pain in His heart for the condition of human beings who have become the cause of national ruin, and who are falling straight down into hell, but instead, enjoys it saying, "Wow! You got what you deserved and now you are going to perish," then such a God should be struck down by lightning.
Since lie is an ideal God who represents the parental position, He does not just sit still on seeing these circumstances. When we think about the hidden heart of parents who would disregard the laws of their nation in order to save their own children, we know it is the same with God.
Were it not for Satan, God would forgive humankind and save them. Despite His desire, since God cannot avoid Satan's accusations, then with tremendous regret, He is compelled to accept those accusations. Who understands God's difficult and wearisome position? We should liberate Him from this situation. In order to do so, there must be such sons and daughters who can confront Satan and save those in hell. Without doing so it is impossible. (210-219, 1990.12.2)
As if it isn't difficult enough dragging an empty wagon, God has to drag humankind in reverse. This is not a smooth path. He is dragging us backwards. Since God has to go in the opposite direction, He drags us backwards.
Religious people today do not even dream that God could he doing these things. In Buddhism and Christian thought, they think that God is omniscient and omnipotent and free to take life and give life, and can pass judgment by giving punishments and blessings. They could never be so wrong. In this light, amongst the religions, the Unification Church embraces teachings of a higher dimension. Without doubt, it is a religion that labors to find solutions. Hence, it is a religion of a higher dimension. Other than the Unification Church, there has never been a religion that is determined to liberate God. (233-270, 1992.8.2)
Christians today say that God exists as the Lord of righteous judgment who passes judgment on injustices. Yet, would such a God be at ease? Has anyone here been a judge before? When they execute a condemned criminal, the judge must also be present at the place of execution. There is no person more miserable than a judge. Do you like being chief justice? How do you want to make a living? As chief justice how many days will you live within that environment of judgment, although you become a man of authority and have everything you deal with go smoothly just as you wish, and at your command? After a month of this life you would refuse to continue. You would be sick of it.
Even nice food becomes repugnant to you if you eat the same dish everyday. Even the odor of the gas you let out after eating it would become worse. People are meant to live according to varying circumstances, high and low, front and back, and left and right. (199-327, 1990.2.21)
If you asked God, "What do You want to do with Your life?" I am the very person who asked this and got an answer. He is not a judge. God is neither the defense attorney nor the public prosecutor. He would answer, "What is there to ask? I want to live enraptured in love." His answer would be simple. What does He want to live enraptured in? God wants to live enraptured in love. When you are enraptured in love, your eyes go towards one location, your nose with the sense of smell would go towards that place, your lips that you use to talk with would go to that place, your ears you use to listen with would go towards that place; all of it would go towards one place. What is that stimulating element that lets us completely unify our five senses? It is love. (199-766, 1990.7.10)
Today Christianity says, "God is the holy, omniscient, and omnipotent being, and the judge who sits on His throne as the righteous Lord of judgment and passes judgment on all people." But do you like being a judge? If you serve as a judge for ten years, you will get sick and die; or if not, you will at least become seriously ill. If you do not get sick, you are a fake. Judges sometimes pass death sentences, and yet their verdicts cannot be absolutely right. There are many different ways of seeing the situation, and still their judgments decide whether someone lives or dies. This is a serious matter. Laws cannot be absolute in the light of the universal law. For this reason, an ordinary person will fall sick after being a judge for ten years. (195-285, 1990.2.5)
In the Christian way, we would say, "God sits on His throne in heaven as the righteous Lord of Judgment. He judges good and evil, and sends the good to heaven and the bad to hell. That is God's hobby in life!" Amen or no-men? A judge is compelled to do it, but after passing judgment, the chief justice cannot sleep at night. He suffers regardless of whether his decision was right or wrong. There is only one judge. If this is how we are, and if we resemble God, would God enjoy being judge or would He detest it? (197-145, 1990.1.13)
Christians have not known that God is a God of grief and a God of pain. Does God exist as the Holy King and Lord of Judgment? What is there for Him to desire that would make Him want to be the Lord of Judgment? Because of the Fall, God is compelled to act as a judge. Yet no one knows how to set this right. There is no one even in religious circles who knows this. The only place that knows is the Unification Church. (196-172, 1990.1.1)

6.2. True Parents pass judgment based on the governing law of love

What in the world is the savior? What is the purpose of his coming? He is not coming to be a political leader. Why would a savior come? Christians today say that when the Lord comes they will all rise up and be lifted into the sky, and those left on earth will be judged. That will not happen. That is not the reality. They say he brings judgment, but the savior does not come to pass judgment. He comes as God's Son and also as the Parent of humankind.
Would the person who comes as the Parent of humankind, and with a parental heart, remove his sons and daughters who are groaning in illness and on the verge of death saying, "Hey you, go to hell!"? Even parents in the fallen world would choke with grief and sorrow to see their children dying in such a miserable state. Their heart would compel them to do anything to save their children, even if they lose their own life. If that is how the parents in the fallen world are, how much more so would it be for the Savior who conies with the heart of the original Parent? Judgment would be unthinkable. Isn't that so? (222-158, 1991.1.13)
People recite the Bible saying. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." It says that God so loved the world. Jesus came to save the whole world, not just for the salvation of Christians. Is he going to bring judgment in the Last Days? Then the statement that "God so loved the world" would he wrong. Does He only love the Christians? They do not know that God always has love. We have to teach this to them to make them repent and change their minds. Away with denominationalists! (210-110, 1990.12.1)
Christian churches today say that God passes judgment and does other things. Yet, if God were free to do as He wants, there would be no need to withhold judgment in this way until now. He would have executed judgment immediately after the Fall. There is no principle that allows God to establish His ideal of love on the foundation of victory gained through rendering judgment. (210-61, 1990.12.1)
What is the error in the philosophy of Christian churches today? It is in calling God the Judge of righteousness. If you take on the role of a judge for five years, you will start to become bent over. Why? Because you cannot stand upright. Christians did not know this. They have just revered God as the God of might and the omnipotent God. They believed they could do anything if they became one with Him. This is where they got the theory that justifies the killing of people. Since western culture today is based on Christianity, it has cultivated the philosophy of force, so Western Civilization is connected to bloody conflicts. (208-248, 1990.11.20)
God does not judge people directly. In passing judgment and disposing of the evil people on earth, God does not want to do that Himself. He allows Satan to do that. (204-60, 1990.7.1)
When God is about to pass judgment on this world and someone says, “Please wait a moment. God, take a look at this. It is something very interesting,” and God answers, “What is it?” and the person then says, “It is the palm of my hand. Look how nice the lines of my palm are. I do what I do because my lines are much prettier than Yours,” what would God do? Wouldn’t His anger dissipate as He compares the lines of His palm with that person?
If that person says, “God, are you going to cut off my hand? Are you going to judge me?” God would answer, laughing, “Hee, hee, you scoundrel, you scoundrel!” Even though that person may be ugly, God feels entertained. Do you understand what I am saying? There should be both the positive aspect and the negative aspect. To become a masterpiece your character must develop a multi-dimensional structure. Everything must do so. Only when someone brings these plus and minus aspects together can he become someone of rounded character.
No matter how angry God may be, rather than saying, “God don’t do this” to Him, it’s better to say, “God, take a look at that, over there.” Then God would say, “Why?” Then you would say, “That eagle is preying on that chicken.” God would probably say, “Let the chicken be caught.” Then you should say, “You’re just like that eagle!” Then God would be stuck. “Hey, you scoundrel, what did you say? I…” Then God would not be able to say anything anymore except, “Ahem…” (202-219, 1990.5.24)
If you ask God, He would not say that He wants to become the righteous Lord of Judgment. God does not pass judgment. Such words are for those who do not know the spirit world. When you read Christian sermons they seem so illogical. They really don't know the spirit world.
Will they go to heaven thinking like that? Go and see for yourself what happens. They will all be eaten up. They are worse than worldly people. I don't relate to such people. If a dog barks and you bark with it, that makes you one too. Then what? I don't relate with them. Yet I feel sorry for them, so later on if they were starving, I would think to bring them something to eat. (201-286, 1990.4.29)
Humankind as a whole must wake up. The teaching of the founder of the Unification Church is the truth that will save the world. It is the word of true love and life that the whole of humanity needs for eternity. When the returning Lord comes to save the world, he should not judge humankind with his rod of iron. By hitting people, he would not be able to bring even one person to complete submission.
The mother's hand is gnarled and bent like the back of a toad because of the labor she went through for her child. The mother's sacrificial love has the power to turn around her disobedient child and make him repent. This is not possible using a stick. Without true love, the unification of heaven and earth would be impossible even for God who is the great king of judgment, and who can freely lead heaven and earth as He pleases. Difficulties are not a problem for true love. True love has the strength to go on even while you cast away your life. (206-139, 1990.4.30)
Love can melt the enemy. Love has the power to make even the most disobedient child become a filial son or daughter. Only love has the power to make those who were called traitor surrender and become a loyal servant. This is possible. Therefore, from time, immemorial people have longed to live bonded by love, regardless of a person's appearance. Who told you to say "Amen"? Amen is my patent. (195-70, 1989.11.5)
Presbyterianism teaches that God became the judge of righteousness, predestines people's fate, and then saves them. Does that make any sense at all? It is utterly misleading. I have found that God is not like that. If God had predestined people to go to heaven and hell from their birth, what kind of God of goodness is that? It would not make sense logically. It has to fit logic to become common sense. There is no truth that goes against common sense.
See what happens to a chief justice who passes the death sentence and puts five murderers to death. He would have to get a medical checkup each time. The laws in the Republic of Korea are different from the laws in North Korea. Those who are sentenced to death here can become a patriot in the north. When you think about the principles of heaven and earth and the law of righteousness, do you think a judge would feel comfortable? (200-192, 1990.3.25)
By the use of power alone, the unification of heaven and earth would be impossible, even for God who is the great king of judgment, and who can freely lead heaven and earth as He pleases. It would not be possible with money, knowledge or authority. Love is the only thing that can make this possible. (200-173, 1990.2.25)
God cannot pass judgment on the devil. In the book of lob, why did God deal with Satan despite the fact that Satan had followed God around and tried to take control? God was compelled to deal with him. Satan would say, "Unless You digest me in Your love, unless you set the original standard after digesting me in love, you cannot control me. Isn't this Your way? You are supposed to dominate me after overcoming the way of absolute love, beyond all the complete ways of the principled love.
Since You haven't reached that point You cannot dominate me. If You want to dominate me, if You want to bring me into submission, You have to do so based on the standard that conforms to the Way. I would submit to the individual on the individual level, to the family on the family level, to the tribe on the tribal level, and to the people on the national level. But this won't happen unless You set the standard, will it?" God could not make a move and would be stuck. You should know this. (188-225, 1989.2.26)
In this world, if you are asked, "What do you want to do?" you would answer, "I want to become a judge for the Supreme Court." Isn't that the case for you? Everyone likes a judge, don't they? Christians today say, "God is the great Master of heaven and earth. He is also the Judge who discriminates between good and evil, sends good people to heaven, evil people to hell, and rules heaven and earth based on the law of righteousness." Would you like such a judge? If He had sent billions of people to hell throughout history until now, would God's mind be at ease? That could never happen. In this way, it is not God's ambition to sit on His throne and exercise His authority as the judge of righteousness. God hates those things. (201-21, 1990.2.28)
You know yourself more than God knows you. Therefore, we do not need the Lord of judgment. Actually, we do not need a God of judgment. Your conscience knows best. In the light of this fundamental rule, how much you have contributed with the purpose of bringing liberation based on the liberated standard will be measured accordingly. You would know if you are authentic or fake. Would you know or not? If you don't, there is no hope. If you don't, you have to go to the public cemetery, you would have to go into the waste bin, or be driven into the Pacific Ocean on a raft. That's something hard to handle.
You know what is good and evil. Even by saying one word, you would know what is wrong. Your gaze would know what is wrong, the sound you hear, your sense of touch would all know. When you go to the spirit world all this will be revealed. If you raise your head, everything about you appears. The mirror of your mind, the light of your mind would instantly appear. There would be no need to explain. It is like this because you do not know the spirit world. Since I know about this, I am calm even when the people of this world curse me. I have continued right until now doing things that people regard as foolish. (201-270, 1990.4.29)
In this world there are servants of servants, servants, adopted children and children by concubines. The world is muddied. Order must be made. With what will we find order? It is possible only through love. Religions that inherited and carried on the traditional way of love should have become global religions. Religions that go against the way of love and those who do not follow this love will be judged as the representatives who take responsibility for their age in history.
What will pass judgment on the world? It will be the tradition of love, the tradition of loving heaven and earth, the tradition of loving the world, the tradition of loving the nation, the tradition of loving the people, the tradition of loving one's family, the tradition of loving one's parents and one's wife and brothers, and the tradition of loving oneself. (192-45, 1989.7.2)
God is the Judge and Jesus is like an attorney. Yet there has never been a public prosecutor on the side of heaven. So far, the devil has been the prosecutor. A prosecutor, a judge, and an attorney on the heavenly side should appear. In light of this, since the Unification Church is equipped with everything, it should do away with Satan, humanism, obscenity, and "destruction-ism" from this earth forever. This is the belief system of the Unification Church. (192-49, 1989.7.2)
There is nothing else God desires more than love. Who would be His greatest enemy in the Last Days? What is the number one premise for judgment? In the Last Days, individualistic self-love becomes the number one premise for judgment. For scholars, the scholarly awareness and their desire to study will become the basis for judgment. The things you like most will become the basis for your judgment. For the person who likes money the most -- a person who sacrifices everything to gather money -- that will become the condition for his judgment. For those who like honor and for those who like authority, those things will be the condition for their judgment. For a woman there will be something that she likes according to all her attributes and specific nature. That will be the condition for her judgment. (170-92, 1987.11.8)
Even though I have been criticized, I do not think about it. Even though I have been whipped, it is no longer in my memory. Many circumstances I experienced from such a history, but I do not seek to pass judgment based on those things. I am going along that path with love in order to digest something even greater. Therefore, I think God likes me.
I would also yearn for such a person. I do not like the people who do something and then seek compensation. Is there anyone who would ask for compensation from me? Show your face and talk to me. (148-56, 1986.10.4)
Unless you repent, you will have to receive the judgment of righteousness. There is no one who can stand before the governing law of love. At that time I will become your attorney, my family and tribe will become your attorney, all those leaders in the Unification Church will become your attorney -- even God would be your attorney. Only when the scope of attorneys exceeds that of the realm of accusation, can you be registered as the people of the heavenly kingdom of goodness. Anything less and you will not be able to register. (147-331, 1986.10.1)
I, also, follow the way of the heavenly law. Therefore, you must follow this path without a word. The day you follow this path without a word, you will be given the benefit of joining me on that path. However, if you build your own house and create your own territory on that path, in a self-centered way, you will be accused and judged; just like those in prison who were sent there because they broke a certain provision of the law. They did not break all the laws of the nation. They only broke a certain number of provisions of the law. In the same way, if you also break certain laws, you will not be free to follow that path. (147-317, 1986.10.1)
Even if we face ruin together, do not go the way of a betrayer. Even if that befalls us, we will stand in a good position in the spirit world. If you have not been a traitor, you can always prosper within the group of people that have not been traitors. On the other hand, traitors cannot prosper. There would always be something blocking you. You would not have the strength to digest it and go further. Such is the way for traitors to the nation. If you betray your nation despite having made a determination to follow the way for the greater good, you will always be judged and pushed by your responsibility for that greater good. There would be no way to avoid it. (144-254, 1986.4.25)
As the world moves towards establishing one nation, you will have to write in detail the past course of your life, and pass through the courts of judgment. Without going through a re-examination, you cannot advance to the position of national-level Blessings. The path towards world-level Blessings still remains. The Blessing given in the Unification Church is a church Blessing. Judgment comes from the Unification family, from blessed children, and from blessed parents. I am thinking that it will progress towards world-level judgment in line with a special dispensation. You should know this clearly.
You good-for-nothings here, who received the Blessing, should really straighten up your acts. If you set aside the Principle and live your own way, do you think that the principled world, the world of God's will would establish relations with you? No way. If that were possible, I would not be going through such hardships. (137-259, 1986.1.3)
You will be judged by an iron mace through God's love, God's life, and God's lineage. Such a time will come. The Messiah comes at that time. Do you know what kind of person the Messiah and Savior is? He comes to search for the order of original love and the palace of eternal life, love, and lineage of the original God. You should know that he is the one who comes to establish the base of happiness and gain supremacy through true love in the family and the tribe connected to him, and in the nation and world beyond. (209-40, 1990.11.25)
What is God's family? True love, which is in God's position, will fit in the family when it is taken to the bottom, and would fit anywhere even if it is removed and placed somewhere else. Even if a grandchild climbs on the shoulder of his grandfather, he will not be judged by the family law. Even if the grandson takes away the grandfather's blankets, leaving the grandfather to sleep curled up in the corner, he will not be judged as an unfilial son. Everything would be okay in true love. (209-102, 1990.11.27)
You may call upon the name of True Parents, but have you ever attended True Parents? You can stand in a position of attendance only if you can stay up at night later than me. You can stand in that position only if you suffer more than me. Following me, you all became like parasites. The word parasite fits you well. You impostors! There are many like you in the Unification Church. Now this situation needs to be cleaned up.
Feeling bitterness about the secular world as I do, I am thinking to purge those in the Unification Church who just play around and live comfortably. As I must judge the world, I will begin by judging these people. If they do not conform to the way of my teachings, they must be cleared away. (260-80, 1994.4.11)
There is nothing this satanic world can offer in building the heavenly kingdom. This must all be burnt away. That is why I made holy salt to sanctify these things so that they can be used again. The fallen world must also be burned away. It must be judged by fire. People must be recreated by my hand. I will invest my heart in saving them so that I can bring them to heaven.
So far I have never shed the blood of another life with my hand. If the day were ever to come that I had to lift my hand, it would be a tearful one. You should bear this in mind so that such consequences do not come to pass. Do you understand? The problem will be great on the day I see blood. That is how the fundamental rule is. That is why I am even trying to save Kim Il-sung. (210-73, 1990.12.1)
I have thought about how many people would remain if I drank alcohol, sat here, urinated, asked why they were here and chased them away. Why do you laugh? That kind of judgment is something that can happen to anyone in heaven and earth.
In order to find the true woman who can take part in true love... if I became half-crazy, took off my clothes and urinated right there, I wonder how many would remain. Why? You do not know how terrible the path was that I took. This you do not know. Even my own mother does not know. Even Mother here does not know. Therefore, many spiritualist ladies cry tearfully in pity for me. If I do not say this, who would know? You do not know how serious the problems were that I have confronted, and how much I have had to fight with spirit and body. (210-81, 1990.12.1)

6.3. Personal sin will be judged by the clan in the family court of the kingdom

Your parents are the judges at the court of justice. This you should know. In your families, your mother will surely play the defense attorney. When siblings do wrong, they all play the prosecutor. If a sibling says, "Really! Sister started it, not me!" the mother would listen quietly and say, "That's right. You did well." or "You did not. She is right." That is why the mother is like an attorney. Who is the prosecutor when brothers and sisters quarrel? The elder sister or the elder brother becomes the prosecutor. You should know that there are judges and prosecutors in your household. You, young people, have you ever thought about that? (147-303, 1986.5.25)
Do not become a husband who brings shame to his wife. Your wife is God's special envoy. Your children are God's special envoys. They are special envoys as your closest aides who monitor you and educate you to follow the right path. Do not be a father who feels shame before his children. Do not feed these special envoys from heaven with stolen goods. Can you attend heaven after committing fraud? Can you attend your ancestors?
Then, when you go to the spirit world, your ancestors would immediately judge you. God does not pass judgment. Your ancestors render judgment, and ultimately drag you before a public trial on the world level. If your ancestors do not report you and drag you to the public court, they cannot become good people. That is how it is. Based on the background of this governing law, our course of life in which we must establish the basis for hope in the future, and welcome such days, is surely something serious. (163-33, 1987.4.18)
In the ideal times of the future, there will be no need for courts of justice. The course of our life in this world is the foundation and preparation course for eternal life in the next world. Therefore, if someone amongst your relatives does wrong, the entire tribe will deal with that person. Who is the primary judge? If the wife does wrong, the husband becomes the judge. If the child does wrong, the father becomes the judge. They are given guidance under the public law and their clan deals with them. (197-359, 1990.1.20)
When you pass into the other world, who will judge you? Your ancestors will pass judgment on you. In the future, there will no longer be any courts of law in the nation. The relatives will render judgment. The person who plays chief justice will be your parents. The closest person will take that position. In the Garden of Eden, who passed judgment on Adam and Eve when they did wrong? Didn't God do it? Didn't the father do it? It is done this way because it is a shameful thing for your relatives. Who is the prosecutor? The person who loves you most. When the husband does wrong, the wife will accuse him. (198-367, 1990.1.11)
Who passes judgment? The person who loves you most will judge you. Who judged Adam and Eve? Adam was Eve's older brother. They became enemies. Who sentenced them as enemies? Adam sentenced Eve and Eve sentenced Adam. Such a time is coming. (199-119, 1990.2.16)
You should know that the task of setting the law that can govern heaven and earth and our destiny is waiting on the path in front of us. When that law is established, there will be no forgiveness for those who have been living as they pleased. Your own tribe will be the center and will deal with you. You will not go before a court. For example, if someone from the Moon tribe did wrong, the head of the families of the Moon tribe in all eight provinces of Korea will pass judgment on that person according to the laws of the Moon tribe. There will be no mercy. (206-140, 1990.10.3)
Who will judge the sins of people from now on? Of course, judgment will be given in the spirit world, but the people around you will pass judgment. If you do wrong in this world, don't your neighbors judge you? For a village that makes a mistake, the people of the county will make a judgment. If a county does wrong then the residents of a province will judge that county; for a province, the nation; for the nation, the world will pass judgment. Therefore, this system is the one that meets that orderly standard. (208-12, 1990.11.13)
In the future, when you commit a crime, you will not be dragged to a public court to be condemned. This will be done within your tribe. Such an age is coming. Hence, you cannot curse anyone. Your own mother and father will judge you. If the wife does wrong, her husband will pass judgment on her. In that case, who will punish the second generation of Blessed Families in the Unification Movement when they do wrong in the future? Their mother and father will punish them. (208-86, 1990.11.17)
Adam and Eve's father is God, isn't He? But when Adam and Eve sinned, who judged them? Who judged them after that? Your own partner will judge you next. The husband should pass judgment on his wife. The wife should pass judgment on her husband. Who was next? It was their children. Everything moves in this way based on the source of love. If you sin, the closest people to you will dislike you the most. Your children will dislike you, your husband will dislike you, your wife will dislike you and your parents will dislike you.
Despite all this, if you do things to deceive your parents, deceive your partner, and deceive your children, you cannot call them your father, mother, spouse and children in the presence of heaven and earth. If there are such men and women here, you should bulldoze each other away. (215-278, 1991.2.21)
A time of judgment for Unification Church families will come. Everyone will have crossed the river Jordan, but you will still be standing on the far side unable to cross the river; just like Moses, who could not enter the land of Israel and had to gaze at it from Mt. Pisgah. It will be the same for your families. That is why I am warning you. (228-20, 1992.3.1)
In the future you will not need the police. You will not need prisons. Those responsible for the tribe will gather and pass judgment on the family on behalf of the police and judge. They shouldn't go against the laws of the village, otherwise problems will arise. (242-148, 1993.1.1)
Would God not have an exemplary model that dictates how a perfected child, sibling, couple and parent should be? Only when this exists on earth, can it become the standard for eternal judgment. The system according to which people would be designated and their positions determined as qualified people of the first, second or third order in the Kingdom of Heaven could be established through this model. Would there not be such a thing? It surely must exist. The ideal of creation is substantiated and completed through such a model partner of love on the earth. That is why God created His children. (245-209, 1993.3.7)
In the future, if there is a criminal in a certain tribe, he will be dealt with by the leader of that tribe. The tribal messiah will become the head judge on behalf of God. If there is an incident in your tribe, lightning will strike. The fact that your tribe has produced such a terrible person would bring disgrace to your tribe's name. The village itself should not become like this nation, going to rack and ruin. The entire tribe should unite to protect itself. If a bad lot emerges from the younger generation, people should catch them saying, "You good-for-nothings!" and punish them severely. Later on, in the end, the grandfather becomes chief justice, the father becomes the prosecutor and the elder brother should become the attorney.
In order to reveal the great principle of heaven and earth, the father should become the prosecutor and the elder brother should become the attorney. They would have to pass public judgment without mercy to the offender saying, "In order to reveal the great principle of heaven and earth, you cannot be of our kin, although you are flesh and blood of our family." If this is implemented, there will no longer be any police forces or armies. (252-296, 1994.1.1)
In the future, there will be no more police. When you commit an offense, the family will take absolute authority and resolve it. The mother and father will take responsibility. If the husband does wrong, the wife will judge him. The person should be judged by those closest to him. Why? Since the partners of true love should deal with the remnants of false love, the closest people to you must judge you. (264-223, 1994.11.3)
What is sin? Sin arises from the private parts. It is also on the private level that one perishes. It is the same for evil. When private matters are pursued beyond a certain point, that situation appears as evil. Private matters have a certain limit. When they go beyond that limit, they become evil, and they lead people to commit sins and to ruin.
Then, what is the position that can be blessed eternally with goodness and prosperity? Where is the position that can avoid peril, sin and evil? It is the public position. When you eat, you must eat in the public position. When you work, you must manage with the public position. When you speak, you must digest the situation with public words. In this way, you must live your life connecting all aspects of it with public matters. The person who lives in this way cannot go to hell even if he tried to. (31-164, 1970.5.24)
For those who follow the principles of heaven, there is a mind that defends and protects them from destruction. Because such an original mind exists in God, then human beings also have such an original mind. It is not a man made law.
Can you say, "Conscience! I am the way that I am."? Does the conscience take action just because you command it saying, "You conscience! You should be this way because I think so."? We don't know where the command of the conscience comes from, but it comes from somewhere other than ourselves. When we see how such a feeling in fact controls us, we can see it does so centering on the issue of public and private. (31-241, 1970.6.4)
Suppose those who sin a lot were sent to the North Pole. Such a time might come. Why should we feed such people? They would live off baby bears. They might be confined within certain boundary lines for some years. They would survive by eating anything they could find. After surviving a couple of years, they could come back. Such a time of isolation could come.
Whether they would die in that world, or survive, so be it. If they wished to eat tigers, so be it. If they wished to build a house out of ice and live in it, or if they choose not to do so, either way, so be it. Such a time of isolation could come. Don't we quarantine hospital patients with contagious diseases? They would be completely separated in this way. Therefore, we emphasize not committing sins as the preventative medicine. (202-280, 1990.5.25) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Six - Our Life And The Spiritual Realm
Chapter Three - True Parents and the Spirit World
Section 1. True Parents' Authority and Mission

1.1. True Parents are the incarnation of God

Since God is without physical form, He is invisible even in the spirit world. Consequently, God's will is to become a parent with a physical body. By His becoming a parent with physical form, the incorporeal and the corporeal become one. This symbolizes the physical and spirit worlds becoming one. God created Adam and Eve so He could assume physical form, but this is possible only through love. Only in the presence of love will God attain a body that resembles His image.
When Adam and Eve reach maturity as God's physical body, God can dwell in their hearts and rule the physical and spirit worlds through them. This is how God's Kingdom is established. It is a kingdom of love. The spirit and flesh are meant to unite only through love; they cannot come together through any other means. (143-93, 1986.3.16)
God's intention was far greater than achieving a vertical relationship of love between Himself and human beings. He also sought to bring the horizontal relationship of love between Adam and Eve to fruition through the perfection of their vertical love with Him.
The moment of fulfillment of the ideal of God's love is established when God, as the internal parent, achieves complete oneness with Adam and Eve as the external parents. God, the incorporeal parent, becomes the eternal parent in the corporeal world by taking on the form of Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve can then become the True Parents and the true ancestors of all humankind. (135-10, 1985.5.20)
When a man and woman, each filled with the love of God in both mind and body, marry, whose marriage does that become? It is the marriage of a man and woman and it is also God's marriage. This is such an amazing thing to say. Many Christians would fall over in surprise, exclaiming, "He is indeed a heretic to say such words!" But who is the heretic here? Go to the spirit world yourselves and see who the real heretic is. (248-284, 1993.10.3)
Who were Adam and live originally? They were God's eldest son and daughter. God is the Almighty King who created the entire cosmos. Adam and Eve are the children of that King. The King's son and daughter must unite based on the love of God as the Absolute Being and stand at the level of oneness with God. That is Adam and Eve's position. In other words, Adam and Eve should become the king and queen of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world.
God's form is not visible even in the spirit world. He is invisible. What was God's purpose of creation? God desired to have form. His purpose was to assume a physical form of His own. (250-37, 1993.10.11)
Since the invisible God has no physical body, the True Parents are His incarnation, the True Parents are the Parents on the level of the individual, family, tribe, people, and nation. In the future, God will appear in the form of the True Parents in the spirit world. (98-224, 1983.8.1)
This is the greatness of the teaching of the Unification Church. My greatness lies in the fact that God wants to appear through my physical body. Do you understand what I am saying? (162-232, 1987.6.7)
When I went to prison, many strange rumors were started. People thought that I would be ruined and completely disappear. However, I am still alive and speaking out boldly now. I can confidently speak out with a loud voice because I have an antenna that allows me to see, hear and know everything. Even God likes to see whether I will endorse something before giving His approval. God will observe whether I have approved something or not, and if I have, He will say "Okay." and if I have not He will say "No." It is easy for me to say this now, but please think about how difficult it was to make this possible. In the future, the spirit world will move within my hands, and the physical world will eventually become one valley surrounded by mountains. (134-17, 1985.1.1)
The natural world is filled with the truth. I am an expert on the spirit world. You may know little about it. You may have to wait until the twenty-first, twenty-second or even thirtieth century for the opening of the gates to the kingdom in the spirit world, as they will not open without me. My accomplishments as the founder will live on for eternity as the one who logically explained and revealed systematically the details of the spirit world, and who enabled the gates of the heavenly kingdom to open. (203- 324, 1990.6.28)
The spirit world must be brought together. A person who cannot bring order to the spirit world cannot unify this world. The spirit world is the root of heavenly fortune. How can a person who is unable to bring order to the spirit world, incorporate those results on earth and unify this world? For this reason, the spirit world must be unified before unifying the physical world. (191-204, 1989.6.21)
Will there be a royal palace in the Kingdom of Heaven? What kind of king would be there? Would the king be the king of a democracy? Since the spirit world is based on true love, once the king of the spirit world becomes the center, it is for eternity. Therefore, the highest and lowest places should be viewed as one and the whole seen as an undivided sphere. (167-123, 1987.7.1)

1.2. The ruler of heaven and earth is the axis of the universe

In the spirit world, Adam and Eve were to become the king and queen of the family and tribe, the king and queen of the people and nation, and the king and queen of the world and cosmos. Consequently, in the spirit world they were to be God's representatives. Since God is an incorporeal God, He is invisible and, even in the other world, God cannot be seen. Nevertheless, God desires a physical form, so He created the world of all things with substance. The incorporeal God created all things to fulfill His desire to relate with beings with physical form. Adam and Eve, upon their perfection, would therefore have become God's body. (242-166, 1993.1.1)
Beginning with his family, Adam could have become the leader of his future clan, the king of Adam's kingdom, and the king of kings in this world. As such, it would have been a world united with God's representatives. Why did God create Adam and Eve? His purpose in creating Adam was to raise up people belonging to the Kingdom of Heaven through Adam's descendants on this earth. Without Adam and Eve, children cannot be born in the spirit world. The spirit world is a vertical world, and you cannot bear children there.
Vertical things stand on one point but cover no area. Adam and Eve would move in all 360 degrees around the vertical axis and form a boundless domain where boundless numbers of children, who were born out of this desire for limitless space, would become the citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven. When that occurred, God could become the King of that kingdom. God should become the King. He wanted people who could become one in body with Him, allowing Him to assume a body. Adam and Eve were to be that body.
If Adam had not fallen, who would he have become? In the spirit world he would have become God. He would have been the Lord with bodily form in the spirit world. God is invisible even in the other world. Why did He create human beings? Since this universe has substantial form, God created human beings so that He could stand in a position where He could manage and guide it through Adam and Eve as the substantial lords of creation.
God does not rule the physical world because He is without form even in the spirit world. By acquiring a body, He could become the King in physical form and rule over His children and descendants born into the physical world. That is why God created human beings in physical form.
Whose face was meant to be the face of that king? It was Adam's face. Since God created a king, He needed a queen. Who was meant to be that queen? Eve should have become the queen. They would have become the ancestors of humankind both on earth and in the spirit world. (199-141, 1990.2.16)
When you go to the spirit world, I will be governing everything. It will not be me, however, but God. I am God's body. The mind and body are one, so the mind will always be where the body is, won't it? It would be nice to speak more in depth about this, but I cannot explain more to you because some here would fall over in shock. They would be knocked down. They would say, is this really possible?"
There are many surprising realities in this world. God does not exist in a distant place. You may have been unaware that He is close by, in a place where such things are possible. (273-243, 1993.10.29)
In the spirit world God is invisible. God created Adam and Eve so that He could take care of the substantial world of creation, and so that their descendants could do so later. God desires a physical form. By assuming the form of Adam and Eve, God could return to the spirit world and fulfill the role of the Parent and central being of all creation. When True Parents go to the spirit world God will be in their heart and they will be one in body with Him. The entire spirit world and this earth will unify.
God would enter True Parents' heart and True Parents would be within God. This is the same as the relationship between our mind and body. Because of this principle, your family on earth, although smaller in form, is the fruition of the unity between True Parents' family, the central family in the spirit world, and God. (248-52, 1996.4.18)
If Adam and Eve had not fallen but instead had fully matured and fulfilled their portion of responsibility, the Kingdom of Heaven would have been established both in the physical and spirit worlds, creating one world based on love -- true love. What day would ultimately have been both the first day and the last day? That day would have been True Parents Day.
The term True Parents means God as the vertical parent and True Parents as the horizontal parents. God, the vertical parent representing the spirit world, and True Parents, the horizontal parents representing the physical world, are united into one. These worlds are united through true love. The core essence of these two worlds is True Parents. You need to be aware that within the True Parents there are vertical parents and horizontal parents. (248-50, 1996.4.28)

1.3. We go to Heaven through True Parents

The center of the universe is the True Parent in spirit and in flesh. Based on that original source, north, south, east and west emerge, and the family, tribe, people, nation and world emerge from there. This is the origin of the universe. The spirit world unfolds around this center; it is at a 90-degree angle turning through 360 degrees. On this foundation, the universe moves forward. (147-111, 1986.8.31)
The words of Divine Principle are a record of the victorious battles I fought to discover everything about the spirit world. I confronted these issues since the time of my youth. I am not saying anything vague or obscure. Even Lee Sang-hun did not have complete faith in me during his time on earth. When I said, "The True Parent has the responsibility to grasp the spirit world with his right hand, and grasp the earth with his left, and change them around," he questioned what I meant. (302-156, 1999.6.13)
Now, if I said to God, "God, I'm tired of looking at this fallen world and spirit world. I wish you would make a new and better world," this would be possible. The problem is that Satan has not yet been liberated. I want to drive Satan into a bottomless pit. I do not want to see his shadow; I do not want to even hear a murmur from him. But, even after liberating him, there are still matters to be dealt with. (302-257, 1999.6.14)
You do not understand the spirit world, do you? I am an expert on the spirit world. Most likely my name, Sun Moon, will remain in history as the founder who logically taught and revealed the systematic details of the spirit world in order to open the gates of the heavenly kingdom. Do you know the meaning of won-jo (founder)? It is not won jo meaning aid or support to the needy. It consists of the Chinese characters for won, meaning original and the character meaning ancestors.
You all call me the True Parent, yet, I, more than anyone, dislike the words "True Parent." They are fearful words. Once you become a true parent you have to lead a true family. When your relatives or tribe attach themselves to this family, you must lead a true tribe. You would have to lead the world in a systematic way. When this expands to all of humankind in both the spiritual and physical worlds, you have to have the capacity to lead them. This is incredible. I know all of these things. (203-324, 1990.6.28)
When the original True Parent comes, God as the vertical and human beings as the horizontal can create a 90-degree angle for the first time. The True Parent comes to educate us so that we can create that 90-degree angle. It you go to the spirit world and see that my words are wrong, you can come to me and cut off my head.
When the True Parent comes, the horizontal and vertical can be adjusted to create a 90-degree angle. The True Parent is showing you how to form that 90-degree angle. You should be absolutely obedient to these teachings. You have to grab and strike your body to make that perpendicular relationship. (201-165, 1990.3.30)
The True Parent is the fundamental basis for universal true love. When such a True Parent appears, all creation will turn to face him, just as all the trees and plants in the mountains and valleys face the rising sun in the morning. All the things of creation are like the leaves and branches. Everything in the spirit world faces God. In the same way, when I go to Korea, all Unification Church members automatically focus their attention on me in Korea. (202-360, 1990.5.27)
If you want to receive a doctorate degree, you have to go to your supervising professor and even wash his rear end for him. If he kicks you in the seat of the pants, you have to say: "Oh, thank you very much." Only then will you get his signature. Without doing so, he will not give you his signature. You might want to say: "I'm much better looking. I have a better nose, a better face and a better stature. If we were to wrestle, I would win. I can eat more than he can. I can beat him in any competition. I'm better than him in dozens, even hundreds of ways. Yet he thinks that he can withhold a doctorate from me just because I don't know a few things!" None of this will do you any good, though. It may just be that I have the special authority to give this kind of signature to enable you to enter the spirit world. (134-17, 1985.1.1)
Why did human beings, with a noble value that is worth more than even heaven and earth, fall down so far? It was because of the Fall. To liberate humankind from this you have to go through me. To know this principle you have to go through me. No matter how successful scholars are in this world, when they go to the spirit world they can only enter with a passing grade by receiving Rev. Moon's signature. (290-169, 1996.11.24)
Is it just an ordinary thing for the spirit world to cooperate with me? However, now I must deal more severely with the spirit world and all other issues. When I see red, I can be fearsome. When I see red, I am merciless. I will wipe away all the historical indemnity, many times over. There is no way to comfort God who has seen blood spilled throughout the course of history. My idea is to stop this with my tears. (207-175, 1990.11.9)
In the spirit world, all attention is on True Parents, and only on True Parents. They are the source of life and love, the origin of conscience and all creation. Without going through them, you cannot grow. (250-273, 1991.3.11)
I am needed in the spirit world as well as in this earthly world. A palace of love was supposed to be built in the spirit world by people who lived with love on earth, but there were no such people. Even God and the people in the spirit world cannot build the palace of love. The True Parents must build it. It begins from them. Even if there were already a palace in the spiritual kingdom, the whole of the spirit world could only settle down there if True Parents were to enter and declare: "This is where we will have a palace." The spirit world absolutely needs me because this responsibility has yet to be fulfilled. (205-255, 1990.9.9)
I will not be here forever. I am the one who was born in this two-hundred year period of history that will only occur once in eternity. I was not here a hundred years ago, and will not be here again in the future. I am not someone who can be born just anytime. There is infinite value in your being able to directly learn secrets from me during this period. If you go to the spirit world after practicing this, you will surely go to heaven. That future kingdom awaits you. The Kingdom of Heaven has been empty until now. Originally, the True Parents were supposed to enter heaven, but they did not appear. (249-327, 1993.10.11)
As the founder of the Unification Church, I take pride in knowing God. I know Him more deeply than He is known in the spirit world. Although there are many people living on earth today, God likes me the most because I know His heart. (146-333, 1986.8.10)
Religious people, who pray for their entire lives drenched in tears and with their knees buried in the ground, are unsure whether they can meet Jesus and receive his guidance. Yet, by coming here and hearing my words, you are a part of a historic event. (146-335, 1986.8.19)
I did not find out the truth about restoration, death or the spirit world without effort. I prayed continuously for seventeen hours without eating anything. My prayers would usually last for ten to twelve hours. That is why my knees are callused. I can connect immediately with God even without praying for a long time because He is near me. You can still see there are traces of calluses on my knees. (250-317, 1993.10.15)
When I prayed, I would weep so deeply that my cotton trousers would be drenched with tears, even in the depths of winter. Yet, how have you treated the Principle I found through such labors? When you come to find out about this reality in the spirit world, how will you approach me? Even Mother should be careful in dealing with me. There are many things that you do not know. Once you do know, you must join me on this path. When you go through the pass of deep sorrow, and even resolve to die wherever you are, with a loving heart, only then can your death be accepted as a heavenly death. That is how you can overcome death. It is a realm where death does not intervene. (253-325, 1994.1.30)
Those who feel that they have lost out by knowing me, raise your hand. Those who fed this way are thieves. Who stands to lose? Do I stand to lose, or you? Throughout my entire life I have been on the losing end. Still, I never thought of expecting any return. Instead, I am telling you to bequeath what is precious to your descendants. I am encouraging you all to be mothers and fathers who can represent me and who are attended accordingly by your children. Unless you achieve this, you will again have to establish indemnity conditions for everything I have bestowed. Once you pass into the spirit world you will be caught immediately. There is no forgiveness. (252-263, 1994.1.1)
The words "True Parents" are amazing words. Those amongst you who can communicate with the spirit world should try praying, "Is Rev. Moon on a high spiritual plane like you?" The answer will come that I am on that same high plane. Since I say this, I will inevitably be called a heretic. (266-249, 1995.1.1)
In the realm of the religious path, you must even be recognized by God after going to the spirit world. Why is that so? You will come to know it all when you study the Principle. It is very difficult. Someone had to dig into all of this and create a systematic understanding. Being such an exhaustively thorough person, I made such a system. The spirit world is so vast that it cannot be grasped. If you make a garment by untangling a bag of rags completely, then you should know how to weave it into a kingly garment that a monarch can wear and go about in. By doing so, you should enable God to say, "In all of history, you are better than me." (203-296, 1990.6.27)
If you invest your entire life in true love and pass to the spirit world, you can meet me in no time just by saying "Father!" wherever you are. You can meet me at once. There is nothing to worry about. When you tune into the heart of love, you will be given the right to participate, stand in the same position, and live together with me. When you call me, I will meet you at once. How wonderful that would be! I would show the whole of the spirit world to such people. There are stars made of diamonds and stars of gold. With my special authority, may just give you one. I have that special authority. (229-164, 1992.4.1)
Do you understand what I am saying, you good-for-nothings!? By saying insulting things in this way, I am establishing the condition for your forgiveness. Some may say, "Rev. Moon, how can you swear like that? This is my first time to see you and I cannot believe anything you say if you insult me in this way." But I swear at you so that I can forgive you when the time comes.
In this way, when they pass into the other world they will say, "Since you swore at me, I didn't believe in the Unification Church." Then that is understandable. I say insulting things to people to establish a state of forgiveness for them in the spirit world. But when I curse them it does not cause them pain in their heart. They just go back home they may say. "Oh my, how dreadful!" but they will have forgotten about it by the time they get home. That is how the mind works. Do you understand or not? Those who say "I understand." raise your hand. Now you've got it. (283-211, 1997.4.12)
God does not become indebted to anyone. He gives back tens of thousands of times as much. Therefore, though I went to prison as a wretched individual the time has now come for the territory under my possession to extend beyond the nation, the world, and beyond heaven and earth. The time has also come for me to find a unified position between the spirit world and physical world. My authority is so significant, since it ushers in this privileged time when I can bestow the model of a united Adamic family foundation on all the people of heaven and earth. It is all-transcendent and all-pervasive. It encompasses and covers everything without exception. After that, the conclusion of progressing towards an age of full authority and power is waiting for me in the world to come. (284-113, 1997.4.16)
The cosmos consists of the spiritual and physical worlds. God can only be liberated after all the gates in the spirit world have been opened, and all the spirits that remain in hell and the middle realm have been liberated. Only at that point can all humankind live together harmoniously in an age of peace and prosperity. That is the way of the Unification Church and it will continue until the day God is liberated. This way is a tremendous reality. It is not a vague notion. (249-248, 1993.10.10)
Currently, the spirit world does not have form. It is gaining form through the True Parents. When the Blessing is declared for the spirit world, and ultimately for the world of the sovereignty of love -- that is, the unified Kingdom of Heaven and Earth -- then God can have dominion over the spirit world in the form of the Parent, even without my being there. The spirit world is waiting for this to happen. All that was separated is now waiting to be united. They are waiting for me to come quickly to the spirit world.
Once I have completed my work on earth, my work in the spirit world will begin. I will stand as the king of the spirit world. As the king of the earth, I will automatically become the king of the spirit world and enter the land of the original homeland that conforms to the principle and the law. (295-202, 1998.8.28)
My wish is to become, among the founders of religion, the representative founder who lives for true love. Shouldn't you welcome this? You do not know the spirit world. The person speaking here is an expert on the spirit world. Since I clearly know what happens after death, no matter how much those involved in the affairs of the world may clamor against me, it does not obscure my vision. Why? It is because I look beyond, to the other world, and live in rhythm with it.
Therefore, in the future, spiritual mediums from all over the world, regardless of their faith, must come to me and be educated. There has never been even a single person who knew the profound secrets of Heaven. Finally, the person who is standing before you appeared in this present age and announced these secrets of God. This knowledge has become a library of chronicles that were not even kept in the museum of the spirit world. When numerous good spirits come and discover these truths for themselves, and teach their descendants on earth through dreams and revelations, this knowledge will fill up the libraries on earth. The things I say here today cannot be found in any library. (200-173, 1990.2.25)
You should realize that I, who discovered the world of God's heart, am not a fraud. All the things you hear from me cannot be found any place in this world. My teachings cannot be found in any library book either here on earth or in the spirit world. It is the first time, the very first occasion that these truths have been known! "These are the new words of truth. They cannot be found anywhere else on earth or in the spirit world. They were locked away in the treasure storehouse and could not be taken out before, by God or any person in the spirit world or on earth. (303-59, 1999.74)
Even the fact that you saw me on earth will be something you can take pride in when you go to the spirit world. You can say, "I attended Father." When we observe plant life, the sprouts of a plant all face the sunlight. In the same way, your original nature faces the sunlight of love. God is the sun of love. That is how it is in the spirit world. (142-312, 1986.3.11)
What is the final conclusion? It is the perfection of Adam. What about Adam's perfection? Adam failed to fulfill his portion of responsibility. What is this portion of responsibility? It is to establish the cornerstone and traditional standard of the world of heavenly families, that is, the cornerstone of the family, tribe, people, nation, and the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world. That cornerstone was stained. It must be cleaned up. So I need to clean up the spiritual and physical worlds and accomplish many other things. (302-241, 1999.6.14) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Six - Our Life And The Spiritual Realm
Chapter Three - True Parents and the Spirit World
Section 2. True Parents and the Building of the Kingdom of Heaven

2.1. The seal of approval from God is needed in order to become True Parents

What must someone do in order to become the Lord at the Second Advent? You need to go to the spirit world, reveal the principles concerning the relationships of all religions centering on Jesus, clarify everything about heaven and earth and their laws, and receive the approval of the spirit world. You have to proclaim these things on earth. This is something that has not been known even in the spirit world. Only God and Satan knew of this.
After I had proclaimed all these things in the spirit world, strong opposition arose there. In that world, a time of chaos came about for forty days. Satan resisted by setting the condition of denying God. As a result, the spirit world was divided in half, with one half against me. In the end, this chaotic situation had to be resolved based on what God decided to be true. That is why the True Parent brings the spirit world into complete submission, receives God's seal of approval and comes down to the earth. (236-323, 1992.11.9)
In order to create a unified heaven and earth, the spirit world must first be unified. The ancestors in the spirit world said, "Rev. Moon, you heretic, you traitor!" Later on, even God said, "Yes, throw him away!" That is how the laws of indemnity are. Since Adam and Eve abandoned God, God also had to abandon them, conditionally. Enduring such abandonment, I had to win acceptance, restore God's support for me, recover my heaven, and receive God's seal of approval. During that period, God had to stand against me when someone accused me, but then later on everything...
My character is such that once I start something I carry on till the end. I do not retreat until I die. Since I know clearly what this principle is about, I am sure of myself. That is why I openly resisted these spiritual attacks. How could Jesus, Confucius or other leaders know such principles? Eventually they only asked negative questions because what I said was not in the doctrine they taught. They insisted on their own views.
I battled against the entire spirit world for forty-three days. On the fortieth day even God said, "Rev. Moon, you good-for-nothing! Why have you come here and brought chaos to this peaceful heavenly world? You son-of-a-thief!" Everyone agreed with God. Still, I did not retreat. (282-168, 1997.1.11)
In order to become the Lord at his Second Advent, I had to go to the spirit world and return with God's seal of approval. By my going to the spirit world, a battle took place there for forty-three days. Everyone, from the bottom of hell to the top of heaven, said, "Rev. Moon is a heretic!" I had to deal with this, beginning from the lowest place, right through to the saints at the very end. I had to argue with them in God's presence and go through a decisive battle that decided who was the Lord of righteousness. What was the issue at that time? It was concerning the stained lineage of all the people in the spirit world and whether they knew that they had to change that.
What was the second consideration? It concerned transferring the rights of ownership of all material things. I stated that, "Those who had rights of ownership during their life on earth are traitors to the Kingdom of Heaven!" No matter how great the founders of the religions were, they had to face this judgment That is why, when I fought in the spirit world, I stood my ground in battle and challenged them confidently, asking, "Who's the heretic?"
Since great chaos would come to the spirit world after this, God had to make a decision as the Judge. But even He stood against me. God said, "Rev. Moon is a heretic, as you all say." Why? Since Adam had betrayed God, in accordance with the laws of restoration through indemnity, the person representing perfected Adam had to face a situation of betrayal, even by God Himself. Only then could the walls that were raised in God's heart be brought down. In this way, everyone was against me, and even God was standing on the other side, leaving me totally alone.
Still, the spirit world could not he left as it was, in a whirlpool of chaos. God had to make the final decision. He proclaimed. "The transition of the lineage, transition of the rights of ownership and transition of the realm of heart that Rev. Moon speaks of are true." I then had to return here, to this world, after receiving God's seal as a victorious champion. (264-50, 1994.10.9)
Before everything can be resolved in the physical world, the spirit world must first be put in order. Alter having discovered the words of truth, when I claimed, "This is how the spirit world should be," Satan opposed me and even God opposed me. Since humankind abandoned God, God must abandon humankind. This is the law of restoration through indemnity. For this reason, a forty-day battle occurred in the spirit world. The four great saints all exclaimed, "Rev. Moon is a heretic!"
All the religious leaders in the spirit world came and opposed me. There was a hostile gathering and an offensive and defensive argument in God's presence to find out who was right. For forty days the entire spirit world was in an uproar. They were making complete turmoil and shouting, "Rev. Moon is a heretic!" They all called out in unison, "The spirit world will become very disturbed. We don't want that. Drive him away!"
Nevertheless, I insisted, even to God, that this was the only way, and that if everything did not follow accordingly, there would be no way to bring a logical order to the whole world. I pointed out that Confucius did not know about God's character. He did not know about God as a personal God. Confucius talked about heaven but it was vague. In a battle of questions he would be knocked down.
To Jesus, I asked, "Why didn't you speak about certain issues regarding your Second Advent?" He was taken aback. Christians believe that the millennial kingdom will be established in the sky, but they will clearly know that is wrong when they go to the spirit world. When I asked searching questions of those religious founders, they could not open their mouths. Subsequently, I called upon God, You make the judgment as to who is right." At the very end, God declared, "Rev. Moon is right!" (259-320, 1994.4.24)
After entering the spirit world, I was treated with contempt for forty-three days, even from the lowest realms. They were asking me who I thought I was. They were calling me a slave, the relative of old lady Pak, a fraud, and the ringleader of all heretics. Eventually, I met with the major religious leaders and chosen people. At the very end, I spoke with the four great saints. They were all against me. They all opposed me, saying, "that good-for-nothing, child of a traitor, get him and kill him." Even God supported them. It was an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
For forty days the entire spirit world opposed me. I could not retreat and I fought for forty-three days. Until the very end even God was against me. Could I have retreated? Wouldn't something terrible have happened had I retreated? So in the end, I even brought God to submission. Then, God shouted, "Attention!" to the people in spirit world. He then proclaimed, "I have to come to a decision on this battle in the spirit world. The witness who was correct in every respect is Sun Myung Moon."
God told me to turn around and give my defense. Everyone agreed that my words were true. God called out, "Attention!" and testified for me Himself, to the entire spirit world. So, I had finished with the spirit world, hadn't 1? I received God's seal, His approval, and came to the earth. (295-293, 1998.9.24)
In order to unite this world, you have to enter the spirit world and make unity there first. How are you going to bring unification? You would not be welcomed. If you go to the spirit world and say, "The way of the heavenly principle should be revealed in this way," Satan and God would understand but they would not give an answer.
It was the first time for all the leaders of religion to hear these things. They asked the meaning of the transition of the lineage, the transition of the rights of ownership and the transition of the realm of love. Even Jesus asked me about this every day. All the saints were opposed to me. Thus, for forty-three days a great time of chaos came about in the spirit world. They were saying, "Drive out that Rev. Moon, the ringleader of all heretics!" What would have happened had they driven me out in this way? The Unification Church would not have emerged. Thus, I had to push forward for forty-three days amid that intense persecution.
In this type of situation, I am an expert. I am an expert in discerning between right and wrong. That is why I know immediately who is for Satan and who is for God. Looking at everything there, I saw that it was wrong. That is why I determined to continue. At the very end, even God became more desperate. The spirit world was in chaos. I, alone, was stirring up the entire spirit world, creating a tumultuous situation. Since God is the Lord of Judgment, He had to take responsibility. The situation was that the entire spirit world had put me at the front and was accusing me before God.
Consequently, God had to bring justice and judgment. To stop this battle, He had to clarify what was right and wrong. Opinion was completely split. I was alone and the entire spirit world was against me. Even God had been standing against me. They were saying, "How bad this fellow is! Who is saying such things?" Since Adam fell by going against God, God had to oppose me.
Don't parents sometimes have to spank their children? If a child does something bad, his father or mother might spank him, rebuke him, and then forgive him. In the same way, at the very end, God brought me to the front and made the decision, calling out, "Look to the front!" He then declared, "So far, there have been many arguments for and against Rev. Moon's words, but his arguments are absolutely right. (273-67. 1995.10.20)
There are diverse attitudes and peculiarities in the Unification Church. Some even go so far as to say that they are the Messiah. Some say, "Rev. Moon is John the Baptist and I am Jesus." I did not automatically become who I am. I had to go to the spirit world and come back with God's seal of approval.
Since I unified the spirit world, that entire world supports me. I brought the spirit world that was in chaos into order. Until now, the Buddhists and Confucians all created their own domains and enclosures, creating numerous factions. I brought all these to face one direction, not two. Once the spirit world was united like this, I came to this earth with the authority and conviction to go in a single direction.
There are many directions in this world. If there are five billion people, there are five billion directions. I am bringing all of these together into one direction and purpose.
Although the satanic world opposes me, even trying to kill me, and all sorts of things are going on, it is gradually coming together in one direction. It is moving in one direction. Now people are saying, "The peacemaker for world peace is Rev. Moon." Therefore, there is a lot of interest coming towards me.
Once I had brought into order all the chaos in the spirit world, I had to unify the direction of all the confusing things on earth. That is why I am bringing together the world's politicians, greatest scholars, journalists, economists and other famous people. Do you think they respect me? They all tested me and evaluated me in their own different ways. Since I brought order out of chaos in the spirit world, I can now see the stage upon which we can bring order to the chaos on earth. How is that? I know what happens when you go one step beyond what is in front of your eyes.
None of you gathered here is a fool, I am sure. Smart as you are, when you look at this situation, you believe that the world is in your hands, don't you? There is only one set of True Parents, eternally. There are no others. For this reason, the entire spirit world must obediently follow and everything on earth must submit. There are not two sets, but one. The final destination is the True Parents. (259-720, 1991.4.24)
Many types of religion have developed. Since people's cultural backgrounds are different, this was inevitable. There are five billion people who are outside the Christian cultural sphere. Do people all go to hell if they don't believe in Jesus? No. Christians say otherwise because they do not know. If you go to the spirit world, Confucius and Jesus are both friends. Buddha and Mohamed are friends. Famous saints from Christianity and high monks from Buddhism are all friends. A curtain is the only thing that comes between; they all belong to God's tribe. This curtain must be opened wide.
When the religions unite, this curtain will be taken down and everyone will rejoice together as one family. They are waiting for that day in the spirit world. I went through so many battles because of people's ignorance about the background of religion in history. Therefore, the leaders from each religious order, the founders of religions and all historical leaders should gather and repent for all the historical resentment. The person who can make them repent is the True Parent. (232-20, 1992.7.1)
What is a filial son? It means a son who devotes his life in love to attend his parents. Then what is a loyal subject or patriot? We call a person a loyal subject or patriot when he is rooted in love, sacrifices himself and others his life for his king who represents God. A saint is one who lives for the sake of the people of the world. He is a person who resolves to offer his life in loving all people regardless of the differences in their cultural background, national boundaries or race. A saint tries to lead people to the path of loving others not momentarily, but eternally. Taking this a step further, what is a divine son or daughter? Divine sons and daughters are ones who can offer their lives based on love, not only for this world, but even for the infinite spirit world, and for God. Everything is rooted in love. (143-151, 1986.3.17)
You will know the true nature of the founder of the Unification Church if you go to the spirit world. Didn't I bless all the religious founders? I blessed them. That is why, according to the letters from Lee Sang-hun in the spirit world they all send their gratitude to me. You, who have received the Blessing in your lifetime, are in a higher position than all those millions and billions of people who were resurrected in the spirit world or even the founders of religions. So far, you have lived your lives too carelessly. You have to be aware of that. I may seem to live without thought but wherever I go and sit, whatever I do in any place, I follow God's law, clean the area and take my seat. I do so by following the heavenly law. Aren't you all just carelessly living your lives? (304-50, 1999.9.5)

2.2. Building the Kingdom of Heaven and the unification of the physical and spirit worlds

In order for a nation to be formed, it should have its own sovereignty. It should have its own people. It should have its own territory. From this perspective, when it comes to building the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, who would be the owner? Who would be the sovereign? Surely God would be the sovereign. Then who would be the people of the Kingdom of Heaven? It would be the whole of humankind. Then where would the territory be? It would be the whole earth. (96-14, 1978.1.1)
What would God have done for Adam and Eve had they not fallen? God would have married them through the Blessing. They would then have borne children and created a family that would bring joy to God, and expanded this to create a tribe and a people. When this had developed further, what philosophy would that world have been based upon? It would be a world based simultaneously on Godism and the philosophy based on Adam.
The principles in that world would be the Adam-centered philosophy. The view of the universe, the cosmos and life would be based on this. All live races of humankind would make a colorful world, and people would be happy with that. Since skin color depends on the environment, people will be happy to see the different skin colors of numerous races. Then, how did the languages of the many nations diverge? God separated these languages due to the Fall of our first ancestors. (156-202, 1966.5 25)
You should live your lives on earth thinking that you have to take on the mission to establish God's nation. In other words, become a loyal subject and patriot who can bring liberation to the homeland. Alternatively, you can imagine you were given the order as the secret envoy of heaven to come to this evil world to do this. You should know that without doing so, you would he unable to attain dignity and honor as a citizen of the heavenly nation that will come in the future. (50-255, 1971.11.7)
We know that we have come to a point where we cannot, in a true sense, build a world of peace or a unified world, through human efforts alone, using our power, wisdom, culture, or anything else. From this perspective, what is the central issue in resolving all the problems of the world? Giving a clear explanation about the existence of God is more important than anything else. When all human beings come to realize that God truly exists, they will clearly know the direction of His will. When they understand this, a unified, peaceful and ideal world will surely come about. (56-131, 1972.5.11)
The marriage Blessing and eternal life begin from the True Parents, It has to be the True Parents. The True Parents must resolve this colossal issue, and bring about unification of the spiritual and physical worlds, and unity in the earthly world. The entire world that was set against me, will shift direction and follow me. Without going before God and receiving His seal of approval, it would not be possible to bring unification to the spiritual and physical worlds. No matter how much this world opposes me, it cannot block the way that I am heading. The time will come when the angelic and spirit worlds will be mobilized, along with our ancestors. Using Satan's tactics, they will give nightmares to those who resist following me. They will hold their heads down and squeeze their necks. (290-172, 1998.2.18)
I have already established the realm of liberation for the spirit world. I am now initiating a movement for the equalization of the earth and spirit world. Spring is coming. Spring is coming to the spirit world and the earth. Now it is spring in the spirit world, but winter is drawing to a close on the earth. On this earth, summer has long gone, winter is leaving, and the season of spring is coming, which will nurture the ideal of the eternal happiness of heaven, assimilate everything and bring new vitality to life. Thus, the age of peace is coming on earth. What has the founder of the Unification Church adopted now? The word "peace" is included in everything, beginning from the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. (301-288, 1999.5.5)
Since they have equal value, the spiritual and physical worlds can now rise above, descend below, or go to the left and right in relationship. No matter how the directions of front and back, or left and right may interchange, the age of the realm of love, cosmic love, can now begin. This will perfect the spiritual and physical worlds. We call this the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in spirit world. It is the realm of liberation for everything. Do you understand what I am saying? (301-236, 1999.5.2)
The time has come for the people who lived in the past and who are now in the spirit world, those currently living on earth, and the future generations, to cooperate for the liberation of our homeland. Many people will experience their ancestors coming and threatening them to follow the Unification Church. This has not come about by my strength.
God, the angelic world and our ancestors, have all become one in driving this world into a corner. No one will be able to solve the family problems. When this nation acknowledges the astounding fact that I alone have, and exercise, full authority, as the beacon of hope, as the foundation for this nation and homeland, it will become an invincible nation throughout the universe. (290-172, 1998.2.18)
Up until this time the spirit world, in the position of the elder brother, has violated the earthly world. Nay, we have entered an environment where the elder brother can support the earthly world. Through this, the domain of Abel on earth will no longer be abused like it has been. The spirit world cannot deceive and drive the earth in its own direction. It cannot deviate from its direction. With regard to the four directions of north, south, east and west, the east could not be invaded; nevertheless, the spirit world could go to and fro to the west, south and north, and influence things on earth. Due to this, many spiritual sacrifices continued to be offered on earth. But now this will be resolved. The earth and spirit world will approach a state of unity. (208-85, 1990.11.17)
There is no other way than through my teachings to resolve the various fundamental problems of the self that have emerged throughout history. There will never be another way. You can go to the spirit world to see if I am lying. I am teaching these things not because I know them, but because I accomplished them, and gained victory over them. Your conscience knows that.
Therefore, the fact that I declared the True Parents and the Completed Testament Age means that I achieved these things. I confronted Satan and brought him to submission. Satan cannot appear in the world I am heading for and envisaging. This means equalization on a level plane; the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, and even the cosmos and heaven in the spirit world. When I level everything onto a plane and connect it, it becomes the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. People and their clan who live in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth will be transferred intact to the Kingdom of Heaven in spirit world. The Kingdom of Heaven is one's native home. (256-24, 1994.3.12)
Dr. Lee Sang-hun was called to the spirit world because his time had come. He passed into that world within the providential will, in order to report all the realities of that world to the earth.
In order to know the entire spirit world, you must be able to receive God's instructions and be engrafted with Him. This should all have been systematized, but until now, the spirit world has not been able to reach that standard. Consequently, countless religions emerged to introduce the reality of the spirit world. Nevertheless, they represented only part of the picture, and so people were only taught based on the contents of those religions. They could not grasp the whole reality and nature of that world.
Now, since we have entered the Completed Testament Age, with God's permission, all aspects of the spirit world can be explained to people on earth. Therefore, you should understand the reality of the spirit world. (195-120, 1998.8.19)
Has the spirit world become perfect? It is still far from complete. The hierarchical system in that world was originally one in which the entire spiritual realm would have been connected revolving around God, True Parents, and True Children, but this has not been accomplished yet. Neither has it happened on earth. When this hierarchy is established on earth, the spirit world will automatically follow.
In other words, the spirit world is to be a hierarchical system based on the True Parent, and the thought system of the unfallen Adam centered on God. But it has not happened. So far, the center of the spiritual hierarchy was occupied and divided by the Buddhist group based on Buddhism, the Confucian group based on Confucianism, the Muslim group and others. That is why the spirit world, and even these religious groups, have all been hoping for the establishment of the ideology of the True Parent and of Adam unrelated with the Fall.
The spirit world has to take on a unified direction. Thus, as the work of the True Parents on earth has been reaching the worldwide level, the borderlines between all religions have been disappearing. The results of the movement for integration will automatically manifest on earth in accordance with the changes in the spirit world. When the Unification Church reaches the worldwide level, all the spirit people of the spirit world will no longer be there. This is because they are to fulfill their purpose on earth and then return to the spirit world. Therefore, they will all come down and work.
The hope of billions of spirit people in the spirit world is for Unification Church members throughout the world to become the spearhead and "Go! Go! Go!" So, if we create and offer a unified world to the spirit world, then both worlds will come under God's dominion. These two unified worlds will last for eternity in the name of the True Parents. (161-222, 1987.2.15)
From now on, we will enter an age where nations and peoples can come together as groups. Nations, tribes and families on earth will come together to create a unified world. In this manner, the world will rapidly transform. Satan will come to those who oppose this and harshly deal with them.
Until the present time, Satan has tried to bring people to hell, but now he is bringing them to heaven. He is cooperating for this purpose and is trying to even bring our ancestors to heaven. Consequently, there is no one to obstruct the path to heaven. Since it has become a liberated domain, we are now rapidly approaching the age of globalization. (298-221, 1999.1.8)
Do you think that I have the ability to clean up the spiritual and physical worlds, and complete the ideal Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in spirit world? Do you think I cannot do it? Do you think it is possible or impossible? An age where I can exercise powers that are all-transcendent and all-immanent, with full authority and capability has come. All organizations at the national and world levels will just become ordinary.
The satanic world that possessed all-transcendent and all-immanent powers has become completely impotent before God's authority. We have moved into an age of God's full authority arid power. The True Parent is the one who makes this possible. It begins from the True Parent. (293-325, 1998.6.7)
When everyone is mobilized in the spirit world, many good things will happen on earth. There will be many occasions to embrace one another. There will be people rejoicing, and those who had run away cursing the Unification Church will strike the earth in regret saying, "How can this be possible." (302-71, 1999.5.18) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Six - Our Life And The Spiritual Realm
Chapter Three - True Parents and the Spirit World
Section 3. True Parents and the Works of True Love

3.1. True Parents and the blessing of saints and murderers

Didn't I forgive the saints and even murderers? Then, can I or can I not forgive the sins of my own children? Stalin and Hitler killed millions of people. I even forgave and blessed such demons of all demons. Unless I could do so, I would not be able to open the gates of hell. Was it good, that I did that? Buddhists living on earth are exclaiming, "Good God! He took our Buddha and married him! How could he do that?" While others are saying, "Oh dear, he married Jesus!" When you go to the spirit world you will see that these leaders are all in paradise. They are in the middle realm of the spirit world.
I asked those religious leaders in spirit world, "What is it that you want?" Then they beseeched me, "It is what you desire. Hence, our wish is simple. We would like you to bless us." So I asked them, "What is going to happen if I bless you?" and they answered, "The gates of hell will be opened. Since there is presently no way to reach heaven, we will have the strength and confidence to do our best ten times more to turn this world around, bring it into unity and even lead the saints."
If you can make such a confident determination and turn yourself around, then, even when villains who opposed God come to the spirit world, they can also be reformed into exemplary loyal servants that God can use -- just as when God raised up Saint Paul, who had strongly persecuted Christianity, to become one of His most loyal servants. (299-26, 1999.2.1)
I have liberated the saints and murderers in accordance with principles. Your husbands, who were set against the Unification Church, and even those who went to hell, can therefore come and be liberated and blessed by me if you desire to bring them to True Parents. Since there was such a principle of bringing saints and murderers together, such things are now happening. Through this, a united domain of the Blessing for the spiritual and physical worlds should be created, and they should all even go through the three-day ceremony. Therefore, amongst those in the spirit world, I am now liberating and even blessing the people who did not live long on the earth or died without getting married, and all those above the age of sixteen.
By opening the gates of hell and giving the Blessing to all those who went to the spirit world, God's authority over His lineage has been recognized. Because of this, Satan must completely retreat. This is a revolution. There has never been a revolution like this amongst all revolutions. I created the environment where all those who died because of the Fall can enter heaven. By creating all the foundations enabling those who died without getting married, ever since the Fall of Adam and Eve, to enter and live in heaven, and by creating the environment enabling all our ancestors to enter a realm of the spirit world within the domain of the Blessing, I have created a highway that leads to heaven. I have restored all those foundations through indemnity. (300-305, 1999.4.1)
If I did not know about the spirit world, I could not have gone on this path. The Father in the spirit world is my father. That is why l know the secrets of the spirit world more than anyone else. When I became hungry during the Korean War, as I sought refuge, I mobilized ancestors in the spirit world. They would make people prepare a meal for passing visitors on the street, and through this I was able to eat many times. There are many stories like this that may sound like lies, so I do not talk about them. Why should an intelligent person like me, who studied science, tell such unbelievable stories? You would believe such logically unbelievable stories if they came from me, wouldn't you? (299-46, 1999.2.1)
Fallen humanity does not live in the Kingdom of Heaven God created. Heaven is a place where only perfected Blessed families can live. It is a heavenly environment, where Adam and Eve were supposed to live after perfecting themselves. Therefore, with His full authority, God can freely do as He wishes with this world, from the smallest to the largest matters. By receiving the Blessing, we are bringing about the cosmic expansion of the true Blessing and the rooting out of Satan's lineage. We are destroying that fallen lineage. That is why, in the year 2000, when I reached the age of eighty, all the clans on earth will be able to enter heaven through the Blessing.
Like the Exodus, a mobilization will begin on the earth. Just as Moses left Egypt when he was eighty years of age, from this time forth, I will start out as the True Parent and King of the families on earth. (300-305, 1999.4.11)
I have not yet announced the creation of a global highway. I clearly revealed where we have to go and then opened up all the paths. I even descended into the lowest realms of the spirit world and opened the gates of hell. I gave the Blessing even to murderers.
To quote from Dr. Lee Sang-hun's words on visiting hell, while he was crying and praying alone, God's envoy came to him and called him to return to heaven. God asked him, "Are you sad?" as he was lamenting and wailing. Then God told him that everyone had to be saved, and his question was, "What are you going to do about this?" He continued, "Your children must prosper."
In the same way, since all human beings are God's children they have to live in prosperity. In order to open up the path for everyone to live this way, God told Dr. Lee that he had to take responsibility, since God could not do that Himself. This is all presented in the book, Life in the Spirit World and on Earth. Why did God ask him to take responsibility? Since people have passed away to the spirit world after opposing the Unification Church, God wanted him to report this to me so that I could liberate them. I have shed many tears over this.
Dr. Lee wondered, "God, how did it come to this, having to ask a person like me? How did it reach this point?" For this reason, between May 13 and 15 last year, I turned everything in the spirit world upside down and declared that I would take responsibility. You talk about having guts. "I will take responsibility and carry this out." Saying this, I gave the Blessing to those people. (301-156, 1992.125)
Since the first Adam, second Adam and even the third Parent failed, by indemnifying and liberating all this through the wilderness course, the age of the Blessing of the domain of the fourth Adam can become the age of emergence of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. All this must conform to logic. It cannot be done haphazardly. When this is evaluated from the resultant Principle-based standard of the spiritual and physical worlds, the right hand must fit exactly with the left hand. Only then will clapping make a sound, won't it? Absolute love is what brings these together.
The earthly world and spirit world, which were divided into Abel and Cain, can finally become one through the bond of brotherhood, True Parents' love, and by their connection to the true lineage. Therefore, when people die, they will die together with the same blessing; when they live, they will live together with the same blessing. It is not the case here that those who seek to die will live, and those who seek to live will die.
When the True Parents are here, those who seek to live shall live. Those who seek to live with the True Parents will live. Without the True Parents everyone had to do the opposite. Paradoxically, without seeking death, you could not find the path of the True Parents or the place to attend them. The spirit world must be liberated, and the earth must be liberated. Since the time of Adam and Eve, there has never been a person who could remove the great nail that was driven into God's heart. The good ancestors throughout history all had to shed blood. Their anguish was not released. (301-166, 1999.4.25)
When I pass t he age of 80, an age when heaven and earth come together in union will begin. By 80, I will have completely liberated everything on earth and in the spirit world within my generation. Spirit world and earth together, husband and wife together, and the family together will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Husband and wife must enter heaven together; they cannot enter alone. I opened the gates of both hell and to heaven. Everyone will go up in turn.
Your ancestors will stand in line to become escorts to guide you. In the past, the demons would dig a pit based on their desires and prevent you from leaving for thousands and tens of thousands of years. They would use your ancestors as errand boys. I have now completely abolished all those things. It seems unreal, but it will become like that. You can wait and see. Why? I know everything about the future reality of the spirit world. If I do not do these things, I will be accused by the generations to come. (300-71, 1999.2.21)

3.2. Equalization of the spiritual and physical worlds through the cosmic expansion of the true Blessing

What comes after the cosmic expansion of the true Blessing? It is the rooting out of Satan's lineage. It means severing the root. Since humankind went to hell by entering into false marriage, True Parents must marry people and straighten this out. In order to restore, through indemnity, the act of the archangel in the spirit world loving Eve on earth and bringing about the Fall, the family in the archangelic position in the spirit world comes to the earth to support the family in the position of Adam and Eve. Through this, these families will come to where your families are and initiate the movement to expel Satan. This is the Principle viewpoint. Only then can things be logically placed in neat order.
Now, the task that remains is for the doors of love to be opened, enabling spouses to love one another between the spiritual and physical worlds. Even if your husband has passed away, you can live with him on earth. Some couples live this way even now. For this reason, I forgave and offered the Blessing to those husbands who were opposed to the Unification Church.
A few days ago, just before we held the Blessing of 400 Million Couples, and before I left for America, I had the people who received the spiritual Blessing go through the three-day ceremony. After that ceremony, I gave full-scale marching orders to families in the spirit world so what is there left to do? There are billions of people waiting to be blessed; particularly those passed away souls who were never married, who were born on earth and grew up in the spirit world. Since I opened the way, I have blessed 1.6 billion couples, which is four times as many as the 900 million I blessed a few days ago. (101-171, 1999.4.25)
I never thought of boasting while on the path of God's will. I have done many things worldwide but there are still many things to do. This is how I am. The task of the spirit world still remains. If some thing has been done on earth, we must straighten it out on earth.
I opened the way to the blessing for those who lived alone and died single, men and women who were loved by their parents but were unable to get married, and babies that died after they were born. Those babies grow in the spirit world. They do not remain the way they were. The heart of the mothers who cry in sadness for these babies, allows the babies to grow. It is not wrong for parents to be sad about their child's death. Your deceased partner is actually growing in the spirit world. If the wife cherishes her deceased husband in her heart and grieves for him, he will benefit from that. (101-167, 1999.4.26)
There has not been one person amongst all those born on earth that was born from True Parents. There is no way to enter heaven for those born without receiving the lineage of the True Parents -- the True Father and True Mother.
When we consider God's ideal of creation, heaven is the place that people are guided to after receiving the True Parents' lineage; attending them as the Lord of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in spirit world; living with True Parents within the domain of their kith and kin based on true love; and, through marriage, leaving behind blessed descendants. Consequently, those who do not have deep experiences of love in the realm of the heavenly royal family cannot enter heaven. (251-49, 1993.10.11)
I have accomplished my responsibility. What else is there for me to do? I blessed people equally in the spirit world through the united realm in that world, and I even saved my enemies. There is no basis whatsoever on which Satan can accuse me. Now there is no more indemnity. (272-121, 1995.8.30)
I have to equalize the spirit world. What sort of people have lived on earth and passed away to the spirit world? They were those who lived through self-centered love relationships; those men and women who had affairs and lived life as they pleased. Aren't there many adulteresses amongst women who were unfaithful? They will end up at the very bottom of hell. These days, many couples marry under a legal contract. Are you aware of that? They do not want to have babies. They do not want to have a family.
It is like that in the age of archangels. Can people without a baby know parental love? Would they know how to love children? They can never learn to love through making contracts. They are a group of wanderers, and in the spirit world they will just drift around. They have no basis that enables them to settle down. How grateful such people would be if they could be married through me! (301-63, 1999.416)
What is the spirit world? The spirit world is the archangel's world and the earth is Adam's world. The son's world and the servant's world are different. Then, should the spirit world work harder or the earth work harder? Previously, we had 40,000 Blessed Families. There were about 40,000, perhaps 5,000 more. Now, there are more than 400 million couples. Therefore, one family should find and bring two single people, one male and one female Blessing candidate. This should also be carried out in the spirit world.
The spirits in the spirit world are all Adam's descendants. Due to the Fall, however, the archangel's lineage has passed into the spirit world. This is something that absolutely should not happen. The spirit world should not be left as it is with Cain-type nature spread throughout. They should be given the Blessing. By receiving the Blessing, these two worlds should equalize.
For this reason, I gathered all the spirits who died without being married and blessed them. The spirits of babies who died after they were born are also growing. I am blessing all those who were over the age of sixteen and who went to the spirit world without getting married. Those numbers will be in the billions. That is why I am holding the Blessing for them now. (301-209, 1999.5.1)
When the tide goes out, bad things are carried away. When it comes in, the things that went away last now come in first. This is like restoration through indemnity. When the natural cycles produce a high tide and full moon together, we are caught in the middle of what must be reconciled and unified by the power of true love. When this phenomenon is spread out equally within one generation, Satan can be completely driven out by the Blessing of people of opposite dispositions together.
The false parents are driven out and people will become one with the True Parents. Since this is happening now the abolition of hell and the blessing of ancestors in spirit world are unfolding. Even now, billions of spirits are being blessed. Our ancestors are the ones who are leading the spirit world to heaven. The descendant families on earth are spiritually unifying the positions of father and son based on true love. The family base within true love is the starting point for connecting the East and the West. (300-224, 1999.3.14)
The Blessing means inheriting the foundation that connects God's lineage of true life. The people who have inherited God's lineage through the Blessing exist both in the spirit world and the physical world. Consequently, God can freely govern them. That is why God can freely push forward with the works of re-creation and restoration with His full authority without any indemnity conditions. Therefore, the issue is whether you have the conviction to maintain your position in relationship to this. When you resolutely unite with the standard of absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience, a straight path can he quickly opened that equalizes everything in the world. (300-303, 1999.4.11)
The child is the one who makes the father the owner of love; the wife is the one who makes the husband the owner of love; and the younger sibling is the one who makes the elder sibling the owner of love. On the other hand, without a parent, without a husband, without an elder brother, then the child, wife and younger sibling each cannot become the owner of love.
In order to become an owner of true love, you have to elevate your family members higher than yourself and live for their sake. Therefore, the individual unity of mind and body, the family unity of the couple and siblings, and the unity of the nation are formed to complete the domain of love that is the ideal model of the eight stages of relationships. In other words, by establishing the tradition of unchanging true love through the age of the womb, infancy, siblings, youth, spouses, parents, true grandparents and true king and queen, the model of true love -- the relationship of true parent and true child -- will be completed.
Thus, the ideal family and nation is where parent and child, husband and wife, and brotherly nations, long to become the owners as the models of the eight stages based on true love. The eternal global equalization begins from here. The Kingdom of leaven on earth begins, and the Kingdom of Heaven in spirit world is then automatically established. (300-303, 1999.4.11)

3.3. True Love liberates hell on earth and in the spirit world

The spiritual and physical worlds must be equalized, even hell. The path should be pioneered all the way to the foundations of the kingdom of peace, in order to break down the gates of hell and open the gates of heaven. God will then be able to traverse freely anywhere in the earthly world and spirit world... The threshold of grief that is hell is of no use to God. It should all he broken down. No one knows that.
Then, what is it that I have done? Down as far as hell, I have broken down the gates of the individual and all the things that have blocked the physical and spirit worlds... I must create a highway. I have to make equalization. This is not only for the earth. The spirit world must all he leveled. The family, tribe, people, nation, world and cosmos must be leveled. Flow is this possible? It is possible by a man and a woman forming a family... (392-226, 1999.6.14)
Since the spiritual Blessing is possible now, I can give the Blessing as much as I like. I must give the Blessing to everyone without exception. I have to make it so that, before I go, there is no one left in the spirit world that was not blessed. Previously it was not possible, but now it can be done there.
People who received the Blessing must fill the earth and spirit world before I go there. If not, then all the fallen lineages sown by Adam until this time will not have been rooted out. What is this year's motto? It is the cosmic expansion of the true Blessing and the rooting out of Satan's lineage." All those in the spirit world must receive the Blessing. This must be completed before I pass on I must clean up the spirit world before I go there. Have you ever thought about rooting out Satan's lineage? I have already set the spirit world in order.
You may not know, but I am doing all this work. I have reached the level that allows even the spirit world and all the ancestors to be blessed after being liberated. By liberating those who died as an infant, or who passed on to the spirit world without marrying, it is now possible for all of them to enter the domain of the Blessing.
By accomplishing this, Satan's root will be exterminated. Therefore, I gave instructions twenty days ago, before I returned to America, so that even the people in spirit world could go through the three-day ceremony, just as we do here on earth. That is complicated. It is the same as it is on earth. Since young people are being blessed here, I am giving the Blessing to unmarried men and women in the spirit world in the same way. (301-212, 1999.5.1)
Since I blessed everyone including infants, the entire spirit world will come... What is the Blessing in terms of the Principle? It is each person's portion of responsibility. Our responsibility is to receive the Blessing. If human beings had fulfilled their portion of responsibility, they would have stood as God's perfected sons and daughters. They would have taken dominion over the angelic world. For this reason, receiving the Blessing itself will change your family registration identity. For example, when a Korean obtains U.S. citizenship, he is then governed under the laws of America. Such a world has not yet emerged.
In order to clarify this, I am equalizing the spiritual and physical worlds, and transposing the eldest son position of the firstborn son of the family and the tribe. The spirit world still holds the right of the eldest son on the level of the individual, tribe, people, nation, world and cosmos. I am now restoring these. (301-189, 1999.4.26)
People on the path of true love cannot separate. They are in balance. Since love is always level it does not disappear just because your son has passed away. He passes to the spirit world and grows with the same quality of relationship. Even when babies die while still infants, they still grow in the spirit world. People have not known this, but now the Unification Church must be aware of it. In the future if you have a child who goes to the spirit world, without having committed the fall, he will return to live with you in spirit.
Since I allowed the three-day ceremony for those blessed to people in the spirit world, those believers in the Unification Church who pass away from now on, can come to the earth and live with their husband or wife. Spirit persons have not been allowed to come to earth in a Blessing relationship so far. I have said that the Comfort Blessing should not he given to those over the age of 49. We have not adhered to this up to now. I have given the Comfort Blessing, but from now on, it is for those under 50 years of age. I am now telling you not to give the Comfort Blessing to those over 49. Why do l say this? I say this because I allowed those blessed to people in the spirit world to do the three-day ceremony. (301-189, 1999.4.26)
I am telling you not to give the Comfort Blessing if they are over the age of 49. Spirit persons were not allowed to come to earth in a Blessing relationship until now. I had given the Comfort Blessing for people younger than 50. As the saying goes, "Misfortune comes at 49: l am telling you not to give them the Comfort Blessing. Why? It is because I allowed the three-day ceremony even to those blessed to spirit persons.
The Lord at his Second Advent carries out substantial, rather than conditional, restoration through indemnity. It is because I have been through such battles... Just as I struggled in the spirit world in order to bring victory on earth, I have to restore the sphere of substance through indemnity, based on that spiritual victory. That is the reason the Christian cultural sphere should have accepted me and become one with me by now. If Christianity had accepted me I would not have gone through such persecution. I would have immediately found and raised up a number of people who were prepared by God. The bride is one. There are no temporary earthly solutions to spiritually complex matters. If we do not go through the substantial way of restoration, we would have to repeat it on a worldwide scale, in order to go beyond the national level.
The Blessing consists of a church-level Blessing, a national-level Blessing and a world-level Blessing. I have to accomplish this because I would be accused if I went to the spirit world without doing it. That being the case, it might take thousands of years to resolve this situation. Without achieving it you would not be able to engage in activities after entering the spirit world. You would all be held in the waiting room. Therefore, you should understand how important earthly life is.
The grandfather's position has to become the grandchild's position, the father's position has to become the son's position, and the son's position has to become the father's. The positions will be reversed. Therefore, with the returning Lord as the axis, Adam becomes the first father, Jesus becomes the second father and the Lord at his Second Advent becomes the third father. Now the returning Lord has indemnified the failures of the first and second fathers, and has risen up to the perfection stage... the sons and daughters of these three categories of children not only live in this world but also live in the spirit world. (236-330, 1992.11.9)
You all look to me while I am in this world, but what will you do after I go to the spirit world? From now on, where will the future generations of the Unification Church go? They will try to follow the course of my history exactly. The tribes of Israel had to follow Jacob's path; the Israelites had to follow Moses' path; and the Christians had to follow Jesus' path. In the same way, at this present time, Unificationists have to follow the path that I have pioneered. They should go this way. If they don't, they will not be free to cross the great oceans like the migrating birds and connect the South and North Poles. You have to be able to fly. (142-169, 1996.3.9)
This time I matched couples using photos of women whom I had never seen in person. In the process of matching I had realized that there were not enough women. So I took out some pictures of women from an album of a thousand candidates and matched them with men, saying, "Here is your husband!" Even then, the Japanese women did not say, "How can you match us without even looking?" They are living with the person in that picture. How wonderful that is! That is why the Unification Church can straighten out the world. That's a remarkable thing.
People like me will not always come to this world. There has never been a person like me in the past, nor will there be in the future. There is only one time, and it is that time now, that I am alive on the earth, that I live in this physical world. Think about the fact that you were married through such a person. You can feel pride in this in the spirit world, saying, "I was blessed by Father." (165-90, 1997.5.20)
Up until this time, if your beloved wife were to pass on to the spirit world, you would be separated from her. When you go there, you go to a level according to your own spiritual standard. Once you arrive in that world, you can press a button on something similar to a video machine, and everything you did in your life will come up, it is all recorded. Your number will be called out, and the person who brings you away will already be waiting there. Then you will go to your place. Even if there were ten people in a family, they will all be separated because the standards of their spirituality are all different. They cannot meet each other. Now this situation has been resolved.
After receiving the Blessing, then while you are still living on earth, if there is a person whom you loved, who is now in the spirit world, you can bless that person. That was how I blessed Dae-mo nim, and blessed Dae-hyung nim. I even blessed Choong-mo nim. I blessed people in the spirit world. That way will be opened. Only then is it possible to liberate hell. Only then can we establish a global standard of having reorganized heaven, the original world of the Garden of Eden, untainted by the Fall, as a direct path to entering heaven, and can the standard be established on the worldwide level, going beyond all individuals and families on the earth
After having completed the reorganization of the spirit world as a direct path to entering heaven, the realm of the unification of the Kingdom of Heaven and earth will take place and the age when God can be liberated will arrive. (283-146, 1997.4.5)
True Parents are giving the Blessing in the physical world, going beyond racial and religious boundaries. By connecting to this, the domain of liberation for the individual, family, tribe, people and nation can he established on the earth. That liberated domain is not created in the spirit world. Since the basis to connect to the world of heaven's love and cosmic love exists on earth, the spiritual and physical worlds can become unified around True Parents. This will eliminate all indebtedness and perfect the Blessing of the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world and even the Blessing of the cosmos.
By creating a united and harmonized sphere of Blessed families in the spiritual and physical worlds, the foundation for the ideal of heaven based on the unfallen Adam can be established. This causes all families in history to have the same value. Through the manifestation of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in spirit world, God can come down and dwell on this foundation. God is the vertical Parent. True Parents are the horizontal Parents that can equalize the earth. Therefore, on Chal Pal Jeol, the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath of the Parents of Heaven and Earth was proclaimed, and a new age began. Furthermore, from the day of 9.9 Jeol, we enter a new era. (303-257, 1999.9.9)
Now, based on 9.9. Jeol, you should all offer a total indemnity offering. The total indemnity offering concerns the ceremony of liberation of resentment. A liberation ceremony must he held. You have to release God from His resentment and liberate Him. Not only that, you should liberate the cosmos. The total indemnity offering will also be able to liberate all of you. (298-59, 1999.1.1)
Now that we have entered the age of liberation, you do not know how much the universe is singing in praise, while focused on this earth. You do not know how joyful they are over this day. From the beginning of this year to this very day, there has been a festive atmosphere.
Now, heavenly fortune will follow us and assist us in everything we try to do. We used to exert ourselves to catch heavenly fortune but now heavenly fortune will follow us around and assist us. This means that the time has come for God and the spirit world to mobilize numerous ancestors and countless good spirit persons to assist people on earth. We can establish a realm of liberation. The age of transformation has come. (298-228, 1999.1.8)
Now your families should become ideal families, directly attend True Parents and God, and become the representatives of True Parents. Through all of you becoming the families that represent the first, second and third Adams -- the Messiahs who came in the Old, New, and Completed Testament Ages -- you have come to attend God, and thus all humankind can go directly to heaven. Through this, we enter the age of blessings for the liberation of the realm of the fourth Adam. (298-224, 1999.1.8)
Shower holy wine in all the nations. Wouldn't everyone be revived after drinking holy wine? The liberation of the fallen world would be hastened. Even give it to the whole creation. Then, everything will return to God's side. Now I will shower the whole earth with holy wine using an airplane. Even if I do not reach everyone, I will spread it to the major cities and pray for them. You have to realize how fearful True Parents' prayers are. If I pray for the destruction of a nation it will be destroyed. It would be unavoidable. (298-232, 1999.1.8)

3.4. Registration for heaven and Blessed Families' spiritual realm

3.4.1 Requirements of registration

To this day, no one has been registered into the heavenly kingdom. The kingdom did not have a nation. It did not have a family or nation. When you go to the spirit world, your parents, and -- if there are ten people in your family -- all ten of your family members would be separated. However, from now on it will not be that way. You should know that originally, if human beings had not fallen, heaven would be the place where you enter with your mother, father and clan.
If your grandparents, mother and father, couple, and children, become one based on true love, and inherit God's true love that lives for others, then even God would be absolutely obedient to that. In the world that strives to live for others -- a world that moves according to the love that submits to the tradition of living for others -- the basis for peace would surely emerge even if it resisted being formed. (210-354, 1990.12.27)
Those who register centering on the True Parents will become the ancestors of their lineage in the future. They will become the ancestors in the spirit world and their registration will he organized primarily focusing on the mainstream tribes and peoples, and on all people of the collateral line of the family. Therefore, you must be registered. Registration does not just happen.
You should complete the blessing of 160 or 180 families. Those who fail to do so will be left out. The time has passed when you can assert that you are a 36 couple, or whatever you may be. Since the age of equalization has come, the issue now is who will be the first to enter with the accomplishment of those numbers. In the Unification Church you benefit if you have many people in your clan. (286-247, 1997.8.11)
Since the lineage has been changed, then without changing your lineage you cannot connect with and be registered into God's nation. God is the owner of the lineage. Since human beings, who inherited the fallen lineage, engaged in stealing and invalidated God's ownership, order can only he regained by connecting with God's lineage through His love. Therefore, you must change your lineage. The bloodline was changed due to the relationship of love from the Fall. Since the lineage was turned upside down, without changing it, there is no way to return to God. (258-287, 1994.3.20)
Considering the Blessing, you need to go through a church-level Blessing, national-level Blessing and the world-level Blessing. Only by going to the spirit world and going through the ceremony for the eternal Blessing, can there be a path to return to the original world. Just because you say that you will receive the Unification Church Blessing, or you receive the Blessing briefly, conveniently, and quietly without my knowing, it does not work. You have to go through the national-level Blessing. There. all your history will be revealed. Then you have to go through the world-level Blessing. Only when Parents go to heaven, pass through the great admission and registration ceremonies, complete the organization of twelve tribes, and sit on their throne take their position and seat -- in the other world, centering on God, can all the people. In sequence, take their positions and seats. (185-36, 1989.1.1)
You must change your lineage, rights of ownership, and your realm of heart. The realm of heart means the tribe. It must be changed. That is why the tribe must be restored. Jesus came to restore the nation but failed to be registered. He could not create a family register. This must be restored through indemnity. Therefore, the Unification Church did not allow blessed members to start family life until they had passed the age of 33. Now it is 30.
You have come to the point where you can live together at the age of 30, the age Jesus reached before he left his home. Once the day of the reunification of North and South Korea comes, we can fully surmount this path of suffering. Consequently, the Unification Church Blessing comprises the church Blessing, the Blessing for the age of the reunification of Korea, and the blessing for the age of world unification. You can advance to the position of liberation only after going through these three great Blessings. (252-140, 1991.11.14)
Without a nation you cannot be registered. You can be registered on the church level but not on the national level. Through the reunification of North and South Korea, we can enter the age of registration. Since that time will come, I am telling you to quickly restore 160 families based on the tribal messiahs. When that is achieved, and when reunification of North and South Korea happens, I will be registered as the first generation and become the first ancestor. The people who are registered after that are those in sequence who blessed 160 families. The order of becoming an ancestor depends on the time of your registration. If more than 1,600 people were sitting here and had received the Blessing, there would be a difference of more than 1600 generations. (256-332, 1994.3.14)
In the future the entire world must be registered and included among the twelve tribes. When this happens you must record in detail your entire life -- everything from the time you joined the Unification Church to this day. You have to record everything, anything you did in the church, even if it was taking a handkerchief. If this does not match with the computer records in the spirit world you will not be able to go to heaven. (212-56, 1991.1.1)
You will be warmly welcomed into the kingdom within the realm of heart of the royal family; there are no steep paths or walls there. It is like an open plain. Everyone will welcome you. It connects with the world of perpetual love. You will stand as the owner of that place. Your clan will become like that. You will be registered and enter the Kingdom of Heaven by carrying the value of the spiritual realm where all your restored tribe is gathered. Aren't you going to register? As the Tribal Leader of completed liberation, as the Messiah, and as the Parent, I am dragging you in, so that you can be registered anew and enter the Kingdom of Heaven. (218-158, 1991.8.22)
You will see whether I am right or not when you go to the spirit world. The women are to be mobilized under my instructions. I am not doing this to guide them in a wrong way. I am doing it to register them into the heavenly kingdom. Then, when I register their children, their husbands will also be registered. By doing so, these families can surmount the original hilltop and overcome the thirty-eighth parallel. Within the unified world of God's will, the family will be blessed anew and begin from the original standard of heaven that has no relationship to the Fall. Through this, they give birth to the sinless people of the Kingdom of Heaven and go on the path that directly leads to heaven. I have laid the path to that state of being where there is no need for the Messiah. I am trying to guide people to that place, but if they do not take action here in this world, they will perish. (230-250, 1992.5.8)
You should be registered. Where do we go to be registered? You cannot avoid your destiny of returning to the original homeland. If you fail to do so in your physical lifetime, you will go to the spirit world and move around in circles for eternity. There will be no way to free yourself from the control of the fallen realm that should be overcome with tears and lamentation. Hence, I have explained it to you in detail, in the hope that you will take the direct path.
Please do not forget what I have said and engrave it in your hearts. I pray that you can inherit the right of kingship that enables you to enter the victorious gates of heaven, and succeed to this inheritance. I also pray that you will become such people who can establish their permanent address in heaven, the original homeland, and be registered there. Those who will do so raise both hands and make your pledge. (177-351, 1988.3.22)

3.4.2. The united realm of the spirit world incorporates a middle realm and a prison

Couples who were blessed on earth will be together even when they go to the eternal spirit world. No matter how many couples and children of this world there may be, they will be scattered and separated in the spirit world. They will be separated and will not know where everyone went. It will be difficult for them to meet each other. Without a reciprocal relationship they cannot meet. They are all separated in the spirit world according to the state of their spirituality. That is extraordinary. If their whole family can unite based on love, they can be together in the spirit world. Is that something joyful or unfortunate? (250-334, 1993.10.15)
When you go to the spirit world no one will tell you to go to hell. You go on your own. You go to the place that fits your own level. Even within the Unification Church, though the goal is to head for the same realm, where you go will depend on your spiritual state. Then, in what ways are Blessed Families different? The members of a Blessed Family cannot be separated from each other no matter how hard they try. When you pass to the spirit world, if your wife failed to fulfill her responsibility, you would take joint responsibility and bring liberation to her. Even if only the wife had done wrong, they would both be accused; even if the husband had done wrong, both would be accused; even if the children had done wrong, they would all be accused. (242-108, 1993.1.1)
In the heavenly realm of the spirit world, the places where people remain are decided according to their rank. Once there, they go through a long education period. That world does not belong to the fallen domain. It belongs to God's Principled realm. If a citizen of a nation commits a sin, it will be regarded as a sin committed by the people of that nation. If there is a violation of the heavenly law committed by a citizen of the heavenly nation, the violator will be processed by the heavenly law. All infringements upon the nation would be dealt with through judgment that would support the whole purpose... From now on, paradise will be created in the heavenly spirit world. You will have to wait there. The middle realm of the spirit world will be created there. Hell will be created there. A prison will also be created. Understanding this, you will know clearly where you will go. You are made to know. Did you know this or not? I am teaching you plainly. (295-135, 1998.8.1)
Those who were blessed but failed to take part in registration are just the same as Adam's family that fell. When you enter the spirit world a prison on the heavenly side will be created. The middle sphere of spirit world will he created. A paradise for Blessed Families will be created. Lee Sang-hun's testimonies these days have become representative of the spirit world. Even in the middle sphere, those who have sinned must walk around with name tags indicating their earthly sins. They must be sanctioned according to how much they have deviated from the ninety-degree angle. No allowances will be made. Deviation has to be rectified even by force. Jagged parts should be cut off and made smooth. If this does not happen, they must be isolated in places like the North and South Poles. An age like this will come. You will see in the future. The spirit world is made that way. (300-153, 1999.3.3)
The 36 Couples that have passed to the spirit world are in a glorious place. Didn't Lee Sang-hun talk about all the realities of the spirit world? The 36 Blessed Couples are in a glorious position. But if they did wrong, they will be walking around wearing tags disclosing this. Hell could be created there, as well as the middle realm of spirit world. When the satanic world is eradicated in the future...
This middle realm is in heaven, but it is not quite heaven; spirits will be locked up in the prison there. A hell-like nation does not exist far away, but is within a day's journey from there. People on earth are accustomed to time as it relates to hours, but to travel to a glorious place in the middle realm will be a year's journey. (299-315, 1999.2.21)
All those people in hell should receive the benefits of liberation -- to have a family, and to be able to see their children again. When they gather their grandchildren and enter the gates of heaven, they should enter in the same position as the family of Adam untainted by the Fall. Since this is a realm removed from the domain of the satanic world, and from Satan's accusations, restoration within it is brought about quickly.
Didn't I say that in the spirit world, Lee Sang-hun is in the highest position among Blessed Families? This highest position will be the model for the spirit world that will be created from now on. It is the model for the spirit world. There will be heaven and there will be a paradise for families. The middle realm of spirit world for families and hell for families will be created. It is an age where all shadows remaining in your conscience from your current life will be clearly visible in broad daylight. Excuses will not work. Did I say that there is a prison there? There is a prison. Even when Blessed Families enter the spirit world or heaven, there will he ranks in which some families will come closer to God and True Parents. (295-300, 1992.9.24) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Six - Our Life And The Spiritual Realm
Chapter Three - True Parents and the Spirit World
Section 4. True Family and the Works of the Spirit World

4.1. Heung-jin nim and the establishment of the right of the eldest son in the spirit world.

Through my son Heung-jin going to the spirit world, Abel and the angels who had been completely separated like the earth and spirit world, became closely tied together like twins. When they became one, parents could be mobilized on that foundation. This is the view of the Unification Principle.
Heung-jin is the Abel-type son. This son went to the spirit world on the foundation of the indemnity conditions for the realm of God's dominion based on accomplishments through the Principle, which was established through True Parents' love. He went to the spirit world after the establishment of the direct dominion of God, based on the victory over Satan's dominion. For that reason, he attained the state of being the son who went to the spirit world with the qualification of perfection for the first time since the Fall. Originally, if human beings had not fallen, those who passed to the spirit world would have qualified as owners, or heirs, through the establishment of a family with love at the center. In this family, the realms of direct dominion and dominion based on accomplishments through the principle would have been unified centered on the realm of True Parents' heart.
It is a rule of the Principle that you cannot reach the realm of direct dominion without the proper qualification. (131-52, 1984.4.1)
I held the Unification Ceremony before Heung-jin passed away. I prepared everything for this and gave permission to the doctor to take off the oxygen mask. In this way, I sent him after paving his path. In this world, people would say that I was crazy to do such things while my son was dying. I was offering him to heaven. In this three-sided historical era, I was offering him for the sake of humankind, the people of Korea and the Unification Church, for the sake of this world and for the sake of the spirit world. Just as Jesus returned after ascending to heaven, similar things will occur. Thus, from the spirit world's point of view, Heung-jin is the returning Lord. He is the savior of the spirit world. Heung-jin was the one sent by True Parents as the Messiah of love. Since Heung-jin is assisting the Parents on earth, the age of resurrection and a unified world are coming about on the earth. That is why the time has come for the second generation to receive the Blessing. Do you understand what I am saying? (225-86, 1992.1.2)
How is the Unification Ceremony performed? It cannot be accomplished by grabbing any random thing. I performed this ceremony for Heung-jin by holding his sexual organ. Only by holding the Unification Ceremony of love for this son who was passing away without fulfilling the purpose of love, could he be directly connected to Jesus. Even Mother did not know anything about this. By performing the Unification Ceremony for him as he was dying, we were overcoming everything that was under the watchful eye of the devil.
It is not a matter of crying. The problem was not about a son dying or about crying. The issue was about what a family loved by God is. In that situation, with everyone feeling bitter grief, I had to drive all that away, and as the father, pave the way for my son to pass on. (212-93, 1991.1.2)
Because I sent Heung-jin as a living offering, he has become a bridge. He is the bridge from the spirit world based on love, based on his family behind him. Thus, even Jesus must follow Heung-jin. Don't you know Jesus has to go through the bridge of the family? Ultimately, Heung-jin was the only one who went to the spirit world as a victorious offering after being loved by True Parents on this earth as True Parents' son. Therefore, he can govern with the full authority of Heaven. (280-281, 1997.1.2)
Heung-jin came into unity with the spirit world linking it to True Parents' family by virtue of his passing away as an adolescent and scion beloved of True Parents. He becomes the first son and elder brother in the spirit world.
Consequently, the domain of True Parents' love is expanded to the spirit world. Therefore, the Christians in the spirit world who could not establish a connection to the earth, and all the other religions, can now do this through Heung-jin... Jesus should attend Heung-jin as the elder brother. By doing so, Jesus can connect to earth. Through these developments, the spiritual support in this world will swell rapidly due to spirits returning to the earth, and as a result, the satanic world will begin to crumble. It will start to go into a rapid decline.
The borderlines that were created after the Fall between the spiritual and physical worlds will all be eliminated. Through Heung-jin's ascension, the earth is linked to the spirit world based on the domain of True Parents' love. Therefore, the walls between the earthly world and the spirit world have crumbled and we have entered an age of communication between the two worlds. (225-86, 1992.1.2)
In this age, how will the domain of the adopted children and that of the children of the direct lineage exchange places? Heung-jin has an important responsibility with respect to this. He must bring order to the spirit world before the coming of that time. Until now, Jesus and all those who passed on to the spirit world have had no relationship with True Parents by lineage. They have not been related to the flesh and blood of True Parents. Neither could they establish a relationship with True Parents' love. Thus, all those who have passed away to the other world are like single, unmarried men and women. Jesus himself is like that. They must come down to earth and make that relationship with True Parents' love. (225-85, 1992.1.2)
Didn't I bless Heung-jin in marriage? Since he is in the position of the commander-in-chief of families in the spirit world, he must be blessed in marriage. Everyone is connected under him. And centering on Dae-mo nim and Choong-mo nim in the spirit world...When people pass on to the spirit world they must receive the blessing from Dae-mo nim. Many denominations and religions, such as Islam, Catholicism and Protestantism, must become closely united... Then, a great migration will occur. They can only be connected through the True Parents on earth. In order to do so, they must become filial sons, patriots and saints. That is the tradition. (292-226, 1998.4.17)
At this time, I enabled Jesus' family and Heung-jin's family to live in one house. Heung-jin and Jesus should live in the same house. Jesus' adopted son should be entrusted to Heung-jin. God cannot do this. True Parents must do this. True Parents must do what God cannot do. Didn't God say in the Bible, "Let it be as Adam names them."? Do you understand? (292-327, 1998.4.27)
I must now go to Chung Pyung and take good care of Jesus' family, let him establish the ties of brotherhood with Heung-jin, and bless all the apostles of Christianity. The Unification Church stands in the position of Abel, and Christianity stands in the position of Cain. How can they be brought into unity? From a spiritual and physical point of view, I must unify everything. Heung-jin, the true child, stands on the Abel side and is the eldest son. The eldest son on the Cain side is Jesus. I am connecting the earthly world with the spirit world and blessing members of the Unification Church and the Christian churches all at once.
I am also blessing white and black people together, so that in the future, they will have mixed descendants. Then there will be no more conflict. Who will resolve the very troubling racial problems in America? Who will bring an end to that conflict? This is something that no one in America can do, nor any institution. Even the religious organizations cannot resolve this. It is only possible through me. (292-312, 1998.4.27)
I declared the unification of the physical and spirit worlds to the people of America, which stands as the eldest son nation of the Christian cultural sphere. Heung-jin and Jesus have become one... Heung-jin, who is fully dedicated to True Parents, who represent the Unification Church, and Jesus who represents Christianity, are in a subject-object relationship. The latter is Cain. Those who opposed the Unification Church have now surrendered and stand in the position of the younger brother, and the previous younger brother now stands in the position of the elder brother. Those standing in the younger brother position do so because Heung-jin and the Unification Church are united...
The right of the eldest son does not only belong to America. Unity comes on the basis of people attending True Parents, the Unification Church, Heung-jin, and Unification Church members. After unity is established between such people and the Unification Church, they take the position of having the right of the eldest son. By standing in the position of the first son in the spirit world and earthly world, they will unity these two worlds, complete the Kingdom of heaven on earth and enter that unified sphere. Amen! (293-79, 1991.5.24)
For the spirit world, the day they received Heung-jin was the most joyful day in history. Heung-jin opened the gates of the spirit world as the messiah of love and opened the path of an exemplary martyr on earth. That is why the Unification Church members should love Heung-jin. (130-201, 1984.1.15)
Consequently, Heung-jin can let the domain of the younger son inherit the blessings and fortune of the domain of the eldest son. Satan tried to prevent this happening by plundering the inheritance, but Heung-jin, who now stands in the domain of the eldest son, delivered all the blessings he had, to the earth. That is why the connection can be made. Heung-jin unceasingly endeavored to deliver this despite the satanic world trying to prevent it. (131-52, 1984.4.1)
Since Heung-jin is in the spirit world, he should take responsibility to become like a protective fence, and educate and train people to make determined efforts to remove their shame for the things they failed to accomplish on earth. True Parents are not just an empty shell. They are moving forward with total authority in relation to the spirit world. That is why I can bless people in the spirit world. Since the actual authority of the Parents exists in the spirit world, I can give the unified Blessing to the earth and the spirit world, so that people who are blessed will be able to go to the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom of Heaven is empty. In order to occupy it, the Blessing must first be given on earth. Without the Blessing on earth, there cannot be Blessings in the spirit world. (304-406, 1999.11.12)
I am now going to build an experiential hall for education, even in the spirit world. It will teach the traditions of the various world faiths and religions. It should also teach the affiliated philosophies of the world. It should teach Unification Thought. I need to make that kind of education department... The spirit world is ignorant of these things because it is completely divided and separated. We should teach them that God is our Parent, and educate them to establish an ideal family by becoming His beloved sons and daughters. (300-314, 1999.4.15)
With Shin-choon's birth into my family there are now forty members in my family. There are exactly forty people. The number forty has been fulfilled. That is why the name is Shin-choon. What does Shin-choon mean? In his name, the Chinese character for shin means "faith" rather than "new." In terms of faith, spring has come to the Unification Church. This is the case when we look at the number of indemnity and everything else.
There will be many sons and daughters in my family in the future. Many grandchildren will be born. How many children do I have? Is it twelve? I had thirteen, though Hye-jin passed away eight days after her birth. In the future, Heung-jin should also adopt a child.
Should you practice birth control? In the satanic world people have to do this but our Blessed Families should not practice birth control. However, if your body is defiled and you believe that you should not give birth to children the way you are, you should not do so. (213-189, 1991.1.20)
True Parents' family, which represents the whole historical realm of victory, attained this position because it went through a history of purification to the root. If Hye-jin was sacrificed for the sake of cutting off the bloodline of the fallen woman in the Garden of Eden, then Hee-jin represents the Old Testament Age. They have different mothers. So, Hee-jin pertains to the Old Testament Age and Heung-jin represents the New Testament Age. He was not married, just like Jesus. Yet subsequently, since he was blessed in marriage, the earth is connected with the spirit world. This Blessing is also connecting the perfected physical foundation of Christianity with the work of establishing the spiritual perfection of those in Christianity who were not blessed. The family-level Blessing is being connected to the spirit world. (304-304, 1999.11.12)

4.2. The Chung Pyung providence and the ancestors' liberation ceremony

Why do you go to the Chung Pyung training center? You have to clear away everything that is spiritually entangled with you. You should liberate all your ancestors there. You have to be checked and certified, and accomplish those things. Heung-jin is working in Chung Pyung. Heung-jin is the highest elder son in the spirit world. Whose younger brother is Heung-jin? Heung-jin's elder brother is Hyo-jin. But Heung-jin is in the elder brother position to Hyo-jin and is the highest elder brother in the spirit world. Everyone there should attend him as king. (299-309, 1999.2.21)
Now we are entering the age of the nation. You should adjust your focus for this purpose. I am now giving liberation Blessings to the spirit world. There will be Blessings for up to 120 generations of ancestors. In the past it was four generations. How close would four generations be in terms of kin? It would include relatives up to those eight times removed. When this is taken to seven generations it would include even more. It would be hundreds, even thousands of ancestral families for a family with many children. There will be Blessings for four generations and then for seven generations. When seven generations are blessed, it goes beyond family relatives. For 120 generations it would reach across the entire world. Since we are doing this in Chung Pyung, all Blessed Families should compete with one another in liberating their ancestors, and they have the responsibility to open the door of the Blessing to them. (299-307, 1999.2.21)
Have you all attended the ancestor liberation ceremony? You have to liberate the first seven generations. Only after liberating seven can you continue and go on to fulfill 120 generations' liberation. Focusing on those ancestors, everything can be sorted out and 120 generations can be blessed together. Through this, everyone can be blessed. Then, would the walls of hell be broken down or not? Paradise, where Jesus dwells, and the middle realm of spirit world, were created because of the Fall. Even the spirit world is built upon relationships in accordance with the pair system. Without doing these things I will be in a difficult situation when I go there. I must not allow that to happen. When the spirit world is put in order, the situation on earth can be resolved very quickly. (301-205, 1999.4.26)
I am telling you to go to Chung Pyung and be trained so that you can liberate 120 generations of your ancestors. When I gave instructions to liberate four generations, Chung Pyung was in an uproar. Then I told them to continue to seven generations and they accomplished that. Now, I am saying that you should go as far as 120 generations, and they are thinking, "Oh my gosh!" How can you say, "Oh my gosh!"?
I commanded Heung-jin and Dae-mo nim to be willing to do desperate things for the ancestors Blessings. I have told them to become sacrificial offerings. Therefore, when you liberate 120 generations, you will call them to come.
When Adam finally enters the Kingdom of Heaven, do you think he would be at ease if he heard the weeping of couples in the middle realm of spirit world and the weeping of people in hell? They should not be there, should they? It does not follow the Principle. That is why I am liberating them. I proclaimed 4.4. Jeol in Kodiak, Alaska and I declared the cosmic 4.4. Jeol on January 8 at Punta del Este. (300-96, 1999.3.1)
Apart from Dae-mo nim there is Choong-mo nim, and my elder brother Dae-hyung nim. Now, if I give the order, my family can go anywhere and do the things that Dae-mo nim has done. Even though Hyung-jin was not educated by Dae-mo nim, he is leading her. I have many children and together with my grandchildren they number more than forty. Yet, no one can prepare for them, receive them, and attend them. Do you or do you not feel concerned about this? Because I sometimes make jokes you always take my words lightly, but this is serious! (298-165, 1999.1.1)
Kim Hyo-nam! You have to make a training center like Chung Pyung in each continent. You should go on a tour to the six continents once every two months and create new chapters. Whenever you have to gather people in one place, like Chung Pyung, it costs a lot for the participants. There is no need to do that. By starting local chapters in the six continents you can go there and carry out the ceremonies for several thousand people at once. This will reduce the costs, mobilize the spirit world for the works of the Holy Spirit, and even enable you to reach the African people.
Create a place like Chung Pyung in all six continents. You should have each nation establish a local chapter within the six continents in order to create balanced facilities for spiritual training worldwide. If you fail to do that, I will drive you out of Chung Pyung. Hoon-mo nim should stop doing this work herself in Chung Pyung. Entrust it to someone else and go to Europe and other continents. Heung-jin, Dae-mo nim and Choong-mo nim, will all go together, and after working there for three months a local chapter can be made. In the future, many people will communicate with the spirit world. (294-197, 1998.6.14) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Six - Our Life And The Spiritual Realm
Chapter Three - True Parents and the Spirit World
Section 5. The Final Wish of Life

The more you are persecuted, the more ideal and higher the place you will go to. When you arrive there, you will become a noble citizen of heaven. God will look down and say, "This is my beloved son!" Your five sensory organs will be enraptured with God's love. The entire universe will bow its head and give praise to you. Such a world awaits you, as for the coming of a saint. That is our ultimate hope. Do you understand? (294-96, 1998.6.14)
I did not fight back. I endured and endured till the end, and kept a humble attitude as I walked. By persevering through this, I saw that this path enabled me to reach the highest position -- the position where I could receive the rights of inheritance from God without fighting back. In this way, I did not perish. Instead, I grasped the victorious position of a leader in the world that was intent on my destruction. I created an environment where I could be welcomed beyond the nation and the world. I accomplished all the tasks of bringing equalization to the earthly world and spirit world. Amen! (302-207, 1999.6.13)
The time has passed for me to sacrifice my flesh and blood in serving Korea. Based on the nation, things are now falling into place. I have shown you the example, so you should be saying, "Before I die I will work even harder than Father, and leave something worthy behind after my life on earth." Without living like this, you cannot follow in the footsteps of the Parents of the heavenly world. Since you have received the rights of inheritance, you should be able to influence your family surroundings in your own nation, even if it is only a shadow of the Parents' example. If you fail to become a trunk, you should become a branch. If you fail to become a branch, you should become a leaf. You belong to the tree. You are able to connect to the spirit world around you. (267-279, 1995.1.20)
When I slept at night with clenched fists, my hand would stiffen, so on one occasion God took my hand, spread it out and told me not to do this. Then I found that matters would be resolved. What is there to worry about for someone who believes in this kind of God? There are many such miracles and works in the background of the Unification Church.
The testimonies Dr. Lee Sang-hun gave on the spirit world are nothing. I know those things. The world may not believe it, but I know those things. I don't merely believe it; I know it. People doubt such things, but because they doubt, the spirit world does not help them. When they go there, they will be grateful to me.
Even Lee Sang-hun thought he would suffer in the spirit world for believing, in the Unification Church. Yet, he works from the highest position there. He never dreamt of such an amazing reality. Nevertheless, he cannot spend all his time just smiling. He still has to deal with serious situations. If you do not believe this, place a knife by your side and pray with the determination that you will die if you doze off. You have to engage in such desperate prayer. It cannot be done half-heartedly. (302-270, 1999.6.17)
I am an unusual person. Once I remember something I do not forget it. That's something I worry about. You don't know anything... I still have not become senile. Even though I am an old man of eighty, I am smart and still have my wits. You should think of me as an old man to whom a computer would come and bow in respect. When I place something in my mind, I never forget. I will remember it even after going to the spirit world. If there is something you did wrong on the earth, you should resolve it. (295-129, 1999.1.1)
Since the 1960s I have climbed the mountains and go hunting regularly. Since 1963, I have been preparing for various marine projects, in order to fulfill all my responsibilities for the nation, and reaching beyond the animal kingdom. I have to take dominion over both the sea and the land. I should offer sacrificial rites in order to reclaim the occupied places.
There is no one besides the True Parents who can establish such a bond of having loved Cain -- a bond proving one's love -- through Abel's sacrificial offerings. No one else can do that. Members of the Unification Church cannot do that. Everything that was separated due to the false parents must be fulfilled through the True Parents. Therefore, in rain or snow, I worked focusing on the sea... Liberation can come in the spirit world for all those people who were sacrificed at sea, and for those who lived in hell on earth. It is the same reason I gave the Blessing for those who died at sea. How serious I was when I established that momentous term: "True God"! Do you understand what I am saying? (298-19, 1998.12.31)
I intend to bequeath the position of king to you unknowing pure hearted people who could not understand the battles I had to go through. I will go freely with ease to the spirit world without any baggage. Since a better world, the heavenly spirit world is prepared and longing for me, what is there to bring with me from the earth? (299-239, 1999.2.17)
For the most part, everything is done. I have taught you everything. I am now sick and tired of being weary, pestered, and rebuked in this complicated world. I have grown weary of this. Thus, I will live ten years gazing at one pine tree in a quiet place; and ten years gazing at a rock. Doing such things, I should prepare to go to the spirit world. I should bring into order all the complicated things of the spirit world. (296-216, 1998.11.10)
Since I had to open the way for all humankind, I even became friends with condemned criminals. I wore manacles with thieves, had meals with them and comforted them. Some time ago, I even went to Las Vegas to pray for those who were confined in prison there. The reason I bought the New Yorker Hotel was to clear away the worst dens of Satan in New York and build a new environment. I had to go there personally, mingle with them and comfort them. Only then could I open a way even for those condemned people in different circumstances in the satanic world. Through paving the way on earth, the barriers in the spirit world can be opened and the world will become unified. Therefore, I have given the interracial Blessing to blacks and whites. I will buy houses for whites and blacks. In this way, I am doing things that have never been done in this world. (91.160, 1977 2.6)
I am indignant when I think about the treatment I received from this nation. Many people in the Unification Church regard me as a stick that has been used and discarded by an old man. They think of using me to poke a hole in dung. Go to the spirit world and see what happens. They do not know what misfortune awaits them there. Their tears of sorrow will not end as for millions of years they harbor grief before the courts of judgment under their great ancestors. Because I know this, I have come this far. (263-221, 1991.10.4)
Someone may come at night and spray poison at those sleeping in peace. This is staining the path of millions of years. That is why I put my life on the line and live as if I were sitting on a cushion of needles. I never sat or slept with my mind at ease. I slept curled up to one side. My limbs cannot turn towards heaven until I fulfill my mission. I have lived in this way. (247-41, 1991.4.21)
You are all wearing neckties, but I have dressed more casually. I am ready to go out at anytime. I am already ahead of everyone. At home, I take off my socks and walk around barefoot. I try to live without clothes as much as possible. Those practices can save money to be used for the sake of starving people. That has become a habit and now it annoys me to wear socks. I calculated how many weeks there are in my life and how much I could save. By the time I go to the spirit world, if this has become several thousand dollars, I will make a deposit and use it to help the needy people in Africa. I am thinking of instituting a fund before I leave. (279 -308, 1996.9.22)
What is God's original ideal for creation? It is to build a kingdom in spirit world, and on earth, in the name of True Parents. The Kingdom of Heaven can only be created through the True Parents. When we ask Christians today, "How is it that God's first beloved son, Jesus, is in paradise rather than in the Kingdom of Heaven?" they cannot answer. The Kingdom of Heaven can be established only through the perfection of True Parents and the foundation of love. No one can carry out the mission of unifying the kingdom in the spirit world except True Parents. (131-152, 1984.5.1)
Throughout my life, I have been fighting in a life and death struggle. In this world, painful things can be avoided, but this task cannot be avoided. It cannot be accomplished through physical strength or brute force alone.
When you do not live according to principles and laws, arrows that shower from all four directions are unavoidable. This fight is more difficult than the creation of heaven and earth. You could not imagine, even in your dreams, how I was establishing the spiritual foundations by offering indemnity conditions, while all that was going on. These foundations represent a cosmic victory for reaching the transition point. (35-167, 1970.10.13)
I have overcome the way of death hundreds of times in order to find this path. I am the one who made God cry hundreds of times. Throughout history, no one has ever loved God as much as I have. Therefore, no matter how hard the world tries to dispose of me, I will never perish because God protects me. You can also enter the realm of truth that I teach, and God will protect you. (279-256, 1996.9.15)
Live with a fresh pioneering spirit, and you will not grow old. By nature, I will not die on my back. Until I die, I will always be in motion. I will move even if I have to crawl. It has been a continuum of suffering. The greatest humiliation to me would be to be very old, and need the attention and care of those around me. Since I know the spirit world, how free I will be after discarding my body!
In the future, if you have a thought system that encompasses the ocean -- the water -- you will be able to have dominion over the world. Water is the most important resource. That is why before I go to the spirit world I have to initiate work in these vast areas. I believe that if I have taught and spoken about everything, the future generations will fulfill it. (276.296, 1996.3.10)
By my very nature I cannot go to the spirit world and just sit on a throne and give orders... When I go there, I will become the brave soldier who will pioneer a higher dimension of the world of God's heart, a world beyond the imagination of the people in the spirit world, and which has not yet been found and reclaimed. (276-75, 1996.2.4)
One spiritualist wept profusely after praying about whether I was real or fake. He was crying so bitterly in spite of himself. He cried for a day, two days -- every day. Why is that so? To know me, means to know the heart of weeping bitterly. Without this, you cannot know me. Who can know the circumstances in which I cry with sorrow, embracing the bitter historical pain of a thousand years when I hear someone saying something about my life? If I had not known God I would not have been slandered in that way. It was because of my "crime" of knowing God too well... How sad it is for God who can only place His trust in me? In twenty years I had to restore through indemnity the history that was entangled for two thousand years. (137-183, 1986.1.1)
What will be my greatest hope when I go to the spirit world? I will call for the Heavenly Father from within the realm of heart I experienced at the highest climax of my longing and love. I long for that standard in which I receive the Father's love. (282-311, 1997.4.7)
God and humankind had to separate in tears. So, after God has cried aloud, He embraces his weeping son and says. "Isn't this what you have desired?" I know that only through the bequeathing and receiving of the words of blessing can the eternal victorious supremacy of the True Parents be bequeathed. It is a serious matter. I am offering my entire life for that day. (283-133, 1997.11.27)
What will I be able to offer to God when I go to the spirit world? I am concerned about this. I worked for the nation and the world that God is longing for, and I lived to raise the future generations who will establish the ideal society and ideal world to come. I loved them as God does.
It would be natural for me to continue like this even when I go to the spirit world. It will be an exact extension of my life, nothing more or less than that. I am continuing to do that work. Since God is establishing His Kingdom, I will be near Him and accomplish that task with God. That is why God can say with pride: "My nation is your nation... With absolute unchanging love, you remained faithful after knowing me. With my love, you were constant through the raging storm, even though you were imprisoned and suffered contempt, and even though you were opposed by individuals, families, societies, nations, the world and the entire spiritual realm. With that same unchanging attitude as I have, you pursued that love and ideal. Thus, the nation you established is my nation. What you restored for the sake of humankind is surely my nation." (205-212, 1990.9.2)
What is my one and only hope? How will God treat me when I enter the spirit world? When I come into His presence, God will be sitting on His throne, but will jump down in an instant in spite of Himself. He will embrace me and kiss me for my labors and say, "May eternal blessings be upon you." My wish is to see that day. I cannot die, even if I want to, without leaving those works behind on earth. You must understand that these are the circumstances of the True Parent. (264-63, 1994.10.9)
When the family is saved, the nation must be saved in turn. After the nation, the world and cosmos must he saved. Later on, even God must be liberated. Even Satan and God must be liberated. This has not yet been accomplished. I must reach that point. If I were to go to the spirit world without fulfilling this responsibility, I would have to live in shame for not having fulfilled my responsibility, like a criminal. I am risking my life. I am liberating all those in the spirit world. After liberating them, I will not say "I liberated you so you have to live for me!"
For those in the spirit world, I am teaching them to live for God, to come and even step on me in order to live for the sake of the world. That is the heart of a filial son and a patriot. The self cannot become the center. (301-187, 1999.4.26)
A path leading to the valley of hell was created due to the failure in Adam's responsibility. No one knows how miserable the restoration course was, turning this situation around and re-establishing a path of life, while digesting humiliation, persecution, and a heart filled with bitter grief. Only God knows such things.
When spiritualists pray asking who Rev. Moon is, the heart of God can only respond in tears. Whenever I hear this, I simply say, "Father, it was nothing..." How many tears of gratitude He will shed! After I lived with this heart and showed the world these things, God was freed from His imprisonment. You must all be aware of this. My life goal was to revive Heavenly Father's heart, so that when I enter the spirit world, He will want to welcome and receive me with great joy, as someone worth tens of thousands of times more than Adam. (302-250, 1999.6.14)