
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon Book Eleven - The Root of the Universe

Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Eleven - The Root of the Universe
Chapter One - Fundamental Order of the Universe
Section 1. The Manifestation of God's Dual Characteristics

1.1. God is the Original Being having unified dual characteristics

1.1.1. God is the Original Being of unified love

If we observe the universe, it shows us that everything exists through a reciprocal relationship formed between the dual characteristics of positivity and negativity. This principle applies in every case, beginning at the level of the minerals. A molecule is formed through the fusion of positive and negative ions. In the case of plants, subsistence and reproduction depend on the union of their male and female counterparts, stamen and pistil. These dual characteristics are more pronounced in the case of animals. All animals, including fish, birds and mammals exist in male and female form. Finally, we human beings, God's greatest creation, are divided into men and women. The first man, Adam, and the first woman, Eve, are the progenitors of the human race. What is the purpose of existence of the dual characteristics of male and female? Why did God create in such a manner? (201-204, 1990.4.9)
What did God want to do by creating man and woman? He wanted to see them. Is God feminine or masculine? He is both feminine and masculine. If God were only masculine, He would only look at the woman, and Adam would have to live in the shade. It follows that the two natures of both sexes coexist within Him, so that He may find joy in looking at both woman and man. We thus conclude that God is a being in the vertical position, within whom the harmonized dual characteristics that make Him feel love towards both man and woman exist. Such is God. He needs both man and woman, and wherever He goes He is always in the position of the subject partner, that is, having subject-partner status. Thus, God combines a central subject-like masculine character, and an objective horizontal feminine character within Himself. (188-92, 1989.2.19)
Is there one God or two? There is only one God. Since there is only one of Him, how then could He enter two people at once? Would He go into each of them alternately, into the man and then out and into the woman, and so on? Furthermore, considering that there are so many people in the world, how would He enter and exit all of them? This poses a problem. The Unification Church's Divine Principle teaches that God is a being having unified dual characteristics. This is the principle. God is a being who is the harmonious union of dual characteristics. This is a truly wonderful conclusion. (41-290, 1971.2.17)
God is the Subject with dual characteristics who stands in the masculine position. Then who is He like? He is like us, you and me. He is the same as we are. Accordingly, the position of subject partner presupposes that of an object partner. It contains such a meaning. It arose out of its need for that reciprocal partner. (124-83, 1983.1.30)
In a lecture on the Principle of Creation, it is simply stated, "God is the subject who incorporates dual characteristics and a harmonious union of masculinity and femininity." When we say He is the harmonious subject, what does that mean? What pleasure would He derive from having a harmonious union of masculinity and femininity in the subject position? Centering on what, should God be harmonious? God is a harmonious being centered on love. (193-153, 1989.10.3)
What does God want? What did He want to do through the creation and perfection of the ideal of creation? He wanted to fulfill love. What would God want for Himself? In terms of the Principle, He is a being with harmonized dual characteristics. He is a subject being. In summary, He is a masculine subject being. (149-9, 1986.11.1)
What is the source of unity? What would allow God, alone as He is, to stand in the joyful position of unity? In terms of the Principle, God is the being with harmonized dual characteristics in the masculine position. We need to discern what this position signifies. The one who stands in the masculine position is the subject partner and the plus, but the plus cannot be without a minus. Considering this view, why would He be in the plus position? It would be because of love. Even the Absolute God desires to obey true love absolutely. If love is not based on the mind to submit and become one absolutely, there can be no unity, harmony, or concord. Instead, all would disperse without such a source. (195-20, 1989.11.1)
Given that human beings were created by God, what should they do? He created the object partners of His love for the purpose of His joy. Through what would He feel joy? It would be through love. Even God, the Absolute Being, requires love. Isn't that so? Existing as the Subject, yet even with His dual characteristics, He inevitably needs an object partner of His love, which is why He created everything in the universe. (223-300, 1991.11.17)
Man and woman are not enough to fulfill love. They are just two beings. Just connecting them is not enough to fulfill love. It is the love from the central position that brings them together and moves them. Then, if we were to trace back this coming together in love of man and woman to its beginning, we would clearly see that it stems from God's dual characteristics. The union of masculinity and femininity that exists within God was developed and manifested in the reciprocal relationships of creation. Thus, God desires that the object partner of His love be better than Him. (210-317, 1990.12.27)
Let me draw the conclusion in precise terms: God is the Subject Being who possesses harmonized dual characteristics. When viewed from the right side He can appear as a man, and from the left side, a woman. Isn't that what dual characteristics signify? Since He is like that from the side, then from above He can appear as a man and from below a woman. Only then will both woman and man be satisfied and say, "Alright!" (139-56, 1986.1.26)
Unless a religious person comes forward with a logic that offers a clear scientific explanation of cause, process, and result, the religious world cannot be saved. The Divine Principle of the Unification Church has such logic as described above. The conclusion suggested by that fits everything: that God exists with dual characteristics, that He is the Subject partner and the universe is His object partner, and that therefore He is the Subject partner of love and humankind was created as the object partner of His love. This fundamental relationship continued through the power of love which bound it to the eternal world, transcending history. This action of love continued through thousands of years, and whereas other forms of power became weaker as time passed, this power of love remained strong. (219-178, 1991.8.29)
Even God makes unity based on love. The Unification Church also has this concept, and that is how it can unify the world. This, however, is not the case with Christianity. Christianity teaches that God is an absolute and omnipotent God. He can do anything. This is wrong. Although God can do anything, according to the original principle, love is supposed to be fulfilled by two beings. Thus, it is intended for dual characteristics to be united, and love is possible only when that condition is fulfilled. (224-155, 1991.11.24)
As God is a being with harmonized dual characteristics, what would be the center of this harmonious being of duality? It would be love. Even God has based His very existence on true love. (193-303, 1989.10.8)
What is God like? As expounded in Divine Principle, He is the Subject being with dual characteristics that are harmoniously unified. The essence of that Subject being is love, an absolute love. (136-37, 1985.12.20)
How does the Divine Principle depict God? He is the Subject with dual characteristics in a union of harmony as well as the Subject of love. The word love must be added to the description without fail. (223-160, 1991.11.10)
For God to become the harmonized being whose dual characteristics are separately represented in the form of Adam and Eve, as created by Him, around what should the harmonized being be centered? This being should be centered on love, and in the masculine position of the Subject in relation to all creation. (194-64, 1989.10.15)
Why did God create human beings? We first need to answer the fundamental question: "Why was I born?" God is the Subject of love. Doesn't the Divine Principle refer to Him as a being with a harmonious union of dual characteristics? However, it has not been disclosed until now that He is also a unified being based on love, maintaining a state of harmony. Therefore, it should be added to His description that He is the being of unity based on love. (223-268, 1991.11.12)
Where is the origin of human love and life? Doesn't it lie within God? He is the Subject Being with harmonized dual characteristics and at the same time is the source of love. It should be added in the Divine Principle that God is the source of true love. It should be clear that nobody but myself can amend the Divine Principle. (224-228, 1991.11.24)
The starting point is the question of whether God exists or not. If He does exist, what relationship does He have with humankind? For Him to be able to relate with human beings, He must be a personal god. We have fully awakened to that fact. As a personal god, He must be like us. Just as human beings have an internal nature and an external form as part of their characteristics, God, who created them, must possess those same characteristics for the sake of their common purpose. The concept of dual characteristics arises from this. (167-243, 1987.7.21)
If God is a personal god, who would He be like? He is the combined form of Adam and Eve. God is the Subject of dual characteristics. He is not a messy combination of male and female. While being the combined form, He nevertheless occupies the position of the subject partner. The coming together in union of man and woman as object partners of their invisible subject partner God is the way for Adam and Eve as human beings to perfect His ideal of creation. (166-208, 1987.6.7)
Oriental philosophy does not have the concept of the personal God. It is ignorant of His existence. They talk of yin and yang, but such vague terms cannot sufficiently describe the personal Origin. Everything must be understood clearly from the roots. It should be the root that illustrates the characteristics of both man and woman which can explain how human beings turned out as they are today. From this perspective, the logic of dual characteristics as taught in the Unification Church is truly a great one. (145-196, 1986.5.4)

1.2. The universe was created in the image of dual characteristics

Based on our understanding of God as the origin of the universe, the image of a being with the concept of subject and object partners arises. Hence, we arrive at the conclusion that the dual characteristics referred to in the Divine Principle of the Unification Church are truly great words. At the place where subject partner and object partner begin to interact with each other, existence is generated and maintained. Since the universe was created based on this origin, everything in it exists in duality and interacts through giving and receiving. (106-296, 1980.1.13)
The created world resembles God's characteristics. We understand that all created things exist as the divided forms of the dual characteristics, and that they are connected to their counterparts in the relationship of subject partner and object partner as well as the reciprocal relationships of up and down, front and rear, and left and right. What would be the purpose underlying such relationships in the environmental system? The world of creation moves with love as its purpose. (106-57, 1979.12.9)
Where do subject partner and object partner come from? There must be a basis for their existence. In the Unification we call this basis "dual characteristics." Subject partner and object partner were not created by human beings themselves; therefore, there must be another source for this. This origin is that of dual characteristics, incorporating original internal nature and original external form. (33-36, 1970.8.2)
Energy cannot be generated without interaction between subject partner and object partner. Energy cannot generate itself; it requires subject and object elements. As an object partner, when you feel good or bad, there is always a subject partner you relate to in experiencing such emotions; hence, the term "dual characteristics" in the Divine Principle as taught in the Unification Church. (21-344, 1969.1.1)
According to Divine Principle, God is the Subject with harmonized dual characteristics. Based on what is His position as the Subject established? It is established through a relationship of love, and therefore a horizontal foundation is necessary. His desire to have a stimulating foundation in many directions led to the expansion and development of the created world. (193-217, 1989.10.4)
All seeds are made up of two halves enclosed in one outer layer. Beans, too, are divided into two halves. Since God is the origin of the universe, unless they resemble Him in form, they cannot be original seeds. (53-232, 1972.2.28)
The seed of life is always made up of two halves. This is a principle of heaven and earth. God exists as one being, one personality, with dual characteristics, which are symbolized by the seed. Within the seed is a germ, parts of which will form the roots, the bud, and so on. In other words, within it is everything required for it to develop its existence; it is made so that, even if left to itself, it can grow into a perfected substantial form. (262-147, 1994.7.23)
Since God has dual characteristics, we human beings also have them. All forms of creation also possess dual characteristics of plus and minus. When God, humankind and all creation are brought together and connected, the number seven is attained. There are three vertical stages, and in spreading out horizontally, the four-position foundation is formed. When the numbers three and four come together in harmonious union they form the number seven. The number seven is the number of completion in the purpose of creation. (26-187, 1969.10.25)
Everything in the universe is made up of plus and minus. If we look at a molecule it shows us this. It is made up of positive and negative ions. Everything exists in reciprocal relationships. The atom contains protons and electrons. That shows the basis for the formation of the universe. In plants there is stamen and pistil; for animals, male and female, and for human beings, men and women. Everything exists reciprocally. As such, they must be brought into order within one system. Since God is the Subject, they must be brought under His control. If a unified reciprocal realm brought about by His will for creation is not established, then He cannot derive any joy from the creation. (247-183, 1993.5.9)
The Divine Principle explanation set forth by the Unification Church, that God is the Subject who has harmonized dual characteristics, runs along the same lines as the undeniable truth drawn from results of scientific analysis. When subject and object partners are completely united, God's power will be with them eternally. Power cannot exist where there is no subject or object. Then how does God exist? He can exist eternally because within Him is the power that comes from a perpetual giving and receiving relationship between subject and object partners. (39-166, 1971.1.10)
The Principle refers to dual characteristics. Why are they necessary? Without them there can be no harmony within the creation. By virtue of their existence, they can give and receive from one another; one is like the bones and the other the flesh. By reciprocating with each other they can give rise to a new form. Since God has the original dual characteristics, His objective world must be brought into existence. In this way, dual characteristics are essential in achieving the exquisite beauty of creation. (27-340, 1970.1.1)
According to the Principle, it is universal prime energy that connects everything together. God's dual characteristics are present in all things based on universal prime energy. This core principle is always the same. (293-11, 1998.5.1)
A feminine nature is found latent in man, and since a masculine nature is found latent in woman, there is room within her for him to live in the spirit world. As God possesses dual characteristics, He can dwell in woman as well as man. Similarly, despite their respective predominant features, husbands and wives can dwell in each other's hearts by virtue of the dual characteristics latent in them. They are one and inseparable. (256-58, 1994.3.12)
Adam is the ancestor of all males and Eve the ancestress of all females. In other words, they are the seeds of man and woman. They are two halves. Everything is made up of two halves enclosed in a single shell, symbolizing God and the universe. Within the unified God are dual characteristics, and within them the embryo, seed and nucleus. (253-249, 1994.1.30)
Since God is the incorporeal Subject, it is logical to conclude that He unquestionably needs the realm of substance -- absolute corporeal beings in substance. He has dual characteristics and consequently the act of creation enabled Him to express His incorporeal internal nature in a corporeal external form. When we consider the created universe from this perspective, we can see that even the mineral kingdom is functioning through the relationship between subject and object partners. In the case of the molecule, the positive and negative ions manifest this subject-object relationship, and similarly, protons and electrons in the case of the atom. (228-140, 1992.3.27)
The fact that God possesses both masculinity and femininity makes Him a being of dual characteristics. He brought together all the male attributes within Himself to create man, and all the female attributes to create woman. In this way, the subject and object figures were automatically separated. When these have give and take with each other, they come together in union to engage in a process -- namely origin-division-union action, as stated in the Divine Principle, which will one day become a major issue in the fields of philosophy and religion. (41-290, 1971.2.17)
God created humankind in order to perfect His love and fulfill His will centered on love. (293-158, 1998.5. 25)
He created human beings to become His children, resembling Him in every respect and naturally manifesting everything within Him. Thus, the dual characteristics spoken of in the Unification Church are amazing contents hitherto unheard of in this world. What is meant by the "Subject with harmoniously unified dual characteristics"? It comprises all the principles of heaven and earth. (144-236, 1986.4.25)
Even love cannot arise in isolation. It operates to raise two people to a higher position through their harmonious union. This is the power of love. Everything in the universe is made to harmonize with the ideal of love because love cannot operate without the bridge of couples, without pairs. You must know the fact that God had to create everything in pairs in order to actualize His ideal of love, hence the term "dual characteristics." (177-271, 1988.5.20)
When everything in the world is taken into consideration in order to find the one fundamental principle governing the whole, it can be seen that everything is engaged in relationships of subject and object which give rise to existence and development. Simply put, existence and action are brought about by subject and object partners. The Unification Church understands the concept of dual characteristics based on this fact.
Then do the dual characteristics remain as they are? Are they at a standstill, or are they in motion? If they are in motion, why would that be? Why would they be in motion? Would it be to suffer a loss or to create something more valuable? If there were a principle which dictated that action and motion took place to incur a loss, then our actions to achieve the ideal or to advance towards our dream would be fruitless. If we were to suffer a loss through them, these actions would diminish and ultimately stop altogether. Yet if set in motion with a view to creating benefit, they would grow bigger with time. (125-72, 1983.3.13)
God is but one entity. Since He exists as the Subject of dual characteristics, He may think He can love within His own dual characteristics. He may say, "This part of me is in the position of the male subject partner, and that part is in the position of the female object partner," and may have some feeling of love in his mind. However, in the position of man and woman who have been separated He would not be able to feel any stimulating effect.
Thus, if God sees Adam and Eve make love passionately even without considering Him, He as the Subject of love does not feel bad about it. Why? Because He is the Subject Being, who feels joy from His object at the place where they come together as one, and the more valuable is the love felt by His object partners, the more happiness He would feel. Would not that be the first law of love based on His creation of humankind? Hence, people cannot attain such a state unless they receive an education in this love. (51-173, 1971.11.21)
Essentially, power diminishes through action, but that of love alone grows stronger with action. What is spread out infinitely has an infinitely concentrated energy within it, and so it pulls others towards it. Accordingly, it possesses an internal energy of circulatory motion. Such logic can be applied here; indeed, the logic of dual characteristics taught in the Unification Church can be applied anywhere. Through my wisdom I caught all these things. (164-87, 1987.4.26)
How wonderful is true love! God Himself was born for love. He came into existence because of love. Doesn't that make you feel good? "Well, Rev. Moon says God was born because of love!" Grab hold of Him and try analyzing Him! I analyzed God down to His dual characteristics. Are there not dual characteristics within the dual characteristics themselves? Are not both male and female hormones secreted within your bodies? If you are unsure, go to a hospital and get yourselves examined. This is why you can all relate to one another. (222-179, 1991.11.3)
After inquiring again and again why dual characteristics are part of the Principle of Creation and what the fundamental issues concerning subject and object are, there comes a point when you cannot inquire anymore and have to turn back. However much you may have delved into it, you have to turn around and go back. After this process is repeated for tens of thousands of years, you would have no choice but to resign and say, "Oh, this is the only way there is; there is no point in trying to find another," and with these words the Divine Principle would be established, which is why it is unchangeable. (173-127, 1988.2.14)

1.3. God's motive in creating the universe

Considering that heaven and earth did not come into existence of their own accord, but were created on the basis of a certain source of power, it logically follows that on a higher level there must be a central Subject Being who can move heaven and earth, that is to say, an original motivator with creative power. We call the being in such a position God. Since we come from different races with different languages, we use different words to name Him, but that does not matter. In any case, there must be a center of this universe. There must be a central being who remains stationary for billions of years at the center of the reciprocal world which is in motion, a being who, though everything else may be moving and in action, never moves along with them. (154-298, 1964.10.5)
In delving into the origin of the universe, the fundamental question arises: why did God came into existence? Why did He come to exist? For what reason did He come into being? What does He do? These are the questions we should be asking. The era of blind faith in Christianity has passed; gone is the era of unquestioning belief in God. After arriving at this conclusion through reasoning, we should next consider God's internal nature, His relationship with the world with regard to His will, and the relationship between His internal nature and external form, as these relationships are open to question. (191-13, 1989.6.24)
Human beings cannot be the first form of existence. No matter how great we may be, we cannot be the causal being. We will always be the second form of existence, that is, resultant beings. Then, what would be the causal being of the universe? Since God exists, He would be the causal being as well as the Absolute Being. What would such an absolute being require for Himself? Based upon what would He seek to form relationships with humankind or the creation? This is the fundamental question, the important issue that should be dealt with in theology and philosophy. The question that needs to be asked is: what can link God and humankind, the Cause and the result? (198-283, 1990.2.5)
Why and how did God come into existence? He came into being due to love. How did the origin of the universe come to be realized? The seed of love was assimilated by God as the object partner, with the result that God Himself came to possess internal nature and external form. Based on what did this come about? It was based on love. The same holds true for you. Through the love of your mother and father, you were given the seed of life, the one cell that grew into what you are today; in a similar manner God became the being He is today. His eyes, His nose, and every feature of His were formed in this way. He is exactly the same as us. (207-27, 1990.10.21)
True love begins from the deepest place. So what is the origin of true love? It is God. The word 'God' has the same pronunciation as the Korean word pronounced 'gaht,' which means the top hat worn by the gentry in olden days. Hats are worn at the very top of oneself, so it has the same meaning as the English word. The question remains as to how God's external form and internal nature came to be divided. Where is the origin of the universe, and how did it come into existence? This is the question we should ask: how did God come into being? Have you seen God? How did He come into existence? How did you come into existence? You are the beings who were born from the synthesis of the extracts of all the elements that make up the universe. (207-24, 1990.10.21)
What would be the center of love? It must be God. He is the unique, eternal, and unchanging being who existed before the formation of the universe. Love is the flow of heart; it is the manifestation of the internal heart flowing substantially. Hence, God's essence is heart. Such a God is the unified being who is the fundamental cause of the formation of the universe as spoken about in ontology. I do not even feel the need to mention that this formation of the universe is exactly referring to the process of God's creation.
Then how was God able to create the universe and human beings? He could do so because He has heart. Life can arise only where there is heart, and where there is life, the generative process (creation) can take place. The work of creation must have a purpose behind it, for the simple reason that by its nature, the heart always aims toward fulfillment. Therefore, it follows that the purpose of creation is to bring joy that will satisfy God's heart. This joy is derived from the creation, especially from human beings who most closely resemble Him.
Hence, what God aimed to create were peoples and nations that resemble His love and creativity. This is plainly discernible from the fact that humankind also seeks after these same things. The universal ideal is none other than the fervent aspiration to pursue a world which should have been rightfully ours to enjoy. (65-258, 1972.11.26)
What is the origin of the universe? What was there before this universe came into being? God? Was God the only one there? Is love visible? Considering love has no substantial form, where is it? Love is a concept. Even to God, love is a concept. You need to understand that it is a concept even for Him. (293-132, 1998.5.26)
Why did God perform the work of creation? It was for the sake of love. Love cannot be fulfilled alone; it requires subject and object partners. Love in isolation, being vertical, has no effect on its surroundings. (193-303, 1989.10.8)
As the absolute Creator, what did God lack that led Him to create human beings? What did the almighty God require -- He who had no need for gold or knowledge nor lacked anything -- such that He needed to create human beings? In short, what is the fundamental motive for creation? It was not for power, knowledge or possession. It was because God did not have a substantial partner of love, that is, He could not fulfill love alone. Thus, the fundamental motive behind the creation of the universe was love. (149-149, 1986.11.21)
Why did God create heaven and earth? What did that almighty, absolute being not have that He needed to create human beings? He created them because of love. Love cannot arise without an object. If it were to be set in motion without an object, it would only suffer a loss. Everything is made to protect itself; nothing moves if all that can be expected is a loss. Though it may seem like it is not there, love rushes out if an object appears. Love primarily exists within God, but when the masculine God is alone it does not make an appearance. The object that can draw it out from Him is humankind. (60-76, 1972.8.6)
What was it that the omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent God lacked which led Him to create humankind? Did He need money, gold bars or diamonds? He had plenty of them. Then, did He need knowledge? He has as much knowledge as He could wish for; after all, He is the King of knowledge. Then, was He in need of power? It would have made no difference to Him whether He had power or not. What He lacked was love.
Love can only be established in a reciprocal relationship. Without the need for love, even God is not able to form a relationship with the created world and human beings. Thus, the conclusion can be drawn that He is not able to relate with the existing world unless He approaches it with love and for this reason, He has set love as the standard. (121-100, 1982.10.24)
Why did God create heaven and earth? It was due to the fact that even the Absolute Being cannot experience joy on His own. Even if He could be joyful, it would not be stimulating for Him. However much the Absolute Being might claim, "I am the Absolute Being, I am the Lord of love and life," He would not feel the stimulation of love by Himself, any more than He would feel the excitement of His existence by knowing that heaven and earth are within Him. (38-152, 1971.1.3)
Would God have created the universe if He only thought of Himself? The act of creation required a huge investment of energy. The wish of any artist is to create the greatest masterpiece, and he spares no pains, putting everything he has into making it. The perfect masterpiece can only be created when he has totally invested in it. A masterpiece can only be complete when there is nothing more that can be done with it. The process of creation begins and is only made possible through the input of energy. Nothing can be made without exerting energy. Taking into consideration the principle that the complete object is created from the complete input of energy, God invested everything He had as the Subject in order to create His object. Through the act of creation, He began to exist not for Himself but for His object. (78-111, 1975.5.6)
Creation involves the input of energy. In doing so, how much would be invested? You might think that when God created with the words, "Let there be light… Let there be a firmament…" it just seemed like child's play to Him. Yet that was not the actual case. He totally invested true life, true love and the true ideal into them. We too cannot love something created without any effort on our part or without committing our flesh and blood. (78-111, 1975.5.6)
Hence, the situation before creation was different from that which came afterward. Before creating an object, one thinks only of oneself, but as soon as you start to create love relationships, you begin to live for the sake of your object because it is then that you start to think that you exist for its sake and for the sake of your sons and daughters, and not yourself. (69-81, 1973.10.20)
In creating human beings, God wanted to allow His object of love to become greater than Himself, for which reason He continuously invested, in order to completely substantiate all His invisible elements. What this means is that the origin of true love can only be found at the point where one gives and forgets, and gives again. It is very simple. This is the fundamental principle of the existence of the universe. (203-231, 1990.6.26)
In order to possess love, one needs to repeatedly give and forget. Why should one possess such love? It is because the more love is in motion, instead of decreasing, it increases. Scientifically speaking, any physical phenomenon diminishes the more it moves and acts, doesn't it? In the physical world, the more something engages in movement and consumes energy, the more it is depleted, but in the world of true love, the more it moves, the larger it becomes. Knowing this reality, God could begin His work of creation based on true love. (237-127, 1992.11.13)
How did the universe begin? From God's viewpoint, everything began from the principle of living for the sake of others, and fully investing, even consuming, Himself. Then what was He seeking to achieve by consuming Himself in order to create His object? What results from both subject and object partners consuming themselves, each for the sake of the other, is love. They do not mind how much they consume themselves, if they can possess love. Love is based on such a concept, and that is why God began His work of creation accordingly. He did not end up losing anything.
Why would God have completely invested Himself if He knew it would result in loss? Within love, there is an energy that can more than fill everything; therefore, although God consumed and invested Himself, He received love in return. True love is something that does not diminish with investment, but instead accumulates through it. If this was not the case, and the principle maintained that true love diminishes, God Himself would have been consumed by investing Himself. It was in fact quite the opposite, for the reality is that the more true love you put in, the more it increases. (237-124, 1992.11.13)
Inherent within love is creative ability and hence it cannot be exhausted. When you have a loving mind, however much energy you invest and consume, you still have the power of love within yourself that can more than make up for it, and so it cannot become exhausted. So, although you may find the path difficult and wearisome, you will never come to dislike it. You cannot follow such a path if you dislike it. On the path of love, you can never have a hateful mind. On the path of true love, there is never a place for a hateful mind. God's essence does not include the concept of enemies or evil because it is surrounded by true love. (237-130, 1992.11.13)
God's ideal of creation requires continuously giving out. Investment causes circulation. In the case of air, if there are areas of high and low atmospheric pressures, then between the two, a region of medium atmospheric pressure would be formed. You can stand in the medium position to give out to the low position and then be replenished from the high position. Heaven descends without being called. Thus, those who wish to give more than 100 percent will be filled up by God. Such are the laws of the universe. The process of investing completely and forgetting establishes an eternal action, and on this basis, the logic of immortality can arise.
From where else other than immortality and eternal life could the principle of unification be derived? When you live for the sake of others, isn't a cycle formed? Where are you heading? As you grow lighter, you head upwards. You would ascend. If your ideal way of life were to circulate and spread out wide, then the heavenly tradition would be disseminated. God would have no choice but to automatically place both His feet on the shoulders of the ideal couple who are ascending. (205-95, 1990.7.7)
Why does God exist? For what purpose does He exist? It is for the sake of love. Thus, the Almighty God needed to create the object partner of His love. Until this time, the essential ideal of creation that the process of creation was initiated for the sake of love was unknown. The entire world of creation came into being because of love. (208-235, 1990.11.20)
God's desire is to completely give of Himself through a global foundation. He yearns for a free, peaceful and happy world wherein no one could accuse Him for giving and there would be no requirement to set conditions in receiving. His desired purpose is to establish such a world and have all humanity live happily there. (13-249, 1964.4.12) Which comes first, love or life? Love comes first. Even though the earth originated with God, the original source of life, we do not consider life as coming first. Instead, we say that love came first. (86-79, 1976.3. 7)
Although God created heaven and earth from some form of vital existence, the source and motive of that existence was love. To put it more plainly, life came into being due to love. (86-82 1976. 7)
What is it that is greatest in the universe? It is God. We are to ascend to where He dwells. What will we do when we arrive there? We will make the universe ours through His love. Don't you all have some level of ambition within you? To satisfy that ambition and desire, you will need more than your knowledge, power or money. Only love will be capable of that. This is the essence of the Divine Principle and the basis of our philosophy of life. You have not understood this until now, but it is very simple. (144-132, 1986.4.12) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Eleven - The Root of the Universe
Chapter One - Fundamental Order of the Universe
Section 2. Subject and Object Partners Comprise the Universe

2.1. The principle of the pair system governs the existence of the universe

Everything in the universe, even in the mineral and plant kingdoms, was born with the ideal common base of the subject-object relationship centered on love. The creation represents the resultant forms of existence, and cannot come into existence without a causal being. We call that being God. Thus, in the realm of God-centered love, irrespective of direction, be it East, West, North, South, up, down, front, rear, left or right, everything, including the basic elements and minerals exist within a pair system, a subject-object relationship, in order that they can always attain harmony and oneness. The entire creation exists through this system, including the mineral, plant, animal and human worlds. (173-35, 1988.2.1)
The creation was meant to be centered and modeled upon human beings. Everything in the universe was created to interrelate and form a connection in all directions revolving around humankind. Thus, the entire creation, that is, everything in the mineral, plant, and animal kingdoms was created in pairs. In that way, the paths of vertical and horizontal relationships are entwined. Everything in the world based upon the pair system and engaged in various kinds of existence and ways of life provides the textbook material for humankind in the process of seeking ideal love. (173-211, 1988.2.18)
All created things exist within the pair system of subject-object relationships. Why is this so? Since all created beings are in the position to develop their love to an absolute degree, they exist in a subject-object pair system in order that they can give and receive, and attain oneness through that love. There is not a single thing which was created outside this principle. Everything was born out of love. (209-89, 1990.11.27)
The subject-object relationship is an inherent feature of the universe. Everything was intended to exist in conformity to that, and accordingly we can deduce that the universe was created based on the concept of the pair system. Therefore, the conclusion can be drawn that all of creation was brought into existence in this way based upon love, and that it is sustained through love relationships. The same is true even for minerals. Positive and negative ions have give and take with each other. The plant kingdom, too, is founded on the relationship of stamen and pistil, and animals also exist based on the paired males and females of their species. (207-9, 1990.10.21)
Within the elements of the mineral world may be found pairs of positive and negative ions. The 118 chemical elements identified in the Periodic Table will not react with just anything, however hard you may try to fuse them in the laboratory. Yet with the appropriate object, there is nothing you could do -- not even God -- to prevent them from fusing together. You already know about this, don't you? Everything is incorporated within the pair system, whether mineral, plant or animal. All things exist in pairs, in accordance with the principle of positive and negative. (203-295, 1990.6.27)
All beings in the world come under the pair system. As they are arranged as such -- whether mineral, plant or animal -- in order for them to unite, they must be interconnected based on the subject-object love relationship. (189-190, 1989.4.6)
If you possess love, you will always be welcomed wherever you go. Thus, the existence of this universe is based on love through the pair system. The mineral world exists in pairs, as do the plants and animals, don't they? Based on what? It is based on vertical love, although to varying degrees. This holds true everywhere, centering on the love that is manifested in this vast universe. The position of all beings has been determined at a particular horizontal level, and accordingly, they are able to harmonize with one another as a pair from this set position in the universe. All this came into being for the sake of love. (198-304, 1990.2.5)
The entire creation is interconnected through the structure of the pair system. This is true even for the mineral world. Everything operates either positively or negatively. Despite the earth having its own gravitational pull, we can clearly see the workings of a powerful magnet because its pull is locally stronger than that of the earth. All elements also work positively and negatively, though not strongly enough to be seen. Certain clearly determined movements occur when an electric current flows between the positive and negative poles of a circuit. What is the center of the pair system? It is the central axis which connects the two elements in a principled way, namely the axis of love. Thus, the chemical elements of the mineral world fuse together according to the laws of attraction. Elements that repel each other cannot become one, even at God's command, and even if the master of the laboratory made strenuous efforts to bring them together for thousands of years. (197-164, 1990.1.13)
All things in the universe are unable to exist if they are separated from love. They exist within a pair system. There are males and females in the insect world too, aren't there? Sometimes you go out into the garden and dig the ground. You will find many insects there. All those creatures, though out of sight, exist as males and females, reproduce their kind and feed them. They even talk with each other by communicating through the senses, and the males and the females care for each other so much. What root cause, then, would bring this about? Don't you think there would be love in the insect kingdom? It is an absolute inevitability that the male follows the female, and vice versa. (191-220, 1989.6.25)
Even the elements in the mineral world were created in pairs. They interact together through the relationship of positive and negative ions. Thus, if this compound were to be pulled by true love, God would be pulled along with it, as would the True Parents and all of humankind, for they are all part of one interconnected system. Everything exists within the pair system. Whatever level of existence they may belong to, they nevertheless live according to the principle of love. (203-244, 1990.6.26)
Everything created by God exists within the pair system. The mineral world, too, abides by a system of pairs though at a lower level; the positive and negative ions also express their love in their interlocking form. For the first time in history, I have come forth into the world to declare this truth. I was the first person in history to disclose that God Himself as the Origin absolutely believes in and obeys true love. This is not a mere concept, but is the irrevocable truth: God initiated creation in His quest for true love. (203-103, 1990.6.17)
Even the microorganisms, which practice their own forms of love, take pride in the fact that they were also created to play their part within the same realm of the ideal of creation, which is represented by the universal pair system. They are proud of the fact that although you are big and they are small, if they can unite with you and give you a part of themselves, they are more than willing to share themselves with you for eternity. They are different from fallen human beings. The creation of one chemical substance signifies that the plus and the minus elements have found and become one with each other. How silly human beings are by comparison! They are in fact essentially disharmonious, and this is the problem. (209-189, 1990.11.29)
Everything you see in the world exists in a pair system. We are at the head of them all. When God looks upon everything, He says, "Ah, you take after me too. When you are alone, you are lonely aren't you?" Accordingly, this universe is a natural museum replete with everything on display according to the ideal pairing system, irrespective of rank. It is a natural museum and yet, at the same time, a museum of love. How do you think about that? Passing along the way, didn't you see the pine trees and innumerable poplars by the roadside as usual, without actually being really aware of them? When you look at them, you should be able to say, "You are like me because you also live in a love relationship of give and take between subject and object partners! Comparing myself to you, I feel ashamed because I am all alone and living a fallen life."
If such a world existed, even people who have fallen behind would have value. If humankind came to see the world more profoundly and respect it, how beautiful it would become! How lovely the world would appear to our eyes! Since God has a loving mind, He cannot but create the world as such, and therefore everything exists according to the pair system. (209-189, 1990.11.29)
Everything in this universe functions as part of a pair. Even minerals are made up of positive and negative ions. Chemical elements lacking affinity cannot combine with each other, however much scientists conduct experiments using every possible method. Yet if elements having affinity are brought together, they fuse into one however much you may try to keep them apart. Everything exists within a pair system, and so, what is the center of that? It is love. Even in the case of plants, the male and female parts pollinate to allow fertilization. In such a manner they return to their original state. Only when the two entities unite together can they reach the original state of union before being divided. Hence, this process is called origin-division-union action. (198-112, 1990.1.25)
You need to create your own environmental realm. God created the sun, earth, air and water as part of His environmental realm. Within that realm, there must always be subject and object partners, as that is the formula for existence. All created beings exist in a pair system. This is true of the mineral, animal and human worlds. Why are they made up of subject and object partners? It is for the perfection of true love. Without a subject, love cannot be perfected. This is the formula. Up to the present day, none of our ancestors attained perfection in this manner while on earth. (293-225, 1998.5.26)
Only when male and female attain oneness can heaven and earth be harmonized. If they do not, they cannot harmonize heaven and earth or the universe, which is based on the pair system. Instead, they would be excluded from there. (226-15, 1992.2.1)
One cannot exist alone. There is no principled way that one can exist alone. Thus, everything in the world exists as pairs. Why have they been created in a pair system? It was for the sake of love. What kind of love would that be? They continue to exist because of the original love, that is, the true love in which God can take delight. (248-284, 1993.10.3)
There is not a single being in all of creation which exists alone. All things exist in a subject-object relationship. They were all created to be part of a pair system. People today are not aware of this. The concept of absolute faith derives from the fact that the universe was created according to a pair system which came into existence for the sake of love. (298-11, 1998.12.31)
On close observation, we can see that the world is made up according to a pair system, isn't it? Within the biosphere are pairs, without exception. The subject and object partners of a pair should make a good balance; otherwise, they will slip away in all directions. When they are in complete balance, that is, when they have achieved the balanced basis upon which they can pursue love, then, for them, the world will become a completely level plane. It would be the same as if the entire universe was a vast horizontal expanse of ice. When they are completely united, this expanse of ice, instead of being sharply angular, would take the form of a sphere. The extremities of the body of ice would not take a shape that would hinder its rotational motion. By circulating in this way they are destined to become one spherical body with a multiple increase in the power of the gravitational force. (144-213, 1986.4.24)
The pair system is derived from the concept of subject and object partners; why do we need subject and object partners? They exist for the sake of love. The concept of love gives rise to subject and object partners; because there is subject and object partners, they interact; and because they interact, energy is produced. The scientists of today have only partly worked this out, which is why their theories should all be put in order. Action takes place, but before it can, there must be a subject partner and an object partner, and before them, there must be love. In the reverse order, this is how it would be: for there to be energy, action must take place, and for action to take place, there must be subject and object partners, and prior to the subject and object partners there needs to be love. (247-119, 1993.5.1)
There is bound to be subject and object partners in every environment. Accordingly, the whole world as created by God exists within a pair system. The system is simple: the mineral, plant, animal and human worlds are all made up in pairs. What are they comprised of? Male and female. (251-120, 1993.10.17)
Action precedes force. It does not arise in isolation, but requires subject and object partners. The universe stands on the principle and formula of a pair system. Such is the conclusion. Look at how simple the world is. The mineral kingdom exists in pairs. In fact, this is the case for everything. Plants, animals and human beings work within the pair system. God Himself has dual characteristics. This is an eternal truth and formula. (299-154, 1999.2.10)
All creation was structured according to a pair system. Thus, our organs such as the eyes, ears, nostrils, lips and hands relating to the whole creation are also in pairs, so that they can be perceived. Anything without a counterpart will be banished from the universe, the created world. (279-41, 1996.6.9)
Everything exists in the pair system of subject and object partners. The complete form for anything comes as a pair, and so everything follows that principle. Between the body and mind, which do you think is the more conscientious and closer to goodness? The mind rather than the body stands on the side of goodness; therefore, if you follow your original mind absolutely, you would reach heaven, whereas if you follow your body, all you will attain is destruction, annihilation, hell and ruin. (303-33, 1999.7.4)

2.2. Subject and object partners in a love relationship

The question is why this universe came into being. This is the fundamental unanswered question in the religious, academic and philosophical spheres. Human beings are the center of the universe and yet we do not even know the answer to the question of why we came to exist. In addition, the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms are connected horizontally in three stages centering on humankind, and each of these kingdoms is included in the pair system. Until now, we only had a vague idea as to why they were all created in pairs, but in precise terms all this came into being because of love. (253-219, 1994.1.30)
What are the fundamentals of the universe? Since all creation originated from love, then, in order to find and fulfill love, there must be male and female. In the case of animals, it would be male and female; so what would it be in the case of plants? It would be pistil and stamen. In the case of the mineral kingdom, the male and female would be the positive and negative ions in a molecule. Everything exists as male and female. (273-91, 1995.10.22)
What should be done for action to take place? It requires some form of relationship. Plus coming together with another plus will yield nothing. Only when it is in a reciprocal relationship with a minus can action take place. The origin of all phenomena in the universe, rather than being an existing force, began from a certain action which then expanded to form the world of harmony, and this action could not come about with only a plus component. It begins where plus and minus have give and take, and so for there to be action, there must be subject and object partners. This is the way we understand it, and accordingly, everything has its respective object. (115-198, 1981.11.15)
Even something that is very small exists as male and female. In other words, they are made up of male and female, or plus and minus. The molecules consist of positive and negative ions; in fact, everything exists reciprocally, in a subject-object relationship. What do you think God likes? Seeing that He created plus and minus, male and female, in order to love each other, God likes to see the fulfillment of love through them. What are the fundamentals of the universe? It is subject and object partners, male and female. (278-100, 1996.5.1)
Delving into the fundamentals of the universe, we see that everything arises from the subject-object relationship. Upon delving deeper, the question arises: why is the subject-object relationship necessary? It is so that action can take place, and action is a prerequisite for motion. That is how it works. Every existing thing in the world is in a constant state of motion. You too are in motion, aren't you? Something is flowing between you and me as the object and subject. (240-168, 1992.12.13)
Just as in the case of electricity, where the positive and negative charges collide and produce light, when subject and object partners unite, they will emit a universal light because they work in the same way as electricity. Inside this small bulb are the connections for positive and negative, but these things alone are not enough. Only when it is connected to a power plant via a substation, in other words, only when this bulb is in the resultant position and is connected to the power plant which is the origin, can it emit light continuously, and this is the simple conclusion. (73-331, 1974.10.13)
The fundamentals of the universe follow the concept of subject and object partners rather than energy. The universal origin starts from this concept, and subject and object partners should possess their own status. There must be both a subject and an object status. The one with subject status is God, and that which has object status is humankind. Why did God create human beings? It was because, as the subject, He could not do without His object. He could only feel stimulated in the presence of an object. Stimulated by what? He would receive stimulation from truth, beauty and love, and this is precisely why He created human beings. (67-50, 1973.5.19)
The fundamental energy of the universe is produced from an action which takes a similar form to the relationships of unconditional giving and receiving in the physical world. Thus, all existing things, without exception must be involved in a subject-object relationship, for otherwise they cannot exist in this world. (48-9, 1971.8.31)
What is the concept behind the fundamentals of the universe? Even philosophers do not know where this concept came from. It comes from true love! God exists for the sake of love. He is necessary for love, and He is there because of love. Even God came into being for love. Thus, the concept of love was there, even before the universe came into being. For this concept of love to be perfected, there must be male and female, positivity and negativity. Everything in existence is in either of these two forms. (247-119, 1993.5.1)
All humankind and the creation, going right back to the origin of the universe, incorporate subject and object positions. Thus, everything was born for the sake of its counterpart. There is not one entity that does not have a subject partner and an object partner. Is this not also the case for the mineral world? Within a molecule, the positive and negative ions are in the positions of subject and object partners. With plants, it is the stamen and pistil. In the animal kingdom, it is male and female, and in the human world, man and woman. Everything needs a reciprocal relationship. (260-252, 1994.5.19)
What is the origin of the universe? From what did the universe first begin? It originated from love. Scientists believe the universe to be made up of energy. They understand that, since action takes place, energy must be there as a source of that action. If there is energy, action would already have taken place. Well then, which comes first: action or energy?
When a boy is growing up, the energy of love does not act on him. He grows through action as a male. His mind and body interact and allow him to become an adult. When he meets a woman as a fully-grown man, a horizontal energy is produced. Energy can only arise from reciprocal action. In other words, before energy can exist there must be action. Then, where does this reciprocal action originate? It comes from the subject-object relationship. Everything is governed through the relationship of subject and object partners; for human beings this is manifested as mind and body.
In the position of object to the mind, the eyes both need to be in focus in order to see, and the nostrils, too, should be working together. Everything exists in a system of subject and object partners. (247-119, 1993.5.1)
What is the formula for re-creation? The universe is made up of plus and minus elements. If we look at the molecule it tells us as much with its positive and negative ions. Everything exists on a reciprocal basis. The atom contains protons and electrons. Everything is like that, for that is the basis upon which the universe was formed: stamen and pistil in plants, male and female in animals, and man and woman in the case of human beings. Everything functions reciprocally. As such, they must be brought into one principled order. Since God is the Subject, they must be brought under His control. Unless a unified realm of reciprocal relationships has been established within creation according to His will, there can be no joy for God through the creation. (247-183, 1993.5.9)
There are two kinds of true love, one that is vertical and the other that is horizontal, and the universe moves according to this principle. You need to understand that the universe was constituted in the same way, and the plant, animal, and mineral worlds are all involved in relationships of subject and object partners. The fact that everything resembles the spherical shape formed by the relationship between a vertical axis and a revolving object shows that no matter what their level of existence, everything originally began with love as the model in accordance with the fundamentals of the universe. (217-96, 1991.5.4)
Look at this world and universe: in the field of minerals, there are positive and negative ions, in the plant world, stamen and pistil, and in the animal kingdom, male and female. I recently heard there are even male and female germs. Everything is supposed to become one based on love in its appropriate domain. Through observation, we can see that this world of the pair system has been created in this way, so that when the ideal love of human beings becomes representative of heaven and earth, the rest of the creation can connect to it and support it. Just as the foundation needs to be laid before a house can be built, God created everything within the pair system for the sake of humankind. You may have seen that among animals. When the male and female are roaming around together and the female is attacked, the male will protect her to the death. After giving birth to their young, they will risk their lives for them. Such is the way of love, and it is like this because it has the same characteristics as the origin. (222-123, 1991.10.28)
Before action can take place, there must first be a subject and object partners. For this reason, God Himself, who is the origin of the universe, needs to have His internal character as the subject and His external form as the object in eternal coexistence centering on the concept of love. Only within love can there be eternal life. (209-87, 1990.11.27)
The structure of the universe was not created at random. This vast universe responds to the reciprocal subject-object relationship, carries out give and take action, and continues following the track of this eternal law. Only by keeping to this track of law can the universe exist forever. If it failed to do so, it would not be able to continue but instead would head for destruction.
Just as we can go on living only when we have properly digested the food we have eaten, and the nutrition has been properly supplied to all parts of our body through the blood vessels, so also the universe needs to be effectively replenished. It can continue to exist only through wholesome give and take. (182-116, 1988.10.16)
Why did God create the universe? He created it for the sake of love that is the origin, which is why everything in the world of creation was made according to a pair system. There is not a single form of existence that does not come in pairs. The world is full of pairs.
What is God's ideal of creation? His ideal, based on His love, was to raise human beings as a pillar of love and have all creation live together around the base of that pillar. Human beings stand at the center of a universe which completely envelops them.
What is God's will? Taking this question into consideration, if His will were moving toward power or knowledge, it would and should meet destruction. Instead, it is heading toward love. Love is its destination. (185-165, 1989.1.8)
The question is: why would the act of giving bring you prosperity and why would your possessions grow through giving? The answer is that this would correspond with the origin at the very beginning when God created the universe. Did God create the world so as to take from it? He wants to give to it. The more you give, the greater you would grow. If the United States adopted the concept of giving in all its affairs, it would grow in influence. If you continue to just take, everything you have will become smaller. By giving, you are taking part in God's principle of creation, and then the universe can assist and support you. (183-323, 1988.11.9)
True love can only come down to the universe at a perpendicular angle, which represents the standard for measuring everything. Within the animal kingdom there are male and female. Whether they are on the left or right, positive or negative, everything in the world loves based on the vertical and horizontal according to their levels. Don't they all experience love? If there were a vertical, perpendicular line and a horizontal, level line, there where they meet would be one's place of existence. On account of this, the world is a living museum of love. Even birds risk their lives for love.
The same goes for animals, in fact, for everything, even plants and minerals. The chemical elements are made up of positive and negative ions, and engage in reciprocal actions with their appropriate counterparts. (198-360, 1990.2.11)
Where did the origin of the universe, the origin of movement begin? Even in the case of celestial bodies, the planets are relating in their movements with the sun as the center. As a result, the solar system which is formed becomes a nucleus that connects to another corresponding system, and this extended system then connects to another, and so on. Given this scenario, what would the whole universe look like? What would all the forms of existence in this vast and boundless universe look like? They would all be in movement, engaged in motions which form one spherical shape. The universe of constantly moving stars sometimes expands and at other times shrinks. That is to say, it breathes. Even the earth's land expands and contracts. Did you know that? It alternates in size, expanding and shrinking over time. (222-174, 1991.11.3)
In revolving, what would one wish to center upon through one's movement? It would be true love. This is the origin of the universe. What would happen if both man and woman only wanted to receive? If both insisted on receiving, they would have to stand with their foreheads touching, because each of them would be trying to dominate the other. All forms of existence in the universe need to give and receive. This is the principle of existence, and therefore the one who gives first becomes the subject. The person who offers first is the subject. (123-227, 1983.1.2)
Is it your body that is more important or is it your mind? It is your mind. At the center of the mind is the true mind, and this is what places the most importance on true love. As the origin of the universe is true love, people without minds of true love will be banished. In order to ensure that we will not be banished from the universe and as God is endeavoring to teach us everything, then both men and women need to train to love and practice true love through matrimonial life. By so doing, man and woman need to come together in union and become object partners of God's true love, which is the original Plus. In order to be able to fully give and receive through such a relationship, human beings need to be perfected. (123-107, 1982.12.19)
If we delve into the origin of the universe, we arrive at God. We come to know that He possesses dual characteristics of masculinity and femininity. How did the universe begin? Let us put aside our discussion of God for the moment and consider humankind. It is clear that humankind is comprised of man and woman, or subject and object partners. In the mineral kingdom, molecules are composed of anion and cation. Plants reproduce through stamen and pistil. Animals live as male and female, and human beings as man and woman.
Every man thinks his sexual organ belongs to himself, and each woman thinks her sexual organ is her own. That is why the world is perishing. Everyone is mistaken concerning ownership of the sexual organs. We all think that love is absolute, eternal and dreamlike, but when we come to clearly understand that the ownership of eternal love lies with the opposite sex, the world will not remain in its present condition. There are numerous scholars and Ph.D. holders, but none of them have thought about this. Can any of you deny this? If you ask your parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, the original ancestors and even God, who is the origin of the universe, they all will agree with this. This is a universal law. This truth will remain even after the universe continues to exist for billions of years. The natural conclusion is that when you stand before God, He will judge you as righteous or unrighteous according to this immutable law. (279-244, 1996.9.15)
All who hold onto a self-centered existence will be banished. When you look at all the things in the universe, you can see that the mineral elements exist in a relationship of subject and object partners, as do the plants through the pistil and stamen, the animal kingdom with male and female, and also in the human world. The owner of original love is not oneself but one's object, and the ones who deny their object cannot continue to exist in the world of reciprocal relationships. They would find themselves abandoned in their uselessness and worthlessness. (280-63, 1996.11.1) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Eleven - The Root of the Universe
Chapter One - Fundamental Order of the Universe
Section 3. Love Is the Root of the Universe

3.1. The center of the universe is love

What is the central axis of the whole universe and spirit world? It is love. Love is the origin of life and lineage. As they came into existence through love, their motion conforms to the axis of love. Motion cannot be carried out haphazardly. It only takes place between subject and object partners, and so everything moves in their appropriate positions after forming a love relationship. The purpose of everything that moves is to continue its existence as a result of eternal love. Action cannot be carried out by oneself alone. (208-79, 1990.11.17)
The origin of the universe is love. How did God come into being? Love is the center of all existence. Therefore, the conclusion we can reach is that even the absolute God needs an ideal which He will absolutely obey. Where there is complete obedience and liberation, there will be complete happiness. (198-237, 1990.2.3)
On what would the fundamental motive for the motion of the universe be based? It would not move centered on man or woman, or even God Himself. The motive that can move God and the universe is none other than love. Therefore, love is said to be the beginning and the end. In 1 Corinthians 13 it is written, "So faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love." Why would this be so? This has never been fully explained. (185-157, 1989.1.8)
Why should we practice true love? It is because the universe originated from the principle of true love. Therefore, through this love you can form a relationship with everything in the universe. This is only logical. So in this kind of relationship, if one is positioned above, the other would be below, if one is on the right, the other would be on the left. This is how everything in the mineral, plant and animal worlds is arranged. God created a world in which everyone would desire to give as the origin had done, and therefore it can be understood that the universe is a place where everything exists in order to give to others. In this sense, everything is trying to be absorbed into a being which stands at a higher level than itself. From this viewpoint, where would the source of continuity of the universe be? All existence in the universe carries out actions, which are guided by the desire to give, based on love from a higher level. (128-291, 1983.9.11)
The principle of parental love that governs the continued existence of the universe is an environmental element that can connect to the original ideal love, along with attributes of that parental love belonging to the realm of spherical motion taking place vertically, horizontally and in all directions. Then how should you conduct yourselves before the Parent of the universe? You should be reciprocating His love. Shouldn't you be His partner? We can draw the conclusion that in order to unite with Him, you need to become your Parent's counterpart. Only when you have become the recipient of true love can this union be achieved. Without true love there cannot be complete unity. (288-89, 1997.11.16)
God-centered people are like His body, and everything in the universe is sent to us from God with substantial forms which symbolize Him rather like shadows. All things in the universe are modeled after God Himself. Every one of them was created with Him as the original Subject; the only difference being whether they are in image or symbolic form. (153-119, 1963.11.15)
How did the universe come into existence? The answer is neither the theory of evolution nor the idea of creation. Before the concept of either creation or evolution, there were male and female. Why did male and female come into being? It was because of love. Love is the formula. (280-60, 1996.11.1)
God wants a partner of love who is better than Him. Don't you also desire your objects of love to be better than yourselves? It is the same for Him. God is the completely united form of subject and object partners, which is the origin of creation. It is for these two to become perfected as one based on love, as this brings liberation and fulfillment for God. At the place of love, the entire world of creation will sing, dance, roll about and thus become as one. How delightful such a world would be! (276-123, 1996.2.11)
In building a house, we know that it has to be perfectly level and perpendicular. Otherwise it would tumble down. This leads us to the fundamental question of how the universe came to exist. God Himself needs love. Would He just sit on His throne in heaven and exclaim, "Oh my, I like love!"? If I were to dance alone, covered in sweat, would I not be viewed as a crazy man? I would not be quite as crazy if I danced looking at a handkerchief. I would not be considered mad if I danced and laughed looking at something that was one tenth, or even one hundredth the size of that. You need to acknowledge the fact that creation takes on the value corresponding to the absolute standard of the reciprocal value. (179-229, 1988.8.12)
After achieving full maturity, Adam and Eve would have been married by God. Then God, with His external form and internal nature, with His masculinity and femininity, would have entered their bodies. Then subsequently, the Creator would have naturally dwelt in the center of our minds, and we would have become His external form in image as His creation, in short, we would have become one as with God through love, and not by anything else, such as knowledge, power or money. By achieving this, based on true love, the external form followed by a family could emerge. True love is crucially important. If you don't clearly know this, you won't be able to understand about the origin of the universe. (286-16, 1997.7.1)
Secular people have the notion in their heads that they will become the number one person in the world in terms of money, power or knowledge. Yet everything in the universe related to God hopes for them to become the number one practitioners of true love. You should understand that this is the path originally desired by both humankind and God. (179-33, 1988.7.3)
Don't you all claim to like love? Aren't you looking for it? The question is: what path would you take as the most direct way, the shortcut to love consistent with the fundamental formula of the universe? (184-58, 1988.11.13)
What is the origin of the universe? God is an absolute being who has power. Yet power is not the origin, any more than knowledge is. Then would it be money? As viewed from the next world, people who try to make money for themselves look like they are collecting garbage and useless things. In other words, saving money is the same as collecting waste material. People like me may have money, but I am not going to use money that has been collected like this. (191-18, 1989.6.24)
In what way did God create heaven and earth? Only human beings, and none other, can be His perfect objects. Thus, He committed Himself 100 percent. Then why did He commit Himself so much even though He was the King of wisdom? After investing everything, He reached the position of zero, nothingness, whereas His object attained 120 percent; to explain this in terms of atmospheric pressure: where God eventually comes to stand would be a vacuum, the point of lowest pressure, and His object would be in a high pressure area. This situation would immediately create a renewed circulatory action according to the principles of automatic generation and movement. Thus, if you were to constantly invest yourself in your object, it would eventually be enveloped, wouldn't it? It would be completely surrounded. With what would you surround and envelop it? It would be with love. Since the origin of the universe is love, this is what would take place according to this principle. (196-320, 1990.1.12)
The original form of unity is expressed through individual perfection. The family, tribe, nation and world, all stem from there. This is the case regardless of how small that origin is; the angle of the perpendicular would remain the same. So with this as the central axis, if true love were to spread out in all directions from it, then no matter where it was in the universe, the whole earth would nevertheless be unified and filled with true love. Once this happens, then at any time everyone could say to each other, "Good! You are just like me!" It would be the same both spiritually in the vertical sense, and physically in the horizontal sense wherever you went. (207-58, 1990.10.28)
Throughout their lifetime, and even when they have gone to the spiritual realm, human beings require love. They can never be separated from the concept of love, be it day or night, whether they are young, old, or have passed away, or wherever and whenever it may be. Why is this so? They cannot help being like that because that is how their origin is. Love alone can, even now, exercise creative ability. Without it, this ability cannot come into operation. Everything moves driven by a force of love that is like a powerhouse. (133-64, 1984.7.8)
God would undoubtedly be able to create love, but owning that love would be another matter because one cannot own love alone. It takes two to do that. Not even God can seek love alone. What then would be its original standard of measurement? What would be this prototype of which there is absolutely only one, that can measure all things in the universe, material world and eternal world? This is a fundamental issue. The answer is love. So it is not -- and should not be -- affected by the changes of the four seasons. (137-235, 1986.1.3)
Why are we created to live bound by the ties of love? Human beings are destined to live constrained by the ties of the love sought after by God and the universe through which this world can be harmonized. If this is the case, can those, who are not bound by the ties of love and therefore have no basis of mind through which they can become happy, expect to lead happy lives? No, they cannot. Can the result be one of happiness if the basis is wrong? This is what history has been rooted in. (138-265, 1986.1.24)
When you attain the state of mind-body oneness, it would be the same as that experienced by the Buddha. It would be the state wherein you could feel, "In heaven and on earth, I alone am the honored one." When you are at the center of it, every form of energy within the sphere of love could not engage in action without passing through this center. In other words, any action that does not pass through it could not exist. Every action in the universe of creation has expanded based on this principle.
Yet the axis of love did not come into being. The nucleus did not come to exist, and not just for humankind. In expressing love between individuals, within the family, of tribes, races and nations stemming from the family, or taught by saints and sages, humankind has so far failed to comprehend and practice it according to the standards of the origin. (141-113, 1986.2.19)
When considering which comes first -- life or love -- with regard to the origin of the universe, we find, on delving further, that life cannot come first. Given that God is the source of life, on what foundation would He desire to live and continue to exist? What foundation would that be? He would want to exist on the foundation of peace. What establishes that foundation? Would it be life or something else? This is another question to ponder. Life could not achieve that. What can establish peace is something that transcends the orderly stages of creation, and goes beyond the highs and lows of subject and object partners -- and acknowledges their common value. What would that be? It would be true love. (173-84 1988. 2.7)
You know about cell reproduction, I am sure. Even if you were to cut this off, another eye, nose or any other feature could grow back. The same is also true of hair, feet, in fact everything. Everything is like that. The cells connected to true love are of the same value as the universe. Why would true love make this so? It is because it is the cause and, at the same time, the result. It is the motive and, at the same time, the purpose. (216-288, 1991.4.14)
Love exists throughout the universe, and there is not a single being disconnected from it. Even something commonplace like a clump of grass exists based on love. Minerals come into being by way of positive and negative ions, which are all in motion for the sake of love. (289-129, 1998.1.1)
However small it may be, the realm of heart created through true love is connected to the universe, and the effects of every occurrence that takes place within it extend everywhere, even to the spirit world. This is because the cosmos, including the spirit world, exists under God's principle of true love without any inequities. The vertical, horizontal, and front and rear relationships of true love between God and humankind are the origins of such true relationships among human beings themselves. Its perfection can only be accomplished in ideal families that have established the Four Great Realms of Heart. (260-128, 1994.5.1)
What is the essence of love? What kind of qualities does love have? What is love? Are the one-night stands and free sex which prevail in the United States today expressions of true love? That kind of behavior has no connection with original love. Then what is original true love? Love is the beginning and the end. The universe came into existence in the first place because of love. It is seeking after true love. God says of Himself in the Bible, "I am the first and the last, the beginning and the end." What does this mean? He is referring to original love in these words. (255-56, 1994.3.5)
Why should you live for the benefit of others? Why should you do so when you don't want to? You are bound by the ties of love, which are connected to all creation. Your body is bound tight with the ties of love. At this time, everything and everyone has their arms spread out wide and is asking to be tied more quickly. They want to grow rapidly and occupy the universe of love. They want to possess not just the universe of love, the object partner, but even God Himself who is the origin of love. (278-142, 1996.5.5)
Do you think God is happy all the time? Are you happy all the time? No you are not, but when you possess true love, then even sadness will be absorbed by that love. From this perspective, we can realize that the natural desire of human beings is to make the absolute authority of love stand in a position superior to anything else in the universe, no matter what individual forms of authority or knowledge, or claims to pre-eminent positions exist. Where did that come from? It came from the origin. Then where did the origin come from? It came from God's love. He also desires such love. (200-197, 1990.2.25)
In the beginning, did humankind emerge from a combative concept like communism or from a concept of harmony? Which was it? To express it in terms of electricity, let us say that the positive and negative charges are fighting each other. Where would that lead? Humanity originated from a source of harmony and unity. Therefore, through the harmony and loving union of a mother and father, you came to exist. That is undeniable. In this light we can recognize that the origin of the universe, that is to say the original nature, was first initiated from something which was harmoniously unified. (124-111, 1983.2.1)
In what way can you become someone to whom the entire universe is indebted, instead of its debtor? It will depend on your state of mind: you need to possess the mind of an owner who can say, "I'm sorry" and "Thank you," who can gaze on the waters, the fields and mountains, the plains and rivers of Korea, and, furthermore, of the whole earth, and say "Thank you!" You must be people who can cherish gratitude toward God and nature, and live in service to them without complaint. Only people with such a mind can become true owners. (198-150, 1990.1.28)

3.2. Humankind is the center of love in the created universe

3.2.1. Human beings are the objects of God's love

How great is the value of humanity? We are the ones whom God, leaning on His walking stick, can yearn for after thousands of years. I have discovered the nature of the origin of the universe. The two-way relationship between God and humankind has finally led to the recognition of a worldview based on the vertical and horizontal aspects of love. As it developed into a relationship of up and down, and left and right, the worldview of vertical and horizontal love could emerge. In the center of it all dwells God. That place, which can be bound firmly in the deep valley of the mind, is the center of the vertical and horizontal aspects. If it is not tied down, the vertical and horizontal standard cannot emerge as the ideal form of love. Though there may be any number of vertical standards, the horizontal will not come into being. Thus, you must know that God had no choice but to create human beings accordingly. (48-223, 1971.9.19)
God is an absolute being with an absolute idea about creation, and so He seeks after an object of absolute value. This is something that cannot be exchanged for anything in the world. In terms of value, the relational being is a form of existence that cannot be exchanged for God Himself. The term 'relational value' sounds difficult to comprehend. The relational value of anything, the value of the object based on the word 'relational,' is so great that it cannot be exchanged for anything or anyone, not even God Himself. If God were to exchange it with Himself, He would be left alone as a result. He would be all by Himself. This is why God commits Himself and exhausts His strength, His energy. He is engaged in a war of attrition. The forms of existence thus created with relational value which cannot be exchanged even for God Himself are human beings. It becomes very clear that the form of existence with absolute value is none other than humankind. God created us as valuable beings with such an idea in mind. (68-134, 1973.7.29)
God created human beings for love. Human beings differ from others in that they were created as God's children. We were created as the object partners who can receive direct love from Him. This is our privilege. (132-244, 1984.6.20)
Whom do human beings resemble? They resemble God. It follows that He desires love in the same way as they do. The ideal world of creation based on love signifies the manifestation of God's love in external form on both image and symbolic levels. The Divine Principle explains it thus. Based on what? Love. When the substantial form is happy, its image form will automatically be happy, and when the image form is happy, the symbolic form will also be happy automatically. What brings about such a phenomenon? Only love. (166-48, 1987.5.28)
It is said that, of all the things in the universe, the most precious and sacred are human beings. In simple terms, it means that out of all the creation, they are the center. Based on what are they the center? Love. Things such as knowledge, money or power are of no importance. Since God is the Creator, He can create and possess any of those things on His own at any time. However, love is something that no one can seek after or possess alone. Without exception, love appears and is fulfilled through an object partner; not even God Himself can fulfill love alone. (272-275, 1995.10.8)
For whom did God create heaven and earth? Not for Himself, but the object partner of His love. Then who is that object partner of His love? It is said that, amongst all the things of creation, the most precious and sacred is humankind. That means that only human beings were created as His direct object of love. If we were to analyze the essential qualities of love, we would find them to include the rights of inheritance, equality and participation. That being so, if God were to experience love, even He Himself, the high, almighty and universal God, would dance to the tune of love. (179-148, 1988.8.1)
The Unification Church teaches that even God needs love. No matter how omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent and almighty God may be, He requires objects of His love, for love is reciprocal by its very nature. Those object partners were Adam and Eve. (121-173, 1982.10.24)
Even though God may be a great, absolute, omniscient and omnipotent being, nothing good can happen to Him when He is alone. The noun 'happiness,' or the adjective 'good,' cannot be used concerning one being in isolation. The words 'good' and 'happiness' can only have meaning where a reciprocal relationship has been established. No one claims to be happy when alone. Hence, even Almighty God Himself cannot be happy alone. For instance, let us imagine there is a musician who sings beautifully, and he is singing in solitude. Would he be happy? Of course not, he needs an audience. What is good can only come about in the process of giving and receiving. Similarly, God cannot be alone in order for Him to be able to say, "Good!" (65-20, 1972.11.13)

3.2.2. The process of human maturity is reflected in God's own development

The creation of human beings shows the renewed development of God Himself in a substantial way. God can find interest and stimulation from their creation. The same is true of human beings. Artists draw with the idea of creating masterpieces in the course of which they fully and substantially express their inner nature. They squeeze it out from deep within themselves down to their bone marrow, and invest it into their works. (225-198, 1992.1.20)
Where can human perfection be found? There is no way for a man to be perfected by himself any more than a woman by herself. This is all because they are only half-complete; they therefore can be perfected only through a complete union of love. In being perfected, whom would Adam absolutely need? He absolutely needs God vertically. To be perfected, Adam needs both vertical and horizontal connections. Without them, he could not generate the circular and spherical motion of love. For this reason, what he absolutely needs horizontally is Eve. Likewise, Eve also absolutely needs Adam. (145-319, 1986.6.1)
What did God love in Adam and Eve? The fact that Adam and Eve grew up as His son and daughter signifies that He also developed in a similar fashion. God too had times when He was like a baby, sibling, spouse and parent, and that is why He created them in this way. God is an invisible god, who developed in such fashion. He created them like this, as children, siblings and spouses. (254-274, 1994.2.15)
When God created Adam and Eve, at which stage did He create them? We cannot think for a moment that He created them as fully-grown persons. He created them as infants. Unless we establish the logic that He created them in a similar fashion to that of a mother with a baby growing in her womb, there is no way we can explain the growing process through the order of three stages. In short, Adam and Eve had their babyhood, followed by the periods of growth and completion. This is the way of heavenly principle. (225-198, 1992.1.20)
Adam and Eve passed through babyhood, but what sort of babyhood would it have been? To answer this, we need to begin with the logic that the invisible God raised beings that were babies in His arms, the babies who came from the invisible world and passed through a process in order to become substantial beings.
Then how can a person who has been born and has grown up to full maturity advance to the position of marriage and parenthood? A child's growth shows the process of how God passed through the periods of youth, middle age, and old age, that is to say, the child shows in substantial form the invisible process of how God developed. Only when this logic is established, can the concept, "Parent and child are one body" emerge. Since one represents vertical and the other horizontal, the logic, "Vertical and horizontal are one body" can be established. (225-198, 1992.1.20)
Ideally, Adam and Eve as a loving couple giving birth to a child would be the same as standing in God's position as the Parent, wherein His invisible Self, that is His internal nature and external form, united and lovingly created His children. The first Creator, the invisible God, created Adam and Eve as the visible second creators, and by their giving birth to children from the position of substantial second gods, they are elevated to the position of parents. Through these young children's growth, God's past history is displayed substantially, which also includes Adam and Eve's infancy, siblinghood, matrimony and parenthood. Thus, parents desire to love and be close to their children because they are their second selves. (258-240, 1994.3.20)
The position of a married couple is truly a great one. There, the fulfillment of hope that humankind has yearned for throughout history blossoms in the form of children, siblings and spouses. In this way, just as God began His work of creation with love, the couple that represents Adam and Eve will begin to create on their own through the act of giving birth to their children. They take the position of substantial creators, and in the position of horizontal creators in relation to their children, they bear them. This is the making of the third creators, namely the children.
Thus, parents raise their offspring as God's children from the position of substantial parents in His stead. In so doing, they substantially experience how the invisible God nurtured His children. God also underwent a similar developmental process. He passed through infancy, siblinghood, matrimony and parenthood. By parents giving birth to and raising their children based on the invisible God's past, their children can gain sight of God, the first and incorporeal Creator, from the time of His invisible babyhood onward.
Adam and Eve were destined as the visible second creators to raise their children as siblings and later to have them marry to form couples, so that God, who raised Adam and Eve as His son and daughter and as brother and sister, could see through them the substantial reality of His every intrinsic and invisible desire on earth. Those who can fulfill this desire are their own sons and daughters. (263-148, 1994.8.21)
The course of the creation of Adam and Eve is that by which God as Creator substantially developed the growing process from the origin of existence through to the present time, following the intrinsic principle of creation. Then where did it begin? In the same way as the minutest cells come together to form bigger cells, fetuses pass through the ten lunar months of gestation to emerge as males or females.
Why is that so? If this were not the case, there would be no way we could explain the logic of how life is inherited. In fact, we could not even establish the logic of how heredity unfolds. Hence, there is a need for an essential invisible form and an essence of the visible form to unfold substantially, based on a relationship of oneness. To put it another way, there must be a corresponding realm of the object partner in front of the subject partner. The internal nature has the innate capacity to unite and communicate with the external form in every fundamental respect. As a result of this, the growth process after the birth of human beings is so that the invisible, incorporeal God can see the process take place through substantial forms. As such, God cannot help but love us, since every intrinsic aspect within Himself is expressed and manifested through us in the life of our substantial selves. Given that the invisible form is transposed into visible form, everything must be invested into it. (225-198, 1992.1.20)
When God was creating an object partner through which to experience love, whom do you think He would make it look like? It would be created to resemble Himself. For that object partner to reflect God, it should have both masculine and feminine characteristics, just like Him. He created this object partner in His image, that is to say, He took every attribute from His original internal nature and manifested these thought forms -- this invisible nature -- in substantial form. This is how human beings came to be created. Hence, the biblical book of Genesis correctly states that God created humankind in His image. (170-167, 1987.11.15)
The original Garden is the world of happiness wherein everything can be in tune with others in its unique way, in front of the rhythm of joy created by God and humankind through their maintaining mutual harmony. It is where each in its own creative way can dance and do all kinds of harmonious activities both symbolically and in image form. When this occurs, the creation will exclaim, "Aha! This is worth being born for!" Would it not be the greatest wish of even the tiniest forms of creation to become eligible to take part in the joyous feast day of love which would be held by God and humankind, and to share that joy with others? (166-46, 1987.5.28)
When you speak about truth, what do you think its core is? It isn't money, power or knowledge. It is love. Essential love stays in the vertical place, and truthful love is connected horizontally. Thus, we can know God by observing His creation, and Adam and Eve, for they were created in His image.
Why is this so? Adam and Eve are subject partners who take an object partner position in relation to God's vertical true love. Therefore, when they completely unite and create a sphere of love that covers all directions, they can form the central axis that will be connected to the entire world, as well as to God and the spirit world. (179-290, 1988.8.14)

3.2.3. Humankind is the center of all created beings

Who does God look like? He looks like us, both man and woman. Aren't your minds invisible? Would you like to see your mind or not? God is the same if you consider this from a spiritual perspective. He does not have a body. He has not had one until now because Adam failed to reach perfection. He exists in a mind-like universe as a mind-like lord, teacher, custodian and parent. (197-44, 1990.1.7)
All the things of creation are the foundation upon which God's children can be created, a foundation which is related and connected to them. This includes everything from the animal kingdom down to the mineral world. Plus and minus can be found in the mineral kingdom, just as there are stamen and pistil in the plant kingdom and male and female in the animal kingdom.
The greatest masterpiece of all, created by amalgamating both spiritual and physical elements from all the rest of creation, is the human form. These forms were manifested as the internal natures and external forms of man and woman and revealed symbolically, in image form and substantially, so that they could connect with and relate to all of creation. (144-236, 1986.4.25)
It is not for the sake of money, knowledge or power that God stands in need of humankind, the center of all creation. It is for love and only love. If this was not the case and God stood in the position of desiring to be loved all on His own, there would not be anything or anyone there to love Him. If this is the conclusion, there can be no doubt that God would create an object partner in this world whom He could love. Bearing this in mind, who could be that great and courageous object partner of His love in that world? Of all God's creatures, the only ones satisfying the conditions of being perfect object partners who can stand in front of Him are man and woman. You should thus be bold enough to be able to say, "I am the lord of the universe, the greatest in the universe." (148-308, 1986.10.26)
God created all the things of nature in order to multiply joy and perpetuate its stimulation. He did not create them just to feel happy temporarily, but rather to feel joy permeating deep into His heart every time He saw them. For this reason, He created everything with the greatest heart and devotion. After making all the things of creation over five days, then on the sixth day God created human beings with a joyful heart. Our first ancestors, created in His image, were most beautiful, precious, pride engendering, gratifying, glorious and lovable. (9-194, 1960.5.22)
God, being omniscient and omnipotent, does not lack knowledge, ability, power or money. Then what is it He has need of? It is the one object partner that He can love. That object partner can be none other than human beings, who are the most precious and greatest of all created beings. I have said that the ones God can love most of all are human beings, but why is this so? It is because God also needs love. Love is something which cannot be experienced alone. (112-291, 1981.4.25)
God's invisible image is symbolically invested in all parts of our body. Whom do our eyes resemble? God! Hence, they are situated in the most sunken part of our face, from where they observe everything. Next, the nose symbolizes Adam and Eve and forms the center. Next, the mouth symbolizes all things of creation and is horizontal. For this reason, enclosed in it are four times eight, equal to thirty-two teeth, based on the number four which represents all of creation. Next, the ears symbolize the four directions. The features found above the neck symbolize heaven. In other words, it is the information center of heaven. (201-83, 1990.3.4)
Where is the root of your lives? It lies with the unfallen parents. Then what would be the place of the unfallen parents of goodness? Since He is the Subject with dual characteristics, God has created the entire universe and human beings in His image, manifesting in them His dual characteristics. Adam is the embodiment of God's masculine characteristics and Eve His feminine characteristics. From this perspective, though in general we usually call Him "Heavenly Father" because He is one being, nevertheless, encompassed in this concept is the notion that He is 'Heavenly Father and Mother'. (140-123, 1986.2.9)
How would things have turned out had our ancestors Adam and Eve not fallen? They would have become one in heart with God, and from the same position as Him, inherited His great work of creation, and stood in the same place of joy with Him after creation. Such a relationship would have been formed between God and humankind. Original unfallen human beings would have become His temples. (54-64, 1972.3.11)
Even though God is our Father and we human beings His children, it still feels like the Father is above us, and that we are in a relationship in which He is superior and we are inferior. In such circumstances, what would we be thinking? We have the desire in our hearts that cries out to Him, "Father, let me have your place for just once. I want to sit in your place!" If God were to dismiss this with the words, "You scoundrel, no, I will not allow it!" then we would feel crushed. Hence, He would not answer in this way. On the contrary, He knows that people have such a desire in their hearts, and thus will encourage them with words like "Of course, by all means!" and would give up His place for us. He wants us to occupy His place, while He vacates it to enter our hearts and reside in them as His temples. (54-89, 1972.3.20)
When you have achieved mind-body oneness, the universe will protect you. When you have attained this state of being protected by the power of the universe, your parents as well as your siblings will also be protected by the universe. In short, everyone around you will be protected. Your race and nation must also form this connection. This is a wonderful conclusion. So, if you were to go to another nation and maintained mind-body unity, then you could connect to the people of that nation also. It would work wherever you were.
In playing soccer, what happens when the ball stops rolling? It becomes one with the ground through a perpendicular. Hence, a sphere is considered to be the most ideal shape. That perpendicular could rest at any point on its surface, and this is how it is possible for the ball to roll around on any surface anywhere. So, once you have achieved mind-body oneness, and formed a perpendicular, you would fit in anywhere. Regardless of whether the person you meet is a Westerner, an Oriental, a person from the past, present or future, you would be able to relate with any situation. (205-53, 1990.7.7)
When you follow the path which your original mind leads you along, the universe will open up in unity with you. You need such experiences. Once you enter such a state, you will be able to fully relate with your original minds. You will be able to hold conversations with your minds. As soon as you think of doing something, the answer will already be right in front of you. You are advancing toward such a state. Wouldn't such people know the path they should take? The way they should follow would be definitely laid before them, and so all the power in the universe would help them to go that way. Once they face the test of faith, having been led there by the hand, everything will come to their support. Only after this, it would be possible for them to perform great deeds. (120-313, 1982.10.20)
You may look at nature and say, "Oh, I don't need the four seasons. I only like spring; I hate summer, autumn and winter." However, if you were to ask God, He would answer, "I love all the four seasons." Hence, you need to learn to like summer, autumn and winter, even though you may have disliked them in the past. When the winter snow comes, God looks upon the world covered in white and derives pleasure from it. So you should also be saying, "Oh, I like it too!" That is the way it should be. (133-28, 1984.7.1)
You should be able to look at nature with a mind similar to that of God's. Such should be your mindset. If there is a flood or streaks of lightning, you should not say things like, "Oh, how I hate that!" God is thinking, "Ha ha, heaven and earth are kissing and making love!" He tells those who say they do not like it, "Ha ha, you good-for-nothing rascals!" (133-28, 1984.7.1)
Where would God, the King of wisdom and the Center of everything, place the origin of true love, ideal, happiness or peace between subject and object partners? In this question lies a serious issue. On the one hand there is the subject partner and its path to live for the sake of the object partner, and on the other hand vice versa; between the two paths, where should the requirements of the ideal be placed? This question inevitably poses a big challenge for God, the Creator.
God had to consider, with regard to the true ideal, love and peace, whether He should set the subject partner as the center and place the ideal origin in the object partner's living for the sake of the subject partner, or set the object partner as the center and place the ideal origin in the subject partner's living for the sake of the object partner. After considering, He decided that if He were to place the ideal origin as in the case of the former, not only Himself but all people in the world would need the object partner to live for themselves. In other words, all would become subject partners and not object partners. If this were to be the case, the path to unity would be blocked. You need to know this. (75-318, 1975.1.16)
Where is the path which leads to unity and the origin of peace? God had no choice but to establish the principle that not only Himself but also all human beings need to live for the sake of others. Hence, true love, as well as the true ideal, peace and happiness, can be achieved by doing that; they cannot be found in any other case. Until now, people have not known that this is the fundamental principle of the creation of heaven and earth. (75-318, 1975.1.16)
Why were men and women born? Men were not born for men but for women, and vice versa. We were not born for ourselves. Despite this, they assert themselves. Egoism should be demolished. Once that is done, the world can be unified. (61-265, 1972.9.1)
Those who follow the path of seeking to realize their value, not from their own viewpoint, but from that of their spouse, in other words, based on a reciprocal standard, are not unhappy people. Anywhere and anytime, their foundation of heart is within a reciprocal realm, and so they will not be lonely, but in a state of happiness. (59-200, 1972.7.16)
Harmony, enjoyment or happiness cannot come about if you are alone. Not even the Absolute Being can bring them about by Himself; He must have someone fulfilling the requirements of His partner. An absolute being needs an absolute counterpart -- and an absolute subject partner an absolute object partner -- for there to be happiness, harmony, joy, dancing and singing. (38-155, 1971.1.3)
Members of today's established churches boast, "The omniscient and omnipotent God is in essence the glorious Subject of all glories, the happy Subject of all happiness, and the Subject of all love and life, and so there is not a single thing that is not attributable to Him." Yet, though He may be the Absolute Being, without an absolute object partner He couldn't help but be unhappy. Even God Himself would end in failure if He could not find the one object partner which can stand in an absolute position. Without an absolute object partner, even the Absolute Being would inevitably be unhappy. That being so, in order not to end in failure, God has no choice but to create the being that will be His partner. (38-157, 1971.1.3)

3.3. The world of creation is a museum of love for humankind

3.3.1. God's will in creating the universe

Everything in the world was created by God as the textbook to help His beloved children attain the ideal of love. Thus, it was created with a reciprocal structure. Minerals exhibit subject-object interaction, as do protons and electrons in the case of the atom. Nothing can continue in existence without engaging in action and motion. Thus, with human beings as the center, the universe is created to reach that central point. (137-59, 1985.12.18)
God first created all the things of the universe and then the progenitors of humankind in the Garden of Eden as their lords. In creating human beings, God did not intend them to be just a source of amusement or interest for Himself. We need to understand that the amount of effort and devotion He invested into not only creating human beings but in establishing them as the center representing all creation cannot be expressed in words. (20-205, 1968.6.9)
In creating humankind, God spared no pains, devoted all His energies and poured in the essence of His being, love and affection. He created them through a connection that could not be separated or severed by any amount of force. As He created human beings in this way, peace can rest with God as He casts His eyes upon them, and He can derive all joy and happiness only from them. (20-207, 1968.6.9)
God is the Father of humankind and we are His children. Since He poured in His bone of bones, flesh of flesh, and marrow of marrows into creating us, He could not help being drawn to us if we were to pull Him, any more than we could help being drawn to Him if He in turn pulled us. Within this bond, God created human beings to conform to the purpose of creation. If God were to compose an essay or a poem to praise human beings who had been created in this manner, that would be the greatest masterpiece which no poet or writer on earth could ever emulate. Its object would be neither God nor the creation itself, but humankind representing all creation. (20-207, 1968.6.9)
What is the universe? It symbolizes God's body, His visible body. It is His manifestation. Thus, the concept is established that we can really love it. We can wake up to the realization that we love the universe. Quite often you stroke your hair, and when something gets on your clothes, you brush it away. Why do you do so? It is because these things belong to you, they are a part of you, and so you naturally wish to take care of them. What you need to strive for from now on is to allow God to dwell in the center of your mind, become one with your mind, your body, with all things, and achieve a unified world in this way. (86-173, 1976.3.28)
The vastness of the universe is measured in billions of light years. Light travels at a speed of 300,000 kilometers per second, and 300,000 kilometers is approximately seven and a half times the circumference of the earth. The distance traveled by light at such a speed in a whole year is termed one light year in astronomy. The universe is so vast that light traveling at such speed will go on for billions of years and still not reach the other end. (127-213, 1983.5.8)
So far the Greenwich Observatory has discovered stars that are ten billion light years away from our world, and the era has now dawned in which stars even fifteen billion light years away can be observed, and we will soon be able to discover others even further away.
The size of this vast universe is approximately 21 billion light years. This is a Principle number. That is how big it is. For your better understanding, we will say that the distance traveled in a day by light starting out from here is a light-day, in a month a light-month, and light travels 300 million meters in a second. To cover this distance, you would have to go around the planet seven and a half times. Seven and a half! With a snap of the fingers light would have already gone round the earth seven and a half times.
Light traveling at such speed will have backaches, will not be able to think at the end of the day, and will say, "I don't care." Consider then that it is traveling not just for one hundred light years, but tens of thousands of times that distance, 100 million light years. 100 million years would have passed by since it first set out, and during that time, one million people living consecutively to the age of one hundred would have died. Still light would not have ceased traveling.
Then how long is 21 billion light years? During that time, 210 million people living to one hundred would have died, and yet light would still be traveling. It does not go in a straight line; instead, it goes round and round. Such is the universe. (181-195, 1988.10.3)

3.3.2. The world of creation is the textbook of love for humankind

From the perspective of the standard of true love, Adam and Eve were to grow up observing and learning from the natural garden of love created within the pair system. They were to become aware of what they should do after they had grown up by looking at how everything was created. The creation is God's veritable museum, the museum of love for the education of Adam and Eve. They were to grow up watching how all creatures were born in pairs of male and female, even birds and butterflies, and how they developed affection for each other and brought forth their young.
Growing up and reaching full maturity, they were supposed to realize for themselves that the man is the prince of God's love representing plus and the woman the princess of love representing minus. Then the woman would have thought to herself, "That man is the very man I need!" and learned to believe in him, just as he would have thought to himself about the woman, "She really is the woman who is essential to me!" (201-161, 1990.3.30)
From the perspective of the standard of true love, Adam and Eve were to grow up observing and learning from the natural garden of love created within the pair system. They were to grow up observing how all creatures were born in pairs of male and female, even birds and butterflies, how they developed affection for each other and brought forth their young. (201-356, 1990.4.30)
We grow from childhood to youth. Reaching adolescence, we start learning thenceforth. This is true for all of you. In your infancy, you don't know anything, and so as you grow you ask, "Mom, what is this?" or "Dad, what is that?" and in this way you get to find out and learn new things. After learning all about life in such a manner, the man then sees that everything in the world is in a pair system. He comes to realize, "Ah, the animal kingdom is in pairs, as are the insects and everything else in the world, even the flowers and minerals!" He awakens to the fact that "Yes, they are in the position of subject and object partners, they work accordingly, and as a result everything turns out in a certain way! It seems that I have to follow this path. Oh, that is not the right one!" (219-31, 1991.8.25)
As they grow, Adam and Eve learn about the world. As these two, son and daughter, grow up, they gaze on the world and find it to be a museum of love made in the pair system. They each learn from it. "Oh! Males and females like each other so much. Even the fly exists as male and female and the butterfly too; in fact, all of them exist in pairs. They all make love and reproduce!" Do you think they would have realized this or not? (200-246, 1990.2.25)
For what purpose did God create heaven and earth in the pair system? It is the museum of love, and through this He is telling us to live more happily than the birds, the insects, indeed more happily than anything else in the world. (200-57, 1990.2.23)
Every form of creation in this world exists in the pair system, and the environment created according to that system is the ideal museum of love for humankind. Hence, interaction in the world of minerals takes place only with appropriate counterparts. Trees and plants too engage in give and take action and reproduce with their counterparts. This is also the case for birds and even grasshoppers in the insect family. Don't grasshoppers sing too? (199-309, 1990.2.21)
As God created the world in a pair system, all elements are encompassed by man and woman. What is nature? It is a museum that teaches about love so that man and woman can love. Therefore, if a man were to sing a song longing for his beloved wife, whatever song he sang would not be considered a sin. It would be a sin if he committed the Fall. When a family breaks up due to love problems and the heavenly principles are broken, that would be a sin; what would not be a sin is when a couple love each other on the foundation of these principles and pledge to each other, "I truly love you, for ever and evermore. You are my spouse for eternity." You should understand this clearly. (199-280, 1990.20.20)
This universe is made up within a pair system and is like a living museum created by the loving God. It is not filled with lifeless and ownerless antique souvenirs as those in the National Museum. It is filled with living souvenirs instead. (195-136, 1989.11.7)
There exists a True God, and everything created by Him is in a subject-object relationship so that they can satisfy the requirements of ideal love. Thus, every form of creation in this universe comes within the pair system. There are 'husbands and wives' even in minerals. Isn't that why they attract each other? You are hearing this for the first time, are you not? Even if the laboratory researcher were to turn into a tyrant and force together two incompatible chemical elements, they would not fuse together. Even the word, "Fuse!" from God would not do any good. However, if the elements are in accord with one another, they would fuse even if commanded, "Do not fuse, and do not become one!" From this we can see that everything exists in the pair system because of God's love. (177-271, 1988.5.20)
You need to realize that even minute forms of life such as insects exist in pairs based on love. The same is true of the mineral world. For what? For the sake of love. Even though they belong to a lower level of creation, they still, in their own way, reproduce through love. This universe is designed to function with its system of relationships intermeshed perfectly so as to realize God's ideal of creation through human beings. (293-308, 1998.6.7)
As everything laid out in the Garden of Eden was part of a pair system, Adam was to look at them and realize in due course, "Ah! I am a man, a male, for I look like a male; where then is the one that is like the female?" Then he was to look around and discover, "It is Eve!" and the two were to be married in God's presence. Then they would have remarked, "When a male and a female carry on like that, they give birth to their young!" There are many women who do not desire to get married, but nonetheless are fond of babies. (288-304, 1998.1.1)
Since everything in the Garden of Eden was created according to the pair system, Adam and Eve could see for themselves the animals mating and reproducing and would remark, "The females and males are making a loving environment together." Adam and Eve would have learnt about love from them and so they would have eventually felt, "We should be with each other." While they were yet growing up, how complicated would it have been? Man is wild by nature, and so he climbed mountains and ran about, whereas the woman looked on from where she was sitting and stayed in the vicinity of their home every single day. Though different in character, they were meant to learn from the environment that surrounded them and be drawn to each other naturally. (278-280, 1996.5.26)
When Adam and Eve came to be aware that the whole world was composed of paired relationships, they were to realize that they could not live alone. Anyone can see that even deer and cows exist as male and female, and mate and reproduce. Since they saw how everything from the animal kingdom down to the insects, birds, bees, and flowers were all doing likewise, they did not need to be taught what they had already come to know. (246-58, 1993.3.23)
Each of your couples is like a brother and sister set of twins similar to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. There, Adam had nobody other than his younger sister. She was the only daughter with no friends in the world. With only one woman and one man in the Garden of Eden, Adam had to befriend Eve. They were elder brother and younger sister.
As Adam and Eve grew up, they were to learn how everything in the pair system grows and reproduces, and when they came to understand how the creation exists and develops, they were to awaken to the fact that they should love each other, become husband and wife, and consequently leave behind this tradition in future history. It was for the sake of future history and humanity that they were to become husband and wife. (243-177, 1993.1.3)
Adam and Eve were born to be God's object partners and children, yet had no elder siblings to guide them, did they? The woman was to educate herself, and the man was also to perfect himself. Educational materials for them could be found in abundance in heaven and on earth. As everything was created in the pair system, the man would look at them and learn that, "That is how we should grow!" and the woman would also gaze at them and come to know naturally, "That is how we should grow!" Nature displays plainly, like a museum, all the educational material about love, as everything in nature is in pairs. (228-268, 1992.7.5)
Reciprocity must be included in the vertical standard. There is a reciprocal partner within that standard. Yet Adam and Eve must first grow up and become fully mature. Everything in this world is created within the pair system. This is true right across the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms. The human world too, forms part of this pair system, as represented by man and woman.
The natural world is a museum of love, where the creation is made up in pairs, though at a lower level than humankind. Then why was this museum of love created? For whom was it made? That is the question. It was made for human beings and for God. Hence, God can experience the sensation of love in everything encompassing the mineral, plant and animal worlds. (238-29, 1992.11.19)
Man and woman have to walk the path to maturity individually. The man only realizes he has to marry a woman when he sees everything in the pair system living together and giving birth to their young. With the coming of spring, he observes cows, pigs, dogs, cats, mice and even locusts doing so and exclaims, "Oh, that's how it is! One alone isn't enough!" He is awakened, or as we say, enlightened to this fact. So far, man and woman had only directed their attentions toward each other obliquely, but then they realize, "Ah, the one I need is Adam!" and "The one I need is Eve!" (229-321, 1992.4.13)
The environment is made up of a pair system of subject and object partners without exception. The universe is a museum with love as its nucleus, a museum of pairs. For this reason, when you see a pair of birds in love with each other building a nest, laying eggs and feeding their young, you should learn from them. You should be able to say, "I will do hundreds of times more for my children than the birds." Even with insects, male and female mate and reproduce. They raise their young at the risk of their lives. That is education. (229-287, 1992.4.13)
As they grew to maturity, Adam and Eve were meant to see the creation around them and come to learn that Adam was to be Eve's spouse, and she his. Adam, by nature, liked to go out and conduct himself in an extrovert fashion. He wanted to hunt and be in command wherever he went. How about Eve? Her intrinsic character was totally different from this. As they grew up in this manner, they were to learn what they ought to know as woman and man. Everything in the world is created in such a way. Aren't the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms all created in the pair system? This is what Adam and Eve were to learn. As they grew, they perceived that everything they cast their eyes on has a reciprocal relationship with an object or subject, and that they understand this truth without being taught. (225-201, 1992.1.20)
Who teaches about love? It is nature that teaches about it. The animals running about in the garden are male and female, as are the butterflies; in short, everything exists in pairs. When the flowers bloom, then in the beautiful garden can be heard the twittering and chirruping of birds. Why do they do so? For what purpose do the male and female birds sing? Who are they trying to call? There are three reasons for the singing of birds. One is for hunger, another for love, and the last to call their young. These are the three reasons. They do so out of love. (208-251, 1990.11.20)
In order to be in the realm of reciprocity toward perfected Adam and Eve, all creation in this universe also needs to be constructed in a similar way to them, and thus is made up within the pair system. It all exists in pairs. Adam is the great plus and the forms of creation are the little pluses spread out in all directions. For this reason, humankind and the creation are identical in the respect that they were created with reciprocal relationships. When human beings and all creation achieve balance centered on the absolute Subject, God can descend upon them vertically. (230-252, 1992.5.8)
Is it wonderful to be awakened by the twittering of the sparrows rather than on one's own? How poetic is that? What do you like better: to sing by yourself or to hear someone else sing? Isn't that poetic too? To hear birds twitter rather than to twitter yourself and to have your beloved awake you rather than to wake up by yourself; would it be ideal to wake up to various tunes of harmony? So the birds are my friends too. What makes them my friends? In view of the pair system, they can become my friends. Man and woman are also a pair. How poetic is that when you consider birds as being friends? (177-271, 1988.5.20)
Seeing everything in the world existing in pairs and reproducing themselves accordingly, Adam and Eve understand that they too should come together when they have attained full maturity. Before that time, they are not aware of it. Adam and Eve are living together all by themselves. When we consider their characters, Adam is masculine and extrovert. When he wakes up in the morning, he likes to go out to the mountains and catch rabbits, pheasants, deer, and snakes to cut their stomachs open. In order to become the future master and manage everything, he needs to know all there is to know. So he desires to find out what there is in the mountains, what animals can be found there, and what kinds of fish live in the waters. Being a man, he needs to investigate anything and everything to become their lord. (262-74, 1994.7.23)
God enjoyed Himself as He created the universe. How much fun would it have been? How interesting would it have been for Him as He created everything in the pair system, and saw that even the cells came together in pairs in their love for each other? A well-taken picture gives endless pleasure to its photographer; how much more pleasurable, then, would it be to see the real creation talk and dance with joy? (283-102, 1997.4.8)
In bringing up the man and woman He had created within His embrace, God provided for them the servant, the archangel, to protect and raise them. When they had reached full maturity, He had meant to marry them, but not before that time. In order to accomplish this, they were born separately, with the man raised as a man and the woman as a woman. After they were fully grown, they would gaze intently at the world and see that the mineral, animal and plant kingdoms were all created in the pair system according to the ideal reciprocal relationships. They were meant to look at them and learn, "Ah! The animals all pair up, have their offspring, and live happily. Wow, the mother risks her own life to protect and nurture her young. We should do so as well!" Hence, nature is the exhibiting museum for the ideal development of Adam and Eve. (262-74, 1994.7.23)
When you enter the deepest level of the realm of true love, you can communicate even with the rocks and all the rest of creation. In the world of true love, all things would be able to communicate with one another. Why? It is because everything was created according to the pair system in order to relate to God's love. True love is bound to resonate. When you are within the realm of true love, you would feel God's internal and external worlds. As such, without being taught you will naturally get to know everything there is to know about the spirit world and God, and how to attend your Parents and the nation of God in your earthly life. The path of love is not meant to be trodden haphazardly. There is a formula, for there is but one path for love and no other. The path of true love to be pursued by human beings and the path of true love led by God and the heavenly world is one and the same. As He descends, we ascend the same way. Then where will we meet Him? We must meet at the place where we have attained full maturity. There is only one meeting point. Where should we meet in order to attain oneness with Him? It is right at that spot, and no other place. That is where we should meet Him. (238-31, 1992.11.19)
After speaking a while about the theory of love, it becomes clear that everything can be explained by it. It is the highest knowledge. In coming to understand the theory of love, we have learnt that this entire world is made up of a pair system. Isn't the mineral world made up of positive and negative ions? They are pairs. For what purpose are they paired? They were created in this way for the sake of love corresponding to their respective levels, as only then can reproduction take place.
Similarly, there are males and females in the animal kingdom, and men and women in the case of humankind. Why were they created like this? Love did not come into being just for women or just for men, but for both! This is how it should be. The wicked people that deny this proposition are the minions of hell and destruction. (221-257, 1991.10.25) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Eleven - The Root of the Universe
Chapter One - Fundamental Order of the Universe
Section 4. Evolution or Creation?

4.1. The fundamental error of the theory of evolution

4.1.1. Strict distinction of species and absolute rejection of intervention

How far back does history go? Does it post-date or pre-date the theory of evolution? What is the theory of evolution? Sparrows and buntings are cousins. They are the same. Their bone structure as well as every other feature is exactly alike. What differs between the two is the color of their feathers; everything else, even their sexual organs and eyes is identical. Be that as it may, if they were told to do so, would the sparrow and the bunting be able to exchange their mates with one another, make love and reproduce? Would they be able to do so even if they tried for thousands of years or not? (232-126, 1992.7.3)
Sparrows and buntings are siblings. How about that? This statement is 100 percent correct when compared to monkeys and human beings. Then if a sparrow were to mate with a bunting, would they give birth to a new kind of bird? Scholars all over the world believe that because our outward appearances and structures are similar we must have evolved. They deny the logic that everything has developed through lovemaking between male and female and their resultant reproduction. How complicated do you all think the sexual organs are? With most fish, the females and males do not come into physical contact at all. It is different on land. (199-307, 1990.2.21)
How old is the planet earth in this solar system? It has been revolving for billions of years, and yet has it ever been off-course by the merest trifle? It is right on course day after day. In the same way, all creation follows its rhythm. Would the building of nests be the same for American sparrows and Korean sparrows, or would they be different? Answer me: same or different? They would be the same. In terms of evolutionary theory, the nest building of sparrows should develop with time, shouldn't it? If so, then how is it that they have been building their nests in the same way for thousands and tens of thousands of years? How do they know about building their nests? The swallows build their nests in their own way, as do the sparrows and the orioles. In the latter case, they build their nests on trees. (179-246, 1988.8.12)
If you were to bring together a male king orangutan and an ugly woman, marry them, and make them pray and offer devotions for thousands of years, would they ever have offspring? Would they be able to produce a baby? Give me an answer, you descendants of monkeys, communist gangsters! Do you think that offspring could be produced from the marriage of an orangutan and a woman, if the communist world were to pray and implement all kinds of force, or do you think that impossible? If you do not know, don't insist upon communism or evolutionary theory. You should all wise up to that. (262-80, 1994.7.23)
To go from the level of an amoeba to that of a monkey, gates of love for thousands of species need to be passed through upward. Evolutionary theory has ignored this fact. Would it be possible to move freely from one to the other without passing through different species? Can birds mate with insects? Can birds ascend within the animal kingdom without crossing boundaries? It makes no sense to claim such a thing just because the bone structure is the same, and omit the fact that they need to grow through the relationship of love, the gates of love. Would interspecific mating bring forth better offspring? It would only produce inferior breeds. The problem arising here is that these people do not know about the love relationship. (254-264, 1994.2.15)
The differentiation of species is very strict. There are thousands of species between amoebae and monkeys. Each of these species brings forth their young through the gates of the females and males, which means thousands of births. The thinking that one could go from one species to another disregarding the levels of thousands of species would suggest that it could all be done within one birth, a notion that is completely wrong because it denies the fact that the gates of love need to be passed through. How can an amoeba pass through the gates of love for thousands of species and become a human being? Would similar bone structures make all the other characteristics similar too? Similar bone structures can be found everywhere. Stop saying such crazy things. (266-39, 1994.12.4)
Considering the origin of species from the viewpoint of present-day evolutionary theory, we can definitely say that a species cannot come about just like that. There must be a male and female. This is true for the mineral world as well. For a substance to be formed, the positive ion must fuse with the negative ion. There must be positive and negative, male and female. (213-63, 1991.1.14)
Re-creation involves the creation of an environment with subject and object partners, followed by corresponding developments. This is how evolutionary theory should also develop; it cannot develop as it is. Subject and object partners must unite, be absorbed into something greater, and pass through the gates of love. According to this principle, to progress from the loveless amoeba to the human being thousands of levels need to be passed through, and these gates of love cannot be crossed just like that. (230-68, 1992.4.19)
Today's evolutionary theory states that amoeba developed and evolved into human beings. What should we think about this? In order for male and female to reach the level of humankind, they need to pass through the several thousand stages on the path of love. People are ignorant of this. The boundaries between different species are very strict. Would it be possible, then, to pass through them at a run and evolve like that? (209-29, 1990.11.25)
Is there anyone among you who would like to have some other man meddle with your wife? It is the same in the case of animals and plants. Is it common or absolute to answer no? When you say absolute, you are leaving no space for anything else. Different species are of completely different levels. The amoeba came into being through the gates of love of male and female; how then can it be connected to and give rise to another species? Can it ascend just like that? It must pass through the gates of love. Can it ignore that system and just evolve? You Western rascals look like monkeys -- and that is how they came up with evolutionary theory. That's right; the hair on your heads and bodies is brown like a monkey's! (216-247, 1991.4.7)
Love is absolute. It is just for the two beings and does not want the intervention of a third. From this viewpoint, the amoeba is connected to humankind through the process of love in several thousands of stages. Love is the source of continued existence. Would not everything fall to pieces if there were no love? The amoeba lives only one year, but its existence is continued in the form of its descendants through love. Would you like to have a third party intervene at the gates of love to produce a multi-colored amoeba? If a monkey and human mated, would they ever produce their young if they lived for a thousand years or not? Not even ten thousand years, let alone a thousand, will see them giving birth to offspring. So I say stop talking nonsense. (222-185, 1991.11.3)
The theory of evolution could not be justified even in the insect world, if you were to disregard the principle that the male-female relationship underwent a process of development to ever higher stages, that is, through the countless gates of love that exist between the amoeba and the monkey, and consequently caused these species to be totally disconnected. You can see how even the sparrow fits into this scale of reciprocal relationships. During times like winter, they do not care about mating, and so they fool around, each of them as a different plus; however, when spring comes they build their nests and form a close relationship, that is, they become absolute. Male and female unite to absolutely drive out any third sparrow that comes their way. When another female comes, the male drives her out, and when another male comes, the female drives him out. Why? They instinctively drive out any intruder which threatens to break their respective reciprocal realm within the universal principle. (218-338, 1991.8.22)
Flowering plants all belong to their respective species and do not change themselves into a different type. They cannot change. In view of this, the distinction between species is very strict. That is why the logic of the evolutionary theory, which states that the monkey evolved from the amoeba, cannot stand. With this strict distinction between all the species, how could thousands of them connect and develop in a single system supported by them all? The evolutionary theory does not recognize the power of love. Only through the power of love does reproduction become possible. Without it, nothing could ever reproduce. How can the power of love work between amoebae and monkeys? Such a thing can never happen -- not under any circumstances. (278-100, 1996.5.1)
If amoebae were to evolve into monkeys, could the former develop into the latter on its own? What would need to happen in order to pass through the many different species? Without rising to new levels of love, it would not be possible to go from one to the other. Another, greater species cannot come from something lesser. Only by passing through the countless stages of love of male and female could they reach the higher species. If, in the world of distinct species, the principled concept of plus and minus does not allow the invasion by a third party into the love relationship, then amoebae cannot climb to a higher level on their own. (237-135, 1992.11.13)
Evolution is about producing a different species, but without going through the relationship of love, there is no way another species can come into being. The distinction between species is very strict. (302-181, 1999.6.13)
Evolutionary theory must be demolished with a single blow. They are discussing it in terms of their own arbitrary theories. Calling humankind the offspring of monkeys! Those no-goods! People are meant to serve God for eternity. What on earth are they talking about monkeys for? There are forty-seven differences between monkeys and human beings. There cannot be changes in quality or species. For all that, if a monkey were to mate with a human being, would they give birth to a human or a monkey? Of course not! The origin of species is absolute. (299-90, 1999.2.5)
Why does the universe exist according to the pair system? Naturally so, say the evolutionary theorists, and that is all well and good. What is the more familiar truth that came before evolutionary theory? Men and women have genitals, the sexual organs. Have these organs evolved? If they had, then the way of lovemaking should have changed as well. People of this present age should have a more developed way of doing so than those of the past. Even in the insect kingdom, the lovemaking should be different today from what it was in the past. The birds, too, should mate in a different way. Discussions should be held based on such factors. Are the love organs, which are the origin of life, made to develop evolutionarily? They are crazy. (191-53, 1989.6.24)
The strictness of differentiation between created species in the realm of love cannot be violated by anything in the cosmos. With the coming of spring, pairs of male and female sparrows start building nests to lay their eggs. They do not allow any third party, whether bird or other animal to meddle in their affairs. Is there any man or woman here who would like to have his or her best friend present on the night of his or her wedding day? Evolutionary theory is not true. To a woman getting married, there is no one else closer to her in this world than her mother and so she may think, "I must have her with me whether I live or die! I want to be with her no matter what happens." Yet that just cannot be. Even such a woman would not ask her mother on her wedding night, "Mom, please stay with me tonight." Would there be a woman who does? The intervention of a third person is absolutely unnecessary. That is the traditional and original standard of love that should be observed by humankind. (228-154, 1992.3.27)
How complicated do you all think the sexual organs are? In terms of their structural development and shape, the sexual organs for sparrows, buntings and wagtails are identical. Well then, what would come from the mating of a sparrow and a wagtail? Is that even possible? The rascals, they are talking about things they have no knowledge of. If I were to argue with them, after exchanging a few words they would be struggling to give answers. Those scoundrels! Females and males! If we were to say that everything developed from the amoeba, how can we explain the existence of females and males, convex and concave? Why is it that all things are made in such a way that they can only reproduce by giving and receiving through these organs? Who determined that? Was it the evolutionists? They do not realize that formation of the origin of life, the internal energy, takes place through the unified foundation of male and female life forms, and is so great that it goes beyond the universal view. There are forty-seven differences between monkeys and human beings, or so I have heard. If the two were to mate, could they have offspring? When I posed this question to the communists in my schooldays, none of them could give me an answer! I could go on telling you hundreds of such stories, but there is not enough time. Such nonsense is unacceptable. (198-24, 1990.1.25)
Can evolution take place based on the isotope of the structural shape? No, it cannot. Why? In the case of the amoeba, it is impossible for it to be elevated to a higher level without passing through the path of love of male and female. The bunting and the sparrow are similar in appearance, but does that mean that one evolved from the other? Their feet and beaks are identical in shape. You cannot differentiate one from the other. Be that as it may, would anything come of the mating of a female bunting and a male sparrow? What would be produced from the marriage of a white man with a female orangutan? Would they bring forth their young or would they not? Answer me, evolutionists! You need to know that developments can only come about through the sexual organs. Ponder this when you get home tonight. Do you know how complicated the sexual organs are? Within them are concentrated all neural components necessary for all types of formations of that particular species. (199-253, 1990.2.20)
People today believe that humankind evolved and developed; however, taking the amoeba as an example, they did not begin to develop with just one, for only when a male and female animal interact can development take place. The evolutionary theory is a big problem. In order to advance from a lower class of existence to a higher one, it would be necessary to pass through all the different levels of love between male and female. In other words, one would have to pass through a great number of levels of love. You all know that a sparrow and a bunting are very similar. Their features are of slightly different hues, but other than that, their bone structure is identical. For all that, if you were to mate a sparrow with a bunting, would they reproduce? Evolutionists, give me an answer. Try mating them. They will never reproduce. Westerners have comparatively more hair, but then would the marriage of a Western man and a female gorilla produce a child? Never. (201-146, 1990.3.30)
The differentiation of species is strict; hence, we can realize that monkeys are not our ancestors as the evolutionists are claiming. One cannot develop from an amoeba into a human just like that; it would be necessary to pass through countless levels of love in innumerable stages. The law of love applies in the same way to the animal kingdom. The intervention of a third party is absolutely not permitted. However, the question remains whether one can evolve by stages. In the action of energy, the output is smaller than the input. So, if engaging in action results in a minus, how could something greater arise from it? Isn't that so? Nothing of its own ability can come together with a third entity that would allow it to develop. (212-308, 1991.1.8)
Would the amoeba like to have something else come along and involve itself in its procreative relationship? That is why one cannot deny the logic that no such connection can be made between species. Before speaking of the meaning of evolution, if the sexual organs of males and females were removed, evolutionary theory would crumble at the roots. As there were males and females before evolution occurred, the interaction of relational factors bringing about evolution could go on. (221-291, 1991.10.26)
Did the male and female organs evolve into the present state where they can harmonize with each other? This evolutionary theory is the problem. Does the connection of those organs create a path for an amoeba to come into a relationship with something on a higher level? Can it meet with anything and everything, not just horizontally but in every other way? Of course not. The world of males and females came into being based on the concept of love and is on a level completely unrelated to evolution. (222-39, 1991.10.27)
In the world of love, it is the law of nature never to permit the presence of a third party; one must be alone with one's partner. This is the case for sparrows and insects as well. Then, from the viewpoint based on evolutionary theory, how many ascending orders of love in thousands of stages are there between amoebae and human beings? Are there not thousands of species of insects? From plants to insects, there are thousands of species. Yet there are people who believe that these thousands of species and human beings evolved from amoebae through continuous development. Not at all! Several thousands of stages of love need to be passed through. The distinction of species is very strict. What, human beings evolved from amoebae? Those impostors! (227-296, 1992.2.14)
All beings were created in pairs. What would evolutionists say if you asked them, "Why did males come into being?" They will answer, "They came into being naturally," which shows they are out of their minds. Did they come into being naturally? All males and females came into existence in order to reproduce their own species, not others. Monkeys do not become human beings, and snakes do not turn into frogs. Is that right or wrong? Evolutionists are ignorant people, who do not know that males and females relate on a specific level of love for their species. You know about males and females. Did they come to be like that for no purpose? (209-193, 1990.11.29)
In an environment, there must be subject and object partners, and they must unite and form an interactive relationship as such. Simply put, subject and object partners must build a reciprocal relationship. Thus, one cannot live alone. One's mind and body are in a relationship of subject and object partners. If the subject does not recognize the object, no connection can be made. Even in the world of chemistry, if there is no affinity between two elements, then however much they are forced to fuse together in the laboratory, nothing will come of it. If they are compatible, they will fuse together instantaneously on contact. (291-112, 1998.3.5)
The differentiation between species is very strict. Suppose a bird that is similar in appearance to a frog goes to the world of frogs and suggests to one of them, "Will you mate with me?" Would that frog answer, "By all means!"? Wouldn't it run away or fight? Such a thing could not happen. Evolutionary theory denies the fact that it is impossible for a new species to be born without passing through the gates of love in going from the amoeba to the monkey. In other words, if what it insists is true, then the amoeba must have passed through several thousands of gates of love. Can it do that? They are completely out of their minds. That is why communism disintegrated before me. I am curious to know how they will answer the question: "What comes first, reason or being?" Does mind come first or matter? You learnt about evolutionary theory at school, didn't you? It is wrong. Evolutionary theory is wrong. Now I will start a revolution. (274-67, 1995.10.29)
Have we perceived that, in reproduction, there has been a process of development in the relational world of plus and minus, and that the concept of male and female was there before evolution was theoretically possible? Since, in terms of love, the distinction between species is strict, a third party cannot intervene. According to evolutionary theory, one must cross over the several thousand stages from the amoeba to the monkey; however, there is no way this can be done. Given that only after passing through thousands of gates of love can that seed of development be connected, is it possible for an amoeba to give rise to a monkey? That is absolutely impossible. (245-62, 1993.2.28)
If you acknowledge evolutionary theory, you are ignoring the fact that several thousand stages must be passed through between the amoeba and a human being. Even when you are in the same stage, you cannot just pass through. Each of these stages is connected through thousands of gates of love. Has the invasion of a third party ever been allowed in love? No, it has not. Have you ever met a bride who said, "Mother, please stay with me tonight!" on her wedding night? It is the same for the husband. Even a man who used to say, "I hate it when my father is not with me!" will not ask his father, "Father, please stay with me tonight!" on his wedding night. Love abhors the intervention of a third party. This is also true for the animal kingdom and the insect world. In view of this, there is no way that human beings or anything else but a monkey can be born from the species of monkeys. (239-231, 1992.11.25)
However much a professor researching chemistry in the laboratory commands, "Hey you, fuse this element with that one!" nothing will come of it. Elements do not fuse if their relational requirement is not satisfied. No reaction will take place because they only come together when one can be the subject of the other. Although this is a principle of existence, in order to explain the formation of the universe, people have irresponsibly come up with the theory of evolution, which is a load of rubbish. At this point, we need to acknowledge the fact that original universal power creates the energy of interaction of all existence. (117-74, 1982.2.1)
Monkeys and human beings are different at the roots. Do monkeys lead cultural lives? Ever since the onset of life, human beings have followed religion. Do monkeys try to unite the world through culture? Do they invade and occupy other nations as their own or build national boundaries to distinguish between their nation and others? Do they or not? They are different in kind from human beings. Do monkeys glorify God? All they like to do is eat and reproduce and that is it. Human beings and monkeys are completely different. The scholars and experts asserting evolutionary theory are deceiving others in unduly persisting that monkeys evolved into people. The Unification Church should clarify that their assertions are wrong and set things to right. (41-185, 1971.2.15)

4.1.2. Laws of the action of energy and the fabrications of evolutionary theory

Evolutionary theory is used to explain today's world, but in order for amoebae to reproduce species that are greater than themselves in their present state, an extra input of energy must be added. In short, additional energy is necessary. Can the amoeba induce additional energy, all by itself, in order to develop? Does it have such ability? For it to climb a little higher and become something bigger, it needs greater energy within itself. Then, since it does not have the ability to create additional energy by itself, from where would it procure this extra energy? Can such logic be established? Whether it is Mr. Kim or Mr. Park, if a man claims, "I can knock down Muhammad Ali in a heartbeat," would he really be able to do so? In order for him to do so, he would need to acquire a greater capability compared with the inherent force he currently possesses, as there would be limits as to what he could do as he is. If Mr. Park were to claim, "When I grow stronger through mutation I will knock Ali down," do you think that is likely to ever happen? Do you? (89-73, 1976.7.11)
Taking into consideration the principle of the dissipation of energy, can input be equal to output for human beings? Energy enters the body to carry out actions; can that energy be equal to that left after the action has been carried out? Is it consumed in the process of action? Does motion consume energy? Thus, output cannot be equal to input, but is always less than before. Evolutionists imply that energy increases with action. Such a formula does not exist. If it were true, this world would be turned upside down. Hence, an external source of additional energy would be necessary. (55-254, 1972.5.9)
Evolutionists say that the amoeba evolved gradually into a higher animal, the monkey, and that the monkey evolved into the human being. Think about it. In order for a human being to exert superhuman force, he needs to have the extra energy supplemented from somewhere else. Such is the principle of energy. Energy is inevitably consumed with action. Only when extra energy is added can action be carried out anew. (38-155, 1971.1.3)
In principle, a subject and object will not interact if by doing so they will be worse off compared with before; they will only interact after they have discovered a mutual purpose that will leave them better off after the action. Considering evolutionary theory with this in mind, we can perceive that if a purpose cannot be found for the betterment of a being through evolution, development would not take place. In order for development to occur, a greater level of energy must be invested through the horizontal relationship. Otherwise, there can be no development. That energy will be of no use without a purpose and object of action. (54-11, 1972.3.9)
What is contradictory in evolutionary theory? In order for the amoeba to evolve and develop, it requires energy. It needs an external source of energy in order to grow gradually. For it to be able to say, "I will be born as a being of the stage above, as a higher being!" then something extraneous must be added there. Without additional energy input, it cannot grow. It needs energy from outside itself. The question is, can the amoeba grow and continue to live, and, at the same time, generate enough energy for itself to become a greater being? Such a thing can never happen. (265-58, 1994.11.20)
How do developments take place in evolutionary theory? This theory is completely opposite to the principle of input and output. How can there be such a theory in the world? Is evolutionary theory not all about developing to a higher level? Does evolution mean becoming a lower form of life? According to the theory, the amoeba came into existence naturally and gradually grew larger and evolved into a monkey, which in turn evolved and developed into a human being. In this process, as described by evolutionary theory, does it grow bigger or smaller? On the other hand, the principle of energy absolutely dictates that something bigger cannot be produced from a process where input and output are equal; rather, whatever energy was originally applied would naturally become less than before as it was consumed. (37-16, 1970.12.22)
In thermodynamics, if a process occurs based on the input and output of energy, a loss must be incurred, that is, the energy level will decrease. So what I want to know is: from where does the logic arise that it will increase? The term "evolution" suggests that with the passage of time some elements are added to a being, and with that addition it becomes greater; the question is, from where did those additional elements come? Where can you find the logic that justifies output as being greater than input? Action entails a loss, and so input must exceed output. From this perspective, the logic of evolution cannot be established. Created beings cannot take in another source of energy in this process. In the world of motion output that is greater than input can never be produced, for if it were possible, it would give rise to unlimited power.
What is the next problem? People today who believe in the theory of evolution have forgotten that everything came into being through the intercourse and interaction of plus and minus, man and woman, stamen and pistil, and positive and negative ions. There are gates of love in thousands of stages to be passed through in going from the level of an amoeba to that of a human being. However, these people think that it took nothing to go from one to the other. Nonsensical rascals! The principles relating to all species are strict: no beings permit third-party intervention. (214-193, 1991.2.2)
If the theory of evolution is to be upheld, all beings should be able to supply themselves with the energy necessary to evolve, for without extra energy, they would not have enough power within themselves to cause their nuclei to change and combine to form new features within themselves, hence the conclusion that evolution is impossible. (117-72, 1982.2.1)
A subject and its object always have a common purpose and direction, yet what purpose and direction can there be in evolution? This principle cannot be applied to evolutionary theory. Thus, we should demolish communism through understanding this purpose and direction. Communism has tried to ravage the world with this sham theory. When the amoeba engages in action, the energy it produces will be less than the input, so how can it become something greater? How can some higher-level being come out of it? In the amoeba, the output is less than the input, and so in order for it to create something greater, a source of energy from outside would be necessary. Otherwise, the basis for evolutionary theory will collapse. Does the amoeba have the ability to take in energy from an outside source which would lead to qualitative changes? Those ridiculous good-for-nothings! (210-155, 1990.12.18)
Speaking of the theory of evolution, do you think it is possible for an evolving amoeba on its own to create a new resource which would be the starting point of evolution? Action and motion take place around three points, plus, minus and a new source of energy, then another point, the fourth base, the evolved being, needs to emerge to complete the circle. The one in action must go from the third point to the fourth, that is, it must interact and move in a circle. Yet can the amoeba have enough energy to go around 360 degrees and return to its original position on a new level? It cannot.
Then who has invested the energy for this third point? Logically speaking, this means that energy from another source must be added there. So, what direction should evolution take? Who determines this direction? The evolving amoeba cannot set a direction for itself. In view of this, that which has been termed as mutation is the raving of lunatics. Who would listen to it? Nowadays, the theory of evolution is an obsolete phrase, rotten to the core and lying in the dustbin where it belongs. I should say: it is the thinking of the cesspit. (209-187, 1990.11.29)
Today's physics has advanced to a point where it is asserting dualism, that all atoms have awareness. This logic is similar in essence to the Unification Church's principle of dual characteristics. Albeit on different levels, all creation has comprehension. Is that not true? Only on this basis can such things like germs go on existing. Do you think so? Would those germs, invisible to the naked eye and several thousandths of a millimeter in size, have ears? Would they have eyes? Would they have noses? How about mouths? Would they have sexual organs or would they not? They have all of those features. (209-187, 1990.11.29)
In creating this world, God began with three points. From this perspective, we cannot accept the theory of evolution or the term "evolution." If the amoeba were to engage in action, it could not choose the third point base by itself, as that is created by another source of energy. If it were to initiate motion in such a state, this motion would have to become circular, which means the number of points would need to be increased for it to become spherical motion. (212-277, 1991.1.8)
Evolutionists! Those ideas should be extirpated. Is there anyone here who believes in evolutionary theory? Learned people like professors are more than willing to believe in it. Why is this so? However much force is applied, two objects that do not complement each other cannot interact or become one; not even God Himself can bring them together! Why? Such is the law of the universe! Why? Being created based on the ideal of love with everything given its complementarities, the universe operates on a pair system.
Did human beings evolve from amoebae? There can be no harmony on a straight line. It would take a long time to explain this logically. How can three points be made lineally? How can the third and fourth points be made to create a diamond shape which allows this harmony to come about? Where does a circle come from? It cannot arise from a straight line. Does the amoeba have energy within itself to choose and form the third point? It does not. The amoeba can only relate on the plus-minus level between two points on a straight line. (211-254, 1990.12.30)
From the position of an amoeba, several thousand steps extend upward according to the laws of love; how then can the amoeba pass through all the gates of love to the level of love of man and woman? It cannot. The problem in evolutionary theory is the question of where energy is derived extraneously. Extending the range of species is made possible only after crossing over the hills of love, so did it pass through the gates or go over them and become a monkey? The next question is this: there are males and females for everything and even in the case of minerals and chemical elements there exist plus and minus; so was evolutionary theory there before the relational concept of plus and minus? The answer is: no, it came after the concept. Then the subject-object relationship in this universe must be acknowledged. Nothing can exceed its limits. (263-273, 1994.10.15)
Harmony cannot be created on a straight line. A straight line is formed by connecting two points. For creation to take place there must be three or four points forming the dimensions of space. Who created this third point? Can the straight line create it? Give me an answer: who set the third point above and the third point below? This is how all developments in the creation of the universe can be brought about. What this means is that any action requires subject and object partners, which is why nothing can happen without them.
What is the next question in line? In thermodynamics, input always exceeds output. Then where is the logic that when an amoeba engages in development, its output is greater? It should not increase, but decrease. In this regard, evolutionary theory should be revised. (215-232, 1991.2.18)
There is no harmony between two points on a straight line. Only with the appearance of a third point can the basis of harmony for the spherical world be established. The ability to create a third point is absent in evolutionary theory. As such, you need to understand that there are laws that do not allow us to disregard creation. Such things cannot be found on the points of a straight line. (227-267, 1992.2.14)
In view of the creation of the universe, when we consider how the base of the third point, creative energy, could be established on the original linear form of existence, we realize it is impossible to conclude that the universe began as described by the theory of evolution. The creation of the universe in fact began from this third point. The existence of these three points indicates that there is a nucleus, the third point, connecting to all existing beings as objects. (227-30, 1992.2.10)
Evolution is an outdated, obsolete theory. It has no ultimate direction. From the perspective based on there being direction and purpose, it would signify that the path bringing mutual benefit to both realms of plus and minus has been determined. That is the central path, and at the same time, the path of righteousness. In short, that is the path preferred by both realms.
Evolutionists have failed to find a solution to the argument based on the relationship of input and output. They have also been unable to suggest a direction concerning evolution. On pondering whether the amoeba has within itself the power to invoke a source of energy in order to develop into a being greater than itself, the answer is that it does not. Do not waste time talking about it. The direction for such creative development is the direction of love. (207-256, 1990.11.11)
In drawing some conclusions about the theory of evolution, we can ask the question: in order to evolve, does the amoeba create an internal source of energy through which it can develop or have the energy supplied to it? For it to evolve and develop from the present state, a source of energy must be added to the amoeba, but does it create this energy to develop or does it receive this energy from somewhere else? It is undeniable logic that if it cannot create that energy, it would need to be supplied with it.
Is it indisputable that one being evolved from another just because the two have the same bone structures? Those who claim this are totally crazy. They are lunatics. You need to understand that there are different classes of several thousands of species between the amoeba and the monkey. In short, there is distinction between species. What this means is that all species are differentiated and continue to exist through the gates of love of male and female. Then can it be claimed that just because the bone structure of one resembles that of another, one evolved from the other, disregarding the fact that the gates of love for thousands of species need to be passed through in order for them to be connected? Have they passed through those thousands of levels of love in order to achieve development? (263-273, 1994.10.15)
When you are born, do you have your eyes closed or open? Then did you decide when you would open your eyes or did you do so naturally? Were you taught to suckle the breasts of your mother for milk or not? If not, how did you come to do so? There is an invisible magnetic bond there, that is to say, there is a principled path for everything that engages in action. In view of this, we need to understand that all actions do not take place by mere chance.
Evolutionists today say, "The universe developed on its own. It came into being naturally." The question is: how could it come into being naturally? How could it just develop from nothing? Can it come into existence without a cause, motive, process or result? Motive and cause come first, and then direction. Then why does direction come in here? Does a baby go a certain way with the consciousness, "I should go this way"? Why do the eyes open? As soon as your eyes are opened, do you look inwards or outwards? Why should you look that way? Where does such direction come from? How does it come about? From this, we can perceive that beings exist to follow a certain purpose. (94-10, 1977.6.19)
We cannot even answer all the questions about our eyes. These questions cannot be solved through dialectics and current evolutionary theory. From now, you will need to grapple with communism, and demolish evolutionary theory and dialectics. If you crush the former, the latter will collapse automatically. What is the current argument? It is the question of what comes first: mind or matter? The communist world claims, "Matter is superior, and so it comes first," and the democratic world says, "Mind comes first."
With regard to how the eyes came to be, those who think, "They came about just because they wanted to" are completely mad. Why are the eyes able to move while the nose cannot? When the question is asked, "Why do the eyes move?" the dialectical evolutionary answer would be, "Because they want to." The purpose of the eyes is to see, and because such is their purpose, they need to move. In short, they move to fulfill their purpose. The nose remains still even when dust falls on it, whereas the eyes blink repeatedly. Why do they do so? It is to moisten the eyeballs because their moisture evaporates and leaves them dry. Why are there eyelashes? They exist so as to block dust from entering the eyes. To the question, "Why is it like that?" the evolutionary dialectical answer would be because it wanted to be that way. It is not as simple as that. If the eye sees anyone who says he came to be like he is because he wanted to, it would tell him, "You mad scoundrel, stop talking nonsense!" (93-176, 1977.5.29)

4.1.3. Theory of evolution refuted by the logic of love

We need to resolve the issue of evolutionary theory. It is a problem because the concepts of evolution and realism have been used as tools by communism. What is invisible is truly precious. Can you see God, conscience or love? These three invisible and invaluable things are most precious for human beings. Everyone knows they have a conscience, right? Is there anyone who does not have one? Is there anyone who does not have love? However, both of these are invisible to the eye. What happens as a result of being invisible? They can enter anywhere and become one with anything. Could they enter so easily if they were visible? Since they cannot be seen, they can even enter human cells. There is no place they cannot pass through. Such logic will stand. No one can control love. True love cannot be controlled or obstructed even by the universe. (239-68, 1992.11.23)
Would evolution come first or the existence of male and female? Which would precede the other? Does actual existence come first or is it the concept of love that comes first? This is a serious matter. In order to demolish communism, we need to have a clear understanding of the logic that can subjugate evolutionary theory. Would the amoeba have existed before or after the world of experiential relationships? How did I say the connection linking the different stages between the amoeba and human beings was made? Where on earth can you find such a foolish logic which claims amoebae changed into human beings through evolution, and completely disregards the concept that beings developed through love? (235-23, 1992.8.24)
The realm of Christian culture, which has been part of history since medieval times, was thrown into greatest confusion by humanistic doctrines. Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, with humanism as its basis, played a major role in destroying Christianity, tying and hanging it by the neck. This theory claimed there was no God. Within the world of creation, male and female in the pair system become subject and object partners. The concept of male and female, in terms of human beings, is man and woman; what then would come first, the existence of male and female or the concept of evolution? Subject and object partners can be found in every environment, but not an evolutionary process. In any environment, there must be subject and object partners. Even in the mineral world, the electron revolves around the proton as the center. In molecules, the positive and negative ions are engaged in interaction. Would they all have preceded the concept of evolution or come after it? They would have preceded it. They would be there before it. (245-49, 1993.2.28)
What would come first, the concept of evolution or the existence of male and female in the universe? Does the subject and object partnership come first? In the mineral world, too, there are positive and negative ions, which are in a pair system of subject and object partners. The plant world is like that, too. Stamen and pistil are in a reciprocal subject-object partner relationship. How about the animal kingdom? It is made up of males and females. This is the unchanging natural law of the universe. There never was -- and never will be -- anyone on earth who can shift any male or female from one species to another with human self-willed force. If there were such a person, the consequences would be disastrous.
I say: stop justifying evolutionary theory. You should know that the yin-yang concept long pre-dated it. It was a secret, hidden from us as one of the mysteries of the universe, but we should no longer be ignorant of the fact that this universe was formed by the yin-yang concept and the subject-object relationship. Then which would precede the other: evolutionary theory or the yin-yang concept? It is the latter. Did Jesus come on earth to revolutionize the yin-yang concept? Yes or no? (272-255, 1995.10.6)
How does evolutionary theory say evolution took place? Claims that everything evolved from the amoeba are a load of nonsense. Can developments take place of their own accord? They take place by the investment of an extraneous source of energy coupled with an ideal relationship between two parties. Only give and take between two parties in a reciprocal relationship can give rise to developments of a higher level. (86-114, 1976.3.14)
According to evolutionary theory, amoebae developed into people. How complicated is development? Development is not about a being of a particular class adapting to its environment as it is. In order for a being to upgrade itself to a higher category, it needs to pass through the love process of plus and minus, that is, male and female. However, this reality is completely disregarded in evolutionary theory. Can a being first be a male, then develop into another male, and then develop into a female, and then another female, and so on? We develop and become higher-level beings only by passing through the gates of love, but evolutionists are oblivious to this fact. In order to evolve, one must pass through the gates of love. (208-235, 1990.11.20)
The claim that man and woman came about through evolution is problematic. Did love exist before evolution or did it come about afterwards? Which is it: before or after? It was before. Nowadays it is said that even germs exist as couples. Not amoeba, but germs. Even in the world of germs, which can only be perceived when magnified hundreds of thousands or even millions of times, we can find conjugality. Would they have pre-existed amoebae? How about that? Isn't it interesting? The fact that everything exists in pairs shows that they were created based on love. In light of this, the sensibility of love can be said to have pre-existed evolution. Then how could the different classes in the billions of stages of male-female interaction be traversed in the evolution from amoeba to human? This is illogical in itself. Such logic is obsolete. Evolutionary theory is causing a serious problem. It has served as the basis of development for communism, which has denied God and His existence throughout its history. (223-355, 1991.11.20)
Where is the universe heading? Without recognizing this direction, we cannot have a purpose in view. Communists speak of evolutionary theory and so cannot understand the true purpose of the universe. Nevertheless, all beings are created as subject and object partners, and interact in love. What connects them is the path of love. Everything is seeking the way of love. (260-12, 1994.4.11)
Today's evolutionary theory should recognize that advancement is based on the principle of subject-object relationships. The minds of these two beings should be in accord and be stimulated through a greater mutual purpose. Only when they are spurred on to pursue the fulfillment of that purpose together can they rise to a higher place. Thus, there must be subject and object partners. The stimulation arising between the two is called love. (265-190, 1994.11.21)
Can the logic of love be found in evolutionary theory? I am talking about the theoretical basis of how concave and convex came into being. Then which came first: the theory of evolution or the yang-yin concept? Which is it? The latter came first. Then which preceded the other: male and female, or love? Which is it? Male and female came into being because of love. (274-93, 1995.10.29)
From where did the universe originate? It was not through evolution. We need to understand that male and female existed before the concept of creation or evolution. Why did male and female come into being? It was for the sake of love. Love is the formula for all existence. (280-60, 1996.11.1)
All beings were created in pairs. What would evolutionists say if you asked them, "Why did males come into being?" They will answer, "They came into being naturally," which shows they are out of their minds. Did they come into being naturally? All males and females came into existence in order to reproduce their own species, not others. Monkeys do not become people, and snakes don't turn into frogs. Is that right or wrong? Evolutionists are ignorant people, who do not know that males and females relate on a specific level of love for their species. (209-193, 1990.11.29)
The universe protects the integrity of the reciprocal realm of subject and object partners. How would evolutionary theory look in light of this principle? One cannot go from the amoeba to higher forms of life just like that; plus and minus must become as one. When they unite, they become either a greater plus or greater minus. In this way, some beings are above and others below. In front of the standard of the one overall Subject Being, if a being is the object partner of the plus that corresponds to the Great Subject's positivity, it would attach itself to that plus, whereas if it were the object figure of the minus in relation to that Great Subject, it would attach itself to the minus. This is how they would form a greater plus or a greater minus, and thus develop towards a greater world. (218-266, 1991.8.19)
How can we refute evolutionary theory? It is a serious issue in the academic world. Did the male and female monkey come into being through evolution? How about that? Were male and female created through evolution? Everything down to the smallest insect in the insect kingdom exists as male and female, as stamen and pistil in the plant world and as positive and negative ions in the mineral world. Did this arise from evolution? Try asking an evolutionist the origin of male and female. What would be his answer? He could not deny that they came into existence in order to love one another and reproduce. (221-145, 1991.10.23)
Where did evolution first begin? This is the question. Young intellectuals today are caught in a trap by this question, and so are bound for hell. It is claimed that evolution began from the amoeba. Everything has been clarified by me with regard to the debate between the opposing arguments of evolution and divine creation. Evolutionary theory was fabricated by atheistic communism in a state of denial toward God. It is a monster that has wrought destruction in the scientific world and should be totally discredited. We can now perceive through the microscope a whole world of germs millions of times smaller than the amoeba. If evolution had begun from the amoeba, would the male and female germs have existed before the amoeba or after? (222-78, 1991.10.28)
We should be aware of one important question. Weren't male and female in existence based on love before evolution? Evolutionary theory is the problem. Did male and female come into being through evolution or did they pre-date it? Substantial beings came to exist based on and because of love. Man and woman -- male and female -- unite together for the sake of love. Such a thing as evolution could never have taken place. Substantial beings were created from the concept of love well before evolution, and therefore the word evolution is inappropriate for man and woman, male and female. They were born for love. (223-246, 1991.11.10)
At the very beginning of creation, there was the concept of love, male and female, long before claims of evolutionary theory. Man and woman get married for love, and once they are married, they are to attain oneness. For what purpose should they unite? It is solely to fulfill the purpose of love and has nothing to do with evolutionary theory.
It is one thing to understand the male-female union as the formula of creation, but quite another for a male to think about evolving into a female, and vice versa. Such a thing cannot come about naturally. Although this is, in itself, impossible, when all is said and done, it cannot be denied that male and female can unite and that the motive behind this concept is love. In that light, evolutionary theory can never be established. So, for what reason did male and female come to exist? It was for the sake of love. (224-126, 1991.11.24)
The concept of evolution could not be found in the universe. The concept of augmentation first began based on love. It is God's ideal of creation to bring about and organize advancements based on the concept of love. Taking into consideration the concept of love that pre-dates evolution, how can the existence of male and female as connected to the concept of love come to be understandable through evolutionary theory? The emotion of love was there before evolution, and its source has nothing to do with oneself. It was there even before man and woman came into existence. Thus, concept comes first. What is the principal palace of love? Can you work it out? (224-143, 1991.11.24)
Now that the topic of evolution has come to the forefront, let's say something about it. In the mineral world, we find the reality of plus and minus. In the animal kingdom there is male and female, and in the plant kingdom, stamen and pistil. Everything exists as masculine and feminine. In the human world it is represented by man and woman. Would they have come into being without reason? For what did they come into existence? Everything is in the relationship of subject and object partners, to give and receive, and interact, centering on love at its own level. (240-290, 1992.12.13)
You have no idea how much evolutionary theory contributed to destroying Christianity. Now, however, the era has arrived in which I can shatter evolutionary theory with my bare hands. Will you continue to believe in evolutionary theory or not? Will you believe in what I say or in evolutionary theory? Now the time has come to put everything in order. Evolutionary theory is one big lie. If the power of love has extended over hundreds of thousands of generations, how could the amoeba pass through the several thousands of gates of love just like that and become a human being? Can the amoeba have within itself such ability or capacity to soar high into heaven? (240-297, 1992.12.13)

4.2. The Theory of Evolution is an outdated idea

With regard to the mainstream ideologies of the world today, conceptualism and realism have become the two mainstreams of the philosophical world, giving rise to the conflict between theism and materialism, right and left wings, which has inflicted great damage on the world. Left-wing ideology, in particular, has attained worldwide supremacy through evolutionary theory. What comes first: the existence of man and woman or the existence of love? Before there was man and woman, there existed the concept of love. Since love pre-existed them, man and woman were created to be prepared for it, that is, to be in accord with the concept of love. Hence, conceptualism and realism are not separate. What communism did not know was that conceptualism and realism can be unified through love in such a manner. (228-162, 1992.3.27)
Until now, the question of what came first between evolution and God's creation has been a topic of endless discussion among the world's scholars. Was the concept of evolution there before the concept of love? Which came first? Certainly not evolution, for it came into being after the concept of love had long been in existence. The universe of the pair system was created first, and then the structural similarities between different beings gave rise to evolutionary theory. You need to realize that evolutionary theory did not emerge because the universe was created according to its teachings.
All kinds of birds are similarly structured. Nevertheless, distinction of the species is quite another matter. Can a sparrow and a bunting mate and reproduce? That can never happen. From the amoeba to a human being, there exist divisions of the species in several thousands of stages; so could they just be disregarded and an amoeba transform into a human being all at once? Not on your life. The differentiation of species is absolute. (228-61, 1992.3.3)
The question is where to find an ideological concept that will convince even the communists to turn around and recognize the existence of the living God. How can we set the standard to absolutely deny materialism and evolutionary theory, to unite our minds and bodies, and to become the ideal starting point of a unified world? This has been the problem throughout world history.
The communist bloc propounded evolutionary theory, whereas the religious realm insisted on there being a creator; hence they fought with one another. What has been advocated by worldwide blocs all ended in failure. Therefore, these worldwide bases should not be the starting point. It should be on the individual level. Since an individual erred and brought about such a result, a choice between spiritualism and materialism should be made by the individual.
The world will become unstable without eliminating evolutionary theory and establishing the nucleus of absolute values based on a theory of creation, centered on the absolute God. (270-96, 1995.5.7)
The ideological world has been plunged into contradiction and chaos by current evolutionary theory, dialectical materialism, epistemology, spiritualism and so on. Only when the absolute truth is established can the formation of a world of absolute values become possible. The existence of absolute values is eternal, unchanging and unique. Then, when we consider what the eternal, unchanging and unique principle in the universe is, we reach the conclusion that it is the love relationship between subject and object partners, cause and effect. (89-226, 1976.11.27)
The big question these days is: which is true -- evolutionary theory or that the harmonious universe was created? Who determines the direction of evolution? Can it do so by itself? Can a developing being make the decision on its own? Another question is how that being can cultivate, give out and increase the energy to form a relationship with a higher realm.
Such things become possible only through God. This question cannot be explained by science. Hence, similar to human beings, matter also cherishes the desire for union with God. Such is its purpose. It is the same for everything. In this manner, humankind is the main representative of all existence in the substantial world. (111-127, 1981.2.8)
Where is the source of our thoughts? Some people say it is inside our heads, whilst others say it is inside our hearts. If someone claims that we exist because we are thinking, then where are we: in our hearts or in our heads? Then there are further questions. If we exist as resultant beings then the question we should be asking is how we came into existence, that is, what is our origin? This is the question: from where did we begin life?
In general, people believe human beings evolved from the animal world, but this is a makeshift theory fabricated from a need fro an explanation. In order to form a logical connection, the theory was invented as an expedience; there is no way of knowing if evolution really took place. Did the basis of our mind begin from the amoeba? What I am asking is: is the amoeba our mental ancestor? Evolutionary theory claims that everything began and developed from the amoeba. (117-68, 1982.2.1)
What is the current philosophical ideology concerning human existence? We need to research on a fundamental level in order to answer that question. Although we have pursued this theoretically, asking, "How did we come to be like this?" we have yet to reach a conclusion to the questions, "What is a human? What is a true human?" All scholars and renowned philosophers have pondered the question of human existence, but they have yet to reach a conclusion. "What is a human being? What is the origin of humankind?" This question still remains unanswered in both evolutionary theory and creation theory. It has not been brought to a satisfactory and settled conclusion. (170-144, 1987.11.15)
Looking at scripture, even Confucius' teachings are rather vague, as he did not know about the personal God, Heavenly Father. There must be a Father from whom we originated, yet Confucius did not know about Him. Buddhism comments on the principle that everything in the universe returns to its origin, but does not know the personal God. One false move and they will be supporting materialism and evolutionary theory. Since they stand at the formative stage of religion that is not dissimilar to the viewpoint of evolutionary theory, they could very easily fall into materialistic thinking. (198-257, 1990.2.4)
After the French Revolution and the process of development from humanism through the ideas of the enlightenment to communism, the latter united with Charles Darwin's theory of evolution to drive Christianity into the pit of destruction. (213-65, 1991.1.14)
Scientists today say that this universe is made up of energy, but what they do not realize is that before energy can exist, there must first be action. Confusion arises from not knowing the fact that due to there being action, there must also be subject and object partners. In forming a judgment about creation according to the concept of subject and object partners, then evolutionary theory breaks down at the fundamental level. (131-212, 1984.5.4)
I have heard that many major universities in the United States do not offer lectures on topics such as the theory of evolution. That is only proper. This theory claims, "Everything came to exist naturally!" Yet, if everyone believed that they came into being naturally, how nonsensical that would be! If you were to ask, "Came to exist naturally? Is there a subject-like nature in nature?" they will reply, "We don't really know that." What absurd talk is that? How did subject-like nature come about? They will answer, "It happened just like that, as a physiological action, a developmental phenomenon." If you went on to ask, "Is that so? How did that arise?" then the answer they will give is, "No one knows. That's just how it came to be." There cannot be any logic in such arguments. There cannot be a result without a cause. There cannot be scientific logic that denies the law of cause and effect. (159-267, 1968.5.19)
Now evolutionary theory has become a historic relic of the past. The theory claimed that evolution brought about progression. If so, why can't evolution take place in reverse? Could it not occur in the reverse order, or in any direction, whether east or west? Who decided the direction in which to evolve? Can the evolving beings designate the direction themselves? To develop from amoeba to human, numerous stages on successively higher levels need to be traversed, and the question is: who set the direction in which to develop towards a higher level? In other words, why must the creation develop toward a higher level? (166-212, 1987.6.7)
The one flaw in all religious scriptures is the fact that they do not explain the process of the Creation. They do not talk about the purpose and process of God's creation. Much has been written, based upon all types of logic. Since they do not deal with the concept of creation, they do not know the direction and purpose of creation. Hence, everyone in the world is doing as they please, coming up with evolutionary theory and other damaging ideas, and behaving in whatever way they like. That being so, we should clearly understand about the concept of creation. Next, we need to inquire why this world became so evil when the direction and purpose of creation did not intend this. After discovering that reason, we need to work out, going back to the very beginning, why entire nations met with destruction in the process of history as narrated by the Holy Scriptures and human history. There must be a historical view with a logical approach that can be justly approved by everyone from both general and practical standpoints. (212-323, 1991.1.11)
A third party cannot be included in an absolute love relationship. As this logic is true, evolutionary theory cannot be justified. The amoeba cannot develop alone. It would need to develop to a new level through the relationship of positive and negative and the gates of love. Considering that religious doctrines teach reciprocal love relationships and that heavenly law precludes third-party intervention, the conclusion can be drawn that evolutionary theory cannot be sustained. (203-343, 1990.6.28) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Eleven - The Root of the Universe
Chapter Two - The Creation of Humankind and the Perfection of the Ideal of Love
Section 1. The Absolute Value of Love

1.1. Man and woman

When considering the fundamentals of the universe, God created the universe through the concept of male and female, based on the ideal of reciprocity. Until now, people have not known this. (300-217, 1999.3.14)
What are the fundamentals of the universe? Humankind is subdivided between men and women. For what purpose did they come into being? Why did human beings come to be born? This is the question. The question we should deal with is: what is the most fundamental center of the universe, or, what is most precious in the universe? (217-94, 1991.5.4)
When seeking the fundamentals of the universe, we arrive at the concept of subject and object. Even the smallest woman sitting here has power within her, does she not? Would the power in this small woman desire to be the weak power of a small man, or the strong power of a big man? This is the case for the man too; if he were a small man, he would yearn for the power of a big woman. Why is this so? It is to attain a balance. Balance is the issue; you need to be perfectly perpendicular on a horizontal base. That is why the term ideal of reciprocity arises; it is from there that the ideal of reciprocity is derived. (216-9, 1991.3.3)
Humankind is composed of men and women. Then what do they represent? The question is, of the two, who should be the seed of seeds, the focus upon which both should be centered? Man and woman, too, were created as plus and minus. There must always be plus and minus. If you look at any seed you will notice how two halves are enveloped together in one outer layer. That demonstrates the fundamental nature of the universe. Everything in existence has these same characteristics. (255-79, 1994.3.6)
How did the universe come into being? Nothing exists without a cause. For every result, there is a cause. From this perspective, what would be the cause behind the creation of man and woman? Did woman come into being to devour man? Or vice versa? No, both were created for love. If love was the cause, then the woman came into existence for love, as did the man. Love is the cause. (283-251, 1997.4.13)
Why was woman created? She was created for the sake of love, for man. She is meant to exist for the sake of man. Why was man born? Man was born for the sake of woman. That is the essence of the original ideal of the universe. That is the law of the universe and the truth. There is nothing that can change it. This simple truth was unknown until now. (278-203, 1996.5.24)
Where is woman heading from the time of birth? Why did women come into existence? This is a big question. Women regret being born as women, do they not? Why were they born as women then? It is very simple. It may not seem so, because you are not aware of it, but it is one of the most fundamental points of the philosophy of life, and it is actually very simple. She was born for man. It is simple. The truth about the universe is simple. (246-222, 1993.4.18)
Fundamentally, this universe was created in the pair system in order to create consonance. This consonance or harmony takes place centering on love. When you think of it this way, did God establish love for the sake of man and woman, or did He establish man and woman for the sake of love? Which came first? Did God design love to be the way it is because men and women are the way they are or did God design men and women to be the way they are because love is the way it is? In light of this, the most precious thing is that which cannot be seen. (226-81, 1992.2.2)
Why were human beings born? No one is born for him or herself. Human beings are born for a greater purpose than just themselves. Those who live only for themselves are acting contrary to the fundamental principle of their birth. People who live in this way are deserters, dropouts, degenerates, and destroyers. Did you learn this in school? Those who say they were born for themselves are not wanted by this universe. (221-313, 1991.10.27)
What belongs to woman is not for her own use. It is for man. Is there anyone who can deny this? That being so, nobody owns anything. It is not shameful to be women with nothing for yourselves but your names, for as such you can harmonize anywhere. You can harmonize with grandmothers, mothers, grandfathers, aunts and uncles. As the centrality of being women is not great, it leaves plenty of room for women to gradually expand their realm of reciprocity. This is connected to the formulated foundation based on the principles of the creation of the universe, and so it becomes definite. (255-144, 1994.3.10)
Once the seeds have become one, that is, once two seeds have come together as one, there cannot be another seed. The one who breaks this rule would be in the same position as the one who fundamentally destroyed the universe and broke down the entire process of re-creation, that is, Satan. That is why your wives are like your younger sisters. As God's children, a husband and wife are like twins, the woman born for the man and the man for the woman. The woman is not born for herself, but for her man, and vice versa. Human beings are not born out of their own desire. So, a man cannot be loved by himself, he needs a woman. Similarly, the one who loves a woman cannot be herself, but a man. Is that not so? (253-65, 1994.1.7)
Maturing in true love is impossible without a partner. You need to understand your partner's preciousness. Your partner comes before true love. You must know that your partner comes first. If you reject this idea, it is as if you reject the origin of the universe. Doing so is a rejection of God and his creation. Please realize this. True love cannot settle where a man or a woman lives alone, but only where the two are unified. When you think this way about your couple and family, you can state, "The universe resembles me." (248-53, 1993.6.20)
Would it be all right if man and woman were identical? They are fundamentally different. If the man were east, the woman would be west; if he were south, she would be north. So women should not say things like, "Why don't men look like us?" If the woman is weak, the man should be strong, and if the woman is gentle, the man should be tough. Furthermore, the man should swing his shoulders as he walks and the woman should swing her hips as she walks. This is how they differ. By swinging his shoulders, he is stirring everything. Such is the tone of the universe. He is in rhythm with the universe. (167-220, 1987.7.19)
Man is born for woman, and woman is born for man. Then why are they born? This is the fundamental question. Why are man and woman born? They are born to experience God's love. That is the point. Why should the two, man and woman, become one, and what are they to do when they meet? It is to attain horizontality and reach the center of the sphere. The entire universe is in the shape of a sphere. Is not the Earth also a globe floating in space? The universe, the sun -- in fact, everything -- floats in space. (173-205, 1988.2.18)
Why was the man born? The purpose for his birth is simple. He was born for woman. Why was she born? She was born for man. She cannot do without him any more than he can do without her. Adam and Eve were born for love. All human beings were born for love. Why is this so? God needs love and He is pleased only when He has drunk the soup of love. Even if He were to have love for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, He would still say, "Ah, I feel great!"
Would it please God to have a bundle of money brought before Him? God does not need bundles of knowledge or power, but He is bound to fall head over heels for bundles of love. That is the most precious gift humankind can offer. The proverb is apt: "All is well if there is harmony in the family." This saying refers to the fundamentals of the universe. Is this not clear once you have joined the Unification Church? (148-33, 1986.10.4)
Men and women were not born to live self-centeredly. They were born to protect this universe, the origin and all results of God's original nature, and to live as beings with such value. The characteristic common to all forms of creation is the inclination to have and love that which resembles themselves. Don't the insects like to be where there can be found both male and female? The same is true for all bugs. Butterflies prefer those places where stamen and pistil are found in blossoms emitting their sweet fragrance. Everything in creation wishes to act, to live, and to feed in places where male and female are engaged in the act of love. (303-286, 1999.9.9)
If the Fall had not occurred, everything would be known without being taught. Then why were men and women born? That is the question. They were born for love. Why do we need that love? What is meant to be done with love? Do people live and die for love? Do people worry about living or dying for love? Yes, because love is the origin of life. We seek the origin that is the one absolute love; we are not looking for two loves. Such is the great way of the universe, the law of heaven. This law will never disappear, for this law of love is also the standard of judgment when you have gone to the spirit world. (191-36, 1989.6.24)
What links the life of the mother and the father to lineage? Love. This is what you would find if you delved deep into the fundamentals of the universe. People like me are very serious. The question of what the fundamentals of the universe are, is a very serious one. (191-11, 1989.6.24)
The fundamentals of the universe are love, life, and lineage. We are their fruit. Within us is the center of love, which safeguards life. Based on that, history and tradition are connected through lineage. This is why you need all three. You have all three of them within you, do you not? You have love, life and lineage. The three combine into one to give birth to a new person. (190-223, 1989.6.19)
At what point in time are God's love and the love of humankind unified? This has been a historical question of great importance since the creation of the universe. Until it is answered -- that is, until the origin of the universe is determined -- there will never be resolution. Centering on true love, God needs to stand in the position of the nucleus and Adam and Eve would be two halves enclosing the nucleus. If you examine a chestnut, you can see this phenomenon: you would see that it is made up of two halves surrounding the germ, would you not? Likewise, with God as the nucleus, man and woman should become completely one centering on love. (177-142, 1988.5.17)
The reason man and woman meet is love. Man is born for love and woman is born for love. Then having loved, what are they to do? They are to occupy God, the origin of the universe. In other words, cause and effect are harmonized as one. The fruit is born from the place where cause and result are brought into oneness and unity. When the fruit is born, buds will shoot forth. That is to say, it will bring forth offspring. That is how the offspring receives flesh and blood from its two parents, and is born. (197-143, 1990.1.13)
We were born for the sake of love. Love! Do you understand? This is the origin of the universe. Love, true love! That holds true for everyone, for men and for women. (198-122, 1990.1.25)
Based on what should the two become one? Not God, or man, or woman. Unity can only come about when God, Adam and Eve are centered on true love -- the absolute love. Such are the fundamentals of the universe. It is simple. Even God would be a lonely God without love. (144-150, 1986.4.12)
Why does the pumpkin leaf breathe? To maintain life. Why is life sustained? For love. For what does the woman live? For what does the man live? For money? It is only for love. (223-150, 1991.11.10)
Would you exchange your beloved spouse for ten billion, or a hundred billion dollars? This is a very serious question. If you really knew how precious love is -- for this love leads to the fundamentals of the universe -- and clearly understood that without it all origins would be destroyed, what would you exchange it for? Would you exchange it for a nation? (201-15, 1990.2.28)
Do you support the communist or the democratic world? The democratic world believes in theism, that is, they put the mind first. The Unification Church states that mind and matter are one. This is the core of Unificationism which expounds on subject and object. The fundamental principle of the universe is that nothing can continue to exist alone. Though two beings may exist separately, based on love they are to become absolutely one. Though originally two, man and woman, plus and minus, must unite or monism cannot be attained. Instead, dualism is established, and dualism gives rise to the logic the world will divide into two parts that fight with each other. Therefore, though man and woman are two separate entities, they need to become one. In other words, by principle they are intended to become one centering on true love. (274-71, 1995.10.29)

1.2. The sexual organs perfect man and woman

The fundamental root of the universe is man and woman. The basis of the universe came to center on the love of man and woman, plus and minus. That is the status of the sexual organs. Is that not how everything is? Whatever you cast your eyes on, be it a kangaroo or some other animal, as soon as it is born it seeks its mother's breasts. As regards to the sexual organs, there are some animals that have their organs in the weirdest places, such as the armpit. How then do their mates find them? They give out something like ultrasonic waves. The source of the universe that connects them is the universal prime energy, which refers to God's essential energy. (299-154, 1999.2.10)
What is difference between man and woman? They are not different because of their eyes or five senses. What makes man different from woman? They are distinguished by their sexual organs. This is what sets them apart. (246-220, 1993.4.18)
Why were man and woman born? The word man came to be due to woman. It acknowledges her as the precondition. Though the man is bigger in size, he was born for the small woman. Why was woman born? What is different between man and woman? What is it? Do their hands, eyes, noses, or mouths look different? What is different? What did I say is the one thing that differs between them? One is convex while the other is concave. That's the sexual organs. What is absolutely necessary to the man is the woman's truth, and to the woman, the man's truth. What is the man's truth? What is the woman's truth? Aren't they the sexual organs? Yes, man and woman were born for their sexual organs to fit each other. Why should they fit together? For what? For love. To unite their lives and lineages. To merge the three elements of love, life, and lineage. (196-130, 1989.12.31)
The perfection of man and woman is through their sexual organs. Think about it. Isn't this true for you? Do you have one eye or two eyes? Why do you have two? Do you have two nostrils or one? Why two? Do you have two lips or one? Again, why do you have two? How about the ears, one or two? Why two? What about your hands, one or two? Why do you have two? Do you have one foot or two feet? Why two? What about the sexual organs of woman and man, are there two of them? Are they also alike? They are different. They vary in form. The question is what is the best way to deal with them, since they are different from each other. Everything else is made in complementary pairs except the male and female sexual organs, aren't they?
Why do we have sexual organs? What are they meant for? What is their purpose? Do you use them to eat when you are hungry? What is their purpose? One person alone cannot fulfill their purpose. They would remain useless forever if man and woman did not become one. Think about it. What are they there for? What does a man call upon a woman for? Is it for the eyes, the head, the body, or the heart? Which is it? Also, what does woman calls upon man for? Which part of her calls out to him? Is it her lips? To fulfill the purpose of the sexual organs, one requires a partner. Thus, woman must call out to man, and man must call out to woman. Is this absolute or relative? It is absolute. It transcends history and circumstances. Hence, regardless of eventualities or what incidents may occur, this must be fulfilled. (247-203, 1993.5.9)
What is different between a man and a woman? First of all, their bodies, including their sexual organs are different. Then to whom is the sexual organ of a man absolutely necessary? It exists for a woman.
When you look at the human sexual organs, you see that one is concave while the other is convex. Why do you think they were created like this? Organs of both sexes could have been made in pointed shapes or flat shapes, but why were they shaped so differently? It is for one's partner. The organ of man is absolutely desired by woman, and that of woman by man. Until now, no one knew that woman's sexual organ belonged to man absolutely, and that man's sexual organ belonged to woman. By occupying the organ belonging to the opposite sex, one can understand love. (299-119, 1999.2.7)
Not only the base of peace, but also everything else including God's Kingdom on earth and in heaven comes about from love. What love? Is it the love of man, the love of woman, or the love of both? It is the love of both. Where do the love of man and woman come together? Is it the face or the fingertips? The love between the two comes together through concave and convex. (263-52, 1994.8.16)
Centering on what do body and mind unite? They do not unite because of money, knowledge or power, only true love can unite mind and body. How can we know this for certain? Upon examination of the created world, we see that people are born as men and women; then, aren't those who have studied philosophy most curious to know why human beings were born? The answer is simple. Why were human beings born into the world? By human beings I mean man and woman. Then taking into consideration the question of why man and woman were born, we can answer that there is the animal that is woman and the animal that is man, and their sexual organs were made thus to unite them. Centering on what are they to unite? Centering on love. That is how human beings came to be. In light of the concept that originally God is love, it is undeniable that man and woman came into being for love. What are they to center upon in becoming one? As they are to become one for love, it is undeniable that they were created based on love.
That is why love is the universe's greatest mystery, interest, zest, concern and fascination, and evokes all superlatives in describing it. What else is there after that? Conversely, love can cause the greatest downfalls. Love is a very tricky thing, which can be formed whichever way you want. Such is love. It is the trickiest thing. (219-166, 1991.8.29)
The sexual organs are sacred entities. Is that right or not? Why do you look at me so strangely? Why are you looking at me as if to say, "The founder of the Unification Church is talking about sexual organs"? Can pastors speak of such sexual organs? They would all be spat upon. Are there men and women who spit on the sexual organs? Do men spit on the female organs, and do women spit on the male? Sexual organs are sacred things. Sacred, sacred, sacred are the sexual organs. They are sacred. They are the place of the perfected Adam who has not fallen. They are the sacred place, the sacred palace. They are the highest palace. The sexual organs are the original palace of life and love. (285-59, 1997.6.5)
What is the purpose of the sexual organs of men and women? They are for making love, aren't they? Man and woman are essential elements to bring about love. They were born for true love, this cannot be denied. (221-145, 1991.10.23)
It would be a serious problem if there were only convex and no concave. Then, when God was creating human beings, would the concept of concave and convex, man and woman, be there first, or would it be the concept of love that was there first? Ponder this before you give me an answer. What would have come first, the concept of human beings, man and woman, or the concept of their gender? The gender is the origin, and is more important than anything else. You need to know that the male and female sexual organs are the ancestors of the creation. This has not been known until now.
The sexual organs are the progenitors of the creation of humankind. The first ancestors are the sexual organs. From them emerged man and woman. This is the truth. By the sexual organs human beings were distinguished into man and woman. The concept of distinction came after the original concept. From the original concept of male and female, we were divided and came to be called men and women. (272-171, 1995.10.1)
When male and female came into being, would the entire body have been made first, or the sexual organs? Is the gender, female or male, decided midway in the growth process, or is it decided at first with the coming into existence and then the being grows as such? How about it, Dr. Yoon? Isn't it decided before they begin to grow? Such is the case. Who decides whether a being should be male or female? Can you become a male just because you want to be one? Women must remain absolutely as female, and men must remain as male. They cannot change back and forth.
Can I become a woman like Mother through wishful thinking? It was already decided at the time I came into existence. It is determined at that moment when the sperm meets the ovum. The sexual organs are decided before the emergence of man and woman. One cannot be almost a man and then become a woman at the last minute. The man is a man absolutely, just as the woman is a woman absolutely. (197-51, 1990.1.7)
In conclusion, into which part would God have invested the greatest effort when He was creating human beings? Would it have been the eyes, the mouth, the nose, or the hands? People have not given the slightest thought to this. That part would be the stronghold of love. Where would the stronghold of love be? It would be the male and female sexual organs. The sexual organs are the original palace of love. It is through them that the love of man and the love of woman can be learned. Without them we would remain ignorant of love, for the owners of love could not appear. The owner of man's love is woman, and the owner of woman's love is man, and it is the love organs that qualify us as the owners of love. (302-220 1999. 6 14)
Twenty-four karat gold, or pure gold, is worth the same regardless of its origin, be it the land of Korea, a place of scenic beauty, underwater, or some remote spot in a ravine somewhere untouched by human hands. Do you think that, with regard to the spouse you are about to make love to, the sexual organs will protest, "Oh, I don't like you because your face is ugly"? Once you are in a love relationship, even a pockmarked face will look beautiful. When a white woman and a black man love each other, she will not think of him as a black man. Such things will happen. (276-87, 1996.2.4)
Did our eyelashes grow by themselves, and do our eyes shed tears just because they feel like it? Don't talk such nonsense. There must be the owner -- the idea -- that is the origin of this universe. How mysterious are our bodies? Did they come into being just like that? How mysterious are the sexual organs? Could these organs, so unimaginably mysterious, be made capriciously? Nothing that is connected to life is simple. (191-53, 1989.6.24)
I'm the one who teaches that men should become the owners who closely safeguard their sexual organs, and that women too should safeguard their sexual organs carefully forever. The people who bear the responsibility of making men and women safeguard themselves are the parents having the name of True Parents. Being True Parents is very simple. They are the ones who have the power to assemble licentious men and women and make them men and women who will never again be unfaithful, but remain absolutely chaste. (271-188, 1995.8.28)

1.3. The sexual organs: the beginning and the end in solving fundamental problems

Women, you must not defile your sexual organs. Who did I say owns that which belongs to woman? Don't laugh! I am revealing a fundamental principle of the universe. Think about whether this is true or not. Can you imagine how I worked my fingers to the bone to find this out? The words in themselves sound simple, but do you realize how awesome their meaning is? This will divide heaven and earth and the world into two groups of people -- evil and good. (177-219, 1988.5.20)
Where is the palace of love? You should not think it strange if I speak of such things. If our thinking, of the sexual organs, is not aligned with God's thinking, then the whole world will go awry. When the first step goes wrong, then the whole universe will be filled with wickedness. In my strenuous efforts to find the answer to the fundamental problems of humankind, and the root of the universe, I realized it was the sexual organs. Once I realized it was them and thought the whole matter through, I found that the harmony of heaven and earth was swirling around the sexual organs. It is an amazing fact. (197-24, 1990.1.7)
Haven't I inquired into all truths as to the complicated world? God acceded to my determination to find out everything. After going through hardship upon hardship in my quest, I realized that I had the answers right there under my nose. Of course, I was surprised and gratified, but at the same time I could not help feeling how futile my endeavors had been. (295-15, 1998.8.16)
I really did not know that the solutions to the fundamental problems that humankind wrestled with until now were this simple and easy. I underwent unbearable hardships. Being unaware of those solutions to the world's problems, I wept and cried out, went to the spirit world and searched all the way down into its filthy gutters, in short, did all sorts of things. It turned out that I had the answers all along. I said to myself, "Ah, I didn't know this!" I have everything. The universe is in my hands. The entire universe has come into me. (199-314, 1990.2.21)
I grappled for nine years with the question as to the origin of the universe, and finally found the answer. It proved to be a very simple principle. Then I said, "Wow, I didn't know this simple truth. I held the answers within myself but didn't realize it." Isn't that so? An old man who dug for wild ginseng went into the deepest parts of jagged mountains like that of Mt. Taebaek to search for the plants, only to discover in the morning that the place where he had rested and urinated was a patch of wild ginseng. He hadn't been aware of it. On his way back, he decided to go back to where he rested and had a smoke when he first set out, He found the cigarette butt he had thrown away and smoked it., Lo and behold, the cigarette butt was in a patch of wild ginseng. This actually took place. At such a moment, going back for that cigarette butt and smoking it was great fortune for him. This could really happen. (196-130, 1989.12.31)
I'm not a scamp. I delved to find the principles of the universe and revealed them. To discover them, did I need to suffer hardships all my life in this world? When I discovered them, I was dumbfounded, for it proved I had the answers all along. I had all the answers within myself. As such, when you enter the spirit world and attain an ethereal state and call out, "Where is God?," from within you will come the answer, "Yes, here I am." It is from here that the maxim "Human beings are God" is derived. (191-43, 1989.6.24)
No one has any idea of the hardships I went through to solve the fundamental question of the universe it came into existence. I did not find the answer in passing, like one would learn the notes of a song being played on a flute. Shedding tears and blood, I concentrated my five senses and strained my nerves on the one focal point and struggled, seizing the answer in the end. Though I was able to seize the answers, if I had not had the capacity to hold onto them, God would not have allowed me to keep them. (225-281, 1992.1.26)
Whose protection do you think enabled me to survive throughout my life? Would it be due to my own effort? Is there anyone who desires to be ruined in life, and not to prosper? In order to be under the protection of heaven, we need to walk a path that does not lead to our own prosperity. What path would that be? The devil's motto throughout history has been to live for one's self while on earth. The universe, meanwhile, protects whoever transcends this motto, and continues with the unfinished work of creation based on living for the sake of others. It protects whoever acts in conformity with the original purpose of the Creator to seek after the ideal by living for others, on the basis of God's fundamental ideology. Let us say the motto, "The universe protects." (197-253, 1990.1.19)
No one knows the difficulties I had to go through in order to find this path, which was unknown by anyone. You cannot even begin to fathom the hardships I went through in my youth, groping blindly in the dark in my quest for an answer to life's problems. I realized that the fundamental problems in our lives could be resolved only after history, the universe, and God's anguish were solved. However, I was triumphant in the end, and built up an organization that can perform this task, not only in word but also in deed, and now the whole world testifies to it. Now the era has come, in which anyone who comes running to us and holds fast to the banner and turns around to stand with us, can enter God's Kingdom. (209-292, 1990.11.30)
The most fundamental problem is the ignorance of the fact that the base -- wherein was buried the universal gem -- was lost due to the beginning of the struggle between mind and body. No one has known that the way to internal unity within oneself is to find love that will perfect oneself. This love can only be found after the universe is entirely deciphered. Otherwise one cannot arrive at the answer. What are your thoughts after listening to my words? Do you consider yourselves unfortunate or fortunate? How fortunate do you think you are? (224-164, 1991.11.24)
What is everything, such as the continuation of this universe, history, nations, and the inheritance of the ideal, centered upon? What is the root element that sustains the world of multifarious relationships? I am asking about the central element that represents the whole. This is an important question. Among the Unification Church members, with the passage of a decade or some decades since their first joining the church, there are those who have gradually become habitual. This was not the case when they first joined the church as they worked earnestly and thought of the greater good before themselves. However as time passed, such tendencies disappeared and they became slowly caught up in the devil's net, looking to derive profit for themselves. This marks the beginning of their ruin. (253-223, 1994.1.30)
Why is the Principle so called? It is the fundamental theory. The Principle refers to the reason and logic of the origin of the universe and life. As the answers to the fundamental questions of life and the universe are revealed through the Principle, there is nothing on earth or in heaven that can stop its path. This is how the life course of peace, equilibrium and repose is found. It is important, if you become a unified being, that you do not feel distant from yourself. (258-304, 1994.3.20)
God cannot tell us what the fundamentals of the universe are, even if we pray and beseech Him with great clamor. You need to understand that it is something that cannot be disclosed to just anyone. Isn't that strange? If God were to enlighten us on this, the world would be united in a day; however, because it is human beings who have erred and sinned, it is for them to liquidate their sins.
Since they have fallen into a state of ignorance, only people who have overcome and transcended this state of ignorance are eligible to know the truth. It is akin to those who cannot be discharged from a hospital until they are completely cured. When one has fathomed the fundamentals, what comes up is the issue of the relationship between God and humankind; and the answer is simple.
Standing before you right here is the man who has pondered more than anyone the question, "What are the fundamentals of the universe?" As I solved this problem, I could come forward with the term "Unification Church." Such a thing cannot be accomplished in the human world. When I went to the spirit world, I had to deal with everything as if at an auction in a marketplace. (198-104, 1990.1.25)
If God who is the origin of the universe did not exist, there could not be a standard of absolute values in this world. If that were the case, then the standards for human ethics and morality could not be established. A society without ethics and morality would not have any philosophical basis for human beings to become the lords of all creation. (259-127, 1994.3.29)
I'm a man who has studied science. I set out on this theoretical basis because I had faith in the infallibility of the fundamentals of the universe that I have discovered. Throughout my life, I have been in and out of prison, beaten and abused, and exposed to all sorts of hardships, and yet in silence, never uttering a word of defiance. I have emerged from these hardships and overcome the world. Can God, the center of true love and the source of all power, collapse? Can His partner of love collapse? If you strike yourself, you are only bound to hurt yourself, aren't you? How about God? If you were to ask Him, "Father, do You want Your object of love to be uglier or handsomer than You?" He would answer, "I'm of the same mind as any of you!"
This amazing truth of the fundamentals of the universe is like this! If you then went on to ask God, "If You had sons and daughters, wouldn't You want them to be greater than You?" He will give you the same answer. People have lost the privileged value they ought to have. (217-189, 1991.5.27)
Even if I inquired into every truth in the world, probed into the spirit world and the physical world, and searched every scripture, there would be no way to solve the question: does God exist or not? As He exists, I will not let go of a God who made the world the way it is today. I will fight to bring this problem to an end.
What is the fundamental principle under which human beings were born, and why were they born? Man was born because of woman. That is the highest truth of all truths. An ideal man standing before a woman is the highest truth. You need to realize that an ideal man is the substantial entity of truth, who has perfected the whole universe. An ideal woman standing before such a man is also the substantial entity of all substantial entities of universal truth. She is the absolute embodiment of truth. (267-230, 1995.1.8) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Eleven - The Root of the Universe
Chapter Two - The Creation of Humankind and the Perfection of the Ideal of Love
Section 2. The Sexual Organs Are the Three Great Original Palaces, and the Most Holy Place

2.1. The original palace of love, life and lineage

How did man and woman come into existence? What makes them different? How do they become one? Centering on what do man and woman unite? Centering on the sexual organs. This is how they harmonize. Love is perfected in this place. True love is perfected for the first time there. That is also where the lives of man and woman are united, and their lineages interchanged and planted. The sexual organs are the original palace of the ideal love and lineage. The absolute original place is called the original palace, and no one can change its value. (228-51, 1992.3.3)
The sexual organs of Adam and Eve are places of greatness. That is why they are termed the original palace of love. This is an amazing term. The palace wherein all creation can be perfected and even God Himself can be perfected and dwell, in is the original palace.
Neither the kingdom in heaven nor the kingdom on earth is first; it begins in the family. The sexual organs are the original palace. These are amazing words. That place is also the original palace centered on true love, as well as true life. It is the original palace centered on lineage and the starting point of God's Kingdom on earth and in heaven. (263-347, 1994.10.27)
The sexual organs of human beings are the place of true love. Isn't that where man and woman are connected in the act of love? It is not anywhere else. That is the palace where the lives of man and woman are connected and made one. When man and woman are unified, their sons and daughters are born from that lineage. Therefore it is the palace of the lineage. The sexual organs are that important. (231-275, 1992.6.7)
The male and female sexual organs are the palace of love, the royal palace of love. Which is more precious: the womb or the male and female sexual organs? Answer me. Did they come into being because of the womb or vice versa? These are serious words and not for you to laugh at. The womb came into being because of the existence of man. The female sexual organ was made for man. Without the sexual organs, there cannot be love. Love could not be found. Without passing through them, life cannot continue. What good would be the existence of man and woman? Life could not continue. Without passing through them, the lineage that links history could not continue. (245-70, 1993.2.28)
What are the sexual organs? They are the palaces centered on true love, true life and true lineage. They are the most precious things. If they disappeared, so would heaven and earth, and without them, God's ideal, God's family, and God's will could not be fulfilled. They are the origin, from which the perfection of everything can be achieved. (216-218, 1991.4.1)
The female sexual organ is the universal origin. The place where one forms the connection of love is the original palace of love. It is the original palace. Love begins there. Lovemaking on the wedding night is the beginning of the original palace of love. It is the place where the life of man and woman unite for the first time. Thus, this place is the original palace of ideal life, and it is also the original palace of lineage, since lineage begins there. Furthermore, since the Kingdom of Heaven also begins there, that place is the original palace of God's Kingdom on earth and in heaven, the original palace of perfection of humankind and of God. (257-324, 1994.3.16)
Where is the principal place through which not only man and woman, but also God Himself can be perfected? Where can the love of God, and man and woman be perfected? Where is the central place of settlement? This is the question. If you don't know the answer to this question, you cannot expand and extend the Kingdom of Heaven of the ideal of love on earth. Is it the eyes, the nose, the hands, the feet? Where is it? It is the concave and the convex. (261-167, 1994.6.9)
Where is the stronghold from which life begins? Where is the original homeland of love and lineage? It is the male and female sexual organs. Through what do man and woman become one? They become one centering on love. Everything begins from that point. Life begins from that point, and lineage also begins from there. You must not lose these three precious bases. They cannot be exchanged for heaven and earth. (218-133, 1991.7.14)
The original palace of love, life, and lineage are the sexual organs. The origin and the destination of true love most sought after by God are the male and female sexual organs. From there the life of man and woman fuse together. From there, their lineages are interwoven and human beings, who embodying history, is connected by a kinship of blood, which is why they are most precious. (212-297, 1991.1.8)
Your sexual organ is more important than your head. The origin of true love is not in your head. The origin of true life is not in your head. The origin of true lineage is not in your head. Where is this origin, then? It is in the sexual organs. Isn't that true? Everything can be found in the sexual organs: life, love, and lineage. They are the original palace of love. The root of life can also be found there. It is the same in the case of lineage. The sexual organs are the most precious part of not only our body, but also our present and our past. Without them, human reproduction would be impossible. (203-104, 1990.6.17)
"My sexual organ is the original palace of love, life, and lineage." Only in this way can it become the palace in which God can reside. Since God is the King of kings, He needs to reside in His original palace. So if you want God to come and dwell within you, you need to become the original palace of love, life, lineage, and conscience. (280-197, 1997.1.1)
The sexual organs are the palace of love. What is the current state of that palace of love? The human sexual organs are the most precious in the world: they are the palace of love, life and lineage. They are the most sacred, the most precious, in the world. Life, love and lineage are connected to them. These sacred organs were defiled by Satan. (218-176, 1991.7.28)
What is the sexual organ, the original palace where man and woman make love? It is the palace of love, life and lineage. Grandfathers and grandmothers treasure it, as do fathers and mothers, husbands and wives, and all sons and daughters yet to be born. Is there any woman or man who does not treasure it? Then why did they become such a bad thing? People regard any word connected to sex as bad. Why is it bad? It should be holy. You should accept words connected to sex as holy. The sexual organs connect to eternal love to bring forth eternal life and eternal lineage. They are the most precious things. (210-101, 1990.12.1)
The male and female organs are the palace of life. They are the starting point of new life and the unchanging, originating place. They are the palace of life, and the unchanging palace of love. They are the foundation whereupon the conscience can settle centered on the ideal. They are the basis of lineage. From them life buds. From them love becomes one. From them man and woman unite. Since the Fall occurred through the sexual organs, they became the monsters that destroyed heaven and earth. Therefore, in the present age we treat them as evil.
They were created by God with the utmost care. The core marrow of all created beings were extracted and connected to them. The sexual organs are connected one hundred percent to the essence of love and life, and the essence of history springs from them. Hope, happiness, and the beginning of the realm of freedom based on love all stem from these organs. (262-114, 1994.7.23)
Where is the source of life, love and lineage? Where is it? It is the sexual organs. As they were subverted, they came to be the lewdest words in the world. If they had not gone awry, they would have become not the lewdest words but the grandest. They are holy words. Aren't holy words the opposite of lewd words? What could be more exalted than true words? True words are only established in reciprocal relationships, but holy words indicate the vertical, the spherical realm.
If human beings had not fallen, the male organ would be the palace of love. Therefore it cannot be used recklessly. It is also the palace of life. Isn't life generated from it? Where does life come from? The palace of life. The sexual organs are also the palace of lineage. From them our life is born, inheriting lineage. They are the source of our life, lineage, and love. As such, our ancestors should have valued and esteemed them. (206-125, 1990.10.3)
How much would God have delighted in making them? Think about which parts of the male and female bodies He would have created with the utmost pleasure and care. It is the sexual organs that were thus created. They are not receptacles for storing uncooked rice. They are receptacles that generate life. They are the sexual organs of life that initiate life. Without them, no life would emerge, even after the passing of eons. Then there would be no nations, and heaven and earth would become one vast expanse of darkness and desert. (283-256, 1997.4.13)
True loves arises from that place where God's sons and daughters are born. That place is the sexual organs. However, they are treated most contemptuously. They are treated as the lewdest because heaven and earth were subverted, but in the restored world they are the original palace of love, life, lineage and conscience.
We are ignorant of the fact that without the sexual organs, no nation would have come into existence, and there would be neither the beginning nor the development of the ideal world. (286-170, 1997.8.9)
Why did the sexual organs come into existence? They came into existence because of love, life, lineage and conscience. Without passing through them, there can be no love, life, lineage or conscience. When creating human beings, which part would have been harder for God to create, the five sensory organs of eyes, nose, and so on, or the sexual organs? Do we appeal to love through the five sensory organs? Are these the organs where love, life, lineage and conscience converge? Absolutely not. The only such place is the sexual organs. That is where the second fruits of love, life, lineage and conscience are borne, and we call these fruits our sons and daughters. Without the sexual organs, nothing can exist. The entire world would cease to exist.
Until now people have not known how precious the sexual organs are. Some might think proudly, "I am the best in the world!" but without their genitals they would be nothing. By genitals I am referring to the true sexual organs. (281-189, 1997.2.13)
Where is the palace of life, love and lineage? Isn't it the family, the couple? Isn't that place the home of conjugal love? The male and female sexual organs should fulfill that task. You all should give birth to royal descendants. Based on God's love, you need to give birth to the true princes and princesses of heaven. That is true life. You must bequeath a true lineage to posterity. (221-13, 1991.10.20)
The sexual organs are the palace of life. The palace is the first original home representing the whole. What is the king? He is the center of formation, growth, and completion. The center of those three stages is the king. From that perspective, we consider that this Chinese character came about through revelation. Do you have the palace of love? Do men and women have the palace of love? Yet why would people that possess the palace of love worry? Would they know unhappiness? It is simple. (228-266, 1992.7.5)
Why should you be concerned with original tradition? Because the three -- love, life and lineage -- are the highest tradition and core. The sexual organs connect those three simultaneously. They are where engrafting takes place, the engrafting of love, life and lineage. (230-119, 1992.4.26)
The genitals through which a loving couple has intercourse are the palace of love. Love begins from that place. They are the palace of true love and the place where life first begins. Think about whether this is true or not. The sexual organs are the palace of love. In the original state without the Fall, the genitals are the palace of love, life and lineage. Where man and woman are joined together centering on love, there, life and lineage are perpetuated. (254-281, 1994.2.15)
All beings in the world give their lives to be absorbed into the higher level, to ultimately reach the sexual organs through which men and women can give birth to God's sons and daughters who have not fallen. Minerals are absorbed by plants, plants by animals, animals by bigger animals, and bigger animals by human beings. Therefore, human beings must be qualified as lords who can absorb and digest everything.
Hence you should love in order to eat. Did you show love? What kind of place is that place? It is the sexual organs. Sexual organs are living vessels. They are the vessels that take in life. They are the palace of love. Can women and men feel love without them? They cannot. (286-144, 1997.8.9)
The final, ideal destination of the assimilation of all creation is the male and female organs. That is a fact. Why is that so? It is where the love of God, humankind and the universe combine. It is where love and life become one.
It is also where descendants are connected vertically through lineage, and through this vertical connection, countless peoples are connected horizontally. This is how God's Kingdom on earth is established. That's how valuable the sexual organs are. How important they are! (269-129, 1995.4.9)
Where did the original ancestors of humankind come from? Not the eyes, nose, mouth or hands. Where is it? Where is that holy place? It is your sexual organ. Isn't that so? The lineage is connected to that place. Hence, salvation is not easy. (218-179, 1991.7.28)
You've heard of a melting pot, haven't you? What is the blast furnace, the place where the blood of man and woman are melted and blended together in the crucible? It is the sexual organs. The vessels for the generation of new life are called the sexual organs. They are the original palace of love. You need to know that they are the garden where God's love begins to bud. (302-166, 1999.6.13)
Your sexual organs are like that: "Ah, through them, children are created." Have you ever considered this? It is very important. (298-180, 1999.1.1)
In the term saeng shik gi (sexual organs), the Chinese character for saeng, meaning life, can be used with either shik, meaning food, or shik, meaning to plant. These organs are called the vessels that plant life. Shik can also be represented by the character meaning to multiply. In other words, the organs for planting life are also the organs for multiplying life. That is how we can interpret the word. The organs are the vessels for the planting of life. (302-181, 1999.6.13)
Centering on what are the Creator and the creation to become one? Love. You must know this. Thus, we arrive at the conclusion that God created everything with love. The fact that He created us centering on the genitals proves that He did so based on the theme of love. (193-163, 1989.10.3)
Everybody in history pursued this. It is incredibly powerful. It transcends culture and economics, even in the fallen world. Yet what would it have been like in the original world? If you think about it, it is most precious. It is the original palace of all palaces. It is the palace of life as well as the palace of lineage. The foundations of these three palaces are the genitals. They are the most important place. Even God seeks it. If He had occupied these three palaces, all of the people of this world would have become His kindred. (243-275, 1993.1.28)
The most precious place in the human world is the original palace of love, the source of love, life and lineage. Where is that? If the Fall had not occurred, this would have become the most holy place. The male and female genitals are the original palace of love. You need to understand this. They came to be dirty due to the Fall; originally, they are the source of life and lineage. Yet the most precious source of us all was destroyed, and became the worst thing. Consequently, this must be completely reversed. (209-230, 1990.11.29)
The male and female genitals are the organs of love, life, and historical lineage. This was not known. They are most precious. Even though our model ideal ancestors, an ideal nation, and an ideal culture were to coexist together with God, this ideal was thwarted by secular humanism. The devil knew that God was seeking such a nation, and, to completely thwart His plan, came up with a strategy that is America's secular humanism of the present day.
That is an animalistic world. The sexual organs are the palace of love, the palace in which eternal life is born, the palace that inherits the lineage that will succeed to the eternally unchanging tradition of heaven. They are the palace of true life, true love and true lineage -- the most precious place of all. You cannot use them arbitrarily. You cannot open them without God's permission. They cannot be touched by anyone other than your husband or wife who has obtained the permission of God and the universe. Yet is love in America like that? (216-207, 1991.3.31)
After Adam's creation, his sexual organ -- as originally intended and idealized by God, and untainted by the Fall -- should become a base and original palace that is united with God. It is to connect the lineage and life centering on true love. They are the original palace of love. (290-17, 1998.2.2)
You'll hear it said that the founder of the Unification Church is a religious leader of sex. Were it not for the Fall, the sexual relationship would be the original palace of love. It would have been the original palace wherein the King can always come in and reside. You should know that it is the original palace of love. The sexual organs are the headquarters, the palace of love. (278-17, 1996.5.24)

2.2. The organs with which to complete God's purpose of creation

Your genitals are the organs for love. Even if a dictator were to come forth and desire to revolutionize those organs of love, it would be impossible. Despite the many changes made in history, never have the sexual organs been changed, nor will they ever be changed. They cannot be exchanged for the entire universe. The problem lies in the fact that human beings are unaware of this concept.
All problems in human beings arise from man and woman. The moment men and women are completely united a world of peace will unfold before our eyes. (276-130, 1996.2.11)
Biologically, the organ where there is the greatest concentration of nerves and veins in a human being is the sexual organ. Through these organs we can create beings that resemble us. The genitals were most painstakingly created, and yet at present they are no better than manure pails. (275-74, 1995.11.3)
God based His work of creation on the male and female organs, which are incorporated and connected to all elements including those of the spirit, the body and the blood. Didn't the elements that make up your eyes also come from there? Don't the elements of your teeth resemble those of your mother and father? Is there any part of you that doesn't take after them? Even your minds resemble those of your parents. On account of this, everything is concentrated on the sexual organs, and every nerve and blood vessel stems from them. The genitals are the roots. The root of a human being is not the head; our roots lie at the genitals. (194-139, 1989.10.17)
The universe began from love. What love would that be? It would be vertical and horizontal love, and frontal and posterior love. It refers to spherical love. The family is the center linking above and below, left and right, and front and back. If you were to ask God, "Where is God?" He would answer, "In the center of love." If you were to ask, "Where is the center of love?" He would say, "It is at the place of the settlement of love." To the question, "Where is the place of the settlement of love?" He would reply, "The sexual organs!" (279-48, 1996.6.9)
What is the most stimulating and sensitive part of a man? Is it his tongue? Though the organ for tasting may be very sensitive, it could not be as sensitive as the sexual organ. To satisfy the tongue, once you have tasted something, you will desire to have it again the next day, but in the case of the genitals, if you have a spouse who satisfies your sexual organ, merely thinking about that person would give you satisfaction; that is what the world will be like to you. You can taste something only when you have eaten it, but you will be able to feel your love partner by just thinking about him or her. What can give you pleasure transcending great distances and infinite space, and make you desire to love even after death and into the next life. It is the love of your beloved husband or wife, and no other. (286-275, 1997.8.13)
Where is the source of love, life and lineage in our world? Is it the mouth or the head? Where is it? It is the sexual organs. However, through the Fall that wrecked heaven and earth, the sexual organs were defiled and became the palace and source of evil. Therein were planted false love, life and lineage. As the organs are the culprits that sold heaven and earth, they are considered indecent, and any talk about them obscene. (200-249, 1990.2.25)
Aren't the genitals magical organs? The organs connecting the love and life of man and woman, that blend and bring together their blood, are placed at the center of our bodies. These are the sexual organs. Am I right? If you were to delve into this origin, you would fathom the reason for God's act of creation.
Why did He create? What did He base His creation on? Today, there is no one who ponders such questions. Even if you were to visit all the world's libraries, you would find that I was the first to advocate this point. That is so precious. It became clear that this is the conclusion for everything. Why did He create? The fact that man and woman become one through the sexual organs proves that He created with love. It is the source of His ideal love. (194-63, 1989.10.15)
Where do man and woman join together at ninety degrees? They connect at the genitals. This is not a laughing matter; it is holy. The genitals are the original palace of love. The principle palace of love is not the eyes or the head. Which parts of man and woman are used for lovemaking? Is it the eyes, the head, or what? It is the sexual organs. So don't think of them as evil. They are considered bad due to the Fall. Satan made them the original palace that ruined this world. Aren't the sexual organs the original palace of love and life? Where does life come from? Isn't it from the genitals? What enables the connection of lineage? Is it at the head, or on the back of the hand? (198-353, 1990.2.11)
What is the original palace desired by all material elements? The male and female genitals, the minutest part with the ideal sensibility in human beings, are our highest beacon of hope. Aren't you hearing this for the first time? That is why everyone tries to invest themselves totally as they seek it. The only path you would tread even if it means forsaking your life is the path of love. This is true for everything in the universe, from the world of microorganisms to the mineral world, the plant world, and the animal world. (249-164, 1993.10.10)
All should adhere to the mainstream; those who do not follow it but instead halt halfway would degenerate somewhat. Be this as it may, what would be the greatest purpose and desire of all creation? It is to seek the place of loving God. From God's perspective, of all forms of creation, what did He create with the utmost care? It is the male and female genitals. He concentrated all His energy into creating the human sexual organs, to make them into the source that can collect together all elements of humankind and re-create them. That place is the palace of cells, for cells are made up of elements. (249-162, 1993.10.10)
The original palace of love, the historical palace of love, comes to be where the male and female sexual organs unite. It becomes the place of repose. No one can move this place; it is eternal and absolute. In that love nest, the life of man and the life of woman assimilate, boil over, and finally explode, giving rise to a new life. Through the explosive power thus generated, a new life is brought into existence. That is why when making love even doves make explosive noises of coo-coo. Thus, in lovemaking, a man and wife should not be embarrassed at making a noise loud enough for their parents to hear them. (193-147, 1989.10.3)
What serves as the center point of left and right? It is the male and female sexual organs. When they meet as one, the cosmos and the universe revolve. That's how precious they are. It is not man and woman themselves that are precious. (243-27, 1993.1.1)
Based on the concept of love, man and woman were born as separate entities to become one through love. Based on what are they to unite? They are to unite based on love. Their genitals are the tools through which they can unite centering on love. That is why they are in the shape of concave and convex, so that they can fit together as one. That's nothing to be embarrassed about. Man and woman are to come together and become one through their sexual organs. In other words, they are to become one body based on love, that is, become one in mind and body. Through what is the mind-body oneness of a man or a woman achieved? It is not by kissing or holding hands. They achieve complete oneness when they fit together perfectly through the sexual parts. (229-251, 1992.4.12)
Even God Himself created heaven and earth and all creation based on love. How is this evidenced? This task is important. Through what can we prove that He created for the sake of love? Not through man or woman. Then what is it? You can tell through their sexual organs.
What was God's standard in creating human beings? If one were to ask what the standard for creating the man was, would it be right to say, "God created him based upon his face"? With regard to the creation of woman, is it right to claim, "He created her to be distinguished by having less facial hair, smoother skin, and a smaller stature"? Of course not. You need to understand the fact that He created them based on the sexual organs. The man is the way he is today in correspondence to his genitals, and the woman is the way she is in correspondence to her genitals. I was the first to make this statement. No one else ever uttered such words. These are new concepts not found in libraries or in history. (193-145, 1989.10.3)
When creating man and woman, God started out creating them based on their sexual organs. Thus, all structural elements of human beings converge there to move the sexual organs. For this reason, when man and woman unite in the act of lovemaking, conception takes place and a baby is born. What would happen when the baby is born? Whom would it take after: the woman or the man? Its birth would be possible because it has the entire nervous system in its body. Can branches sprout forth if there are no roots? The logic in this cannot be denied. Hence, when love is stirred up, it is the principle that the mind and the body be united. That is logical.
Then what are the organs by means of which love, life and lineage can be connected continuously to one's children? Those organs are the male and female organs. Then which comes first: love or life? This is the question. In the world today, the new materialistic philosophies question whether mind or body comes first. Similarly, we also need to ask ourselves which is more precious: love or life? This is the issue: which comes first? The order of importance needs to be determined. Love comes first. When God set up the ideal of creation, He did not do so centering upon Himself. Instead, He made love central, and therefore created the world as his object partner. (193-145, 1989.10.3)
What are the sexual organs for? They are for finding love. Through woman and man finding each other, love comes into being. Such is marriage. It cannot be exchanged for anything in the universe. Man is the way he is because he was created in correspondence to his genitals. The woman too was created the way she is in correspondence to her genitals. People have been living till now without knowing the fact that woman came to be woman and man came to be man on account of their sexual organs. (280-60, 1996.11.1)
The most important issue to date has been: which organ of the body is for fulfilling love? Because of ignorance, that organ has been treated as the worst thing. What is that organ? Until now the sexual organs have been treated as something bad. What is the organ that fulfills love? What are the sexual organs? Aren't they the concave and the convex? What is the concave place for? What is the convex place for? By fitting the two together perfectly, love is connected. Without joining them together, we would not know love. The genitals are where perfected love appears and becomes absolutely one. There is no other way. (278-203, 1996.5.24)
What organ do man and woman need as partners? Is it located where they kiss? Is it accessed by touching each other's bodies? What organ is it? It is the genitals. Genitals in Korean mean the vessel wherein life is planted. That is just what the genitals are. The female organ is the tool that can occupy the man. The sexual organ is the tool to be used in seeking love; the owner of the tool, however, is not the woman herself. Through it, she becomes qualified as the owner of love. This is true for both woman and man. (301-74, 1999.4.16)
All beings were born for love and as such should not have their sexual organs for themselves. They have them for their spouses. Unless they form a connection to their spouses, true love cannot be perfected. This is the law of heaven, by which we are all to become absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal owners.
Man alone cannot become the owner of love. Perfection takes place where one is connected to one's spouse through the sexual organs. The woman becomes perfected when connected to true love. That is, for her, perfection occurs at that place where she completely occupies the male organ. The same is true for the man. That is why we all stake our lives on it. (297-155, 1998.11.19)
Women need to become sovereigns over their ears and mouths. The Chinese characters for these three words (ear, mouth and king) combine to form the character for seong meaning saint. When asked, "Would you like to be a holy woman or a wicked woman?," every woman will answer that she wants to be the former. That is what is referred to here by seong, not the seong meaning sexual desire between man and woman. Though the same Korean word is used, the seong I am talking about is the combination of ear, mouth and king. You would do well to think of it as the female genitals. This is true. Isn't it the king? By safeguarding them, you will become saints. Isn't that something worthwhile to learn? You cannot find this in any dictionary, or anywhere else. You've never seen such teachings even in Japanese textbooks, have you? (283-48, 1997.4.8)
All of us are seeking after God's world of love, the source of His love. All beings are on their way to possess the male and female organs. People are on their way to become God's partners in love. Isn't this the flawless view of the Principle? This is not some theory I thought up arbitrarily. It refers to the principles of the great way of heaven and earth. (288-334, 1998.1.1)

2.3. The sexual organs are the most holy place, where God dwells

The cells of the love organs of man and woman are the most minute. To have the feelings of all the cells of that part through which runs all paths of love that unites mind and body, to enter that world as one of its elements: this is the aim of all beings in the created world. Then where do man and woman unite? Through the sexual organs. That is where man and woman directly unite and become one with God. Through the Fall, the organs came to be the worst thing, but originally, they are extremely holy. When man and woman open that door, the world is opened, and when the door is closed, the world is closed; when they are happy, the world and the entire universe are happy.
To become God's child, one needs to be born through the point of unity of these organs. If not from that point, from where would God's sons and daughters be born? Thus, when man and woman are making love, of course all cells in the body desire to be a part of the sexual organs, but once they have entered the place of love the whole body feels the same way. In other words, the entire body becomes one. (248-55, 1993.6.20)
Love should be fulfilled after everything has reached maturity uniformly. What is the highest antenna in the world? What would it be? It would be the antenna of love. What is the antenna of love in human beings? The antenna of love in human beings is the male and female genitals. It is a matter of course for radio waves to run through nothing else but the antenna. Hence, a sphere needs to be formed with that antenna.
People are God's antennas. They are the antennas focused on Him. The day God's vertical love makes contact with His antennas in the world, we will enter the realm that will engulf more than the world and the entire universe. The antenna is like the device that causes thunder to strike and lightning to flash in the physical and spirit worlds. (134-197, 1985.7.20)
God wishes to live at the center. The ideal family, nation and world all desire to be connected to that root. Yet everything was lost due to the Fall. We are in a piteous plight. What is the male organ? It is the palace of eternal love. Is this true just for your generation? It is not! It's for eternity. It's the place of the eternal palace. It is the palace of eternal life. From then, the life of man and woman are bound together as one for the first time based on love. What are the sexual organs? They are first, the palace of love, second, the palace of life, and third, the palace of God's lineage. This is the most precious thing. Wouldn't you all be happy about that? (248-111, 1993.8.1)
Conjugal and parental love settle eternally when we are married and making love. Through which part of the body do we make love? Is it the mouth, the eyes, or the ears? I don't know, but I believe you all know the answer very well! What is it? Until now, people have regarded the sexual organs as something bad, but now I'm teaching that it is the holy original palace. How amazing are the male and female sexual organs? Without them, true love, life, lineage and conscience cannot be connected. Can God's Kingdom begin without them? It cannot! Only through that organ is the world of freedom, happiness, peace and unity possible. (278-153, 1996.5.5)
What are absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience? These are all terms concerned with the genitals. The Fall refers to the failure of God and human genitals to become one. They failed to attain oneness. You must believe this absolutely. They are the pillars of the history of our family, clan, and lineage. (304-164, 1999.10.10)
Where do God and human beings meet? They meet when man and woman come together and make love, that is, when they unite through their sexual organs. The organs, however, became evil because they brought ruin to the world, heaven and earth, due to the Fall. You should think that when man and woman make love, they do so to attend God.
Every day you should think to yourselves in relation to the sexual parts of your body, "How can I connect this organ centering on love? How can I welcome and serve through it? How can I lead a conjugal life based on true love?" Our bodies are in such a position. (246-73, 1993.3.23)
We should be eternal and unchanging like God. Love is absolutely unique, eternal and unchanging, like God, and the place it settles is the sexual organs. No one knew this until now. That's how precious the genitals are. A family of happiness is formed when the sexual organs of the grandparents, parents, husband and wife, and also your sons and daughters in the future, are in union. If that is broken, the whole family falls apart. The grandmother has taken hold of the grandfather's sexual part and will try never to let it go, and the grandfather has occupied the grandmother's and will try never to lose it. Everything, love, happiness, freedom, and so on, begins from the sexual organs. That is undeniable. (278-203, 1996.5.24)
Adam and Eve were in the position of the original palace, and their descendants were meant to become palaces naturally; however, the site for the original palace was lost. The male and female sexual organs are that amazing. You need to realize that they are the three great palaces of love, life and lineage, and at the same time, the starting base for God's Kingdom on earth and in heaven. It is truly astonishing. (267-257, 1995.1.8)
All creatures on the earth are meant to be fully mobilized to become the cells of the male and female sexual organs. Why? They are worth the sacrifice because the organs are that valuable. What this means is that once Adam and Eve have become partners of love, God will dwell in them, and vertical and horizontal love will be like a tornado that can even dig up the earth and create mountains. Only love can dominate all evil things of this world, and occupy God on high. (296-90, 1998.11.3)
You think of the male and female genitals as most indecent, but that is not true. They are most holy. Centering on true love, God intended to expand His ideal kingdom from there. They are the extremely holy sanctuary. Hence, your love partner is absolute. You should marry once, not twice. (245-151, 1993.2.28)
Speaking of the male and female love organs, the latter is her love palace and the former is his. It is ideal to have the two palaces meet and make them into the queen and king of the ideal. That is referred to as loving. Those who have shown such love can become God's sons and daughters, and together with Him, participate equally in the one ideal sphere of life. People were created to be of such value. (128-326, 1983.10.2)
What is most precious to us? The sexual organs are more precious than our nations or our ideal families. Without them our families, races and nations cannot be established. Eternal life could never come about if they were not united. That is to say, the realm of life through which we can transcend the dominion of the physical world into the spirit world, the limitless world, could never come into being without the male and female sexual organs. God's Kingdom on earth and in heaven would not exist. (298-155, 1999.1.1)
We are abused and called the scoundrels of the Unification Church because its founder teaches such things, aren't we? I don't care if we are called scoundrels. Isn't it better to win a real gold medal rather than a false one? The male and female sexual organs are gifts inherited from the Creator and the ancestors, unchanged and connected as they are. They are precious gifts that not even God Himself will interfere with, and which our ancestors cannot violate. Those who violate them would become the flesh and blood of the devil, destroying the original palace of love, the center of the great laws of heaven. The sexual organs are the original palace of life, giving birth on the foundation centered on eternal true love as the pure essence. They are also the source of a new lineage.
Why were the sexual organs created? Certainly not just for one individual person or another. They were given to you for the great Way of heaven and earth, and the great providential governance of heaven and earth. How will the ideal world come upon the earth in the future? If the way of the rightful use of the sexual organs is not revealed, the world will come to ruin. We would never be able to find the world of peace. Look at Rome and the United States. The United States will not be ruined over lack of money.
Until now, because of Satan, we were ignorant regarding the owners of the sexual organs and how they came to be created. In order to disclose this truth, and to clean away the evil and foul tumult and turmoil of Satan, both on earth and in heaven, I came forth and hoisted my banner. (193-147, 1989.10.3) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Eleven - The Root of the Universe
Chapter Two - The Creation of Humankind and the Perfection of the Ideal of Love
Section 3. The Oneness of God and Humankind, and the Perfection of the Ideal of Love

3.1. The point of settlement of love where God and humankind meet

Where is the origin of love of the universe? It is God. The question here is how to put in logical order the idea of where God's love will settle. For God to become the harmonious being whose dual characteristics are separately represented in the form of Adam and Eve, created by Him, what should the harmonious being center upon? He should center on love and be in the masculine position of the Subject in relation to all. Centered on what? Centered on love. You must know this.
Then what would God be like? Adam and Eve are the subjects with dual characteristics, and so their bodies are external and their minds are internal. Therefore, God desires to reside in their minds.
If that is the case, when Adam's and Eve's bodies as well as their minds unite, would or would not that which is at the bottom of their bodies unite too? What would that be? Would God unite with them or not? Where would He unite with them? Since He created the organs for love, where would He come to unite with human beings? Where would that place be? It would be the place of love. (194-64, 1989.10.15)
The Unification Principle defines God as the incorporeal absolute Subject, the Subject with harmonized dual characteristics. As a being with dual characteristics, He created Adam and Eve with substantial bodies to reflect each of those characteristics. He intended to become the center in the vertical position when they were fully matured and connected to each other horizontally based on love. What this means is that when Adam and Eve reached full maturity, God's masculinity was to reside in Adam's mind, and His femininity in Eve's. This, however, does not mean that God is divided into two. Since He is the Subject Being of these dual characteristics, He can dwell in the minds of both Adam and Eve. (138-245, 1986.1.24)
When the fully mature Adam and Eve are able to form a mutual bond of love, God, who possesses dual characteristics, will repose His masculinity in Adam, and His femininity in Eve. He will be wedded by dwelling within their bodies and minds. (143-236, 1986.3.19)
The central line divides the road into equal distances, angles, and widths. There is only one line of equilibrium that can do this at the center, not two. There is only one perpendicular line with one central point on it, and only one central point that is crossed by the line of equilibrium. That one spot is where God's love, the axial love, is connected. On the day this love runs into and unites with this spot, all actions of power headed in all directions -- 360 degrees -- will pass through this point. Once such a power of love explodes, man and woman will completely unite, and God will enter their midst.
Doesn't God have dual characteristics? What would He be like, who is the Subject with dual characteristics as discussed in the Principle? He is a God with dual characteristics, and at the same time, the Subject with harmonized dual characteristics. What would be the essence of that Subject? It is love, absolute love. (136-37, 1985.12.20)
The substantial realm of the dual characteristics is intended to become God's partner and return to Him through true love. It is the origin-division-union action. The internal nature and external form, which were originally one, come together again substantially through the blessing of Adam and Eve. At this place where everything unites, God comes there to unite with man and woman, who are united. I've spoken these great words. God is that near to us. There is nothing better than coming to know God, who used to be at the depths of our minds. In accordance with His command, we should walk the path of victory unerringly throughout the course of our lives. (250-108, 1993.10.12)
Since God possesses dual characteristics, His masculinity is to enter Adam's mind. Thus, He becomes the internal Father. He comes into the position of the internal Father. In 1 Corinthians it is written, "Do you not know that you are God's temple?" It says our bodies are temples, wherein God can dwell. This is only too true. Since God exists as the Subject with dual characteristics, Adam is the visible representation of His invisible masculinity. Hence, Adam is God's body represented substantially. Behind Adam, the father of humanity and the substantiated corporeal form of the incorporeal being, God was meant to stand in the position of the internal Father. (139-233, 1986.1.31)
Originally, without the Fall taking place, God would have come to dwell in Adam and Eve. God is the being with the dual characteristics of external form and internal nature, and the objects of that external form and internal nature are Adam and Eve. It was God's intention to enter their minds and form the realm of oneness of mind and body with them.
God was to be in the position of the mind of the original and perfected human beings. Human beings were in the position of His perfected body, and in this realm of mind-body oneness He would get married through Adam and Eve. That wedding is substantially and horizontally Adam and Eve's marriage, but vertically it would be God's wedding. (256-85, 1994.3.12)
Who on earth are Adam and Eve? Theirs is the position where the harmonization of humanity based on their horizontal ideal love is supposed to take place, the right angle set, and the focal point set up. That position would intersect the lines drawn from above to below, left to right, and front to back. What does this mean? Since God is the Subject with dual characteristics, and will enter the mind of Adam and Eve when they conform to the focal point of love, their wedding, as the ancestors of humankind who have not fallen, will be His wedding as well. (223-267, 1991.11.12)
Adam and Eve came into existence from the invisible dual characteristics of God. Those two characteristics make up the one being, God. They are harmonized based on true love. In this state, God stands in the masculine position, and created His son and daughter to be in the object position to this. Thus, when they grow up and became husband and wife centering on love, God on high can come down to them. He will stand as the invisible Parent and they as the visible parents, are to be united through love. (222-317, 1991.11.6)
God has are the qualities of both masculinity and femininity. That is why He is called the Subject with dual characteristics. The Unification Church presents this wonderful conclusion, that "The Subject with dual characteristics is God." The one who is invisible is the plus, and the ones who are visible are the minus parents. The invisible Parent is causal, the visible parents resultant. Thus, in the position of parents, God the invisible Parent and these visible parents are to become one based on love. The latter are the horizontal parents and the former the vertical Parent. (161-306, 1987.3.1)
Man and woman in union, harmonized by God's love in the united position, represent east and west respectively. The one man and the one woman representing this universe are the combined form of the dual characteristics of God. This is inevitable. When the two are united, a central axis will be created in this universe through which the love of God can be connected. (149-229, 1986.11.23)
Where can you discover God? In this day and age, however much people might have prayed, meditated, believed in religion, and so on, they could not discover Him. That is to say, they could never find God's true love. God and human beings have dual characteristics of internal and external, plus and minus. In this regard, God is concerned only with perfected human beings; aside from this standard, there are no sons and daughters or anything else. (161-323, 1987.3.8)
In considering who God is, it is seen that Eve is His wife from the internal, spiritual perspective. Entering Adam and Eve, God desires to make love. The divided dual characteristics are to unite based on love, for it is only love that can form the connection in all directions. Such is the relationship between God and humankind. God is the internal "you." However, He differs from us in that we are in the position of the His divided dual characteristics. Then why were they divided? It was to make the feeling of love more stimulating, to make it more stimulating while at the same time moving the position and changing the setting. With the move in position, reproduction came to take place. No reproduction can take place with only the vertical God. There is only one vertical position; can there be two? (187-94, 1989.1.6)
If you closely observe a woman who loves her husband, you will feel his presence with her. They have attained oneness. Isn't this the case for God? Just as all things have dual characteristics, they all return to Him in the end through the unity of the dual characteristics.
Those who unite centering on true love become God's friends. He enters into them. Man's center is woman. Since she is in his relational realm, she revolves with him as the center. He is the center around which she revolves. He doesn't revolve around her. When he stands in the center, she naturally centers on him. (213-266, 1991.1.21)
In order for God to be the Father, He must be connected to us through lineage, life and love. God, who is a being of dual characteristics, took pleasure in thinking about love when He was alone, but in order to become the central owner of a world of harmonized pairs in all directions, He divided the dual characteristics that are within Himself. Therefore, the Unification Church teaches not origin-antithesis-union, but rather origin-division-union. (199-276, 1990.2.20)
What happens when Adam and Eve get married? Does not God exist with dual characteristics? His femininity enters Eve and His masculinity enters Adam, and the two unite. To put it another way, Adam and Eve are the bodies of God in substantial form. In such a way, God enters the internal dual characteristics of Adam and Eve and unites with them through love. Through this, they inherit His lineage. (137-88, 1985.12.24)
Where does God enter? He enters the mind of Adam and Eve. Does God have dual characteristics? These two characteristics enter one root and bind together. This is how their sons and daughters are connected. Connected through love, and with the body, mind and spirit firmly rooted, would the sons and daughters of love born from there go to hell? No one could deal arbitrarily with it. The absolute body, mind, spirit, absolute man and woman are united through the sexual organs, which are the source of life, love and lineage, based on God's absolute love. (194-343, 1989.10.30)
Who on earth are God, Adam and Eve? Who are Adam and Eve? If Adam had not fallen and become perfected, God would have entered into him, and if Eve had become perfected, He would have entered into her. God would have entered the separate embodiments in substantial form of His dual characteristics and brought together in union what was divided. How is God to bring this union about? It is not through force. It is through love. From love, stimulation is generated, and reproduction is brought about, the reproduction of the ideal world. (148-290, 1986.10.25)
God is the vertical Father. Adam and Eve before the Fall were to have been the horizontal parents. God is the vertical Parent to everything that exists with dual characteristics, and Adam and Eve would be their horizontal parents. Then where should they meet? True love passes through the shortest route. (199-361, 1990.2.21)

3.2. Fundamental principle of the ideal oneness of God and humankind in love

3.2.1. Explaining the oneness of God and humankind

What is it that I have agonized over the most? It is the matter of how to facilitate the oneness of God and humankind in love, and how to explain it logically. If this is not clarified, this arrangement cannot logically take root. If these fundamental circumstances of love for human beings are not established, everything will go wrong. (249-223, 1993.10.10)
The love of God and the love of humankind become the issue. Whether the love of God and the love of human beings are of the same color, or of different colors, is a great matter. Where do the two loves finally settle down together? If they do not finally settle down together, and lay down the base for the oneness of God and humankind in love, neither God nor humankind can come to settle. If God feels joyful and human beings also feel joyful through love, but the place where they are doing so is different, then there will be serious trouble. (257-58, 1994.3.13)
In pursuing fundamental problems, I thought a great deal about where on earth the realm of oneness of God and humankind would be. This is a very important question. If it were not answered, the starting point and the final destination would not be in accord. In the pursuit of this question, an awakening like a flashing thunderbolt came to me: that true love passes through the shortest route. That one realization solved everything. If heaven and earth were connected through true love, it would be through the shortest distance. In other words, there is only one perpendicular. It is always at ninety degrees to the horizontal. That is the shortest possible distance. (250-153, 1993.10.14)
Why do we marry? We marry to perfect love. If, horizontally, right and left, east and west are man and woman, then their true ideal will pass through the shortest distance, and so on the face of it, there will be only one point at the center that is at the shortest distance from horizontal love. That could only be at ninety degrees. If that angle increases, the shape formed would be an oval, which would not be proper. No other angle is the same. It is only the ninety-degree angle that allows everything to stand in the same position of equality on the same basis. Therefore, the meeting place of love through the oneness of God and humankind can only be situated at an angle of ninety degrees. (224-167, 1991.11.24)
The term for God as the vertical Father has emerged. Centered on true love, God is the vertical Parent, and Adam and Eve are the horizontal parents. Vertical and horizontal meet at ninety degrees. These are the fundamentals of the universe. Ultimately, God created human beings so He could have His wedding. He created them for His love. With this explanation, all difficult fundamental questions can be resolved. (252-319, 1993.1.5)
What I agonized over the most in delving into the fundamental truths of the universe was the question of how love moves and settles. By discovering the fact that love travels the shortest distance, everything came to be resolved.
If love were to come from above, seeing that heaven is above and the earth is below, what route would true love take to come to earth from heaven? It would take the shortest possible distance. What would that be? It is the perpendicular, isn't it? There is only one perpendicular. It is the shortest distance. Granted that love takes the fastest and shortest route, there can be only one meeting point of the heavenly and earthly worlds. There are not two. There is absolutely only one. (211-77, 1990.12.29)
Adam and Eve came into being from the invisible dual characteristics of God. Those two characteristics, which are invisible, together make up the one being. They are harmonized based on true love. In this state, God stands in the masculine position, and created His son and daughter to be in the objective position to His dual characteristics. Thus, when they grew up and became husband and wife centering on love, God on high could come down to where they were. He would stand as the invisible Parent and they as the visible parents, were to be united through true love. (222-317, 1991.11.6)
When people achieve perfection, they attain divine nature, become perfect like our Father in heaven, and attain divine value. Though God is the Absolute Being, He cannot fulfill the ideal of true love alone, for that requires a partner. Here, we need to understand the relationship between the beginning and perfection of God's true love and the true love of human beings. If God had not established human beings as the absolute object beings of true love, and instead tried to achieve the beginning and perfection of His true love, without human beings, what would have happened? The motivating forces of the true love ideals of God and humankind would have been different, and consequently the direction and purpose of the two loves would have been different. (282-209, 1997.3.13)
Who on earth are Adam and Eve? Theirs is the position where the harmonization of humanity based on their horizontal ideal love is supposed to take place, the right angle set, and the focal point set up. That position would intersect the lines drawn from above to below, left to right, and front to back. What does this mean? Since God is the Subject with dual characteristics, and will enter the mind of Adam and Eve when they conform to the focal point of love, the wedding of these ancestors of humankind who have not fallen would be His wedding as well. (223-267, 1991.11.12)
Where is the starting point of human perfection? It is the place most precious to God and human beings, the basis for the continuance of this universe. It is the origin of all elements at the time of creation. In short, it is love. We were born for love. What would this love be? It would be true love. Nothing, not the eyes, the mouth, or the five sensory organs can part from that true love. They are meant to revolve around it, to come and go in accordance with it, to ascend only when it ascends, and to descend only when it descends. Thus, we can concentrate our five sensory organs on one focal point. What enables this? Not money or knowledge or power. It is nothing other than true love. (210-317, 1990.12.27)
Where must vertical and horizontal come together? Where is the union of heaven and earth to take place? It takes place at the perpendicular. The path followed by love takes the shortest distance. The question of where it is supposed to settle cost me untold effort.
In clarifying the fundamentals of the universe, I came to know that there is both vertical love and horizontal love. How did I know this? We cannot rise perpendicularly in an instant -- whoosh. If that could be done, we would have to stand on the spot without moving an inch. Besides, if we were to love vertically, we would have to be different. In this state, where or how would we revolve? We could not. If there is love both in heaven and on earth, the most serious question related to the way that the two loves would be connected is how these loves would be brought together. The one thing I know for certain is that love passes through the shortest distance. (214-232, 1991.2.2)
What God wants is to achieve oneness with humankind through true love. The oneness of God and humankind! This signifies the realm of the union of God and human beings. If the standard of ideal that gives joy to God were contradictory to that desired by humankind, the situation would be dire. They need to become one face to face.
In other words, they need to become one horizontally and vertically. When these meet on the perpendicular, then front and back, left and right, upper and lower the right side and the left side, all twelve directions will fit in perfectly wherever they are placed, for they would all be at ninety degrees. (223-346, 1991.11.20)
Until now no one knew the logic as to where God's love and the love of humankind come together. Without this being known, the term 'Heavenly Father' would be groundless, completely irrelevant. Adam and Eve were to be God's bodies. What does it signify that everything will be as Adam and Eve named them? It means that God has entered their bodies and is naming them together.
Once they are perfected, God's internal nature would enter the man's mind and His external form would enter the woman's mind. The actual marriage ceremony of Adam and Eve was also to be God's wedding. You will understand this clearly when you pass into the spirit world. These incomprehensible theories will all make sense. Thus, only when you have completely occupied God's love will your desire be fully satisfied and will you declare, "Now it is done!" (252-119, 1993.11.14)
God is the root of love, life, lineage and the root of His kingdom on earth and in heaven. At the time of Adam and Eve's wedding, God enters their minds and fulfills the love that arises through oneness. God is the vertical True Parent, and Adam and Eve are the horizontal true parents. Since we were given flesh and blood and born from such parents, the mind is our vertical self and the body our horizontal self.
Those who have perfected mind-body oneness in love by uniting with God in love become His sons and daughters. Once they become His princes and princesses, they are in a father-child relationship with Him, and so can inherit everything from Him. When these children attain conjugal oneness based on true love, they form a family attending God, and the starting point of peace and the ideal.
Man and woman, each being a half of the whole, unite and complete God's ideal love as His partners. That is to say, based on true love, God will perfect humankind as beings having infinite value. As such, through the perfection of true love He will perfect the world of the ideal of creation that is the home of eternal ideal love. (254-106, 1994.2.1)
God, the Subject Being of true love, created humankind as the object beings of that true love. His love ideal can be perfected only through human beings. His purpose of creation is the world of the absolute love ideal through the oneness of God and humankind in love. God created human beings as God's highest and very best object partners of His love. Accordingly, of all forms of creation, human beings are His object partners uniquely embodying His image. They were born as visible beings in front of the invisible God. When human beings are perfected, they become God's temples. They are the corporeal beings into whom God can freely and comfortably come and dwell at any time. God's absolute overall ideal of true love is realized and fulfilled only through human beings in the form of the vertical parent-child relationship. (277-198 1996.4.16)

3.2.2. The base for the oneness of God and humankind

Where do God's love and the love of humankind meet? At the point where love, life and lineage settle. If it were not for that place, there would be no way for love, life and lineage to connect. What is that place, that sexual organ, and what is it used for? It is the place where the lives of man and woman connect, and where their lineage and blood intersect. God's life, love and lineage, and those of man and woman are connected through this one point of settlement. Based on it, their descendants come forth. (205-63, 1990.7.7)
Where do God's absolute love and the absolute love of humankind meet? Only at one point. Where would that be? It is where the sexual organs unite on the wedding night. Well, did you ever think about meeting God there? The question is: where would you unite with Him? If the base on which the absolute God can settle, and the ideal love desired by human beings, Adam and Eve, are not the same base but are two different ones, then there would be two different directions and purposes for love. This would mean that human beings could never form a relationship with God's absolute love, and consequently it would be wrong to say that He created for the sake of love.
Is that not the place where our existence began? Men and women are born there. They did not come into being through kissing, did they? Therefore, would it not be desirable for the male and female sexual organs to unite absolutely? Do husbands and wives long to unite absolutely or moderately? To receive love through that organ, a woman needs to stand in the position where she attends not only her husband, but also God spiritually. Externally, Adam's sexual organ is his own, but internally, it is God's. Externally, the woman's sexual organ is also Eve's but it is His internally. What is invisible is vertical, and what is visible is horizontal. That is how the vertical Parent and the horizontal parents attain oneness. (282-306, 1997.4.7)
God's wedding takes place on Adam and Eve's wedding day. There would be one vertical wedding and one horizontal wedding. Through their sexual organs, man and woman would attain God's absolute love and at the same time, reach the center of that love and be united centered on His love. Had this come about, they would have been united centering on their minds, like God. (284-56, 1997.4.15)
God dwells in the place where love is absolutely unchanging. He resides in the sexual organs. He is the source of love and the origin of life, the life of man and woman, and lineage. Then where would the love, life and lineage of God and humankind come together? It can only be in this place. (287-29, 1997.8.10)
Internally, Adam and Eve's marriage ceremony is God's marriage: in other words, it is a dual wedding. What unite the two are the male and female organs. Without those, one's life would not have come into being. Through the organs, the lineages and history of humanity have been perpetuated. Even God's ideal world will be established by the children, the beloved children, who have passed through those gates. That is how His kingdom will be built. (290-81, 1998.2.3)
Whose wedding is the marriage ceremony of Adam and Eve? It is God's wedding. If that had been the case, what would have been the result? The sexual organs would have become first of all the palace of God's love, the original palace of love. That is why the family is said to be the palace, because the organs are the original palace of love. The family generally is the palace, and the organs are the vertical original palace of love. How precious they are! (265-269, 1994.11.23)
Who is Adam? Had he not fallen but instead become perfect, he would have become God's body. Eve would also have become His body. Man would have become His body on the plus side, and woman His body on the minus side. Thereupon, what would have served as the basis for them to be united? That basis would be love, the sexual organs.
Given that Adam and Eve, with God residing internally in the center of their minds, are His embodiments, what would happen when they made love through their genitals? Through whom does God make love? Through what does the mind love? Isn't it through the body? Likewise, God would enter perfected Adam, who has not fallen, like a homeowner enters his house, and the two would make love. (197-52, 1990.1.7)
Who on earth is God? He is the Creator and the vertical Parent of true love. In other words, He is the vertical Parent based on true love. Perfected Adam and Eve are the horizontal parents based on true love. These two sets of parents are to unite. Vertical and horizontal are to unite at the place where Adam and Eve make love. That place is the original palace of love, life and lineage. It is the male and female organs.
In such a manner, God Himself will give birth to His sons and daughters. They are indeed His children. You were all born of two sets of parents, and the conscience is in the reciprocal position to the vertical Parent. In view of this, the conscience is the vertical "you" and the body the horizontal "you." How do vertical and horizontal unite? If they were to unite through true parental love, the Creator's true love, body and mind would never conflict but rather would harmonize completely. (250-38, 1993.10.11)
What on earth does it mean to call God our Father? You need to know the origin of the ideal of creation. Who is God? He is our Father, and you are His children. Given that you are His children, who do you take after? You resemble Him. Would He have eyes? Would He have a nose, a mouth and ears? He would. Next, would He have a body? Would God have sexual organs? All such subjects pose questions, which must be answered logically. (196-41, 1989.12.24)
Which organ does a couple uses to make love? Where do the love of God and humankind come together? There is only one starting point. If there were two, there would be two different directions and purposes, and we would consequently conclude that both God and human beings could not be happy. If God created humankind to be the object partners of His love, the starting point where His love and their love come in contact should be one and the same. Where would that point be? Not the heart. What is the most important organ for both man and woman? It is the sexual organs, the organs which God devoted the utmost care to during the creation process. (267-315, 1995.2.5)
Should not Adam and Eve's wedding be God's wedding? Where will you go to meet God, who created the object partner of His love to be superior to Him? Where will you go to unite with Him? Through the nose? Where would it be? This is a weighty matter. As such, the sexual organs, found in both men and women, are the original garden wherein God can reside. That is where His love is perfected for the first time. That is the place where concave and convex come together as one. That is where the perfection of human beings, that is, the perfection of woman, man and God, takes place centering on love. (261-220, 1994.6.19)
Body and mind need to unite through the sexual organs. There should be only one starting place: if there were two, there would be two different directions. The final destination where the love of humankind and God's love come into contact and settle is the sexual organs. There the internal husband and the external husband are bound into oneness through love. Simply put, they are bound together where concave meets convex. (264-330, 1994.11.20)
A person reaching full maturity and marrying signifies the establishment of a relationship between God's love and the love of humankind. Centering on what? On the love organs. From a spiritual perspective, Adam's sexual organ is God's external sexual organ, and Eve's sexual organ God's internal sexual organ. From the relational point of view it signifies oneness with the woman's sexual organ. (223-19, 1991.11.7)
God's wedding is Adam and Eve's wedding, which is why His kingdom on earth and in heaven come into existence simultaneously. It starts with the love nest. The moment the male and female sexual organs come together without falling is the point where God's Kingdom on earth and in heaven originate. That is also the base where the three great kingships should be established. A love nest cannot be built anywhere else except in that place. (263-57, 1994.8.16)
Adam's wedding is also God's wedding. This is His greatest secret. By finding this out, I became a specialist in the anatomy of the sexual organs. Everything unites centered on the sexual organs. If not for them, man and woman would not know love, and there would be no place for their lives to come together. That is where their blood meets, where history is perpetuated, and where the conscience begins. (275-68, 1995.11.3)
From God's viewpoint, who is woman originally and what is her relationship with Him? God created humankind because of love. In this regard, should His love and the love of humankind be in conflict with each other, or united? If the latter, where should they unite? Where would it be? Have you ever considered this? You should think about it. That place is the sexual organs. (265-256, 1994.11.23)
You need to know that the tradition of love based on God and True Parents is the starting point for everything. Where do the true love of God and humankind unite and begin? In the sexual organs. What kind of sexual organs? They would be the true sexual organs desired by God. This is the conclusion. (267-321, 1995.2.5)
We seek to return to the original homeland -- the place where the love of God and humankind are connected -- the male and female organs. Where do the love of God and humankind begin to unite? God, who is the root of the life, love, conscience, and lineage of Adam and Eve, will, from the vertical position, inevitably enter the center of the union of the external form and internal nature of Adam and Eve, who are in the horizontal position. Therefore, Adam and Eve's marriage is also God's marriage. The male and female organs are the instruments that will liberate and perfect God. Hence, God is the Father, the vertical Father, while perfected Adam is the horizontal father. (258-78, 1994.3.16)
Do not be reckless with your sticks, but rather respect them. They are most precious. God is looking down at them; He resides in them. Furthermore, that which belongs to the wife belongs to His wife, the Queen, and should I say that which belongs to the husbands is His stick? You should think that it is the same as God's. They are not two different things. Just like the mind and the body, if God is the mind, you are His body. Though invisible, He is there with you and your sexual organs. Though the organ is attached to your bodies, you should think that what is attached to you is the unified form of two. (265-273, 1994.11.23)
Have you ever thought of your husbands' sexual organs as God's? How near does that make Him? Don't place Him on a sky-high pedestal and worship Him. He is inside your minds. You don't realize it because He is one with you. (265-104, 1994.11.20)
Due to the Fall, the male and female organs became evil things because they became the original palace that opened the gates to the evil wave of death, the laws of death, the hell of destruction, and the wicked objects that violated the laws of heaven. This was the secret hidden in history until now. Had they not fallen, the male and female sexual organs would have become the origin of love and the original palace of love, life and lineage. As such, they should have been united with God's vertical love and the horizontal love of true parents.
Since true love flows through the shortest route, the horizontal love of human beings, Adam and Eve, would also do so, and would therefore have no choice but to form a ninety degree angle. Here, an explosion should take place, caused by the joy brought about through the oneness of Adam and Eve with God in life, love and lineage. Humanity should have been born from this unifying explosion. Thus they would have become Adam and Eve's children, and God's grandchildren. Had that come to pass, why would they go to hell? Why would they need religion? They would have lived just as they were and gone to heaven. (197-175, 1990.1.13)
Since God is in the vertical position at the center, He is vertical, and Adam and Eve are horizontal, and so the place where they come together and unite is the sexual organs. Thus, God, the source of love and life, can dwell in that place, and since He is the origin of lineage, everything begins there.
If that which is the source of life, love and lineage were to be pulled, that is to say, if this bloodline were to be pulled, then along with it all ancestral bloodlines would emerge. If life were to be pulled, would the lives of the ancestors who come forth be pulled as well? Furthermore, if the love line were to be pulled, would the rest be pulled along also? That place, the headquarters where creation is concentrated and connected is the most precious place of all. The sexual organs are the distinguishing characteristic between men and women.
Then who were the male and female organs created to make a connection with first? Not for Adam or Eve, but for God. The Bible depicts the devil as a god of lewdness. Why did God hate him so? He completely destroyed His ideal intrinsic nature. So his banishment from the entire universe is foretold. (194-64, 1989.10.15)
How precious are the male and female organs? The Fall came about through them, causing the ideal of all humanity to break down. They cannot have two owners, but absolutely only one. When a woman gets married and permits hers to become one with her one and only husband, it will be for eternity. Hence, the male and female organs are precious. Where do God's love and the love of humankind meet?
God created heaven and earth for the sake of the love of the ideal of creation, and the object partner of that love is humankind. Wouldn't you all want the object partner of your love to be better than yourselves? Don't you want that? How many thousands of times better should they be? If asked, "Do you want your spouse to be a thousand times or ten thousand times better?" you would answer ten thousand times. If asked, "Ten thousand or a hundred thousand times?," then it would be a hundred thousand times, and so on and so forth to many millions of times. (263-121, 1994.8.21)
Who do you think would be the partner of love desired by God in the world of creation? What would that partner be like? Could man alone be His partner? Could woman alone be His partner? What partner does He want? Not a partner for money, knowledge or power. Since He desires a love partner, we can meet Him at the place where the male and female organs unite. (279-250, 1996.9.15)

3.2.3. The root of true lineage: God

Were it not for the Fall, God would have become the internal Father and Mother, and Adam and Eve the external father and mother. As the sons and daughters of the internal Parent, human beings should have been born inheriting the seed of love. However, due to the Fall centering on the love of Satan, they inherited his love, life and lineage. (223-234, 1991.11.10)
God stands in the position of the invisible internal Adam and the invisible internal Eve. In front of humankind, Adam was to stand as the substantial father, attending God, the internal Father, and Eve as the substantial mother, attending God, the internal Mother. Through this, the vertical basis was to be expanded to a horizontal foundation. (138-245, 1986.1.24)
Eve is God's future wife of love. God Himself is vertical, but He does not have a horizontal object. Unless vertical and horizontal are brought together, production cannot take place. God exists as the vertical. The vertical is perpendicular, and there can only be one perpendicular. The perpendicular world is incapable of multiplication. The configuration capable of multiplication is the horizontal foundation, since there is space for the realm of multiplication to unfold in all directions. Since He could not do it alone, God created His bodies in the form of Adam and Eve to multiply citizens for His kingdom. (203-296, 1990.6.27)
Originally, had they not fallen, Eve would have become God's wife and Adam His body. Through the lovemaking of Adam as God's body and Eve as God's body, the union of God and humankind, of heaven and earth, should have taken place. This union of God and of man and woman, plus and minus, should have come about, giving way to new life and new lineage through love settled vertically and horizontally. (196-233, 1990.1.1)
Who is Adam? Since God is the root, Adam is like the newly sprouting branch and bud. God and Adam are one body. Since God is the root of life, love, lineage, and conscience, He needs to feel love first. It is the Principle that the root should precede the stem in feeling love. (264-136, 1994.10.9)
Adam and Eve occupy the position of the object partners for the love of God, who is their subject partner. God's love is to become one with them at the time and place of their first lovemaking on their wedding night. However, they would not feel as if they were united with God because He has become completely one with them. But God would already be feeling the joy of the ideal of creation through the connection of love, life and lineage. In response to God's joy, man and woman feel pleasure in making love. I am referring to the marriage and union of Adam and Eve. (253-211, 1994.1.23)
God is the source of love, life and lineage. Where would the love, life and lineage of man and woman come together? It would be the secret place of man and woman, namely their sexual organs. Thus, of all great enterprises in life, the greatest is marriage. (211-240, 1990.12.30)
Regarding the relationship between God and the progenitors of humankind, Adam and Eve, the origin of our life is God. God is also the subject of our love and the center of our life. (53-238, 1972.2.29)
The marriage of Adam and Eve signifies the marriage of God with humankind. Similarly, all of you, as human beings, are to marry Him. Where is God? He is inside of us. (258-276, 1994.3.20)
Adam and Eve's wedding is also God's wedding. Who is Adam? He is God's firstborn son. He is the level, the horizontal and God is the vertical. In a family, horizontal expansion begins from the firstborn son. God and Adam form the one body of father and son centered on love. Then where does love become one? At the wedding of vertical Adam and Eve. They adore each other after reaching full maturity in order to find the vertical position. (263-124, 1994.8.21)
Through love, God is to enter Adam and Eve and become the internal Father, and they are to become His body, ultimately becoming God internally and externally. God is the internal God who created the universe, and humankind is the external god. Becoming husband and wife, and setting out to establish the palace of God's Kingdom is their great work of creation. Hell cannot exist when the palace is established, centered on the kingship of the universe and the royal family of Adam and Eve. (140-115, 1986.2.8)
If God and Adam had attained internal and external oneness, God would have been the internal God and Adam the external god. God within would have been the internal God, and Adam without would have been the external god. (41-290, 1971.2.17)
God is the Creator and the vertical Parent of true love. In other words, He is the vertical Parent based on true love. Perfected Adam and Eve are the horizontal parents based on true love. These two sets of parents are to unite. Vertical and horizontal are to unite at the place where Adam and Eve make love. That place is the original palace of love, life and lineage: the male and female organs. In this way, God Himself will give birth to His sons and daughters. They are indeed His children. You were all born from two sets of parents, with the conscience in the reciprocal position to the vertical Parent. In view of this, your conscience is the vertical "you" and your body the horizontal "you." Through what do vertical and horizontal unite? Uniting through true parental love, the Creator's true love, body and mind would never conflict but rather would harmonize completely. (250-38, 1993.10.11)
If a family embodying the oneness of God and humankind in love had been realized, today we would all go straight to the Kingdom of Heaven without having to worry about heaven or hell. In this family, God can be one with human beings by making a relationship of true love centering on the genuine, great true love, which God desired as an ideal at the time of the creation. But without the true love of God and the true love of true human beings becoming one as the true love, there would be two starting points. If God's true love and the true love of human beings were to start as two different forms of love and thus have different directions and purposes it would be impossible to find the absolute ideal world desired by God and human beings. (275-54, 1995.10.30)
The Unification Church differs from established churches in that it states that the oneness of God and humankind takes place and settles through love. Other theologies define God as holy and humankind as low and sinful. If this were the case, how could the love of God and of humankind become one? There is no answer to this. The problem lies in the belief that the absolute God can do anything. As a result, wherever Christianity went, much blood was shed. Christianity invaded plundered and created dictators, dragging God's name into it. The world should not be like that. From the viewpoint of God's original nature, that is not how things should be. (249-145, 1993.10.8)

3.3. Why marriage is important

3.3.1. The purpose of marriage is to resemble God

These are the fundamentals of the universe and the same is also true of God's perfection. Possessing dual characteristics, Adam and Eve are to unite with Him vertically. Thus, it is human beings who will perfect and liberate God. In addition, it is God who will perfect and liberate human beings. They cannot be separated from each other; they must all love each other together in that position. (277-25, 1996.3.17)
Since Adam and Eve arose out of God's dual characteristics, they can be said to have emerged from the same bundle. In other words, they are like brother and sister born from the same womb as twins. Touching each other, the twin brother and sister suckle separate breasts and think together centering on love. They love each other embraced in the bosom of their mother. (238-248, 1992.11.22)
Since God's original nature is composed of dual characteristics, wouldn't it be natural to see two parts when separation takes place? Man is the god of internal nature and woman is the god of external form. Only when the two are united, that is, the two separate beings are brought together, can the axis centering on love be created. This axis cannot be touched by anyone. From this we can conclude that even God must absolutely obey this axis of love. All this is logical. (206-296, 1990.10.14)
Where is the standard of unity? It is on the perpendicular. Had the Fall not occurred, where would God and humankind meet? People get married to meet God, to be engrafted to His love. Like God, we should seek the ideal object partner of our love because we are born for love and through love we are united with the universe. This cannot be done alone. We are the divided forms of God's dual characteristics. (203-247, 1990.6.26)
Why marry? We marry to resemble God. He has dual characteristics and is a unified being in which both characteristics are harmonized. Man and woman were created to resemble each of His dual characteristics. Thus, man and woman should come together in complete unity and harmony, become like the seed, and return to the position of God's original character. For us to connect to that seed we need to go the way of love, and so we need to be born out of love. We need to be raised with love as our goal, live centering on love, and walk the path that will lead us back to God's love in heaven. You must understand that if you do not follow the path focused on that goal while living on earth, you will be headed in the wrong direction. If you keep your mind focused on leading a life of loving others you will be on the right path, no matter which way you go, as if you were trying to find your way to the South Pole or the North Pole. (138-97, 1986.1.19)
You get married not just for yourself, but for your spouse as well. Does that mean to say that marriage is more for your spouse than yourself? Since everything in heaven and earth is based on the principle of subject and object, for man and woman to get married is also a rule in heaven and earth.
If man represents right, woman represents left, this is so that they can form a horizontal relationship in the universe. If man is subject, woman becomes his object; this forms a vertical, upper and lower relationship with God. Therefore marriage is not for the sake of just the man or just the woman. It is to conform to heavenly law. The reason man and woman are shaped differently is so they can come together according to heavenly law. (Blessing - 356)
Why get married? To love God. What can you achieve after loving Him? You become one with His axis. What are we trying to achieve by becoming one with God? What happens when we become one with Him? Why should we become one with Him? Centering on the eternal love of the absolute God, eternal life can be achieved. This is not all. You must know that starting at the point where contact is made, the right to inherit the universe is bestowed. The world created by God centering on love belongs to Him, but it can become ours through the right of inheritance. (136-39, 1985.12.20)
Why get married? It is not for Adam and Eve to discover their own love. It is to make a secondary circle centering on the nucleus which is the vertical love of God. That is the ideal. God's ideal of creation is also fulfilled centering on such a love, and only through the union of a mature man and woman can love be fulfilled and connected to life. The connection cannot be made through life, but rather through love. Centering on vertical paternal love, with horizontal conjugal love, the seed of original love can be connected for the first time. (173-288, 1988.2.21)
Marriage is where the ideal of creation is perfected. The perfection of God's children, siblings, and the ideal man and woman takes place in marriage. The substantial unity of the dual characteristics, internal nature and external form as they existed before being manifested in the form of Adam and Eve, takes place here. (252-118, 1993.11.14)
Separately, God's spiritual dual characteristics were manifested in the form of Adam and Eve. Through marriage the two can reunite vertically. The moment they are united in marriage, the incomplete halves are completed, achieve perfection, and embrace each other's worlds. Only the power of love can bring this about. Not only that, but through marriage they occupy God and their spouse. That is exactly what marriage is. It cannot be done casually. (255-260, 1994.3.11)
What is marriage? Through marriage, man occupies woman's world, which he was previously ignorant about. Woman also occupies man's world. Prior to marriage, man is a mystery to woman, as is he to her. They are in the same situation. By mutually occupying each other's mysterious worlds, thereby possessing both worlds, man and woman can be united before God, the Subject of dual characteristics, and thus they can become one with Him. (261-218, 1994.6.19)
Man is born for woman, and vice versa. Marriage brings two halves to perfection. It makes the half that is man and the half that is woman whole again, and then they occupy God. Man and woman are divided as dual characteristics and then reunited in love. What was divided from the origin was reunited. (270-167, 1995.5.29)
Adam and Eve's marriage can also be said to be God's marriage. God, who is the root of love, life, lineage and conscience, should experience love first. God, and then the husband, should be welcomed into the place of marriage. God's dual characteristics should go into Adam and Eve's minds respectively. In other words, the origin divides and enters the two separately. This is how origin-division-union action takes place. Plus and minus are completely united in this way. (273-84, 1995.10.21)
Why get married? We marry to resemble God. He has dual characteristics and is a unified being in which both characteristics are harmonized. Man and woman were created to resemble each of His characteristics. Thus, man and woman should come together in complete unity and harmony, and become like a seed, returning to the position of God's original character. Marriage signifies attaining the position in which the couple can become one with God. (290-53, 1998.2.2)
What is marriage? Through marriage, woman who is only half-complete is made whole by the fulfillment of love with a man. The same is true of man, in that he is perfected through marriage by becoming one in love with a woman. Thus, the male and female organs are absolutely necessary. The male organ was made for woman and the female sexual organ for man. Their sexual organs were not made for themselves. (265-101, 1994.11.20)
Great is the love of the first night of marriage. That is first love. This is the moment a woman offers her body, which she has safeguarded all her life, to her man. This is also the case for the man. On that night, a man offers his chaste body one hundred percent to his woman. The lives they led before marriage were all in preparation for that night. (250-97, 1993.10.12)
When man and woman meet, and love blossoms between them, do you think they should unite absolutely, or remain separate? How does absolute oneness come about? Through man and woman kissing? Through which part do they become one? Marriage is intended to perfect the ideal of the sexual organs. Marriage is to satisfy that ideal. Is that wrong or right? This may sound like a coarse conclusion, but it is not coarse at all. It seems coarse because it is expressed in the words of coarse people in a secular world, but it is holy in God's original world. Where is the most holy place desired by God? It's the place wherein love can dwell forever. (279-71, 1996.7.24)
A woman on her way to find her man should be thinking: "I am seeking the one who is more precious than God. I am on my way to meet you with what is most precious. With great care, I have treasured and saved this my whole life. I love you." When women yearn for their men in such manner, their sexual area throbs. (206-141, 1990.10.3)
Filial love is perfected in the moment a married man and woman make love, that is, have sexual intercourse, for the first time. Here, the perfection of fraternal heart and conjugal heart takes place. This moment is also the starting point for the perfection of the heart of future parents. Thus, the woman's sexual part is the original palace of love, the origin of love. From there love begins; it does not begin in midair. (257-100, 1994.3.13)
What perfects man and woman? Married life: where the concave and convex of man and woman are unified, focused on love. You should know that is through love that they are unified. Looking from a structural point of view at the entire human body, there is nothing like the sexual organs. They were created to be the nucleus of the whole. In the process of creation, God invested the greatest effort into them. (263-261, 1994.10.15)
Mutual perfection is achieved through marriage and by the union of man and woman, who are two halves, through their sexual organs. Man becomes perfected through woman's love. He perfects her, and she him. This perfection, and union of true life, takes place centering on true love. Man and woman are unified in true love.
It happens in the place where the two are united through activation of life, with love as the center. That is where their blood is brought together in one melting pot. Sons and daughters are born from there. You should know that place is more precious than sons and daughters, your husbands, and even God. (280-199, 1997.1.1)
Where man and woman embrace each other in love is the place wherein the universe is unified. That is how the creation appears when it fulfills God's ideal as originally intended. (22-201, 1969.2.4)
Of all blessings, the most precious is God's love. Next is inheriting God's creative power. Just as God created Adam and Eve, we are given the power to create through the children we give birth to. Why do we love our children? It is because through them, we horizontally inherit God's great achievements; the ability to create in this substantial realm. As a result, we feel the same joy from our children that God felt when he created Adam and Eve.
Next, God bestowed upon us the right of dominion. Because of this, we can have dominion over the creation just as God has dominion over it. Therefore, we should understand that at the moment we are married, we inherit God's love, the power of re-creation and the right of dominion in the realm of perfection. Hence, marriage refers not only to the fulfillment of love, but also to inheritance of rights over creation and dominion. (76-45, 1975.1.26)
The free sex rampant in this world is a trap Satan made to cause people to fall and to prevent them from coming closer to God. Once caught in this trap, they will die and be controlled by Satan or become his prey. In today's western societies, the USA in particular, due to the prevalence of free sex, it is becoming more and more difficult to form ideal families, and the number of people failing to form families is increasing daily. Thus, in the not-too-distant future, the majority of people will not have families at all.
When that happens, the USA will become a loveless society. I can confidently predict that it will become a hellish society in the end, dominated by anxiety and fear caused by mistrust. At this point of time, you in the USA have been given the responsibility and mission to eradicate these social trends, and instead establish a society brimming with love, the society God hopes for. (Blessing - 361)
In the Unification Church, our views on marriage are different. The purpose of marriage is for us to return to the Origin. (182-186, 1988.10.23)

3.3.2. Conjugal love and absoluteness

If a husband and wife love each other so much that their love is about to explode on the basis of their minds loving God and humanity, God and the universe will be able to feel elated through that family. The love that they share cannot be anything else but the love for God and humanity. That root of love cannot be found within oneself. The love of God and humanity are its source. (35-239, 1970.10.19)
After marriage, nothing is horizontal anymore because when a higher being is connected to a lower being, the concept of perpendicularity emerges. A horizontal foundation can control the universe but not the cosmos. Only when vertical meets horizontal perpendicularly, can all sides fit together, be it heaven as earth, earth as heaven, front as back, back as front, right as left, high as low and before as after. The perfected standard on earth leads to the total perfection of the spirit world. (230-259, 1992.5.8)
After getting married, the place where husband and wife share true love is the origin of the love, life and lineage of God and humankind. This palace is the starting point of God's Ideal, His kingdom on earth and in heaven. The children born of this true love then achieve conjugal oneness by focusing on true love, form a family that attends God, and become the starting point of peace and the ideal. Man and woman, who are only halves by themselves, unite and complete the ideal love of God as His object partners. (259-45, 1994.3.27)
When a man and a woman receive the Blessing and feel joy by giving and receiving perfected love, in God's eyes, it's like a flower blossoming on earth. Moreover, everything that occurs through their love is like the fragrance of flowers to Him. He would then come to reside in such a family, since He desires to live amidst such a beautiful fragrance. The foundation where His love comes down is where conjugal love takes place. That will also become the place where all things and the universe can unite in harmony. (Blessing - 887)
Who is the owner of the male and female organs? It is the vertical God. Where do the ideal love of God and human beings come together? In the sexual organs. We marry to meet God. These are amazing words. God does not reside in some other separate place. When we have attained that position we will find Him dwelling there. Where does the teaching concerning the three great subjects come together and take root? It is in love. The love of God and human beings come together through the sexual organs. Marriage is for us to be engrafted to God's vertical love.
Thunder and lightning caused by negative and positive electricity on a cloudy day symbolizes the marriage of the universe. A loud noise is audible at such times, right? Are not pigeons noisy when they make love? Do you cry out when making love? I'm sure you have a hard time stifling the cry that threatens to come out of your mouths lest your mother and father may hear you. Be spontaneous. There is no need to hide such things. It is no longer a sin to shout until the windowpanes shatter all at once. Just as lightning flashes with a peal of thunder, so should you blaze. In marriage, you should attain that state of living in attendance of a holy woman or man, and God. Buddhist monks will never get to know such a world of love, no matter how much they practice asceticism. (203-255, 1990.6.26)
Do you think God does not see you making love? It is all out in the open. It is open for the universe to see. It is very wrong to be unaware of this fact. Your ancestors are watching from the spirit world; they can see it as if it is taking place right before their eyes, like on the palm of their hands. Therefore it is very wrong to think making love is embarrassing. (250-244, 1993.10.15)
Love is eternal. There cannot be two loves that are eternal but only one. When man and woman are bound together through love, they should live together in happy union while on earth until parted by death. Even after death they should live together eternally. Although there are two bodies, they attain oneness by reuniting. When the two bodies unite, they are to revolve around God, thereby establishing the four-position foundation of love; that is the ideal world. False love cannot invade this world, and only true love will dwell there. (Blessing - 344)
What sort of a couple are an ideal husband and wife? They are the husband and wife who can substantially manifest the highest art and greatest literature. Before they can come in contact with the highest ideal and cultural world, the sweetest, greatest love shared by husband and wife should become the best work of art in the world. Their conjugal life should become the greatest work of literature, the embodiment of literature itself. (22-269, 1969.5.4)
Art should be manifested in the family. Husbands should become entertaining and artistic. If you find a good article in a magazine, mark it up and read it out loud in a wonderful voice to your wife as she is about to fall asleep. If you imagine in a dream that your wife was moved with emotion just as she went to sleep, it will come true. You would be connected to the spirit world. How splendid that is! Would you like to live like that, or would you prefer living like an unrefined couple? If you want to live in style, first adopt a flamboyant attitude and direction. That is the first condition. (271-282, 1995.8.28)
By giving birth to a baby you occupy the top quarter of God's world. By ascending to God's position and loving our children, we can experience God's inner heart and how much He loved human beings after creating them. (224-28, 1991.11.21)
By giving birth to sons and daughters and taking on the position of parents, a couple can experience how joyful God felt when He was creating human beings. Through the experience of having sons and daughters we are initiated into the world where we can inherit all God's powers, the Great Subject of heaven and earth. The responsibility of the mother and father entails producing sons and daughters, raising them well and marrying them off. God was to raise Adam and Eve and marry them, but He could not do so. Adam and Eve also failed to give birth to sons and daughters and have them married. This deplorable failure must be resolved. These become the principles of education. (223-196, 1991.11.10)
A couple can perpetuate their lineage by uniting and having sons and daughters. They can experience God's joy of creating in this horizontal world through being elevated to the position of creators, and giving birth to sons and daughters. Thus, the wife should be treated the same as the sons and daughters because her position combines that of sons, daughters and siblings. Hence, husband and wife cannot be separated. Love is not meant to be satisfied thoughtlessly. In order to have sons and daughters, the couple needs to reach the inherent standard originally desired by God as the ideal of creation by complying with all such traditions. In this way, the family becomes the foundation for the Kingdom of Heaven. (223-24, 1991.11.7)
Circular motion manifests in all sorts of forms and figures once you become one centered on God. That is why the older sibling must love the younger, following the example of their parents loving them. Love within the family blossoms when a family unites into one in that way, the. Then that family love becomes love within a society, and then the love within a nation. In this way, it becomes the love of the whole world. (28-168, 1970.1.11)
Since God is the original substance of true love, when one gets connected to true love, everyone becomes part of one body. Parents are gods living in God's stead on earth, husband and wife are mutual counterpart gods, and sons and daughters are little gods. A family structure comprising three generations with true love as the focus is the basis of the Kingdom of Heaven. Without achieving this type of family, the kingdom cannot be established. The family is the center of the universe. The perfection of the family is the basis for the perfection of the universe, and so if there is love in a family and love for the universe, you can freely go anywhere. Then God would stand in the combined central position of love as the Parent of the whole universe. (298-306, 1999.1.17)
Monuments of peace should be erected for woman's chastity and man's fidelity because man and woman are trusted absolutely. When this is equalized for eternity there will be happiness. The treasure of all treasures is woman; she was but one half, however in occupying her husband, heaven and earth are reunited. To God, who is above us, sons and daughters are born, who are below Him. In short, an upper-lower relationship is formed.
Next, based on the conjugal relationship, expansion takes place in all directions. At last the family can settle down centering on the front and back relationship of siblings. One needs to have brothers and sisters. This organization of the relationships of up and down, left and right, and front and back, must take firm root.
As such, the only treasure man has is his wife. Even if he were to abandon all his assets, the one thing he cannot change is his wife. She is his one and only treasure. (2000.9.1) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Eleven - The Root of the Universe
Chapter Two - The Creation of Humankind and the Perfection of the Ideal of Love
Section 4. The Sexual Organs Are the Greatest Mystery and Interest

4.1. The sexual organs were created with utmost diligence

Why is the universe based on the pair system? Did it happen naturally? We can talk about today's theory of evolution, but what is the better-known truth that came before the theory of evolution? Men and women have genitals, the sexual organs. Have these organs evolved? If they have, then the way of lovemaking would have changed as well. People of the present would have a more developed way of making love than those of the past. Even in the insect kingdom, lovemaking between bugs would be different today from what it was in the past. Birds too would mate in a different way. Discussions should be held based on such factors. Are the love organs, which are the source of life, made to develop through evolution? Did our eyelashes grow by themselves and do our eyes shed tears just because they feel like it? Don't talk such nonsense.
There must be the owner -- the idea -- that is the origin of this universe. How mysterious are our bodies? Did they come into being just like that? How mysterious are the sexual organs? Could these organs, so unimaginably mysterious, be made just like that? Nothing that is connected to life is simple. (191-53, 1989.6.24)
The material world yearns to become the cells of the male and female organs because they are the final destination of hope. Through becoming one of these cells, they become invaluable, because that is where they can come into contact with God's love. Hence, all the essential nuclei and cells of the universe are focused on the operation of the male and female organs. Power is coursing through love and emanating from them: this can even move the universe. Because of this, one desires to sacrifice oneself for the sake of one's beloved. (287-303, 1997.10.6)
All physiological senses are concentrated at the sexual organs. God exercised utmost diligence in creating them. As such, they became the organs that connect history and re-create life. Without knowing anything, you have sexual intercourse and produce sons and daughters, but that is not the way it should be. God, who created the organs, intended every element to be connected to them. Hence, when they are activated, the fundamental elements of life all get connected to them, and explode like a power station. That is called love. (255-306, 1994.3.11)
Are you married? Do you have husbands? When animals are in heat and yearning for a mate they go out in search of their mates by scent and not sight. Similarly, you need to initiate a great physiological revolution. But due to the Fall, we have not yet reached the standard of using all our senses. What is lovemaking like for animals? You watched the movie earlier today, didn't you? In the Dong River located in Gangwon Province you can find Hemibarbus mylodon, a type of fish with no sexual organs. There is a line running through the body of the fish, and that is their sexual organ. When the females give off their odor in heat, the males rub their bodies against the line on the bodies of the females, and there is a spark. Then the males secrete seminal fluid. It is truly amazing. How are they able to lay eggs in water? That is how they make love. (301-195, 1999.4.26)
According to the theory of evolution, who made the distinction between male and female gender? Was it the amoeba? Darwin, that rascal, I should shake him to his senses. Do you know how much more mysterious and complicated the structure of the male and female organs are compared to your skeletal structure? How would you answer this question, Dr. Yoon? Well, how would you answer? Is the statement "The structure of the sexual organs is more complicated than our skeletal structure" correct? Yes, the structure of the sexual organs is more complicated. (197-22, 1990.1.7)

4.2. The owners of the sexual organs were interchanged

Man's treasure is not owned by him. It is owned by the woman, and her treasure belongs to him. In short, ownership has been exchanged. The woman does not own her sexual organ. She needs to know that it belongs to her man; it is not hers. The same is true for the man. Therefore one cannot do as one likes with their sexual organs. American women think of their organs as belonging to them. As a result, they act freely and do whatever they want with them. This is also the case for the men. But you are only the caretaker of your sexual organ. In other words, the caretakers are passing themselves off as the owners.
I ask the women: When did you meet the owner of your sexual organ? The owner is your husband. And you men: Do yours belong to you? Then what is marriage? Through marriage men and women are to find the owners of their sexual organs. Love is negative and positive electricity searching around for each other and meeting to produce lightning. Love is similar. A woman gets married not for a man's face but for this. A man gets married not for a woman's hand but for this. If man and woman are meant to marry among themselves, how can there be gays or lesbians? They will cease to exist. In less than a century, they will be gone in one generation. In light of this, should you get married or not? Why get married? Because this is the way it is, you need to get married. You must absolutely get married. (162-50, 1987.3.22)
Women's sexual organs are not for themselves, but for their husbands. Until now they have thought of them as their own, but that is not so. They have no need of them. Men are the ones who need them. Women need to realize that what they have belongs to the men. It belongs to the men, to their husbands. Despite that, women feel possessive about them and so wickedly ruin everything in this world. Without men, what would they use them for? I am asking: what could they be used for? This is a serious question. Previously that was not understood. (275-132, 1995.12.4)
The owner of man's love is woman. She owns it. The owner of woman's love is man. He owns it. All men know this. To whom do those things dangling from men's bodies belong? This was previously not understood. Thinking that your sexual organ belongs to you is a sin. It is a grave sin for women to think that their sexual organs belong to them. (141-172, 1986.2.21)
True men should not change. True women do not change. Where can these men and women who are absolutely unchanging in true love be found? If there were such people the entire universe would bow down before them. That is how it would be. Since He is the King of wisdom, God let women keep the treasure of men, and men keep the treasure of women. That is the case for the sexual organs. (142-335, 1986.3.14)
For what purpose were human beings born? To seek the path of love. So the sexual organs men and women have do not belong to them. The organ dangling from man's body is not his. However, he regarded it as his possession. Woman is not the owner of her sexual organ; it is the man's. The owner of the sexual organ on man's body is woman. You must understand this amazing fact that, in this way, the love organs and their owners were interchanged. (143-66, 1986.3.15)
Woman and man are different in one respect. What way is that? Is it not in their sexual organs? Does a woman's sexual organ belong to her? Does it belong to her after she is married? It is her husband's. Also, what is that dangling from the body of the husband? Whose is it? It is the woman's for eternity. The right of ownership of absolute love is determined centering on true love. If one has an affair in the satanic world there is only way he can be forgiven; that can happen when he has taken a knife to cut it off, but then does not only because his wife held his hand back and prevented him from doing so. (180-334, 1988.10.5)
Can man and woman unite by kissing or by embracing each other? Complete unity takes place only in married life, which brings man and woman together as the interchanged owners of their sexual organs. (190-130, 1989.6.18)
Man is there for the object partner before him, woman. Since God is the King of wisdom, to prevent them from fighting and staying apart, He placed the most precious parts of each on the other's body, that is, He interchanged the owners. Those precious parts are the male and female organs. It is the most holy place. Wasn't the place built to store the Ark of the Covenant called the most holy place? Anyone who touched it was struck down by lightning and destruction was wrought for his generation and myriads of generations to come. The sole owner, the chief priest, is the husband. (190-134, 1989.6.18)
In the process of creation, God did not make man and woman haphazardly. He created them based on the sexual organs. Why? It was because He is the ancestor of love, the origin of life, and the origin of lineage. Man transmits ideal love there. The woman's sexual organ belongs to her man and his to her. They are not the owners of their organs. Hence, they are not the ones who can open them. Woman cannot open hers. Man cannot open his. Only she can open his and he hers. The focal point of love comes to fruition at that place. (193-301, 1989.10.8)
Man was born for woman. Woman was born for man. Thus, the sexual organs of man and woman do not belong to them. God is very wise; He interchanged the owners. Aren't those men who have affairs utter scoundrels? They are the lowest of the low and deserve to be struck down by lightning! Such behavior can never be forgiven in the Unification Church. (198-122, 1990.1.25)
Who is the owner of that concave female organ? Is it the woman or the man who needs it? Does woman need it absolutely or man? Man. Also, his is absolutely necessary to her. In terms of who holds the keys to them, he has hers and she has his. Thus, there is only one person who can open it. Since true love is one, only true men and women can be in charge of it. (210-108, 1990.12.1)
Who is the owner of the female organ? Man. The male organ is needed by the woman, and the female organ by the man. They were created correspondingly in that way. The owners were interchanged. (227-59, 1992.2.10)
Love wants to be absolute. Absolute means there is only one, not two. Something that is absolute is eternally one. Therefore, only one man and one woman can be allowed as the partner of love. As such, God created one Adam and one Eve. How can that be denied? No one could change that. (254-273, 1994.2.15)
For whom did woman's breasts come into being? For herself? For her sons and daughters, not for herself. For whom does she have big hips? Again, her sons and daughters. The owners of her breasts are her children. How about the sexual organ? It is for her spouse. Why? Everything on earth came to exist for the sake of others. Who is the owner of the female organ? Her husband. Who is the owner? The husband, not the woman herself. Then who is the owner of the man's organ? The woman. God is truly amazing. He has interchanged owners to make it impossible for either to run away. (201-196, 1990.4.1)
A woman's face is not for herself. It is the face in which her husband can take delight. Nothing is hers. Her sexual organ placed down below in her center is not hers. It belongs to her husband. Not one part of the woman's body was created for her. They are all for her husband and her sons and daughters. Such is the path trod by woman: she is the one who can embrace the two worlds. She should clasp hands. The one who can become the vessel of love that will embrace the vertical and horizontal worlds on earth for the first time is the woman. (263-180, 1994.8.23)
With regard to the female body, her breasts and hips were created for her baby, and her face and the part that is covered up, are for her husband. This is the case of all parts of her body, upper and lower, left and right. There is not one that is for herself. Who own it? The owner of what? I am referring to the female organ. It is not hers. It belongs to man. She cannot do whatever she likes with something that belongs to him. If only this had been known, the world would not have become chaotic like this. How could there be free sex or homosexuality? Isn't it theft to use somebody else's property as one pleases? Thieves will end up in a bad situation. (290-158, 1998.2.18)
Present with us today are presidents from more than ten nations; I would like to ask them: try broadcasting this message on the air. Ask whether man's sexual organ is for himself or for woman. Those who claim theirs belongs to them are thieves. Those who think that they own what they have are thieves. This is not a laughing matter. It is a historical declaration. If everyone lived in accordance with this, the world of peace would unfold right before our eyes. As far as God's will is concerned, the most important things are those related to love. To instruct human beings about His will concerning love, God created the most precious organ, that is, the sexual organ, and the male organ belongs to woman, and the woman's organ to man! Amen! Do you think this is not true? Do you think this is wrong? (277-182, 1996.4.15)
The male and female organs are the poles, plus and minus, that can possess God's love. They are the charging plates of a battery. Without them, we could not be charged up with God's love. Since human beings refill their love through that organ, they can do so daily. Animals however cannot. They can only do it yearly. (134-200, 1985.7.20)
The family system in the United States is such that grandfathers and grandmothers cannot visit their grandson's house whenever they like. If they want to visit him, they have to call first. Such procedures have to be followed before a visit. Think about it. In a love relationship, should one ask his or her spouse, "Let's make love tonight!" and get permission? Be it the wife or the husband, if one says, "Let's make love!" the other has to say okay. These are conjugal obligations. That is how it is. One cannot answer, "I'm tired, I don't want to!" Your organ is not yours. The owner of the female organ is man, and the owner of the male organ is woman. Who could deny this? (246-53, 1993.3.23)
You women, do you have such big breasts for yourselves? Do you have big hips for yourselves? There is not one part of you that belongs to you. Everything that women have is not theirs. It is for others, for their children and their husbands. None of their physiological organs or the sexual organ exists for the woman alone. Then who would be the owner of the male organ? The owner is woman. It is the wife who holds the key. If she were to use it wrongly, she would incur the punishment of heaven. Why did Sodom and Gomorrah go to ruin? Why is the United States on the way to destruction? They came to ruin through drugs and promiscuity. (142-150, 1986.3.8)
You did not know what makes a man a man, and a woman a woman? The answer is: the sexual organs. Is there anyone here who dislikes them? If you like them, how much do you like them? Even if you hitherto disdained them, you should henceforth esteem them. What will the world be like in the future? If it is a world that absolutely values the sexual organs. Will that world be good or bad? Will it prosper or perish? This is not a joke. When God was creating human beings, into which part did He invest the greatest creative effort? Would it be the eyes, the nose, the heart or the brain? Do not all these organs eventually die? What is the purpose of the Family Federation for World Peace? If there were a world inhabited by people who transcend all fields including morality and religion, whose sexual organs are harmonized into oneness so as to earn God's welcoming praise, what kind of world would it be?
When men and women are born, who do their sexual organs belong to? The owner of the husband's organ is the wife, and vice versa. You have been ignorant of the fact that the owners of the sexual organs were interchanged. This simple truth is undeniable and will remain unchanging throughout history forever to come. (279-244, 1996.9.15)
Where on earth is that place which harbors God's love? You should know that it is in the male and female organs. The original love organs, that have nothing to do with the Fall, are the most holy place. Humankind has been ignorant of this shocking fact, that, due to the Fall, this palace, this spring, which should have inherited the most precious lineage of the imperial prince of heaven, inherited instead the bloodline of Satan, God's enemy. (134-185, 1985.4.7)
Through the sexual organs man and woman make love. Yet, God wisely interchanged these love organs, one with the other, so that they could not be apart even if they wanted to. Even when they are separated, one needs to return to the other, having nowhere else to go, and no place else to rest. Only by taking one's counterpart along can one harmonize and be welcomed wherever one goes in heaven and earth. (148-290, 1986.10.25)

4.3. True love can digest even the unclean

Do you all know into which part of the body God invested His greatest creative effort? It is the sexual organ. The term sexual organ does not signify a reproduction machine. It is the most precious part of all, but it lies beside the most unclean part. Are you aware of that? Is the urethra found in the same place or not? It is in the same place. This is true for both man and woman. Why were they created that way? Even the best of seeds needs to be fertilized to take root and grow well. The greater the value of something, the more fertilizer it needs to continually receive.
Human beings continue to grow. They are growing as if they want to occupy even God Himself, and for this reason they are given manure throughout their lives. Should you find that dirty or be grateful for it? When you think of it alone, it is horrendous, is it not? Then why is it lying right there next to your organ? Every morning that organ needs to smell the odor coming from it, and it gets wet each time you urinate. What is this all about? Such are the principles of heaven and earth. (261-170, 1994.6.9)
When you actually stop to think about it, you thought that treasures were stored up there in heaven. But it turns out that you had treasures all along in your bodies. You came to understand that the original palace is a part of your body. Aren't the love organs the original palace that can attend God? Where is the pathway that makes the love connection? Is it in the fingertips? Where is it? What is it in a man? What is it in a woman? It is the male and female organs, where the most distasteful substance can also be found. Where does urine come out? From the sexual organ. This is the case for both women and men. If that unclean urine thus excreted were to mingle with love, would it still be unclean or would it become clean? Then how wonderful would it be to drink urine steeped in true love like iced tea! (178-125, 1988.6.1)
Love harmonizes many things. It can make a foul odor, a stench, or smell like perfume. Thus, for love nothing is unclean. Hence, God really is the King of wisdom. Our sexual organs are situated right next to the dirtiest part of our body. Declaring this as the way of harmony, He placed the male and female organs in the most unpleasant, dirtiest place. (194-49, 1989.10.15)
Where are the male and female organs? They are in the safest zone, and at the same time, the dirtiest. This goes to show that God truly is the King of wisdom. Through it, He teaches humanity, "Love rules over even such dirty things!" The sexual organ lies close to the anus, and urine passes through that same organ. (194-175, 1989.10.22)
When making love, do you not desire the male organ to enter you? When you think about it, how dirty is that? The most sacred hole and the most unclean hole are one and the same. Is that not true? In that foul and smelly place, eternal life springs forth. This is true. When you are going to the toilet, you should think about this. You should bring to mind my words, "It is a holy place connected to true love. Everything is holy." Never forget this. Always remember it. (293-43, 1998.5.1)
The most precious sexual organ is connected to the dirtiest part. Where does urine come out? No one ever gave a thought to this important point. If you did not know this, it would be impossible for you to be perfected. In the spring, when you are sowing seeds, do you wash that seed in water, or do you cover it with manure? You cover it with manure, dirty, stinking manure. You bury it in the ground and then stamp on it. (277-274, 1996.4.18)
Is the sexual organ located farthest from or nearest to the parts you use to urinate and defecate? Great people should be honored even in the foulest of places. The location of life needs fertilizer. It cannot be a clean place like a sandy beach. Man should taste like bean paste soup. It is all right for the woman to be clean, but the man should be a little musty. Coming in from a day outside, even if his feet smelled a little, he should laugh over it. If he were too clean, not even flies would approach him. Even they would refuse to visit him. If so, then what else, be it ants or birds, would approach him? (247-323, 1993.6.1)
What is marriage? Isn't it about connecting the sexual organs together? Is that so or not? My words are not vulgar but holy. The noblest part of the human body is the sexual organ. That is where life and the ideal are passed down. It is exceedingly precious, but it lies close to the excretory organs.
What happens to the sexual organs of man and woman when they are sitting on the toilet bowl? Is it only the anus that sits on the toilet? Are they not all sitting on it? (187-70, 1989.1.6)
What is the most precious part of the human body? The sexual organ. Although that organ is most holy, what lies next to it is the dirtiest. In the case of man, urine passes out of his sexual organ. Why is this so? That is the mystery of the universe. Also, what is closest to the female organ? Is it not the anus, which she uses every morning? The same goes for urination. However, you should not think that the sexual organ is located in an absurd place. Have you ever heard of anyone accusing that part? No words should be spoken against it, and no wrong should be found in it. When you go into the spirit world, you should wish to live in the lowliest of places as much as you would wish to live in the highest. (213-283, 1991.1.21)
What passes out of the female organ? Life. And what else? Urine, a cousin to feces, passes from it. Even I find this strange. Why on earth would anyone like that? Grandfathers and grandmothers, and even God Himself, lament that they could not obtain this love. It is amazing. What is so good about that? (295-186, 1998.8.28)
Love is precious to humankind. The love of human beings is precious, but right next to that organ of precious love is the organ that you hate the most. Which one is that? What do you urinate through? In both men and women, is that connected to the sexual organ or not? Do you not find that offensive? (263-95, 1994.8.21)
Which is better: the fingers or the head? Which is best in man? Which part of the body is the most precious in men and women? Is it not the sexual organ? How precious it is that it was created so as to be protected against unwelcome intrusions from all directions! That would not be the case if it were located where it could be touched just in passing. So it is thoroughly protected. This is the case for man as well as woman. Even if I were God, I could not have found anywhere else to put it. In creating and installing that organ, where would you have placed it in the body? Would you have put it somewhere else? If you had done that, what would happen when a man and a woman are walking together? (199-323, 1990.2.21)

4.4. Vertical and horizontal to be balanced by the sexual organs

Do not architects design with just a set square? Do they not draw up plans very easily? By the same token, with regard to the human body, where are the most important organs located? The ones found along a perpendicular drawn down the center are most important. What are they? In this physiological form of the body, which are the most important organs? The first is the nose. Try blocking your nostrils. Through them, elements essential to life pass in and out. Then further down, where would you reach? After the navel, you go further down and reach the sexual organ. Is the female organ placed upside down or laterally? I wouldn't know; it is the women who should know well. Is the male organ placed vertically? You should know about that. Everything centered on that vertical line is holy. It is connected directly to the issues of life. (196-226, 1990.1.1)
A person in whose face the lateral line (mouth-line) and the vertical line (nose-line) are straight is a person of true conscience. People in whose faces these two lines intersect at ninety degrees are conscientious people. This is the most important part. The navel should not be displaced but should instead be at the center-line, going straight up to meet the chin, and with the lips here the nose should be straight, making a straight line to where this vein is. Those who display all these features will succeed in life. This line should also go down to meet the center of the hips. In this way, waist and hips should be perpendicular. That is how everything should look. (207-78, 1990.11.1)
Are not the eyes horizontal and the nose vertical? A vertical line extends from this vertical nose, down through the mouth and the esophagus to the stomach. Vertical and horizontal should be harmonized. If the vertical mouth or the horizontal eyes in a person's face are crooked, it changes that person's personality. The male and female organs are also harmonized with the vertical. The male organ consists of two, one vertical and the other horizontal. This represents the universe. Thus, the seed of life, the source of life comes from man. However proud American women are of themselves, they do not have baby seeds in them, do they? Even the most renowned American women could never have baby seeds in them. (243-272, 1993.1.28)
Where does this straight perpendicular line lead? To the sexual organ. That is the point the vertical line passes through, and for this reason, God desires this place. The body needs to form ninety degrees and unite right here, in this place. Until now, the minds and bodies of human beings have not been righteous. The mind is the vertical "you," and the body is the horizontal "you." Starting from where? The vertical Parent and the horizontal parents came together to create you. You inherited true love, true life, and true lineage from them. That is how you came into being. They united in true love and brought you into this world. Therefore, you are the center of the universe, and the representative of love. You are the central being of true love, formed by the union of horizontal and vertical love. That is who you are. (217-152, 1991.5.19)
Human beings like vertical things, and for this reason they stand upright. The head is above and the sexual organ is below at the center. Men find this to be true when they stand naked before a mirror. They have hair growing right down to their sexual organs and this line should not be crooked. Women have breasts and they should also be in a line. Their hips should not be too big, but correspond with the upper part. This is nothing to laugh about. You should learn how to be moved by such things. (225-99, 1992.1.5)
Our body is shaped in such a way as to be in focus. The ears, eyes and every other part are all created to keep us focused. The mouth too is in focus centering on the nerves. Also, the navel and the sexual organ lie in a straight line at the center of our body. It is wrong to be ashamed of that. (229-241, 1992.4.12)
The focal point of the eyes is also in a straight line passing through the center. Shouldn't this center-line be in alignment with the navel and the sexual organ? Thus, you have these two and they resonate with one another. The reason they were placed where they are is for them to resonate, because only when they resonate can they be conscious. (226-19, 1992.2.1)
The lips must be in focus, and the hands should also. If not, there will be trouble. No matter how big one's mouth, it needs to be in line with the nose and the navel, and the most important part further down, the sexual organ. Look at yourselves in a mirror and see if yours are in line, and learn how you should live your lives.
From childhood, people need to be taught that, because this is the way it is, they need to be aware of such aspects. There are no textbooks that teach such things. I could go on and on talking about such things. (221-227, 1991.10.25)
The eyes are not placed where they are by accident, but based on the perpendicular. It does not look good for a person to have slanted eyes. They should be perpendicular. The nose symbolizes Adam and Eve, the eyes God, and the teeth creation. There are thirty-two teeth, and four times eight is thirty-two, symbolizing the entire creation. All these visual aspects come to fruition not at the head but at the sexual organ. The sexual organ is the palace of all types of nerves. You would know this if you studied physiology. (190-130, 1989.6.18)
Why is the male part convex? Women too have a protruding part. They look like a broken mountain range. That is how the very best place should be like. That is where the term "Blue dragon on the left and white tiger on the right," meaning the very best site situated between two mountains on the east and the west, comes from. As such, the sexual organs of love need to be perpendicular and connected to parental love through the line of love. (180-303, 1988.8.22)
Everything resembles a sphere and needs to be in motion. In the human body, the part that most resembles a sphere is the face, and among the facial features, the eyes most resemble a sphere. Next, in men, a part of the sexual organ is spherical. I have not mentioned that, so you do not need to say it. Then next, what can be found inside the body? The kidney and bladder; these are all important organs. (214-56, 1991.2.1)
Everything flows vertically, coming to fruition in the sexual organs. That is where everything is bound to come together, whether bad or good. Hence, those who use them well become people of goodness, and those who use them wrongly become the worst people. (280-97, 1996.11.11)
A person whose nose tip is not in line with the center cannot be a conscientious person. You should know this as a matter of common sense. This must be in a straight line through the navel right down to the sexual organ. Men have hair on their chests, but women do not, do they? Do women have chest hair? Hair in men also grows in two parts, subject and object, which must become one. (248-284, 1993.10.3)
The nose tip should lie at the center, as should the navel and the sexual organ. If the line going through them is crooked, that person is ill-fated. His life will not be easy. When you look at a person, at first glance you see whether his eyes are in a straight line, and how everything else is from the shoulder down. People who walk zigzag are not good people. Though there are hundreds of people gathered here, there are no two whose manner of walking is alike; they are all different, for the way one walks displays one's personality. There are some people who walk in a strange manner. Such people should change the way they walk. Otherwise, they can never settle down anywhere. (248-88, 1993.8.1)
Doesn't the head always stand upright? It remains upright. The important parts of the human body are the head and the sexual organ. A line comes down straight, and splits right there. Thinking takes place in the head, and the husband thinks of his wife and the wife about her husband. They think centering on love, and their thoughts become one through the sexual organs. (188-44, 1989.2.16)
Are the breasts identical and in a perpendicular line? Is the navel at the center of a circle? Then the line leads right down to the sexual organ. Where does water flow? It flows downward, and where does it go? When you are working while seated, the part that gets most moist is the center of the lower part of the body. That is where you sweat the most. That is why a lot of hair grows on that part. Isn't that true for everybody? That is where all the water collects. (297-46, 1998.11.15)
Only when your nose is well-formed can you become rich. Do you understand that? A glance should tell you that it is dead center. The line from it to the sexual organ, passing through the navel should be straight. If it is crooked, your spouse will waver. So when getting married, you should both undress and see whether your navels, chests, and all other parts are in line, for only then can the couple be ideal. There are some people whose sexual organs are crooked. In the case of the woman, too, if her breasts tilt to one side and do not correspond, then she will be a playgirl, or will be widowed and die alone. That is how these principles of creation work. (295-30, 1998.8.16)
The most important parts of the human body are the eyes. They are most precious. Next is the heart. The heart too is spherical. Also, in a woman, the womb is spherical. Then how about the man: is not his sexual organ spherical as well? What is spherical is precious. Women do not have bones jutting out. Since women's bones do not show and their bodies are rounded out with flesh, artists like to draw nude women. (272-154, 1995.10.1)
Starting from the face, the navel and the sexual organ should all be in a straight line. Go ahead and get a checkup of your body in a hospital. When walking, the weight transferred to the center should be the same, and so the soles of your shoes should wear out evenly. If you were to look at a person's shoes, and see that one is more worn out than the other, he may not be a good person. The person whose shoes wear out evenly would be an enlightened person. (286-219, 1997.8.11)
When reading a person's physiognomy, you should see how the line descends from here. Only when this line comes down vertically to the sexual organ can that person be said to be a person of conscience. If it does not, then things would get difficult. The breasts should not tilt to one side, and it is also not good to have the navel off center. (252-108, 1993.11.14)
When sitting, sit up straight. When walking, walk upright. When you look at how people walk, you see there are all types. Even where there are thousands of people, their gaits will all be different. When walking, the top of your head should be in a vertical line with your sexual organ at all times. All organs in your body should be set in motion centering on the vertical. Then God would look at it and say, "Wow! That man and woman are walking the way I want," and take interest, and so would the spirit world. (246-237, 1993.4.18)
When looking at a person, from the top of the head, don't your eyes come straight down to the nose? That line passes through the nose, the median line of the upper lip, the lips, the navel, and finally reaches the sexual organ. Based on this vertical line, you check to see how the eyes are placed, whether they are in line horizontally. You also see the ears, the shoulders, and if that person walks straight or not. Thus, even in something like walking, you should not walk thoughtlessly, for a person's gait symbolizes his life. (246-235, 1993.4.18)
When closely examining any human being, what are the most important parts of the body? Those that are close to being spherical in shape are precious. In this regard, the eyes and heart and sexual organ are precious in a man. In the male sexual organ two eye-like features can be found. Men have those, but women do not. They are precious. Are not the eyes precious? They symbolize God. The heart symbolizes life, and the sexual organ love. The head is the supervising organ centered on God. (249-173, 1993.10.10)

4.5. Love is not known through being taught

There are no creatures in this world that do not teach love. Animals, even the smallest insects which are so invisible to the naked eye that when you hold them in your hand you can scarcely see them, they all have five senses. When you think about this, you see that they must, because even among them, males and females have to find each other. What causes these males and females to unite? What is their focal point? Isn't it love? That is undeniable. (223-268, 1991.11.12)
Sex education is unnecessary. People talk of free sex and sex education, but I say, "You crazy fools, stop!" Is there sex education in the animal kingdom? When they are next to each other, they fit together naturally. Some animal has its sexual organ under its shoulder, and its mate fits its own sexual organ into it, though the latter may have it on its heel. They are meant to fit together automatically. Are the magnets forced to match their poles with the North Pole and the South Pole, or do they do so automatically? They find the poles automatically. Once your mind and body are ready to be in tune with true love, if you let yourself, you will automatically find the direction, north, south, east or west, and fit yourself in.
In mating, how do animals fit their sexual organs together? Are the organs bigger than the rest of the body or smaller? Though they are smaller, they pull along the rest of the body in order to mate. In other words, the rest of the body is pulled along by love. Do you think the body is pulled along forcibly or willingly? The body lets itself be pulled willingly. We are meant to enter heaven automatically. (272-91, 1995.8.30)
Sexual organs in animals, both male and female, can be found anywhere on the body, even under the shoulder. Then how do they fit them together? Do they need to be taught? Do they need to learn how to fit them together? Even though they are not taught, by rubbing themselves on each other, they are bound to fit together in the end. There is sex education these days to teach this, but that is all Satan's doing, for there is no need to teach this. (284-122, 1997.4.16)
Nowadays it is said that even germs exist as couples. If you were to examine them under a microscope three million times magnified, could you tell whether the male germs have eyes or not? How about noses? Ears? Mouths? Sexual organs? Even something microscopic like that knows how to fit its sexual organ into its mate's. Would it have to be taught how to do so? Is there any mother or father who, when their daughter is about to get married, teaches her, "This is how you should fit your sexual organ together with your spouse's"? The organs are bound to come together with natural motions. It is a natural union, not a forced one. People harmonize when they are united. It is all about unity. (272-74, 1995.8.30)
Why did God create the male and female organs like they are? The universe possesses much content in educating about love, showing how animals love each other. Among animals, there are many deserving our respect. (180-336, 1988.10.5)
Isn't there conflict between teachers and students in schools nowadays? It is because they do not know about how love is for the sake of others. They have failed to teach the fundamentals of heavenly principles. Those who serve others more can receive and control greater love. In love there are rights of inheritance, participation and cohabitation. Isn't love like that? Could you place a gold nugget before your beloved wife and tell her, "This is mine," and then let her only have your body and say, "Since what you like is love, you can only have my genitals"? Is that love? It's not. Love means being willing to give all things, even one's sons and daughters, body and soul. (204-41, 1990.6.29) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Eleven - The Root of the Universe
Chapter Two - The Creation of Humankind and the Perfection of the Ideal of Love
Section 5. The Sexual Organs Are the Crossroads to Heaven or Hell

When the sexual organs are sanctified, they can be connected to heaven. Their importance should be taught from elementary school. The goals pursued by man and woman are the sexual organs of love. They are shaped as concave and convex for love. Why were the genitals shaped differently? For the sake of love. Which love is it for? It is for true love, God's eternal and unchanging love. (278-271, 1996.5.26)
You need to know that the sexual organs were the dividing point between heaven and hell. If you use them wrongfully, you are bound for hell, and if you use them rightfully, you will automatically reach heaven. There is only one starting point, not two. This shows the importance of lovemaking. When all women and men return home and say, "Now I know the truth. Let's put it into practice henceforth. It is the basis of hope for our family," then universal liberation will take place.
The conclusion is that, in conjunction with the universal proclamation, we should understand its contents and preserve the sanctity of the sexual organs. The mother, Eve, fell. Next, Cain wrought havoc. Abel also played a part in this. That is why the Unification Church created a global organization representing the mother. (278-209, 1996.5.24)
Where did heaven and hell begin? Where did they begin? In midair? Where? At the sexual organs. This must be serious. They have turned heaven and earth upside down. Can anyone deny that? There is no way to deny the logic of The Fall in Rev. Moon's Divine Principle. Ask God. Examine everything. Not having received any answers from that, you would not be able to oppose what I have arranged in systematic order including theories and contents that you could never imagine even in your dreams. (279-118, 1996.8.1)
How can you end up going to the most terrible part of hell? If you use your sexual organ in a way that violates heavenly law, you are bound for hell, whereas if you go the opposite way, that is, the path of God's absolute love, you will go to a higher place in heaven. This conclusion is only too clear. (279-121, 1996.8.1)
Due to the Fall, the male and female organs became evil things because they became the original palace that opened the gates to the evil wave of death, the laws of death, the hell of destruction, and the wicked objects that violated the laws of heaven. This was the secret hidden in history until now. (197-175, 1990. 1.13)
The sexual organs must be liberated. Thus, absolute sex is the opposite to the free sex of today. It is absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal sex. How lofty and precious are these four concepts! If the two organs remain separate as they are, no development can take place. They must be rooted in true love. True love begins from there. (279-239, 1996.9.8)
In today's satanic world, the sexual organs have ruined everything. Free sex, homosexuality and drugs are reigning supreme. Drugs make you lose your senses. They make you like animals, not human beings. They make you think nothing but animalistic thoughts. The Kingdom of Heaven, on the other hand, is diametrically opposite to this. It follows the concept, not of free sex, but of absolute, eternal, unchanging and unique love. They connect to the Kingdom of Heaven instantaneously. When such a foundation is laid on earth, it will become God's Kingdom on earth. This is the undeniable logical conclusion. You should exercise great care toward the foundation of love. (278-271, 1996.5.26)
The sexual organs were misused. A revolution is needed here. For that you need the Mother and the Father. Women are to be mobilized with Mother as the leader. Mobilizing the Women's Federation settles Mother's position. Is that not where the returning Lord appears? What would the Messiah bring with him? Absolute sex. He is coming for the perfection of absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal sex. (279-269, 1996.9.22)
What part do women look at first in a man? Is it the eyes, the hands, or where? The question is where you look when you look at a man. The eyes? Then what? The face, then what's next? Lower down, where are all five senses drawn to? Which organ is most evil? Throughout history, the sexual organs came to be regarded as most evil. Think about it.
The starting points of heaven and hell lead in diametrically opposite directions. Until now, humankind was ignorant of how the true sexual organ is the starting point to heaven, and the false sexual organ leads to hell. That is the sexual organ. Misusing the genitals leads to hell, and the rightful use of love leads to heaven. It is simple. (278-269, 1996.5.26)
Where can absolute love be found? In kissing? The question is where absolute love can be found. Absolute love comes about by means of absolute sexual organs; without them, it cannot be found. Where can you find absolute love? Is it from kissing, seeing, hearing and touching? You can only find it in sexual intercourse. This was hitherto unknown. People did not know the place where eternal love and sex settle. They did not know where its starting point was. Those of you without sexual organs, raise your hands. All of you have them. What are they for? If you were to pose this question to them, the sexual organs would answer, "It is our last wish for us two to come together firmly to fulfill absolute love." Then, do you want to have absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal sexual organs? The question is whether you have them. (279-220, 1996.9.8)
Whose are the sexual organs? Are they yours? They belong to your spouses. You did not know this simple truth. The yin-yang principle of this universe is that of male and female. Even in the mineral world the subject-object relationship can be found; nowadays it is even said that there are male and female bacteria. In short, the entire universe exists in a pair system. Under the concept of love, each subject partner was born for its object partner, and vice versa. Why were they born? It was for love, to perfect love. You must understand that since God created Adam and Eve, man and woman, and intended to marry them when they were fully matured, the sexual organs that would have been brought together in intercourse on their wedding were to become the absolute and central organs for the planting of absolute life, love and lineage. (280-62, 1996.11.1)
What is the Fall? What is the fundamental problem, what are the fundamentals? It is that Adam and Eve considered their sexual organs to belong to themselves and acted freely. Had they reached full maturity centering on God, Adam's was to belong to Eve and Eve's to Adam, and through them they were to lay the foundation of absolute love with the eternal God. However, they were unfaithful and instead made the organs their own. Hence, that foundation was completely destroyed. Those who live for themselves are bound for hell, and those who live for their spouses are bound for heaven. This is where the crossroads are. The sexual organs are the boundary between hell and heaven. You must know this. (280-63, 1996.11.1)
God's ideal of creation is to establish absolute couples. Absolute couples are established when they live, not for themselves but for each other, based on the absolute sexual organs. They came into being for the creation. Each was created for the sake of the other, not for themselves. Men were endowed with sexual organs for the sake of women. The female organs exist for the sake of men. They were created for the men. Those who use their sexual organs according to Satan's desires, and do not follow the way of the Principle will go to hell. On the other hand, if you live for the sake of others centering on absolute love, you will enter God's dominion. You will become members of the imperial household of heaven. (280-70, 1996.11.1)
Let us discover the dividing line between heaven and hell. Would it be in midair? Where would it be? It lies in the sexual organs. This is a serious matter. The sexual organs have turned heaven and earth upside down. Who can deny this? It is all explained in the chapter on the Fall in the Divine Principle, taught by Rev. Moon. If you doubt this, ask God. You will not be able to oppose Rev. Moon's Divine Principle, arranged in systematic order with theories and contents that you could never imagine even in your dreams. Those who use their sexual organs aimlessly, like a blind person who is wandering here and there because he has lost his way, are bound for hell. Conversely, those who use their sexual organs according to God's standard of absolute love will go to a higher place in heaven. This is the clear conclusion. (279-256, 1996.9.15)
Due to the Fall, evil ancestors came to exist alongside the good Ancestor, who was unable to have descendants. Nevertheless, Satan cannot ignore God, the great Superintendent of heaven and earth. Whenever he desires to carry out some act, he needs to get clearance from the God of goodness. Evil deeds break down God's ideal world. They bring destruction to the world of love. Ultimately, they would completely destroy the sexual organs, the basis for God's ideal of love. (287-32, 1997. 8.10)
Which part did humankind use to become part of Satan's lineage? Was it through kissing? It was through lovemaking. Where is that place, that starting point? It is the sexual organs. You must know that, from God's point of view, the sexual organs are truly fearful organs. (304-11, 1999.9.5)
To what end did God make the male and female organs concave and convex? Can convex tie the knot with another convex? Can two concaves come together in marriage? My goodness, the crazy scoundrels! Such people will come to ruin in one generation. Those who emphasize celibacy will find themselves headed in the opposite direction from the Kingdom of Heaven when they have passed on to the next world. (304-241, 1999.11.8)
When Jacob left his uncle Laban's house after living there for twenty-one years, he stole the idols most loved by Laban's family. If his deed had been found out, he would have been in serious trouble. So what he did was to grind it into powder and eat it. Did you know about that?
Do you know how pained God is by the sin of man with woman? The question arises as to how to manage this and turn God's original heart back to us by getting to the point where there is no longer any satanic foundation in us. Isn't celibacy taught in the religious sphere? Men and women are taught to live as if their sexual organs had been done away with. It is the same for you. So who can commit the fall? In an instant, that act ensnared the great eternal King of heaven and earth so that He could not be liberated. In order to reverse this, Unification Church members receive the Blessing. Do you think they can repeat the Fall? Is that possible? (296-204, 1998.11.9)
In South America, I talked for two hours about the sexual organs to a religious leader whose followers number a hundred thousand. Well, he rolled his eyes and said in conclusion, "You are an expert on sexual organs!" It is lamentable that grandfathers failed to become experts on sexual organs. Since grandmothers failed to become experts on sexual organs, families were divided. Since parents failed to become experts, families are in turmoil, and since husbands and wives failed to become experts, they are always fighting. Once you become an expert, you can put heaven and earth in your pocket. (302-170, 1999.6.13)
You are bound to be punished if you use your love organs recklessly. They are the palace of love and the ancestral garden of love. Love began there. The origin of God's Kingdom on earth and in heaven, and the origin of the beginning of God's happiness are molded there. God's laughter begins from there. That is where God can find love at last and dance for joy. We must seek this place. (256-199, 1994.3.13)
The place where two lives come together as one centered on love and the place where the blood of man and woman become one is the sexual organ. You should know that this place is more precious than your sons and daughters, your spouse and even God. It is a place that is more precious than your children, spouse, and even parents. If sexual organs did not exist, parents, husbands and wives, and sons and daughters would be of no value.
Since this place is that precious, it is kept under lock and key away from other eyes during your lifetime as the treasure of treasures. Furthermore, the key that can unlock man's organ is owned by woman, and hers by him. There is only one key for each person. There should be only one key per person. Do you want to possess ten, twenty keys as in the case of free sex? Do you want to become like an unoccupied derelict house with its doors open wide, where anyone can come in and go out? (280-199, 1997.1.1)
You should attend and love the sexual organs more than you do God, for only then would He rejoice. Where on earth would you hear such words? If religious people heard them, they would jump and fall down in shock, but this is the plain truth. Only when you attend the love organs more than you do God can the foundation on which God can settle be laid. It is more precious than life, and you cannot exchange it for the world, the universe, and even God. Only when you worship, love, and recognize the value of your spouse's sexual organ more than you do all God's creation put together, will God come to reside in your homes. (325-211, 2000.7.1) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Eleven - The Root of the Universe
Chapter Three - The Human Fall and Restoration
Section 1. The Internal Significance of the Fall

1.1. The Fall was a misuse of love

My having closely investigated the historical details of the original sin and the Fall has revealed the illicit love relationship that took place between the archangel and the very first human family. In the Divine Principle, Satan is a real spiritual being, not merely a conceptual or an imaginary being. He is the being who destroyed God's ideal of love, and changed God's lineage into one centered on himself. In chapter eight of the Gospel of John, Jesus states clearly that the father of humankind is the devil.
The adulterer of love who deprived God of His ideal of love, which God intended to realize through Adam and Eve as His external body, is indeed the devil, Satan. This may not sound familiar to you; however, this is the conclusion that I have reached as a result of searching the spirit world in order to investigate the fundamental problems of the universe. That quest was a tremendous struggle of blood and sweat. If all of you would pray in earnest, you would be able to receive an answer about this. (135-12, 1985.8.20)
No deviation from the fundamentals of the universe should ever be possible. Yet the devil did this while Eve was still underage, before reaching maturity. When they turn fifteen or sixteen, girls fall when in their teens, don't they? It was right at that time. At the time when Eve had observed Lucifer for a while, he sounded as if he knew all of the truths of heaven and earth. He was a messenger for God and could speak about the creation of heaven and earth. Meanwhile, Adam said little and it was the time when he went around trying to catch baby birds. Aren't boys like that? As he went around catching baby birds and frogs, or baby snakes with a stick, using everything he learnt from nature in this way to have dominion in managing and befriending them and trying to adapt to them completely, would he have had any interest in Eve then? (191-97, 1989.6.24)
What is the Fall? The standard of the great laws of heaven, the original axis of love and the central axis of heaven and earth, were destroyed by the Fall. Humankind did not know the infuriating fact that because the woman and the archangel were awakened to the desire for love, they had a relationship which shattered the very fundamentals of the universe, giving rise to the abyss of anguish.
Who had to dissolve this anguish over the fact that Satan became the lineal ancestor of humankind? What the Fall amounted to was that the servant trampled on the person who was to become the queen. Hence, the original standard which should have become the fundamental principle of the laws of the universe was destroyed. Ultimately, who is this devil? He is the chief culprit who fundamentally destroyed the palace of the heavenly kingdom of love. (171-114, 1987.12.13)
Why are indemnification, the restoration of the right of parents, the right of the eldest son, and the right of kingship needed? The root problem is Satan's love, life and lineage. Although these should have started from God originally, centered on true love, they started from the devil instead, which is something incredible. The universe came into being because of love. Didn't the Creation begin from love? All beings were created centered on God's orderly love as their origin. Those fundamentals were overturned by Satan, then turned upright once again. (206-236, 1990.10.14)
Humankind has undergone a history of struggle, but why? It is a history of the struggle between good and evil. The devil usurped all rights of God's ideal world. What he did was none other than an act of usurpation of God's creation. He seized the woman and the children who were to be the center of the entire universe.
Thus, God has no woman. He has no children born through a woman. Originally, that would be impossible. The original woman is God's woman, and the children born from her should be His, but the devil took them away. This happened through the fall of minors. Without this logic, we cannot make people understand their fundamental origin. (262-74, 1994.7.23)
People were born because of love, but how did love lose its value? That would not be possible other than through an act that contravened love. What was the consequence of the Fall? Women and men were born for the sake of each other, but rather than their fulfilling each other's love, tragically, it became the reverse. Everything that was decided by self-interest brought about the results of the Fall. Things went in the diametrically opposite direction of what God had created.
It is stated in the Bible that Adam and Eve took and ate of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and thereby fell. Yet fundamentally, in the position of being born due to love, just the fact alone of eating a literal fruit is not enough to destroy the foundation of altruistic love. We cannot deny our origin of being born because of love. It was not the altruistic love in which man and woman were created to be intertwined, but rather the egocentric love in which they became enmeshed that constituted the Fall.
All things God created are in a pair system, born for mutual coexistence. Human beings were also created to enter a world of such values, but they went in the diametrically opposite direction self-centeredness, and that was the Fall. Upon what was the Fall centered? The act of destruction took place through misuse of the love organs, which both woman and man value most. (243-269, 1993.1.28)
Who is God and who is the devil? The devil is God's enemy. He is the adulterer of love. This was revealed by Rev. Moon. The fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil which became the cause of the Fall of the ancestors of humankind is the human sexual organ. If it is used rightfully, a nation prospers; but if it is misused, a nation is ruined. This is the meaning of "the fruit of good and evil". Even with a king, if he uses his love rightfully, his kingdom prospers; but if he misuses it, his kingdom is ruined. Through misused love, families and societies are destroyed, and everything is divided between heaven and hell. Where the fruit of good should have been borne, the fruit of evil was borne instead.
What is the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil? It is not any literal fruit. It is something everyone has. The human sexual organs are that fruit. They can be seen as the head of a poisonous snake. Why did Jesus call Satan a viper? Why was Satan called a serpent? The sexual organ can be compared with the head of a snake, the head of a serpent. Don't all women and men pursue it? (227-251, 1992.2.14)
What is the most precious part of the body for people? What is the most precious thing for men and women? Woman became woman centered on and by virtue of one thing. Which place is that one place? It is the sexual organ, the organ of love, the organ that implants life. What a good name that is! Isn't it the sexual organ? It sounds more real than calling it the love organ. It is self-explanatory. The tool that implants life is the sexual organ. Don't be ashamed of the sexual organ. What is the sexual organ in Korean? What do you call it in Korean? Those who are embarrassed to say it are living with shame. If you are embarrassed to say it in Korean itself, you don't qualify as Koreans. Shouldn't you be proud of it! (260-73, 1994.4.11)
If God the Creator wished that His object partners be millions of times more outstanding than Himself, why did He create human beings so that they could fall? This is the question. God did not create them to fall. He warned them not to fall, "Do not eat of the fruit of good and evil!" What is this fruit? It refers to the female organ. Women are weak. When our first ancestors lived in the Garden of Eden, they were naked. (262-74, 1994.7.23)
God gave the command, "Do not eat of the fruit of good and evil!" Do you know what that fruit is? It is the female organ. You might say, "Who's ever heard of anything like that?" but Eve was always saying, "Big brother, where are you? I'm lonely! and it was Eve that the archangel violated. He had the responsibility to protect and raise Adam and Eve up until they were married.
Thus, the angels also lived without any clothing. Clothing came into being after the Fall. Do animals wear clothes? Do they cover their sexual organs with something? Are husband and wife embarrassed with each other? Is it embarrassing for a couple living together to undress in front of each other? (262-150, 1994.7.23)
What was the Fall? It was the misuse of the sexual organs, which resulted in Adam, the groom and love partner of Eve, changing. Thus, it was a fundamental fall. This transgression was so grave a mistake that Adam and Eve could not stand before the animal, plant or mineral worlds, or anywhere in the human world -- or even before the world of mice or insects. Thus, they had to be chased out of the universe. That is why they were driven out from Eden. (279-215, 1996.9.8)
The Fall of Adam and Eve originates in their going against the iron rule: their sexual organs did not belong to themselves. Think about it. Would God drive Adam and Eve away just because they ate a literal fruit? God is not such a senseless being. He chased them out because they made a fundamental error and therefore could not be acknowledged anywhere in the universe. Adam and Eve did not understand that the males and females in the mineral, plant and animal worlds reserve their sexual organs for the sake of their partner in love. (279-246, 1996.9.15)
Adam and Eve transgressed against the Commandment. They should have had absolute sexual organs, absolute love, lived absolutely for the sake of others, and been absolutely obedient. God had desired a foundation of altruistic love, yet they behaved as they pleased, self-centeredly; hence, the whole universe spat on them. That foundation, which was lost by the false parents, had to be restored through the coming of the True Parents. (280-77, 1996.11.1)
Man's most fearful enemy is woman. Women have become like serpents with their mouths open, waiting to bite if the male organ enters. This has spread everywhere, and will pass to the next generation. Thus, the most fearful thing of all is the sexual organ. (281-215, 1997.2.13)
Love was lost in Eden. We must repent. With tears, we must cry out in grief hundreds of times more than when God, Adam and Eve grieved at their parting in Eden. Tears, mucus and saliva -- all three should run down past the belly button and fall off those sexual organs. Those scoundrels that sinned!
Adam and Eve were created, but for what? As man was lonely, God created woman for him and said she was good, but based on what would she be considered good? What part of the woman? The sexual organ! They are the concave meeting the convex. God created the concave for the convex. Adam is Adam, but for what was Eve created? For her eyes, nose, face? What part of Eve was created for Adam? God created the concave for the convex. The source of love is found with Adam and Eve and God created them. We must know that these sexual organs are most valuable, the origin of love. (294-270, 1998.8.5)
From now on, the fundamentals must be revealed: facts such as what God is like, what the creation of heaven and earth was like, what our first ancestors were like, how humankind, starting with families developed into societies, nations and the world. As all this was negated by the Fall, it must be reconstructed and argued logically until people acknowledge, "Yes, that's right." Individuals, families, tribes, people, nations, the cosmos and even God must be liberated. This serious problem was the problem of the misuse of love within Adam's family, and the fact that the two -- man and woman -- brought their sexual organs together in tragic error, thus shaking heaven and earth.
The sexual organ is created to be the principal royal palace of love. Without it, love and life will not come into existence, and the lineage will not continue. If these things are denied, everything will disappear in one generation. As God would not be able to tolerate this loss, He had to permit it, and I must therefore take responsibility over creation and make Satan surrender naturally, not by striking him. (300-236, 1999.3.23)
My responsibility in perfecting Adam is that I must restore the position of the king of liberated cosmic love that is untainted by the Fall. I must bear full responsibility for Satan's entire lineage. Humiliation, my own dignity, or even my reputation is not the issue. I must be prepared to put my precious sexual organ even into dog's dung. Unless I go through such things that cannot ever be imagined, I cannot restore women. Since I cannot bear the thought of that, I can say, "Let's create a new heaven and earth."
We can create a new universe attending God. How grievous it is for God that He cannot take measures against the archangel Satan who destroyed the order of love! When considering the woman's sexual organ, one should think, "So this is the pit that has imprisoned even God for tens of millions of years!" When considering the man's sexual organ, one should think that way, too. Thinking of the reality that heaven was turned upside down just because Eve said "Let's do it," should make a chill go down your spine. (302-257, 1999.6.14)
When there was a single female among five males (God, Adam, and three archangels), did God feel easy or uneasy about it? If you were God, how would you have felt? Then, whom would you have guarded most closely? The single woman, Eve. She was God's future partner, the body of God Himself, the partner of love closest to Him. When a command is given, it is given to the closest person. When leaving your house, do you give orders to the person closest to or farthest from you? You would give the order to the person closest to you, and that is why God said, "Do not eat of the fruit of good and evil" to Eve. What is that fruit? It refers to the female organ. A woman who marries a good man will give birth to good children, but one who marries a gangster will give birth to children of a gangster as the fruit. (281-195, 1997.2.13)
When God invested and invested, centered on love, His love enveloped the entire universe and there was still more left over. Centered on God who is the motive of love, centered on this core, all corners of this existing world in the universe were enveloped in the atmosphere of love. Thus, there is the atmosphere of love even if you go to the spirit world. On earth, we should have led our lives singing of love centered on the pair system; but due to the Fall, this miserable state came about. We must understand this fact and know about the Fall. (209-222, 1990.11.29)

1.2. The fruit of good and evil is Eve's sexual organ

Eve is a woman, but what are the fundamentals of woman? What is the core of that being that is good to see? The eyes? The face? The hands? What part of the body? It is nothing other than the sexual organ. Woman is concave and man is convex. God made Adam who is convex, and then created for him that which is concave, namely woman. Why did God create Eve in front of Adam and call it good? From the perspective of God's love, a way emerged that enabled the fulfillment of that love. Hence, it was good for God, for Adam and for Eve. God thus spoke out of love. What are those words referring to? God was referring to the sexual organs. You must not think of this as strange. (294-293, 1998.8.9)
In the Garden of Eden, God commanded Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit of good and evil. That fruit refers to the female organ. A woman who marries a king will give birth to princes and princesses, but one who marries a Mafioso will give birth to children of the Mafia. It is the woman who can bear the fruit of either good or evil. She can stand together with her husband in his position. Even if she did not complete her elementary education, if she became a president's wife through a love relationship, she can stand in the same position with him. (279-316, 1996.11.10)
God said, "Don't eat it," but what was He referring to? The tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden refer to Adam and Eve. Isn't the tree of life Adam? Adam's sexual organ is the tree of life. Is that correct or not? What is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? It refers to Eve's love. It is just the same as bearing the fruit of the children of the Mafia if she loved a Mafioso. If she loved a king, she would bear the fruit of his children. Thus, humankind inherited the devil's lineage. (275-218, 1995.12.30)
In the Bible it says that Adam and Eve could eat the fruit of any of the trees in the Garden of Eden, but that they should not touch or even look at the tree of life and the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the center of the garden. As Adam and Eve were brother and sister, they could hold hands, or kiss, and they could eat the fruits of any tree except the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life; God said that the male and female sexual organs should not meet. That is how He warned them. (200-50, 1990.2.23)
For what purpose did God create the universe? I spoke of it being based on the pair system, didn't I? For what purpose? It is for love. What kind of love is God's love? We must understand about true love. What is true love? What is the motivation for God creating heaven and earth? Did Adam and Eve fall by literally eating the fruit of good and evil? Don't talk nonsense. What is that fruit? People do not know what the fruit of good and evil is. They don't know the origin, the root of sin. Without knowing this, how can they cure their illness? Can diseased people enter heaven? They cannot. Their kind of logic will not work. (209-214, 1990.11.29)
Considering those present in the Garden of Eden, only one of them was female. There was one woman, but there were three archangels, there was Adam, and God is also masculine. Besides God, four males surrounded one woman, so she was indeed the one who had to be most closely guarded. The fruit of good and evil refers to the female sexual organ. (272-297, 1995.10.13)
Where did the Fall begin? From the sexual organ, the royal palace of love and life. Isn't that so? It was the sexual organ through which a king's lineage was to be inherited, the most valuable thing. Due to the Fall, however, it became the dirtiest place. It is the same with any nation. That is the situation. Is it a sacred thing centered on God, or is it a base thing of sin and evil? It is not the Ark of the Covenant that Moses made, but the Holy of Holies that God created. The place God created as the most holy place is the sexual organ, which occupied that position before the Fall took place. People don't understand anything about the Fall. Isn't that in the Divine Principle? (216-107, 1991.3.9)
God commanded Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit of good and evil in the Garden of Eden. What is that fruit? It came from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Whose sexual organ is that? It signifies the female organ. If a woman lives with a gangster, she will bear his child, and if she lives with a king, she will bear a royal child. Hence, she can bear either the fruit of goodness or that of evil. The fruit of good and evil refers to the female organ. Do you understand what it means not to eat of the fruit of good and evil? God intended to elevate Eve as His object partner of love in the future, but there were many males. How many were there? Four besides God Himself (Adam plus the three archangels).
So what kind of warning did God give Eve? He said, "Do not make love!" Did He say, "Eat the fruit of good and evil" or did he say "Do not eat it"? What was that? It was the female sexual organ. What kind of thing was there to warn and to give a command and instruction about? Was there literally a fruit called the fruit of good and evil? Would those in the garden have been interested in a literal fruit of good and evil or a woman? I don't know. You should all know better than me. Discoverers do not have the rights of ownership. (285-190, 1997.5.4)
Adam and Eve fell, but through what? They fell through love, wrongful love. Where then did this wrongful love start? Wrongful love started through the misuse of the sexual organ. This is the formula: if Adam and Eve did not have sexual organs, would humankind have been born? Without sexual organs, would God's Kingdom on earth be able to start? God's true good kingdom on earth and in heaven comes into being and develops through perfectly true and good sexual organs. What happens through untrue sexual organs? Hell comes into being through their misuse. (279-213, 1996.9.8)
Adam and Eve united centered on fallen love, bringing about grievous ruin, and made love the most obscene word. The part into which God devoted his utmost creative efforts was the sexual organ. He invested the greatest devotion there. It is where the source of all life is gathered, the integration point of all things ideal and related to the senses, and thus the principal palace of love. Love was to start from that point. Had Adam and Eve not fallen, true life would have originated from there. It was the principal palace of true love, true life and true lineage. Don't we have the word ja-goong (meaning womb, the Chinese characters for ja and goong meaning child and palace respectively)? Through where is the womb connected? Isn't it through the woman's sexual part? Through love, the flesh and blood of a man and woman are blended and their lives become one. (253-40, 1994.1.1)
The Fall ruined everything and changed the sexual organs into the worst things. God could not embrace them. Is there anyone who would deny that? The most precious royal palace became a palace of dirty love, life, and lineage. I am talking about the sexual organs. (253-40, 1994.1.1)
Since the Fall originated from love, humankind lost true love. As God drove out Adam and Eve before they had their baby, that child had no relationship with Him. The fallen ancestors of humanity appeared. We must understand their error. (287-16, 1997.8.10)
Depending on the kind of man a woman sleeps with, the result can be good or evil. If she sleeps with a thief, she will bear the child of a thief. Thus, we speak of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It is a tree that knows things can become good or evil. The Bible likens human beings to trees. Don't all women have that kind of character? Be careful. God gave a warning in the Garden of Eden and it is the same today. (258-183, 1994.3.17)
The fruit of good and evil refers to Eve's sexual organ. It means that the seed varies according to the husband a woman has. If she meets a good man, she will bear good fruit, but if she meets an evil man, she will bear evil fruit. The principal palace where she can do this is her sexual organ. Isn't woman a field? If a thief came and sowed his seed, a thief's child would emerge, but if a prince did that, a royal child would emerge. (238-199, 1992.11.22)
The place where human beings committed sin is their sexual organs, where love originally starts. (229-7, 1992.4.9)
What is the fruit of good and evil? If a woman finds a good husband, she will bear a good baby. If she finds a bad husband, she will have a bad baby. I came to know that the fruit of good and evil was a term referring to that part of a woman. What is that in women? Virgins are sensitive about their breasts, but it is actually referring to the female organs. Yet in the case of a man, even if a bad woman became his partner, he wouldn't become evil and if a good woman became his partner, wouldn't he become even better? (221-315, 1991.10.27)
As women mature earlier, they have a greater predisposition to fall than men; therefore, God gave the warning not to eat the fruit of good and evil. If the sexual organ of a woman meets a good person, a good fruit will emerge, and if it meets an evil man, an evil fruit will emerge. The fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil refers to the woman's sexual organ. Do men ever give birth? That will never happen to a man. (221-282, 1991.10.26)
What is the fruit of good and evil? It becomes good if you enter into a relationship with a good man: if you marry a king, you'll give birth to a prince, but if you marry a gangster boss, you'll give birth to a future gangster boss. That is what the fruit of good and evil is: the thing that is able to bear the fruit of good or evil is the female sexual organ. It must not be violated. Even in Korean, when referring to a virgin being violated, don't they say, "grabbed and eaten"? It is insightful. Do not grab and eat! (284-137, 1997.4.16)
Through what did the Fall occur? The eyes? The nose? The mouth? The hands? The ears? No. It occurred through the sexual organs. Through false love, Adam and Eve became false parents and then false life, love, lineage, and conscience came to exist through them. They became one with Satan instead of with the absolute God. They united with the side opposed to Him. (282-230, 1997.3.26)
What is the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? If love is misused, you inherit the eternal fruit of evil. If love is used properly, you inherit the eternal fruit of goodness. Is this fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil a literal fruit? That fruit refers to the sexual organs of man and woman. (226 -110, 1992.2.2)
What was the Fall of Adam and Eve? They thought their sexual organs belonged to themselves. You came at this time to learn this. They made a mistake in connection with love. Why were Adam and Eve chased out? Would God chase them away because they ate a literal fruit? He isn't such an irresponsible God. He chased them out because they made a fundamental error and therefore they could not be acknowledged anywhere in the universe. (279-106, 1996.8.1)
Where are the fundamentals of the universe? The fundamentals of the unfallen universe are within the love relationship. We now know that this became the base of wickedness that destroyed heaven and earth. Thus, we can no longer lead haphazard lives. The mistake of one day overturned the history of eons, completely burying God, true parents, and the ideal world under it. That is how frightening the sexual organs are. Each time you urinate, you should be thinking about this: "Hey you scoundrel, even when you urinate, you'd better do it properly!" (281-120, 1997.1.2)
The original state of human beings, who were to have the loftiest value, was overturned through the Fall. Where is the palace that can link together all such standards? It is the sexual organ. (240-315, 1992.12.13)

1.3. The devil Satan fell through fornication

What kind of a being is Satan actually? Particularly those who believe in Jesus must clearly reveal Satan's identity before God. What is Satan? He is an adulterer, an adulterer of love. That being, Satan, beat the father to death and violated the mother. You are the children born as a result. You are all offended, aren't you? If you cannot believe this to be true, challenge God in prayer, staking your life on whether my words are true or false. (38-175, 1971.1.3)
Who is Satan? He is the adulterer who violated Eve. Eve was meant to spiritually become the wife of God. She was to be Adam's wife, and at the same time, God's wife. Satan is the enemy of love. Thus, even though God has taught us to love our enemies, He has not asked us to love Satan, the adulterer. Satan cannot be forgiven. You can love those who belong to Satan, but cannot forgive Satan himself. As this is the Principle, you must understand it clearly. (148-294, 1986.10.25)
Since we are Christians and those who walk the path of truth and who have to resolve our ancestors' bitterness that resulted from their being accused by Satan, trampled upon and massacred as sacrificial offerings, we must clarify the identity of Satan and understand the heart and viewpoint of God in the past, present, and future. When God is able to cry out, "Oh, my son, my daughter!" in tears of reunion, the world will be liberated. (8 -130, 1959.11.29)
The devil, Satan, is in the position of the chief culprit, who drove out the original owner, seized his wife and is leading even their children to their deaths. From this perspective, is there a way to forgive the devil, Satan, the enemy of God and humankind? Ultimately, the devil, Satan, became the adulterer in front of love and in front of God. Could God forgive him, therefore? If He forgave Satan, it would have led the whole world to destruction. Thus, can you all think that you will simply be able to become God's sons and daughters as you are? You must know that God and humanity must continue the historical path, being unable to avoid the way of suffering and pain until we reverse this situation. (53-338, 1972.3.6)
Where did your connection to love begin? Where was the starting point? It began with evil. The chief instigator of this evil was Satan the devil. What kind of involvement did this devil have? He was the adulterer of love. Human beings were born inheriting the flesh and blood of that adulterer. Then, is it the adulterer's love that you want to receive? Did you want to receive the love from a stained lineage through that of an adulterer? No. That is the issue. (35-90, 1970.10.4)
God exerted His utmost effort in creating the universe, dreaming of a great enterprise full of hope, but when His great endeavors and foundations of life and ideals were destroyed, heaven and earth became completely dark. It was here that the archangel Lucifer appeared as an enemy; should he be beaten to death or not? The son and daughter, who were the bone of bones and flesh of flesh that God loved most, were taken by Lucifer as his own. Should the head of such an enemy be cut off or not? It is God who was the first in history to take great pains over such problems. (27-60, 1969.11.23)
You must know that the villain who destroyed the qualification of the prince and princess that God had hoped for, ruined their family love, and destroyed their royal descendants and God's ideal family and heaven, was the devil, Satan. (302-220, 1999.6.14)
This villain is not only the enemy of God but also of humankind. It is the same as if the royal family, the prince and princess, were held captive in their own palace by the enemy commander, and lived as servants while producing the children of that servant world. Despite the fact that their descendants should have multiplied under the kingship of the prince and princess, fallen humanity is like a mob that multiplied under the devil's kingship. (302-220, 1999.6.14)
Those who investigate the contents of the Bible cannot deny the fact that the first ancestors entered into a parent-child relationship with the devil, Satan, through illicit love. Human beings who should have been born within God's absolute love as His begotten sons and daughters, thereby inheriting His direct lineage and its value, inherited instead that of the devil, Satan, being born as his sons and daughters.
In Romans, Chapter 8, it is recorded, "And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies." An adopted child has a different lineage. This is the human reality. (53-261, 1972.3.1)
In Romans 8, it is written, "And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies," and "For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, "Abba, Father." They could only become adopted children.
Today, Christians are adopted children. Adopted children have a different lineage. Jesus said in John 8:44, "You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do." Doesn't 'father' here indicate the lineage of humankind from its ancestor, the devil? Hence, in circumcision, the foreskin is cut. That is how it is. How can people claim that the fruit of good and evil is a literal fruit? (154-337, 1964.10.5)
Due to the Fall, human beings had no choice but to surrender to Satan, the false father. They had exchanged their father. They abandoned God who was their true Father, and became one with the devil, Satan, the false father. In this way, the very first man and woman ended up becoming the son and daughter of Satan. (God's Will -- 293)
Originally, what kind of being is Satan? The devil was a servant of God, yet this servant seized the daughter of his Master. This is the Fall. According to the biblical account of the Fall, Eve ate the fruit of good and evil, but that fruit is not literal. It refers to the villainous servant seizing his Master's daughter. God intended to fulfill His ideal by bearing and raising His son and daughter who would inherit His lineage in the future, but the archangel, who was created as a servant, seized God's daughter. That became the origin of the Fall. Heaven and earth became that way. You should be able to understand this kind of complex and involved content mostly if you listen to the Divine Principle. (85-308, 1976.3.4)
The Bible states that Adam and Eve fell by eating the fruit of good and evil, but why did they cover their sexual parts? If only the established churches had the idea to analyze the Bible a bit more intellectually, they would know the origin of the Fall right away. Why were they ashamed of their sexual organs? They could have covered their mouths or their hands. Having sexual parts is not something to be ashamed of, but through their use during the Fall, they became the shameful palace that trampled on the love of Heaven. A fountain of true love should have sprung forth, but instead, a fountain of false love centered on the devil's love gushed out. Hence, among the foundations of love, this became the foundation of the worst form of love. (202-199, 1990.5.24)
When Adam was driven out, was it after having a son and a daughter or before? We could not witness this, but had there been children with Adam and Eve, would God have been able to chase them away? He would have had to shed many more tears. They would have clung to Him and cried, "Grandfather, why are You chasing us out?" If all four of them clung to His arms and legs and cried out, wouldn't He have had to push them off in order to drive them away? Perhaps rather than Adam and Eve who sinned, but their son and daughter who had not sinned would have penetrated God's heart. Knowing this, He chased them out before they could have a son and daughter.
After being driven out, they married and had children. Did God send them away, telling them, "Leave, get married and have sons and daughters," or did He chase them away without saying anything like that? Answer me. At any rate, didn't they bear children after being sent away? (218-230, 1991.8.19)
In the Last Days, the Fall must be reversed to dissolve the anguish of God, His providence, and humanity, all at the same time. This is how it will be, but without knowing this, people are talking about eating the fruit of good and evil and so on… If you think my words are wrong, pray for forty days, putting your lives on the line. Then you should be able to know whether Rev. Moon of the Unification Church is lying or not. You were all not born from the original lineage. Hence, established religions have emphasized celibacy; if they had multiplied children of the fallen lineage, there would have been confusion. (156-228, 1966.5.25)
God hates immorality. Why? It is because human beings turned heaven and earth upside down through illicit love. We cannot do anything with this evil blood, which is why in asceticism, celibacy is emphasized. When a man enters into a trance of spiritual prayer, a woman will always appear to test him. Something like this will inevitably occur that blocks the way of asceticism. Why is that so? It is because history descended from illicit love. It is an amazing thing that the dogma of human beings falling through eating the fruit of good and evil has remained for two thousand years. (41-292, 1971.2.17)
If Adam and Eve had not fallen, they would have given birth to children who would have been the direct descendants of the eldest son of God. Adam would have been the eldest son, true father, and king. He would have been the king of the kingdom on earth and in spirit world. Furthermore, he would have been the true parent and true first son. That is why the family of Adam would have been the royal household of the heavenly kingdom. Then, who would have been the grandfather of Adam's family? God would have been the grandfather. The mother and the father would have been Eve and Adam.
From the viewpoint of the positions represented, the grandfather and grandmother represent God, and the parents act on behalf of God. From the vertical point of view, God settles down in a family centering on the first, second and third generations. The first generation on the horizontal level is your grandfather, the second generation your father, and the third generation is yourself. Therefore, through your sons and daughters, the lineage of the royal family can be passed on and will continue forever. (218-255, 1991.8.19)
Do you know why God created Adam and Eve? Even He wanted to have the experience of loving children as a parent. Next, He wanted to experience conjugal love through Adam and Eve. He wanted to experience loving as a grandfather as well as loving His nation; He wished to possess all these loves. He bequeathed to humankind all the things He wanted to possess. You should know that it is your tribe, people and nation, this earth and the spirit world that has inherited this. (188-214, 1989.2.26)
Had they reached perfection without falling, Adam and Eve would have perfected themselves not only individually, but also universally, and a new family centered on God's love would have begun. In this way, if the clan, tribe, people, nation, and world had been created from the family, the world would have become one great extended family attending God. The center of such a great family-like society would have been God and Adam. Furthermore, in that world, Adam's family life and life course centered on God would have remained as a historical tradition, together with his lifestyle, customs, practices, and life background. Those things could only become intertwined as traditions based on God's love.
God's love is the source of life and all ideals, so that even if one wanted to leave His bosom, one could not; and even if one did, one could not but return again. (91-240, 1977.2.23)
The Fall of Adam and Eve was not just something concerning themselves but was a fall from a position involving all of human history. In other words, the fact that Adam and Eve fell meant that they were not able to become good parents, but rather became evil parents. Through evil parents, evil children were born, and through them, evil tribes and nations and an evil world were formed; and within this global realm live the five billion members of the human race. Human history in this realm of the Fall is not a history of joy, but a history of sorrow; and humankind is not living in happiness, but in sorrow. (38-149, 1971.1.3)
Where can you pay money to hear these kinds of words? Even if you sold your home, gave all your money and made ritual offerings for tens of thousands of years, no one would be able to teach you this. Only the founder of the Unification Church can do this. This is the secret of the universe. Even the Bible doesn't have this kind of explanation. The Bible tells us that Adam and Eve took and ate of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and in so doing committed the Fall. How can you claim that this is a literal fruit? Can those without the ability of pre-schoolers insist that Rev. Moon, to whom doctoral degrees have been granted and who became the head of those so qualified, is a heretic? The Chinese characters meaning "heretic"(??), do not mean that the ending is different, but simply that the ending cannot be seen. Are my words correct, or not? They are correct. (238-213, 1992.11.22)
In the secular world, criminals conduct themselves with dignity wherever they go as if they had not committed any crimes when no one knows of their crimes. However, if even an extremely young boy were to point out that he saw the crime being committed, the criminal would surrender right there. Thus, if you are to make the devil, Satan, surrender, what you should do is to expose his identity, reveal his crime, and launch a movement to drive him out from both heaven and earth. (53-194, 1972.2.21)
God is the Lord of the eternal universal laws, so we must drag Satan before God and accuse him of his crimes. Watching Satan defend himself, we must prosecute him as a prosecutor would, and wring him tightly so that he cannot do anything. Then, the unfallen archangels, rather than the fallen archangels, must state, "That's right! Just as you said, that's right! That's right!" (65-201, 1972.11.19)

1.4. Humankind inherited Satan's lineage through the Fall

The Fall changed Adam and Eve's lineage. Whose love changed it? They became the embodiments of Satan through his love as God's adulterous enemy. The living body of the man, and the living body of the woman entered the realm of Satan's love and united based on that; and the fruit of this was their children who thereby inherited Satan's love, life and lineage. (227-47, 1992.2.10)
Fallen people became false beings and so must be engrafted. Viewed lineally, your ancestors differ from the original. Because your father and mother are of a different lineage, you could only become adopted children; hence the logic that the Fall occurred through lineage. What is the Fall? It consisted of inheriting the wrong lineage. The explanation of the Fall being an act of wrongful love makes sense. Thus, it is unreasonable to deny what is being asserted in the Unification Church, that the first ancestors fell through love. Doesn't the Bible state that they fell by eating the fruit of good and evil? Do you know what that fruit is? Is it a fruit from a tree that falls and rolls around when the wind blows? It is not. (157-158, 1969.4.2)
Satan entered Adam and Eve's hearts and became one with them, so that they inherited his lineage. Why can't God, who abounds in love, forgive Satan? God said He would forgive murderers and thieves, that He would forgive everything; He said if you believe in Jesus, you can receive forgiveness, but why can He not forgive Satan? That is because Satan besmirched the human lineage. What does that mean? From God's viewpoint, Satan is an adulterer, the adulterer of love. (156-226, 1966.5.25)
Adam and Eve married centered on Satan, so it is undeniable that they inherited his love, life, and lineage. Had they not fallen by eating the fruit of good and evil, they would have married centered on God. Just as the True Parents of the Unification Church blessed you, God would have called Adam and Eve after they had matured and blessed them centered on Himself. (228-254, 1992.7.5)
Why do we strike our own bodies? It is because human beings inherited Satan's blood, the blood of the enemy of God. God's enemy is the adulterer. The adulterer is the enemy of the love of God! People have inherited the blood of the adulterer. Eve, who should have inherited the right of kingship of the heavenly nation and become a queen, became the spouse of the devil, the partner of the servant. This was the secret of heaven and earth, exposed for the first time during my lifetime. Thus, the satanic world must retreat. (172-277, 1988.1.24)
Why does God hate the devil? Christian logic dictates that one should love one's enemy, so why is God unable to love His enemy, Satan? If He were to love the enemy of love, heaven and earth would disappear. The heavenly laws of governance would disappear. The laws of existence would disappear. (191-43, 1989.6.24)
Satan destroyed God's ideal love and trampled on the ideal life and ideal lineage. Then, human beings bore children. God could not interfere with the sons and daughters who were the manifestations of Satan's love, life, and lineage. (197-286, 1990.1.20)
Why does Satan come without fail to those who, throughout our history, have walked the path of faith, strangling them, pressing them down, and sacrificing them? In God's eyes, Satan is the adulterer who stole and violated His family. Our original mother should have attended God, and built His kingdom of peace in heaven and on earth; yet we and our original father were driven out. Satan intervened and human beings came to be in this miserable state. It was no other sin than this that he committed. (156-226, 1966.5.25)
How did the devil bring about the Fall? Through the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil? Where did they cover themselves after eating the fruit? Did they cover up their mouths, or their hands? Didn't they cover up the sexual parts of their bodies? This became the seed that sowed evil. They fell before they had fully matured, whilst they were still adolescents. Because the lineage of humankind in world history stemmed form this act, in the Last Days the phenomenon of such relationships will thrive. When the time comes that all across the world young people destroy the ethics of love, hidden in the shadows, just like Adam and Eve, and have no fear of heaven, that will be the time when the era of Satan's worldwide dominion will come to the earth. That is when we will be faced with the iron hammer of God. (200-227, 1990.2.25)
You must all understand clearly that humankind needs to change its lineage because of having inherited that of Satan's. (183-308, 1988.11.7)
Whereas Adam and Eve should have attained God-centered oneness, the Fall refers to attaining oneness with the archangel, who was God's servant. People, who should have inherited God's lineage, inherited instead the lineage of a servant. Hence, however much they call God, "Father," they cannot truly feel it because they have inherited fallen nature, which always thinks in terms of self-interest without regard for God or anything else. Thus, as everybody became conflicting beings and formed tribes and people, everything started to divide after a while. In this way, the realm of satanic culture was built. Dividing into two, dividing into three, all things that divided came to belong to Satan's realm. (91-242, 1977.2.23)
Because of the complex entanglement of the human lineage, restoration has taken six thousand years; otherwise, almighty God would have restored everything in a day. As it has become like a chronic disease in the lineage, if it were to be pulled out all at once, everyone would die. That is why it has taken six thousand years. Did the first human ancestors fall through eating the literal fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? If that were so, how simple things would be. (155-295, 1965.11.1)
The question is: how did things such as the bases of sin, the Fall, evil and hell concretely come into being? We must think back to the time of Adam and Eve. If we explore the origin of why they fell, it was that they disbelieved God's words, "Do not eat the fruit of good and evil." The second reason is that they became self-centered. The third was that they wanted to love based upon self-interest first. These are the essential contents of the Fall, and we come to the conclusion that those who act likewise are on Satan's side. Fallen people are all those who have faithless and self-centered love. Ultimately, those who assert self-centered love are the people of the secular world. (79-198, 1975.7.27)
There can be no perfection in ignorance. Who did I say Satan was? He is the adulterer. I have made all this clear to you. Do you think you can go to the Kingdom of Heaven if you ignore this? Do you think you can be saved if you ignore it? There is not even the slimmest chance. What a set of ignorant people! If you could be saved by just believing what you are told to believe, people like you and I would have been saved a long time ago. We would not have to suffer like this. (188-230, 1989.2.26)
It is amazing that the fact of the Fall having been a consequence of love was revealed in my time. This is something that is theoretically systematized through its historical background and content that cannot be denied. (128-88, 1989.2.26)

1.5. The meaning of the serpent's temptation

What is it that belongs to man and woman and is a poisonous snake, the trap of a poisonous snake? Isn't it said that a snake deceived Eve? What does it mean to say that a serpent tempted her? This is indeed referring to the sexual organ. Aren't there so many female organs out there that are more frightening than a poisonous snake? Likewise with the male organ; men use that serpent-like organ to tempt and seduce women. If you women mistakenly take it as bait, that's a big problem. A nation and even the world could go to ruin, and your way to heaven and eternal life would be blocked. (227-372, 1992.2.16)
All men and women alive on earth became Satan's live poisonous snakes. The male sexual organ is a poisonous snake that spurts poison at the female. The day you lose your purity, your whole clan will be ruined. That is why the snake was used as a metaphor. Do you have a sexual organ or not? An angry poisonous snake is waiting with open mouth, but would you put your hands in there? Would you insert your love organ into it? (272-37, 1995.8.30)
If you misuse the right of lineage, it will cause a big problem. What does it mean to use the right of lineage? It means to make love. Thus, if men and women misuse this, it will be a problem. You must plant the seed in the right field. What do you all think the poisonous serpent in the Garden of Eden was? It was the male sexual organ. That's what it means. The female sexual organ is the serpent's mouth, a poisonous serpent with its mouth open. Once connected, everything is over and heaven destroyed altogether. The woman's organ, if misused, is the mouth of a serpent that is full of poison.
That is why women with skilled makeup are beautiful snakes. A snake watches quietly on the side, and when its prey approaches, it strikes suddenly. Women are extremely fearful beings. They have a serpent's mouth and bite. That is their sexual organ. Originally, the lineage was not such a bad poisonous one, and the sexual organ was not poisonous. Yet, if it is misused, the nation, the family, power and everything else are ruined. How terrible is this? It is the open mouth of a snake with poison. (228-31, 1992.3.1)
What is the sexual organ, what is the snake? In a man, it is the penis. What does it like most? The vagina. Isn't that so, isn't that right? That is why it is full of danger. God warned Adam and Eve because it's like lighting the fuse of gunpowder, pouring gasoline and it will explode any minute. The male sexual organ is like a serpent. You wives should go and peek quietly at your husbands'. It's easier to understand crude stories, so that is why I talk like this.
What was the serpent? It is the archangel's sexual organ. Doesn't that make it clearer? As the Last Days are here, I am teaching you all about these aspects this time. What is the woman's thing? It is the mouth that opens. When the man gets excited and both get excited, doesn't it open? Does it stay still? Doesn't taking a wife in marriage mean bringing the two together? If they are wrongfully brought together, a nation is ruined. For tens of thousands of years, the poison will not disappear. (304-270, 1999.11.9)
All men and women desire very wonderful partners. Everyone has different desires, but if you consider it from such a way of thinking, it is a poisonous snake. It is worse than AIDS. Once that connection is made, everything is ruined. If you misuse the sexual organ, everything will be completely destroyed. You will not prosper. It has become the worst place of all and the most fearful, more frightening than a tiger or lion. Those who misuse it even once are ruined and will fall into hell. (228-31, 1992.3.1)
The serpent is analogous to the male sexual organ. Doesn't the male organ look like a serpent's head? It goes around constantly seeking a hole. The female sexual organ is also similar to the cave of a poisonous snake with its mouth open. Once you bite it or are bitten, that poison will spread throughout the veins of your whole body, and you will die forever. Immorality is the way that individuals, families, tribes, and nations are ruined. This is because the snakes ate the fruit of good and evil. That's what it means. Men try to seduce women using that. (304-162, 1999.10.10)
No one knew that humankind would go to ruin like this. It is the most frightening thing. If we take a powder keg as an example, there is no container like this. Thus, if you were to go to the bathroom every three hours, in twenty-four hours you'd go eight times. Each time, you should say, "Hey, snake's head, come out!" If that is your true organ, it is a sacred organ. You men should worship it so that you will not be moved but rather overcome all the possible advances any beautiful woman might make in seeking to seduce you. It's not simply a matter of bowing to it. Worshipping is more than bowing with respect. It is more than obedience. I underwent such training. Whoever seeks to seduce me will do so in vain. Otherwise, it is difficult to become God's children. Thus, the words, "Before you hope to control the universe, you must control yourself" mean, in other words, to control your sexual organ. (304-270, 1999.11.9)
The male sexual organ is like the archangel before the Fall. The archangel deceived his victims with a forked tongue, then seduced, and cast them into hell. In the same way, he is behaving in such a way as to fall again, using something resembling the head of a snake. The snake bites. Adam and Eve were bitten by the snake. What else can "man eating woman" be referring to? It is a fearful organ. That is the archangel -- the male sexual organ that is like a serpent's head. (287-116, 1997.9.19)
Where did the Fall originate? The Fall began in the male and female organs. The organ itself is like the serpent's teeth: once you are bitten, your family is ruined. However distinguished your household may be, it will be ruined in a flash if that organ is misused. Even a royal family will be totally ruined. Thus, AIDS has appeared like a judgment from this truth in the Last Days. (229-25, 1992.4.9) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Eleven - The Root of the Universe
Chapter Three - The Human Fall and Restoration
Section 2. The Results of the Fall

2.1. Fallen human beings and the state of the fallen world

2.1.1. Youth problems and free sex

Just as Adam and Eve fell as teenagers in the shade of a tree, with the coming of the Last Days of Judgment which brings the fruits of world history, today's youth all over the world have fallen into free sex. What is free sex? It is the trap of the devil's Sodom and Gomorrah. It stimulates young people's sensuality, and then it is all finished. Everything falls over the cliff. What kind of disco dances do young people dance? The twist is like a snake's dance. Doesn't the snake twist its body? To twist means to turn part of your body. Just as the devil has sown, he will popularize this around the world to tempt humanity. (208-263, 1990.11.20)
As Adam and Eve fell through sexual misconduct, so will it be in the Last Days. The youth will all fall into promiscuity. Just as the ancestors sowed their seeds, at the time of harvest, the youth will cover the world in that way and bring it to ruin. That is today. This is undeniable. Where did free sex arise? Who promoted it? Adam and Eve did. Being the ones who fell, they are the ancestors of free sex. (257-60, 1994.3.13)
Didn't Adam and Eve fall through free sex in Eden? Didn't they have free sex? In the Last days too, it is free sex. If this is not redeemed, everything will have to be destroyed. My life's work is to redeem this situation. I must bring it under control and build a bridge for you to cross from Satan's realm over to God's realm. If not, everyone will fall into hell. Men and women all fell in and died. That is why I must build this bridge to cross the great ocean to the peace of true love. No one but I can build this bridge. Once you have crossed over, there is no need for this bridge. Things like indemnity will not be necessary. We move into the era of absolute sex and absolute love. (281-293, 1997.3.9)
Disco dancing, liquor and smoking -- you should have nothing to do with any of these things. You should have nothing to do with free sex. Homosexuals, lesbians and swinging singles are not needed. However strongly the wind blows, you should calmly maintain your position. However much the wind or typhoon blows, or the Earth moves, the direction that the Unification Church goes does not change, just as north, south, east and west do not change. Thus, once we unify the world, everything will be accomplished. (206-62, 1990.10.3)
Who is going to block this wave of free sex and sexual misconduct that pushes forth from all directions? Who is going to eliminate this wave of hedonism, the pursuit of sensual pleasures? Not satiated by drugs and illicit love, the last of the human race looks for recreational drugs -- is that a problem of body or mind? (200-227, 1990.2.25)
What is ironic in America now is that even while free sex may be prevailing among the youth, they leave their own homes. This, in a way, is in heaven's favor. Leaving home, they are able to get away from their folks and country. American youth have no ties to the world, their country, family or parents. Based on free sex, they accept homosexuals and lesbians, and deny masculinity and femininity. If this continues, humanity will all disappear within a century. How unspeakably pained must God's heart be as He looks upon this miserable state of humanity caught in the devil's spell! (208-265, 1990.11.20)
We must know that the hippie movement and the current problems of immorality and drugs are things that have all appeared as one aspect of the global communist strategy. Things such as free sex and the homosexual-lesbian movement are one form of behavior that destroys human rights and dignity. Viewed thus, the current destruction of the family, society and church has already reached its zenith, reaching a stage at which no individual, no theologian nor any state power can prevail against it. (128-33, 1983.6.1)
I know America well. Americans talk about sexual freedom, this and that, have one-night stands and then say good-bye. Everything is based on individualism and self-vindication, and they don't like it if the self is not at the center. Greetings are diplomatic; they may look you in the eye, but the mind may be elsewhere. Emotions and lifestyle are based on expediency. (127-328, 1983.5.22)
What kind of weapons did Satan use? He used an airborne weapon: that is smoking. Next, the liquid weapon is liquor; and then the solid weapon is drugs. Through these means, everything including your spirit is made to rot. He makes everything rot -- your body and spirit, and everything from the nostrils to the lungs. So we do not drink liquor or smoke cigarettes. These are the weapons Satan uses to destroy human beings.
These three things, which are elements that prevent one's spirit from communicating with God, are the enemy's best weapons. What comes next? Free sex that destroys the order of love. All these things I must put in good order single-handedly. (126-70, 1983.4.10)
Free sex, homosexuality and lesbianism -- these things should not exist. In the Last Days, things that did not obviously exist in history have come to appear in the world in broad daylight. Things that could not possibly exist in this universe have come to appear openly. The order of love is now completely destroyed. We must know that is why America has now become the bottom of hell. The order of love is totally destroyed, and through using drugs, the physiological order of man and woman is totally destroyed. What that means is that live young people will be ruined. Moral principles and order will be destroyed. (125-168, 1983.3.20)
I am seeking to single-handedly cure and restore this world, which talks about sexual liberation and free sex, and has become abominable today. I am licensed as the doctor who can do this. There is no one else who can cure this but me. It can be cured by teaching true love. There will come a time when people cannot help but believe in the Unification Church. I am notifying you that even if you are unable to believe, I have the responsibility to guide your sons and daughters to go such a way without fail, even if I have to drive them with a whip. Do established churches have this kind of ability? Do they have an injection to cure this? (209-222, 1990.11.29)
Do not make love in a manner shameful to God, humankind, or this earth. Until now, those groups advocating free sex who call themselves hippies or yippies all have such past experiences and have done everything imaginable, but was that for the self? Is that what love is? We must know that this is what destroys humanity, disgraces God's name and spits the blood of love on planet Earth. That is the same as spreading the original blood of human beings on the earth. There they dance, do bad things and cause uproar. (93-29, 1977.5.8)
Since Satan knows that, in the Last Days, God will form His kingdom on earth, bring humankind to order, and cause them to enter His kingdom in heaven, the devil insists on behavior that is opposed to God. As a representative example, he completely crushed the one and only first love through free sex. First love was meant to be eternal, yet he turned it into a love between mutts and bitches. Heaven and earth became a world of such worthless love. This is the story of the human lifespan of seventy years.
Satan knows this, so he created a world of free sex in which men marry each other and women marry each other. They become messed up on drugs and only seek pleasure. Those who are intoxicated with physical satisfaction will receive a summary judgment that leads directly to hell. Who is going to clear this up? It must be Rev. Moon -- the True Parents must sort this out. (227-279, 1992.2.14)
All created beings are linked as pairs based on love. Were that love removed, they would be scattered like grains of sand. What kind of love do you desire? In the world of love, there is no concept of individualism, but that of pairs. In the insect world as well, there must be plus and minus, subject and object partners. This is the modality of existence of all created beings. (287-60, 1997.8.31)

2.1.2. Corruption of sexual morality

An example of the sort of things happening in America is that under the proposition of sexual liberation, high society people such as lawyers who attend a bar association meeting check into a hotel after the meeting and mutually swap wives. In just one week, they have slept with the wives of all their friends. (191-220, 1989.6.25)
Is it all right for women without husbands to put on makeup or not? Aren't prostitutes and street girls like that? Today unmarried young girls are walking around with rouge, but do you know how ugly the rouge looks? The original natural color of young people is beautiful. If you beheld it for a thousand years, you would still find it beautiful, not ugly. How beautiful that color is! You cannot produce color surpassing that. You cannot create that color with rouge. (275-136, 1995.12.4)
If the family is ruined, this is fundamental ruin; everything is ruined. There are youth problems and breakdown in the family. There is not even one complete family. In the Last Days, women will have two men. From this arises the term sexual liberation. It is the responsibility of True Parents to repair all this, as if sewing together rags to make them better than a silk robe for God to wear. (304-166, 1999.10.10)
Chicago and Los Angeles are the same as New York. All of America's big cities are the same. Satan thinks that if he can totally ruin the family, which is central to Christianity, by corrupting sexual morals through sexual liberation, then the foundation that has been established globally until now will collapse. So he injects everyone with free sex, and in that way people all become little satans. (87-137, 1976.5.23)
Can the US government solve the problem of juvenile promiscuity in America today? That cannot be done through military power, economic power, science or technology. Are not all sorts of wicked things taking place these days in the name of sexual liberation? Is love like that? Love can lead to eternal life, yet it has turned out like this. So what hope is there here? It is hopeless even if you m eet a man, if you see your son, or if you see your parents. Wherever you go, when you meet some one, it is hopeless. (183-337, 1988.11.9)
As the world became filled with turmoil and chaos, the disease of AIDS emerged. In the name of sexual liberation, confusion is spreading. True love cannot be found. The original human mind is seeking and pleading for it, but there is no way to find it. The further you go into the secular world, the more you will be hurt. The kind of love in a world that is based on outward appearance crushes everything. (210-280, 1990.12.25)
What started with Adam alone has now led to confusion among men today, as people speak of sexual liberation. Even incestuous relationships are occurring within the family. This is a miserable phenomenon not seen even in the animal world. Such breakdown and aberration of love within the family are unforgivable before God. This has become a world that He cannot bear to look at. (292-175, 1998.4.12)
When a couple attains complete oneness, heavenly fortune will protect them. Even if they wanted to fail, they could not. The fortunes of the family, society, nation, world, heaven and earth and God's love would form layers of protection for them. Yet if this oneness is about to be broken, would the world leave it alone? If that were the case, that seed would disappear. Would anyone be able to get a divorce? Divorce destroys that position protected by heavenly fortune. Would anyone be able to have an affair? I must single-handedly reorganize this world that is arguing in favor of sexual liberation today. It must be cleanly reorganized. Until today, I have been doing this. American society is also saying, "There is no doctor other than Rev. Moon who can get a grip on this." There is no other such physician. (211-268, 1990.12.30)
We hear of murders of fathers, mothers and children. In extreme cases what do we hear? That a son is cohabiting with his mother. It is truly the end. Have you ever heard such things? There are many such cases, but they do not stir up rumors to this extent. Now, such a time has come. It is called sexual liberation. In the communist world, people are treated like animals, so this kind of thing would not even be considered a problem. These are called the Last Days. Do they differentiate between their cousin, uncle or mother? As for dogs, would a pup and its mother mate and have a litter again? When such a time comes to the human world, it is the end. (39-123, 1971.1.10)
Nowadays people emphasize the single life, and things like homosexuals and lesbians are an issue, but why do homos and whatnot become that way? What is in them that inevitably makes them that way? Incestuous relationships caused them to be that way. A grandfather willfully violates his granddaughter. A father violates his own daughter. The cause of these incestuous relationships is that ultimately people are contacting each other sexually as they please since the age of sexual liberation, the age of free sex, arrived. They come into sexual contact not with some stranger from a distant town, but with someone from among their closest relatives. (261-44, 1994.5.22)
What is happening in New York now is that only the wealthiest people and those of the lowest level remain there. The people of the middle class who are the city's backbone all packed their bags and ran away; just last year, some six hundred thousand people departed. Among the lower classes there are prostitutes and rogues talking of sexual liberation, making the base for Satan. Those who think they cannot have their children educated in that chaos cannot help but leave. Up until now, there have been many hotels in town that are a market for prostitution. (87-135, 1976.5.23)

2.1.3. Homosexuality

We Unificationists intend to digest all the evil things of the world that Satan likes. We will digest the problem of the gay movement of homosexuals and so forth. We will digest free sex, the problem of immorality, all gangsters, terrorists and organized crime. We will take responsibility for the most difficult problems of the world. We will even digest the Communist Party. (109-34, 1980.10.26)
Isn't the gay movement widespread in the United States? Aren't there many homosexuals? It is because these people do not know the Principle of Creation. However, the members of the Unification Church, who know the Principle of Creation, understood through education that they must absolutely get married. The gay movement has totally broken down here as a result. Your mothers and fathers may have gone out dancing, had free sex that shattered the family and everything. All of you understand about the Fall, however, so no matter how much you dance, can it lead to free sex? (118-109, 1982.5.9)
Are they saying that a law will be passed to legalize homosexuality? A law will be made? They should be ashamed to see the sun, the trees, the grass, or even a dog. Being that way, how can they dress, eat and live like other people? People who practice homosexuality will be the ones who oppose us and call us heretics. (118-295, 1982.6.20)
Then, what is America now? Be it homosexuals or lesbians, a cultural realm that denies the spouse is expanding in America. Is there a spouse for an angel? A long time ago, man followed Eve who betrayed God, but from now on, he must follow Eve who supports God. That is why I married many American men to Japanese women. Americans listen well to what women have to say; for them, women are queens. (119-246, 1982.9.13)
Is a woman who lives alone happy? If lesbians and homosexuals came here and listened to my words, would they think of continuing in their ways or will they think that they must remedy this? Would they be able to oppose Rev. Moon, saying that he is wrong? The youth of the world did not know that such a teaching existed. If you seek to meet God, you must possess a love having the attributes of being eternal, unique, and unchanging. Otherwise, you will not be able to meet the Subject of true love or to participate in the way of true love. (124-86, 1983.1.30)
Homosexuals and lesbians: they will be saved through whose hands? Through the hands of Rev. Moon; my hands! Who can liberate these young people who are becoming living corpses, ailing from drugs and dying away? I will liberate them with my hands. Who will liberate those who promote free sex and gambling with love? Is there anyone in American Christianity who will do this? Who is there among the pastors of American churches? Next, who will block the Communist Party? Rev. Moon will block it. (124-329, 1983.3.1)
How about people like the homosexuals and lesbians of America? This is a presumptuous love. The longer they persist in it, the greater their ruin. It leads to ruin, the breakdown of individuals, families, children, nations, the world, and the universe. If they are destroyed, humanity will disappear automatically. When people become that way, humankind will perish. (125-68, 1983.3.6)
Today in America, lesbians, homosexuals and gays are becoming prevalent. This is sinful and there will be consequences. This malaise which afflicts them is not found where heterosexual men and women live. Diseases not found in ordinary couples pervade them. Sexual diseases of the kind that arise from violating the principles of love are their punishment. Thus, central love is needed. You were born from central love. What is central love? It is parental love. This is eternally undeniable. It can never be denied. People might insist upon denying it, but it remains undeniable. (128-15, 1983.5.29)
These days, there's such uproar over homosexuals and lesbians. Those who do things like that will perish. They won't last even a century. They won't last for long at all. If they live like that, everything will be destroyed. What American culture is based on is that it is in the realm of the culture of satanic love, which is destructive and bound to collapse. As such, it must be tossed out. American culture is in the cultural realm of satanic love.
What is Unificationist culture? It is in the cultural realm of God's love. It is simple. It absolutely opposes free sex, homosexuality, and drugs. We oppose all of them. (134-14, 1985.1.1)
American women say they don't need aging parents. Who are the aging parents? Aren't they their parents and grandparents? Satan made it that way in the Last Days. Why? It's because Satan knows God's purpose. As God is trying to set up this formula, Satan tries to break its foundation. Who attacks? Satan does. Next, they say they don't need spouses. Isn't this a truly strange system? Who made it that way? Satan did. This is Satan's goal. Homosexuals and lesbians are all the result of Satan. Next, they'll say they don't need babies. (135-115, 1985.10.4)
For those who have taken drugs and experienced being homosexuals or lesbians: how difficult is it to get out of it? It is human hell. We cannot lose the American youth who are caught in a net like that and end up becoming Satan's prey. Who besides Unificationists can save them? If we don't do this, there will be no America. (149-377, 1986.12.28)
Men and women are horizontal. They are level. The union of man and woman is to be engrafted, based on vertical, lifelong and eternal love. As men representing east and women representing west have lost the central line, they will seek to graft into this, so they must absolutely get married. Aren't there many in America who oppose marriage? There are many who, like homosexuals or lesbians, dislike having children. Those without children have lost out when they pass on to the spirit world. This is the formula of the universe. (163-88, 1987.4.19)
Wait and see: evil free sex will disappear one day. Homosexuals will also disappear one day. Lesbians: women marrying each other -- how on earth can that be? Insects in the animal world don't even do that. Are such people human? Also, those wicked people who say there is no God must all disappear. The materialistic view of history will disappear. (188-157, 1989.2.19)
Men tire of women and women tire of men, so they go around daily, hungry for love and always lonely; they will all become homosexuals and lesbians and end up in the trash can. They smoke opium and all fall into the straits of self-destruction. Who will take responsibility for this? Will the State Department or the Pentagon be responsible? Will the nation's president take responsibility? All of us should take responsibility. (207-111, 1990.11.1)
As America has become the archangel nation in the Last Days, its women will not be qualified to be women. Hence, homosexuals and lesbians arise and say, "Let women marry each other. Let men marry each other!" The archangel does not acknowledge a complementary partnership. He does not recognize the right of ownership. He does not acknowledge heterosexuality. That is why everything has become like that. The reality of America today is that while opposing homosexuality on the one hand, it must present the way it should go honestly before God on the other. Issues like lesbianism, homosexuality, and family breakdown must be resolved completely. (240-155, 1992.12.11)
According to the US Statistics Bureau, the soaring divorce rate showed a threefold rise between 1970 and 1990, with the conclusion that one family out of six has a divorce, and the reality is that nationwide, thirty percent of children are being raised by single parents. Furthermore, the strange, decadent phenomenon of gay married couples is spreading. (288-197, 1997.11.28)
Immorality, sexual misconduct and decadent trends, along with hedonism, are systematically ruining families. It has come to the point where some people of today think that gay people can also build a different type of family alongside the traditional family, and that they can have children through adoption or artificial insemination. (288-171, 1997.11.27)
The problems of the world today are serious. If you go to a place like America, you will see many gays among whom men are marrying each other and women are doing the same. Really, where can we find such laws? Physiologically, they are not made to be that way. After one generation their lineage will die out. Everything will be gone. Heavenly fortune will drive them out, and it is not as if their hearts will be happy. They will accept suffering as such, and more complicated problems will arise. Thus, subject and object partners will always coexist in a living environment. You must know this as you lead your life in society. (243-74, 1993.1.3)
Free sex is indeed the wicked trend that we must completely eradicate from this planet. The elements that are related to free sex such as drugs, violence, homosexuality, and AIDS are driving humanity toward destruction. (288-283, 1997.11.30)
Today, those that are gay appear and deny their parents; husbands do everything imaginable and wives likewise; but as these contravene the heavenly laws of the universe, they will be judged by universal criminal law in the other world. (106 -112, 1979.12.16)

2.2. Reining in the errant culture of free sex

2.2.1. In the Last Days the order of love is corrupted

As true love is most precious, violating it is a universal crime. Immorality, juvenile promiscuity, family breakdown, incest, homosexuality, indescribable sex crimes, and so on are the reality of today. These cause God grief. The ideal of creation lies in the fulfillment of the family ideal which is based on sublime and eternal love, but why did it result in today's miserable way? We can say that in the Last Days the result of the Fall of the first ancestors is bearing fruit in displays of decadence, just like the seeds that were sown. (135-12, 1985.8.20)
Americans do not understand that there is no foundation of true love in their nation. Ultimately, things will go to ruin because of false love. Couples, siblings and parent-child relations break up. Incest spreads and sweeps people into hell, destroying everything. Having come completely to the zero point, American society must be built anew. It is one world under God! All color barriers, obstacles, customs, and conventions must be abolished. Only the parental heart and love of the family will remain: that is, to invest and forget as parents truly love their children. This is the concept of heaven. (293-152, 1998.5.26)
As unity is the origin, Satan destroyed it completely. He destroyed everything through free sex, homosexuality, and incest. We must totally overcome this. As it has become hell on earth, we must go 180 degrees in the opposite direction. As we have such an ideal, we will be able to fulfill an ideal world without problems, building an ideal nation and world on the foundation of an ideal family by going in that diametrically opposite direction. (261-284, 1996.6.20)
Free sex is the devil's destructive strategy to erase God's ideal from this earth without a trace, so that He is unable to step into this world. Next, Satan made people mentally ill through drugs. In a place like this, we cannot find the way of heavenly principles in a normal situation and all the ideals of love blossoming in a loving couple. Could the restoration of God's ideal be fulfilled in such a state? How did America become like this in forty years? (253-303, 1994.1.30)
It has become a world pervaded by free sex and incest. How did this happen? At the time of Jesus, these things were to have been resolved. The returning Lord must come again to definitely resolve incestuous relations. However, because he was driven out, the free world is unknowingly falling into hell, with people all lining up to fall off the cliffs. People do not know how to turn around at this point. If I had been here at that time, it would not have become like that. The free world chased me out and created a mess in the space of forty years. (252-139, 1993.11.14)
Can a woman perfect herself alone? She cannot. Don't American women say they don't want to get married, but they do want children? How did this happen? They say they don't need their grandparents, parents, spouses, siblings or anything. As they cannot live alone, men stick together, women stick together and then do they comfort each other? Is that the way to offer consolation? Where did incest begin? Behind it is free sex. (248-111, 1993.8.1)
Men or women on earth end up becoming like animals. In other words, with regard to sexual relations they are the same as animals. What is happening is that grandfathers cohabit with their granddaughters, and uncles with their nieces. In this way, based on destructive environments that cannot even be imagined in the realm of ideal love, the world will collapse. Living in the same house with her mother, a daughter makes love with her father. Living like this, they even appear and are interviewed on television. In America, it is said that such incestuous relationships comprise more than twenty percent. (208-304, 1990.11.21)
God cannot intervene in the affairs of fallen humanity. His beloved was snatched away and bore children. Could He visit such a place and love them next to that devil? These are not empty words. Thus, Rome was destroyed through immorality, and America will now also perish through immorality. If you go to Pompeii, there are still traces of such immorality, traces of incestuous relationships over three generations. In America, twenty percent are that way. This is meant to be destroyed. (197-265, 1990.1.19)
Do you know why America is now going to perish? I warned them before. Do you know how numerous the cases of incest are? Twenty percent in this nation of scoundrels! Grandfathers cohabit with their granddaughters and fathers sleep with their daughters even though they are married. All the symptoms of apocalyptic destruction are here. An atomic bomb has been dropped from heaven and we are in an age where we might be directly bombed. Yet the developed nations do not know how fearful this is. This is where they need me and the Unification Church. Without the Unification Church, they will never be able to bring this under control. (201-165, 1990.3.30)
Men are in the archangel position. Thus in America, cases of men violating their own daughters or even mothers are taking place. The incidence of incest has exceeded twenty percent. Satan is throwing grandmothers, mothers, younger sisters and even daughters into confusion. Therefore I am devising a strategy to surround all of hell in order to destroy the satanic realm. (227-71, 1992.2.10)
With Jesus' death on the cross, the satanic world on the left side triumphed. Due to the fact that the Vatican could not fulfill its responsibility, people fell into atheistic materialism, going through the stages of the French Revolution and humanism. Driving out God, His people, and even His belongings, humanity has become miserable. They are also suffering without having food to eat. Who made them like that? God made them like that. In this democratic world, people boast of material worth, but they do not know about the grace of the Christian cultural sphere and how to return this to God. They cannot fulfill their human portion of responsibility and end up becoming animalistic people. How can incest occur in a family with a Christian cultural background? Such people have become rotten in heart and spirit, and offerings to the devil. (214-243, 1991.2.2)
Adam fell while in his teens without his Parent's permission in the shade of a tree. That is how he sowed his seeds, so that is how they are reaped. Why have teenagers become a worldwide problem in this age, and why has the age come in which they exercise full power that no one can control? This is something inevitable. The only way this can be managed is to learn the way of the coming True Parents. This must be done. (262-212, 1994.7.23)
In the history of Korea, what we can take pride in globally is the realm of the tribe. It is a race that God has preserved within the providence in order to revere the ancestors and maintain one tradition and a pure lineage. Thus, we must reorganize ourselves quickly so that no adulterous thugs will appear. Today, in places like America, incest is a problem. Grandfathers cohabit with their granddaughters, fathers with their daughters, brothers with their sisters, and every imaginable behavior is taking place. Such a trend has emerged now with relatives of the eighth degree of closeness intermarrying. This has to be judged and eliminated. Our mission in resolving this is great. We have the responsibility to keep the tradition of a tribe of pure lineage, and to inherit and foster the ethical concepts of a people. (213-154, 1991.1.16)

2.2.2. Absolute purity: do not defile the lineage

God pursues a lineage that preserves purity eternally. We must know the fact that our desire as human beings and that of our first ancestors, Adam and Eve, was how to preserve the direct lineage eternally. This traditional thought has still not disappeared. Why? Because what God has planned is absolute. His will must be fulfilled absolutely at some point. If it could not be fulfilled, He would not be God. This is immutable. The numerous conflicts among religious denominations, religions and nations are not God's will. They are not in accordance with it and will all break down. (249-188, 1993.10.10)
The True Parents must bear the responsibility over all things that Adam and Eve failed in and resolve them in their stead. Otherwise, there is no path to restore the true parental position. The parents sowed them, so those who are to be parents must harvest them, burn the bad things, store away the good things, and distribute the seeds that all people seek after. These are the words of the Divine Principle: true love, a pure lineage, and ideal conjugal love. There is no other way to go as human beings. All other things will disappear, but this will accompany human life, eternal life. That is how precious the Divine Principle is. (256-28, 1994.3.12)
Where the original lineage was lost, no culture of heart will emerge. Culture is connected to the unfolding of history. Based on the family, society, nation, and world, this must be propagated. "We pledge to perfect the world of the culture of heart, connected to the original lineage." The point is to bequeath a pure lineage. Otherwise, we would be cut off from the world of the culture of heart. That vast Kingdom of Heaven is the foundation of the heart that we can live in, but if the world of the culture of heart cannot be built, that world will be cut off. Hence, we must live a life centered on the realm of the culture of heart. (260-305, 1994.5.19)
Through what did the Fall occur? We can conclude that it occurred through fornication. In connection with the exposition on the Fall, we must talk about all of these things. Satan was a god of fornication. God is a god of purity. What does this refer to? The lineage; I am speaking of the bloodline. The satanic world is totally a world of fornication, the world of the devil. (266-22, 1994.12.4)
A clean lineage, a pure lineage must be maintained. Just as God drove out fallen Adam and Eve, if your lineage is stained, you must remove yourself completely and return to the back of the line of humanity to come in as fallen people. In the future, leaders will be only those who preserved their purity. These people will inherit and also bequeath the mainstream traditional thought. It is unforgivable for Blessed Couples to fall again. Western society is in terrible confusion. (268-110, 1995.3.31)
Do you know what will happen if you become a drug addict? Don't you know that love addiction is much stronger than drug addiction? People became addicted to false love, causing them to perish. Women too are like that; they have two minds. When you women make love with your husbands, you should think, "God is visiting us. He has descended into my husband. I will clean and prepare our bed well for tonight" and focus all possible devotion from the time of your baby's conception. Focus your devotion when you are children, then siblings, then spouses, and finally parents; focus where such pure couples, mobilizing the four great realms of heart, will love each other. Have you ever thought about it like that? (273-21, 1995.10.21)
What fearful beings women are. If one woman is mistreated, a nation will perish and a clan will be destroyed. The same holds true for men also. If a woman mistreats her husband, the nation will perish, her tribe will be ruined, and the generations of purity maintained through her ancestors will all be hurt. It is serious. Thus, the true form of the highest truth before a woman is her husband. She has given her first love to her husband. That first love cannot be traded. Even if she offered everything to God she could not exchange this, and even if Adam was offered, she could not exchange this. Only after offering the perfected God and Adam, the two of them, can she trade them for the first time. That is how tremendous first love is. (275-83, 1995.11.3)
God cannot interfere with the results of the Fall, and Satan, after making things this way, says, "Hey, I was wrong, but I can't even keep up with this!" Thus, there is no one who likes this. There are more and more people committing suicide. Purity, the most precious thing that has to be protected, which women maintained as the base of this valuable love, has been trampled on from all sides. Women's parents should have provided an environment to protect them, but their grandfathers, fathers, and brothers violated them. Hence, even in a dream, they don't want to see any men. Even if they have to die, they hate men. (283-32, 1997.4.8)
You must conquer the body and its five senses! Will you follow physical or spiritual love? Even if you had to die ten million times, you must preserve your chastity. Women who are about to be married and all children must preserve their purity. Before marriage, you preserve purity and after marrying a true man, you must maintain chastity. Did you women understand? (286-161, 1997.8.9)
As the seeds of youth problems were sown, and since the wrong alliance took place in the Garden of Eden, this therefore must be turned around for humankind to marry on heaven's side again, and the lineage must be changed; this logic should be affirmed theoretically. Thus, we assert the absoluteness and purity of youth. Absoluteness is absolute. For what? For the purpose of absolute, unique, unchanging, and eternal love. Due to false love, things turned out this way, so it must be turned around into true love. (288-48, 1997.10.31)
You must guard your sexual organs. We must launch a movement to guard the original organs. God created organs of pure love. You all must protect them. They are absolute organs. They are absolutely unidirectional. You must eternally follow the way of love connected to that absolute one direction. They are the organs God originally desired. People must know that they are the palaces of love, life, lineage, and conscience, where four palaces have gathered in one place. They are the most holy place. You must preserve their purity eternally. (288-67, 1997.10.31)
The question is: how do we bequeath a tradition of absolute purity? The people of Israel used to stone the offenders to death if this was defiled, but not today. It is more frightening than that. We cannot think even in our dreams of falling again before the heart of God who had to expel His only son and only daughter, Adam and Eve. Thus, the boundary must be declared. Those who are left behind on the day when that is declared are all the evil firstborn among all the firstborn left behind on Satan's side. (288-111, 1997.11.25)
Just as the Israelites had to follow Moses in the course to restore Canaan, now is the time for us to enter it and restore God's kingship. We must endure suffering greater than even that of the 430-year course in Egypt and the miserable 4,000-year history of God from Adam to Jesus, overcome everything and comfort Him. You do not go to heaven by apologizing or just because you've repented. The right of inheritance arises on the foundation of comforting God and the True Parents after surmounting that peak, repenting and pledging to bequeath an eternally pure lineage as the new lineage of their child. (288-114, 1997.11.25)
You must pledge true purity and chastity anew before God, looking back and denying your past based on the fact that you were unable to lead a life of purity until now. You Unificationist women must maintain your purity before and chastity after marriage. For whose sake is that? It is not only for your own sakes. It is for your husbands and families, your nation and the world. If not, when you enter heaven, the eternal world, you will not be in the position to settle into heaven and God's love as an individual, family, people, nation or cosmos. You won't be able to do anything. (288-146, 1997.11.27)
The future world will be placed at the crossroads between heaven and hell, depending on whether the moral code of preserving the purity and protecting the value of the family will be established. Will the problems plaguing all of the nations of the world such as the degeneration of youth and constant crimes related to drugs, increasing family breakdown and divorce, the spread of AIDS and sex crimes, be solved by political power? Current academic education and religious teachings are unable to solve these problems. (288-139, 1997.11.26)
From now on when I conduct the Blessing, I will not bless those who flirted and violated chastity. Unless you are chaste men and women, I will not marry you. When the restored Adam and Eve settle in the Garden of Eden and stand in a public position in the world, will they gather together fallen sons and daughters and bless them? Such a thing is impossible. Thus, those who have flirted and had relations must know that whatever kind of man or woman they are, they will not be able to receive the Unification Church Blessing in the future. If that is the case, my intent is that there will only be the sons and daughters born from blessed marriages. Thus, I will marry only the children of Blessed Families. (233-351, 1992.8.2)
From here on, all women will maintain their chastity. A pure religion has to be one that absolutely rejects sexual deviation. Thus, it is said in Christianity, "All sins are sins outside the bones, but fornication is a sin inside the bones." Love in the satanic realm is sexually deviant. Maintaining chastity blocks all fornication. Numerous people opposed the love of the satanic world. To prevent everything from becoming part of that world, God established the way of bridal chastity by reforming the world through Judaism and Christianity. From here, if bride and the groom attain oneness, a way would open up for these two worlds. Thus, if a pure bride and a pure groom of the world of historical tradition come together, love each other and encircle the world, the entire satanic world will collapse. Hence, since the beginning of history, countless women have been sacrificed in order to open the gates to the realm of Christian culture. They have been caught and violated. They have undergone every possible humiliation at the hands of the powers that be. (238-276, 1992.11.22)
If Jesus had married and shared his love with a woman who loved him more than he could ever love, would the devil be able to pull away the children they bore? God would protect them. Christians will say all kinds of things and raise a big fuss. What do you think would have happened if a pure Jesus, as a good man, welcomed a good woman and had a family that God could protect? If children of goodness had been born then, the world would already be unified within two millennia; it would have become one tribe. That wouldn't even have taken seven centuries. (245-45, 1993.2.28)
The more people pursue a pure sublime conscience and the sphere of activity for a lofty, vast and profound world of conscience, and desire such a foundation of love, the larger, higher and broader their sphere of activity in the spirit world will become. If you think only of yourself, your sphere of activity becomes more and more narrow. (275-70, 1995.11.3)
Before God, Blessed Couples should pledge the unity of their family and couple and eternal conjugal trust and purity, and promise that they will raise and nurture their children, teaching them a high level of morality and purity. These couples come from diverse linguistic, racial, national and religious backgrounds, yet they took part in this Blessing because of the faith that God's love and the start of world peace comes from perfectly God-centered families. I invite you all to be not just spectators in this historic ceremony, but that you come forward with the people around you who are related to you, and renew your marriage vows before God. (288-165, 1997.11.27)

2.3. True Parents and fundamental restoration

2.3.1. To solve the fundamental problem, the origin of the Fall must be understood

In order for us to solve and rectify the global and moral problems of humankind, there must be a principled view of the Fall. This is the final desperate phenomenon of the Last Days due to Satan betraying God and dictating the course of history. It is the strategy of Satan to ruin and destroy humankind. If all this is not resolved, the problems of history cannot be solved, and there would be no way to liquidate the debts of history. Therefore, we are advocating returning to Godism, the true love ideology, and God's Creation and ideal as an alternative proposal. This is not egocentric but altruistic. We must create the object partners of our love. Without such content, there is no way the problems of this world can be solved. (219-266, 1991.10.11)
The historical Fall originated from a wrongful marriage centered on a false parent. As Adam and Eve fell during their youth, the corruption of youth began in the Garden of Eden. They sowed the seeds of corruption of the youth. Owing to that, the whole ideal of God centering on Adam's family was completely shattered. Seeds planted just like that will grow, and in the Last Days there comes a time in which their fruits will be borne. There is no one in the world capable of preventing the corruption of the youth. America itself cannot stop it, but instead has become the field of free sex, homosexuality, and lesbianism. It is a complete mess. Can all these things be stopped by American education and religion? Such things cannot be blocked by America's political and economic power, or by military power. They can only throw their hands in the air.
Then who is capable of solving these problems? Only God is. Since they were planted by false parents, the motive for committing sin was humanistic. Since the false parent, Adam, erred and messed everything up, and as he fell in ignorance, the restored Adam must understand the truth completely on earth. He can make Satan surrender by understanding the details of God's secrets, what the goal of His standard of perfection is, and what manner of wrongdoings the devil perpetrated. (302-222, 1999.6.14)
The cause of all difficult global problems lies with two people: man and woman. Their entanglement led to national, global, and cosmic problems. What was their problem? Love. They erred in the matter of love. Hence, the True Parents must come and undo the corruption of the youth and the failure of Adam's family which was smashed to smithereens in Eden due to the false parents.
The True Parents will bequeath the lineage of God's love, and all must become living beings centered on love, true olive trees and not wild ones. Those who become true olive trees will change their lineage. I am someone who has all the theoretical systems that can connect people to God's lineage. It is so if you go that path. That is a proven fact. (302-226, 1999.6.14)
So what is Rev. Moon doing at this time? He has been solving all the problems centering on the issue of youth, which all representative nations -- the so-called developed nations, namely of course the United States, Russia and China -- and even religions have given up on. The very person who has been conferred the privilege to do that is Rev. Moon. There is no such person other than him. (302-228, 1999.6.14)
It is said you will reap what you sow. Since Adam and Eve fell while they were in their youth in the Garden of Eden, families have been completely destroyed until there is not a single family in the world that God could claim as His own. These are the Last Days. That is indeed the reality today.
Do the American people have a view of the world? They have no worldview. Do they have a view of the nation? No. Not to mention a view of society, they do not have a view of the tribe, people or family. They deny their mothers and fathers. That is individualism -- returning to the position of the archangel, the devil. Man denies woman and woman denies man. Since the Last Days have come, Satan must expose himself in the end.
Thus, Satan destroyed the family completely. There is no way for Satan or God to solve the problems of juvenile delinquency and family breakdown. If God could, He would have done so at the time of Adam's family in the Garden of Eden.
Can God, who was not able to interfere in the Garden of Eden, do anything about this perishing world? Who must bear the responsibility for this? As the false parents, who were made to fall in ignorance ruined things in this way, the True Parents must completely understand everything, God's secrets and Satan's secrets, and expose Satan's secrets before God, saying, "You thug, you turned out to be a murderer!" Wouldn't even a murderer in hiding slip away from the human world forever, when the proof of his crime is revealed, his crimes declared for what they are, and he is pronounced guilty? It is the same; the reality today is exactly the same as this situation. (302-224, 1999.6.14)
God who is full of anguish due to the Fall of our first ancestors must be consoled. We must start from the position where we can console God, who has a large nail of sorrow stuck in His heart due to the Fall of Adam and Eve. In order to do so, we must become filial children who can comfort the God of grief.
By fulfilling the ways of filial children representing their families, loyal citizens representing their nations, saints representing the world, and divine sons and daughters representing heaven and earth, we must console God. That is not all; we must, without a doubt, mobilize new youth, bless them anew and eliminate all elements which Adam defiled. (302-224, 1999.6.14)
The hope of humankind is to remove the mask of the Fall, which refers to the lineage that was changed. What is the fall of the lineage? That refers to man and woman engaging in an illicit sexual relationship. Centering on whom? Satan.
If we ask whether Adam and Eve gave birth to sons and daughters before or after the Fall, nobody would say they gave birth before the Fall. Who took responsibility for their marriage for the sake of those sons and daughters? God cannot take responsibility for people whom He drove out. There is no doubt the marriage was conducted by Satan the devil.
Thus, Satan occupied the place, where God would have entered Adam's mind and where Adam and Eve would have fulfilled their conjugality, and planted his lineage there. Didn't they conceal their sexual parts after the Fall? If they had eaten with their mouths, they would have concealed their mouths and hands, but they did not do so. Those sexual parts became the basis of lineal resentment. (302-220, 1999.6.14)
The two tablets inside the Ark of the Covenant refer to Adam and Eve -- they symbolize them. The most holy place refers to the sexual parts, which are inviolable. Didn't those who tried to touch it perish? The most holy place is that very place. Next came Aaron's staff with sprouts! What is the staff? It refers to eternal life. As new buds sprout from a dead staff, it means one will never die. Centering on what? Original love. You would die without love. Thus, new buds sprouted forth from Aaron's staff. Since there was such significance, it was laid and attended to in the sanctuary. The tabernacle symbolized God's body. The body is the sanctuary and the most holy place refers to the sexual organs. (325-62, 2000.6.29)

2.3.2. Why True Parents are needed

The people we need are the True Parents. What started from the false parents must be restarted by the True Parents. The false parents are the ones who inherited false love and false lineage starting from false love. This must be reversed. Then, how can we inherit true life and true lineage centered on the love of the True Parents? In other words, the issue is how to inherit the original seed again since we inherited the wrong seed of life.
With regard to this issue, it cannot be inherited without the True Parents. Therefore, the Messiah must come upon the earth, and his seed, the seed of new life of the True Parents, must be injected and engrafted. Through this, you can return to the original position of the true olive tree. It is simple. Therefore, God is our True Parent. So, think how close He is. The vertical Parent is God, and the True Parents fulfill ideal love as horizontal parents. (218-223, 1991.7.29)
Why are the True Parents needed? They are needed to liquidate the base of Satan's love, life, and lineage. How did man and woman fall into such a position? The fell through the sexual organ. Originally the sexual organ was the palace of love. Now what has happened to that palace of love? The human sexual organ is such a precious thing, being the palace of love, life, and lineage. Would this be filthy? It is sacred. It became filthy because of the Fall. From God's original viewpoint, it is not something filthy but sacred. It is most precious. Life, love, and lineage are connected here. Satan defiled something so sacred. (218-176, 1991.7.28)
Adam was originally a parent who could have become your ancestor, but failed to connect to God's love. As he could not connect to it, your parents cannot connect you to God's love. The True Parents are different in that they have brought the special right to connect you to God's love. Since you did not listen to your parents but listened to Rev. Moon of the Unification Church, is this social justice or evil? It is justice. The fundamental principles of the cosmos work that way. (118-147, 1982.5.23)
How did I become the True Parent? I became the True Parent by my being able to offer the requisite devotions that can bring down the walls created by the Fall of our first ancestors. Our Unificationist community includes everyone from Protestants to Catholics, Buddhists, Confucians and Muslims. Buddhism is also included here -- do you know that or not? You should be embarrassed if you didn't. If they enter here, the religions can unite. Regarding the issue of race, people of the five different skin colors can become one. (118-270, 1982.6.13)
The Messiah comes as a man who has perfected the original true parental love and is the embodiment of the original ideal. Whenever you say "I" you must think about this. Then are you not liberated? It is like that. If you are liberated from Satan, his realm of life and realm of lineage, then everything is done.
If so, what would you do after being liberated? We must attend God, instead of the devil, and form His cultural realm and the True Parents' realm of life. As we stand in the position of the perfected Adam, we must fulfill the purpose of his birth. Therefore, the True Parents' love dwells within us, and God's love dwells in us. That love is the root of the harmony which can perfect us. In other words, we have His love, life and lineage; they are the union of three. (202-283, 1990.5.25)
The ideal history and new culture, love, life, family, nation, world and cosmos, together with God's love, will begin based on the True Parents. You must understand that the term "True Parents" is nothing like what you have known until now. In order to establish a relationship with the ages to come, nations, individuals, and families perished. Therefore this position is a place where the blood of innumerable billions of sacrificed offerings is crying out to God.
The Bible states that the blood of Abel shed by Cain cried out from the ground to God. There is no other position that can resolve all history; this is the only one. The throng that has gathered to inherit such a mission and to straighten this amazing way of indemnity is none other than all of you. If you come to understand this truly, you would not be able to complain about your life or your situation in your dreams, even if you were to die a thousand times. (67-226, 1973.6.27)
The original ideal of God's creation was to establish His kingdom in heaven and on earth through the name of the True Parents. Without that name, God's Kingdom will not appear. If you were to ask today's Christians, "Why wasn't Jesus able to enter heaven instead of staying in paradise, despite his being God's beloved begotten son?" they would not be able to give you an answer.
God's Kingdom in heaven and on earth can only be established through the foundation of the perfection of the True Parents and of love. The mission to unify the kingdom after going to the spirit world belongs to the True Parents, and this is no one else's mission. Jesus could not become a true parent, which is why he is in paradise. (131-182, 1984.5.1)
Hitherto in the fallen world, there has been no trace of anything or anyone having received love from the True Parents. Thus, even if such a foundation appeared in the spirit world, it would not be needed. There is a precise vertical and horizontal principled standard and formula. You must understand that there is such a formula. You cannot do as you please. (131-183, 1984.5.1)
Everything begins from the True Parents. The beginning of everything is not you, but them. It is the same with our lives, actions and connecting together as a family of love. The True Parents are the beginning. These are not my words but these are God's principle and idea of our first ancestors. How can you make your families like that of the True Parents? This is what you must think about. (277-250, 1996.4.18)
How much did I invest for the sake of the world? How many tears and how much sweat and blood did I shed, and how many sighs did I heave? I did not do that for the sake of feeding myself or making myself successful. It was in order to liberate this earthly world, the spirit world, and God. There is no such person in history other than Rev. Moon. There is none other than the True Parents. It has such a historical background. It is not just a concept. In forming a substantial realm in this world as I built the foundation of this ideal, I have reached a level where all nations of the world can solemnly bow their heads before me. (210-363, 1990.12.27)

2.3.3. Lineage is restored through the Blessing

All fundamental issues cannot be resolved other than by the contents of the secrets of heaven that Rev. Moon has revealed. I was introduced as the True Parent, but what on earth are true parents? Where are the True Parents? They are in heaven. God is the True Parent. Today, humankind, and all the religions of the fallen world call God, "Father". The Lord who created heaven and earth is indeed the Father. Whose father? He is our Father, but through what paternal content did we develop a parent-child relationship? It is God's love. Then, centered on God, the lives of Adam and Eve untouched by the Fall will be connected in love.
Centered on God's original love that has nothing to do with the Fall, the unfallen ancestors, Adam and Eve, who are our original ancestors, should have attained oneness, burning with God's love. What unites man and woman is neither the man on his own nor the woman on her own; love is absolutely necessary for unity. If man and woman unite, everything is harmonized.
God is absolute, unique, eternal, and unchanging. The love of the absolute God is not divided in two. The love that man possesses and the love that woman possesses are not two but one. You should know that; yet you have lived to this day in ignorance of it. (2000.3.3)
What is the Fall? God desired through the ideal of creation to bequeath His direct lineage, starting from a family to form a tribe, people and a nation, to create a world of peace, namely God's Kingdom on earth and in heaven. What is God's Kingdom on earth and in heaven? There must be a house of love where God can dwell: within my body, in the family, nation, world, and in the infinite spirit world where nothing is impossible. The individual is a house which God can enter and inhabit, centered on true love. The family is formed by a couple in which man and woman are different and opposite poles. In the Garden of Eden, the family united by love was the place for God to come to dwell in. The mother and father were prepared to bear fruit -- God's grandchildren -- as the seed connected to His lineage for all generations.
What is the Fall? If God is the first generation, Adam is the second. The Fall refers to being unable to have a grandchild of the lineage in the third generation. Not being able to have grandchildren is the Fall. Did Adam and Eve give birth to sons and daughters after or before the Fall? They had sons and daughters after the Fall. So who married them? Adam and Eve had nothing to do with God and were driven away. They then married and gave birth to children as Satan's offspring. Today, the six billion people on earth are the sons and daughters who have inherited the lineage of the fallen Adam and Eve -- who were expelled, hid themselves and married wrongfully -- and are thus headed for hell. They have nothing to do with God. (2000.3.3)
You must understand the roots. Then which way does not lead to ruin? The lineage of true love must be connected to today's six billion people and to the world of the future, transcending all generations. It must become an unchanging lineage and a connected body of kinship in which all branches of a large tree stretching in every direction form the central root to the trunk and buds, and feel like one body. If what is thus connected is a nation, it becomes a national heaven; if it is the world, it becomes a global heaven and if it is heaven and earth, it will be the cosmic heaven.
All these were lost because Adam and Eve were not able to become true parents. Thus, the fallen parents who were unable to become true parents are false parents based upon false love, creating false families, false tribes, false nations, and a false world. Thus, they are doomed to perish. The world does not know what to do. God's providence of salvation is for humankind to return to its original state, and therefore may be termed "restoration". Humankind became sick and thus must go back to the original world through being cured. How can we restore our lineal relationship with God? Hence, He cannot abandon these people who are doomed to perish. (2000.3.3)
What are true parents? Centered on the realms of God's love, life, lineage, and conscience, everything is harmonized in unity. This is such a position in which true parents can settle. If a sprout grows from there and the branches reach out to the world, it will all be connected to the nation, world, and cosmos. That position does not shift.
Since God is absolute, unique, unchanging, and eternal, the standard to settle must also be absolute, unique, unchanging, and eternal. Through what will this happen? It will not be through political power, some expedience, or force. If one invests true love, living for the sake of others, then it becomes more valuable.
When you invest yourselves in others with a heart of true love, that investment is never lost, but will actually yield an output greater than your input. Why? The universe is like that. Such phenomena attract the attention of the universe like a magnet. True love also has that effect. As for a magnet, if there is a metallic object close by, doesn't its magnetic force depend on its iron content? It is the same: true love attracts the universe. (317-269, 2000.2.28)
Since lineal identity is necessary, humankind cannot help but follow God's realm of heart. That is not possible if the root and the trunk are different. However, the buds must come from the same root and trunk. The incredible matter of the absolute lineal conversion takes place there. That cannot be accomplished through one's own efforts alone -- there first must be True Parents. (172-55, 1988.1.7)
Despite your diverse lineages and backgrounds, in order for you to resemble the True Parents, the great feat of engrafting must take place. You must all writhe and squirm to be engrafted. You yourselves must pay off your remaining debts of indemnity. What originated from the parental position must be indemnified from there, which is why one must be engrafted to the True Parents. Since Adam was not able to become the true parent and instead became a false parent, God has been seeking to establish true parents until now. The bride and groom mentioned along with the marriage supper of the lamb at the Second Advent are those parents. (24-203, 1969.8.10)
You must all become completely different after the ceremony of the conversion of lineage. If the True Parents hadn't come, would this have been possible? After the creation of the universe, how difficult was this path? Even just the appearance of the True Parents is a thing to be grateful for; yet receiving the Blessing from them is even more amazing. This tradition is one of lineage, which has planted true love, true life, and true lineage. You must always be mindful of this. (216-36, 1991.3.3)
Who is to convert the lineage? This is not something anyone can do simply, without knowing what needs changing. You must understand that I went the tearful way of the cross in order to do this. Since there was such a standard, you were able to inherit a new tradition called the Blessing through no merit of your own. In establishing a realm of victory of the conversion, there was God's effort of thousands of years and my life of substantial suffering. The position based on such a foundation is the very place you are now standing in. Blessing means cutting off the evil lineage and being engrafted onto the new one; thereby, the lineage is changed. (35 -178, 1970.10.13)
What is the significance of a Blessed Family? Satan cannot dominate it. When you absolutely believe in the True Parents and that you belong to them, whatever your nationality, then Satan cannot invade your family. Why is that? It is because you are connected to the True Parents' realm of heart, in which the lineage has been changed. (149-53, 1986.11.2)
You all originated from the wrong starting point, which is why you must return there. You must go back, but where? To the original point. Since you originated from false parents, you must return and start all over again with the True Parents. How serious this is! You must inherit God's love, life, and lineage anew. Thus, at the time of your Blessing, didn't you undergo the ceremony of the conversion of lineage? You must believe in it more than you believe in your life. Do not regard it as an ordinary ritual just because it is one of the ceremonies of the Unification Church. This is the same as an injection that brings the dead back to life. It is an antidote shot! (216-107, 1991.3.9)

2.3.4. Final goal: realizing the ideal of the true family

True love is most sacred and precious to people. It does not arise if you are by yourself or self-centered. True love is manifested when you seek to attain oneness with others by living for them through giving endlessly without remembering what you have given. By such means, true love can embrace everything. It cannot be the possession of just one individual. After it is inherited, it belongs to the individual as well as to all people and the universe.
God desires to fulfill true love together with humankind. He wants to share the delights of true love and happiness eternally with his children, humankind -- the highest and most precious creation of all in the world of heart. (294-63, 1998.6.11)
If true love were perfected in the human world, what problems could there be politically, economically, culturally, and environmentally? In a world of true love, there is no problem that cannot be solved. It is a world filled with delight and the ideal, in which freedom, peace, and happiness spread infinitely and eternally. The difficult issues which humankind is facing today can only be solved fundamentally through true love. (294-65, 1998.6.11)
The true family of true love is the origin of God's purpose of creation and the desire of humankind at the same time. Only through a true character of true love which can be created in such a true family can the true society, nation, and world be perfected and all the creative ideals of the environment realized. I have always been emphasizing the true family heaven; if that is achieved, then God's Kingdom on earth would be accomplished. A character of true love which has been perfected in a true family heaven will be expanded to the society, nation, and world; it will not compromise with injustice, but will be embodied by a true person who will attain harmony and unity through a true family always living for the sake of others. (294-65, 1998.6.11)
God's ideal intended through the ancestors of humankind was to create an ideal family by bringing together a man and a woman. Thus, the center of an ideal family is neither of them. A family is a unit consisting of parents and children formed through the union of husband and wife, but the center of that unit is none other than God's love. We can conclude that God's will was to perfect a family centered on His love. (Blessing -- 298)
The family is the starting point from which God's ideal can be realized and for manifesting human happiness. It is a position where all human work ends and where God perfects everything. Why is the family good? That is because it can become a base of free activity centering on true parental love. (Blessed Family -- 930)
In a family, there must always be parents, spouses and children; only thus can it become the base of happiness. There is no doubt that God's purpose in seeking humankind must also be for the sake of His own happiness. That being so, in order for God to establish the base of His happiness, there can be no such ideal in a position separate from humankind. That point of oneness can only be obtained through relating with human beings. Just as we are happy in a situation where all our emotional needs are fulfilled within our families, God would also be happy in such a situation. (32-197, 1970.7.15)
True love is vertical in a parent-child relationship, true conjugal love is lateral, true fraternal love is in a position of front and rear, and God wished for the ideal of true love to be spherical. In short, vertically we have upper and lower, laterally left and right, and for front and rear there are anterior and posterior, and unity can be accomplished by connecting all these at the central point of that sphere. When the four realms of filial, fraternal, conjugal, and parental heart attain perfect oneness, that is, when people marry and unite in their first love centered on God, that position becomes the center and the point bearing the fruit of all perfection.
As such, marriage consolidates the virtues of heaven, earth, and humanity, and perfects vertical and horizontal unity in all directions. It is where the ideals of true children, siblings, spouses, parents, and true love are perfected. (259-42, 1994.3.27)
Where is the center of the universe? It is in the family. Where is the base in which true love can settle? It is the family that you are living in. Therefore, the original family holds sway over universal love, experiencing the aspects of universal protection and expanding the realm of universal love; it must transcend itself to go the way of patriots loving their nation and then proceed to transcend the race and the nation by loving the world. Those who truly love their families are called devoted sons and daughters, and if those who love their nation devotedly are called patriots, then what are people who love humanity sacrificially called? They can only be called saints. (Blessed Family -- 924)
Had Adam and Eve not fallen, they would have established an ideal family and tribe, and their descendants would have formed a race and nation within the realm of God's love, and these would have expanded and accomplished an ideal world in which Adam's ideals would also be realized. Just as the root, trunk, and leaves of a tree are connected as one living body, human beings centering on love, attending God as their Father above, and attending each other as siblings below, making them into one living body, turn themselves into beings of love and establish an eternal and ideal God-centered world. This was indeed the worldview of God's will.
People living in such a world do not require salvation or the Messiah because they are God's good sons and daughters. (110-213, 1980.11.18) 

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Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Twelve - The Pacific Rim Providence
Chapter One - The Twenty-first Century Is the Oceanic Era
Section 1. The Sea Is a Valuable Storeroom for the Future of Humankind

1.1. The sea is the solution to the problem of hunger

In the future, we will have to prepare a world-wide foundation. This is what I am thinking about: more than two thirds of the Earth's surface, more than 70 percent is ocean. What would we do if our land-based food resources diminish? We will have to turn to the oceans and catch our food there. We really will have no choice but to come up with a solution for human survival depending on the sea. For this reason, the logical conclusion is that, from this time forth, those nations with large ocean areas will have an advantage, particularly in terms of marine products-related industries, and nations with less ocean area will be at a disadvantage. (88-179, 1976.8.10)
In the future world, it will be necessary to industrially develop the resources of the world's oceans. I have already created a variety of enterprises that embrace all aspects of the fishing industry ranging from the manufacture of large scale fishing boats to the construction of fish hatcheries and farms. In the future, the sea will supply food to many of the world's people. Naturally, the development and cultivation of the sea will truly become a preferred method for bringing an end to the starvation that plagues humankind. (193-324, 1989.10)
The resources for humanity's future are buried in the sea. The resources found on the land's surface are reaching their limits and cannot last for long. They will be exhausted in a few short years. The challenge becomes how to recover the resources hidden away in the oceans. In the future, humanity must research the development of the tundra plains. It is this future world where my interest currently lies. The food resources on land will not last for more than fifty years. In a few decades, this reality will rise up and hit us in the face. We must prepare for that time. This is the reason I place such an emphasis on our projects in Alaska. (236-22, 1992.11.2)
Americans do not really recognize the abundance sea-based food resources. They really have little idea of the quantity of fresh fish jumping and splashing about. Most people like eating beef, but cattle's natural aversion to death causes their blood to coagulate and become all knotted up when slaughtered. Thus, people are eating beef embedded with many toxins and negative elements. (261-313, 1994.7.24)
The raw materials that we can get from dry land are limited but those that come from the sea are unlimited. One female fish can lay several million eggs. It is in this sense that the raw materials of the sea are unlimited. If these eggs are hatched artificially, it is possible to hatch up to 100 percent of the eggs. By correctly adjusting the feeding process and the input of other raw materials it is possible to propagate unlimited raw resources from the sea. That's only possible with the ocean, and that is why I am thinking about marine commerce. (207-218, 1990.11.11)
Every year, 20 million people die of starvation. That is 60,000 people a day. Is the President of the United States going to take responsibility for that? Will Gorbachev of the Soviet Union take responsibility? Who will take responsibility for this? Who in the world is going to do that? The True Parents and the siblings of the True Parents have to take responsibility for it. For this reason, all our work with the sea is something I have been planning and preparing for, over the last twenty years. (217-314, 1991.6.12)
The primary resources in the sea are unlimited. One fish lays millions of individual eggs. Normally these eggs are eaten up by other fish and creatures in the sea. If they were protected under human control, the supply of these resources would be unlimited and always available. Also, it is now possible to connect even the mountains with the sea by piping systems, and there, above our cities, make high-elevation tanks where unlimited numbers of fish can be raised. The way I see it, this is the only viable way that humankind will be able to solve the food supply problem. That is why I have invested two billion dollars over the last 20 years to develop this area. (228-218, 1992.4.3)
That is also the reason why I have been working in the field of ocean industries. The sea has unlimited resources. If little baby fish remain in the open sea, then most will be eaten by larger fish. But if we cultivate fish, it is possible to have up to 90 percent survive. This naturally becomes an unlimited resource. The only means to solve the future food supply problem will be through the cultivation of fish. (229-156, 1992.4.11)
Salmon live in the ocean but they swim up to freshwater to breed, don't they? What we need to do is to make fish farms and raise the freshwater fish in saltwater and saltwater fish in freshwater. Do you know why? We cannot catch and eliminate parasites one by one. So, to kill them off, we move those fish that were living in the seawater to freshwater. By the end of a month the parasites will all be dead. This is simple to do. If we exchange them every two weeks, we can do it as much as we like. It is possible to control this kind of process. We just do it by swapping the freshwater fish and the saltwater fish. That is the reason you cannot compare the output you get from a ranch or farm that uses land for production. In other words, in the future, we will have access to inexhaustible, unlimited resources. (226-342, 1992.2.9)
By using fish as the basic food source, we can have access to unlimited resources and produce as much food as we like. In the future, fish cultivation will not take place only in the sea; seawater will be pumped up to land areas using pipes, just as oil is pumped hundreds of miles in Alaska. Even with distances of hundreds of kilometers it is possible to pump seawater up through pipes, make saltwater ponds, and raise large quantities of fish. Fish offspring are virtually unlimited. By raising great quantities of fish, we create a huge food supply. If we make a seawater reservoir for each village or community then everyone in that community can have enough food to eat. (294-175, 1998.6.14)
In the future, it will be possible to move water from the Pacific Ocean for hundreds of miles in order to use it for fish cultivation. We are at that point now. In this way we can also move living fish and we don't need many people to do it either. We can build a 'fish building' and devise a completely automated system where it is only necessary to push the right button to supply feed to the fish, to sort them out according to size, to have them loaded on trucks and delivered ready for eating. That time is coming. (217-314, 1991.6.12)
We can obtain tens times more benefit by cultivating sea industries than by raising cattle on ranches and farms hundreds of miles wide, and then selling the cattle, or by milking them and selling the milk. Because of the times we live in, we can move sea water anywhere. Humankind has now arrived at the time when it is possible to move sea water for hundreds or even thousands of miles simply by laying and using PVC pipes. Such a method is not expensive. It is quite possible to construct a cultivation building in the mountainous areas of continental regions, bring up water from the Pacific Ocean and raise any kind of fish there. You can construct a building ten or twenty stories high, raise the fish in it, and you wouldn't even need people to go up there to look after the fish. You could raise the fish just through a remote monitoring system. By simply pressing buttons you could automatically feed the fish, separate grown fish from the smaller ones and send them down pipes to another location. (206-348, 1990.10.14)
By understanding how the more expensive fish species, such as tuna, striped bass, salmon, croaker or flounder, behave in different seasons, they can be caught year round. By matching the fish catch with the seasons and the movement of fish throughout the oceans, fish can be caught in every month of the year and the fishing community can maintain a livelihood and solve the economic question as well.
This time we caught 54 croakers and flounder. I caught about half of them and the other ten people caught the rest. I am here is to teach you the secrets of how you can do that too. It is in this area that we find the global economic base that in the future will decide whether the ocean industries will thrive or whether they will collapse. That is how I see it. Are you going to treat this like some game or some kind of hobby? Since I have taught you how to fish, it all becomes much fun. You have to agree that I am right, don't you think? There is no other reasonable conclusion. (128-226, 1983.6.27)
If you compare the creatures living on land to creatures living in the ocean, which group is the largest in number? There are about 4 billion people living on this Earth but there are hundreds of billions of creatures living in the oceans. And what exactly are the oceans like? The waters from the Pacific Ocean in the east move to the Atlantic Ocean and the waters of the Atlantic move to the North Sea so that all the five great oceans are connected. The land on which we people live is also interconnected. However, where the land is connected two dimensionally, the oceans are interconnected three dimensionally. The waters of the Pacific move to the Atlantic and to the Mediterranean, in fact, to every place. We can conclude that by moving as one everything is interconnected as a whole, moving about with living energy. (128-246, 1983.8.28)
In the United States I am running world-level fishing enterprises. Our fishing boat factory is one of the most famous in the United States. From this point on, the time when humanity relies on the land-based resources will pass. A new era is coming when taking a leading position in the world will require having a leading position in the management of the world's oceanic resources, through possession of the technology required to do so. The sea is a fundamental source of limitless raw materials. In the future, the era of just catching fish for food will also pass. We have to develop ocean agriculture and ocean farming. (126-201, 1983.4.19)
I am more than seventy years old but I am still coming to Alaska and doing research on king salmon. King salmon are a species of the salmon family and there are five different kinds. This king salmon is the best kind of fish. However, they die right away once they lay their eggs. Of course, God would have designed things this way for the sake of their descendants but we are now at a time when we can artificially have fish produce the eggs and not die. If things change so that all salmon can come upstream every year to lay their eggs without dying, then salmon will become the number one food source for humankind. Salmon are a convenient food source. There is nothing like it. Even tuna sushi cannot be compared to salmon. King salmon tastes that good. (233-50, 1992.7.20)
Currently, I am focusing my attention on salmon and thinking about how to deal with humanity's future food problem. Because tuna are swim so fish, once you raise a large number of them and release them into the ocean, after two months they become impossible to catch again. The average cruising speed for tuna is 35 kilometers per hour but when they swim fast they can race up to 100 kilometers per hour. They are the fastest fish in the sea. They are just so amazing, so beautiful. When they swim, their dorsal fins lay right down and fold into their bodies. When their pectoral fins spread out they get stuck to the other tuna. They become just like a torpedo. Tuna travel throughout all the five oceans. When we master the unlimited spawning of these fish and release them into the seas then we will solve the problem of food. We will also solve the problem of pollution. This is why I am developing this area. (126-201, 1983.4.19)
You know that one third of the Earth is land and two thirds of the Earth is sea, don't you? Human beings can eat just about everything that lives in the ocean. We can eat most all the different kinds of seaweed that grow in the ocean. By contrast, we cannot eat all the grasses or trees that live on land. And the ocean contains almost everything that the land has. There are sea cows, seahorses, sea lions and sea tigers, and even sea snakes. And what about all the different kinds of fish? Generally speaking, Caucasians like to eat meat from land animals but they shy away from fish because they do not like the smell. But recently, Americans are starting to say, "Hey, fish is really good! It's better than beef or pork; it has all the right proteins." They are attracted to natural foods now and so they want to eat fish in order to live for a long time. This just goes to show how rich the ocean is; there is great wealth within the oceans. You women could even catch a single tuna and live on it for more than a year! (108-214, 1980.10.5)
A family can easily be supported through fish farming. A mere 200 pyung fish farm could feed an entire family. By farming a large number of fish a family can create a good food supply. Also, fish are very nutritious. Fish protein is superior in many ways. With fish then, it is possible to solve the global food problem. Fish that are swimming and splashing about in the ocean become powder in less than ten minutes once they enter our factories. Temperature differentials between the ocean and the fish holds on boats promote decay within ten minutes due to bacteria. That is why we need technology that can allow processing within minutes. The fish powder we produce is very high quality protein. It is from 86 to 94 percent protein. It is the finest quality. By reducing the percentage of powder used, unlimited quantities of fish and animal feed can be produced and used for farming more fish in order to produce more food. (294-175, 1998.6.14)
The sea is a world treasure containing two thirds of the world market of raw materials. Don't you think so? Are there diamond mines in the ocean? There are twice as many diamonds under the ocean as there are on land. From the point of view of my work of carrying out God's restoration providence based on His will I estimate there are twice as many diamonds in the ocean. Furthermore, in the sea we also find seaweed and fish and this can all be used as food. The ocean area covered by seaweed is about twice as vast as the land mass. And the supply of fish is almost limitless. If I think about these kinds of things then does it surprise you that I am interested in fish? Anyone who thinks about these things is going to be much more interested in the ocean than the land. So, we need to catch fish and sell them and transport the natural resources that we find in the ocean. That is why we are seeking a leading position in each sector of the transportation industry, on the land, in the ocean, and in the air. (89-28, 1976.10.3)
From this time on the era when land resources are most important will start to fade. A new era is starting; one in which the world will be led by those who take care of ocean resources on the global level, by those who have that technology, by those who have leading positions in the oceanic world. That is what the ocean is: the root source of unlimited resources. Because of this, the era of catching fish simply to eat them will also pass away. We will need to expand ocean agriculture, ocean farming, and ocean development. (126-201, 1983.4.19)

1.2. Unlimited resources from developing the ocean bed

You need to understand that the ocean is a treasure chest of amazing and unlimited resources. (128-254, 1983.8.28)
One cannot help liking the ocean. We need to pioneer it. We cannot afford to ignore the ocean: the area it covers is more than three times the size of the land. Who do you think is going to develop the oceanic resources that can be found at the bottom of the ocean? We can find oil -- black gold -- on land, but the ocean is three times larger, so we can expect to find perhaps three times more oil from the sea.
We need to start this development now. That is why I am telling Unification Church members to move into coastal areas, however you can, even if you have to sell your house to do it. Some coastal areas can be inexpensive. There are many islands where you can become the sole owner. If you establish a base for ocean industry there, hundreds of boats can be attracted. If a national inspection station can be built there, then you can receive taxes on the fish that come in, and build up a way of life to maintain your family. (294-172, 1998.6.14)
Most of the treasures on planet Earth can be found at the bottom of the ocean. I am very interested in this part of the world. I do not want others to touch that place. All the treasures at the bottom of the sea can be dug up. The quantity is huge. We have developed technologies that permit tunneling, even tens of kilometers under the ocean floor, from an island in whatever direction we wish. Who will be the master of the ocean? (263-18, 1994.8.16)
"We need to create mines under the sea." That is what I have been thinking. If you cannot do it, then I will stand at forefront and do it myself. I will take you there and we can dig the mines together. (119-256, 1982.9.13)
If you stand by the seaside, the ocean looks very simple, but in reality, its contents are extremely complex. Moreover, in terms of resources, the ocean is far more abundant than the land. In fact, the ocean is a place of unlimited treasures. All the precious things that people like can be found locked away in the ocean. So what do you think is necessary to become the master of the ocean? Think about how America was developed, and how many people undertook all kinds of adventures to find and mine precious minerals in the American west. At that time, adventurers and fearless, courageous men were given special rights of ownership. In the same way, unless you challenge the limits many times in your adventures, you cannot become the owner, the master of treasure. Until now, people have fought to gain possession over the routes that ships travel across the oceans, but they have not fought to gain ownership over the things that exist under the sea. (128-246, 1983.8.28)
Who will be the owner of the oceans in the future? If a great cataclysm were to occur, land can rise up out of the middle of the ocean, while land that is currently dry can sink into the sea. If a land-mass greater than that of the United States appeared in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, who would be its owner? No one can say this kind of thing is not possible. Nobody knows when such a thing could happen. There are also volcanoes at the bottom of the sea. If there were someone who could say, "Everything outside two hundred nautical miles from any coast belongs to me," then there is no problem, but no such person exists. Nevertheless, the time will definitely come. The day will come when people will fight over the ocean. At that time, the people who want to be the owners of the ocean will need to have a dauntless pioneer spirit. There is no other way to become the owners of the sea. (128-246, 1983.8.28)
Because the earth is crowded with people, they will soon begin building more ships and venturing out to sea. In the not-too-distant future, the world will become a place where people will live on and under the ocean's surface. So what do we need to do at sea? Unification Church men should live at every ocean port and coastal base in the world. If we can become a presence in these areas we will be in a position to influence and guide all the cultures of the world. Our men should all gather in coastal areas. We should live on every coastline of the world, and thus become a force there. (116-326, 1982.1.2)
The future leaders of the world must understand how to keep and preserve the oceans. The time is coming when humankind will invest and devote all its power, cultural identity, traditions, and national resources into developing the riches and treasures that lie at the bottom of the sea. However, the key point is who will be in a commanding position in the ocean areas to pursue that development. When I am faced with this problem, I ask myself, as the founder of the Unification Church and True Parent responsible for human history, what base of operations am I going to leave for the future of the Unification Church? That base will not be in urban areas, but at the coast.
I am doing things in coastal areas that no one else has even thought of doing. The United States has washed its hands of the marine industries, but I am continuing to develop them. Since I know exactly where the world is going, and how things will turn out, I am investing huge amounts of money, even though it is difficult, and even if most of it is lost in the wind. Even if I cannot make a huge highway along the direction of history, from beginning to end, at the very least I can cut out a small path for others to follow. That is the reason I am alone on the ocean, training. (220-11, 1991.10.13)
After you learn one skill, then learn another, and then a third, fourth, fifth, and sixth. You always have to think and determine to learn more. That is the basic formula. One area or field of work is organized centering on one specific kind of formula, therefore, someone who knows a great many formulas will win the battle. When I go out fishing on the ocean, I do it better than other people, as I know where the fish are. I have a lot of experience in this area. We lose out to those who have experience and done something before.
I have no concerns wherever I travel. I can go anywhere by myself, without any worries. If the fishing is no good, I can make it good. But to have that kind of confidence, you have to have a lot of experience. In the future, when interest begins to focus on the ocean, those who don't have any interest in the ocean will fall behind those who do and lose out completely. (146-251, 1986.7.1)

1.3. The future will be the water age

I am preparing for the future world. I am not doing this just because I love the ocean. It is difficult being at sea. In the beginning, when I came back after a week, my entire body was in pain. Still I thought, "There is so much to do. I should go on without complaining about my age. I should be like a colt going over the Himalayas." How could I rest?
Do you know why I am so interested in the ocean? It is because the ocean is the key to opening the path of peace for humanity in the future. It is also the key to prosperity. Doing what? How can the ocean provide prosperity? Is having a good meal or having three meals a day living in prosperity? What does it mean to live in prosperity? It is to eat healthy food, lead a healthy life, and live with good health throughout one's lifetime. It is to fulfill one's desires with the world as one's stage. Have I not laid all the foundations for that to happen? (189-295, 1989.6.17)
The question is who will take the lead in the oceanic world in the future. Now is the space age, the age of air. It is the same with the ocean. Those adventurous people who occupy the sea and take chances will enter the space age and a great migration will transpire. Now we have entered such an age, and will soon be able live for a month on oxygen provided by a special suit.
When that happens, will you cook your meals? To have a convenient life, you should prepare some delicious fish and then carry enough with you to last half a year. Would you also bring water or hot pepper paste, or a kimchi jar? Such an age will come in the future. (189-291, 1989.6.17)
Everything will be done by machines. There will be nothing for people to do. With the press of a button, it will be easy to cross the ocean alone to some destination. It will be just like an airplane. All you will have to do is turn on the computer, then it will follow the course setting already mapped. You can take a nap, go to sleep at night, or even make a fuss of your wife. The ship will sail toward the destination with more accuracy than when controlled by a person. So no one is needed to maneuver the ship, as the electronic devices will do it all for you perfectly. Instead, you can gaze at the bottom of the wonderful ocean saying, "Wow, look at all the fish! That's a shark. A shark just passed by!" and continue cruising, while closely observing everything large and small in greater detail than in a photograph. (192-150, 1989.7.3)
How do you feel in your heart? Don't you want to go to the bottom of the ocean, or up a high mountain, or travel freely throughout the universe? There are no boundaries. I am sure there is not one Unification Church member who does not believe in the existence of the spirit world. Do you believe it or know it? You know and experience it. That is why you cannot deny it. (225-138, 1992.1.12)
In the future, we will be able to live in the ocean. That is why I have initiated research on a five-person submarine. Wouldn't that be convenient? When the wind is not blowing, the calm sea waves let you become like a billionaire or master of the ocean. You don't know how mysterious and good it feels.
Think what it would be like if a husband and wife could look over the great ocean when the winds are calm on the crystal clear surface of the sea, dreaming about their love nest while talking about their future together. That would not be a problem. Even if a storm should come, they can submerge thirty meters below to safety. A time will come when we will be able to live freely under the water. That is why you do not have to worry that the Republic of Korea is small. (233-52, 1992.7.20)
Human beings are free to go anywhere. If they want to go to the ocean or mountains, they can freely do so without any national boundaries. They can live in the water as well. The age will come when we can build a submarine and live freely under water based on scientific advances. Otherwise, humanity will have no place to live. A submarine sinks by letting water into its tank until it becomes heavy enough to sink. With a button, you can control the inflow and outflow of water, and accordingly submerge or rise in the water. Therefore, we can live in the water. There is no better place in heaven and earth than what lies deeper than ten meters. If you go down thirty meters, would the wind matter? A truly serene world emerges, an underwater kingdom.
If you go up in the air, you can encounter trouble with lots of wind and constant change. The air currents and atmosphere can vary, and it can suddenly rain. That is why I believe that living in the ocean is an ideal way of life. (262-272, 1994.8.1)
Since everybody wants to live in a nice place, I have initiated research into submarines. Where is the most wonderful place? Apartments are the best places, aren't they? How will you live deep in the middle of the ocean? You will need a submarine at that time. With a press of a button you can descend to a refreshing place. There will be no need for an air conditioner. There will be all sorts of exotic fish dancing in all their colors, and beautiful scenes with a myriad of colors spread before your eyes. Nothing will be inaccessible. You can go anywhere day and night. Think how convenient such a life would be. Wouldn't you want to live in such a place before going to the spirit world? Wouldn't it be wonderful? I am doing this for all of you. I am not doing it just for myself. I am doing it for everyone. That is why we are carrying out this research. I want to make it possible to live in the ocean, without being a burden to anyone. (217-212, 1991.6.1)
If you enjoy yourself in the sea, you will find many things that are more interesting than the pleasures on land. That is why I am trying to make a submarine. Such an age will surely come in the future. Everybody will have a yacht and be able to sail across the seas. They will also take underwater trips. How amazing that will be! We will advance to an age when we can move about in the water and live with groups of fish, sharks, and whales. I believe that if I prepare for that, we will be able to lay claim to the economic rights of the world. (95-225, 1977.12.4)
Where will people go? They will go to the mountains in search of nature. Yet, it will become boring just living in a mountain area. That is why people will go to the sea. In the future, people should go into the sea and eventually live there. I have already asked various scholars to carry out research on submarines, and their work is almost done. They say that if a submarine goes down just thirty meters into the water, it will be calm underneath, even if there is a storm above. No matter how hard the wind blows or how rough the waves are, there is no disturbance thirty meters below the water surface. There are no winds or waves thirty meters below. That is why if you press a button and go down thirty or a hundred meters, you will immediately be able to enjoy the scenery of the ocean using a periscope. (236-309, 1992.11.9)
What kind of age will the future be? Why would you want to spend hours on a plane? Instead, we will build a massive steel column in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and build a hotel. How diverse are the functions of a helicopter? You can fly anywhere you like with a press of a button. Yet, flying becomes boring, even after three hours. So, we will fly for one or two hours and then stay in a marine hotel. It will be fantastic! We will build a hotel on the Pacific Ocean. Then, it will take only a few hours to get there, and you can have lunch or go on a boat with your family, or even go fishing. What a wonderful life! (203-57, 1990.6.14)
Since the sea has a vast amount of resources, we should prepare for the future by building ships around the world, in France and Germany, and in dozens of other nations when the order is given. Then we should build excursion ships for diving underwater, which will be needed to develop a leading position and secure economic strength in a global age. Only by making preparations in several dozens of nations can we ensure a leading position in this field throughout the world. Can you imagine that! Do you think that is possible? (95-225, 1977.12.4)
I have also designed and built the best boats in the world. I will also build a submarine that can carry five people and go anywhere under the sea. In the future, we will have to live in the water. That is why I am doing this. I also want our Unification Church members to live prosperously. (210-39, 1990.11.30)
Where can we find clean water? The ocean water is completely polluted. However, the North Pole has snow eight hundred meters deep. That is fresh water that was accumulated thousands of years ago. It is not polluted, but clean, even after ten thousand years. It is the same with the South Pole. What if we were to build a cultural city like New York below the ice, do you think many people will come to see it or not? This could actually be done. Don't you feel excited just thinking about it? If you build a tunnel in the ice, it will not collapse, but last for ten thousand years. By spraying cold water on the inside surface once a year, the ice will stay frozen and eventually become solid. (302-99, 1999.6.1)
The time has come when we can farm under the ice. Do you know what this means? Flowers will bloom. If you go to Alaska, the tall mountains are covered with perpetual snow and grass grows in the central regions. Below there, flowers bloom and people go fishing. You have no idea what a beautiful and enchanted land it is. It is beautiful with clean water and clear air, and is a perfect ecologically balanced environment. If you ever visit there on vacation and enjoy it, you will want to live there and never leave. The reason I am exerting myself and investing in all these projects is because such things are now possible. (220-13, 1991.10.13)
When hydrogen energy is developed in the future, electricity will no longer be a problem. A time will come when an underground city will be built in the cold area of Siberia and become a pleasant city to live in. (194-95, 1989.10.17)
If the tundra region of Siberia and the North American plains are to be developed in the future, Alaska should also be developed. The first person who occupies the ice-covered world of the North Pole will be able to influence the world. The one who occupies the sea will rule the world. That is why I have started so many marine industries and take a deep interest in the North Pole. (219-196, 1991.8.29)
The Himalayas are connected to the Pacific Ocean, along with countless other high and low mountain ranges. The Pacific Ocean also contains fearsome sharks, called sa-me in Japanese, and many other scary creatures. Thus, to swim across the Pacific Ocean is a dangerous undertaking, and a course no one in human history has ever attempted. You need to be aware of your surroundings to safely pass through such a difficult course. By doing so, you can reach the other side of the world. That is the course of human life. (205-86, 1990.7.7)
Something deep takes the central point. Something high also takes the center. Deep places are not visible. Can you see the bottom of the ocean? The deepest places are at the bottom of the ocean, right? Even if all of creation tried to ignore Mount Everest, they can't help seeing it from morning to night. They watch it and wonder if it is going to rain or not, or if the weather will be fine or not. If it is cloudy or dark at the peaks, they try to predict if this year will be a fruitful harvest or not. However, deep places are not visible. You cannot see things that are deep. The reason is that they are covered in water! It is not bad to be deep. It is surrounded with mystery. Women are also mysterious. That is why men take interest in them. Men search for women, thinking that they are mysterious. (205-136, 1990.8.12)

1.4. The ocean will become the only energy source

The resources of the ocean are so vast, compared to those of the land. In the future, the use of oil, coal, and electricity will cease. There is a limit to what electricity can do. Therefore, the ocean will become the only energy source. This will be based on the development of hydrogen energy. (94-130, 1977.7.30)
In the future, science will be able to create an unlimited supply of food. The reason this is not possible now, is because the cost of fuel is so high. However, when hydrogen energy is developed, we will have an unlimited supply of energy. We will even have too much energy. Then, we can make as much food as we want, so much that we will not know what to do with all the food. Since it will be boring to eat all that food alone, we will approach a person on the street and say, "Come and share some of this food with me, and let's talk for a while." Since we do not know when that time will come, I am saying that we should prepare from now. We must create those circumstances. Then our descendants will be able to live comfortably. (141-223, 1986.2.22)
If you mismanage the ocean, wars will break out. Then a hydrogen bomb that could destroy the earth might be dropped. That is why church members should occupy the coastal waters to a point twenty kilometers from the coasts, or any place in the world centering on this number. Then the world will be within our embrace. (303-155, 1999.8.17)
Someone once said, "In the future when hydrogen is converted into fuel, the world will quickly become an affluent one. But if the wrong person is in charge of this vast raw material, they will destroy the entire world. The only person who can prevent that is Rev. Moon, so we should entrust that task to him." (184-222, 1989.1.1)

1.5. Oceanic nations will take the lead

We must have a leading position in the oceans in the future. With my own hands I will recover all the gold, silver, and treasures in the sea. After thinking about it, I have concluded that we have to dig a lot of tunnels. That is also why I came up with this highway project. If I can drill a passage under the sea and create a door, wouldn't it be fun to open that door and catch a fish? How wonderful it would be if we could directly supply ships with the oil under the seabed using a pipe? How great it would be if we could produce oil from a pipe with one press of a button?
If you are a leader, shouldn't you make plans so that you can live like that in the future? Then how will oxygen be supplied under the ocean? How much oxygen is there in water? So, oxygen can be produced in water and automatically supplied. What is the oxygen ratio in sea water? How can that all be used? This is not a problem. That is why the time is soon coming when the oceanic realm can be settled. (116-326, 1982.1.2)
The first forty years of my life until now was a time of tribulations, centering on the developed countries in the Northern Hemisphere, as well as centering on the land. That is why for twenty years I have been preparing for the oceanic civilization sphere in South America. I have been paving the way for the oceanic age to save all the countries within the tropical climate zone. That twenty-year course was to pave the path of tribulation. (277-131, 1996.4.7)
In the future, if someone is committed to developing the ocean, then that person can be in a commanding position, globally speaking. Water is the most important thing. That is why, before going to the spirit world, I have to initiate a project to utilize large areas of water. Accordingly, I have to diligently give many directions. If I speak on this subject, I know that future generations will make it happen. (276-296, 1996.3.10)
To whom does the ocean belong? In the future, the ocean will be worth a fortune in gold. It will become more valuable than the Myeongdong shopping district in Seoul. We must become influential in the oceanic regions. I believe that the person who can acquire the body of water within three kilometers from here will have a leading position in the world. I believe that such a time will come. (300-192, 1999.3.3)
I am saying that we must be leaders of the oceans. Who does it belong to? It belongs to God, then True Parents, and then you. It all belongs to you. Wouldn't you like it even more if you could say that it belongs to you? The ocean and river water controls life in this world. The ocean generates clouds that bring rain to the earth. That is why it sustains life. (289-181, 1998.1.1)
Young people should develop an interest in the ocean. Someone who can take responsibility for projects in the ocean must emerge among you who are here. The reason I go out to the Atlantic Ocean and stay there for twenty-four hours is to establish a tradition of having loved the ocean. Sailors who go out to the ocean usually come back six months to a year later. Because of this, most women dislike seamen. For this reason, the global trend has seen a reduction in the numbers of mariners. That is why we should become strong in the ocean businesses.
Unification Church women will not complain, even though their husbands go to sea and do not come back for half a year, right? That is why in the future we should become a leading force in the shipping industry. The time will come when you will concentrate your efforts upon the ocean more than the land. That is why I am taking an interest in the ocean, and that is why you should also take an interest in the ocean. (73-142, 1974.8.16)
I am conducting research on submarines that can go to the center of the ocean. I also have a great interest in the universe. However, as an international religious leader and idealistic philosopher in modern-day society, as someone beyond nations yet with an incredible foundation throughout the world and with greater power than any one country, why do I take an interest in the ocean? It is because I believe the only way to solve the problem of hunger in the future will be through the ocean. (217-219, 1991.6.1)
You all think that a fish from the ocean cannot live in fresh water, and a fresh-water fish cannot live in the ocean. But that is not the case. Salmon live in the ocean, yet swim to fresh water to lay their eggs. That is why a salmon has no problem in completely changing itself within three weeks, or even ten days. Does this sound like a fantasy to you or something real? Will computers become small enough to fit in your pocket or not? We are heading toward that kind of world. So, will you become the master of the ocean, or the master of the land? Which would you like to be? (217-227, 1991.6.1)
We should go to the North Pole to mine, and dig up diamonds and gold from deep in the ocean at the South Pole. You should go to an underwater vein of diamonds and excavate them all. Men and women alike should do this. If you can go in the middle of that and engage in true love, if you can dive into the deep ocean waters and make love, you may have a hard time getting there, but that love would be so sweet. You may suffer a shock or be under distress, but you have gone all the way to that place in search of the ideal love. If you can make love there, would it be breathtaking or unsatisfactory? Don't you want to go to the bottom of the ocean and make love? Everybody will die anyway eventually. If the two of you can live at that bottom of the ocean, make love and die, you would be happy. (299-186, 1999.2.15)
I have been interested in the ocean my entire life. That is because the fortune of the great ocean is coming. For this reason, you should also take an interest in the ocean. After that, you should be interested in the continents. (12-117, 1962)
The marine products industry has bright prospects. I have a clear concept about this endeavor. That is why I am declaring to humankind to go to the ocean for their sake. (128-211, 1983.6.26) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Twelve -- The Pacific Rim Providence
Chapter One -- The Twenty-first Century Is the Oceanic Era
Section 2. The Ocean Providence Carried Out by True Parents

2.1. The ocean providence centering on North America

2.1.1. The marine products industry in America

If America is to prosper, it should create a trend where its young people are made to go out to the sea. When that happens, a new future vision of the nation will be developed. At that time, you will all become leaders and acquire factories throughout the land. When that happens, the production factories will be locked up. Factories that have pursued the interests of one individual will go to ruin. We will manage factories that seek to fulfill the national interest. Therefore, we will collaborate with the nation in serving the world. With the support of the nation we can prosper as much as we want to. (128-230, 1983.6.27)
The ocean and coastal cities are now all in ruins. If the young men go out to sea for months without returning, their brides will go around dancing, end up in an affair and then run away with their belongings. That is why nobody is going out on boats. Because of this, coastal cities have ended up in complete ruins. If I had a little money, I would go from the east to the south and then to the west, buying up all the wharfs. Would that be good? (123-13, 1982.12.1)
Currently, all the industrial fields in America are up to par. They are all in a good position. The last remaining field is the ocean or marine products industry that has a larger resource base than that of the land. However, this has fallen completely into ruin. Think about how vast its resources are. Those people who work at sea are the successors who can capture all the hidden resources in the ocean. One-third of the earth is land and the other two-thirds is ocean. Thus, two-thirds of the world's resources are buried in the ocean. What kind of movement makes plans for the management of marine industries, along with the settlement of the ocean in the future? It should either be a religious organization with the foundation of a global structure that can engage in the marine products industry, or the foundation for a global ideological organization. I believe it can come only from these two. (119-230, 1982.9.13)
If the coastal cities become impoverished, the economy of that country also becomes impoverished. America has resources and the foundation to connect their marine cities to the world. Yet since this is not happening, the American government has entered the stage where it must take some emergency measures. The leaders of marine cities are looking for young people. They cannot find any, so we must bear this responsibility. They need young couples who have a philosophy that prevents the wives from running away. Only we Unificationists can deal with such circumstances. In this way, once we settle down in those cities, they will begin to revive. In three to five years, fifty people will be able to make boats with support from the government. Fifty people in thirty locations will make 1,500. Isn't that so? They can make about 1,500 boats.
I estimate there are a total of 3,000 ports in America. So, fifty people in three thousand ports would be 150,000 people, right? Then we would completely digest the American waters. If we calculate two million dollars for each person, how much would that be? It would be 300 billion dollars. (119-235, 1982.9.13)
I will organize a number of exceptional people interested in the sea and let them have fishing boats. So, fifty young men and women will be assembled at one center and engage in a basic movement, an educational movement in relation to the sea. That is how we will bring in people. The tendency of people in the coastal cities of America today is to move out of those areas because of the impoverished conditions there. The local leaders and people of influence have the desire to revive the ocean to prevent this from happening. That is why as soon as I go there, I set up these plans at once and create a supporters' association centering on the local leaders.
That is why there is no problem. The six hundred thousand dollars here will be given out under the name and guaranteed by the supporters' association and these people. That is why this will continue forever if I teach our leaders how to catch fish worth four hundred dollars. (108-219, 1980.10.5)
Our boat's name, "New Hope," is famous as a tuna-catcher along the East Coast of the United States, and it is even talked about in South America. The reason I do these things is to raise personnel who can develop the marine products industry. When I went out on the boat for twenty-four hours, whenever I told our young people to get aboard the boat, they would not listen and just ran away. Yet, when I had the time to speak to them, and as this continued for four, five and even seven years, even the women now say that they will become a captain. I created an atmosphere enabling this to happen. While doing so, I made a shipyard and then a processing factory and trained them to sell. I set up shops and trained them how to sell using vans.
For one year I made them make nets and build boats, catch fish and even sell those fish. I made a sea-food restaurant, and for seven years I laid a foundation centering on all those things. Now we have entered the stage where we can create a sensation in the marine products industry. Once this gets on track, a great amount of capital will be generated. (110-202, 1980.11.17)
Those of you who enjoy going on boats, raise your hands. Without all of you, America will not succeed from now in the ocean. It will not find success in the ocean. America will not find success on or under the sea. No matter how loudly America may talk, it can only retreat. It is inevitable. You must go to the sea, even if you find it difficult. You must go out, penetrating the sea. You should know that only then will you bring hope to the sea. (132-304, 1984.6.26)
When men go out on boats, they remain at sea for at least two to six months. But if they continue such a lifestyle, all their wives will go off to the disco to do the twist and go around having affairs. They will pack up their belongings and run away. Eighty percent of them would put their children in orphanages and scatter in four directions. Then who would go out to sea? Even if they go out to sea and catch fish, they do not have a market for their catch. Americans do not eat sea fish. So if they enter the marine products industries, much of their strength and energy will be consumed. Yet, there is no other path for us to follow. I believe that there is no way to economically support our future work for the world, without first getting into the marine products industries and creating a successful foundation. (110-200, 1980.11.17)
The marine transportation industry and fishing industry are promising industries in America. It was concluded that the marine transportation and fishing industries are the only ones that have promise. That is why three years ago I bought a boat. At the time, I knew that I had to begin this work in three years, and thus I began the business this year. During those three years, we basically completed our investigation of the East Coast, including the ocean waters near New York, looking for areas where fish were plentiful. (88-246, 1976.9.20)
In the future, I am thinking of creating a fish farm by negotiating with the government. We can make any type of fish farm that we desire, whether it is in the sea or fresh water. We can do anything. We can breed crabs or any kind of fish, even in the tidal flats near New York. We need to do more research on that. How vast would that business be? Imagine how vast that business could become. (88-179, 1976.8.10)
Women don't like sailors, do they? The reason I am getting into the marine products industries is because presently in America that industry is virtually destroyed. Why is that so? When the men go out on their boats, they stay at sea not for one or two weeks, but for one or two months. So, their wives all have affairs and end up divorcing their husbands, to run off with the other men. And after a few times on the rough sea, most young Americans these days have come to dislike life on the sea.
Even people with money will never invest in this industry. That is why there was no other way but to have the Unification Church members invest in this industry, and have our young people take up this task in order to save America. Can the young men and women in the Unification Church divorce? They can never divorce. You should not think of getting a divorce and running away, but instead train yourself to go out on the same boat. If I give the order, sailors will line up and come flocking from all over the world. They will be trained. (88-250, 1976.9.20)
Unless I am involved, America's marine products industry cannot progress -- it will never develop. In that sense, I know that I will contribute greatly to America. That is why I am currently negotiating the purchase of a ship of nearly four thousand tons. There is only one ship of its kind in the world. (88-326, 1976.10.3)
A few days ago I went to Barrytown and we caught thousands of carp. Six turtles also came out after draining the pond. As we released a large turtle and the carp we had caught into the Hudson River I thought about this question: based on the principle that you were born through love and are bound to die for love, is it better to live or die for the people you love? And to the fish, I said, "In one way, you are being sacrificed. But in the future your sacrifice will develop the marine products industries in America, and through you the Unification Church members will display greater loyalty to God. And you will become the strength of love, the energy and flesh enabling them to love humanity even more. Although you were born as a fish, I love you as a part of my flesh and mind, which can also love the American people as if they were my own children and more than any other American. Will you object to that?"
I told the carp to become the blood and flesh of the beloved son, a sacrifice for the sons and daughters, and the flesh of the American people. (93-189, 1977.5.29)
Others would say, "Rev. Moon, how can a religious leader mingle with fisherman and sail about in boats, engaged in the marine products industry? That is what a low-level person would do." I know that; but we are not doing this for some small purpose. If each of you can take responsibility for an important port in Africa after being trained in this way, a worldwide foundation can be easily created from those places. Foundations will be made in fifty countries. (94-107, 1977.7.29)
Since I am certain there are vast resources in the sea, from now on I will develop the ocean industries throughout the world. We should prepare to create that in France, Germany, and in dozens of other nations when the order is given. Then we can make boats, submarines, pleasure boats that are needed in the global age to instantly take a leading position in the world and a commanding economic position in that field. We need to prepare in dozens of nations. Only then can we lead the world in that field. Do you think that is imaginable and possible? That is why I am telling all Unification Church members to learn about this field. (95-225, 1977.12.4)
Until now, fishermen have worked for more than eight hours a day, but now you will start to hear them saying that they will not work for more than eight hours. It will be in complete disarray. Will the marine products industry in America have a means to survive or not? This is like the golden gates being opened. You should know that it is like opening the gates to the golden storehouse with a golden key. That is why the ladies who will be graduating from our theology school should keep in mind that when they want to get married they will be married to the captain of a ship. (96-313, 1978.2.13)
The marine products industry in America has reached the stage where it cannot survive without us. A vast and infinite store of resources is calling us. That is why we will use it as our economic base in our global efforts. (105-328, 1979.10.28)
When Africans go to a restaurant to eat, they look for fish they have eaten sometimes before, fish that they are accustomed to eating. So if a restaurant does not have that particular fish, the customer will leave. Therefore, I am now calling for a movement to supply restaurants with the fish caught in the five great oceans. Since Americans work for eight hours a day, they close their shops at five. But we keep our doors open twenty-four hours a day. So if one of our restaurants runs out of supplies, we can stock them from another affiliated restaurant. That is why we will never be defeated. So you should know that everybody in the marine products industry recognizes my name. (146-253, 1986.7.1)
Our members do not like Ocean Church. If I tell them to get into the marine products industry they all run away. That is why my plan now is to quickly establish a thousand Japanese restaurants across America. That is my plan now. Then my next plan is to establish 535 Ocean Churches. We must now make preparations for these two plans. (147-25, 1986.8.20)
I am thinking that once our marine products enterprise develops in each state we will build a condominium at each location. After building them, I should have people from these four nations -- the Japanese, the Koreans, the Americans, and the Europeans centering on the Germans -- live together in one household. They may have different jobs, but they should return to the house and have their meals together, do other things together, and be trained in the way of living as one family. Those who cannot achieve a passing grade in such a lifestyle will not be able to enter the sphere of the ideal, the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, in the future. They will not have the qualifications to enter heaven. That is why I am doing this now, in order to create the foundation for such life. (147-27, 1986.8.20)
Why am I involved in the marine products industry? The only way to resolve humanity's food problem is to farm fish. In the future, there will be buildings with hundreds of floors by the sea. With the press of a button, everyone will be able to farm fish. If you have even just a hundred pyung, your household would have enough income for all the children to go to college, yet you could still live comfortably. We now live in the time when science is advancing swiftly. That is why we have the ability to draw in sea water that is tens, hundreds, and even thousands of miles away. We can build fish-farming structures in the mountains -- as many as we need. Without doing so, humanity's food problem cannot be solved. That is why I am so serious about this. (191-81, 1989.6.24)
The young, courageous soldiers of the Unification Church must someday experience the adventure of sailing on fishing boats that go far out to sea. I believe that experience in the marine products industry is great training. You must do it because I am asking it of you. Even a graduate from Tokyo University cannot shirk his responsibility. (192-159, 1989.7.3)
I have the results of twenty years of activities for the purpose of saving people who are dying because of lack of food. There is an inexhaustible supply of raw material in the marine products industry. People in America now believe in Rev. Moon. Up to now, I have been creating a worldwide foundation, making everything from nets to boats. I know that the marine products industry has now entered a stage where it can no longer be disregarded. (266-120, 1994.12.22)
Those who have been to our ranch in Texas, raise your hands. The Americans have all been there before. Should I invite you as well? I am thinking of hunting quails, pheasants, and deer at that place. There are a large number of wild turkeys there, too. There are even wild beasts such as boars, wolves and tigers.
You should go hunting and fishing by taking interest in this place. From now, you should start developing land, so that you can develop your own ranch and manage it. (253-114, 1994.1.9)
In the future, a base will emerge on which tertiary industry can make tremendous advancements. That is why we are training people in thirty locations, each with ten boats. I am thinking of expanding this to three hundred locations. I am going to arrange the situation so that we can fish in any village that we go to. In the future, I will hold fishing courses around the world. I will create a tourist route throughout Europe, beginning in France. I need to raise experts on fishing who can make this happen. Those people will pilot the boats and also function as tourist guides. This is big business. If we do this, we can conduct business internationally with our important guests. By creating a global company, beyond national boundaries, the foundation for gathering such vast resources will naturally be laid. (122-82, 1982.10.31)

2.1.2. Seilo distribution organization

I have planned two major projects in America. They are the marine products industry and the Seilo marketing organization. You probably are not aware that there was quite a stir in the marine products industry circles a while ago when our members took it over. You should be aware of this. (131-250, 1984.5.4)
In the organization of our economic activities, the last remaining obstacle is the battle to take a leading position in sales in the nation. If we can take the lead in the marine products industry in America through Seilo -- a global machine marketing organization -- and are united in our approach, then we will automatically develop an influential position in America and the free world. As we build an economic foundation in this field, we are preparing simultaneously the Washington Times and a magazine, Insight, aimed at securing a global media base. Through these media, we are creating the means to influence the world. Fortunately, America has vast resources in the marine products industries. However, it lacks an owner.
It is amazing that we have risen to the point where the Rev. Moon and the Unification Church are evaluated as the only ones who can become the leading force at this time. I am looking to establish the Seilo organization in fifty states in order to have the foundation of a commanding position in sales in America through the expansion of our markets, based on science and technology. The Seilo organization has gone beyond national borders. Until now, there had never been an exhibition hall or sales market that transcended national borders. (135-97, 1985.9.30)
Your task now is to lay the economic foundation in America. My initiative is to spread the Seilo organization throughout the entire nation and to lay a global foundation for a market for the marine products industries. We are now faced with the realistic problem of how to achieve all of this. That is the conclusion. If the machine industry is the center of Western Civilization today, then the marine products industries lacks an owner. That is why we can conclude that, even at a loss, I am investing in the marine products industries and for the development of Seilo. Effort must be made to invest in them in order to re-create this foundation, even if the church is sacrificed. In that sense, Seilo exists as a foundation for taking the lead in the global marketing organization and America's marine products industries. Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that we need to spur our efforts in this place. (135-99, 1985.9.30)
Once we take the lead in the field of technology in America, as well as the machine industry and marine products industries through the Seilo organization, we will then become an influential power that can move the U.S. economy. That is why I am now creating an association for the unity of Latin America. Then America would find itself in an awkward situation. Even with all my brains and talent, I had to endure forty years of troubles in order to pioneer the way, and this will remain in history as a path that must be taken by farsighted leaders. I persevered and endured because it is important to establish a tradition in that way. If I have established the vertical tradition, you must understand that you have the responsibility to establish a horizontal tradition. You should think about how to bring about rapid growth in the future through the Seilo organization. (135-106, 1985.9.30)
You should not think, "What do the marine products industries have to do with Seilo?" In the future, people in Seilo can be placed in the marine products industries, and those in the marine products industries can be placed in Seilo. I may replace them as I wish at anytime. You should be aware of that. That is why we can conclude that we should use one office. What use is there for two when we don't have money? On this occasion, I am telling you to combine them all. There is no need for many department heads. We should create an organization where the universe will move at the order of one leader. (135-102, 1985.9.30)

2.1.3. Alaska marine products industries

In terms of national territory, America is surrounded on three sides by the ocean and has three of the four great fishing grounds in the world. There are four great fishing grounds if we include one in Norway. The areas from Mexico to Alaska and from Gloucester to Canada are all connected to the three great fishing grounds among the four in the world. That means that almost all the fish in the world can be found in those areas. But there aren't any people to catch those fish. The authorities have appropriated two hundred sea miles of area, but it has become like a barren land without an owner. (110-200, 1980.11.17)
Alaska is connected to everything centering on the ocean. Alaska is where all the resources, fish and raw material of the sea are concentrated. Eighty percent of the world's marine resources come from America, and the fish comprising 71 percent of America's marine resources can be found in Alaskan waters. This state is at the center of the marine resources. The only other place where such resources remain is in the tundra. (236-22, 1992.11.2)
When I went to Alaska last time, a massive school of dark-colored carp about sixty-miles in length came swimming toward us. They covered a width of ten miles and I do not know how deep. Think about it. When you view such a sight, you know there is no owner -- there is no owner. I discovered such vast wealth floating in our great oceans. That is why you must become the owners of the future. (131-263, 1984.5.4)
How much growth have we brought to the marine products industries? Everything that we have studied and made with our own hands, including all the machinery in a boat, can reach the highest standard. You should be aware of this amazing fact. When we were catching fish in Alaska, we recorded where the most fish were caught in a computer. Having computerized that information, we can navigate there anytime by pressing a button. If we put tape in the computer and press a button, we can find the location, even after ten years has passed. We can always catch a lot of fish. We will be able to possess an infinite amount of data on the world's five oceans -- which fishermen keep strictly secret and teach to their sons as their legacy -- all with a push of a button. If we record such prime locations in the five oceans, we can continue fishing in certain areas according to the season. Simply put, this can bring tremendous gains to the marine products industries. (135-106, 1985.9.30)
I built a factory in Alaska, at an investment of thirteen million dollars. I am thinking of buying the Gloucester wharf on the East Coast. Don't we also have a ship-building yard in the south, in Alabama? We have all kinds of bases. Most of you have never had any interest in boats or the ocean, have you? I have been preparing everything for the past ten years. (119-239, 1982.9.13)
We need to build processing factories in the western, southern, and eastern areas of Alaska, handling all aspects of the business. Though the fish are numerous, we have no capacity to process them. That is why I will now build a fish powder factory. Why do we need to make powder? It solves the storage problem. No matter how good a fish might be, it does not last more than eight months. Even frozen fish must be supplied with water again after eight months. Even though it is iced, air seeps into the ice because of the differences in climate. When air seeps in, the vapor from the fish goes out through the ice. Then the entire fish must be submerged in water again, frozen and then stored. But that should not be done. If you take the fish out and refreeze it a couple of times, a regular temperature cannot be maintained. Therefore, that produce will be discarded. (122-80, 1982.10.31)
I have thought about how to process shrimp. That is why we are making it into powder. Shrimp die in a year. God created them as fish food. But the uneaten shrimp all die. Every year, countless dead shrimp flow about in the sea. This is directly linked to pollution. How are we to solve this problem? After many years of study, I have decided to produce this powder. (273-50, 1995.10.21)
Twenty million people in this world starve to death each year. For the past twenty years I have taken an interest in the marine products industries in order to solve the food problem for the sake of these people. The key issue is fish powder. This is highly-enriched protein, and contains nutrients not found in any land animal. By making this into powder, it will be convenient for both storage and transportation. If we produce one ton of this fish powder, we can increase it to thirty to fifty times the original amount. Ninety-eight percent of that is protein. The developed nations should have solved the problem of starvation, but they have not done so. (296-228, 1998.11.10)
We will never truly know how many species of fish there are, including extremely large species of fish. There is such a huge variety. Realizing this, I thought that if there were three or four people competent with nets, it would be no problem to catch a boat-load of fish in a single day -- more fish that we ourselves catch in the Alaskan waters. So I had people do research, after thinking that we should hire people to catch fish, make it into fish powder and sell it. (267-18, 1994.12.27)
From now on, we will make fish into powder and season it to make bread. We can make anything. We can make good bread. Eating fish is better than eating meat. I know that fish is good for the body. This is undeveloped territory. This is the only thing that America has not firmly grasped, so we should do it ourselves. I am certain this field holds considerable promise. I will prepare the money, but the issue is how to raise the people who are motivated. (88-179, 1976.8.10)
From Canada to the Soviet Union, from America to Japan and Germany, everyone is interested in what we are doing now. Originally, only twenty percent of the fish caught in these waters were actually eaten by people. The rest were thrown away. I am gathering the parts that are thrown away and making them into powder as nutrients that can be eaten. I am thinking of sending this to the underdeveloped nations. That rumor has now spread and people in the underdeveloped nations of the world have a lot of interest in the Unification Church. (295-110, 1998.8.18)
The Japanese government believes their nation needs marine resources. The term "marine resources" means fish. That is why America wants to sell the fish processed in Alaska, and Japanese people want to purchase fish. But they do not have any. So I am planning to catch fish in America and supply it to Japan. The United States government is negotiating with the Japanese, and the Japanese people are negotiating with the US government. Japan needs America's fish, and America needs Japan's technology. That is why they are talking about mutual investment. (146-249, 1986.7.1)
In North America, the most famous ocean and marine products industries base is in Alaska. The four great fishing grounds of the world can be found in Alaska, the north Atlantic coast of the United States and Canada, the Gulf of Mexico, and in the waters off Norway. Of these four fishing grounds, North America has three of them, and representative among these is Alaska. (167-132, 1987.7.11)
In the future, the Soviet Union may speak out in political protest, and Japan and Germany may form an alliance. This is a flash point that can create political problems worldwide in the future. Though the United States has appropriated a coastal water territory out to two hundred miles, they do not have the capacity to become the owners of the marine products in that area of the ocean.
Americans do not eat fish. In this group, perhaps some of you have visited foreign countries. People in those lands eat only a few kinds of seafood, such as lobster, salmon, trout, and halibut that we are going to catch today. Most of these generally come from the cold waters of the arctic regions. That is why they have a lot of flesh and are delicious. Americans like these fish. Where do these fish gather? Their habitat is here in Alaska. (167-132, 1987.7.11)
When Jesus told Peter to become a fisherman of people, he meant that fish were a symbol of people. That is why if we catch fish and take the lead in the oceanic regions, we can even gain a leading position in the landed regions too. This is the viewpoint of the providence. Therefore, if we take the lead in Alaska, we then gain a leading position in the oceans. Eighty-five percent of the income of the world's marine products industries comes from Alaska. Five percent comes from the Atlantic, and the final ten percent comes from the Pacific.
You can find salmon in Alaska. You know about salmon, right? There are five species of salmon. One is pink, and another is red. There are many types. If you release them after a couple of months, their young hatch in fresh water and swim out to sea. They go four to five thousand miles as they swim throughout the five great oceans. That is how they travel. After four years, the salmon are old enough to lay eggs. They become mature female and male salmon, and when the time comes to lay eggs, where do they go to meet their true love partner? They are bound by a pact that makes them seek their birthplace to meet their partner. They are bound together by that law. Who established that law? Did the salmon do that? That is a mysterious question.
If you observe the salmon in Alaska, they lay their young ones in July and send them out to the sea. These fish swim four to five thousand miles during a four-year period, and then sense their way back to their old hometown. Even today there is no way to scientifically explain this wonder. No matter how hard people study this, they cannot find the answer. Do the salmon return because they have some kind of antenna or radar?
The young salmon return to their hometown after four years to lay their eggs, after which they all die. Their flesh becomes food for their young ones to grow. There is a saying: "Of all creation, human beings are of the highest value." Yet, look at human beings. They don't even know how to return to their hometown. They don't know how to go there.
Once when I saw a salmon, I thought that salmon are just like the Unification Church members. Our church members are the ones who return to their hometown. The pair system is part of Godism. The male and female salmon don't pair up and spend four to six years together in the ocean. When the time comes, the male first swims upstream and the female follows him, where they meet for the first time. Then the male and female gather in a pool and create pairs like the matching ceremony that we do in the Unification Church. What is truly mysterious is that the male and female look exactly the same when they are in the ocean, though they may differ slightly in size. Once they find their partner, the male salmon changes its appearance in two weeks to the extent that one wonders whether such transformation is actually possible.
When they swim upstream to mate, the male salmon already looks like a lion. He becomes a fearful sight, with his lips like this and his teeth protruding in this way. His head and back come out like this, just like a lion. Even a salmon would go to such extremes, so as to leave behind its superior species. How do they find their hometown after traveling about the ocean for four to five thousand miles? This has been an unsolved mystery until now. How could these small fish, these young fish that are no larger than fifteen centimeters after six months, leave their hometown for the ocean, and then grow this large and come back to their birthplace? And when the season comes, they already know when to have babies. (259-198, 1994.4.10)
Salmon go out to the sea and swim about freely, and then a female and male are matched after which time they live for the sake of the other. This becomes the model for the love between the couples in the Unification Church. It is the same as the love of True Parents. Couples in our Unification Church should be better than salmon couples. There are many things people can learn from this, which is like a scene from a movie. Salmon leave behind their offspring by letting their bodies become food for their young. The salmon lives as a representative of the tradition of the animals' world of instinct. (295-115, 1998.8.18)
North America has three of the great fishing grounds in the world. These are the waters off Alaska, the waters of the Atlantic from Nobaska Point up to Canada, and the Gulf of Mexico. You do not know how abundant the marine resources in these locations are. If you really knew, you would be astonished. A vein of gold would dry up after several decades of digging, but ocean resources are eternal. They have no owner. That is why I have made a twenty-year plan and have now been investing in the marine industry for fifteen years. The people in the marine industry in America are holding demonstrations, shouting out, "Rev. Moon is a heretic!" and "Out with Rev. Moon!" They are making all kinds of noise, but it does not matter because the key point is competence. (191-73, 1989.6.24)
The four great fishing grounds of the world can be found in Alaska, the north Atlantic coast of the United States and Canada, the Gulf of Mexico, and in the waters off Norway. When I go out to sea, I always catch fish. There are not many types of fish that I have not caught. I have caught all types of fish in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, and the Mediterranean Sea. I have caught every type of fish. I have caught fish even in Alaska. I took the position of owner. I worked with my bare hands, wearing only my shorts. If I were to go to the world of fishermen and speak before them for just thirty minutes, they would want to take me to their house and give me a nice room to stay in, and feed me saying, "Don't return to your house. Live here with us! Live with us for one year!" I could become their friends and do just about anything, just by staying in the same boat with them for four days. (203-35, 1990.6.14)
America has 75 percent of the world's haul of fish, and 85 percent of that comes from Alaska. In that sense, Alaska is a treasure house of marine resources. Who is going to be the owner of that area? To become the owner means gaining sovereignty over the marine industry in the future. Alaska is a base where that may be possible, but the environmental factors there are not so good. If circumstances were better, the middle classes would take charge of everything. Yet ships can be wrecked and people can die. You need to be prepared for such hardships. (205-319, 1990.10.1)
In Alaska this time, the wind was blowing strongly, causing the waves to be more than ten meters high, but I just kept the boat going. People were in awe of this, especially those in charge of the UDT training at the headquarters for the maritime police. At that time, there was a warning against going out to sea. If you went out a distance, the police would be after you, making a fuss and telling you to return to harbor.
Though our boat was small, it valiantly rode the waves. That is why the police were amazed. They did not believe us, even though we explained that our boat could not sink. Yet finally, we convinced them. So now, even when we go out in a storm, they say, "That's the kind of people they are." Since the UDT training [Underwater Demolitions Team] is something like special military training, as a general rule you have to go out in rain or strong winds, with no consideration for your own life. That is how it is. (205-319, 1990.10.1)
America takes 75 percent of the world's fish catch, and 85 percent of that comes from Alaska. In Korean, Alaska sounds like a-las-seum-ni-ka which means, "Do you understand?" When we say a-las-seum-ni-ka we are actually asking, "Did you know that Alaska is a dangerous place, where the wind is strong and one often faces death?" (206-93, 1990.10.3)
Why do fish seek the cold region of Alaska? When fish living in hot regions seek out frigid waters, we are witnessing the phenomenon of the harmony of yang and yin. Fish try to have their offspring where subject partner and object partner come together in harmony. That is why they all migrate. Furthermore, fish living in fresh water can only reproduce when they drink salt water. That is how it is with king crab. In order for them to reproduce after maturing, plus and minus must come together in harmony. That is the work I am doing. (207-82, 1990.11.1)
To this day I have been in the forefront, day and night, in Alaska and in many other places, establishing the tradition of unification today. There is no way for humanity, the nation and world to repay their debts to the True Parents. They are in a position to forever attend and follow. (220-268, 1991.10.20)
Many kinds of fish gather in Alaska because the cold and warm ocean currents meet here. Fish congregate here to lay their eggs. That is why this area is well known. So to come here and fish is truly fantastic! Moreover, it is historic that Koreans -- Korean professors -- are coming here to fish and catch fish in the waters of Alaska. (167-132, 1987.7.11)
If Alaska can attract tourists, it will become a world-renowned tourist destination. Wasn't it hot this year in Korea? At such times, if you had money you could have gone to Alaska. It takes about six hours from here to Alaska. If there is a headwind, the flight may take seven hours, but it is a five or six hour flight. If you sleep on the plane in the evening and get off in the morning, you would be in a one-day sphere of activity.
If you travel on Friday night, fish on Saturday and Sunday, and then take a plane in the evening, you can be at work again on Monday morning. Wherever you go in Alaska, if you look toward a distant mountain you will see that its summit is covered with snow. The mountains in this vicinity are all covered with snow. Below the snow-covered hill, there is a green field with a flower garden. There is a blue ocean beneath those flowers, an ocean like a beautiful lagoon, where you can go fishing. Imagine how enchanting that place is! The area is surrounded by high mountains that bear resemblance to a folding screen. The trees in Alaska are used to make the keyboards for pianos. They grow straight and densely cover the area. In the forest below, there are many flowers that you have never seen before. They can be found near the lakes.
There are also many animals there, including deer. Many animals live around the water's edge. Since there isn't much to eat, they have to drink water. In the winter all the seaweed dies. There is nothing to eat because of the heavy snows. Since they survive on seaweed, there are many deer, bear, and other animals that live closely linked to the ocean. (264-98, 1994.10.9)
When you go to Alaska, you have to wear long underwear made of fur because it is cold even in April. There is snow on the mountains near here. But there is an unlimited number of fish in the sea. Countless fish are swimming everywhere. If you cast out your fishing line, you will become excited. Someone who has experienced this will come again, even if he is told not to. Once you have that stimulating fishing experience, you will never forget the thrill.
Alaska is also a good place to live. It has all conveniences at your disposal. The Alaskan terrain and coastal areas also offer spectacular sights. Two-thirds of the land is made up of snow-covered mountains, with most people living in the green valley areas. The ocean is blue and eagles fly about in the sky. (262-280, 1994.8.1)
From Alaska, it takes eight hours by plane to fly to Moscow, six hours to fly to London, and ten hours to fly to New York City. That is why this place is also an important hub of transportation. In the future, it will not be a problem to cultivate crops on the plains of Alaska through human efforts. Even now they are cultivating crops in greenhouses. Bananas are being grown there. They do not come from the tropical zone. (236-22, 1992.11.2)
Think about what would happen if all the edible products were produced in Alaska. Alaska is many times the size of Korea. It is several times bigger than California. California is one of the largest states in America; so Alaska is that vast! An unlimited supply of raw materials can be found there. The owner of that place is neither the Soviet Union nor America.
Both countries show little interest in Alaska. They have created a mess with their own economic problems, political problems, and administrative problems, so they do not even think about the consumption of raw materials. In the future, the issue will be about who has a commanding position in relation to the raw materials. I am preparing for that day. (236-22, 1992.11.2)
That is why whoever occupies the North Pole region is important. Occupying the North Pole is the same as dominating the world. Isn't that the significance of a pole? Once you occupy the North Pole and take the initiating position, the occupation of the South Pole will automatically come about. (253-299, 1994.1.30)
Have you heard about the "Alaskan spirit"? What is the Alaskan spirit? It is getting up at five in the morning, eating breakfast, going out to the sea, and coming back at twelve at night or even one or two in the morning. You are not allowed to come back if you don't fulfill your portion of responsibility. There are no allowances for any situation. You have to fulfill your responsibility during the training course.
Therefore, you are not going to watch people catch fish. I train people to fish to make them into leaders who, in the future, can go anywhere in the world. Not just anyone can catch fish. It must be done professionally. You can catch fish only after learning the skills through having many experiences. (263-10, 1994.8.16)

2.1.4. The fish-farming industry

If there is a professor from a marine university in that area, or if any studies on the fish in these waters have been done, you should conduct tests to see whether those studies were correct and accurately record the details in a book. You should inspect the seas that border the coastal states, gather everybody together and make plans to fish anywhere you go. In those states that border on the ocean, you should measure the depth and temperature of all the fishing areas, conduct research on the types of fish that live in that sea area, and then make a book on your findings. I am buying boats for you so that you can accomplish this. All twenty-four states bordering on the ocean should compile a book about their fishing grounds. If your state is not near an ocean, you should do so anyway centering on its lakes. Then from now on I am going to coach everyone on how to farm fish. (94-109, 1977.7.29)
When I went to Florida last time, I went to the Everglades -- marshy areas inhabited by alligators. I am going to make an agreement with the nation to build a fish farm there. I can make fish farms for sea fish, and for fish that live in fresh water. I can make any kind of fish farm. Anything is possible. In the future, the dry beaches near New York can also be converted to raise crabs or any kind of fish. Studies must be done on this. Think about how vast this business will become. Animal feed can be made out of the bones of sea fish. Fodder can be made by compounding together the small fry that are caught. I foresee that it will become a tremendous business. Think about operating in each nation with a global network. If we also build a canning factory, it will also become an excellent business. (88-179, 1976.8.10)
Since there are relatively few mountains in large parts of South America, we can play a leading role through finding water. Wells should only be dug in those places where water is available. You will not find water in other places, no matter how much you dig. That is why you can earn a living just by selling water. You can make as much water as you need by evaporating sea water. Now with the help of science, we can dig tunnels and make buildings for fishing farms across tens, hundreds, and even thousands of miles. We can build buildings that are taller than the World Trade Center in New York. In the Pantanal, we can raise fish in buildings according to the type of fish. After putting all the data in the computer, a customer can simply press a button to choose a certain fish to eat for lunch. We are making a place where people can eat a fresh dish of sliced raw fish that is served instantly. (302-99, 1999.6.1)
There are many vast lakes in the world. In Alaska alone there are three million lakes more than twenty thousand pyung in area. If fish could be raised within such an area of twenty thousand pyung, it would support two hundred or even three hundred households. So, how many could be fed if there are three million lakes? If each lake is twenty thousand pyung, six hundred million people can be supported. Two times three is six -- so six hundred million. That is why if we can make fish farms in lakes in Africa, it would provide a food supply for 650 million people. Then the food shortage would be relieved. Fish is much better for your health than beef or any other meat from land animals. Fish is easily digested and absorbed. Therefore, a time will come when people will not eat meat or beef, even if they are told to do so. (271-39, 1995.8.15)
How many lakes are there in Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay in South America? There are tens of millions of lakes. If there are three million lakes in Alaska, then there must be tens of millions in South America. There is not a great need for water. If we secure an area of several hundred pyung, fill it with water and raise a number of different types of fish, people can easily live off them. If we can create a man-made lake, teach people the right method and have them manage it, they would be able to support themselves. The food problem would be solved. The economic situation can be improved in regions that have both water and land. That is why you must take interest in the ocean and go through training in how to fish. (289-50, 1997.12.30)
Why am I interested in tuna? One tuna can lay two million eggs. But only 0.8 percent of these eggs actually hatch. Why is that? When it lays eggs, small fish swallow those eggs. That is why I am thinking of making a tuna fish farm. If we had the technology to hatch 100 percent of those eggs, humanity's food problem would be solved in an instant. (119-63, 1982.7.3)
You could number the fish as you like, for example you could name one "fish number one." Then those numbers could form a unified name system worldwide. A fish could be numbered as fish one hundred-and-something or fifty-something. If there is a special fish you like, you can call and order it by number. You can tell them that you are going to the fish farm at a certain time and ask them to prepare fish number so-and-so for you. All you would need then is a sashimi knife. You can make sashimi with that particular fish and have a tasty meal. Such a time will come. (274-109, 1995.10.29)
I know that in the future the greatest business will be in creating large lakes throughout the world, and in farming fish there so that people can fish. That is why I have to prepare for that from now. For this reason, I am making fish farms, catching fish and constantly putting them into a fishing pond. Then people can fish all twelve months of the year. (207-122, 1990.11.1)
If people raise fish for a living instead of building big ranches, there will be no problem in feeding a single household with just fifty pyung of land. You can draw up as much sea water as you like to the top of a high mountain. If there isn't enough, you can add some salt water to adjust the saltiness. You can do that as much as you like. If you set up a fish farm in the mountains and have one person take care of it, you can raise enough fish to feed hundreds and millions of people. That is why I went to America this time, and went out to sea. As I moved about here and there I looked for good types of fish, and caught them to use in a fish farm. (189-290, 1989.6.17)
If there are no fish where you go fishing, you should make a fish farm and raise fish. The time has come when you can farm fish, transport them somewhere and then go fishing. If you make a fish farm somewhere with the right climate and temperature and raise fish, then you can take any type of fish anywhere and place them where people can catch them. You can transport them in a boat, release them and catch them again. The time will come when you can hunt animals -- even tigers. You can breed wolves and release them in the hunting grounds to hunt them. You can hunt for bears. You can also breed other animals for hunting. (275-104, 1995.11.3)
I am going to run a fish farm. The reason Japan can prepare raw fish dishes now is because I coached them. It was my idea. The technology of having a filter to circulate water in a tank for a long time came from our studies. Why do we need a fish farm? It is because people like to eat live fish. It is not enough to supply the demand just by catching fish from the sea. We can of course supply live fish from fishing, but we must also distribute live fish after raising them ourselves. I am planning to build a fish farm in each state. That is why I gave away One Hope boats so that people can be trained in fishing, but I am not sure if they are doing that or not. If they are, then in the future they can survive by selling thirty to fifty boats. This is international. There were many people ten years ago who said that they would buy the One Hope boat.
The Marine Corps ordered seventy-two boats, but I did not want to sell them. Why didn't I sell them? You don't know how great this boat is. Since the word is out now, everybody knows that this boat is the best boat for fishing. That is why they all want to buy it. So now I am thinking of going public to sell the boat. Those who fish know how great this boat is. That is why they want to buy it. It really is a wonderful boat. (207-120, 1990.11.1)
Aren't there some 150,000 college graduates who are unemployed? That is why I am in the marine business and creating fish farms. I am doing this even in Spain. We have caught some live tuna and are raising them. We will sell them in January. They make good money. I am like a magician who can do anything. (209-317, 1990.11.30)
From now, I will begin to transform wasted land into fertile soil in order to save those who are starving to death. All I need is land and water. I will raise fish in places with water. I will make fish farms. On the land, I will plant five different types of crop. The western people did not teach the Africans how to farm. That is why they have not prospered. This must be indemnified. (246-82, 1993.3.23)
I have made fish farms for the tens of millions of people dying of hunger in this world. I am the only one who, representing all humanity, can solve the problem of the destruction of the ozone layer caused by environmental pollution. I have to march forward taking an interest in all fields.
If I cannot do so, you should go even though you shed your tears and sweat. You should also be determined to leave your footprints on top of my footprints. The way of the Principle is in following the footsteps along the path. You cannot jump past those footsteps. The grandfather and parents must follow this path. Even the descendants and generations to come must also follow the way of the Principle in the exact same way. That is the path of indemnity. (246-202, 1993.4.16)

2.1.5. Ocean Church and sea training

The Unification Church is a global movement with me as its leader. Although I am Korean, many western people recognize my work is not only for Korea, but also for the entire world. With courage and valor, I am building a global association, even in the face of persecution on the land and sea.
In that sense, I made a fearsome declaration when I came out with the title, Ocean Church, after building this system based on religion, rather than on a general system of thought. This is a fearsome course that I have set. From now, what am I going to do with Ocean Church? It is not simply about going out to the ocean for training. The purpose is to bring dominion over and love the ocean. I don't intend to do something about the ocean by dominating it. I am going to nurture the ocean in accordance with the original intention of the Creator, and make it the center stage for bringing the world together. (128-249, 1983.8.28)
Men board boats and ride the waves. Most women would not do this. How great it is! That is why I go on boats. I go on boats to teach you this fact. I have shouldered the responsibility to pioneer the ocean in the future. Therefore, since you follow me and like me, then you cannot help liking those boats. That is how life works.
How many pounds does a large tuna weigh? It weighs over a thousand pounds. There are plenty of tuna that weigh over a thousand pounds. An average tuna weighs eight times more than a person who weighs 120 pounds. Think about it. How would it feel to catch such a fish? There is no greater business than fishing for giant tuna. If you catch one of those tunas you can eat it for a year. If you eat one pound of tuna a day, it would take you three years to consume one tuna. (119-63, 1982.7.3)
Because the earth is becoming over-populated, we have to make boats and go out to the sea. A world where people live in the sea will come in the not-so-distant future. What are we to do in the ocean? All male members of the Unification Church will live in the world's ocean bases. Once we occupy this realm, we can have significant impact on all the cultures of the world. The Unification Church men should settle upon coastal areas and thus occupy all the world's coasts. (116-326, 1982.1.2)
Given the unlimited supply of marine resources in the seas surrounding the United States, the U.S. Maritime Administration is encouraging the development of the marine resources of America. But few people enjoy life at sea. For that reason the U.S. government developed a subsidy plan that would permit an individual to take ownership of a two million dollar, 120-ton fishing vessel by meeting two conditions: that person would pay ten percent of the boat's price and work the boat for two and a half years. As you know, 120 tons is enormous.
For the same reason I am developing ocean resource businesses in three hundred ports. I specifically designed and made ships. I designed and made small fishing boats and even created a truly handsome ship that is good for training. To train people in catching fish, I am making a fleet of ten boats linked together with one large ship. That means one person goes out with eleven ships at his command. I let it be known that if five such commanders would make such a fleet, I would give a thirty-thousand-dollar boat to them. Then we can sell even these smaller boats for thirty thousand dollars each. Currently, I am also planning for the development of the fishery cities. (110-202, 1980.11.17)
I am developing a plan to gather and educate sixty trainees in each of thirty locations that I chose the other day. Once this standard is achieved in these thirty locations, I will expand it to three hundred locations and appoint those who graduated from theology school to be in charge of making Ocean Churches. This type of church has never existed in history. Under the name, Ocean Church, they will go on boats and hold services on Sunday. I am currently making preparations to launch this program. What will happen once it begins? Our members need only to go on the boats for two years. Since we have large boats, the members can take turns holding Ocean Church services.
With the endorsements of the mayor of a city and the head of the coast guard, the nation can produce as many boats as we need. I can easily pay 10 percent of that amount. When that happens, we will have thousands of ships. In order to make that happen and expand the foundation, I am preparing these things in Europe and even Japan by planning an international market organization in the mission department. I am preparing now for this tremendous task. (110-204, 1980.11.17)
When you do Home Church, the three hundred boats are Home Church boats. It is an Ocean Church. If your path becomes difficult in a port city, then simply ask, "Where is the One Hope docked?" All the people there would know its location. All the people on the coasts of America would know. We will be gathered there together, singing and praying. We will be praying even as we eat lunch. (108-217, 1980.10.5)
We have thirty shrimp boats in South America and another five for catching tuna. Consequently, I am thinking of having our core members to now begin ocean training for eighteen months. Leaders of the Unification Church must participate two Sundays a year in Ocean Church activities. Actually, there is no church leader when it comes to Ocean Church activities because I will make everyone participate. That is why I give the order, "You! Go to that place and fish!" You will not know beforehand when you will have to go. (119-256, 1982.9.13)
I have been getting up at five in the morning and going out to the sea on a boat until eleven at night from April of this year until now. Some people stick out their tongue saying, "An old man of seventy is going out on a boat all day to fish while the young ones are running away, hiding to get some sleep!" When I hear that, I think, "I am committing a grave sin. Why am I having these young people suffer so much?" But I am doing that because if they can overcome these things now, they will not fall away and they will be able to climb up to the top of the world. (223-280, 1991.11.12)
I am training you. How many here can keep up with me? This fishing is hard labor. There is no heavier labor than this. You have to stand fishing all day long. You are not allowed to sit for ten days. Before you know it, it becomes twelve at night. In Alaska, it is still bright at midnight. It is still bright at one in the morning. How many hours pass if you wake up at five in the morning and stay up till twelve at night? You would be fishing for nineteen hours. (231-308, 1992.6.21)
The coastline is the borderline between the ocean and land. The ocean must now be connected to the land and the land must also connect to the ocean. The borderline where the purpose for the land and the purpose for the ocean overlap can only be found on the coastline. In the future, when the need for both the land and ocean are recognized, the coastline will be the most important thing. I believe that a time will come when the coastal lands will become more expensive than any other plot of land. (128-249, 1983.8.28)
Why am I involved in the marine products industry? Why am I making ships in Alabama? If the theology students do not want to come to Ocean Church, I will make the women into captains, and then have them bring the men and slap their cheeks saying, "You scoundrels! How can you, a man, not do this when I am doing it?" I will have these women captains bring and guide the men at Ocean Church. If any of them refuses to go on the boats, the women should slap their cheeks. If the men refuse to board, I will make the women into captains and have them do this job. (116-326, 1982.1.2)

2.2. The ocean providence centering on South America

2.2.1. The construction of Jardim, the New Eden

How uncomfortable is it for you to go to Jardim? You have to long for Jardim; even though compared to other places, it may be a place that you never wish to visit again. You have to shed tears from your desire to go there. You should yearn for it when you look at the moon. You should yearn for it when you look at the sun. You should look at all the life forms and all of the creation that are under the care of that sun and expose your innermost feelings. You should eliminate from your heart anything that would give reason for you to offer conditions of sacrificial offerings before a sorrowful God. Jardim is the original Eden where creation is gathered, like a museum of the universe.
Therefore, Jardim is a focal area of all creation. You have to go to Jardim where the primitive creation exists and shed your blood and sweat for at least three years. You have to labor for three years for the sake of the liberation of the homeland. You have to labor in water. Because water represents the world, you have to build heaven amidst the water. You must also build what the True Parents have built. (303-157, 1999.8.17)
We must quickly care for and restore the creation that perished due to the Fall. Once more, we must disseminate into this world the species that became extinct in the past. That is why we need a bird museum, for there are over 1,500 species of birds. We should make 1,500 separate bird museums, and also insect museums. Once these museums are made, the people of the world will visit Jardim as an educational center for children, since Jardim is where the museums emerged within God's providence. We are developing Jardim in order to create an environment in which God can find joy upon seeing His creation. That means Jardim is Eden. Many people have said that the returning Lord is going to first appear at that place. (294-56, 1998.6.10)
What does the word Jardim mean? It can mean, "Entering the place of the Fall." It is named Jardim because Satan invaded the position of our first ancestors. To our ancestors who had fallen in the Garden of Eden, Satan says, "Pantanal" which means, "I am selling you." Satan is selling you and saying, "Salobra -- try saving [them]." Salobra means, "resurrecting [them]." These words suggest these meanings in Korean. (294-56, 1998.6.10)
The best kind of water in Brazil is muddy-yellow water. The muddy-yellow river is called the Golden River. Clear water, on the other hand, is called a Crystal or Silver River. We bought land in the delta area, where these two rivers meet, and there we built our Jardim base. (285-136, 1997.4.21)
It would be very nice to make a fish farm here. There is a lot of excitement in Paraguay because it has a surplus of electricity; and by controlling the temperature of lakes, fish from the south can be raised in the north. If you can control the temperature in the northern area for fish that live here in Miranda around Jardim, you will have people from both the south and the north come here to look at the fish.
If, in the southern region, you say, "I only like Alaska," then you will be a failure. You have to say that you like both Alaska and the southern areas if you want to pass the test. If someone can follow my direction to live in Alaska in the morning and then in South America in the evening, and agree to live in that way his entire life and more, then he can become the owner who can rule over all of Alaska and the world of the south. God wants to meet that kind of person. (276-77, 1996.2.4)
There is only one Iguaçu Falls. As a tourist spot it is second to none. You can swim there. There are Dorado and many other kinds of fish. The fish are always biting, and if you give them food, they will jump into your catch of fish. If children go there, they would make a loud commotion, demanding to live there. People in nearby areas wonder, "Why is Rev. Moon interested in Jardim?" But when they visit, they exclaim, "Wow! It is like heaven here. The state government was not aware of this. They may feel like they were deprived of this land by Rev. Moon!" That is why the state is forced to help me. (279-198, 1996.8.4)
We are raising many species of parrots on our Jardim farm. Parrots can live together with people naturally. The ostriches frequently come to us because we give them food. They have become so close to the people now that they do not run away even when someone approaches them with food. I am thinking of creating a world where Adam can mingle together with creation, just like the time when God was happy to gaze upon His creation. That is what I am doing now. (278-103, 1996.5.1)
I love water. Water is the source of all life. Water embraces and absorbs everything. There are two rivers in Jardim: the Miranda River and Plata River, which are like yang and yin. The water in the Plata River is clear, whereas the water in the Miranda River is muddy. Usually, people run away when there is muddy water, but yesterday I saw a clear stream of water being drawn into a whirlpool, without any resistance. With dignity, the clear water joined the muddy water and changed its color. Yet as the days go by, the water gains the strength to regain its color and purify itself as it continues flowing. (276-140, 1996.2.18)
No matter how dirty the water, it knows how to balance itself. People should also know how to balance themselves. My coming here to Jardim does not mean I have some special relationship with Brazil. There are people living here representing the five colors of different races. Although I do not speak their language, I do not think that they are a different species. They are my kin -- my younger brothers and sisters. I am meeting them again after living separately for six thousand years. That is why they naturally welcome me with joy, although we do not share the same language, habits and customs. (276-90, 1996.2.4)
In the future, this place will have great value. It is a valuable place now and so I have come here to the Pantanal. That is why I think we should buy land here, in both Salobra and Jardim. The Pantanal can connect us with this area. We are connecting with the Pantanal. (293-263, 1998.6.1)
In the future, this place will become a tourist attraction that will be known worldwide for its scenic beauty. I am deciding what it is that can bring together both the spiritual and physical worlds. It is where water and land are linked together. What is interesting is that there is grass on the surface of the water. Here, where land and water meet, I am making the decisions for all these things and advancing God's providence. (293-272, 1998.6.2)
The Unification Church made the Jardim Declaration. I have announced the second forty-year course. We are restoring Eden, which means that we have returned to Eden. We must go back to Eden and establish a standard of equilibrium for God's absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience. That is why, in Jardim, I proclaimed the standard of absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience. By doing so, I can take care of the entire world and all of creation before the Fall, which were created on the foundation of absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience, and have access to it within the same sphere. That is why I am educating people in Jardim.
Blessed families have risen up on the vertical standard, but have not stood on the horizontal standard in Jardim. Therefore, from now on, families must be established that can live together with God on the horizontal standard. To facilitate this, I have made an education center for ideal families aimed toward world peace, and I have been re-educating the families that have been blessed until now. I must train them again with the contents enabling them to join God's absolute glorious family. That is the family training, taking place in Jardim. (294-319, 1998.8.9)
If we are going to have classes for elementary, middle and high school students in Jardim, we will need eight classrooms. I have developed a program to build an elementary school and high school that can accommodate twelve classrooms. I am laying the foundation for two thousand people to come anytime to Jardim and to live there. With blood and sweat, I am preparing the educational foundation with the lecture hall as the focus. I am preparing to build an elementary, middle, and high school with a college -- starting first with the elementary school. There are thirty-three cities around Jardim, and most of them have middle and high school facilities.
Presently, I am making all the preparations here in the headquarters of Jardim to set up a system for the elementary, middle, and high school, as well as college. The purpose is to educate the bright people in this area and to disperse them to the entire nation in the future. That is why 2,500 people can be accommodated here. I am now building a lecture hall that can hold 10,000 people. This will become a venue for the thirty-three cities in this state to come together in harmony. The Brazilian government is unable to achieve this. (281-295, 1997.3.9)
The education plan for Jardim is to teach about the marine products industry, forestry, farming, and also about manufacturing. Since I know the overall details for this, I am having each city function as a headquarters. I am thinking of expanding the same model that was built in Jardim to create a university, centering on colleges based on that system. This is very interesting.
Uruguay had thirty-three independence leaders. There were thirty-three patriots who were at the March First Independence Movement of Korea. The Americas have thirty-three nations. An interesting fact is that thirty-three cities are located in the state where Jardim is located. It is providential that all the things were brought together centering on those thirty-three patriots and are now completely and automatically falling into place. In Jardim there is a prophecy that says, "A person from the East will come and build his stronghold in Jardim. If his name becomes widely known that person is the coming Messiah." The Indians already know about this. They know that a Korean will come to Jardim to initiate a movement to reform everything including the ideology, and that this person will be the Messiah. There are signs that indicate a possibility that all the Indians will be drawn into this. (281-297, 1997.3.9)
I can feel that God truly exists. There were thirty-three leaders that were part of the Mansei Movement for the Independence of Korea. Uruguay is on the exact opposite side of the globe from Korea. The Uruguayan independence movement had thirty-three leaders. There are thirty-three nations in the Americas. I am now working in Jardim. There are thirty-three cities in that area. It is truly mystifying. There are thirty-three major cities around that area. That is really extraordinary. (281-245, 1997.2.14)
I researched an area with a radius of two hundred kilometers from Jardim to see what kind of fish inhabited the area. I explored the area while being bitten by mosquitoes. Did I do that for money? Did I do that for fame? Did I do that for political support? I did it to save dying people. They are my brothers. If I do not think that way, then who will save the people of the world? Did any politician or nation ever think about that? With this foundation, we will dig up all the raw material resources in the ground and export them. I will do it the way they want. If they need a factory, I will build it. If there is something they need, I will provide it. I am someone who is capable of doing such things. (276-196, 1996.2.19)
Once we have four hundred kilometers of land in Jardim, I will build a fish powder factory. France, Italy, Germany, America, Japan and other advanced nations conducted studies on this source of food, but they failed to accomplish what we were successful in developing. The entire world will make fish powder and pave the way for distributing food. Since transportation is the problem, we are telling the UN and the Red Cross, "Together let's save the afflicted people of the world!" In the farming area, within the four hundred kilometer area of Jardim, I have planted beans, corn, manioc and other crops. Everything harvested from there is made into powder, and then I will increase the amount twenty times to save the afflicted people.
Then where can we catch fish? Where can we make fish powder? There are many rivers here. We can make a lake and a fishing spot to catch fish. We are buying all this for afflicted people. A live, fresh fish can become powder in ten minutes. Is this something that can be welcomed in Jardim or not? (276-194, 1996.2.19)
The afflicted people in Third World countries know that I am going through hardships to save them. The word is out, and they all know that I am making fish powder out of fish. They know that I have made a farm in Jardim, and that I am making preparations for building a powder factory. In the future, all human beings will become members of the Unification Church. When you think about this, would these people come to Jardim or not? They would all try to visit the places where I have been or where I have left my name. Each of those places has become Holy Ground.
The people of the world will sing the praises of my meritorious foundation of having gone through hardships to save humanity by raising fish. All people will hasten their footsteps, and their cries for building the heavenly kingdom will resonate throughout the world. (277-142, 1996.4.7)
Brazil and Uruguay have abundant resources that enable people to have their own ranches and lead self-sufficient lives. I am thinking of educating people who are going to farm in Africa, by having them make a model farm, plant trees and do all sorts of things. For this reason, when they leave, I plan to send them off by giving them three hundred cows, so that they can be given a ranch in their countries. They will compete against each other in 160 nations. They will take the young animals they nurtured here. You are left with nothing if you keep spending the money. Yet the more you make use of your cows, the more you will prosper. You are all people who have lived a sorry life, but now you can become the owner of a world-level ranch, or an owner of a farm. You can also engage in marine industries and in fishing. A global domain is prepared in which you can go anywhere and enjoy yourself. (266-139, 1994.12.22)
When we first came here, a thousand hectares cost 700,000 dollars. They gave us seven hundred cows for 700,000 dollars including the farm. Paraguay is that kind of place. They all raise chickens there. Tractors and the necessary equipment for farming were included. I am going to instruct them how to create an ideal hometown and country.
If you sell your land and donate the money to help buy more land, then in the future I will return it all back to you. Everything will be developed; so nobody will die of hunger. On that farm, you can make a kindergarten, middle and high school, and even a university. Indeed, people of five different colors will live together. If the local area is developed, the plus charge will re-create its partner. Are you interested? Then it will be great. People will be able to fish and hunt there. I am making preparations for something global. (266-139, 1994.12.22)
In that spacious grassland, you will find countless species of fruits, birds and animals. When you extend your fishing rod, you will find loads of fish wherever there is water. If the women who are preparing dinner run out of side dishes, they can go out the back door to where the river flows; they can go fishing and fry their catch. Brazil is that kind of nation. There is no other place like that in the world. That is the only place. If you throw your net out, you can catch a bag full of fish. (267-59, 1994.12.27)
In the future, you can make a fish farm and hunting ground, and run a ranch too. In the spring, numerous fish swim up the river. The Miranda River is nearby, and I will dig a canal from it. Then this river will cover an area equal to at least ten rivers put together. If we can block the river in the spring when the fish come and prevent them from leaving, then we can make a fishing spot throughout the seasons all year round. Then it will become a world-renowned place where we can raise fish and provide fishing spots transcending the seasons. What interests me is the Pantanal Lake, which has 3,600 kinds of fish. I should catch these fish, raise them in a fish farm and create 3,600 fishing spots. I will develop a method to breed those fish and expand this to different places in the world. (270-55, 1995.5.4)
The United States is on top, and South America is at the bottom. I went to the most unpopular mountain district in Brazil, the country the United States detests most, in South America, the continent the United States appears to dislike as a whole. I went to this place called Jardim and made friends with birds, snakes and fish while being bitten by mosquitoes. A founder of a religion is walking around barefooted. When you see me, you would probably say, "That is not the founder of our Unification Church." I am leading such a life that people would say that I am a genuine farmer or fisherman. In one year and six months, the foundation I laid in America for twenty-four years was elevated at once. (293-293, 1998.6.7)
I have made Bridgeport University and Sun Moon University. Now I will make a university in South America along with a kindergarten, middle and high school in Jardim. I am making all the preparations necessary to have people go through this university. The other universities in the world are not needed. What use is it to go anywhere else? They have all become a degenerate group of homosexuals and lesbians. Other universities are like a lighthouse that destroys the moral foundation. They are the bases for God's enemy, something like Satan's army base and the seat of Satan's power. They are exerting their influence from there. We have to destroy their influence. They claim that God is dead. (303-231, 1999.8.31)

2. 2. 2. The Pantanal Holy Ground

The Pantanal wetlands are twice the size of Japan. There are 3,600 species of fish in the Pantanal wetlands. I am telling you that 3,600 species of fish live in those waters. Then the question is how many lakes and bodies of water are there worldwide that have the same water temperature and similar circumstances. I am studying each of these categories in order to create places where we can raise fish. Then this can be done worldwide. (271-39, 1995.8.15)
There are many places in the Pantanal where nature has been untouched and remains the same as it was when first created by God. In other places, many species could not maintain their standard and have become extinct. Yet this area around the Pantanal and the Amazon valley remains untouched. (296-20, 1998.10.1)
Here, nature exists and a microcosm of creation remains as it was when first created by God. Why did I come here? I am not the only who came. God came with me and loves all of creation that was sacrificed throughout history. In Noah's time, the fish were not judged. I came here to the Pantanal to pave a path for creation to return through indemnity, by creating a bond with the fish that were untouched by the flood judgment. We must love all things that were created by God. I have the responsibility to protect this. We should increase the number of species. We should not exterminate the species, thus making the creation less than it was when first created by God. (300-266, 1999.3.24)
There are many kinds of plants and 3,600 species of fish in the Pantanal. There are 3,000 species of fish in the Amazon River, but 3,600 species in the Pantanal. Imagine so many types of fish. There are countless types of creation from plants, crops, and trees. God did not create as if performing magic tricks like that of Hong Gil-dong where things simply appear with the command of telling something to be. God had a plan and created these things so that all their structural contents were in line with the laws of the natural world and climatic conditions. (291-164, 1998.3.11)
The Pantanal is a place that can become a primordial treasure house for the animals and plants that were originally created by God. I am establishing an international movement to protect and preserve God's creations. Will you or will you not cooperate with me?
Humanity fell because of Eve. That is why I ordered the Japanese national messiahs to take the lead in the Pantanal activities. Is that something to be grateful or resentful about? A mother would sell her own flesh to raise her child. You have to help in raising plants and animals. If Japan can connect her lineage to the land of this world, it will automatically become Japan's possession. (304-255, 1999.11.8)
There are 3,600 species of fish in the Amazon Valley and in the hinterlands of the Pantanal. There are 3,600 species, but all of creation remains in its original form when created by God in the Amazon Valley and the Paraguay River Valley. Centering on those 3,600 species of fish, I am making a fish farm. Those who are interested in fish will come here, even if they are told not to come. Since we have a newspaper publishing company, I am spreading the word that we have a fish farm that raises 3,600 species of fish. If we said, "We breed 36 species of fish, and this number will soon rise to 360, and in a couple of years we will have 3,600 species of fish," then would people who are interested in fish come to our farm or not? (292-24, 1998.3.27)
You cannot imagine how many fish live in a place like the Pantanal. If you throw something in the water, it quickly vanishes. Like lightning, it disappears in an instant. Even something dirty is cleaned up by the fish instantly. There are many species of fish, all mixed together, and each species feeds on different things. When they eat they are tirelessly cleaning up the waters. Essentially they are cleaning the water. They are not living for their own sake. They are bringing order to the environment and cleaning up their surroundings as they live together while helping one another. This is the cooperative system in nature. Also, in the Pantanal there is a plant called water hyacinth. If you examine the back of one of its leaves, you will find many bugs eating it. If given the opportunity, those bugs would eat up all the leaves. However, since there is a fish that eats those particular bugs, then the plant survives. (293-283, 1998.6.17)
The Surubi is a bottom-feeding fish that looks like a catfish. The Boga fish likes running water, and the Dorado is a fish that lives in places where the water currents are fast. The Boga disappears the minute you drop your line and bait. The Dorado rarely swallows the hook, but quickly eats away your bait. Tell me, are these easy fish to catch or not? Should I teach you how to catch fish that are difficult to catch, or fish that are easy to catch? If you want to catch Surubi, you have to fish at night. (293-232, 1998.5.26)
Some fish even have vegetarian eating habits. This Dorado is intrepid -- no matter where it goes. When it bites, it emits a noise that sounds like "sheek." When five people fish on the same boat and cast their lines out, if a rod moves, it is difficult to distinguish one line from another. They do not know which line has a bite and begin asking, "Whose is it? Whose is it?" They look at their rods and one exclaims in amazement, "Hey, it's mine!" This would happen three, four, five, or six times. That is a great experience. The light of the evening sun, the golden hue of the fish, and that brilliant view cannot be appreciated without the pleasure of catching Dorado. It is an enjoyable sight that everyone should experience at least once in his life. It is human nature to want to personally experience this firsthand. (293-232, 1998.5.26)
The Pantanal is where land, water and plants live together. It is truly exquisite. Creatures from the time of Creation have survived there in the Amazon Valley, in the Pantanal. They have carried on their line of species while living in nature untouched since the time of Creation. That is why the Pantanal is the world's Holy Ground. (294-56, 1998.6.10)
You will see so many things when you go to the Pantanal. The Pacu fish eat young alligators. When they do, they do not say, "Hey, do you have dung in your belly!" When a Pacu eats bugs, do you think it would wipe off the human excrement or dog dung that is on the bug's wings, or would it just eat it whole? Those people who do not know how to swallow things as a whole cannot unify the world. You have to know how to swallow things as a whole. You have to eat both good things and bad things. Don't fallen people discard the bad and eat only the good things? Love is not that way. Love takes in and digests even hell. (295-186, 1998.8.28)
The larger fish in the Pantanal swallow the smaller ones. The small fish have excrements, urine, internal organs and filth, but the larger fish just swallows that altogether. It swallows the head, tail, and all the smelly parts. Isn't a person who can swallow things as a whole a prince of the world of the liberated realm? That is how I see it. (295-220, 1998.8.28)
You should go to the Pantanal and "Swallow everything as a whole! Swallow everything as a whole!" You should go to the world of fish and swallow it as a whole. That is why I am teaching you how to swallow things as a whole in these lands. You should not become like the weak that cannot swallow their clan, family, ancestors and relatives as a whole. You have to become the strong. (295-237, 1998.8.28)
If you go to the Pantanal in the summer, you will see that the fish will swallow any other fish that is just slightly smaller than itself. Even a codfish would gulp down a smaller baby shark without hesitation. You would swallow anything that is smaller than you. Isn't that great? If the larger kind swallowed only the smaller kind, the smaller kind would protest to God saying, "God, why are we the only ones being eaten?" When God created everything from water to heaven and earth, He made it so that the larger kind could swallow the smaller kind, regardless of the species. That is why if you are of the larger kind, you can swallow the smaller kind and thus nobody complains. (296-90, 1998.11.3)
The Pantanal is a world of relations, based on swallowing the other as a whole. Pantanal means, "selling yourself completely." It does not matter if it is for some larger purpose. Therefore, the Pantanal spirit is in swallowing both the good and the bad and digesting it to exert influence for one's survival as one grows. Wasn't God's will also to swallow both the satanic world and the world of goodness? (296-305, 1998.11.18)
God will restore human beings back to the world before the Fall. God has to take care of all the enemies in order to restore Adam's perfected world before the Fall. There were no enemies in that world. Everybody was like brothers and had only the concept that they were one family. It is about swallowing one another. In the fish world in the Pantanal, the larger fish swallow the smaller fish without regard, whether there is something filthy or not. It swallows the excrements of the internal organs and everything else. (297-170, 1998.11.19)
The Pantanal ideology is about swallowing something, regardless of whether it is smeared with dung or germs. Should you take away the germs and wipe it clean before eating it? If you do so, you would have nothing left to eat and would have to run away. Even if you swallow poison instead of excrements, you should assimilate it with your body, and even if your body were to die, you should have the mentality that you can digest the poison. That kind of mentality is great, and its digestive powers are strong. Even if you take in poison that is strong enough to kill insects, or if you eat a fish that took in poison, you would think, "I can even digest poison."
I am doing that right now, focusing on the Pantanal. In the ideal realm of Adam, we find God, who is the Cosmic Messiah and the returning Lord, who is the world Messiah. In the ideal realm of Adam, we also find the national messiah who is the Abel-type king of that nation, the tribal messiah who is the Abel-type tribal king, and the family messiah who is the Abel-type family king. All of these belong to the ideal realm of Adam. Among God, the returning Lord, the national messiah, the tribal messiah, and the family messiah, if the tribal messiah falls sick, he can be replaced on the family level; if the national messiah falls sick, he can be replaced; and if the world Messiah falls sick, he can be replaced. God does not fall sick, but everything should be prepared for His replacement. Only then can the realm of the partner be established in which a circular motion can take place between the subject partner and object partner. (296-92, 1998.11.3)
I like the Pantanal because all kinds of fish are living there. One important thing I learned in the Pantanal is that everything -- every single thing, can be swallowed. For example, a large alligator can swallow a person. But there is a fifteen-meter long snake in Paraguay that can swallow an alligator. There is a snake that can swallow a person as easily as we would pick up a bean with our chopsticks. Snakes of all sizes live in that area and swallow their prey whole. A fish would swallow a baby whale if it were smaller than itself. If something goes into its mouth, it swallows it. Isn't that great? I also think that I have to become an expert in swallowing anything that goes into my mouth. That is what I learned. You have to swallow to live here. Women who brush off dust or sweep away the filth cannot live here. (301-154, 1999.4.25)
People can live in the Pantanal with just one tenth, one hundredth, or one ten thousandth of a Japanese person's income. People from an island nation have been blessed with this creation. I am preserving the Pantanal for the sake of Japan. Japanese people are not aware of this, are you? I love creation to liberate creation's realm of lamentation. In the Bible it says that all of creation has been groaning in labor pains. The lamentation of creation is also the lamentation of humankind. What is this? There is nothing more lamentable than the fact that humanity could not receive the Blessing centering on God. (295-199, 1998.8.28)
We have to dismantle the kind of civilization represented by New York City and Washington, D.C. We have to go back to more primitive times and to return to nature. That is why I went back to nature, and in the Pantanal, I live in constant love with nature. The great oceans are pure. How clean the water is! There is clean water and clean air. Nature here is clean. How good this is! (295-277, 1998.9.8)
From the day I first knew God's will, I loved the spirit world and humanity. In loving humanity, you have to love it more than your own family and nation. You must love humanity and then love creation. You have to love everything on the earth and love the world underwater. It is a process of re-creation. From God's love, we must connect with humanity. From humanity's love, we must connect with the earth, and by doing so, connect with the realm of water. That is why I am offering my utmost devotion in the Pantanal. (296-17, 1998.10.1)
I can never forget the Pantanal. In this serious place I received God's request regarding Maria Park's family through Dr. Lee Sang-hun in the spirit world. How mortified and sorry God must have been! When you think about that situation, your insides should be boiling and your bones must protrude out of your body. (296-43, 1998.10.11)
Since going to the Pantanal, what have I done there? I called the Unification Church members in North and South Korea to go there. All Blessed Families must go to the Pantanal. It is an imperative. People say many things about going, but if they cannot afford a plane ticket, then they should just walk here. If the father is sick, the wife and son should go with him on their backs. Once they get there after going through such hardships and suffering, will they say, "Oh, we are ruined!"? Will they say, "Oh, we feel dead! We are better off dead!"? Soon after that, let us say when they decide to go back home, as hard as it was hard getting there willingly, and even if the way back is even more difficult, they will somehow find the strength to go back home. But those who are hate to go there will all drop to the rear when they try to return. That is logical. (299-190, 1999.2.15)
In summary, the Pantanal's influence will become a great issue in the world's history. The question is how to settle this issue here on earth. The world can become a battlefield, a dangerous place where human beings may fall into the pit of destruction if they make one wrong turn. We must do something to prevent this at all costs. Therefore, I educated the national messiahs during this time in the Pantanal, for the purpose of declaring war in advance before their nations. In the near future, the national messiahs should become environmentalists and create a sentry post in 180 locations, using the rally and everything that I prepared. Then they should influence the scholars, and the presidents of universities in each nation worldwide who are interested in the environment. If they are educated, then you can influence the executive agents of that nation and the core personnel in any of the administrative departments. (300-182, 1999.3.3)
The Pantanal's water world is connected to fish powder. Until now, people could not make sufficient food out of the fish they caught. But now, based on the studies I initiated in Alaska, I am making food resources out of fish. England, Japan, the Soviet Union, and other advanced nations such as Germany competed in studies on how to make fish powder into food, but they have all failed. They all fell away. (300-185, 1999.3.3)
For Korea and Japan, the Pantanal is at the other end of the pole. The Pantanal is at the end of the earth. But the Original Holy Ground, Root Holy Ground, and Holy Ground of Victory can all be found there. This is something tremendous. The Original Holy Ground is set up in our hotel in the Pantanal. Whether there is water, or something else, is not a problem. A water palace will be built there. (304-110, 1999.9.10)
When a holy ground is made in the Pantanal, the Unification Church members must go there and bring their families. You must bring all your relatives since it is the starting point for going toward Heaven. You should bring your relatives and have your ancestors commemorate the day you were blessed in the Unification Church. In the presence of Heaven, you should offer devotion until your future descendants, ancestors in heaven, and the people of your nation are connected to Heaven's blessing through you. This is the duty of the families that were blessed, which must be carried out until the completion of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. With this in mind, you must once more critically evaluate your lifestyle. Unless you do, you cannot go to the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. True Parents must take responsibility for everything. (302-250, 1999.6.14)
The Pantanal is the focus point -- the root. It is the source. That is why the families of the Unification Church must visit this place once every four years. They should prepare for a great migration. Already tourists have increased in number by three to five times. Because of the Pantanal Rally, this place has become famous worldwide. The effects will be tremendous if we do this rally two or three more times. If we do not buy land as I planned by next year, it will increase in value at least ten times. Then Japan's indemnity will increase. (303-344, 1999.9.9)
Human beings must prepare a holy ground that can be praised for all eternity in the world, even if they have to go through endless suffering. If that happens, the results of their endeavors will appear. Therefore, the issue is about who will be the first to begin making that effort. Should it begin from the father or from the mother? When the father stands up, does he go around the mother's side, or does the mother go around the father? The mother goes around the father. As a nation, Japan must preserve the holy ground and extol its name. That is why the Japanese national messiahs are taking responsibility for the management of the Pantanal. (304-110, 1999.9.10)
I fought with the mosquitoes in the Pantanal to the extent that my entire body has been scarred by mosquito bites. In the mosquito world, the mosquitoes are saying, "Who has tasted the blood of the True Parents? Come here quickly!" That is why mosquitoes come to me the most. When I drop my fishhook into the water, the big fish bite first on my hook. Then many other fish follow. It is strange. Even God thinks it's a mystery. (278-97, 1996.5.1)

2. 2. 3. Animal museum

Human beings are responsible for preventing the species created by God from becoming extinct. How many species have human beings brought to extinction? There are 3,600 species of fish in the Pantanal. I have made a fish farm, and I can multiply them at any time, in places around the world that have a similar environment, so that they never will become extinct. My work is focused on these things, and I am now going to begin that kind of vast project. (300-88, 1999.3.1)
If I have made fish farms for 3,600 species of fish and if your children studied each of those fish, then we would have 3,600 people with a doctorate degree. Therefore, you should be grateful that I have prepared a way for your descendants to succeed in life. If each were to write a doctoral thesis, we would have 3,600 doctors. Should you continue to tirelessly support this work or not? Why? It is to understand how much God loved the various creations when He created them. (279-39, 1996.6.9)
I am going to build a museum and have every type of creation exhibited there. I will prepare specimens and put them on display. I will create a farm for the fruits of the sea, where you feel like being in nature just by looking at it. I will begin a movement to create museums in each town as a symbol of love for animals. Then the town with the most species can become a world-renowned tourist spot. I will also gather many species of plants and trees to put on display. (288-72, 1997.10.31)
Wouldn't you be interested if thousands of different kinds of fish were swimming about under your boat? There are 3,600 species of fish in the Pantanal alone. If buildings are constructed for 3,600 fish farms, then would the people of the world come and visit that museum or not? There would be a flood of people, including elementary school students. (295-38, 1998.8.16)
There are 3,600 species of fish in the Amazon Valley and in the hinterlands of the Pantanal. All of creation remains in its original form as it was when it was created by God. That is how it is in the Amazon Valley and the Paraguay River Valley. Centering on those 3,600 species of fish, I am making a fish farm. Those who are interested in fish will come here, even if they are told not to come. (292-24, 1998.3.27)
Water temperature varies depending on altitude. Fish living in the ocean differ, depending on the temperature. That is why, in rivers, the fish go to the area that has the same temperature as where they live, and stay there to lay their eggs. Even if the area is different in the east, south, and north, if there is no difference in the temperature, the same type of fish will live there, thus creating a wide diversity. That is why there are countless species of fish.
In Paraguay, which is in the middle of the continent, there is a river that flows vertically down through South America. It is seventy meters deep and in some places reaches one hundred meters. Consequently, all kinds of transport ships and large vessels can go upstream. Small rivers with an abundance of fish are all connected to that primary river. We can build a refrigeration factory in such places and store all the fish we catch. We would need electricity. There is an endless and untapped supply of electricity. (267-267, 1995.1.20)
If fish were constantly being caught, they would all disappear. That is why we need to breed and to raise fish. I am thinking of building a zoo with the animals from the Pantanal and the Amazon River Valley in South America. A city must appear in which insects are raised. Then whenever someone strikes a bell, the birds that want to eat the insects will come to eat. A city must appear in which insects can be raised to feed the birds. The birds are dying because there are no insects. Towns must appear in which insects, birds, and animals are raised. (292-24, 1998.3.27)
There are currently 3,600 species of fish in the Pantanal. In Korea are there even 36 kinds of fish? Korea is no match for the Pantanal. In the future, a fish farm taller than a city building must be created to raise these 3,600 kinds of fish. Imagine controlling the temperature for each type of fish with a computer -- those from the sea, those living in fresh water, those living in the arctic regions, and those living in tropical areas. We could raise 3,600 species of fish from the entire world in one building and using buildings in cities would not be a problem. (296-188, 1998.11.9)
There are many mountains in Argentina, Brazil, and in South America as a whole. Because the water there is clean, animals and plants can be raised there. Some mountains are connected to plateaus that are 1,300 meters high. Therefore, you can breed any type of animal, and even raise fish. I am interested in that place. I will catch all 3,600 types of fish, make an exhibition hall to show them, and set the admission fees at a high rate. I will make a museum, and it will become a popular tourist spot. People who are interested in fish will come here for sure to see the 3,600 species of fish. (276-201, 1996.2.19)
How wonderful it will be to educate the people who come and let them live amidst nature! To build a town that can be connected to modern civilization and city life, I will create a museum displaying the 3,600 species of insects in this vast area. All the insect scholars should come to this place. I will also make a fish farm that can raise 3,600 types of fish, and then I will make a bird zoo and a botanical garden. After that, I will make a zoo for people -- a human zoo. It will be a real zoo, but a human zoo. (288-75, 1997.10.31)

2.3. Ocean providence centering on Korea

2.3.1. Boat of Heavenly Victory

From the 1960s I began taking interest in the ocean. I have been in the ocean industry for twenty-two years. In 1963, I designed and built the Boat of Heavenly Victory. I had Eu Hyo-min and Eu Hyo-young work at sea so that the boat could ride the five oceans, but they did not like the sea. (276-314, 1996.3.10)
The Boat of Heavenly Victory was made in 1963. But Eu Hyo-young did not like boats, water, or the waves. When a storm comes, you should be able to enjoy riding waves the size of houses in the sea. He should have become a man who could find value in what he was doing, even if he were to die. But he said that he was afraid and that he did not like the sea. If we had advanced to Alaska from that time, we could rapidly have developed worldwide. (291-276, 1998.3.17)
With a heart of serving others, I have lived for the sake of God, humanity, the world, and all of creation. Didn't I liberate creation? That is why I am living for the sake of the ocean. In the 1960s, there was not one mountain that I had not visited. In 1963, I designed the Boat of Heavenly Victory. Who in this world would call their boat, "Boat of Heavenly Victory"? There was a reason behind all this. I have been building boats until now in order to establish the standard of Heaven's victory.
I started building boats even before coming to America. I began making boats in 1963, and I have been sailing boats to this day. During the years 1973, 1983, 1993, I have been going on boats for twenty-four years. I have ridden in boats from morning to midnight. At times I would go on boats until three o'clock in the morning in Alaska. I rode in boats with single-mindedness and resolve. (294-54, 1998.6.10)
I built a boat in Korea named Boat of Heavenly Victory. What victory? Heavenly victory, of course, is where Heaven has won victory because God's will has been fulfilled. I had already begun fulfilling God's will from long ago. I made the Boat of Heavenly Victory and talked about occupying the oceans of the world. One member, Eu Hyo-young, was constantly saying, "Boat, boat!" So I made him one, but he did not like going on boats -- maybe because he was old. He said, "Father, I cannot go out to sea when the waves surge like that." How can a fisherman think like that? He must go out to the sea until his death. (294-175, 1998.6.14)

2.3.2. Ilheung marine

Aren't you church leaders? In the future, no exceptions will be made, even for company workers. Unification church families share the same fate. Unification Church means a church where everything is united. That is why if you have a company, it should be called Company Unification Church. Unification Industries would mean a Unification Industries Church. Yesterday I came back from Jejudo where I had visited the company there called Ilheung Marine Industries. I told the president of that company, "You must now create an Ilheung Marine Church. As a church, you should prepare to serve and attend the women divers in Jejudo more than you would your own mother or bride." (178-131, 1988.6.1)
I built a shipyard in Jejudo, but people thought it was not going to work out. So I moved the shipyard to Mokpo, but again they were saying, "This is not going to succeed." The headquarters for the Ilheung Marine Industries should move from Jejudo to Seoul. That is how it works in the world. When Heaven tries to give blessings, if the recipient is not ready, then Heaven departs from there. (178-155, 1988.6.1)
Until now, I have invested billions to build, refine, and inspire Ilheung Marine Industries. (184-156, 1988.12.27)
Ilheung Marine Industries is in Korea. I educated about 110,000 Japanese and Korean women and had them do a Sisterhood Bridge Ceremony. Now our people and needed personnel are even in the low-echelon departments. That is why I appointed five vice-presidents -- a representative from Gyeongsang Province, a representative from Jeolla Province, a representative from Chungcheong Province, a representative from Seoul, and a representative from Gyeonggi Province. They were all women. I appointed two, but now I have to appoint three more. (262-247, 1994.8.1)

2.3.3. Shipyards

People in Mokpo are unfortunate. I feel sorry for people in the Jeolla Province. Those from Jeolla Province must feel good. Since the nation has no sympathy for the Jeolla Province and has abandoned this area, out of sympathy for the people there, I was going to build a shipyard in Mokpo. But this was going to take too long, so I bought a shipyard. It was reported that it was the largest shipyard in Mokpo, so I went there to see how large it was. I had traveled around America to look at shipyards with my own eyes. In Mokpo they were offering the shipyard for 1.8. billion, but the price dropped to 1.3. billion and then to 800 million. I am good at making a deal when I buy something. I am pretty tight-fisted and the best at cutting prices when it comes to buying something. (173-139, 1988.2.14)
I established a shipyard in Mokpo, not for the sake of making money, but to teach people how to build a good boat. Since this is the first time, the local people always protest. They may oppose us, but we must build a good boat and gain a monopoly over the boats in the Sea of Korea and Busan. When that happens, people will constantly flock to this place. Then I will give out one piece at a time. Despite the current situation, that is how one should live. That is what I am proposing to do. Then we will never go to ruin. We will not go to ruin, no matter how hard other people pray at altars for our ruin. Heavenly fortune shall protect us. (180-333, 1988.10.5)
Everybody hopes to receive blessings, but to do so you need to prepare to receive such blessings. Blessings would just pass by those who are not prepared. I had hoped that the provincial government would have carried out their plans. If the people in Seongsanpo had done that quickly, then I would have built a refrigeration company and built them an 8,000 ton or 10,000 ton ship. But the provincial government did not support our purchase of the land. People there did all sorts of things to prevent the sale of their land and they collaborated to sell it at an inflated price. (188-9, 1989.2.16)
Once you start to catch fish, you need boats to transport them. This naturally leads to the shipping business. We make long distance oil tankers that weigh tens of thousands to carry and transport oil from the Middle East. If we hope to become a global shipyard, we should prepare everything that we need, starting from the very bottom. I have secured the technology that will enable us to build anything as long as we have a blueprint. After that, if we plan to catch fish, we must make nets. We already have the training that enables people to make nets and do just about everything. (262-243, 1994.8.1)
We will have people with good results teach the technology of our shipyard in Mokpo. Our shipyard in Mokpo is an actual working shipyard. We will teach people the technology to make oil tankers and ships for chemical products using steel and other materials. With such technology, we should make factories in representative nations and the six continents -- Africa, for example. (276-30, 1996.1.2)
I am a fearsome person. When it comes to building ships, I can easily expose anything that people have tried to cover up. When Paul Werner took charge of our shipyard, the Marine Master Shipyard, he went around thinking he was special. I went on the attack by exposing everything that was hidden. I am most feared. I gave instructions for the ship's design. I gave instructions for the entire layout of the newspaper company and won first place in the Olympics for newspaper companies in America. That is how fast I am. Do not think of me as you did in the past. Since I have that special something, I have laid the kind of foundation that no government in the satanic world could have ever done. (276-103, 1996.2.4)
Whenever I visit the shipyard, I can find out how the ship was made and immediately discover what had gone wrong. I give orders saying, "Why did you make this place like this?" The people at our shipyard in Alabama all fear me when I visit them. I expose everything that they hide away. That is why some people say that I am like a phantom. That is the kind of person I am. (287-232, 1997.10.4)
If the person in charge of a business stands as the subject partner, he must create his object partner and develop it. For a shipyard business, then the president of that shipyard and its employees should become one, as subject and object partners. The purpose of becoming one with the business's employees is to revive the nation, or a continent such as South America, or even the entire world. (287-291, 1997.10.16)
I went aboard a boat everyday for twenty-five years because I must promote the marine industry with my own hands. Even today, I came back from the Okpo shipyard. I went there to inspect that shipyard, to decide whether to buy it, or enter North Korea and build a bigger shipyard in the delta area of Manchuria and the Soviet Union. I alone thought about those things. Only then can the North Koreans be saved. (290-210, 1998.2.24)
We have to quickly make our own boats. We should make them in the Mokpo shipyard and go fishing using a reel and line with multiple hooks. Boats for catching tilefish should be comparatively fast. For instance, to go about a distance that takes about three hours, it should only take about one-and-a-half hours. The One Hope boat that we have now produced does not sink. Therefore, six people can board it and go anywhere. Even if a typhoon comes, you can survive as long as the anchor cable is not severed. Typhoons are not a problem. Large boats may sink, but our boat does not. Since I developed that boat, I have laid a global foundation among tuna catchers. We should make use of our boat, so that we can go anywhere. (291-279, 1998.3.17)
Originally, I was going to deal with Japan and China from here. The boats from China come here to Korea. I made a repair facility in our shipyard to repair them. I told them to repair damaged boats at cost. I told them to guide the Japanese people to the fishing spot I made on Jigwido. Then all the high government officials will fly to this place. Also, I made an airfield in Moseulpo so that planes from China and Japan can freely come and go. It is a private airfield for planes from China, the Soviet Union, and Japan but is off-limits for other nations. (291-303, 1998.3.18)

2.3.4. Developing Jejudo to become an international fishing location

I have been interested in Jejudo for ten years. Jejudo is a military stronghold and will become a more important place in Asia in the future. Tourism development is an issue, but when it comes to the nation's fate, Jejudo's ocean location is most important. (126-157, 1983.4.19)
Jejudo's importance was noted years ago by General Chiang Kai-shek when he said that he could dominate Asia if he was given a naval base on this island. As a military base it is significant. If we consider these things, we can foresee Jejudo functioning as an international free city like Hong Kong. When the financial market is under a free system, it would become an ideal base for espionage activities. In that sense too, Jejudo is important to the military. With this background, we can understand the challenges of doing business in Jejudo. These are reasons to build a foundation for business, and you should start with fishing enterprises. (126-311, 1983.4.30)
Jejudo is naturally becoming an important center in Asia as an ocean gateway for Korea. The island is in a position that is connected to the Pacific Ocean through the East China Sea and the East Sea (Sea of Japan). Therefore, it is most important as a military stronghold. The waters in the port at Moseulpo are deep enough to allow for a significant global military port. (126-311, 1983.4.30)
I have visited every part of the world, but there is no place better than Korea. In terms of climate and the beauty of its mountains and lakes, Korea is truly a nation that is not of this world. In the French countryside I once saw landscape similar to Korea's, but aside from that one location, France is very different from Korea. The mountains in Korea are in their declining years and look pretty -- like flower buds. In other parts of the world, Japan for example, the mountains are in their adolescence and are, therefore, craggy and ugly. By just observing the physical aspects of the mountains, you can see that Korea is a beautiful country. It is also a peninsula surrounded on three sides by sea. Korea is blessed with such a natural environment and scenery. (169-136, 1987.10.29)
If you hike up Mount Halla on a clear day, you can see everything below its summit. From that vantage point, you would feel like touring the whole area, but there are no guidebooks showing how to do that. There are no facilities for touring up the mountain or sailing the adjacent seas. At best, you can drive around the island by car, but this is very boring. For this reason Jejudo needs a cable car. Someone should construct a cable car. (126-313, 1983.4.30)
We should be proud of Mount Halla and Jejudo, but for what reason? I envision a naval base there and an airfield in the middle of Mount Halla. A plane flying from here to Jejudo could scan all four directions. An aircraft carrier could be positioned in the waters near Jejudo. What if tunnels were to be bored into Mount Halla from all four directions? Human beings have that capability. These tunnels and a system of elevators could accommodate tens of thousands of planes. Fuel tanks could be constructed within the mountain. (291-282, 1988.3.17)
The Chinese character je in Jejudo means "to cross." It means that it is a place to cross over and become the owner. Jejudo is also a nation of priests. The island called Jigwido is interesting. It is like a pillar several hundred meters long, which has been driven down into the sea to make a fishing spot. Jigwido could be linked to the continent with a glass-like tunnel to allow vehicles to travel back and forth. The tunnel could be constructed under the seabed for stability. That kind of age has come. There is nothing more we would need to do here in Jejudo. We should fish, golf, hunt, and then enjoy the casino. We should create a market to sell our goods. There should be interesting things to do. It would be fun to have people go up the mountain on an elevator or cable car, rather than a helicopter, and tour the seas surrounding Jejudo in a speedboat. Japan is only an hour's flight away. (291-246, 1998.3.15)
What would people want to do after ascending Mount Halla and sailing around in the ocean? They would think about fishing! If people had the opportunity to fish in waters off Jejudo, they certainly would. Most people will tell you that Jejudo is famous for its abundance of rocks and women, but its greatest resource is fish. I would like to obtain a permit for making fishing spots around the entire area of Jejudo. The Jigwido area is now being developed, but all seven of its surrounding islands must also be developed. In the future, authorities will have to limit fishing in the waters within three hours of Jejudo. Even if tourists are to fish there, they must be prohibited from using fishing nets. It is legally possible to do that. (126-313, 1983.4.30)
Do not speak ill of Jejudo just because its fish are small. Do you think they would be as good as the fish in Alaska? I once had raw fish from Jejudo. You know how fish are sliced into pieces, don't you? When we tried cutting it up, we found the bones of this fish to be extremely hard. That is not surprising given that fish live around rocky shoals. If the bones were not hard, they would break. Yet the fish was very tasty. (222-277, 1991.11.3)
How was your experience going around Jigwido? Jejudo is the only place in Korea where you can fish throughout the winter. As part of a volcanic range its rocky structure provides shelter for many small fish and sea bugs. It is better to fish there with a fishing rod than a net. Jejudo is famous for fishing, and that is why it is known so well in Japan. (253-95, 1994.1.9)
With 3,300 people associated with the fishing industry on Jejudo, there are a considerable number of marine-related shops. There are tens of thousands of sporting-goods shops located throughout Korea. Their primary market is the population above the middle class. The shops that focus on the hobby industry are catering to people who are above the middle class. Firearms are also sold in the sports shops that are affiliated with the hobby industry.
The lines used in fishing are expendable commodities. Because they only last about a year many factories are needed to produce them. The demand creates a tremendous industry. If factories were established in Africa, where labor costs are lower, they could provide good opportunities for people to earn a living. I think about these things when I come to Jejudo, and that is why I am thinking of holding fishing and hunting tournaments on the ninth and tenth. These tournaments are being held for world peace. (252-215, 1993.12.30)
Salmon is about the only decent fish in Alaska, but there are many kinds of fish in the Jejudo waters. Because of the variety of fish there, peoples' tastes in fishing are diverse. There is even a special kind of bigheaded, small octopus in Jejudo. Jejudo has also become famous for hunting. So Jejudo can develop the hobby industry with emphasis in boat fishing. Rather than traveling all the way to Kodiak, Alaska, to fish, people can go to Jejudo. The Japanese enjoy fishing in the Jejudo area. It is a good place that can attract tourists. (253-95, 1994.1.9)
People eat a fish called jari on Jejudo. Do you know what a jari is? The last time I went to Jejudo I saw someone catch this fish at sea and then mercilessly hold it by its tail as it was still flopping around. After a moment, he dipped the fish into sushi hot pepper paste, put the fish into his mouth, and chewed on it. People were amazed saying, "Hey, that person there ate that fish and its excrement." Still, he did not get sick. Fish eat what they can digest. If a person eats a fish that is right for his body, then he will not get sick. If he found it was delicious, why would he get sick because of the excrement that entered his body? If he found it to be delicious, ideal nutrients would enter his body and mature like kimchi. That is why he would not get sick, but remain healthy. (218-89, 1991.7.2)
Jejudo is a small fragment of the land that fell away. Young sea gulls come and excrete there. They come to excrete and breed since it is an easy commute. Sea gulls have their babies on islands, don't they? Islands are where all the sea animals have their children. Animals with four legs must go to the land to breed. Don't turtles do that? That is how it is for everything that lives in the ocean, aside from fish. Fish do not have sexual organs as we know them. Some fish have a kind of spot. They all have a line, and the male and female rub this part together to have a relationship. But the sea mammals come to the land to have their babies. That is why Jejudo is important. (291-308, 1998.3.18)
Mount Baekdu is like the husband, and Mount Halla is like the wife. These two are like partners. Mount Baekdu is the husband mountain, and Mount Halla is the female mountain. It is a female mountain because it is in the middle of the ocean. Have you ever heard of people of Jejudo starving? They always have seaweed from the ocean to eat. This is Jejudo, the place where people offer sacrificial rites. That is why if you walk along the shore in the early morning, you will find countless morsels of rice and apples. The women go out with their children to offer sacrificial rites with white rice and apples. If you go out in the early morning, you will find plenty of these things. Sacrificial rites must be offered by people before others see them. That is why in the morning, you will find a variety of food. (284-247, 1997.4.18)
Would it matter if you turned the sea into land if that were done to save the nation? What is so important about Mount Halla? You have to save the nation, even if it means selling Mount Halla. Isn't that so? Does that mean Mount Halla will disappear? It would still be there in the ocean. Since this mountain has been there for tens of thousands of years, you can make a memorial where people would say, "It is the wish of all people for Mount Halla to be leveled down to a plain," and there create a place where the people could come, and where the kings of nations could enter and live. Presidents and all the officials of the royal court would come and participate. Mount Halla is nothing. If you go to South America, you would see that Mount Halla is really nothing. (291-255, 1998.3.15)
When I went to Jejudo last time, I said, "I would like to donate two pairs of tigers." But somebody argued, "No, that will make trouble." Even though a tiger might pose some danger, it should be free to climb up to the summit of Mount Halla and roar and have its roar blend together with the sound of the ocean waves. Would you like that or would you say, "Oh, I hate the clamorous sound of the waves, but love the tranquility of the mountain?" That is not right. If the waves surge, then there should be a roar from the mountains to balance it. I am speaking about the harmony of heaven and earth. (145-280, 1986.5.25)
What would happen to Jejudo if it becomes a tourist spot in the future? Currently, brides and grooms are the ones who visit Jejudo most. If we can promote this well enough, they would say, "Oh, how could we go and sleep in that hot hotel?" This is the life they could only dream of. Newly weds can have fun by going fishing in the middle of the ocean. We would provide everything for them, including the rods and even bait. We could even buy them breakfast. We could do anything for them. (126-316, 1983.4.30)
I am going to make hunting grounds and fishing area on and around Jejudo, and I will train you. When you come, you should bring a hundred people from each nation. If the members of the Tourism and Fishing Association for World Peace gradually increase in this way, then they could contribute in achieving that goal by paying a monthly fee. Those of the middle-class and higher can do that.
From now on, you should take on that task and influence every country to do these things every year so that they may go to Africa to help. There should be a hunting ground and fishing spot in each nation. We should make a fish farm and hunting ground to hunt and catch the animals and fish, and then release them in the same area. You should arrange for this system to be available in different places for each season of the year. (253-109, 1994.1.9)
The climate in Jejudo is good. You cannot fish in the winter in Alaska, but it would be just right for fishing in Jejudo now. You should prepare two hundred people who can go fishing during all four seasons of the year. Things would become complicated if there were too many. The minute you return today, you should prepare two hundred people. You can fit fifty people on one bus. If our organization could do that, then in the evening we can introduce our worldwide activities or talk about fishing in that area. We can talk to them and educate them about the overall issues of the world. We can discuss problems of leadership or the political, diplomatic, and economic problems of the world. We have more than enough material to educate them. Therefore, to gain new members, you should achieve a higher level of education by getting them interested in the Unification Church. If that were done, in three years they would become members. (252-214, 1993.12.30)
In the past couple of decades, I have founded many organizations throughout the world. All those organizations have the word "peace" in their names, like the Professors World Peace Academy, Peace Summit Club, Newspaper Association for Peace, Religious Federation for Peace, and Women's Federation for Peace. Last time I was in Jejudo, I set up a fishing association and a hunting association. They are known as the Fishing Association for World Peace and the Hunting Association for World Peace. They share the word "peace." (259-146, 1994.4.2)

2.3. We can learn a great deal from the ocean

2.3.1. Like the ocean, we should live while embracing the universe

When you visit the ocean, you can learn many things. It undergoes changes several times a day. There is a saying, "A person's mind changes morning to evening," but the ocean does not change only morning and evening, it changes every hour. Even on a fine day, if you go to a certain area, the waves would be mild. Yet when you go to another area, the wind would be blowing. It would not be a strong wind, but different in mood. Just as peoples' faces are all different, so are water and mountains. Climate also differs depending on the height of the mountain. The ocean exhibits beauty in all sorts of forms and figures. (263-18, 1994.8.16)
I enjoy nature. I love the ocean. You do not know how mysterious the ocean is. The drops of water are all like diamond gems. As each glitters, it would proudly say, "We belong to Rev. Moon. Water has more value than diamonds." Why would the water boast in that way? It would say, "Without me, life would not have been formed in this universe. Because I exist, high and low things can be made level." Do you realize how uneven the ocean is? And yet it instills a good feeling because the water makes everything even. The ocean also gives off a blue hue that an observer would never grow weary of over a period of thousands or tens of thousands of years. Blue is the color of consolation.
Why did God create the color blue? You will not be exhausted; no matter how long you gaze at the color blue. It is the color of consolation. It is the same in all of creation. The sky is blue, and the ocean is blue. How ideal! Once you are immersed in God's love, everything including people and the world of nature would become your friend.
Once you know nature's character, you see that it never changes. But human nature takes on all sorts of forms and shapes. It is one way today, but changes the next. That's why there is a saying, "A person's mind changes morning and evening, yet mountain scenery never changes." A person's mind changes in the morning and the evening. What use are human beings? They are not even as good as animals. (177-274, 1988.5.20)
The ocean embraces the universe. Its water evaporates and gathers, becomes clouds and covers the mountains, becoming their friend. Then it showers rain from above and spreads out in all four directions. Water is an amazing thing. It does not rest. It should be tired from moving around for tens of thousands of years. I love the ocean. There are no deceptions in nature. If it is high, it is high. If it is low, it is low. Nature will provide, without objection, to the high places. Since I have learned from nature, I also provide without any objections. When I go to a foreign land and find people who have less than I do, I would open my storehouses and share all my rice, even they were to become depleted. It is to make things even. I learned all that from the water. That is why I like water. (300-141, 1999.3.2)
What would happen if the sky, ocean, plants, and everything else were blue? You would suffocate. Imagine if they were yellow or your favorite color. You would immediately tire of it. Even if you replace it with another color, you would soon tire of it. Green is another color of consolation. Why do people like the color green? The existing world is in harmony with the color green. That is why there are many colors in the soil. The color of soil is usually close to green. That is why it is logical to say that we, who were made out of the soil, would like the color green. That is how you may think. Since God knew that, He made the sky and ocean blue. Everything was created in harmony with the color green, centering on human beings. How wonderful this is! (119-168, 1982.7.18)
The ocean, when calm, is mystifying and has the power to draw people in like a captivating, beautiful woman who is like a queen of mystery. The ocean may look silver, but it also takes on a jade color. At other times, the ocean takes on different hues. When the gentle breeze rustles by, the beauty of the ripples takes my breath away. No matter how well a dancing girl dances, her beauty does not come near to that. To see a dancer, you have to see her dance on a stage, but a stage is too small.
On the other hand, the ocean's stage spreads out to infinity. Do you know how vast the ocean's stage is? The ocean can be like a beautiful woman or a dancing girl, but once it becomes angry it can be more frightening than a tiger or a lion rushing towards you in the wilderness. Think about it. When waves that are tens of meters high come rushing in, the cry of a seagull stands not a chance. The ocean roars, "No matter how well you sing, no matter how great a stage actor you may be, you do not stand a chance before my majestic vigor." The ocean's might is imposing.
A speed boat easily glides across the sea when the water is calm. But when big waves come, it is impossible to move around. You just sit, wagging your tail and shaking your head, tossed about by the waves as they come. You have no power over them. (128-249, 1983.8.28)
The power of nature is great. That is why people who love the ocean cannot be arrogant. The ocean has that kind of greatness. If you open the doors to the ocean and look inside, you will find all kinds of fish living there, from fish that are gold in color to fish that are yellow and blue, and even fish that are colorless. When you compare the land with the ocean, which is more beautiful? The land, with its variety of birds, flowers and butterflies, is beautiful, but limited. Flowers do not move. Compared with the profusion of beautiful sea creatures that dance about in dazzling, brilliant colors, these things are somewhat dull. So which is more beautiful, the land or the ocean? The ocean is more beautiful.
Why did God create this thing called water? We can say that water is a special amusement device for God to enjoy. He hid its depths away and did not open it to the public. When you observe creation in this way, you can conclude that God probably had more interest in the ocean than the land.
People who think about the future take more interest in the ocean than the land. God's interest is in the future ideal family that has yet to emerge. That is why, rather than focusing His interest in the things that have appeared on earth in history, it is inevitable that God should take interest in the marine world that focuses on the future. This would make sense. With this perspective, we could say that people who think about the ocean are people who envision the future, and they will greatly increase. (128-249, 1983.8.28)
The freedom one has when sitting with a fishing rod is beyond description. Would you be able to take a walk in that situation? You only have a small space in which to move about and cook your meals. Could you go to the theater or go out to meet your friends? You cannot even listen to music because you need to be silent. That is why you must gaze at the ocean and talk with the sea and the heavens. It is the greatest feeling to be at sea alone in the very place where the ocean and heaven become one. I constantly go out to the sea to benefit spiritually and in all ways. If I stay at home the entire day, I become distracted and end up thinking about the world missionaries, church problems and other matters, yet only vaguely and in fragments. But when I go out to the sea, I can think more comprehensively. Because of this, I love the ocean a great deal. I believe that is why the phrase "the way of fishing" came about. (79-270, 1975.9.1)
Think about a married couple having intimate relations in the middle of the tranquil ocean. Would the ocean complain, "You no-goods, you are killing me!"? Groups of fish would come wagging their tails and watching that spectacle. All of creation longs for that kind of love. Everything in the natural world cries out, "Please come here, come to us!" and longs for people to make love there. You should have the heart to understand and feel this. If the master were to go to the top of a mountain covered with snow and make love there, nature would be pleased saying, "Our dear master makes love in such a beautiful way!" That is what creation wants. (235-277, 1992.10.11)

2.3.2. Life in the ocean is amazing and mystifying

The Black Current passes across four thousand miles based in the Pacific Ocean. It circulates over four thousand miles in one year and the force of its passage makes the five great oceans circulate. Were it not for this primal Black Current, the oceans would not be in motion. The Atlantic and Pacific are linked to the five great oceans because of the Black Current. (227-129, 1992.2.11)
Through these environmental circumstances, all five great oceans continue to live, without wasting away. (297-209, 1998.11.20)
No matter how large the river is, it flows to the ocean, and no matter how vast the ocean is, it follows the Black Current. Do you know what the Black Current is? The Black Current is a strong current of water that follows a four thousand mile path in the Pacific Ocean. Because of this powerful current, all the water currents in the five great oceans are alive and on the move. Only water that rides this current and circulates is qualified to become seawater. It is the same with human life. (220-201, 1991.10.19)
No matter how numerous, large or small, all the rivers flow toward the vast oceans. Once there, all their waters are mixed together. The Black Current flows in the Pacific and circulates for four thousand miles among the five great oceans. This is possible because of the moon's gravitational pull. Because the Black Current circulates in this way, the five great oceans can all be in motion. It acts as the supporting pillar of the entire ocean system. When filth and other things come into the ocean waters, they are all mixed up and move towards becoming one. This is the purpose of the ocean. Even if a large river were to constantly supply fresh water for tens of thousands of years, the ocean has the authority to absorb it all and still have room to spare. The ocean is great because it stays unchanged, no matter what comes into it. (210-200, 1990.12.23)
After crossing the Pacific, do clouds from Japan say, "I don't like the American clouds!" when they are about to merge with the clouds over America? The waters in Japan flow to the Pacific through the Black Current. When they approach the waters around America, do they say, "Ah!"? The Black Current flows four thousand miles in the Pacific Ocean. Does the Black Current distinguish between advanced nations and developing nations? Are there actual borders between nations? Then what is it with the human world? Anything that goes against the movements of nature will be broken. (268-26, 1995.2.7)
In the world of love, you have access to all places. Does the water in the Pacific think, "I am of the Pacific Ocean. The waters in Asia are all polluted. I do not like them!"? No matter where the waters come from, they all latch onto each other. If there were some dirty thing in its path, the ocean would mix the filth with its water, quickly dissolving it, while going along the same path. Therefore, no matter how severely the Pacific Ocean is polluted, even if humankind ceased to exist, the ocean waters would surely be as blue as ever. Even if it goes through tribulation and a course filled with twists and turns, the ocean water does not lose its blueness. In the same way, the authority, content, and power of love will always be blue. (214-273, 1991.2.3)
The Unification Church must become the main stream of the world and resemble the Black Current in the Pacific Ocean. The circulation of the Black Current through four thousand miles in the Pacific enables the waters in the five great oceans to circulate. To generate the life energy of the world from the universe, a source must be created that can turn and move the deepest of places. Through this, we must purify the tarnished world. (275-32, 1995.10.30)
You cannot imagine how fearsome and horrifying the waves and the winds are when a storm brews. But I believe that even the strongest wind is fulfilling its mission. Without wind there would be no waves in the ocean, and as a consequence, fish would not survive. The wind blows to supply oxygen to the ocean. Waves supply oxygen. That is why even when the waves are rolling and the wind is blowing strongly, you should taste the ocean and say, "You haven't lost your taste!" The ocean is salty. I also think that I have not lost my touch. If I can think that way, then the currents and rushing waves are not unpleasant.
You do not realize how much philosophy can be found in the ocean. People who have only lived on land will face a considerable amount of obstacles when they try to engage in ideal activities in the other world. In the spirit world, you can ride on whales and swim with the fish. But if you do not like the ocean, you cannot do that. (119-252, 1982.9.13)
When you go out to the sea, you will fear the storms. Their waves are ferocious. Yet no matter how ferocious they are, they can be overcome when the power of love sets its sail. (110-102, 1980.11.9)
The ocean should not be still. Water does not die when it is moving. Even water poured into a bowl would last for eternity if it were moving. If it is in motion, it will not die. When a ship that is used for ocean fishing departs from port, it carries a year and a half or two years' supply of water. Because of the waves that water sloshes about and would not spoil even if you drink it hundreds of years later. When water moves, it does not spoil. But when it stops moving, it soon spoils. Isn't water truly unique? That is how it is with water. (296-200, 1998.11.9)
If you are going out to fish in the ocean, you must have a full supply of drinking water on your ship. You have to drink that water for a year and a half because you cannot drink salt water. If the water is in motion, it will not spoil for decades. Water must be in motion. That is why the Word of God must also be in motion. (291-88, 1998.3.5)
Why does water flow? It flows because it is not level. When water flows, it searches for the horizon. Water must go to the ocean. It must seek the horizon. (263-91, 1994.8.21)
Water must always be level. That is its characteristic. No matter how strong the wave, the ocean maintains a horizon. When you see the horizon, you want to tumble over it. You think, "Hey, I want to roll over it!" Since your body cannot do so, then you do this with a boat. Have you ever thought about that? Whatever you do on a horizon, even if you fall down, your head or hand will not be the first to be hit. You will hit it horizontally. That is possible with a horizon. Human beings need a horizontal line. (263-90, 1994.8.21)
Air and water are just like love. If there is a vacuum, the air in the world will be mobilized to fill it up. If there were a puddle, the ocean water would rush in to make it even. Air, water, and love always maintain their level. (264-316, 1994.11.20)
If we go out to sea, we naturally observe water. Water circulates. Fogs form in the morning above places with water. It becomes vapor in a low-pressure air system and does not rise up. The vaporized water condenses to become a fog. Water becomes mist. It then evaporates, becomes a cloud and circulates around the world. What would happen if there was no water in the ocean? Everyone would be frantic and no living being could survive. Think about the greatness of water. (263-78, 1994.8.21)
As you know, whenever I had time, I would always go out to sea. I would go out to sea and be harassed. Harassed as I was, I believe the purpose was to calm my spirit and prepare me for trials and a greater battle. Though I was exhausted from having gone without sleep, I kept my wits alert, set my own standard and made effort to keep from going in a different direction from that horizontal line. (73-270, 1974.9.29)
Air is always in motion. Hasn't water also been in motion for tens of thousands of years? The ocean works on the same formula. Look at the ocean. How exhausted the water must be! Yet, not even once does water think it is tired. That is the formula for its survival. (207-18, 1990.10.21)
We can conclude that people who do not know the realm of the ocean are very limited in their sphere of happiness. If there is a Lord of Creation, He will enjoy hearing praise from people who appreciate both the mysteriousness of the sea and the beauty of the land, based on a correct knowledge of the land and sea. It is only reasonable to say that He would not approve of praise for only one aspect. (128-256, 1983.8.28)
You would certainly be grateful to the Creator if you consider that the ocean, land, and everything was created for educating humankind alone. (128-259, 1983.8.28)
When you look at the ocean, you should not regard it simply as the ocean. You should consider it a gift from our Heavenly Father. A great revolution can begin from the moment you begin to re-consider and re-experience everything in the course of re-creation. The value of a great victory can sprout from this point. (112-306, 1981.4.25)

2.3.3. The great power of nature lies in the ocean

I like things that are stimulating. I make breakthroughs at places where there is a lot of change. In this respect, the ocean is more appropriate than the land. At times, the wind blows in the ocean. At other times, the ocean is calm. The ocean is always changing, with rising and falling winds. That is why traveling on the sea is better than traveling on land.
When you walk on the land, your thoughts in the morning do not change at all. No matter how much you walk about, you can move in a dignified way, without using your hands. But that is not the case with the ocean. Even though you may wish to go a certain way, you are tossed about in one direction after another. That is how much it changes. You will find truly stimulating changes. When the sea is calm, its tranquility surpasses that of the land. It is serene to the point that it draws wonder from the observer. The ocean water can seem like glass. There are times when the ocean is so beautiful that you wish to touch it and even drink it. That is why the ocean is ever-changing. But still, you should continue with determination on your course. Without that kind of motivation, you cannot do great things. (79-270, 1975.9.1)
When you observe the bottom of the sea, you will discover fish that look like whales and halibuts. Also, you will see fish that look like catfish attached to the bottom of the ocean. This type of catfish's head is larger than its body, and it has a large mouth. It nibbles and eats large objects and rotten things that flow by. This fish swallows it whole and then nibbles on it. If that is not enough, this fish sucks in bugs to eat. In this way, it is constantly contributing to the purifying process -- the cleansing process.
There are 3,600 species of fish living in the Pantanal. That is 3,600 kinds of fish! And they all eat something different. All these fish are mixed together in the water and are tirelessly cleaning it up. You should realize that the act of eating is their cleaning work. All these fish do not exist for their own sake, but to bring order to the environment -- to clean their surroundings as they live, helping one another. This constitutes a natural cooperative system. They are purifying the ocean water. The ocean should not just be salty. There should be fish that can eat the filthy things. What would we do with fish excrement? There are creatures that eat only dung. (293-283, 1998.6.7)
Fish are not the only creatures that make the ocean clean. Waterfowl such as wild geese and sea gulls also take part in this cleaning process and are tirelessly probing the area. If they find something not on the surface but sinking into the water, they would go after it to eat it.
If the wind says, "Hey cloud, there is a hot place that is about to dry up. Let us go there," then the cold ocean air would go to that place. The wind would carry the clouds and shower water as it passes by. Consider how this universe is created as a system for joint cooperation. If there were no winds it would be a problem? The same can be said of the boiled rice, bread, and things you make. The vapor rises from the ocean into the air and is carried by the wind. This vapor follows the warm sun rays in the summer, and when it becomes rain, the moisture is absorbed to create many things. The moisture on land and the moisture in the air can be used to make boiled rice and bread. Consider how much toil was involved in that process and how valuable these things are. The universe is also engaged in that process. The universe is in motion and cooperates to make that bread. A piece of bread is not easily made. (293-285, 1998.6.7)
Where do you think the saltiest place would be in the ocean? In the deep places or the shallow places? It is the deep places. Why? Because salt water is dense. That is why the deeper the place, the saltier it is. Using the saltwater allegory, where would the highest palace be in the heavenly nation? It would be at the bottom of the ocean. The palace would be found there, at the very bottom.
You should understand the concepts that I am explaining to you. What I am trying to say is that the highest place of Heaven can be found in the deepest part -- the bottom of the ocean, where it is saltiest. The cleanest person, on the other hand, can be found at the summit. God can be found in the place with the most conscientious person -- the person with the loftiest heart of serving the world and the whole. (244-178, 1993.2.7)
Pristine water that flows in the mainstream cannot avoid polluted water filled with filth and say, "I don't want to mix with you!" That is how it is in nature. The harmonious and overall relationships in nature are mysterious. When there is something dirty, water will embrace it, even if it spoils the pure water's essence. Water will absorb and assimilate the things around it; and as the water continues to flow, the dirty things sink while the clean things rise to the surface. The water becomes pure as it flows through the ocean. The flow of history is like that as well. (218-292, 1991.8.22)
No matter how strong the ocean currents, the fish sleep in the ocean. While the body of the fish is asleep, its fins are in motion as it swims against the current to maintain its position. Isn't this interesting? It is like being asleep while all of your blood vessels are active. The fish itself is asleep, even while it maintains its bodily functions, in the same way blood flows in your body. In that light, who becomes the owner and who stands on a higher level? The one who invests and serves more becomes the owner. (220-282, 1991.10.20)
Though the waves in the ocean may be ferocious, its currents must always follow the main current. By aligning itself to the main current, it can survive the opposition and persecution of the entire world. When God stands in the mainstream as the complete subject partner centering on that main current, His object partner would not be harmed because it would be protected within that subject and object partner relationship. (249-164, 1993.10.10)
When you are swimming, would you say, "Hey, I am thirsty. Get me a cola or a McCol!"? If you are in the water for the entire day, you can get by without even drinking a cup of water because your cells absorb water. Last time I spoke, I talked for sixteen and a half hours. One might think, "How could he endure for such a long time without going to the restroom?" but everything that should go out as urine goes out instead as sweat. It is released as vapor because of the heat and comes out as sweat.
That is why even if you are in the ocean for the entire day, you do not have to bring any water with you. If you are thirsty, then try swimming around like a whale in the ocean for an hour or two. Would you still be thirsty? If you were lying on a sandbank, you would drink water because of the heat. Water is essential to human beings and air is important as well! Where there is water, there is air. Is there air in the ocean or not? (217-206, 1991.6.1)
The oceans are always in motion. The winds blow so that the ocean may prosper and live on. Typhoons occur, and waves build up to tens of meters high in order to oxygenate the ocean. Then how do the fish live through a typhoon? When you consider this you would think, "The fish at the bottom of the ocean are delighted that this typhoon is blowing. Although I am having a difficult time, I will enjoy it because the fish are enjoying it!" (262-289, 1994.8.1)
Water is the ancestor of life. So, would you love water instead of God? You should love the ocean while thinking about that. In scenic areas there should be water and forests. Water creates harmony. I am saying that loving water is the same as loving all of creation. That is a fundamental idea. When loving water, do you love the lake water or the seawater? Should you go out to the sea everyday? If you were on a boat when the winds blow and the waves run high, your blood would swirl around and never go bad. Your blood would be purified. That is the truth. That is why those who always go on boats are healthy. (262-289, 1994.8.1)
I do not receive a salary. I live off my own efforts and means. Wherever I go in this world, I can survive -- even if I were to be placed in the farthest reaches of Africa by a helicopter, where there are no human beings or animals. When I went to the mountains, I learned how to survive off the mountains, and when I went to sea, I learned how to survive off the ocean. That is why I am going to the den of beggars and doing these things to create heaven. Even if you do not follow me around, I am trained in such a way that I could fulfill God's will, even through a bunch of beggars. So, would you or would you not go to the den of beggars if I told you to do so now? But to do so, you need training. (109-152, 1980.11.1)
You may think about holding on to your belongings and living comfortably, but to this day, I have been a pioneer. I have opened the way and stood at the lead. Just recently, our company made a boat. If there had not been a captain, I would personally take everybody out to the sea with me. "The wind may blow, and the waves may run high, but could they block the path of this man? Here, I am going to solve the food problem for the sake of Heaven and humanity, and to carry on life to the future generations." This is what I believe in. Is that not the expression of a great man? I like that kind of person. Movies produced here will remain, and the whirlwind of history will subside in this place.
Wouldn't that way be the greatest mystery of all? It is a path filled with both tragedy and comedy to which any great man would aspire. From this base you can jump forth and go beyond the world. Hope will rise among the countless young people who go out to sea. The fountainhead or spring that will enable people to dream of the ocean worlds of tomorrow will explode from this place. How wonderful would that be? (109-152, 1980.11.1)
I go out to sea with such passion, and problems would arise if I lost that passion. That heart must be maintained. Devotion must last for tens of thousands of years. Indemnity conditions would not be established if I offered devotion in comfort. So instead, I should be going so out upon the ocean. Today must be better than yesterday, and tomorrow must be better than today. The waters from the lakes gather in the Atlantic Ocean, and it in turn flows into the Pacific Ocean. If I continue offering devotion until the day I save all those people who are starving to death, I believe that the will of God will be established on the earth, even if I were to die. (279-308, 1996.9.22)
You would never think that this dark-faced man who looks like a fisherman from the Hudson River, someone who might disappear after a thousand years, would possibly be doing these great things? Why am I doing this? It is to liberate the twenty million people who are starving to death. Do not forget about the sweat you shed at the Hudson River.
There is something that breathes and thinks throughout the five great oceans and six continents. It is invisible, like voice waves or electric waves. That something can lead to the path of liberation for future humanity through the fish world living in that place. As long as there is land and the ocean, people will not starve. With my teachings, I can save the people who are starving to death. (247-21, 1993.4.21)
Since God is absolute love, it is fascinating to observe His created objects. Interestingly, the creation is made in such a way that there will always be enough of the daily necessities for a family in the welfare-centered Kingdom of Heaven. Even the flowing water exists to assist in the functions of heaven and earth. At sea, the water becomes vapor and circulates to revive all things of creation. Everything lives within a realm of cooperation and helps fulfill humanity's ideal by cooperating with one another, instead of being in conflict. God, using earth as His stage, raises His children and transfers them to the Kingdom of Heaven. (284-47, 1997.4.15)
A world opposite to the former world has now come, like morning following the passing night. The time has now come when spring comes to the Unification Church, while the satanic world heads towards evening and night. There is no hope left in the satanic world. That is a dark world of despair, one void of hope. People thought there was no hope in the Unification Church, but after the era of dawn, a new morning has come ushering an age of clearness and brightness. It becomes Rev. Moon's kingdom of the truth. I have a good name. The Chinese character for Sun is a combination of the Chinese character for "fish" and "lamb", which unifies the land and the ocean. The Chinese character for Myung symbolizes the sun, moon and space in the heavens. The Chinese character for Moon when written quickly looks like, and is related to the Chinese character "father". If there is a word meaning "the father" or "true father" that can be explained through the truth, then these words should be placed in the closest position. I did not know this myself. I only learned it after explaining it to you. (261-64, 1994.5.22) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Twelve -- The Pacific Rim Providence
Chapter Two -- The Ocean Leisure Industry and Hobby Industry
Section 1. The Development of the Ocean Leisure Industry

1.1. Fishing and hunting are aspects of the leisure industry

The leisure industry will develop and grow in the future. This is because exciting kinds of recreation are necessary to relieve stress for those who live in urban areas. How should they relieve their stress? The three best ways are through hunting, horseback riding, and fishing. However, there are many restrictions in hunting and horseback riding: for instance, only those people in a specific class can ride horses. It does cost a lot of money, after all, so not everyone can enjoy it. Also, only those people around forty years old can go hunting. Once they get over fifty, hunting becomes too strenuous for them, so only a specific group of people can enjoy hunting. However, fishing is something that people can practice from their youth until the day they die. So, I envision the fishing industry becoming a worldwide industry in the future. (207-122, 1990.11.1)
What is the hobby industry? It includes casinos and team sports as well as hunting and fishing. I am developing these. Whoever attains a leading position in the hobby industry will have a profound impact on the world. This person will be highly influential. Thus, for several decades we have been preparing all of this for humankind. I do not intend to sell off the fish that we catch. It is just a hobby. We can still eat and live. Because fishing is a hobby, you can release the small fish and eat only the big ones. Also, when eating, you do not eat alone. You must share with others. This is what a hobby is for. That period of time will soon come. (252-295, 1994.1.1)
In Canada, the government is asking us to quickly expand the deer ranch and they have offered financial incentives. They are wise. If you think about it, that will bring an enormous amount of revenue for the country. Getting rid of stress is the best cure for modern-day illness, and there is no better way to solve the problem than hunting and fishing, which are encouraged by the leisure industry. Those people who hunt have a lot of guts. Effeminate men cannot hunt. On the whole, hunters are people who fight well, and who can become generals. Therefore, since their radius of activities is big, they will make a lot of money when earning and spend a lot when spending. (210-196, 1991.8.29)
Most fishing is done in the summer, not during the winter. The question is how to maintain fishing throughout all four seasons of the year. So, I am planning to bring people from Kodiak, Alaska, to check on this. Since fishing is for the summer, and hunting for the autumn and winter, they can be enjoyed alternately. Therefore, in order for us to have enough time for the tourist industry to expand, the hobby industry, consisting of fishing and hunting, is absolutely necessary. Hunting is a sport conducted when it is cold, and fishing is done when it is warm or hot; therefore, together these expand the foothold of the hobbies. Whether it be winter or summer, you can make use of them as year-round hobbies. Then affluent people worldwide can enjoy hobbies throughout the year. (270-300, 1995.7)
Fishing and hunting are hobbies. These are particularly hobbies of rich, upper-class people. Therefore, we must develop the hobby industry and make a tourist organization. (269-49, 1995.4.6)
Among hobbies, you have hunting and fishing, as well as other activities that involve exercise. Then you find more high speed, adventurous activities, such as car racing and flying planes. If there were an air show in South America, where several thousand planes fly without colliding, then people all over the world would gather there. Let us say that in this show the planes fly vertically downward, from a height of ten thousand meters, toward the ground in a matter of seconds. Then, about ten meters from the ground, the planes suddenly change course and fly upward again. Those watching such feats would automatically be rid of their stress! This is a whole new world of adventure happening before your very eyes. (276-184, 1996.2.19)
The first time you fish, you might not appreciate its appeal. However, you will gradually feel its charms as you fish once, twice, and more and more. It is the same with hunting. At first, you start by catching a small bird, and then when that becomes interesting, you attempt to catch a little bigger one, then an even bigger one. Soon you buy a bigger gun, then an even bigger one. There is no limit to it. You cannot help yourself. You will keep going up and up. This is all relative to human life. So, there is a possibility for this enterprise to develop worldwide.
I hope the ambassadors will come and visit a few times each year. In this way, through those ambassadors, you will be able to give lectures and teach all the people of that nation. You can hold banquets by gathering people together to go fishing and hunting. You can also organize clubs, establish businesses, and conduct other activities with the people of your own country who are currently in that nation. (253-116, 1994.1.14)
Horseback riding is limited to a certain degree, and those people who are rather old cannot go hunting. However, fishing transcends a person's age. In this sense, fishing is unrestricted. If we have people in boats spread out on the ocean, even catching a small one counts as having caught a fish. From this point of view, fishing tours can develop limitlessly from now on. The best place for this is Alaska. (205-319, 1990.10.1)
Now that I have entrusted to you all the countries of the world, I can enter the age where I can enjoy fishing, hunting, and singing and dancing -- without drinking -- with all the top leaders of the world. I have distributed ships to 160 nations, and I am preparing to develop the global hobby industry through that group of people.
I would like to build condominiums and create an organization in which people can live together, but not in separate houses, and take all the elderly people to parks worldwide and educate them. I would like to build ships, hunting grounds, and also airports and hotels. I am thinking about leading the world with this kind of hobby industry. For this purpose, I am establishing an airplane company. You can fly anywhere with small and medium-sized airplanes. From now on, I am planning to create a worldwide sightseeing network by establishing airports, even in countryside towns.
I will make small-sized planes a popular means of global transportation. Currently, I am establishing an airplane company with a view to also building airports in 160 countries. I have visited all the resort areas where large airplanes go. Therefore, I am planning to create lakes and hunting grounds in those places. (275-183, 1995.12.8)
The tourist industry should link the middle and upper classes together. People who go on tours usually belong to a class higher than the middle-class. Therefore, we will make many hunting grounds for doing business, and then breeding grounds for fishing worldwide. Those are the businesses we should do. (262-256, 1994.8.1)
It would be very nice to create recreational facilities by building a waterway all the way to the Atlantic Ocean and by building hunting grounds and fishing areas. In those countries where there is land and water, I will teach people how to avoid starvation. (246-89, 1993.3.23)

1.2. One Hope: a ship that cannot sink

What "One Hope" means is that it is the first hope of the ocean. In the past, all other ships that were thirty to fifty feet long sailed proudly as luxury liners. Yet our ships, although small in size, are quite fast. When our ship was sailing, everyone made fun of its small size. They would say, "That's dangerous, people will die!" Why would we die? They did not know that One Hope is a ship that will never sink. (270-64, 1995.5.4)
When establishing a relationship with the ocean, the most important aspect is to have a boat that can float well in the water. Unlike ships built by other companies, the ships of our company must hold with tradition; we must build ships that are praised as history progresses when seen from a worldwide point of view. (262-243, 1994.8.1)
What will you do with small ships? They will be used for fishing. For the most part, people are interested in fishing, but not so much interested in fishery itself, which is catching fish with nets. In the future, there will no longer be an interest in catching fish using nets, nor in riding on big boats. For this reason, I have built this New Hope. I have designed a boat that can sail on the river, as well as the sea. Now our New Hope is famous for fishing and guiding. It is not a boat that just goes out to the sea. Also, it is easily transferable to any location, simply by using an automobile. (262-240, 1994.8.1)
If you wish to take this boat from here to Florida, you can easily attach it to a car. On the water, it takes a couple of days to sail to Florida from here; but you can drive there in one day by car. It takes about four days from the West Coast to the East Coast by car, but one month if sailing on the sea. The boat was built to ride on the waves, to glide through two types of waves when in water. That is why it was built longer than twenty eight feet in length. It was designed that way because it will not sail properly if smaller. Based on this twenty eight foot long boat, we have also built other boats that are thirty-eight feet, fifty-two feet, ninety-eight feet, and 108 feet in length. The 108-foot long boat can even maneuver out in the rough waters of Alaska, and is perfect for fishing when using its dragnets. (262-240, 1994.8.1)
When sailing on a ship at sea, you must know its exact position and maintain the correct direction to your destination. If you do not comprehend the various controls, then the ship cannot operate properly, especially when struggling through fog. How difficult that would be! There are about ten instruments for this purpose. I had ordered research to be done to create one system that performs the roles of all those ten instruments.
Now we have reached the stage where the developmental research has been done, and we can start manufacturing an instrument with one system that can detect the position and direction of the current, depth of the ocean, even the movements of fish. Our new system is made by a combination of various instruments, linked to a computer system. When news of this leaked out, a competition began among many nations who were all asking our company to manufacture such an instrument, using the factories they would build for us. However, we keep saying that our own group should do it.
Knowing the depth of water and the movements of fish are essential matters. What is mysterious about the sea is that it is very difficult for you to return to the same place where you previously caught many fish with nets. When fishing by dragging nets, what course must you take in order to catch a lot of fish? Three ships can catch a great number of fish, even when they are only ten meters from each other, if there is a concentration of fish in that particular place. But because it is difficult to go back to such a place to catch fish again, I have developed a system that can guide us to that location. The system would automatically insert the nets into the water once that specific place has been entered into the computer. This is indeed something remarkable. (134-237, 1985.7.20)
I have paved such a foundation with my own hands. I can construct any kinds of boat whenever I need one. Currently, I am directing research to build small-sized submarines. As I speak, research is being conducted in Norway and Japan. I am planning to construct small family-sized submarines in which we can live based on the various depths of seawater; I will build residential areas in the middle of the sea where we can live. (190-100, 1989.6.18)
We will have the van families, the submarine families, and the spaceship families. We can live here for one week, and then live in the sea for one week, and then go off somewhere else again. I have the best technological ability. I can now make a van and a submarine, and soon a spaceship. (276-218, 1996.2.14)

1.3. The future leisure industry that will be spotlighted is fishing

1.3.1. The joy and zest of sea-fishing

Swordfish and yellow-fin tunas are to be found in the middle of the ocean. They each weigh about three hundred pounds, which is about 150 kilograms. That is one and a half times my weight. Because such big, heavy fish move around in schools, once one is caught, you can catch hundreds of them. These schools of fish become the prey of shark attacks. Once a shark makes an attack, blood spreads through the water. Then all the sharks in the vicinity gather round, and about two-thirds of those fish will become food for the sharks. This is shocking. Due to these shark attacks, the situation becomes instantly hopeless for the seamen aboard, who had have hope and expectations for a big catch. (192-152, 1989.7.3)
When a large fish gets caught, you can feel its vibration reverberating deep under the sea. People on the boat bang the boat, making the sound, "boom-boom-boom-boom", which is similar to hitting your head with a hammer. How many raging waves have fish endured, having gone through all sorts of hardships for several decades in the sea? We can easily imagine what they have gone through, since they have managed to survive in those harsh circumstances.
You should never make a loud banging noise from above the water, because the fish already know, due to the vibrations, how many meters away the people are. (221-84, 1991.10.23)
Catching tuna is not fishing. It is more like hunting at sea. You are hearing the term "hunting at sea" for the first time, right? Catching one tuna is harder than killing a large cow. One tuna weighs more than one thousand pounds. Some tunas can weigh five hundred, six hundred, or even seven hundred kilograms -- that is bigger than a bull. It is exciting to catch such fish! We take all the blood out since the fish will spoil if left for a long time after being caught, and in an instant the water becomes a sea of blood. At that moment, I cannot help but think, "Oh, I am so merciless!" Whenever I feel that way, I think "God allows people to suffer because they are the sacrificial offerings for the liberation of humankind." Also, I feel better when I tell myself, "Well, these fish were caught from nature and I never invested myself in raising them, but from now on I will raise fish and offer them as a sacrifice." This is why I carry out the fish farm and marine product industries. (219-196, 1991.8.29)
The size of some fish is so huge that two people as big as us can be covered by it when we stand together. It is amazing to see how such large fish can be caught and dragged to the boat on a fishing line as thin as a millimeter. It is like pulling up a bull, caught on that line. This tiny fishing line is just remarkable. As women, don't you wish to observe fishing, just once, even if you cannot fish? (224-211, 1991.11.24)
I caught one black fish yesterday, but you cannot imagine how strong this particular one was. This amazing fish even cracked open a shellfish and ate it. In fishing, the moment that requires the most careful attention is fishing for black fish. You know crabs, right? When I cut the crab and put it on the hook as bait, a black fish comes and eats it away. It will come to eat and quickly go away. It is miraculous. When there are many fishing rods with bait placed in the water, these black fish come and eat the bait without you even noticing them. (217-208, 1991.6.1)
Peter was a fisherman, wasn't he? Then aren't you all the descendants of a fisherman? So you all should know about the sea. You came all the way to Alaska to catch what you did? Halibut is the fish that lies on its belly in the seabed, acting like a king. It eats and lives lying on its belly. It looks like a piece of mossy rock, living on the bottom of the sea with eyes springing out like antennas. Since it stays lying down and has a smell, small fish tend to gather around it. When those small fish gather, the halibut twists its body to swallow them up.
A halibut eats and lives lying down on its belly. It is the same as Satan. It is the "King" Satan. It thinks, "Who on earth dares to touch me!" Even when this halibut is caught on a fishing line, it keeps on saying, "Who on earth is touching me!" But then, after staying calm for awhile, it starts to think, "Oh, no. I am in trouble!" The Alaskan halibut has been struck by the lightning of Rev. Moon. No one else in Kodiak has caught a halibut heavier than eighty pounds. However, with my appearance in these waters, halibut weighing two hundred and three hundred pounds have been caught. (206-274, 1990.10.14)
The reason some people find fishing is exciting is because they see blood. They feel it is stress-relieving to see blood. It is the same with hunting. Otherwise, they think, how can we get rid of stress, as people in these modern times? Seeing blood is shocking. Do you know why the ancient Romans were cruel? They liked to relieve their stress by seeing the blood of people being brutally killed. They felt the cells of their body jump when they saw blood, and this completely relieved their stress. Men who do not know how to fish or hunt are more like women in character. (203-57, 1990.6.14)
People living a cultured life build up layers of stress. How can one get rid of that stress? It is not enough to just talk about it. You need excitement! Some say nothing works like seeing blood. They say the instant you see the blood flow your stress cannot remain. It all begins to fade away. This is how it is with sports like hunting. A tuna is much bigger than a bull. Blood splashes up when the tuna is harpooned. Then as you look, the color of the water changes to red.
At such a moment, you become like a melancholy poet. If women look at such a sight, they might faint, uttering weakly, "Oh, my God! Ohh…" That is how gruesome it is. So there is no room for stress to build up; it is totally removed. That is how much it affects you. (192-152, 1989.7.3)
Because many Japanese people are traveling, the tourist industry looks optimistic right now in America. You can go fishing all-year-round there. Among all the various kinds of fishing, the most interesting is fishing with a reel and line with multiple hooks. Using this method, the fishing line extends as far as sixty miles, which is the distance from Seoul to Cheonan. The sea can be up to 500 meters, 800 meters, and even over 1,000 meters deep. At that depth, the water is like the color of ink. Since the fishing line goes all the way out for about sixty miles, it is magnificent once the fish take the bait. Among the sharks, some are huge enough to swallow an entire person without difficulty. Swordfish are also three to four meters long. Those sharks can even swallow something big like a swordfish, except for the head part. It is like a war out there. Once the sharks meet such fish, then without any greetings, they just swallow them and swim around as if they are princes. (192-152, 1989.7.3)
Now we should go to the North Pole area and fish on top of the ice. The only remaining task is to catch sea lions from atop the ice. If you go to Australia, you can find something called the "Black Mario," one that weighs about three thousand pounds. Since I weigh about two hundred pounds, the Black Mario is fifteen times heavier than my weight. Such an animal exists that is fifteen times heavier than I am -- three thousand pounds! Now even whales will be caught if we start whale fishing. However, whenever we caught such big fish, I had to release them because the fishing line almost snapped. If I had caught such a big fish, I would have placed it in a museum. To have caught it, I felt that I would have had to struggle with it for about five hours, due to its unimaginable strength. But I let it go, thinking, "No! What will I do with this fish by catching it, when I cannot even use it?" So, I have caught everything that I have wanted to catch. (222-277, 1991.11.3)
As you may know, if you looked at the halibut in the photo album a little while ago, this picture shows the catching of that fish. There are giant tunas and blue-fin tunas in Gloucester, a seaport near Boston. My record was a fish that weighed 1,272 pounds. It was over eighteen feet long; that is more than five meters. The one that I have just caught was about 14.9 feet -- that is bigger than a bull. A big tiger weighs about seven hundred pounds, and a bull weighs about a thousand pounds. Therefore, that fish was bigger than a bull. Most people usually catch fish that weigh about two hundred pounds, but my record was about six times that size. Isn't fishing an amazing sport? It is more fascinating than winning a victory as a general in the Second World War. A real man who tries fishing is like a true prince, and once he acquires a taste for fishing, he is so determined to fish that he would even sell his wife! But you will never know this about fishing unless you try it. (167-136, 1987.7.11)
There is a gorgeous fish called the striped bass. This fish is more delicious than tuna. It is very sweet when served as raw fish. The meat has resilience and a sweet taste. Japanese people say that toro (the part of a tuna's stomach where most of the fat is found) is the best. However, once they taste the striped bass, they will all rush to it. Even so, True Mother does not like sushi. At first, it feels as if you are chewing snake meat. It also slides out of your mouth when you are chewing. It is the same as snake meat. However, after having tasted the striped bass, True Mother has been saying, "Sashimi! Sashimi! Striped bass sashimi…" When I tell True Mother to get ready for fishing, she says, "Oh, really?" and she follows me, knowing that we are going to fish for striped bass. This is why it is so interesting. This is the reason why fishing is exciting and sensational. (192-152, 1989.7.3)
Any fish can be eaten raw. It may be unpleasant since there is blood, but you will not even need any sauce, such as chili pepper paste, when you sit down and eat the fish, after it has been cleaned and cut. It is simple, nutritious enough, and very good to eat. It is eating live cells, not dead cells. You swallow the delicious raw fish and rest on the boat for a day. Do not worry about getting diarrhea. But if someone does not eat this raw fish, maybe they will have diarrhea. I am showing you such a wonderful way of living yet you do not know about it. (189-291, 1989.6.17)

1.3.2. The essential points for sea-fishing

It is very interesting to see all the various kinds of fish in the sea. There are small fish in the shallowest area at the edge of the ocean, and then as the water gets deeper, you can find big fish. The smallest fish get eaten by slightly larger fish, and the slightly larger fish get eaten by fish that are even larger, and the cycle keeps repeating itself. What is interesting is that all the young look the same whether they are baby whales or baby tuna. Baby Alaska pollack and baby tuna all look the same. (264-286, 1994.11.20)
I go to the sea very often. An infinite amount of treasures are buried in the sea. In the sea, there is a certain order to prey. It is interesting to observe this. Aren't all creatures living for the sake of others? They all exist for the sake of others in a connected relationship. Disorder results if the bigger fish do not eat the smaller fish. The sea will be full of fish. Because the bigger ones eat and the smaller ones get eaten, the number of fish in the ocean waters is balanced. (198-232, 1990.2.3)
When you look at all the fish in the sea, they all eat up the smaller ones, so how is this God's love? For these fish, the ideal is to serve human beings and be absorbed into the human cells, where they can receive God's love. Because of that, the minerals are absorbed before the plants. They are absorbed in human cells, in which they can receive God's love. The plants are absorbed by the animals, and the higher animals are absorbed by human beings. All those creatures that are fine and delicious hope to be absorbed by people. The best cells are absorbed by their owner, in hopes to connect or return towards the original palace of love, as the realization of God's sons and daughters by being the real body of love. (199-333, 1990.2.21)
The deeper the water, the more levels there are in the ocean. There is a big difference in temperature as well. The kinds of fish change entirely, even with a temperature change of one or two degrees. It is marvelous. Although people do not know this, the fish of the world search the five oceans for a temperature layer that is only a degree wide. It is mysterious. Even though there were unlimited numbers of fish until yesterday, as if half of the ocean were of water and the other fish, there is not even one if you go back today. That is due to the difference in temperature. The fish disappear entirely when the water temperature changes by even half a degree. To people, a one or two degree difference is not an issue, yet it is an issue for fish.
People can live in the arctic regions, in the tropics, and in the temperate regions. However, this does not hold true for animals. Do lions live in Korea? No, lions are found in Africa. In Korea, there are tigers, not lions. (200-261, 1990.2.26)
The way that fish bite onto the bait differs according to their character. If there are one thousand families of fish, then there are one thousand ways that the fish bite. When you go fishing at a new place, then you must formularize the ways the fish bite when catching one, two, or three different kinds of fish. That is common sense. When the fish bites that way, and you pull your fishing rod another way, then the fish will not be caught. The fish can free itself and swim away as often as it wants since the fishing line goes along with the fishing rod. When the fish bites that way, you should pull the opposite way. You must pull like this when the fish moves forward, and pull the opposite way when it moves to the left. Most beginners always pull a certain way, but that is not right. The fish gets caught faster when you pull the opposite direction. It does not take a long time to catch a fish.
When you go sea fishing, you do not simply go to an ocean area which has only a horizon, with no land or rocks. You should certainly go to an area that has rocks. More fish can be found near rocks, where they can safely hide. These rocks also have insects on them, which the fish like to eat. When you observe the way water flows, surely the water has waves in which there are many fish. When there are waves of three to five meters, you will find fish in such spots. You must go to such places in order to catch fish. (268-307, 1995.4.3)
Most people think that anyone can catch a fish just by throwing a fish hook into the water. However, that is not the truth! Different fish are active in different water temperatures. The water temperature differs between the bigger and smaller fish. In summertime, the water temperature is higher close to the surface. That is why the smaller fish live near the water's surface. The fish move naturally, according to the temperature of the sea water. The fish dislike moving in all directions. They always try to move sideways. You must know such facts in order to fish. You must have knowledge of such things as where the fish gather and where to go fishing for salmon. You must become professionals. Therefore, studying is necessary. You cannot fish unless you become a professional in fishing.
When I fish, I know exactly the right temperature. I already know what kinds of fish are found in certain temperatures. When you drop the fishing line a couple of times, the fish already touch the bait. So if I reel up the fish hook fast, the fish come up, and when the fish hook is reeled up slowly, it tends to sink down. While slowly reeling up the fish hook, you should know how fast the water is flowing on the surface. By the water temperature that we have today, I know what level the king salmon will come to. Usually, the salmon remain on the ocean floor. Why? They can find lots of food there. Crabs and small sea creatures live on the sea bottom, so the salmon like to gather there.
No matter how many times you have caught fish in Alaska, you must learn again whenever you go fishing at a new place. You do not know how interesting this can be. Also, when people come and go, they can share their knowledge about fishing. The New Zealanders must learn when they come to Kodiak. Although they may be excellent fishermen in New Zealand, it does not work the same way in Kodiak. Because they must learn again when they come to Kodiak, they can mingle and create harmony. There are various ways of fishing, different ethnic groups, and different environments. Everywhere you go to fish, you will find many different environments. (252-206, 1993.12.30)
Here is something interesting. The ocean is teeming with fish when no boats come out due to windy weather. Usually in normal weather, people come out and play loud music, making loud "boom boom" noises that cause chaos. The creatures in the ocean can feel big vibrations as if they are being hit with some type of a club. Yet even in a typhoon, the ocean beneath its surface is calm and quiet. Therefore, the whales gather to jump around and perform. That was a historic day. I probably have the picture somewhere. There were big ones, small ones, and even smaller ones. However, the whales jumped up leaving their tails inside the water due to their enormous size. Their tails were always left in the water. So they would fall right back down on the water, lying flat while floating upon the waves. You do not know how delighted whales are when they are performing. So I thought, "Are whales really that happy when it is windy?" If I see them perform once or twice more, then I can conclude, "Yes, they are!" (233-306, 1992.8.2)
You do not go to the sea only to fish. The spirit of Alaska is the spirit of salmon. Salmon always return to the homeland that they left, swimming four or five thousand miles across the ocean to spawn. This is the same principle when looking at the path of restoration of humankind. You must know how to go back; no matter how long a journey you have taken away from your hometown. There is no other fishing more exciting than salmon fishing. They are so strong. When other fish are hooked, it only takes a couple of turns on the reel before you see the fish on the surface, but with salmon, it takes tens of turns on the reel.
It is difficult, like trying to catch a person who has heavenly tradition. The salmon jump until they die, till the very end. The fish hook usually falls out after they jump about three times. That is the tradition of Alaska. The ocean symbolizes the world of death, the satanic world, and the fish symbolize the people. The boldest of all fish are the salmon. (236-124, 1992.11.4)
I went out to the sea one day, and though the weather was very windy, there were a number of boats out. When the tuna season begins and I go out to the sea, I do not have a pleasant feeling towards the five hundred boats gathered there. I think, "It would be nice if I could fish by myself just once," but there has never been such a day. One day, there was a typhoon warning and I tried to go out to sea. Everyone told me not to go. But I told the boat's captain, "Hey, you listen to me! We are not going to die." So we went out on my orders. The fishing area is a long distance out at sea. Since it takes a little over two hours to reach it, we must leave at one o'clock in the morning. We must leave around one to arrive there by four. Due to the wind and other conditions, it takes double the usual time. For these reasons, we had to set sail at midnight.
I have had so many difficult challenges in my life. A person cannot buy these kinds of experiences, even with a tremendous amount of money. Since the weather was so bad, there weren't any boats out. When I threw out the fishing line into the water, a number of fish bit the hook as soon as the line was dropped. Wouldn't you expect this to happen? Usually, a number of them bite onto the bait from many different boats, but since our boat was the only one at sea that morning, all these starved fish, who are capable of searching for food up to distances of about four kilometers, were all rushing to bite onto my bait. So when I threw the fish hooks into the water, they all bit onto them right away. I did not pay attention whether the typhoon was blowing or not. I continued to pour out my sweat. It took four hours to get there, and four hours to fish. From there, we dragged the fish, with the engine running, for twenty miles. (233-306, 1992.8.2)
People like us already know where the fish can be found when we go fishing. Most fish tend to search for food in the mornings and evenings. Then, since they have eaten, at lunchtime they are simply idle. The fishing spot should not be too deep. One area should be a bit deep and the other area should be with a flat bottom. Fish tend to escape to deep places in order to hide. Also, even if they come out and idle about, they will play around where the ocean bed is flat. That is the situation in late morning. However, in the afternoon, since the fish are eating again, I say to myself, "Oh, I know exactly what kinds of fish are here," by merely looking at the spot. (221-82, 1991.10.23)
You must know how many feet your fish hook should be under the water surface. The fish are a foot off the bottom, as that is a favorable place to eat food. Because they eat in order to live, they cannot move two feet away from their food source. When it becomes fishing season, these fish are the ones spread out along the bottom. Whenever you try to hook them, you can easily do so. You should approach them carefully and when there is a slight chance, get closer and quickly hook them. That is the proper technique. Tuna used to live freely as the greatest fish in the ocean world. Therefore, they will not bite at small bait. Yet, you must somehow get them hooked. This is what you must research. (221-81, 1991.10.23)
You must go to the very bottom of the sea in order to catch big fish. Among all fish, those that jump from the water are the small ones. Big fish do not jump. They think, "Why should we jump?" Those fish are the ones that get hooked when we drop the fishing line. If our bait spreads its smell and is about a hand's length from the bottom, the fish will approach at a regal pace. Fish use their fins to swim. Therefore, you must leave a space about a hand's length for them to move horizontally, without getting stuck. When you drop the fish hook, after having calculated in such a way, a big fish will surely be caught.
The last fish that I caught was fifteen pounds and thirty inches. It was the biggest among all the salmon we have caught until now. We hung it up, displaying it as the finale. It was so strong that we should have scooped it up using a net. Yet, it was hard to see the fish, due to the faint light of the setting sun. But the fish was brave. It could have escaped from the net, since two-thirds of its body was inside, with its head hanging outside. If you do something wrong at this moment, the net can be torn. (205-322, 1990.10.1)
There are a number of different types of fishing lines -- those that are many miles, a few miles, and a few inches long and so on. When you fish, many lines are placed in the water. Some fish get caught right away when a certain line, which is only about a chi long, is let out. Yet, it will be a mess if you start pulling this in. If the fishing line is long and it goes far from the boat, we can determine that the ocean here is deep. However, if you are a real fisherman, you should not be concerned when small fish bite onto the fish hook. You must think, "Oh, you fish are biting. Keep gathering round." A big fish will come along from many miles away. You must catch the one that has come from such a distance.
I fish quite well. I have done fishing day and night for over forty days. The fish that I intend to catch does not get caught on the first try. You must wait until the biggest fish bites onto the hook, saying, "Bite on it. Come on, minnows!" There are numbers of minnows that just come and go. They would come and go saying, "Oh, this is delicious. The fisherman must be crazy."(152-32, 1963.3.3)
To hunt is barbaric, for you shoot the animal after waiting at a strategic point. And to shoot at something that is flying is not proper. However, fishing is not like that. The fish come and bite onto your bait themselves. So it is all right to catch them. Also, you can go fishing from the age of five until the day before your death. So a one-hundred-year-old grandmother and grandfather can enjoy fishing simply by dropping fishing lines from their beds. Even if you are the champion, no matter how famous you might be, when you go to a different province, that place has a different way to catch fish.
For this reason, if you only follow your own way and not the way of fishing for that place, then you will not catch any fish. Because you must follow the way of the place you go to, you learn wherever you go, and you can teach others wherever you go. Anyone can become the teacher as well as the student. This is equality. It will differ according to the place and the kind of bait used by the person, even though you may be fishing for the same kind of fish. Therefore, you must learn it all when you go to a different place. All nations are different. Thus, due to the wide variety of places, there are many different hobbies. (252-206, 1993.12.30)

1.3.3. You will not die of hunger if you learn to fish

Do you know how to farm? I know how to farm. I must teach that to you. The members of the Unification Church should know how to do three things: how to farm, how to hunt, and how to fish. Therefore, even if you go alone to a village in Africa, it should only take you a week to establish the basis for you to live by feeding the village people. If you feed them for one year, then they will feed you from then on. (262-256, 1994.8.1)
There are many animals in the tropics, so fishing and hunting are necessary for Unification Church members. Why? You must teach people how to fish and how to survive by hunting in order to save those who are dying of hunger. Therefore, Rev. Moon is dignified even though he has seen the blood of fish and animals.
A long time ago, the high priests killed their offerings. The reason why I kill animals is to make the members of the Unification Church the high priests. This is a divine task. We can organize a group to go help out in Africa once they learn fishing and hunting. I should send hunting and fishing missionaries to Africa to help out and spread this practice all over the world. So wherever you go, we have a way to save the people through fishing and hunting. (262-255, 1994.8.1)
There will be a time when thousands and tens of thousands of families can live on one lake. Those fish are all ours if we just know how to fish. Who should fish? Women should do it. Why? It is because women have large, cushion-like hips. They are comfortable. Thus, they can sit for a long time. Men feel pain after sitting for just three hours. Therefore, if one woman catches three fish, she can feed three children, and if she catches four, then she can feed even the father as well. When she goes to the fishing area, she can catch ten fish and perhaps even a couple of dozen fish within one hour.
Say there are one hundred families in a village. If they form groups of a hundred women and they decide to catch one hundred or two hundred fish, there would be no problem. It will work by mobilizing a small number of people. The mobilization of all people is not necessary. We can feed them by mobilizing a small group to fish once a month. (262-251, 1994.8.1)
Fishing is easy. Women in the African interior all have needles. They make fish hooks by lighting the candles and heating the needles. I have done fishing by making them myself in the old days as well. There is no need to buy the fishing lines either. There is any amount of nylon lines. This fishing line does not have to be the silk thread that was used in the past. And a lump of lead can be broken and hung as the sinker and the kaoliang stalk can be used as the float. So by hooking bait and using your hand as the fishing rod, you can catch any amount that you want. There are unlimited numbers of fish. Because fish are everywhere, it is not a problem.
But it is a problem that wives do not know how to fish. There is no leader to teach this. That is why I must fish and hunt. I can form and distribute federations in village after village and feed the villagers by forming groups of people to hunt animals. There was no one who taught such skills. (263-45, 1994.8.16)
The people of Africa and those of Third World countries that suffer from starvation are dying because they do not know how to fish. If the mother can fish, then they will not starve to death. There are rivers and lakes everywhere. There is an unlimited number of fish. Therefore, we must teach people how to catch and breed fish. I have already started this project. Fishing can be done as long as thread is available. Needles are everywhere. You can catch any amount of fish by lighting candles, heating the needles and bending them. Also, the bait is everywhere. One person feeding ten children a day is not a problem because fish their same height are easily caught on the hook. Even though they live in a suitable environment, their daily lives are impoverished since they do not have someone to lead them. (262-100, 1994.7.23)
You should have good business sense. You should be able to save the twenty million lives that die each year. You should make sure that people do not die of hunger by teaching them how to farm the land, and how to breed fish in water. Why would they starve to death when their wives and children are able to fish? Why die when there is water and an abundance of fish? That is why we do fishing. You must teach them how to fish.
You must also teach them hunting. Many animals, such as alligators, are found there in abundance. Therefore, the Sightseeing and Hunting Association for World Peace is for the sake of bringing about a peaceful world. Why are we doing such work? For twenty years I have lost money, yet I have made a foundation. True Parents must be responsible for those people on earth who are dying of starvation. We cannot give up because all the people in the world are brothers and sisters. Imagine twenty million people becoming members of the Unification Church every year.
By taking the initiative and expanding this worldwide, can you imagine how many people would be saved? I am telling you to learn how to farm and how to fish as soon as possible. Why do you need to do so? You must do so for the sake of those people who are starving to death. Therefore, learn such skills here and return to your countries. (253-109, 1994.1.9)
The children will not be left to starve to death as long as their mothers can fish. Don't we have a lot of water, fish and animals in abundance? There are lakes everywhere. If a person catches one big fish, it can last for one week. If a person catches an alligator, a family can live on it for a month. Hippos can be eaten for one year by drying its meat. After that, you can live on hunting. I have established the Sightseeing and Hunting Association for World Peace and the Fishing Association. I will hold a fishing tournament, gather American women who have nothing to do, and teach fishing to all of them. If you teach fishing to those mothers dying of hunger, they will not starve to death, no matter where they go. All they will need is water and land. They can cultivate land for farming. The Caucasians have not taught them this skill. They have just exploited the land, without even teaching them how to farm.
That is why they were stabbed and kicked out. Our missionaries are unlike the others. Everybody welcomes them. Why is this so? It is because they live for the sake of others. Therefore, we have built the Texas farm and the fishing ground, and are now training people on how to cultivate and farm. We can catch ten or even a hundred wild boars in a day as long as we set up the traps. (254-305, 1994.2.6)
If the women living in the Third World countries knew how to fish, if they at least knew how to place a fishing line with multiple hooks, they would never starve to death. There are numerous fish where you find lakes and rivers. People are dying of hunger because no one is teaching them such things. Moreover, if each village had a gun, then by hunting you could save the lives of those who are dying of hunger. I am now starting such training worldwide. If some area has water, I can teach fish breeding, and if some area has land, then I can teach cultivation and farming, so that is why I am currently preparing the Texas farm as a place of training. We must send many people to the farm. These Caucasians have not even taught the African people farming. (255-70, 1994.3.5)
If you go to the mountains, you can find a lot to eat. Even rabbits survive in the mountains, so why can't people live there? When you go to the countryside, there are lakes and rivers. But even though there are a number of fish in the lakes and rivers, you do not even know how to catch and eat them. I am trying to teach all that to you. Also, it is all right for you to go hunting when it is the hunting season. Do you know how to use a gun? You can live on hunting, too. You can survive for a year if you catch one bear. So why not conduct further research on such matters? (132-214, 1984.6.1)

1.3.4. Sea fishing is a mind game

I think a lot, even when I am fishing or wherever I am. A person who has been fishing for a long time thinks ten times for every ten times he reels the fishing rod, and thinks a hundred times for every hundred times he reels the rod. Therefore, if you think a hundred times while reeling the fishing rod only ten, then you can get ahead in this world. When I go to the fishing area, I already know whether there is sand in that fishing ground or not, by walking for a while. Experts know all this. When you connect a plummet and drag it along the ground, it will make a sound of "thud, thud, thud" if on sand, but it will move smoothly along if the seabed is muddy. (221-84, 1991.10.23)
Generally, people do not fish with just one fishing rod. Most fishermen put two fishing rods near each other. The reason why they use two is because these rods symbolize the perfected man and the perfected woman, in other words, the perfection of subject and object partners. (228-260, 1992.7.5)
Hunting is exercise for the sake of your physical health, and fishing is for the sake of your mental health. You tend to reflect on your life and think a lot when sitting down and fishing. It is amazing that you can actually have such a time. You can analyze your past and plan for your future. It can be the most important period of time for us. You can calmly reflect on yourself with dignity. This is absolutely necessary. This is called the spiritual path of fishing in the East. The baby fish come along when the mother fish is hooked and caught. So people think, based on their own life, "Oh, I should not catch these fish!" when observing such an occurrence. People tend to think about their own sons and daughters, and their own people as well. After fishing for a couple of years, you will want to free the fish and put aside all thoughts of eating the fish just caught. That is the true spiritual path. The desire to eat simply vanishes. (252-208, 1993.12.30)
When going out on a boat to fish, people prefer a day when both the weather and their emotional state are good. That is their general mindset. However, in order to be a special person, one must go fishing in an environment where it rains and thunders. Without having experienced fishing in the pouring rain, you will never learn about environmental changes, the difference in the surrounding waters, and how the fish are influenced by the water movements due to heavy rain. (276-69, 1996.2.4)
From history comes forth a new world. Therefore, you cannot point at me and tell me that I am wrong. I am not ashamed. Say it while looking at the faces of the fish. While fishing and sitting all day, I say to the fish, "You have not seen any other man like me, right? Catching you is not my purpose. By bringing you fish to the fish farm we can liberate human beings from their food shortage. Isn't that the original purpose for your creation? If that is the case, then those people who eat your meat will not be considered as having done an evil deed." (247-32, 1993.4.21)
While fishing, if I say, "I am the owner. All come!" then all the fish come rushing towards me. Then I feed them. That is why I catch more fish than others around me whenever I fish. Others think, "This is strange. I can't understand how he does that." This is what happens when you center on the vertical God. My spirit has an incredibly bright aura of light. Although you give off an ordinary light, there is a special light coming from me. The fish are attracted to that light. That is why they pour in, no matter how much I tell them not to come. (248-35, 1993)
When I go fishing, I always free the first fish I catch. I free it with the heart of God, who released it after creating it. Also, I have not eaten any of the fish that I have caught. Even so, I cannot allow the fish to die a natural death when there are twenty million of God's sons and daughters starving to death. You must think that you will save those twenty million sons and daughters of God by catching the fish. Since this is in line with the principle of the creation of animals and all other living organisms, the fish should be grateful in a sense. So when we have fishing tournaments, the fish often get hooked onto my hooks, yet not so often on the hooks of others. It is the true heart, the earnestness. The fish will come to you voluntarily if you say to them, "Hey, since God cannot dive into the water museum that He has created, please come out of the water, just this once, and give God a chance to feel the joy of letting you go free through me." (276-146, 1996.2.18)
Trying to catch fish as you ride on a boat in the blue ocean can be compared to God's providential work of restoration and salvation. The fish represent fallen men. If you prepare everything, use good bait and tie a sturdy string to a fine fishing rod, then you should catch many fish. But you will not be able to catch a single fish if your skill is poor, the string is weak, the bait is spoiled, and the fishing rod is worthless. It is all the same. Living in this world is the same as catching fish.
If you want to succeed in this world, you must put yourself in the position of a fishing rod and set it up with good fishing line and good bait; only then can you fish effectively. Fish are not caught easily. You reap the harvest when all the corresponding conditions are met. Without these corresponding conditions, you cannot bring in the harvest. (277-16, 1996.3.17)
When you go out to the sea fishing with Rev. Moon, you think the fish often bite onto my fish hooks, right? When fishing, everything looks like my object. The perfected subject fulfills the perfected object. The idea should be "the fish must bite here" when fishing. That is how the Principle operates. As soon as I put the fish hook in the water, the fish come to me as object partners of perfect value. This is different from the way normal people touch and handle a fishing rod. (262-300, 1983.8.1)
When fishing on a boat, you sit in one place all day. You even take care of going to the bathroom there. When you need to pee, you take a can and say, "I am going to pee, so don't look!" and then turn your back to pee. You eat and pee all day by yourself. I have done so for twenty-five years. It is very convenient if you use a can. Is there anyone who will make fun of you for doing so when people swim naked in the sea and do all sorts of other things themselves? Animals might look at you and laugh, but only a very few people are out there. Even so, birds, animals, and all things are in the same position, so who will say anything? Urinating is a natural occurrence. Therefore, there is no need to be embarrassed. Even ladies can urinate there, not sitting down, but standing up like men. (303-118, 1999.8.8)
When we were fishing in Alaska, the U.S. Coast Guard came and praised us with great admiration after they had seen us going out fishing very early in the morning. They asked, "How can you people live this way?" They also said that we fish as if we are engaged in rigorous training. Therefore, I am the best at fishing when we go to the sea, aren't I? Starting from a school of minnows and going on up, there is no kind of fish that I have not caught. If someone tells me to catch whales, I will be able to catch a couple of them in one day. Is there any fish that I have not caught, starting with tuna? There are no fish that I have not caught while fishing along the East Coast, the West Coast, the Pacific, the Atlantic, and the Mediterranean Sea. Thus, I am familiar with all facets of the sea. (211-62, 1990.12.28)
When you see a big pine tree, you should be able to ask, "How do you think about me today, given that you know of my persecuted past and have watched me get kicked out?" Also, while looking at the playgrounds of the past at which your friends were cursed, you should embrace that place with love as if it was your friend. And while standing at a flowing stream, although your initial intentions was not to forget all that had happened there, you should now be willing to swim and catch fish in it. Then you are the owner. You can fish and hunt and eat with the heart that you will restore through indemnity for Adam, who could not be the first one to go into the river as the representative of the kingship, nor could he fish in the Garden of Eden. With this kind of mind, you should leave your life's record of hunting rabbits and pheasants in the mountains with such a heart and serve your parents faithfully, offering those animals as the sacrificial offerings before God, and using them as food and the ingredients of life. (221-13, 1991.10.20)
Up to this day, I have overcome everything from this most wretched world. So there isn't anything that I do not know about. And there isn't anything that I cannot do. I can do anything. If I go to a farming village, I can be the king of farmers. I know well what to cultivate on certain types of land. Also, when I go to the sea, I am the king of fishing; I am already famous with "Rev. Moon's system" of catching tuna. Moreover, I can be the cameraman taking pictures when all the people are cheering victoriously, and I can be the cook if I enter the kitchen where they cook meals. That is how the owner is, isn't it? The owner is responsible for looking after all things. You must not forget the fact True Parents have worked behind the scenes in many activities. (229-67, 1992.4.9)
Unity is possible for everything if it has true love. The animal world, the plant world, and even the venomous snake -- they all protect me. When I go fishing, I say, "Dear fish! I am not catching you for the sake of myself. I am catching you on behalf of God, who is shedding tears with the heart of wanting to feed the poor people dying of hunger in this world. I am not fishing for the sake of myself, but for the sake of descendants and all people, therefore you must forgive me!" That is why I always free the first fish that I catch. I free it as the sacrificial offering.
Once the fish have received my love, they will then try to sacrifice their life for me. Therefore, when twelve people get aboard the boat, I catch one-third the amount of fish caught. So, the fish recognize me and say, "Continue biting only on Rev. Moon's fish hook!" (278-105, 1996.5.1)
The people of the world think of Rev. Moon as a man of mystery, right? This is because I am good at saying mysterious things. I also do mysterious deeds. Although I am the founder of the Unification Church, I am the king among fishermen when I go out to the sea in a boat. People may say, "What would the founder of the Unification Church know?" Yet when they observe me at the fishing site, even those who have fished for ten or twenty years are struck with admiration. I am also skilled at doing farm work when I go to the farm. Most scholars think of themselves as mysterious people but when they meet me, they will know that I am a more mysterious man than they are. What makes Rev. Moon mysterious? It is the true love of God that makes me mysterious. (205-140, 1990.8.12)
I am an absolute believer in three meals a day. I do not eat desserts. I do not eat them even if they are on the table because I am thinking about poor people. Even my clothing is like this. I hesitate to wear neckties. I would like to collect all the money people spend on neckties and use it towards saving the world.
I do not use more than two sheets of toilet paper when I am in the bathroom. If possible, I use just one sheet of toilet paper. From the Principle point of view, it is a sin to waste. From the time of our birth, we are born with a set amount of consumer goods that we can use. It is a sin to use more than that amount. When we depart, we must leave material things behind. Otherwise, our descendants will inherit them as debts. Does anyone teach that nowadays? Before you receive formal education, your primary teachers are the Principle, nature, and the ocean. (193-104, 1989.8.31)
I know quite well about the edible plants that grow wild in the mountains. I know what each plant is, which can be cooked for eating and which is harmful. I am also familiar with poisonous mushrooms. Therefore, I know how to survive living in the mountains and also how to fish if I go to the sea. As long as there are fish in the water I can build a house nearby and live there by myself. Fish are good when eaten fresh, with just some salt. It is true. I have prepared myself to be able to live anywhere on my own. (233-260, 1992.8.1)
None of you are aware that I have come this far while going through all the hardships in America by myself. You do not know about all the hardships behind me. Going out to the sea everyday is just one part of it. There isn't anything that I have not done. From the world of scholars to the world of culture, arts, education and so on, there isn't anything that I have not touched upon. I have been involved in the world of ideology as well. Based on that standard you are being trained and are working here.
Why do I go back and forth doing so many activities? Even the people who have followed me for almost forty years do not know what kind of a person I am. Every day with me is a new experience. You must not judge me from your own point of view. Even if you found out for sure what position you are in, you should not say anything until the world is restored. (193-104, 1989.8.31)
I do not like being alone. I do not want to be on my own. If working on the sea, I want to be with the fisherman, the best fisherman. When I am in the mountains, I want to be with the best mountain climber. When I go to the wrestling match, I want to be with the wrestler. And when I'm at a drinking place, I want to be there, even though I would only smell the aromas, because there should be another person who smells them as well. One cannot be alone. It is necessary to have a friend and a colleague. What I am saying is that I don't like being alone. There is an expression that birds of a feather flock together, right? No matter how great I am, I cannot live alone because it would be boring. (147-312, 1986.10.1)
Marrying means finding the owner. When a man and woman are attached to each other and ask where their love came from, they should know that love came straight from God. When the couple joins together, the loves comes straight down. Even blood that goes up to the head must also circulate downward, right? It goes all the way down to the bottom of the feet. What would happen if you were to try to stop the blood from flowing to the tips of your toes and fingertips because they were dirty and smelled like those of a farmer? Without this blood, you would die. This illustrates the principle of heaven and earth. Those people who are in the higher place should move down to the lower place, and those who are in the lower should go to the higher. Therefore, after having succeeded in fulfilling all of God's will, I would go down to some low, remote corner of the countryside and live in seclusion, fishing and being friends with the farmers and fishermen. That is what I am training for right now. (221-342, 1991.10.27)
God is happy even if He is being dragged by the fishing rod of love. That is where the arts of love will begin to form. Both the comedy and tragedy of love will be created. A varied culture of love will be created. Don't you want to be a soldier for national independence in creating such a world? (195-273, 1989.12.10)
What is analogous to the best bait in fishing? It is love. What is the one bait that can catch all people? That is love. What is the bait that can catch history and catch God as well? If there is bait that can catch God, you would want to prepare it at once, right? That is the bait of love. If there is bait that can catch history and catch heaven and earth as well, what would it be? I am saying that it is love. (145-227, 1986.5.11) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Twelve -- The Pacific Rim Providence
Chapter Two -- The Ocean Leisure Industry and Hobby Industry
Section 2. People and the Hobby Life

2.1. The future world is the age of hobby life

In the future, the birth of a new international economic organization and a new order will bring incredible development. Thus, human beings will have enough wealth and free time to enjoy leisure. As a result, humankind will learn and understand about the greatness of nature. For this, we give appreciation to God as we try to overcome ethnic and national differences. After that, I am certain that the ideal world will come and we will enjoy the true life, a life of loving and caring for one another. (115-177, 1981.11.10)
The enterprise for the future will be the leisure industry. The age of technological industry is an age where people do not work, due to automated technology. Such a time will come. Even now, it is that way. A machine works once the person pushes a button. There will come a time when only three or four machines can produce, day and night, all the products in a factory where thousands of people used to work. Then what kind of industries will grow? It would be such things as the entertainment and fashion industries, both of which fall under the broader category of the industry of leisure. (191-73, 1989.6.24)
In the future, there will come a good time for you to build an economic foundation. The third industrial age, the age of the leisure industry will come. So the leisure and tourist industry are bound to develop. Those traveling to Mount Keumgang will first have a tour of Korea, where they will travel to Busan or Jeju Island first and then go to Mount Keumgang. You cannot take a tour to any other place after you have been to Mount Keumgang. You could go, but it would not be exciting; once you got there you would be disappointed. To attract incoming tourists, think about traveling around starting from Busan to Jeju Island and then to Mount Baek-du. (225-176, 1992.1.20)
The time has passed when the president of a company works at the desk in his office. Because the age of computers is here, you can work anywhere outside of the country, as they do in Japanese offices using man-made satellites. That time is here. The time has come enabling one to give orders, "The director should do this, the executive director should do this, the head of the department should do this" and so on, while fishing on a boat and enjoying the raw fish. We are now entering the age where the person in charge of a company can run the business for the entire year without going to the office. He can run the business from a position of freedom where he can enjoy his hobbies and get rid of stress. (191-76, 1989.6.24)
In order to enjoy hobbies, the husband and wife, or even the entire family, should travel around the world by car. It is a lifestyle of enjoying hobbies with one's family. Isn't that what women are always complaining about -- that they cannot go along with their husbands when they are traveling around? (252-296, 1994.1.1)
The leisure industry can help people feel God's happiness towards creation, so I am developing this by gathering all that is necessary in preparation of a support system, such as a big research lab and a big testing area for farming, for the ocean industry, and for hunting and fishing. This system should bring together farmers, who live close to nature, with those who live far from nature in order to develop and educate them. The people in urban areas can support them both through the best scientific technology. That is why I am developing the hobby business while enjoying many hobbies. (279-58, 1996.6.9)
A life of leisure! This is the kind of life that God likes. Your hobbies are connected to the creation. So many different hobbies are waiting for me. I never get exhausted. By enjoying one hobby after another, I automatically come closer to God's world. This is the best life that men can hope for. (279-60, 1996.6.9)

2.2. The hobby industry is the shortcut leading to the world of peace

Everyone must enjoy leisurely pursuits. After all, God did not create reluctantly. He made creation so that He could feel its excitement. We, too, must experience God's situation at the time of creation. Hobbies should not be done because someone tells us to do them. Hobbies should be done because you wish to do them. Even without sleep, you enjoy doing your hobby. Why should money or circumstance be involved there? So all these things -- our leisure time, the hobby industry, hobby research and so forth -- all these should be centered on God. Only then can those be things belong to God and be used regularly by the beloved sons and daughters of God. Otherwise, they will be Satan's possessions. I am not doing this for the money; in fact, I am investing a lot of money in order to develop these ideas. (281-263, 1997.3.9)
When you are over sixty years old, you should go back to the farming area of your hometown and prepare yourselves to go to the spirit world by digging the land. There is much to do in preparation to enter the spirit world. So staying there like Rev. Moon, you should exert yourself with devotion and fulfill your responsibility in guiding the farming areas. By doing this, you will fulfill the purpose of the hobby industry and of leisure time itself; you will become a caring, warmhearted person who can inhabit the upper level of the spirit world and make good use of your time there. (289-193, 1988.1.2)
We must develop the hobby industry from now on. It is not the leisure industry, it is the hobby industry. Normally, we perceive the leisure industry as based on a profit motive. Fishing and hunting can both lead to thoughts of profits and commercial interests. That is different from just having a hobby. The hobby industry can spread to the small villages were people can enjoy themselves in each of the four seasons.
Every individual has different tasks. There are people working at a factory, a company, and so forth. They have all sorts of jobs, so we can make anywhere from 100 to 360 groups according to various jobs. That way, every day different groups would do this work. It can be done. If it gets planned like this and gets going all year round, then we will not lose any money. About fifty percent will be returned to us. Therefore, there is nothing better than the entertainment business. (252-201, 1993.12.30)
The hobby industry is different from the leisure industry. The leisure industry sets profit as its purpose, while the hobby industry puts the hobby itself as its purpose. People would say, "Only those who have money can do so. How can someone without money enjoy a hobby?" but that is not true. Nowadays everyone enjoys going on vacations, right? You can enjoy a vacation once or twice a year.
So, do you understand what I mean by hobby industry? I believe that being the first to make such a worldwide organization is the short-cut in leading to peace in all fields, including the world's money market and human resources. That is why I have been preparing this ocean plan for twenty years. In April of the coming year, it will be exactly twenty years. So along with this hobby industry, I am thinking of doing farming as a hobby. If people have too much free time, that is a problem as well. Therefore, I will encourage people to get a space of about 200 pyung and farm so that they can live off their hobby. (252-210, 1993.12.30)
Our job in the Completed Testament Age is to mobilize a great number of people. We need a huge number of people. Which industry can best interconnect all the people of the world, transcending the national boundaries and going beyond cultural backgrounds? There is, of course, a necessity for church activities, but the only industry that can connect people, using both domestic and international activities simultaneously, is the hobby industry. (252-211, 1993.12.30)

2.3. We must prepare for the age of the hobby industry

I have recently begun using the term "hobby business." This is not for gain or benefit. (252-295, 1994.1.1)
Therefore, the age of urbanization will soon end and people will disperse more widely. The hobby industry is the only way to decentralize it. We must develop the hobby business. Now at this time I am proclaiming the hobby business. Men are made to live centering on hobbies. (253-15, 1994.1.1)
Casinos, sports, hunting, and fishing are all included in the hobby business. So the various participants did all these at the World Culture and Sports Festival, right? (253-111, 1994.1.9)
We are opening up the tourist business worldwide. I am preparing the worldwide tourist business now. The establishment of our American bus company "Go Tour" was an essential link in the preparation for this. From now on, the tour-leisure business will develop worldwide. I am giving this the name "hobby business." (262-247, 1994.8.1)
In the future, I think the circumstances will be that everyone will ride on our boats at tourist attraction areas worldwide. How will I do that? We will be able to attract tourists to any country and guide those persons with lots of money because we have a worldwide organization. All those people have to travel. They must go on vacations during the holiday seasons. So we will name this business the "hobby industry." This has to do with our interests. What I am saying is let us travel around the world while working and delivering goods. (262-247, 1994.8.1)
We are creating tourist areas. If we have the land, we can do landscaping and make a fishing ground. We will make sure that no one throws away cigarette butts, empty cans, and garbage there, thus keeping the area clean and making it a place free of environmental pollution. We will make an area where tourists can sightsee and enjoy their hobbies as well. We will create a tourist area so lovely that anyone who has looked at it once will instantly wish to come and visit. If we build such a place, then all five billion people would visit, even competing to get there. (1997.10.31)
Up to this point, have we ever taken a vacation in the Unification Church? From now on, all the well-equipped places that I have prepared, such as the fishing areas, hunting grounds, and swimming pools -- all of these should be used. I have made the foundation for you to have vacations in the warmer areas when it is cold, and in the colder areas when it is hot. The time has come now to do so. This is what is referred to as the hobby industry. I have climbed up to this position by receiving much persecution, but you will not be persecuted.
Now if you go to South America, where I have already prepared the foundation, and if you take responsibility, you can bring your tribes there and train them. All the families in that country and the ancestors in the spirit world can become one based on that tribal foundation. (266-135, 1994.12.22)
I am preparing sites in Alaska and in Texas, and trying to make fishing areas and hunting grounds in 160 countries. Fishing and hunting are hobbies. They are hobbies of the upper class, of the people who live well. That is why I am promoting the hobby industry. I am going to lead it directly, by making a tourism organization. (269-49, 1995.4.6)
I will connect the sites of the global tourism industry in order to create a world in which all people can harmonize with each other. If you can influence the people, you can influence the world. Therefore, instead of living within a small circle of relationships, you should become champions of the diplomatic world, relating with prominent people. (275-106, 1995.11.3)
All people should have a hobby. In the future, people will not have any food problems. Then would you spend your time fighting with each other? Everyone needs to have some fun. You should ride on a boat in the river and be friends with the fish by diving into the water world. You have yet to do theses activities. This is why I am creating the term "hobby business" now.
The Unification Church does not allow people to enjoy casinos, so we will organize a group. Out of a month that is spent visiting the various hobby businesses, we need only two days to visit the casinos. So we will stop by the casino. All the young people go crazy when they play in a casino, but that is also an aspect of the hobby business. Therefore, for the people who have lost ten thousand dollars, thirty percent should be returned to them.
I have inquired about the crime rings that secretly control the casinos in Las Vegas and Atlantic City. So, if a person has lost one hundred thousand dollars, we will distribute lottery tickets worth thirty percent of this amount. But then, those who have been participating in the casino games for more than three hours must receive ideological education for one hour. Historically, casinos are considered evil, yet we must be able to say that True Parents have turned them into an instrument that can draw on the dreams of others. It must be centered on the hobby industry. Those who do not learn will continue gambling even if they cut off their own fingers. They will still continue to gamble, using the stubs of their fingers, even after determining not to gamble again. (276-184, 1996.2.19)
Academic education represents the mind, while physical education represents the body. Therefore, through the World University Association, the future direction will be toward the perfection of love -- heavenly ideal love -- using the True Parents as the primary model. For that purpose, I opened the hobby business. In the future, we must live to enjoy fun activities, so the world of the ideal family has now become the world of the hobby industry.
Everything is a hobby. If you go to a new place, the mountains, the rocks, and the trees are all different. Those are all of great interest. But for whom were they all created? God, the Owner, created in order to embrace everything. God created an ideal environment where His sons and daughters can live anywhere. (277-27, 1996.3.17)
I have been speaking about the hobby business. The entire world today is a world of science, in which through the best technology, people are moving the world. For this reason, people take a serious view of the production process, calling it the hobby industry, whereas I call it the hobby life. Do you understand? There are all kinds of hobbies -- hobbies for your eyes, for your nose, for your mouth, for your ears, for your sense of touch, for your body, for your mind, for your love, and so on… (278-95, 1996.5.1)
The realm of settlement does not only apply to the ocean; the land should also be connected to it. Now I am going to the mountains. I will find a place with beautiful scenery. What will I do when I get there? I cannot just go. I will make an animal preserve. I will not be killing animals in the wild; instead I will raise them. I will connect all this to the hobby business. This is something that will become the blood, the body, and the bones of God's son. Fallen men are like thieves, robbing everything for their own blood, bones and skin. To stop this, I have prepared the hobby business to be able to unite with the original love, in accordance with the highest turning point in history that is the holding of the Blessing of 3.6 Million Couples. (286-141, 1997.8.9)
The value of the arts continues to exist. This is why the hobby business is external. Families are not hobbies, they should be fun. By the word jae-mi (fun), I do not mean a person who "lives in America" (jae-mi, similar-sounding). Everyone likes America, but in this case, jae-mi does not have that meaning. Our parents live in a warm, comfortable home that is better than those of America. You hum when you are happy, right? Do you think you will only be humming at your parents' home? (296-127, 1998.11.3)
We can live because of joy. A hobby refers more to circumstantial conditions for joy, and fun is something that can take root in the ideal love between a subject and an object partners. Can you have fun on your own? If you can, then you are out of your mind. There must be a subject of love. Everything is in relationships within the realm of love, for God has created all things to supply fuel for the Subject of love, which is bigger than the ideal universe. That is why you must love all things. 298-234, 1999.1.8)
It is not necessary to eat crops that have been contaminated by pollution. I will create an environment in which the individual can live on what they grow with sincerity. If you have five family members, then do your own farming and eat the food you have harvested. Do not buy from other places. You should grow vegetables and even your own rice to eat. If people put the Unification Church in charge of this, there is no need to worry about the Uruguay Round. Otherwise, the world will perish due to pollution. (252-295, 1994.1.1)
From now on, the biggest issue in the world will be who is leading the tourism industry. That time will come. The distribution channels in the economy will become firmly established through other industrial bases. However, the distribution channels of the tourism industry move quickly, circulating all the time. Its potential for expansion is enormous because of its circulation and there is no place that is excluded. To build that foundation, I am preparing to build condominiums in Suanbo and Bugok. Everything is being prepared for the distant future. However, there is no one in this room with such a futuristic way of thinking. (225-176, 1992.1.20) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Twelve - The Pacific Rim Providence
Chapter Three - The Pacific Rim Era and the Inauguration of the Island Nations Federation
Section 1. Now is the Pacific Rim era

1.1. Why is the Pacific era coming?

The current times are called the Pacific era. No matter what America says, and regardless of those who claim European supremacy, the trade zone centering on the Pacific Ocean has surpassed that of Europe and continues to develop. In all aspects, America is at the stage where it cannot abandon the Pacific region. The Asian people are the ones who are good at doing business. Don't Americans recklessly use their money? The Asian people do not. If you ever handle the body of a dead Chinese person, you will never come across a corpse without money. (174-205, 1988.3.1)
The direction of world civilization will develop as it makes a circuit around the globe. In other words, civilization moved from the continental civilization of Egypt to the peninsular civilization of Rome and Greece, then to the island civilization of Great Britain and reached the continental civilization of the United States of America. The continental civilization is now moving west, crossing the Pacific Ocean, passing through the island civilization of Japan and ultimately culminating in the civilization of the Korean peninsula to connect with Asia. The culture consolidated here is of a high level and will create a new world. As an island nation, Japan was the first in Asia to incorporate Western Civilization.
It will now be the age of the peninsular civilization. The Korean peninsula is where the oriental and Western Civilizations become one. As the historian Spengler pointed out, the rise and fall of civilizations have been recurring like the changes of the four seasons in a year. The age of the Atlantic civilization has now passed, ushering in the age of the Pacific civilization. (115-171, 1981.11.10)
Christianity had the responsibility of bringing spiritual salvation to the world. However, unless it absorbs the physical foundation, Christianity does not have a basis to stand on. Today, people throughout the world are talking about the coming of the era of the Pacific civilization. Why is that so? It is because the origin of history can be found in that region.
Since Jesus' body was lost, America -- representing spiritual Christianity -- has the historical mission of crossing the Pacific and returning to Asia. Consequently, we can conclude that such a time must inevitably come. You should understand that the original cause lies here. (224-306, 1991.12.22)
Where should America go? It should return to Asia. It should seek the Asian continent where Jesus' body was lost. The era of the Pacific civilization is coming. Yet, why is the era of the Asia-Pacific civilization coming? Even scholars do not know this. This cannot be solved without Rev. Moon's principle. America will be compelled to seek Asia. Currently, America has only the spiritual standard. Therefore, in order to make use of the body, it must return to Asia. (225-30, 1992.1.1)
Since Jesus lost his body, the foundation for the main stage disappeared, and he lost his foothold in Asia. Therefore, the material civilization went in the opposite direction. It was dragged the other way to Rome. It should have gone towards the West from Asia, but instead it came back the other way from the West. It conformed to the path of indemnity and had to go along that path while shedding blood and suffering sacrifices. In this way, Western Civilization went around in a circle, centering on Rome and passing through Britain and America, to return again to the Pacific civilization. It returns to the Pacific civilization, because it was in Asia that Jesus lost his body on the worldwide level. The spirit and the flesh were separated at this place. Therefore, Western Civilization, the material civilization, went the other way in a circle to return to Asia. (249-132, 1993.10.8)
We have entered an era in which the entire period extending from the Old Testament Age, to the realm of the bride centering on Britain, America and France in the New Testament Age, can be restored through indemnity. Consequently, right after the Second World War, we could advance towards a unified world. Therefore, the era of the Pacific civilization will arrive after the mother and her sons, Cain and Abel, become one and enter Asia together. Since Jesus lost his body in Asia, a global political domain corresponding to the body must be unified centering on Asia. That is why the era of the Asian civilization is now coming. (243-296, 1993.1.28)
Western Civilization, oriental civilization, Asian civilization and the Pacific civilization have come forth in the world. However, the Pacific civilization is a long way from America. This is why Rev. Moon went to America and made full preparations to remain there. Now I must come to Asia, combine the East and the West, and attend to India and also to Siberia. I must attend to these two places. (231-60, 1992.5.31)
Where must the Lord first appear? He must come from Asia. Since Jesus lost his physical body in Asia, he must recover it in Asia. Why is the Pacific civilization coming? The physical body that Jesus lost is returning in the era of a unified cultural sphere in Asia. When all these things are resolved in this way, history will be properly resolved. (232-25, 1992.7.1)
Japan was the Eve nation on the satanic side. That is why the Eve nation on the satanic side could share and retain equally all the blessings of the Eve nation on the heavenly side. Christianity could not succeed in Asia on account of Jesus' death, so it went in reverse to Europe instead, passing through Rome and Britain. In this manner, Christianity has gone the opposite way. The peninsula corresponding to Rome is the Korean peninsula; the sea and island corresponding to the Mediterranean Sea is Japan; the continent corresponding to Europe is the Asian continent. They return to their relative positions after making a full circuit. The time has come for the two ends to meet. This is why scholars and politicians say that the age of the Pacific civilization is coming. (251-144, 1993.10.17)
Why did the Second World War have to occur? It was to recover Jesus' lost body on the worldwide level. The unified realm was lost because the returning Lord was driven away. That is why America now comes again through the Pacific civilization, seeking the Asian region that had lost Jesus' body, as well as the unified world. The time is drawing near when America comes seeking Asia from the opposite direction. You should know that that is why the era of the Pacific civilization is coming. This is in accord with the fact that the world must be unified, centering on the ideal of the returning Lord, by recovering, in Asia, Jesus' body that was lost in Asia. By going through this process, the era of the Pacific civilization is bound to come. It is to recover the body and make it whole. The Lord at his Second Advent already has the basis for receiving this, centering on the spirit and the flesh. That is why the cultural sphere can be connected internally and externally, based on a criterion of unity, where the object partner stands before the subject partner. Through this process, a unified world can be created, centering on the True Parents. (267-176, 1995.1.5)
The era of the Pacific civilization is coming, because Western Civilization and oriental civilization must recover the lost body of the father. Jesus came as the father, but the body of that father was killed. We must recover this body and make it one with the legacy of spiritual salvation within the sphere of Christianity. That is why the Lord comes to the East. Centering on the coming Lord, the Korean peninsula is like Italy. Until now, Italy has never been destroyed. For over two thousand years, it has survived as a powerful nation. That is because Italy is a counterpart nation for the coming Lord. Based on that standard, the Lord returns to the Pacific era, centering on this Korean peninsula; but it is the Pacific Ocean era rather than the Mediterranean Sea era. He returns to the vast environment of Asia through the connection of the Korean peninsula. If the Korean peninsula is the male sexual organ, then Japan is the female sexual organ. They are bound to become one. The age of a unified world comes when they are united. That is why Korea is called the Adam nation, and Japan the Eve nation. (251-147, 1993.10.17)
In the future, the world civilization will most certainly return to Asia. The era of the Pacific civilization is approaching. Today, eminent scholars who study social science, as well as natural scientists who have any pretense to knowledge, predict that the era of the Pacific civilization will appear and set the trend of history. Why must it be that way? Shouldn't I know the root cause? Haven't I been teaching now for over forty years that the era of the Pacific civilization is coming? Nobody knows in which nation it will appear. I am the only one who knows. It is the man called Rev. Moon who knows all these things and believes that the Republic of Korea must take the lead. (207-281, 1990.11.11)
At which time should Western Civilization and oriental civilization be joined together? When the two combine, where will this union take place? They will not be combined in an island nation. They will be joined together on a peninsula. From this point of view, as a peninsular nation, Korea is in the most precarious situation in Asia. When you consider Korea's location, you will find that it is surrounded by the Soviet Union, communist China, Japan, and even America. Taking into consideration the Pacific coast, it can be regarded as being connected even to America. All scholars are saying that history will now advance into the era of the Pacific cultural sphere. Scholars in the fields of politics, economy, and history are asserting that such an era will come. In America, they regard this as indisputable.
Then, which nation will play the leading role? Will it be Japan? Will it be China? Japan and China are enemies. They were enemies forty years ago. Korea and Japan are also enemies. They are all enemies. In Asia, Japan fought against China, against the Soviet Union, and also occupied Korea. They all regard Japan as an enemy nation. She was the Eve nation on the satanic side that could replace Great Britain. (196-162, 1990.1.1)
Western Civilization and Asian civilization cannot be directly connected. You should know that Western Civilization has lost its direction and is entering the twilight realm after the sun has set. It will perish unless it thanks Rev. Moon for connecting it with oriental civilization, which is like the brilliant sunlight of a new morning. Western society, which is headed toward ruin, has a cultural background of flowing toward the Atlantic Ocean. You should be aware of the amazing fact that, through Rev. Moon, this civilization can now be connected to God's providential realm through a new Asian civilization.
Until now, western people have just opposed me, with no knowledge of this fact. Through Rev. Moon they can relate with God's providence. They have gone over to a world in which they can now accept God's providence once again. God's providence will once more begin to expand. (120-199, 1982.10.15)
The Unification Church is the third son. The Unification Church was actually born as the most precious son of them all. The Christian civilization is now the only thing that can digest western culture into a unified substance and bring harmony in Europe and to North and South America. Yet, the Christian civilization of the West is crossing over to Asia. Then in which nation will Asia conform to God's efforts to bring unity and order through Christian thought? Japan worships a diverse group of gods. China and the Soviet Union have been communized. Korea remains alone within the enclosure of Christianity even though its various denominations are in conflict. Although it cannot be planted as a seed tree, it is needed as firewood.
In other words, among the many countries of Asia, if there is one nation whose entire population can accept the Christian cultural background and also maintain a receptive attitude while the Pacific civilization is approaching before their eyes, that nation can naturally only be Korea. Japan, China, or the Soviet Union cannot fulfill this role. (222-134, 1991.10.28)
With a "do or die" spirit, I organized the International Conference for the Unity of the Sciences (ICUS) and the Professors World Peace Academy (PWPA). There is nowhere you cannot go, with these organizations in the lead. If I hadn't mobilized America at that time, its leaders would have never known what direction top Chinese officials would take for the next twenty years. It was obvious that communism was going to change, but Americans didn't know in which direction it was going to change. They didn't believe me, even when I told them. That is why I gathered military strategists and other planners, with twenty people representing the free world and another twenty representing China, and convened a seminar under the title "An Examination of the Soviet Union's Future Foreign Policy toward China and the Pacific Coast." I was the one who had provided America's future strategic material. (204-257, 1990.7.11)
We are now in the era of the Pacific civilization. At the same time, this leads to the space age. All the waters of the world merge with the waters of the Pacific Ocean. The rivers and the waters from the Atlantic Ocean and even water from the Mediterranean Sea all join with the Pacific. There is a flow of water called the Black Current that is about four to five thousand miles long. As it circulates it influences all five of the great oceans of the world.
For this reason, when the era of the Pacific civilization draws near, everybody must become one. Then we can explore outer space. Unless people become one, they would even fight over the ownership of the sun, with everyone claiming that right. They would ask who the master of the starry realm is and they would all claim to be the one. They are bound to fight among each other. Our sun is about 1.3 million times larger than the earth. How could human beings, who don't even amount to a tiny speck, claim to own this vast entity? The universe would roar with laughter. A unified world is bound to appear in the era of the Pacific civilization. That is why everything must be overhauled. Democracy in America does not work, and neither does communism. That is why the head-wing ideology, known as Godism, must appear in this age. (207-46, 1990.10.28)
A unified universe on the heavenly side must be created centering on the mother on the heavenly side, along with Cain and Abel on the heavenly side. What is this unified universe? It is a world without Satan. When you think about the Garden of Eden, its standard was devoid of the Fall. Adam and Eve, who are in the position of fallen parents, must attend the father anew. They should go around the world, return to the era of the Pacific civilization and attend the father there. Then they should inherit the new blood. When they become one after inheriting life and the new lineage through new love, a unified universe will be established for the first time. (209-292, 1990.11.30)
The era of the Pacific civilization is now coming. The Adam nation and Eve nation, and three archangel nations should lay the principal foundation at that time. They must become one. On the strength of the reputation of True Parents, who are from the original Eden, we can head straight for heaven. I have established a liberated realm, an original standard, whereby we can enter the Kingdom of Heaven, based on the archangel's love, God's love and True Parents' love. Therefore, the age in which we can enter the Kingdom of Heaven on the national standard has come. Consequently, the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and the Kingdom of Heaven in spirit world will be manifested. (211-204, 1990.12.30)
Through the unification of North and South Korea, the gap between the rich and poor in the East and the West will be resolved, and Western Civilization and oriental civilization will become one. Originally, the East was the center of spiritual civilization. That is why all religions emerged from the East. When religious spheres begin to flourish, all material possessions must be cast away. You have to give up everything, including your house and nation. However, the material world cannot be thrown away. This is why it is being collected from the other end.
As a result, western people were the ones who developed material civilization. The European powers had knowledge, and the more they discovered, the more they occupied the land, claiming it to be their own. They all expanded their domain through knowledge. Yet in the East, people gave up all their money. Unification, however, unfolds when the spiritual standard and material standard become one. The material civilization comes seeking Asia. Thus, an era is coming in which Western Civilization and oriental civilization are combining in the Pacific sphere, so an era is coming which will lead to a new world. That is the era of the Pacific civilization. (212-138, 1991.1.2)
A majority of scholars worldwide have reached the conclusion that the Pacific civilization is the way that history is leading us toward the original vertical world of God. Then what are we looking for? We are seeking true love. If that principle of love is established, then the world will not perish.
Rev. Moon, who represents the East, came to America to educate people so that they could safely cross the Pacific Ocean without drowning in it. You should know that this is the purpose of the Unification Church in western society. The Unification Church, alone, can go to the eternal and ideal original homeland, where the Pacific civilization, including both vertical love and horizontal love, is formed and brought to perfection. (216-206, 1991.3.31)
In the process of advancing to the unified realm of the world, a Pacific civilization will emerge from the Asian continent, based on Western Civilization and oriental civilization. Europe will now become one. In that regard, what will become its underlying cultural basis? It will not be the history of Great Britain, Germany, or France. Its foundation is the entire Christian cultural sphere. (218-362, 1991.8.22)
The vast American and Western sphere will restore Jesus' body, then become one and return to the Pacific Ocean. The standard for a nation to lead the world, centering on Jesus, must be established in Asia, which is a spiritual civilization. That is what I have been preparing until now. The formation of the Inter-religious Federation for World Peace has brought order to the Christian cultural sphere, based on oriental civilization, and it can revive and unify the substance of Christian civilization in the future. It has tied together the hidden relationships of the world. (218-364, 1991.8.22)
In order to restore through indemnity the failure of Roman culture, I am laying out a worldwide peninsular civilization, and also thinking of creating a historical Roman kingdom of law which goes back to God. This is coming to the Pacific civilization. By the end of this month, I am assembling the religious spheres from the East and the West. That has never happened in history, has it? The International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences, the Professors World Peace Academy (PWPA), the World Media Association, the Inter-religious Federation for World Peace, and the Federation for World Peace are organizations that are going to deal with all existing divisions and conflicts of mind and body, so that each nation may be brought together in an ideal unified realm. This is awesome. All this is made possible because God exists. (218-379, 1991.8.22)
Most intellectuals believe that the time of the Pacific cultural sphere is coming and that Asia will play a leading role in that age. What should Asia do in order to play such a leading role? Surrounding nations should be brought into harmonious relationships. Korea, for instance, has Japan, China, the Soviet Union, and America surrounding its territory. This small nation is a place of geopolitical importance, so these four great powers are in hot rivalry and cannot let her go. Practically speaking, I have been working hard until now to bring together nations from many directions, connecting, assimilating and forming them into a supra-national core. That is why we have come to a stage in which even America, which heads the free world across the Pacific, cannot ignore us. We have come to a stage where even Japan cannot ignore the man called Rev. Moon. It is the same with the Soviet Union and also China. (222-29, 1991.10.27)
As we face the imminent approach of the Pacific civilization, is there a nation among the many countries of Asia which can possess a Christian cultural background and maintain a receptive attitude? If so, that nation would not be Japan, China or the Soviet Union. It could only be Korea. Of the five billion people in the world, more than 3.2 billion or three-fifths are Asian. They live in Asia. Korea has come down through history as a kingdom where religions have flourished. That is how it was with Buddhism, Confucianism, and Christianity. (221-196, 1991.10.24)
I am trying to promote a Pacific cultural sphere in Asia, on the basis of bringing together Christianity and many other religions centering on Korea. The democratic world and communist world can come if they wish. I inaugurated the Women's Federation for World Peace and the Inter-religious Federation for World Peace in preparation for this. Do not forget the fact that combining the mind and body, which are in conflict, and driving them into one, makes the internal relationship that enables you to unify the entire historical course during which the mind struggled within the individual self. (221-196, 1991.10.24)
Think about it. The cultural history of the colored races is long, while the background of cultural achievement of the white race is short. White people are cousins of polar bears that have come from the North Pole. They eat meat while looking at blood. Bloodshed always accompanied the white people wherever they went. They shed blood. However, those who live in an agricultural culture are different. That is why the end is near for white society. You should be aware of this. Where should they go now? Shouldn't they go to Asia?
Don't intellectuals in America these days say that the era of the Pacific civilization is coming? The era of the Pacific civilization comes centering on the yellow people. Why is it that Japan and Korea have experienced such rapid growth? It is because God is with them. From those lands, Rev. Moon will also prosper. This is why I have planted an essential concept that the Pacific cultural realm needs. I have planted it throughout the world. Once planted, it cannot be removed by anybody. (205-261, 1990.9.9)
Many people say that the future will be the time of the yellow people, or "Yellow Power." The world of the Pacific cultural sphere refers to Asia. In some way or other, that is how humanity will become in the future. Through our large weddings, two-thirds of the human population will belong to the yellow race, and the other third of the population will be of mixed backgrounds. That is why, from now, the world will advance into the time of the yellow people. I am not saying this because I belong to the yellow race. I am saying this because that is how the Principle works. (244-135, 1993.2.1)

1.2. The central nations in the Pacific era are Korea and Japan

The Pacific civilization is now coming. In a situation where battlefields are inevitably emerging in America, Japan, Korea, China and Russia, countries that are unprepared for this civilization and cultural background will fall behind. I am the very man who has made preparations, standing on the front line. That is why I have brought together Japan, America, China and the Soviet Union. It gives us hope to think that the great things done by Rev. Moon and the Americans, who have joined hands in unity, will become a condition for America, and the world in the future, to secure and enter a common destiny within the Pacific civilization. Don't feel so bad about this. Once this is connected, it will be very good for the Western world and America. (202-264, 1990.5.24)
Since there are people from the Soviet Union here today, I would like to give you one piece of advice. There will be many problems if the Soviet Union continues to strengthen its economic system while emphasizing Germany and Europe. Always bear in mind that you should put America first, and then bring Europe together.
If you give priority to Europe, and proceed to bind Europe together, then a great war and complex problems will occur in the near future in the European region and the Pacific coastal regions of Asia. In order to prevent this, leaders in the Soviet Union should focus their economic policies on America and then proceed to bind Europe together. If they ignore this advice, the problems will be great. (210-143, 1990.12.18)
From now, the era of the Pacific civilization is coming. This is what scholars are talking about in western society. Japan as an island nation cannot deal with this. Is it Japan or China? China belongs to the third world and is undeveloped. Since I knew this, I have been carrying out the providence in this way. Korea and Japan were designated respectively as Adam and Eve. That is why they are connected with the continent. China belongs to the archangelic realm, whether it believes it or not. Aren't there many men in China? They are archangels. In the past, didn't they bind the feet of women because there weren't that many women? Wasn't China called the "blue dragon"? The dragon is the archangel. (194-347, 1989.10.30)
Since the allied forces of Great Britain, America and France belong to the Christian cultural sphere, they offered great protection to a country like Korea. If the Pacific war had been extended for another four days, two hundred thousand Christians would have been massacred. That did not happen because God loved Korea. Did a single bomb fall on Korea during the Second World War? In the chaos during the final months, Japan was left in ruins. But in Korea, not one bomb fell. Why? It was because heaven and earth were protecting the Korean people. Since America belongs to the Christian cultural sphere, it had protected Korea. (240-217, 1992.12.13)
In this way, the Pacific civilization advances toward the unification of Asia and world unification. This is why everything that was lost is being restored through indemnity. Isn't that exactly how things are now progressing? Since America is the archangel on the heavenly side, three archangels on the satanic side must be under America's control. That is why the mission of the Eve nation is great.
What kind of mission remains for the Eve nation? She should maintain her chastity, stick close to her husband's side, and not protrude her personality. Nothing a woman has exists for the sake of the woman herself. Japan's assets should be used for the sake of Asia. They should be used for developing the Middle East and even Europe. (250-292, 1993.10.15)
We are now moving from the age of the Atlantic cultural sphere to the age of the Pacific cultural sphere. The Soviet Union and America are having closer ties, thus helping them to become the leading forces of this age. They have taken prominent roles. But in order to lead the world from now on, they must digest the people of Asia. Otherwise, they cannot lead. The Asian population is close to 3 billion among the world's 5 billion people. Asia has over three-fifths of the world's population. This is why a thought system, that cannot digest the people of Asia, cannot lead the world. (173-219, 1988.2.18)
There are 3 billion people living in Asia. We are now living in the time of the Pacific cultural sphere. Such a time has come. History has passed through a river culture, through the Mediterranean cultural sphere, and has come around to the Atlantic cultural sphere. Now we are entering an age where we can leap into the cultural sphere of outer space, centering on the Pacific cultural sphere. How to continue linking all this together is a question for the world's political tacticians to explore, but they will not find an answer. I have gathered the prominent politicians of the world to countless international conferences. Their conclusion is that only Rev. Moon's ideology is the hope for this age -- and not America, France, Germany, Britain or even the Soviet Union. (174-48, 1988.2.23)
The inhabitants of our global village have become like close neighbors. The approaching Asia-Pacific era will be a world where people cannot help but live in harmony, going beyond skin color and cultural background. Heavenly fortune is driving people towards an age of harmony when, in order to survive, individuals must make peace even with their enemies.
The Korean people should become the guides of the new age by living under the right set of values, embedded in the firm foundation of a belief system centered on God. We should all go beyond our petty interests. With a clear and calm perspective on international relations, we should exhibit the combined strength of the entire nation and take the leading role in the Asia-Pacific era. (193-322, 1989.10.12)
Thankfully, there are 3.2 billion people living in Asia. The Soviet Union is a nation of white people who are in a disadvantageous position due to their frigid climate. Yet, the Soviet Union is in a position today, which surpasses that of communist China in all aspects, including military and political fields. That is why the Soviet Union is intent on devouring Japan at any cost. Once the Soviets do so, they believe that they can grasp the initiative in their confrontation against America, centering on the stage of the Pacific Ocean. (121-16, 1982.10.21)
From a geopolitical point of view, Japan is an island nation. In the end, island nations cannot live in isolation. This is why Japan needs to establish ties with some continent. Currently, Japan is making her ties with the American continent across the Pacific Ocean.
These two nations were enemies forty years ago during the Second World War. The uniqueness of these people is that they have fought each other as enemies. But where will Japan go? Should she cross the Pacific Ocean and get a ride on America's back, or should she connect with the Asian continent? If Japan were to connect, where should she be connected? This is the question. Since the shortest route is to go through the Korean peninsula, Japan should not connect to Siberia or to Communist China.
Japan cannot enter Communist China and digest the chaos there. Japan cannot digest the 1.2 billion people of Communist China. Japan is also unable to digest the Soviet Union, which is the leading nation of the vast communist world. From this point of view, Japan has no alternative other than to connect with Korea, centering on the United States. (177-14, 1988.5.15)
The Pacific civilization is a preparatory culture, established for the sake of creating the sphere of influence for the coming God-centered ideology of the True Father. A unified cultural sphere must emerge from this place and bring an end to the disparate cultures. That is why the unification of languages, cultures, and nations will unfold centering on the culture of the True Parents. Such a time will arise and be ushered in. It will become more and more evident on the Korean peninsula. (193-225, 1989.10.4)
In American economic and philosophical circles, people are saying, "the USA, as the leading force in the Pacific civilization, is finished. We must go to the East. Yet, how are we to go there?" Such people do not realize that they need to take a hold of Rev. Moon's tail. Once they are taught that, everything will be completed. (195-258, 1989.12.1)
Korea is the decisive point for creating the realm of a unified nation. Korea is the Adam nation. The lineage that enables you to inherit the original nature of the owner who connects love, life and lineage together, and stands within the new ideal realm of creation, begins from the Adam nation.
Where will the mother nation, eldest son nation, and nations of the second son achieve unity? They will cross the Pacific and come to Korea, the Adam nation. That is when Korea will be liberated from Japan. (198-232, 1990.2.3)
Among the many countries of Asia, if there is one that can accept the Christian cultural background and maintain a receptive attitude while confronting the situation in which the Pacific civilization is approaching before their eyes, that country would not be Japan, China or the Soviet Union but could only be Korea. Have hope. More than three-fifths of humankind lives in Asia, which is the birthplace of religions. Korea has been a kingdom that brings fruition to those religions. (222-36, 1991.10.27)
The age of the Pacific civilization is unfolding, centering on the Korean peninsula. Japan is exactly like a woman's womb. These two must become one. That is why Japan must restore through indemnity all the mistakes of Christianity and of Britain. The failures of the Vatican must also be overcome, centering on the Korean peninsula. The Vatican ideal, the Christian ideal, and the ideal royal palace for the returning Lord should all be created. Since Jesus' body was lost in Asia, the Christian cultural sphere must be combined, both spiritually and physically, in Asia so as to create a unified cultural sphere. (226-134, 1992.2.2)
The Adam nation is Korea, and the Eve nation is Japan. The archangel nations are the surrounding countries of America, China, and the Soviet Union. This is what God chooses. Didn't Japan rule over Korea? China also tried to occupy Korea. The country that controls Korea controls the Pacific Ocean. The time of the Pacific cultural sphere is coming. Haven't most intellectuals been announcing this in recent history? That is why the Soviet Union, China, and America have tried to occupy Korea. (234-110, 1992.8.4)
The people of the world do not know that Korea has reached the stage where it can be in command of the four nations. God, Rev. Moon, and the Unificationists are the only ones who know. How grateful we are for this amazing knowledge! In regards to the future direction of history, many of the world's scholars, economists, and social scientists say that the era of the Pacific civilization is coming. The world shall come to know that Rev. Moon has created the base for the Pacific civilization, and is pushing ahead, after establishing it as an ideological base! Amen! In this way, the sun is bound to rise and bring a new dawn to the world. (239-274, 1992.12.6)
The unification of North and South Korea will not take place through Kim Il-sung, but through Rev. Moon. The Pacific civilization is established by bringing together the Eve nation, the Adam nation, and the archangel nations. It is inevitable for the Pacific civilization to be established in that way because Jesus lost his body in Asia, and therefore the standard remains that a unified world should be restored again in Asia. That is why the Pacific civilization is being discussed worldwide. The world will become a unified place through the unity of Adam and Eve, and the three archangels. That is how providential history is developing. (250-290, 1993.10.15)
Centering on Asia, the Korean peninsula is like the male sexual organ, while Japan is like the sexual parts of a woman. Centering on the Pacific civilization, this forms the central point for the standard of connecting the larger landmasses of USA, China, and the Soviet Union, along with all six continents of the world. This forms the Pacific civilization.
What is the Pacific civilization based around? China and Japan are thought to be the center at this time. Actually, this is not the case. The Republic of Korea-the Korean peninsula-will inevitably become the center. From a topographical point of view, the Korean peninsula, as the crossing point between Hellenism and Hebraism, is where worldwide democracy and communism, materialism and theism, are in confrontation. This is where the embodiment of the evil true parent and the good True Parent, Kim Il-sung and I, respectively, are in confrontation, with both of us trying to digest the other. The Korean peninsula is the final destination of history. The central body that brings this to oneness is the peninsula that takes on the form of the male sexual organ of the continent. This can embrace all of the Pacific Ocean. (213-223, 1991.1.21)
In Asia, the Korean peninsula symbolizes the sexual organ of the continent; it is the male sexual organ. The Japanese archipelago has Hokkaido as its head. The group of islands below look like a woman with all her limbs spread out. That is why Japan is the Eve nation. The base of Japanese trade is located in Shimonoseki and Shikoku. Western culture spread out from the waterway by Shimonoseki with the Pacific Ocean in the background. It was the seaway for importing culture, where a woman spreads her legs and begins a relationship. However, with the earth in the background, I am unifying the Pacific culture and the American culture into the culture of the Korean peninsula, centering on heavenly culture. (295-223, 1998.8.28) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Twelve - The Pacific Rim Providence
Chapter Three - The Pacific Rim Era and the Inauguration of the Island Nations Federation
Section 2. Inauguration of the Federation of Island Nations

2.1. The background of the inauguration of the Federation of Island Nations

We should take the path of restoring a nation. In restoring a nation, we do not need the nation called Japan. In restoring a nation, we need to do so from a supra-national standard. To do so, we need to restore one nation under the aegis of the UN. But since the UN does not listen to me, I made the Federation of Island Nations. This is the Abel-type UN. Then I made the Federation for Peninsular Nations. In addition, I created the Federation for the Nations of the Six Continents. (282-185, 1997.3.12)
I must leave Korea and find my place in the global arena. If I cannot become a national messiah, I must go beyond it by standing in the position of a global messiah. Once twelve nations are established, then everything will be accomplished. That is why I created the Federation of Island Nations, the Federation of Peninsular Nations, and the Federation of Continental Nations. I told you to negotiate with the UN by using these organizations.
I am trying to get these four federations -- the Women's Federation, the Youth Federation, the Student Federation, and the Religious Federation -- recognized by the UN. If that does not work, I will then create a new UN. The UN no longer has an owner. True Parents' Day should be celebrated there, and even the UN Secretary-General... All the internal and external conditions for this have been made. Everyone knows this to be the case. (282-269, 1997.4.7)
I made the Federation of Island Nations, the Federation of Peninsular Nations and the Federation of Continental Nations, because it is now the age for the restoration of the kingship. We can abandon the North American continent. Instead, Asia and South America can be tied together as Cain and Abel. Such a time is coming about. The national level providence is now passing into the world level providence. Once the center is established, the world will turn 360 degrees. It has the authority to freely choose among 360 nations. (283-38, 1997.4.8)
Since the UN could not fulfill its responsibility, I created the Federation of Island Nations, and the Federation for Peninsular Nations. I must create an Abel-type UN centering on religious people. The UN today represents the body. The body symbolizes the satanic side. The mind-type UN does not exist. These two must become one. That is why an Abel-type UN must be created. (285-282, 1997.6.15)
There are so many Eve nations. To prevent Japan's decline, I founded the Federation of Island Nations, the Federation for Peninsular Nations, and the Federation for Continental Nations. To save Japan, I am hooking all four corners in order to save this ship from sinking. (286-312, 1997.8.13)
If the things I have presented come into effect, I will create a new UN, the Abel-type UN. That is why I have created such things as the Federation of Island Nations, the Federation for Peninsular Nations, and the Federation for Continental Nations. (288-204, 1997.11.28)
I am now creating the Federation of Island Nations, the Federation for Peninsular Nations, and the Federation for Continental Nations. How many underdeveloped nations are there in the world? The developed nations are only the G7 (the seven western developed nations) or G8 (the eight developed nations). There are only a few nations that have the power to influence the world economically. That is why this is not a problem. The time has come to rally these nations together. (288-206, 1997.11.28)
A time of great migration is coming. It should be carried out centering on the UN. If the UN does not follow my directions, I will create the Abel-type UN. That is why I created the Federation of Island Nations, the Federation for Peninsular Nations, and the Federation for Continental Nations. Many presidents of nations have come and said to me, "Rev. Moon, the ideal world won't come about unless we make an ideal world family quickly -- isn't that your teaching, and the way of God's will also?"
We are promoting a movement toward integration, centering on the Secretary General of the UN. That is why, if I call for sixteen representatives from the UN assembly hall, they will all come to me immediately. The Family Federation will invite the Secretary General to participate in our rallies, and will become a ladder leading to new peace. (289-55, 1997.12.30)
The issue is the unity of oriental medicine and western medicine. I plan to bring about this unity. I am also building a UN college. I have made all the necessary preparations. We also created the World Peace Federation of Island Nations -- the Federation of Island Nations? Since Japan is going to sink, we created the Federation of Island Nations, the Federation of Peninsular Nations, and then the Federation of Continental Nations as the replacements for Japan. (289-167, 1998.1.1)
The Philippines, an island nation, is America's Eve nation. Among the Eve nations, Japan is in the forefront. She forms a trinity with Taiwan and the Philippines. By having Taiwan and the Philippines as global Eve nations, we can move humankind, centering on the island nations. I have made all preparations to enable this to happen. I have tied everything together through the Federation of Island Nations, the Federation of Peninsular Nations, and the Federation of Continental Nations. I am going to make a proposal to the UN in September. (291-240, 1998.3.15)
If there is no mother, a substitute can be found. If I say, "The responsibility that Japan could not fulfill economically -- the mother's task of buying food and making money to feed the world population -- should be carried out by your daughters!" Then this responsibility must be fulfilled. Who should be quickly restored? Taiwan, the Philippines, and Canada should be quickly restored before Japan. If Japan fails, these three nations should come in and lift up Japan. That is why we have created the Federation of Island Nations, the Federation of Peninsular Nations, and the Federation of Continental Nations, while also establishing the foundation for creating a new UN. (293-161, 1998.5.26)
They are even making preparations to welcome me in Kodiak, Alaska. I was victorious in the fierce battle and struggle in the Philippines. The battle should have been carried out by Japan. But instead, it was carried out there. Japan is a kingdom of island nations, with close to seven thousand islands. It would take forty years just to visit each island every two days. In fact, Japan has the same number as that of the Federation of Island Nations. So if necessary, I can cut away Japan and place the Philippines in her place.
The same is true for Taiwan. Taiwan is China's Eve nation. The Philippines is America's Eve nation. Before the Second World War, the Philippines were occupied by America. It was occupied and divided by Japan and America. (295-209, 1998.8.28)
The last chance for the UN has now come. If the UN rejects my proposal, I will turn away from the UN and create an Abel-type UN. I have created the Federation of Island Nations, the Federation of Peninsular Nations, and even the Federation of Continental Nations. People are saying, "Don't trust the UN. Let's create an Abel-type UN!" Which side do you think the world will follow? The purpose of this is to educate the youth and families. (299-273, 1999.2.18)

2.2. Outline of the inaugural rally

The inaugural rally for the World Federation of Island Nations was held from June 16 to 18, 1996, at the Keio Plaza Intercontinental Hotel in Tokyo, Japan. Participants came from a total of 52 nations: 27 from the regions of Asia and Oceania, including Australia and Japan; 5 from Africa; 5 from Europe, including Great Britain, and the Mediterranean area; and 15 from the western hemisphere, including Canada and the Caribbean area. Beginning with former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney of Canada, some 100 former and current heads of state, along with over 900 dignitaries from Japan, participated in the events.

2.3. True Parents' keynote address at the inaugural rally

When we look at the stream of development of civilization in human history, the ancient civilizations that emerged in the river valleys, passed to the Mediterranean Sea, including Greece, Rome, and the Iberian Peninsula. Then they developed through the European continent, including Germany and France, and bore fruit as a Judeo-Christian culture in the form of the Atlantic civilization centered on Great Britain, an island nation. Afterwards, civilization passed westward through the North American continent, and presently we have the era of the Pacific Ocean centered on Japan, an island nation. This represents the expansion of the Judeo-Christian civilization into Asia.
When we recognize this kind of movement of civilizations in light of God's providence, we can see that the island nation that has been placed in the center of heavenly fortune today is none other than Japan. At the conclusion of the 20th century, Japan has come to stand in the limelight of human history in God's providence. Therefore, Japan's current prosperity cannot be explained without considering her relationship to the Judeo-Christian providence of God. If Japan has a role in God's plan, attention should be paid to the providential mission that Japan bears. It is because the purpose of God's providence is the realization of world peace. World peace is the very hope for all humankind.
There can be no better hope for human society than if the island nations around the world get together here and commit themselves to a federation of nations for the creation of world peace. It is with this expectation and ideal that I established the Federation of Island Nations. I cannot but hope that the realization of world peace will come true as the island nations all over the world inherit the heavenly fortune which was given by God to Japan, and form a group of nations dedicating their collective will to the pursuit of world peace.
What are the characteristics of island nations? The earth's surface consists of land and ocean. Science today explains that the birth of the first simplest life form took place in the realm of water, namely the ocean. This tells us that the ocean plays the role of mother who conceives and nurtures life. In this way, if the ocean can be regarded as symbolizing femininity, then the land may be considered as symbolizing masculinity. Therefore, it can be said that island nations located in the ocean symbolize women, and that continental nations and peninsula nations symbolize men. From a spiritual perspective, one might say that island nations have certain characteristics of women, such as objectivity, dependability, nurture, endurance, and receptivity. On the other hand, continental nations may be seen as manly, possessing such attributes as proactivity, creativity, and the nature of a provider.
Following this comparison, the position that an island nation should play can be described as identical with that which women fill in human society. Women get married and are traditionally expected to wholeheartedly love and serve their husbands. By receiving love from their spouses, and giving birth to children, women may shine and blossom through this dynamic relationship. As mothers, women have the important responsibility of nourishing their children, bringing them up and educating them. Likewise, we can say that island nations also have similar roles to play.
In 1945, when World War II came to an end, world Christianity was at an extremely important point in the history of God's providence of salvation. Christian nations like Great Britain, the United States, and France were in the central positions of the providence at that time. In World Wars I and II, the three major Christian nations of Great Britain, the United States, and France fought for democracy as the center of the allied nations.
It was God's desire to see the three major Christian nations join their forces to practice God's love in the service of humankind, with a sacrificial and serving spirit to actualize world peace, without lapsing into nationalistic ideas centered on their countries.
The end of World War II, in 1945, saw the opportunity of providing lasting peace for humankind through the establishment of the United Nations. However, the historical reality was not the realization of world peace, but the expansion of communism, and the numerous conflicts that have come with it, as well as the spiritual decline and moral degradation of Christian nations. Humankind, which has endured the cold war between the United States and the former Soviet Union for more than 40 years, is passing through a spiritual wilderness that continues until the present.
For my part, I have traveled the world to reveal God's ideals and His providence in order to actualize the vision of world peace on the basis of God's original plan. To this end, I have established many international organizations. But the path is long, and there remains a lot of work for all of us to do. What is the ideal of God? It goes without saying that the original ideal of God is to realize a peaceful world. In such a world, there are no divisions or conflicts. It is a world filled with unity, harmony and joy. The greatest and quickest means to this end is through true love. True love is the factor of unity and the origin of joy and happiness. That is why I would say that the prerequisite of peace is true love.
The reason why human beings are still unable to make true peace is because they are ignorant of true love. Why? The answer, as mentioned in the Bible, is that humankind has separated from God.
Due to the Fall of the first human ancestors, Adam and Eve established the first family without God's blessing. Peace has been absent from this world ever since. Instead, divisions, conflicts, and struggles have come to rule this world. In the individual, the struggle between mind and body, the conflicts between husband and wife at the family level, and the struggles between societies are accepted as normal, everyday life.
It is my conviction that all human problems are caused by the fundamental loss of true love. The fall of humankind meant the loss of true love. Consequently, Jesus came as the King of true love in order to restore the love that Adam and Eve had lost. By the same token, the Lord at his Second Advent is coming in order to restore true love. That is the logical conclusion, seen from the view of the providence of salvation.
My life until today, and my quest for world peace, has been concentrated on the point of how humankind can restore true love. When we look at the moral degradation of the world, we can think of how great God's sorrow must be. Watching this world decline breaks my heart and brings tears to my eyes. The spirit of our young people is wounded by the practice of so-called "free sex", which is an evil similar to the immorality and adultery of Sodom and Gomorrah. The greatest sorrow of God is to see humankind going down this path of irresponsible destruction.
Human history began with the tragic incident known as the Fall of Adam and Eve. It is a matter of fact that we must all shoulder the responsibility for this act and resolve this issue. However, when we study the passage in the Bible that Eve was the first to fall and began the history of sin, we can see that the providence requires that an age must come in human history in which women will lead the way to redeem the Fall of Eve. We can see that the ideological trends in the 20th century, such as the movement of women seeking true liberation, indicate that women have begun to stand up for the sake of world peace. Since I know that such is the providence of God, I founded the Women's Federation for World Peace in April, 1992, together with my wife.
The age of women came in the 1990s, and is a world-wide trend that will continue into the twenty-first century. We may say that love and cooperation, and the spirit of resolution and harmony, will fulfill a historical contribution towards world peace. This worldwide age of women means that the age of island nations will bear the characteristics of women. In this way, the age of women and the age of island nations are intimately linked together. The time when women stand up for world peace is the time when island nations should also stand up for worldwide cooperation. Now is the opportunity for island and oceanic nations to fulfill their glorious and historical missions of realizing world peace. Is there a mission of greater glory than this?
When the Federation of Island Nations ignites and spreads by virtue of service and dedication, the light of hope will burn brightly before the future of humankind. Ultimately, island nations must inevitably seek for the continent. This is based on the same principle as that of a woman who seeks a loving relationship with a man. This might be called the condition for the survival of island nations. Thus, the various activities for world peace carried out by island nations must inevitably bring a good influence on continental countries. In this way, when the positive effects of the efforts of island nations for the realization of world peace are spread to the continental realm, world peace will take a major step closer towards realization.
We strongly desire that the twenty-first century will become a new millennium revealing the brilliant dawn of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, long awaited by humankind. I am convinced that organizations such as the Federation for World Peace, the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace, the Women's Federation for World Peace, the Youth Federation for World Peace, and the Students Federation for World Peace, will fulfill a crucial role for peace and harmony together with the Federation of Island Nations.
Ultimately, all of these organizations will bear fruit as the Family Federation for World Peace. This is because the final base for peace is the family, and there is no way to establish global unity other than by rebuilding the family institution.
By thoroughly carrying out the education of youth, based on an ideal that transcends race, nation and religion, the Family Federation for World Peace will be able to perfect an ideal family and attain the historical feat of a one-world family in which people from all corners of the world enjoy true and lasting peace. Your Federation of Island Nations will make a very great contribution toward the highest objective of the Family Federation for World Peace. ("The Role of the Island Nations in the 21st Century," June 16, 1996, Japan) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Twelve - The Pacific Rim Providence
Chapter Three - The Pacific Rim Era and the Inauguration of the Island Nations Federation
Section 3. The Ocean Providence Centering on Hawaii

3.1. Japan and Hawaii

We know from history that the Americans established their nation while migrating from east to west, giving birth to a new civilization. Then, based on Hawaii, the United States secured a beach-head from which to influence the Pacific Ocean sphere. (79-72, 1975.6.1)
The reason that Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in Hawaii is that she had come to the conclusion that it would be impossible to defend her position in either China or Korea without striking the United States, which lay in the background. You should be aware of this. You should understand that Japan struck Pearl Harbor in order to defend her dominant position in Korea and China. Historians in America have not known this. I am certain about these things. (111-313, 1981.3.9)
Didn't the small nation of Japan pick a fight and start the great Asian War? Do you know why Japan attacked Hawaii? The Japanese students who studied abroad were not treated as people. So they thought, "You just wait and see. Just wait ten, twenty years. I'm going to get you!" And then later, they struck back. Since those foreign students thought in such a manner, God helped them in that way.
Those students who had studied for ten years spent the whole time thinking, "I'm going to beat you." And the students who had studied for twenty years, constantly thought, "I'm going to trample on you." (293-292, 1998.6.7)
The Japanese made the decision to attack America, didn't they? That is why they illegally attacked Pearl Harbor. This perspective has not been explored in American or Japanese history books. From a providential point of view, you should understand how Japan's decision came about. This is a certain fact. Japan did not simply make an illegal attack on America's Pearl Harbor. They had sufficient rationale to do so. Then, what did the missionaries do? They were guiding the political aspect of things. (111-153, 1981.2.10)
Wasn't America the land of the Indians? When I went to Hawaii, I thought, "Wow, I have never seen such a place in this world!" Thirty percent of the people are Japanese, and only twenty-nine percent are white. This is why they say that the white people are being persecuted. When I heard that remark, I didn't feel so bad. If I had said, "Hey, you Japanese people! See that indemnity is paid for the opposition that I have received in America!", then how efficiently they would have seen to it.
But I realized that they would expel all the white people there, so I thought, "This will not do." Soon I concluded, "If I marry the children of those families that form thirty percent of the population, with the children of the families belonging to twenty-nine percent of the population, then they will be completely united." I also realized how simple the providence for restoration would be if everything was transferred to the American continent. That is why I am building centers of operation, purchasing boats, and making preparations to live in Hawaii. I intend to go to Hawaii. Believe me, the Pacific civilization is coming! (216-275, 1991.4.7)

3.2. The reason Hawaii is the center of the ocean providence

Don't you wish to go to Hawaii? I have purchased land there in order to build a heavenly village. I have built houses and transported boats to the islands. Isn't that great! It doesn't rain much there during the four seasons in a year. That is why, as a fishing locale, there is no better place in the world than Hawaii. Spring, summer, autumn, and winter all exist in harmony in one valley. On one side it rains every day and lightning strikes, but on the other side it does not rain during the four seasons of the entire year. I knew that such a place in the world was waiting for me to come. This is why I am carrying out an educational movement for all these things. (221-60, 1991.10.20)
I am carrying out a movement to have our American members settle in the islands of Hawaii. I made a house this time, centering on the Japanese Women's Federation for Peace. If I make just one phone call to the Japanese wives, they will spend money and do all kinds of productive activities. In line with this, we can create a framework for educating the people. They will welcome us, praising my amazing ideas for making the Hawaiian Islands a foothold for God to come down and dwell. Amen! (221-60, 1991.10.20)
The place where Jesus came as the Messiah was also Asia. He is in a position to recover his body that was lost for the sake of a unified Asian sphere, and to unify Asia by means of the Christian civilization, not just as a realm of spiritual victory, but as a new material sphere of influence. When this Western Civilization comes to Asia, it must do so based on a mixed and harmonious civilization located midway in the Pacific Ocean. That is why the era of the Pacific civilization is drawing near. Western Civilization will be merged into one, with the Pacific civilization as its center. What becomes a problem here is Hawaii. (229-298, 1992.4.13)
As you all know, American history established a nation while migrating from the east to the west and gave rise to the birth of civilization. In that way it solidified the leading base for influencing the Pacific sphere centering on Hawaii. (79-72, 1975.6.1)
America consists of fifty states. Isn't Hawaii one of those states? In Hawaii, the people from the mainland are in a minority. The majority consists of people of other races. That is why there are many cases where people who went to Hawaii do not stay for a long time, but soon return to the mainland. They have disputes with each other, and because of such behavior they don't remain long. That is why I went there and built up my base in Hawaii in order to reconcile such people. I have the power and the authority. I have the knowledge and financial resources as well. (217-243, 1991.6.2)
Hawaii in Korean sounds like the phrase "Come back after you've done it (hae-wa-ra)." It is also similar to the Korean word for Eve (hae-wa) which means "Come back after doing your job." If you pronounce this slowly, it sounds like "Hawaii", which has become a domain where there is exchange between Western Civilization and Asian civilization. I had thought that Hawaii was part of the United States, but now it is becoming Japanese land. Rev. Moon is currently educating the people there to make them one. Who will educate them? A whirlwind must begin. Centering on the land of Hawaii, I am now working on creating a global sphere of influence. (229-298, 1992.4.13)
Isn't the Pacific civilization coming? That is why I created the "Pacific Rim Development Company." America is included in this and so is Australia, as well as the South Pacific and the entire Pacific Ocean. After that, I said, "Let us put the Americans to shame by our hard work!" and I am now doing that work. I came here after giving that order. For that purpose, the Japanese women here must not be inferior to the married women in Hawaii. You should be able to say, "The tradition will be made on the continent. Since we, as your spiritual elders, made this tradition, you must follow us!" and have them respond, "Yes!" They should not come to oppose you. (216-275, 1991.4.7)
If I say that I will go to Hawaii on a boat, then you must follow me there. Without a nation, there is no other way. Day and night I have been searching for God's nation. God's nation is the planet earth. You must become its citizens here in order to enter the heavenly kingdom. If you are unable to become a citizen at that time, then on the day of your death, you will have go to the other world and wait there. (128-113, 1983.6.5)