
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon, Book Thirteen -- Restoration of the True God's Homeland

Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Thirteen -- Restoration of the True God's Homeland
Chapter 1. The Restoration of the True God's Homeland
Section 1. The Homeland that the True God Desires

Jesus came to establish the homeland of the True God. The prophets and patriots of history worked to build this same homeland. In order to establish heaven, one perfect man must come. This man must be recognized by heaven and earth, begin a family, have children, and then establish a tribe, a people and a nation. He must indemnify the relationship between Cain and Abel, engraft them to himself, and build the homeland of God's dominion in this world. The prophets and patriots of history desired this result. However, they were unable to build the longed for Kingdom of Heaven on earth to which individuals, families, tribes, peoples, nations and the world could be connected. Therefore, we must abandon the path along which humankind has been heading and go in God's direction. (15-278, 1965.10.30)
What would have happened if the original human ancestors, Adam and Eve, had not fallen? In Adam's family, Adam would have become the leader of his tribe. At the same time, he also would have become the leader of his people. In addition, as the representative of the nation, Adam would have become king. Thus, the world would have united under the one philosophy based on Adam. All trivial and worthless philosophies and doctrines would have been cast aside. The myriad of doctrines that have brought great confusion to the world must be exposed at their roots and eliminated. Humanity's system of thought should have been based on Adam. Our language should also have been Adam's language, our culture should have been Adam's culture, our tradition should have been Adam's tradition, our lifestyle should have been Adam's lifestyle, and our administrative systems should have been Adam's administrative systems. Everything should have come under the system of thought of Adam's nation. The philosophy of the true Adam is Godism. Everyone must become one with God, centered on His heart. This is what we call Godism. (20-123, 1968.5.1)
The place where we long to live is the heavenly kingdom. Everyone wants to live in the heavenly kingdom. Are there boundaries in the heavenly kingdom? Do they use two languages in heaven? Are there differences between the races? The answer to these questions is no.
Then what is the heavenly kingdom like? All people were born in the bosom of God; thus, from God's point of view, we are God's sons and daughters, brothers and sisters in the family of God. From Heaven's perspective, we are one people, all citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. (66-281, 1973.5.16)
Our goal is to build a unified world and one nation under God ? a nation with one sovereignty, one people, one land, and one culture that is connected to God's lineage through the True Parents. In that nation, everyone, who is determined to become God's heirs will establish a realm of heart and fulfill the biblical ideal to "love your enemy." (God's Will -- 697)
The world God created cannot have national boundaries or problems between races. There would be no need for the struggle between good and evil. Yet in the world we live in today, there are borders dividing the nations and problems between people of different races. Barriers and divisions arise even within each family between husband and wife, between parents and children, and between siblings. There is fighting between good people and evil people. In light of the situation of the world today, the task of the coming Lord will be to create a world that transcends racial problems and creates one nation without borders. He will have to unite all the divided families and bring the kingdom of peace to this world where good and evil are fighting. (53-72, 1972.2.9)
Where is the original land, the original homeland of our ancestors? How is that homeland created? It is logical that the homeland be established on the standard of one specific nation. But if we ask the location of the homeland of humankind that God has been searching for, the answer is, the whole of planet Earth. The Earth is the homeland for which humanity has longed. Many of our ancestors in past generations have walked the path of sacrifice. Yet what was it they desired and for which they begged Heaven? They cried, "Please quickly bring the era of the homeland we desire!"
Through establishing a nation of God, we are to establish on earth the peaceful Kingdom of Heaven that places good above all else, that eliminates evil and judges the ringleader Satan, who, until now, has been the enemy of Heaven. Please understand that this has been the desire of our ancestors, who contributed enormously to the course of the providence, as well as the desire of God and Jesus. (155-321, 1965.11.1)
The homeland is neither America nor Korea. Wherever it is, there must be a country that encompasses a family, a tribe, and a people. For six thousand years of history God has been following countless nations, longing for and seeking one country that could be established as the heavenly nation on this earth. God has been searching to find Heaven's loyal subjects and virtuous men and women. We must reorganize families, peoples, and nations with God as their center. Let us not forget that we have been called to bring about the day of liberation, the restoration of our homeland. The mission of religious people has been the creation of a homeland, but they often still maintain the selfish desire for personal salvation. (15-280, 1965.10.30)
Unificationists have set the standard on the level of an individual, a people and a nation. Now we have to mobilize all the people in every nation of the world. We must seek the day of freedom, equality and happiness, as well as the day of the restoration of our homeland. Inevitably we must go this way, though it is difficult. This is my perspective and the standard that God is seeking. It was this standard that Jesus was trying to establish up until the time of his death.
We will suffer as we move forward in the process of restoring our homeland. Unification Church members will stand in the forefront. The time will come when everyone will say it cannot be done without Unification Church members, but you must still work hard for three years. We have to establish the tradition, shedding blood, sweat, and tears until all people inherit everything from us. You have to understand clearly that there are still conditions of indemnity to be offered. (15-280, 1965.10.30)
God is a miserable God, a lonely God, and an unspeakably sad God. God's joy will begin when we become standard-bearers for the liberation of God. His joy will begin when we become soldiers on the front line who, even if we are bleeding and fall down from loss of blood, have the conviction that we will keep going until we collapse together. When the ranks of the brave soldiers who are fighting to restore our homeland and bring the world into one gradually begin to increase, God's joy will begin. (64-286, 1972.11.12)
Do you know where the providence has come to at the present time? The first goal is to have the basis on which we can bring about the restoration of the homeland in heaven's nation and liberate God's Kingdom on earth. This must be done even if you have to sacrifice time with your family and relatives. Even if you end up as a refugee, this must be accomplished. (300-309, 1999.4.11)
We have to set up a country under the dominion of God. The time has come for you, as the people with genuine authority who are dedicated to God and working with True Parents, to offer the financial foundation necessary for the restoration of our homeland on earth, the nation that will also bring world unity. I should not help you either as a group or as individuals with the money from my own wallet. We have to follow the will of Heaven. Korea must be responsible for Korea; Japan must be responsible for Japan, and America for America. Providentially, these three countries are one. They are the countries of the parents and the eldest son. (303-157, 1999.8.17)
We need to create an impetus for one unified language. You read the record of everything True Parents have accomplished, but to read this in translation is a disgrace. It will become your shame in the spirit world. When you go to the spirit world, you might have to pay indemnity for thousands or tens of thousands of years. That is how great a problem this is. Even if the homeland has been restored, people who cannot go over this hill will have no path upon which they can return to their hometown. They will have no certificate of residence that enables them to dwell in their homeland as registered citizens. This is a serious problem. (303-157, 1999.8.17) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Thirteen - Restoration of the True God's Homeland
Chapter 1. The Restoration of the True God's Homeland
Section 2. We Must Find Our Homeland

We long for the nation of God, because it is a place of love. It is a place where, instead of temporary love, eternal love that transcends time can continually exist. It is also a place where you can elevate yourself and be recognized for 100 percent of your value. It is the place where you are eternally happy. This is why all people are yearning for the heavenly nation. (25-284, 1969.10.5)
If you do not restore a nation on this earth during your lifetime, then when you go to the spirit world you cannot have the value of a person who belongs to the heavenly nation. You should go to the spirit world only after bringing substantial results that come under the realm of God's dominion on earth. This is the original standard of creation. (40-131, 1971.1.30)
The goal of our faith is to become citizens of God's country. If you do not become citizens of God's country, then there will be no way for you as sons and daughters to freely receive the admiration and love of that nation's people or of all things of creation. A person without a country is always attacked. He stands in a miserable position. He may often feel hopeless after suffering an affront. That is why the question is, where can we find the country of God's desire? Which is the nation that can become God's foothold? That is the issue. (55-79, 1972.4.23)
The bloody sweat we shed for these people and this country is ultimately for the establishment of God's eternal kingdom. It is to create the blessed land that can be praised by our descendants in the thousands of years and generations to come. (14-193, 1964.10.3)
God's country is where His direct descendants receive Heaven's command and, in His place, govern under God's kingship. There would be neither communism nor democracy. Once established, that nation will remain forever. When we think of such a nation, we should feel mortified that we are unable to be a citizen of such a country. We should lament that we are unable to be such a person, living in such a nation. We must grieve over the fact that we do not have such an unchanging sovereignty. (72-292, 1974.9.1)
In order to establish sovereignties, nations and territories, the human race has established sovereign nations. Please remember that in this process many people died, many people were sacrificed, many nations fell, and many sovereignties changed hands. Don't you think that all those on the side of Heaven who made such sacrifices, and all the sad people in the spirit world who have sacrificed their lives for that will, wanted to establish such a nation and world someday? (72-292, 1974.9.1)
God sent His beloved son and daughter to the earth to establish one, absolute nation, but until the present time He could not prepare the foundation to restore one nation. This has failed every time. Thus, God's work throughout history has been to send His people to earth to manage, advance, and accomplish this work. (30-10, 1970.3.14)
It is sad to be a citizen of a country with no sovereignty. Jesus was very concerned about this point. He told people not to worry about where their food, drink or clothes would come from; that these are the matters that the ungodly are always concerned about. He said, "Your Father in heaven knows that you need all these things. Instead, above everything else, be concerned with his Kingdom and with what He requires, and He will provide you with all these other things." Did Jesus say save your son first, or save the nation first? He said to save the nation that God is seeking. (34-337, 1970.9.20)
Jesus is waiting in paradise. Paradise is the waiting room to go to heaven. Jesus did not establish a national sovereignty in front of God that had the power to communicate directly between heaven and earth. Thus, he could not stand in front of God on that basis. Please understand that this is the reason Jesus could not stand in front of Heaven's throne. Moreover, you too cannot go to heaven alone. Heaven was originally designed as the place where Adam and Eve, had they not fallen, would have gone to live together, as a family, with their sons and daughters. If you do not go as a family, then you cannot go. (56-201, 1972.5.14)
Until now, why has it been so difficult for religious people to preserve their lives? It is because there was no family, society, or nation that would help religious people. They have been a people without a nation. If they had a nation, then even if they were opposed by a tribe, they would still be protected within the realm of the nation. Why did religious people have to walk the path of persecution and bloody sacrifice wherever they went? It is because they had no nation. If only there had been a nation with a sovereign leader that had stood up and shouted, "Hey you good-for-nothings! This is the right way!" Then the people would have responded, "Yes, sir!" However, there has been no such nation; that is why these problems have occurred. They have been a people without a nation. (56-159, 1972.5.14)
Without a nation, no matter how good or happy your family is, evil people can destroy it. That is why we need to find a nation. Religious people have not understood this. We must find a nation of goodness. This is the purpose of religion. (57-260, 1972.6.4)
If you have no country, then you have no nationality. Without a nation, there is no basis upon which to register. We have to have a new registration after becoming one people. We need to establish heaven's nation on earth. Then, as victorious sons and daughters who are citizens of that country, who love that country and its people, and who have received the lineage of the Parents of goodness, we must live together and care for our families and clans. In this way we can enter heaven in the spirit world. This is the way of the Principle. (58-145, 1972.5.22)
Only with a nation can all our efforts, through which blood and sweat were shed, and our tradition, be bequeathed for the first time to our descendants for thousands of generations to come. A monument that celebrates Heaven's efforts and all its glory will be erected on this ground. If there is no such nation, however, our efforts will all be in vain. If the country that God seeks does not appear, then the Christian world and all civilizations will be sent down the river and burned up. You have to understand that they have all succumbed to Satan's game. So you must understand that the issue here is a nation. (55-339, 1972.5.9)
The homeland we are to find is not one of the existing nations, which already have their established traditions and cultures. The nation we are seeking is of a fundamentally different dimension. To be qualified to inherit such a nation, we have to embrace the ideology that enables us to correctly take on the subject role. The underlying thought of such a subject-based ideology has to be perfectly aligned with the absolute thought of the Creator. God, the Absolute Being, desires a nation whose citizens desire to unite under its sovereignty. Each citizen must have these characteristics and embody the form and shape of that nation. (49-93, 1971.10.9)
To form a nation, there needs to be a territory, a people and sovereignty. What is sovereignty? It is the creation of a relationship with the original God. Even as the people of the nation sleep, the leadership of the nation must connect with God and then conduct the work of governing the nation. The sovereign leader must completely unite with the citizens of that nation. By becoming one with his people, the sovereign leader can no longer think of anything as being for his own sake alone, but must instead see everything as being for the sake of the nation. When this is achieved, that nation will prosper and flourish. (30-88, 1970.3.17)
The formation of a heavenly nation, as is the case in the forming of any nation, requires sovereignty, a people and territory. Standing in place of sovereignty are the parents, in place of the people are the sons and daughters, and in place of the territory is the nation. It is an absolute principle that all of these elements have to be present. (35-279, 1970.10.25)
To establish a nation there has to be sovereignty. Therefore, when actualizing heaven's nation on earth, the question is, who is the owner of heaven and who is the sovereign ruler? Without doubt, God is the sovereign ruler. Then who are the people? All people are included. Then where is the territory? The planet Earth is that territory. (96-15, 1978.1.1)
All of your comings and goings should be for the sake of seeking that nation, being its founding loyal patriots, and restoring our homeland. Your mind-set should be to shoulder such a mission. You should think that you have received instructions, as the secret envoys of Heaven, to come to this evil world today to fulfill this mission. Please understand that without doing this, you will not be able to establish your prestige or dignity as a citizen of the nation we have been seeking. (50-255, 1971.11.7)
Do you think that Satan, who has played havoc with God for six thousand years, will simply say, "Oh my goodness, I'm losing ground," and turn around, bow his head and go home? You think it is a waste to throw out an old cleaning rag, don't you? You would probably turn it over and check the smell before you throw it out. Satan is not going to retreat easily. He will doggedly fight to the end. This is why we must remain focused on the central point. If I, Rev. Moon of the Unification Church, stray from the center, I will be broken. If you do not set the right direction, there can be no development. (57-276, 1972.6.4)
Unificationists must go out in their bare feet, if necessary, to create the homeland. Your leftover resources are not enough to save this nation. You cannot save this nation by focusing on what food to eat, what clothes to wear and what car to drive. In the Unification Church, we determine to pioneer with our bare hands and feet. That is the type of work our church is doing. (14-201, 1964.10.7) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Thirteen - Restoration of the True God's Homeland
Chapter 1. The Restoration of the True God's Homeland
Section 3. The Standard Bearers for the Restoration of Our Homeland

When, in order to fulfill your responsibility, all of you pledge to be the new standard-bearers of this 3,000-ri peninsula, Korea will be embraced in our bosom. This is why if your eyes are shining as orbs of light, that light must be refocused on the glorious homeland. You have to become brave soldiers who can use your talents and power for the restoration of the homeland. Moreover, you must all know how to go forward in a dignified manner, having the conviction to stand as a sanctified person who is taking responsibility to restore the homeland.
You have to become a person who can establish the homeland, bring glory to that homeland, live immersed in that homeland, and be able to die in that homeland. Before this time, there was no one who could come in front of Heaven and take responsibility. This is a solemn responsibility that can be fulfilled only once and only at a given time in history; it cannot be approached carelessly. When you hear something once, you may think of ten things that are different from what you heard. But you must go forward, taking that one thing you heard and compare it with those different things. For heavenly fortune to appear here, you must have the conviction not to be concerned even if the path brings you face to face with utter disgrace a thousand times, or if you die hundreds of times. If you go forward with this kind of conviction, God will protect the path you are taking.
The reason I say that is because each time in my life that I faced such a situation, I experienced that God did not leave me. So He will certainly protect you, too. As a central person with the mission to restore our homeland, whether you are assigned to a province or just a small village, you have to resolve to never give up, because there is no one but you to carry out this mission.
You must never betray the cause, and you must fulfill the responsibility that brings you into alignment with the heavenly commands. You cannot prevail on this path if you stand in the hinterland of your responsibility. You must accomplish this even if you cannot sleep, even if you cannot eat, and even while you are being pursued. If you die, you must die having already made this determination within yourself. When each of you can determine anew to achieve your mission in this decisive way, the paths you are to take will naturally open up in front of you. Otherwise, the world will become a world of darkness rather than the world of light and hope that I believe in, that I anticipate seeing, and for which I have raised all of you. (29-50, 1970.2.16)
When we connect the events and circumstances of history, we cannot help but feel God's tearful heart and agonize over God's suffering. As a result, through our own sincere devotion, we are compelled to go toward the battlefield, determined to fight to restore our homeland and create the foundation for the liberation of the world with our own hands. My desire is for you to become this type of people, a people seeking the homeland of hope that we must find. (36-200, 1970.11.29)
If all of you cannot persevere, until death if necessary, then not only will you be unable to receive salvation yourself, but Korea will face ruin. If all the citizens of Korea perish, what will you do? You should desire to go to the place of sacrifice. From your sacrifice, a source of new and explosive global power will rise up that can bind the people together. As real men and women, you must walk this path with resolve, shouting, "Let's go! Let's fight to the death!," because this path is the only way to accomplish our goal. Along this path, you will become the sons and daughters of Heaven who will accomplish God's will. A monument will be erected in your honor. Don't you think that there will be a son who can melt together all of God's heart, bone and flesh? Don't you think that Heaven's fundamental idea to restore our homeland will sprout from there? (49-110, 1971.10.9)
If we go to that place together and cross the crest of those tears together, we will not perish. God does not throw such people away. Our homeland of hope, which we will regain, will welcome such people.
When all of you become the standard-bearers of our homeland, pioneer a new world history, and emerge as the brave soldiers restoring our homeland, do you not think that you will deserve eternal praise? I am making a serious point. (49-112, 1971.10.9)
Today's followers of the Unification Church need to be more fiercely and fully united with me than the core representatives of the Communist party are united with Kim Il-sung. If you are unable to achieve this level of unity with me, you will not be able to accomplish God's will to restore the nation God is seeking. (50-215, 1971.11.7)
Women have to lead the way. This is the reason I have now directed all the blessed wives in Korea to go to the front line. They have already been mobilized. Because Korea is the headquarters nation, the elder Blessed Families of Korea have all been sent to the front line. So all the Unificationist women throughout the world should follow their example and also go to the front line! Amen. (170-241, 1987.11.21) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Thirteen - Restoration of the True God's Homeland
Chapter 1. The Restoration of the True God's Homeland
Section 4. Soldiers for the Independence of Our Homeland

What must you all determine to do? You must determine to greet the day of the restoration of our homeland. The people of Korea celebrate August 15 as Independence Day, the day of liberation. Many small and humble peoples have celebrated the independence and liberation of their own nations since the Second World War. But when will come the day of celebration when we will praise the restoration and liberation of heaven and earth, God's homeland? Have you thought about this? That day must come. (155-223, 1965.10.30)
At the end of the Japanese occupation, I fought together with an underground movement trying to restore independence to my homeland of Korea. Even now, that memory is fresh. I was at the point of vomiting blood and collapsing from lack of breath, and I fought thinking, "In the name of God I must bring the Japanese Empire to submission." God was with me in that. When I went to North Korea it was the same. I was thrown into prison, but in that situation I went forward in God's name. When I went to prison in God's name, God followed me there. (166-159, 1987.6.5)
The people of today are destined to deny the present world in which we live. We can conclude that this is also the way many nations are guiding their people. Therefore, all the peoples and nations on earth must cross over the crest of the hill together. You have to understand that if you maintain the traditions of the past, the true ideal homeland for which God longs cannot be restored and established. (172-9, 1988.1.3)
When we understand that the restoration of God's homeland can be found right in front of our eyes, when we realize the amazing fact that the foundation for restoring God's homeland is the land of Korea, then will Koreans be able to sleep at night? Can they continue to just eat and play, doing as they please? Even if you told them not to, they would invest their lives, day in and day out. One's fortune is not the problem. There is no doubt that the Republic of Korea would feel a national responsibility to achieve this goal, even if they have to invest their children and their wives, as well as their entire being and the whole of South Korea. If this happens, will North and South Korea reunite or not? You have to understand these things. (172-41, 1988.1.3)
So where is that foundation? It is the neighborhood. If the neighborhood asks you, "Did you restore the homeland?," you can answer, "Yes, I did. I stood in the original homeland that God loved, and I stood in the homeland that successive generations of our ancestors have loved. I stood in the place that generations of our ancestors have wanted to see. As a result, we are resurrected beings of God's homeland with love at its core. We are resurrected beings of our parents and of many generations who have all been yearning for the restoration of the homeland. We have stood as representative resurrected beings for all the people of this world who have also been longing for the restoration of our homeland." You must carry this kind of pride. (173-184, 1988.2.14)
Until now the Unification Church has not built a single building. Why have I not built a building even though I could have? When our church applied to build its headquarters in the Yoido area of Seoul, the government denied us permission. Should we build a smaller regional church if we could not even build the central church? We must start from the point of building a temple in which we can attend the one God, so that we can take charge of restoring independence to our homeland and restoring all its citizens. Members of the Unificationist community should not settle down or live opulently. (174-172, 1988.2.28)
Beginning from Parents' Day, each day must be a declaration for the restoration of the homeland, and every nation under heaven should become one with this traditional starting point. We must fight this kind of fight. That is what was lost. This is Satan's bait. Then who is the person who has established the foundation for this? Everyone, whether he is Satan or anyone else, must say, "Rev. Moon is the greatest!" As the central figure of love, I have inherited the lineage of God, possessing life from the heavenly kingdom -- the homeland, the nation of the Second Advent, and the nation of the savior of love. Through that, I could emerge as the true olive tree and establish the Unification Church as a vehicle to lead our members. I have worked together with our members to cut people off from established Christian doctrines and engraft Christianity to the true olive tree. Yet, they noisily protested the graft. They are noisy because their root is being cut away. Isn't that right? Yet if we do not do that, they will perish. (191-263, 1989.6.25)
When Japanese people seek revenge, they invest their entire life to avenge the death of their mother or one of their brothers or sisters. In light of this, how great is the bitter sorrow of a nation's king and people who experience tragedy while walking the course of the providence of restoration of the homeland! God, who observes the suffering of these people who are ignorant of all these things, is suffering even more. (200-68, 1990.2.23)
All things belong to God, and yet they were stolen through false love. Therefore, everything must be returned to God. Yet, these things cannot simply go back. Restitution must be made ? the indemnity must be paid. Then who will undertake that task? For thousands of years it was accomplished through religion. So now Christianity in America should protect Korea as the Adam nation. Working together with Great Britain, France, Japan, Germany, and Italy, they should bring about the restoration of our homeland. They must create the father nation and to that end they need absolute obedience. In this way all can be engrafted to the true olive tree. (200-301, 1990.2.26)
The path that True Mother walks should absolutely not be as difficult as mine. Opposition from men poses no problem for me on my path as the true Father, but there should be no women who oppose True Mother in her course. We need women to be the bridge for the sake of liberation, for the course of the mother; for this they must be able to offer support and totally sacrifice themselves, quickly going the way to restore independence to the homeland, liberate heaven and earth, and liberate God. (222-279, 1991.11.3)
All you members here have abandoned your countries to come here. You threw away your own homelands. Why? You did it for the territory of the homeland that God originally desired, and for the restoration of that homeland. No matter how great America is, if it does not listen to me, it will perish. I may be making a dogmatic judgment, but the one who is saying this is not just a guest who is passing by and making some comment. I am saying this because I have done all these things. I am not a braggart. I came here having completed everything. (233-330, 1992.8.2)
The time has come when people of the past, people of the present, people of the future, and even people who have died and gone to the spirit world can cooperate in restoring the homeland. That is why many people's ancestors are coming down to them. If these elected descendants do not respond to the Unification Church, their ancestors are causing them sickness and problems, while at the same time offering them medicine and solutions. This is not happening through my power. God and the ancestors are becoming one; the angelic world and the ancestors are becoming one. They are driving the earthly world into a corner where no one can deal with the problems -- the problems particularly of the family. Only I carry the full authority and can work in this way. When the people of this nation welcome this astonishing fact as the pinnacle of hope and the foundation of their nation and homeland, then this nation will become an invincible nation under Heaven. (290-172, 1998.2.18) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Thirteen - Restoration of the True God's Homeland
Chapter 1. The Restoration of the True God's Homeland
Section 5. The Restoration of Our Homeland through True Love

How great are the women in history who went to the front line of battle as independence fighters in the effort to restore the homeland being built as the heavenly kingdom in heaven! In the future, these women will be highly praised. Women have been cursed so much throughout history due to the Fall of a single woman, Eve! But now, in the age of restoration, women are standing at the head of the line and restoring our homeland. If they can lay the victorious foundation, then think of how much praise that work will receive.
Do you want to win with weapons? If such women appear, do you think satanic male soldiers will want the true love of those women? They would not want it. So how will you win over those kinds of people? How must we win? With what do you want to win? You must all think of yourselves as queens. Kim Il-sung is the evil king, and you are all the good queens. Therefore, you should bring all the potency of your country and offer it, without any argument, to the evil king. In that way you can put everything in order. Through what? Through love! (170-241, 1987.11.21)
What God loves most is the culture of love. Does God need money, power, or knowledge? To build a nice house, you need bricks, a door and many other materials. Yet the most important element is symmetry and beauty in the construction; to make that house perfect. As for human beings, God's greatest desire is not for them to have lots of money or to become scholars. As it says in the Bible, the first commandment is to "Love your God with all your heart, all your mind, and all your soul." The second is to "Love your neighbor as yourself." These are astonishing words. (143-273, 1986.3.20)
With the principle of the Fall we can solve the problems of humanity and the world. We cannot rectify the problems of humankind without the principle of the Fall. This is the last, final desperate phenomenon of the Last Days, of Satan betraying Heaven and leading history. This is Satan's strategy in order to bring destruction and ruin to the human race.
If we do not clean this up, then the problems of history will not be resolved. If history is unresolved, then it cannot be laid to rest. Let us go back to our Godism theology and consider the alternative solution that is God's creation and the ideal. Let us go back to the ideology of true love. This is not for you, but for the sake of others. You must create partners in love. If this is not achieved, then there is no way to gain control. (219-266, 1991.10.11)
American women are like queens of goodness. In all the present families of America, the women are like queens. Whenever they want, they tell their husband, "Do this! Do that!" God is training American women. They have a lot of money, a lot of jewelry, and great power. They have a lot of money. "Money" sounds like the Korean word for many. If you put your jewelry, your houses, and half of the land of America on Kim Il-sung's shoulders, he would be content and settle down. If you just gave half of America, he would be content. Don't you think so? Over there, the people are hungry and starving to death. It is utterly miserable. Therefore, if you support them financially, they will swiftly come around.
That is why if the American sisters go to the front line and say, "Let's not fight. Are you hungry? We will send something to eat. We will send cars as well. We will send you everything you want." If you give them as much as possible, liberation will come naturally. If the American women give all their money to Kim Il-sung, do you think he will want to fight you? After that, try to continue to send food and clothes through China. If you feed them and help them live like Americans, then they will not fight with you. Then what must the Unificationists do? As we ourselves suffer and go hungry, let our attitude and treatment toward the North Koreans be one of sacrifice for their sake. Then, when the North Koreans learn of this, do you think they will kill the Unificationists with knives and guns? (170-241, 1987.11.21)
Humankind is one family. Through true love, we are all connected as one family, as I said earlier today. Humanity is one tree. All of your families are living together with other families. There you have babies, little children, teenagers, adults, and older people. This kind of family is a center and model for education, connecting to the great world family and universal family. In this, there are four types of people who have trained themselves in love -- an extension of your family, those with whom you have a relationship: your grandfather, your mother and father, your elder brother and sister, and finally yourself. If you are trained that way in your family, you can be engrafted to the global family. You must invest your own family in order to connect to the global family. You must invest in order to accomplish the larger purpose. This is the principle of restoration, the principle of re-creation.
A subject partner and an object partner seek to become related to a larger level object partner. Then, based on that relationship, they should become subject and object partners and create unity. It has the same meaning. This is the age of humankind becoming one great family. Based on the training you received in your family, you should love the larger level more than your family. If you invest and forget, and love more, then wherever you are, you will become the owner. Because the tribe is larger than the family, love the tribe. Because the people within a nation are greater than a tribe, love them more than you love the tribe. Because a nation is greater than a people, love the nation more than you love that people.
In this way, you invest in stages, investing more in each stage, and then forgetting what you invested, so as to reach the higher levels, and then have the idea to invest more into each one. It is the same when you move from one country to another. When you move from the national to the worldwide level, you must invest and offer more sincere devotion than you offered for the nation.
When those of you who lived in Korea came to Uruguay, you came from one end of the earth to the other. So you must love this nation more than your own. If you can have the heart to love a nation even more than your own family and even more than your own country, then unity will be realized, even in your dreams. National boundaries will disappear. Now the Earth will experience the age of the expansion of a unified homeland, centered on true love. When you have such a philosophy, you can go through any place. First is the age of unification of languages, and second is the age of humankind becoming one great family. All this is done centered on true love. (289-208, 1998.1.2)
Because the world also will naturally follow the same pattern of the restoration of a homeland, we can establish a world of unified peoples by creating a nation that moves in one direction. This is the culture of Adam, isn't it? That is the culture of true love. Your birth was because of love. If a man says he was born for himself, then he cannot embrace true love at all. Because true love is trying to embrace everything completely to the end, then it must give limitlessly and forget what it has given. That is why the universe comes to receive your embrace.
In the heavenly world of the future, the time for living off a monthly salary will pass away. As couples, you must pay complete indemnity. Throughout the ages of history, the rule of all creation has been absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience. Because of love, you also need faith and you also need obedience. Because of love. Even the God of the entire universe is obedient to infinite love. God invests and then forgets, and so we also invest and forget what we have invested. This is obedience.
Absolute faith is based on absolute love. In order to achieve love, you need absolute obedience. Until death, you need love. Even if you die one hundred times over, you need love, so you must properly seek the way to it. That is why dying and going to the spirit world is not death but a way to seek God's love. It is not dying. It is the way to find God's love. God made the path of death for the sake of love. If your heart and mind cannot hold onto this higher level, then you cannot restore love. (296-50, 1998.10.11) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Thirteen - Restoration of the True God's Homeland
Chapter 1. The Restoration of the True God's Homeland
Section 6. Our Conviction and Attitude for the Restoration of Our Homeland

We have now entered a new age. What kind of attitude should we have? The conviction to restore independence to our homeland -- more than anything else -- should be burning in your chest. In other words, you should become the standard-bearers for building the homeland that God has been impatiently awaiting for the past six thousand years. You should take pride in being a pioneer in the special forces sent into battle as the advance guard to reclaim the land and take responsibility for this incredible mission.
Many people who have come and gone wanted to have this mission and had this hope. Even though they wanted it, they could not have it. This is one special mission that can be done only once, at this time in history. It requires a solemn sense of responsibility. Eating, sleeping, your comings and goings; every aspect of your lifestyle must be for the establishment of the homeland.
How long do you think God has been waiting impatiently for you, as a secret emissary sent by God, to come forward and determine to carry out this mission in a high-spirited and exciting way?
Until now we have been driven out. Heaven's will has never once had the chance to gain a foothold in a nation and fully manifest its substance. We must fulfill God's will to create a homeland. Until now, that will has not been accomplished even once. Now we can establish that kind of homeland. In that homeland there will be sovereignty, territory and people. Also, the lineage connects the people as a unified people in that nation, giving them a history that other peoples cannot have. We must carry out our emissary missions in order to restore independence to such a homeland. The faster this mission is completed, the faster we lay the foundation for restoring our homeland. Paying a price through our suffering today hastens the day when the restoration of our homeland will swiftly come. Considering this fact, you should go forward with the determination to complete your mission as a special emissary. Otherwise, we will not be able to own the worldwide blessing and heavenly fortune that God can give us in this era. (29-40, 1970.2.16)
You should leave a testament to your descendants saying, "God is our God. We are His sons and daughters. We have lived until now to restore our homeland. Even if the world hunts us and drives us out, we will not perish, and we will see the day of recompense before we die. Even if I die and cannot achieve this, then you will see that day before your death!" This is exactly how the Israelites thought. (18-231, 1967.6.11)
We must now place the Republic of Korea in the forefront of God's will, and we must restore the homeland of God's desire. We must restore a new homeland for humanity. From this perspective, if we quietly analyze the execution of our responsibilities, we cannot help but reflect on the meaning of our life and on our attitude up to this point. (29-35, 1970.2.16)
What kind of being is God? God is the King of the secret emissaries. He is the King of the secret emissaries, the supreme commander who is appearing in this satanic world to restore the homeland. Yet, has there been one time in the past six thousand years when this God has been able to say to this earth, "I am God. This is the truth that I can teach you"? No, there has not. Even so, God has been working hard to instruct us through our clear consciences and to create a bond with us. The six-thousand-year history of the providence of restoration has been God's effort to broaden the foundation of our hearts and to guide us toward a free world that can be in unity with Him. (29-48, 1970.2.16) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Thirteen - Restoration of the True God's Homeland
Chapter 2. Home Church as the Internal Foundation of the Providence
Section 1. What Is Home Church?

You have heard the phrase "Home Church," haven't you? We say Gajeong Gyohae in Korean. In the past, even if you knew about the Home Church mission, there was no way for you to receive such a mission. Why was that? The time was not right. The person representing God, Satan, and all of history must decide when the required indemnity conditions have been established. Because he had not made that decision, even if you had gone to your Home Church and said, "I completely offer Home Church on the global altar," God could not accept it, nor could Satan approve it. (100-146, 1978.10.9)
At this time, the Unification Church is doing Home Church activities worldwide. In order for Fallen people to go to heaven they must follow the path of sacrificial living, starting from individual restoration and advancing to world restoration, just as I have done. You can simply follow the path I have laid before you. I have created a pathway for you to run on. You can set the condition of indemnity by taking the path that I have pioneered. The condition you must make is Home Church activity, focusing on 360 homes.
It is an amazing fact that all of you can receive the Home Church mission this year. Home Church is the destiny of all people. It will enable them to cast off the inheritance of the Fall. If we cannot fulfill Home Church during our lifetime, we will have to continue to invest in it even after we die. The Unification Church must create a world of victory from the fruits of dysfunctional history. The time has come to establish a heavenly world. This world begins with the transformation of individuals and then develops to the levels of tribe and race. Home Church activities were set up to take a leading role in completing this work. If you love the 360 homes of the Cain world more than you love your own sons and daughters, then you will be able to go into the heavenly world.
God has walked a path of indescribable hardships for thousands of years, working to establish the condition of victory. Yet in seven years, we can accomplish it through 360 homes. The Home Church foundation is sitting right under your noses, so you cannot avoid it. Through Home Church activities, you will experience all kinds of historical matters. The completion of Home Church represents God's ideal world. When all of today's people accept the requirement to fulfill Home Church, they will realize the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth without fail.
Make Home Church activities based on your 360 homes a holy offering to God and bring the members of these households to know the will of God. A person who practices and completes Home Church centering on 360 homes will become a true son or daughter of God on the individual level, and a tribal messiah. He or she will realize the ideal of God's creation.
I have set all the conditions to restore hundreds of nations. Through the standard of heart, I have connected Heaven and Earth, removing the wall between them. You can set the conditions of restitution centering on a smaller model of the world ? Home Church. From the present moment, you must create a foundation you can build on, and where you will not be blocked by the obstacles that exist between heaven and earth. What is this foundation? It is Home Church. (105-270, 1979.10.26)
Until now, the True Parents have made restitution so that all people would be able to develop through the individual, family, tribe, race, nation, and world levels, and then be able to go to God. The True Parents have done this in front of all the people of the world as their representative. Because I did these things and brought the representative victory, you can inherit this 100 percent. And based on my victory, you can go forward and achieve your own victory through a seven-year course.
You can achieve what I have achieved through my life on the worldwide stage. You need your own offering or a foothold, which is a smaller model of the world stage. You should know that this is Home Church. It isGajeong Gyohae. Do you understand? (109-184, 1980.11.1)
Unification Church can now establish the Home Church theme for the first time in history. You must know how important an event this is for God and for all people. I have succeeded on the world level, so you should think that you can succeed in Home Church, which is centered on the small number of 360 homes. You should do Home Church activities so you can teach love and truth in the place of God. Through Home Church, you must teach the love and truth of God, our Heavenly Father.
Where can you meet God? I met God in the midst of battle, shedding blood and tears for each nation. I met God while establishing the foothold of victory, centering on a world level foundation of indemnity. All of you should inherit all of True Parents victories and establish a condition that claims you have gone to the world level even though you didn't actually go there. What is the condition called? It is called Home Church. (109-184, 1980.11.1)
Home Church is the place where families begin to be liberated on an international level. It is the place where we can declare the starting point of the ideal love and ideal life of unfallen Adam and Eve. To fulfill this, I have initiated the tribal messiah mission. Jesus came to find a family. You have all heard of Home Church, right? The tribe of Cain and the tribe of Abel must become one. In terms of Jesus, Joseph's tribe and John the Baptist's tribe should have become one and formed one family. When the family is set up in this way, Satan cannot invade. If the original standard of the family is set up, embracing all tribes, then the failed family in Israel can be restored to an unfallen standard for the first time. Tribal messiahs and Jesus will witness this. (235-111, 1992.8.29)
What is the completion of Home Church? Home Church is completed when you take ownership to reform the culture of Adam and assume leadership to create a new culture. When you do that you can become a true descendant of Adam. Then, what is the center? The center is the standard of heart. What kind of heart would that be? God should not sense from you the heart that feels, "I fell. I am not a restored child". God should be able to look at you and say, "My child, whom I love!" "God should not hear people say bad things about you, like "Look at that pathetic loser. He joined the Unification Church, and now he just kind of wanders around here and there, like the child of a mud-fish or an eel…" (110-54, 1980.11.8)
Our church has not yet established a heavenly foundation on the world level. Therefore, I must organize Home Church to place a stamp of victory on the world. In forty years, I will establish all the conditions of restitution needed to form perfect ownership and decisive conviction centering on the love of God. When we are totally determined to say "I am victorious" in a way that both God and Satan attest to, the True Parents can pass everything on to you for you to inherit. This is because the True Parents love the possessive and decisive realm of love's victory. You can receive those things because of True Parents foundation. Otherwise, you cannot receive them. (137-301, 1986.1.3)
When you go out to your Home Church, you should welcome being cursed and treated with contempt. When you are mistreated, there is a reason. The reason you are being cursed and mistreated is so you can save your wife and children. You must cry ceaselessly through the night, clinging to your wife and children. You must cry out, "What is this? How can they oppose us when we go this way?" To shed tears is not a miserable thing. You should stand in a position where you can cry more than all the grieving people crying in this world. You should cry earnestly for the values of heaven. Then Home Church will become a valley and things will flow into it from the heavenly world. Their sympathy will be aroused and the whole world will move forward and unite into one. (181-286, 1988.10.3)
What treasure would I like to leave behind for the Unification Church? Home Church is the treasure I am leaving behind for you after going the way of sacrifice throughout my life. What did I say is the treasure I can leave behind for the members of the Unification Church? You are given the opportunity to inherit the authority of the Unification Church in a dignified manner from Heaven and Earth, or from God and Satan; this is the treasure. If Home Church is perfected, will there be the term Unification Church or not? Will there be God's providence, or not? Maybe these terms will exist in a Home Church that is not yet perfected, somewhere far away. Yet in the Home Church I created, there is no religion and no providence of God. It is the place where the people of Heaven live. (108-334, 1980.10.19)
You must know that the Era has come when you can work in place of the True Parents. What you must do in my place is to copy what I have done. However, you cannot travel the entire world and do the things I have done on the world level. You must do it in a similar place, on a smaller altar. You can do these things in a condensed place. You can do all the things that I accomplished by conducting religious services around the world, and do it on a reduced altar that represents all of the world's population. Because you need the substantial result of restitution through action, I created Home Church. (115-82, 1981.11.4)
You must inherit all the things that I have restored but you first need to do something to create a foothold. You don't have a place to make an offering to God. If you want to transfer all the offerings from all the victorious altars throughout the world, you must build your own altar beforehand. So where is the place where you can transfer these offerings? That is the place we call Home Church! Do you understand?
Home Church is the place where you can push yourself to complete the things that Adam did not complete. This means you must go over the world and then return. You are going out to the world and passing through conditions of atonement, but on a smaller scale. You can inherit my blessings through this smaller altar. You must first build an altar and then move the offering from the bigger altar to your smaller altar. An altar is a place of offering for the shedding of blood. What is Home Church? A 'church' still means making an altar and having to shed blood. You have undergone worldwide level hardship on a small altar in order to inherit the altar I have erected.
How much has God suffered? How much has Jesus suffered, and how much have I suffered? Through all this suffering and effort, I possess the altar of victory. I want to hand it over to you. Home Church is for you to build up an altar and take over these things. (122-119, 1982.11.1)
What is the beginning point of Home Church? It begins from the peak of the Cross of Gethsemane. This is my understanding. Do you know what that means? To be more precise, Home Church starts from the peak of Golgotha. When Jesus died in Golgotha, there was not even one person who had compassion for him. I would be happy if, at the moment I was going to die, there was a foundation and environment of many people showing me compassion. If I were going to die, you would not run away like Peter. You would say, "I will die instead". When I think of the fact that there are members like that on this earth, I feel that shameful historical tradition has been restored. (103-214, 1979.2.25)
You have come here with the intention to follow me, but you listen to your own words and think, "I hate Home Church. I will only go where True Father goes." You should not do this. Even if your father is the president, you can't inherit his things without doing something? In order for you to become president, you need to lay a foundation that will enable you to become a president. Even if you are born as the Crown Prince of a nation, in order to become the King, you must learn all the rules and regulations that will enable you to be a King. You need to do these things.
Therefore, please don't just say the words, but in the final course of human history, obey the True Parents words. Then God will give you His seal of approval and say, "You are my filial child" and send you to heaven as a filial child of the heavenly kingdom. This is God's amazing love! What is that foundation called? It is called Home Church.
Do you want to go to the heavenly kingdom as filial children or as public nuisances? You want to go as filial sons and daughters, right? There is no way to receive the seal of a filial son or daughter without going through Home Church. Heaven is where filial children enter. Even if you are called a son, if you are a public nuisance you cannot enter. You can go to Heaven only when you are a filial child; therefore, we have Home Church so you can receive the seal of a filial child. (122-84, 1982.11.1)
The time for me to pull along the Unification Church leadership has passed. Now is the time for the horizontal level expansion. When you expand the family ideal centering on your own tribes, the world will naturally be restored. The way to expand the tribe is what we call, in Unification Church terminology, 'Home Church'. It is the court where final decisions are made and settled. (137-287, 1986.1.3) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Thirteen - Restoration of the True God's Homeland
Chapter 2. Home Church as the Internal Foundation of the Providence
Section 2. The Beginning of Home Church Activities

Mark this date, November 12, 1978, because today I am instructing you to go to your Home Church areas in the role of a Messiah. What will you do then? Those of you, who will go out, raise your hands. From now on you should go there. You must know that you cannot come back until you fulfill Home Church. You cannot come back before you die. You cannot come back even spiritually. (101-340, 1978.11.12)
When Jesus died and ascended into Heaven, he gave Peter the keys to Heaven. Rev. Moon is giving you the keys to Heaven while he is still alive. I am not giving them to you so you can save individuals, but I am giving you the keys that can save tribes. I am not a person who saves individuals.
You are becoming Messiahs. Home Church messiahship is not just some futile theory. Things are set up on earth so that they can go straight to the spirit world, just the way they are. The efforts each of you make, determines who can dig up the most diamonds from the mouth of the diamond mine of the universe. The members of the Unification Church are the ones who are excavating the diamond mine of the universe. We are doing it through Home Church. There are difficulties, but the question is, who can dig up the most diamonds? (102-217, 1978.12.31)
Until now, religion has focused on saving individuals. The standard was to ask how to save myself, centering on individual salvation. We are not about individual salvation. We are working to save the tribe. Because of you, your tribe receives salvation and your 360 homes receive salvation.
No one has done this type of work in the history of religion or in the history of the world. This is the only time that this event has unfolded. Has religion ever taught when to marry, and when to live with your parents? Until now, were there such rules? This is the first time. What we call "Home Church" has a similar destiny. An incredible age has come where we are endowed with the foundation to save the whole and prosper together. These three huge, worldwide stages will be reduced through Home Church. (102-217, 1978.12.31)
The fact that I could separate out 360 homes and give them to each of you is a historical day of hope and the terminal point religion has desired. This is your Home Church foundation. It is also the terminal point of the Providence of God. Home Church is the beginning point of the complete breakdown of Satan's base that he has secured through the satanic world. If I was unable to declare Home Church, history would be destined to a dismal fate. The mission of Home Church is a limitless blessing for you. In the course of history, there have been many kings, many incredibly wealthy people, many scholars and intellectuals, and many famous people, but those things are not important.
Each of you should think, "Even though I am a despicable being, and my body has no value, because of Home Church, I could receive True Father's instructions and inherit from him during my life." You should realize this is an amazing thing. (109-203, 1980.11.1)
In Home Church we will find the True Parents, the angelic world, the satanic world, and God. It is all decided in Home Church. I might go to Japan or England, but wherever I go, we must all go the way of Home Church, that is Gajeong Gyohae. What is Home Church? It is a heaven consisting of homes or a family heaven. Accordingly, each of those 360 homes must prepare the foundation to attend you as the messiah, and as true parents. The fact that you have harmonized these homes and offered them before God means that you have inherited a position of victory over all of Satan's foundations and opposition throughout the world. (99-262, 1978.9.25)
Our Unification Church should do Home Church. Through our Home Church work we should unify the tribe of Cain. If the Cain tribe becomes one, but we do not create a domain for Abel's tribe, there will be no foundation upon which to attend the True Parents. There will be no tribal heaven. After we make the tribal foundation, it can connect to the race. If the race centers on the realm of the tribe, the nation will begin to move in a vertical direction. They all connect to each other. (137-178, 1986.1.1)
In order to save your relatives and family, you should first love the five billion or so people spread throughout this satanic world. After that, you must save them. That is why the Home Church system must not disappear. (212-60, 1991.1.1)
God stands in the position of a universal Abel, therefore He sacrifices everything that is close to Him in this satanic world, and loves Cain. When Cain loves God's sons and daughters, Abel can claim the role of the first son; through those actions God can love both of them. He can love them and bless them. You should understand this principle clearly. You must know this formula in order to complete Home Church; otherwise, you will not make it. (116-291, 1982.1.2)
When we say Holy Spirit Association for Unification what is holy? We are referring to the original, unfallen world. It is an association that can establish the united, original world. Christianity will not be the one to establish the original world. It is been this way for the last thirty-three years. Today, we cross over into a new world where there will be no Christianity. Even religion will disappear. What will they call us? They will call us Home Church. Only Home Church will remain, as a family centering on the True Parents. A leaf forms a family with other leaves, doesn't it? When this leaf gets together with two other leaves, then these leaves make a family of three and five leaves make a family of five. This is a type of family. What is it centered on? It is centered on the root and the sprout. If God is the root, then people are the sprouts. If a tree is centered on the roots and sprouts, and there is harmonious family activity, then the tree will grow forever. (145-150, 1986.5.1)
In the future, people who join the Unification Church should not be as miserable as I am. That is God's hope. It is not good for you to be as miserable as Rev. Moon is. It would be nice if there were a place, representing the world, where you could condense the suffering of Rev. Moon and overcome this miserable destiny. How nice would that be? This is God's desire, my desire, and also your desire. That standard of hope is the destination of the Providence and our lifelong goal. In order to go there, we have initiated Home Church. In Korean, we say Gajeong Gyohae. (108-331, 1980.10.19)
Home Church is necessary to make indemnity conditions that fulfill my hope, and the hope of Adam and Jesus. (114-255, 1981.10.20)
You are alive for a short time. Life is too short. When faced with the problem of whether or not you can make a breakthrough before you die, you should think like this, "If you can extend my life even a little bit, I will give all the power I have." You should be thinking like this, but you look like you are just spectators. That is why I am asking you to do Home Church. The words Home Church will be good for your entire life. (107-52, 1980.1.20)
What conditional foundation do you need to connect to the world? It is Home Church. Your 360 families must open up the door 360 degrees in all directions -- North, South, East, and West -- representing the earth. Unless you do this, you will get stuck when you go to the spirit world. (137-111, 1985.12.24)
From now on, I will suspend or dissolve all the organizations that hinder Home Church. The Home Church movement is the priority. After that, all other work is incidental; it has an accompanying role. Therefore, I am asking the Unification Church, and all the people who follow the Unification Church, to hand down this thought and traditional. (107-127, 1980.4.15) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Thirteen - Restoration of the True God's Homeland
Chapter 2. Home Church as the Internal Foundation of the Providence
Section 3. The Development of Home Church Activities

3.1. Conditions tribal messiahs should fulfill

Until now, religions focused on the goal of individual salvation, but the goal of the Unification Church is to save the tribe. We are striving to save the whole tribe. Instead of dying and saving ourselves, let us live, receive the ticket of universal shared values, and enter Heaven together with our tribes. You should understand that this is the meaning of the Home Church movement. (101-261, 1978.11.1)
What is the meaning of tribal messiah? The tribal messiah's position surpasses Jesus' position because he could not become a tribal messiah. If you do not succeed in this mission, you will not have the qualification to become a daughter or son of the True Parents in the age of completion. On the Home Church altar you can restore every mistake made by your parents. We can combine everything in history and everything in the Old and New Testaments, as the formation and growth stages, and offer it all like a burnt offering. Do you understand? If you complete this and are victorious, you can receive a passport to come and go wherever you wish, in this world or the heavenly world. (122-127, 1982.11.1)
Have your families taken on the role of Abel's family? You know about Abel's responsibility, don't you? Abel's responsibility is to save Cain. Why? If Abel does not save Cain, then they cannot go to their parents. What is the Home Church we are doing in the Unification Church? It is the providence to restore your own tribe after you have restored Cain's tribe. Have you made the effort to restore Cain's tribe? If the Cain and Abel tribes do not become one, they can't rise up to the level of the race. There is no way for them to go up to that level. This is the principle. (145-21, 1986.4.30)
In today's Unification Church, Home Church is the realization of world level restitution and atonement on a reduced scale. Do you understand that? Home Church in Korean is Gajeong Gyohae, right? By developing it into a tribal church … In Korea, there are many different last names, aren't there? If groups of various last names gather together, that will lead to the formation of a state level church, which will then lead to a national church. In effect, the Home Church the Unification Church started will bring about the tribal level church and then the national level church. (142-84, 1986.3.1)
To be recognized as a Blessed Family centering on your relatives, you must cross over the level of the Cain and Abel tribes. Jesus could not get Zachariah's family and Joseph's family to become one. This meant that the Jewish people and the Jewish faith could not cross over the national standard of Cain and Abel. Christian history has the destiny to restore this. Your family will be blessed when you stand on the foundation of having restored Cain and Abel. Because this is the standard of the principle, I have asked you to unite these things centering on Home Church. But have you been working diligently for Home Church? (181-279, 1988.10.3)
What is Home Church? It is the tribe. It is the base for a tribal messiah. What is the base of the tribal messiah? Viewed in relationship to Jesus, the families of Joseph and Zachariah were the bases. The death of Jesus was due to Zachariah's family. Jesus could not bring unity based on Joseph's family. He also could not bring unity based on Zachariah's family. You know Zachariah's family, right? It was the family of John the Baptist. Who was John the Baptist? He was Jesus' brother. They were from different wombs, but they were brothers. (115-82, 1981.11.4)
The Home Church spirit is one that can digest, with a smile, the moaning and groaning of despair. Home is Gajeong and church is Gyohae, right? That means when you go back, you should go to your hometowns. You must go back to your mother and father. You must return to your mother and father and accomplish Home Church activities. (105-339, 1979.10.28)
This will not take twenty years. Now is the time when you can do things instantly. So instead of forty nations, work through four nations representing north, south, east, and west. You must go to four different nations, work shedding blood and sweat, and offer your devotion. You should pass through four different nations. If you do not do that, then as an American, you will never be able to transcend the level of American thinking.
Therefore, whether it is the East or whichever far off place, you should go to the far reaches of North, South, East and West. Do you understand what I am saying? The spirits of white people have been waiting impatiently until now to come down to earth. The spirits who lived good, conscientious lives are also waiting impatiently. To do so, they must connect to their families and relatives. That is why the Home Church system (Gajeong Gyohae Jo-jik) is unfolding. Through Home Church, the spirits of more than 120 nations in the world can form a base that enables them to work freely with people on earth. They can make making use of their experiences and knowledge in their related or specialized field. Therefore, Home Church is an absolute necessity.
In America, it is possible to have families that blend lineages from 120 nations of the world among your 360 homes. If you look at the Home Churches in each nation, each one is different. You will have all types of people; some will be black people, some will be proud and arrogant like the English, or as stubborn as the Germans. Every type of person will be there. I am asking you to think this way. There will even be individualistic people like the Americans. (162-110, 1987.3.30)
The Unification Church has put forth the idea of let us inherit the tradition since 1978. What tradition does this refer to? We must inherit the tradition of God's heart of providential restoration. Each of you should inherit the heart I set up through the sixty years I walked this way. One way to receive this is Home Church. The movement to receive this is the Home Church movement.
If you do not have a Home Church, then later when you go to the heavenly kingdom, you will not be able to follow me. In the future, if there are 240,000 Home Churches worldwide, then we will arrange for them to deal with the people of the world. The church will completely disappear. Koreans are within the realm of the benefit of receiving governance from the Home Churches. Since we have yet to establish Home Churches throughout the world, a mass migration needs to occur. In order to receive a Home Church assignment, we must move from here to Africa. We are now entering the time when we must migrate throughout the world. (114-163, 1981.10.18)
When you look in the Principle, there is the part about the parallel periods, right? If you look in that chapter, you will learn about the number forty. Instead of 4,000 years, there were 400. Instead of 400 years, there were 40. Instead of 40 years, there were 40 days. There is also the number 7, which we use every week and is the central number of the providence of restoration. In viewing such issues, we realize we must set up and meet the indemnity conditions by pioneering our own path of life as an absolute requirement.
If you do forty days once a year for three years, it adds up to 120 days. If it is done over three years, that makes 3 x 40, this is 120 days. It is now 120 years after the Japanese Meiji Reformation. King Saul, King David, and King Solomon all together ruled for 120 years. Time periods are important to the process of crossing over a peak. Therefore, you should do this specific activity centering on three years. You should develop your activities for fort days while fasting. In the past, we went out to do activities, but now we must go back to our own hometowns and work. I am asking you to do this in your Home Churches. (167-239, 1987.7.19)
What have I instructed you to do at this time? I am telling you to grab the second generation and restore your hometowns. Gather them up and go back to your hometowns. You are going back to your hometowns with the second generation, who represent the Home Church doctrine of the Unification Church. One person should gather 10 or 20 young people, who are willing to die if asked to, and live if asked to live. Together they can take hold of the village, working 24 hours a day, doing all kinds of things. Then, that neighborhood will not oppose them. The mothers and fathers will not oppose them. The world is slowly evolving into an environment where it can no longer oppose Rev. Moon. It will say, "That's good!" Everything will turn around in an instant. (175-25, 1988.4.6)

3.2. Visiting homes, volunteering, and education

Home Church has been doing many activities for many years, and has not disappeared. The Home Church foundation is the Cain foundation, and your own family's foundation is the Abel foundation. If you serve the Home Church foundation shedding tears, sweat, and blood, your family will automatically turn around. If you return to your relatives after having witnessed to just 100 people through your Home Church activities, they will welcome you as a heroic son. The entire neighborhood can turn around in one evening. They will see your battle record. For this purpose, you should assign a 360 home area to each person. (210-337, 1990.12.27)
The people who behaved as they wanted, saying that they were the leaders, will have to bow their heads toward the people whom they contemptuously mistreated. When that happens, do you think your relatives will be pleased or not? It is the same thing when you go to your hometown and become the leader for 360 men and their wives, a total of 720 people. Is anything more needed? You should invite your relatives to a feast and pass out presents you brought on a truck. If you do this, you can bring everyone to your side smoothly within one evening.
Why am I saying this? Centering on your own actions, are you going to bring one hundred people, one thousand people, or ten thousand people? If all of you say you will bring ten thousand people, there are not enough people. That is also a problem. You should be fully aware of what is happening around you, leaving little bits of food for others to eat as you go forward. If you try to finish everything quickly, it will not work. You should do everything at an average pace. Pick up and eat things one by one. Do you understand? (237-305, 1992.11.17)
From July 3 to July 9, I gave my picture and a banner of the Unification Church to 73,000 district leaders of villages and small sections of the city. Do all of those exist or not? It has been fourteen years since I announced the beginning of Home Church. I am telling you to find the 360 homes of heaven. If you could not accomplish Home Church, then you should return to your hometown. If there are 360 houses, then presidents could be living there, or the Secretary of Internal Affairs, or the Minister of Foreign Affairs, or diplomats, scholars, teachers, and even servants or slaves.
When you go to a village, there is always more than meets the eyes. The people of that village will say to your parents, "Here is a nobleman from your clan. He is a messiah who has saved us!" When that happens, will your mother and father, and the people of the village watch in stunned silence, or will they bow their heads and follow you? (237-305, 1992.11.17)
All the members of the Unification Church should purchase thirty Divine Principle books, lend one out each day, and receive one back each day. If you lend each book out for a week, then you can pass them out to 120 homes. Think about what will happen if 120 houses read that book. When you pass them out, you can gently give them some introductory content. You can lend them videotapes after they read the book. You should do that kind of grassroots breakthrough activities wherever you live in the future and continue Home Church activities at the same time, as well.
If you work that way, when you give a lecture on the Principle of Creation, everyone will bring their book and listen to the Principle of Creation. Centering on the book, you can lecture the contents in a simple, introductory manner. That way, centering on the book, everyone will be able to follow the content of your lecture. (240-46, 1992.12.11)
When you do your Home Church work, do you receive opposition? Even if someone says, "I don't need you. I don't need you," you still visit them often. Even when they tell you not to come, you grab a broom and sweep their yard or garden. If it snows, you shovel the snow. You do everything. If rainwater stagnates in their gutters, you clean out their gutters. If the man of the house voices his discontentment saying, "Hey you! I said I don't like it! Why do you keep doing these things?" and if he tries to fight against you, the people of the village will fight for you, saying to him, "What is wrong with you?" That kind of thing has happened many times. Isn't this an amazing war strategy? Those types of things happen, right? Why is that? (105-191, 1979.10.21)
I would like to add one more point, if you go back to work for a company in the future, when it becomes 5 o'clock everyone leaves the factory. Centering on the work place, you must have a Home Church, Gajeong Gyohae, system in place. Then centering on a foundation of these separate activities, you must form a tribe of your spiritual sons and daughters. Through this basic rule you can develop. When you raise other people, you yourself will grow. You should cultivate people. (173-335, 1988.2.21)
Who will be the first ones to attend True Mother and True Father in this historical era, by making 360 houses in your Home Church area? Will we establish that kind of Home Church in Korea, America, Japan, or England? You should all say, "The number one Home Church is in … Korea!' You have long legs and walk like this, but Koreans walk with their toes turned outward. When you walk, you are tall so you walk like this. Your eyes are round, so you look in all directions as you go. Koreans are short, with small eyes, so they go forward focusing in just one direction. Do you still think you can beat them? Are you confident? (106-277, 1980.1.1)
From now, you must show love through your family and attack the satanic world. You must bring your family together and attack this rotten satanic world. You must kick out the animalistic rotten families of the free world. You must crush them all. If you do that, they will not cry out as they are perishing, "Oh no, I'm perishing." Instead, they will be happy even while they perish. They will say, "Oh, how nice, how wonderful!" That kind of time has come. That is why I told you to create a Home Church movement that can move the family, the tribe, and the people all at once. If we can finish this, if we can clean this up, we can influence the world. If we can fulfill this, then the time will come when I am able to establish heaven. (99-187, 1978.9.18)
You must become one in heart with the True Parents. In seven years, you can accomplish all the things I have overcome during my lifetime through my sorrowful heart to save the world. It will not take seven years. Even if the opposition is rampant, everything can be finished in seven years. If you invest completely like I have, you can finish Home Church within seven years. What does that mean? It means that all the world's problems will solved in seven years. If our Unification Church members spread throughout the world, and if each of you works with 360 houses, it becomes a simple process. Therefore, sincerely invest your heart, so everything can come together. (122-117, 1982.11.1)
If we estimate there are about 40 million people in Korea and organize a Home Church for each of them, how many houses are there? About 6 million? Eight million with an average of five per household! If we have 8 million houses, and each member takes responsibility for 360 houses, that would be twenty-two thousand. If we have 22,000 members, this Home Church system will be finished. It is not a difficult thing. If you start witnessing as Home Church leaders, then through the first, second, and third generations, the Home Church movement will spread out to one thousand, two thousand, and then thousands of people. (143-118, 1986.3.16)
The national Victory Over Communism system has been set up, so you can take that to your home and use it to educate people. Will Rev. Moon go to your home to teach you? I am assigning the task to others. This strategy will connect to the Home Church system. Once the Home Church foundation is set up, since you are responsible for 360 homes, you should first work with 10 to 20 homes in your neighborhood. You then assign each of these families another 15 homes. By overlapping, our efforts will be doubled or tripled. (143-327, 1986.3.21)
The purpose of Unification members is to fulfill Home Church. Since that is our goal, you should educate all the members of the neighborhood day and night. Educate your neighborhood, your 360 homes, through the Divine Principle, VOC ideology, and Unification Thought. All the church's educational materials are ready, so you must pick them up quickly and do Home Church activities.
You must educate people in the city and neighborhood sections with VOC through monthly meetings. The four positions in each family should become completely one with the True Parents' family. Even if the universe and the world oppose you, you will not be separated. When two four-position foundations are bound together with love, it is the beginning of the heavenly kingdom that transcends the nation. Therefore, we must do this work. (145-353, 1986.6.1)
Home Church is the place to settle accounts. That is where I can combine all the things I have fought for over the last 40 years and settle those accounts. Therefore, you can say to your church leader, "I'm not going to service today because of Home Church", If you say this so you can work hard for your Home Church, he can't say you were absent from church service. It is the age where Home Church is the top priority.
If you ask what kind of church Home Churches should be in the future, the answer would be that your Home Churches should become tribal churches. Our goal is not the Home Church, but is to develop toward the tribal church. If you combine the tribal churches, then all the Kim and Park tribes will naturally form a race. If the Kims, Parks, and Moons all make a good foundation to restore the tribe, it will naturally develop into a nation. That will happen. From the church of a tribe to a church of one people, to a national church, to a global church, to a universal church: this is how things are connected. (141-221, 1986.2.22
A tribal messiah must embrace the two clans of Cain and Abel. They must embrace Cain's family and their own family. Jesus should have embraced Joseph's family and Zachariah's family. In the same way that Jesus' death was due to the disunity between these two families, we need Home Church and tribal church today. It is always the same. Jesus was to stand on the unity between Joseph's family and Zachariah's family. Attending the tribal messiah and the national messiah leads to restoration. Home Church is the tribal messiah foundation from the Cain-like church, and the Abel-like church is your family and relatives. You have to unite these two. Only after accomplishing this, will your mission as the tribal messiah end. There should be no problem in achieving complete unity with your tribe. The time has come when even externally nothing will create problems. (210-181, 1990.12.19)
Now we are in the global era. Before, we were in the national era, but now it is the global era. The national era, centering on Jesus, has been restored through indemnity and liberated. Now we have entered a time of no persecution and you have become tribal messiahs based on a global standard. What is a tribal messiah? Isn't it Home Church? If you create Home Church, tribal messiahship will be great! From now, gather all your spiritual children and educate them. They are your close kin, your family. By becoming one centering on your spiritual children, and restoring the realm of tribal messiah, you will also receive support from other tribes in the spirit world. Then a unified front will develop. (198-365, 1990.2.11) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Thirteen - Restoration of the True God's Homeland
Chapter 2. Home Church as the Internal Foundation of the Providence
Section 4. Completing Home Church through the 360 Homes

4.1. The numerical significance of 360 homes

What is Home Church? What is Gajeong Gyohae? When everything becomes one in the Home Church, and national boundaries and social systems are abandoned, all the periods of providential history will be restored. Why are we doing that? Thirty-six is three times twelve. Isn't that right? Twelve is the number of the laws of nature, and the number of pearly gates in heaven. It is the same with the number of the 36 Couples. They connect to the fortune of the three stages of the Old Testament, New Testament, and Completed Testament. This has come about to solve the heavenly way. (105-337, 1979.10.28)
Home Church is an altar of 360 homes. The significance of 360 homes is that they symbolize a numeric value. The number 360 is a principled number and contains within it all the numbers of numerical significance. The number 360 is an expansion of the number 36, so they have the same meaning. The number 36 is 12 added together 3 times, and 12 is the result of multiplying 4 and 3 together.
Therefore, the number 360 includes the numerically significant numbers 3, 4, 12, 36, 120, and 360. The Old Testament, New Testament, and Completed Testament are each represented by the number 12, so the number 36 represents the entire history. The number 360 includes the concept of three dimensions. It signifies the four directions of north, south, east and west, and includes the concept of three dimensions centering on 360 degrees. It contains the four seasons of spring, summer, fall, and winter, and includes the 12 months of the year. It even includes the 120 nations. Therefore, the restoration of the number 360, does not just represent the restoration of the world, it also refers to the completion of the historical course of restitution. Most importantly, it signifies finding and setting up the entire history and creation God lost.
First, you must choose an area of 360 houses for your Home Church. If you do not decide on the 360 homes of the Home Church altar, the principled significance disappears, and it cannot become the conditional altar that would allow spirit world to return to earth. That is why it is important to choose 360 homes first. If you do not decide the altar of 360 homes first before everything else, you cannot establish the meaning of Home Church. To be victorious on the altar of 360 Home Church houses, you must pour out your blood, sweat, and tears. If you completely restore those 360 homes and are victorious, I will bequeath to you the glory of all my victories.
In other words, this is the condition for you to inherit the position I stand on, the position to restore through indemnity God's heart of restoration. The 360 Home Church work we are doing corresponds to the Cain-like angelic world. If you succeed with the 360 Home Church houses of the Cain-like angelic world, your own Abel-like tribe will restore itself automatically. If you witness to these 360 Home Church houses, you will become the tribal messiah of the Cain-like angelic world. After that, your own tribe will welcome you, and you will become an Abel-like tribal messiah.
Centered on this earth, we must establish Home Church wherever we go. We must create a movement of 360 Home Church houses. That is a clan. It is a special clan. If we do not liberate that clan, a special clan cannot come into being. Originally, we should accomplish this after the third seven-year course is completed. However, you are doing this work during the third seven-year course. It may seem like a dream to you, but it is a fact. (105-158, 1979.10.14)

4.2. Home Church is the place where the providence is finally settled

The fact I have declared such an event, is a gigantic leap in providential history. If you are victorious in Home Church, what will that make you? When that time comes, you will be messiahs. You will become tribal messiahs, and from there you will be the persons responsible to face the people and save them.
How do you reach perfection? All of you have parents, children, and things of creation. Home Church is the place to develop these things. Because Adam fell, he lost these three things. We must find these three things and offer them to God. We should find what was lost and offer it through the True Parents to God. We need to go through God. We have to find the things that were lost, offer them up to God, and inherit them again from Him, as our parents. You should know that if you offer everything to God, your house will be built and your world will come about. The foundation for that is Home Church. This is a sacrifice. This is an altar, a place where you present your three offerings. (101-338, 1978.11.12)
Home Church is a place of settlement! What is Home Church? Home Church, centered on Rev. Moon, is the result of going through a history of persecution and receiving the recognition as total victors and champions. The Unification Church went through the course to restore the standard of historical indemnity. That is the world standard of restoration on the level of the individual, family, people, nation, and cosmos. In Home Church, you can settle down and be free of all the indemnity conditions for the first time. (123-170, 1983.1.1)
If we loose America, even if we loose the entire earth, but you hold on to true love, God becomes yours, heaven becomes yours, and the even the earth automatically become yours. Is that conclusion wrong or right? Then, what are you worried about? Even if you say, "Man, I hate Home Church," it is just a bunch of noise. With true love, the more difficult it is, the greater its value. (104-151, 1979.4.29)
To work hard in your Home Church while you are living on earth is a blessing. Life is short. (142-297, 1986.3.13)
There is something that is absolutely necessary in the Unification Church, it is Home Church. Before the appearance of Home Church, there were the True Parents. Since Home Church began, the completion of Home Church has become an absolute priority. Only when you achieve this, will the True Parents become your True Parents, will the world of True Parents become your world, will the heavenly kingdom of True Parents become your heavenly kingdom, and will the love of True Parents be passed down to be your love. (122-132, 1982.11.1)
If there is no Home Church, then we cannot create heaven. If there is no Home Church, then nothing will get done. Home Church is the base of heaven. What kind of place is heaven? Heaven is a place of rest, a place of happiness, and a place where love and peace dwell. (106-265, 1980.1.1)
Christians talk about salvation, but outside the Unification Church there is no true salvation centered on eternal love. That is why I paved the way for you to return to your hometowns, and let you go back and had you declare yourselves to be tribal messiahs. Since when have I been teaching you that? For that, you must straighten out the relationship of Cain and Abel. When did I first talk about Home Church? It has been seven years. Have you accomplished what you promised to do? It is something that must be done, even if a hurricane comes, even if your leg or head is cut off. (218-21, 1991.7.1)
The person who takes on the mission of Home Church is like the last marathon runner in history. He is like the runner in the last marathon. Imagine a marathon runner who is representing his nation and wiping sweat off his body. Compare these two cases. One runner starts with the thinking, "I should try to run without sweating. Maybe I should run moderately, within my comfort zone while using a fan and drinking some cola." But the other runner exerts all his power until the end, even falling down dead and covered in sweat. How are they different?
God is invisible and supports His champion, but all of the Satanic world opposes the runner and says "Hey you! Collapse! Hey you, fall down! Hey stupid, just eat a little food as you go! Hey you idiot, take a rest!" Is the spirit world visible? Is God visible? In the midst of the world's coming and going, heaven and earth are cheering and encouraging the runner to keep running, but he cannot hear it. On the other hand, the satanic world opposes the runner, saying, "Come on man, what is God? You're a fool! Just eat some food before you run. Take a little rest before you go. Don't be stupid, just take a car. What is the point in walking? I mean, what is this?" However, until this runner crosses the finish line and wins, even Satan cannot interfere. (108-205, 1980.10.5)
When I return, the nation should welcome me. The time has come when I should be welcomed. Since the nation has been unable to do this, I am holding the men here accountable. Fourteen years ago, I ordered you to do Home Church. Is there anyone here who has done that? It has taken fourteen years to do that. I have talked about Home Church since 1978, and it has already been seven years since the start of the tong ban gyeokpa (local level breakthrough) mission, but you have all failed. The church exists for the sake of the nation and the world. However, you have only taken hold of your families and yourselves, and pushed the church to the back and out of the way, haven't you? (234-160, 1992.8.10)
We will make a summit club and meet the top people of the world. Bush from America, Gorbachev from Russia, Deng Xiaoping from China, who taught Jiang Ze-min … and others. You have all been like a group of beggars, living a carefree and irresponsible life until now. You should set a fire under the leaders to get them to respond. If you had done that, then I would not have to do this. You must educate the people, even if you have to do it alone. Do you understand? The lifestyle of just suffering in the wilderness course will not do anymore. We must get victory over it. We must bring the groups who are slandering and devising strategies against each other into submission. (221-133, 1991.10.23) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Thirteen - Restoration of the True God's Homeland
Chapter 3. Why We Must Do Tong Ban Gyeokpa (Local Breakthrough) Activities
Section 1. The Reason We Are Doing Tong Ban Gyeokpa Again

Why aren't you doing your local neighborhood activities (tong ban gyeokpa)? That is the way that you should live. On the basis of such a campaign, you should return to your hometowns and take responsibility for all the counties and townships in the area you have been active in until now and then develop activities in your local area. Since this is the only way to progress, you should go to your hometown and become active there. This isn't the time to be sleeping, eating and wasting time as you have in the past.
In the future you should mobilize the inhabitants of your county and the farmers in your area to hold rallies. I have observed that some people are trying to making a stir by attempting to hold public meetings in factories, but since the company can randomly dismiss those involved, they return to their hometowns unsuccessfully. However, if you gather the farmers together, they'll cause an endless commotion. Do you understand? (181-150, 1988.9.5)
In order for you to carry out tong ban breakthrough activities centering on your tribe, you should hold revival meetings for training and mobilization. You should move quickly this time. Complete your activity in a short time and see what the results are.
In this way, if you are successful in at least three local communities within one township, you can win over the entire town. Similarly if you can affect a whole town, you can influence an entire county. If you can have an impact on an entire county, it might open the way to connect to the province. Unless we work in this way, it is impossible to breakthrough in our local areas. This is an urgent matter. (184-325, 1989.1.2)
It has been four years since I asked you to develop your local tong and ban breakthrough activities. You good-for-nothings! Do I have to give you money? You say you love your country, so do I still have to finance you? I've sponsored you up until now by selling my blood, my land, and my home.
I've served my country, sacrificing my wife and children, all my brothers and sisters, and my relatives. If the Unification Church members, who follow and emulate the heavenly tradition, don't know the way to go and are neglectful of their attitude and conduct, they will bring their nation into ruin. I expect that some of you will collapse in front of me. (185-63, 1989.1.1)
Those of you here that say that they will become the head of a political party, are assuming that the political party belongs to you. Unless I help to unite North and South Korea, everything will collapse. That's why we need to breakthrough at the local level. Do you understand? If you live for the sake of your hometown, don't you think you will be successful on the entire local level, representing your tribe? You will breakthrough completely. Even this satanic world won't be a problem. When we talk about local breakthrough, this is what we mean. (185-128, 1989.1.3)
During my lifetime, I must accomplish liberation and thereby set heaven and earth free. In this next three-year course, we need to push the destiny of the Unification of North and South Korea forward, and express our resolve. To achieve this goal, we have to embrace the 40 million people of this nation. We aren't trying to take over the leadership of the political parties. We are trying to become the mothers and fathers, the brothers and sisters of the people. We call this kind of campaign strategy, the local breakthrough movement. To achieve this, we need to have a heart and mind like God's. (197-104, 1990.1.7)
During these next three years, you should only look at the earth, forgetting about heaven. You should be willing to go to the very bottom of hell and, by engaging in local area activities as I have asked you, have each family come to feel the love of God. Why are families blocked? It is because they don't fulfill their responsibility. You must tear down this wall through the process of restoration through indemnity. You should change the bloodline. You should prune everyone back and engraft them. In this way, you should undertake activities that can be carried out throughout the country. (197-109, 1990.1.7)
All decisions rest with me. I'm going to cut off the bad eggs. That's why we need a local breakthrough movement. That is the way to become an owner. If you don't do that, then you can't even be a servant. This is the way to catch Kim Il-sung, and the way to save the nation. These days the Communist Party groups are all active in the local areas. These local areas should be managed by me. No matter how famous a college professor may be, being a college professor will not do.
Therefore, you must focus your mind. You should be ahead of any patriot in the Republic of Korea, and you should be ahead of any patriot in North Korea. Once we organize a local breakthrough movement, then Kim Il-sung will be gone. Don't you think so? Aren't the laborers and the farmers the people who are at the local level? They are the poor people. That is why I have been saying, "Don't spend the money on the church center! Spend it on the local area." If you act in this way, even if you become president, no one will oppose you. Do you understand? (198-348, 1990.2.11)
What is restoration? Where must we return to? No matter how high I go in all the places under heaven, I have to come down according to circular movement, and the bottom of the cycle is the family. This is the local breakthrough. What is a local breakthrough? It means we have to restore everything that was originally invaded, culturally, through the lineage, and through the lifestyles of all the families in the satanic world. That's how the word "breakthrough" came about. (204-118, 1990.7.1)
Through your local breakthrough activities, you should hold revival meetings. Then you will have set up a vertical foundation. This breakthrough movement is horizontal. Therefore, if your family makes an exact ninety-degree angle, then your family can cry out and say that my mother and father are a true mother and true father, and my son and daughter are a true son and true daughter. It will then be the end of the satanic realm in this earthly world. Since it started in the family, then it must be restored in the family. The purpose of the local breakthrough movement is to restore the lineage of the satanic world. It is to restore the families of the satanic world and to digest all ways of thinking. This is the end stage. (208-344, 1990.11.21)
The local breakthrough is what we are making an effort to do. I have climbed back up from the Fall, which took place in the family, and multiplied this to the world level, and has completely laid the foundation to restore the family. Therefore, let us go out and visit all the families of Korea and rectify the relationship of all the love of Satan's side, which has been deeply rooted in those families. This is what we call breakthrough. Here we can see the concept of a struggle. The word "breakthrough" means to completely burn up all traces of the devil. We must restore these things. Therefore, when we attend God as the new family, from that point on unity will automatically take place. (209-232, 1990.11.29)
The local breakthrough activity that I am proposing today, centering on the city of Seoul, is for you to make sons and daughter of true parents at the family level. Make couples that can uphold the love of true parents in the family. Then you must revive the one world, one nation, and one tribe which were lost, centering on the standard of the grandfathers and grandmothers, fathers and mothers, husbands and wives, and sons and daughters who should have been formed through the love of God -- those God has wanted to see all these years. After having done this, you must declare that the world has become a place where you can love and embrace the people of the world as your own sons and daughters. Only when you do this will the realm of liberation of the earth begin. Therefore, this evil world, this world of darkness, is moving backwards in retreat, and a new world of light is coming. When I tried to open this door, heaven made me undergo the course of persecution for the world and the course of persecution for the nation. Aren't all the presidents here indebted to me? The people who opposed me are now naturally coming to submission. (210-42, 1990.11.30)
We have to breakthrough on the local level. We must fulfill the historical desire of God. The things that went wrong starting from the family must be reversed from the family. The heavenly nation must come about through a nation. In order to come about, it has to happen through a true man and a true woman. It will come from a family that is in opposition to the satanic world. That is why everyone opposes the Unification Church. They even oppose the words "True Parents." Then what kind of parents have there been until now? Isn't it the opposite of true parents? Am I telling you that the parents that gave birth to you are false parents? From God's side, that is correct. It is also correct from Satan's side. Therefore, if we emphasize True Parents, then Satan retreats. Why? Because God views them as important. (210-91, 1990.12.1)
You must sow the seeds of life. With your utmost sincerity you should dig up the earth and level it, and then scatter the seeds of life. In ten or twenty years, that will become your branch, and suddenly you will notice that a nest has been built. As this grows bigger and bears fruit, enabling you to go to the heavenly nation, you will be able to go to the highest place in that nation, the place nearest to God! Amen. This is why we must breakthrough at the local level. (210-98, 1990.12.1)
Why must you breakthrough at the local level? Up until now, where does the history of restoration return to from the fallen world? It must return through the gates of the True Parents. The things that came through the gate and multiplied must all turn back and go up to the starting point in Eden through the gates of the True Parents. Who is this main stream group that turns back and climbs up? It is the members of the Unification Church. When you turn and go back up, you won't need things from your past life. We must thoroughly cleanse everything that Satan made dirty and make them as clear as crystal. You must have a mind and body of true love that is as pure as distilled water and become people who have the confidence to say that they are the inheritors of true love, and that you will become the princes and princesses of the heavenly nation that will appear on this earth. (211-129, 1990.12.29)
In the phrase local breakthrough, the Korean word for breakthrough is gyeokpa, which is a word used in battle. What battle is that? It is our effort to remove all the bad habits of this satanic world. Dispose of these bad habits, and by absolutely establishing here the habits of the heavenly side, the Kingdom of Heaven centering on true love will be perfected! Amen. Those elite troops that took part in declaring the coming of a new dawn in history, as such elite soldiers and eldest sons and daughters, are the brave soldiers of the local breakthrough. (213-53, 1991.1.13) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Thirteen - Restoration of the True God's Homeland
Chapter 3. Why We Must Do Tong Ban Gyeokpa (Local Breakthrough) Activities
Section 2. The Local Level Is the Last Fortress of Victory and Defeat

Why must we breakthrough now on the local level? The Fall happened in the family, not in the neighborhood. Do you understand? It's the tong and ban (local community and home neighborhood). The family is the center of the local neighborhood; we must breakthrough in the family.
The mothers and fathers must absolutely believe in God, and God must love the sons and daughters as much as the mothers and fathers do. You must love your relatives in your local neighborhood and your nation from the position connected to and centered upon the three great loves which are centered on God's love -- filial love, parental love and conjugal love. From here, the direction for the realm of unity can be created. Do you understand? (173-178, 1989.2.14)
The standard now is to breakthrough at the local level. In Jesus' time, he could not establish the domains of the family and tribe. But today, centering upon the families of the Unification Church who are completing the tribal domain, the liberation of the realm of the worldwide tribal domain will take place from all four directions. I see this as the condition that can spread the realm of liberation of the local level throughout the world. You should know that it is for this reason that I am directing you today and asking for your pledge. (166-259, 1987.6.7)
The most important thing is where to put down our roots. The place where these roots should take hold is not within the organizational body of the province. Under the province is the county, and under the county there are townships and villages, but these have become easy targets, and so here Satan has laid the grounds to come in and set up his temporary residence. For this reason, you must plant your roots in your local neighborhood and community. You should know this through the principle. This is the reason the Unification Church must set the goal of local breakthrough as its single goal. There is only one goal in restoration. Humanity has only one goal towards perfection, regardless of whether it is or was in the past era, the present era, or the future era. It starts from individual perfection. In the same way, in order to achieve unity, we must set up a rock-solid foundation, centering on the local level. (171-299, 1988.1.2)
The reason that the Republic of Korea is failing now is because it isn't educating its citizens centering on tong and ban organizations. It pulls all the strings, but its control hasn't reached as far as the county level. Everything is just being passed back and forth in the provinces, and the executive offices have made organizations and through them have only exhausted the national treasury. This shouldn't be happening. Everything should be invested centering on the local leaders, and this is where we need to succeed. In this way, we must protect the family. We really have to protect the family. In order to save the nation, we must protect the cells of the nation and then multiply these cells. Each cell should be armed with a system of thought and resolve to be united with the neighboring village and with each other as they grow. This resolve and effort are of great significance. In this way, you should link together. (165-50, 1987.5.19)
The local breakthrough movement that we are unfolding is not for a political purpose, but is our effort to make sure that there is a system of thought and a structure that can correspond to the time of the unification of North and South Korea. The Communist party moves with a structure, so let's prepare our position to be well matched with theirs. (Unification of North and South Korea -- 664)
This is an important final hurdle. I have prayed throughout my life that we would win over the tong and ban centering on districts and township. Only by doing so, can we take complete hold of the satanic world. We are not trying to take over something large, such as the central government building in Seoul or any other city. We are trying to influence the tong and ban, centering on the districts and then assimilate the tong and ban centered on the townships. Then everything else will be included. From the VIPs down to the most simple people, transcending class, everyone is included through the local level activities. Therefore, the district and regional church leaders should not focus on the provinces but in the leaders of the tong and ban. Centering on the district, the stage for your activities is the tong and ban. (167-10, 1987.6.14)
Until now, each administrative authority in the Republic of Korea has never had the experience of carrying out its political or educational directives centered on tong and ban. It has never carried out education on a national level. It has been unable to advocate its ideology. It has only been able to gather together the city mayors or the county officials, and maybe one or two other people from the local neighborhoods. The main target for ideological education has not been the leaders of tong and ban. Therefore, there are no roots. It means that no roots were put down here. That's the point; there are no roots. It's just like a floating weed. (165-224, 1987.5.27)
The first problem is breaking through to the leaders of the tong and ban. The next problem is to breakthrough at the township level, and even the village level. When we do that we will be perfectly organized. (165-19, 1987.5.19)
The way in which we integrate the local neighborhoods with the local communities will determine the success or failure of our movement. The whole problem is in the homes. What can mobilize people during elections? Focusing on cities or mayors will not work. Working with a focus on the heads of counties will not work. The issue here is to have an organization that moves the local neighborhood, centering on the leaders of the tong and ban. (165-17, 1987.5.19)
Is it a difficult thing or an easy thing to digest this centering on the leaders of the tong and ban? If you form a structure, will it be easy or difficult? This is why I am telling you to have confidence. This is something anyone, even a mere child, would not have a problem with. In fact, it's not a problem. If you can just properly set up the leaders of tong and ban, then it will not take long. (165-323, 1987.5.27)
Even if you cannot come to the front line where I am fighting, you must still overcome the crest of tears and settle down centering on the tong and ban. We must overcome this sorrowful fate, this fallen fate. If we do not do this, heaven will not co-operate with us. Heaven will not move there. Heaven will leave. (166-172, 1987.6.5)
While carrying out this activity, you should expect to go through several pairs of shoes. For you to reach the leaders of tong and ban, driving a car won't do. You have to walk. Even if you go through a few pairs of shoes, work on foot. See what happens if you sweat and try knocking on doors three or four times a day. Most of the time you have probably only knocked once, right? If you go to the tong and ban and give a few lectures within one day and get soaked with sweat, then you'll have to take a shower. Try it and see! Try it and see if heaven helps you or not. See if you still feel on fire or not. Try it and see if my words are true or false. (167-40, 1987.6.14)
Centering on me, you must go out and become sentinels who breakthrough in all the tong and ban, and who should all emit the same light. Even if you can't emit more than the others, you should at least have the same color light. Would it be alright if you shed red light when you are suppose to shed blue light? Even yellow light would still be wrong. Everyone should shine with the same color light. (167-40, 1987.6.14)
The points that I am instructing you to focus on are very clear. They deal with breaking through to the leaders of tong and ban in South Korea. Only when at least one member of the church becomes either the leader of a tong or ban, will the members of the church become the group that will be remembered by heaven. (166-253, 1987.6.7)
Our goal is simple, isn't it? We need to make at least one member a leader of a tong or ban no matter how we do it, even if we have to yell and scream. Then all activities will be arranged at this level. Even the University students are doing this. (165-305, 1987.5.27)
It's okay if we firmly grab hold of the family. Aren't all people bound to a family? If we catch the family, then the members of the National Assembly, the ministers and vice-ministers of the cabinet, and even the president in the Blue House, all will be caught. You should all become leaders of tong and ban. Don't you agree? If the members of the National Assembly, the important statesmen of the country, the cabinet members, and even the staff members of the military will all become mobilized through the leaders of the tong and ban movement, then everything will be completed. We can then work without a fight. Do you understand? (167-21, 1987.6.14)
For us, the government is not the issue. What we are trying to do is to find a nation. We are aiming to grab hold of tong and ban. If we do that, then the difficulty of finding that nation will automatically be solved. (167-24, 1987.6.14)
What is it that we must do now? Within the North Korean system you cannot make a breakthrough at the tong and ban level. No matter how many underground operations North Korea may do, it cannot penetrate down to the tong and ban level. Its point and line organizations are organized through its administration, but it cannot breakthrough to the tong and ban level. Once the breakthrough movement is successful, then everyone will be caught up in it. Everything will collapse. Point, line and the entire espionage system will be caught. This means that we are doing what cannot be done by North Korea. When the communist party comes down, we should have this in place and then we just hang our heads down. The 40 million people of South Korea should all go into North Korea carrying bundles of presents and bring about the result in the same way as when Jacob brought Esau to submission. If we take all the property we have accumulated for 21 years to North Korea and say, "Elder brother, this is all yours," and then give everything, North Korea will completely submit to us. (172-97, 1988.1.9)
What is it that we should do now, centering on the Citizen Federation? The only thing left is to do is the breakthrough at the tong and ban level. We are making a structure in order to do this breakthrough movement. We are organizing structures for the centralized areas, provinces, counties, and townships. Everything moves centering on the township. If you look from the viewpoint of the tong and ban, then the structure of the nation is like a big circle. The structure of the province is the next circle, and next is the structure of the county. The next circle is the structure of the township. Viewed centered on ban, then the tong is the next circle. Restoration goes forward from the restoration of the individual to the restoration of the family, the tribe, the people, the nation, and the restoration of the world.
In the same way, when we look at the way things are structured, we see that every nation has its national organization similar to the Citizens' Federation. There are provincial organizations, and then organizations of the county, township, village, local community and neighborhood (Tong-ban). This is the structure of the current national organizations of Korea. Then what does a local neighborhood (ban) represent? Of course it represents the local community, but it has two purposes. The direct purpose is for itself, and then the whole purpose is for the nation. When the tong and ban local neighborhoods and communities unify, it will lead to the unification of the nation. It has the same organizational structure as that of the human body. (171-299, 1988.1.2)
First we need structure, then unity, and lastly we need action. These are the three elements needed to move the world centering on Korea. By standing within a thoroughly organized realm, you must connect 100 percent to all directions. Furthermore, you should establish this standard, leading the way, in order to fulfill you central mission. You must determine your position within the organized realm. If you don't have a position, then there is nowhere for you to sit down. You can push ahead only after your position has been decided. You will be able to see how your position is developing based on your effort. Deciding the position is an important part of strengthening the power of the organization. (15-191, 1965.10.9) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Thirteen - Restoration of the True God's Homeland
Chapter 3. Why We Must Do Tong Ban Gyeokpa (Local Breakthrough) Activities
Section 3. The Tong-ban Movement Is the Strategy to Unite North and South Korea.

We are in the position to unite the world centering on Korea. What has to happen here in Korea? We need to restore the birthright of the eldest son. The Korean people are saying, "Let's go forward and unite Korea centering on Rev. Moon." That's the kind of image we have. Even the President should cooperate and not oppose us. Seen from the viewpoint of the Cain and Abel relationship, from now on my words should be listened to.
Additionally, because three positions are being formed, on the day we breakthrough and get firm control of the tong and ban (community and local neighborhood), people will grab our heels while we daydream, and entreat us saying, "Oh Lord, please save me." Am I not the king of wisdom? The question is how we can live in such a good way that we can accomplish this and not collapse when we are cursed at. (199-87, 1990.2.15)
We will do tong ban activities. We will dig up and demolish with our own hands those spies that are hiding underground. We will expel the communists. We will locate and trace those who communicate and liaise nightly with North Korea. We will gradually invest more deeply into this operation from now on. We will complete the tong ban breakthrough organization by incorporating the spirit and energy of loyal citizens who are more passionate than any "special attack" corps of Kim Il-sung. When that happens, either Kim Il-sung will die or some other kind of problem will arise. Kim Il-sung should not die until we complete the formation of the Unification Church organization. Do you understand what I mean? (199-140, 1990.2.16)
Have you ever tried skipping even one lunch for the sake of the Unification of North and South Korea? What have you come here to do? To break through with Tong-ban activities. If a unified election of North and South Korea (initiated by the North before we are prepared) is proposed and carried out, the heavenly kingdom will fall down hopelessly. Do you know what kind of age is coming? You need to know this. (200-156, 1990.2.24)
When I travel around doing that kind of work and I arrive in Korea, should I encourage you to live a life of ease? What should you do? If Koreans cannot work well, they should be expelled. In July of this year, all the Unification Church members should do forty days of witnessing. This time period was set up traditionally from 1956 as the time period for training people to inherit the spirit of pioneering. These days, do we do this every year? After arranging everyone at the national border along the 38th parallel, I will have them play holy songs on a bugle everyday in the direction of Pyongyang. I'll use loudspeakers so we can be heard as far away as Pyongyang. In this manner, we must all blow on our bugles, heralding the fall of communism. We have many such resources to do that, don't we? We must make a clean sweep. Since you have not become the people who have fulfilled the tong ban breakthrough, you shall be sent to the appraisal unit which will appraise your work! Amen. You shall be sent! Amen. (201-316, 1990.4.29)
The Unification Church does tong ban breakthrough activities, doesn't it? Since the start of the history of restoration, I have passed through the individual level foundation, which Satan invaded first, and then the family, tribe, people, nation levels, and as far as the world level. I must prevail over America and the communists, and then turn around and come back. I am coming back, but Korea opposed me, didn't it? Now the country is not doing well. People are competing with one another, trying to run for president. So let them fight to become president. Going around, following the way of natural law and wrapped in heavenly fortune, I return to embrace the nation. This is how I am returning. While the nation is losing its people, Rev. Moon of the Unification Church is able to influence all the citizens of Korea. (202-243, 1990.5.24)
When the Israeli people left Egypt to restore the blessed land of Canaan, they went to their tribal members several times and told them the way they should go. They told them that they must liberate the satanic world. Now we have entered that age, and so we should liberate people. We must set that tradition. (202-304, 1990.5.25)
You should not skip even one house. It is now that kind of age. That's why I've created the phrase tong ban breakthrough. Until this day dawns, you must walk day and night to reach even one more house forgetting that you are tired. You must go north, south, east and west, traveling in a complete circle at least three times. I am telling you to go out and visit every house, even more than three times. When you go back now, what should you do? You should carry out your breakthrough activities with more zeal than North Korea. Only by doing this can we can pull out the roots.
The National Council of Student Representatives, the Christian Farmers Association and the Catholic Farmers Association are so eager to demonstrate, aren't they? Do any of you work harder than that in your tong banbreakthrough activities? You should work harder than they do. (202-304, 1990.5.25)
You must achieve the Unification of North and South Korea by embracing the most pitiful, lowliest family in Korea and raising it up. Where does unification start? It won't start with summit meetings between the president and Kim Il-sung. So we must do these breakthrough activities at the tong ban level. The term "tong ban breakthrough" means to prevail over the tong and ban. The tong and ban are organizations looking only after themselves. The mothers and fathers also look only after themselves. Husbands and children are part of a world in which they only look out for themselves. Satan is crouching there, so we must subdue him. (204-53 1990.6.29)
Shouldn't your country be united? That's why we are now preparing for an election for the unification of North and South Korea. That's why we must breakthrough at the tong and ban levels. We must find a nation to restore the world. Where do we have to begin? We must do it centered on Korea. A long time ago, in the very beginning, I started from the top working through Kyungmoo-dae (the former Presidential office) and expanding to such places as Ewha Women's and Yonsei Universities. But because I could not gain a place at the top, I came down. If you cannot reach the top, you must go to the very bottom. Satan knows that. Because Satan knew that I could not get a position at the top, and that I was coming down to land at the very bottom, he attacked me and tried to prevent me from coming down. That is why I mentioned the creation of a new party. (204-182, 1990.7.8)
We have arrived at the age of settlement centering on the tong ban breakthrough activities and must return to our hometowns. My elder brother knew that Korea was being liberated on the fifteenth of August. That elder brother of mine was absolutely obedient to my words. I was unable to say even one word of the Principle to my elder brother, mother, or father. I have given love to all of you more than to my own mother and father. My whole life has been filled with a story of living for the sake of the entire Unification Church and shedding tears of blood. I am going forward completing the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, and world levels. If I do not fulfill each of these levels, then Satan will not weaken. Therefore, I went to America and underwent the way of suffering all kinds of hardships. Now I am preparing to save the Soviet Union. I have achieved everything at this time, and am returning to my homeland and starting tong ban breakthrough activities. (203-252, 1990.6.26)
As you are doing your tong ban breakthrough activities, you should gain the support of 12 families. When you go to a district, you should gain the support of 12 local communities, and when you go to a local community you should integrate twelve home neighborhoods. There are twelve stages. For the most part, haven't the cities, counties and boroughs harmonized with us? There isn't anyone, including the heads of organizations, who doesn't respect Rev. Moon, right? All of you are also respected, right? We have become influential, right? So, you are people of influence, but are you the central figure of influence or not? We're the only ones who can prevail over the communists, right? So we have become the central figures of influence. (204-245, 1990.7.11)
Through our tong ban breakthrough activities, the spies who have infiltrated into South Korea will automatically be exposed. Isn't that right? If you roll over once, then everything hiding under you skirt will be shown. (204-321, 1990.7.11)
I have brought together Unification Church members who are like a group of worn-out beggars in the midst of persecution, and single-handedly made the preparations that could block the attack of the communists in every way. Standing on the establishment of an ideological foundation, I have created a value system that could hold its own against the communists on the national level. That is why I have advocated the tong ban breakthrough work for five years. Yet who among you really understood its value and understood the age that we are in? And who among you made the effort to defend this with the shield of your mind and body, taking responsibility in a substantial way? Only I have done so. (207-292, 1990.11.11)
The Unification Church must now ready itself to bring about the unification of North and South Korea from the position of Abel. But the Unification Church is not totally settled yet. What does tong ban breakthrough mean? It means we must overturn everything centering on the families of the land of South Korea. Why? Because the Fall started from the family, we must change the thinking of people on the family level. However, before God can find the environmental conditions to accomplish this, the external world of Satan's side uses all of its energy to oppose God's efforts. Until now the political environment, starting from the era of the Liberal Party, and then moving on to the era of the Republican Party and the Democratic and Justice Party, have opposed the Unification Church's efforts to organize itself and spread out into the countryside. They have opposed the settlement of our church. (207-330, 1990.11.11)
Why have I told you to carry out tong ban breakthrough activities for the past five years? It was to prepare for this time, and that time is now and will only come once. What else can Kim Il-sung do? Therefore, even if the American troops don't withdraw from Korea, he will suggest having an election. Then that will be the end. Does South Korea have a counter-proposal or an alternative plan? Has it laid a foundation to protect itself from this? The two Koreas just fight against each other, spreading muck everywhere and making a mess. They have so much diarrhea that it's about to make a hole in their intestines, but they don't have any medicine, do they? This kind of thing you need to clean up with a wooden shovel, but we're not the ones to clear up this mess. It has to be done by the citizens of this country. We must teach them how to do it. Or, if not, they should follow us… That is the only path to follow. Now, if Cain and Abel don't become one, then there is no way to go forward. Now you know this clearly. (207-334, 1990.11.11)
Although I received all kinds of abuse, I did not collapse. Rather, with an optimistic attitude, holding onto these successful tong ban families I am working to make all the families in the world into this same model. When I reach that position, no devils will be able to approach me or to leave any signs. Where is Kim Il-sung? Where are the communists who were active in the underground movement working? Everything will be cleaned up. (210-45, 1990.11.30)
From now on, you must work for the tong ban breakthrough work for ten years. Tong-ban breakthrough means to occupy the family centering on North and South Korea. Until now God has sprinkled His grace on earth throughout history. He has hoped that it would bear fruit, but it could not. Of course, God's grace was spread through the realms of religion, enabling its benefits to spread throughout the world. But now the time has come to harvest the fruits. (210-273, 1990.12.25)
What is the tong ban breakthrough activity which we are doing? It is to unite North and South Korea. Then in the name of God and True Parents and centering on the realm of victory of all nations, we must offer up the Republic of Korea to God, as the restored homeland of all peoples. Here, democrats and communists are one. If we look at true parents and false parents, from God's viewpoint they are not enemies. It is no good if Kim Il-sung dies. Now our group is meeting with Kim Il-sung. Even the National Intelligence Service doesn't know this. My actions may contravene the anti-communist law. I have done many activities like that in the past. I did the same in Japan, America and also the Soviet Union. I invested in all these countries. (211-127, 1990.12.29)
We must get rid of all the communist bases in South Korea through the tong ban breakthrough activities. Do you understand? Where does the tide go first? It's no good if you go to the district. You must go to the family. You must fill up the family, then the local communities, then the districts and counties. And when Seoul is completely filled, when the entire Republic of Korea is full, only then can we fill up the Blue House. When the time comes to die, the president should be the last one to die. Those that wish the president to die before them are vagabonds, they are villains. If a person becomes president, you should respect and attend him. (211-211, 1990.12.30)
We must take a leading position in the five provinces and 10 million people of North Korea and connect them to our church. If these people, together with the 40 million people of South Korea, listen to me, it is possible to unite the Christians and the people of North and South Korea. Therefore, you should know that a speedy tong ban breakthrough movement is a short-cut plan for the unification of North and South Korea. Any other way will not work. (211-356, 1991.1.1)
If we just breakthrough at the tong ban level at this time, then what will Kim Il-sung do? I promised God, "I will take care of the communists with my own two hands!" and I have taken care of them completely. The last thing left is Kim Il-sung, but he cannot succeed even if he invades South Korea. The only way for Kim Il-sung to survive is to have an election. Even if he loses the election, do you think everyone will try to catch and kill him? If he wants to stay alive, that is the only way. We must actively promote this work. (213-152, 1991.1.16)
Now is the end. I am looking forward to 1992. Centering on me, have all of you joined together as trinities? The people who are organized centering on the district, local community and township are in trinities and those centered on me are in a four-position foundation. There is no boss. Our focus is tong ban (local community and neighborhood). The district and township are the stage for our activities. Where is the nation? If we plan centering on the nation, then that nation will collapse. If the province collapses, then so does the nation. If the county collapses, then so does the nation. The best way to be safe is to go out to the local community and township.
If the North Korean regime was to occupy any place, where would that place be? Will they occupy the district or township? They don't see the point of occupying the district or of occupying the tong and ban. They would occupy the Capitol Building, the provinces and counties. They would not even go to the townships. Don't you think so? A long time ago, did Kim Il-sung's groups come to the townships to fight? Didn't they just skip the towns and still take control of everything? Townships are the safety zones. (215-91, 1991.2.6) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Thirteen - Restoration of the True God's Homeland
Chapter 3. Why We Must Do Tong Ban Gyeokpa (Local Breakthrough) Activities
Section 4. The Tong-ban Breakthrough Must be Centered on Families

You should make video tapes about the True Parents, and through the church president hold a True Parents declaration convention in the 12 regions going all the way to the villages. The reason you should do that is because the family is the base for restoration through indemnity. We aren't primarily concerned about districts. The districts are not the families. Since we start from the family and go up to the tribe and then the race, the combination of families is the foundation for tribal restoration. Therefore, that which we call the tong ban (local communities and home neighborhoods) breakthrough connects the fortune of the world to that of the nation, the fortune of the nation to that of the tribe, the fortune of the tribe to that of the family, and the fortune of the family to that of the individual. (205-334, 1990.10.2)
That which we call tong ban (local community and home neighborhood) breakthrough is the family foundation. We must do it! There is no other way around it. Isn't the family foundation the place where the most precious new buds of the Republic of Korea come from? Sons and daughters! Don't you think so? That's where the buds of a nation form. It has to be where the buds of the heavenly nation should form. It's where your sons and daughters come from, right? Aren't your sons and daughters people of the heavenly nation? The place where the people of God are born and produced is only on this planet Earth. There are no people living on other stars or planets. (205-357, 1990.10.2)
Seeing that some members of our Unification Church were interested in running for office, I shouted furiously at them, "What on earth are you doing?" What might have happened if one of you ran for office? I even heard a report that the Republican Party asked for ten or so people to be nominated. The way to be influential is not through ruling the government. It starts from inside your home. The providence of salvation doesn't begin from the top. It begins in the family. The sincere investment and zeal of 30 million people has to land in all the families. That's why we have to breakthrough at the tong ban level. The district and town need to come down to the local communities and villages, and the local communities and villages need to come down to the home neighborhoods. For this reason, the base of all the Unification Church activities is each individual home. We must plant a seed there, and it will sprout a love greater than the love of your mother and father. There, a new shoot will sprout centering on the descendants who have the heart of future parents that is greater than their own heart, which will be planted within the realm of the family along with the heart of God. (208-160, 1990.11.17)
Since we have to work for the tong ban breakthrough, you must return to your homes. Adam and Eve started out as a man and woman, and became defiled as a son and daughter. So in order to get this situation under control, we must return to the family. You must seek out your tribe and relatives and wash them by investing your blood, sweet, and tears. Don't wash them with water. Only when you wash them by investing your blood, sweat, and tears will you be successful. Unless you enter the house and invest your blood, sweet, and tears, restoration will not take place. That way is the way I must go. (208-172, 1990.11.17)
It is tong ban breakthrough. What does tong ban breakthrough mean? It's the place where God can meet the father He has been longing to see. It's our effort to return to the family. It's our effort to make the mothers and fathers that God has been longing for. It's our effort to make the sons and daughters God has been longing for. It's our effort to make the aunts and uncles that God has been longing for. This is my desire. This is God's desire. Whose desire is this? It's the desire of the Great Supervisor who created heaven and earth. Who will truly take up and set about doing the work of accomplishing this Being's desire? Are all of you in your homes the type of parents that God wants to see? That's the problem. The term tong ban breakthrough is not just a passing phrase. The fact that Adam and Eve could not become a true father and mother that God wished to see is a cause of deep pain for God. The fact that they could not become a true son and daughter, nor a true couple, and the fact that they could not become true grandchildren, is a source of bitter grief for God. Where did this go wrong? It happened in the family. Therefore, you should feel that you must heal this bitter pain in your own family. Only by healing this pain will liberation start to expand to heaven and earth. (209-44, 1990.11.25)
What should we be doing now? We should be doing tong ban breakthrough activities. Because God lost the family, knowing that Korea is the base of the heavenly kingdom between heaven and earth, and since Korea is the original homeland where I was born, I must return to the hometown of Korea. The hope of all of heaven and earth and the hope of the Creator is the formation of a family which can become one leaf and branch, the family that can be a place of origin to embrace grandfathers and grandmothers, fathers and mothers, couples, and children whom God wishes to find, the family who can twist open the great vein between heaven and earth. Knowing this, and because we should find what was lost in the family and replant it, I have advocated the tong ban breakthrough for the past five years. When all this is finished, then we won't have to worry about who becomes president in the future. The time is coming when we'll be able to act according to our heart's desire. (209-108, 1990.11.27)
The short-cut for liberating North and South Korea is tong ban breakthrough activities. When you go searching from family to family, you should be able to pour out heartfelt tears in the same way that you would cry and grab hold of your lost mother or father, cousins, or relatives in North Korea, when you meet them. When this kind of heartfelt relationship forms an environment that can accompany God, then through you, that family will be born as a loving family which God wants to find. You should know that I do this work because I understand that the day of liberation, surrounded by cries of joy, is approaching in front of my eyes.
All of you gathered here must have the mission as the messengers of heart from God, after passing through a relationship of true brothers and sisters and becoming the envoys who want to form families of love, and for whom God has been looking. Become the embodiment of older brothers who can do that, the older sisters who can do that, the aunts and uncles, the mothers and fathers, the grandmothers and grandfathers who can do that mission, and bring the family under heavenly influence. My message today to all of you, who will be God's representatives by investing your bodies and by being responsible for the districts, neighborhoods and communities,tong ban is to start from the city of Seoul to build a family foundation upon which you can welcome and attend God. Let's pledge to do this! (209-111, 1990.11.27)
How precious is the family? The family represents the nation. The family represents the world. Therefore, on this 3,000-ri peninsula of Korea, you must love the grandmothers and grandfathers as if they were your own grandfather and grandmother, and you must love them like God wants to love them. All the people who are like your own parents, you must love them the way God wants to love a mother and father. As a person who is the embodiment of God's love, you should love all the women who are like your wife, the way God wants to love a couple. You should love all the people who are like your son or daughter, brother or sister, in the way that God wants to love them. Centering on this kind of ideal of love, you must take that standard of heart and mind that God has been looking for, and invest them for the sake of the world. Then you must invest again.
When you do that, you will become the son or daughter of inheritance who can carry out God's work in His place, and you will become a soldier of independence in the creation of a nation and a world. Now that you know this fact clearly, all of you must return to your homes and completely turn them around. This constitutes the tong ban breakthrough. You must turn the family around. This is our duty. (209-172, 1990.11.28)
What is the tong ban breakthrough activity? It's going out and searching for your home. Even though I fully possess the realm of world-wide victory, where shall I place this gift? Not in the nation. Before I give it to the nation, I must place in and plant it in the family, because that is where everything was lost. We must spread the seeds in the family. We must not spread them to the people of the nation. That's why I say tong banbreakthrough, family settlement!" It doesn't mean the settlement of the communists. By doing this, everything that was heading towards the ruin of the nation, everything that was headed for hell until now, can be returned to heaven. That kind of age is coming. From here, I have struck the satanic world. On the day we turn this around, the unification of North and South Korea will automatically be achieved. We will be completely one in front of a plus. Spirit world will be mobilized and everything will be swept away. (209-307, 1990.11.30)
When I went into North Korea from South Korea and then returned three years later, I remember that it took me over five years to shake off the habits I formed in North Korea. When we consider this, we should know that unless we grieve and repent and writhe in despair, we cannot eliminate the habits we've inherited from the history of Satan's tradition. When I say writhe in despair, I don't mean that you do it by yourself, but mean that you go into the battlefield as officially directed and writhe in despair during the course of your tong ban breakthrough activities. If you do this, then you should know that this process will be greatly reduced. You should become wise sons and daughters who willingly face and walk along this path. (213-56, 1991.1.13)
The issue is tong ban activities. That is why, if you don't bring victory starting from the family, it won't work. The economic problems, the political problems, the cultural problems, the religious problems, problems of ideology, everything should be solved in the family or things won't work out well. (213-341, 1991.1.21)
I created a company named, Happy Mind, which in Korean is Haeng bok eui Ma-eum. It is a company I have developed and invested in continually for seven years. What does this company do? It is for the organization of the Home Church. This organization should be connected to the tong ban breakthrough activities and should try to win over the families. Once you win them over, then everything will be possible. There is no better foundation that exists for the mobilization of the masses. (213-299, 1991.1.21)
Now a great battle is unfolding in the Unification Church. Tong-ban breakthrough! In order to find the things which were lost by Adam and Eve in the family, we must return to the family. You must go back to your family members and turn them around 180 degrees. You must turn them around 180 degrees. (214-69, 1991.2.1)
The roots that Adam and Eve planted in the family gave rise to an evil family and expanded to an evil tribe, evil people, evil nation, and an evil world. Therefore, we must replant the roots. This is the theory of tong ban(neighborhood and community) breakthrough that we are working on now in Korea. (214-237, 1991.2.2)
What era is it now? It's the time of family settlement in the tong ban activities. This is the direction I'm giving. This is an important work that determines life or death, and it's the battle to decide if we win or lose everything under heaven. (218-34, 1991.7.1)
We are going forward with our tong ban activities, crossing through the township level starting from the county, to the province, and to the nation. Adam and Eve deceived, and so everything that was deceived must be returned to its original position. (233-121, 1992.7.31)
In order to carry out the tong ban activities, I've instructed you to do Home Church these past fourteen years. I mentioned tong ban activities five years ago. What was this? I was crying out about the tong banbreakthrough, which you are working on today. Where must the roots come down to? They must come down to the family. Today, the countries of the world have been unable to come down to the family. They tried, but couldn't even come down to the township level. But how far down should we of the Unification Church have to go? We must go as far as the local neighborhood ban level. (238-323, 1992.11.22)
Starting with the family we have to save the nation. That movement is the tong ban breakthrough movement. That's why I'm telling you to go into the tong and ban (local communities and home neighborhoods). You must lead neighborhood meetings. We must implant our roots in each family by working through the neighborhood meetings. (238-334, 1992.11.22)
I have emphasized a movement for making the foundation of peace in the family. These things must also be taught in that way.
Through the neighborhood meetings of your tong ban activities, you should educate people to attend their grandparents as they would God, to attend their mother and father as king and queen, and educate the young people to become princes and princesses. Once you implant such a philosophy, the satanic world has nowhere to turn. Then this will connect directly with heaven. (238-336, 1992.11.22)
The Providence of Restoration must return to the family. It won't work if it doesn't return to the family. Even if it goes to the tribe, it won't work. It must return to the family. Adam and Eve fell in the family. The place where sons and daughters were born centering on Adam and Eve is the family, so if we don't come down to the family level, things won't work. If we don't do that, then we can't return to the origin. (207-181, 1990.11.9) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Thirteen - Restoration of the True God's Homeland
Chapter 3. Why We Must Do Tong Ban Gyeokpa (Local Breakthrough) Activities
Section 5. Organizational Expansion of Tong-ban Activities

5.1. Organizational expansion centering on people of social eminence

This time we must complete our tong ban (local community and home neighborhood) activities. We must go after those people who oppose us and get them to repent by any means, and then pull them to our side. You should consider this more seriously than the election campaign and carry it out. Do you understand? Now we're entering the period of the decisive battle. (208-70, 1990.11.15)
We should get the friends of those who went to be trained in America, or those who consent to be here, or some from certain groups, to come to a conference. As we send three people each to townships, you may add two people to your team who have been recommended by that town. If there are people left over after sending the initial three, arrange each one to go out and team up with three people who were recommended by the township. These would then be teams of four people.
The initial three-person unit is not a fixed number. The larger the number, the more quickly tong ban and township breakthroughs are possible, centering on that standard. Therefore, if you organize these teams quickly, then you aid local communities. Then, if you can complete your foundation centering on the towns and districts, then you will become the responsible person for coordinating the different districts and towns in the surrounding area. The people who actually fulfill their responsibility will become the central figures over a number of districts and towns. (207-391, 1990.11.11)
What is it that the Republic of Korea has done until now? The politicians have made it impossible for me to come as far down as the family foundation. How many years has it been already? Hasn't it been five years since we started tong ban activities? This is the sixth year. We must bring total change to the family, only then will the nation be revived. The answer is not in the towns and districts. Everyone who has the kind of ability should visit families and restore them. (206-358, 1990.10.14)
In the future, if you have no capabilities, you should stop church work and become a branch manager or a McCol soft drink dealer, or something along those lines. I will personally see that this happens. When 1992 is over, I will really arrange everything. At that time, about eight hundred church leaders will emerge in one year. Those of you graduating from Sunghwa University, do you understand? More than five hundred people will come through. And what should I do with those people? I will send them out to every part of your counties. The reason I have not done this so far is because I was being blocked by many satans. Otherwise, I would already have done this eighteen years ago. Even if you all do your tong ban breakthrough activities, there would still be something left. If things had happened that way, then we wouldn't have to worry about the Republic of Korea. (206-356, 1990.10.14)
The people we need to utilize and make the most of, are those that went to America for training. There are many such people. The question is; how do we organize these people in key places that are of vital importance? We need to call all these people together and put them in leadership positions of tong and ban, so that we can carry out tong ban breakthrough activities. They all have houses, don't they? We should make all of them leaders of ri, tong and ban (villages, communities and neighborhoods). (207-373, 1990.11.11)
The next time we have an election, unless my hand is in it, it won't work. How will things happen in the future? I will not make a party. Through the tong ban breakthrough activities, centering on the unification of North and South Korea, I will remove, with my own hands, the evil members who stir up distrust and destroy the nation little by little from within. In the same way, if a person becomes the type of person that the nation is looking for, then I will support that person. People who fight over this and quibble, I will have to straighten them out. Should I do this or not? You must live to see a nation worthy of being called a nation, and you should die seeing a National Assembly that is worthy of being a National Assembly, which will take care of the nation.
Therefore, Kim Il-sung cannot just do as he pleases. So, we need to move forward quickly, allowing the tong ban breakthrough activities to take root. Just a while ago, how many people did we say we would bring? As soon as you go back, you should bring twelve people and maintain a firm grip on them. Those twelve people should each find another twelve people and keep hold of them. If we just do that, we will hold within our bosoms the entire 73,000 small villages of this country. (204-310, 1990.7.11)
If you make a group large, then the damage will be large. The Unification Church was safe because people thought it wasn't important. Do you understand what I mean? The people we took to America and educated are not connected from the highest to the middle to the lowest. That's why we're trying to weave these people together during this conference. If we can do that, then your tong ban breakthrough activities won't be a problem. You should know this. (203-185, 1990.6.24)
If you attend your parents, you are of the same source of love, life, and lineage. It means you will resemble your parents, doesn't it? Then, when you think of the North Korean communists, do you feel infuriated and do you abhor them as much as you dislike the days when it is snowing and raining with sleet? You should feel the same way. You should understand those things, and then pour all your strength and energy into your tong banbreakthrough activities. This summer, when I return, I intend to meet all the heads of the counties or whoever is necessary. In the future, when we achieve local self-governance in each area, no one will be able to become a member of the provincial or county government without my hand being involved. (202-119, 1990.5.6)
Will you, or will you not, do your tong ban breakthrough activities? For what purpose will you do them? It is not for my sake. It is for your sons and daughters and mothers and fathers, who you love. The unification of North and South Korea is not just your desire, but it is the desire of your sons and daughters, your wife, and your mother and father. It is a common desire among us, and each of us must be responsible for it. People who say they will not take this responsibility are traitors to the people of this nation. (200-213, 1990.2.25)
Do you want me to supply you with money when you are doing you tong ban breakthrough activities or do you want to supply your own money while you are working? Who is a patriot? Is it the person who works receiving money and a monthly salary, or is it the one who makes the effort to love as he goes the path of hunger, cold and lack of recognition? Answer me! It's the second one, isn't it? Now that you understand this much, please work hard in your tong ban breakthrough activities. (200-213, 1990.2.25)
I have many members of the Japanese National Assembly who are working with me. It's the same here. There are about 180 people that are connected to me. If I were a villain, I could already have totally misused these people for my own gain. I don't want to have anything to do with that.
Some people say, "Look at that Rev. Moon! He's even making an ideology like tong ban breakthrough! It's as if he wants to wrap fishing net around the Republic of Korea and then, with one yank on his fishing net, take out all the fish, roll them up and eat them. In that way he's going to try and run for president." Is that true?! (199-300, 1990.2.21)
What are we doing everyday? Street witnessing! Then, tong ban breakthrough! Should we finish it by June, in a very short time? We should organize the leaders in districts, local communities and home neighborhoods, and then quickly finish the four-day workshop. After that you should quickly go out for a second round. It will be good for people who do this well. Those who don't do so well, the ones who bring no results, will fall away. The goal is 120 people. This is the restoration of the tribe. Therefore, you should act quickly centering on the district to create a church. We must make 3,600 churches very quickly. (198-50, 1990.1.20)
The systemization of the structure for our tong ban breakthrough activities is an urgent matter. (171-297, 1988.1.2)
The thing we must do first at this time is to carry out breakthrough activities at the university level, centering on professors and the Professors' and Students' Federation for Unification. The problem now is how the universities can go forward as one, while keeping a steady direction, centering on the federation. Next is the issue of a mass social movement. We must gather together the leading figures of society, officials of local governments, administration, and political parties of the area. That way, the teachers should bind together the leading figures of their local society, and the students should bind together the local young people. Then we should have a conference. By having a conference in the major cities, we are breaking through at the local levels. This is called tong ban breakthrough activities. The last battlefield is comprised of these local communities and neighborhoods. Our goal is to perfect the enlightenment of the local leaders. (166-16, 1987.5.26)
The words tong ban breakthrough activities mean to bring the political parties to straighten up, and to get the people who are governing the country to straighten up. (213-91, 1991.1.14)
If people don't listen, you've got to be ready and do whatever it takes. You've got to say, "I'm saying let's save this country so why aren't you doing anything?" In the future, I will have to cut off people who go astray. How? By taking the foundation of the tong ban breakthrough activities, we will connect all this to our election movement. Do you understand what I'm trying to say? (207-375, 1990.11.11)
The reason I have been telling you for many years that you must do tong ban breakthrough activities was in order to utilize that for a certain time period. I saw that such a time was coming. What would have happened if my own operations were not also for the purpose of preparing for this time? What do you think? Something terrible would have happened, don't you think? We almost had a serious situation come about. So all of you should have the awareness that you are prepared and chosen and should go forward thinking, "Even if a typhoon comes, even if an earthquake comes, even if a volcano erupts, I will not be uprooted." You should be like the steel pillars of an iron-clad bastion. We have to move forward in this way. Then spirit world will cooperate with you, and the hearts of the people will naturally come to you. (207-375, 1990.11.11)

5.2. Organizational expansion through local volunteer activities

There are still some battles left to fight. Do you know what my instructions are at this time? You do know the term tong ban breakthrough activities? It has been just six years since we started in 1984. Tong-banbreakthrough activities: this is the last key point. On the day that we finish this, even politicians will gather around us.
From now on, if people don't listen to what I suggest, then things will not work. Democracy has completely collapsed. Democracy cannot lead the world. I am proposing a new thought. It's called the cosmos-centered philosophy! The time is coming when I will have to instruct people on how to elect the leaders of the nation. (199-75, 1990.2.15)
What is our goal? It is to breakthrough at the tong ban level. We should be able to control everything. That is why the person responsible for a district should be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the head of the district. All of you must be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the heads of communities and neighborhoods. In the future, I also intend to make this same kind of organization for the people of North Korea. This is especially true for Seoul. (198-45, 1990.1.20)
Through the Home Church organization the tong ban breakthrough activities is possible, and in the future it will also be possible to make a consumer association. The economic authority will be determined there. Our Unification Church members will absolutely not go hungry. If we just stand up and move, we can even hand out two hundred newspapers within an hour. Instead of sleeping in the early morning, where the air is impure and stuffy, how nice it would be for you to do something like that? Think of yourself as a prince or royal commissioner, making rounds, and saying to the world, "Go ahead and sleep!" Wouldn't it feel so good? (186-177, 1989.2.1)
From now the Republic of Korea must push forward the tong ban breakthrough activities in order to prepare for the elections. Tong-ban breakthrough. In the history of restoration, because everything was lost in the family, I will rise up through the families, and then spread across this 3,000-ri peninsula.
It is not through the nation that I am rising up. Some people say, "That Rev. Moon is trying to become president," but that is not the case. (203-363, 1990.6.28)
Let us promise each other one thing. This is a meeting of leaders for the Unification of North and South Korea, is it not? What has Rev. Moon of the Unification Church been doing? You have only been raised up vertically. Why? Because the persecution was so severe, you didn't know what was what until now. Now that everything is over, we must bind together horizontally and work for the tong ban breakthrough activities, and then, centering on districts and townships, make the solidarity movement. (198-124, 1990.1.25)
What have I been emphasizing for the last five years? What are the tong ban breakthrough activities? I also forgot. You know what tong and ban (local communities and home neighborhoods) are, right? Up to the level of districts, in honor of my seventieth birthday, we held conferences this time in all 3,600 districts. Now we must educate 10 to 15 times that number, from about 36,000 to 50,000 tong that are in Korea. We are to educate the tong. After that there are 310,000 ban. We must educate the 310,000 ban. (200-318, 1990.2.26)

5.3. Organizational expansion through the strengthening of education

We must breakthrough at the tong ban level. The beginning is in the family. You should visit people so often that the dogs who were originally barking at you because they were uncomfortable with your presence, wag their tails in delight to see you. The dogs should be your guides to open the doors in your hometown that were closed to you before. You must go this way without regard to whether its day or night. You have to carry out thetong ban breakthrough activities by running until your feet are blistered, covering even a thousand or even ten thousand miles. (210-386, 1990.12.27)
You must hold revival meetings in the big cities and structurally expand the organization. You must breakthrough at the local areas and create organizations. (193-23, 1989.7.15)
We should do tong-ban breakthrough activities, do you understand? In your village, if you think about the people according to each clan, and you have one hundred homes, how many ban (home neighborhoods) does that make? Only by going down to the ban will you move a Mr. Lee of the Lee clan, or a Mr. Pak of the Pak clan. In this way you can move everyone in the area. Since it was in the family that the seeds were sown incorrectly which led to its ruin, it is in the family that you must harvest the results and make a heavenly family that can prosper. Your destiny rests in fulfilling this. Let's bring this matter to a closing point. (210-291, 1990.12.25)
There's no need to make a long education period. Having a one week period would do it. If you educate each group of people weekly centering on the tong and ban (local communities and home neighborhoods), then our work will be completed. What should you do then to make this possible? If you can send just the necessary people of the districts, local communities and home neighborhoods for a forty-day workshop, then that should do it. Then after that, through those people you can gather the residents in a reception room and continue to give lectures for a week each time. You meet after eating dinner, and gather day and night. When you meet together, you make up a time schedule, and centering on the amount of people gathered, educate them and have them set up the condition of having received a workshop. If you do this, then your work will be done and the tong banbreakthrough activities will be completed. In such a way we will lay down the standard. (212-240, 1991.1.6)
The term tong ban (local community and home neighborhood) breakthrough activities are referring to the fact that there are, on average, 25 tong in each district. In those 25 tong there are 250 ban. Estimating the number to be about three hundred people in a tong and centering on the importance of the seven-day workshop content, teach them the entire seven-day content as you read the Principle over two twenty-day periods equaling forty days. Have them study and take a test and then appoint anyone who scores 50 percent or higher as the head of the tong and ban. This is the first time you've heard something like this, right? I've already said all this before. If you do this, then your work will be done. When the work is totally completed in South Korea, the spies and agents who have invaded will be exposed and driven out. Then Kim Il-sung will have no choice but to throw up his hands before South Korea. (213-148, 1991.1.16)
This time, even in Korea we are organizing centering on the tong ban breakthrough activities. That's why some people in the National Intelligence Service are fussing saying, "In the past you had a record of doing rallies in 2,400 or 2,700 places in one day. Why are you so quiet now?" Now is the time to raise your sons and daughters. We should keep this among ourselves. We have entered the time when you have to educate people secretly. This is breaking through at the tong ban level. You must conduct meetings that are more than ordinary neighborhood meetings. That way, if you gather thirty people here and do the same in five different places, then you've gathered 150 people. Once there, you can tell them, "Since you 150 people have been mobilized, and since we all want the unification of North and South Korea, then let's appoint someone among your fathers, mothers, and relatives to lead this work." Then, the number of people should be more than 300. I've instructed you to have district and township conferences centering on these 300 people. (214-167, 1991.2.2)
By mobilizing the wives of the administrative personnel, we will place them as leaders of dong, tong and ban (districts, local communities and home neighborhoods). This will result in our having duplicates or two leaders in each area. We will organize them after we educate them. Centering on the government, if ban leaders unite, and all tong leaders unite horizontally, then all 40 million South Koreans will come to our side all at once. As the government comes to realize this, they will try to pull every kind of trick to stop me, and will be saying that Rev. Moon beat us to it! But it will be too late. They don't have an ideology. That's why they have no other choice than to believe us. At this point, we will lead the whole nation. So you should have concrete confidence in yourselves. (214-330, 1991.2.7)
Where should you mainly be doing your tong ban activities? It should be done within our association. What is the content of what I spoke about today? The Blessed Families must restore the right of eldest son, the right of the parent, and the right of kingship, by centering on the foundation of the family. In order to do that, you must give Divine Principle lectures as well as VOC (Victory Over Communism) lectures. Then in the future, if there is a Blessed Family that becomes responsible for a district, it should utilize and use the VOC organization. Originally the most important question was how to get the people who are in the VOC organization to become church members. You see, this organization is big. If the people who are connected with it became members, then the number of current Unification Church regional leaders would not be an issue. The number of church members would not be an issue. (218-105, 1991.7.2)
If we do not hurry, then we will not be able to prepare for a general election of both North and South Korea. Starting from now, we will have national rallies over the next 6 months to prepare for the North and South general election. It is now time to get our people in place. We will place our people and start lecturing. Tong-ban breakthrough activities. Now is really the time to take charge of the tong and ban (local communities and home neighborhoods) and present lectures. If you do not do this, then you really will not succeed. You must do this in order to live. (207-364, 1990.11.11)
Our tong ban breakthrough activities must be done centering on the family foundation. From there, centered on True Parents' words, specifically those dealing with the declaration of True Parents, you should inspire the people to connect with our activities and move forward. This time I'll send out all the members and have them make and show copies of the video tapes to the people. In between tapes we will have people record what they saw and thought. It will work once you try it. You must deliver deeply moving speeches to everyone, and then enroll these people in the future in the effort to unite North and South Korea. From a spiritual viewpoint, South Korea is in the position of the mind, while North Korea is like the body. The body opposes the mind. Since the body belongs to Satan's realm, that's why this is happening. (205-334, 1990.10.2)
Just try and follow my direction once to work for the tong ban breakthrough activities. It won't take long. Please, try this once for seven months, to run until your feet are blistered, and you are ready to die. It won't even cost money. From now on I won't ask you to come here. I'll go to see you in your hometowns. It would be nice if I could go to see all of you, but in Seoul alone there are 3,300 dong, 12,000 tong and 120,000 ban. Since they are so numerous, I can't go to all of them, but I'll go to visit the ones that get recommended. All of you should work hard in your tong ban activities, and if you can establish a family that represents the clan that God can be proud of, then you will receive blessings automatically. From there, the firm stand of liberation will be established, and the flag of freedom will wave. (209-48, 1990.11.25)
Nowadays Seoul is troubled. Originally, everyone should return to their hometowns. When you go, I am planning over the next six months to make organizations that will enable you to breakthrough at the tong ban level. Then, if there are influential people, army generals who used to attend established churches and church elders, I will try to organize and send them to their hometowns. In Seoul, I'm going to deal with this situation in this way. They won't have any problem whatsoever, in leading others if they just receive a 40 day workshop. The generals had to command regiments, so because of this, you can't match them in leading an organization or in leading the people. (198-41, 1990.1.20)
In the world of love, you have a special right that enables you to make God your own object partner. Whether you are large or small, this is an indisputable fact.
As you shed sweat with blood in the field of your tong ban breakthrough activities, laying the foundation and creating a melting pot overflowing with love, having been filled up totally, then in the position of an owner ask God, "Would you ever like to come here?" Would you expect Him to say, "Get lost! Go away!" Instead He will say, "Show me the way!" Then He will ask you, "Where would you like me to sit?" He cannot just sit wherever He chooses. The principles of the world work in this way.
The God who created the order in the world knows the stages of the world that He created. Therefore, He knows where He should sit or where He should stand. In Korea we have a saying for someone who has no common sense. We say about him, "Does that person know how to discern between where he will sit or stand?" We say this, don't we? It is the same with God. (208-211, 1990.11.18)

5.4. The Providence centering on the Second Generation and the Professors' and Students' Federation for Unification.

We should organize a national conference of all the young people who have graduated from prestigious high schools, and then, for each province, we should choose a person from among these graduates, who can be responsible for local organizations. If we can choose the responsible people for each province, county, township, local community and neighborhood then this will make the base upon which we can utilize our tong banbreakthrough activities. The people who graduated from the prestigious middle and high schools will usually connect to prestigious universities like Seoul National University and Korea University. So, when we achieve this, then automatically a national association of these prestigious university students will be formed. (214-339, 1991.2.7)
Originally, when I went to America, I told them that, in the age of tong ban breakthrough activities, they should center on the teachers and talk to each high school, middle school and even elementary school teacher one by one. All of that is part of the strategy to connect to the parents of the students. That's why we've made the VOC organization and the Citizens Federation and other such organizations. You should have put these into operation. By not doing this, the communists have run wild doing what they wanted, and left behind scenes of death everywhere. Didn't I fight alone against all this? (207-169, 1990.11.9)
We are going to connect professors, high school and middle school teachers and elementary school teachers to the tong ban breakthrough activities. If they connect, then our work is done. Although the established churches put up opposition by trying to advance certain theories about history, this doesn't present an obstacle. We are going over that hill completely. Even from a sitting position we can digest everything, including the communists. (205-297, 1990.10.1)
Having done so, we should mobilize all the professors connected to this tong ban breakthrough activity… by the way, there's no difficulty in obtaining information about their hometowns or other information is there? We should choose one hundred hometown schools to use as bases upon which to assign these professors, and then invite the Home Church leaders to come. The professors may even buy them dinner. Unless we form an organization in such a way and carry out the tong ban breakthrough activities in the districts, townships, local communities and home neighborhoods, in order to stop the communists, we will face the substantial problem of being swallowed by the communists. (187-21, 1989.2.7)
In the tong ban breakthrough activities, CARP must play a leading role. When our middle and high school students become future university students they should win the younger generation over to our side. (198-7, 1990.1.20)
At this time, we must seriously look at how CARP is moving? All of you are taking responsibility to work for the tong ban breakthrough activities and to educate people, right? This is a twofold strategy, since the university graduates have stepped forward as a unit of activity, they must be supported completely. Therefore, we need to establish a newspaper publishing company. We should hurry up. (181-156, 1988.9.5)
I'll tell you something that happened recently. We established the Citizens Federation for the Unification of North and South Korea. We moved forward and began work on initiating tong ban breakthrough activities throughout the nation. It happened that we gathered together some petty heads of townships and districts, as well as a police chief, some local police officers, and some arrogant and boastful university graduates. In addition, there were the heads of the municipal committees who are the professors. We had assigned all those professors to work to save the nation. Turning to the journalists who were present I asked, "Will you participate in the efforts to save your hometowns, or not? Please answer me! Will you do it!" You have to help save the nation. How about saving the world? If the people of a nation are willing to even sell their own nation to save the world, then those people will become the ancestors of the whole world. (179-202, 1988.8.12)
We need the nation, and we need the world. There is no clear way to find these. When we look at this fact, you professors must also establish the ideal of the sphere of love, centering on the vertical love and connecting with the horizontal realm of love at 90 degrees. There's no way to escape such a pursuit of the original universal history. That means you must listen to what I say. If you don't, you won't be on the right track. If you are on the right track, where will you be heading? You will go to the family. That's why, when we say tong ban breakthrough activities, we're talking about returning to the family and realigning yourself to the right track.
Because all of you are the sons and daughters of Rev. Moon, I have unconditionally given you everything that I've prepared on the world level, from the realm of heart, the realm of participation and inheritance, to the realm of equal rank. Therefore, you must return to your hometowns and lay down your roots. If you just lay down your roots and stand up vertically aligned, then, through me, you will rise to the glorious position of victory in which you can inherit the worldwide domain and participate with me. This is logical. True Parents are absolute. That's why all religions have come to the conclusion that the messiah absolutely must come. (176-124, 1988.5.3)
Whether it is in the Citizens Federation, the VOC organization or in the Unification Church, the place where all of you must work is not in the offices. Go do the tong ban breakthrough activities first and fight if you have to. You should compete to see who will go into their neighborhood and influence it the most, who will go into their community and get the most people to become activists to liberate North Korea, and who will inspire the most families to follow the direction of their regional leaders under the authority of the committee chairmen. If I had not told you this publicly, then everything would have fallen apart. You professors did not even think of this. Do you know how much I have thought about these things? So my conclusion is that all the professors here should become the leaders of tong and ban (local communities and home neighborhoods), regardless of whether they are located in provinces or counties or towns. I mean that all professors should pack their bags and go to their families.
The roots of patriotism must be planted in the family. It is not within the offices of towns and counties, but in the family. So… have you followed my declaration to work for the tong ban breakthrough activities? Have you done well or not? You, professor, have you done well or not? How many times have you wandered through the night determined to breakthrough at the local level? That is the problem. If you do not possess a more sorrowful heart for the nation than you felt when your own father passed away, you cannot save the nation. If you don't feel more sadness and pain in your heart than when your own mother or your own relatives pass away, then the unification of North and South Korea will not happen. This is how I see things.
When you professors enter people's homes, you should grab hold of their hands and, choked with tears, utter an appeal for them to work together for the unity of North and South Korea. That one word of appeal would be more powerful than a thousand words spoken by a scholar passing by. That's the reason I have formed the Professors and Students Federation for Unification and connected the professors who are willing to save the neighborhoods with the students Then, united, they should rally together all the sons and daughters of the neighborhoods. That is my direction. (176-112, 1988.5.3)

5.5. Tribal Messiah Activities and Tong-ban Breakthrough Activities

We must return to the hometown of our origin! This is based on the Principle. How can you deny this? It's the logical conclusion. Those who don't think so raise your hands. Can you deny this? There is no way, other than the way of obedience and submission. That's why we are doing that in Korea, at this time. By returning to your hometowns, you must complete the foundation for the nation upon the foundation of having completed the tong ban breakthrough activities in you area. This is done by starting in each family and raising them through the formation, growth, and completion stages.
The family is the formation stage, the tong and ban (local community and neighborhood) are the tribal growth stage, and then the nation is the completion stage. These three points must be connected in the family. If you don't connect these points in the family, then they can't be connected at the tribal level. They can't be connected to the nation, and they can't be connected to the world. (218-184, 1991.7.28)
Why do we work for the tong ban breakthrough activities? The reason the government has opposed me until now was because they were worried that if I penetrated all the way to the family level, that it would cause problems for the government. The position I must grab hold of is not the government. In the government, there is no basis for peace. This base is not in the Republic of Korea, either. Where is it then? It is in the family -- in Adam and Eve's family. The fall took place centering on the family, so we must grab a hold of the family and set it right. Through false parents, the family was brought to ruin, so true parents must come and set the family right. (203-252, 1990.6.26)
From now on, in order to accomplish the tong ban breakthrough activities centering on the 3,600 towns and communities, we will form organizations and then completely arrange everything. Those of you here in headquarters also need to understand this well. In the future, I will chastise those who attend the service here, if their hometowns are elsewhere. Why is that? I've given a direction for you to return to your hometowns, which, in the world of religion, is a precious gift, so why aren't you going? (197-207, 1990.1.14)
Now if you do your tribal messiah mission, the Republic of Korea will automatically be liberated. This is because the tribal messiah is connected to the tong ban breakthrough activities. When we complete the tong banbreakthrough activities, centered on our tribe, there will no longer be communists. Therefore, Korea has freed itself from the individual realm of the false accusation of Satan.
I have laid the foundation of substance through the national level, centering upon America. Having brought a victorious national foundation from America, I will engraft to this a way for the Republic of Korea to transcend the nation and go to the world. Centering on the realm of the tribal messiah all the 40 million people of Korea will be connected. Thus, when all these things become one, there will be no place in your families for Satan to falsely accuse you. We have passed over the base where Satan could accuse us individually, and we have passed over the base where he could accuse us as a family or a tribe. If three tribes can be connected to each other, then a people will be formed. (188-315, 1989.3.1)
If we achieve the tribal level foundation, a people will automatically be formed. Moreover, this relates to Tong-ban breakthrough activities. Tong-ban breakthrough develops from the tribal realm. If you are working in a village, the village is in the tribal realm. If you talk about villages, tong and ban, they are all in the tribal realm. You should understand that this is the reason I've been talking about tong ban breakthrough. Now if you become tribal messiahs, do you think your tong ban breakthrough activities will be completed, or not? It will be completed.
Then how should all of you act? The time has come when you must deeply understand Rev. Moon, who has walked every suffering path and has toiled throughout his life and shed countless tears for your hometown, your parents and siblings and your relatives. It was with tears that your relatives were separated from the Garden of Eden and scattered in many directions. They eventually returned to their regions, which had been nearly ruined by enemy fighting and Satan's occupation.
Therefore you must gain control of all the nations and, centering on one love through a family representing every nation, we can meet together in tears. If, through this, we can raise the flag of liberation at that place, then every nation can be returned eternally centering on that point. (187-173, 1989.2.5)
The term, tong ban gyeokpa doesn't mean destruction. Some people might look at that term and ask "Why do we say gyeokpa? We should call it something like "tong ban assimilation" or "tong ban liberation." Some people may say so, but still we must overturn things and break them down. Why? Because false love, false life, and false lineage remain and are totally selfish. This is what we must overturn and break down. That's why it is said that those who seek to lose their life shall gain it, but those who seek to gain their life shall lose it. The members of your own family can become your enemies. This is certain. If you say you will follow this path, then your mother and father may call you a crazy child. (203-252, 1990.6.26)
You must understand the significance of the tong ban breakthrough activities. Centering on the family level, you must return to the realm of True Parents' heart, turning your thoughts around 180 degrees. (204-320, 1990.7.11)
The things that I am saying are not my own. They belong to all people, to heaven and earth. I inherited the Father's tradition through love and following in his footsteps, I too should pass this on to all of you unconditionally in the name of True Parents. In giving these things to you, I am also giving you my flesh and blood, and my devotion.
Following this example of such a sincere heart, if you show the same heart towards your wife, your sons and daughters, and your villages and local communities and neighborhoods, then your tong ban breakthrough activities will be complete. (199-374, 1990.2.21)
Adam and Eve could not start from the family. Because of that, the tribal messiahs must ultimately solve the problem of the settlement of the family. That's why, here in Korea, we've started the tong ban breakthrough activities. At this time, in order for the family to settle in Korea, each family should hang my picture up and raise the church flag in their homes. This means that we are completely dividing the satanic world from the heavenly world.
For the first time, the portrait of True Parents is being attended in the family. (218-124, 1991.7.14)
Now, in our tong ban breakthrough activities, I have created the village and local community organizations. We have passed out flags and pictures of True Parents to some eighty thousand families. Then, from July 3 to 9, I made the declaration of the True Parents, the Savior, the Messiah, and the returning Lord. Who is the Lord at the Second Advent? It is the True Parents. Who is the Messiah? The Messiah is the returning Lord. (238-336, 1992.11.22)
If you do not become a source that explodes with the original heart, you cannot overcome the summit of the mountain. You cannot go over mountains like the Himalayas. What do you need? You need to take the power of love, and not be worried about whether you live or die. To counter that, the outside world brings countries together and opposes us. I must face that maelstrom of opposition and take responsibility for defeating it. I am fighting alone. Even after I went to America, I fought that battle. Breakthrough on your own! That's what the tong ban breakthrough is all about, isn't it? (214-114, 1991.2.1)
In the age of the unification of North and South Korea, the first thing we must do is to tong ban breakthrough activities. We are advocating the tong ban breakthrough activities, aren't we? Through this activity, you should give people a picture of me to hang up, and then teach them my ideology. You must teach them who the True Parents are. (212-138, 1991.1.2)
I told everyone to return to their hometowns, didn't I? I also came to the Republic of Korea and won over all the top men. We're at the point that when people hear the name Rev. Moon mentioned they say, "That man is a patriot!" As you approach even the prominent people in society and ask them, "We're doing this and that in order to hold a national conference to prepare for a unified election of North and South Korea. Will you support us or oppose us?" They will answer, "Why should we oppose you? Of course we'll support!" We get this affirmation as we work. Until now no one has given us such affirmation. If they do oppose me, I will flex my muscles a bit and knock them out of their position. If I intervene, then no matter how relentless the argument or how loud the protest, it will all dissipate. Knowing that, all of you must breakthrough at your tong and ban levels. (213-51, 1991.1.13)
Tong-ban breakthrough does not mean to threaten and intimidate people with guns and knives. If you work day and night through the words of love and the practice of love, then even while the grandfathers and grandmothers sit around smoking and drinking, and doing other bad deeds, they will say, "My son and daughter should model themselves after that person." After saying that, they will praise the Unification Church, and then the devils within them that like to drink will run away. If the grandparents see people who used to fight with each other enter the Unification Church and stop fighting, then they will think, "Our children should also become like the members of the Unification Church…" If this happens, then all the satans within them will run away. Do you understand what I mean? (212-100, 1991.1.2)
If you settle down and find your place in the family, then things will change 180 degrees. That's why, even though I told you a few days ago, I'm telling you again to put up pictures of True Parents. That is the position where you become one with True Parents directions, so you will live, just like the people who looked at the snake Moses held up on a stick. This is exactly the point.
People who look at the Unification Church flag and curse it will later develop problems with their eyes and all sorts of things will happen to them. The reason it hasn't happened yet is because you haven't raised your flags with true devotion. Also, when you put up True Parents' picture, if you can truly devote your heart before doing that, then if someone points a finger at it in scorn, that finger will be bent. All sorts of strange things may happen. It is because you haven't devoted all your heart that it hasn't happened that way. (218-72, 1991.7.2)
In order to do tong ban breakthrough activities, we must go forward seeking the family. Adam and Eve lost everything starting in the family, and that became the origin of the loss of both the nation and the world. Now I have indemnified through the world level, and I am holding the families of the Republic of Korea together and working to change their direction. Because I am making this effort, there needs to be a subject philosophy.
Therefore, I have declared the Principle of True Parents, True Teacher, and True Owner. What kind of people are the True Parents, who have made this kind of declaration? From a position similar to God's position, because God is a True Parent, I am teaching you now so that you can create an event to enable you to inherit the worldwide domain. This worldwide domain will enable you to become a true teacher and a true owner, from the position of becoming true parents here on earth. (204-125, 1990.7.1)
If we can just complete the organization of the tong ban breakthrough activities, if every house raises the church flag, and if there are families that don't mind if three Unification Church members visit them every day, then everyone will receive salvation. That's why I'm allowing you to be indebted. I'm putting you under indebtedness so you won't oppose me. All of you are indebted to me, aren't you? I took you to America and educated you. I'm called the True Parent but you cannot oppose this fact because you're indebted to me. All accomplishments and teachings that I have initiated have benefited both the spiritual and physical spheres. Who opposes me? When I say "blow a bugle and beat a drum", the world should blow a bugle and beat a drum. We have reached that stage.
That is why I could declare the True Parents and be welcomed by you, and go over the summit of the world that Satan has used as his stage, and stand at the top. The time has come when I can return to Korea, connecting the globe with the heavenly nation, and then hold a declaration ceremony for the settlement of sovereignty. Do you understand? Therefore, I'm pushing hard. If I focus my attention on you totally, you won't be able to say anything. I won't be hitting you with a clenched fist. The time will come when I can win over people with just my thoughts. (200-346, 1990.2.27)
Tong-ban breakthrough is now a movement of returning to Korea and going back to the family. Centering on the nation, if we go back to the tong and ban and start from there, and organize and unite these groups, then everything will be accomplished.
This signifies the three stages of growth: formation, growth, and completion. Centering on yourself, vertically, you have your family, and your tong and ban. You also have yourself, and horizontally, your father, and your grandfather. Likewise, you then create the standard for the three stages of growth through formation, growth, and completion. Then you enter into the turning point of your family.
When this happens, what would you have been centering on to have accomplished this? By turning centering on head-wing thought and Godism together with True Parents' love, then Satan won't have any condition through which to accuse you in the future. (213-254, 1991.1.21) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Thirteen - Restoration of the True God's Homeland
Chapter 3. Why We Must Do Tong Ban Gyeokpa (Local Breakthrough) Activities
Section 6. The Unification Movement and the Role of Women

I am very skillful, aren't I? Bringing all those women who were living comfortably, and having them do something called tong ban breakthrough activities… what for? And what does that have to do with all of you? Who will appreciate their work? However, by doing this, the Korean women will establish a traditional history of the liberation of women. This will become a training aid.
You should know that the words that I've taught and the contents of the actions that you've taken will be the traditional training aids in the future that will move the women of the world! Amen.
Who can become this kind of training aid? A person who sleeps comfortably for eight hours, eats three meals a day, and finds a cool place to rest in the shade because it's hot cannot do this. The thing you do sweating blood in the blazing sun, dripping with perspiration, this is what remains in history. The more miserable the situation, the more it becomes the material of a historic age. If all of you heard the story of my time in prison, your bone marrow would start to cry. That's why I cannot tell you that story. If I poured the contents of that time out to you, everyone would cry loudly in lamentation. How many things happened in that place? How many stories could be told about that place? I won't tell you. (233-262, 1992.8.1)
I didn't give even one penny. It's no good if I give money. If I supply the money, then in the future, the way the nation must go will become blocked. It's logical that money should come from the nation to the people. That kind of nation does not exist. Therefore, no matter how difficult, the members of the Unification Church must do the work of the nation, even if they must sell their sweat and blood; even if they must cut off their flesh and bones and sell them, they must do the work of the nation.
You worked while I wasn't supplying you the money, and so now we are entering the stage where the tong ban breakthrough activities can be completed. Have you done well, or not? After being briefed a while ago about how the poorly members of the Unification Church have been doing, I've come to Seoul to put things in order. I cannot go everywhere in the nation, so I've come to Seoul, which represents the whole, since it is the center. I mentioned this to True Mother, and she felt the same, so now she is touring. (233-179, 1992.8.1)
You must listen well to my words today, clear up your debts, and become new people. What is it that I've told you to do? In order to re-establish through women the tong ban breakthrough system, which the men failed to do, I have now arranged our people centering on the villages and local communities. The tong ban breakthrough activities came to a halt right in front of my eyes, so the women of the Unification Church should not sleep at night, should not eat, and should not play before doing this work. You must know that this is your heavenly duty! Those of you who will do this, raise your hands. (233-52, 1992.7.20)
In the same way that I have stayed up at night and sacrificed throughout my life until now, you must act in the same way. In your tong ban breakthrough activities, you must bring 120 families centering on your tribe. Back in Jesus' day, there were 120 apostles, weren't there? In the same way, if you set up 120 families under your command, you will not have problems with things like money. Are you worried about eating and living? It is not a problem. You men, do you understand? Men are archangels and will be of no use. You must set up the condition to have been born through a mother. Therefore, only by being blessed again can you return to the heavenly nation. (232-253, 1992.7.9)
I must save Korea by setting up the women. With this meaning, it was inevitable that the leaders of the WFWP (Women's Federation for World Peace) were set up to be the local women leaders. The leaders of WFWP should go down into the local areas and become the leaders of the counties, towns, districts, and local communities. Is this an easy thing to do? I have been preparing this for the past fourteen years. Centering on the term "Home Church," I told people to, "Go down to the local level and manage your tribe!" That was fourteen years ago, and it was to prepare for this time. That is why I have insisted doing the tong ban breakthrough activities these past seven years. (232-199, 1992.7.6)
I am setting up a plan to completely fill up the Olympic Stadium with 150,000 women next April. Therefore, the wives throughout this nation must do their tong ban breakthrough activities. The men were unable to do it, so the women must do it. We have been working on these tong ban breakthrough activities for seven years, but we still haven't succeeded. Even though I've instructed you men to fulfill the work, three times invested a lot of money in this, it has not been done. Now I can't trust you men. I have to find a solution now through mobilizing the women, without the men.
Even if you men work for the tong ban breakthrough activities, if the men don't receive the signatures of their wives and children they cannot move freely. On the other hand, the women can go into each house, push out the husbands and have a meeting. Do you understand? It's so convenient! The women can form a group and climb up and over the back gate, side gate, or front gate, kick out the husband of the house, and meet however they please. Do you understand? (224-62, 1991.11.21)
All of you must center on God, and to the extent that you want to quickly be able to bring a world of peace, you must bring together the people of this country and accelerate the standard for the unification of North and South Korea, in order to open the door of peace. The movement that exists in order to accelerate this goal is the tong ban breakthrough activities! Do you understand? The place where the invading spies are hiding is in the bosom of the women. They are within the width of a woman's skirt. They are hiding underneath it. These spies come down to South Korea and get themselves a wife. Then they make some money, and after that they approach even far distant relatives and offer support. They even win the hearts of the families and clans in their neighborhood. They take money for their South Korean spy operation and hold feasts, giving a warm reception for the people. You should understand that they are people who have created a name for themselves. This is what we must break open. (214-255, 1991.2.2)
So far, I've had no choice but to work with the men, but now it's different. The Unification Church has come forward putting men in the lead, and now we still give priority to the men, don't we? How much money was invested into the tong ban breakthrough activities with the men leading the way? Now it is clear that we must absolutely make a foundation, even if we must sell our flesh and blood. This work must be achieved, even if you must sell your land, your family's rice field, or bring together the money of your relatives. Do you understand? In the future I will send down an order. If you find seventy families and I tell you to prepare 100 million won from each family, that will amount to seven billion won.
Since this is the age for the unification of North and South Korea. We must be prepared to do this. Shedding tears, sweat and blood, make a lump sum of money and then open up a bank account without your husband's knowing. What did I just say? What do I want you to make without your husbands' knowledge? A bank account. You should make a bank account. (235-126, 1992.8.29)
We started in 1978, so this is now the fourteenth year. This work has been going on for fourteen years. If all of you had only done this work with a desperate heart! How great it would have been! If that had happened, then everything would be connected through the tong ban breakthrough activities, centering on the Unification Church. Centering on the Unification Church foundation, we organized everything down to the village, so that we could breakthrough at the tong ban level. Centering on the men, we held conferences in the dong (districts), tong and ban (local communities and home neighborhoods). We passed out Divine Principle books and a book called "The Hope of the World" in my name, to all the 120,000 neighborhood leaders. Maybe even some of you that are here today also received these books. Despite the fact that all this was done, the men still all failed their responsibility. They were relaxed and thought this was just some kind of game. Therefore, because the men failed their responsibility, the women must accomplish it. Whatever happens, they must do this.
The women must not just be worried about the livelihood of their own homes. Please notice that I've mobilized women centering on the Women's Federation. Is this mobilization due to the power of human beings? In the beginning, when I first said that I would have an initiation conference for the Asian Women's Federation of World Peace (AWFWP), everyone's eyes went like this, and our own Unification Church members put up opposition saying women can't do anything and that AWFWP women can't do anything. But then True Mother stepped forward and the opposition subsided. Seeing the atmosphere, the members couldn't oppose it any further. Therefore, I declared the arrival of the era of women. I made this declaration because the time was ripe to do so. Wait and see if the age of women comes now or not. (233-111, 1992.7.31)
Because tong ban breakthrough activities started back in 1978, that means it has already been fourteen years. The fourteen years of doing tong ban breakthrough stands for this age. The concept of Home Church is the concept of tong ban breakthrough activities. Because you were starting to slack off in Home Church, I changed the description a little and pulled you forward centering on tong ban breakthrough activities. We spent seven years and then another seven years, so it has taken fourteen years. My plan was to be prepared and to do this before now, but the leaders of Korea did not know this and couldn't fulfill their responsibility. The men failed twice, so the women must do it from now on. (237-65, 1992.11.11)
When we hold a unified election of North and South Korea, what will happen to this country of South Korea? I am not an incompetent person. I am already preparing everything for that day, and so we are doing the tong ban breakthrough activities. I have trained you quite a few times in this. That is why we need the women. (206-70, 1990.10.3)
The women must take charge of the soldiers of the North Korean regime. The women must take charge of the devils of this earth. In that way, the men can defeat the devils in spirit world. We need to employ a twofold strategy. The spies of North Korea come here and live under the protection of the women. They live within the bosom of a woman. The men might not want this to happen, but the women keep them hidden. In order to breakthrough this treachery we need the tong ban breakthrough activities. Now you understand many things.
None of you know when I will send down a certain command and give you a mission. If you say you can't do it, then I am putting you in prison. This isn't a playground. This is the path to decide life and death. It is not the grounds for getting a salary and living well. It is not the place to bring no-goods and feed them. You need to understand this. This is the place to make the elite fighting unit of heaven. (180-121, 1988.8.7)
You understand the tong ban breakthrough activities, don't you? I've talked about Home Church these past fourteen years. I spent a lot of money to educate you. These past five years I've talked about tong banbreakthrough activities. I set up the men to do this, but because they failed miserably, I have no choice but to set up the women in the final attempt. (238-305, 1992.11.22) 

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Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Thirteen - Restoration of the True God's Homeland
Chapter 4. Be Active as Tribal Messiahs
Section 1. Now is the Time for the Unification of North, South, East, and West

Throughout my life, I have endured hardship to create the foundations of a movement to unite North and South Korea. With the environment already created, it will be much easier; I hope you will act with enthusiasm and courage. You must attempt to change the minds of people opposing the unification of North and South, even if it means holding demonstrations. (149-170, 1986.11.21)
Do you think the unification of North and South can be achieved if you work comfortably in South Korea? Korea is the world's front line and focal point. As we see, all kinds of phenomena are occurring here based on God's will. If you completely unite and move South Korea, the spirit world will work, won't it? Who else can understand such things? (165-215, 1987.5.27)
You must do this work even if you do not have money. If you are short of money, you should sell your house. God will protect you and be responsible for your future only if you do so. Do not be dependent on having money or organizational structure. That is where the problem lies. Money that God is not happy with is poison and will bring you to ruin. You need to devote yourself sincerely. From now on, you should work and shed more tears in this mission than you have shed in the church. It is that simple. I am telling you to weep more for the unification of North and South Korea than while praying at the church. (166-183, 1987.6.5)
When we consider the issue of unification from a philosophical point of view, there must be a new kind of unified thought that can go beyond the structures of democracy and communism and digest them all. There must be such a logical basis for a unified system in society. Korea will be one model for the creation of such a unified system. A global federation for the unity of north, south, east, and west has taken form in the Citizens' Federation in Korea. Korea itself is thus a model for the world. If the world follows that model, everything will shift to a global unified system. (173-67, 1988.1.3)
The means to move the world will be the issue from this point on. We will need, first, a well-developed ideology; second, a stronger organization; and third, communal activities. We need organizational ability and vigorous activity beyond that of the communists when we deal with their ideology. Moreover, we must develop and become systematized. (15-94, 1965.9.30)
The Citizens' Federation for the Unification of North and South Korea is a movement for unification. Through this organization, the nation's people are joining together to actively work for North-South unification. You must mobilize all sixty million people for this cause. These sixty million people must become one. If a unified representative body of six hundred thousand people move towards the new Eden and expand to six million or even sixty million unified flag bearers, the world will move straight into the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. (163-24, 1987.4.18)
In our Unification movement, there is the church, the International Federation for Victory Over Communism (IFVOC), the Professors and Students Federation for the Unification of North and South Korea, and the Citizens' Federation for the Unification of North and South Korea. What are they trying to do? Not just the reunification of Korea. It's not merely the liberation of the North and South. They are working to liberate humankind and to liberate God. Based on what? True love. You need to know this. (166-155, 1987.6.5)
The movement for the reunification of Korea needs to unite the North and South based on God's philosophy. Then the nation's entire population is to establish the heavenly nation with this new ideology. (163-165, 1987.5.1)
The question is, as brave soldiers who are fighting history's final battle to determine the ultimate victory or defeat, how strong and bold can we be in the face of the coming fierce war? How much can we overcome? Can we be hopeful, brave fighters who can find new resolve even at the point where life and death intersect? We can digest communism if we have the desire to live to fight again, even on the road to death. We need to have the personal conviction that if we cannot win right now, we will fight again after we revive. (61-35, 1972.8.20)
There still are those who do not know about the Unification Church? This means you have not fulfilled your responsibilities. Although many people are comfortably taking it easy, there aren't many persons who are taking responsibility for the people of this nation. Even if my bones shatter into pieces, I must go on because the people in the mountains here and in the villages and valleys there are longing for the reach of my devoted hands, covered with blood and sweat. Should I fail to reach them, I will have to ring a bell and gather everyone in one place and form a unified front. Otherwise, there is no way to achieve a plan for unification even if there are conferences between North Korea and South Korea. You must stand in the proactive position and pave the way. (61-237, 1972.8.31)
What time is it now? It is the time for the Israelites to depart from Egypt and go to the Promised Land of Canaan. Dedicating your utmost effort, without sleeping, you must proclaim that the Israelites living in the land of Egypt must leave their homes at such and such a time. Those who know about this and don't tell the Israelites will regret it. Because we have now entered the period when the departure to the Promised Land of Canaan is to begin, we are responsible for notifying all thirty million people. They can decide whether to leave or stay. That is why we have developed a nationwide movement. Therefore, there should be no one who does not yet know about the Unification Church. (61-237, 1972.8.31)
In the chaos of trying to find the way towards the ultimate global crossroads, the main issue for people of religious faith in Korea, expatriate Koreans, and for the country itself is how to maintain our position of initiative. Do not be indecisive. You must be able to understand the difference between subject and object partners and stand as an object partner to God as the clear subject. In such a fashion, we move forward toward a breathtaking, transitional age. Now is that moment. (65-152, 1972.11.5)
In order for the North and South to become one, the South's government should provide aid to the North with love greater than that for its own people. Presently, how can the North and South be unified when, at this moment, the Jeolla and Gyeongsang provinces are fighting over political power? There is no way. Everything will come to ruin. Although you may not want to hear me say this, I will still say it because it is the truth. (168-230, 1987.9.20)
You must obey the will of Heaven. Korea will lose its place if it lets go of the fortune of individuals, the nation, and Asia. Korea should be in rhythm with the fortune of Asia, along with heavenly fortune. Korea should obey the will of Heaven in order to be protected by it; otherwise, it will come to ruin. I have concluded that you must learn from me, even though you say you already know that way. That includes today. (168-230, 1987.9.20)
Once the North and South are unified, Korea should sacrifice for the sake of the world. Standing proudly on the front line, it should leave such a tradition and philosophy. If it does, even if Korea perishes as an earthly power, the philosophy of its people will remain well beyond the twentieth and thirtieth centuries, as will its people, who can surely lead the world. That is something that you should know. (56-273, 1972.5.18)
Do you believe that the unification of North Korea and South Korea can be accomplished through commerce? No, it cannot. God's love will weaken and destroy the ideology of communism. Though we may not understand, if we have a loving heart, the unification of North and South will not be a problem. Also God's love can completely resolve the issues between the East and West and the North and South. Then an eternal peaceful environment will be established when, centering on God's ideal, this ideal world digests the nation; the nation, in turn, digests the race; the race, the family; and the family, the individual. Then utopia will surely come on the earth. (143-285, 1986.3.20)
The current goal is the unification of North and South Korea. God is hoping for a base in your families, the nation, and the world from which He can enter into His Sabbath by unifying North and South Korea. This is the only way to attend God. The unification of North and South Korea, the integration of Eastern and Western cultures, and liberation of heaven and hell will come about when we create an environment centering on love greater than that for our father and mother, husband or wife, and children, and are willing to build a sacrificial altar centering on that love. It can never be solved without love. Love is the key. (170-103, 1987.11.8)
World unification will automatically be fulfilled after the unification of North and South Korea is accomplished. Do you think military strength or force of arms will bring about unification? Of course, it won't. If military strength were all that was needed, I would be the one who could accomplish anything. However, because unification will certainly not be achieved with military power, I am spreading my teachings. (142-318, 1986.3.14)
Do our political leaders love the nation? Politicians do not care about what is going on in the nation, but just fight to get the presidency. Just let them try and do it! Everything will just fade away eventually, dissolving like bubbles, because they do not have the heart to sincerely live together with the people. If a leader cannot love the people, then he cannot escape the judgment of his people and history. (148-275, 1986.10.11)
North and South Korea cannot become one if they remain as they are. For this, we need patriots who fight without sleep and possess hearts of determination, willing to overcome all obstacles. The unification of North and South Korea begins with people who think, "I truly want to live together. I would like to die together if we must die, or live together if we must live. I would like to live together with our forefathers, with those who are in the spirit world." (148-277, 1986.10.11)
North Korea is struggling because it is a closed society. However, the more you know about the situation, the more pitiable the people under that society seem to be. The enemy is communism, not the people. If, when thinking about North Korea, you weep for your fellow countrymen who live in misery and empathize with their situation as you prepare for the day of their liberation, unfold a plan for unification, and vow to come to them, then the day for you to go to North Korea is not far away. (148-268, 1986.10.11)
The question is where to begin unification. With what and from where should the unification of North and South Korea be achieved? Should it be with fists or power? If force is used to make the North give in, then there will be another battle later on, when they gain strength. Unification cannot be achieved in such a way. (148-268, 1986.10.11)
The way to unification will open up only when you who live in the South truly long to live together and unite with those in the North. (148-268, 1986.10.11)
What do you think is the common denominator for those who say, "I would like to live together"? It is not power; power cannot transcend history. It is good only in the moment. Is it knowledge? The world of knowledge advances, doesn't it? Would you like to live together forever in the world of knowledge? We know for sure that we can't live together just because of knowledge or money. What is the one common denominator that can be accepted, whether it is on the top or the bottom, the left or the right, or in the past, present, or future? It is love. (148-260, 1986.10.11)
When we think about how we navigate through life, we realize that there must be some fundamental principle to guide us that applies to children, loyal patriots, saints, and divine sons and daughters alike. This is the heart that desires to be together, to live together. It is the desire, throughout our lifetime, to be together transcendent of the positions of upper or lower, front or back, left or right, day or night. We must come to such a conclusion. (148-258, 1986.10.11)
What are we to do, living in a divided nation, with North and South bordering each other along the thirty-eighth parallel? The question is how will we go about resolving this issue? That is, we must suffer more than both the North and South Korean people. Through hardships, our patriotism will be solidified to encompass the nation and become the shortcut to save Korea. This is the solution. It is the same for the unification of the world of evil and the world of good. Loyal patriots who are more faithful than the loyal patriots of the world of evil must emerge. This broken history can be restored with the appearance of a person who can demonstrate a stronger allegiance to the world than that held by our loyal ancestors. That's how I see it. (61-125, 1972.8.13)
The paths of the North and the South are crossing now. Because the two are going in opposite directions, one wanting to go south and the other wanting to go north, their goals are different. The issue of how to unite is a serious one. Who is to take the lead in this mission? The North will object if the South takes the lead, and the South will object if the North takes the lead. Breakdown will occur again if each one adheres to its own way. The question is how to approach this issue. There must be a Korean who loves North Korea more than anyone else in the South. That is the only solution. The plan for unification can come about only through someone who is more loyal than anyone else in the South and someone who is more loyal than anyone else in the North. Is there any other way? There is not. (61-125, 1972.8.13)
We want the unification of North and South Korea right now, but what is the solution to the division? North and South Korea cannot be united unless a clearly defined solution is provided. It cannot happen by either the North or the South simply saying, "You have to do as we say." They cannot be unified if both have something to lose. It's possible only when there's a plus for both. Isn't that so? For example, a man and woman cannot be one after marriage if they are both minuses to each other; they must find something that they can gain from each other. (61-73, 1972.8.27)
Using South Korean military power to force North Korea to submit is not the way. We should have an ideological foundation that is stronger than theirs. We should have the ability to naturally inspire the North to surrender and have the philosophy of loving our nation more than they love theirs -- and of loving God more than they love communism. Otherwise, we will not be able to win the heart of North Korea. Based on our character, we should impress them with our character, our outlook on life, our lifestyle, and personal history. Unless we can surpass them, we can't win over those armed with the ideology of communism.
We cannot restore a Cain nation without a persuasive environment. Furthermore, if the Cain nation can't be restored, then the restored nation that could become the worldly nation centering on the heavenly nation, will not be established. (46-123, 1971.8.13)
Should God have the thought of taking revenge, thinking of Satan as the opponent and an enemy, then He will never be able to occupy the summit of victory. Rather, God has opened up the strategy of love, saying, "Love your enemies. Love your enemies!" The summation of Jesus' teachings is also, "Love your enemies" (The Way of Unification -- 595, 1983. 4. 3)
You must set the condition of having loved your enemies even if the world persecutes you and even if you stand facing a global enemy. God and the people of all religions who are trying to be God's children are caught up in this one line. The teaching, "Love your enemy," is the great truth. Although the content is simple, no one has known that this would become the dividing line between God and Satan. (The Way of Unification -- 595)
What is our hope? It is unity. However, it is not unity centering on the Unification Church. By this, I really mean unification of North and South centering on the sacrifice of the Unification Church. (56-283, 1972.5.18)
What is the path that the Unification Church is trying to follow? It is the path of unity. Unification is the key point. (90-64, 1976.12) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Thirteen - Restoration of the True God's Homeland
Chapter 4. Be Active as Tribal Messiahs
Section 2. The Significance of the Tribal Messiah Proclamation

I have proclaimed the era of tribal messiahship. Do you know why I had to do this? It is because Korea betrayed me. Therefore, it must be restored through indemnity. I have restored America's betrayal through indemnity, but I must do it again here. Isn't that right? (188-59, 1989.2.16)
Do you know why I have proclaimed tribal messiahship to both Korea and the world? It is because I have returned to Korea and have now connected Korea to all the nations. Imagine the mobilization of spirits in the spirit world, whose eyes are wide open in anticipation of liberation and who are saying that it's the right time to return to earth to indemnify thousands or tens of thousands of years of history. So if I do not lay down all these bridges to connect the spirit world to earth, would that be right? Because everything has collapsed, there is no place for me to stand. In order to create a place, I had to send out Blessed Families as tribal messiahs and have them set up three-generation ancestral standards: perfection of Jesus, perfection of oneself, and perfection of Adam. This foundation created an environment upon which I could stand. This is why I have proclaimed tribal messiahship. The unification of North and South Korea does not just happen automatically. It is possible only after all these things are tied together. Since all these things are connected to the family level and the tribal level, they will then bond to the national level, and the Unification Church and the government should then become one. (219-97, 1991.8.25)
Since the mission of Jesus was not completed, I entrusted you to be tribal messiahs and to bless your own parents, who had married as they wished, just like fallen Adam. Owing to God's grace -- that is, the Blessing -- your parents could be raised up to the position of parents untouched by the Fall. This is amazing! It's like a dream! I have proclaimed tribal messiahship in order to accomplish this.
Jesus proclaimed tribal messiahship all on his own. Jesus was sent alone to become the tribal and national messiah. However, I have proclaimed over twenty-five thousand Blessed Families worldwide as tribal messiahs. Think how great the power of this is. (228-173, 1992.3.27)
Although the Korean Unification Church and the Japanese Unification Church have become one as Cain and Abel, all the women who are united, becoming a plus, must bring together those who are related to the organizations linked to the Unification Church -- such as the International Federation for Victory Over Communism, Citizens' Federation for the Unification of North and South Korea, and so on -- and offer them. Where do they sacrifice themselves? In the family. They should start from the family. I have proclaimed the tribal messiahs in order to promote this.
Men were sent in place of me, and if these men choose four trained women to assist them, they can become the tribal kings of that nation. These women can then be sent out to put all people, even all men, in order. It will all be done through education. (230-287, 1992.5.8)
Accomplishments on earth are also accomplishments in heaven. The time has come when one's accomplishments on earth can be harvested as heavenly victories. Through all of the ceremonies we had today in the name of True Parents, centering on Jesus in the spirit world, and centering on True Parents of the united spirit and physical world, these two worlds have become united. I have proclaimed tribal messiahship, as it is the era for the two worlds to go forward and expand the new world through the blood relationship of the family centering on one true love. You have been given a period of indemnifying all debts.
The heart of the bridegroom can be engrafted onto the foundation of the bride and family, the true family centering on the realm of Eve, Cain, and Abel who can receive this. (246-136, 1993.4.7)
Unless the tribal messiah builds a bridge connecting to the family messiah, then a person's opportunity for rebirth will be blocked. Because I was aware of all this, I proclaimed tribal messiahship to liberate humankind. This is a worldwide, revolutionary event. It is a special privilege and grace. (265-136, 1994.11.20) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Thirteen - Restoration of the True God's Homeland
Chapter 4. Be Active as Tribal Messiahs
Section 3. The Reason for Giving the Tribal Messiah Responsibility

Who are the tribal messiahs? Tribal messiahs are the owners of true love. To become owners of true love was what Jesus, Adam and Eve, and God hoped for. Therefore, everyone must be owners of true love and go forward; then everything will be accomplished. Being tribal messiahs means to be the tribal ancestors. (185-98, 1989.1.3)
What is a tribal messiah? In short, it is a person who promotes father and mother to the seats of king and queen. Through tribal messiahship, you will be able to return to the homeland in the heavenly nation, which is the original homeland where you were born from your parents' love. If you do not fulfill this, there will be no homeland. With no homeland, there cannot be parents. By establishing the homeland, the homelands of all of the people who have lived in Korea will become part of the heavenly kingdom. Then all birthplaces of humankind on earth will belong to the heavenly kingdom, and you will inherit the position of parents who have not fallen. (194-121, 1989.10.17)
You must know that tribal messiahship is the advance guard of one generation centering on the tribe that guides people to the homeland. It is like Moses, who was the advance guard of the Exodus. Tribal messiahship was not announced without a purpose. Moses led the Exodus without any prior knowledge. In your case, you know everything in detail. You know the entire theory. You must go and seek your homeland.
Nevertheless, the fact that you cannot enter your homeland without finding Cain is a fact of the Principle. Because the elder brother's tribe still remains in the satanic world, you must save the elder brother in order for him to come to your tribe. You must do so because otherwise he may go to Satan's side. Cain can save his own extended family following his own salvation by becoming a shield when he returns to his homeland. Otherwise, Satan may take away your father and mother. Even if you have witnessed to them, they may be dragged away. Since there is such a risk, God has no choice but to lead such providence. Even if you witness to your father, mother, the whole family, and the entire hometown, they may all be taken away again. (102-264, 1979.1.14)
The first task as a tribal messiah is to help one's father and mother achieve the position of Adam and Even before the Fall. Then next is the hometown. The right of kingship is restored by establishing the hometown. When that happens, isn't it all finished? Everything should be included. First the tribal messiah must stand on an equal position as the parents and restore the hometown, and then restore the right of kingship. Therefore, everyone who was born, whether in the Soviet Union or in America, will all have a hometown in the heavenly kingdom.
You must have parents in the heavenly kingdom in order to have a hometown in the heavenly kingdom. The mission of the tribal messiah is to create parents who belong to the heavenly kingdom. (194-121, 1989.10.17)
You must be in the vertical position in order to become God's son or daughter. You will enter the original position, the position of a son or daughter, after you come to a position where you have mastered all the experiences of north, south, east, west, before and after, left and right, and up and down. Then God can say that you have experienced and mastered everything. Satan is making every effort to block you from going to the original position. Contact with God's love -- not money or power -- is what Satan fears the most. Power is not necessary before God. Because God is omnipotent, there is no need for knowledge. What knowledge would an almighty being need if he is already the King of knowledge? (198-260, 1990.2.4)
In the place of God in heaven, who is in the vertical position, I am dispatching tribal messiahs horizontally on the earth as my current undertaking. Even if I die now, tribal messiahs certainly will be engrafted into the solid worldwide domain and vertical world. I am sending out tribal messiahs to become the ancestors of Abel families.
These ancestors have the seed of life. Because these messiahs are parents, they come with the seeds of life; your parents and family have received the seed of the satanic world. However, you can use this seed of life to go anywhere you want. (198-267, 1990.2.4)
By combining the victorious, restored features of Judaism, Christianity, and the Unification Church with the blessings of Buddhism, Confucianism and other religions, I am forming a consolidated nucleus. This is your inheritance and the essence of the tribal messiah's position. You do not need to worry about the nation. There is no need for you to worry about the world, either. All you need to worry about is your family. (198-270, 1990.2.4)
In order to restore your tribe, you must complete your responsibilities as tribal messiahs. There has never been such a direction given in history. The tribal messiah's position is the position of the second True Parent, which is better than the position of Jesus. There is great value in having received such a position; nothing can replace this. (217-125, 1991.5.12)
Why should you fulfill your portion of responsibility as tribal messiahs? The first reason is that you must save your parents. Your parents are in the first Adam's position, and you are in the position of the second Adam. Therefore, you must fulfill Adam's mission by restoring and re-creating your parents. The second reason is because you need your homeland. You obtain your homeland through fulfilling your mission as tribal messiah. After all, the goal of the perfection of Adam's family is the ultimate reason you must fulfill your portion of responsibility as tribal messiahs. To be concrete, you must educate your tribe. (217-125, 1991.5.12)
Now you must straighten out your roots. Your father and mother took a wrong turn because they fell away from their original roots. The first son has gone wrong as well. Therefore, you must turn them back so that they make, as their central focus, the original right of the parents centered on True Parents and the right of the first son centered on true sons and daughters. A connection will not simply be made automatically. Only after turning yourself around 180 degrees and engrafting onto the true root can you begin anew. Therefore, you must return to your homeland and become the new ancestors for your lineage. You must understand that this is your final destiny. (178-99, 1998.6.1)
How are tribal messiahs dispatched? Long ago, Jesus sent tribal messiahs to the physical world from the spirit world through a vertical process. However, I dispatched thousands of messiah-like families who can stand as representatives of Heaven in front of their tribe. Now nothing will go wrong. I announced the time of tribal messiahship on January 3, 1989, at 2:30 in the afternoon. (185-238, 1989.1.8)
Unification Church members are the tribe where our lineage gravitates. The tribe should be moved to tears if I cry and be happy if I am happy. We are bound by blood. We are the race who has become one to establish the new heavenly kingdom by going beyond the five races and various national standards with different cultural backgrounds. The heavenly kingdom will manifest itself when this race becomes divine. And the world will open up when we live as people of the divine nation, with the cosmic Kingdom of Heaven and earth connected on top of that world. (168-136, 1987.9.13)
I have blessed you. The Blessing signifies a better position than that of Jesus. Satan cannot accuse those of you who are blessed. Accusation cannot be made against either men or women. Why is that so? It is because the blessed lineage is tied to the True Parents.
In this case, Satan cannot accuse you on any of the following levels: individual, family, race, nation, or world. That is how God sees it. Satan absolutely cannot accuse you. This is the state of being totally free. That is why I have announced tribal messiahship at this time. (189-147, 1989.4.1)
What does it mean that I announced that you should become tribal messiahs? It means that God will support you when you fulfill your responsibilities in place of me. In the past, when the Unification Church was facing difficulties and pioneering, the spirit world assisted us. I'm sure that same assistance is still working today. During that time of opposition, God guided the Unification Church and helped it move into the age of tribal restoration. But now we can develop further because there is no opposition. (185-240, 1989.1.8)
I am announcing, with the divine authority of the heavenly kingdom, that you qualify as a restored family, which the fallen Adam and Eve failed to achieve. This is the purpose of the tribal messiah proclamation. (193-308, 1989.10.8)
Hometown. I would like to go to the hometown now, too. I do not want to live here in Seoul. The time for my hometown will automatically come about when the foreign-stationed Korean Unification Church members go back to their hometowns and undertake hometown activities, whose influence will surpass that of the North Korean regime. The goal will be reached without a fight. The tidewaters can fill up and flow through my hometown. Therefore, the mission of the Unification Church families is to establish the land of Canaan, a hometown of our hearts, by devoting ourselves more deeply than do Kim Il-sung's aides. This is why I'm telling you to be tribal messiahs today. (187-193, 1989.2.5)
I have given you the title of messiah, tribal messiah! Then what should you do? What should you do as the messiah? I have prepared everything that you might need to become the national messiah, the world messiah, and the cosmic messiah. I have prepared treasures the size of a mountain for you. You will inherit all this mountain of treasures once you become messiahs. It will all be passed down to you like water flowing through water pipes. (189-247, 1989.4.9)
Do you think tribal messiahship is a trivial thing? Although I am an intelligent person and have sacrificed my whole life to complete the mission as the Messiah, I am ashamed of not having sacrificed more. You should find the title tribal messiah quite amazing. You can stand in a more valuable position than Jesus. Moreover, even those who have stood against the Unification Church can be raised up to Adam's position before the Fall. How can there be such a thing in this world? "That Moon so and so, speaking right now, has accomplished everything that has been said because he is in the position of the True Parent!" There isn't anything that has not been fulfilled. (219-150, 1991.8.29)
You have the name of the tribal messiah, the tribal savior. How long did Jacob's family wait for the coming of the Messiah? They waited for thousands of years. It is something for which you must wait for thousands of years. However, I have proclaimed you as the messiahs to your tribes and sent you out. You are the seeds. How precious this is! (197-207, 1990.1.14)
Among those of you here today, if you belong to the family of the Kims, then you must fulfill the mission of the Kim family's messiah. If you are a Kim, then in the family of the Kims, and if you are a Pak, then in the Pak family; you must believe that you are the messiah representing your tribe in establishing the heavenly kingdom. Think that you are the savior. You should think you are the savior saving the Kim family. In order to do so, you must fulfill your responsibilities as the chief priest representing the entire Kim family. (155-265, 1965.10.31)
What is the remaining final destination? What is the solution? What should you do to receive such a privilege as being able to break down all the boundaries and offer solutions? You should all become tribal messiahs. Once that is done, there will be no condition for further accusation from Satan on the individual, family, tribal, ethnic, national, and worldwide level. (189-110, 1989.3.19)
You should change your entire neighborhood, centering on God's will, with the new experience and training that you have received in foreign lands. You must not follow the old habits of your neighborhood. You must invest yourselves as God invested Himself in creating his object of love out of nothing. These two, subject and object partners, must unite as one.
The spirit world will cooperate when you get to the highest position among all the people of your hometown. Wait and see whether this is the truth or not. And you must make and use many videotapes for witnessing. (179-27, 1988.6.15)
You must go into your hometown and be someone who can become the seed. Moreover, through planting those seeds, you should be able to leave an environment that Korea, heaven, earth, and God would like to visit anytime. When you go to the spirit world having fulfilled this, you will surely be loved as sons and daughters of the heavenly kingdom. Starting now, you should correctly establish such a course of life. (197-221, 1990.1.14)
When I tell you to go find your hometown, it means planting a new seed. Since you have become the seed of Adam and Eve, I am trying to put down a new root by planting new seeds through you. So when planting new seeds, you will need buckets of fertilizer. So you should go and receive insults. You should receive curses for the cause of goodness and endure much suffering. Try it for about three years. You won't need three years; I see it being done in six months. When you were first sent out for witnessing, I sent you out to find 120 households and to build churches in towns other than your hometowns, right? And you haven't been able to do it, have you? Then, I gave the direction to start Home Church, but you couldn't fulfill that either, could you? This is it. (219-158, 1991.8.29)
What I mean by telling you to go as the tribal messiah is for you to go to your tribe, plant the new seed, and produce a true olive tree. Because all of the existing wild trees are false, they must be cut and engrafted onto the true olive tree, making a garden of true olive trees. There isn't any better news than this for the family. It is more valuable than restoring the nation, the world, or heaven and earth. (197-207, 1990.1.14)
The unification of Korea can be achieved when, centering on Rev. Moon as the vertical plus, all the Unification Church members as the perfect horizontal minus come together and run forward. Since I have built this foundation for the country, your tribes must unite in order for you to make such a foundation for the unification of North and South Korea. (185-200, 1989.1.8)
Does it look all right to see the tribal messiahs come back, asking for help? National leaders! Answer me! I have never once prayed to ask for help. Besides, you cannot help, anyway. If you help, I will become a like a shell. Do you know what I mean by that?
If you cannot do it even with all your strength, then pray. Money will follow you even if you do not pray. That is how it is. (202-306, 1990.5.25)
When returning to your hometown, you will be all washed up if you think about your personal situation and the education of your own children. The Israelites who did not follow Moses during the Exodus out of Egypt died out, didn't they? You can become a race that is cursed. Because such a heavenly will exists, I am proclaiming tribal messiahship beforehand. (207-165, 1990.11.9) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Thirteen - Restoration of the True God's Homeland
Chapter 4. Be Active as Tribal Messiahs
Section 4. Let Us Plant Our True Heart in the Original Homeland

Until now, the Unification Church has been fighting to find the family, since the individual cannot come to rest without the family. Moreover, without the realm of the tribe, the family cannot come to rest. You may not be able to live comfortably in your family unless the tribe creates a stage upon which it acts as a fence that blocks winds and all other substances. In order for this to be so, you must become the head of the family among your relatives.
Once you become the head of the family, all your relatives will go out to fight if there's a battle. Then you can take a rest while commanding them! That is why I have told you to take up the mission as tribal messiahs. What am I telling you to do? I am telling you to do your mission as tribal messiahs. Until now, in reality, you have lived away from home. Now you must go look for your hometown. You must break into tears and put your whole heart into your hometown.
Just as the Israelites lived in Egypt for four hundred years, we have done the same for the past forty-three years. Now we must return to our hometown and let love take root. You must love God, your parents, and your brothers and sisters. You must disconnect the source by which the worldwide Satan can falsely accuse you. The establishment of the ideal heavenly kingdom in the blessed land of Canaan was not fulfilled because the Israelites could not remove that source. Therefore, do not expect anything from the satanic world. Even if we must continue carrying a burden, we are the best. Even if we get cursed or the dog in the village barks at us at night, we are the best. You must go forward, progressing by digesting the villages and marching proudly with an outcry of love. With this in mind, I want you to fight onward. (178-139, 1988.6.1)
I can give you the right of inheritance and the right of having the same position as I have because you have the name of being true children before True Parents. You must trust this privilege given by God and invest everything within the realm of love. With your total investment, resembling God's investment, your family will resurrect, and the nation will resurrect with the revival of the family. (177-161, 1988.5.17)
In the hometown where your parents are buried, you can plant new seeds such that all the fields and mountains praise the value of all those sacrifices and bow their heads. When the flowers bloom from the planted seeds, you must designate the first flower as God's flower, the second as the Parents' flower, the third as your eldest son's flower, and the fourth and fifth as your own flowers. Can this be done casually? Of course not! (181-273, 1988.10.3)
This time you are in the same position as the Israelites who have gone into the blessed land of Canaan. When you return to your hometown, don't be envious of those who are rich! Do not be envious of people with power and authority! Don't be spoiled. You must educate the people correctly. The tradition of loving God, loving your future generations, and loving your race in the position of Israel is the best. You, who embrace your children and bring them to the church, must not be absorbed by the secular world.
With the joy of being back in your hometown after thousands or tens of thousands of years, you should dampen that land with your blood and tears, along with the cries of your cells and bones. The land should receive the title of divine land, which has been dampened with God's blood and tears. This is where the heavenly kingdom will unfold. (177-228, 1988.5.20)
You must return to your homelands and restore them. The Israelites could not accomplish that. Having returned from being a group of beggars for forty years, the Israelites were envious of the seven tribes of Canaan, who ate well and lived well, and of their lambs and their houses. This was because they were living in tents. In this situation, they ended up selling off God and the nation. (175-34, 1988.4.6)
When you love people, you must start with the most pitiable person, love the most pitiable child, and move up to middle-aged people. There are many conscientious people among those who do not have a high worldly standard of living. The families of the Unification Church should love those who live under the poorest living circumstances. Although those who live under poor circumstances are in the devil's world, people who can inherit God's fate will emerge from their ranks. (175-31, 1988.4.6)
Then what should you do when you return to your hometown? You must inspire the people to unite into one with you. The method is simple. Your son should become a teacher who teaches heavenly tradition and shows by example that "the heavenly nation will be realized when you do such and such a thing." And the mother and the father should show other mothers and fathers in the neighborhood that "by this way, the village will become a heavenly one." That is what you must do. It is simple.
You must form a family of love in which the husband loves the wife and the wife loves the husband, the parents love the children and the children love the parents, and you hand it all down. (135-35, 1985.8.20)
I have walked such a path in order to stand in the position of the global ancestor. You should be aware of the fact that you must go on the path to inherit the tradition that corresponds to you, the tradition for you to become the tribal ancestor. You must set up a tradition for your tribe and family. The twelve tribes will form from now on. Therefore, tradition will be needed. Those who think only of themselves will not be included. (131-62, 1984.4.1)
You must plant your true heart in your homeland. The fall was the inability to do so. You must be the head family of your tribe. (177-80, 1988.5.15)
God is the Abel of the universe. The world's people are in the position of Cain before God. Since God has led the providence of restoration through servants of servants, adopted children, and children, we must inherit that tradition and go to our tribe, present this tradition, and work to win their hearts. This will not take long. Three years at the most. So, I am thinking of ten years inclusive. (159-80, 1968.3.3) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Thirteen - Restoration of the True God's Homeland
Chapter 4. Be Active as Tribal Messiahs
Section 5. Our Task for This Time Period

5.1. Let us testify to True Parents

What is it that all people hope for? They want to welcome True Parents before establishing the global nation. Who do they want to begin from? Your new sons and daughters would prefer to be born through True Parents' lineage than through your lineage. Therefore, True Parents will be the starting point of the new future. (35-237, 1970.10.19)
How does everything end? It will come to a conclusion upon meeting the True Parents. The coming of the True Parents of humankind is the hope of history, the nation, and the providence. Therefore, the time of True Parents comes at one fixed point in history, a period of time that has never existed before and will never exist again. If we think in terms of the eternal world, our life on earth lasts about as long as the time it takes to take a breath. (51-354, 1971.12.5)
What kind of people are True Parents? True Parents are the symbol of all hope, the symbol of absolute hope for fallen humankind. They are the fruit of history, the center of time, and the center of all nations of this world, in which six billion people live today. True Parents are the starting point of the future that can connect to the ideal world. (35-237, 1970.10.19)
Let us consider the name True Parents. We find that history is guided by them. They are the starting point of a new world. Through the True Parents, an internal relationship is formed by which Satan can be subjugated and God can be liberated from Satan who possesses the external world. Therefore, you should be grateful first and foremost for this amazing grace of being able to live together with True Parents and move according to True Parents' directions. (43-144, 1971.4.29)
Humanity's hope is to meet True Parents. True Parents are the ones for you to meet even when walking down the road of death. You will be able to restore history, the age, and the future, which have been lost, when you meet True Parents. You must know that this is the meaning of True Parents. (35-237, 1970.10.19)
When you become completely one with the True Parents, the true nation, tribe, race, and family will come into being. True Parents are the substantial beings of value equal to all the glory found in heaven and earth. Would you exchange True Parents for money? Would you want to exchange them for your life? That is why it is different from before.
No matter where you go, you must find your way to Korea to attend the True Parents. It is the same for your sons and daughters and descendants of thousands and tens of thousands of years. Therefore, the Unification Church is different and unique. (30-237, 1970.3.23)
What is the true parent talked about in the Unification Church? Had humankind not fallen, God would have provided vertical love, and Adam and Eve would have been God's body. This means they would have been the body of God. God is like the bones, and Adam and Eve are like the flesh. God also has a mind and a body.
God would have been the internal parents from the internal position, and Adam and Eve would have been the external parents from the external position. You can attend the internal parents and keep the position of external parents, woven with love, where the internal and external parents are one. Based on the unity of God and humankind's love, the true parent, that is, the perfected person, was to emerge. There could be no perfect person without cooperation in love. (184-71, 1988.11.13)

5.2. Let us attend True Parents' picture in every family

You become a family of the heavenly kingdom just by putting up True Parents' picture and the flag of the Unification Church. I mean that I will make you the family of the heavenly kingdom. That is why there are a number of people who suffered disasters, such as being struck by lightning after grumbling about having to put up flags. There was an incident in which someone broke his finger pointing at me and had to repent and pray for several nights to recover. Why do these incidents occur? The power of an individual cannot block the advancing heavenly fortune. This is destiny. All the people who looked at Moses while he held up his staff lived. You will live if you bow every time you pass by the Unification Church flag or our photograph. (219-91, 1991.8.25)
When you put up the Unification Church flag, it is a signal to the members passing by to enter your house and rest if they are tired or have lunch if they are hungry before they go on. Therefore, you should always be prepared to receive guests. You should make such preparations on behalf of True Parents. That is why you would need a separate room.
As True Parents do not come in person, you should attend your guests as if they were True Parents. This way of practicing connects the idea of equalization to the highest heavenly standard. For this reason, you should attend your guests as if they were God or True Parents. Such a person will surely receive blessings. (169-220, 1987.10.31)
I am very famous. Everyone acknowledges that I am a patriot living for the sake of the nation. Moreover, the whole world has honored my achievements. So if people come to say, "Since we have put True Parents' picture up, my wife and I cannot quarrel in front of it," and tell their children, "You should not do such things in front of Rev. Moon," what is wrong with that? Because you are revering it more than the photograph of your own parents, your ancestors will come and also revere True Parents as their ancestors. It will become an altar where ancestors can come and hold a service for the household.
As a result, because the way to receive heavenly blessing has been opened up, then even after you fall asleep, at three o'clock in the morning, your ancestors will chase out all the evil spirits from around your home. (219-91, 1991.8.25)
It is good for you to carry my picture with you from now on. It will protect you so that you can safely withstand any hardship you may encounter. Moses led the Israelites away from the Pharaoh of Egypt and guided them to Canaan by enacting great miracles and works. At that time, all the firstborn of the Egyptians were smitten, while the Israelites avoided this calamity by smearing the blood of a lamb on their doorposts. Thus, the spirit world is watching over you and will protect you. (130-290, 1984.2.7)
When the Israelites were about to leave Egypt, they were able to avoid the calamity of the smiting of the firstborn by smearing the blood of a lamb on their doorposts. In the same way, you can be protected if you carry my picture with you. Spirit world can recognize the picture even if it is in your pocket. This small condition has the same effect as the Israelites smearing the lambs' blood on their doorposts. (132-190, 1984.6.1)
Now my fame has gone beyond national borders. I have heard that many statesmen in various places have put my picture on the wall of their study and pay their respects to it.
Have you put my picture on the wall of your room, Dr. Yoon Se-won? Do you offer a bow to it every day? Do you kiss it everyday? You should kiss it passionately. It is not impolite for you to do so. If you kiss it as a representative of God's love, the spirits around you are given the right to participate with you in your work and receive benefit. God wouldn't say no to this. He would say, "That's right!" Don't you think so, Dr. Yoon? Why don't you try? (171-239, 1988.1.1)
You probably have experienced that there is a mysterious side to my smile, like that of the Mona Lisa. I believe that most of you probably are experiencing hundreds of thousands of ways of viewing my mysterious features. At certain times, I appear to look like this and other times like that. This is because at different times the spirit world is cooperating with you in different ways. I think most of you experience this. Those in the spirit world all know me. So when they see this picture, would those in the spirit world like it or dislike it? Your ancestors can be connected with the picture as the medium. I want you to know that's how good it is. (132-190, 1984.6.1)

5.3. Let's do revival services for our tribes

There should be family revival services in the future. Family revival services are to be carried out based on your family. Those services represent the entire tribe. You should think of the revival service as the service representing not only a Korean tribe but a tribe connecting numbers of Blessed Families around the world. All of the people of the world will participate in such revival services.
The Unification Church in Korea today can hold a revival service representing the world centering on the tribal foundation, with Korea as its base. You do not know what a blessing this is. Therefore, it is all right to kill a cow for such a revival service banquet. It is all up to you. If you would like to eat chicken instead, then kill chickens; you will receive blessings according to the number chickens you have slaughtered. If you have killed cows for the banquet, you will be blessed commensurately with the number of cows: a one hundred cow blessing for having slaughtered one hundred cows. Everything depends on how much you think for the sake of others and on your efforts. Liberation of your forefathers will take place in proportion to your efforts. (185-141, 1989.1.3)
We have entered the time period when the unification of Korea is possible. Everything is possible. Now if you carry out a revival service for your tribe after finding your homeland, then that revival service will be a historical one. This is a more astonishing event than shouting Mansei during the 1919 Independence Movement, when Koreans were trying to take back the nation. Now there is a welcoming environment in which heaven's law can work. You should feel mortally ashamed if you cannot mobilize your tribe in such an environment. (186-232, 1989.2.5)
History is a course seeking the truth. The truth must show the path that a true individual and a true family should live, and a true society, a true nation, and a true world should establish. Therefore, perfection of the world, nation, tribe, family, and individual is possible when the focus from the individual level to the world level is one. The person who brings these logical key words -- in other words, the truth -- is the True Parent. And this truth is God's true love. (20-25, 1968.3.31)
People of the entire world must pay attention now. The teaching of Rev. Moon of the Unification Church is the truth for the salvation of the world. They are humanity's words of true love and life, which are needed eternally. If the Savior is coming to save the world, he should not judge humanity with a rod of iron. You cannot make even one person give in by hitting him or her. The sacrificial love of a mother, with hands as rough as a toad's back and fingers so bent from working hard for her children that they cannot be straightened out, can have the power to make the disobedient child repent and come back to the right path. A club will not work. Even for God, who is the mighty king of judgment who leads heaven and earth according to His will, cosmic unification is impossible without true love. Difficulties are not an obstacle in true love. In true love there is the vigor to go forward at the sacrifice of one's own life. (201-339, 1990.4.30)
We will fail if people say, "In the Unification Church, the words are good but the people are bad." Did I give you only words? No, I did not just speak. I have done all the things that I am teaching you now. Therefore, there should be no doubt about them. I am teaching by creating a system of thought that is free of inconsistency and contradiction in both its intellectual and the practical aspects. No one can say anything about that. Both Satan and God approve of it. (24-108, 1969.7.13)
God is calling us with His words. Therefore, we must go according to His words. What is the way that True Parents and true children can meet each other? It is through true words. Those words are my words. You cannot be children without knowing my words. My words are absolute and true. You won't feel tired even if you listen to the same words for a thousand or ten thousand years. You'll never get tired of them. We must search for such words. Just finding words that are logical isn't enough. It is a dominant principle that can give life even after one hears them again and again for eternity. You must seek such words. (10-130, 1960.9.18)
True Parents' words are eternal; they transcend time and space. Therefore, God's words transcend history. They transcend time periods, principles, and ideologies. They are more precious than the words of others. These words, whether you listen to them at night or during the day or read them at night or during the day, flow into your heart endlessly. You must seek for such words. (10-130, 1960.9.18)
What is my bitter sorrow? I failed to fulfill my duty as a filial son; I should have cried and pleaded with my parents to join the Unification Church. I am trying to resolve this through you. I could not even witness to my family. There were eight brothers and sisters, but I could not say one word of the Divine Principle. My older brother obeyed me completely whenever I said something. I have restored Cain completely. If I told him to sell the house, he sold the house, and if I told him to sell the cow, he sold the cow. My mother and father could not be like him. To that older brother, I could not speak about the Divine Principle once. (208-183, 1990.6.24)
You should now return to your homeland and build a lighthouse. What is a lighthouse? It lights up the dark. What is the purpose of that lighthouse? I am telling you to be a light for North–South unification and East–West unification. From now, you must turn on the light so that the light of the Holy Ground will never go out. (181-296, 1988.10.3)
From now on, don't keep quiet. When people gather around, try teaching for seven years as I taught you for seven years in the 1950s, without sleeping more than two hours a night. You don't have to do this for seven years. It won't take four years, either. It will all be done within four months. When I return to my homeland, I will unite it in an instant. Therefore, you must teach your parents well. Also teach your brothers and sisters clearly the true significance of these words. You must teach this yourself, without the help of others, with your own blood and sweat. You will become the precious uncles, younger siblings, older sisters, and sons and daughters when your parents, older brothers and sisters, younger brothers and sisters, and nieces and nephews follow the model of the sincere attitude you have when you are teaching. (185-116, 1989.1.3)
You must proclaim these words from now on. From this moment, you must proclaim the Principle to your neighborhood for eight hours or however many hours a day, even staying up through the night as I have done for seven years. You must do so. It won't take seven years; it will probably be restored in seven months. When this happens, I may load up a truck and come and see you. I am sure your families will invite and welcome me. (185-250, 1989.1.8)
I slept for only two hours a night for seven years. You must do so as well. I made the national leader, Mr. Eu, lecture sixteen hours a day for three and a half years. My heart aches to think how I said, "Who are you trying to kill by lying down? You lay down without even asking me?" to Mr. Eu when he was feeling tired. He liked fish. I still clearly remember how he used to eat a kind of tiny shrimp with gusto that I could not even go near because of its smell. Now I could give him beef ribs by the dozens, but I feel heartache thinking about those pitiful days. Why did we live in such a way? We lived that way in order to establish the tradition. (185-250, 1989.1.8)

5.4. Organize Hoon Dok Hae

My words are not spoken by me. I did not say them; they are words spoken by God through me. Your hearts will start to move no matter where and when you hear them. There will be a great revolution within your body when the heart is inspired. There is such power in those words. (289-295, 1998.2.1)
Whenever there is a meeting, it is an opportunity for study. Whenever there is time, day or night, you must study. You should continue to read material hundreds and thousands of times until it becomes yours and you can embody its substance. Unification Church members will become sick if they are inactive. So as not to become sick, you must read hard, be tested, and put forth effort. (288-41, 1997.10.31)
True Parents are the ancestor of words, character, and heart. (14-22, 1964.4.19)
Hoon Dok Hae is the treasure chest that I stored up under all sorts of hardships and deprivations and that I have opened up to the people. I have told everyone not to translate it; it cannot be translated. You should do Hoon Dok Hae until I say otherwise. You must know that. You should do Hoon Dok Hae whenever time permits. You should always keep a speech book in your pocket and do Hoon Dok Hae even when you are alone, even in the bathroom, and keep a record of the part you have read, even if it was for a couple of hours a day.
You already know that you must read The Way of God's Will and the Divine Principle, but you should also read Blessing and Ideal Family and all the other major speeches because they are the records of victory over the satanic world. In the Unification Church, you should become one with these sermons, which include all past battles of the True Parents up to the present. By uniting with and following these contents, you will become one with True Parents. These sermons should take root in yourself, in your family and extended family up to seven generations, and then in 160 or 180 families horizontally, all united together. (288-16, 1997.10.31)
Even between husbands and wives in Blessed Families, Hoon Dok Hae should be done for one hour every morning. If you cannot do it in the morning, then you should do it in the evening before going to bed, even at 12 or 1 a.m. I am doing Hoon Dok Hae every day. When I had a speech tour in South America, although I was tired, I did Hoon Dok Hae every day, even after midnight. I did not miss even one day. Do you understand? I am telling you, too, to try to read it. Blessed Family and the Ideal Kingdom teaches all the contents about Blessed Families. Since I have built a highway on top of the victorious foundation, you should become cars filled with gas and go at the maximum speed. (288-41, 1997.10.31)
Try talking about the Divine Principle of the Unification Church until it makes you sick to even think about it. When you think that you will try until you get sick of it, you will find out how interesting and exciting it is. You should clearly know that sermons have the ability to create. Because God is always with you no matter where you may be, your heart will influence the people directly. Do you understand? (107-251)
Those of you who have read the entire collection of my sermons, raise your hands. You dreadful bunch of people! How did you educate them, national leader? I could not even say the deeper contents in those sermons. I cannot express them now, either. You must know how precious these words are and that the source of life is contained within them. It is not a source of spring water. It is not just any kind of water. And it is not river water. You should know that this source of life is flowing away. It is the Unificationists' responsibility to find a way to have this eternal water of life by groping for a way to connect the water pipes to this source. But what have you done? Are all of those books something that you can just sell to an antique book shop? (181-268, 1988.10.3) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Thirteen - Restoration of the True God's Homeland
Chapter 5. Our Attitude towards Making a New Start
Section 1. Determination for a New Start

We cannot perish or die. We have to survive and live on, right? There is no free ride on this road of survival. We have to overcome our enemies. When we overcome our enemies, we will see the Kingdom of Heaven. We must return to our hometowns and be victorious over our enemies, and on that day the domain of the Kingdom of Heaven will emerge. The realm of the unified people will also emerge. Thus, now is a good opportunity to accompany True Mother, return to our hometowns and kindle a fire in the hearts of ten million people. With this in mind and on this foundation, the people should serve and attend even the lowest stratum of society. Our North and South Korean countrymen should share everything they have like brothers and sisters, making a new start. Here there is no nation. Was there a nation during the time of Cain and Abel? Was there a nation or not? We should not receive support from the nation. If we received support from the nation, everything would perish. (219-339, 1991.10.13)
Previously, I said that we were to go over the watershed, didn't I? On my seventieth birthday, outside spiritualists came dancing and said, "Now Rev. Moon has crossed the thirty-eighth parallel." They are saying that I have crossed the threshold. Now the world of happiness is coming. This is how we should overcome the 1990s. After having passed over this, the Unification Church will be able to make swift and unbridled progress. Now, on this, my seventieth birthday, we must indemnify seven thousand years and the number seven, and must pass into the age of the number eight. Number eight is the number of liberation and making a new start, is it not? This is why America has declared the collapse of communism and so forth. Everything is completed. This is quite curious. This happened on the seventh and eighth after we had finished our event. (199-96, 1990.2.15)
Since heaven knew that such a turbulent period was coming, it has to guide us in preparing to make a new start centering on God's will. What kind of religious sect, church, or denomination should be there? It is the Unification Church. As the word says, the word tongil (unification) does not mean unification based on being led; rather, the word tong means to command. We must command. As the subject, we must teach our object partners how to become ideal companions and form a sphere of those who understand the subject/object theory. We must possess and teach such an ideology. The unification denomination, or Unification Church, does this. I did not begin this work by my own design. The world today has not understood that it all began based on something that transcends history. (219-289, 1991.10.13)
To walk the path of filial piety, no matter how vicious the persecutions may be and no matter how many tribulations arise along the way, you have to be men who are confident and at ease and who can overcome these things. Rather than being beaten down by difficulties and tribulations and turning back in retreat towards the path of bitter sorrow, you should repeatedly overcome, with strong determination, the roads of suffering of hundreds of millions of years. While hurrying down the road to make a new start that is filled with the hope of tomorrow, you should leave behind a path that can distinguish itself from the path of death. You should know that both history and God demand such things. (174-43, 1988.2.23)
I started organizing the Federation for World Peace a few years ago. We have to finish this by the end of August this year. It is the same with the Religious Federation for World Peace. It must be completed before September. It has to be organized because August is the month when we are to make a new start worldwide. This was the reason we held the Declaration Ceremony of God's Eternal Blessing on the first of July. We all have to complete the course of indemnity. By doing this we have to unite the religious realms and make this declaration. This will be done on August 28. We have to perform the declaration ceremony by then and afterwards start anew on September 1. We will all go beyond this. After we achieve this, the world will turn around and follow me. (220-45, 1991.10.14)
If you live a life for the sake of others, you will all go beyond the standard of past ancestors and finally become successful in the world as historical victors and giants who can be called God's sons and daughters who walk the heavenly path. Such an age has come. An amazing age has come when you can make a new start during your lifetime. (201-169, 1990.3.30) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Thirteen - Restoration of the True God's Homeland
Chapter 5. Our Attitude towards Making a New Start
Section 2. The Attitude to Inherit True Parents' Tradition

You are fallen sons and daughters. In reality, you cannot reach that place alone. You are in a fallen position. This is why you have to first learn from True Parents. When you act, you have to follow their directions. Only then can you be united with them and it is there that true love can appear. That will be the tradition of the first family of Eden. Without True Parents, how would you learn the tradition of true love? Without the True Parents, such an inheritance cannot occur. (131-238, 1984.5.4)
Fathers and mothers want to bequeath everything they have to their beloved sons and daughters. Everything in the universe can be bequeathed easily when those involved have an equal standard of love. This is why parents want children of filial piety. Who are these children of filial piety? They are those who, as participants in their parents' eternal love, will continue the tradition of bequeathing love. (140-233, 1986.2.12)
Who do you want as the head of your family? Who do you want to sit in the head position? What kind of person would the father, the grandmother, and the whole family wants as their heir? It is the one who loves the most. If the grandfather is the one who loves the whole family the most, the family members will report to him rather than to the father. This is inevitable. Therefore, the one who can be the head of a household is the one who serves others with the most loving heart. The one who serves others more with a heart of love will inherit the tradition of love in that family. You should know that only such a person will participate in the eternal inheritance. (141-292, 1986.3.2)
In your family you are told, "Be a child of filial piety!" What does this mean? It means to practice true love. Then, what does it mean to say, "Be an heir" or "Be a patriot"? It is saying that we should inherit the nation. What does it mean to say, "Be a saint?" It means that we should love the world; if we do, we will inherit the world. We will be the owner of the world. If we say, "Be a holy son and daughter" and "Be God's son"… what does that mean? It is saying that we should participate in God's love and receive the right to inherit the entire universe. Based on the traditional way to inherit all these things, God has been preparing the foundation to develop this logical stage in the fallen world of humanity. From this we can draw the conclusion that the purpose of religion or the path of spiritual attainment is possible. On what basis? On the basis of love. (142-337, 1986.3.14)
The path of God, who has been paving the way of the tradition of love, is one full of suffering. We have to walk this path because we are to inherit the tradition God has been establishing. I don't enjoy watching you suffer. You should keep in mind that God has been preparing with painful efforts and devotion to bless you unconditionally. Glory comes only when you receive the inheritance in that place. Isn't this so? Glory comes only when you inherit from your enemy. God dwells there. Since it has been spread through the cross, it must be reaped by going the way of the cross again. You should know this. Since it was spread through suffering, it must be reaped through suffering. (150-209, 1961.2.15)
In order for us to inherit the entire providence of God, we have to be loyal to heavenly tradition. With faith in the tradition, what do we have to do? We must take responsibility for His providence. After taking responsibility, we must carry out reformation. If this tradition is not right before Father, and if we are to pass on that tradition to everyone, we must strive to eliminate the contradictions within the social environment. Otherwise, there will be no development. You will have to bear in mind even more clearly that in order to inherit such historical connections and fulfill the responsibility of a pioneer of the age, we must inherit the historically pure tradition of God's providence of restoration, bear such responsibility in the current environment of our daily life, and move forward in order to build the foundation for a new ideal for the future. (152-196, 1963.5.10)
We should have the same parents and become bonded with our brothers and sisters. Then, we should inherit the daily life, habits, and traditions of those parents just as they are. We should form a family that heaven can rejoice in. Only then will there be family members. (155-209, 1965.10.30)
If someone wants a great nation and yet is idle, just eating and sleeping and acting like others and saying, "Let's have a great nation. How splendid it is!" he must be a successor of the devil. If you want to have a great tribe, people and nation, you should be able to invest not just your own family, but your whole clan. If you desire such a world you have to first invest your entire nation. Only then will you be able to stand in a position in the providential tradition in which you can inherit a great world. This is the truth. (172-314, 1988.1.31)
Although your mother and father are alive, they cannot form a relationship without love. Also, without love they cannot inherit relationships of front and back, left and right. Thus, a man and a woman who are married must learn parents' love, and at the same time establish an axis of life for their children centering on the tradition of bequeathing this love. (173-84, 1988.2.7)
The Kingdom of Heaven is a place where people go who live for the sake of others. Those who have invested themselves in the world while embracing and communicating with it, and who have wandered about in search of something greater while attending God, will be the owners of the heavenly kingdom. You should take pride in such things. You can take pride in your mother, wife and husband, sons and daughters, children and siblings. You must apply this tradition to the nation; you must apply that formula to the world and to heaven and earth. Such people can have the right of participation, equal position, and inheritance wherever they go. This is why God becomes mine. God's love becomes mine. Wherever God goes, there is the right of equal position and participation. If anyone wants to go somewhere else even after having learned such an amazing fact, please go. He will be hit by lightening. You should know that achieving this is the path of the Unification Church. (175-138, 1988.4.10)
Sons and daughters should not live for their own sakes. In serving heaven and earth and humankind as themselves, they should be sons and daughters who must inherit a stronger and higher tradition. This is how it should be. No one can complain. This is why not just anyone can be the successor to the founder of the Unification Church. They should be sons and daughters who can inherit the lineage and live according to the tradition of living for the sake of others. They should be sons and daughters who are at a higher level and who can do better than their own mothers and fathers. Unless they have lived for and served others, how can the sons and daughters say they have surpassed their parents? Those who are inconsistent will not succeed. We need the eldest child to live for the sake of others even more than high level sons and daughters do in order for him to receive the inheritance. (175-185, 1988.4.16)
What should you do in South Korea? Until North and South Korea are united, South Korea is in the realm of Abel. Thus, you should return to the Abel realm and I will pull you up to the level of the global domain. You must inherit this standard and, as my representative, you must represent the world, represent the nation, represent the tribe, and represent the people. As such a representative you should return to your hometown and take root in your home. The root of my global standard will be firmly planted and will thrive when God's original standards of tradition and true conjugal love are firmly planted within you and your family, (177-160, 1988.5.17)
You should not return home to live a comfortable life alone. Upon your return you should first organize the church. Your sons and daughters should not be objects of public scorn. They should not be beggars relying on others for their livelihood. You should assist them with their living situations and teach them the new tradition which was created by shedding blood and sweat in order to establish a foundation of truth and justice. Moreover, you will live only when you invest yourself to save your clan and they, in return, establish a foundation for your settlement. Without inheritors who are willing to sacrifice themselves, the national foundation on which this land of South Korea can remain as a basis for the Kingdom of Heaven would not exist. (177-163, 1988.5.17)
We inherit in the name of heaven and by heaven's command. We do not inherit democratically. This would lead to ruin. Seats in the national assembly and the ruling party are not decided by the power and influence of political parties alone. The tradition of the country should be established. It works based on commands, so we should be able to receive commands. This is the way society should be. (178-38, 1988.5.27)
You have been assigned to your hometown because I wanted you to stand proudly in the position of restored owners who possess a love that is greater than Satan's love. I expect you to fulfill the responsibilities of an owner with the authority of a descendant and heir of heaven who has inherited the proud tradition on behalf of God, Jesus, and the True Parents. Although our hometown has been opposing us, they are now in a position to follow us. They are now in a situation to follow my words. (179-93, 1988.7.22)
With love comes the right of inheritance. This is an amazing fact. Even in the secular world, when parents give the right of inheritance, they desire to give it to the one who loves their parents, nation, and brothers and sisters, don't they? Why is it like this? It is because one can become the right seed only if he conforms to the history and origin of this tradition. We have not known this. (179-235, 1988.8.12)
I have established the highest tradition, one that no other parent has ever surpassed. I am trying to bequeath to you such a tradition. What are you doing? Now the seasons are changing. Spring is coming. True Father is not just spring; he is four seasons. We should proceed with such an attitude. (189-117, 1989.3.19)
What is more precious than life? Am I precious? What is more precious than my life? The answer is love, and therefore, we must be loyal to the one who has higher love. This is why children must obey their parents in the family. Since parents' love is in the highest position, the sons and daughters who long for that love will obey them for a thousand and ten thousand years and will be happy to wander about through mountains and valleys in order to inherit that love. You must continue the tradition of loving your parents even if you are showered in smelly manure. Your parents' words, "Practice filial piety," are words that lead you to the position where you can inherit the love you can be proud of for eternity. This is how it should be. (191-222, 1989.6.25)
The greatest gift I can leave behind to this world when I depart is my words. They cannot be bought or sold for anything in heaven and earth. Since I am the True Parents and there are true children, that gift will bind us together by blood. When our lineage becomes one, all aspects of our environment, not to mention our daily life, will be orderly. Because we are representatives of our True Parents and representatives of their love, we have to inherit their words, culture and lifestyle. This is the traditional way. (190-227, 1989.6.19) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Thirteen - Restoration of the True God's Homeland
Chapter 5. Our Attitude towards Making a New Start
Section 3. Let Us Plant True Love

Without love, oneness cannot be achieved. When uniting two into one, words alone will not work. What should there be in order for two to become united? If they became one through material things, they would separate once the material things were gone. If they became one through the introduction of a third party for a specific reason, they would separate once that person disappears. In order for two to be one eternally, there has to be love. It will not work without love. (51-75, 1971.11.1)
From God's viewpoint, the essence of the universe is love. With love, unification will be automatically achieved. If we love at a higher level than Satan, Satan will also be pulled in. God created heaven and earth in order to give us the utmost goodness and love. (13-95, 1963.10.23)
This is why love is great. The power of love bridges the distances between upper and lower and high and low. Love transcends space and time, allowing us to participate in the realm where we can immediately share joint ownership. This is an amazing fact. (168-197, 1987.9.20)
What happens in the presence of love? Do the things that used to be far apart get even farther away or closer? Why do we like love? Because it can make things that are far apart very close and make them one. Is there anyone who can unite people of the East and people of the West through the use of political power, military power, or cultural power? No cultural power, economic power, or any other power can make it happen. So what is the sole thing needed to bring about oneness? It is love. Now, can you see why we like love? (96-212, 1978.1.22)
The reason people like love the most is because it is the subject partner that can unite everything and make it theirs. People have no way of completely knowing how great love is. This is why I have come to teach you about love. (18-328, 1967.8.13)
A loving heart, the power of love, can even unite enemies who wanted to kill one another. It can unite the most extreme and opposite things. What are a man and a woman? They are poles. Aren't they poles? Do women like women? If two women were to get together and one said, "I fell in love with you because I like your hands. I am so happy, so happy!" how offensive would that be? (96-212, 1978.1.22)
What is the method to bring about unification? Living for the sake of others. Then, in uniting the North and South, should we do what Kim Il-sung says? We are not doing what Kim Il-sung says. Everywhere love dwells is good and desirable, and if we stand in this good position of being able to give eternally, the North and South will be united. Now, if we just establish an eternal foundation on which to give at a level higher than the current living standards of the people in the North, then communist propaganda will have no affect. If South Korea excels in all fields including economics, living standard and education, and stands in the position of giving eternally, the North Koreans will unite with us even if they are told not to. (36-76, 1970.11.15)
Goodness prospers whenever it overcomes difficulty, and it always prevails. This may sound like something difficult, but standing by this principle will always bring victory as long as the direction is right. Those who live and sacrifice on the basis of this principle will surely triumph. If there is an organization that spreads a philosophy which teaches that personal gain is not only for me but a gain for the nation and me, and also teaches that victory does not belong to me alone but to the nation and world, then this organization will not perish even if the world does. Because Unification Thought teaches such content it will not perish. (41-96, 1971.2.13)
Unification cannot be achieved when we are indebted. There is no unification in indebtedness. If we are indebted, the Kingdom of Heaven cannot be realized. If we are indebted, there is no way to prosper. A rich nation is established only when we have the means to completely pay back our debt with interest. Because the Kingdom of Heaven is the richest of all rich nations, indebtedness would make it impossible to build such a kingdom. (82-333, 1976.2.1)
Where should we eventually go? We should go in search of love. People have accumulated money, ruled over the world, become scholars, and done everything that is hailed as great by human beings, but these are all meaningless. So, what should we be doing? We must become one with true love and unite our minds and bodies aligned with God vertically and horizontally. A man and a woman who have attained such a state would have their core aligned with God's vertical love. Just like flesh attaches to the bone, man and woman unite with God's love. There is no other way than this. (178-112, 1988.6.1)
You should think that you are servants of love for the heavenly kingdom. Think of yourself as a servant of love, secret fighter of love, and intelligence spy to build the heavenly kingdom. Then, is there anything you could not do? If it is a matter of survival, a man can act like a woman. He can even act like a beggar. If you live with the determination to do even more for the sake of saving your nation and clan, your hometown will naturally surrender to you. (185-105, 1989.1.3)
A true original root and a true original bud based on true love are needed. Buds like you will not do. You must shed blood, sweat and tears. And for the sake of God, the earth, and your hometown, you must practice a love that is greater than that ever known by the countless people who have lived on this earth. Only then will the proper root grow in you. (178-116, 1988.6.1)
You can be endowed with the right of inheritance and right of equal position because I have granted you the title of being true children. You should have faith in this fact and invest everything into the realm of love. If you completely invest just as God has invested, your clan will be resurrected, and as your clan is resurrected, one nation will be resurrected. (177-161, 1988.5.17)
I have done such things in order to stand in the position of the ancestor to all humanity, but you should realize the fact that each of you should walk the same path as well, in order to pass on the tradition to your tribe and become a tribal ancestor. You should establish a tradition for the sake of your tribe and for your clan. From now on twelve tribes will be organized. This is why we need a tradition. Those who are thinking about themselves will be excluded from here. (131-62, 1984.4.1)
When you go to your hometown, you should go there with true love. If you bring true love to your hometown, plant it and practice it, you will become ancestors. You will be the first generation ancestors. If you are a Park, your generation will be engrafted to the heavenly kingdom with the family name Park. Then, your father would be in the position of your son. (177-161, 1988.5.17) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Thirteen - Restoration of the True God's Homeland
Chapter 5. Our Attitude towards Making a New Start
Section 4. Plant the Root of Love in Your Hometown

Up until the present, you have lived as you please. Now things are serious, however. You are responsible for whether you are losers or winners. That responsibility does not lie with me, but with you. Will you return to your hometown with the title of loser or with the victory of a winner? Which one is it? You should return with the victorious foundation of God and True Parents. With this you can advance to your hometown. Because your hometown is the world condensed and because it is a reflection of my family, you should think of God's and True Parents' history of indemnity as you work to fulfill your responsibility, and you should tearfully welcome the people who come to you. When someone visits, you should have such a heart that you can talk with him all night without ever tiring. (178-116, 1988.6.1)
Just as the Israelites went to Egypt and lived there for 400 years, we have done this for forty-three years. Now we should return to our hometowns and plant the root of love. We should love God, our parents, and our brothers and sisters. Thus, we should cut off the source through which Satan, who is working on the global level, can accuse us. It is because the Israelites failed to do this that they could not build the ideal Kingdom of Heaven in Canaan. So do not expect anything from the satanic world. We are the best, even if we must carry our bags around. We are the best even if we get cursed at and village dogs bark at us. Proudly, you should participate in the campaign to digest the whole village with a shout of love and boldly march forward. I hope you remember this as you fight onwards. (178-139, 1988.6.1)
When you return to your hometown, you should be able to say, "Ah, this is God's gift to me" while looking at its mountains and rivers. Looking at grandfather trees that are older than you, pebbles in the river that are older than you, and the fields, you should say, "How have you been?" This is love. You have to know how to love nature and to love people. You have to do this again. This is restoration. You should love all creation because Adam and Eve were not able to. You should return to your hometown and love nature. Love everything there from the grass to the mountains, rivers, and trees. When you finish, love the people next. If you have attained the position of being able to love the mountains, rivers, trees, and animals, then love people on that foundation. The people are to be loved after all things have been restored. (175-31, 1988.4.6)
In loving people, we should love the most miserable people; starting first with the children, then working up to middle aged people. Among the poor people in the world there are many people of conscience. Unification Church families should love the poorest people in the world. Although poor people are living in the world of the devil, there will be some among them who can inherit heavenly fortune. (175-31, 1988.4.6)
Today, you should return to your hometown and become people who can be the seed. This seed should be planted and create an environment which heaven and earth, not to mention the Republic of Korea, can visit and which God will want to visit any time. If you go to the spirit world after having done this on earth, you will surely be loved as sons and daughters of the heavenly kingdom. You should establish such a course from now on. (197-221, 1990.1.14) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Thirteen - Restoration of the True God's Homeland
Chapter 5. Our Attitude towards Making a New Start
Section 5. The Cooperation of the Spirit World and Our Conviction

Now that the spirit world has become very close, there will come an age in which good spirits will live permanently on earth. They will come and live among us. Do you understand what I am talking about? Until now, Satan and devils have divided and ruled over the earth. But now good spirits will wrest those areas away from them and take control over them. For this reason, Unification Church members should do Home Church activities even if they have to shed their blood, sweat and tears. We should offer our utmost devotion. We should pray with ardent hearts, more earnestly than the devotion shown by Christianity, or any other religion including Islam and Buddhism. We should pray, "Since the substantial foundation has been restored on earth through good spirits, please allow the Unification Church to go forward together with the spiritual realm centered on the spiritual foundation." (169-9, 1987.10.1)
Do you know that the people in the spirit world can be saved only through us? If you aid them, the blessing of the spirit world will come to you. If you pay indemnity and repent for the sake of the spirit world, they will follow you. The entire spirit world will move around you as the center. You must know how important indemnity and repentance are. All these things should be done with Home Church as the center. (125-50, 1983.3.1)
If you work with absolute devotion to the altar of Home Church while on earth, spirits from various backgrounds and levels will return to earth and assist the earthly believers. Within the altar of 360 Home Church homes, Buddhists, Christians, Jews, and other people of conscience are living a variety of lifestyles. Spiritual phenomena will occur in which the spirit world transcends the denominations and religions to return to earth and lead their followers to the central figure of the providence. Home Church serves as a conditional altar through which the spirits can resurrect by returning to the earth. (210-197)
You should know this hard and fast rule that you must work with greater devotion than that shown by loyal subjects, patriots, children of filial piety, and former church ministers who were born in your hometown. If you work with more intensity, they will all help you from the spirit world. This is the condition you need to make. If this is done, you will stand above the realm of satanic accusation; Satan will not accuse you, and the ancestors of your hometown will spiritually cooperate with you, guiding their descendants to join the Unification Church. (179-17, 1988.6.15)
Your ancestors in the spirit world look upon this world and desire to come down to earth because they are proud of their descendants and want to help you. Hence, many ancestors descend to you. This is a world of religion that is centered on the tribe and transcends denominations. Do you understand this? Your ancestors trust, love, and want to follow you. They will follow you. This is why they want to dedicate themselves to assisting you. (189-278, 1989.5.1)
If you go forward with strong conviction, your ancestors will put pressure on your mother or any of your relatives to stop them from opposing you. It is like telling them, "Listen to me!" Why is this so? The original tribal foundation within the realm of goodness can be connected to the True Parents on the national level, and this, in turn, can be connected to the global level in which Satan has been pushed out. As a result, Satan and the fallen evil spirits have begun to retreat and your ancestors in the archangelic spirit world can now help you. (184-91, 1988.12.20)
Then, whose beat should you follow? Should I follow the beat with which you move or should you follow my beat? You should have no objections. Otherwise, the spirit world will not mobilize. Without following my directions, it will not cooperate with you no matter how talented or how able you may be. If you were to do something I do not want or do something I did not give direction for, it will not work. Heaven will retreat because of it. The help of the spirit world will not materialize. The archangel will destroy rather than help. (169-133, 1987.10.29)
I am someone who knows the laws of heaven, who knows every path that has to be walked. I know the secrets of how Satan moves and I know God's strategies. I create controversies in the world because of this. The time when the spirit world will assist me is coming. If the world opposes me for much longer, a lot of tragic events will take place. (169-12, 1987.10.1)
Today on earth, if someone offers a prayer in the Unification Church, their ancestors will appear within a week and teach them everything. We are now in such a stage. Religions have been paving a vertical route by building the global domain through the bond of heart; I have now widened the horizontal domain throughout the world and connected it everywhere. As a result, the age has come when the ancestors in the spirit world can finally return to earth through their descendants and assist them. Home Churches are the foundation that condenses such a global domain. Thus, what will happen to good spirits? In the past they would descend, assist and then return to the spirit world, but now they will live on earth permanently. Such an age is coming. Live permanently, do you understand? When I say jeong ju (living permanently) I do not mean my hometown, Jeong Ju. At last we are entering the age in which the good spirits in the spirit world can finally settle on earth. So when you join the Unification Church and participate in its activities, your good ancestors will live together with you and assist you. This is how tribal restoration is possible. (163-301, 1987.5.1)
Heavenly fortune is rushing in. Now in April 1987, a new light will shine forth and the hope of the world will blossom centering on one place. How much the spirits in the spirit world must have wanted to come to Korea! They are all gathering. So, people who have shed blood for the nation and spirits who have sacrificed themselves are uniting and initiating a joint movement to attend the True Parents. They will serve in the future as mediators to gather together all the spirits of the world. By connecting with them, this world will quickly turn around. (163-25, 1987.4.18)
We must do it now. We are in the age when the spirit world will say, "Let us help Korea!" Until now good spirits around the world have worked outside to lay a foundation, and now this fortune is being driven inwards. Who is driving it inwards? I am in the forefront, and the loyal ministers, devoted wives and patriots are trailing behind me. After following me in, they will assist the unification movement of Korea centering on the founders of religions and denominations, regardless of whether they are Christian or Muslim. Such a wind is blowing. (163-18, 1987.4.18)
It is the same with you. If God is thinking like this, why wouldn't the spirit world assist you? It is the same. It is because you are still self-centered. I have warned you about being self-centered. These days, when my legs get stiff, I say, "You stupid legs, I have to go!" If I am doing this, should you young people stay idle? You brats, you deserve heavenly punishment. You young brats are wasting time taking naps. I am telling you not to do that. (162-119, 1987.3.30)
When you go to the spirit world how grateful you will be that I offered to you the qualification of becoming sons and daughters of the owner of a free heaven and earth without walls. If you have listened to me and lived in this way, since the spirit world has no boundaries, wherever you go in that vast and endless spirit world they will say, "We have helped you. When you were in charge, we went there during that time and helped you." Everybody will be your friend. They will be your colleagues from that same time period. As I have said, the spirit world must be mobilized. Without its mobilization, the Kingdom of Heaven cannot be formed. It cannot be realized. The Kingdom of Heaven was supposed to start with true parents, and not with fallen descendants. Just like when God created Adam, He received the help of the angelic world. In re-creation the spirit world must all come down and help the earth as well. They have to do it. This is the principle, is it not? This is the principle of resurrection, is it not? It can be called truth only when the principle of resurrection becomes a reality. So how much will the spirit world like me? (162-114, 1987.3.30)
You have entered the global age and although you may be in an individual position, you are connected to the greatest saints of the world. If you have the character of heart and live a saintly life, you will have the spiritual foundation through which spirits will freely assist you when needed. So now, with respect to the current activities of the Unification Church, the patriots of each nation have returned to their previous countries on earth and set up homesteads around the foundation of the Unification Church. Until now, the number of people who died is tens or hundreds of times greater than the current population of the nation, is it not? They have come and are now waiting for us to expand our work. This is why all missionaries should lead national movements and mobilize everyone. If they give the order to march forward together with the spirit world and on behalf of everyone, these spirits cannot but help. (162-108, 1987.3.30)
The Unification Church has the ability to mobilize people from the spirit world and to mobilize ancestors through an interconnecting system. You should know this. Previous religions could not connect the spirit world and the physical world. Therefore, before people make a connection they had to make spiritual effort to keep time with the beat and to be on the same wavelength created by God. But now we are the transmitters. That is, we now stand in the position where we are the transmitters. It is not the wave but the transmitter itself that sends out waves. Here we can send out electric waves, whether at a frequency of thousands or millions, whether a short wave or something else.
Since I have the broadcasting station, we need a transmitter that says, "My ancestors in the spirit world, please, come and help me. Good ancestors, come and help me." Then, they will come and help. We can call and mobilize individuals and call and mobilize families. Since we have the foundation on earth to connect realms of the tribe, a people, and the world, they will mobilize and come down. If this happens, even if my body wanted to go in one direction, it will turn around even without realizing it and get pulled away. When two spirits come and grab and pull one, you will have to be dragged along because you do not know that you are being grabbed. Do you have a choice? You will run into this by yourself. Do you believe this? This is not empty talk, it is logical. (162-103, 1987.3.30)
When the Unification Church mobilizes, Mohammed will help; so will all the representatives of Confucianism and Buddhism, and so will God. This is totally logical. So you should be proud that you represent humankind, the spirit world, and God, and that you are moving with all of their support. (162-15, 1987.3.15)
In the past, even if you prayed and performed acts of devotion, you could only meet religious founders at certain times, and after that meeting you would separate and they would return to the spirit world. Now, the time has come when they can return to earth through their specific religious spheres. Since such a time has come, you will not be able to go to the Kingdom of Heaven unless you have achievements that have an impact on the past, present, and future ages. The past age was the age of good spirits, including angels, in the spirit world. The present age is the age of the True Parents. And the future age is the age of God. This is why those who do not have achievements to mobilize the spirit world, mobilize the True Parents, and mobilize God will be unable to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. In this same way, Adam and Eve were able to mobilize God and the angels. At that time, Adam and Eve were to have mobilized the universe (161-199, 1987.2.3)
Now, the spirit world will help you only if you do Home Church activities. So after 1988 we will embark on Home Church campaigns in full force. At that time, it will not matter if I am here or not. How can I teach you anything more than this? I have taught you everything about how to prepare a certificate to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. This cannot be exchanged even for several diamonds the size of the earth. I am pleading with you to not waste such a golden opportunity. (146-346, 1986.8.10)
The spirit world has been unable to support and assist True Parents until now because it is a fallen spirit world. As such it cannot help the ones in the position of perfected parents. This is the Principle, is it not? Perfected parents should be supported by God and the unfallen archangel. Regardless of the number of spirits in the satanic realm they could not help the True Parents. Since the spirits in the spirit world were born through false parents rather than through true parents, they had been unable to assist the True Parents. But now that all the failures of the archangel have been indemnified and you stand in the position of children who are assuming the roles of Adam and Eve as they grow, they can now assist you as needed. Through the assistance of the spirit world, the fallen world will collapse very quickly. (146-312, 1986.7.20) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Thirteen - Restoration of the True God's Homeland
Chapter 5. Our Attitude towards Making a New Start
Section 6. Our Original Hometown and the Way to Enter the Kingdom of Heaven

6.1. Hometown is a world of the original creation

We are at a point of time when we cannot hope to achieve world peace or one unified world using human power, wisdom, culture or anything else. Under these circumstances, what is the main problem? I believe that answering the question as to whether God exists or not is the most important issue. Once all humankind clearly understands all about God's existence, they will clearly understand the direction of God's will. When they understand this, the world will become one world, a world of peace and an ideal world. (56-131, 1972.5.14)
Do you want to be a nationalist or a globalist? Religion does not only encompass globalism. It does not just seek to benefit human beings, but also seeks to benefit God. But communism and democracy only seek to benefit human beings. So which philosophy is better, the one that benefits God as well or the one that only seeks to benefit human beings? Which philosophy is better, the one in which both God and human beings rejoice or the one in which only servants rejoice among themselves, without their master? This is why religion is so good. (41-44, 1971.2.12)
This is where our Unification Church differs. The Unification Church says, let us love our brothers and sisters just as we love our mother and father, and love our tribe, love our people and nation just as we love our brothers and sisters. In order to love the world we will have to abandon even our nation. Furthermore, in order to love heaven, let us abandon even the world. It is the main teaching of the Unification Church to seek the path of love where we sacrifice things that are small and close to us for the sake of things that are big and far away. (100-80, 1978.10.8)
What on earth is the Unification Church? Embracing and holding onto both the right-wing and the left-wing, where is the Unification Church leading them? Going beyond the world of struggle where these two groups gather to fight will lead to the world of happiness and the world of utopia as guided by heaven. You will fail if you try to move on the same plane by embracing them and nursing them in a human-centered way. In other words, the Unification Church must equip itself with a system of logic through which it can restore all the failures and downfalls due to incorrect thinking and move horizontally by embracing them. At the same time, the Unification Church must also equip itself with a system of thought that encourages you to seek to become a transcendental being of substance with vertical spiritual experience, on the basis of religion. The Unification Thought has to be able to systematize and integrate humanism, materialism, and all past forms of Godism. At the same time, it should be a religious philosophy of supernatural experience that can vertically transcend and connect the denominations. (162-102, 1987.3.30)
What kind of nation does the Unification Church desire? Now the Unification Church is going out to the world through the Republic of Korea. But the Unification Church does not want a world where the materialism of communism and the idealism of democracy fight the way they do now. We are seeking the nation that can transcend this world and can be governed by God's heart and love. (32-264, 1970.7.19)
The place we want to live in is the heavenly nation. We want to live in the heavenly nation. Are there borders in the heavenly nation? There are not. Are there two languages in the heavenly nation? No. Are there racial differences? No, there are none. Then, what is the heavenly nation? Since human beings are all born in God's bosom, all humankind are brothers and sisters. From God's viewpoint they are all brothers and sisters because they are God's sons and daughters, and from the viewpoint of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, they make up the population. They are the people of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. They are those people. (66-281, 1973.5.16)
Without a nation, there is no citizenship. Without a nation, there is no need to register as citizens. We must organize a people and register them. Before going to the spirit world, we must form a heavenly kingdom on this earth and, with this citizenship, live together with our family or tribe as victorious sons and daughters having inherited the lineage of the true and good parents who love the nation and the people. Only then will we be able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. This is the Principle. (58-145, 1972.5.22)
If you ask what constitutes the Kingdom of Heaven in the family, then it would be a wife who lives a hundred percent for the sake of her husband and a husband who lives and dies for the sake of his wife. This can surely be nothing other than the Kingdom of Heaven. We have a saying, "Family harmony brings success to everything." The same applies to the prosperity of a nation. In a nation, the ruler's value lies not in the exercise of his sovereignty but in serving his people, and the people exist for the sake of the nation rather than for themselves. If this is attained, the nation will become the Kingdom of Heaven. By expanding such a principle, we will realize a world where people live for the sake of one another transcending the nation and ethnic group. That world will be the utopian world of love, world of ideal, world of peace, and world of happiness desired by us human beings. There is no place where the principle of living for the sake of others does not apply. (75-325, 1975.1.16)
The homeland that we search for is not some specific nation on this earth with a certain history and tradition. If we are to restore and deserve that nation, which is in a different dimension, we must become people who have a proactive ideology. But that proactive ideology has to conform to the ideology of the Absolute Creator. If there is a nation that the Absolute Being desires, that nation must be one where the people unite around its sovereignty. We must resemble this nation in both character and form. (49-93, 1971.10.9)
You must live with the mindset that your comings and goings are all for the sake of restoring the nation and for the restoration of that homeland. You must live thinking of the fact that you have been sent by heaven as a secret agent to this evil world and are doing daily activities for the mission to become the founding patriot of that nation. Unless you have this mindset, you will not have dignity and pride as people of that nation. (50-255, 1971.11.7)

6.2. Registration in the Kingdom of Heaven

You cannot just go directly in front of the True Parents. You have a different lineage, do you not? Before you are registered, you cannot receive the right of inheritance. You have not been registered yet. Are you registered in my family tree? You do not get registered just because you are blessed. You receive the Blessing at the top of the growth stage. You still have another seven years in the completion stage. This is the Principle. We are doing restoration through this Principle. (139-230, 1986.1.31)
We are making a list as we enter the age of registration, and we cannot make it arbitrarily. Without going through Home Church, you cannot be entered on the list. You cannot become part of the family tree of the heavenly kingdom. You will be excluded even if you are a Blessed Family. You will be excluded. With this understanding, you must hurry to do everything which Heaven mandates. You do not do it simply because someone else is doing it. It must be done. If you were to go to the spirit world without having done Home Church, you would have to work at it for eternity in the spirit world. It will be a huge problem if you were to go there without taking care of your Home Church on earth. (143-118, 1986.3.16)
If you do not repent, you will face public prosecution. There is no one who can stand in front of the governing law of love. At the time of prosecution, the material supporting your defense has to be greater than the material being used to accuse you -- with God, me, my family, clan, leaders and everyone in the Unification Church who are teaching you, standing as your lawyers. Only then will you be able to be registered as people of the heavenly kingdom. If the evidence in support is less than the evidence against, you will not be registered. (147-331, 1986.10.1)
The members of the Unification Church cannot just live as they please. You cannot lie to yourself, can you? Can you deceive your own mind? As long as you cannot deceive yourself, you will not be able to deceive the family register in the heavenly kingdom. Everything will be entered. If I raise this hand once, everything will be recorded on that video tape, right? If a record is made like this in the human world, do you not think a record will be made in heaven? If you just press a button once, everything about your Blessed Family will appear, from your childhood and ancestors. It will come out in a second. It will not take a long time. We have a concept of time here, but in heaven everything is done in an instant. (148-290, 1986.10.25)
Do you know what registration is? When a woman is married and goes to her husband, she has to change her registration. We know that such a person has to erase her original registration at birth and move to another place. (177-302, 1988.5.22)
The time is coming when we will be registered in the Republic of Korea; the Unification Church will establish the Republic of Korea as its homeland. There will come a time when everyone who has hitherto been mobilized can buy a piece of land in the Republic of Korea. This is if the Republic of Korea follows me. There will come a time when you will have to sell everything you have in the West and exchange it even for just a small hut in the Republic of Korea. (185-250, 1989.1.8)
Even if you are old and weak to the point of looking out the door and saying, "Alas, I am old," you should still go out witnessing. There will be a big problem if you did not register your mother and father in Heaven before going to the spirit world. The Blessed Families of the Unification Church have entered this time and age when they can do great historic work on behalf of their mothers and fathers, their ancestors, brothers and sisters, by focusing on their relatives and kin. (186-165, 1989.2.1)
Until now, in order to maintain your pride, I have been ordering you to go witnessing. In the future, the tribal leaders for the seventy-two tribes will be established and the new age of registration is coming. I want to include you there, but how can I include you when you have no accomplishments? (194-96, 1989.10.17)
In the future we will have to be registered. When the North and South are united, the families of the Unification Church around the world, those Blessed Families who have been active, will all go beyond the tribal level and become registered. If the North and South are united through my power, heavenly law will establish the loyal officials of the Unification Church around the world as the representative people and the people who provide the seed. Who would oppose this? Historically speaking, who would oppose me, when I have worked as hard as I have for the sake of the independence of Korea and the return to hometown in Korea? (197-212, 1990.1.14)
In the future, the age of registration will come. It is not an age of individual registration. The age of tribal registration is coming. When the Kim tribe, Park tribe, and so forth are registered, the age of national registration will come. It will happen quickly. From now on everything will happen so quickly. It will move forward so fast that you will be too busy to even open your eyes or blow your nose. Now the world is moving so fast that you do not even have the time to open your eyes and blow your nose, do you? Why is it moving like that? It is because of President Moon. The cause is not somewhere else. (197-363, 1990.1.20)
To return ownership to God, we have to go through the True Parents. Without going through the True Parents, there is no way to turn back. Thus, the unification of the world has to be achieved through the Unification Church. Even without us doing anything, everyone will be waiting in line to be registered. There will come a time when they will fight tooth and nail over who will be the first, second, and third. (198-242, 1990.2.3)
The time of registration will come in the future. The age of registration will come, in which you will join the circle that is connected to my clan and the royal family. But even if the age of registration comes, those who have not restored their tribe cannot be registered here. You should know this. It is the same as the twelve tribes. Without having restored your tribe, you will not be able to register yourself. If people come to know about this tribal restoration, they will flock to the Unification Church to join it before others. What will happen at the time of registration? Until now people and all things have not belonged to God. They have been Satan's possessions. However, now, through me, as one who has fulfilled God's will, my sons and daughters and all things centering on me have to be established. Also, right now I do not have a nation. A nation must be attained. (208-339, 1990.11.21)
This is a possession of Satan, not God's possession. Heaven and earth will become one without war because there is such a thing called the restoration of ownership. In the future, lines of people such as never seen before in world history will form. There will be people trying to put together all their possessions and be registered as a clan in heaven. The position of elder brother and younger brother will be determined by who has been registered first. (208-345, 1990.11.21)
Until now there has been no registration in the heavenly kingdom. There has been no nation in heaven. There has not been a family or nation. When a family went to the spirit world, all family members would be scattered. But from now on this will not be the case. You should know that originally, without the Fall, the mother and father and the whole clan were supposed to enter the Kingdom of Heaven together. This is the Kingdom of Heaven. If the grandparents, mother, father, your couple, and the sons and daughters become one through true love and possess God's true love, which lives for the sake of others, even God will absolutely obey this. In the world that obeys such a tradition of love and moves only with the love that lives for the sake of others, there will be no way that the basis of peace will not appear. (210-306, 1990.12.27)
In the future we must overcome everything. But before overcoming, we need to reorganize. Husband and wife should get together and write a diary. Next, you should get an official stamp of approval from your sons and daughters and everyone should be registered. The age of registration is coming. Everything has to be liquidated. Then Satan will not follow us. Such a serious time is coming. So the Blessed Families should write diaries from now on. You cannot find some clever way around it. (208-39, 1990.11.15
From now on the whole world has to be registered. When we do this centering on the twelve tribes, you will have to record in detail everything about your entire life and what you have been doing since you joined the Unification Church. If you have taken even one small thing from the church, say, a wrapping cloth, you will have to report that. If it differs from the record in the computer in the spirit world, you will not be allowed to enter. (212-56, 1991.1.1)
The place where the royal family and the realm of heart exist is a place devoid of obstacles and divisions; a welcoming place. It will be level ground. Everything will welcome us, and the world of eternal love will be connected to us. We will stand there as the owners. Your clan will become like this. You will enter the Kingdom of Heaven by being registered with the honor of having all your clan gathered. As the tribal head who is free of Satan's accusations, as the messiah, and as the parent figure, I am ordering you to pull your relatives into the Kingdom of Heaven by newly registering them. (218-358, 1991.8.22)
This is what will happen when the heavenly kingdom is built on earth in the future. This is what the constitution will be like. Everything belongs to the heavenly kingdom and must be returned. This is why unification is inevitable. Nothing can force you to do this. You have to volunteer to do it. This will bring about the day of registration. When it is the tribe's turn to register, you will be the first ancestor if you register. All others will have to bow their heads. (219-209, 1991.8.29)
You should clearly keep in mind that in this age, the time of a freer environment has come, and you are freedom fighters, building the kingship of Israel. Do you want to command a platoon, a company, a regiment, a division, or a corps? This will be decided by your own activities. From now on, the elder brothers and sisters and younger brothers and sisters have to compete all in one place. The one who wins, the one who has registered first, will be the elder brother, the ancestor. A time of drastic changes in heaven and earth is coming. It will be an age when the grandfather becomes a grandchild, the father becomes a son, the younger brother becomes an elder brother, and the elder sister becomes a younger sister. The question is who will register first. (220-251, 1991.10.19)
You should be able to keep the law of the heavenly kingdom and respect the royal law of the heavenly kingdom. You do not know this, do you? From now on, we have to prepare everything for the unified world of North and South. We have not finished training. Then, not just anyone can enter. The age of registration is coming. At that time, it will be more difficult to register than to register as a university lecturer after graduating from a university and becoming a PhD. Within your own generation you have to indemnify the history of your clan and pass an evaluation. This will be determined after you have been evaluated by the spirit world and the physical world. (210-368, 1990.12.27)
Heavenly fortune is supposed to protect those who work in partnerships. This is why I am telling you to give donations. This is natural. We have to return our whole clan to God. Who will be the ancestors there? The one who is leading in the front will be the first ancestor. Although Rev. Kuboki is the president of the Unification Church, if he were to fail to do this and someone who is listening to my words now comes to lead everyone and to become registered, Kuboki would end up as a descendant of several generations. As for registration, those who do it first will be the first ancestors. (227-97, 1992.2.10)
I am giving you orders because such an age has come. "Hurry up with tribal restoration! Return ownership to God! Get registered quickly!" This is the greatest hope for a human being. Here is the hope that transcends the ten million generations since our first ancestors. You should engrave these words deep in your bones so that you will never forget them. This way, in the future, you will be able to experience the joy of receiving a shining sun after the passage of the twilight morning of Japan. (227-107, 1992.2.10)
What are considered to be assets in the Kingdom of Heaven? Since there are no people now in the Kingdom of Heaven, there is no way other than resurrecting the people of the physical world and taking them there. Without the people of the Kingdom of Heaven, the spirit world would have no assets. Hence, they are not your sons and daughters just because you gave birth to them. The entire 120 million people of Japan have to find a way to become God's people. How can you get the countless Japanese people registered as people of the Kingdom of Heaven together with your sons and daughters? That number will be the cornerstone for you to settle down in the spirit world. Without this, even if you may have served as a president of the Unification Church for dozens of years, everything would be in vain. Until now it has been impossible because the Unification Church has been under persecution, but now we can do this because the whole world has come to respect me. (228-120, 1992.3.26)
By uniting with the True Parents and inheriting their tradition you must establish the family that becomes the foundation on which you can govern all nations as the leading entity. When your family becomes such a family that can maintain a proactive position, it can register as a royal family in the Kingdom of Heaven. The place you enter in this way is the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom of Heaven is not a place that just anyone can enter. Three generations must make the determination to enter there. The stages of the grandmother and grandfather, mother and father, husband and wife, and sons and daughters are four stages and the lines that have the husband and wife are three generations. (228-295, 1992.7.5)
Now, you will not receive persecution on the path you are walking. I have prepared everything for you. I have blocked everything for you. I have torn down everything for you. So how much should you honor me? I am announcing to you that unless your descendants leave a family tradition of honoring me hundreds of times more than you have during the age of persecution, it will be difficult for them to get registered at the registrar's office. If you do not lay a foundation upon which your sons and daughters can serve me several times better than you have, they will fall away. They will be pushed out. (184-243, 1989.1.1)
You have to register. Where do we go to be registered? We cannot avoid our destiny which requires us to return to the land of our original hometown. If we fail to do this within our lifetime, there will be no way in the spirit world that we can get away from the dominion of the fallen realm, which has to be traversed by returning again and again for hundreds of millions of years with deep sorrow. I have told you this in detail with a hope that you will go straight. Therefore, do not forget this; keep it clearly in your mind and become those who can inherit the right of kingship that enables you to enter the gate of the Kingdom of Heaven victoriously. I want you to be the people who, by inheriting this, can register in the heavenly kingdom and in the land of the original hometown. Those who pledge to do this, please raise your hands. (177-351, 1988.5.22) 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Thirteen - Restoration of the True God's Homeland
Chapter 6. True Parents' Textbook for the Unification of Korea and the World
Section 1. World Unification and the Unification of North and South Korea through True Love

Distinguished guests whose fervent desire is for world unification and Korean reunification, ladies and gentlemen!
The new millennium that just began is a time to clear away the divisions and conflicts of the past century and to actualize the ideal of a single global family of harmony and unification. I wish each and every one of your families blessings for the new millennium. I would like to begin by earnestly thanking you for having come here from all over the world to congratulate me on my eightieth birthday. Most of all, I would like to return all glory to God who has preserved me until this day.
In retrospect, there has not been an easy time in my life. I have undergone historical hardships together with our people who have walked the path of all manner of suffering on the Korean peninsula which has been sandwiched in the midst of the great powers.
As a boy of sixteen, I came into contact with the will of Heaven through prayer, and throughout my life after that I have devoted all my spirit and energy to accomplishing God's will. I came to understand that the fundamental cause of human unhappiness is that the relationship with God was severed owing to human beings falling into a state of spiritual ignorance as a result of the Fall of the ancestors of humankind. Through this, people fell into ignorance with regard to God, life, and the fundamental problems of the universe. I have spoken publicly on more than ten thousand occasions in many places around the world and set forth a true view of humanity, a true view of the world, and a true view of history based on Godism. These speeches have been translated into twelve languages and published in three hundred volumes. Their contents that I teach are not the result of a comprehensive study of historical documents or scholarly research, but are rather the principles and fundamental answers I arrived at through freely communicating with both the visible and invisible worlds.
Today, as I express my gratitude at this meaningful event, I am mindful of the fact that the issue of unifying the Korean Peninsula is the solemn desire of our people and the final act of bringing the global Cold War to a conclusion. Therefore, I would like to share with you the basic answer for unification under the topic, "World Unification and the Unification of North and South Korea through True Love."
The unification of our country does not just involve the unification of national territory, but rather is the blueprint for the unification of the world that has been divided between East and West, beginning with the unification of the human mind and body that were divided by the Fall. Thus, this issue must be understood from the perspective of God's providence of salvation and must be resolved on a providential level. The history of humankind is the history of the providence of restoration through indemnity in order to recover the original world that was lost due to the Fall of the ancestors of humankind. Accordingly, history consists of the struggle between good and evil, God's side and Satan's side, in striving for the goal of actualizing God's ideal of creation.
Throughout history, behind the scenes, good spirits have always cooperated with God's side and evil spirits have cooperated on Satan's side. The rift created as a result of the Fall expanded through the family, tribe, ethnic people, nation, and world. In modern times it has manifested itself in the clash between materialism and theism based on humanism and religion respectively. If Jesus Christ had been accepted by the Jewish people two thousand years ago, he would have unified the Jewish tribes and race, and also the Arabic realm inhabited by the descendants of the twelve tribes. Thereupon, his ideology and teachings would have spread through the Middle Eastern region and the Indian region to the Far East. He would then have conquered the Roman Empire and all of Europe and formed a new religious cultural realm in which he would have become the King of all kings. However, through his death on the cross, Hellenism, which had developed first as the humanistic cultural sphere based on the external human body, continued to form the central culture of the Roman Empire. On the other hand, Christianity representing Hebraism, which was the religious cultural sphere based on the internal human spirit, faced all manner of persecution within the empire for four centuries.
What is Satan's ultimate target behind the history of struggle between good and evil ever since this conflict was brought into being as a result of the Fall of the ancestors of humankind? Satan has his sights set precisely on God Himself. God is eternal, unchanging, absolute, and unique, and the standard of the ideal that He held at the beginning of creation must also have these qualities. Satan seeks to destroy God's absolute will. If you were to ask God directly, He would confirm what I am saying. How would God reply if Satan asked Him, "God, when You created me as an archangel in the beginning, was it out of love that was ephemeral or eternal?" God would reply that He did so out of a love that was eternal. If He were to say that His love was ephemeral, He would make Himself an ephemeral god. Unless He maintains a standard of loving Satan eternally, there will eventually come a time when He would no longer be able to exercise His authority as God with respect to Satan. Thus, however much Satan may oppose Him, God has no choice other than to establish the basis of loving him. Thus, God is a proponent of the philosophy of non-resistance toward evil. Why is that? It is because, until the world of the heavenly ideal is manifested on earth, God must love the archangel who has become Satan, regardless of the circumstances.
However much trouble Satan may cause, God cannot punish him or cut him off. He must establish the basis of having loved Satan whatever his situation. God can have complete victory only when Satan confesses to Him, saying, "Oh, God really is God. I surrender to You." This is the issue. Since the principled path of the providence of restoration is for God to bring about Satan's surrender by loving him, we who are to become His children must walk this same path. Whether we are persecuted around the world and considered a worldwide enemy, we must establish the basis of having loved those who oppose us. In this regard, God's Word, "Love your enemies," is His strategy to subjugate evil naturally. These words are simple, but no one realized that they have marked the boundary between victory and defeat between God and Satan. If God were to harbor the thought of treating Satan as His enemy and seeking revenge against him, then He would never be able to stand on the pinnacle of victory. On the contrary, He implemented a strategy of love, declaring, "Love your enemy."
It is remarkable that God's only begotten son Jesus prayed for Satan despite the fact that Satan was trying to kill him. If Jesus, while dying on the cross, had harbored any feelings of malice toward his enemies, God's providence would have suffered a total reversal. By overcoming death with a heart of loving his enemies and praying for their blessing, Jesus naturally subjugated Satan. This is where he qualified to remain as God's son eternally. Even Satan recognizes this qualification and gives his endorsement. We must conduct ourselves in such a way that we too would be able to stand before God and ask, "Hey Satan, am I not unmistakably God's child?" and he would reply, "Yes, without a doubt," and if we were then to ask him, "You have no problem, then, if people who live like me expand God's reciprocal realm, starting from the individual and moving to the family, tribe, people, nation, and world?" his answer would be, "That is the Principle, so I cannot do anything about it." It is under these conditions that God has guided His providence, with the Christian cultural sphere at the center.
Walking the path of sacrifice in the position of martyrdom even to the extent of shedding blood, I have been developing a movement of loving God and loving even my enemies. We too must develop this movement in our families, societies and nations.
Through a heart of love, Christianity subjugated the Roman Empire which severely persecuted it. Christianity thus became a worldwide religion. Until now Christians have thought about loving only their personal enemies, but this is not correct. We must love even the country and world where our enemies live. As the starting point on the path to heaven is within the enemy country, unless we create the foundation of the tradition of true love and set out on the basis of this foundation, we cannot bring about God's Kingdom on earth. When the tradition is established in this way, there can never be a philosophy or ideology greater than this.
When Korea was under Japanese imperial rule, the four providential nations -- Korea, Japan, Germany, and the United States -- were in a state of enmity. Given the circumstances of that time, Japan and Korea were enemies, Japan and the United States were enemies, and the United States and Germany were enemies. Yet I practiced the way of true love by taking Japanese and Germans to the United States, their enemy nation, and telling them that it was abandoning and losing God and therefore falling into ruin and that their help was needed to revive it.
Teaching this tradition of true love, I emphasized to the Japanese and Germans that they could not establish a new worldview capable of leading humanity into a new world that God desires unless they set the basis of having loved their past enemy, the United States, even more than their own homeland. Unless people erect a base and tradition by which they are able to love the nations that are enemies of their own, God's Kingdom cannot be realized on earth. It is only within God's true love that the establishment of such a historic tradition is possible.
Despite being humiliated by the United States federal government and unjustly brought before a court of law, I nevertheless devoted utmost effort to give life to that nation by founding the conservative newspaper the Washington Times and a broadcasting station. Recently, being concerned with the future of Russia and China after the collapse of communism, I have been supporting the production of materials for their youth in moral educational programs.
I was involved in the anti-Japanese underground resistance movement under Japanese imperial rule, and from that perspective the Japanese people were my enemies, both racially and individually. Yet, after Japan's defeat in World War II, I loved the Japanese. After the war, I could have denounced the police officers who had taken me into custody for my activities in the underground Korean independence movement and tortured me severely. Had I done this, they would all have been executed. Yet when I came across Japanese policemen who were running for their lives, I packed some things for them and helped them escape to safety under the cover of darkness.
Do you know why so many young Japanese people stake their eternal lives and pledge their loyalty to me? This is because there is a principle of cause and effect which dictates that they must return what has been given them. It is because I planted the seeds of true love in the world, transcending national boundaries in accordance with God's heart. It is because I planted the foundation of heart that leads people to a life of loving the countries that were the enemies of their own. Thus, without even realizing it, they are following God's command.
Under the rule of Japan, I had reason to harbor resentment even toward its emperor, but he had already been defeated. Heaven does not strike a person who is defeated, but rather shows mercy toward those who repent their sins and apologize. As this is Heaven's way, those who raise their sword to strike a defeated person will find their own descendants driven to ruin.
The United States is also a country that considered me its enemy. Yet I left my family behind and diverted my attention from my Korean homeland to bring salvation to that nation which had fallen into great moral decay. I threw away everything that belonged to me in order to bring salvation to the world of Cain.
How much have established churches hated the Unification Church? Yet we must not fight each other as enemies. We must come together in love. When we do that, we will lead the Republic of Korea into fulfilling God's will so as to digest North Korea. If the established churches and the Unification Church had become one immediately after Korea's liberation from Japan, all problems would have been solved.
Yet because that did not happen, we have had to overcome all kinds of hardships through offering endless sacrifices to establish the basis so as to avoid fighting the enemies of the individual, family, tribe, people, and nation that we faced.
Distinguished guests!
All North Korean citizens are equipped with Kim Il-sung's Juche ideology. We must equip ourselves with the ideology of true love that is capable of assimilating them. North Korea is a part of northern civilization which has been influenced by the cold winds of soviet civilization. We must work to naturally melt them with our temperate zone civilization. Otherwise, both our countries will come to ruin. Thus, we must thoroughly equip ourselves with the ideology of true love. This ideology must not be one that seeks the fulfillment of individual desires, but must rather seek the salvation of all humanity. It must not be self-centered, but instead serve the greater good. Communists have the idea that everyone should work for the sake of a few top party leaders. This is why they eliminate any person who stands out as a potential rival. We are not that way. Our idea is to unite with the corresponding environment in order to establish a higher reciprocal standard, that is, for Cain and Abel to unite so as to receive their parents who are on a higher level. In other words, we must become able to impress them with how we live. We must be able to amaze those people equipped with communist ideology in terms of our view of life and our standard of character.
We cannot restore the Cain-type nation unless we obtain the circumstances by which we are able to exert influence over them. If we cannot restore the Cain-type nation, we cannot establish the restored nation capable of being transformed into a global nation as God's Kingdom. Though North and South Korea be divided against one another, we must liberate North Korea without fighting them. As such, they must seek the love that will benefit them mutually.
Ladies and gentlemen, at the moment North and South are going in different directions. One is trying to go south and the other north, and they are on two divergent paths. They are at cross-purposes. The question of how to reunify our nation is a serious one. Who must play the leading role for this? If the South did, the North would oppose it, and vice versa. Doing things one's own way does not work. If both sides insist on their own positions, it is certain that the situation will again result in breakdown. The question is what is to be done to overcome this. South Koreans must emerge who love North Korea more than their country. Also, North Koreans must emerge who love South Korea more than their country. There is no option or solution other than this. If there is anyone whose patriotism is greater than that of any South Korean and greater than that of any North Korean, then this is where a transnational scheme for unification will emerge. Can there be another way? However hard you may think, there is no other way.
The question is how to put this into practice. The answer is that we must suffer even more than North Koreans and even more than South Koreans.
Establishing transnational patriotism amidst such suffering is the solution that will enliven both North and South. The same principle applies to uniting the world of goodness and the world of evil. Only when someone emerges who can uphold the way of loyalty exceeding that set by our ancestors thus far can our enmeshed history be unraveled.
Jesus was particularly remarkable in this regard. In the situation of having no other option but the way of the cross owing to the disbelief of the Jewish people, Jesus realized that the only way for him to live for the sake of God and the people of Israel was for him to die for them. This was the reasoning behind the crucifixion. As Jesus' love for God and humanity exceeded that of anyone else in history, the Christian cultural sphere caused a doomed history to take a new direction toward a world designed to serve the greater good. This is historical fact. Thus, the only way to unite North and South is to become a people who can give their lives for them both. There is no other path to achieve unification. There has to be a heart of truly wanting to live together.
As regards how we should lead our lives, the fundamentals can be expressed as: the way of devoted sons and daughters, the way of loyal citizens, the way of saints, and the way of God's holy sons and daughters. It is the heart of wanting to live with others eternally and of wanting to be with others. Isn't that the case without regard to whether they are higher or lower, transcending front and back, left and right, day and night, and life and death? Such is the conclusion we arrive at. What is the common denominator among those who say, "I want to live in harmony with others?" It is not power. Power cannot transcend history. Power is limited to a specific period. The same is true with knowledge. The world of knowledge is developmental.
Does knowledge give us the heart to say, "I want to live with this particular piece of knowledge forever"? Clearly, we cannot live with knowledge or money forever. From that perspective, what is the common denominator that transcends above and below, front and back, left and right, and the time constraints of past, present, and future? This cannot be anything other than true love centering on God. Thus, filial sons and daughters are those who lead lives of loving their parents profoundly in their families. Also, patriots are those who lead lives of loving their nation profoundly; saints are those who love all the people of the world profoundly; and God's holy sons and daughters are those who lead lives of loving all humanity and God profoundly.
Accordingly, the issue is to develop a true foundation of heart by which people can want to have the hearts of patriots who would want their lives to be in concert with the fortunes of the nation, look upon any difficulties faced by the nation as their own personal pains and difficulties, and look upon any joys experienced by their nation not as temporary but rather as eternal joys to be shared with everyone. Those blessed with the ties of true love and true heart are accorded the privilege of joining the realm of unification.
Ladies and gentlemen, if an illiterate woman married a Ph.D. holder, wouldn't she suddenly become the wife of a Ph.D. holder? Likewise, those abundantly blessed with the ties of heart and desiring to live with others in harmony have the privilege of joining the realm of unification today. As God Himself is a being with such a heart, if we live such lives in which we are one with God, we automatically become qualified to participate together with Him. Then from where and with what should the unification of North and South Korea be achieved? If we were to subjugate the other side forcibly, then eventually they would develop a force stronger than ours, and the conflict would begin all over again. There would be no way of achieving unification by this method. Only when each of us has the heart to say, "Even though I live in the South, I truly want to live in harmony with those people in the North. I truly want to unite with them" will the way to unification be opened.
Suppose people in the South were to consider our compatriots in the North and shed tears over their miserable living conditions. Suppose we were to tell them, "I am leading my life in a way that I can share in your difficulties." Suppose we were to promise them, "Someday soon, I will appear before you having completed the preparations for your day of liberation" and a movement actualizing true love for the sake of unification unfolded; the day of unification would not be far off.
Ladies and gentlemen!
The first step for us is to think how we can live in harmony in our hometown. No one can be a patriot if they do not want to live with their parents or in their hometowns, and any claim such people might make to being patriotic would be a lie. People must be able to live in harmony in their own country before they can live in harmony in the world. Also, people must live in harmony in the world before they can live in harmony with God. Thus, they cannot be patriots unless they first love their hometowns and local societies. How much do our political leaders love their nation? Any politicians who lack a heart of truly wanting to share in the life of common citizens will soon pass on. It does not matter how well bred or educated they may be. They will disappear like an air bubble formed on a water surface.
Healing the division between North and South is not a simple process. As fellow patriots struggle to bring this about, they will need a determination of heart to work through many sleepless nights, transcending time and overcoming all manner of difficulties. The movement for the unification of North and South Korea begins when both sides have such a heart toward the other: "I truly want to live with them. I do not want to die unless with them. I do not want to live unless with them." When that reunification is accomplished, the unification of the democratic and communist worlds will begin from here. We must consider the future of our people and of the world, as representatives of the world, the six billion members of humankind, and the three billion people of Asia. We must be resolved to develop a movement that will truly enable us to share in the lives of all of them. When such efforts connect you to the way of saints, then you will come to resemble saints. If you practice this with respect to God with the loyalty of His sons and daughters, then you will become His heirs and the successors to His will. I convey these things to you today because I have already confirmed their truth in my life.
Distinguished guests!
When people enter into a relationship of true love with God, they must be accorded the privilege to have the rights of dominion, ownership, and inheritance. In dynamics, input exceeds output, but in the world of true love, output exceeds input.
What is true love? It is altruistic love that naturally gives and forgets. No memory is kept of how much was given. It is a love that never tires of giving. There would be nothing strange about a nonagenarian mother warning her septuagenarian son, "Be careful when you cross the street." Even if she has repeated those same words countless times over several decades, she will always say them one more time.
If this is true with parents in the fallen world, how can we ever grow tired of giving and receiving God's love in the essential world? When we establish the realm of God's true objective partner in our own lives and understand the unchanging glory of true love for the first time, we will then be able to validate the logic of eternal life. In 1984, I was lying in bed alone unjustly incarcerated in prison in the United States, when God came and told me that I was the only person He could trust and that He wanted me to resolve the situation in Nicaragua. Am I really the only person God can come to with such a command? The United States is said to be a great country standing at the forefront of all developed countries. It has a population of 240 million and innumerable religious leaders. How wretched God must have been that He could not go to any of those people but had to come to me. Yet as God knows how to find people who have a great love for humanity, He came to me, who had been worrying about the world day and night. Had I not already established the Washington Times, and extended help at that time, South America would have fallen into ideological chaos.
Ladies and gentlemen!
The unification of North and South Korea fervently desired by our people is also God's earnest desire in this age. It is Heaven's desire that North and South Korea be united and that God's dwelling place be established in your families, churches, and nation. How then are we to attend God? How can we cleanse everything? What can we use to cleanse everything so that God will say it is completely clean? Nothing else matters. We must establish a foundation centering on true love surpassing our love for our parents, spouse, and children. Only when our offerings are placed on the altar centering on such love will the ideal North-South unification come. The ideal blending of Eastern and Western cultures will take place. The ideal unification of the divided physical and spirit worlds will come about. The realm of liberation of hell and heaven will come into being. The key of true love is needed.
Mind-body unity through love can always be interrelated with the unification of family love. A loving couple with a harmonized family can interrelate with the tribe, nation, and world. If a loving husband and wife are united, who would disparage and trample on them? Wouldn't a cosmos unifying harmonized families, races, governments, worlds, heaven and earth, true human love, and God be the utopia of true love? In the same way that plants receive life elements by absorbing the rays of the sun, love will be the life element for all humankind. Our fervent desire is to build God's Kingdom on earth and in heaven, where we can live while idolizing true love eternally. Yet how many people in this world are the subject partners or object partners of true love, can stand as people of character qualified to be the lords of all things, and possess both the value of a remarkable life and the privileges that come with such a life?
I sincerely hope that all of you participating today will not forget all this, and work to unite your minds and bodies, and that you will start by becoming people who live for the sake of your spouses, and go on to become true people who live for the sake of your families, races, nations, and the world. If you do that, then Korean reunification will be as good as done. However strong North Korea's Juche ideology may be, it is effortlessly absorbed and disappears when placed in the midst of God's love. Once we are equipped with hearts of true love, Korean reunification will never be a problem. Not only that; east-west differences and the global North-South divide between rich and poor nations can also be completely resolved through God's true love.
Realizing the boundless realm of peace of the ideal world that links the ideal of the nation to the ideals of the race, family, and individual, through assimilating the ideal for the world and the nation through God's ideal that I have described, is without a doubt the way that the world of peace of true love will be built on earth.
Distinguished guests!
I declared the fundamental principle for unification more than forty years ago, initiated an ideological movement centered on Godism both domestically and overseas, and laid the international groundwork for unification in the four great powers surrounding the Korean peninsula. Millions of members in Korea, Japan, and the United States have worked through the International Federation for Victory over Communism (IFVOC) and CAUSA to lay non-governmental foundations in each of these countries. Over the years, leaders of many countries and the philosophical world have recognized Godism as the only philosophy capable not only of unifying materialism and atheism, its diametrical opposites, but also of liberating secular humanism.
My patriotic compatriots burning with hope for the reunification of our country!
Let us together establish our view of value on the basis of the Godism of true love and totally rally together in arming our citizens with this ideology. Let us make Korean reunification a matter of faith for ourselves, the Korean people, and world peace. Let us stand and answer the calling of this age, history, and of Heaven to become leaders and people of righteousness standing at the forefront of the movement for the unification of North and South Korea. In particular, as history went awry at the beginning due to Eve's error, so in the Last Days women with their motherly love need to take the lead in overcoming conflict and strife in the age of division and create a new history of reconciliation and unity.
It is especially the mission of women to restore young men and women and students, who are in the position of being their children, through true education. Then mothers and their children together should set examples for educating even their husbands in becoming God's sons, following the True Parents in attending God in order to restore the ideal of God's Kingdom on earth. In conclusion, once again I hope that the words that I have shared with you today will bring to fruition a nationwide movement that will hasten the day when North and South Koreans can meet each other in true love. I pray God's blessing may be with your families. Thank you. 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Thirteen - Restoration of the True God's Homeland
Chapter 6. True Parents' Textbook for the Unification of Korea and the World
Section 2. The Cosmos is Our Hometown and Homeland

Respected guests!
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude that so many leaders from a wide variety of fields worldwide have gathered here in Korea to celebrate with and congratulate me on my eightieth birthday. I would like to offer all glory and honor to God who has accompanied and protected me.
I have lived my entire life with the earnest desire to solve the many problems related to manifesting God's ideal of creation. Since receiving His calling as a boy of sixteen, I freely communicated with Jesus and all the saints and sages in paradise while seeking His will and fought against tremendous odds to complete the history of His providence of restoration for the sake of human salvation. I have come to realize that God does not sit on a throne of glory and majesty. Instead, He is a God of deep sorrow and profound suffering, who has endeavored to save His children that fell into hell.
What we must bear in mind on this meaningful day is that we must all become completely one with God's heart, and moreover, accomplish His will. As a result of the Fall, human beings fell into spiritual ignorance. This meant humanity was fundamentally ignorant regarding God's existence, the meaning of life, and the entire universe.
Accordingly, people did not know how they should live their earthly lives, that there is a spirit world after death, and that the former should properly prepare them for the latter.
Knowing God's will and heart, I have worked with single-minded determination in devoting my entire heart and energy to accomplish His will without regard to the time of day, changes in the seasons, or my circumstances. Looking back on the eighty years of my life, I realize I would not be here with you today were it not for His help during that time, notwithstanding my hardships and persecution. I have spoken publicly on some 10,000 occasions in many places around the world. These speeches have been published in a series of more than 300 volumes.
On this very significant occasion today when I am meeting some of the most distinguished leaders in the world, I would like to share with you my thoughts and teachings on the topic, "The Cosmos Is Our Hometown and Homeland." The cosmos was created as an enormous house where human beings would live as its owners. Being at the center of the universe, they live within the spherical relationships of 'above' and 'below', 'left' and 'right', and 'front' and 'rear', namely the parent-child, husband-wife, and brother-sister relationships.
God exists in the seventh position which is at the very center of 'above' and 'below', 'left' and 'right' and 'front' and 'rear' numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Thus, He can guide us in our daily lives even while existing in an invisible central position. Human beings can with God's help be liberated from the satanic realm of bondage and suffering resulting from the Fall, to mature as true sons and daughters, meet their mates to become true husbands and wives, go on to have children, and become true parents according to the normal course of life.
Consequently, we cannot reject the idea of becoming true children, spouses, and parents. Doing so would be to violate a fundamental principle of the universe, thus destroying our own existence. Hence, each of us must participate in building a true family consisting of true parents, spouses, and children, which is the model for the ideal existence.
People need to fully experience true parental love, true conjugal love, and true filial love in their families. Money, knowledge, power, or physical force cannot perfect such human relationships; only God's true love, which balances everything, can do this.
True love is a force that invests. It is a giving force, not a force that only receives. It gives completely to the degree that it ultimately reaches a zero point. Whatever then enters that completely empty position is okay. This process of giving and receiving will achieve a balance that continues forever. This is the reason that relationships of giving and receiving will perfect an altruistic world centered on true love.
Likewise, all beings in heaven and on earth exist in reciprocal relationships so as to form a world of true love through giving and receiving. In reciprocal relationships every giving force causes a returning force, and this is what eternally settles the central point.
God exists in the central position of true love -- that of the lucky number seven -- giving balance to the entire universe. Heavenly fortune develops through the cosmic process of being received and returned. Within such relationships, the flow of love, air, water, and light takes place in circular motion, and after circulating, the flow returns to its original form.
Ladies and gentlemen!
What makes people good? We could define this in many ways, but one way would be to say that bad people are those who take whatever they are given and use it only for themselves, while good people are those who add to whatever they are given and share it with others. Thus, no parents want their children to achieve a status lower than theirs. We all want our children to be better than ourselves. Also, a husband would like for his wife to be better than himself, and a wife wants her husband to be better than herself. Further, an elder brother and younger brother would wish the same for each other.
Consequently, we all want to give back something more than what we received. This is our fervent wish as parents, husbands and wives, and children. It is also the fervent wish of all things in nature and ultimately the entire universe. Moreover, only those whose hearts are so wide that they think, "The cosmos is our hometown and homeland," will be welcomed by the cosmos. We can conclude, then, that in order to become God's true sons and daughters we must be welcomed by individuals, families, nations, the world, and finally the cosmos.
That being the case, where would you most like to live? I think you would like to live in your original hometown where you were born. Broadly speaking, 'original hometown' can refer to the planet Earth within the cosmos, and our homeland is wherever God dwells as its founding Father. Our hometown is the earth as God originally intended it to be -- a place where parents, siblings, and children who have not fallen would live together. This was to be a place where black, yellow, and white people could live together in harmony.
Whose children are these different races? They have only one parent. God, who is with us wherever we go -- whether north, south, east, or west -- in the universe, is the Father of humankind.
Thus, it would be a mistake for anyone to think that white, black, or yellow people are the owners of America. God is the owner of America. This is also true for Korea. Differences in skin color are nothing more than the result of having to adapt to different climates and environments in different parts of the globe. In areas with large amounts of snowfall, we find mainly white people. Conversely, in places such as Africa where the rays of the sun are particularly bright, we find mainly black people. Fundamentally, though, people are the same.
For example, the color of our blood is the same, and our flesh and bones have the same structure. We all love each other in the same way. Thus, there should be no racial discrimination. This is why the Unification Church has been working through large international weddings to create racial equality. In deference to the laws and principles of nature, we have inter-married all five colors of skin. When a black person and a white person marry, it is like the North Pole and the South Pole coming together in unity. When a yellow person and a black person marry and have children, both parents contribute their good attributes, and their offspring are better as a result. Where there is love, there can be no strife. Each of us comes from a different hometown and homeland, but we can all agree that the homeland and hometown of true love is the hometown of faith, peace, and unity.
In the human world, true love, true life, and true lineage are most important. True love leads to true life and true lineage. True love is not realized without producing a true lineage. Further, love without true life is false love. True life is conceived within the context of true love and true lineage. Thus, true love, true life, and true lineage open the way to eternal life. God's ideal of creation is for each of us to become true individuals and bequeath true love, true life, and true lineage to our descendants. God is the ideal Being and the Owner of eternal true love, eternal true life, and eternal true lineage. Those who resemble Him become His true sons and daughters living in heaven.
Why do people marry? They do so to link together past, present, and future in the tradition of true lineage that I have described.
Prior to the Fall, Adam and Eve could relate to God freely and directly, but no longer after it. Likewise, due to the Fall, Cain and Abel, the children of Adam and Eve, inherited not God's lineage, but Satan's instead; hence, Jesus' words according to John 3:3, "... unless one is born anew, he cannot see the Kingdom of God."
People need to realize that they have inherited a false life through a false lineage, which originated in a false love relationship. They should be ashamed of the fact that they have come to occupy the position of the enemy of love, life, and lineage. God feels unspeakable pain and sorrow when He sees free sex and homosexuality that are so prevalent in our world today. Yet He takes the position of loving His enemy's children more than His own. His providence of salvation is to recover all His lost children by continuously investing Himself without expecting any return. For Him to revive a fallen person, He must invest a life force stronger than false life. How miserable He must have been at the sight of Eve being pregnant with the baby conceived through the Fall! Such children have multiplied to the point that now there are six billion fallen human beings in the world.
Human beings are created to pass through three stages of life. The stage in the mother's womb is spent in the water, the stage of physical life is that of soil, water, and air, and the stage after death is that of love. In the same way that a fetus grows by receiving nutrition through its mother's womb, our physical bodies grow through eating food taken from the creation on earth. Thus, we should love the Earth as our mother. In the spirit world, light as bright as the sun radiates regardless of day or night. It is always day on the sun. That is how it is in the spirit world. The light of love in the spirit world is unchanging. Love does not change, whether by day or by night, either at the North or the South Pole. The spirit world is the world filled with true love. As it is also like a storehouse in which the fruits we harvested through spring, summer, autumn, and winter on earth are kept, it is the resultant place of our earthly life.
In the course of the history of restoration, Jesus was the only one born with true life directly connected to God's true lineage. Accordingly, no one else among fallen humanity has ever entered the realm of God's direct dominion either on earth or in the spirit world. Thus, God has been alone, spending eons in solitude and sorrow. Hence, the world has become a place where people and all things of nature are sad. God has been seeking one person whom He could trust and who could purify the fallen lineage of humanity and transform it into true life, that is, the Messiah who inherits God's true love and liberates all humankind.
As you all know, the history of the Old Testament Age after Adam's fall is that of the people chosen to receive the Messiah. God's will was for Jesus to come as the Messiah through the prepared chosen people of Israel, for all people to be grafted onto his family, and for this to be expanded to encompass the world. Yet his death on the cross caused by the faithlessness of his people left this process as an ideal to be accomplished at the time of the Second Advent. Accordingly, the returning Lord must stand in the position of the True Parent of humankind and restore the true love nest by fulfilling together with his bride the position of the Parents of heaven and earth and complete God's providence for human salvation.
The Messiah must begin by forming a family that attends God more gloriously and with greater filial piety than the family that Adam and Eve would have formed had they not fallen. He is the head of the family that represents the core of the ideal for a new humanity that must begin by inheriting true life and true lineage. From there, he must go on to create Blessed Families in order to complete God's Kingdom on earth and in heaven. Accordingly, he must come as the True Parent of humankind. He must deny the love and lineage of the satanic world and establish the perfected individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world, and cosmos linked to God's true love.
All humankind must receive the new marriage blessing through true parental love and inherit the new family lineage. You must understand that this is only possible through true love; this is how the hellish world of Satan's dominion can be liberated.
Accordingly, everyone must go through the following eight-stage process of restoration and recover their positions as God's sons and daughters: gestation, infancy, fraternity, engagement, matrimony, parenthood, grandparenthood, and kingship. We should understand that we were born with the ultimate purpose to become God's children, princes and princesses, and the great lords of heaven and earth.
Ladies and gentlemen!
We were originally to grow up so that men and women would meet each other to become kings and queens, and, as heavenly princes and princesses, inherit everything in God's Kingdom. For this, we must start at the bottom of hell and work our way up through the eight-stage indemnity process until God's Kingdom is established, which is possible only through the Blessing of the True Parents, who come as the Messiah.
Therefore, blessed couples should become 'plus' couples who take the initiative in serving the world. To be completely reborn, we should practice absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience centering on God. I have personally practiced this throughout my life.
When creating the universe, God did so with absolute faith. He went on to create us to be the absolute partners of His love. Absolute obedience means investing ourselves completely to the extent of total self-denial. Furthermore, we forget about the investment we made and reinvest; such a process continues until reaching the zero point without any concept of self. If our love were rejected, we would continue to love even more; even if we have already invested, we should continue to invest everything that we have, until we can make our enemy surrender voluntarily. God walked such a path, and the Parents of heaven and earth have also walked such a path. The person who invests love continuously without expecting a direct return becomes a central being, the one who inherits everything, and the child of greatest piety. In a family with ten members including the grandparents, the one most exemplifying altruism will be its center. The same principle applies with respect to patriots in the nation. The more we invest without expecting a direct return, the higher we can rise as loyal citizens, saints, and God's holy sons and daughters.
God can be the King and Ancestor of all those who live for the sake of others because, since the beginning of human history, He has, more than any other being, continuously lived centered on true love for the sake of others and invested Himself without expecting direct return and will continue to do so for eternity. The reason the Unification Church that I lead could become a worldwide religious group in such a short time is that its members have worked hard according to this very principle.
When I reflect upon my life totally committed for the sake of humankind, I can testify that it truly has been the focus of opposition from innumerable satanic forces in both the invisible and visible worlds, as well as from numerous religious leaders and many governments; yet because I lived for their sake, I eventually came to stand in their center. As I lived for those who opposed me because of their inability to understand the truth, invested myself for their children, and lived for the sake of governments that persecuted me, they eventually came to respect me. From this, we can learn God's strategy in contrast to that of Satan. God's strategy is to initially take the blow and then recover everything in the end. Satan is the first to strike, but he loses in the end. Under this principle, I blessed myriads of young couples of five skin colors from six continents across the five oceans in international mass weddings as a means of human salvation and to establish one world under one God. When the West and the East come together as one in marriage, the greatest cultural clashes in the world will be eliminated. When Americans and Germans intermarry to become couples of true love, then unity will be created between their two nations, which were once enemies.
Furthermore, I blessed even those who are now in the spirit world. In order for God's Kingdom to be realized on earth and in heaven, the people living in the spirit world must also be liberated through the Blessing, and only the True Parents on earth can do that. Since the first human ancestors sowed sinful seeds as false parents, the Messiah should liberate humankind both on earth and in the spirit world by coming as the True Parent. Even omniscient and omnipotent God cannot by Himself solve the problem of the false lineage. If He could accomplish this alone, He would have saved His children a long time ago. In fact, He would not have allowed the Fall to occur in the first place. However, being the God of Principle, He cannot interfere with the human portion of responsibility. Accordingly, the returning Messiah who comes as the True Parent should give rebirth through true love to humankind, whose lineage was defiled by the original sin. From this perspective, the international mass weddings are not conducted simply to bring young men and women together as husbands and wives. In fact, they are holy ceremonies in which people are reborn as God's true children through His original seed of life.
The principle of indemnity requires that we pass through the stages of individual, familial, tribal, racial, national, global, and cosmic indemnity to finally hasten the time of liberation for both the spiritual and physical worlds. The world is divided into myriads of ethnic groups; parents, spouses, and children have been divided; and even the religious world has been divided into the four great cultural spheres of Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, and Confucianism. Now, we have entered the age of the great unified family and the Kingdom of Heaven by entering the age of the unfallen original realm of the Fourth Adam, passing the Old Testament Age, the New Testament Age, and even the Completed Testament Age which is the era of completion. In other words, the age of nationalism and the age of globalism have already passed and we have entered the age of the cosmos unified under one God. Moreover, through the earth becoming the hometown of all Blessed Families and the spirit world in which God dwells becoming their homeland, and through their oneness, His kingdom will emerge on earth and in heaven as the eternal liberated and restored homeland.
Ladies and gentlemen!
With the arrival of a new millennium, at midnight, I proclaimed a message titled, "The Cosmic Expansion of True Love is the Completion of God's New Millennial Kingdom."
The cosmic expansion of true love means that heaven and earth should become a house of true love, and the new millennium must be a time in which we complete the building of God's Kingdom throughout the world. As the cosmos originated from God, families, tribes, races, nations, and the world must work to complete a house of love that stands in the position of His object partner by becoming one with each other according to the principled formula. The nation must be a house of love where all families can enter, the world must be one where all nations can enter, and the cosmos must be one that embraces the world. Here, the family of true love becomes the starting point and core of our enormous house of the Kingdom of Heaven and the cosmos. Within the family, husband and wife must be the house of love for each other and likewise, parents and children for each other.
God's Kingdom is the place where the ideal of true freedom and faith blossoms and bears fruit and the place occupied by true families that are the results of true love, true life, and true lineage. It marks the beginning of God's millennial kingdom overflowing with eternal true love and true happiness. I have promoted true family values because the family formed by a union between a true man and true woman where God can dwell is the center of the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath. Accordingly, we must realize on earth the Garden of Eden mentioned in the Bible.
The new millennium is the time to complete the 6,000-year history of the providence for human salvation and build the original heavenly kingdom centered on the ideal of creation. It is the Completed Testament Age, when the promises of the Old and New Testaments are to be fulfilled. This means a new heaven and new earth, where "He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, and neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more." (Revelation 21:4) It means a time of unconditional true love, when all people will be able to drink the water of life that is as clear as crystal without payment, and when the spiritual and physical worlds will be open to each other, and God's Kingdom is established in both. The living God's direct dominion is to begin through the restored rights of the firstborn, parents, and king, opening a new era of God's all-immanence, all-transcendence, supreme authority, and omnipotence.
As I have already mentioned, the earth is the hometown of all humankind and the spirit world is the eternal homeland where all humanity will eventually arrive. Finally, the time has come for the global family ideal to be realized on earth centered on the Heavenly Parent, moving us beyond 'One Nation under God' to 'One Cosmos under God.' Accordingly, I request that you bear in mind that the fundamental relationship between God and humanity is that of parent and child, and upon that foundation, that you play an active role in transforming the cosmos, that is, the spiritual and physical worlds, into our Hometown and Homeland.
Once again, I thank all of you distinguished world leaders for your presence here. I would like to conclude by expressing God's desire that all fellow members of the global community will come to live as true brothers and sisters and build a new millennial kingdom overflowing with love, peace, freedom, and justice.
May God's blessing be with your families and nation. Thank you. 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Thirteen -- Restoration of the True God's Homeland
Chapter 6. True Parents' Textbook for the Unification of Korea and the World
Section 3. Everybody Wants True Love

Distinguished guests!
I am truly grateful that so many of you have taken time out of your busy schedules to gather here for the Fourth World Culture and Sports Festival.
All the peace movements for the realization of a truly peaceful world through ideal families that I have been pursuing all my life were propelled to accomplish God's will on earth. The hope of the new millennium, which has begun seeking reconciliation and unity after the end of a century of division and conflict, is not easily fulfilled. Based on God's ideal of creation, we must globalize a concrete movement actually putting the master plan of 'One World Under One God' into practice in every walk of life.
Since receiving God's calling as a boy of sixteen, I have communicated freely with Jesus as well as the saints and sages in paradise, and have single-mindedly devoted all my heart and energy, while overcoming all manner of tribulation, into accomplishing His will, which is to build His kingdom of freedom, peace, and liberation on earth and in heaven. His original relationship with humankind is an eternal parent-child relationship. The Fall refers to the severance of that relationship and restoration to its recovery.
I have established many different peace movements as well as international organizations as a means of achieving the vision of 'One World Under One God' in order to accomplish His will. The International Blessing Ceremony that you have witnessed is God's strategy to fundamentally resolve the racial, religious, and national conflicts which have resulted from the Fall. Five colors of skin coming together in harmony as true brothers and sisters and true husbands and wives is the actualization of the holy ideal of establishing 'One World Under One God.'
In concluding my eightieth birthday celebrations and this historic event commemorating the Fourth World Culture and Sports Festival, I would like to share some thoughts with you on the topic, "Everybody Wants True Love."
Ladies and Gentlemen: what is the most important thing that we need? It is not money, power, or knowledge. More precious than life itself and more important to us than air, it is true love. Why is true love so precious and important? Just as human beings desire to meet God, God also wants to meet true human beings because of love; yet if He wanted to meet one first, whether man or woman, then the other party would complain.
Therefore, God must show His love. The love by which He can see, touch, and share with men and women at the same time is the love with which they love each other. If anything other than love were to be recognized as the most valuable thing in the universe, men and women would fight each other to try to claim it for themselves. Once we realize that love is the highest value, however, we can strive to live for and become one with each other, sharing the happiness of possessing love together. Not only does everybody want love, but also it is the only thing that can equally satisfy all human desires; this is also what makes God's providence of salvation possible.
Originally, love belongs to God. Yet even He cannot possess love all by Himself. Love requires a partner. A man by himself or a woman by herself cannot fulfill love. Thus, women and men exist for the sake of each other's love. Even ugly men and women desire a love partner, wanting to be the partners of the highest love.
When we examine the universe, we see that all beings exist in pairs, relating to one another as subject and object partners, plus and minus. The mineral, plant, and animal worlds, and even the human world, exist based on the pair system. All beings desire the experience of true love through a reciprocal relationship. In the universe, love can never be possessed by any of us alone, but once we have a partner, love enables us to possess everything.
Likewise, without children, a couple cannot express and become the owners of parental love. Thus, we can say that God created human beings and the universe as His reciprocal partners in order to bring about true love. Filial, fraternal, conjugal, and parental love come about through the unity of subject and object partners. When two partners attain oneness, it is impossible to separate them. If separation occurred, true love would be destroyed. Therefore, in true love there can be no concept of divorce. When man feels love, the feeling arises not from him but from woman. Likewise, the fire of love is kindled in the heart of a woman not by herself alone but by her husband; that is to say, their love belongs to each other.
Thus, spouses should honor each other as being even more precious than love itself and be grateful to and live for each other. This basic reasoning will make it possible for blessed couples to live together eternally. When husbands and wives live for each other, respect each other, and achieve complete oneness through true love, it will be possible for the fallen satanic lineage to be rooted out completely.
True love is fulfilled through not only horizontal level but also vertical, perpendicular relationships. A horizontal relationship of true love is gradually elevated in a vertical direction until it eventually reaches the pinnacle, which is the position of the 'King and Queen of True Love.' In this position, everything is synthesized, embraced, and crystallized into love and blooms. We can conclude that all beings in the universe want to be harmonized and live in the midst of love. We are born, live, and finally die for the sake of love. Not only people but all things of creation desire true love. Thus, human beings, as the lords of creation, should embrace and love the masterpieces of God's creation and teach creation how to love.
All things are seeking such owners. We should feel ashamed of not having yet realized this degree of love. The universe is filled with all beings existing as pairs at their level, but ultimately, they follow the principle of being absorbed into higher levels of love. Thus, minerals want to be absorbed by plants, plants by animals, and finally all of creation by human beings. Through this process they ultimately reach the position where they can experience the essence of true love, which is the love that is nearest to God, the origin of love, who created everything with an intrinsic nature to provide value to a higher level.
Darwin's theory regarding the survival of the fittest needs to be reinterpreted in the context of this logic of true love. Even ants and microorganisms want true love so much that they would want to die for the sake of the owner who loves them. Based on this principle, human beings, created as the highest partners of God's love, can consume all other creatures. We can enjoy everything we desire with a heart that represents the love of God the Creator. Creatures such as eels and worms which fish like to eat also provide ingredients for natural medicines for human beings. Creatures on a higher level are meant to consume those on a lower level. Without this process, the universe could not continue to exist.
God's ideal was for Adam and Eve to become the seed for the family, tribe, nation, and finally the multitudinous citizenry of the Kingdom of Heaven, which can be created only in accordance with His tradition of true love. The view I am sharing is diametrically opposed to the theories of Charles Darwin, but it is through this that a world of peace will be achieved because it is the fundamental principle which realizes the ideal of creation. In the continuing evolution-creation debate, the word 'creation' acknowledges the existence of God the Creator and that there is purpose embodied in His act of creation.
Although directionality and purposefulness are inherent in God's creation based on subject and object partners, communist theory based on materialism lacks directionality and purposefulness. God's creation embodies the purpose of true love, whereas communism posits only struggle and destruction. Thus, it is destined eventually to disappear.
In all creation, the most precious entities are human beings, that is, man and woman. Furthermore, the most precious part of the human body is not the nose, the eyes, the hands, or even the brain, but the sexual organs, the main organs of love. Everything in the universe is recreated through the sexual parts. Most living things -- whether plants or animals -- multiply through their sexual organs. Even the most precious and outstanding ideal family begins with a unified couple. It is indeed the love organs which are the principal palaces of love and life, occupying a position of incredible value through which lineage and history are transmitted.
God's fundamental principle in creating the universe was through the concept of male and female. Nevertheless, for them to share absolute love, they must have absolutely only one partner, not two. There is absolutely only one man for each woman and one woman for each man eternally. Hence, God did not create two Adams or two Eves, but only one of each. Yet, in the world today we see children who have had as many as ten step-parents. How false and degraded love has become!
When men and women uphold and preserve chastity, they are protecting the universe because the discipline of love between them constitutes its fundamentals. We must not misuse love as if we were animals. Our love can have but one owner. The word 'true' in 'true love' does not allow for the possibility of two but absolutely only one. Not just anyone can say they have 'true love.' Only God can really love with true love, and only He absolutely owns it. His true life, lineage, and conscience require true love, which is, in this way, His most fundamental essence.
Furthermore, to be linked to true love, we must first connect with God. A child might say, "My mother and father do not fight but actually get along well," but that does not necessarily mean that this is a family of true love. A young man and woman may say, "We are so much in love that we could give our lives for each other," but that does not mean this love is true love. If God is not present, then it is not true love. True love always centers on Him. To become His son or daughter, we first need to connect with His love, life, and lineage. Power, knowledge, money, and military power alone cannot ensure that a person will be welcomed in the world of true love. Everyone wants true love, but it is only possible when we live for others. We need to serve and sacrifice for our partner. Everyone runs away from a person who relates to others with the mind that thinks, "You should live for me." This kind of selfish individualism is Satan's strategy, purpose, and tool; the result can only be hell.
We must serve the higher purpose and the greater good. Those who do that altruistically will be loved universally. Born as children, we grow as siblings, form couples, and become parents, and God becomes the owner of true love at each stage; that is to say, He observes us as we grow and occupies the position of the owner of love each step of the way.
In this sense, it can be said that human beings, through whom God comes to own all love, are more precious to Him than He is to Himself. In the same way, we attach a thousand times more value to the person we love than to ourselves. God invests Himself for those whom He loves, forgets this investment, and then invests again. He invests Himself one hundred percent and then forgets one hundred percent, which is why He can continue to invest. In the same way, a wife who wants her husband to be a success invests herself in him and then forgets this investment. By investing herself and forgetting, she enables him to achieve his full potential in life. When we as partners continue to invest in each other and forget, the level of our love is elevated, and we will ultimately be connected to God. This is how we can fulfill our parent-child relationship with Him and have eternal life.
Everyone wants to go to heaven, but those with the attitude, "Everyone should live for me," will not get there. The way of true love begins with embracing and living for the sake of all God's masterpieces of creation, and reaches heaven by living for all humankind and ultimately for God.
We should risk our lives for others at least three times within our lifetime. This is how we can indemnify the selfish acts involved in the Fall of Adam's family, the crucifixion of Jesus, and the persecution directed against the family of the returning Lord. If we want to meet God, we should not ask for His recognition but instead pledge our lives to Him even more, even after thrice passing through death and resurrection. When such people populate the world, it will be the Kingdom of Heaven. This is the way that I am teaching and the kind of world that I am building.
Children are the fruit of the love of their parents and therefore embody their love, life, and lineage. Young children often say, "This is mine," but parents are the starting point of everything that children refer to as their own. Parents are the root and trunk; without them, we would all be orphans. We cannot live if we break the ladder of love that connects us to our parents. We are the sons and daughters of God, the Parent who is the Origin of true love. Parents are the highest owners of love for their children.
The parent-child relationship is vertical whereas the husband-wife relationship is horizontal. These two relationships should intersect at right angles, and when the front-to-rear relationship among siblings is added to them, they altogether form a sphere. Thus, all beings existing in love, and the universe as a whole, are spherical. God resides in the central point of this sphere, where all love is united and settles; that is to say, centering upon the vertical relationship between God and humankind as His children, with the love, life, and lineage of men on the right, those of women on the left, and fraternal love forming the front-rear axis, the entire universe achieves a balance centering on all these loves and God resides at the core of all these relationships. If we picture this three-dimensionally, we see that God is the ultimate origin of love, life, lineage, and conscience. From such a God-centered family, in which above-below, left-right and front-back love are unified, the tribe, people, nation, and world will expand to the cosmos, but the fundamental center is always one -- God.
Had Adam and Eve not fallen, they would have provided a model of true conjugal love, and through them, humankind would have been educated in love, that is, would have learned how to love from them. If they had gone on to give birth to children untainted by the Fall, who would have overseen the marriage of those children? Their parents. With that in mind, we need to think about how much parents are involved in their children's marriages in today's society.
The Unification Church, having the True Parents, is marrying the people of the world from a parental position. Not only are racial differences transcended, but even saints and sinners are being blessed in marriage with each other. Through denying evil love, overcoming evil life, and engrafting evil lineage, the True Parents do not cast out Cain who murdered Abel, but instead bless him in the same position with everyone else. Just as there is a point during the changing of the tides when ebb and flow are in equilibrium, there is a similar turning point in the providence of salvation in the balance between good and evil. Through the joint Blessing of good and evil people, Satan is driven out completely.
The Fall, having constituted a wrongful marriage in the Garden of Eden, is now being reversed by the True Parents through rightful marriages. Clearing up the mess created by the false parents, the True Parents are abolishing hell and blessing billions of ancestors in the spirit world, and restoring the true parent-child relationship centering on true love and bequeathing the original true love, true life, and true lineage. In this way, the ownership of the model of true love of the eight stages, which is God's ideal of creation, is perfected; that is, we establish the eternal, unchanging, true love tradition by going through true gestation, infancy, fraternity, adolescence (engagement), conjugality, parenthood, grandparenthood, and finally kingship. Upon this foundation, we can perfect the model of true love, the parent-child relationship.
God's absolute, unique, unchanging, and eternal love, life, and lineage are the unchanging model of true love to be inherited by infinite generations of our descendants. True love is central to oneness between parents and children, husbands and wives, and brothers and sisters. Parents become the owners of love through their children, husbands through their wives, and elder siblings through their younger siblings.
Conversely, without children, wives, and younger siblings, parents, husbands and elder siblings cannot find the position of the owner of love. In order to become the owners of true love, we must serve and honor our partner more than ourselves. By doing so, we will attain mind-body oneness as individuals and conjugal and fraternal oneness as families to form the realm of national oneness. In this way, we can perfect the realms of love defined in the eight-stage ideal model.
Again, the ideal family and nation are the places where all of us -- as parents, children, couples, siblings, and nation -- want to establish ownership of the eight-stage model, with true love as its center. From here, through the commencement of eternal global equalization, God's Kingdom on earth and in heaven will be realized.
God's desire is that, beginning from the year 2000, in every corner of the globe, Blessed Families united with the Parents of heaven and earth will initiate a new family revolution and worldwide moral revolution, centering on true love, and build His eternal, ideal kingdom on earth as well as in heaven.
I pray that all of you will join in this holy task to play the leading roles in inheriting God's true love. May God's blessing be upon your families. Thank you. 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Thirteen - Restoration of the True God's Homeland
Chapter 6. True Parents' Textbook for the Unification of Korea and the World
Section 4. The Path for America and Humanity in the Last Days

Distinguished guests!
I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you as world leaders representing every walk of life for gathering to celebrate with and congratulate me on my eightieth birthday.
In particular, I would like to offer my deepest gratitude and all glory to God who has accompanied and protected me until this day. I have lived my entire life with the earnest desire to solve the many difficult problems related to realizing God's ideal of creation. I came to realize that God does not sit on a throne of glory and honor, but rather is a God of sorrow, lamentation, and suffering, endeavoring to save His children who fell into hell as a result of the Fall. Knowing His will and heart, I have worked with single-minded determination in devoting my entire heart and energy to accomplish His will, without regard to the time of day, changes in the seasons, or my circumstances. Looking back on the eighty years of my life, I realize I would not be here with you today were it not for His help during that time, notwithstanding being oppressed and persecuted.
On this day of such great significance, in order for you to understand human history and the world from the perspective of God's providence, I would like to speak on the topic, "The Path for America and Humanity in the Last Days." From the historical perspective of God's providence of salvation, the Last Days are those of the evil history of Satan's sovereignty and the starting point of the good history of God's sovereignty.
Accordingly, they are the time when God's entire providence is to be accomplished; that is, when perfection of the individual, family, ethnic people, nation, world, and finally cosmos are to be realized. Each time God heralded the Last Days in the course of His providence, He sought to guide human beings through an ideology centered on Him, but they failed to fulfill their portion of responsibility to stand in the position of goodness and terminate evil history.
Yet, as God is eternal, unchanging, absolute, and unique, so also is His will; therefore, through the true individual, family, society, nation, world, and sovereignty, He will surely build the world in which He can freely operate both in heaven and on earth. Then, what is the original world which He seeks? It is one centered on true parents; yet, due to the Fall, we lost the true parents of humanity and the true world from the very beginning of history. That being the case, nothing in the world -- whether our country of residence, human ideology, or anything else -- can connect us directly to true parents; therefore, we ourselves should first restore trueness.
Thereby, the day when true parents, spouses, children, citizens, creation, sovereignty, and the true universe can move and settle in unison with God's true heart on earth will signify the final days of the evil world. The time when such an ideal will be realized is the Last Days, the Second Advent. As such, when the Lord returns, there will be no cataclysmic phenomena such as judgment by fire, the destruction of Earth, or believers levitating into the air. Instead, it is a time when history entangled with tragedies will be untangled through indemnity paid to establish the individual, family, society, nation, and world, which were lost in the vertical course of history and will be restored horizontally in the present day. We have been longing for such a day, and that is the final destination at which we all should arrive.
However, individuals, families, and nations have lost their way. All kinds of problems such as air pollution, famine, religious conflict, and racial antagonism are constantly arising throughout the world, causing all manner of disputes. Who is going to take responsibility for this world? This is a serious matter. Communist countries in the past could not transcend nationalism, nor can today's superpower, the USA, transcend Pan-Americanism. When a nation places its self-interest first, it will not be able to lead the world. We need a people or a religion that is willing to sacrifice its interests for a higher purpose and strive to build an ideal nation that embraces all humankind. With this view, in response to God's command, I came here to America and poured all my energy to educate its young people, reawaken it from its moral crisis, and revive its declining Christianity.
You might be curious about what I am teaching them. It is actually simple.
First, it is to live for the sake of others. More specifically, my teaching is that the individual lives for the family, the family for the tribe, the tribe for the race, the race for the nation, the nation for the world, and the world for God. Then, God will come to us. In the family, parents are to live for children, children for parents, husband for wife, and wife for husband. Those who live for others more than themselves will become central people of goodness.
Second, I am teaching people to love their enemies. God Himself sacrificed Jesus, His only begotten son, for the salvation of human beings, who through the Fall, became the children of the devil, Satan. Satan could not help but surrender voluntarily before God who loved His enemy's children more than His own. Satan always strikes the first blow, but loses out in the end; whereas God's strategy is based on the formula of initially being struck and later recovering what was taken from Him. Despite undergoing much persecution and hardship throughout my life, I was able to lay the foundation of missionaries in 185 nations throughout the world because of living in accordance with this heavenly principle.
Even when studying the history of Christian missionary activities, we discover that theirs was a path of being hunted down, persecuted, and martyred. In the course of such a 2,000-year history, this trail of blood became the fertile soil for the emergence of the democratic world, but today, Christianity, which once was the driving force for democracy, is facing a crisis. Christendom is denying God, Jesus, and God's providence. Ultimately, when looking at theologians who deny God's existence and even assert that He is dead, how must God -- who has been treading the path of all manner of sacrifices in search of His true children -- feel in His heart?
Honored Guests!
For whom has God been investing and sacrificing everything so far? It is not for America or for Christianity itself, but for you and me as individuals. Since the Fall started with the individual, so also should salvation. Accordingly, unless a representative individual appears with the realization and determination to take full responsibility for this age, pay off all the debts that humankind has incurred throughout history, and become a person who will make God indebted to him instead, restoration will not be possible. Restoration through indemnity can never take place vaguely; it cannot be abstract. Without having the heart to experience more misery than God on His behalf, we cannot reach His heart.
Have you ever prayed earnestly for the six billion people of the world with the heart that your own children are dying? How much sacrificial devotion have you offered to save a family, a tribe, a race, a nation, and the world? Nobody can be easily confident of this. The returning Lord comes to the world with such an absolute standard as the representative of all humanity. God, who has been guiding the providence of salvation, found Abraham 2,000 years after the Fall of the first ancestors and made his descendants the chosen people of Israel by multiplying them on every level, as a new family, a new tribe, and a new race.
The Jews became the mainstream chosen people called to receive the substantial Messiah to come in the future, based on that victorious foundation. At the core of that mainstream, the standard and ideology -- which our first ancestors Adam and Eve should have reached and fulfilled -- need to be restored, which is the very concept of the Messianic ideology, with Christians in the position of the Bride. Christianity's most important mission is to make preparations in order to qualify as the Bride to welcome the Lord as her Groom.
Despite the significance of their mission and calling, owing to Jesus' crucifixion, the Jewish people vanished as the first Israel, leaving Christianity to inherit their mission as the second Israel. We are now in the final stage of God's 6,000-year providence centered on one purpose. What is the core concept of the Messianic ideology? It is the teaching to save and unify the world that can build original ideal families and restore the true parental position lost by the Fall of our first ancestors.
Based on the teachings of the Old and New Testaments, the Messiah comes with the authority of his Father, meets his Bride who embodies the Holy Spirit, and restores the true parental position. The Bride and Groom at the marriage supper of the Lamb prophesied in the Revelation to John refer to the stage of becoming true parents by first becoming true spouses. Jesus came with this mission. He lost his people and nation due to their faithlessness, but offered his life for the sake of the world and the Kingdom of Heaven that God desires.
The path of Jesus suffering on the cross was the same path of tribulation that God Himself walked. In such a situation of trial and tribulation, Jesus desperately prayed, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do." Even in the place of death, he blessed Rome and the crowds that had opposed him, pledging victory in the future. Accordingly, his life did not end at the age of thirty-three, but with God's help, he bequeathed his spirit historically to Christianity, without which it would not have become a world religion.
Ladies and gentlemen!
Currently, America is recognized as the world's superpower, but unless it stands straight aboard God's providence, it will not continue to prosper.
In the history of human civilization, ancient cultures arose mainly in the tropics and subtropics, examples of which include those of the Mayas, Incas, Egypt, India, and China. Were it not for the Fall, civilization would have begun in the temperate zone corresponding to spring; instead it started from the tropics and shifted to the cool-zone corresponding to autumn. This is the temperate zone civilization centered today on the free world based on Western Civilization. In general, measured from the equator, nations such as America, Britain, and Germany lying north of the Tropic of Cancer are the developed nations of the west. With the end of the cool zone civilization of autumn, the frigid-zone civilization of winter comes for a short time. This is the appearance of Communism.
Many intellectuals may think that the Cold War ended with the dissolution of the Soviet Union, but materialism and atheism are still prevalent throughout the world, replacing the two major ideologies of democracy and communism, both of which are gradually losing power.
God's ideal of creation should have begun in the temperate zone civilization of spring, but due to the Fall of our first ancestors, human civilization degraded to the level of savages and started in the tropical zone. Now, the temperate zone civilization of the true spring that humankind has been pursuing from time immemorial will appear, overcoming the crisis of the cool-zone civilization and the threats of the frigid-zone civilization. Who will be able to melt the winter of the frigid-zone civilization? It is not possible through power, economics, science, or knowledge. As we can see from this movement of civilization along rivers and coastlines, its center is always on the move. The river civilizations which arose on the shores of the Nile, Tigris, and Euphrates Rivers passed on their cultures to those in the vicinity of the Mediterranean Sea: Greece, Rome, Spain, and Portugal. These bequeathed their fruits to the Atlantic civilizations of Great Britain and the United States. All these fruits will be harvested in the Pacific civilizations of the United States, Japan, and Korea.
From the perspective of the history of civilization, the Korean peninsula occupies a very important position. Its north is the culminating point of the frigid-zone civilization linking Russia and China, and its south is the culminating point of the cool-zone civilization linking the United States and Japan. Thus, it is consistent with the providential viewpoint that Korea gives rise to a temperate zone civilization representing the springtime of world history and having the capability to digest both the frigid and cool-zone civilizations. From this aspect, the fact that Rev. Moon -- who has dedicated his life to solving the North-South problem and the East-West problem -- has come from Korea, can only be described as the consummation of God's providence.
In fact, throughout my life I have developed a movement for 'One World Under God' transcending race, ideology, and nationality in accordance with His providence. This is a principle of providential history and not a theory that I specially devised. Being enlightened regarding God's will, in order for me to not only teach His plan as a theory but also to implement it, there is no part of the five oceans and six continents that my activities have not outwardly reached.
Through the foundation of multifarious missionary and business activities in Alaska, Antarctica, the countries of the former Soviet Union, the 33 nations of Latin America, and throughout Asia and Africa, we are making preparations to solve problems that humanity will face over the coming millennium, such as environmental pollution and famine. In recent years, I have worked in the Pantanal and Amazon regions of Brazil to lay a substantial foundation to protect the Earth's environment. On the other hand as regards the internal aspects, I have worked through the International Holy Blessings and the True Family Values Ministry. Some 430 million couples around the world have participated in these marriage blessings, adding further impetus to the building of God's long-awaited kingdom on earth based on ideal families.
Ladies and Gentlemen!
Up until now, countries possessing superior power politically, militarily, and economically have controlled the world. Yet, no nation can exist eternally unless it is in line with God's providence. The fall of the once glorious Greco-Roman civilization is a good example of this.
The United States, which today stands tall as a superpower, is in the same position as Rome was in the past. The fall of Rome occurred more as a result of the internal cause of moral corruption than from any external invasion. Moral corruption caused Rome to lose the support of heavenly fortune. In recent history, political forces favoring proletarian materialism and the materialistic view of history went so far as to take control of over one-third of the world's population and two-thirds of its land area, including the former Soviet Union and China. Even that could not continue forever.
The time will come for religious leaders who speak for God's will to rise to prominence. Religious leaders are prophets, who must declare God's will on earth and indicate the direction that humanity must go.
However, the splintering of denominations and the struggles among religious groups that we see today serve no purpose other than to hinder God's providence. Thus, I have for years devoted more than half of our church's entire budget to ecumenical and interfaith activities so as to contribute to the resolution of sectarian strife. I also founded the Inter-religious Federation for World Peace to facilitate harmony and unity among religious groups and to promote world peace. Most recently, I founded the Inter-religious and International Federation for World Peace and this body has held seven international Hoon Dok seminars.
All humankind must transcend race and religion, understand God's providence to realize His ideal world of creation, and ultimately unite with His heart. We must recover the heart-based relationship with God that we lost as a result of the Fall and restore the original parent-child relationship. Thus, the Last Day that God has promised to us is the day of the appearance of the True Parents. In other words, it is the day when human beings, who lost their original parents as a result of the Fall, will again be able to meet them. Thus, the True Parents are the fruition of the desires, hopes, and victories of human history.
The Unification Church has worked to disseminate this tradition throughout the world through the international mass weddings. The fact that black, white, and yellow people are able to come together as brothers and sisters transcending ethnicity, race, and skin color to form loving couples is among the most significant factors in building the global village that accomplishes God's will. Today, through this, humankind is beginning to recover the lost original relationships among brothers and sisters, husbands and wives, and parents and children, in order to ultimately liberate God, who has been in the depths of sorrow ever since He lost His children. Only then will the path to true happiness be opened.
Until now, democracy has advocated human freedom and liberation. In contrast, we must advocate God's freedom and liberation. When this issue is resolved, human liberation and the recovery of human freedom will follow automatically.
Distinguished guests!
There is profound significance in the fact that I am speaking about God's providence today in Washington, DC, the capital of the United States.
In many ways, the United States is a nation prepared through God's blessing. The ancestors who built it were the Pilgrim Fathers, who risked their lives for the sake of religious freedom and came here seeking a land of liberty. In pursuit of true religious freedom, they left their beloved parents, brothers and sisters, and hometowns behind, and were even prepared to cut their ties to their motherland as they crossed the Atlantic Ocean at the risk of their lives.
When the Mayflower arrived in New England in November 1620, it was already late autumn. While they endured their first winter, more than half of the 102 people who first arrived died of the cold and hunger. What was particularly remarkable about them was that many died refusing to eat the precious grain reserved for planting in the following spring. The Puritans strongly believed in serving God's will in every aspect of their lives. After taking in their first harvest, they gave thanks to God. They first built a church and a school, and it was only after that that they set about to build houses where they themselves would live. In the course of their pioneering, the Pilgrims began every activity with prayer. This was true whether it was plowing a field or fighting a war. When George Washington was at Valley Forge during the War of Independence, he must have prayed with great desperation. In that battle fought for the sake of His will, God lent America a helping hand.
The king and citizens of Great Britain, a global superpower at that time, were united in fighting that war, but in America, it was fought by God and His beloved sons and daughters. Isn't this how the United States came into existence as a nation of religious freedom? Even now, the United States Congress opens with a prayer. Your president is sworn into office by placing his hand on the Bible, and a member of the clergy gives the invocation. Even your currency bills and coins are impressed with such a beautiful inscription, "In God We Trust;" no other country does such a thing. This is how the United States has become a Protestant country uniquely reflecting the diverse peoples of the world.
What about America today, though? Prayer in public schools is officially banned. The theory of evolution is given preference over creationist ideas in education. The divorce rate of around fifty percent is completely obliterating the sanctity of the family. In 1971, I left my family and homeland to come to America because I heard God's voice sharing His concern about the current state of affairs here.
Upon arriving here, I exclaimed that I had come as a firefighter to a burning house and as a physician to cure a diseased America. Even then, I discovered that God was leaving this country. It should have been possible to find Him anywhere here, but He was departing from the hearts of people, families, and schools. It seems like only yesterday that I stood on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan and wept openly as I held on to God to keep Him from leaving America. Unfortunately, America has persisted in going the way of moral deterioration, as I prophesied.
Ladies and Gentlemen!
Why does Rev. Moon continue to cry out to Americans in spite of all the opposition and suffering he endures? It is because I know better than anyone the blood, sweat, and tears that God shed in the course of establishing this nation. During the past thirty years in America, I have not spent so much as a single day in comfort.
Who owns America? It is neither white Americans nor black Americans. Its true owners are those who love it as God does. Also, because God has chosen to invest it as the nation with the birthright of the firstborn in building His kingdom on earth, even now, Jesus is spiritually present mainly here, and is offering earnest prayers that His purpose be accomplished in America.
In 1982, in accordance with God's will, I founded the Washington Times here; ever since then, this newspaper has led American public opinion as a conservative news medium showing the path that the nation must follow. Also I have built up a strong movement for national and global salvation through the True Family Values Ministry and the Pure Love Movement for young people. I have invested in America in expectation that this country would stand upright for God's providence. When I visited this country in 1965, I blessed an area near the White House as a holy ground, and even today many people gather there and pray for America through the night. I hope each of you will open your heart to be able to hear the earnest desires of the Pilgrim Fathers and the many patriots throughout American history.
Distinguished guests!
The dawn of the new millennium is the time in which God's six-thousand-year providence of salvation is concluded and His ideal of creation, which was lost in Eden, is realized throughout the cosmos.
This is also the time when the creation, which lost its lords through the Fall, is liberated from its lamentations, when the Parent and His children who have long been separated reunite, and the new heaven and earth, where there are no tears, will be established, and the age when there is free communication between the spiritual and physical worlds, in which God's Kingdom will be established. It is the age when the living God's direct dominion will become apparent through His omnipresence and omnipotence. It is the age when East and West will come together centering on the Parents of heaven and earth as 'One Universe Under One God' so that the global extended family of humankind is formed on earth. This means the perfection of the Completed Testament Age, in which the promises prophesied in the Old and New Testaments will be fulfilled. That time has come. The time has come when America must awaken once again. It is time for the country as a whole to create a new movement to establish God-centered true parents, true families, a true nation, and a true world. In this way, America must stop God from leaving and welcome Him back.
God worked for six millennia before establishing America. If He leaves it, where can He go? If this country serves Him diligently, then family, moral, juvenile, and racial problems will be solved naturally. When this becomes the place where people of all races can live together in harmony, it will be a model for His kingdom on earth.
It is time for us to stand together to open the way that humankind must go. It is time for America, as God's firstborn nation, to take the lead in serving Him and to complete its mission of guiding and leading the nations of the world to Him. I ask you to join with me in accomplishing this historic task.
Again, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you distinguished guests for your presence here. I would like to conclude by expressing my hope for the beginning of the new millennial kingdom overflowing with peace, freedom, and justice in heaven and on earth.
May God's blessing be with your families and your nation. Thank you. 
Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon

Book Thirteen - Restoration of the True God's Homeland
Chapter 6. True Parents' Textbook for the Unification of Korea and the World
Section 5. The Course of Life for the Princes and Princesses of God

Distinguished international guests, fellow compatriots, ladies and gentlemen -- you who are gathered here for the sake of the unification of North and South Korea! The new millennium we have just begun is the time for us to wipe away the residue of division and struggle left over from the past century, and realize the ideal of one family, one global village of peace and unity. I pray that the blessings of the new millennium will be with each and every one of your families.
First, I sincerely thank you for coming from around the world to congratulate me on my eightieth birthday. However, more than anything, I would like to offer this glory to God; He has been my constant companion and protector, and it is He who has made this day possible.
Looking back on my life, at no time have things ever been calm and quiet. I have walked a path of suffering side by side with the people of this nation, a nation whose history has seen much strife and tribulation, nestled as it is here in the midst of the world's great powers. Ever since I suddenly came into contact with the will of Heaven while in prayer at the age of fifteen, I have devoted my life and given all my thought and all my effort to bringing about the fulfillment of the will of God. I have found that the root cause of human suffering is that the ancestors of humankind fell into a state of spiritual ignorance through the Fall, and that this resulted in the relationship between them and God being cut off.
The result of this Fall is that humankind became ignorant of such basic issues as the facts relating to God, life, and the universe. Throughout my life, I have spoken in public more than ten thousand times, and presented a true view of the world, of life, and of history based on the principles of 'Godism.' This content in its entirety has been translated into twelve different languages and published in a series of some three hundred volumes. It was not brought to light as a result of some kind of comprehensive literary research or academic study, but is comprised of the fundamental and essential answers I found while freely traversing both the visible and the invisible worlds.
Today I would like to gratefully take this opportunity and talk about a fundamental solution to the problem of the unification of the Korean peninsula -- the unification that is our nation's most cherished desire as well as the last matter of the Cold War that awaits settlement. I would like to entitle this talk "The Course of Life for the Princes and Princesses of God."
Distinguished guests! What nation are you citizens of? Many of you are citizens of Korea. For you, Korea is your homeland, your homeland, isn't it? Then where is God's homeland? At present, God has no homeland. Where do all the nations of the world have their origin? Do they have their origin in God, or is their origin somewhere else? The historical origin of the world's nations is a big question.
All the nations of this world have been divided up or formed as the results of conflicts. In many instances, where two nations are divided by a border, that border is one of intensely painful resentment. We all know the historical reality that the fiercest fights have been fought and the most blood shed over adjacent borders, rather than, for example, the borders of a third or fourth nation. This shows us that the walls between two nations and the walls between two ethnic groups are the highest kind of walls. Conflicts are not always engaged in over distances of thousands of miles. From ancient times, wars have been fought across the borders between two neighboring countries. This is the reason why even you yourselves will find that you get into fights with those neighbors and people closest to you. Why? Because humankind has fallen. It is a result of the Fall that fights tend to start with one's neighbors.
What is the Fall? It is the discord between God and humankind. It is the eruption of conflict between God and Satan, and the eruption of conflict between humankind and Satan. We can therefore conclude that the fact that there have been numerous nations in the history of this small planet is evidence that there have also been numerous conflicts.
Where will the nations that were formed from this go? All nations seek a world of peace, but are they capable of getting there? This question points to the one common task that remains before all humankind today. Looking at things this way, we can understand that if we continue to harbor enmity towards a neighboring nation under the justification that it is our historical enemy, we can never achieve a world of peace. No matter how much we long for our ideal, and say how much we are marching towards our ideal, it is impossible to reach that goal. In order to negate the motives that give impetus to these conflicts, and wipe away our malformed, dysfunctional history we need a movement that will lead the way and embody the substantial content of the opposite direction.
Distinguished guests! You yourselves are exactly the same as a people without a nation. Did you have a nation in the past? Has there ever, in history, been the kind of nation we could call 'our nation?' We have never had that kind of nation. Is that because nobody ever tried to build such a nation? No. The reason we have never had such a nation is that the people who desired it in history were never in a position to build it. They could not build such a nation because the ages in which they lived did not allow a fully developed and complete standard by which that nation could be built. The homeland that we need to build is not a nation with a certain history and tradition that exists in the world today. Rather, it is of a dimension essentially different from the nations that exist in today's world.
If we want to inherit this different kind of nation, we must become a people who possess the ideological consciousness that makes it possible. If an absolute creator exists, that ideology and thought would need to be one with the Creator's ideology and thought. If the Absolute Being wanted a nation, he would want a nation where the citizens can be completely united centering on the national sovereignty. We need to have that kind of national character, and we need to have that kind of national pattern.
In order to form a nation, there needs to be sovereignty, a people, and a national territory. God's nation is the same. The parents represent the sovereignty, the sons and daughters represent the people, and the country represents the national territory. This is an unbreakable rule; none of these elements can be omitted. What, then, is the most precious thing? It is living for the sake of the nation and the world. As long as you live like that, you cannot fall into ruin. That place where ruin cannot occur is the ultimate point.
A person who dies while working for the sake of that nation will become a citizen of that nation even though he or she dies. He or she will remain as long as that nation exists. For a nation to be formed, you need territory, a people, and sovereignty.
What, then, is sovereignty? It is a connection and link with God, the root and origin. The people who govern the nation must create their connection with God and then govern. In this way, the rulers need to be one with the people. They need to become one with the people, and think that everything that they possess exists not for their own sake, but for the sake of the nation. If they can do this, then that nation will prosper. From this point of view, when you consider the issue of realizing the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, who is the owner of heaven? Who is the ruler? Without a doubt, God is the ruler. Then who are the people? The people are all the people of the world. And where is the national territory? The territory is the planet Earth. Who, then, does the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth resemble? It resembles 'me.' If you look at any one nation, what does it consist of? Sovereignty, people, and national territory. This is the same as a single human being.
Who did you say that the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth resembles? Us. It resembles us. Individuals such as us gather together and that forms a nation. Just as I have my own mind, the nation must have sovereignty. Just as I have a personal identity, there must be a national people. And just as people interact with the created universe, so a nation must have its national territory.
Within this basic principle, the people control the national territory, and the sovereignty governs the people. This national territory, people, and sovereignty are the three essential elements that form a nation. That is how things are.
If you look at human beings, the basic principle is that our mind controls our body, and our body controls nature.
Because of this principle, if you look at the entire world, the definitive conclusion is that it consists of heaven, earth and mankind. What did you say that Heaven is? It is the same as the human mind, so it is also the same as the sovereignty. Humankind is the nation's citizenry, and the earth is the created world. In the end, whom does the nation resemble? It all resembles your individual self.
No matter how big the society, no matter how great the nation, they need to resemble a human being. That is because God likes those things that resemble His image. Then what things do human beings like the most? Things that resemble their own image. So what does an ideal nation need to resemble? It has to resemble a human being. It resembles heaven, earth and all humankind.
In Unification Church terminology the homeland does not refer to a single nation like the Republic of Korea, but to a global nation. Actually, the word "global" is a word used in this corrupted, fallen world, and I really do not like it. The philosophy or teaching that seeks for this homeland is called the cosmos-centered ideology.
That homeland is not the Republic of Korea. God does not want the Republic of Korea, the United States, or the communist nations. That homeland is the homeland that God wants, and because this is so, we have to create the culture of that new homeland and create the history of that new homeland. We have to define a new standard so that we are able to establish a new and ideal homeland. So we have to change our way of life, because that world is completely different from the world we have now.
The words and language are different. Do the people of the world today understand the meaning of such important phrases as "the realm of dominion of the Principle," "reciprocal base," "common base," and "providence for the foundation of restoration?" This means that the language is different. If and when the nation that the Unification Church desires is established, we will have to take down and dismantle the Unification Church signboard. And when the world that the Unification Church desires is realized, then we will have to dismantle the nation the Unification Church established. We have to be able to discard the kind of religion that exists only for the sake of the culture and character of the people in the Republic of Korea. Only a religion that exists for the sake of the world will be able to continue into the future.
Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen! What do you suppose a person who seeks to inherit the will of God must advocate? There is absolutely no way he or she could tell the people of this world to just go the way they enjoy. In fact he or she would have to tell the people of this world to go in the opposite direction. A saying that expresses this fact is the motto, "Love your enemies with the heart of true love." Love your enemies! These words can turn around our false history; they are the same as an anchor, and an anchor chain for a ship being blown before a howling typhoon. However, throughout the history of the providence of restoration, there has been no one who has actually practiced the words "Love your enemies." If there were people who could love their enemies, we would have to raise them up to the world stage using some form of systematic organization. Because this is the logical conclusion, each of you needs to understand that God actually has to present this kind of movement to the world, and that the religious movements that have arisen in history are a reflection of this.
Who is the person God has been able to love the most in history? It is Jesus. Jesus presented a new direction for this conflict-ridden world. High walls are created between oppressor nations and oppressed nations, such as between Rome and Israel, by them viewing each other as enemies. Jesus' philosophy is that these walls need to be demolished. Jesus thought, "You in Rome want to conquer me by force, but I will conquer you in the opposite way -- with love." That is why he even sought blessing for his enemies when he was hanging on the cross.
We need to recognize that when Jesus said of the Roman soldiers, "Forgive them for they know not what they do," he was expressing this kind of amazing philosophy. Because Jesus made this plea, he became a model and archetype for all nations of the world to transcend the way they see each other as enemies, and also a model for transcending the borders between any two nations.
Jesus knew that individual enemies were not the only enemies. He knew that family enemies, clan enemies, ethnic enemies, national enemies, and global enemies surrounded him on all four sides. This means that there are many enemies awaiting those who want to follow his path. It also means that if you go the family path, there are family enemies waiting, and if you go the clan path, there are clan enemies waiting. You can expect fierce battles, but you must love those enemies whenever you encounter them. If you possess this kind of spirit, someday victory can be yours.
From what point will God's ideal nation be realized? Where will the restoration of the homeland take place? It starts from the individuals who live by the philosophy to love their enemies. Therefore, as long as God exists, there is no way Christianity can avoid becoming a global religion, because Christianity offers a movement to break down national borders with love, to transcend all environments and cultural barriers, and to embrace even one's enemies. If you plant beans, you get beans, because kidney beans come from kidney bean seeds, and red flowers bloom from red flower seeds. In the same way, if you plant a satanic seed, a seed of taking revenge on your enemies, you will get a tree of evil -- a tree of vengeance. But if you plant the seeds of goodness, the seeds of loving your enemies, you will get a tree of goodness, a tree of love for enemies. This is just a natural principle.
Where did I say God's homeland begins from? By what path does it come? It comes by the path of loving one's enemies. It comes by the path of leaving behind a tradition of loving the individual's enemies, loving the family's enemies, loving the clan enemies, loving the national and global enemies. You all need to understand that God's homeland cannot appear except by this path.
Take a look. Because the USA opposed me; because the State Department opposed me; because Congress opposed me, some day I will get a certificate of recognition, saying that I was victorious in the Congress, that I was victorious in the State Department, that I was victorious in the United States. Even in the State Department, which opposes me, I am winning friends. In the Congress I am winning many friends. It has already been determined that the victory will come to me in the end.
And even if I do not have any such friends, I have the conviction that I can overcome any kind of opposition and lead the way to victory. The more anyone opposes me, the greater will become my love for my enemy, so I do not need to be worried about greater opposition.
The laws of nature dictate that if low pressure occurs in one place, high pressure will appear somewhere else. If one area develops high pressure, another area develops low pressure. When a high place like the US State Department opposes me, then it will have to surrender to me if I develop a field of low pressure, just as a high-pressure area is absorbed by a low-pressure area in nature.
Even though I had to take all sorts of abuse in the past, when I did not fight the abusers and instead loved them, they became my friends in the end. Families that became friends appeared; clans that became friends appeared; nations that became friends appeared.
If a nation composed of people who have this spirit of loving one's enemies appears, that nation can be the ideal that God desires, and it can be the ideal that all humankind can enter. You have to understand this.
There is nothing good-looking about me, Rev. Moon. Isn't that true? You people here do not say so, but the people of the world think I am pretty ugly. But God loves me the best. Even if the world thinks that I am a terrible fellow, God recognizes me, so I can go at this world from a bold and open position.
There is nothing you cannot say if in your heart you love your enemies. Why? If God says a man is good-looking, then he is good-looking. If He says he is a really cool fellow, he's a really cool fellow. If He says that the man is brave and fierce, then he is brave and fierce. So if I think like that, I take it as an honor and I can take on the world in confidence.
When I get intoxicated like this and work alone, do you know what happens? Young people, young men and women, a family of all races, an entire people appears, a people that God can truly take joy in appears, and the dawning of God's homeland becomes possible.
Because Jesus said we must love our enemies, we have to love even the worst person. Even if the most handsome man is matched with the ugliest woman, he has to love her even more than he loves his enemies. When it comes to loving the enemies in this world, that kind of person is a candidate for marching ahead and carrying the flag of the highest prince. Think just how noble that kind of person is. That kind of person can just leap over national and racial boundaries.
You have to understand that on the day you live with nothing but a loving heart, all the walls will be brought down, the history of the providence of restoration will be shortened, and Heaven will come that much closer. My philosophy is simple. There is nothing I have not done. I have been a farmer; I have been a laborer; I have tried everything that can be done. I have been a fisherman and caught tuna. Living my whole life in this way, I thought I was all alone, but when I turned around, I found British people following me, Americans following me, people from all over the world are following me. Even if I tell them to get lost and kick them away with my feet and try to go over there, they still come back and follow me. I go this way, I go that way, but they still follow me. That is how it is, so no matter how much you might research the Unification Church, there is always something more to learn.
Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen! What is the path we need to go now? No matter what kind of clan you establish, if the sovereignty of Satan's nation continues to exist, all of you are people without a nation. Is this your country? You do not have a country! No matter what kind of clan you have, if the sovereignty is not a sovereignty centered on Heaven, the clan can be killed off just like that. Isn't that so? Therefore, we have to go out in search of the nation that Heaven can welcome with open arms. What it means when we talk about the realm of the first Israel in this world today is that the land needs to become one that all of Heaven can welcome, a land that the individual can welcome, that the family can welcome, that the clan, race, and church can welcome. But whether you look at this issue centering on the Unification Church or centering on Christianity or centering on the Republic of Korea, did they ever stand in a position that can be welcomed by the whole? They could not. The direction is different. The path that the Republic of Korea is going is external. Isn't that so? It is moving ahead, not centered on God, but centered on the worldly society. This country has no mainstream thought or philosophy.
So if we cannot connect this nation with God centering on a national mainstream ideology to form a new view of the nation having new three-dimensional, or two-dimensional aspects, and take that national concept and stand forth with it as the ideal content centering on the nations of the world today, we will be unable to see the dawning of the homeland.
The liberation that we have today is the first liberation. Now, in the Unification Church, we need a second liberation. The Republic of Korea also needs a second liberation. Here, the people and the nation may achieve their full desire if the Republic of Korea undergoes the second liberation, but the Unification Church also needs a third liberation. That is how things will go. The Republic of Korea obtained its current national pattern by the first liberation, but now the time has come when it requires a second liberation. North and South need to be united.
What kind of country is that nation? That country has to be a nation whose people have passed through a suffering course in its history, whose national character is capable of becoming one with the principles of restoration through indemnity, and which has inherited a historical tradition. What kind of country does it need to be? It needs to be a nation completely unified. So, how does today's Republic of Korea need to act if it wants to become this kind of nation?
To rise to the standard of that nation, it needs to unite the north and the south. Just like the divided northern dynasty of Israel and southern dynasty of Judah, the divided north and south of Korea need to be united into one. Just like Cain and Abel nations, North and South were divided, and if these are not united, a single victorious Israel nation will not appear.
So, in this country, centering on the Republic of Korea, how must North Korea and South Korea be united? They cannot be united without a new global-level ideology. The Unification Ideology being advocated by the Unification Church has been prepared for this very time. Do you understand?
Now we are in the position where we have to do two things. We have to form a unified people that no nation of the world can match, and then we have to create a united nation with a single faith so indomitable that no other religion in the world can match it. Centering on this kind of ideology, North and South need to become a unified nation. Without doing that, God's nation, namely the sovereignty of a heavenly nation that we can proudly proclaim to the entire world, will not be born. You have to understand that this is the priority purpose on earth for us today.
If we cannot establish the homeland, we will not be able to have a nation that can center on God and surpass the nations of Satan's world. Without that nation, we cannot chastise the satanic nations of the world. We cannot push them away. We cannot do that with just a religion, with the Unification Church. A nation has to establish its direction centering on the ideology of Unificationism, and then move forward. You have to understand that this issue still remains to be resolved.
From this point of view, if we see that the Unification Church is like Judaism in Korea, today the thought of the Unification Church will become the mainstream thought of Korea, just as Judaism was the spiritual pillar of the Israelite nation. In the future, there will be a time when it must become the national religion. That is what some people say. Even members of the National Assembly say that. If the thought of the Unification Church becomes the state religion, the communist party will not be a problem.
Ladies and Gentlemen! The people who live for the sake of Heaven today are the special emissaries of Heaven sent into the satanic world. Everyone may be different; an emissary may be big or small, broad or thin, tall or short, but the lifestyle he maintains must not deviate from the lifestyle of an envoy because there is always a life and death danger involved. He is always placed in a situation where even the smallest mistake can determine the issue of eternal life.
Therefore, if the secret emissary's spirit of working for the homeland, the homeland that can support and protect eternal life is not hundreds of times stronger than the environment, he cannot live as a secret emissary. He needs to be able to ignore his current situation by thinking of how all the people of the world will rejoice when all resentments have been erased. He has to look to the homeland's glory, and while creating a new history, think that all his efforts will be known and recognized on the one day when he sees the birth of the homeland. Without having that kind of mind, he cannot carry out an emissary's secret mission. In other words, his mind must contain a hope for the dawning of a homeland that is a thousand times, ten thousand times greater than his hopes for the present reality, in order to be able to overcome all resentments and execute his secret mission.
Even if by some chance he was to lose his life in an unfortunate accident while executing his responsibility, God can dispatch, to the same place, a new emissary, who can carry out that responsibility. Even though he has already passed on, people will appear who can become his friends and become his allies. Because he dies in a situation where he can be a model, people who can become his allies will remain even though he becomes a sacrifice himself. As long as these people remain, on that foundation God can send someone in his place. However, if he does not die in that situation, no matter what he may have achieved, it all stops there.
From this viewpoint, what kind of stance do you all need to take in meeting this new age? Your conviction for the dawning of the homeland must be burning in your chest more passionately than any other thing. In other words, you have to feel pride in becoming a flag bearer who builds the homeland that God has longed for six thousand years. You have to take pride in bearing the responsibility for this incredible pioneering mission as a member of the crack troops standing on the front line. Many people in the past hoped for this mission, but even so, it was not available to them. You have to have a very solemn sense of responsibility for having taken on this one-time-only privileged mission.
So every aspect of your lifestyle, eating and sleeping, coming and going, has to be for the establishment of the homeland. How much do you think God has been longing for you to step forward and cheerfully, coolly declare you will carry out this mission as an emissary dispatched especially by God Himself? Up until now, God has been mercilessly pushed aside, heartlessly chased away. He needs to establish the will of Heaven, the will He has never been able to unfold, a will that presents its entire contents on the basis of a complete national foundation, the Will that can establish the homeland. He has never been able to fulfill this will even once.
Now, however, it is possible to establish this homeland. That homeland has sovereignty, a national territory, and a people. Moreover, there is the lineage of a homogenous ethnic group connected to that land, and there is a history that no other people can possess. For this kind of homeland, we need to carry out our mission as special emissaries. If you can fulfill that mission at an earlier date by your own volition, then the foundation for the dawning of the homeland will be that much closer, thanks to you. Paying the price of sweat and tears today creates the foundation for meeting the dawn of the homeland that much earlier. Thinking of this fact, you people have to go out into the world with the determination to live and carry out an emissary's secret mission. If not, we will be unable to receive the unprecedented blessing and fortune that God is preparing to give to us.
We have to construct Heaven on this earth. What I am saying is that, surely it makes sense that, to be able to hold up our heads before our Father, we have to found that nation on this earth, become one with the center of that nation, and in that heavenly nation, live and then die with the standard that Heaven hopes for.
But then, do you people have a nation? When you think about the fact that you do not, then you cannot die even if you want to. Where are you going to go if you die? If you go, how are you going to avoid that sense of shame or self-consciousness, that feeling of pain? The length of my life is limited, and to get everything done in that period, how busy do you think I am? On top of that, the evil satanic environment opposes us; don't you think our enemies will try to block our way? To pierce through that and forge ahead, we cannot avoid the unsettled lifestyle of a special emissary.
My activities are all for the sake of building that nation. I take up the mission to become a true founding citizen for the sake of the dawn of the homeland. I receive my orders as Heaven's emissary and enter the evil world of today to carry out my work accordingly. We have to live with these thoughts uppermost in our minds. Without doing this, you will not be able to establish your dignity and authority as citizens of the nation that is on its way here.
Do you people want to make a difference individually? Do you want to influence things as a family? Nationally? Globally? How do you want to make a difference? You would like to make a difference globally, wouldn't you? However, if you want to rise to the global stage, you will not be able to do that on your own. You will need a nation. I am asking you if you have your nation.
So we eat, we sleep for the sake of that nation, day and night for the cause of the nation. Do you understand that you have to live your life pledging before heaven and earth that this is the reason you were born? When you are sleeping, you have got to imagine that you have gathered together all the beds of millions of people around the world and that you are sleeping there positioned on the top. Even when you look at a dinner table, you have got to have that kind of thought. Wherever you go, you have got to think that you are not sitting alone, but that all the difference races of the world are gathered together, piled up together, and that you have climbed to the top and are sitting on your seat there. The sons of heaven have to do things like that.
Each of you needs to understand that the lifestyle of the sons and daughters of Heaven requires being able to stand in the position to surpass the authority of the satanic world, that it requires attaining and preserving the position of glory in the course of life. If God wants to love His sons and daughters, that is the kind of son and daughter He should love, don't you think? If He loves sons and daughters who do not even match up to Satan, He cannot really preserve the dignity of His fatherhood, can he? I want you all to keep that conviction in mind and make a new determination that you will live every single day of your life marching ahead, hand in hand with the entire world. The way I see it, that is where the foundation for the unification battlefront is determined.
"Even though I live in the midst of the satanic world I am a secret agent for Heaven. I am the one ambassador of Heaven." That is what you have to think. The special emissary's route of contact allows him to contact the king of the nation directly. Other people do not know his situation, but he has to push ahead with the conviction that he is living with the mission and authority of an emissary. Each of you has to understand this clearly. Even the nation's king is waiting for a report from the emissary. In the same way, when we are fulfilling this mission on the earth, God is waiting for our reports and also for our requests.
So if you, in the position of a special emissary, send a request that you urgently need such and such, don't you think He would brave troubles and difficulties from every sector to send it to you? In the same way, if you have that conviction and recognize that you are sons and daughters of God's special glory and ask, saying, "This is what I need, Father; please make it possible," then it will come into being. In this way, you can discover God as He lives and see God working.
You have to be able to do this to become a leader. If there are sick people, you can heal them; if you encounter difficulty, God can help you directly. You have to learn about many things through such a lifestyle so that you can have confidence, have conviction, and breakthrough everything that lies in your path.
Respected guests! Where is it that we have to go? Our purpose is not to go and find the individual. Also, our current purpose is not to go and find the family. The path we have to go is to find the nation. Do you understand? Whether you are a dad or a mom or someone's child, we have no choice but to do this. But then, the followers of the Unification Church today, the families who have been blessed, the people in the clan realm, they all say, "Whew! The nation? The church? Don't ask me!" If it gets like this, then everyone is a failure; they have flunked out. That is how it is from the Principle view.
You seek for the nation until the day you die and give all your heartfelt effort. Only then can the day arrive when you can celebrate and sing a triumphant song for the dawning of the Heavenly nation. Among all of Jesus' teachings, this is what you need to know. The direction being shown to you is not two, just one. If he were to say, "Let's go," you would have to go. That is how it is. Isn't that how it is? So if he says, "Sacrifice being with your husband, sacrifice being with your family and go," do you have to go or not? You do not do that for the sake of the Unification Church, but you have to be able to do that for the sake of the nation.
Currently in North Korea, they are tearing up the family registers and re-doing them. Do you know why? Satan's world does things first. You have to be able to step forward and put aside your husband, or wife, or parents, or children, or whatever for the sake of the nation. Otherwise, we cannot establish the nation that embodies our hope. When that nation is established, you will find your parents at the same time. If you cannot establish that nation, you will have to sit and see your parents shedding their blood, your wife shedding her blood, your children spilling their blood. Is there anything worse than that kind of situation? Therefore, before we find that nation, we cannot love our wives; we cannot love our parents; we cannot love our children. This is the path that Christians need to go, the path that the Unification Church needs to go.
You people have to become those who can deny themselves and live for the nation and that purpose. No matter what kind of difficult situation you find yourselves in, you have to be people who can fight and overcome it thinking of the hope that your father has in you. You have to become that kind of person before you can be called God's true son or daughter.
So, what kind of person, then, can build God's country? Someone who can deny himself or herself and value Heaven with an aching heart. Someone who denies himself or herself and lives for the sake of society and the people, for the sake of the nation and the world is the person who can build God's country. Going one step further, the person who lives for the sake of Heaven, even if it means he or she must deny the nation and the world, is someone who can build the Kingdom of Heaven. Also, the person who feels sorrow for society and the nation, for the world, and even for Heaven, rather than sorrow for himself or herself, no matter what kind of sorrowful and painful situation he or she encounters, that is the person who can build God's country.
Not only that, you have to be able to be victorious, and not lose in the fight with Satan during the course of establishing God's nation and God's purpose.
Then, starting from the individual, you have to connect the family, society, people, nation, and world into one. In other words, you have to be able to fight and win over Satan in whatever situation you are put. If you go into society, you have to be able to fight and win over Satan in any environment that society presents you with. If you go out into the nation, you have to be able to step forward, take responsibility for that nation's worst problem, then fight and win over the satanic forces involved.
Do you think that Satan, who has given God such a hard time for six thousand years, is just going to quietly say, "Oh boy, I have had it. I think I will just give up," then lower his eyes and crawl away? Don't you yourselves value even a wash cloth too much to just throw it away? Before you throw it out, you will probably turn it over, inspect it, and even smell it. What I am saying is that Satan will not just give up and go away like that. That is why he keeps on putting up such a stubborn fight. So, we have to fit with and match up with the center. Even Rev. Moon of the Unification Church will be broken the day he deviates from the center. If the direction is not right, then you cannot make any progress.
The reason we seek that nation is to be able to find the world, and the reason we seek the world is for the sake of the spirit world. And after we do that, then what do we do next? Then we attend Heavenly Father and return to the earth, grab our spot, our position, and with all nations of the world attending God, we march forward to dedicate and return the glory of victory to Him. To do everything right, you have to understand that the mission of the Unification Church requires us having to fight this kind of fight.
We have to step forward in bare feet to build the eternal homeland. Can we save this nation just with what is left over after we have had our fill? Can you spend your energy worrying about what you wear, when you will eat, what you get around on? We have to clear the path and pioneer the way with our bare feet and bare hands. This is the kind of thing that we do in the Unification Church.
Are you brave soldiers who should stand forward for the establishment of the homeland, or are you failures who bring it down? When we say brave warriors, we mean those who can represent the nation and carry out the things that other people cannot do. We do not use the term brave soldier for the people who do what just anyone can do; they are the rank and file troops. The brave soldier is the one who carries out the mission that his comrades have retreated from or failed to accomplish. The word yong means swift, quick. The brave soldier has to be able to run faster than anyone else, and even to be able to dodge bullets. The term brave soldier is reserved for those who do what no one else can do.
Who is the general in the vanguard who must be the hero to lead and pioneer the building of that nation? Then, where is the site where that nation can be established? If you want to establish a nation, you need a sovereignty, territory and citizenry. Then looking at the problem centering on the Kingdom of Heaven, what is the site that can fulfill the role of the national territory? That can only be the church's assets; isn't that so?
And next, who can become the people, the citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven? That is the congregation, the followers. Then who are the rulers? You are. You are the representatives of the village head, the representatives of the tribal head, the representatives of the county head and the representatives of the provincial governor. People, have you become the subjects, the centers? When someone comes along with a bomb from the satanic world, you have to be the first to jump forward. Do you understand? Do you feel like you can do that?
And if you have money, even if it is only a penny, you use it to develop the church. You use it to expand the domain of the nation and to bring the people together. A church director is the representative of the ruler. He or she represents the village chief; he or she represents a father and mother. You have to leave this kind of tradition and philosophy behind. We ourselves do not have anything.
What kind of nation are we going to establish here, in Korea? When we start distributing goods and communicating, will we set up a communist nation, or will we just keep going along as the Republic of Korea is today, or will we pursue a new nation that is neither of these? Considering things in light of this issue, one comes to feel that our time is getting closer and closer. If you people are the Unificationists who have to keep things steady and take responsibility for this, how much of a sense of responsibility do you feel for this situation, and to what extent are you determined to sacrifice for this? That is what I am asking. Do you have the confidence? We will need to go up north, cross over the 38th parallel and prepare our bases in the towns and counties of the North's five provinces.
You have to think about who is going be responsible for Jeongju up in the North, now, at this time, when we are short of people. Have you become the people who invest their heartfelt effort and who can prepare for 10 or 20 years to take responsibility, centering on the Jeongju area, and if it cannot be done, then when you die leave instructions telling your descendants to study hard, train hard, and prepare hard, and to become those who take responsibility in place of Heaven at Jeongju? That is what I have been thinking about and preparing for up to this day.
Thinking of this, is it okay for young lads to just return to their hometowns, smiling and chuckling and taking their wives and their kids along? Is that okay or not? Even though you may die, you have got to establish that nation, and then go; even though you may die, you have got to build that nation for your children, and then go. What I am telling you is that, for things to go right, you have got to make a new determination. You have to determine, "I will go up there to the Russian and Manchurian frontiers and lock horns with the Communist Party. In the midst of gunshots day and night, I will take responsibility; I will be a sentry for the national border detachment. Even if my country does not know, no matter if no one knows, even if I have to give my life in the process, my heart, my loyalty for that nation will not change." That sort of thing is exactly what we need.
It does not matter if the world ignores you. Everything will come out when you get to the spirit world. That is how the universe is set up. When we think of this, to get things right, you have to understand that we are short of people. Do you understand? You have got to understand that we need more people. Even if some guy is a scraggly old scarecrow, we can set him up with a trumpet, or construct some robots and have them go around the North blowing on trumpets. That is what I wish I could do, and that is what God wants to do. It just does not make sense to say that you cannot teach the Principle when you were born as a man, with a mouth and everything, with feelings, and with a mind and body of 20 or 30 years of age as well.
You have to study hard, even if you get so little sleep your eyeballs fester and pop. You have to prepare even if you are so hungry that you are nothing but skin and bones. Then, that haggard, skinny bag of bones will be thoroughly capable of receiving the love of Heaven. What I am saying is, don't you think that God can place all His expectations in that one man, even if he is slender and frail?
Jesus also came to establish the nation. If there is no homeland, then the situation is pitiful. Religious people were always in a pitiful situation because they had no homeland. If the judgment is to come, the individual, family, clan, people, nation, and world must conform to an unchanging standard, and then the judgment will be made on the basis of that standard. The homeland is the final hope. The people, the clan, the family, and the individual are all included within the homeland.
Has this land of three thousand ri become the Homeland? It has not, and we need to settle this matter. Every one of us needs to work with single-minded devotion to create the homeland that God wants, that Jesus and the Holy Spirit want.
What is goodness? Goodness is sacrificing the individual for the family, the family for the clan, and the clan for the dawning of the homeland. All are sacrificed for the restoration of the homeland, and when the homeland is restored, all become loyal and beloved patriots. If loyal devotion is offered on the national level, and the national standard is established, then you are also recognized as having built the foundation for the family and the clan as well. The standard for the path is absolute, loyal devotion for the sake of God. Then all aspects of that course are given recognition.
How do we have to do it to get things right? Jesus said, "Father, not as I will, but as thou wilt." Here, "as I will" is the will of the world, and "as thou wilt" is the will of God. You Unification Church members, what did you do? Have you established the path of loyal patriots and stepped forward with the actual results in hand? You have to fulfill the path of filial children, then present yourselves with actual accomplishments, and be resolved to fight on the individual, family, clan, national, and world level.
Jesus came with the mission of an offering. You all have to build the ethnic foundation while moving ahead, fighting on the global level. You have got to be endowed with a value tantamount to that of the Messiah. While the leader is pioneering the global path, the ones who are being led, you, have to prepare the ethnic-group path. Many people died while hoping for the path to liberation. They passed away believing that it would be achieved one day although they did not know when.
The Unificationists have prepared the foundation from the individual, through the ethnic, up to the national level. Now we have to mobilize all humankind and all the nations of the world. We have to seek the day when our homeland is established, the day of freedom, peace, and happiness and we have to move forward, even though the path is difficult. That is the way that I look at things, and that is the standard that God has. Jesus died while pursuing this standard. We have to suffer and forge ahead on the course to establish the homeland. We have to take responsibility for Korea. We have to relieve the built-up pain and anguish that surrounds the fact that Jesus' homeland, the Holy Spirit's homeland, the homeland of all the saints and sages, and God's own homeland has never been built. If we fail in that mission we can never hold up our heads.
What we have to do is to find our homeland. In order to find it, we have got to live for it. If we do not live for our homeland, we will not be able to build it. Then how do we have to live to be living for our homeland? Set the world up as your own homeland and live for the sake of the world. That kind of person is capable of creating the homeland. Eating and sleeping, walking the street, your entire lifestyle and all your actions have to be for the sake of creating the homeland.
That is why we fight, prepared even to receive a sword attack from the communists in broad daylight. When the people of Korea cannot do the job, we are the ones that have to. Because the people cannot go, we have to go. And to be able to do that, we have to love our homeland more than anyone else. What I am saying is, if you have to eat, eat for the sake of the homeland. When you get married and go to join your husband, do it for the homeland. It is for the sake of our homeland.
Now there is a group that can rise up when I give the word, a group that can mobilize when I present the direction, but I am not the sort of man to be satisfied with that. I will continue to develop and build a foundation that will guarantee the dawning of the homeland, even if I have to sacrifice the Unification Church foundation to do it. There has to be a religious order, a people, and a nation that can receive the family that has been established as the central goal of the six thousand-year providence.
The foundation to receive God was prepared, and God's desire was for it all to be connected at once, but it was broken and shattered; so the task of rebinding things together remains. To connect everything together again, we have to stand on the front line and run.
When it gets dark and it is time to go to bed, you have to fall asleep together with that nation of hope. What I am saying is that, although that nation does not exist at present, as a citizen of that nation you need to go to sleep for the sake of that nation, and when you wake up, wake up as one of the workers who is working to create that nation. Do not use your five senses if you cannot use them thinking of that nation. Until that day arrives, do not even die. Until that day arrives, time is pressing. To accomplish this task, we have to overcome every kind of suffering and adversity.
If you have something to do, you have to get it done, even if it means staying up late at night. I mean, when the only way to establish the homeland is to add the weight of a sacrificial lamb based on the providential timeline, and you have the responsibility to use this time to add, even if it is one more drop, the sacrificial lamb of tears and sweat, do you think it is okay for you to just sleep comfortably and wake up stretching and yawning? In fact, as soon as you wake, you have got to bow down and pray, "Father, I cannot help but feel the sorrow of this lonely, miserable path that I am walking, the path towards the foundation for our victorious nation, the path towards that place of rest and security that you have always looked for, the path towards that nation through which you can make that world you have always wanted to realize. Father, if I feel this kind of sorrow, how must You and heaven feel?"
You cannot just lie down because you are tired, and even if you die, you have got to die for the sake of that nation. Because of that, when I get old and start to feel tired, the one thing I want to be able to leave behind me is the last will and testament that "I did all I could for the sake of Heaven. I did everything I could for the sake of that nation."
Jesus said, "Worry not what you will wear or what you will eat, for the Gentiles seek after these. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness." As this shows, the central stream of thought in the Bible is that kingdom. This philosophy says to seek that nation. It does not say to seek your own happiness. If you are born as a citizen of that nation and you have a husband, then that husband represents that nation, so you have to love that nation before you can love your husband. And the wife also represents the nation; you have to love that nation before you can love your wife. You have to be able to ask him or her to die in the position of being able to say, "I did everything I could; there is nothing more I could have done." It is no good if you die having said, "I should have tried such and such." For this reason, we are busy even though we may have accomplished a certain amount. Even if you walk a way on the path, you have got to go even further. When everyone else is sleeping, we have to go one step further. "Hey Satan's world! Take it easy! You guys, rest the whole day if you like! We are going off to seek that nation." That is what you have got to say.
Fellow compatriots, all you who seek the unification of the North and South! I especially want to say the mission of you women is to restore the young men and women, and the mission of the students is to be true children through true education. That is what you must do.
And beyond that, mothers and children have to unite to set the standard, so that the husbands can be raised and educated to be the true sons of Heaven. Then following True Parents, and attending God, restore the ideal of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
In closing, let me say that it is my fervent hope that these words today will help you build a nationwide movement to bring closer the day when North and South meet in true love.
May God's blessing be with both you and your families. Thank you 

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