The Value and Significance of the Family Pledge
Beloved blessed families!
Today, on this meaningful occasion, I would like to explain about the providential value and
significance of the Family Pledge. It serves as Heaven’s most precious and blessed guideline,
given to us for our lives.
The fact that we now have the Family Pledge is truly the greatest of all blessings. It came
from Heaven as a gift to all humanity on May 1, 1994, the day when the Family Federation
for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU) was inaugurated. The Family Pledge was given
when the Completed Testament Age, which brings to fulfillment the Old Testament Age and
the New Testament Age, was proclaimed. It is to serve as a milestone and guiding principle,
piercing through the darkness of the age before the coming of heaven, and opening a new
heaven and earth in the era after the coming of heaven. It is also the blueprint for the
building of God’s kingdom of peace and unity in heaven and on earth in the era of the
creation of a new heaven and earth.
Father and Mother Moon, the True Parents of humankind, emerged victorious from the
battles they had fought throughout their long course of indemnity that lasted forty years
after Father Moon founded the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World
Christianity (HSA-UWC) in 1954. On that foundation, we were no longer required to recite
My Pledge as individuals. We were to recite and practice the Family Pledge together as true
families, the basic units of triumphal entry into the kingdom of heaven.
This Family Pledge is filled with the pain and suffering of God and True Parents, and it
should not be recited without tears. It is something that people should recite forever, long
after they discard the mask of religion in the fallen world and attain liberation. This is
because the family is the basic unit of the kingdom of heaven.
The Family Pledge is the absolute standard and constitution for the establishment of
God’s kingdom of Cheon Il Guk
Ladies and gentlemen, have you ever heard of the phrase “Family Pledge” anywhere in
the world? It has appeared for the first time in human history. In the beginning, God lost the
true family through the Fall of the first man and woman. He had created them to be His
children and the first ancestors of humankind. Consequently, as God has the providential
mandate to fulfill His ideal for the creation to an absolute standard, He instituted and
proclaimed the Family Pledge. It is God’s blessing to human beings that they would
establish the prototype of all true families—of ideal families on earth—and return eternal joy
to God. It is an essential tool for building the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven in
which your families can live while directly serving and attending God.
The precondition to properly recite the Family Pledge is first and foremost to attain a state
of complete mind and body unity, which is the state of “one heart, one body, one outlook
and one harmony.” This means that we must reach the standard of perfecting our character
through absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. Our body should fully obey
the orders of our conscience, which was given to us as our first parent, teacher and owner.
Furthermore, all of our family members must perfect the basic framework of the unity of
the mind and body, the unity of parents, the unity of husband and wife, the unity of parents
and children, and the unity among siblings, centered on Heaven’s will. In other words, all of
us are to perfect a sphere of unity in true love. Only then can we recite the Family Pledge.
That is why the Family Pledge serves as the absolute standard and constitution in the
creation of the kingdom of peace and unity in heaven and earth, beyond the Completed
Testament Age.
From now, people will succeed in life not as individuals but as families. This means that
only true model families that acquire the recognition and respect of all people can stand in a
position that can lead the world. The perfection of the family is Heaven’s greatest and
highest blessing, but it is also a fearsome responsibility. It is the cornerstone of the building
of Cheon Il Guk. Creating true families is the shortcut to acquiring citizenship in God’s
Beloved blessed families, the Family Pledge is the greatest of all prayers. It is the record
of True Parents’ complete victory. It is the code of law that reveals the teachings of the
Completed Testament Age, the age of “justification through attendance.”
At the heart of the Family Pledge is the true family within the framework of true love. The
Family Pledge serves as a bridge, connecting our lives to God. It is like an explosion of true
love that completely captivates God. The Family Pledge is the energy and wisdom that
brings true love to the center of the connections between the vertical and horizontal, north
and south, and front and back, initiating eternal spherical motion. The Family Pledge is the
key to the gates of the kingdom of heaven. The gates to the kingdom cannot be opened by a
key made of gold or silver; they can be opened only by the key of a true family perfected
through true love. That is why all eight parts of the Family Pledge have as a primary clause,
“Our family….centering on true love.”
Ladies and gentlemen, the age of justification by attendance means the time of attending
God in our lives. Wasn’t the first of the Ten Commandments revealed in the Bible about
loving God?
In the era after the coming of heaven, God is revealing Himself in front of all people as the
True Parent. That is why the movement that attends the True Parents represents Heaven’s
authority and power, and is incomparable to any force of this fallen world. What can prevent
you from living a life of attendance that enables you to observe the living God with your
own eyes and to experience Him with all your senses?
For the first time since the Fall of our original ancestors, history is governed by the True
Parents. The original source has emerged that allows us to return to a new world through
the internal relationship with True Parents. That relationship can bring Satan to submission.
It is the center through which God is to be liberated. You all should offer thanks for the
amazing grace of being able to live together with the True Parents and to receive their
instructions directly.
When you are completely one with True Parents, your nation, people, tribe and family can
prosper. The True Parents are the embodiment and encapsulation of all glory in heaven and
earth. Once you clearly understand their value, would you exchange the True Parents for all
the money in the world? Their value is such that they cannot be replaced even at the price of
your life.
Explanation of Each Part of the Family Pledge
1. Seek our original homeland and build the kingdom of God on earth and in heaven
The first part of the Family Pledge is “Our family, the owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges
to seek our original homeland and build the kingdom of God on earth and in heaven, the
original ideal of creation, by centering on true love.” You should know that being able to
recite the Family Pledge is one of the best pieces of news in all of history.
The “ideal of creation” refers to the ideal world with God at the center. It is the ideal of
creation to build the kingdom of God on earth and in heaven. However, since that ideal
could not be attained due to the Fall, we must achieve it through restoration. This means
that we must build the kingdom of God on earth and in heaven, the original ideal of
creation, by seeking our original homeland.
Because the family was lost due to the Fall, we must now build God’s family. This is not
an individual’s task. It is rather the task of our families, the owners of Cheon Il Guk.
Centering on true love, our families must “seek our original homeland and build the
kingdom of God on earth and in heaven, the original ideal of creation.”
The “original homeland” referred to here is the original homeland centered on families.
That is why all of you must go back to your own hometown and establish God’s kingdom on
earth and in heaven. Once you restore your hometown, your nation and the world will be
unified naturally. Then, there will be nothing further for you to worry about.
People who have lived on earth in a unified family centering on God’s true love, where
the kingdom of God on earth and the kingdom of God in heaven are one, will become a
family of the heavenly kingdom. We no longer live in the age of individual salvation.
Religions, and Christianity in particular, talk about the salvation of the individual, but that
will not suffice. God’s will is for the salvation of the family. Restoration must occur in the
family because the Fall destroyed the ideal for the family. That time has now come. In all of
history, this has never before happened on earth. Finally, the family has entered the era of
It is through families that we must build the kingdom of God on earth and in heaven, the
original ideal of God’s creation. Because we lost the family, our families must restore that
kingdom. The original homeland is centered on families, not on a nation. That is why I am
saying that you must return to your hometown. If you still have a family there, you must go
back to your hometown and build God’s kingdom on earth and in heaven. Once we restore
our hometowns, our nations and the world will naturally harmonize. The heavenly kingdom
on earth and in heaven will automatically be established. This is to unfold centering on true
“Our family pledges the kingdom of God on earth and in heaven, the original
ideal of creation.” Here we say “build.” Why do we use that word? It is because we must
create God’s kingdom. It will not come about by itself. We must build it ourselves. This
current world is already hell on earth, and it is connected to hell in the spirit world. We must
recreate this world and turn it around 180 degrees.
Again, it is the mission of all families who have received the Marriage Blessing from True
Parents to seek the original homeland and build the kingdom of God on earth and in heaven,
the original ideal of creation. It is not just as individuals, but as families, that you must
complete the building of God’s kingdom. This is your first pledge as blessed families.
2. Perfect the dutiful family way of filial sons and daughters, patriots, saints, and divine
sons and daughters
The second part of the Family Pledge is “Our family, the owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges to
represent and become central to heaven and earth by attending God and True Parents; we
pledge to perfect the dutiful family way of filial sons and daughters in our family, patriots in
our nation, saints in the world, and divine sons and daughters in heaven and earth, by
centering on true love.”
“Our family… centering on true love.” True love refers to love that appears where there is
unity between mind and body, between husband and wife, and between parents and
children. If you fail to practice this standard of true love, then you will surely be in trouble
when you go to the spirit world.
That is how fearsome the Family Pledge is. You should always live by it. If in your family,
the father were to violate even one part of the Family Pledge, then the mother and children
would all be jointly responsible. The entire family would have to take joint responsibility for
it. The significance of Eve’s Fall was that it brought about the Fall of Adam’s entire family.
This part of the Family Pledge also states “… by attending God and True Parents…” We
human beings were originally to attend and honor God and True Parents, but we were
driven away due to the Fall. As a result of the Fall, we lose the value of our existence unless
we attend God and True Parents.
God is the vertical true parent and the True Parents are the horizontal true parents. We are
to be born from the union of these two sets of true parents. God is the vertical parent, and
perfected Adam and Eve are the horizontal parents. On the foundation of these two sets of
parents becoming one, we can also achieve unity, and be connected to God and Heaven. For
this reason, nothing can be accomplished unless we attend God and True Parents.
Then, what kind of family is a family that represents and becomes central to heaven and
earth? It is the ideal family that God envisioned prior to the Fall of Adam and Eve. The
representative and central family in heaven and on earth refers to the family that represents
heaven and grows this relationship with God in expanding circles through the eight stages
in both the vertical and horizontal realms on earth. What I am saying is that the family
comes to the position where God representing heaven and the True Parents on earth are
united perpendicularly.
At the center of such a family, you must become a filial son or daughter; in such a nation
you must become a patriot; in such a world you must become a saint; and in such a heaven
and earth you must become a divine son or daughter. “We pledge to perfect the dutiful
family way of…divine sons and daughters. Each family member, as an individual, should be
able to attain the position of a divine son or daughter. When such divine sons and daughters
who are members of the same family gather together, a family of divine sons and daughters
is formed. This is what we are pledging.
We are pledging to represent and become central to heaven and earth by attending God
and True Parents. For this, our family must determine to fulfill the dutiful family way of
filial sons and daughters in the family, patriots and virtuous women in the nation, saints in
the world, and divine sons and daughters in heaven and earth—everything that Heaven
desires. We are saying that we will, as parents, educate our children, educate citizens in the
nation, educate saints in the world and make them qualified to become family members in
the heavenly kingdom both in heaven and on earth—that is, members of families of divine
sons and daughters.
That is why we say, “Our family, the owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges to represent and
become central to heaven and earth by attending God and True Parents; we pledge to perfect
the dutiful family way of filial sons and daughters in our family, patriots in our nation,
saints in the world, and divine sons and daughters in heaven and earth, by centering on true
3. Perfect the Four Great Realms of Heart, the Three Great Kingships and the Realm of
the Royal Family
The third part of the family Pledge is, “Our family, the owner of Cheon Il Guk,
pledges to perfect the Four Great Realms of Heart, the Three Great Kingships and the
Realm of the Royal Family, by centering on true love.”
The Four Great Realms of Heart and the Three Great Kingships would have been fulfilled
had Adam and Eve not fallen. But for the Fall, they would have fulfilled these and become
God’s royal family. This part of the Family Pledge refers to restoring fallen people and
making them into the royal family. The families who receive the Marriage Blessing need to
fulfill this mission.
Conjugal love should take place where the Four Great Realms of Heart and the Three
Great Kingships are achieved. For a man and a woman to receive love from each other, they
need to stand in such a position. Otherwise, they are not to love each other. Yet these realms
and kingships cannot be realized without love. That is why man absolutely needs woman,
and vice versa.
Blessed families should strive every day to achieve this goal. However, it cannot be
fulfilled with only a theoretical faith where you think that you should be able to fulfill your
goal simply because God does it in such-and-such a way. This is a practical matter and it is
set right before your very eyes.
4. God’s ideal is the creation of a universal family encompassing heaven and earth
The fourth part of the Family Pledge is “Our family, the owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges
to build the universal family encompassing heaven and earth, which is God’s ideal of
creation, and perfect the world of freedom, peace, unity and happiness, by centering on true
God’s ideal is that the world becomes one family, or household, under God. If those who
have actualized the Four Great Realms of Heart and Three Great Kingships recite the Family
Pledge, there should be only one family under God rather than two families, or many. By
building the universal family encompassing heaven and earth—the ideal of God’s creation—
we should establish that one family under God.
To give you an example using air, when there is a lack of air in a low pressure system, air
from a high pressure system flows in and fills it up. Similarly, water in a higher place will
automatically flow down to fill up a lower place. Equilibrium is the ideal.
In the world today, there are advanced nations and underdeveloped nations. In the
advanced nations people have a lot, and end up discarding leftover things, whereas people
in underdeveloped nations lack many things, especially food. They may even starve to death.
Twenty million people die of starvation each year. Do you think that is God’s will? What the
advanced nations are doing is oppressing the universe’s natural system of interaction. If this
continues, the advanced nations will be unable to avoid divine punishment. Heaven will not
let this go unnoticed. Already signs of judgment are appearing in various places. One of the
signs is the prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases, and another is drug and alcohol
abuse. Both free sex and homosexuality are the madness of the lowest of the human race.
God detests such behavior the most; Satan, on the other hand, praises such behavior the
I, Rev. Moon, am leading a movement to save the tens of thousands of people who are
dying of starvation and malnutrition each day in the underdeveloped nations, even if it
means making people go hungry in the consumer paradise of advanced nations such as the
United States. Despite disorder in the human race, the natural world is constantly trying to
maintain equilibrium.
When we pledge to “build the universal family encompassing heaven and earth, which is
God’s ideal of creation, and perfect the world of freedom, peace, unity and happiness” the
word “freedom” here does not mean only the freedom of an individual, but the freedom,
peace, unity, and happiness of all the people of this world as one family under God. It refers
to a world whose people are living in happiness. That is why we should develop movements
in all villages, towns and cities throughout the world. In any place of wealth, we need to set
up structures through which it can be shared.
Ladies and gentlemen, a world of one universal family is a world filled with families who
have received the Marriage Blessing. When you go to the spirit world, you will find people
from all over the world living together. All five colors of the human race are gathered there.
The question is who among these people is truly prepared with a family ideal that can unite
the past, present and future? Such a person will become a central leader in the spirit world.
That is why we must train for this while we are on earth. We have to receive that training on
the basis of mind and body unity.
There are many people in this world who betray their conscience and act according to
their body’s desires. They hoard money, commit fraud, come up with schemes, and defame
others. However, money accumulated in this way will eventually strike them back in the
form of a rod of judgment.
It is the same in the spirit world. No matter how learned a person may be, if he uses the
knowledge he has gained for his own sake instead of for the greater good, that knowledge
will come back and strike him. That person will be thrown into hell. We should live for the
sake of the world centering on the ideal of one global family, God’s ideal. Yet, if we ignore
the world and live only for our own sake, the world will judge us.
I have not asked you to recite the Family Pledge centering on my family. You are to
pledge centering on your own families. Everyone is equal. I, Rev. Moon, will pledge
representing my family, but on behalf of all families. That is why we say, “Our family,
the owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges to build the universal family encompassing heaven
and earth, which is God’s ideal of creation, and perfect the world of freedom, peace,
unity and happiness, by centering on true love.”
5. Stagnation leads to death
The fifth part of the Family Pledge is “Our family, the owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges to
strive every day to advance the unification of the spirit world and the physical world as
subject and object partners, by centering on true love.”
We must first think about the spirit world. It is in the position of the subject partner, and
the physical world is the object partner. Do you think there are more people living in the
spirit world or on earth? The population of the spirit world is far greater than the population
of the earth.
The spirit world is the subject partner, yang, and the physical is the object partner, yin. In the
same way, the mind is in the subject partner position and yang to the body, which is in the
position of object partner, yin. The body represents the physical world and the mind the
spirit world.
If we act in such a way that we do not recognize the mind and the world of the mind as the
subject partner, we are bound to go to hell. If we have lived in such a way that our body has
led our mind, we should now live so that our mind leads our body and subjugates it. I am
saying that such a time has come.
In our daily life we should have a consciousness that the spirit world is the subject partner.
Unless we reach perfection on earth—the object partner—we shall not be able to establish
the foundation for perfection when we pass into the spirit world. There is a direct
relationship between the two worlds. Only when the spirit world is linked to us every day,
every year, throughout our entire life, it becomes our second sphere of activity and place of
residence when we go there.
In other words, “the unification of the spirit world and the physical world as subject and
object partners” means that the two worlds must constantly move towards oneness. To
strive every day to advance this unification means to develop and progress. We are
prompted to do it quickly. We must not stop. If we do, we are already falling away toward
hell and death.
Stagnation leads down to hell whereas pushing forward leads to development. To sleep long
hours and be lazy, gluttonous and self-indulgent are not acceptable in relation to God’s
providence. We should keep ourselves busy. Life is short. Run without resting, just like me.
Run even without sleeping. Only then can you be connected to the world that you hope for.
How can you be connected to the world that you do not even think about? This is how
oneness is brought about. We should think about both the spirit world and the physical
world as partners.
6. Become a family that moves heavenly fortune
The sixth part of the Family Pledge is “Our family, the owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges to
become a family that moves heavenly fortune by embodying God and True Parents, and to
perfect a family that conveys Heaven’s blessing to our community, by centering on true
“Our family pledges…by embodying God and True Parents...” You are a family that
embodies God and True Parents. The families that embody God and True Parents are the
families that mobilize heavenly fortune. When we say that we pledge to “become a family
that moves heavenly fortune… [and] conveys Heaven’s blessing to our community,” we are
not saying that we want to be blessed by God and enjoy a good life just for ourselves. We are
saying that we are all ultimately to become part of the royal family and that everyone should
be a citizen of God’s kingdom of Cheon Il Guk.
We are making a vow to become a channel of God’s blessing, sharing His blessing equally
with all the people of the world. The family of God and the True Parents is one family. There
is only one set of True Parents. However, since there are many blessed families throughout
the world, God wants all of them to become channels that share the blessings of God and
True Parents with others. You should strive to become such a family. This means that you
are trying to enable everyone to receive many blessings.
7. Perfect the world based on the culture of heart, which is rooted in the original lineage
The seventh part is “Our family, the owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges, through living for
the sake of others, to perfect the world based on the culture of heart, which is rooted in the
original lineage, by centering on true love.”
In our path of faith, the most important point is not to defile the original lineage. That
means that your descendants should not stain their lineage in the same way as Adam and
Eve did when they fell. That is why we say, “Our family pledges… to perfect the world
based on the culture of heart, which is rooted in the original lineage...”
The world of God’s heart, the world in heaven, the world on earth, and the world of True
Parents’ heart are all one. That is why we say that our family pledges “to perfect the world
based on the culture of heart...” This is our ideal. The culture should not be two, but one. The
cultures of the fallen world are complex and varied. Without establishing the world based on
the culture of heart, there is no way for us to connect to heaven on all levels, from the
individual to the family, tribe, people, nation, world, and eternal world.
Without that heart, the individual, family and tribe cannot be connected. Without a world
based on the culture of heart, there is no way for us to make connections from the individual
up to the cosmos. The world thus far has been going up and down in a zigzag fashion, and
that is why it has not yet been able to reach the final destination, even after many thousands
of years. Yet in the world based on the culture of heart, we can reach that destination right
away. This is possible only through true love.
8. Perfect the realm of liberation and complete freedom in the kingdom of God on earth
and in heaven
The eighth part is “Our family, the Owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges, having entered the
Completed Testament Age, to achieve the ideal of God and human beings united in love
through absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, and to perfect the realm of
liberation and complete freedom in the kingdom of God on earth and in heaven, by
centering on true love.”
In your family you must bring the royal family into being by becoming a couple where
each of you is united in mind and body. You should know that this is God’s ideal for the
creation, the fulfillment of the Completed Testament Age. The family where the man and
woman are united in true love is the beginning of kingship. Originally, Adam’s family was
to be the royal family. From there, the king of the tribe, the king of the people and the king of
the nation were to emerge. Then this kingship would have automatically continued on into
the eternal spirit world. From the earth, it would have been connected eternally to that
The words “Completed Testament Age” refer to our having advanced into a new age. It is
the time when the world will be united, creating a peaceful world that begins with the
family and progresses to the tribe, people, nation, world and even to all of heaven and earth.
It represents the whole; it is not confined to the family unit. We were able to enter the
Completed Testament Age only after going beyond the level of the world and that of the
whole. Through the new family that perfects the Four Great Realms of Heart and the Three
Great Kingships, we can go beyond the realm of the world and achieve the required model
for the Completed Testament Age. When this happens the world will become one unified
world—the ideal heavenly kingdom of peace.
Ladies and gentlemen! Absolute faith, absolute love, absolute obedience! These constitute
God’s ideal of creation. God began creating all things based on absolute faith. He initiated
His Creation for the sake of His object partners of absolute love. Absolute obedience means
that there is no awareness of “self.” It is a state of absolute zero—complete nothingness.
When God empties Himself and returns to nothingness, a natural and reciprocal circular
motion begins. Because you give everything out and have nothing more to give, everything
will come back to you. This is the origin of interaction in the universe, and the principle that
everything comes back to you after you invest completely.
For this reason, you must not insist on your own way. If you do, you will come to belong
to the devil. You must not let Satan use anything that comes through your five physical
senses. Make it so that your eyes, nose, mouth, feet and hands are used as if they were God’s.
And try to live your life based on this standard of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute
obedience! God always has compassion for and assists such people. When you let go of
yourself, God can be with you.
Ladies and gentlemen, God created you as His absolute partners of love, totally investing
Himself. He created you because He needed you as His genuine object partners of love.
Without having a substantial form, either in the physical world or in the spirit world, God
was unable to relate to His children. That is why He had to acquire a physical form. That
form is of the perfected True Parents.
God wanted object partners of love on earth that He could love. That is why He began His
Creation. God created us human beings as His absolute object partners of love, and granted
us the ability to reproduce so that we might live for eternity through our descendants. This is
the essence of God’s creation.
The purpose of creation is God and human beings united in love
God is the root of love, the root of life, the root of lineage and the root of the kingdom
of heaven on earth and the kingdom of heaven in heaven. Had Adam and Eve not fallen,
God would have entered their hearts when they married and realized a loving oneness
with them. God would have become the vertical True Parent, and Adam and Eve would
have become the horizontal True Parents. We would have been born with the flesh and
blood of these two sets of parents. Our mind would have become the vertical self and our
body the horizontal self, and we would have led lives based on one heart, one body, one
outlook and one harmony.
In such a way, we are to perfect the unity of our mind and body by achieving unity with
God in love and thus becoming His sons and daughters. Once we are in this parent–child
relationship, we become God’s princes and princesses. We can enjoy a parent–child
relationship with God and inherit everything from Him. When we, as His children, become
husbands and wives, and unite totally based on true love, we become a family that lives by
attending God. That family becomes a base for peace and the ideal. When a man and a
woman, each being one half, unite together, they become the base through which they fulfill
God’s ideal love as His partners.
In other words, through the perfection of human beings as beings of infinite value through
true love, God also perfects true love, and completes the world of the ideal of creation where
His eternal, ideal love dwells.
In the relationship between God and Adam’s family, God was to be the first generation,
Adam the second generation and Adam’s children the third generation. God was to be in
the position of the grandparent, Adam in the position of the parent, and the children in
the position of the sons and daughters. In such a way, when three generations are firmly
secured in your families, the grandparents stand in the position of God in His kingdom.
They also are in the positions of the king and queen of the original physical world and
spirit world. The parents stand in the position of the central king and queen
representing the present kingdom of heaven on earth. The children, who represent the
future, are in the position of princes and princesses who inherit the kingdom of heaven
on earth and in heaven.
In this way, Adam’s family and clan were to live as the royal clan with God as its center.
After their life on earth, its members were meant to go to heaven and live in the eternal
world. That is the purpose that we were meant to fulfill. Heaven is where people go to
after living together on earth and attending their grandfather, who represents Heaven,
as if he were God, attending their parents as the king and queen of the present world,
and loving their children as the future princes and princesses. Heaven is the only place
where peoples’ desires, hopes and happiness are fulfilled.
The eighth part of the Family Pledge shows the way for us to live in the kingdom of
heaven on earth. It is a path that is possible only through a life of absolute faith,
absolute love, and absolute obedience. At the time of creation, God totally invested
Himself with absolute faith and absolute love based on the standard of absolute
The conscience represents three great subject partners
Ladies and gentlemen, the conscience comes first and precedes your parents, your
teachers and even God. Many people do not realize its value because the body has been
dominating the conscience. That is how it is in this fallen, hedonistic world—a world in
which many focus on physical pleasure and having fun. If we depend solely on money,
we will become lost. We will be driven into reckless relationships of love that lead us to
We have lost the true love that was to be created from the unity of God and human
beings in absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. The first people were
meant to become perfect without knowing anything about the Fall. They were to create a
realm of unity with God. Yet everything was lost.
That is why we must establish the realm of the unity of heaven and earth. We must
dissolve all the sorrow that we caused God for not having done so. Without releasing
that pain and suffering, there can be no liberation for God or for human beings.
Internally and externally, I have been resolving all of that. That is why I call this the
perfection of restoration. It is the completion of restoration. That is what I am
proclaiming this now. It is because it must be brought to a conclusion in the right way.
Heaven’s tradition is the constitution of your family
Beloved blessed family members! The question now is how you will guard the pure and
true lineage that you have received from God. The Fall occurred in the Garden of Eden,
even though it was an undefiled place. It will surely not be easy to protect the pure
lineage in this evil and corrupt world of sin. So, the people born in this sinful world, no
matter how much they suffer, must take responsibility such that the children of future
generations receive and maintain the Marriage Blessing. It is their responsibility to
create a pure and pristine environment that will never again be defiled.
Consequently, your families should not be secular families immersed in old habits. What
is the best way to live for the future? It is to thoroughly educate your descendants. It is
also essential to live an exemplary life for the sake of your descendants. Despite
difficulties during the wilderness course, the people of Israel overcame the seven tribes
of Canaan. In the same way, you must also gain victory in your own battle, no matter
what hardships you have to endure. Parents must plant the way of Heaven, even if they
die doing so. If you live for the sake of Heaven and the True Parents, your children will
be blessed with heavenly fortune and naturally come to inherit the heavenly tradition.
The people of Israel entered the land of Canaan, but later perished. Why? It is because
they eventually succumbed to the existing environment and adopted the prevailing
habits and customs. The Israelites were tempted by the extravagant lifestyle of the
Canaanites who ate better food and enjoyed a more comfortable life than theirs. The
Israelites ended up coveting power and began to place their priorities on wealth and
knowledge. They even began to marry gentiles—as long as they were from rich families.
In this way, they betrayed the spirit of the chosen nation and ended up losing the
heavenly tradition.
The lessons we learn from the Family Pledge come from universal, cosmic principles, not
from any form of individualism. We should not try to avoid the various hardships that
we face in our lives. We must boldly break through our circumstances and win the
victory! To do this, our families must be armed with the tradition of the Family Pledge.
It is not, however, a task for just your families, or for a single generation. You must
firmly and solidly establish the heavenly tradition over at least three generations. You
have the mission of establishing a lineage that secures the tradition of the chosen people
from generation to generation.
You must broaden your base of true love and unite the hearts of all peoples. Light a
candle, offer incense and pray to become families that can unite the hearts of all peoples.
Live and die to create a bond of true love with all peoples and with heaven and earth. If
you live this way, God will protect your families through all ordeals and tribulations. It
is God’s desire to plant His seeds of love in such families.
Ladies and gentlemen, you must all establish the victorious tradition of a true and good
family based on the Family Pledge. The life that you lead in this revolutionary era after
the coming of heaven should be one of a victor. The bright light from the Pacific Rim era
is illuminating your path. God, the source of true life, true love and true lineage, is with
you in the homeland of the Korean peninsula and throughout the world. True Parents,
to whom God has given the Blessing of eternal value, are also guiding you on your path.
Be assured that there is nothing you cannot accomplish on the path ahead!
May God’s blessings be with you and your family for eternity!