
Vote Comment Like Share & sent your pictures for Global #PeacePicture Contest


Vote Comment Like Share & sent your pictures for Global #PeacePicture Contest, For the World Refugee Day 2023 new Global #PeacePicture Contest with the topic: “Whole World is Home of Peace for Children” in commemoration of Daniil Cirpala

participant from OKECHUKWU CHIDOLUO VITUS in Nigeria +234 814 033 4094 WhatsApp contact for Cooperation, To Donate, To Volunteer For Interview

& in the memory of Daniil, every year a drawing Contest for #Peace2027 is held, and as Daniil has been drawing #PeacePictures in last days, we invite you to donate to the Daniil Foundation to support him ivacademy.net/en/donate

Important Please SHARE this information wide to enable all 8B+ people to participate and Complete Ultimate Global Peace Building by 2027 

Happy welcome your Drawings for contest & fell free to Share this Vital announcement wide:

For the World Refugee Day 2023 new Global #PeacePicture Contest with the topic: “Whole World is Home of Peace for Children” in commemoration of Daniil Cirpala

-Accepted Peace Arts Works for competition: Drawings can be small or big on any wall, pictures on any paper or textile or any other materials even digital, 3D or VR; Peace Essay, Peace Poems, Peace Songs, Peace Statues, Peace photos, Peace videos; Peace video games etc. works are also accepted. All works for competition suppose to have Author Name On It and TAG #Peace2027.

- All Peace Arts Works should be shared wide: in the internet with hashtag #Peace2027, with Local Leaders, Presidents, Governments and Media.

- There is No Age or other restrictions for participants: all countries are welcome, Schools, Colleges, Universities, Academies, Kindergartens, Communities or any other teams, biz, parties, clubs, etc. organizations are welcomed too.

Deadline next Sunday

Please send your Peace Arts Works this Week to GPBNet #DaniilFoundation by email irffmd@gmail.com or tel, Whatsapp, telegram +79811308385

For Consultation, Presentations, Cooperation, Partnerships, Interviews, Sponsorship, to Donate, to volunteer contact +79811308385

Last contest participant’s VIDEO https://youtu.be/e86u1VCoFKo

In the memory of Daniil, year around drawing Contest for #Peace2027 is held, as Daniil has been drawing #PeacePictures in last days, you are welcome to donate to the Daniil Foundation to support him https://www.ivacademy.net/ru/donate

Please SHARE This Information Wide To Enable All 8b+ People to Participate And Complete Ultimate Global Peace Building By 2027

in all your Schools

Sunday schools

Teacher’s and students associations

We are welcome MANY Children’s Drawings!!!)


Only Begotten Daughter

True Mother’s Message in the morning of January 5, 2023, at Cheon Jeong Gung
Heavenly Parent created the universe to be eternal. Following the Fall, all aspects of this eternal essence were lost to us. The history of humanity has been shaped by war and conflict. The beautiful environment God created has been destroyed to the point that it can no longer be seen. As True Parents, our motivation for moving to the United States for our work in the early 1970s was to fulfill our Creator’s dream and desire. Nevertheless, this was not something that could be accomplished overnight simply by proclaiming, “We are the True Parents.” We had to create the environment—which Christianity should have established at the outset. In the situation, after World War II, when more than half of the world was taken over by communist ideas, the United States as the representative democratic nation, had to assume responsibility. God blessed America in order that humankind would find peace—because, with its Christian background, it was positioned to become a nation of global influence. There was a chaotic situation, however. Family breakdown, youth problems, drug abuse… It was evident that the United States would become communist if it did not stand strong. Therefore, to make the United States stand strong and upright, Father, as the True Parent, shouted, “I have come with the mission of a doctor and firefighter to put out the fire!” Back then we hosted the International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences. The conference was attended by many Nobel laureates. Father set up a movement to reveal God the Creator through the mouths of scientists. And while in Danbury prison, True Father instructed Dr. Kaplan to loudly proclaim “the End of Communism.” Being a political scientist, Dr. Kaplan found it difficult to make such an unverifiable prediction. But when he suggested that the word “maybe” could be added, Father insisted he simply proclaim the end of Communism. Furthermore, this took place in a hotel across the road from the Soviet Embassy in Switzerland! In the end, the Soviet Union was dissolved some five years after that, right? This was after meeting Gorbachev and Kim Il-sung! ICUS was suspended after that for a while, but we recommenced the conferences following True Father’s ascension. Scientists must be taught that God exists as our Heavenly Parent and that the spirit world exists. The principles of creation also include maintaining balance and the concept of eternity. Didn’t scientists create the atomic bomb, which destroyed the balance arising from the principles of creation? Scientists need to understand the spirit world. They need to know about our Heavenly Parent and the Principle of Creation. This is the reason I resumed ICUS. This is a time when people can accept a theory that enables them to experience the spirit world. During the last conference, a Colombian professor of psychology, which is a humanistic discipline, came to feel that the absolute being and the spiritual realm exist. He sought us out by himself and gave a presentation. A Heavenly Conference on the Unity of the Sciences! Centered on Heavenly Parent, scientists are working together for the movement to save our planet that is being destroyed. We must restore everything to its original purpose as given by the Creator. A mission for the environment! Humanity must attend the Creator, our Heavenly Parent, and restore this planet to its original state. Christians in the United States are committed to environmental mission work. They have no reason to object. If that is the case, can our church remain silent? I hope we will become a Heavenly Korea that leads the way in the mission for the environment. Additionally, didn’t I ask you to bring revival through the Holy Spirit and the Truth? You must go to Cheon Shim Won and shout, “True Father! We have to do it now, this time. True Father, please help us!” Why do we need Cheon Shim Won prayers? There are second- and third-generation blessed children who are experiencing spiritual difficulties. You must go to Cheon Shim Won to receive assistance from absolutely good spirits. In the Old Testament Age, New Testament Age, and Completed Testament Age, there are only proclamations. The era of Cheon Il Guk must, however, bear fruit. Through the Holy Spirit and the Truth everything can flow correctly! All impurities must be removed! The second generation of the True Family could not complete its responsibilities, so I have designated the third generation. True Parents are eternal. There is no second or third set of True Parents.


Weapons Free World by 2027?🤔🌍

Weapons Free by 2027?🤔🌍 - YouTube https://youtube.com/shorts/bWH5DVs17ZI?feature=share

212th Day - Highway 🛣️ Peace Road 2023 @Pilgrimages Global Tour Movement Prayed for Global Peace Today at the Temple, Locally, Globally and Online. Join yourself and invite all your friends to join now: Vital Second Coming Global Tour - international, interfaith pilgrimages for Ultimate #GlobalPeaceby2027 #Peace2027 Join online or live by participating, donate, make devotions, volunteer and contact us for presentations, consulting, interviews, cooperation or partnerships watsapp me Nicolae Cipala +79811308385 GPBNet #ForPeace www.ivacademy.net Thus Please join #GlobalPrayerChain to Save and Bless 7B+ people, let's unite efforts Daily at 19.00 (your local time) with your friends, family, organizations and #PrayWithNick for: - Ultimate Global Peace by 2027 - All countries to be restored to God by 2027 - For Peace in Ukraine, Cameroon, Nigeria, Belarus, Karabah, Yemen, Syria, Israel, Myanmar, Palestine, Kashmir, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sudan, Kazakhstan and all hot spots globally as soon as possible - People that suffered - True Parents and True children - For True Mother's health - Healing Oceans and all Environment by 2027 - Humankind to plant and raise 1 billion+ trees globally by 2027 - South and North Korea peaceful reunification this year - Global economy that benefits all nations and people to be set up worldwide by 2027 - All countries to stop weapons production and distribution and begin to invest in peace and in the well-being of humanity by 2027 - All families globally to receive God's Marriage Blessing by 2027 - All religions by 2027 to start to work together in unity to illuminate humankind about God our all humans Heavenly Parent and His tireless work of humans salvation behind the history, receive marriage blessing from Messiah 2nd coming and pass to all humanity - Peace Road to be built globally by 2027 - till 2027 humankind to finish all wars and sanctions globally forever - Reform health care systems for good, globally, by 2027 - Our Heavenly Parent and ancestors in spiritual world - Science and religion unity by 2027 - to be accomplished all this as is written in #HumankindOnStepToPerfection predictions book - Join 40 days prayer, devotions and blessing condition for success of marriage blessing events in Europe, Africa, Asia, Americas and all True Parents activities globally; - Prayer requests: 1. Please pray to Heavenly Parent for total healing of epilepsy autistic Yan Kyrpale this year 2. Please pray to Heavenly Parent to help HTM Cirpala bless 1200+ couples this year 3. Please Pray for Daniil Kyrpale an 11 years old kid - that Heavenly Parent will allow him to speak and get rid of autism-epilepsy this year 4. Please pray for Heavenly Parent's Holly Community good development in Korea, Burundi, Russia, Moldova, EU, South Africa, USA and globally 5. Please pray for Good development of God's GPBNet 6. Please pray for the success of Interfaith Pilgrimage Second Coming Global Tour - Peace Road. Thank you Aju - Amen Send your Prayers Requests today or just contact me for more cooperation 👍IMPORTANT Join my Ultimate Global Peace by 2027 Billion + Happy Life subscribers Marathon Today, at my web https://ivacademy.net & in your Favourite networks: https://instagram.com/HAPPY_TV_NEWS https://Twitter.com/cirpalanicolae https://FACEBOOK.com/nicolaecirpala https://Youtube.com/c/HAPPYTVNEWS Telegram https://t.me/GPBNet or https://Linkedin.com/in/nicolaecirpala & WhatsApp me +7 981 130 83 85 yours Nicolae Cirpala ok?📝🎆 #PeaceRoad2023 #Pilgrimage2023 #InterfaithTravel #Pilgrimages @Pilgrimages


Выбор спутника жизни

Однажды я попросил кандидатов на помолвку написать на листке бумаги имена тех, кого они выбрали бы сами. Некоторые из них составили список из пяти имен. Среди собравшихся здесь сегодня, должно быть, тоже есть такие люди. И я подумал, не попросить ли мне на этот раз, чтобы вы составили список не менее, чем из десяти имен. Но, пожалуй, это будет вам трудно сделать, ведь для этого нужно знать имена всех присутствующих. Не будете же вы рисовать лица на листке бумаги. Вам нужно просто четко написать  имя юноши или девушки. Поскольку составить список из множества имен действительно трудно, я прошу вас ограничиться пятью.

Когда я просмотрел, что они написали, я лишился дара речи. Все женщины отдали предпочтение мужчине, который выделялся более других. А все мужчины выбрали женщину, которая считалась у них самой красивой. Присутствовало около 500 человек, и все они просили самого лучшего или самую красивую. Не могу же я выдать 500 женщин замуж за одного мужчину, пришлось бы отказать 499. В подобной ситуации женщины чувствуют себя более неуютно, чем мужчины.

Похоже, что логика мышления мужчин выгодно отличается от женской. Например, я, взглянув на список одного из мужчин, сказал ему: “Смотри-ка, твой номер один уплыл к другому”. Мужчина воспринял мои слова спокойно. Но когда я сказал женщине: “Смотри, тот, кто стоит у тебя в списке под номером один, достался другой” — она от обиды надула губы. Я почувствовал себя очень неловко. Ситуация вполне естественная, но женщинам даже в голову не приходило то, что 500 человек не могут получить одного и того же супруга. Вместо этого они думали: “Ведь я просила в молитве, чтобы Учитель дал мне этого человека, и считала, что так оно и будет”. Такая молитва бессмысленна, даже если она длиной в 1 000 лет. Не молитесь так. В этой молитве чувствуется алчность, поэтому она недопустима. Разве я не прав? Предположим, все 400 человек начнут молиться так: “Отец Небесный, прошу Тебя, соедини меня в браке с этим человеком”. И что тогда? К чьей молитве будет прислушиваться Бог? Его симпатии будут с тем, кто не молится ради себя. На месте Бога я поступил бы также.

Следовательно, те, кто молится ради себя, — жадные люди. Думайте так: “Отец Небесный, я вверяюсь Тебе. Найдется ли пара для такого недостойного человека, как я? Пусть все будет согласно Твоей воле. Если Ты повелишь мне прожить одиноким до конца моих дней, да будет так”. В этом случае на душе у вас будет гораздо спокойнее.

Я чувствую, когда мысли людей идут не в том направлении, и они начинают перешептываться между собой, осуждая Церковь. С такими людьми я обычно не общаюсь по неделе. Потом они начинают возмущаться, что ожидаемый результат не наступает. Дня через три они становятся серьезными и даже полностью теряют аппетит. Таким образом, по прошествии недели, из их глаз постепенно исчезает мирское выражение, и, чувствуя, что они вернулись к жизни, я объявляю результаты помолвки.

Если во время помолвки кто-либо начинает отказываться, говоря, что этот человек ему не нравится, я подбираю ему пару в последнюю очередь. Он уже не может ничего сделать, чтобы изменить очередность подбора пар. Некоторые могут подумать: “Отец обязательно помолвит меня одним из первых, ведь в ожидании Благословения я выполнил 40-дневное условие холодного душа с молитвой”. Нет уж, извините. Как раз наоборот, этого не будет никогда. Человека, который молится ради себя, ждет кара Небес.

Молитесь так: “Отец Небесный, сейчас проходит особое собрание, посвященное Благословению. Кем бы ни был мой супруг, пусть он будет одним из тех, кто доставляет Тебе радость. Если этот человек мне знаком — тем лучше”. Такая молитва станет хорошим условием и потому непременно дойдет до Небес. Настраивайте себя именно на такую молитву. Что произойдет, если все станут молиться так: “Мне никто не нужен, кроме этой женщины”. Так не должно быть.