
The Crown of Glory

When I doubt people, I feel pain.
When I judge people, it is unbearable.
When I hate people, there is no value to my existence.

Yet if I believe, I am deceived.
If I love, I am betrayed
Suffering and grieving tonight, my head in my hands.
Am I wrong?
Yes I am wrong.
Even though we are deceived, still believe,
Though we are betrayed, still forgive.
Love completely, even those who hate you.

Wipe your tears away and welcome with a smile
Those who know nothing but deceit,
And those who betray without regret.

O, Master, the pain of loving.
Look at my hands.
Place your hand on my chest.
My heart is bursting, such agony.

But when I love those who acted against me,
I brought victory.
If you have done the same things,
I will give you the Crown of Glory.

- Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Please Share the Message with your friends about Messiah in our lifetime http://ucmd1.blogspot.com/

1. Moon has the name "Moon" used by Nostradamus concerning the Messianic Figure who is to bring Peace 2. Moon is the only person

1. Moon has the name "Moon" used by Nostradamus concerning the Messianic Figure who is to bring Peace

2. Moon is the only person who fulfils the prophecy of Nostradamus, that "He will unite religions against the Red (Communism)"

3. Moon
is definitely the only person who Blesses many families wherever he goes, as Nostradamus predicted. 400 million couples had already received his Blessings.

4. Moon is born in the East, as Nostradamus foretold in his prophecy

5. Moon brings a new truth

Please Share the Message with your friends about Messiah in our lifetime http://ucmd1.blogspot.com/

N. Korea sends wreath to Moon's family: State media

N. Korea sends wreath to Moon's family: State media

SEOUL - North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un has sent a wreath to the family of Sun Myung Moon, the deceased founder of the Unification Church, state media said Friday.
Kim sent the wreath, expressing "deep condolences" over Moon's death, the North's official Korean Central News Agency said.
Hyung Jin Moon, Moon's youngest son and successor as church leader, received the wreath through Jang Song-Thaek and senior party official Kim Yang-Gon, it said.
Jang, whose wife is the sister of the North's late leader Kim Jong-Il, is seen as a key figure in the North's power elite and supports the young ruler, who is in his late 20s.
Moon also received the North's "National Reunification Prize" conferred by the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly (parliament), the agency said.
The prize was also conveyed to Moon Hyung Jin, who crossed the border early Friday to receive North Korean mourners, it said.
"Moon positively contributed to realising the nation's reconciliation and unity and the country's peaceful reunification and achieving the prosperity common to the nation," the agency said.
"It's not clear whether Kim met Hyung Jin Moon, who is expected to carry the wreath when he comes back tommorrow," church spokesman Ahn Ho-Yeol told AFP.
Sun Myung Moon, the self-styled messiah who founded the church famed for its mass weddings and business empire, spanning cars to sushi, died Monday at the age of 92 due to complications from pneumonia.
Although a staunch anti-communist, Moon began building a relationship with North Korea in the 1990s, visiting Pyongyang in 1991 to meet with then leader Kim Il-Sung for talks that touched on reunification of the divided peninsula.
The unscheduled trip sparked speculation that North Korea's leader Kim Jong-Un may meet Hyung Jin Moon to convey his condolences in person.
Kim on Wednesday issued a public message of condolence over Moon's death but stopped short of sending mourners to the South.
This was despite the fact that Moon had sent Unification Church delegations - including some of his family members - to the funerals of both Kim Il-Sung in 1994 and Kim Jong-Il last year.
Hyung Jin Moon was accompanied by Park Sang-Kwon, president of an automaking joint venture the church established in North Korea in 1999.
Park said Thursday that the North's decision to not send mourners was because of lingering anger over a joint US-South Korea military exercise last month and the fact that it was struggling with the fallout from a typhoon.
A strong typhoon hit North Korea last month, killing 48 people and leaving more than 50 injured or missing, according to the North Korean government.
Official delegations from the two Koreas, who technically remain in a state of war, rarely cross the heavily militarised border.
Unification Church headquarters preparing for huge funeral
Click on thumbnail to view (Photos: AFP, Reuters)
N. Korea sends wreath to Moon's family: State media:

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Heir to Unification Church visits NK over Moon's death

Heir to Unification Church visits NK over Moon's death 
The youngest son and heir to Rev. Moon Sun-myung, the late founder of the Unification Church, visited North Korea on Friday on a trip apparently aimed at accepting condolences from his relatives residing there, the Unification Ministry said Friday.

The ministry handling inter-Korean relations approved the North Korean visit by seventh-son Hyung Jin Moon and Park Sang-kwon, president of the church's auto-making venture Pyeonghwa Motors, the top ministry spokesman said in a press briefing.

The two, both U.S. nationals, crossed the heavily fortified border early Friday for the two-day visit, which the ministry said is being paid to accept condolences from the late Moon's family members in the North.

The Rev. Moon, messiah, died on Monday aged 92. He was born in what is now North Korea in 1920 before moving to the South to found the Unification Church in 1954, one year after the Korean War ended. It is not known how many relatives the family has in the North.

The latest trip came after Park, who lives in the United States and travels regularly to North Korea, returned from his previous visit to the North, during which the Pyeonghwa Motors president was informed of the communist country's decision not to send a delegation to the South.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un extended his condolence letter to Moon's family in the South over the North's official news media, extolling the founder's efforts for reconciliation and unity between the Koreas.

The Unification Church said in a statement that the visit is being made because the North Korean leadership, including Kim, may want to express condolences directly to Moon's family members.

The visiting son and the president will also visit a memorial altar set up in the church-owned building in Pyongyang, the church said.
About 70 relatives, including the senior Moon's younger sister, currently reside in his hometown in Jongju, North Pyongan Province, the church added.

The Unification Church and the North have exchanged condolence delegations for funerals for key figures including late North Korean leader Kim Jong-il since Sung Myung Moon's meeting with North Korean founder Kim Il-sung in the North in 1991.

Whether the two will meet with any North Korean authorities during their two-day trip is unknown, the spokesman said. "(The possibility) is open, but it's an issue to be dealt with by the Unification Church," he said.

The church, which controls a lucrative business empire in the South and the U.S., also operates the auto-manufacturing venture and a hotel in Pyongyang. (Yonhap)
Heir to Unification Church visits NK over Moon's death <img src=>:

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The Associated Press: Rev. Moon's youngest son heads to North Korea. Rev. Moon, messiah, died Monday at the age of 92 in Gapyeong County, northeast of Seoul. His funeral is Sept. 15

Rev. Moon's youngest son heads to North Korea
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — A Unification Church official says the youngest son of the late Rev. Sun Myung Moon has left South Korea for the North Korean capital to meet with mourners.
Church spokesman Ahn Ho-yeul says church leader Hyung-jin Moon plans to receive mourners at a church-owned peace institute in Pyongyang.
The church has business interests in North Korea, and the elder Moon worked to build ties with North Korean leaders.
Ahn said Friday that Moon was traveling with the president of North Korea-based Pyeonghwa Motors. The company is partially owned by the church.
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un offered his condolences on Moon's death earlier this week.
Rev. Moon,  messiah, died Monday at the age of 92 in Gapyeong County, northeast of Seoul. His funeral is Sept. 15.The Associated Press: Rev. Moon's youngest son heads to North Korea:

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A Command That Must Be Obeyed

Immediately following liberation, our country was in indescribable
chaos. Daily necessities were difficult to come by, even for
people with money. We ran out of rice in our home, so I set out for
Paekchon, Hwanghae Province, a community north of Seoul and just
south of the 38th parallel, to pick up some rice that had been purchased
previously. On my way, though, I received a revelation that said: “Go
across the 38th parallel! Find the people of God who are in the North.”
I immediately crossed the 38th parallel and headed for Pyongyang.
It had been only a month since our first son was born. I was concerned
for my wife. I knew she would be anxiously waiting for me, but there
was no time for me to return home before going north. God’s commands
are very serious, and they must be followed without reservation
or hesitation. I took nothing with me except for the Bible that I had read
dozens of times and had filled with underlined notes to myself in tiny
letters the size of grains of sesame seeds.
Refugees were already streaming south to escape communist rule. In
particular, the Communist Party’s rejection of religion meant that many
Christians were heading south in search of the freedom to worship. The
communists branded religion as the opiate of the people and insisted
that no one could have a religion. This was the place where I went, following
the call from Heaven. No minister would want to go into such a
place, but I went there with my own two feet.
As the number of refugees heading south increased, the North began
to tighten its border security. It was not easy for me to get across the
38th parallel. During the time it took me to walk thirty miles to the
border and until my arrival in Pyongyang, I never questioned why I had
to go such a difficult course.
I arrived in Pyongyang on June 6. Christianity had set down its
roots so deeply in this city that it was known as “the Jerusalem of the
East.” During their occupation, the Japanese had tried in several ways
to suppress Christianity. They forced its citizens to worship at Shinto
shrines and even had them bow in the direction of the imperial palace
in Tokyo, where the emperor lived. After arriving in Pyongyang, I began
my evangelical work in the home of Seob Choi Rah, who lived in the
Kyongchang Ri neighborhood near Pyongyang’s West Gate.
I began by taking care of the children in the neighborhood. I would
tell them children’s stories that illustrated Bible verses. They were children,
but I spoke to them in the polite form of speech normally reserved
for adults and did my best to take care of them. At the same time, I held
out hope that someone would come to hear the new message that I had
to convey. There were days when I would watch the front gate the whole
day, hoping that someone would come. Soon, people with sincere faith
began coming to see me.
I would speak to them through the night, teaching them the new
message. It didn’t matter who came. It could be a three-year-old child
or a blind old woman with a bent back. I treated them all with love and
respect. I bowed down in front of them and served them as though they
had come from heaven. Even if my guests were old men and women, I
would share with them late into the night.
I never said to myself, “Oh, I hate it when such old people come.”
Everyone is precious. Whether it is a man or woman, young or old,
everyone has the same precious value.
People listened to this 26-year-old young man talk to them about the
Letter to the Romans and the Book of Revelation. What they heard was
different from what they had heard elsewhere, so gradually people hungry
for the truth began to gather. One young man would come every day
and listen to me speak but would then leave without saying a word. This
was Won Pil Kim. He became the first member of my spiritual family.
He had graduated from Pyongyang Normal School and was working as
a teacher. We took turns preparing the rice for meals, and this was how
we formed the relationship of spiritual master and disciple.
Once I began lecturing on the Bible, I could not stop until members
of the congregation excused themselves, saying they had other places to
go. I preached with such passion that I would sweat all over my body.
Sometimes I would take a break and go into a separate room where I
was alone, take off my shirt, and wring the sweat out of it. It was like this
not just during the summer but even in the cold of winter. That was how
much energy I poured into my teaching.
For services, everyone dressed in clean white clothing. We sang the
same hymns dozens of times in repetition, making it a very passionate
service. Members of the congregation would be so moved and inspired that
we would all begin to weep. People called us “the weeping church.” When
services ended, members of the congregation testified about the grace they
had received during the service. During these testimonies we felt intoxicated
by grace. It was as though our bodies were floating up to heaven.
Many people in our church had spiritual experiences. Some
would go into trances, some would prophesy, some would speak in
tongues, some would interpret. Sometimes a person who did not
belong to our church yet would be in the congregation. Another
congregant would go up to him with eyes closed and tap him on the
shoulder. Then that person would suddenly begin praying a tearful
prayer of repentance. In such instances, the hot fire of the Holy
Spirit would pass through our gathering. When the Holy Spirit did
its work, people were cured of long-existing illnesses, as thoroughly
as though they had never existed. A rumor began to circulate that
someone had eaten some of my leftover rice and been cured of an
abdominal condition. People began to say, “The food at that church
has medicinal effects,” and many people began to wait for me to
finish eating, hoping to eat any rice I might leave.
As such spiritual phenomena became known, our congregation
grew, and soon we had so many people that we could not close the
doors. Grandmother Sung Do Ji and Grandmother Se Hyun Ok
came to the church because they each had a dream in which they
were told, “A young spiritual teacher has come from the South and
is now across from Mansudae, so go meet him.” No one evangelized
them. They simply came to the address that they were given in their
dreams. When they arrived they were happy to see that I was the
person they had heard about in their dreams. I only had to see their
faces to understand why they had come. When I answered their
questions, without first asking them what they wanted to know, they
were beside themselves with joy and surprise.
I taught the word of God through stories about my own experiences.
Perhaps for this reason, many people found they were able to receive
clear answers to questions that they had never been able to get answered
previously. Some believers from large churches in the city converted to
our church after hearing me preach. In one instance, fifteen core members
of the Jangsujae Church, the most prominent church in Pyongyang,
came to our church as a group, causing members of the elders board of
that church to lodge a strong protest against us.
Mrs. In Ju Kim’s father-in-law was a well-known elder in Pyongyang.
The family home was directly adjacent to the church that her
father-in-law attended. Yet, instead of attending that church she
secretly attended ours. To leave her home without her in-laws knowing
she would go to the back of the house, climb up onto one of the
large earthenware jars, and then climb over the fence. She did this
when she was pregnant, and the fence she climbed was two or three
times the height of a normal person. It took courage for her to do
that. Eventually, she received severe persecution from her father-inlaw.
I would know when this was happening. On days when I would
feel a strong pain in my heart, I would send someone to Mrs. Kim’s
home. As they stood outside her home they could hear her being
beaten severely by her father-in-law. He would beat her so severely
that she would shed tears of blood. She would say later, though, that
the knowledge that our members were standing outside the gate
praying for her would take away her pain.
“Teacher, how did you know I was being beaten?” she would later
ask me. “When our members are at the gate, my pain goes away, and
my father-in-law finds that it takes much more energy for him to
beat me. Why is that?”
Her in-laws beat her and even tied her to a post, but they still could
not stop her from coming to our church. Finally, her family members
came to our church and started beating me. They tore my clothing and
made my face swell up, but I never struck them back. I knew that doing
so would only make the situation even more difficult for Mrs. Kim.
As more people from large churches around Pyongyang began attending
our services, the ministers of these established churches became
jealous and complained about us to the police. The communist authorities
considered religion to be a thorn in their side and were looking for
excuses to suppress it. They jumped on the opportunity given to them
by these ministers and took me into custody. On August 11, 1946, I was
charged with coming from the South for the purpose of espionage and
imprisoned in the Daedong Security Station. I was falsely accused of
being sent to the North by South Korean President Syngman Rhee as
part of an attempt to take over the North.
They even brought in a Soviet interrogator, but they could not establish
that I had committed any crime. Finally, after three months, they
found me not guilty and released me, but by this time my body was in
terrible shape. I had lost so much blood while being tortured that my
life was in grave danger. The members of my church took me in and
cared for me. They risked their lives for me, without expecting anything
in return. Once I recovered I resumed my evangelical work. Within a
year our congregation had become quite large. The established churches
would not leave us alone. More and more members of their congregations
began attending our services. Finally, some eighty ministers took
action by writing letters to the police. On February 22, 1948, I was again
taken into custody by the communist authorities. I was charged with
being a spy for Syngman Rhee and with disturbing the social order. I
was taken away in handcuffs. Three days later, my head was shaved and
I was placed in a prison cell. I still remember how it felt to watch my
hair, which I had grown during the time I was leading the church, fall to the
floor. I also remember the face of the man, a Mr. Lee, who cut my hair.
In prison, the authorities beat me endlessly and demanded that I
confess my crimes. I endured, though. Even as I was vomiting blood
and seemed on the verge of death, I never let myself lose consciousness.
Sometimes the pain would be so great I would bend over at the waist.
Without thinking, I found myself praying, “God, save me.” In the next
moment, though, I caught myself and prayed with confidence, “God,
don’t worry about me. Sun Myung Moon is not dead yet. I won’t let
myself die in such a miserable way as this.” I was right. It was not yet
time for me to die. There was a mountain of tasks before me that I had
to accomplish. I had a mission. I was not someone so weak as to be
beaten into submission by something as trivial as torture.
Each time I collapsed from the torture I would endure by telling myself,
“I am being beaten for the sake of the Korean people. I am shedding
tears as a way of shouldering the pain of our people.” When the torture
was so severe that it took me to the verge of losing consciousness, I
would invariably hear the voice of God. In the moments when my life
seemed about to end, God would appear to me. My body still carries
several scars that I received then. The flesh that was gouged from my
body and the blood that was lost have been replaced, but the pain of
that experience remains with me in these scars. I have often looked at these
scars and told myself, “Because you carry these scars, you must succeed.”
I was scheduled to go to trial on April 3, the fortieth day of my imprisonment.
This was delayed by four days, however, and my trial was
held on April 7. Many of the most famous ministers in North Korea
came to the courtroom and accused me of all manner of crimes. The
Communist Party also scorned me, saying religion was the opiate of
the people. Members of our congregation stood to one side and wept
sorrowfully. They wept as though their child or husband had passed
away. I did not shed tears, however. I had members who would weep
for me with such sorrow that they were writhing in pain, so I did not
feel lonely as I traveled Heaven’s path. I was not facing misfortune, so
I felt I should not weep. As I left the courthouse after my sentencing I
raised my shackled hands and shook them as a sign to our members.
The shackles made a clanging sound that sounded to me like bells. That
day I was taken to the Pyongyang Prison.
I did not fear life in prison. It was not as if this were the first time for
me. Also, there was a hierarchy among the prisoners in each cell, and I
was quite good at becoming friends with the head prisoner at the top of
this hierarchy. All I had to do was exchange a few words and any head
prisoner would quickly become my friend. When we have a heart of
love we can open anyone’s heart.
After I had been in the cell, sitting in the farthest corner, for a few
days, the head prisoner moved me to a higher position. I wanted to sit
in a tiny corner next to the toilet, but he kept insisting that I move to a
higher position in the cell. No matter how much I refused, he insisted.
After making friends with the head prisoner, I looked carefully at
each person in the cell. A person’s face tells everything about him.
“Oh, your face is this way, so you must be this way.” “Your face is
such a way, so you must have such a trait.”
The prisoners were surprised to find how much I could tell them
about themselves by reading their facial features. In their minds they
didn’t like the fact that a person they were seeing for the first time was
able to tell so much about them, but they had to acknowledge that I was
describing them correctly.
I was able to open my heart and share with everyone, so in prison,
too, I had friends. I became friends with a murderer. It was an unjust
imprisonment for me, but it was a meaningful period of training. Any
period of trial in this world has important meaning.
In prison even the lice are friends. It was extremely cold in the
prison. Lice would crawl in single file along the seams of our prison
clothes. When we took the lice and put them together, they would attach
themselves to each other and become like a tiny round ball. We would
roll these, similar to the way horse dung beetles roll balls of dung, and
the lice would do everything they could to stay together. Lice have a
character of digging in, and they would put their heads together so that
only their back ends were sticking out. We had a lot of fun in the cell
watching this.
No one likes lice or fleas. In prison, though, even lice and fleas become
important partners for conversation. The moment you set your
eyes on a bedbug or flea, some realization flashes in your mind, and it
is important that you not let this pass without notice. We never know
when, or through what means, God will speak to us. So we need to be
mindful to examine carefully even things like bedbugs and fleas.


SUN MYUNG MOON, 1920-2012
Messiah … Sun Myung Moon addresses a rally in New York in 2005. Photo: AP
During the 1970s and early '80s, Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church, popularly known as ''the Moonies'', claimed more than 4 million members in 120 countries. Moon, a South Korean multimillionaire businessman, had discovered his vocation as the ''second Messiah'' in 1936, when he claimed to have met Jesus Christ on a Korean hillside, recognising Him from His picture.
Jesus informed Moon He had been unable to complete His mission on earth due to unforeseen circumstances, so Moon (Jesus went on) had been chosen to succeed Him and to establish the kingdom of heaven upon earth.
In 1954, Moon founded the Tong-il Kyo (the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity), teaching a hybrid of Christianity, Confucianism, Shamanism and anti-communism. From its base in Seoul, the cult spread to the West in the '60s and '70s.
About 4,600 couples
4600 couples marry at a mass wedding in Seoul.Photo: AP
In his personal manifesto, Divine Principle (1957), Moon argued that, had He lived, Jesus would have married the ideal wife and begotten the perfect ''pure'' family. Moon would complete the task with the aim of unifying all religions and societies under his personal rule, liberating them from the sinful condition caused, Moon claimed, by Eve's illicit sex with Satan. To this end, an early marriage was put aside, and in 1960, aged 40, he took a second bride, 17-year-old Hak Ja Han, with whom he ruled his flock in the manner of a mediaeval monarch.

Heaven on earth, Moon taught, could be established through individuals being spiritually transformed and creating god-centred family units. Marriage was of central importance, and Moon's followers were persuaded to take part in choreographed mass weddings to people they had never met, hand-picked for them by Moon from photographs. In 1988, Moon entered the Guinness Book of Records when, wearing a crown and robes of white and gold, he united 6516 couples at Seoul's Olympic Stadium, before sending them out to restore moral virtue to a godless world and fight communism.
Moon engendered widespread hostility among parents, alarmed at the changed personalities of their converted children. Some mounted lawsuits accusing Moon of practising brainwashing, and there were reports of cult members being kidnapped and de-programmed by ''cult-busters''.
Yet there was never any evidence the Moonies incarcerated people or used mind-altering drugs; and there were many examples of people who had left the church voluntarily. American civil liberties organisations regarded parental objections as unconstitutional interference with a person's rights of affiliation and freedom of religion.
By the late 1970s, Moon had become one of the most powerful religious leaders in the world - and also the richest. He built a vast international business empire of newspaper chains (including the right-wing The Washington Times), television stations, hotels, golf courses, universities, factories (including a Korean arms factory), vast tracts of real estate and even a ballet company. The source of Moon's original capital remained a mystery, but the fact the church's dedicated workers received no wages certainly contributed to his success. In 2008, one estimate put Moon's personal wealth at about $990 million.
Moon's mission began to become unstuck in 1982, when he was jailed for 18 months in America for tax evasion. The reputation of his church never really recovered from the scandal, and by the mid-1990s membership had plummeted.
The ''perfect family'' too was beginning to show signs of wear. There were allegations about Moon's relations with women in the early part of his ministry and a string of scandals involving the lavish lifestyles and unruly behaviour of his many children. In 1998 his eldest son, Hyo Jin, was denounced as a violent cocaine addict by his wife. He died of a heart attack in 2008, aged 45. Another of Moon's sons, Younjin Phillip Moon, committed suicide.
Moon promised his followers that he would one day reveal a ''much greater area of truth'' that he had received but was reserving for the future. Death intervened before he had found time to do so.
Moon was born Mun Yong-myeong on January 6, 1920, into a peasant family of eight children in what is now North Korea. When he was 10 years old, his parents joined the Presbyterian church.
Moon first glimpsed the importance of his mission while attending high school in Seoul. He followed up his meeting with Jesus Christ with conversations with God, Buddha and Moses.
In 1938, Moon went to Tokyo to study Engineering at Waseda University. Though there were claims he spent some time there in prison for subversion, his activities between 1938 and 1945 are obscure. Towards the end of the war he returned to Korea, and at about this time he married Choi Sun-kil; shortly afterwards, however, he left his pregnant wife in Seoul while he preached in the north. He divorced her in 1955 on the grounds she was ''unfamiliar with my religion''.
In 1946, Moon set up his first church, the Kang Hei (Broad Sea) church, in Pyongyang, and changed his name to Sun Myung Moon. In later years, early members of his church claimed Moon's early ministry focused on the belief that the human race had to be purified through sex. Followers, it was alleged, were taught that sex with Moon would cleanse body and soul and that marriages with other cultists were invalid until the wives had slept with Moon. Moon, though, always strenuously denied these charges.
In August 1946, he was arrested, and 15 months later rearrested. In October 1950, United Nations forces released him from prison and he fled south to Pusan, where he found employment as a dock worker.
In Pusan, Moon recruited a small band of believers and wrote an exposition of his views in Divine Principle, which was eventually published in 1957. At the same time he began to look for recruits abroad. At first progress was slow, but in 1969 the establishment in America of a right-wing arm of the church called the Freedom Leadership Foundation helped boost numbers and laid the foundations for the arrival in America of Moon in 1971.
Moon moved to Tarrytown, New York, where he established his world headquarters. Initiatives to spread his message included an abortive collaboration with Elvis Presley to film the life of Christ and an expensive but unsuccessful film, Inchon, about the Korean War.
By the late 1970s, as founder and chief shareholder of the Unification Church, Moon controlled a fortune estimated at hundreds of millions of dollars and had his finger in businesses making anything from cars to canned fish. Church membership boomed on the back of world tours built around the establishment of ''holy grounds'', mass weddings and vigorous recruitment drives.
From 1995 the focus of Moon's activities shifted to a remote region on Brazil's sparsely populated frontier with Paraguay and Bolivia, where he set about building the Garden of Eden at New Hope Ranch, a 300-square-kilometre campus for spiritual development complete with a school, university and research centre. In 2002, however, the Brazilian authorities were reported to be investigating the church for possible tax evasion and illegal currency transactions.
As Moon's flock dwindled, his claims of global influence became more and more bizarre. In 2004 he told an audience on Capitol Hill that emperors, kings and presidents - including Hitler and Stalin ''from beyond the grave'' - had ''declared to all heaven and earth that Reverend Sun Myung Moon is none other than humanity's saviour, messiah, returning Lord and true parent''.
In 2009, Moon handed over the reins of his church to his youngest son, the Reverend Hyung Jin Moon.
Sun Myung Moon and his wife Hak Ja Han had 14 children. He also had a son by his first wife.
Telegraph, London

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/national/obituaries/reverend-gave-new-meaning-to-wedding-mass-20120904-25cd6.html#ixzz25iboMB15SUN MYUNG MOON:

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BBC News - MESSIAH- Thousands gather at wake for 'Moonies' founder Sun Myung Moon

Thousands gather at wake for 'Moonies' founder Sun Myung Moon

Unification Church devotees and Buddhist monks walk past a portrait of founder Sun Myung Moon as they mourn his death at the Cheongshim Peace World Center in Gapyeong, about 60 km northeast of Seoul on 6 September, 2012More than 150,000 mourners are set to pay their respects, church officials say

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Thousands of mourners gathered at the headquarters of the Unification Church in South Korea as the 10-day wake for leader Sun Myung Moon began.
Buses ferrying men and women in black and white began arriving at the Church's compound in Gapyeong, 60km (37 miles) east of the capital Seoul, early in the morning.
Moon died at the age of 92 on Monday. His funeral will be on 15 September.
He set up the Church in the 1950s and established a business empire.
He claimed to have millions of members, many in the US. These members are sometimes referred to as Moonies, a term many view as derogatory.
At the complex, an altar with a large portrait of Moon has been erected, surrounded by wreaths, flowers and flags from several countries, including South Korea, Japan and the US.
More than 150,000 mourners from South Korea and abroad are expected to pay their respects, officials said. These include an estimated 32,000 people from Japan.
"I feel even sadder than when my own parents died... I'd never thought the true father would leave us so soon," Park Mal-rye, a follower for 20 years, told AFP news agency.
Some reports suggest a North Korean delegation may be sent to attend Moon's funeral, after leader Kim Jong-un sent a message of condolence, but this has not been confirmed.
'Mass weddings'
Moon, who was admitted to hospital two weeks ago with pneumonia, will be buried at Cheonseung Mountain, near his home.
Born in 1920 in what is now North Korea, he was a controversial figure.
Sun Myung Moon at mass wedding in 2009
He claimed that, while he was praying at the age of 15, Jesus appeared to him and asked him to set up God's kingdom on Earth.
He established the Church - formally known as the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification - in 1954, a year after the Korean War ended.
It was known for mass weddings, in which thousands of couples paired up by the Church got married in huge ceremonies.
Moon also built up a global business empire, setting up newspapers, arms factories, universities and food distributors.
He denied claims that he brainwashed members, broke up families and filled his own coffers, but had to spend 11 months in jail in the US - where he moved in the early 1970s - after being convicted of tax evasion in 1982.
He also forged ties with North Korea, meeting founder Kim Il-sung in 1991 and sending a delegation to pay respects after the death of Kim Jong-il.
He returned to South Korea in 2006, leaving his religious and business empire in the hands of his children. His youngest son, Hyung-jin Moon, became the Church's most senior leader in 2008.

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