
God Bless the Life of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

The Reverend Sun Myung Moon, revered by millions as the Messiah and True Parent, who was born in Korea but who lived more than 40 years in America, and who is loved by families of peace the world over, has ascended. In his last hours he was surrounded by our True Mother, his children and close disciples. If the Divine Spark is an ability to love “the Other,” he had it. That incredible gift was his gift to us, and to the Ages.
We are so fortunate to have lived at the same time as the Messiah, who lived an unparalleled life of devotion to God and to God's will to save humanity. Together with his wife, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, he leaves behind a remarkable legacy, the impact of which will be multiplied in the generations to come. His vision of sacred marriage, of the formation of ideal families and a world of peace has been taken up by millions of people around the world and a second- and third generation of Unificationists.
We are secure in the knowledge that Rev. Moon's vision lives on through the leadership of his wife, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, who always has shared in the leadership of the Unification Church International, standing together with her husband as the True Parents. In January 2009, Reverend and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon appointed their youngest son, Rev. Hyung Jin Moon, as the spiritual heir and International President of the Unification Church. Under the guidance of Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon and our International President Rev. Hyung Jin Moon, we have tremendous hope for the future of our church worldwide.
The Unification Church in North America is prospering under the leadership of Rev Moon's daughter, Rev. In Jin Moon. The U.S. ministry of the Unification Church, Lovin' Life Ministries, is attracting young people across the country who share the vision and desire to pursue excellence both personally and professionally. Young Unificationists have great pride in their faith and church, and Lovin' Life Ministries has taken Rev. Moon's vision to the next generation of Americans.
In the Unification tradition, death is not an ending of one's life but rather a new beginning. Rev. Moon always encouraged us to live in harmony with the eternal world, so we understand that Rev. Moon is very much with us.
Rev. Joshua Cotter, Vice President of the Unification Church USAChurch News - God Bless the Life of Rev. Sun Myung Moon:

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The Rev. Sun Myung Moon, founder of The Times, dies at 92

By Cheryl Wetzstein of the Washington Times, reprinted courtesy of the Washington Times
The Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, the leader of the Unification Church and founder of The Washington Times, died early Monday morning in South Korea. He was 92.
He passed away just before 2 a.m. local time (12:54 p.m. EDT Sunday) from complications of pneumonia, surrounded by family, friends and followers, according to Unification Church leaders.
A comment was not immediately available from Unification Church International President Hyung Jin Moon, his youngest son and appointed successor of the religious movement.
However, in the weeks prior to the passing, Rev. Joon Ho Seuk, the church’s international vice president, said that members worldwide had been conducting prayer vigils and fasting for Rev. Moon’s health.
In addition to leading the worldwide religious movement he founded in South Korea in 1954, Rev. Moon supported anti-communist causes during the Cold War, promoted international and interfaith peace activities, and strongly advocated a pro-marriage, pro-family culture.
“Words cannot convey my heart at this time,” said Thomas P. McDevitt, president of The Washington Times. “Rev. Sun Myung Moon has long loved America, and he believed in the need for a powerful free press to convey accurate information and moral values to people in a free world. The Washington Times stands as a tangible expression of those two loves.”
A visionary businessman and lifelong champion of the free press, Rev. Moon founded newspapers, magazines, electronic media outlets and digital publications in the U.S., Japan, South Korea and many Latin American, African and European countries.
“As controversial as Rev. Moon was in the United States, I got to know him as a man whose heart was focused on bringing together people of different faiths to bridge divides. His call on people of faith to serve others is an important legacy,” said Neil Bush, chairman of Points of Light and son of President George H.W. Bush.
“He will always be remembered as the embodiment of loving and sharing without limits, sacrifice and suffering without limits, courage and service without limits — and all this not for family, race, community or nation, but for humankind as a whole,” said Ambassador K.V. Rajan, former permanent secretary of India's Ministry of External Affairs.
The energetic evangelist traveled the world numerous times and went on speaking tours as recently as 2011. He started or inspired hundreds of organizations and met with countless world leaders, notably such communist leaders as former Soviet Prime Minister Mikhail Gorbachev and North Korea’s Kim Il-sung. On a trip in July 2008, he and his family survived a helicopter crash in Korea.
But throughout his life, Rev. Moon’s teachings and his church’s practices sparked criticism, suspicion and persecution. He was jailed six times and survived numerous beatings and a North Korean labor camp.
“I am a controversial person. The mere mention of my name causes trouble in the world,” Rev. Moon wrote in his 2009 autobiography, “As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen.”
The world “has associated many different phrases with my name, rejected me, and thrown stones at me. Many are not interested in knowing what I say or what I do. They only oppose me,” he wrote.
“Today, though, not even the slightest wound remains in my heart. … True love is a love that forgets it already gave love, and gives love again.”
Rev. Moon became widely known to Americans in the 1970s during his evangelistic rallies across the country, and major rallies at Yankee Stadium and the Washington Monument in 1976. America was in “moral decline,” Rev. Moon wrote in his autobiography, “and [I] played the role of a fireman responding to a call in an effort to reawaken its Puritan spirit.”
But accusations that his church “brainwashed” members helped make Rev. Moon the target of repeated investigations. In 1982, Rev. Moon was convicted of income-tax evasion and eventually served 13 months in federal prison.
Prolific founder
Despite such hostility, Rev. Moon established and helped fund nonprofit organizations, including the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification and the Universal Peace Federation.
He also launched business interests in industries such as shipbuilding, industrial machinery, stoneware, fishing and seafood products, computer software, ginseng tea and other health products, soft drinks, arts and cultural schools, newspapers in several countries and car factories in China and North Korea. In 1992, the church rescued the University of Bridgeport in Connecticut from bankruptcy with a loan reported at $60 million.
A passionate fisherman, Rev. Moon inspired “Ocean Challenge” programs for youths and fishing tournaments in places such as Gloucester, Mass.; Alaska; and Hawaii. In 2011, he launched a marine company in Las Vegas to make a new kind of leisure craft.
Rev. Moon also founded numerous international, interfaith service groups, such as the International Relief Friendship Foundation, Religious Youth Service and Service for Peace, and sponsored thousands of conferences on world peace, family and interfaith issues. National leaders including former Presidents Gerald R. Ford and George H.W. Bush addressed some of these conferences.
“My peace plan starts from the level of the individual,” Rev. Moon once said. “First we must find peace with God, then peace with our fellow man, and finally we can secure world peace.”
His belief in the divine significance of marriage was the rationale behind the Unification Church’s most famous events — the mass public “blessings” for both newlyweds (including church members whom Rev. Moon matched together) and married couples of all religions renewing their vows.
“What is the blessing? It is to possess God’s love, God’s son or daughter, and then all the universe,” Rev. Moon explained at a 1975 matching ceremony.
Early years
Rev. Moon was born Jan. 6, 1920, in Sangsa Ri village in Pyongan province, now part of North Korea. His family members were poor farmers who joined the Presbyterian Church when he was 10. Rev. Moon embraced his conversion deeply and often lamented about the world of perpetual suffering he saw in Japanese-occupied Korea.
On Easter Sunday 1935, when he was 15, Rev. Moon would later say, he was praying on a Korean mountaintop when Jesus Christ appeared to him and asked him to fulfill his life’s work. Rev. Moon refused twice, but when Jesus asked him a third time to accept the mission, the teenager promised, “I will do it.”
For nine years, he studied, prayed and fasted to understand his mission. In 1943, he married his first wife, Seon-Gil Choi, and worked as an electrical engineer to support their son. But in 1946, he suddenly left his home to go to Pyongyang, North Korea, where Christianity and communism were colliding. He later said he was heeding God’s call.
There, he established himself as a spiritual leader, but was arrested after Christian clergy complained to police and accused him of being a spy from the South. During one arrest, he was tortured and left for dead outside the prison. His followers nursed him back to health.
In 1948, the same year he was expelled by the Presbyterians, Rev. Moon was arrested again by North Korean communists and imprisoned in the Heungnam labor camp.
Life expectancy in the camp was only a few months, but Rev. Moon persevered until 1950, when United Nations forces, under Gen. Douglas MacArthur, liberated the camp in October, on the eve of his scheduled execution. In the early 1980s, Rev. Moon financed the feature film “Inchon” to honor the U.S. war hero, who was played by Laurence Olivier.
In December 1950, Rev. Moon walked 500 miles south to Pusan, South Korea, where he and a small group of followers built a church from discarded U.S. military supply crates.
‘Divine Principle’
It was in Pusan that Rev. Moon committed his theology to writing in a volume called “Wolli Wonbon,” or the “Divine Principle.” In that volume, based on years of intense biblical study, he explains that God, as the Original Parent of all mankind, has been grieving for His lost children since the Fall of Man.
The Divine Principle further explains the events of the Fall, the existence of evil, and how God has been working through human history to reclaim heaven and earth through a formula called the providence of restoration. God’s followers are called to live lives of true love, public service and work to bring peace among religions.
In 1953, Rev. Moon moved to Seoul, where, the next year, he registered his church as the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity — generally known as the Unification Church. By 1957, Unification churches were established in 30 Korean cities and towns. In 1958, the church’s first missionary went to Japan; in 1959, the first Unificationist missionaries arrived in America. He later sent missionaries to every country in the world.
Rev. Moon’s marriage to Seon-Gil Choi ended in 1958 after she filed for divorce.
In 1960, Rev. Moon married Hak Ja Han. The couple eventually had 14 children and are revered by church members as the “True Parents.”
Beginning in 1960, Rev. Moon matched and married his earliest followers with their consent. The ceremonies, which the faithful believe release them from the bondage of original sin, grew to include 2,075 couples in Madison Square Garden in 1982. Over the years, these “blessing ceremonies,” the most recent occurring in March, have involved millions of couples either in stadiums or via satellite.
Rev. Moon first traveled to the United States in 1965 for a five-month visit, during which he toured the country and spent three months in the Washington home of Bo Hi Pak, a South Korean diplomat and Unification Church member. Rev. Moon returned to the U.S. in 1969 and, in 1971, moved the missionary headquarters of his church to Westchester County, N.Y.
In 1972, Rev. Moon began a seven-city U.S. evangelical tour with a “Day of Hope Rally” at New York City’s Lincoln Center. He continued his public appearances over the next two years, speaking on the theme of “Christianity in Crisis,” including a Sept. 18, 1974, event at Madison Square Garden in New York.
In November 1973, Rev. Moon had taken out newspaper ads urging Americans to “forgive, love and unite” in the face of the crisis created by the Watergate scandal. That led to a Feb. 1, 1974, Oval Office meeting between President Richard M. Nixon and Rev. Moon.
‘Brainwashing’ charges
After Rev. Moon associated himself with Nixon, his new religious movement began to be regarded as politically controversial. Critics began charging the Unification Church with “brainwashing” its members.
“Liberals in America, especially those who sympathized with international communism, felt particularly threatened by Rev. Moon’s appearance on the national scene,” Mr. Pak later wrote. “They feared that Rev. Moon could become a major threat, and so they came together to form an anti-Rev. Moon movement.”
During the 1970s, the Unification Church in America attracted many young adults. These converts often lived communally, witnessing, lecturing or raising money for the church’s projects. This attracted the attention of established religious organizations. Some parents of new members complained that the church prohibited contact between young converts and their families. In some cases, parents arranged to have young people abducted from Unification training centers and “deprogrammed.”
“I have never divided families or broken homes,” and the accusations of brainwashing are “nonsense,” Rev. Moon told theologian Frederick Sontag in a 1977 book about the church.
In 1977, a House subcommittee on international organizations began investigating the Unification Church. Rep. Donald Fraser, Minnesota Democrat, charged that the church was a lobbying organization for the South Korean government.
Although the congressional investigation failed to find any wrongdoing by Rev. Moon or the church, the Internal Revenue Service in 1981 obtained an indictment against Rev. Moon for income-tax evasion. The IRS charged that Rev. Moon failed to declare $112,000 in interest and $50,000 in corporate stock. Rev. Moon’s defense asserted that the assets were not Rev. Moon’s but were held in trust for the Japanese Unification Church.
A jury found Rev. Moon guilty of not paying about $7,500 of tax on interest income, and he was sentenced to 18 months in Danbury Federal Correctional Institution, a sentence he began serving in July 1984. With time off for good behavior, he was formally released Aug. 2, 1985, after serving 13 months. More than 2,000 clergymen welcomed Rev. Moon at a banquet in Washington that night.
‘Landslide’ predicted
Even as he faced investigations and imprisonment, Rev. Moon embarked on a new aspect of his public career. He had declared that “only the United States can protect the democratic world against the threat of communism,” and he warned that President Jimmy Carter’s “naivete” about that threat soon would lead to “world communization.”
His aide, Mr. Pak, later recalled that Rev. Moon prayed for an American president who would “stop the marching tide of communism,” and that Rev. Moon one day told him: “The next president of the United States will hold the fate of the world in his hands, and Heaven has chosen Ronald Reagan.”
Unification Church members actively supported the Reagan campaign in 1980, and at Rev. Moon’s direction, Mr. Pak arranged a meeting with Reagan in Toledo, Ohio. Greeting the candidate as “President Reagan,” Mr. Pak recalled, he told the Republican challenger: “God has already decided on you as the next president.”
Reagan, according to Mr. Pak, was “taken aback” by the statement and asked him: “What did you say? Who on earth told you that?”
After he explained Rev. Moon’s prophecy, Mr. Pak said, Reagan responded with his characteristic humor: “I wish I had as much confidence in myself as Rev. Moon does.”
Opinion polls predicted a close election, but Rev. Moon’s confidence was reflected by the News World, a New York newspaper that he founded in 1976. On Election Day 1980, the News World rolled off the press with a giant headline predicting, “Reagan Landslide.”
At a news conference that morning, Mr. Reagan held up the News World’s front page, an image carried across the country by television reports. When the votes were counted, the Republican had won 489 of 538 Electoral College votes, more than matching the bold prediction.
Going to print
The News World, renamed the New York City Tribune in 1983, was Rev. Moon’s first venture into the American press, and in 1978 he established the World Media Association, dedicated to promoting freedom of the press. When The Washington Star went bankrupt in 1981, Rev. Moon thought it was important to ensure that the nation’s capital remained a two-newspaper city.
Mr. Pak, who was then publisher of the News World, recalled that on Jan. 1, 1982, Rev. Moon ordered him to establish a daily to be named The Washington Times — to begin publication by March 1.
This seemed “an impossible mission,” Mr. Pak remembered.
Recruiting veteran editor James Whelan and purchasing a warehouse on New York Avenue Northeast that is still the newspaper’s headquarters, Mr. Pak was able to get a debut issue of The Times printed by Rev. Moon’s deadline of March 1. A little more than two months later, on May 17, 1982, The Times published its second issue and began regular daily publication.
One analyst predicted that the new daily would not “last more than six months,” but according to Mr. Pak, Rev. Moon invested more than $1 billion in The Times during its first 10 years of publication, and Unification Church members — including many with no previous newspaper experience — worked tirelessly with seasoned professional journalists to make it a success.
During its first 10 years of publication, The Times won more than 650 awards, including top honors from the Society of Newspaper Design in 1988 and 1992, and an editorial writing award from the American Society of Newspaper Editors in 1989.
A favorite of Republican leaders (Reagan insisted on reading The Washington Times first thing in the morning at the White House), the newspaper scored scoops with its award-winning coverage of congressional scandals and the Whitewater scandal in the 1990s.
The Washington Times is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year.
Over the years, Rev. Moon was associated with a number of other publications, including the Segye Ilbo in Korea, Sekai Nippo in Japan, the Spanish-language weekly Tiempos del Mundo in Argentina, the Middle East Times in Cairo, Ultimas Noticias in Uruguay, and Washington Golf Monthly.
In 2000, News World Communications purchased the United Press International wire service. A weekly newsmagazine, Insight on the News, and a monthly magazine, The World and I, ceased publication in 2004 but continued as online publications.
‘Victory Over Communism’
Throughout the 1980s, Rev. Moon actively promoted opposition to communism, a struggle he saw in religious terms.
“The only way to defeat communism is to clearly prove the existence of God,” he said. He developed an anti-communist strategy he called Victory Over Communism (VOC), which critiqued the fallacies of Marxist theory while seeking to “demonstrate in detail how God guides human history.”
VOC was the philosophical underpinning of CAUSA (Confederation of Associations for the Unification of the Societies of the Americas), an organization that Rev. Moon established in 1980 to combat the spread of communism in Latin America. CAUSA seminars trained anti-communist leaders through South and Central America, and even sought to convert communist sympathizers.
Rev. Moon also advocated national security policies for free nations threatened by communism. In 1986, he established the International Security Council, which convened conferences of prominent geopolitical experts and senior officials from the United States, the Soviet Union, the People's Republic of China and other nations.
The collapse of the Soviet empire gave Rev. Moon cause to celebrate what he called “an end to the most pernicious worldwide dictatorship in history.” He described the 1989 fall of the Berlin Wall and the 1991 dissolution of the Soviet Union as “the results of God’s providence.”
He conveyed that message, but in a spirit of reconciliation, when he met with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in April 1990 and with North Korean founder Kim Il-sung in December 1991.
Culture warrior
Even as he celebrated the end of the Cold War, Rev. Moon focused on new struggles, calling for “a revival of spiritual culture.”
“The societies of free countries today are exhibiting a phenomenon that is every bit as evil as communism … the philosophy of materialistic humanism and … the extreme individualism and selfishness that are the offshoots of this philosophy,” he declared in 1992.
“The young people, whom we normally expect to become the future leaders, are losing touch with their consciences in a flood of immorality, drugs and crime, to such an extent that it is difficult for us to have hope in them as the leaders of the 21st century.”
To turn back that “flood,” Rev. Moon inspired a number of organizations for youths and for adults, including the Women’s Federation for World Peace, the American Family Coalition, the World Culture and Sports Festival, the Little Angels Performing Arts Center, the Il Hwa Chonma Soccer Team in Korea and the Kirov Academy of Ballet in Washington.
In a 1997 speech, Rev. Moon called for “a true youth culture centering on true love” for the “supreme task” of combating “the social trends of moral degradation, including moral decadence and self-indulgence.” The struggle against those forces would, he said, “determine whether humanity will survive or be destroyed.”
He brought his efforts for international peace into academia and science. Beginning with the International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences in 1972, the Professors World Peace Academy in 1973 and the Summit Council for World Peace in 1987, and through the Universal Peace Federation, founded in 2005, Rev. Moon underwrote thousands of conferences and forums as a way for scholars, activists and community leaders to resolve human problems.
He announced his idea of an International Peace Highway connecting Tokyo and London in 1981. In 2005, he proposed a bridge-and-tunnel project from Alaska to Russia.
Rev. Moon received numerous honorary doctorates, including a doctorate of divinity in 1985 from Shaw University.
His interfaith work in America, launched in the 1970s, has grown under the American Clergy Leadership Conference. Thousands of clergy from different religions, known as “ambassadors for peace,” have visited the Middle East to pray together and create a foundation for peace.
In 2007, Rev. Moon held a conference with delegates from 194 countries to pledge to create a “peace U.N.” to emphasize “living for the sake of others,” and in 2011 he underwent another international speaking tour, mostly in Europe. He also worked to promote peace between North and South Korea.
“Since [the meeting with Kim Il-sung“] and continuing to this day,” Rev. Moon said in his autobiography, “we have maintained a special relationship with North Korea. … That is the importance of trust.”
Rev. Moon, who was 93 by Korean age calculations, is survived by Mrs. Moon, 11 children, and numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Several children preceded him in death.
• Former Washington Times staff member Robert Stacy McCain contributed to this report.Church News - The Rev. Sun Myung Moon, founder of The Times, dies at 92:

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Heungnam Prison in the Snow

The most valued possession in prison after food was a needle
and thread. Our clothes would wear out and be torn during
the hard labor, but it was difficult to get a needle and thread to
mend them. After a while prisoners began to look like beggars in rags.
It was very important to mend the holes in our clothes in order to block,
even a little, the cold winter winds. A small piece of cloth found lying
on the road was extremely valuable. Even if the cloth were covered with
cow dung, the prisoners would fight each other to try to pick it up. Once
as I was carrying the bags of fertilizer I discovered a needle stuck in one
of the bags. It must have been left there accidentally when the bag was
made. From that time, on I became the seamster of Heungnam Prison.
It was such a joy to find that needle. Every day I mended pants and knee
breeches for other prisoners.
Even in the middle of winter it was so hot inside the fertilizer factory
that we would sweat. So you can imagine how unbearable it was during
the summer. Not even once, however, did I roll up my pants and let my
shins show. Even during the hottest part of the summer I kept my pant
legs tied in the traditional Korean fashion. Others would take off their
pants and work in their underwear, but I kept myself properly dressed.
When we finished work our bodies would be covered with sweat and
fertilizer dust, and most prisoners would take off their clothes and wash
themselves in the filthy water that flowed from the factory. I, however,
never washed myself where others could see my body. Instead, I would
save half of the single cup of water we were rationed each day, then get
up early in the morning while the others still slept to wipe myself off
with a small piece of cloth dipped in that half cup of water. I also used
this time early in the morning to focus my spirit and pray. I considered
my body to be precious, and I didn’t want to casually expose it to others.
The prison cell held thirty-six people, and I took a small corner
next to the toilet. In this space no one would step over me, but nobody
wanted this space. We called it a toilet, but actually it was only
a small earthenware jar without even a lid. Fluid would overflow
from the toilet in the summer and it would freeze in the winter.
There is no describing the putrid smell that came from it. The prisoners
often experienced diarrhea because of the salty soup and hard rice
balls that we ate every day.
I would be sitting by the toilet and hear someone say, “Oh, my stomach.”
The person would make his way to the toilet in quick short steps.
As soon as he exposed his bottom, the diarrhea would come shooting
out. Because I was next to the toilet I was often splashed. Even during
the night, when everyone was asleep, sometimes someone would have
abdominal pain. When I heard people yelping in pain as they were being
stepped on, I would know that someone was making his way to
the toilet and I would get up and press myself against the corner. And
if I were asleep and did not hear him coming, I would suffer the consequences.
In order to endure this impossible situation, I even tried to
think of these sights and sounds as some form of art.
Still I kept the spot by the toilet as my own during the entire time.
“Why do you choose to stay there?” other prisoners would ask.
I would answer, “This is where I feel most comfortable.”
I wasn’t just saying this. This was, indeed, the place where my heart
felt most at ease.
My prisoner number was 596. People called me “Number five nine
six.” On nights when I couldn’t sleep, I would stare at the ceiling and repeat
this number to myself over and over. If I said it quickly, it sounded
very much like eo-gul, the Korean word used to describe the feeling of
injustice. I truly had been imprisoned unjustly.
The Communist Party initiated dok-bo-hoi, or gatherings where
newspapers or other materials were read aloud, as a way of studying
communist propaganda. Also, we had to write letters of gratitude to
Kim Il Sung. The Security Detachment kept a close watch on our every
move. Every day we were told to write letters of gratitude saying what
we had learned, but I never wrote even a single page of these. We were
supposed to write something like this: “Our Father Kim Il Sung, out of
his love for us, gives us food to eat each day, gives us meals with meat,
and lets us lead such a wonderful life. I am so grateful.” I could not write
anything of the sort. Even if I were looking death in the face, I could not
submit such letters to the atheistic Communist Party. Instead of writing
them I worked ten times harder than the others in order to survive in the
prison. The only way I could get away with not writing these letters was if
I were the number one prisoner. Because of this effort I became the best
prisoner and even received an award from a Communist Party official.
My mother visited me many times while I was in prison. There was no
direct transportation from Jungju to Heungnam. She had to take a train
to Seoul, where she would change to a train on the Seoul-to-Wonsan
line. The trip would take her more than twenty grueling hours. Before
starting out she would go to great trouble to prepare mi-sut-karu, or
powdered rice, for me, so that her son, who had been imprisoned in the
prime of his life, would have something to eat. To make this powder she
would gather rice from our relatives and even the distant relatives of my
older sisters’ husbands. When she came to the prison visiting room and
saw me standing on the other side of the glass, she would immediately
begin to shed tears. She was a strong woman, but the sight of her son
undergoing such suffering made her weak.
My mother handed me the pair of silk trousers that I had worn
on my wedding day. The prison uniform I was wearing had become
threadbare, and my skin showed through the material. However, instead
of wearing the silk trousers, I gave them to another prisoner. As
for the mi-sut-karu that she had gone into debt to prepare, I gave it all
away right there as she watched. My mother had invested her full heart
and dedication into preparing clothing and food for her son, and she
was heartbroken to see me giving away these things, without keeping
anything for myself.
“Mother,” I said to her, “I am not just the son of some man named Moon.”
“Before I am a son of the Moon clan, I am a son of the Republic
of Korea. And even before that I am a son of the world, and a son of
heaven and earth. I think it is right for me to love those things first, and
only after that follow your words and love you. I am not the son of some
small-minded person. Please conduct yourself in a manner befitting
your son.”
My words were as cold as ice to her, and it hurt so much for me to
watch her weep that I felt as though my heart would be torn apart. I
missed her so much that sometimes I would wake up in the middle of
the night thinking of her, but this was all the more reason for me not
to succumb to my emotions. I was a person doing the work of God. It
was more important for me to clothe just one more person a little more
warmly and to fill his stomach with a little more food than it was for me
to be concerned about my personal relationship with my mother.
Even while in prison I enjoyed taking whatever time I could find to
talk with people. There were always people around me who wanted to
listen to what I had to say. Even in the hunger and cold of prison life
there was warmth in sharing with people with whom I had an affinity
of heart. The relationships formed in Heungnam left me with twelve
people who were both compatriots and as close as family to me, with
whom I could spend the rest of my life. Among them was a famous
minister who had served as president of the Association of Christian
Churches in Korea’s five northern provinces. These were people with
whom I shared intense emotions in situations where our lives were on
the line, and this made them closer to me than my own flesh and blood.
Their being there gave my prison experience meaning. I would pray
three times each day for the people who had helped me and for the
members of my congregation in Pyongyang, calling out each one by
name. When I did I always felt that I needed to repay a thousandfold the
people who would slip me a handful of mi-sut-karu they had hidden in
their clothing.

Rev. Moon's Unification Church empowers family | al.com

Rev. Moon's Unification Church empowers family

Published: Friday, September 07, 2012, 2:20 PM
Debbie Preece.jpgDebbie Preece of Huntsville laughs about how young she and her husband, Rob, looked 30 years ago when they were married by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon in a massive ceremony with more than 2,000 other couples in Madison Square Garden. People have a lot of misconceptions about Moon’s Unification Church, Preece says. (The Huntsville Times/Kay Campbell)
HUNTSVILLE, Alabama -- Debbie and Rob Preece’s wedding cost $1.5 million and was covered by The New York Times. And thousands of people came to the reception, which was held in Madison Square Garden.

Preece dug out her scrapbook with theclippings and photographs from her wedding this weekend after news broke that the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, founder of the Unification Church, had died at 92 in South Korea.
Preece and her husband, Rob Preece, joined more than 2,000 other couples in July 1982 to pass in rows between the crowned figures of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon and his wife, Hak Ja Han, and receive a blessing. 
Their march down that red-carpeted aisle came more than three years after Moon had matched her and Rob during a meeting with dozens of other young adults.
After the matching, which Moon said was guided by the Holy Spirit, the two strangers corresponded to get to know each other, he from graduate school in California, she from her work in Washington, D.C., at the ballet school established by the Unification Church.
“So many things have been twisted about Rev. Moon, basically out of ignorance,” Preece said, looking at the framed photograph from the wedding, the young couple smiling as they stand stiffly, he in a blue suit, she in a simple white robe and bridal veil. “But many lives were changed for the good because of him, including my own.”
She pointed to photos of five other young couples, friends of theirs who were also married that day. Out of all those six couples, only one pair have divorced, she said, a success rate that easily outstrips national averages.
A good marriage and a loving home, according to the teachings of the church, are part of God’s plan for ideal human lives.
“His main teaching is that we have lost our relationship with God and we have lost our relationship with others,” Preece said. “The goal of faith is to restore those relationships.”
Power of family
Rev Moon.JPGThe Rev. Sun Myung Moon, the founder of the Unification Church, second from left, stands with his wife Hak Ja Han Moon, second from right, his sons Hyung-jin Moon, left, and Kook Jin Moon during the closing ceremony of the 2012 Peace Cup Suwon at Suwon World Cup Stadium in Suwon, South Korea, July 22, 2012. The late Rev. Sun Myung Moon, who died Sept. 3 at 92, had 13 children with his wife, Hak Ja Han Moon, and one son with his first wife in a marriage that ended in divorce. (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon, File)
Preece came to the church at 20 from a rough childhood. She had been raised on the south side of Chicago in a violent, impoverished part of town. 
Her own home life, with a stepfather she didn’t trust and a mother she didn’t connect with, had left her with a sense of a world in disarray. And her first couple years in college did nothing to amend that impression.
“Everybody I knew was messed up,” Preece said.
She left college and found her way south, looking for a place warm enough that she could just sleep outside. In New Orleans, one of the early American converts to Unification invited her to a meeting, and she ended up staying.
“I saw so many miracles,” Preece said. “It totally expanded my horizons. I met so many kinds of people, and learned to love all these different kinds of people.”
She stayed in the women’s part of the communal house, spending her days selling candy, gum, flowers or popcorn to raise money for the church.
There was no coercion from the leaders, no mind control, Preece said, just the wonderful unity of a family working hard together.
“I learned how, when you are really doing something with the right heart, working for something bigger than yourself, then the Spirit really will want to work with you,” Preece said.
People did not understand their dedication, she said. People said he was running a cult. They suspected Moon of working with South Korean intelligence to influence members of the U.S. Congress. In the late ‘70s, an intense investigation turned up the failure to report $150,000 in income over a two-year period, and Moon served a year in prison for tax fraud.
Moon and his followers believe the charges to have been trumped up.
“We were all young,” Preece said. “We didn’t know how to keep books.”
Moon wedding.JPGCouples from around the world participate in a mass wedding ceremony arranged by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church at Sun Moon University in Asan, south of Seoul, South Korea on Oct. 14, 2009. Moon, self-proclaimed messiah who founded the Unification Church, died at age 92 on Sept. 3, 2012. (AP Photo/Lee Jin-man)
Human unity
There is a lot more to Moon’s theology than the grand weddings, Preece said. 
Estimates of membership in the church today vary. At its height in the 1970s, the church claimed 3 million members, but religious watchers dispute that figure.
It’s certain that members of the movement are scarce in this part of the world. Preece, who attends a local Presbyterian congregation with her husband, says that they travel to Nashville to meet with a Unification Church there from time to time.
Moon’s “Exposition of the Divine Principle” retells the main stories in the Bible to show how the divine plan leads to the eventual second coming of Jesus and the reunification of all humankind. Jesus’ work, Moon maintains, was cut short by the crucifixion; Jesus had intended to get married and have children to begin a lineage of sinless people living in unity.
This belief in the ideal of unity meant that Moon often matched people from different races and nationalities for marriage. Moon also believed each person could act as a messiah to others. He called himself a messiah and, with his wife, the True Parents of a new and spiritually pure lineage.
“I think of him as a messiah, because he is the person who has helped me come close to God,” Preece said. “And because he set a high standard, living life totally for God, for making a difference in the world and for living for others,”
Moon’s experiences of torture and forced labor, when he was held in a North Korean prison camp for two years in the late 1950s for his religious teachings, made him a life-long anti-Communist. Newspapers and other media outlets around the world that the church owns, including theWashington Times, reliably support a conservative viewpoint.
The church has also built automobile factories in North Korea and China, shipyards, computer software companies, industrial machinery factories and other industries as diverse as a factory that packages ginseng tea and a ballet school.
Those industries grew out of Moon’s ability to see needs and move to meet them in practical ways, Preece said.
“He was not just asking people to blindly follow him, but to find out what the problems are and see what you can do to help people,” Preece said.
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What Scholars Say About Rev. Moon


Dr. Frederick Sontag Professor of Philosopy, Pomona College, excerpted from his book Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church: An In-Depth Investigation of the Man and the Movement

In the course of this odyssey I did come to two firm conclusions:
(1) The origins of the movement are genuinely humble, religious and spiritual (which many doubt)
(2) The adaptability and solidarity of the movement are such that we are dealing with a movement here to stay. We have witnessed in our own lifetime the birth, growing pains--and will see the maturity--of new religious movement.

What the movement has accomplished in a short time (thirty years) is rather phenomenal. From persecution and prison and a few converts, it began to grow in Seoul and moved to Japan, America, Europe and on to 120 mission countries.…From poverty it has grown to be a business success that must make it one of the best-funded new religious movements….its numbers are small, certainly no more than 500,000 core members in all countries…whether positive or negative it has attracted worldwide attention. It is a growth and success story to make Horatio Alger and John D. Rockefeller glow with pride.”…

I have tried, but cannot think of another new religious movement so genuinely international as the Unification Church.

Tor Ragnar GerholmProfessor of Physics, Emeritus University of Stockholm
Member of the Nobel Prize Awarding Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

Reverend Moon is the Founder of ICUS – The International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences. The first meeting took place in New York in November 1972. Since then thousands of scientists and scholars from all over the world have attended the various ICUS meetings organized on three continents.
Right from the beginning the Founding Father has insisted that ICUS should focus on two themes: The Unity of the Sciences and Absolute Values. To the average scientist the former is abstruse, the latter absurd. From the beginning Reverend Moon was a controversial man.
Reverend Moon was right in insisting upon Unity. A Unity that should be understood in a spiritual rather than in a technical sense. A feeling of unification in working for a common cause in harmony and in discipline and with respect for one another.In my opinion Reverand Moon was also right in insisting uponabsolute values as a recurrent theme for ICUS.
Obviously Reverend Moon has taken a firm stand on matters that are currently at the center of the debate on the social impact of science and technology, on the materialism of the West vs. the mysticism of the East, on social progress and welfare, vs existential needs and religious inspiration. No wonder he is a controversial man.But he is not a man of controversy .On the contrary he has devoted his life to unification and unity. The Unification Movement, of which Reverend Moon is the founder and the spiritual leader, is dedicated to bringing the people of the earth and their religious beliefs together into harmony and peace.

Kailash Puri, London
Fellow of the Royal Society of Art

"I can say categorically that Rev. Moon has been misunderstood. The activities and organizations he has started prove to me that he is a man dedicated to bringing faith communities together to reconcile."

Dr. Hang Nyung Lee
Former President of Hong Ik University, Korea

Reverend Sun Myung Moon accomplished numerous feats, but out of them, if I choose three remarkable things, the first is to find God again, the second is to find love again, and the third is to find the family again. Reverend Moon as an individual achieved numerous and miraculous feats within a short period of a few decades Through the blessing, Rev. Moon is going to establish the whole world to be the community of love by the restored families. He is developing the third revolution for peace not by force or money, but by love.

Profesor Hisayoshi Watanabe, University of ?, Japan

Unification Church's central dogma that God is living and working at this moment and that He cannot achieve His end without human help, seems to me a great idea not only in itself but also because it supports the logical consequence of all philosophers so far presented.
The ultimate meaning of human responsibility, that is, of morality and ethics, cannot be grasped until we have conceived the nature and position of God as expounded in the Divine Principle. What I admire in my Unificationist friends is their sense of responsibility-responsibility to their own selves, to others, to the world, and ultimately to God.This spiritually friendly atmosphere pervading Unificationist circles, which I have intimately perceived during these dozen years, has affected me enough to believe that it is absolutely necessary to expand it far outside the circles to the general public, without particularly meaning religious propagation. Certainly behind all this is felt the presence of Rev. Moon, but it is only felt.What I most admire is their selfless zeal to realize high common ideals. Without exception my Unificationist friends have a high sense of duty-not duty imposed by others but self-imposed, which accounts for their pride. Another thing I wonder at about my Unificationist friends is their mutual respect…This is also what I had not known before I got to know them...
It seems to me that by meeting my Unificationist friends what had been sleeping in me was awoken. To be sure, it was my renaissance, and ever since I have felt more sure of myself, as a man, as a teacher, as a scholar and writer; for I feel I have had a backbone planted in me, though not all at once but with time. My impression at the earlier stage was simply surprise and wonder at the existence of such a fine group of young people as I had pictured only in my imagination.

Not that I had no difficulty in understanding the Principle; it certainly took some time before I could fully bring myself in tune with it, partly because I was at that time more sympathetic with Buddhist than Christian thoughts, and also because of my old delusion that to be a scholar one must be an atheist. But here is a good instance of the fact that education is a matter of amalgamation of things taught and the one who teaches: I could never tire of listening to my young teachers lecturing to me with cool enthusiasm.
What Scholars Say About Rev. Moon:

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What Heads of State and Political Leaders Say About Rev. Moon


H.E. Abdurrahman WahidPresident of Indonesia, 1999-2001

We come here to welcome Rev. Moon and then to listen to his speech. This is actually a simple schedule, a simple thing to do. But simplicity doesn’t mean that the result is simple. Because in the speech and in the person of Rev. Moon, we can find a whole long life, a very, very long struggle to establish peace in a peaceful way.
Religion does not permit the use of violence. Under Islamic law, only if you are abducted from your home are you entitled to physical defence. Christians are admonished to give the left cheek if the right has been struck. All religions insist on peace. From this we would think that the religious struggle for peace is simple… but it is not. The deep problem is that people use religion wrongly in pursuit of victory and triumph. This sad fact then leads to conflict with people who believe differently.
For this reason, Rev. Moon’s call for peace though religion is something of great nuance and profundity. We are deeply fortunate for the chance now to hear him and observe his life-long struggle for world peace through religion. We can see how he lives peace so fully in his life. He has endured unspeakable persecution. I know this. This puts us all in his debt. If he can continue, we are the beneficiaries. This is why I harbor an inner hope that this visit will bring about that peace he lives and gives through his life and his speeches.

Rt. Hon. Nagendra Prasad Rijal Prime MInister of Nepal, 1973-1975, 1986

We have to work tirelessly with the principle of “live and let live” to achieve this anticipated end. Rev. Moon is the foremost philosopher and leader in this respect. I am glad to support hIs efforts for such an interreligious endeavor. 

H.E. Hussein AideedDeputy Prime Minister of Somalia

We do not seek peace with ammunitions and weapons any more, thanks to Father and Mother Moon’s philosophy of peace. 

Hon. Jos� De Venecia, Jr.Speaker, Philippine House of Representatives

Reverend Moon is a pioneer of dialogue and peace-making.

H.E. Edward ShevardnadzePresident of Georgia, 2001–2004

The ideal of peace proposed by Dr. Moon implies a transformation of the effort for world peace beyond politics to be become a global, cross-cultural and inter-religious movement.

H.E. Lu Hsiu-Lien Vice President of the Republic of China

He has…founded various organizations to help the furthering of world peace by providing a chance for dialogue and cooperation among different races, fields and religions. His call is inclusive, helping to break down barriers. 

Sir Allan Kemakeza Prime Minister of Solomon Islands, 2001-2006 

I know of no other single individual in the world who has consistently invested so much of his time, energy and resources into the effective pursuit of global peace.

H.E. Hamilton GreenPrime Minister of Guyana, 1985-1992

His consistent and untiring effort to bring together people from every corner of the globe and every race and of every religious persuasion, is by itself a giant step towards the victory of lasting peace.

Jose Osvaldo de Meira Penna Former Ambassador of Brazil

I believe Rev. Moon is especially to be praised for his work in bridging the enmity between the Republic of Korea and North Korea.

Sir John Compton Prime Minister of St. Lucia

Rev. Sun Myung Moon realized that it is only through love and understanding of our apparent differences, only through the work of people of good will can there be peace on earth. 

Keun Min Wo Governor of Che Ju Do Province, Korea

What is the most significant of his achievements is to elevate the importance of family which is the core of Korean culture to a universal value of humankind. The family is the basis of human beings. Especially, the family in Korean culture is the driving force which has led the history of 5000 years up to today. The family which consists of parents, husband and wife, and children is a sanctuary to come into blossom of true love, and is a place to fill up happiness and hope. What Heads of State and Political Leaders Say About Rev. Moon:

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