
iUnificationist's Sermons Archive

The Time in Which God’s Ideal of Creation Is Realized

February 9, 2012

하나님의 창조이상이 실현되는 시기

The Time in Which God’s Ideal of Creation Is Realized

2012 년 임진년 새해, 하나님의 사랑이 여러분 모두의 가정에 넘치길 기원합니다.

I pray that your families will be overflowing with God’s love in the new year of 2012, the year of the Black Dragon.

여러분도 아시다시피 2012년은 고대로부터 많은 예언서와 예언가들에 의해 말세(末世)로 예견되어 왔습니다. 그러나 통일교 창시자인 문선명 총재께서 밝힌 원리에 따르면 말세는 결코 지구와 인류의 종말을 뜻하는 것이 아닙니다.

As you know, the year 2012 has been foreseen as the end of days since ancient times by many books of prophesy and prophets. However, according to the Divine Principle revealed by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, the end of days does not refer to the end of the earth and of all humankind. Read the rest of this entry »

Rev. Hyung Jin Moon Explains “God of Night and God of Day”

February 9, 2012

FEBRUARY 07 2012 The following is the speech of International President Rev. Hyung Jin Moon to national leaders at the International Leadership Conference (ILC) opening plenary at the Cheon-Bok-Gung on January 22, 2012, the day before True God’s Day.

Rev. Hyung Jin Moon sported the popular Unification hoodie at the 2012 CARP Assembly.
I hope you like my sweatshirt. You may have seen this symbol somewhere. Because we are now chasing Father wherever he goes around the world, we basically live out of our car. We’re always packed, we’re always ready to go, whether on the boat, on the bay – wherever. It’s a very amazing experience.

A couple of days ago, Father asked me to explain the markings on this sweater. As you know, this is the symbol of the Principle. And when we manifest the Principle – give-and-take action, the Four Position Foundation, the three blessings – the purpose of creation is all here. On the right arm you will see a character that says Cheon-bu, which means True Father. On the left arm you will see a character that says Cheon-mo, which means True Mother. Read the rest of this entry »

Kingdom of God

October 19, 2011

April 17, 2011, Cheon Bok Gung, Yongsan Seoul Korea

Most of these sermons are either are transcribed from the simultaneous interpretation provided at Cheon Bok Gung or edited from the preliminary notes the interpreters use for reference. As such, they should not be considered a complete or definitive translation in whole or in part, and are not reliable enough to quote from authoritatively.

Brothers and Sisters, the title of today’s sermon is: “The Kingdom of God”. If we look at the words of Jesus we find that, in the Unificationist family, we often forget about Jesus. From the viewpoint of the Principle we should always remember that Jesus is the Lord and the son that God sent. As we all know, True Father has completed the mission of Jesus as the Lord at his Second Advent.

If you look at the Bible, Luke 17:20, where Jesus is speaking with the Pharisees, they ask Jesus: “When will the kingdom of God come?” and “How will it come?” Jesus replies: “The coming of the kingdom of God is not something that can be observed, nor will people say ‘Here it is. There it is;’ because the kingdom of God is in your midst.”

The actual Hebrew translation is that the kingdom of God is ‘next within us’ rather than inside my heart. If we first think why Jesus spoke like this, we can think: “Ah, my heart is the kingdom” but this is mistaken. Jesus spoke many words regarding the kingdom of God, regarding God’s heaven, but ultimately, where is the kingdom of God?

Read the rest of this entry »


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Taekon Lee

Celebration of True Parents' Holy Birth and Gohui
1st day of the 1st month by the heavenly calendar, in the 3rd year of Cheon-gi(January 23, 2012), at 10:00 am
2nd Floor Chapel Hall and Banquet Hall, Cheon Jeong Gung
Taekon Lee: "Celebration of True Parents' Holy Birth and Gohui
1st day of the 1st month by the heavenly calendar, in the 3rd year of Cheon-gi(January 23, 2012), at 10:00 am
2nd Floor Chapel Hall and Banquet Hall, Cheon Jeong Gung

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Rev. Sun Myung Moon Official Website

Rev. Sun Myung Moon:

A Life of Love for
God and Humanity

Welcome to the Universal Peace Federation Website
About Reverend Sun Myung Moon.

The life work of the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, now in his 90th year, spans a time of dramatic global transformation from the two World Wars, the Cold War and the dawn of a new millennium. Media and historians record the major political, economic and social developments, disasters and crises, but there are other significant developments that are not given serious consideration by contemporaries. This is especially true of visionaries and founders of religious movements. The life and work of Rev. Sun Myung Moon is one such development that is not widely known. In the pages of this website, you will see evidence of the life of a true visionary, learn about his work to create a world of peace and learn about the profound appreciation for his work and vision by a global network of friends, allies and supporters of every religion, race, culture and profession.

Growing up in impoverished, war-ravaged Korea at the beginning of the 20th century, Reverend Moon began his young life desperately questioning why there was so much human suffering. Through a profound relationship with God, he determined to dedicate his life to ending human suffering and creating the ideal world that God originally planned. His life course includes imprisonment in four countries--North Korea, South Korea, Japan and the United States--enduring torture on three occasions and the worldwide persecution and misunderstanding often accorded a new religious movement. Today he is the leader of a worldwide movement with activities in 190 nations, the founder of organizations and institutions in nearly every area of human endeavor and the leader of a major interreligious peace movement.

According to Reverend Moon, this present materialistic age will soon yield to a new age of spirituality, one based on the universal principle of unselfish service to others and a culture of God-centered families where people of all nations, cultures, races and religions will rejoice together. In the following sections, learn about Reverend Moon's life and work of eight decades to bring about this new era.

Reverend Moon's Life

Find out about the life and lifestyle of the man behind these extraordinary accomplishments. Read testimonies about Reverend Moon and his works from distinguished religious leaders, heads of state and scholars.
(More about Rev. Moon's Life)

Reverend Moon's Family

Three Generations Work for Peace: Reverend Moon is joined in his work for world peace by three generations of his exceptional family. Read about Mrs. Hak Jan Han, Reverend Moon’s extraordinary wife of 47 years, and the accomplishments and dedication of his children and grandchildren to the cause of world peace. (More about Rev. Moon's Family)

Reverend Moon's Teachings

The Teachings That are Revolutionizing the World:
Reverend Moon is a great and prolific teacher--his sermons and spiritual guidance are published in 400 volumes. For the followers of the Family Federation for World Peace, his religious teachings provide the most clear and profound answers to their deepest questions about life. In this section, read a sample sermon, watch webstreamed presentations of Reverend Moon's teachings and read commentary about the Divine Principle from distinguished religious scholars and leaders. (More about Rev. Moon's Teaching)

Reverend Moon's Works

No other religious leader has founded as many organizations, institutions and projects for world peace and the betterment of society.
Both idealistic and practical, Reverend Moon's works encompass all fields of human endeavor including the religious, cultural, educational, scientific and economic. Learn about these works and read commentaries about their effectiveness.
(More about Rev. Moon's Work )

 Determined Man: A Short Overview of the Life of Reverend Sun Myung Moon.
A Determined Man: A Short Overview video of the Life of Reverend Sun Myung Moon.
Dr. Hyun Jin Moon speech video
See Rev. Hyung Jin Moon, Rev. Moon's designated successor, President of the Family Federation for World Peace and Chairman of the Universal Peace Federation address international leaders on Rev. Moon's message as expressed in the Unification Church symbol,Click here to watch this amazing speech to international leaders.

Download MP3 audio files of the Divine Principle, the teachings of Reverend Moon, which have transformed the lives of millions around the world. Click here to listen to or watch these inspiring presentations on internet TV.

Middle East Peace Initiative

A Jewish rabbi and Muslim leader embrace in a Middle East Peace Initiative event in Jerusalem. How Reverend Moon brings peace among religions and nations. Click here for an internet TV presentation on theMiddle East Peace Initiative.
Bering Strait Project

Bering Strait Tunnel Project

Read about The Bering Strait Tunnel Project, Reverend Moon's newest initiative to bring peace and promote prosperity between East and West, North and South.
Rev. and Mrs Moon

True Love Quotes

"Our ultimate responsibility is to build world peace, but global peace begins in the family. Harmony, peace and happiness within the family begin with a relationship to the Creator, one of children to parent. Thus, the solution to world peace is to rebind the relationship between the Creator and each family."Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Testimonies about Reverend Moon

New Directions for a World in Crisis
The Editor-at-Large of
the Washington Times
Mr. Arnaud de Borchgrave

He Helped to Make Me a Better Human Being
A Political Scientist
Dr. Morton A. Kaplan

The Sole Purpose is Peace
A Muslim Woman Leader
Prof. Datin Dr. Rahmah Haji Bujang

In Praise of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon
A Jewish Scholar of Religion
Dr. Richard L. Rubenstein

See How They Love One Another
A Christian Theologian
Dr. Paul R. Swanson

Rev. Sun Myung Moon: A Passionate Pluralist
A Scholar of Religion
Dr. Cromwell Crawford

History Is the Biography of a Few Stout Persons
A Professor of Law
Dr. Nicholas N. Kittrie, KtSJ

Reverend Moon: A Humanist without Parallel in Contemporary History
A Muslim Journalist
Shahjahan Mian

Rev. Sun Myung Moon Official Website:

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