

Little Angels Performing Arts Center, Seoul, Korea,August 24, 1992

This address was given on August 24, 1992, at the Little Angels Performing Arts Center, Seoul, Korea, to the assembled guests attending the World Culture and Sports Festival.
Distinguished chairpersons of the First World Culture and Sports Festival, distinguished guests and participants from Korea and around the world.
As founder of the World Culture and Sports Festival, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to you for having gathered here in such a large number to pray for the success of this festival.

I would like to speak to you this evening on the topic, "Becoming the Leaders in Building a World of Peace." During the mid-1930s, when I was sixteen years old and the Korean peninsula was under the forced occupation of Japan, I received a special mission from Heaven through Jesus. I am seventy-two now, and in the intervening years there has not been even a single second when I did not think of God's will and His commands.
I lived my boyhood and youth under the colonial rule of imperial Japan. So I know only too well the excruciating pain and tragic circumstances suffered by the weaker and smaller nations of the world. Because I possess a certain degree of discernment into God's heart, it was with unspeakable pain and sorrow that I witnessed, first, the cruelty of the more powerful nations as they plundered the weaker nation of Korea and, later, the terrible carnage of the Second World War.
Then immediately following World War II, in a development that compounded our already difficult situation, the Korean peninsula was divided between north and south. In 1950, the Korean War broke out and Koreans found themselves in a fratricidal conflict. Various countries of the world on the left and right chose to support one or the other of the opposing sides. I witnessed this tragic history directly, and I know from my heart of hearts how much pain and sorrow has been brought to God and humanity by the loss of a world of peace.
How do you imagine God has felt since the time of creation as He had to watch while time and time again brothers set themselves against each other, with Cain, the older brother, taking the life of Abel, the younger? All wars since the beginning of human history have been, in their essence, struggles among brothers. The Bible teaches us this through its record of the murder of Abel by Cain in the family of Adam. Why do such conflicts among brothers occur over and over on the levels of family, tribe, society, nation and world?
The reason lies in the sin committed by Adam and Eve, the parents of Cain and Abel. Adam and Eve were the original ancestors of humankind, placed in a position to represent all the men and women who would come after them. As such, they should have brought God's ideal of creation into reality. By breaking God's commandment, however, they forfeited their position as the true parents of goodness for all of humanity who would be born after them. Instead, they became fallen parents of evil. It is this evil that is the original sin, the fundamental root of all crime and unhappiness in human society.
The original sin of the first human ancestors was that Adam and Eve broke God's commandment and engaged in an illicit sexual relationship. In this way, they formed a blood relationship with the devil, and became fallen false parents, passing on false love, false life and a false lineage to the entire human race. There is only one way for humanity to escape this world of evil and struggle, and that is to be reunited with their true parents and be reborn through them. Only when this is accomplished can the true way to cast off original sin be revealed.
After I received my calling at the age of sixteen, I spent the years searching for the answer to precisely this problem of how to bring salvation to humankind. The result of that lonely search for truth is the new expression of God's truth that you refer to today as the Unification Principle, Godism and Headwing philosophy. On Aug. 15, 1945, the day Korea was liberated from imperial Japan, I began proclaiming this truth on the earth. Because I have proclaimed these teachings, I have had to undergo tremendous persecution and attack.
Think for a moment about the fact that I have been imprisoned as many as six times in my life. This alone is enough to tell you how harsh the attacks against me have been. The First World Culture and
Sports Festival, being held during this forty-seventh year since I began proclaiming the Unification Principle, is a holy celebration. It is an occasion to let the entire world see, and to offer to God, the harvest reaped from the seeds I have sown and nurtured for the liberation of God and humanity and for the realization of a world of peace. Everything I have strived to achieve during my life has been for the purpose of confirming the fact that all people in the world are brothers and sisters before God, our common Parent. Our common ties as members of the global family centered on God transcend our differences based on race, nationality and international boundaries.
The primary institution in which my teachings are being practiced is the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity, that is, the Unification Church. There is now no country in the world where the Unification Church does not exist. The Unification Church has put its roots down in all races, nationalities and countries. The International Marriage Blessing of 30,000 couples that will be held tomorrow in Seoul's Olympic Main Stadium is certain to be a testimony to the fact that humanity is one great family centered on God.
With the Unification Church as the root organization, I have founded many other organizations for projects in a wide variety of fields. These organizations are for the purpose of building a world of peace in which we, the human family, centered on God, can rejoice in our freedom, ideals and happiness. For the World Culture and Sports Festival, I have gathered the most prominent of these organizations here in Seoul. During the festival, a new unified structure will be founded to facilitate stronger mutual ties and closer cooperation among these organizations.
The International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences, the Professors World Peace Academy, the World Media Conference, the Summit Council for World Peace, the Assembly of the World's Religions, the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace, the Women's Federation for World Peace, the international performing arts groups and International CARP will meet during this time of the International Marriage Blessing and provide forums for us to enlighten our intellects and reaffirm our determination in devoting ourselves to the cause of building a world of peace.
The International Marriage Blessing of the Unification Church, which I will be conferring during this time, is the blessing of resurrection. Through this ceremony, humanity is able to cut itself clear from original sin and recover true love, true life and true lineage of God. It is within the context of this ceremony that we can give birth to peace that enables us to realize the ideal of the great brotherhood of humanity that transcends race, nationality and international boundaries.
As the founder of these organizations and groups, I wish to reaffirm here this evening that their purpose is to bring about world peace, according to the ideal of God and humanity. They are not created for the benefit of any particular group or political faction. They do not serve the narrow interests of any particular nation or state. Rather, they exist to bring happiness, peace and freedom to God, the Creator of the universe, and to all humanity.
Our movement, thus, must bring salvation to all families, all nations, all states and, finally, to the entire world. It must be a family-saving, nation-saving, world-saving movement.
Our families are being destroyed by the debasement of sexual ethics through illicit relationships and decadent lifestyles. Every nation is suffering the agony of the destruction of its moral standards and the accompanying increase in crime. There is no solution in sight to the conflicts between political factions. Poverty and ignorance continue to plague us. There is no sign that we may be nearing solutions to the world's international border disputes, to the attitudes of prejudice between religious groups, or to the conflicts between the various races and ethnic groups. World peace is under constant threat from the selfish actions of the world's countries and peoples.
Environmental pollution also is destroying our planet to the degree that we are approaching a serious crisis for the future of humankind. We may all find ourselves on a common path of destruction, unless we are able to resolve the crisis we face through a love that transcends all national boundaries and ethnic differences and encompasses all the world's people. Let me emphasize again-any successful resolution of this crisis must be based on an effort to build a unified world through a movement of true love rooted in the Unification Principle, or Godism.
In early July, I spoke in five cities around Korea at rallies held by the Women's Federation for World Peace. There, I declared that my wife, WFWP President Hak Ja Han Moon, and I are the True Parents of all humanity. I declared that we are the Savior, the Lord of the Second Advent, the Messiah.
Why would I stand before women leaders of Korea and make such an astonishing and fearful announcement? The reason is that God has been carrying out His providence to send the Messiah as the second perfected Adam who has subjugated Satan, in order to establish a perfected Eve who will represent all women. God has done this, because it was when Satan caused Eve to fall that human history came to be permeated with sin.
Also, women are the central point for the love, peace and spirit of service that protect our families, and it is the healthy family that must be the starting point in our work to build world peace. The establishment of God-centered family ethics and the education of our children lie at the innermost core of my teachings as the person who has declared for himself the responsibilities of the Messiah. The family is the holy sanctuary that must cleanse this defiled world.
That is the reason it was necessary that I, as the Messiah, make my declaration to women leaders gathered around President Hak Ja Han Moon, my wife, who stands in the position of perfected Eve. This declaration is an exhortation and notice to all who follow my teachings to join Mrs. Moon and me in our attendance to God on the path of sacrifice and service for the salvation of this world.
As I conclude my remarks this evening, I would like to propose, so that all of our activities for world salvation can be carried out more effectively, that we establish "The House of Unification for World Peace" as a structure for the peaceful unification of the world.
To avoid any possible misunderstanding, particularly regarding the title of this structure as rendered in the Korean language, let me state clearly that I am not proposing to create a political party. The House of Unification for World Peace that I propose is not a political party. It will not have the function commonly associated with political parties, that is, to seek to take over the executive powers of government in a given country. It is, rather, a "house" to reinforce the concerted actions of the world's countries, and foster a unified foundation and common effort for world peace.
If we say that heaven is a symbol of man, then earth is a symbol of woman. The house is the stage on which a woman's life is played out. The mother is the center of a nest filled with love for all the members of the family. The family, with the mother at its center, is the basic unit making up the nation and the world. I use the word "House" in the title of the structure I am proposing, because this word contains the meaning of "exalting the earth, centering on the mother." It also signifies "to teach." The word "House" in this title, therefore, signifies a center for the education of women.
Through this structure, we can provide new impetus to the work of giving opportunities for meaningful exchanges and education on a God-centered vision for world peace to people of all countries and all walks of life, including political leaders, scholars, religious leaders, journalists and educators, as well as leaders of women and youth. This vision of world peace will be centered on families in which mothers, representing all women of the world, accomplish mind-body unity through love.
If you will embrace my proposal and join me in this task, then our efforts are certain to bring the world of peace that is the object of God's desire to all of humanity within the remaining eight years of the twentieth century. We who are gathered here this evening will be the leaders in opening the gates to a world of peace for the coming twenty-first century.
I pray you may have a pleasant visit during a the time of the festival and that God will bestow His boundless blessings and protection upon your work.

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Distinguished presidents, former heads of state, heads of government, prime ministers and eminent leaders from all walks of life gathered here today in Seoul, Korea:
May I offer to the participants in this Opening Ceremony of the Fifth Summit Council for World Peace, which is a part of the World Culture and Sports Festival, my sincerest welcome and warmest thanks for attending this conference, whose theme is "The Reunification of Korea and World Peace."
The problems of our world in their diverse aspects are complex and reciprocally connected. Accordingly, under the grand banner of the World Culture and Sports Festival we will in one location be dealing with a wide range of issues in the fields of ideology, politics, academia, religion, the media, science, art and every cultural field. I believe these events will be epoch-making, contributing to the exploration of the true way towards world peace.
Moreover, the simultaneous convening of the Summit Council and the World Sports Festival is meant to demonstrate the importance of maintaining a balance between the spiritual and physical sides of human society. At the center of the festival is the largest mass wedding in history-30,000 couples of sincere, pure-hearted men and women from 130 nations. As we enter the new historical age of the 21st century, I envision this grand project centered on God as the pathway to realize true world peace.
If you look back at the history of our planet, there has not been a single day nor instant in which true freedom, peace and happiness existed on this earth. Communism, under the banner of economic equality, declared it would free mankind from exploitation. However, it became not the solution, but the cause of even more conflict and poverty.
We see that democracy, which put forward the ideology of freedom to counteract communism, has fallen into extreme egoism and moral decay. The smoking guns of war are not beginning to fade from the face of the earth, as expected. Rather we see intense confrontation and chaos cast a growing and ominous shadow upon the future of the world.
However, no one has a right to harbor bitterness over the countless trials and pain that humankind has suffered. The reason is that it was humanity itself which put forth human-centered systems of thought that ignored the ideals and goals of God. Even if they did occasionally consider theological thought, because humankind has neither known nor understood the will of God or His ideology. Mankind has had only a superficial grasp of the ultimate direction of history. In fact, let it be known that it was God the Father in the background of history who has been carrying out His providence for the restoration of humankind.
As we prepare to enter the 21st century, a new future ideology must emerge that clearly examines God's will and ideal for humanity. This new thought must precisely clarify the true relationship between man and his Creator.
Originally, the mind and body of a man and of a woman, centering on true love for God, were supposed to harmonize together as a husband and wife focusing on God's true love. This type of family would represent a unified body of God's love, and would become the original dwelling place for true freedom, happiness and peace.
God's true love wants to give limitlessly to its object, the creation. It is similar to that of parents whose heart of love wants their children to become greater than themselves, and who only want to give and give again to their children. The same is true for the loving husband and wife as well. Each wants the partner to be better than himself or herself, and from this attitude they each determine to invest, and invest more in their partner.
The special characteristic of true love is a longing to give to its object. It is such an expression of heart that initiates a give and take relationship. God stands in the subjective position of true love. He wants to give to His children in this unselfish manner. The eternal existence of God can be traced to the original nature of true love, which is to give and keep giving, and by so doing maintain a reciprocal state of action.
Man is God's eternal object of love. It is God's will and man's ideal that God and man become one in heart, and through the giving and receiving of love, this relationship would last for eternity. When God and man cooperate in the sense of joint ownership over creation in the ideal of true love, then for the first time mankind can come to enjoy true freedom, true happiness and true peace.
This principle is the common maxim for peace, not only for the individual but for the family, society, nation and world. The basic direction of human history, which should have been realized in the beginning, was for man, centering on the ideal of God's true love, to become the unified body with God. However, human history did not walk a path uniting with this direction of God. This was due to the fall of man.
There has been no husband or wife in the history of humankind who became one body centering on the true love of God. Accordingly, the ideal of the True Parents, who are the source of God's true love, was never accomplished.
To the contrary, because selfish love, selfish life and selfish blood lineage were passed down through married lives built upon self-centered love, then mankind had no alternative but to wait and prepare for the Savior who, coming as the True Parents, would restore these historical errors and recover the original love, original life and blood lineage of God.
If man and woman had become one with God's ideal direction from the start, then human history would never have seen the endless division, conflict, exploitation and oppression that documents our history books. Instead, centering upon true love, a unified history of the True Parents, the True Family, the true society, the true nation and the true world would have come about.
The basic principle capable of unifying North and South Korea can work only when true individuals, who have achieved the unity of their minds and bodies, come together to form true families. This same principle can also be magnified to the world level to become the principle by which true freedom, true peace and true happiness can be realized. The unification of the Korean peninsula, therefore, will provide an important opportunity to achieve a future unified world and, eventually, even to bring about the unity of God and humanity.
The Korean peninsula, where today we discuss Korean unification and world peace, is the site of history's sharpest ideological conflict. It is here that God-centered Hebraism and human-centered Hellenism, two currents of thought that have been in conflict throughout history, face each other in the form of democracy and communism. Overcoming the ideological division of the Korean peninsula, therefore, will point the direction towards achieving a unified world.
The Korean War that broke out in 1950 was a concrete starting point of the Cold War, with the countries of the world aligning themselves with either the United States or the Soviet Union. More important, it was also a microcosm of the intense global struggle between the democratic and communist blocs. As such, the frontline of the Korean War was the frontline of the forces of God and the forces of Satan which have formed two distinct currents in history.
From this standpoint, the Korean War was a holy war on behalf of the forces of good in the world fighting against the forces of evil. Since the Cold War began in the region of the Korean peninsula, we cannot declare the Cold War truly at an end until the Korean peninsula has been unified.
The Games of the 24th Olympiad held here in Seoul in 1988 harbored great significance. For twelve previous years, the Olympics had been stifled, boycotted first by the United States and then by the Soviet Union. In Seoul, the two blocs participated together and the games thus became a starting point for East-West reconciliation. Also with a record 160 countries participating, it became a symbol of reconciliation for the entire globe.
The Seoul Olympics, however, were also an opportunity for us to understand that, in order to build a healthy world, it is important to consider not only our physical aspect but also the spiritual and cultural things as well. It was for this reason that, at the close of the 1988 Seoul Olympics, I began preparations for the World Culture and Sports Festival as a festival for all humanity, a unique event to foster the development of both our spiritual and physical aspects.
The conflict on the Korean peninsula exhibits characteristics of a conflict between the advanced and less developed countries of the world as well as characteristics of the conflict between the Eastern and Western cultures. Thus, the unification of the Korean peninsula is indispensable for the achievement of world peace and is an important signpost toward resolving the issue of a unified world culture.
Today we are in need of a great spiritual enlightenment. Individuals, nations and the world as a whole must achieve a new understanding of the existence of God. We must have a meeting of God and humanity such that we can restore and establish our original inseparable relationship with God.
It is for this purpose that I have advocated Godism, which is centered on true love. Godism is headwing philosophy, meaning that it is of neither the left wing nor the right wing.
Since I inherited the mission of the True Parents, I have endured all kinds of trials and hardships in order to realize world peace through Godism. Godism allows us to find God, forgotten due to materialism, pushed aside by secular humanism. It is letting us know the point of unity at which God and man can meet.
In the former Soviet Union, previously the center of official atheism tens of thousands of politicians, scholars and religious leaders, have, already undergone five days of training through which they were awakened to Godism, and through which a dynamic new movement of spiritual renaissance is rapidly spreading.
True love is the place where God and humanity meet and become one. It is in true love that humanity is able to meet God and enjoy eternal life. For this reason, true love is capable of overcoming all the world's problems. Through true love, by which we sacrifice ourselves in order to live for others, we can find the solutions to such problems as interracial conflict, violence, the conflict between rich and poor, and the various environmental issues. Families in which the individual members are united centered on true love can successfully combat the corruption of morals that has contributed to the downfall of so many of our youth.
When the individual, family, society, nation and world become one through true love, then mankind can expect a very bright future.
My dear esteemed world leaders: This modern age has already gone beyond all national boundaries in the fields of politics, economics, culture, and every other aspect; we are entering the age of "supra-nationalism". Now the age of the national unit for which you have been responsible and for which you have sacrificed yourselves has passed. A new stage is opening in which the world must cooperate together as one.
In reality, the world of today is being influenced and led by only a few leaders. If all of you who are gathered here today will simply unite together and step forward to educate mankind, then the future of the world will soon rest in your hands.
I hope that your three days of conference are very fruitful and that a new milestone in the quest for peace can be achieved. I pray sincerely that God's blessing be upon you, your families, and your nations.
Thank you very much.



Respected Chairman MacArthur, honored guests, distinguished ladies and gentlemen of the media:I would like to express my deep gratitude to each of you for coming to my homeland, the Republic of Korea, in order to attend the 12th World Media Conference. Held as a part of the World Culture and Sports Festival, this great event has been established in order that all the projects and accomplishments of my lifetime can be gathered together and offered up to God as one.Scholars have come to attend the International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences, a gathering with a 19-year history. The Assembly of the World's Religions is an ecumenical gathering of major religious leaders representing the world's many expressions of faith. Statesmen, including former heads of state and government, are here to attend the Summit Council for World Peace.

Women leaders from around the world are here to attend a symposium of the Women's Federation for World Peace, an organization headed by Mrs. Moon-and young people from many nations are holding an athletic meet, Sportsfest, in connection with the Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles' (CARP) Convention for World Students, being held to discuss the qualities required of those who would be leaders in the twenty-first century.
The building of world peace is the ultimate purpose of all I have tried to accomplish during my life. That is also why, last year, I founded the Federation for World Peace and the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace.
I have defined the center of world peace as being in the family, and have consistently called for "world peace through the ideal family."
Three days from now, on August 25, the largest international wedding ceremony in history will be held as a concrete expression of my philosophy of peace. Good men and women from 130 countries, transcending their differences of nationality and race, are gathering together to be blessed in holy matrimony in the name of God's true love. They are determined to build ideal families and become workers for world peace. This solemn ceremony, therefore, signifies their dedication, their commitment, to a peaceful world.
I cordially invite you to observe this ceremony as special guests because I think that as journalists, you will want to witness this unique event. Since I am granting you an "exclusive", a front-row seat, in terms of coverage of this most historic event, you may be thinking I might expect something from you in return. All I request of you, however, is that you not look upon this as a spectacle, "the greatest show on earth," but that you seriously examine it as the creation of a force for peace, and extend to these couples your sincere congratulations.
The time has come for the media and journalists to be incorporated into an understanding of the comprehensive vision of peace I am outlining here and to be become completely one with this vision, so that you can participate in fulfilling the ideal of world peace that is our common hope.
Last May, I traveled to Washington and spoke at a dinner commemorating the tenth anniversary of The Washington Times, which I founded. I was reminded that when I first announced the founding of The Washington Times in 1982, there were many people in America who ridiculed me. Some experts predicted, even if I founded a newspaper of acceptable quality, that I would run out of funds in six months. And if not that, then the paper would degenerate into nothing more than a mouthpiece for the Unification Church and would end up as a weekly newspaper, read by almost no one.
Now, ten years later The Washington Times is counted among the top three papers in terms of influence among the 1,750 newspapers published in the United States. It is the first newspaper read by the president of the United States when he gets up in the morning. On August 13, President Bush gave an exclusive interview to Wesley Pruden, editor-in-chief of The Washington Times, the first such interview of the campaign season for President Bush with a daily newspaper.
Year after year, The Times is awarded for its excellence in editorial design. In 1989, in the American Newspaper Society's annual design competition in the United States, it received Best of Show honors, the award of highest excellence awarded only by the unanimous vote of a jury of twelve judges. Furthermore, in the category of editorial writing, The Washington Times received their highest award for two consecutive years, something that had never before been achieved by any newspaper in the United States.
During these past ten years, I have invested one billion dollars in this newspaper. If I were pursuing political influence or personal wealth, or if I were trying to proselytize my religious beliefs, I would not have invested such a sum in a newspaper. Simply put, I founded The Washington Times in order to fulfill the Will of God.
I know that God loves America. America is a center of traditional Judaism and Christianity. It is the cradle of the spirit of modern Christianity. God's desire is that America play a central role in rescuing the entire world and that America maintain its traditional values, which have fallen into confusion in recent years. During the Cold War, God placed America in a position to block the attempt by communism to gain world domination. In the context of God's Will, it was most important that there be a newspaper that had the philosophical and ideological foundation needed to give encouragement to the people and political leaders of America. I certainly could not leave Washington, the capital of the United States, to be a victim of the leftist Washington Post.
So where are we now, after ten years? The bells heralding the collapse of communism rang out clearly on November 9, 1989, with the fall of the Berlin Wall. And on Christmas Day, 1991, the communist empire founded on atheism vanished from the earth after having held the world in fear for seventy-four years.
I am not saying that The Washington Times accomplished all this by itself. These developments were the results of God's providence. God, however, works His will on earth through human beings. I do not have the slightest doubt that The Times played a decisive role in bringing about the fall of communism. God used the newspaper as His tool to bring an end to the most pernicious worldwide dictatorship in history-and gave freedom to tens of millions of people. Even if I had spent ten billion dollars instead of one, I could not have made a more valuable investment.
The mission of The Washington Times, however, is not yet finished. The fall of communism does not automatically lead to the coming of world peace. Nor does it mean that the ideal society of God's desire will establish itself without any further effort on our part. It is still too early for the free world to be toasting its victory, for the world is still faced with too many urgent problems that strike terror in the hearts of all humanity.
The societies of free countries today are exhibiting a phenomenon that is every bit as evil as communism. I am referring to the philosophy of materialistic humanism and to the extreme individualism and selfishness that are the offshoots of this philosophy. As a result of these, we find that money and material goods have become the "gods" of our culture.
I am not one to condemn humanism altogether, but the problem with the humanism we see today is that it is based on a thoroughly atheistic outlook. Once we deny the existence of God and the significance of the Creator's creative act, then human beings are reduced to just a handful of dust. In such a perspective, human beings are considered no better than mere machines. This is precisely the fallacy contained in Marxist-Leninism. If we say there is no God and that human beings are no better than machines or animals, then there is no basis for morality. Without a belief in the spirit and eternal life, people become irresponsible toward other human beings and commit atrocities toward each other.
In this context, let's look at the situation of the advanced free countries of the world, whom we would expect to be feeling a sense of victory over the course that has now been taken by communism. Extreme selfishness and individualism have given rise to hedonism. Corruption has pervaded all aspects of social life, and families are breaking up. The problem of political corruption is becoming worse and economies are declining.
The young people, whom we normally expect to become the future leaders, are losing touch with their consciences in a flood of immorality, drugs and crime, to such an extent that it is difficult for us to have hope in them as the leaders of the twenty-first century.
I have said in the past that the next century is to be an era of spiritual civilization. The era of material civilization is coming to an end. If we are to turn back the darkness that is closing in upon our world and begin to live again, then we must first fill the ideological void in the former Marxist-Leninist countries that has resulted from the fall of communism.
Furthermore, we must bring about a revival of spiritual culture that will rescue the free countries, which now seem to be heading for the day when they will either destroy themselves or else receive the judgment of God. Thus, we need to produce a new philosophy and ideology capable of bringing about a spiritual revolution in human society.
Ladies and gentlemen, during past Media Conferences I have made reference to the providential mission that I have been called to fulfill. I have been called to be the pioneer of a new age. That is to say, I am a pioneer of a new spiritual civilization for the twenty-first century. I have already declared to the world the ideology of the new age that God has revealed to me. That ideology is Godism, neither left-wing nor right-wing, but rather a philosophy that would more accurately be called "head-wing".
As scientists delve deeper into their areas of study, they find themselves less and less able to deny the truth of God's existence. I proclaim that truth, and also teach a view of life in which we attend God and experience his reality in our own daily lives.
God is not an abstract God. He is a God who is alive in each of our lives, and we can feel His touch. I am constantly hearing the beating of God's pulse. I breathe as He breathes. I can feel the warmth of His body against my own. I have come to know the heart of God, and have shed rivers of tears from the knowledge that His heart is bursting with the sorrow of having lost humankind through the Fall. I also know clearly what God desires of His children now.
The most important fact is that the Almighty God is my father. He is your father as well. He is the father of all people. The heart of God, as He looks down upon humankind, is the heart of the parent. Even in human society, the love of the parent is the most passionate, the most ardent, the most unconditional.
The essence of God is true love. God's desire is for all people to follow the example of His true love. He wants to practice true love and view the world through the love of a giving parent. We can achieve eternal life only through such a practice of selfless true love, a love that gives and then expects nothing in return. God invested himself 100 percent when He created the heavens and the earth and then created humankind. He has never expected anything from us in return for that. The same is true of human parents. Because of our love, we want our spouses and children to be something greater than ourselves. That is why we can invest everything of ourselves in them and never expect anything in return.
Until now, human history has been the history of the era of brothers. It is expected that brothers fight. The era of brothers has been an era of struggle and of war. Human history began with a fight among brothers, and ever since then, it has been a history of struggle. Cain and Abel, the sons of Adam and Eve, the first human ancestors, fought with one another until finally the older brother killed the younger. This was the beginning of sinful human history.
Up through World War I, World War II and the ideologically-fought Third World War, history has been a succession of fights among brother nations. Today, now that we have come through World Wars I, II and III, human history is entering a new dimension. Now, the era of brothers has ended, and we have entered the era of parents. The era of parents is the era of true love. As God looks upon us and loves us with the heart of a parent, so should each of us look upon every other person and love all people with the heart of the parent. There may be tears in such a love, but never a fight to the death. The concept of struggle does not exist within the context of true love. My declaration of Godism is the philosophy of True-Parentism and the philosophy of True Love.
On Nov. 30, last year, I visited North Korea, a staunch communist country with which I had been an enemy. The world was shocked to hear that I, a person who has devoted his entire life to anti-communism and victory over communism, had entered North Korea. I received a warm welcome from President Kim Il Sung. We embraced each other heartily. He is a person who had always looked on me as an enemy. He had once imprisoned me for three years and later even attempted to kill me.
This was the enemy that I embraced. I could never have done this, however, if I had actually held even the slightest thought that he was my enemy. I went to North Korea with the heart of the parent, and it was with the heart of the parent that I embraced President Kim Il Sung. I went to North Korea in an act of true love. In true love, there is no concept of struggle, only the heart of compassion. In true love, there is only the heart of the parent that can give and give and then feel the desire to give even more.
I will state here today that the Godism and True-Parentism which I have declared, is the source of true peace that will lead the way in the twenty-first century. It is with Godism and the Headwing philosophy that we can build a world of harmony in the twenty-first century. The core of this philosophy is the heart of the parent and true love. The twenty-first century will be the era of True Parents. I will be the era when people will mature spiritually and "heartistically" to the point that everyone will become true parents.
I have always emphasized that we need a true press, a responsible mass communication media. I founded the World Media Conference as a way to foster press freedom in places where this freedom has not existed, and to work to bring about a responsible press in places where freedom already exists.
Recently, I have defined still another mission for the media. That is that the media needs to be moral. I have given The Washington Times a task for its next ten years that it must contributed to bringing about a moral society. In doing this, The Times will make its contribution to the world. Because a peaceful world is only possible based on the existence of ideal families, The Times must be a newspaper that cultivates family values.
The media wields such power and influence that it is often described as the Fourth Estate, after the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government. This power of the media must be exercised for the purpose of good. Through the exercise of its influence, the media must contribute to bringing about greater understanding between cultures and nations.
You journalists are specialists in your field, but before that, you are all God's children. You are all champions of peace, specially called by God to help bring a new ethical standard into the world.
The World Media Conference exists as a forum for free discussion by members of the media for the ultimate purpose of bringing about a principled media. In this time when the entire world and all of humanity is advancing toward the ultimate true world of peace, the media must understand that it is called by God to an important mission in helping to realize this world. The media must add its efforts to those of all others who are working for peace, and must exercise its tremendous influence for bringing about the ideal of a humanity united as one family. The media must march boldly forward, leading the way in realizing an ethical world.
I hope that through your discussions and studies over the next few days, you will have the opportunity to think more deeply than ever about the mission of the media.
In closing, let me say it is my constant prayer that God's abundant blessings will be upon your work and your families.
Thank you.