
Sign the Petition to Nobelprize.org · Hak Ja Han-Sun Myung Moon, 문선명 Nobel peace prize Nomination · Causes



Hak Ja Han-Sun Myung Moon and their organizations Family Federation for World Peace and Unification and Universal Peace Federation-nomination Nobel peace prize for their scientific work: Divine Principle to unite science and religion and enormous lifelong work for the world peace (By 2020kingdom.ru) 
Exposition of the Divine Principle
Signed,Sign the Petition to Nobelprize.org · Hak Ja Han-Sun Myung Moon, 문선명 Nobel peace prize Nomination · Causes

Sign the Petition to Petition to all governments and people · Petition to all governments for Absolute sex policy and education · Causes

Petition to all governments and people

Sex Absolute-Marriage- the only key to overcome all crises
Absolute Sex is a Marriage in love between One Man and One Woman forever and the only key to overcome all crises individual, of a country or global.
“Hundreds of thousands of young people throughout the world who have accepted the teachings of the Reverend Moon have ceased engaging in free sex. The message of the pure love movement, which advocates "absolute sex," is now spreading like wildfire. While free sex is based upon false love and motivated by selfish desires that come from Satan, absolute sex is the expression of absolute love centered on God. Literature, films and the media have been highlighting and fanning the flames of free sex. Now, leaders of all spheres of life, including politicians, businessmen, writers, journalists and religious leaders, must stand as one to overturn the culture's obsession with free sex. This disease cripples individuals, families and nations.
How can we transform this world of conflict and war into a world of harmony and unity? The only way is by practicing true love and establishing love's absolute values as a global ethic.”
“Since the human Fall originated in the misuse of love, humankind lost True Love. Thus the problem arises: How can we recover True Love? The loss of True Love means falling through adultery. In other words, True Love became degraded by misusing the sexual organs, and in order to restore it, we need to use these organs in the right way. Just as the seed of fallen love was planted in the Garden of Eden during the first ancestors' youth, so in these final days, mankind will harvest the fruit of the Fall among our young people. That is the reason why today we find so much chaos and contusion, centering on the issue of sex. This problem can only be solved with what I call "Absolute Sex." Only the concept and practice of Absolute Sex can prevent the destruction of the family and reverse the corruption of our youth.” -  Sun Myung Moon.
More fundamental teaching of Divine Principle is that the original sin causing the fall of man at the beginning of human history was, in fact, inappropriate sexual relationships that corrupted true love.[1] Sexual union based on true love between husband and wife is spoken about frankly and approvingly in many speeches by Sun Myung Moon.
In your relationship as husband and wife do you want to just sit and look at one another and smile? Or would you rather have a love relationship that is so tight, so sweet, so strong that you would become totally one like a rubber ball, and roll around together? Once you become totally one and begin rolling together like a round ball, when you roll too fast you will shout and scream and God will hear you and come down and enjoy watching you. Interesting? Exciting?
—Sun Myung Moon, from The Palace of True Love
One author calls marriage "really the only sacrament" in the Unification Church. Unificationists therefore view singleness as "not a state to be sought or cultivated"[2] but merely as preparation for marriage. Pre-marital celibacy and marital faithfulness are emphasized,[2] and adherents may be taught to "abstain from intimate relations for a specified time after marriage."[3]
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Signed, Sign the Petition to Petition to all governments and people · Petition to all governments for Absolute sex policy and education · Causes

Sign the Petition to Governments and people in every country · Know Future of humanity:) How it will be? Write your idea! · Causes

Governments and people in every country

Help building ideal world of everlasting peace by 2020, just write you ideal on this wall. Join www.ivacademy.ru effort. A Project for Peace
Leaders from throughout the world, we are today marking the precious conclusion of the 
history of God’s providence. On this occasion, let me take the opportunity to repeat the proposal I have made for a truly providential and revolutionary project. This project is for the sake of the establishment of the kingdom of peace that is the purpose of the culmination of the providence for God and humankind, and also for the purpose of establishing God’s homeland and original hometown. From the historical point of view, the divisions of our world into East and West, North and South were wrought by Satan. I am proposing that we build a passage for transit across the Bering Strait that separates the North American and Russian land-masses. This passage, which I call the “World Peace King Bridge-Tunnel,” will link an international highway system that will allow people to travel on land from Africa’s Cape of Good Hope to Santiago, Chile, and from London to New York, across the Bering Strait, connecting the world as a single community.
God is warning us that He will no longer tolerate separation and division. Carrying out this project will bind the world together as one village. It will tear down the man-made walls of race, culture, religion and country, and establish the kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world that has been God’s cherished desire. The United States and Russia can become as one. The European Union, China, India, Japan, Brazil and all nations, and also the world’s religions, can combine their energies to make this project succeed. The success of this project will be decisive in establishing the kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world, where people will no longer make war on each other.
Ladies and gentlemen, some may doubt that such a project can be completed. But where there is a will, there is always a way—especially if it is the will of God.
The science and technology of the twenty-first century render it possible to construct a tunnel under the Bering Strait. The construction costs are also not a problem. Think of how much money the world is wasting on war. Humanity needs to realize that we are committing fearful sins in the presence of history and our descendants.
Let us take one example. How much money has the United States spent on the war in Iraq during the past three years? It is approaching $200 billion. That budget would be more than enough to complete the Bering Strait project.
In this age, war is the most primitive and destructive means of resolving conflict, and will never lead to lasting peace. Now is the time, as the prophet Isaiah taught, to beat our swords into ploughshares and spears into pruning hooks. Humankind should end the perverse cycle of war, which only sacrifices the lives of our children and squanders enormous sums of money. The time has come for the countries of the world to pool their resources and advance toward the kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world desired by God, the Master of this great universe.
Ladies and gentlemen, humanity is traveling down a dead-end street. The only way to survive is to practice my teaching: the peace philosophy of true love, true life and true lineage. Now that we have entered the era after the coming of heaven, your good ancestors are activated and the heavenly hosts are sweeping down upon the earth. Soon the countries and peoples that appear strong and mighty will change course and shift in this direction.
Our Mission
I leave you with a choice. There can be no perfection in ignorance. The message from Heaven that I convey to you today is both a blessing and a warning to this generation. I will take the lead in establishing true families, true societies, true nations and the true kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world. Will you join me as I rise and gain strength in accordance with heavenly fortune? Or will you remain captive behind the same old walls, all of them Satan’s handiwork—the wall of your religion, the wall of your culture, the wall of your nationality and the wall of your race—and spend the remainder of your time on earth in agony and regret? Heaven is summoning you to be the wise leaders who will set aright this world of evil and establish a new heaven and new earth, a new culture and an ideal kingdom.
The Universal Peace Federation, which was born through the concerted efforts of those here, represents God’s victory, the fruit of the True Parents’ blood, sweat and tears, and the cherished hope of all people. It will carry out the role of an “Abel-type” counterpart to the existing “Caintype”
United Nations, representing a new sovereignty of universal peace, which I call Cheon Il Guk. Please bear in mind that you are given the heavenly mission to build God’s substantial homeland, the ideal world God envisioned at the time of the Creation.
Think of the peacekeeping work of the United Nations. Sometimes it withdrew its forces before the mission was completed. The Korean War was one such example. For this reason, on October 20th in the Ukraine, during the world tour of 120 nations inaugurating the Universal Peace Federation, I declared before the world the establishment of the “peace kingdom police force” and the “peace kingdom corps” for the welfare and future of humanity.
These two organizations will safeguard order and peace in the new world. Humanity is still ensnared in the traps of division and self-interest, which are remnants of the era before the coming of heaven. These two organizations will be the vanguard for educating humanity in true love in the era after the coming of heaven. The purpose of this education will be to create the true individual, true family, true nation, true world and true universe.
I hope that you will put on new “true love armor” in this new age and be wise and brave activists in the universal peace kingdom corps, for the sake of humanity’s future. Please inscribe this warning from Heaven deep in your hearts. Remember that the only way to inherit Heaven’s lineage and establish the realm of liberation and complete release is through the Holy Marriage Blessing instituted by the True Parents. Furthermore, the Holy Marriage Blessing provides the means to establish God’s ideal family and the kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world.
I ask you to devote your best efforts, as the True Parents have, for the development and success of the Universal Peace Federation, and toward creating God’s ideal family, ideal nation and the peace kingdom. Please become true princes and princesses who can attend and live together with God, the eternal Peace King and True Parent of humanity. Let us fulfill the dutiful family way of devoted sons and daughters, patriots, saints, and members of the family of God, and create the eternal kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world.
May God’s blessings be with you, your families and your nations.
Thank you.
Peace Messages from 
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Signed,Sign the Petition to Governments and people in every country · Know Future of humanity:) How it will be? Write your idea! · Causes

A Global Nation under God - Cheon Il Guk by 2020 천일국! · Causes

A Global Nation under God - Cheon Il Guk by 2020 천일국!

A Global Nation under God - Cheon Il Guk by 2020 천일국! · Causes