
The literal meaning of “Mengseh” in Korean is to make a promise before the altar of God. It can also mean simply a promise for the future. We recite our Pledge every Sunday morning at 5:00. The first part of the Pledge deals with the original creation and the loss of that ideal through the fall of man.

The literal meaning of “Mengseh” in Korean is to make a promise before the altar of God. It can also mean simply a promise for the future. We recite our Pledge every Sunday morning at 5:00. The first part of the Pledge deals with the original creation and the loss of that ideal through the fall of man.

The second paragraph deals with restoration of the children that were lost. The third paragraph refers to the way in which God has fearlessly striven for the restoration of mankind and the world. Number four outlines the scheme through which the ideal will be restored step by step, beginning with the individual, family, society, nation, world and cosmos. The goal and hope for the future are projected in part four. Part five of the Pledge is the conclusion. It projects what we are going to create-one sovereignty, one nation, one people. etc.

Let us look at ourselves and ask where we are situated now. Mankind is located between good and evil. between God and Satan, between Heaven and earth, as a result of the fall of man. Goodness and Heaven are the realm of God, while evil and the earth itself are the under the domain of Satan. Without question. God is the central figure of Heaven and He created the goodness of this world and the goodness of Heaven. Satan created the evil world and earthly hell.

Heaven is organized with God at the center and the very best, highest spirits immediately around Him; close to them are the next highest spirits. and so on. Satan organized his realm in a similar way. He occupies the center of hell and surrounding him are the most evil spirits; close to them are the next worst spirits, with the layers filled with spirits of lesser and lesser evil as they go out. Between these two worlds there is a distinct boundary which keeps them separate.

This is reality. and as human beings we are situated in either of these two areas. In spirit world there is a specific location designated geographically as hell. What is the division be

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