
True Mother’s Speech at Madison Square Garden. On July 15, people of all religions and backgrounds gathered - - IVAcademy online Coaching

Esteemed ladies and gentlemen, ambassadors of peace, academic and political leaders, ACLC ministers, Family Federation blessed families and our future leaders in the Youth Federation! Today I will talk to you about the responsibility of this blessed country, America, God’s providence, and America’s mission from the viewpoint of the history of human civilization. When we look at the world today, it is plagued with war, religious conflict, ideological conflict, and natural disasters. When we know of seven million children dying from such unspeakable tragedies, can there be hope for our future?

The religious world is the same. No matter what the reason was or where it began, our destination must be the same. We need to know God. The Creator, God, who is the owner of the original universe, created the world and created a man and a woman to become the first human ancestors. God gave them a special growth period, during which they were to learn how to take responsibility. Heaven’s hope was for Adam and Eve to grow beautifully with absolute love and absolute obedience and to receive God’s blessing to become the true parents of humankind.

Unfortunately, during the growth period, Adam and Eve acquired greed. That is what brought about the state of the human race today. Because the almighty and all-powerful God gave the Principle of Creation to human beings, human beings themselves had to make their own way to victory. Yet, for those unaware of God, inheriting Heaven’s will hasn’t been easy.

God chose the Israelites and tried to achieve his will through them. Throughout the long period of four thousand years, God strove to indemnify [Adam and Eve’s] mistake from the individual level to the societal level. Meanwhile, He promised that He would send a savior, the Messiah, Jesus Christ, and he did. However, what happened?

Jesus was born as God’s only son. God created a man and a woman. Since Jesus is a man, he needed to meet a woman. Mary, Zachariah’s family, Judaism, and the Israelites should have prepared for this, but they did not fulfill their responsibilities. Jesus could not fulfill God’s will alone. He had no choice but to die on the cross and in that position he said he would come again. He said he would come and hold the marriage supper of the Lamb. The marriage supper of the Lamb! The history of the Christian Church began with the resurrection of the Holy Spirit and its believers await the returning Lord.

However, in the beginning, the Christian Church suffered from extreme persecution and a lack of understanding. Three hundred years later, Christianity received official recognition in Rome, then in all of Italy, and across the European continent, all the way to Britain, an island nation. Centered on Britain, the surrounding nations began the era of the Atlantic civilization and Christianity spread throughout the world. Yet Christians did not understand Jesus’ essence. They did not fully understand God’s providence and in the end, they retreated. Consequently, today’s modern civilization pursues the development of a material civilization rather than that of a 

True Mother’s Speech at Madison Square Garden. On July 15, people of all religions and backgrounds gathered - - IVAcademy online Coaching

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