
Peace Sign - the only Hope for Mankind Nowadays amazing - Interview

Peace Sign - the only Hope for Mankind Nowadays amazing -

Clive Donnley Interview with Nicolae Cirpala

Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOXyu3K14cI

Podast https://anchor.fm/nicolae-cirpala/episodes/Peace-Sign---the-only-Hope-for-Mankind-Nowadays-amazing---Interview-with-Nicolae-Cirpala-e113q6g

GPBNet Plans: networking people and organizations for global peace by 2027

- plant a tree to stop Global Warming Project

- Award Peace Ambassadors certificates

- Celebrate International Day of Families

- Global Peace Essay Competition

- Global Peace Video Competition

- Morning Inspirational meetings

- Evening devotions meetings

Always contact me for more cooperation yours Nicolae Cirpala WatsApp t.+7 981 130 83 85


Receive help from GPBNet #ForPeace:

-Receive Peace ambassador certificate and work for peace in you area

- Send monthly your activities reports #ForPeace

-Say your Ideas #ForPeace at Next *Global Peace Talks* Show with Nicolae Cirpala to participate

All this just contact us WatsApp +7 981 130 83 85

*Meeting Wishes:

- Ultimate Global Peace till 2027

- For Peace in Nigeria

- For Peace in Belarus

- For peace in Karabah, Yemen, Syria, Palestine and Kashmir

- People that suffered

- Healing Oceans and all Environment till 2027

- South and North Korea peaceful reunification till 2027

-World economy that benefits all nations and people to be set up globally till 2027

- All countries to stop weapons production and distribution and begin to invest in peace and in the well-being of humanity till 2027

- All families globally to receive God's Marriage Blessing till 2027

*About Global Peace Building Network #GPBNet founder Nicolae Cirpala Been a writer-global activist for 24 years working daily #ForPeace uniting People and Organizations to finalize Building ultimate World of Peace by 2027 with Global Peace Building Network

*Global Peace Building Network GPBNet works in 7 areas where every human being could join:

-Leaders Association for Peace

-Business, IT, Agriculture, Oceans, Invention, Aero and Cosmos Association for Peace

-Media, Culture and Arts Association for Peace


-Schools, Universities, Education and Academia Association for Peace

-Youth, Volunteers, Internships, Ecology, Sports, Hobby, Wellness, Travel and Global Village Association for Peace

-Social Service, Charities, Help Children, Health and Families Association for Peace

-Interfaith, Spirituality, Futurology Association for Peace

*We have team in your country contact +7 981 130 83 85 whatsapp to join yours

*Became GPBNet Representative in your: -Community -Tribe -Clan -Group -College - University -Location  -City  OR  -Region

Send desired representative level to irffmd@gmail.com

* Became #GPBNet Member and Work with Us on our Programs as :      - Patron: Share your knowledge with us -Trustee: Share your assets and resources with us -Program Coordinator:  Share your expertise and management skills with us

 -Volunteer: Work with us closely

-Donor: Support us for our Program and Work in collaboration - Adviser: Support us with your knowledge and experience -Management Team: Work with us to manage our office

  let's become Best Friends,

join now global peacemakers team and invite your friends,

post comments to my Vital discussions in:

Instagram www.instagram.com/MessageToBillions

Twitter www.twitter.com/ivacademynet

and Youtube www.youtube.com/c/MessageToBillions

Download my books  www.vacademy.net/en/market/books

subscribe, share #MessageToBillions


#ForPeace Cooperation, to Donate, to invite me as Guest Speaker at your online or offline events, to Volunteer, to receive marriage blessing call me +7 981 130 83 85 phone whatsapp

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