Showing posts with label Experience with God I looked to the sky and I read: "The Messiah is on the Earth". Raised Catholic testifies how she was spiritually led to Rev. Moon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Experience with God I looked to the sky and I read: "The Messiah is on the Earth". Raised Catholic testifies how she was spiritually led to Rev. Moon. Show all posts


Experience with God I looked to the sky and I read: "The Messiah is on the Earth". Raised Catholic testifies how she was spiritually led to Rev. Moon

Experience with God: I looked to the sky and I read: "The Messiah is on the Earth"

Experience with God 
I looked to the sky and I read: "The Messiah is on the Earth". Raised Catholic testifies how she was spiritually led to Rev. Moon

Conchita: My Personal Testimony

After incredible spiritual experience, Conchita is told by God that the Messiah is on the earth. Soon she is led spiritually to the Unification Church. Conchita is amazed by their teachings, answering questions never answered by the Church.

I was born and raised in a small rural town, in a traditional catholic family. The values of purity, fidelity and filial piety, where the common living values at that time. But in the process of growing up, I realized the contradictions inside of myself and in others.
I went to mass almost every day and received the communion very often. During a long period of my life, I feel Jesus very close. When I was about 17 or 18 years old, I was walking on the street with two of my friends, suddenly, I looked to the sky and I read: "The Messiah is on the Earth". That experience, shocking me, but I didn't talked to anybody about this with fear to not to be understood.
None of the priest or nuns that I consulted a that time, gave me a clear answer to my questions about Jesus, God, the Bible etc. Then I started to search by my own in a different christian groups etc. Finally, after years of difficulties and some bad decisions, I found out the Unification Church.
Spiritual Awakening: Rev. Sun Myung Moon
To listen the Divine Principle was like received a fresh waterfall from the sky, it was like a personnel revelation to me. It gave me answer to all the questions that I had have during all my life. I was thinking inside, this is it !! this is what I was searching for...

After listen more and more the content of the lectures, 
I understand the real suffering course of Jesus, the position of His mother Mary. The true nature of God and His aching heart during more than 6.000 years of sinful history. And more than anything I realized the true personality and stature of Reverend Sun Myung Moon. After studied and live the contents of the Divine Principle, my life has been change forever. Even unworthy, my heart is full of gratitude and appreciation toward Reverend Moon, who gave to Humankind the great treasure of the Unification Principle, the revelation given directly by God to Reverend Sun Myung Moon.

Personal testimony: Jesus guided me to Rev. Moon
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