Showing posts with label Invitation to Service Project in Pokhara. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Invitation to Service Project in Pokhara. Show all posts


Invitation to Service Project in Pokhara, Nepal from 8-14 November, 2013 with the theme “Peace through Service”.

On behalf RYS Nepal, I am very glad to extend our formal invitation letter for you to attend the above service project to be held in Nepal.

The Religious Youth Service is a nonprofit organization founded in 1986 to give opportunities to young religious people to live and work together as a community. The RYS has done projects in North America and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania.

 RYS is an experiential, service-learning project with a special focus on developing personal leadership and peacemaking skills. Through living and providing altruistic service within a community, we demonstrate that it is possible for our global human family to live together in peace and co-prosperity.

We are glad to inform you that RYS-Nepal is organizing RYS Service Project in Pokhara, Nepal from 8-14 November, 2013 with the theme “Peace through Service”. We had for the past few years successfully hold the RYS Projects in Nepal and the similar projects are going on worldwide.

During the RYS Nepal Project, the participants will engaged in the community based volunteer works, educational workshop, interfaith & community visits, interaction programs, cultural learning experiences program and more exciting programs. And we provide free lodging, food and domestic land transportation.

Look forward seeing you in Kathmandu.


Project Director

Mobile: 9841228264 / 9813676782      


RYS Vision Statement
Young leaders of all faiths serving together for Peace

RYS Mission
Our mission is to provide an environment wherein youth can rise above doctrinal differences, unite in activities of service and learning, and develop leadership abilities that enable them to help create a culture of peace.  

RYS History
     The RYS was founded in 1986 and did its first social service project with 120 youths between the ages of 20 – 30 for a period of six weeks. By 1988, the program was transformed into an experiential, social service-learning project. Since 1990, RYS has done many projects annually in various countries around the world. By the late 1990s, RYS expanded its educational program to include leadership components. The new millennium saw an integration of the arts as service into our programs and projects. 
     In recent years, we have further expanded our outreach, doing more projects locally, regionally and internationally, drawing together people who historically have been enemies and providing them with opportunities to work together in serving the whole community. Through this, deep friendships have been formed and peace has been honored and celebrated.RYS Education programs
     The RYS provides intercultural, experiential, social service-learning opportunities for youth to challenge their limitations and thereby develop personal leadership abilities. We give participants a chance to take initiative and build relationships of cooperation, trust and friendship with people from diverse backgrounds.
     Woven into the project schedules are a variety of cultural events, educational seminars and recreational activities that allow participants to experience the amazing cultures of the world firsthand.
     Through these opportunities, participants can realize their potential, share their best qualities, and improve their capacity for reconciliation. After completing the RYS programs, participants can apply their enhanced leadership capabilities to develop sustainable, peace promoting activities with diverse people.  
It is also an opportunity for people to express and further deepen their faith, as well as share their best qualities. Through our program, many have expanded their understanding of themselves and others and become true "Youth Ambassadors for Peace".
     The RYS is in support of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)– which form a blueprint agreed to by all the world’s countries and all the world’s leading development institutions.