Showing posts with label Peace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peace. Show all posts


God and a United World of Peace

The Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace, Founder's Address 

REV. DR. SUN MYUNG MOON, IIFWP Convocation, "God and World Peace" 

December 27, 2002, Sheraton National Hotel,  Arlington, Virginia

Present and former heads of state from around the world, eminent religious leaders, peace ambassadors from various nations, representatives of all aspects of society, respected ladies and gentlemen:
I would like to thank you for participating in this profoundly significant conference, where we will explore fundamental issues regarding the realization of a world of peace, which is a common ideal shared by all humanity.
At this time when the need for peace and security is more acute and critical than ever before, we who are leaders in our various fields share a grave responsibility to resolve issues related to discord and war and to the evil and unhappiness derived from the world that holds God at a distance.

The God of True Love

In accordance with Heaven's will, I have offered my life over the years to investigate the difficult issues facing humanity and offer a plan for implementing fundamental solutions. Today I would like to speak about a portion of this plan. The words I speak do not come from theological research or from any books. I speak rather of fundamental principles that I have learned through experience, as I overcame all manner of difficulties and communed directly with God and spirit world.
The path of following Heaven's will in a state of empathy with God is not one that many people can find through common sense. I would like to tell you, however, that one who opens his or her original mind and exercises keen insight can discover a new consciousness by which to perceive the spirit world and the will of God, who lives and carries out His work in the world of reality.
This conference will not analyze the afflictions and despair of modern humanity nor the symptoms of crisis in the modern age, but rather will investigate the foundation for the ideal of peace. We can identify and treat the root of the disease. For this, we should know the original relationship between God and ourselves, a relationship that lies at the foundation of the universe, and enlighten ourselves as to the will of God who lives and carries out His providence in history.
God is the original entity of true love. True love has the attribute of unconditional giving and giving again, of investing and not remembering the investment and then investing again, and of living for the sake of others time and time again. The reason righteous people and evil people alike are allowed to breathe the same air within the atmosphere God created is that God, though He is all powerful, is the original entity of true love. This is also the reason that good people and sinners alike are able to carry on their lives by tilling the fields and enjoying the blessings of nature.
Exercising His almighty and absolute power, God at any time could carry out a summary judgment on sinful humanity, but He has embraced the world of sin with true love these long years, enduring the pain and waiting for us to repent. God, our Creator and Father, has been subjected to all manner of insults from those who refuse to believe in Him, who betray Him, and who go so far as to claim that He does not exist or is dead. In spite of all this, He has endured with an unchanging heart. Since God knew that love is perfected only with a partner, He has been working to build a world of love through His love partner.
Respected leaders, have any of you ever heard God complain? Have you ever met a God who gave excuses? In the beginning, God established true love as the absolute standard, and He took the lead in demonstrating absolute obedience to that ideal as He created and carried out His providence. Just as the ocean takes in all manner of sewage and garbage and then cleanses itself, God as the original entity of absolute true love cleanses the human world that deviated from the principles of His creation and works to bring this world to complete goodness.
God is the absolute True Parent, absolute True Teacher, and absolute True Owner centering on true love. So God needed an object partner to whom He could give His true love. This was His motivation for creating. God's creation was a necessary act. The creative ideal of true love cannot be realized by a being existing alone. This ideal exists so that God can share with human beings the joy of His exalted and righteous will. When we understand the God of true love correctly, it is self-evident that this unhappy world of sin and strife was not His original plan.

God's Ideal of Creation

God carried out His creative act with the utmost sincerity, dedication and investment. He established the standard of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, and then invested absolutely. All created beings are the object partner entities of love that God created by investing with ultimate sincerity.
Among these, God created human beings, the most precious of all beings, to have the closest relationship with Him, the relationship of child and parent. God is our incorporeal True Parent and we are His sons and daughters, or His substantial object partners.
In the world of true love, there is no difference in value between large and small or high and low. To be one in true love is to generously form a single harmonious entity with no bad feelings over the distinctions of upper and lower or among different strata. The unity that results between true subject and object partners will exist forever without interruption. So in true love, subject and object partners share a common value, common participation and common residence, and there is the right of inheritance between them. Thus human beings achieve completion within God's love and inherit His position as absolute parents, absolute teachers and absolute owners.
In this way, God's plan is to have His children, human beings, perfect the true love ideal and become one with Him, residing with Him and inheriting all that is His. True freedom and equality, true peace and unification, and true ideals and happiness can exist eternally only within true love. So true love is the fountainhead from which springs the power and life of all beings in creation, and it is the fountainhead of joy and happiness. True love is the absolute element that brings happiness, hope and peace.
Often, the relationship between God and humanity is viewed from the perspective of majesty and holiness, and it is concluded that God and humanity will exist in dramatically different dimensions for all time. Certainly, the Creator occupies a level that differs from His creation. And yet the original relationship that is most central and meaningful is the true love relationship between parent and child. True love makes unity possible in the relationship between internal character and external form and between male and female. Human beings were created to become one in heart with God, to share the same rank as God in true love, and to experience an inseparable parent-child bond with God that enables us to relate with Him through our strongest emotions in daily life. God's ideal of creation entails His being perfected along with human beings, who would become His partners in love as His sons and daughters. This apotheosis is the accomplishment of the ideal of true love.
To summarize, God's purpose in creating the human ancestors Adam and Eve was for them to establish a family of goodness that would bring to ripeness the fruit of God's true love, true life and true lineage. With the family as their foundation, Adam and Eve were to nurture the heart of the children, heart of siblings, heart of husband and wife, and heart of parents. In the process, as discrete projections of God's dual characteristics of masculinity and femininity they were to master God's love step-by-step and bring it to safe settlement and perfection.
If the true love ideal centering on God had been created in this manner in Adam's family, it would have become the first family of the Kingdom of Heaven. Also, the Kingdom of Heaven family ideal, centering at its origin on Adam and Eve as True Parents, would have expanded in scope naturally into tribes, peoples, nations and the world. The tradition of the family of true love would have become the tradition of the world.
In this world, the united center would be the incarnate True Parents, who resemble and inherit all the attributes of the spiritual absolute True Parent, absolute True Teacher, and absolute True Owner, God. In the Kingdom of Heaven of true love, the vertical axis is created by the incarnate True Parents who are one with God. Centering on this axis, all instances of upper and lower, left and right, front and back, and internal and external occurring among created entities are in harmony. Thus, all creation dwells in freedom, peace, unification and happiness.
When we come to the end of our life on earth in the physical body, our spirit self transitions into the spirit world, which is the ultimate world. It is an extension of our life on earth and also a place where we are to perfect the Kingdom of Heaven ideal. If this had come to pass in the beginning, there would have been no need for God's salvation providence through religions or the advent of the Messiah.

The Human Ancestors' Fall and the Providence of Restoration

Unfortunately, as a result of the fall of Adam and Eve, God's intended Kingdom of Heaven ideal in Adam's family was not realized. This was because Adam and Eve became false parents when they indulged in false love centering on Satan. They formed a false husband-wife partnership and false family that had no relation to God's blessing, and bequeathed false life and false lineage to their descendants. They left God in grief, with the original lineage altered by the enemy, Satan.
In this way, they lost God and did not establish the temple in which they were to have lived in attendance to God. In fact, their bodies became the den of Satan's devils, and their spiritual desire to seek absolute value shut down, rendering them incapable of knowing about the spirit world, which is the ultimate world. Because the first human ancestors deformed themselves, all human beings as their descendants never knew that God is our True Father. We inherited Satan's selfish desires and lived unrighteous, self-centered lives parading our fallen nature. Not even knowing that human beings were created as brothers and sisters to attend one God, we lived in sin, strife and dispute. We do not know that to kill another is to kill oneself, and so we live in unhappiness.
The world inherits the tradition of Adam's family in which Cain killed his own brother Abel. The outcome for us descendants of false love is the unhappiness, sin and ruin seen in family breakdown, the moral degradation of youth, and diseases such as AIDS.
Look at the world. The acute crisis of the modern age is manifested in mind-body struggle, the confusion of values, criminality, drug abuse, the breakdown of the family that holds humanity's future in the balance, the destruction of the environment, conflict and hatred, terror and war, and even conflict between religions and civilizations. With each passing day, this crisis becomes more serious, more complex and more pervasive. We can no longer stand by and do nothing as the world careens forward on this course. There is no time left. Who can take responsibility for this world? Where is the leader who will present a fundamental plan to solve the world's problems?
At the same time that human beings lost God, we also lost true love, peace and happiness. Throughout history, we have tried to liberate ourselves from unhappiness and achieve peace on our own, excluding God from the process. Such efforts were fundamentally flawed. We cannot defuse the crisis through human effort alone. True peace and happiness have their origin in God's true love, true life and true lineage.
God is absolute and so His will for the creation is also absolute. This means that God is working to reverse what went wrong as a result of the fall and return back to the original state. So God's providence of salvation is a providence of restoration. Its purpose is to recover the original world that existed prior to the fall. In other words, God's purpose is to establish a restored Adam and Eve, or True Parents, centering on true love. It is to establish the original true world by having them receive the marriage blessing. Once that is accomplished, their true family will be the point of origin for true tribes, peoples, nations and the world.
Respected leaders, following God's call through indescribable hardship, I have established the foundation for peace to settle in various fields of life. More than 30 years ago, I founded the Unification Thought Institute and began to guide the field of philosophy. Since 1972, I have sponsored nearly 30 global meetings of the International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences, for the purpose of exploring absolute value and creating harmony and unity among the various fields of learning. I founded and have continuously supported a movement for peace transcending individual nations; this movement for peace includes the work of the Professors World Peace Academy, the Summit Council for World Peace, the International Federation for Victory Over Communism, CAUSA, the Federation for World Peace, the Federation of Island Nations for World Peace, the Federation of Peninsular Nations for World Peace, the Federation of Continental Nations for World Peace, and the Citizens' Federation for the Unification of the Fatherland. I have also promoted culture and the arts, fostered peace through sports, and developed elementary, middle school, high school and university level educational institutions. I founded and supported the Women's Federation for World Peace, various media organizations for the purpose of bringing about responsible and ethical journalism, the Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles, the Youth Federation for World Peace, the Pure Love Alliance, international conferences on the environment, the International Relief and Friendship Foundation, Service for Peace, the Religious Youth Service, the voluntary service organization Aewon, the World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations, and the Holy Blessing and true family movement. I have supported efforts to renew the United Nations for the sake of achieving God's desire for peace. These are some of the initiatives for national and worldwide salvation that I have instituted around the globe. I have pursued these efforts continuously, without funding from any government or major corporation, even in the midst of unsympathetic public opinion and outright persecution. All I had, as I worked to lay the foundation for the establishment of the ideal world, was my determination to fulfill the mission of humanity's True Parent that God entrusted to me, and to accomplish God's will.
In bringing about the ideal of peace implicit in God's true love, it is most important that the various religions achieve harmony with each other and provide a model for the world. Withstanding the cold-hearted attitudes and persecution by narrow-minded religious bodies in various countries, I have laid my greatest emphasis on creating a movement for unity and cooperation among religions, nations and NGOs. I have offered all manner of sacrifice as I did everything that I could to build one world in this area, including founding an interdenominational seminary, the New Ecumenical Research Association, the Council for the World's Religions, the Youth Seminar on World Religions, the Assembly of the World's Religions, publishing World Scripture: A Comparative Anthology of Sacred Texts, continuously supporting conferences for harmony among religions, and founding the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace.
Taking this a step further, I founded the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace (IIFWP) as an overarching structure for unification and world peace that would go beyond the goal of harmony among the religions and embrace leaders in the fields of academia, politics, journalism, finance, and NGO's, where foundations have already been laid.
Since the founding of IIFWP in February 1999, we have appointed tens of thousands of leaders in a wide variety of fields from 189 countries as Ambassadors for Peace. Reflecting my philosophy of peace, these ambassadors are practicing true love by living for the sake of others, and are engaged in many important activities that help to break down barriers between nations, races and religions. Their practical activities range from AIDS prevention and service projects, to true family development, youth and leadership education, and environmental improvement.

Godism and Headwing Thought

My philosophy is Headwing Thought based on Godism. This thought places God, the standard of absolute value and our True Parent, True Teacher and True Owner, in the absolute center. When human beings live in accordance with the Three Great Subject Body Thought, attending God in our life in the spirit world and on earth as our True Parent, True Teacher and True Owner, and living as His object partners, this will be the Kingdom of Heaven and the place where true love is practiced.
We had better overcome atheistic and Communist philosophies that deny God and the spirit world, as well as the secular humanism and moral relativism that ignore the importance of absolute value and the vertical standard. It is time to overcome the hypocritical faith in God's name that lacks true love, and abandon all selfish works that violate original human rights and result in injustice. The Headwing Thought that I propose transcends right and left wing, breaks down the walls between countries, races and religions, and brings about a broad and unified harmony centering on the absolute God. This task should be carried out with the help of both heaven and earth. We are in a great transition, and during this time the United Nations and the nations of the world must unite and cooperate with one another.
Modern society is a world lacking an ideology or system of absolute philosophy. There are no absolute values that apply with consistency to individuals, families, societies, nations, the world and the cosmos. This is the reason that thinking has become confused, human relationships disordered, and human society chaotic. Facing unreflective pluralism and modernization, and without a basic axis in their hearts and daily lives, people in the modern age suffer an ever-worsening confusion of values.
We face endless temptations to live in slavery to the physical appetites and drift through life aimlessly, but we must never turn away from a life based on values. Absolute value is our vertical axis. The center of absolute value is God's true love expressed in living for the sake of others.
Respected leaders, I will tell you right now that peace is not something that is realized first in the external world. It is realized first in each individual. It requires first that there be individuals who have achieved harmonious unification within. As a result of the fall, conflict arose between mind and body. To control human beings, Satan uses the body as his stronghold. He has turned us away from our original nature and our spiritual nature and toward the satisfaction of selfish and individualistic needs. The only path to escape Satan's dominion lies within God's true love lineage.
If you live unselfishly for the sake of others and work for the sake of others, Satan will not be able to follow you. This is because Satan is essentially selfish. This is why fallen human beings can change their character and recover their spiritual nature through the practice of God's true love. Our faith cannot be in a conceptual God; we need a true faith that connects us to the living God.
Because God originally created us as the object partners of His true love, we are able to practice this true love naturally. Values such as truth, goodness and beauty appear in the practice of love. People whose minds and bodies have become one in God's true love are individual embodiments of truth, happiness and tranquility, satisfaction and peace. Such subject bodies of character are prerequisite for a world of peace.
Second, no institutions or power, material or knowledge, or any other external factors will bring about the world of peace. Only the true love of living for the sake of others will accomplish it. True peace, unification and happiness cannot be found apart from a loving relationship of living for the sake of others. This is the basic principle of God's creation. Unconditional giving, investing and loving for the sake of an object partner are both the cause and purpose of God's creation.
God created us in His image, as beings whose purpose is to live for the sake of others. It is only by living for the sake of others that people can become central beings, become subject entities of peace and unification, and become the eternal owners of love and ideals. We can find the path to meet God, our absolute True Parent, True Teacher and True Owner, receive His inheritance, and then ourselves become true parents, true teachers and true owners, only in a life of true love and of living for the sake of others. On the path of true love, parties overcome conflict and division naturally, harmonizing and uniting the environment. This is not conquest through struggle; instead, it is a path of natural subjugation bringing eternal unification.
Third, the basic unit of the world of peace is not the nation; it is the peaceful family. The basic unit is the family formed by a man and a woman who have the character to attend God, a man and woman who have each accomplished harmonious mind-body union and are joined by God in His Holy Blessing. These are the first blessed families in history, established through the True Parents. These are peaceful and happy families. True love joins their members in harmonious union. When these families multiply, they will bring about a world of peaceful tribes, peoples and nations. In God's original ideal, humankind is one family under one God and the cosmos is one family centering on true love. The place of resolution for the problems of the family centering on True Parents is the foundation for the world of peace. In the ideal world of blessed families based on true love, there can be no barriers of nationality, race or religion.
Respected leaders, humanity is to find God and escape from our ignorance concerning our spiritual True Parent. Living within the eternal and profound order of this universe that manifests His omniscience and omnipotence, we shall never again make the mistake of having ingratitude to our Creator for His magnificent accomplishments. Fallen humanity is to rid itself of the arrogance that says we are the owners of our own life. Instead, we will nurture an enlightened spirituality in the presence of the absolute nature of God's true love.
God is our True Parent. It is time to discover the living God, whose heart to invest greater true love is firm, absolute and eternal. We need to know the heart of God, who created humanity as the object partner who would inherit His absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal true love, true life and true lineage completely.
In this way, we will establish God -- the absolute True Parent, True Teacher and True Owner -- and the True Parents as the axis of absolute value for the individual, family, nation, world and cosmos. This will be the basis for our life as individuals, families, nations and the world. We will feel the desire to follow without change for eternity the path of tradition set by the Parents of Heaven and Earth, the path of living in true love for the sake of others. If we do that, then we can resolve all problems, whether of the family, society, race or religion.
We will arrive in an age in which God and humankind live as one in the original ideal world, the world of heart. We will arrive in an age where we realize that living for the sake of others holds greater eternal value than living for ourselves. The blind age of self-centered life will pass away, as we build an other-centered world of interdependence, mutual prosperity and universally shared values. For this purpose, let us attain correct knowledge about God and the spirit world; let us lead humanity on the correct path by testifying to the world about God's true love, true life and true lineage; and let us build the universal family of Heaven and Earth in God's fatherland and homeland on earth. Let us complete the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and in Heaven through the absolute love, unique love, unchanging love and eternal love that seeks to live for the sake of others, and offer Heavenly Kingship to God.
May God bless you, your family and your country. Thank you


Middle East Peace Initiative: Beyond Co-Existence Toward a New Culture of Peace

Rev. Sun Myung Moon -Middle East Peace Initiative: 

Beyond Co-Existence Toward a New Culture of Peace
Closing Plenary, Sheraton National Hotel , March 2, 2003

I believe all of you gathered here this morning represent either your religious or social organization. Whatever organization it may be, you are probably the heads of those organizations. I was told that there are about 172 people gathered here. Let's say we have 172 people. But then all of you, do you have desire to become the top, the best of whatever organization you belong to, or do you want to become the last? [Top.] Then we have 172 champions of all different organizations representing all different fields of life. Then if we all work together, we can generate enough power to move heaven and earth.

Then my next question is, do you wish to become the champion among the 172 of you, or do you want to become the champion among 172 nations? What if we have to include all of our ancestors, and even the great saints in the spirit world and also the 6 billion people in the world. Among them, do you still wish to become the champion or do you want to become the last?
[Champion.] I hear your sound, so strange!
What is your honest opinion when you look at my face? Is Rev. Moon a good, handsome man or an ugly man? Everyone has the desire to be seen as the most handsome man or beautiful woman in the world. It's simple. We all can become such men and women. Then what is the secret? Do you want to know?
[Yes.] Thank you very much.
If you have such conviction that I can do, I did, even the word God cannot do it, God cannot believe it. What do you think. Do you have such confidence? If you have such conviction and confidence, you can become the champions of whatever you do in your life, even representing the past, present and future.
If you have your loving wife or husband, do you wish your spouse to be inferior to you or superior to you, much greater than you are? Well there has to be the position of subject between husband and wife. In other words, the center position, the leader. [Not easy.] Answer not easy way? Think about it, do you think God can find any single, individual person in this world whom he can trust fully? What about yourself? I can give you my conclusion. Throughout history God could not trust any single individual fully. In the world of love, there has to be subject and object relationship. Not because of different levels, but because of the order of the universe. So when it comes to the order of love, we are talking about the subject and object relationship between husband and wife, between parents and children, between brothers and sisters, between the subject figure and object figure. So as I said, if you have a loving spouse, you expect your spouse to be greater than you, a hundred times, maybe even one billion times greater than you. When we apply this kind of order of love into God's creation of Adam and Eve, Adam and Eve were created as his children. Therefore God expected his own children, Adam and Eve even to become greater than himself.
Am I lying? What about you? Do you wish your children to become greater than you? The same thing happened to God. We easily say yes, but then are we really qualified to say that we are in that position, good enough to claim our children to become greater than we are, or do we have such qualified children of our own? It is a serious question.
Regardless of our religion, we are all the children of Abraham. So you know that the human ancestors fell. Those who recognize the human fall in the beginning of human history, could you kindly show your hands? Even as the descendants of fallen ancestors, we still have the desire and wish that our children could become greater than we are, that our spouses would become greater than us. So think about it. Even in this fallen world we have such desires. In the original world where there was no human fall, when God first created his children Adam and Eve, don't you think God had strong desire to see his own children become greater than himself? Maybe you are hearing such a comment for the first time in your life.
Again, my question comes back to the same point. Centering on true love, when God created his own children, also the partner of his love life in the future, do you think God had strong desire to see his own children become greater than himself, or inferior to himself?
We all resemble God, we cannot deny that. Even as fallen descendants we still claim that we resemble God. Think about people who did not have anything to do with the human fall. When we think about God's heart, because of the human fall God lost his own children yet God has been protecting us and forgiving us, loving us, all throughout human history.
Therefore, at the point of realization that God has such pain, yet at the same time love for humankind, can we claim in front of God, "I will love you God, more than you love us. I will do more than you worked?" Then do you think God will get upset and, "Get away Satan," or will God appreciate us?
In other words, we should be able to say, "God, I will believe in what you cannot believe in." Do you think God will get upset? Will God say, "Don't think about that. Don't take that kind of action." Or will he say, "I'm proud of you my son, or my daughter." Or you may say, "God, I will do the things which you cannot do." If you become such a person in the eyes of God, even if you don't want to receive God, don't you think God will come to see you voluntarily to give you more support and more energy and more strength? Or will God stay away from you? God is in the position of our parent, so we want to become even greater than our own father. Put yourself in the position of God. What would you feel?
We are not talking about the champion of 172 representatives here. We are not talking about the champion of 172 nations. We are talking about the champion of the entire universe, where God will come to you and you will go to God and you will move with God as one body, wherever you want to go and whatever you want to do. What about in comparison with me? Do you want to become greater than Rev. Moon in serving and attending God, or less? I don't hear any answer, but some faces.
I believe I can proclaim here that if all of you can do what I cannot do, if you can believe in what I cannot believe in, even if I leave this world I will leave comfortably, because I will have absolute confidence that this world will be changed into a world of peace.
Honestly speaking, I came here to share my thoughts and my teaching. However, if all of you are truly convicted, decided to become even greater than me in terms of serving and attending God, and to do what I cannot do and believe in what I cannot believe, then I will be so happy to leave every one of you alone, and I will be so happy to learn from all of you.
What about you ladies sitting in the front row? Do you have the quality and conviction that you can even beat Rev. Moon in doing God's work? [We will try.] We will try, you do not have confidence. Yes, ladies, you can have confidence. In terms of strength and power you may not be able to compete with me, but when you possess enough love, you can beat me any time.
Comparing man and woman, women are usually more heartistic with a love-filled heart. That is why women tend to shed tears more easily than men. Therefore women are in the position of mother. Throughout human history all the men were born out of a woman's womb. So they are in the position of the owner of heart and love. That is why if you make up your mind you can do much greater work in serving God and in doing God's work than men, including Rev. Moon. You ladies should say, "I will give birth to as many children as I can, who will do even greater work than God and Rev. Moon." Then the entire world will become the kingdom of God.
What about men? There is an old saying, "man is like a thief." Men have so much desire, and even greed. As a man I am standing here. Maybe I am the cousin of the thief, too. But then if I want to feel so comfortable, like mommy's bosom and chest, then maybe God will even come to join me to rest with me. If we can create with our spouses such worth, that will be called the kingdom of God. If God exists, God's eyes and nose and mouth and ears all will want to deal with such a woman and mother. Then God himself will want to love that mother figure eternally and live with her eternally.
Have I spent 20 minutes? Usually ministers do not spend more than 20 minutes to deliver their sermon. So the time is over now, but one thing, if you truly understand the conviction we have to have in order to become the champions in our work, then that's more than good enough for you.
Is anyone here over 83 years old? No? So I will consider all of you as my younger brother or sister or my son or daughter. Is that okay?
I have devoted my entire life to teaching people, to delivering speeches, to educating people, so if I am allowed I can speak and teach you for another 30 hours. I have that kind of desire. My record speech without stopping is 16 hours, 45 minutes straight. [Applause.] I was warned by Rev. Kwak this morning that some of you have to leave after 12:00, so he was begging me, "Please make it short, Father." How much time will you give me today? Ten more minutes, thirty more minutes, or one hour? If I continue ten more hours, some of you, your fallen character will instigate you to crucify me, just like at the time of Jesus. Those people who were filled with greed and impatience made a big mistake then. So I don't want to stand on that spot again today.
Am I the host of this conference or am I a guest speaker? [Host.] I am not the host, I'm a guest here. I was invited. I even promised to come here. I was told that many prominent and respected religious leaders and scholars from all over the world were gathering here, so deep in my mind I had the desire to come and meet you face to face. But I was anxious whether Rev. Kwak was going to invite me or not. Finally he invited me, so I gladly came. Since I was invited as a special guest speaker here, you are in the position of the owners and hosts and hostesses. So will you give me time, whatever time I want to share what I want to share about God with you, or will you set the time and say, "Rev. Moon, stop?" [Answer is not unified.] I may not look handsome. But one thing you have to know about me: I am known as a champion of receiving persecution, opposition and criticism.
So even today, even though you don't like me spending too much time here, I can overcome that in a moment. So, can I still ask you to give me enough time? I would like one more time clearly, yes or no? [Yes.] I have heard. I have confidence I can talk for a long time.
My conclusion. What is the most fervent desire of God. Can you say that? Love. Your answer is not good enough for me, I'm sorry. You may not believe my answer either, but I will have to tell you the truth from God.
Is it true that the human ancestors, Adam and Eve, fell? How did they fall? Humankind has not known the answer. Why did God create Adam and Eve with the potential to fall? When the human fall took place at the time of Adam and Eve, why couldn't God eradicate, erase them and recreate new ones? Eliminating [Father briefly inaudibly in English] Why couldn't he do it?
You say love, but even when it comes to the love relationship, we see millions of millions of love relationships being cut off and separated and divorced, all kinds of disruption like that. Why couldn't God do that?
Throughout human history, God has been seeking the champion, the person who can solve this problem, the love relationship problem. That is why he has established the different major religions, so that people could work through those religious teachings. If God truly created Adam and Eve as his son and daughter, do you think God wished to see Adam and Eve disappear, destroyed, perish even after their fall, or to give love eternally? What if a gangster or robber came and put them in the bottom of the dungeon of hell, what do you think God will feel? Do you think God will kill that gangster who did that to his children? Then from where did this gangster or robber suddenly appear? Did God create such a robber or gangster, or did man?
You ladies in the front row, did you wish to be born as a beautiful lady, or you did not know what was happening, but you suddenly became a lady? Again, I am asking you, did you wish that you could be born as a woman, or you did not know? But have you ever thought, "Oh, I wish I were born as a man?" [No, never.] [Laughter.] Then would you say you need man in your life? [Yes, for sure.] Then do you need your spouse, your husband, more than you need yourself? [Yes. No!] [Laughter.] Which one; man first, woman first? [I see myself through my spouse.] Who was created first, Adam, man or Eve, woman? [Adam.] Have you seen it? You just believe it. You believe it with absoluteness, right?
Suppose either there is no man or no woman, just one single person. Do you think a world such as today's modern world would appear like this? I have given this question to many western dignitaries and ministers, the question such as what is most important among love, life and lineage, and almost everybody says love, and some people say life. What about you? Do you need lineage, blood lineage? Do you need it? Love, life, [inaudible English]. In other words, if you exclude lineage and you stick with your love and your life, they will become extinct within your own generation because you don't have your children to continue. If you stick with love only, you cannot have your descendants, the next generation following you. Am I right?
So among these three, love, life and lineage, what is more important for our life? Do you want to just enjoy your life? Do you want to just enjoy the life of love in your lifetime, or do you want to leave your descendants behind? I don't hear anyone with confidence saying lineage.
Which is more important, which is your choice? If parents are willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their children, to save their children, or the other way, children are willing to sacrifice their lives for the sake of saving their parents? There you can see the importance of lineage. Without having your parents, the lineage cannot continue. Children can be reproduced; you can have more children, but if parents are not there, the lineage of your parents will be no more there.
Do you understand that much? Are you with me? Do you have absolute belief then, that my children, my own children should become greater and greater than I am, greater than my spouse? [Hope] Hope is not strong enough. Can we find many parents in western society in today's world who are truly willing to sacrifice their lives for the sake of their children?
If we look at the different worlds like the animal kingdom, and even the insect world and the world of birds, almost all of the parents are willing to sacrifice their lives to protect their offspring. Deer, tigers, even small insects. However, the master of all beings created by God, human beings, should be greater than those animals and insects, shouldn't we?
What about those mommies and daddies who abandon their newborn infants in a garbage can and run away, and all those miserable things that happen here? And when their parents become old and are no longer really useful, they send them to senior citizens homes here and there, and just turn their back on them. Is that the ideal world? Is it good enough to live just between you and your spouse? What about your lineage then? You have to have your children to continue your lineage. You have to recognize your grandparents, parents and children. That is the way the lineage continues. Isn't it true?
Initially the base is three generations, grandparents, parents and children. You wish to have your children, too, just like your parents wished to have you. If your parents are still alive, their wish to see your children, in other words, their grandchildren, is stronger than your wish to have your own children. When we have three generations like this, grandchildren are in the position to be able to receive two different levels of love, from their grandparents and from their parents.
In the family of Adam, our human ancestors, who was in the position of the first generation? Adam? What about God? Was God the second generation? God was in the position of the first generation, the grandparents' position.
What about Adam and Eve? Second generation, the parents' position. What about the children of Adam and Eve? Third generation. The children of Adam and Eve were supposed to be able to receive the love of God and the love of their physical parents. So these grandchildren were in the position of the owner of two nations, the heavenly world and the physical world.
[Father in English: Invisible God's nation, flesh world king, two kinds of owner combined, love is grandchildren, isn't it?] So in other words, the children of Adam and Eve were in the position to claim as the owner and king of the invisible world, the spirit world because they received love from God, the spiritual being directly, and of the physical world too, because they received love from their physical parents, Adam and Eve. That is the position they were in. The love from the king of the spirit world, the invisible world, and the king and queen of the physical world. In other words, since Adam and Eve, again, I reiterate here, Adam and Eve gave their children, the grandchildren of God, were in the position to inherit the love from the king of the invisible world, God, and the king and queen of the physical world, Adam and Eve, they were in the position to claim the entire cosmos, the spirit world and physical world in oneness. So they were in the position to claim as king and queen of the entire cosmos, all of heaven and earth. In other words, the third generation, the children of Adam and Eve, could achieve that goal.
Do you have grandchildren? In your life experience, do you think your love towards your grandchildren is greater than the love of your children for your grandchildren? You are not answering the question. I am sure you older, senior people have the same feeling, that you really wish to have your grandchildren. You want to hold your grandchildren more than your sons and daughters do? As an old man or woman, do you want to be sent to a senior citizens' home or do you want to live with your little grandchildren and give your love to them and receive their love in a home environment? Which is your preference?
By the same token, if we go back to the original history of humankind, at the time of creation God had the same desire and wish to hold and to live with his own grandchildren, even stronger than Adam and Eve's desire to hold and live with their own children. That is the way the human lineage could have continued all the way down to us without having any stain. But unfortunately the human fall took place there.
Because God was in the position of parent to all humankind even at the beginning of human history, God had his all plan. God is almighty, omniscient, therefore God had his plan to create the world of peace with billions and billions of people filling this universe. Therefore he had more desire, more hope, more future plans for his grandchildren to become his own grandchildren. But Adam and Eve on the other hand did not have this kind of plan for the future of humanity. They did not have this much in depth in terms of human history. That is why they paid less attention to their own children than God did.
But then my question goes back even further. Has God ever had the chance to hold his own grandchildren? [All the time.] Who is in the position of God's grandchildren, grandchild? [All of us, every generation.] I told you, we are all the descendants of fallen ancestors, not God. We have to know the meaning of the human fall. The fall caused the false life, false love and false lineage, nothing to do with God's original love, life and lineage.
Think about the time of the fall. Did Adam and Eve produce their children before the human fall took place or after they fell? That means the children of Adam and Eve were the descendants of, the result of, the human fall. Religious leaders must understand this. This is a very serious human problem to begin with.
When Adam and Eve were chased out of the Garden of Eden were they alone, or did they have their children? [Alone.] That means they did not have children yet. In other words, the conclusion is that Adam and Eve had the potential to produce God's own grandchildren, yet because they committed the fall God kicked them out of the Garden of Eden. This means even that potentiality of producing grandchildren was eliminated, which means God did not have any grandchildren up to this point. Are you with me? Do you understand this?
So I'm challenging you again with this question. Are you the descendants of pure God's lineage, or are you the descendants of fallen, false lineage?
Starting from Adam and Eve, after they fell they produced their children, and continuing from that point on, generation after generation all the way down to us. Which, first or second, can you claim your lineage as God's pure lineage? [Father's English inaudible. All humankind, same race, same result, sin. Isn't it? Yes or no? [Yes.] Clearly answer to me, yes or no? [Yes.]
Then what's the meaning of salvation? [Through Jesus Christ.] We are talking about the time of Adam and Eve. Jesus was born 4,000 years after that. If there had not been the human fall, Adam and Eve would have become the true children of God, that means inheriting true life, true love and true lineage from God, and would have built a true family. From that point on the lineage of Adam and Eve going down generation after generation would have been the true lineage. But they could not do it. Again, without the human fall they could have served and attended God as their God of mind and heart, and their grandchildren could have served their father and mother, Adam and Eve, as the parents of their flesh, body, representing body. That way the human world would have continued all the way down having nothing to do with the fall. But because of the fall everything was lost, and we are still struggling between mind and body, constantly fighting, constantly debating. Do you agree?
What about you? Do you always have absolute oneness between your mind and body or struggles? [Struggles.] Why? What about God? Do you think God has struggle between his mind and body? Then why do we? This clearly tells us that we are the descendants of fallen ancestors. Whether we like it or not, Satan's blood is running through our veins. Satan's life, love and lineage has been imprinted in our life. Invisible mind, heart has a connection with God, but because of our flesh, bodily desire connected to Satan, always struggle. The mind is in the position of plus and the body is supposed to be in the position of minus, but because of the fall, the body itself wants to become a plus position. That is why we are always struggling there.
So what was stronger between mind and body before the fall of man, and at the time of the fall of man? What pulled what? Body pulled mind and caused the human fall or mind pulled body away from the fall? Bodily desire was there. As the Bible says, we will reap as it was sown. In the end, just like at the time of the human fall, we will see the rampant phenomenon all over the world that people just go with their own bodily desire. All kinds of dirty behaviors are everywhere in the world. This is truly the time to reap now.
Without the fall, where do you think God's true life, true love and true lineage would have been implanted? The tools to implant this true life, true lineage and true love is our love organ, for man and woman both.
[Father's English: Not pure, original sexual organ. Now you have a fallen sexual organ, worst love, worst life, worst lineage connected to that kind of substantive being. You cannot deny it. That's true, isn't it? Yes or no?
Yes! [Yes!] Yes means "inherit." Because of the fall of man, what was supposed to be the original, pure, genuine love organs have turned into the false, evil organs, and have been misused all throughout human history. That is what we are facing in today's world. Don't we see that almost all the families in the world are facing some level of problems now relating to the sexual problem? Isn't that true?
So, since we all have families, spouses, one way or another we are in the position of king of all of those problem makers. All different levels, individual level, family level, society, nation and world, cosmos. So, since God is the essence of true life, true lineage and true love, when God looks at this dirty, stained, evil world He doesn't want to touch it or put His hand on anything.
What is the identity of Satan? Satan is the enemy of God, His love enemy. Satan took away God's own children. Where God was supposed to dwell, Satan invaded there. Where God wanted to have all humanity as his own children, Satan came in and destroyed everything spiritually, and stained everyone.
So then how can we save this fallen, hopeless humanity? Only two ways. One way is to repair the damaged and broken parts and make them normal. Or the second way is to eliminate and recreate everything.
Do you know where you can find this body shop, repair shop? Religions, the major religions are the repair shops to mend broken human beings. Therefore you are all broken machines, broken humans. You have no freedom, no rights until you are fully repaired. Isn't it true? But in order to do the repair job God needs a blueprint. But you don't have that blueprint. Do you know the blueprint for yourself to be repaired? How can God teach you the details of the blueprint for you? The secret is getting rid of the struggle between mind and body in every step of your life. Where there is conflict between mind and body, regardless of your status, your position or your education, God cannot come there. Always Satan is there. There is fighting between Islam and Christianity. Do you think God will be there? So there has to be a movement to unite them, to harmonize them.
There cannot be two different types of repair shop. There is only one kind, because God's blueprint is the only one available. Where can you find this unique repair shop to mend all these? After the fall God told people that he would send the messiah, centering on the Israelites. In other words, God would provide the repair shop to repair everyone. That is the position Jesus Christ came in, as the messiah to repair all the broken human beings.
Then who was the owner of that repair shop at the time of Jesus, Judaism or Israel? At the time neither Judaism nor the country of Israel knew about the ownership or the blueprint of God for repair. Only Jesus who came as the messiah had that blueprint and knew the job, knew what to do. In order to repair either a machine or a human being, we have to find out what went wrong. So when it comes to the problem of broken human beings, it is because of the false use of the love organ. In other words, false love relationship, false marriage, false family were the cause of this broken human body, human lives. That is why Jesus had to establish new, God-centered, pure, true individuals and families and nations, and even unite the Roman Empire in his lifetime. That was his mission.
Suppose Jesus was not crucified at that early age. Don't you think he could have completed his repair shop and done his mission in his lifetime? It does not matter Judaism or the country of Israel, every identity, everybody would have surrendered to God and Jesus. In other words, Jesus should have been able to handle every person as God wished. In other words, centering on Judaism, if all the Israelites had truly united with Jesus, even if they sacrificed their own lives, at that time the repair job was to have been done. The Israelites would have become the central people of humanity. The entire world would have been united. This kind of conflict in the Middle East between Muslims, Christians and Jews would not even have been here.
Think about the Muslims. When you came out of exile in Egypt, among the twelve tribes, your tribe was actually supposed to build the nation in the Middle East, God's nation. However, in medieval times, because of the failure of Christianity, Christianity was pushed into the corner by humanistic views and ideologies such as communism, and humanism. It was supposed to be God-centeredism. If at the time of Jesus such a thing had happened, there would not have been any Christianity or Islam whatsoever. There would just have been the God-centered family, one family under the sun.
At the time of Jesus, God had already prepared a good enough environment in all the different corners of the world. Like in China, and the rivers in the Middle East and here and there, every environment was set, even in India too. Therefore Jesus could have united the entire world and begun the kingdom of heaven on earth right here, centered on Jesus. Without opposition from Judaism and the Israelites and from the Roman Empire, Jesus could have included the people from India, even the Euphrates River and the Tigris River, and those people would have been included to build this kingdom on earth. Again, if that had happened Christianity would not have appeared.
But think about Jesus' life. Jesus came as the messiah to secure the pure three generations of God-centered lineage. The first Adam failed. Jesus came as the second Adam. He should have established to the national level, in other words even to have encompassed the Roman Empire as a nation. There would not even have been the prediction of a Second Coming. It would not have been needed. Therefore I can tell you clearly that the ignorance of Judaism, the Israelites and the Roman Empire caused Jesus Christ's crucifixion. Again, think about it. If Judaism and the country of Israel had united centering on Jesus' teaching and leadership they could have conquered even the Roman Empire. That would have been a strong enough base to conquer the entire world centered on God. The failure of the first Adam, losing God's true life, true lineage, true love. Therefore as the second Adam, Jesus came to re-establish this true life, love and lineage from God.
It was just like the engrafting process from wild olive trees to true olive trees. That process was taking place. All the peripheral religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism existed at that time. They could have naturally been absorbed by this. God did not particularly seek to see Hinduism, or Buddhism, or Christianity. God wanted to see from the beginning the one family under God. No religion, but family. We must know this by heart.
Because of the crucifixion of Jesus, Christianity appeared, but could not provide salvation both physically and spiritually, only spiritually, because Jesus had already gone into the spirit world. That is why Christianity has been remaining as the religion of the bride. Do you agree that Christianity is seen as the religion of bride? Because the bridegroom Jesus was lost, that is why as an alternative the Holy Spirit comes in the position of bride and has affected many peoples' lives in their life of faith. So therefore I can tell you clearly, you may worship in front of the cross, but the cross is the symbol of crucifixion, execution, nothing to be worshipped.
Forty days after the resurrection of Jesus he came to his disciples and other people spiritually. Only on a spiritual level he taught them. He revived them. Because of the fall of man, Adam and Eve inherited false life, false love, false lineage. Therefore they became false parents, false couples. That is why when Jesus came as the savior, the messiah, he had to reconnect to God with true life, love and lineage, and build the true olive tree field. No more wild olive trees.
If God is in the position of the first generation, Jesus came as the second generation. Therefore Jesus was supposed to have his own children who would be in the position of God's grandchildren. If that had happened, Jesus would not have been crucified. No one would have dared to crucify him. However, because of the disbelief of the people at that time the crucifixion took place, and this goal was not accomplished.
God wanted to see the end of religions. Judaism was supposed to be the end of religions for humanity. But because of the failure again, Jesus was crucified and new religions appeared, and religions still continue up this point. The first generation and second generations, Adam's and Jesus. generations, these two generations were gone. So now the time of the Lord of the Second Advent, which is the time of the third Adam, is the period of completion. Therefore this is the period when the Second Advent takes place. His mission is to complete these three generations centered on true life, true love and true lineage to God. That is the base. That is why centering on God's lineage, true lineage, true love and true life, this Lord of the Second Advent should offer the blessing to all humanity to cleanse their lineage, to engraft their lineage from the wild olive trees to true olive trees, to God. Marriage blessing. [Father briefly in English - After fallen worst parents, worst blood lineage. True, third Adam appearing, erasing everything clean up that. How can that combine ideal couples over the nation, over the cosmos world.] This unification of both the physical world and the spiritual world should be completed at the time of the Lord of the Second Advent, because he comes as the third Adam.
Look at the world now. Truly this is the end of the world. The United Nations is all divided and separated, scattered in many different directions. Look at the countries now. Where is the direction everybody is following? No ownership, no leadership in the world. Is President Bush the owner of this country? Is Kofi Annan the owner of the United Nations? The same thing in China, in Russia. The presidents, the prime ministers are not the owner or true leader of the nation. We cannot see any true leader, true owner of any nation. Centering on true life, true love and true lineage, no one can claim to be the true leader or true owner of this world. God does not recognize anyone like that. That is why God sends the Lord of the Second Advent, and centering on this figure God wants to see the true love line, true life line and true lineage line reestablished, so that all humanity can be benefited, can be blessed through the Lord of the Second Advent again.
I'm telling you, recently all those saints and sages in the spirit world beginning from Jesus Christ, all of them testified to Rev. Moon saying that Rev. Moon is the true savior, messiah and true parents to humankind. I did not ask them to testify. They came forward with such an endorsement, such a statement, such a testimony. Not because I wanted to hear that or I wanted them to say that, but because of the obligation they felt when they learned about the truth and the reality in the spirit world.
In general the major religions throughout history have encouraged people to live a single life. But now this is a totally different time, the time of family. So even those religious leaders should receive the marriage blessing, because the kingdom of God is where you can only enter as a family, not as an individual. You need your family, true family. That is why you need the marriage blessing. That is the only way you can reconnect your lineage, your love life, your life to God. And that is the only way you can produce your sinless, true children. When you establish three generations like that, you can enter the kingdom naturally, as a family. This is the base unit to enter the kingdom.
That is why the Unification movement, Rev. Moon's mission is to unify this entire world through this true marriage blessing and even unify the spirit world and build the kingdom of God on earth, the world of peace.
Practically speaking, what does Rev. Moon, being Korean have to do with Islam? What does he have to do with Christianity? Only because of the command from God, because I know what God's hope is. As I told you earlier, I have to believe in what even God cannot believe. I have to do my mission even to the level that God cannot do. That is my conviction.
God's heavenly strategy throughout history has been that of being hit first, and in return taking everything back. That is the law of indemnity. I am sure many of you opposed me and persecuted me without knowing what I am doing. Even here in America, since I came here many Christians, Jews and other religious people opposed me. Even those communists in this country instigated many people to chase me out of the country.
But the time has come. A new era has dawned with the logo of "Chun Il Guk." That means, practically, the kingdom of God on earth. The spirit world and physical world, right wing and left wing, the Muslims and Christians, everybody work together and become united and live as one family. That is the meaning of Chun Il Guk. The world of peace will be possible only where there are no national boundaries and no boundaries between religions. Also we can build this world of peace through having these inter-religious, international marriages among our children. Jewish children and Islamic children marry together, and communist children and children from the democratic world marry together and we all become in-law families and eventually become one family. Isn't it true?
Think about the moment when Cain actually killed Abel. The heart of God was in such pain and tears. Originally the elder son was supposed to give love to his younger brother, but instead of doing that there was a killing there. One person killed at that time, God's heart was broken. But when you look at the world today think about it, tens of thousands of people are being killed and dying of starvation. Do you think God's heart is at peace?
God created the angels before the creation of Adam and Eve. I am telling you, we have to repair everyone. We have to eliminate all these religions and shuffle them together to start as one family under God, otherwise there is no hope. So the true, the real repair shop for all the religious people, all the different races at this time period is the Unification movement, whether you believe it or not.
That is why I am telling you, the saints in the spirit world, the sages, they are all testifying that Rev. Moon is the only one who can unify, unite the entire world, regardless of religion and race. I did not ask them to say that, but if you do not follow this direction they will descend to you and make you work for that, whether you like it or not.
In this confusing world, enemies kill each other. Think about it. If this kind of trend of conflict, friction and war continues, every corner of the world will be killing each other. Oh, you are a Jew; oh, you are a Muslim; oh, you are Christian; oh, you are a communist. If this kind of trend continues, where can we find hope for the future of humanity? Only God-centered Godism can unite everybody and embrace everybody and build one family under God, one family, true family.
At the time of Adam and Eve, as I told you, God lost three generations. He lost His children, and His grandchildren. Now these three generations have to be restored. Those who feel that yes, we need that kind of movement and campaign and work for God strongly, show your hands please. Can I trust you?
Again I am telling you, the most simple way, it may sound a little bit unrealistic to you, but the simplest and most secretive way of building one family under God is the so-called exchange marriage between Jews and Muslims, between communists and free world people. Take Korea, for example. If the leader of Korea, Kim Jong Il's children, and President Noh of South Korea's children, if they marry together, if through marriage this enemy relationship can be eliminated, God will work with us to secure one true family under God.
And then if the time comes that the entire United Nation votes yes, let's invite Rev. Moon who is the champion of inter-religious, interracial, international marriage, and have him give the blessing to all of humanity, it won't take longer than a week to restore humanity.
I can proclaim that. The solution is not far away. It is right here. We have to work for it. If we become the true blessed family, blessed couples we can bless our relatives, our cousin's family, our nephew's family. It can multiply like wildfire. The time is here now that even if they don't like it you have to even use your force to go through this blessing, because it is for the sake of their family. Later on when they realize that was truly blessing from God, they will be grateful to you.
When I say such things, maybe it sounds controversial to you, because you think I am a king of gangsters or terrorists? What do you think? If I were a terrorist or gangster, I wouldn't even be here. I have been teaching this for the last 80 years.
What about you? If I propose here that between the leaders of Judaism, the leaders of Islam and the leaders of Christianity you do exchange marriage, in other words, inter-religious, international marriage, would you follow my direction? If you are not confident about it, send your candidates and I will educate them for 40 days. Then 100 percent will agree with it and they will go through this.
Would you do that? God wants it. Your ancestors, your saints, and the founders of your religion want it. If you don't believe what I am saying, go and pray tonight. Pray about it. Pray to the founders of your religion about what I am saying today. To Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Buddha, to whomever you are centered on, even Confucius. They will give you a clear answer if you are truly praying. They are probably waiting for your prayer.
Do you want to become bad people or good people? Then would you do that if it is the command from God? If you truly practice this interracial, international, inter-religious marriage through your children and grandchildren, you will be the ones who enter the kingdom of God first, because you overcame the enemy, you loved the enemy, showing through practice, between even blacks and whites, interracial. The white folks are descendants of the polar bear. The black folks may be the descendants of the black bear hanging around in the tropical region and eating fruits. It is natural making that kind of phenomenon, result.
Why do the white folks have blue eyes? At the North Pole you see nothing else but white snow and blue water. If you fly over the North Pole, you can see how blue the color of the water is. On the other hand, those people who live in tropical regions, there are so many dangerous animals so you have to adjust yourself with the color of nature, so you maybe adopted the color of black or brown. The hunting culture race, fighting culture race is white people. Is that true? I don't know, you know well, more than me. What about the yellow race? They have been engaged in farming, so what do the farmers do? They sit down and look at the sky for rainfall. So they naturally resemble the earth colors, brown and yellow. What about religious people. What do they do? They usually kneel down and pray to God. That is why the four great saints all came from Asia, the farming continent. Isn't it true?
What about the problem between mainly blacks and whites? Suppose the messiah, the Lord of the Second Coming comes as a white person and tries to unite and harmonize everyone. Probably black people would stab him to death. And vice versa. But luckily Rev. Moon came as a different race, representing the Asian race. That is why he can stand in between and mediate, and facilitate and harmonize them.
Because Rev. Moon can teach people clearly about God and the spirit world and about religions and Jesus and the Bible and history more than anyone else, more clearly than anybody else, that is why God even trusted Rev. Moon to do his mission here for the sake of all humanity.
The time is different now, I'm telling you. The spirit world is completely open and mobilized to help people in this physical world. For example, President Wahid, his Excellency is here. Of course he believes in Rev. Moon's work, but if he does not believe I suggest that he should bring representatives from Indonesia, the major parts of the tribes, like 120 people. Then I will give them clear teaching and see at the end of the training what they say. If they do not follow God's command, the spirit world, their good ancestors will come down and even force them to do God's work. I have confidence now. If don't follow him, it will make a problem for your tribe, your lineage place. The spirit world will not stay still any more. They will come down and involve themselves in our lives.
So now my question. Do you believe Rev. Moon's statements and teaching this morning? Yes? Those who said yes, show your left hand. Why, because the left hand represents Satan's side. So now you surrendered Satan. No more Satan.
His excellency President Wahid here heard this speech already, because Rev. Moon gave this particular speech at the United Nations conference in September last year. At that time there was some opposition and some discrimination because of what we are trying to do. But in the midst of opposition Rev. Moon clearly delivered this message to the world. The satanic world opposed. But this time I see warm welcome, because this represents the entire religious world. So, I would like to give this message to you too, but we are running out of time.
But there is one condition if you want to be released now. Since you were all given the text of my speech, which I wanted to deliver to begin with, if you promise that you will read this speech at least three times, in your home, or on your way back in your airplane, I will quit delivering this speech here. I will trust you. Can you do that? Now, show your right hands. Thank you. Both hands. Thank you very much. God bless you.


In Order To Realize The World Of Peace

Rev. Sun Myung Moon

February 6, 2003 ,Lotte Hotel, Seoul, Korea , World Summit Conference Banquet

Respected former heads of state, religious, political and academic leaders who have gathered from around the world, diplomatic representatives, and eminent leaders from Korea.
I would like to begin by congratulating you on the results you have achieved for world peace through the Summit Conference, and I would like to convey deep appreciation for your many expressions of congratulations on this occasion of President Hak Ja Han's and my birthdays. I would like to offer all of this glory to God who has protected us until today.
On this meaningful occasion, I would like to share with you my convictions about realizing a peaceful world. In view of our hope for world peace, there has never been a time when understanding between religions and reconciliation between religious people were more urgent than it is today. The precious teachings of our religions are the source of the wisdom that has brightened human history. But religious people of all faiths tend to have three weaknesses. One, they are not realistic but are oriented toward the hereafter; two, they can be narrow-minded and sectarian; and three, they can be fanatical.
Religious leaders must be able to embrace all people with open minds. The real duty of all religious people is to overcome the lines of division crippling the human race, in particular the walls between religions. Religions do not exist for the sake of their own success or for the salvation of their believers alone; they exist in order to accomplish the Will of God. Religious people must never be narrow-minded or seek their own gratification. When one lives with a loving heart, all walls are broken down. The great founders of all the religions understood this and tried to accomplish this ideal. God is the origin of true love. Because the generic character of true love unconditionally seeks to live for another, true love always seeks a reciprocal partner.
It is in relation to this point that we can properly understand God's motivation for creation and purpose of creation understood. God brought forth the created world as His reciprocal partner for true love. In all the creation, human beings were set apart as His closest reciprocal partners of love; that is to say, as His children. The first person, Adam, was not just an individual; he was also to have been the origin of the family, tribe, people, nation, world and cosmos of true love. God's ideal of creation was an ideal of harmony and unification in which each person lived for a reciprocal partner in a realm of true love. But before this ideal of true love was realized, the ancestor of humankind disobeyed God during his time of growth to maturity and fell through false love.
Through the fall, trouble began between God and humankind. Confrontations and conflicts ensued between God and Satan, between people and Satan and among people. The fact that there have been many different nations and many conflicts bears witness to this truth. We can find the beginning point of an ideal world only through a movement that is able to overcome and go beyond the origin of these myriad conflicts. The way to resolve conflicts and struggles is altruistic and sacrificial love, that is to say, "life for the sake of others."
The realization of the ideal nation of God begins with individuals who think they should love their enemies. The way to win over enemies is not through superior strength. It is only possible through the power of true love which embraces even one's enemies. If you plant soy beans, soy beans grow; if you plant red beans, red beans grow, and if you plant the seeds from red flowers, red flowers blossom. In the same way, if you sow the seeds of Satan which seek revenge, a tree of revenge will grow, and if you sow the seeds of goodness which loves its enemies, a tree of goodness which loves its enemies will grow.
If a nation that consists of people who have a mind to love their enemies comes into existence, that nation could become the ideal land that God desires. It could become the ideal model that humankind could follow. For the last thirty years, without resting, I have been devoting myself completely to solving the problems of America such as the breakdown of the family, sexual immorality, the decadence of youth, the fall of morality, and the decline of Christianity. In spite of my many efforts, Americans, including many Christians, misunderstood me, persecuted me, and even imprisoned me. The negative attitudes and vicious slander against me continued unabated. But I refused to be caught in negative feelings of hatred or resentment, and I have continued to live a life of love in which I gave consistently to those who persecuted me.
No matter what situation I may be in, in the deepest part of my heart, I consider God's love and will as most important. Because of this, as time passed, more and more Americans and especially Christians realized anew the value of my teachings and life, and I can see that they are changing their minds about me. In a public speech I directly told them, "Christians must respond to their mission to realize the will of God who is their true root." Christians must change their attitudes and their ways of life. The founder of Christianity taught, "Love your enemy." If Christians fail to fulfill this basic principle, the only path for them will be one of decline. If that happens, it will be because they left the sacred laws in the teachings of Jesus that give us true freedom.
If the Muslims and the leaders of other religions as well are able to realize a higher level of love in terms of morality and in terms of living for others, their enemies could be subjugated through the mighty power of true love rather than through external strength. I have always told the leaders of the Western world that they must not disregard or overlook the 1.3 billion Muslims or the 3.4 billion Asians, or the people of other religions throughout the world. If America fails to understand the meaning of the existence of these parts of the great human family, how can we anticipate that America will build a better future and realize a world of peace for our descendents?
For the same reason, how can the Islamic world or the people of other religions look down upon or overlook the importance of the Christian culture in the West? If we look down on each other or disregard each other, then there is no hope for us. All the religious leaders must become leaders in a worldwide movement to realize a higher love that embraces other religions and societies. This is the lofty teaching of the founders of all religions. What is the direction that God's will and history is calling for? The ultimate ideal of God is a world that is peaceful and unified through true love, a world transcending religion, race, and nationality, in other words, the realization of "one family of humankind."
The goal of God is not the victory of one religion or one ideology; it is the realization of a world of love in which all people live in peace, unity and joy. In view of the external tendency towards unification through the technological and physical development of modern society, it is the responsibility of the religions to lead the way to the realization of an internal harmony and unification.
Religions should take the lead and provide the example in this work. History is calling for the harmony and cooperation of the religious world. This should not be delayed. It is the holy will of God. If that is not accomplished, religions will decline. Throughout my whole life, I have taught based upon my direct experience of the heart of God and the will He hopes to accomplish.
What I teach is by no means a speculative theory. God is alive and working in history. It is just that through the fall, human beings lost their original position, and without being able to perceive God completely, they have lived in sin and strife. Although God is omnipotent and perfect, when He has no appropriate reciprocal partner, He can not fully express His omnipotence. After our first ancestor disobeyed God, God lost the foundation of goodness to which He could relate. Accordingly, His goodness and absolute power could not be expressed, but history nonetheless went forward.
God is carrying out the providence to restore His position and heavenly will by restoring humankind to its original state. To restore the ideal of true love, true parents, and true family that the first ancestor of humankind could not accomplish, God is carrying out the providence by establishing people with missions as the second Adam and the third Adam. I was called early by God, and my mission as the True Parent, is connected to these kinds of providential conditions.
Respected leaders!
I would like to ask you to take deep interest in the prophecy that I am about to make. Humankind is at a turning point. This era is that long-awaited time in which the power of God will become manifest in our lives, even though He is invisible and has seemed almost powerless and nonexistent in the past. The time has come when the absolute power of God, who is the Lord of the holy order and laws which really do exist in all things and in the universe, will manifest in amazing ways and be experienced by people in their daily lives.
This is a miraculous event that is possible because a solid reciprocal foundation of goodness has been established based on the sacrifices and unconditional love of God, True Parents and righteous people throughout history. From now on, humankind will gradually come to perceive God and to understand the spirit world and the works of spirit people. People will become conscious of their internal person which is called their spirit self, and their spirituality will develop.
In this way, humankind will naturally experience the laws of the universe, and become true people through a clear change in character. Through this, people will learn that the existing order of the universe and the relationships of humankind were not made to be centered on oneself or self-interest; rather, they were made to live for the sake of others altruistically. God's ideal of peace in the original creation is an ideal of unification. The existing world itself is made through an ideal of reciprocal partners. It is based on the premise of harmony and unification. No ideal of peace can be realized by neglecting or giving sorrow to one's reciprocal partner.
When the relationships extending above and below, front and back, right and left throughout the spirit world and physical world all realize harmony and unification and realize the ideal of true love that works by living for the sake of others, complete peace will be realized. Accordingly, God's happiness and joy will be attained together with the happiness and joy of his reciprocal partners, human beings. Furthermore, the individual purposes of all created entities are to be realized in relation to a larger purpose, that is, a public purpose. The order of the entire universe is set so that through the connection of these dual purposes a great harmony and unity is to be established.
But through the fall, human beings, who betrayed God and fell into ignorance, have lived disobeying the original order of existence under the dominion of selfish greed which is the fallen nature. People have lived stressing their private things more than public things, and their own private purposes more than public purposes. The result is self-evident. They could not guarantee continuing freedom, peace or happiness. People who have gone forward struggling with and confronting others while pursuing enjoyment centered on themselves, on physical things and on external strength, are now miserably bogged down in unhappiness.
Now is the time when people must reflect on themselves and listen to the voice coming from Heaven. Through the benefit of the providence, the living God has now drawn near to us. From now on, people will have many spiritual experiences that they could not have earlier. That is to say, they will communicate with the transcendent world. Through these frequent spiritual experiences, people will be influenced directly and indirectly. Especially people who experience the inspiration of God and good spirits will have their spiritual senses developed centered on God, and they will experience major changes in their personalities. People who change their personalities in this way to fit the way of heaven are the true people for whom God has been hoping.
We must all accomplish the true love that liberates us to love our enemies, become true persons who properly understand the spirit world, become true parents, and establish true families. This personal transformation is the starting point of the world of peace. This is the starting point of the ideal nation God desires. For the person who is not able to establish a harmonious, ideal family life by becoming an incarnation of true love, there can be no ideal world or ideal nation in which he can live happily, singing songs of peace and joy. The ideal fatherland that God desires will be realized through the way of loving one's enemies. It will be realized where the tradition of loving the enemies of one's self, of one's family, one's tribe, one's nation and the entire world is established. Many people are hoping that the United Nations will solve the problems of the world and be able to establish world peace. It is granted that the UN operated under some restrictions, but by failing to recognize the importance of religions and spirituality altogether, it chose a path that could not but compromise its influence. The result is that in analyzing the problems of the present reality and in trying to solve them, the UN has been leaning to one side. If this continues, the UN will not be able to realize the purpose for which it was founded, and its relevance will diminish in the future.
In order to realize the ideal of a world of peace in a fundamental and comprehensive manner, I once again advocate that the United Nations establish an assembly consisting of representatives from all religions. At that time, the representatives must implement the central ideal that their founders sought to realize, and they must do it with wisdom, exemplifying in their personalities a true love that can serve as a model for everyone. I hope that many leaders will take this matter seriously and continue to strive to establish an assembly of global religious and spiritual leaders within the UN.
I have worked without ceasing my entire life for the sake of realizing the one nation in Heaven and on earth that is the will of the true love of God. During that time I have taught the leaders not only of the religious world, but also of the worlds of government, philosophy, academia, business, media, and non-governmental organizations that we must "live for the sake of others." I did not teach concepts alone, but I led the way and provided the example.
On that worldwide foundation, I established the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace, and appointed Ambassadors for Peace throughout the world. That was in order to cultivate leaders who will realize the world of peace and harmony by eliminating the boundaries that cause conflict and struggle and by serving as living examples of altruistic true love. In addition, I am building "Peace Embassies" in every nation of the world as bases for our peace movement and our service movement, and as educational centers to teach and accomplish the vision and wisdom that our IIFWP advocates.
I earnestly request that you leaders recreate your families and nations through true love. I hope that you will support and help to accomplish the vision of the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace, which is working so hard to establish the true, everlasting world of peace that God desires, a world without national boundaries.
Hoping that this conference has provided you with productive and inspiring experiences that will lead to the world of peace being realized even sooner, I conclude my address.
Thank you.