Showing posts with label Peace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peace. Show all posts



Belvedere -- International Training Center, Translator -- Peter Kim, September 8, 1996

Father feels that you understand the meaning of this title. As man and woman are born they must go through the process of family life, then the nation and world until they eventually arrive in Heaven. We begin on Earth and we join in Heaven. During our journey we will encounter various kinds of individuals. From the individual to the cosmic level there are good and bad individuals, good and bad families, good and bad societies and good and bad nations. From the individual to the cosmic level both Heaven and Hell are represented. Do you agree? This is the structure of the world. When we look at our lives, everyone has the natural tendency to claim that which is good as their own, and to reject that which is bad, and this applies to the individual level on to the world level. It is very important to know the criterion by which to judge what is good and what is bad. Is money that criterion? (No.) How about knowledge? (No.) What about power? (No.) Then what is it? (True Love.) That is right. Humankind cannot live without love. Therefore, love is the most important factor. We need families because we have to meet love within our families. Without family, we cannot find love. That is why it is natural for man and woman to meet within the family structure.

What then is love? Which is more delicious, love or a hamburger? (Love.) (Laughter) If you eat three times a day and hamburger is the only food available, then you have to eat hamburgers three times a day. However, do you eat love three times in a day? Do you eat love or do you practice love? (Practice.) In the Bible it tells us that Adam and Eve ate the fruit of good and evil. What is that fruit? The love organ. Whose loving organ was it? Eve's. If a woman meets a king then she will produce a prince or a princess. However, if she meets a beggar she will produce a beggar child. Therefore, woman's sexual organ is the crossroads between good and evil. By observing the result, you will be able to discern what is good or bad. A woman's love organ is the determining factor.
Which description is more vivid and realistic: Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil or Adam and Eve practiced the fruit of good and evil? (They ate.) Because if you eat something it becomes a part of you, your tissues and cells. But if you practice something it may have nothing to do with your body. If a man has a relationship with a virgin girl it is common in the Korean language to say that he ate her. The Fall of Man took place because of love. Therefore, the Fall of Man is love that took the wrong direction. This love took a wrong turn by the misuse of the sexual organ. If Adam and Eve did not have sexual organs then humanity would not exist. Without our sexual organs we cannot even think about having the Kingdom of God on Earth. Only through this good, true sexual organ can we establish the Kingdom of God on Earth. However, a bad sexual organ creates Hell on the Earth.
The meaning of the Kingdom of God is eternal and unchanging by definition. Do you American women prefer your sexual organs to be eternal and unchanging or changing from day to day? (Unchanging.) American men and women like to practice free sex. Is free sex eternal sex, eternal love? (No.) What is it then? (Hell.) It creates Hell, but what is it? (Temporary.) You say that it is temporary but in fact it is less than a second. If you practice free sex then in your life you experience joy for less than one second. Do you really want to pursue that kind of life, that kind of love? (No.) The Fall of Man is the misuse of the sexual organ. The misuse of Eve's sexual organ meant that she took the wrong partner. As long as you practice the misuse of the sexual organ, then the human world, the animal kingdom, the plant kingdom, even the insect kingdom -- wherever you go in this universe you will be rejected because you are acting against the law of the universe. Why do we say free sex is bad? Because if you practice free sex you change your lineage, minute by minute, as you change your partner.
The history of America has come down to you through your ancestors, the Pilgrim Fathers, from generation to generation. There are some good traditions and some accidents and mistakes that have taken place. You cannot change all that overnight. If we want to claim that America is a great country, then you have to be able to present your ancestry all the way back to the Pilgrim Fathers, proving that American history has been straight and good. However, if you just extract all the evil parts and then claim that America is good, that becomes a false representation. America looks good on the surface, but in reality is America a good country? (No.) In general, the clothing of American men and women is luxurious and expensive and they seem proud of themselves and their clothing. But are they good people deep inside? Not necessarily. Suppose we have someone who changes his or her clothes three times in a day, and another who doesn't change for one year. Which of these is a greater person? Perhaps the person who changes clothing three times a day is also someone who changes their mind and attitude and behavior three times a day. On the other hand, the person who doesn't change his clothing for one year may be steady and straightforward consistently without even blinking. (Laughter) Which one is greater?
In comparing the Chinese with the Americans, many Chinese of the past wore the same garment on their body for three years without any problem. However, American people would spit at them. But are the Chinese or the Americans a greater people? (Chinese.) Why do you say so? We can interpret your answer as meaning that the American people are generally impatient. They don't know how to practice patience and silence. If this room were filled with American people each of them would want to talk. They don't like to yield and listen. But if there were one hundred Chinese people here this room would be quiet. It is better to be quiet rather than noisy. If you are noisy, chances are you will go downward. However, when it is quiet you have room to move up.
When we compare day and night, in the daytime people and animals move around in the world. It is noisy and crowded. However, when night comes, people and all creatures sleep and it becomes quiet. When do you think animals and plants and all living creatures grow? (Night time.) Why night time? Because in the still of the night, whatever nutriments they absorbed during the daytime they utilize to grow. But in the daytime, it is so noisy and they have to give attention to all directions. If you visit Manhattan you will always feel that it is noisy whether you are on the street or in an apartment. However, if you visit a Chinese city, even though there may be thousands of people on the street you will feel it is quiet. In general, when American people like someone it doesn't usually last more than three years. However, once Chinese people come to like a person it goes on for three hundreds years. Father feels that America may be a great country now, and has been leading this world while making lots of noise. However, China, has been very quiet up until this point, but once China begins talking, then Chinese power will govern the world.
In a hot tropical zone where the climate is very hot and humid, Americans might last there for ten hours and then run away. However, Chinese people would settle and cultivate farms there no matter how hot and humid it might be. If we go by this formula who will be able to rule the tropical and frozen zones of our planet? (Chinese.) Father used the example of the Chinese people, but perhaps Unificationists could be more extreme in every way than even the Chinese. (Applause)
It is customary between American couples for the husband to give a kiss to his wife in the morning and greet her. But in the case of Chinese couples, even if you were to observe Chinese families for one year you would never see them kissing one another or referring to one another in endearing terms. (Laughter) American couples may also fight and raise their voices to each other even daily. Whereas whatever Chinese couples do, it is done quietly.
Everyone claims to like God and has a certain way of thinking about God; however, God has been silent for billions of years. Is that a good God? Do you still like God? Speaking in a logical way, since Chinese people are able to exercise patience and silence for many years, then as the ruler and owner of the Chinese people, God has to be even more extreme in that way. This being the case then we can say that the Chinese people are the ones who have stimulated God and have provided the motivation for God to be quiet and silent for millions of years. And to have endurance. That is power! Look at Father's life. For the past forty years, from the beginning, Father had everything planned, step-by-step. However, Father did not reveal everything all at one time. Rather, Father has been quietly implementing the plan, step by-step, until the time is right to reveal certain truths.
Up until this time, people from every corner of the world have labeled Father as a heretic and all kinds of names in order to persecute him, but Father never blinked. He just left them alone and continued on his path. Like when you visit a village where you are unknown, the dogs from that village will bark at you because you are strange to them, with strange aroma, strange smell. In the same way, Father has been pursuing the path of God for all these years, but the people of this world have not recognized him and have acted like barking dogs. Father goes to Korea, Japan, South America, North America; wherever Father goes, people don't remain silent. Those dogs may bark loudly yet Father does not say a word to them. Ultimately, Father's voice is even greater than their barking. That is why Father keeps himself very quiet.
Would you say that Reverend Moon is a troublemaker or a peacemaker? (Peacemaker.) (Laughter) Why do you laugh? If you truly believe in what you say then you have to show a serious expression. Don't take what you say so lightly. Don't laugh. If you laugh it indicates that you don't take it seriously. The secular people of the world may consider that Father has created all kinds of controversy throughout the world. However, is there any Unificationist who believes that Father has caused a lot a trouble to the world? (No.) Unificationists may have differences among each other, but whenever we see True Parents we always rush to follow them. Isn't it true? (Yes.) Why do you do so? Because you have to climb up the ladder. We know that this ladder is very high and steep and it is difficult to climb even one step at a time. But because we know what is waiting for us on the top of the ladder we continue to follow in the footsteps of True Parents.
Have you heard the news that Father is sending out national messiahs to the world? Each national messiah group consists of seven different national messiahs. Father has directed them to go to their respective countries and live in the same house with one another. Do you like that idea? (Yes.) Would you prefer to live in a house with your family alone or together with seven other families? (Together.) You Americans favor your privacy and individualism. Who are the ancestors of privacy and individualism? The fallen Adam and Eve. The root of that is Satan. Everyone wants to receive love. However, can we apply the formula of privacy to love? We all want to receive love from the individual level right up to the cosmic level. We want to receive love from our spouse, our parents, our family, our society, our company, our nation, our world and even from God Himself.
In receiving love can we practice the life of privacy? (No.) If you stick with a life of privacy there will be no love partner. This is a reasonable conclusion. Those who advocate the life of privacy, please show your hands to Father. In your mind you still like the life of privacy but you dare not show your hands before Father.
This morning, Mother has to leave for the airport by ten o'clock at the latest so Father has a time limit to finish before then. But if Father continues like this we will be still going at five o'clock this evening. (Laughter) Do you think that what Father has taught us so far this morning has something to do with his topic today? (Yes.) Suppose our way of peace is centered upon money. Would you like that way? (No.) How about seeking peace through knowledge and power? (No.) Then what would be your vehicle to seek peace? (True Love.) Do you really like love? (Yes.) But love cannot be practiced alone. It always takes two. Without exception, everyone in this world wishes to achieve peace and happiness through love. Do you like this idea? (Yes.)
The term free sex is indicative of brief and temporary happiness. Would you like to have temporary happiness or unchanging happiness? (Unchanging happiness.) Sounds good but your motivation is not so good. We all seek happiness. But centered upon what do individuals seek love and happiness? (Eternal, unchanging and absolute love.) Therefore, it is completely logical to say that only when we live our lives centered upon absolute love, can we have absolute happiness in our lives. Have you thought about absolute love? (Yes.) Do you think about it all by yourself or with your ideal spouse? (Ideal spouse.) Is your ideal spouse eternal or temporal? (Eternal.) When you refer to your ideal spouse are you referring to the one who can freely touch you and embrace you anytime of the day or night without a time limit? Is that what you mean? Or, do you mean that this ideal spouse can only embrace you between certain hours and when you are eating they should not even talk to you? (Laughter) What kind of ideal spouse are you talking about here? (The first one.) (Laughter) You don't have confidence in your answer; that is why you are all laughing too much. But this is a serious issue.
We can only receive love from our partner. Therefore, if you want to find absolute love you need an absolute partner. Then you have to give your absolute faith, absolute love, absolute trust and absolute life to your spouse. Otherwise you cannot receive absolute love from your spouse. Do you imagine that your eyes would prefer absoluteness or changeability? (Absoluteness.) Your five senses like abs~lute love.
Have you ever turned off your five senses against your husbands? (Yes.) (Laughter) Only when you have an absolute relationship between husband and wife can you expect to receive absolute love. This is the prerequisite. Do you understand Father? (Yes.) Do you think there is room in the minds of secular American women who marry and divorce within a week to think about absolute love relationships? (No.) Where can we find absolute love? In kissing? (No.) Where then? Our absolute sexual love organ, which brings man and woman into unity is the place where absolute love can be found. Sexual intercourse place. People do not know this truth. Those of you who are without sexual organs, raise your hands. (Laughter) Your sexual organ exists for the sake of absolute love. This is your unique, eternal purpose. God needs sexual organs, too. Do you think God created man and woman just because He needs man and woman or God needs sexual organs too?
Eternal love is found through your ideal spouse. People have been unaware that the owner of the woman's sexual organ is her ideal spouse. Likewise, the owner of the man's sexual organ is his ideal spouse. When this ideal husband and wife become one through their sexual organs then the owner of the unification of their sexual organs is God. We have to know that our sexual organ does not belong to our self but rather to our ideal partner. And our combined sexual organs belong to God. This is the backbone of the human history. Without the sexual organ we cannot make human history. The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and in Heaven begins from this point. The ideal family, ideal people, ideal nation all come from the sexual organ.
If you are tired of hearing Reverend Moon talk about sexual organs and if you turn away from the truth you will be turned back again 360 degrees to the original point. We need our sexual organ in an absolute way because we have to find absolute love. It is that valuable, that important. It cannot be exchanged for anything in this world. There are many secular American women who would even sell their own husbands for enough money. Are such women true women? (No.) If you want to find an absolute husband you have to offer absolute protection to your husband. You cannot separate yourself. Your original mind seeks that level of love. The reason that we don't have this is because of the Fall of Man. Father concludes that the owner of free sex and privacy is Satan, because through free sex the human sexual organ is destroyed. The crossing point of Heaven and Hell lies within your sexual organ. Centering upon your love, your mind and body can be united. However, you vacillate so often even in the course of one day.
Until now man and woman didn't know what ideal love means. However, Unification Church members have been taught this morning what true ideal love is. Therefore, we should practice it. Since your sexual organ is the most valuable thing in the entire world you should protect it in the most valuable way. That way, it will never change. Have you Blessed couples ever considered divorce? Are you tempted by handsome men and beautiful women who pay attention to you? (No.) Actually, all manner of thoughts come and go through your minds. Father's conclusion is that many American women have inherited the lineage of prostitutes. But you don't feel badly about it. American women feel superior to and scorn prostitutes, but in reality these prostitutes are earning money, this is their job. However, American women are even worse because they practice free sex just because they enjoy it. Who is the owner of love? God is the owner of love. The owner of love gave you your spouse and assigned you to become this man's wife. Therefore, you stand as a public couple and your union should last eternally. It is logical to conclude that as the attributes of God are absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal then the couples who are anointed by God should possess the same attributes as God: absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal. So of course, we, the people whom God likes, should also have these same attributes.
We have to learn about Adam's family. Adam's family crossed the line of love. Centering upon false love, a false lineage was created within Adam's family and this family became upside down. Who can enter the Kingdom of God? The Kingdom of God is the place where only absolute, ideal couples who practice absolute love centering upon God can enter as a family unit. Since Satan knew of God's strategy to restore the entire humanity back to His bosom, Satan sought to destroy humanity, completely 180 degrees opposite of what God wanted. Therefore, Satan has spread the disease of free sex, homosexuality, lesbianism and all manner of evil. Through the practice of this free sex life like homosexuality, humanity will become extinct within one generation. In lovemaking it requires the sexual organs of man and woman in order to fit together. However, homosexuals think they can make relationship between the same sex. This is Satan's strategy in order to destroy God's ideal and purpose of creation by spreading such evil ways. Humanity would eventually be destroyed.
If America clings to this way of life do you think America should perish or prosper? (Perish.) No matter how much America may resist, if it continues on such a path then God will eventually come down and punish America. God hates the American atmosphere. Satan created this kind of Hell on the Earth. God's ideal world doesn't have that kind of activity and atmosphere. The Bible tells us that the weeds will be thrown into the fire and only the grain will be stored in the warehouse. Who are living in America today, grain-type people or weed-type people? (Weeds.) Certainly not real grain. Adam's original family was to be connected to God's blood lineage. These were to be represented by real grain. After the Fall the blood lineage of humanity became connected with Satan. In order to climb back up to God's level there are eight stages to pass through. Servant of servants, servant, adopted son, step son, true son, mother and father. Individual, family, tribe, nation, world, cosmic and God's level is the vertical line. [Father draws on the board the eight different stages both vertically and horizontally]
God created man, but because of the Fall, in God's eyes there are no men. Everyone was taken by Satan. Therefore, the recreation process is needed. Even the angelic world fell. God begins His restoration process from the bottom up. The Archangel was originally in the position of the servant. After humankind fell, they fell below the level of the servant to the servant of servants level. This level is lower than that of a slave. From this position the restoration process begins. We then have to restore to the level of the servant which is the level of the Archangel. The Archangel caused the fall and he himself fell. We then have to go beyond that level to the adopted son level which is above Satan's level. Therefore, we have to be even better than the fallen Archangel. In order to accomplish this in the secular world where Satan dominates, and the original husband stands in the position of the Archangel, God's restoration comes through the second husband. Originally God should have stood in the position of the one and only husband of mankind. But through the Fall Satan took the position of the original husband. Therefore in the restoration process this has to be reversed. God began in a similar position to that of concubine.
We can see this process clearly in the Bible in the family of Isaac. His wife Rebecca actually cheated her husband and elder son by giving the blessing to her second son Jacob. By doing so the three generations of grandparents, parents and children should agree with this providence. Her husband should be happy to share this with her. That kind of role was played out. When God comes in the position of concubine, in order to create God's lineage in the family, the original archangelic husband, satanic husband, should say "well, you are the only woman there, so through you my wife, you should have children, have lineage" and should give his blessing. Otherwise, the restoration is not complete at each stage. The restoration process continues through the stages of servant of servant, servant, adopted son level and then step son level. God comes in the position of the concubine, the second husband, because the wife is already taken by the archangelic husband. Because of this relationship the step son comes and then true son. After this then wife, mother and father levels. The world is unaware of this process. Only Reverend Moon has revealed this truth to this world. (Applause)
The mission of the True Parents, who reveal this truth, is to wipe out the evil parents. Because of the Fall of Man, before God there existed fallen mother and children and restored mother and children relationships. But in this world where Satan dominates is this fallen mother lineage, this fallen lineage here [indicating to the diagram on the board]. In order to restore this lineage back to God it is not possible to do so horizontally. This lineage has to go down vertically and restore it back again. In order to accomplish this restoration process, God comes in the position of concubine and eventually He has to restore His position as the original spouse. There cannot be two lineages in the Kingdom of God. There can be only one line, not two. That is the reason the second mother and the younger son are in the position to play the central role to lead to the Kingdom of God. This is what we see so clearly throughout the history of God's providence. If this relationship continues in the way in which Satan has set up, it means the original wife's path is towards Hell.
However, when this is turned around 180 degrees, then the first wife becomes the concubine and the second wife becomes the original wife. By the same token, the first son from the first wife takes the position of the second son and the second son from the concubine takes the first son's position. In that relationship, the first son should offer absolute obedience to the second son. The first wife's lineage is the satanic father's lineage. However, even though this second wife took the first wife's position this lineage is a good lineage from God. This particular phenomena took place in Jacob's family. [Father draws on the board to illustrate] Originally, Rachel should have become the first wife of Jacob. Leah was supposed to be the concubine. But as you recall, Leah somehow took the first wife's position. In the Old Testament era, the rule was "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." When it comes to restoration between the first and second wife, it followed that same rule.
As in the Garden of Eden, in the family of Jacob, Rachel who was originally supposed to become the first wife of Jacob, became the second wife instead. Leah was not supposed to be in the position of the first wife but she took that position. Just as Eve took the first wife's position by the Fall. This was not the original wife's position. But with two mothers and two children's lineages they cannot enter the Kingdom of God. That is why the restoration has to take place within this family. In order to return to God, not just directly from Leah to Rachel, but through their children, it has to go around and eventually return to God. When Jacob was in Haran, Laban tried to destroy Jacob by giving his daughters to Jacob and claim all the wealth of Jacob. However, on the contrary, Jacob was wise enough to take both wealth and daughters from Laban and return to his family.
So remember, Laban who tried to prevent Jacob from taking away his wealth and possessions, eventually offered his servants and three servant's maids to Jacob. Through them ten sons were born, and from Rachel there were two sons. This became the twelve tribes. From this point the struggle between the northern ten tribes and southern two tribes began. [Father again draws on the board to illustrate] This is tribal level [indicating to the board]. However, on the family level at the time of Jesus, centering upon Zachariah and Elizabeth, his wife, and his son John the Baptist and Mary and her son Jesus, this same phenomena took place. Elizabeth was in the position of the first wife and Mary was in the position of the second wife to Zachariah. Just like Jacob's wives, Leah and Rachel. But unlike the time of Jacob where Leah took the first wife's position, at the time of Jesus, Elizabeth actually introduced Mary to her husband Zachariah. This was completely opposite to Leah who desired to occupy Jacob and his family. Whereas Elizabeth's desire was how to save God's providential foundation within their family. Because of God's revelation she invited her younger sister Mary to take the position of wife to her husband.
John the Baptist was in the position to offer his absolute obedience to Jesus. God's providence of restoration took place at the time of Jesus in this relationship [indicating to the board]. Originally, Zachariah's lineage was going in this way [indicating to the diagram] but this was cut off and Mary and Jesus took the position of the first wife and first son. By doing so, Jesus took the position of the elder sonship and Mary took the position of the elder wife. That is how this satanic lineage was restored back to God. By doing so vertically, from one parent, same parents, one mother line, one lineage was established. The main reason that John the Baptist could not follow Jesus with his whole heart and soul, was because John the Baptist knew that Jesus was his half-brother.
In the Garden of Eden the Archangel took Eve who was in the position of the younger sister. Therefore Jesus was supposed to take the younger sister of John the Baptist as his bride.
Jesus' position was the completion level Adam. In the Garden of Eden the Archangel, in the Cain position, took Eve the younger sister of Adam. At the national level, Jesus in the position of Adam, was to take the sister of Cain (John the Baptist). This is how restoration was supposed to have taken place. In the mind of John the Baptist do you think it was tolerable that Jesus, his half-brother, should marry his own sister? No. It is unimaginable even that Mary literally took Elizabeth's husband and assumed the first wife's position. Then Jesus, the half-brother of John the Baptist, wants to marry his own half-sister, the younger sister of John the Baptist. Can you imagine such a thing? At that time they could be stoned to death for such action. The entire tribe could have been stoned to death. That is why Jesus was unable to receive his bride. Then he had to leave his home in order to establish his spiritual foundation in the wilderness. When that failed he had to take the road to the cross.
This same phenomena will appear again in the Last Days because we have to indemnify this particular relationship in the Last Days. We have to expect the Lord of the Second Advent, but at the same time we see all manner of evil taking place and the families being destroyed. In order to indemnify what happened at the time of Jesus then in the Last Days all of the families should be turned around to the right direction, with all manner of things taking place. (What we are talking about here is incest.) Had Elizabeth protected her younger sister Mary, and had John the Baptist followed Jesus then they would have become one family. Christianity stands in the position of the bride. Since Christianity is the bride religion, in order to indemnify this particular relationship of Jesus' time, in the Last Days the same thing will happen. Since World War II, the rulers of the world are like the evil ones, like step-sons who are not really directly connected to God's lineage. This is the time when women will feel confused in their lives. That is why women have the tendency to dislike their legal husband. They are supposed to look for the true husband. In that position the Lord of the Second Advent comes like a concubine position. All women are supposed to seek such a husband. Therefore, women are in a position to dislike the existing relationship with their husband and are otherwise compelled to seek their True Love ideal.
Satan immediately intervened in that situation and provided free sex and has led many people astray. Usually when this kind of relationship takes place the woman gives more attention to the second husband. The first wife should follow the second wife in order to be restored. The second wife is in the position of concubine who has more experience in dealing with men. This is the time period, the Last Days when the first wife is in the position to introduce the concubine, the second wife to her husband, and then follow the second wife to reach to the road of restoration. But they do not know how to do this. Therefore at this particular point [indicating to the board] the Lord of the Second Advent appears. He will act as a kind of traffic controller. All the women in this world who stand in the position of the first wife should be restored through the Lord of the Second Advent, Reverend Moon, who comes at this particular point. Even American women have to love True Father more than your husband, more than your children, more than your parents. Reverend Moon comes as husband to 2.5 billion women of the world. Reverend Moon is in the position of the King of the grandfathers, King of the fathers, King of the elder brothers, King of the younger brothers and King of the husbands. If you don't feel that way you fail. Reverend Moon represents the fulfillment of men's position, true husband, true father, true grandfather.
This is the Second Advent with Reverend Moon in the position of connecting to the true blood lineage of true family, true tribe, true nation, true palace place, True Parents. The worst parents are the fallen parents with the false blood lineage. We have to change, indemnify. You have to change 180 degrees back to God's true blood lineage. The way is through one mother, one child. One lineage, not two mothers, two sons. That family gets to Heaven. Is this clear to you? (Yes.) When we look at human history and the life of women, they have been hurt and heartbroken by their husbands and men in general. Men have always been paying attention to other women. Because of these complicated relationships billions of women have been heartbroken and hurt. Therefore, in the Last Days, when finally the Lord of Second Advent, the real true man appears in the world, then all the women have the tendency to go towards that man. He comes in the position of the true bridegroom. Through this phenomena this world will be turned around.
At this crossing point the Lord of the Second Advent should appear here as the vertical pillar, upon which the entire women of the world can lean then turn around and return back again to the original world. But because of the opposition from Christianity directly following World War II, the Western world, led by America, just kept on falling further down and down and now we observe this rampant uncontrollable sexual behavior. Again, had the entire world followed Reverend Moon directly following World War II they could have gone in this direction [indicating to the board] but because of the failure of Christianity this world kept falling further down. How could Christianity with 2000 years foundation in this world fall to such a degree that we see Christian nations rotten and weakened by immoral behavior? How could America become so rotten and chase out the Lord of the Second Advent? Now it is turning around.
Because of the Fall of Man, God's blessing became upside down. But now with the advent of Reverend Moon he will make it right side up again. This is the mission of Reverend Moon. From 1992 Father declared the liberation of women and True Mother was elevated to True Father's level horizontally. Women had no power. Until then Mother followed Father vertically. This is the first time in history that on the world base True Mother stands by True Father, side by side, on God's throne. All humanity, following True Parents, have the same value. Because of this blessing, since 1992, these eight different stages of the world, from the individual to the cosmic level, can travel back and forth horizontally, jumping from one stage to another easily and freely. In the last forty years, the kings who represent the vertical relationship and the people, who represent the horizontal world, all were mobilized to oppose Reverend Moon. On the individual and family levels they all tried to destroy Reverend Moon. That is why we witnessed a lot of kidnapping incidents within our Church. In order to kidnap, organizations usually mobilize the entire family. Imagine, parents kidnapping their own children. Every direction, all around, were hitting Reverend Moon.
Reverend Moon's name is being resurrected at this time and the world is turning around. Now world leaders are recognizing Reverend Moon. World leaders are welcoming him. Reverend Moon is marching on as True Victor. How can we save all the families of the world and turn them back into original families centered upon God? The original family seed, Adam's family seed, was lost. Now True Parents have come to claim back God's original family seed and establish God's ideal family on the Earth. True Parents must make up Adam's family purpose, Jesus' family purpose and world family purpose. Take back from Satan. The way of restoration has been the way of being struck and claiming back. No matter how much this fallen world may hate Reverend Moon they cannot kill Reverend Moon. Reverend Moon stands in the direct dominion place. Reverend Moon did not fall down even when Satan struck so many times, this could not block Reverend Moon's perfection stage.
Within the family of Adam we lost elder sonship, parentship, and kingship. On the world base Father took back all these things. Father took back by liberating the free world and the communist world. By Father's hand we won back. Once we accomplish the 3.6 million couples Blessing, then 36 million and 360 million couples Blessing will be easy. Inheriting the true blood lineage of True Parents automatically opens the way to Heaven. This means the place of no religion and no separation. One world, one cosmos under God. No fighting field. The power of true love is the strongest power in the world. The five senses unite in one core centering upon true love. Once this true love power is established it is impossible to turn back to any other direction. The power of true love is stronger than the power of drugs, alcohol or anything else in the world. You can never be turned back. Exciting Power. True Love Power. All cells in your body connecting to this power forever. Ideal couple settling place. All families systems will connect. In schools, elementary school children will be asking their teacher, "Teacher, is Unification Church marriage good or bad?" The teacher will reply "not bad." If the teacher says "not good," children will confront. All will be following the heavenly way. Connecting to the family base.
It takes the family base unit in order to be able to enter the Kingdom of God. Therefore, after the 1997 Blessing, Father will begin to bless people in the spiritual world so that they can have families and enter into the Kingdom of God. (Applause) Through Heung Jin Nim, Jesus will receive blessing and then following that, all the saints such as Buddha, Mohammed and Confucius will receive the blessing so that they may enter into the Kingdom of God as well with the True Parents. Without the family unit it is impossible to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Within the blessing there is no religion, no bride culture, only a one-way culture. The home of the true family is the center of everything. Same value as True Parents. Absolute love.
When this time comes there will be no need for religion or philosophy. Even Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed and Confucius all need true families in order to enter into the Kingdom of God. When that time comes it will not be necessary to believe in a religious leader, but rather your parents, your husband, your wife, your brother and sister will be your leaders. Grandparents represent the spiritual world, parents represent the King of the physical world; the next generation couples represent the King's palace. That kind of value will exist. You will not need any leader on the Earth, from any category. Parents follow grandparents, children follow parents and grandparents. Clearly and logically understand this, please. Take all of life and go this victorious way. Be absolutely dedicated to grandparents, absolutely dedicated to parents, absolutely dedicated to your love partner, absolutely dedicated to your children, centered on True Parents. That's all. True Love connecting everything when God is King. God, connecting all the time, everywhere, everything. It is True Parents' mission to establish this base.
Jesus lost the nation base, the family base. True Parents have gone over all the way to the world base. Therefore you have to graft onto True Parents with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. When God created this world He created with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. Even every creature was given a love partner. God invested everything in the love partner. Investing and forgetting. All that investment went into Adam's family. God went to zero point in obedience. That kind of action. You have to follow the Sรฃo Paulo declaration of last year. That is the mainstream. You must demonstrate absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. This is the formula to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Without this, you cannot get into Heaven. Is this clear? Only God and Reverend Moon can make all these directions of victorious foundation. Spirit World must unite also. Now we are growing up to that perfection world. With what? Perfection family. Ultimately, there will be no trouble to make one tribe, one nation. No problem. And Kingdom of Heaven, too.
Therefore, Father has given you today's topic, The Era of Bringing Liberation for the Family of World Peace. From this Father declared the Eight Stages of Restoration (Pal Jong Shik) on August 31, 1989 in Kodiak, Alaska. Then the next day, September 1, 1989 Father declared Heavenly Parentism. That way, all the secular forms of ism should disappear. Democracy, too, should disappear. Worst foundation is the democratic system. Party-fighting system. That is not God's concept. How can that be the foundation of the nation owner king? Democracy is the concept of brotherhood, Cain and Abel. They are fighting. The foundation of the nation cannot be established on such a foundation.
On September 1, 1991 Father declared the Tribal Messiah providence. Then on April 10, 1992 Father formed the Women's Federation for World Peace centering upon True Mother. In 1993 Father declared "True Parents and the Completed Testament Era." In 1994 the motto for the year was "True Parents and the Safe Settlement of the Completed Testament Era." Even if the entire world opposes us, we have to establish a safe settlement in this world. Neither Communism nor America can destroy us anymore. In 1995 the motto was "Let us Inherit the Victorious Realm of the True Parents." Because once we are settled then the blessing will come. Therefore, it is natural to inherit. By doing so Blessed couples can become totally united with God and True Parents, centered upon absolute faith, love and obedience. In that, can we find the concept of America? No, we cannot. The original world does not contain the American culture. Not Anglo-Saxons. Do you understand? (Yes.) All that exists in the original world is God, True Parents and children, speaking one language. That language is not English. English is not humankind's hometown language. The American culture is a horizontal culture. No vertical concept exists there. The horizontal love that is practiced in most of America is like animal love. I don't like fallen America. It is heading for destruction in the very near future.
What is this year's motto? For all humankind, all creatures, all things on the Earth, "Let us Love True Parents and Be Proud of True Parents." On October 3, 1988, directly after the Seoul Olympics, Father declared the "Day of the Opening of Heaven." From that point all of these other necessary steps have taken place, and based upon these various victorious foundations of our True Parents, from this year the world starts turning! Centering on Father, everything is turning around. Following Father's long, long tail. Grabbing Father's big, big tail. This is the significance of it all. In these eight different stages, this year is the culminating stage and the entire world is now beginning to turn around and follow behind True Father. On a worldwide scale the restoration of elder sonship and parentship has taken place and now kingship has to be established. Therefore, in this year alone, Father has formed the Federation for Island Nations, the Federation for Peninsula Nations and the Federation for the Continental Nations. By doing so Father is bringing all these organizations to the United Nations where they can stand as Abel organizations.
Through these Abel organizations all the base units of families can be mobilized and so the nations can be restored which means the Kingship can be completed. Adam means the King of Elder Sonship, King of Parentship and King of Kings in the family base. We want to bless one nation under True Parents. Kingship experienced on the Earth. That flat base kingship can connect with the Kingdom of Heaven on the Earth. Is this clear? (Yes.) It is now in sight. This is reality, not some concept. No matter what, Americans have to follow Reverend Moon. Father has made this powerful base in North America and South America and is now bringing about brotherhood. The unity between the elder and younger brothers. No matter how strong Roman Catholicism may be it has to follow Protestantism. No matter how strong Protestantism is it has to follow Reverend Moon in the position of Abel. You know the Divine Principle viewpoint and how all these things connect. It is a logical conclusion. It cannot be denied.
Please understand that today's topic, The Era of Bringing Liberation to the Family of World Peace means that Father is liberating the satanic world families in order to build the world peace family, the family of peace. Where can we complete our love? Through our sexual organs. When Father speaks of liberation it means the liberation of the sexual organ as well. The opposite of free sex is absolute sex, unique, eternal and unchanging sex. The root of True Love begins here. We cannot change anything. The power of True Love is so valuable.



May 4, 1997
Belvedere International Training Center
Translator - Peter Kim

Father wants a volunteer to read this morning's title: Chonjoo Pyung Hwa Kajong Yonhap. Cheonjoo stands for cosmos or world; pyunghwa means peace; tongil I don't need to interpret this one and gajeong-yunhap means Family Federation, so Family Federation for World or Cosmic Peace and Unification. And also Chookbok-gajung segyehwa sheedeh. Chookbok-gajung means Blessed Family, sheedae means period or era, segye-hwa means becoming world age, or world era. So, this title means World Era for Blessed Families. This is our title today.
Even if you establish a couple, if you do not produce children then you have not formed a Blessed family. Therefore, it is important that we understand the term "Blessed family," not just Blessed couple. In a family there should be grandparents, parents, children and grandchildren.
Ordinarily, secular people do not have an understanding of "cosmos." This is like our own unique term. The cosmos includes the Kingdom of God on Earth and in Heaven, both worlds. It means the unification of these two worlds. Since people do not understand the term cosmos Father uses the word segye or world. Internally we should understand the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification to mean the Family Federation for Cosmic Peace and Unification, the Cosmic Era of Blessed Families. This particular title has recently been given to you. The Family Federation for Cosmic Peace and Unification includes within it the meaning of the entire Unification Church down to the individual. The individual is included here, unification is included here and the church is included here. Centering upon the individual, what is the subject? (The mind.) When you have to apply yourself as an individual to this particular title, where do you belong? Cosmos? Peace? Unification? or Family Federation? Where? (Family.) "I" can be interpreted as the representative of the whole. Therefore, I can say that I represent the entire cosmos; I represent unification; I represent family federation; I represent the cosmic era. I represent the movement of the Blessed family as an individual. In terms of value, they are equal. Subject and object, plus and minus relationship is of equal value.

"I" represent the whole

"I" can represent the cosmos, peace, unification and even God, and the Kingdom of Heaven on the Earth as well as in Heaven. Do you follow? What about your eyes? This eye may represent me. Even your nose can represent you. Your ear, mouth, hand, foot and even a small cell in your arm can represent you, a human being as a whole. Man's sexual organ can represent all men. You can represent the universe. In love, what is it that comes together in order to create love? (Male and female sexual organs.) Man as a big plus and woman as a big minus [Father draws a diagram on the board]. This is the meeting point between husband and wife as a small plus and a small minus. This is big, as a whole man (a big plus); as a whole woman (a big minus) [indicating to the diagram], but when they make love, the small plus and small minus come together and become one. In this you have your limbs and billions of cells. But here [indicating to the board] this is smaller. This particular organ represents all the cells and organs of yourself. When you make love don't you think that the cells in your body become active? (Yes.) Everything in your body works toward one goal. That is what we call unification. That is where plus and minus combine together and peace is created. As a whole, when this phenomena occurs, the base for a family is established. The extension of this is the world which we refer to as man's world and woman's world. It extends further to the cosmic level. [Father continues to draw on the board] This is the very beginning point to build the Kingdom of God on Earth. That is why love is so precious.
Please remember that there is only one vertical line. There is just one central point, never two. The horizontal and vertical lines should be perpendicular. Centering on that central point, if this vertical and horizontal line begin to move around in a circular motion, then the entire universe will begin to revolve. In that center, we can find God, as well as the family of God; family of nation, family of world, family of the cosmos. That center represents everything that we can imagine. We should understand this concept clearly. No matter how small a woman may be, she should have confidence that she is the representative of the entire female world. The same is true for men. You can even think that you represent your grandmother and all your ancestors. As a woman, you represent all the mothers who went before you as well as all the wives in your time period. You should also think that you, as a woman, represent all the elder and younger sisters in the world. Any woman has a lineage. If we were able to pull her lineage out from her, don't you think that all the female ancestors would be pulled out? Stretching like a rubber band, they are not disconnected, but rather part of the same line. In our mind, we should desire to become the representative of the entire humanity and entire world. We should desire to become a queen of queens, grandmother, mother, wife, daughter, sister, the representative of all female figures.
You ugly men have the same feeling, don't you? If Father were to pull your lineage line out like a rubber band, then your father, grandfather, great grandfather, all the way back to Adam would be pulled out also.
You are the representatives of all the male and female figures throughout history. If God comes down here and sees what is happening, do you think that He would be happy to see only one tribal lineage or the lineage all the way back to Adam and Eve? (All the way back.) If you want to provide the road upon which God will travel, would you like to offer your lineage zigzagging all the way to Adam, or a straight super highway lineage back to Adam? (straight super highway.) If you want to do that, then you have to make sure that you become a good enough representative so that your entire ancestry will support you in one line! You should not live your life in a zigzag fashion. Once you build this super highway it should be straight and wide all the way to the end. It should not be both wide and narrow. Because of the fall of man, this road is sometimes upside down and really narrow in places so that one cannot pass.

The concept of "individual truth body"

Within our teaching we use the term "individual truth body." Within our body there are over forty billion cells. If each of these forty billion cells individually insists on being the best one and insists on doing whatever it wishes, can we exist as a human being? (No.) If the cells in your eyes and nose or ears and mouth begin to insist that each is better than the other, or insist on their own way, we would have trouble. If all forty billion cells claim to be the best then where can you find that kind of cell? Love organ cell. Repeat after me, love organ cell. (Love organ cell.) Wow! People might claim the Unification Church to be heretical because Reverend Moon often speaks about sexual organs, but in reality, we are not heretics. Do you feel this is real? (Yes.) If you truly understand and believe in my message, don't you think that the cells in your sexual organ will give a loud "mansei"? Or will they feel ashamed? (MANSEI!) Even among the sexual organ cells there are plus and minus sexual organ cells. Which one is the mainstream cell among them? (Plus.) If there are only plus cells then there would be no continuation. [Laughter] The plus cells in your sexual organ should be able to say, well my representative is the minus cell. Likewise, the minus cells should claim the plus cells as their representative.
In other words, the plus cells in your sexual organ should claim that they are living for the minus cells; that it is their ultimate goal to meet with the minus cells. The minus cells should claim the same thing toward the plus cells. Once the plus and minus cells come together and become totally one, then as a combined being they will explode like a rocket. They become so powerful because they want to occupy the love center, which is God. The power of love is like that. With regard to the representative cells, do you think that two minus cells would come to be united with one plus cell or would there be only one partner? (Only one.) Yes, only one plus and one minus, not two. One partner means an absolute, unchanging being. Love concept has that kind of content.
Even this cosmic era of the blessed family concept includes all the explanations which I have just given to you. Also, the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification is included here. Now Father wants to pose a question to you. Up until this point, have we been seeking this one to one cell love life, such as the one plus and one minus sexual organ cells have? Or have we deviated and entertained different thoughts? Which is it, all the way straight or not? Our way must be the one way and the highway course; only one cell to one cell. Suppose there is one plus cell and ten minus cells appear, will you welcome them or reject them? (Reject.) Among all of these billions of cells within our sexual organ, there should be a king figure plus cell and queen figure minus cell truly centered upon God. But has our life really been supporting, strengthening and widening this super highway or have we deviated and held back? This is the question we need to ask ourselves. Suppose there is one plus king cell and ten minus queen cells appear. As only one, you cannot deal with them. In order to deal with them, you would have to have ten sets of eyes, ten sets of ears, ten noses. It is too complicated. Absolute unification can never occur under these circumstances. Do you understand?
Blessed couples, show your hands to Father. Amazingly everybody! Have you Blessed couples been living your lives up to the standard, this king and queen cell standard? Or have you lived your lives like shrimps caught in a shrimp net, helpless and unable to do anything? What kind of life experiences have you had up until this point? Do you understand what I am trying to say? This net, a woman's net, exists in order to catch a man. There is also a man's net which exists to catch a woman. You end up like shrimp caught in the fishing net. I will elaborate upon my question to you a little more. Have you been caught in one of these nets and had your activities limited because of this? Or have you been totally free from these nets and lived your lives as king and queen cells, becoming united and exploding like thunder and lightning or shooting like a rocket? What kind of life have you lived up until this point? The life of the fish net or the life of the rocket? (Rocket.) If you pull the shrimp net up, there are usually many dead shrimp found in it. Some are alive, but are weak. Similarly, how miserable people are in the world because of these nets. Even though this handsome gentleman's hair is very ugly [indicating to a member of the audience], still his hair desires to live a king and queen cell life. Don't you think that the hair would think that way? (Yes.)

How you use your sexual organs
divides Heaven from Hell

If all the forty billion cells in your body were to complain against you, what would be your destination, Heaven or Hell? (Hell.) The bottom of Hell. Do you feel this is real? The dividing line between Heaven and Hell is within the sexual organ. The sexual organ is the most fearful and also the most precious place. If you follow the king and queen cell road then that will lead to the most precious place. Do you want to find the most fearful or the most precious place? (Precious.) Those who are willing to follow this most precious way, the king and queen cell way of life, show your hands to Father. The world around us is filled with free sex advocates. Do we find anyone like you out in the secular world? (No.) Do you have confidence in that? (Yes.) Thumb up or thumb down? (Thumb up.) Up until this point there may have been some zig-zag lines caused by wrong doings in the past. But from this time on, since I proclaimed the Cosmic Era of Blessed Families, we have to straighten everything out.
What is the meaning of True Father? What does it mean to you? True Father means that all the cells are true king cells, the true king cells which represent all the hundreds of billions of cells. What about True Mother? True Mother means the true queen cells which represent all the existing cells. True Father represents plus and True Mother represents minus. Don't you think that they should have the same direction when they unite? (Yes.) [Father draws on the board] This upper section represents plus and minus centered upon God. The lower section represents plus and minus centered upon True Father and True Mother. When it begins to make a circular movement, it should be centered upon the central meeting point of the vertical and horizontal lines. This is the central point where all the billions and billions of cells become united representing the individual, family, society, nation and world. But if we cut this right hand side in half with the vertical line [indicating to the board], it represents the big plus and the other side the big minus. Once this big plus and minus combine into one, the entire being becomes united. Therefore the circular movement occurs.
When it comes to the meaning of True Parents, we have to trace all the way back to the one cell level. The king plus cell and queen minus cell must become absolutely one. Then from that point on as an individual, and a couple, True Parents should win the victory at each level, the cellular level, individual level, couple level, family level, national level, world level, and eventually totally one with God. That is why it is a prerequisite to establishing our blessed family in order to build the Kingdom of God. Even True Parents have to build the ideal family first. Even if your body takes a certain direction for a particular purpose, your mind knows what is happening. If it is a wrong direction, your mind may say, "you, eyes, why do you look in that direction? You, nose, why do you smell in that direction?" Your mind knows what they are looking and smelling for. Is this not true? (Yes.) Answer clearly? (YES, IT IS TRUE.) I have heard you.

Each family is like one cell
in the body of humanity

Since you clearly declared that you have understood, then I have the right to erase this from the board. When it comes to completion, I am referring to world level completion and even cosmic level completion. Centering upon what? Centering upon family. Because even the Family Federation is centered upon the family. What kind of family? Whose family? (God's family.) My family. Your family. If there is even one cell among the forty million cells of a blessed couple that is complaining and demonstrating against you, then you cannot build the original family. At the cosmic level, each family is like one cell representing our body. This means that each family represents all the cosmic families. In your family life, the minds of your family members know which direction is right. If your family is heading in the wrong direction, the minds of your family members should know. If the father and mother are doing something wrong, then the children and other family members should know about it. If the elder brother is doing something wrong, then even the younger brother would know that. Then how can we take care of these problems? Because there is room for these problems to exist, God has given this kind of model: Absolute Faith, Absolute Love, and Absolute Obedience. This should be our daily motto. Our entire family should live centered upon this motto because this is the road that the Family Federation for Cosmic Peace and Unification and the Cosmic Era of Blessed Families are on.
Don't you think that God has cells? At the time of creation, don't you think that God had cells? God wanted His creation to become totally united. Therefore He made certain that He created upon the foundation of absolute faith, love and obedience. That was God's aim and target. Everything was focused upon that goal. That was the first concept. [Father writes on the board] The substantial creation is in the position of minus. God's focus, His mental unity was in the position of plus. This was displayed in His creation from the mineral kingdom, plant kingdom, animal kingdom and humanity. We can find plus and minus relationships within all of these kingdoms. Since God created on the basis of absolute faith, love and obedience, our life must be centered upon this standard also. As plus and minus, we should uphold the absolute standard. Also, in the relationship between the spiritual and physical worlds, this absolute standard of plus and minus should be there.
The vertical oneness between the spiritual and physical worlds should be manifested in a horizontal way within ourselves. Then we can see plus and minus in a vertical way, and plus and minus in a horizontal way. These two relationships meet at the core center. In this center we can find God, Adam, Eve and the entire creation. Do you understand? Therefore, in order to solve the possible problems that might occur, God gave us this daily motto of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. Without strictly following this commandment, our lives will become more complicated. This is why God gave His commandment to Adam and Eve not to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

God was to dwell in Adam
and have Eve as His bride

What does the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil mean? What is it? (Love organ.) Whose organ is it? Woman's sexual organ. Good or evil fruit is dependent upon your partner when it comes to woman. If you have a relationship with the boss of the mafia then you will produce the son of the mafia. If you have a relationship with your king, then you will produce a prince. That is why God told Adam and Eve not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil (woman's sexual organ). How many male figures existed in the Garden of Eden in the beginning? (Five) God, Adam, and three archangels. How many female figures were there? (One.) This was the problem. Originally God and Adam were to become totally united into one. Then Adam was to become one with Eve, the female figure. But instead, Eve became one with one of the archangel figures.
God wanted to take Eve as His bride once she grew and matured enough. But then God also realized that there were four other male figures besides Himself. Therefore, isn't it natural for God to give the warning to Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil? (Yes.) What was it then? That particular fruit meant woman's sexual organ. What kind of warning or commandment did God intend to give? Do you think that God would pay attention to a literal fruit in the Garden of Eden or to Eve's sexual organ? (Eve's sexual organ.) I don't know, you know way more than me! (Laughter)
In the secular world, usually inventions are created by one person and then utilized by others. For example, Great Britain came up with many different inventions but Germany took them and utilized them more than England did. Whoever utilizes and materializes something usually becomes the owner. Even though I may invent something, if you truly take this invention and utilize it more fully than I do, then you can become the owner. Don't you want to see your children become greater than yourself? (Yes.) Yes, every parent feels this way.
The five male figures in the Garden of Eden all paid attention to one particular woman. Therefore, a literal fruit has no place in this story. Even when it comes to Adam, he had to wait until that fruit became ripe. If he should take that fruit before it is ripened that fruit would rot. Therefore, Adam had to wait until God gave him permission to take that fruit. That means that when the fruit of good and evil ripened, God would then enter Adam and dwell within him, becoming totally one, and then take that ripened fruit. That was God's desire. As a big plus, God wanted to meet a big minus and build a relationship of marriage with a big minus as a big plus. Don't you think that God wanted to have this kind of vertical and horizontal explosion through taking His bride in a love relationship? Once that kind of explosion took place in Adam's mind and heart, it would go around in all directions centered upon God. Would that kind of explosion zigzag or would it explode centered upon God and Adam?
Because absolute settlement should be one vertical settlement, it cannot be swayed. It is centered upon one dot [indicating to the diagram Father just drew on the board]. Without establishing this absolute vertical settlement, there will always be the complications of zigzagging and swaying in different directions. Without this absolute settlement there is room for free sex. Also incest will occur between grandparents and grandchildren and even mother and son. Far too many complications would occur without this absolute settlement. There is a loss of direction and we see this zigzagging complicated phenomena taking place in America today. Sexual intercourse complications.

Homosexuals and fornicators are like
dirty dung eating dogs

Is the world around us a peaceful world centered upon God, or is it all confused? (Confused.) That is what is called free sex. What is the meaning of lesbians and homosexuals? That is the place where all different kinds of dung collect. We have to end that behavior. When this kind of dirty relationship is taking place between human beings, God cannot be happy. That is what the secular world is like. As the lord of all creation, are we seeking that kind of world? (No.)
As human beings, we should mobilize our forty billion cells and clean up these dirty places. Would you women want this dirty dung filled water to be poured over you? (No.) What about men, do you want to be soaked in that kind of dirty water? (No.) Only Satan and dirty dung eating dogs go after that. God created human beings and they should stay away from it. Isn't it true? [YES!] There are certain kinds of dogs that go after dung and eat it. Therefore the name of dog (or sometimes "son of a bitch") is used to speak badly of human beings. Those people who love dung eating dogs must have some problem. Especially American people, and American leaders. If they truly love such dogs, they also become like dung eating dogs and produce that quality of life. If such dogs are around can't you smell them? Do you want to be close to them or far away? (Far away.) American people, their mind wants to get away, but their bodies are still being pulled by these dung eating dogs. That's true! Free sex activity is equivalent to this. Father gave you a figure of speech.
Without the daily motto of absolute faith, love and obedience, even God cannot solve the problems among human beings. That is why God gave us this to follow. This is the first encounter between the king and queen sexual organ cells. [Father points to a diagram on the board] At this meeting point, your mind, body and all forty billion cells are focused, pulled in and poured in there. That is what is known as first love. Based upon first love all your forty billion cells begin dancing. If you reach that level through your love, then all your forty billion cells, your blood and body will become harmonized into one. This is total unification. The husband's body belongs to the wife and the wife's body belongs to the husband. God would come to that place of His absolute partnership and become one. Absolute man and absolute woman combine into an absolute couple and then combine with God and make one body. After they become one body with God, then everything belongs to that one body place forever. Forever yours. Centering upon True Love everything becomes yours; American land is yours, everything. All human beings don't have that kind of ambition. Is that true? (Yes.)

The value of first love

Do you need this concept? (Yes.) You know the meaning. The first love intercourse becomes the unification place. On their wedding night just prior to the first lovemaking between husband and wife, they should ask each other if they have absolute faith in one another. When they ask each other, "Do you absolutely believe in me?" what should be their answer? (Yes.) Do you want to do that also? (Yes.) Don't you want to ask your spouse if he or she absolutely loves you? (Yes.) Then centering upon your absolute love, don't you want to ask your spouse if he or she wants to give you his or her absolute obedience? (Yes.) For the husband, his wife is his absolute love partner. For the wife, her husband is her absolute love partner. You need unification between husband and wife. That is why the name Unification Church emerged. Then is the name Unification Church good or bad? (Good.) What about its contents and concepts? (Great.) How great? Not grey, nobody likes the color grey. Great color. (Great!) Make sure that you pronounce the "t". Americans tend to lose the sound of "t". Make sure you say "great".

Once you reach absolute unification you can ask
God to have absolute faith in you

Once you reach the level of absolute unification between husband and wife, based upon absolute faith, love and obedience, then you will have the right to ask God if He wants to have absolute faith in you. God will then come and bow to you and say, "Yes my son, my daughter, I will have absolute faith in you." Then you may reply, "What about absolute love and obedience, will you offer these to me?" Then God will bow His head and give you that. No matter how high God is, He absolutely needs His absolute love partner. As soon as God recognizes you as His absolute partner, He will come and embrace you and never let you go. God exists in eternity. Within God you will have eternity as well, because you will become one with God centered upon love. That means you will become the owner of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, in oneness with God. By doing so, we can achieve the world of eternal peace and unification. Do you follow? (Yes.)
Father's topic today is: The Cosmic Era of Blessed Families. When all five billion people of humanity truly understand this concept of Father's teaching, do you think they will want to have the family centered upon the True Love and teaching of Father, or the secular style family we see everyday? (Father's kind.) Father's teaching can establish the mainstream family system for everyone to follow. Even within this audience Father can see five different colors. Are you colored by Father's teaching or do you still maintain your own unique color? Among the brothers and sisters of the white race, do you welcome or reject black brothers and sisters? (Welcome.) Why do you welcome them? (Because we love them.) Even as the white race you need the color black and vice versa. If day represents the color white and night represents the color black, don't you think that day needs night? (Yes.) What do you need more, daytime or night time? (Both.) [Laughter] When do people ordinarily make love, during the daytime or night time? (Night time.) On Fifth Avenue in New York City people are rushing around during the daytime. However, once it becomes dark, night time, they all disappear. For what? To go home and find their love partner. To find their True Love place. This means their family. In the family the love settlement exists eternally. Then which one is more important, daytime or night time? (Night time.) You black brothers and sisters should shout mansei! (MANSEI!)

The worldwide springtime culture is coming

[Father begins to draw on the board] In the field we see a tree growing. Does that tree exist only in the part that we see above the ground or does it also have an invisible part? (It has both.) Then the upper visible section represents daytime, and the lower section deep within the earth represents night time. Which one is more important, the root system of the tree..... (Night time.) [Laughter] Don't laugh. This is a very good example that I am giving to you. If the root system is not strong enough, it makes no difference what color your face is or how proud you may be, because within a few days you will collapse without a strong enough foundation. This Western civilization is now being crushed because it represents the culture of autumn. Therefore, when the winter culture appears, the culture of Siberia, the autumn culture will collapse, will become completely buried. As long as you have strong roots you can expect the following spring. These are the Last Days, when the Lord of the Second Advent will come to this world and give us the new Spring culture. The Spring culture is now on the Earth. These are the end times.
We are now in the month of May and everything is blooming. From now on the Unification Church will experience this kind of prosperity. Do you like that? This is the world spring culture. After the fall, we lost the world spring culture and world summer culture, becoming autumn. Now we are coming back around to springtime. During these last forty years, the Unification Church leader, Reverend Moon, was persecuted by the cold winter winds, winter winds, snowy winter. Centered upon Reverend Moon, the Unification Church leader, the so-called, bad guy! A bad or good guy? (Good.) From the satanic world's viewpoint they called me bad, but from God's perspective, I am good. Which one do you choose? (Good guy.) Without Heaven and God you cannot connect with this good guy. Even Satan's color is bad. How can we change that back to God's side? The fallen world and humankind need that kind of mission: how to belong to God's world and how to change this world back to God's world. Without that kind of world, you will be forever opposite of God's side; you belong to Satan's brood, Satan's tribe. You have to clearly understand this point.

Roots which grow deep in winter
support growth in spring

Even after the severe winter wind and snow, Reverend Moon now has sprung out visibly this much [indicating to the diagram on the board]. However, his root system is strong enough to hold a tree several thousand feet high. Now that springtime has come to the Unification Church this tree will grow infinitely and unlimited. [Applause] When Father's tree grows so rapidly, don't you want to be a branch or twig on that particular tree? Then what size of branch do you want to become? A branch the size of America or a little tiny branch? (A huge branch.) If we compare America with the cosmos then it appears no bigger than your little finger.
As Unification Church Blessed couples, we need to grow our minds as big as the cosmos. Since the root is big enough to hold any size of tree, then even if any persecution hits you as a small branch, just like Father hit Mr. Kim's head, because this root system is strong, you will continue to grow. The more you get hit, the bigger tree you will become and even God will be there. Therefore, do you welcome persecution or not? (Yes.)
During the last forty years of my life, I didn't come out of the ground, I didn't want to show myself to the world. But as a root system underneath the ground, Father made sure that the roots were strong and secure. No one likes night time, so Father took the night time and made sure that there was a strong enough foundation to restore the entire world. That has been my goal these last forty years. To work in the night time in order to bring the morning! Amen. (Amen.) Did you see how Father said Amen? It means A-number-1- man! Let's do it together: A-MEN! A-MEN! A-MEN! [Applause] Father is willing to continue this for three hours, but if we continue to do it, someone might have a heart attack. [Laughter]
We are incomplete beings. Isn't that true? (Yes.) Do you think that God has hope in Reverend Moon? (Yes. Absolutely.) The vertical and horizontal lines are limitless, expanding to eternity. [Father draws on the board] This is the aim and goal for everyone and all creation. Here, plus and minus begin to grow and form families. What is the aim of this? This central point [indicating to the diagram on the board]. Above this line represents the spiritual world. From the spiritual world point of view, they have to come down to this central point. But the world of man and woman should go up to meet this central point.
As a man (plus), he continues to grow and once he reaches this point [indicating to the diagram on the board] he should realize he should not just keep going a straight line but he needs to move in the direction of the center point, because this straight line does not have the ability to create harmony. The same principle applies to woman. As soon as she reaches this point [indicating to the board], she should not keep going in the straight line but she should turn and come toward this central point. Once this minus reaches maturity there, she will automatically be pulled by this mature plus figure. While they remain in the immature stage, their pulling strength is weak. But once they reach maturity, both will have strong pulling power in order to pull each other toward the center. They both have to cover this much distance from both sides and then become one at this central point.

As human beings our goal is
to build the original family

What kind of power does it take to bring them into absolute unity there? As human beings our goal is to build the original family. As a man and woman we have to become an original couple. That is why we all have to come to this central point. God's goal or aim is to find His own ideal family there. When boys and girls become mature, without being instructed they naturally find ways to come closer to one another. Didn't you ladies have such an experience? Girls appear to be very quiet and subtle and don't even look at boys. However, if there are three boys, you immediately are able to select which one you would like for your ideal partner. [Laughter] You have the ability to make that kind of comparison and choice, do you not? (Yes.) I don't know because I am not a woman. [Laughter] No matter how famous a man might be, he has to learn through woman. In this time I want to learn something too. [Laughter]
You thief-like men have the same experience, do you not? You are like thieves because you are the descendants of the Archangel. Who is stronger, man or woman? Who do you think raped whom in the Garden of Eden? Do you think Eve raped Adam or did Adam pull Eve towards him and rape her? Which one? Usually the crime of rape is tried in a court. Have you heard of any case where a woman forcibly took a man and raped him? (No.) Father never heard of such a case. How about you? (No.) The conclusion is simple: Men are in the wrong. Man is bad. When a woman pulls you for whatever purpose, do you have to follow her voluntarily with joy and happiness, or do you have to resist that pull through exerting your strength, using your foot as a brake? Even if you use your foot as a brake to resist, but someone is still able to pull you away from yourself, then that person is a robber or a thief.
In the secular world, if a man seduces a woman and she voluntarily follows that man then no crime has been committed according to secular law. Suppose a woman has a true lover, but sometimes she feels lonely. Don't you think that she will sometimes yearn for her true lover and desire that he come and take her? When you look deeply into someone's eyes you can find out what she wants. There is a way of measuring a woman by looking into her eyes. At first she might half close her eyes, not looking at you, but as soon as she feels open to you or comfortable with you, she will look fully back at you. Then if she were to become crazy about you, then her eyeballs will speak. [Laughter] That is the signal and the time for you to pull her towards you and she will voluntarily come. According to the standard of the secular world that is not a crime; it is not rape.

God, man and woman want to meet
at the central point.

The same principle applies to men. When you women look at men, observe their eyes and mouth because they are in the partner position. If his eyes and mouth smile together when he looks at you that is a good sign. Then you can confidently call him and he will follow you. Even in the animal kingdom, they have certain signals to call one another.
Everyone's aim is this central point [pointing to the diagram on the board]. God, man, woman, family, everyone wants to meet at this central point. This is the way that it develops and progresses, through eight different stages. Yet in whatever stage you may be, the center is the same vertical line. On the contrary, God will begin coming downward to meet at this central point. [Father draws on the board] This is the aim of God also. The vertical and horizontal lines represent the entire cosmos. The center point is where the vertical and horizontal lines meet. That center is your family. At the point where God, man and woman meet, at this central point, there is only one thing to be done and that is the establishment of a family. This is the place of God's most favored son and daughter. They are our original ancestors, Adam and Eve, who were most favored by God.
Adam and Eve were supposed to go through this process of reaching maturity and reaching the center with God. Did God create two women and one man, or two men and one woman, or one man and one woman? (One man and one woman.) Do you think that was based upon God's eternal formula, or something God established temporarily? (Eternal formula.) Because Adam and Eve were the representatives of the entire cosmos. Suppose, within our ancestry, there were two grandmothers and one grandfather, what kind of result would we have today? Would there have been peace or fighting between these two grandmothers? (Fighting.) Would the grandfather also be involved? Surely he would have trouble too. This would certainly not be a place of happiness. Rather, it would be a hellish place, certainly not heavenly.

Lucifer was attracted to naked Eve.
You must resist this temptation

When Eve was originally tempted and deceived by the Archangel, do you think she voluntarily followed him or did she resist? (Voluntarily.) Imagine if you will, Adam as a young boy in the Garden of Eden, wild and running around investigating everything and leaving Eve by herself. They were both naked and unashamed originally. As Eve's body was maturing, suddenly the archangel approached her with an evil intent in his heart. Sometimes Eve would sit in the lap of the archangel and their sexual organs would be quite close to one another. They were accustomed to seeing the animals around them mating and caring for their young. Then, in the blink of an eye, easily a relationship occurred between them. The Archangel took interest in this kind of phenomenon, so he took action. It is that easy to fall into an illicit relationship of love.
As a young, strong man, ask yourself, if you were in that situation with a pretty, naked woman sitting on your lap, don't you think that you would experience the same temptation? (Yes.) As a man, in order to fulfill restoration through indemnity, no matter if a beautiful naked woman is in front of you touching your body, your love organ should not become erect. Rather, it should remain almost as if it were dead, without feeling. That is the action for indemnity. If that most beautiful woman attempts to touch and place your love organ into her, then you have to kick her about 1,000 miles away from you. If you were to kick her so hard that she landed some place far away and immediately died, do you think that God would punish you for that? (No.) Would God praise or punish you? (Praise.) That is an act of self defense. [Laughter] You are all laughing, but you should seriously be able to do that. Those of you who have the confidence to do so, raise your hands. (Yes. We can do it.) Just because you know this truth which I have taught you this morning, you have confidence. But without knowing this, you have no such confidence.
By giving one strong kick to such a woman and sending her away, you possess the entire universe. Heaven and Earth would then belong to you. Don't you want to do that then? (Yes.) If you ladies can also practice that kind of principled life, then God would come down as your husband. That is the world where you no longer need any commandment. [Pointing to the board again]

The center represents
the ideal family we long for

The center represents the ideal family which God, Adam and Eve all long for. Centering upon this original ideal family, we have to expand it throughout these eight various stages: family, tribe, society, nation, world, and cosmos. No matter how much this expansion takes place, your individual family is the representative of the entire cosmos. That is how your family becomes qualified to receive God and have God dwell with you. That is where we live as God's children and the place where God's lineage can be found. Through the lineage, the parent and child relationship is established. Originally, God wanted to have this kind of family and cosmos, but due to the fall this entire foundation was lost. Therefore it has taken thousands of years in order for God to reestablish this family. Finally in the Last Days, the True Parents came and have established the original family. We now are in the time of the expansion of this True Family to the cosmic level.
Not only True Family, but also the expansion of the True Family should be free from Satan's accusation, all the way to the entire cosmos eventually. Do you truly understand the concept of indemnity from the individual level to world level? You might think you understand the concept, but in reality, do you really understand? In order for us to be able to reach the goal here [indicating to the diagram] and travel freely vertically and horizontally from the individual level to the cosmic level, we have to inherit the victorious foundation already established by True Parents. That is the only course that we have. All the women in the Unification Church have to become like the second Mother's position, a branch of True Mother. All the men are in the position of branches of the Archangel position.
Every human being has approximately forty billion cells. Men, please consider yourselves as being attached to Father's forty billion cells and carrying those cells. Likewise, women should consider yourselves to carry Mother's forty billion cells. In order to do that, you have to demonstrate your absolute faith, love and obedience to True Parents. By doing so, you will become qualified to carry Father and Mother's forty billion cells. Just like plus and minus, you have to become part of Father and Mother's cells.
In a couple of days, Father and Mother will leave for Sรฃo Paulo. If you truly want to be physically with True Parents, you have to transform yourself into a small fly and sit on Father's coat tail; that way you can achieve your goal and you can even enter the airplane without showing your ticket! [Laughter] Just hang onto True Parents. That is the kind of faith, love and obedience which is known as absolute faith, love and obedience. Once you land in Sรฃo Paulo, you will become absolutely free because you will have reached the goal. At the stage of completion, we do not need concepts such as absolute faith, love and obedience because you will have become totally one with them.

Hang on to True Father as if he were
a big fish to reel in

Again, we do not truly understand what indemnity means. However, as long as you have an invisible rope attached to Father, then even when you are far away from Father, you can still hang onto this rope and find your way back to him. That is the key. No matter how far you cast a fishing line, once the fish strikes, then it is simply a matter of reeling it in. You are now in the position of fishermen holding the fishing rod. Father is the king fish which you have to hook and make sure that he doesn't get free. You just have to keep on reeling him in. Is that true? (Yes.) This fishing line is absolute faith, love and obedience. Even if he takes a big bite, you still have to hang on and keep on reeling him in. In this process, even if your ideal lover, your president or physical parents call you, do not even look at them. Rather kick them away and hang onto the fishing rod.
As man and woman reach maturity they naturally follow this angle, meet together and form the ideal family. Then they can travel freely to the Kingdom of Heaven where God dwells. They can also travel freely to the bottom of Hell and still it will be the Kingdom of Heaven. In other words, you are absolutely free. [Father draws on the board] This section represents man and this represents woman; a big plus and big minus. Here I am drawing a double line because between the physical and spiritual world there is free travel. There is no limitation or boundary. God is in the position of plus and humankind is in the position of minus. Spiritual world is plus and the physical world is minus. This plus and minus relationship is operating wherever we look. Once this center starts moving, then the entire cosmos will move at the same time.

The ideal family is perfect and complete
from every viewpoint

Once the ideal family is established it represents the entire cosmos. This is the completion point of this right hand section, left hand section, upper and lower sections. From every angle you look, this is the point of perfection and completion. Everything turns around this core point. We have to establish such a family. This is the road that we have to follow in this cosmic era of blessed families. True Parents are the central root, central trunk, and central bud, all connecting in one direct way. You are branches and twigs centering upon this vertical, central root, trunk and bud. Since True Parents are the central bud, trunk and root, we have to hang onto True Parents and become all different sizes of branches. How big a branch you become is entirely up to you. Would you like to become a small American branch or a big branch? Which country is larger, America or China? The population of China is four or five times larger than America. Even Russia is bigger than America in that sense.
If you become one of the major branches then you will have other small branches and twigs attached to you. If you cut off that branch and plant it in the ground, it will become another tree, which means another nation. I have given you such a blessing as an individual messiah, family messiah, tribal messiah, national messiah, and eventually, the world cosmic messiah. That is the goal we have to strive towards. Amen! (Amen!) The blessed families are true parents, or messiah. True Parents have two kinds of meaning. One is the family and one is True Parents. The Old Testament True Parents are the True Messiah. The first messiah, representing the Old Testament, wanted that kind of point. Jesus came to the Earth as the second messiah, but Jesus was not able to make a family and lost everything as a consequence. He could not make the heavenly settlement on the Earth. The third messiahship is the time of the Lord of the Second Advent. That means the world victorious foundation, beginning from the family and expanding vertically and horizontally.
Now we understand the meaning of True Parents. True Parents are in the position of the third Adam, to restore the failure of the first and second Adam, and they are the True Parents of humankind. The original couple who were to become True Parents in the Old Testament era failed. And in the New Testament era, Jesus failed to establish the position of the True Parents. Therefore, in the Completed Testament era, the True Parents finally came to this world and completed this mission. That is why the concept of Blessed families has come into being and the Blessing is taking place in this world. Since True Parents have won the victory in every direction, there is no opposition or persecution whatsoever. Amen! (Amen.) Every person and every living creature are supposed to welcome True Parents. All creation is liberated. Mansei! (Mansei!)

The Blessing is creating
the worldwide family system

This is why I have given you the title this morning: The Cosmic Era of the Blessed Family. This is what it means. The time of the 3.6 million couples Blessing on November 29 will be the time when vertically Heaven and Earth and the entire world horizontally, will meet together and become united. It is like the whole of humanity, without the fall, is awaiting the Blessing on November 29, 1997. It has that much value. It is equivalent to the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve making the family system. During this heavenly era you can use your power to bring your parents and relatives to the Blessing without Satan's accusation. After they receive the Blessing, they will be so grateful to you, even though you might have to somewhat pressure them to attend. This is the place where the family is being created to receive the entire universal value as one family. As I told you earlier today, if we were to pull out the entire lineage from any one woman or man, the entire ancestry would be pulled by that string.
True Parents have appeared in the Last Days. Now, through indemnity, they have won the victory and liberated Jesus and the New Testament, as well as the Old Testament all the way back to Adam and Eve. If you truly follow Father's direction and bring your relatives to the Blessing, and establish this kind of foundation, then your entire ancestry will be attached to you. Then you will be able to liberate this ancestral line. From November 29, the new era of Blessing from this physical world will be extended to the era of Blessing even in the spiritual world. Until now, even within the spiritual world there existed splits and separation. Originally the Kingdom of God was supposed to be taken by Adam and Eve who were to fulfill their responsibility to build the original ideal family. Then together with their family, they would live together with God and enter into the Kingdom of God in the spiritual world. But due to the fall of man, this did not take place. In other words the Kingdom of God is still empty. In these Last Days, as long as we are totally united with True Parents, then based upon True Parents' victory of the establishment of the true family on the horizontal level, we will have the privilege of becoming the citizens of the Kingdom of God.

The Kingdom of God is the
natural extension of tribal messiahship

Just as in the time of Adam and the Old Testament era, and Jesus and the New Testament era, we are in the position to be able to restore and indemnify our ancestral line so that the entire spiritual world can be liberated. Up until now, the religions of the world have focused upon individual level salvation. But once we come out of that shell and follow True Parents we enter into the family level. The family level automatically extends to the nation, world and entire cosmos. Therefore we can build the Kingdom of God here. As Unification Church Blessed couples, if we truly fulfill the role of tribal messiahs, there is an automatic extension. That is why we can truly restore this world into the Kingdom of God. For this purpose, Father took down the HSA-UWC sign and placed a new sign: The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. Until now, unification needed Christianity. Christianity means including the Old Testament era and the New Testament era. If these are cut away, then the Completed Testament era cannot stand. Without the foundation of the Old and the New Testament era, the Completed Testament era could not find settlement. Now the era of Christianity is over. Now the Blessing time has come to this world. Christianity can no longer persecute Reverend Moon in any way.

Now is the time for salvation of
the whole world at one time

The members of the Family Federation for World Peace are not just Christians. They are the sovereigns of nations and powerful leaders. Do you understand? No one can stand against this. The Christian world is following behind Reverend Moon, as well as Roman Catholicism and Protestantism. Everything is behind me, making that highway. There are no obstacles. One Blessing can liberate all the nations' people too. It is not only the way of individual salvation now. It is now the way of family salvation, tribal salvation, national salvation and worldwide salvation, all at one time. How wonderful this time is that we now live in. [Applause] Father is not speaking of concepts. This is a reality. Look at this secular world. Everywhere the families are broken down. No leader, no educator in this world can correct this. Only Reverend Moon can do this, only True Parents. God didn't touch Adam's family at the time of the fall. God could not touch them. Only True Parents are able to touch that situation. Without the power of True Parents, humanity cannot be saved eternally. Do you understand? (Yes Father.)
So remember, we are living in the cosmic era of Blessed families. Therefore our responsibility is to reach out to our immediate family members and relatives so that we can bring them to the next Blessing. Our goal is to bring 160-180 families to be blessed. This is how you can begin registration in the Kingdom of God. Centering upon this number of restored families we can then think of restoring our nation. Since we are living in this providential era, don't you want to become tribal messiahs or national messiahs? (Yes.) The period for individual salvation is over. This is the era when the family, tribe, nation and entire world can be transformed into the heavenly side. This is a turning time and a most serious time from God's perspective. From humanity's perspective it is the same kind of serious time. Without taking this kind of action you cannot connect. No matter how famous your family may be you cannot connect to the national base. Father understands this kind of thing. America has persecuted me until now. Why? Father has made the kind of highway where every nation, tribe, and family can travel, the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and in Heaven.

The Divine Principle is
your steering wheel

Father even provided the Divine Principle, like a steering wheel for you. Are you not even able to drive a car? Father has created everything for you. The body of the automobile, wheels, steering wheel and everything has been created. If you cannot use that automobile you are lost. Everything is ready for you. Even the gasoline has been provided and Father even gave you driving lessons. Why are you unable to do it? It is all up to you now. Do you understand Father's message? (Yes.)
Over a week ago, over 140 national messiahs came to see Father. They testified to Father that as they began working in their mission nations, they came to realize that Father had prepared foundations there without their knowledge. Everything was ready for them. Everything was already prepared by Father. Now all they have to do is give their sincere effort. If in Father's place they give the message as Father does, then everyone will naturally follow. This was their testimony. There are tens and thousands of so-called movers and shakers in the world. There are all kinds of leaders and VIPs out there. We simply have to work with them. Last night Father gave a banquet and message to the Board and Faculty members of the Unification Theological Seminary and the University of Bridgeport. Over 140 of those distinguished guests gathered at East Garden. Father urged them with a strong message and they humbly accepted.
Behind Father there are many Nobel prize winners, scientists, politicians and scholars. If they were truly mobilized to push America then America would surely be pushed. No one realizes this. No one realizes the kind of mission Father is doing at the world level. Unification Church members think that Father is a strange man. They have never understood what was behind Father's actions. Even after forty years of life with True Parents, leaders and other people still fail to understand what Father is doing.
As precious Unificationists, are you willing to follow the road of perdition or the road of prosperity? (Prosperity.) The way to prosperity is by expanding the cosmic age of the family era. We have to work harder and harder. There is no time to waste. There is truly no time. We need to minimize eating, sleeping and play time. The secular world is sleeping and resting. However, this is the time for expansion and prosperity on the Earth. Don't lose this precious time. Be proud of taking this important action. Will you follow Father? (Yes.) Make a big sound. Yes or no? (Yes!) Thank you. [Applause]