Showing posts with label Reverend. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reverend. Show all posts





June 22, 1986
Translator - Bo Hi Pak

Whether from the East or the West, whether in the past or the present, all people want to possess or own things. Has anyone ever acquired ownership of the highest, ultimate things? The first man and woman-the original ancestors of mankind-must have had a very strong desire to gain that highest ownership, but they could not. We must understand why they did not achieve that goal.
Had the first ancestors achieved ownership of the highest things, their descendants would have inherited it and enjoyed it throughout history. The question is, why could they not achieve such ownership and through what process did they lose it? It was because of the fall of man.
Few people nowadays have a clear concept of the fall of man. If there had been no fall, and no such concept had come into being, then there would have been no evil, so we would have no need for a standard to distinguish between good and evil. If history had progressed according to the theory of evolution, as many people today believe, then there actually should be no such thing as the difference between good and evil. Whatever is a reality in our present time would have to be justified because it is the result of the evolutionary process.
It is only when we establish the existence of a purposeful Creator that we can establish a standard for good and evil. The minds of all men and women are always aspiring to achieve something higher. That is basic human nature. When you achieve a higher plateau you are elevated into a higher position, and your sphere of influence becomes larger and greater. The ultimate human aspiration throughout history has been to achieve one united world community. Is this present world the one for which all forty-four billion people who have ever lived have aspired, or is there something else we have to think about?
Religious teachings have indicated that there are both a physical world and a spiritual world which together comprise the cosmos. It is universally true that whatever is sown will be reaped. Division and discord have come into the world because of the fall; likewise, each person suffers from division between mind and body. When we say that we are destined to return to ultimate fruitfulness, what does it mean? It means that we are destined to be restored to the state where the fall had not taken place, or the position in which original man and woman would have dwelled.
God created the cosmos first, and then Adam, and then Eve. The fourth and fifth entities were the children- Cain and Abel-but they were engendered after the fall. The fallen Cain and Abel were never a part of the original scheme of creation.
The cosmos, Adam, and Eve-numbers one, two and three-were the initial, Principled creations of God. He created them centered upon the fulfillment of love, but then what happened? That love was infiltrated by evil and division came about. Cain and Abel became a symbol of division, because of the fall. That is the way history was sown and that is the way history is being reaped. The restoration had to begin, therefore, from the fallen Adam and Eve.
Division occurred in the first family; from the beginning, the mind and body were divided. Since then, the family became divided; the community became divided; the tribe and clan were divided; the nation was divided; ultimately what we see today is a world divided. Instead of one world we have, basically, two worlds. This is the worldwide manifestation of that original seed of division which was sown. Now we are reaping those seeds on the worldwide scale.
Each person has a mind and a body which are divided. The world of the mind could be called the theistic world, while the world of the body is the materialistic world. There is division and struggle between these two worlds, instead of harmony and unity. That struggle began from day one, from the day of the fall of Adam and Eve-the first ancestors of mankind.
When do we expect to see all these divisions healed and unity to occur? If Satan's invasion was the cause of the division, when do we have unity? It is when we chase out Satan and invite God in. Satan's weapon was satanic love, or self-centered love. We have to invite God in, therefore, and use God's love as our weapon to chase out Satan.
The love of God, which involves concern for the whole, is entirely opposite to satanic love. Although we observe the problems of mankind on a large, worldwide scale, the root of the problem lies within individual men and women. The United States of America is a gigantic nation with a Christian heritage. Thus the love of God, which is selfless love, should be the binding center of this nation. But what we have now is the opposite: self-centered love is prevailing in this country. Instead of God's love binding people together into one, selfish love is dividing people. That is why all kinds of perversions of love have occurred.
Do you think that most people in the United States today feel a relationship between themselves and the world? Do they have a poignant feeling of patriotism toward America? What about children-do they have strong feelings of filial piety toward their parents? Is there a commitment between husbands and wives to permanent, eternal and sacred love? All of these levels of relationship have become divided and secularized, almost like matters of business, or contracts.
Although the desire of each individual is to enjoy the highest ownership, the power of selfish love is always bringing division, rather than unity and harmony. Under those circumstances, can we ever obtain the highest ownership? The whole problem of the world can be boiled down to each individual-the self. That one self is the battleground where each of us must obtain the victory.
The Unification Church is looking forward today to achieving a worldwide victory. We have to transform and change the fallen world from the bottom up. Satan is the master of the fallen world. He got hold of each individual; not only every individual is divided, but so is the entire world. Therefore, the solution has to start with the individual. The individual was originally conceived in the love of God, according to His original concept of creation, which was total goodness.
There are two types of individuals: man and woman. That means one is a representative of Adam and the other is a representative of Eve. Unless we transform the satanic world and all the satanic elements within it into something entirely new, we certainly cannot hope to become the original, Heavenly Adam and Eve. No matter how much you may struggle to rid yourself of the shackles of Satan, you cannot do it; you are always swimming in the same pool of water. Thus nothing short of an ejection is needed; we have to eject ourselves from this old world, but we need incredible momentum to do that.
Although the self wants to eject from the fallen world, it does not exist in isolation; it is connected to the family, clan, tribe, nation and world. The most important credo by which to eject is to achieve victory over yourself; then you have to prevail over the family and then the clan, the nation and the world. This is the way to restoration.
When we look at human history, we see that there have been all kinds of philosophies and ways of thinking, but the most important of all these has been religious thought. Philosophy has changed and evolved at different times in history, striving toward modernity in each era. Religious thought, however, has always stayed with certain fundamental, unchanging principles and concepts. Philosophy changes because it is a product of human thinking and it exists on the horizontal level; it always changes along with the changes of human society. But religious thought is based on God, who is eternal and unchanging; for that reason, it has a fundamentally unchanging quality.
There is one common principle which has guided religious thought throughout history and that is self-denial. Humanist philosophy has not had this thread running through it. Through religion, people are taught to set themselves apart from this world. That is why religious teaching has always engendered struggle and even bloodshed. The power of the nation, or the government, in every age has been the major obstacle in this self-denial process. Therefore, we have to go beyond the nation in order to achieve the level of the world.
The ultimate religion must recognize no national boundaries; it must go beyond nations, skin colors, and cultural idiosyncrasies and work on a global basis. A religion such as that must ultimately arise. Many national governments and sovereignties throughout history have persecuted religion, but behind all these was Satan. Satan has used whatever tool he could, particularly government power Satan is always opposing your improvement, your self-denial process, but God's force is propelling you forward, giving you strength to do it.
We call this time the end of the world. What is the meaning of the end of the world? What is going to happen? When the autumn comes, the harvest begins. The farmer goes out and harvests the fruits. What kind of fruits-good or rotten? World history has come to its own autumn harvest. What is the good fruit of the world today and what is the bad fruit? This world has produced predominantly bad fruit, but individuals within that world are looking for something good; they don't want to accept the world's evil.
The owner of evil is Satan and the owner of goodness is God. The forces of Satan have to be shrunk, so they must go from the world level to the nation, then to the clan, family, individual and finally disappear. How about goodness? It must start from the original, tiny seed and go up; the process is exactly the opposite. Good must go up and evil must go down. God has been looking for the good fruit which can prevail in history-in other words, the individual who can gain victory over the evil history.
What kind of individual are you? Do you first think, "I am an American,,? Or do you say, "I am a white woman"? Or "I am a black man"? Do you define yourself in such a way? Your skin color, your nationality and so forth are all part of your satanic baggage-they don't matter. The important thing is the contents, what is inside the bags.
Every seed contains two pieces, covered by a thin skin. Nestled between those two pieces is the tiny embryo, the beginning point of new life. The world itself is divided into two pieces, like a seed. But no matter how big the pieces are, this world has no embryo. Who shall be in the position to bring that embryo to the world, to provide the source of new life? God is the first cause of life, the one who provides the embryo. No matter how big and powerful the world which was initiated by Satan may become, it doesn't have the source of true life; it has no embryo.
Today in the fallen world the two pieces are the communists and the democratic blocs. Searching both of these worlds, can we find an embryo there? The true embryo is a genuinely good one; it will ultimately transform the whole world. The two Darts of the seed provide the nourishment for the embryo, enabling it to grow. By the same token, the world will provide the nourishment for the embryo and enable it to spread through the entire world.
For a seed to grow, it must be planted in soil and given a certain amount of moisture and heat; it needs a favorable environment. The environment must provide warmth. The embryo cannot germinate unless the heat of its surroundings is greater than its own temperature. The heat we are talking about is love. Human life germinates in love; without its warmth there can be no growth.
We could say that one side of the seed represents the father and the other represents the mother; between the two, the new individual is formed. Can we just rip out one of the sides and replace it with another part at whim? But that is what is happening in American homes today; the father and mother do not remain intact.
What about the democratic world and the communist world-are they achieving harmony and unity and giving nourishment to the embryo on the world level? Centering on humanity, are they one? No, absolutely not. For that reason, we cannot put any hope in that world.
Therefore, we have to eject ourselves from that world and land within a new world. That new world has to begin from a new germination, which springs from a new embryo. We must become that new embryo. That is what our job is-to eject from the old world and its shackles and become a new embryo.
The embryo is in the plus position, while the rest of the seed is in the minus position. The minus part must sacrifice itself for the growth of the embryo and nourish it. Adam and Eve, for example, were created as the embryo of the world and the universe itself provided their nourishment. The embryo doesn't grow only to the size of the seed; it is meant to burst out and become much greater and larger than the seed. Self-perfection of the whole seed comes when the embryo grows; even though part of the seed must sacrifice itself for the embryo, it will become something far greater than the seed itself. Thus every component of the seed feels its own fulfillment when that happens.
We are living in the time of harvest, and we have gone beyond the level of the nations. The entire world has opposed the Unification Church, including the United States, Korea, Japan, and Europe. Every power has tried to stop us. Satan does not want to see us move to the world level, so he has tried to hold us down to the national level. That is because the highest authority of Satan is the nation, or national power.
Once the world becomes united, the significance of the nation will be diminished. God's original plan was for men and women to possess the world, not just the nation. Each individual's ownership goes from one level to an other higher one-from individual all the way to the world-in his struggle for goodness. Suppose there had been no religion throughout history. Without religion, there is no power by which people can break their shackles on the levels of clan, society, and nation. Without the religious concept, which is based on love, there is no way the barriers between White and Black can be broken down. East and West cannot come together; neither can North and South-nor can those differences between wealth and social standard find common ground. These barriers can only be broken down through religious principles and the power of love.
Satan does not like any attempt to bring the world together; he truly hates to see such a thing. That is because a united world is God's original ideal. It is the satanic desire to have many sovereignties, many divided nations-Satan loves that because he loves division. The divided situation is always on Satan's side.
Our goal is to see ultimate unity, but today we see two worlds-one of democracy and one of communism. They will never become one on their own. Satan would never allow that because he knows it would mean his end. Thus we have to be powerful and apply pressure and energy in order to unify these two worlds.
Reverend Moon is Satan's worst enemy because I am the one who can break through all his barriers. Satan has become defensive toward me. He says, "Reverend Moon, you can be nice and comfortable. Why should you always try to struggle between mind and body? That's baloney. Enjoy the world. I will give you power." What do you think-should Reverend Moon have division within his own mind and fight within himself?
A struggle within an individual signifies the worldwide struggle because once the battle is won on the individual level, it will ultimately be won on the worldwide level. Once unity is achieved, it will penetrate like a bullet, going through all the walls, all the way to the worldwide level, and Satan knows it.
Anyone who tries to follow Reverend Moon will meet all the forces that Satan can mobilize to stop him. Some of Satan's best allies in that effort are the parents who say, "Hey, you are my child! Don't go near that Reverend Moon." This is the front line of struggle. The battle begins with the individual. When Reverend Moon won the individual victory, he moved right on to the family level. If Reverend Moon's mind and body are divided, that would reflect in the division of the family as well. In order to engender the battle on the worldwide level, Reverend Moon came to America because this is the center of the world.
How far has Reverend Moon come, really? Today I have the reputation of being the one man in the world who has the solution to communism. As we have said, the two opposing camps in the world are the democratic world, the basically theistic camp which accepts the existence of God, and the communist world, the atheistic camp. In the theistic world, however, there is a prevailing trend toward secularism and humanism, which is basically atheistic. So the two worlds together have put up a barricade to Reverend Moon's forces, saying, "You cannot go any further." Reverend Moon has penetrated, however, making a spiritual beachhead.
Reverend Moon has not only brought a solution to communism; he has also solved the problems of secular democratic society. Within Reverend Moon there is something you cannot find in the communist or the democratic world-there is an embryo, a new beginning. Neither America nor the communist world knows what Reverend Moon knows. There is something completely new, and special; something brand new and priceless.
We are about to break through with that brand new force, that embryo. It's almost like a rocket launching. You've got to have great power for the initial thrust. That initial thrust of the rocket engine will blow the two worlds away! The rocket will take off and the two worlds will be left behind. The Unification Church has the solution to the divisions between East and West and North and South. Can the United States solve these divisions? What about communism? Can it digest this theistic, democratic world? No, it cannot. But then, once they accept Reverend Moon, they will find the power, the solution, the embryo that can truly liberate the agony of communism and the free world.
North and South, East and West-it's a gigantic world, but here in the center is the core, the nucleus of genuine pure love. That is what will grow into the family, and then into the clan, tribe, and nation. We have already encompassed the national level. We have grown into, and must go beyond, the national level.
Do you have a simple concept of the United States? Why not? We do not have a simple teaching but a providential one. When we even speak of America, we also mean there are other nations. Thus since there is more than one nation, they are under the satanic domain. God never wanted to see more than one nation. Two nations always come under Satan because it means division occurred. When the division occurred between North and South, that was a manifestation of the satanic nature. East and West divided and that was the same.
Any movement that does not bring East and West and North and South into one is satanic because that division must be conquered. There are people who claim the supremacy of their group over other peoples. For instance, some claim the supremacy of the Anglo Saxons; others claim Jewish supremacy. But they are automatically put tiny themselves in the satanic camp because they are promoting division. The Unification Church is one, promoting one nation under God. That is the overriding principle and teaching of the Unification Church. Only one nation-is that clear?
Do you Americans think, "Reverend Moon comes from the Oriental culture? If so, you are allying yourself with the satanic camp because you are thinking in divided terms. I am not Oriental, not at all. How can I prove it? Because Korea, an Oriental nation, gave me the most persecution of all. After forty years of struggle, the Korean people are finally coming to the realization that Revere end Moon is a most important man for them. They have asked me to stay there. But today in America, people are still looking askance at me. So far, only the American Moonies have given a true welcome to Reverend Moon. The rest of the nation hasn't. But will that embryo grow, or stay the same?
Are you growing? What about you blessed couples? Now that you have your spouse and children and so many more responsibilities, have you forgotten about everything else? If so, you are bringing yourself down to the satanic side. That is because you are saying, "The church is one thing and I am different." Thus there are already two entities and such division is satanic. No matter how difficult it may be, you should say, "I will go this way, crossing into Canaan, even if I must carry my family and tribe on my back. The church and I are united into one." God gave Moses that one mandate: one nation under one God. But the Israeli people thought differently and therefore Satan invaded.
We must give everything we have for the sake of others. How can we prove that within our way of life? Well, our marriages prove that. We recognize no boundaries between nations, cultures or languages. "Fallen" means fallen love, which is Satan's love. On the other hand is God's side and God's love.
The love of God brings total give and take and exchange between people. Those who have international marriages have sometimes complained, "Oh, Father, we have found this so very difficult!" But I wanted them to be difficult! If they were easy, what would be accomplished? Nothing. What would be your credit? Nothing. With the international family, you can kick the international Satan-with one kick. I want to give you that kind of weapon, so you will have that capacity. In a way, those international marriages have been a greater burden and more responsibility, but also greater credit and prestige. With no common language, different cultures, food and customs, how can you expect such a marriage to be easy?
As I have said, there is only one subject and that is true love. Any other element can be absorbed under that love, no matter how difficult or huge it might be. Unless you are united, you remain as two separate entities and you are inviting satanic separation. If you take your Blessing lightly, it means it is a fake-the fake International Wedding. If you come to the Unification Church and try to exploit God, taking advantage of Him for your selfish benefit, it is just no good! Is that clear?
America will change its attitude toward Reverend Moon and will come to welcome me. Most recently, the special documentary film called "Nicaragua Was Our Home" was shown across the country on the public television stations. The program says, "This program was sponsored by Reverend Moon and CAUSA International. CAUSA is bringing a critique and counter-proposal to the ideology of Marxism-Leninism.," This is the most authentic proclamation of what Reverend Moon is doing for the sake of this country and particularly for the sake of Nicaragua. Therefore, who is taking the truly subjective role in solving the problem of Nicaragua? Is it the United States government, or Reverend Moon?
What do the American people say about this activity by Reverend Moon? Do they welcome it? What about the U.S. Congress-are they ashamed or not? The American people will say, "We cannot let Reverend Moon take responsibility for Nicaragua like that. We cannot be shamed in such a way." The U.S. Congress is opposing the Nicaraguan aid bill, while the President is trying to get it passed. That means the President and Reverend Moon are both working for the same goal-to get the Congress to capitulate to this bill.
I know that when I announce certain things in conferences the American members say, "That's just Father's Oriental thinking. We Americans will get together and digest Father's words in our own way." You have your own separate meetings, but that is satanic because it means you are separated from me. There is one big difference between the Japanese and American people. When I give a mandate to the Japanese, they don't think about it. They just plunge in, like diving into the water. Then they come back and say, "Father, it worked." Sometimes they say, "Father, it didn't work," but they always jump into the water first. When the mandate is given to the American people, they say, "Hmm. ... well, let me consider it." Some Americans think, "The Japanese way is savage and uncultivated. We are more cultured and sophisticated and we don't do things like that." Which one is satanic in that case-the American side or the Japanese side?
When I first came to America and New York and walked down Fifth Avenue, do you think I was overwhelmed and awed by the American culture? No, I was thinking, "I am ready to launch the struggle." Looking at Fifth Avenue, the Empire State Building and so forth, I was standing there and thinking, "All by myself, I am fighting against this power." That was eventually manifested in the court battle. Who actually won that battle in the sight of God? American people have come to realize, "Reverend Moon is needed here." That was the victory. New, fresh air is blowing over this country and people are thinking, "We made a mistake. We need Reverend Moon here."
Suppose there is a couple in which the husband is following my directions absolutely, and the wife is following him. Or vice versa: the wife is following me and the husband follows her. Whoever follows me in that situation is the subject. Anything else is satanic. So ask yourself which side you are standing on, God's side or the satanic side. You can evaluate yourself. Unless I had this clear, absolute concept, with not one iota of haziness, I would not have survived this far. There have always been temptations coming toward me-temptations of money, love, knowledge, prestige-all kinds.
Because of this attitude, I could even visit the house of a prostitute and, instead of that place prevailing over me, I could help to clean it up. That is the way I work. Wherever I go, I try to think how I can cleanse the surroundings, leaving more goodness there than I found.
Even if I became drunk on alcohol, I would only do it if that could be victorious in some way for the sake of God. Suppose I collapsed at some point; I would not want to fall backward but instead my dead body would fall forward, in order to advance. That principle applies to my children as well. Do you understand?
In a sense, you are entering the home of Adam and Eve in this restoration process, but you are in Cain and Abel's position. It is there that you come under True Parents. The Cain people say, "Oh, I don't need True Parents. I can manage on my own." That attitude of separation is satanic. It is even more hellish if Cain says, "I don't need my brother.,, We must become one horizontally and then vertically. Abel is the subject and Cain is the object. East and West, North and South-all become one within this horizontal concept of unity. Then the vertical unity is established with the Parents, centered upon the love of God. When this horizontal unity is consummated, vertical unity is possible and can be consummated. Then you become a true Adam-and Eve; you consummate the ideal of Adam and Eve within yourself.
You can inherit from the True Parents the virtue of the true Adam and Eve and you become one. Thus you become like the second generation of True Parents. Who shall prevail over the world? You? Who did it for you? Only the True Parents have the power to prevail over the world, simply because they alone are in the position of original, restored Adam and Eve. The false parenthood brought the evil society and the fallen world; goodness can never come through that. Only when the world finds the True Parents can there be victory over the satanic forces. Is this concept very clear to you?
Are you primarily a U.S. citizen or a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth? That Heavenly citizenship is your pride. No amount of money can buy it for you. Heavenly Kingdom citizens must go first through the gate of the Blessing. That is why the Blessing is so precious- it gives you that qualification. Without your spouse, you cannot become citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven because pairs together must be given citizenship. This is absolutely, logically correct.
What is our title today? "The Highest Ownership.,, What is the highest ownership? We own the entire cosmos because it belongs to our Father. What belongs to the Father belongs to the children. Thus we own the True Parents; ultimately, we possess God centered upon true love. Your own individual problems can never be solved without true love. The same is true for your family problems, as well as the problems of the nation and the world.
The highest ownership can be put into three categories. First of all, you own the God-created cosmos, which is spirit world and physical world together. Then you possess the original Adam and Eve's position, which is the True Parents, position. Then ultimately, you own God Himself. The dwelling of God is with you. That is the highest ownership.
True love never changes; that original heart of the love of God remains for eternity. The True Parents inherited that true love of God. The heart of the True Parents, no matter what happens in the world, will not change, not even one iota. For the past forty years, I have encountered one incredible situation after another, but I have always overcome them, one by one, and prevailed over them all. I went to communist labor camp, where death was everywhere, but that never stopped me from pursuing my goal. My mind was not changed even one little bit.
When you are sitting thinking, "I am so tired today. I just don't feel like doing anything," that is Satan whispering in your ear. That is when you must jump up and say, "What am I saying? God is with me; True Parents are with me." God is waiting for you, one step ahead of you. Therefore, when you reach out to take just one step forward, you meet God. Immediately, energy will come; bubbling enthusiasm will return. That most crucial moment is when you have the choice to turn around or go forward. If you think, "I want to lie down," and you just do that, you are not moving forward to the place of God, but backward to the place of Satan.
Your marriage does not belong just to you or exist for your own self-indulgence. You must marry because you want to advance the one, united world. You have your spouse because together you can get there first; you have children because you want that one world to flourish. That is the reason. Marriage is ultimately for the sake of God. We evangelize the world in order to accomplish that one world quicker. There are four billion people on the earth. How many people die every year without meeting the True Parents, without knowing God?
When you engage in business, you need some capital. In this great and glorious undertaking of the providential will, you also have to have some capital. What is your capital? What do you have that you can invest? One life-that is what you have. Since the love of God is at the center of your life, that capital can be accepted. As long as that love is there, you will be unchanging; that means you can join the club, in a way. It is an absolute necessity.
This pioneering task is not just for here on earth. If you don't do it here, you shall continue in the spirit world. But there the road is completely arduous because there is no place where you can be taught like this-no Belvedere. Once I am elevated to spirit world, I won't have to do anything further here on earth. True Parent's ideal is to see God's ideal realized. Once the True Parents, ideal becomes true and returns to the bosom of God, then God's work is done. For that reason, the satanic population growth does not bring joy to God.
Do you think the blessed couples should be using birth control or abortion? How many children can you multiply without birth control? Until they fill the earth. That is the way God wants the earth to be filled. The fallen population is meant to decrease while the Heavenly population should grow. That is what God wants and what I want to see. Mother is an excellent example of this. You know how many children she has given birth to.
You know now where we are going and where we are. No matter how difficult it may be, you must single-mindedly set out for the providential goal, striving toward the highest ownership of cosmic True Parents and God Himself. No matter how much suffering you endure, how much poverty you may go through, I know one thing: you will end up in the highest place in the Kingdom of Heaven. That is because you have the highest ownership. You will be the richest people in Heaven. Actually you don't have to suffer that much, because God did not design that all of you would have to go through the way that I went. I was able to prevail over the world and I set the pattern for you. Now you know where to go, how to go and what the goal is, right? One united concept, one victory, one world.
When you walk down the street, think, "I am walking toward that providential goal." Sometimes you may go into a bar, but you absolutely must not go there in order to assist the satanic world; you must do that only if in some way you are able to increase the Kingdom of God, such as by fund raising.
One concept, one mind-no matter what you do or where you go, there should be no deviation in your mind. You must be one person, with one mind dwelling with true love. When you have one mind, it needs to dwell only on true love.
The world is quickly changing in favor of God. Very soon the climate of society will become more favorable toward the Unification Church and Reverend Moon. In Korea, even the congressmen come to my talks about Unificationism; likewise in Japan. Among the primary providential nations, Korea has about 270 members of its legislative body; Japan has 511; the United States has 535. Suppose all the lawmakers of those three countries moved toward the Heavenly side. In any nation, the existence of two or more parties has been used by Satan as a means of keeping the country divided, but imagine if those two parties worked to unite the country. At the fall of man, two "parties" came into existence, and we can see that sort of system existing now within our society. That could not change until the True Parents came. Nobody else could change it.
What we need is both vertical and horizontal harmony. In the United States, the leader of the Democrats and the leader of the Republicans engage in all sorts of fighting; they practically curse each other. That is not harmony. It is more like the dialectic. When there is constant confrontation, there is no way the one world can be realized. Only when there is vertical and horizontal harmony between all parties can one world come to be.
How can this be applied to your life? Firstly there must be unity between husband and wife-that is horizontal unity. Then you must be vertically united with the True Parents. Should there be division and fighting between the vertical and horizontal planes? No, there should be one love uniting the husband and wife and uniting the True Parents and the children. Do you follow?
Anything that tries to contradict this way of true love will be pushed out by the environment and the spirit world. In other words, in time they will be regarded as foreign elements by the environment. In secular America today, there is division between parents and children; they are in contradiction. Also, men and women- husbands and wives-are in contradiction, struggle, and confrontation. God cannot dwell in such a situation. The family system is breaking down. It is a very unhappy situation-the family feeling is ice cold. There is a cold, chilly feeling between the parents and children, husband and wife.
In the Unification Church we are trying to come to the center, both vertically and horizontally. In one point, unity is formed. That is because true love is at the center. Everybody comes and unites in that center. You can go out from that center but you don't feel alienated; you can always come back and recoup, like returning to the "filling station" of love again and again. True love alone can make this possible. It's not only the little child who is lovable and cute. In this concept, the elderly grandmother is also beautiful. A grandpa may have very rugged skin with a long beard, but the little child will go up to him and kiss and hug him. That is a beautiful sight. Can we see such a thing frequently in the average American home? Not very often.
Does anybody like a contradictory system? Raise your hands if you do. Within the Unification Church, we have learned how to come together. We have many meetings and gatherings. In that way our intensity grows. When you feel lonely, then meet together. When you feel a lack of energy, meet. The more meetings in the fallen realm, the more destruction occurs, whereas on the heavenly side the more energy and harmony is created.
I was told that you were very lonely when I was in Korea for the past six months. You wanted to go to Belvedere, but because the True Parents weren't there, you weren't so inspired. Why is that? Reverend Moon is an Oriental man so why should you miss me so much? You can't explain it precisely in words, but your mind is pulled toward me. Even ex-Moonies say to me, "Reverend Moon, I love you very much, but it's those guys around you that I hate." But that is an evil viewpoint; it is having two minds. You cannot survive like that. That is why they became ex-Moonies; they had two minds, so they dropped out. Basically, however, they still feel pulled by the magnet of the True Parents.
The ultimate ambition for the human heart is that of true love. Therefore, women definitely need men; men definitely need women. All human beings together are born for the sake of reaching out and acquiring the love of God. That is the very reason for our existence.
No matter how great a religion you might proclaim, unless you reach out to gain the true love of God, you can never acquire true happiness. It doesn't matter if you are a renowned philosopher or a religious thinker, unless you reach that particular destination, you cannot be happy. A loving husband and wife gain possession of the entire world. We shall transform the world so that it welcomes and embraces that concept. That is the mission of the Unification Church.
If you can say, "The mandate given this morning is going to be my life's goal," raise your hands and pledge. God bless you. Let us pray.





November 22, 1987
World Mission Center
Translator - Sang Kil Han

Can you read the title I wrote on the board? You should be able to read Korean before long. Who is protecting us? Yes, it is our Heavenly Father. Those who are gathered here are called Unification Church members. How old is the Unification Church? It is fairly young, about the same age as some of the church members. The Unification Church has grown along with you. Even though the physical age of our church is not great, our background is as immense as history itself. Due to ignorance, people have been suffering and struggling throughout history. Human beings have not known where they came from or where they were going. They have continually raised questions but have found very few answers. All they could do was hope, wait, and suffer. Now, within the short time since the Unification Church was born, mankind has come to know everything- where we came from, where we are going, and what the future has in store for us. This is truly amazing. We now understand the purpose of human history very clearly: It is to produce perfected or completed human beings. Yet, since the creation, no person has reached perfection. What is a perfected man? We include both man and woman when we say "man." Each person has a mind and a body which are supposed to unite. The mind and body are born at the same time, but they must grow together into unity, becoming one when the person achieves maturity. Does the degree of perfection differ between men and women, or is it the same? You say it is the same, but in what way? We talk about oneness between men and women, but there is only one way that can happen. The perfection of a man is achieved when he and a woman are in perfect harmony. When a man is perfected, he automatically needs a subject and object relationship. Why? It is because he wants to achieve love. If we want to explain the human purpose, we can do it rather simply: Man is born to achieve perfection through unity between his mind and body, and after that to seek his object. Subject and object become one in love. Love is the common object between men and women. To repeat: Mind and body become one and seek a spouse. Husband and wife must become perfectly one in love. That is the purpose of human beings. Now we can talk about love. Who is the master of love? We are created beings; we are not the creator. Therefore, we cannot be the masters of love. When we find love, we should seek further to find the origin or cause of love. The origin of our love is God's love. Should God's love come down to us, or should our love go up to meet Him? In order to situate himself firmly, the subject needs to stay in one place. The subject should not move around as much as the object. When God is standing in the center, how should man approach Him? Man should revolve around God. God's movements are central and pivotal for the purpose of maintaining harmony. In his vertical relationship with God, should man revolve around God like an acrobat? Love achieves its variety by combining different movements. The relationship between man and woman is a limited, horizontal one. East and West cannot meet vertically, only horizontally. Thus when a man and woman achieve horizontal unity, the vertical relationship has to come down right in the middle of them. They cannot achieve oneness with God with random, acrobatic movements. In summary, the only way for the horizontal and vertical relationships to become one is for East and West to move to the center perfectly and meet at the right point. The vertical relationship then descends. That is the only way the three points can meet. At what point should a mature, perfected man and woman meet? Right at the center. As man grows, God's hope and expectation also grows. When He comes down to meet man and woman, they form an axis which is bound to revolve. It is not going to stand still but spins around very rapidly. It does not spin away but stays in place. The axis should not move in either direction. It has to keep right at the center. Man wants to live that way and woman does, too. God wants it as well. What do they all want at the same time? Yes, it is true love. First we need a man and a woman to fulfill that true love. Then we need a straight axis for the revolution of love. What is that straight axis? It is the children who bring this unity about and make the vertical connection. Adam, Eve, and God all want children. Now here we come to a very important conclusion: The only way to achieve this straight line-and it must be straight-is for the children to cherish the parents over themselves. Similarly, the parents must love the children more than themselves. This is the only way the vertical line can be perfectly straight. Every point wants to connect to that dependable axis center. Centering on this, they maintain eternal relationships, never spinning away or getting lost. History will continue in harmony forever by the continuation of this straight line of descendants. It is immense, unending. As the line grows longer, the whole realm becomes more and more vast. American women, do you understand this point? In the American culture, the chief emphasis is on the relationship between men and women. People don't care about the center line we have been discussing. They aren't focused on the relationship between parents and children. Eventually they will refuse to recognize the axis line at all. They will say, "I don't need God. All I need is my husband or wife. We are okay." That is because they don't know this principle. They just spin out into the periphery. God recognizes, needs and cherishes the relationship of true love. Adam also needs and cherishes and upholds it very carefully. So do Eve and the children. Since this is the law of creation and the original design, our mind and body find this situation very agreeable. Why, without anybody directing them, do boys and girls grow up and want to get married? It is because they instinctively want to fulfill this purpose for which they were born. Everybody wants to find happiness; that is everyone's goal. Who is a happy woman? She is the woman who has God, a loving husband and loving children, and who lives through this axis. Once you go through that center line, you can go in any direction, you can travel wherever your curiosity leads. When you achieve this center point, you can go to all 360 degrees; it is all your domain. Indeed, such a woman will be happy. In true love, you can go anywhere and have anything you desire. Another way of describing true love is that it makes God, man, woman, and children settle down happily. That is ideal true love. Why are we sad when our parents are away? We were designed that way. When we lack this ideal relationship, we naturally yearn for it and are sorrowful. Why is a woman sorrowful if her husband dies? It is because she was destined to achieve true love together with her spouse. Because she is lacking what she was made for, she is unhappy. There are some happily married couples who are without children. Therefore, they are sad and feel they are missing something very important. Why? It is because they are supposed to have children. When a person is 100 percent fulfilled-supported by all these elements-then the power of the universe protects their situation. What about a person who is 90 percent perfected? That means he is lacking 10 percent, so the universe will push him out of the center, saying, "You must live 10 percent off to the side." Therefore, he hurts that much. What if the person is only 80 percent perfect? Then he lacks 20 percent. If he is only 20 percent perfect and 80 percent imperfect, that is a staggering amount and the universe will chase him far away. He will be crying out in pain. Since God operates by the Principle, He has certain criteria. He says, "This is the standard which you must meet. If you do, the universe will cherish you. If you do not, you will not be able to dwell at the center and you will feel that much pain." Man is meant to grow up in happiness and join with his spouse with God at their center. Then their children are born. The first generation, man and woman, attain unity centering on God. The second generation does the same. God stays here at the central, pivotal point. The third generation, the grandchildren, must also become one with God. Thus God remains at the pivotal, axis point. When the three generations live together, who should be the center? The center of attention should be the axis point of God. This point serves as a center for all three. If someone has dominion over this point, he can call his grandmother at any time, no matter what she may be doing. "Grandma, come here. I want you here." Grandma is always happy to come. The same is true of Grandpa. Once you get to that point, you can own everything. Nobody will protest. You will be welcomed anywhere you go. Now you know the answer to these kinds of questions: Should you send your elderly parents to a nursing home? Should a woman discard her husband if, for some reason, she feels he doesn't suit her? Should you divorce? No. Mankind never knew this before, but divorce is similar to the act of abortion. Staying married creates the possibility for the fulfillment of all these goals, but divorce breaks down every possibility, destroying the parents, the children, and the ideal. Ask your original mind: Should you divorce your spouse? Ask your children whether they want you to divorce. What about your parents? Ask them if they would like you to divorce. Nobody wants to go through divorce. The one who is pursuing a divorce will feel sad, but if he doesn't realize the seriousness of the issue, he will go ahead and sign the paper. The one who has a claim over the center point of love can go anywhere in the universe and be welcomed. That is happiness. We can even approach the very throne of God and He will welcome us. You are then entitled to do anything or say anything to God and He will be pleased. Somebody might be very envious and ask, "Tell me, what is your secret?" Then you can proudly whisper, "It is ideal true love. If you have that, you can be like me, too." Is that happiness or unhappiness? Everything in the universe is ruled by unbending law. For example, we have to meet the rigid conditions of physical law in order to make a machine work. The same is true of love. We think, "Oh, love is easy. It's not bound by laws. You can do anything you want and still God will be happy." But that is not true. God has a rigid standard. Unless God has a precise rule of love, just like the physical laws, how can anything be controlled? How can there be harmony? Let's say someone is off-center somehow and yet expects to be treated as if he were right at the center. No matter how hard he wishes, God must say no to him because the center is absolute. Let's see if this is true. Take the example of an unmarried woman. She may be very attractive, but she is still a spinster. Perhaps she finds all of God's rules agreeable except that she doesn't want to get married. Have you ever seen any woman who is so beautiful that she is satisfied just with herself? Looking in the mirror, she caresses her cheek and says, "I'm so happy with myself." Can you imagine such a woman? No one can find happiness that way. Such a woman will have another problem as well. Even though she may never want to get married, she will want to have a child. You in the audience laugh at this because you understand such a feeling, right? Even the most eccentric woman will want to enjoy a relationship with her parents. She doesn't want to be an orphan. What makes her desire having children and parents? It is logical. Every person is designed from birth to grow and experience these different relationships, all the way up to the relationship with God Himself. What is an ideal man? He is a man who is welcomed by everyone in his family. He could go to his grandparents' bedroom at night and be invited to rest there. He can go to his wife's room any time he wants and she is only too glad to see him. The children have no objections to him sleeping in their room. A man with that kind of welcome is an ideal man. Let's say the ideal man is just quietly sitting here. Is he lonely? No, his grandmother will want to come and stay with him. She feels drawn to be with him because he makes her feel happy. His wife prefers to be with him than with anyone else. The children also want to be with their father wherever he goes. Everybody wants to be around that man, so he is a kind of center. If you want to meet everybody else, you know where to find them-near that ideal man. What is your concept of an ideal man? I suspect you have thousands of different ways of describing him. But compare your descriptions to what I have just said. Who is more ideal-what I have described, or what you may have thought? Suppose that ideal man is right here, so that is where the axis of love is. Do you think somebody has to call and make an appointment before he can go to see the ideal man? That's the way you do it here in America, don't you? Some Americans make agreements far in advance to visit each other at certain times. But day or night, evening or morning, the ideal man and woman can go to see one another. (Father says something to Mother and she responds.) I just asked Mother if she is the ideal woman and I am the ideal man. The ideal man may not even come into a room face first. He might come in backside first, but he would still be very welcomed by his wife. Which concept would you like to adopt for the rest of your life-your opinion of the ideal man, or the description I have given you today? That means you have to become like that. We started out speaking about the Divine Principle and thanking God for His protection. Actually, we have digressed, but it was enjoyable. When I leave the United States, does your mind travel to Korea, or do you think about this country exclusively? You imagine where I am and what I am doing in Korea. When I am away from this country, it feels empty to you, regardless of how many other people are here. Since your center is gone, you feel aimless. The title of my sermon this morning is, "Thank You for Protecting Us." In order to be protected, what position should we be in? We need and welcome all levels of protection. If my entire family protects me, I'm much happier than if only my spouse protects me. Better yet, if the whole clan protects me, I am even more secure. If the whole nation protects me, so much the better. And so on to the whole universe and God. When God's personal protection is upon me, there is nothing more to ask. That is the happiest state. How do we come to deserve that protection? There are all kinds of people around us. There are elderly folks who remind you of your grandparents. There are people who are similar to your parents. There are those who are like your wife or husband. There are many children who look like or seem like one's own. As I explained earlier, if we have the attitude of loving all people as our own grandparents, parents, spouses or children, wouldn't we be protected? All of nature would protect such a person. We have described three essential levels of relationship-parents, self and children. The parental level includes the grandparents. If you are the kind of person who can love all levels and age groups, the universe will truly protect you. That makes sense, doesn't it? I am an Asian and you are Westerners. Different races and cultures have often been antagonistic, but for some reason you always like to be around me. Why do you feel good being near me? People of all races like Reverend Moon. Why is that? You like the ideal man, right? Germany is a nation which has been particularly hostile toward me. I went to a restaurant in Germany where I observed a very old, ugly woman eating a meal at a nearby table. My imagination started working. In my mind's eye, I saw her eating a big bowl of Korean noodles. Do you know how people eat Korean noodles? You can't eat just one bite at a time. You suck on the noodles and half goes into your mouth and half comes back into the bowl again. You keep on sucking on the noodles until your bowl is empty. I imagined that this ugly old woman was eating such noodles and that I went over and started eating out of the same bowl with her. Whatever came out of her mouth and back into the bowl, I ate. I asked myself, "Could I do such a thing?" Then I told myself, "Absolutely. I could and I would." If I really did such a thing, that woman would have felt permanently attached to me. I know that I would have made her want to be near me. When I first came to the United States and observed the people with their pale skin, blue eyes, and blonde hair, it was, in a word, strange. Everything was unfamiliar to me. The way the people responded to me was even more strange. My only real experience with people had been with Orientals. I asked myself, "Am I ever going to be able to love these people as much as I love the Koreans? Will I love them like my own family, my own father and mother?" I really challenged and pushed myself to appreciate these unfamiliar white Westerners. I knew that there was only one way to make friends with the people here, and that was to truly cherish them. I determined to treat each person like God. I look at someone and think, "That person was born to be a daughter of God," and then I treat her accordingly. That is a practical lesson for you. If you are walking down the street and pass someone and think, "Ugh, I hate to be near that man," then you must get rid of such a feeling. If you feel hatred for some person because he is old, or rude, or unattractive, or for whatever reason, you must make a point to do something good for him. Buy him some gift or do something special for him. You must erase that feeling toward him. If you don't do that immediately and you just forget about it, it will take you a whole year to get over the effect of that hatefulness. The American people have continuously persecuted me and attacked my reputation. No ordinary person would have remained on American soil for so long. It would have been unbearable. As you know, American people do not tend to think on a long-term basis. They thought, "If we really give Reverend Moon a hard time, he will leave. That would be fine." But I have tried very hard to love them, and I am able to remain here in spite of all I have endured. Even though I am not protected by the American people, the universe is protecting me. You American Moonies, seeing the way this nation treats me, should feel really indignant and say, "I will love Father 100 times more than they mistreat him." Do you feel that way? At the same time, you should never hate the American people who are treating me unjustly. Even though you don't feel like loving them, you must try. Otherwise, the country will simply drop away from God's course. Nobody wants that to happen. What type of person does God cherish? God loves the person who cares about the whole world more than his own household and family. As we can imagine, no pain is greater than being hated by someone you love. Isn't that true? I love Americans even though they have not responded well to me. In fact, as much as I love them, they hate me. Why do I tolerate their hatred? One thought which helps motivate me is, "If I can persevere and survive this, there will be a reward as big as the whole universe. Within that universe will be all those people who are hating me now." That is God's wish. When God sees His son being mistreated, He can say, "Just wait. You will receive the entire universe soon enough." That is the gift God wants to give His son. Our axiom always works: By being beaten, we recover all the lost people and property of God. In my early tours around the United States, I tried my very best to give everything to the American people. With love, I have invested all my resources. That is something Satan can never take away. America cannot ignore all the things I am doing for her. The heart of love which originates with God is untouchable by Satan, and I have always known this. After the years of persecution and all our efforts to reach the American people, we are now seeing the fruits. Many people, particularly those in conservative organizations, have come to recognize my contributions. You aren't even aware of a lot of these things. Some people who opposed me fiercely in the past have shed tears of regret and said, "I really love you, Reverend Moon." Throughout all this time, nobody seemed to be protecting me, yet I survived. How? The universe was protecting me. And who protects the universe? God. What protects God Himself? It is ideal love. Since He is absolutely destined to get His ideal love back, He protects Himself and keeps on working to recover it. Even if we visit Hell, as long as we apply the Principle, the people in Hell will be raised up all the way to Heaven. The person who gets closer to God and achieves the highest place in spirit world is the one who lives this standard to the utmost degree. By normal secular standards, I should have perished long ago due to the abuse and opposition I have received from all quarters. Suppose someone is trying to love and serve other people, and someone else is opposing and persecuting him. Who ultimately gets pushed away? It is the one who rejects others, the one who pushes others away. That is how the law of the universe works. The persecutors pushed and finally put the persecuted one into jail, thinking they were victorious at last. But soon they saw that the one who was jailed soared to a sky-high position, much greater than before, while the persecutors were descending. When I was put into Danbury prison, people thought, "Now the Unification Church is finished." But was that the case? Not at all. We became tremendously stronger. The rate that America has changed in the last three years is staggering. The world has many problems. Mr. Gorbachev and Mr. Reagan are no exceptions; in fact, they have bigger problems than others. But all of them, somehow, are leaning toward me, trying to get a response: "How would you propose to solve this problem?" The world is very confused and complicated, but there is actually a rather simple solution. It is a formula law, one which always works. We can utilize it to solve any question. Is this a relatively easy way or a difficult one? It is very easy. Some of you answered "easy" and others said "difficult." For those who are willing to apply this law no matter what, even to the point of giving up your life, this is a very easy solution. But those who feel, "I want to preserve myself no matter what," will find this a very difficult solution. This has already been said by Jesus in the Bible: "Those who are willing to lose their life will find it, and those who want to save their life will lose it." People may say, "That makes no sense at all," but it is a paradox which makes a lot of sense. It always applies. I have now been speaking for one-and-a-half hours. During that time, I have described in simple terms the core formula by which the entire universe can be changed from negativity to positivity. Where is this formula? Is it in some ivory tower of a great university? Is it in some foreign land? No, it is all around us in our daily life. We don't have to travel even one step to find it; it is with us. If we don't live this way of life, we will create hell on earth. If we live this way, however, we will create Heaven. We will liberate God and all mankind as well. This is an amazing discovery. If you live this way and it doesn't work, you can come and complain to me. You are very intelligent people. What do you think- will this really work? I have been persecuted continuously, and most people thought that I would never amount to anything. But look at me today. Now I can liberate any person, any nation, any circumstance. I can move forward unhindered. Everybody has to make way because of the universal principle. We know now that our struggle is mainly on the internal level, not the external. You say, "I must fight within myself and win there. Then winning other people will be relatively easy." According to Jesus, where is Heaven and where is hell? They are right within each person, inside your heart. If you take these words and put them to work, being willing to give your life to achieve them, you will be truly successful people. But if you continue to live according to past standards, just like everybody else in the world, then your path will carry you straight to hell. You should have absolute confidence that you will be protected as you adhere to this principle. On all levels-the individual, family, clan, nation and so on-we will be protected by God and the universe. The making of Heaven is guaranteed. With this absolute confidence, we will march forward. This is the promise and blessing I give you this morning. It is entirely up to you whether you conform to this formula or you ignore it. If you don't fulfill it, there is no sense in talking; talking is a waste of time. Do it, then talk about it. Do you understand now? This is my great secret. People ask me, "Father, what is the source of your stamina? How have you achieved so much under impossible persecution?" This is my formula and you can have it, too, because you are the children. Wherever you go, regardless of the circumstances, God is always stronger. If a billion people oppose you, God is stronger than they. So we must be most thankful to God. The first step is to know yourself; then you can change for the better. You must know today that you are receiving a failing grade. But knowing that, you will be able to try harder and achieve a passing grade. Do you pledge, "No matter what the cost, Father, I swear I will do it"? If so, raise your hands. Great. God bless you.


Proclamation of the Messiah by Reverend Sun Myung Moon The Reappearance of the Second Coming and the Completed Testament Era

Proclamation of the Messiah
by Reverend Sun Myung Moon

The Reappearance of the Second Coming
and the Completed Testament Era

January 10, 1993
Belvedere International Training Center
Interpreter Col. Sang Kil Han

Reappearance refers to the fact that 2,000 years ago the Messiah came. The 2,000 year history since then was a re-indemnification. The second advent of the Messiah took place at the end of World War II. However, he had to re-indemnify Christian history during the last 40 years, and at last the proclamation of the coming of the Messiah now has taken place.
We all know that if the will of God had been done at the time of creation, there would have been no need for a second coming, because salvation would not have been necessary. The purpose of creation would have been achieved at that time. Heaven on earth and in heaven would have come into existence naturally, and the history of restoration would not have had to come about. That Kingdom of Heaven would have started as a family unit and extended into the clan, the society, the nation, the world and the spirit world. Adam's family would have formed the world at that time. This family would have been the center of the clan, society and world.
If Adam's family had become perfect, the perfect clan, society, nation and world would have come to exist naturally, without even trying. So the perfection of Adam's family was the prototype for all perfected beings. Then who is Adam and who is Eve? Adam and Eve are the king and queen who represent heaven and earth. We can see that all men and women desire to become kings and queens themselves. This is because that is the way they were created. That kingship, starting from the family king, would lead to the king of the clan,nation, world and spirit world. Who would inherit the position of king? The elder son. So the family is the unit, and as the number of families increases, so does the Kingdom. The family is the building block of the Kingdom.

The Results of the Fall of Man

Thus, with God's purpose in mind, we can look at the transition from the Old Testament era to the New Testament era, and the transition today to the Completed Testament era. All of these things took place as a result of the fall. This is a rather complicated process of salvation, which would not have been necessary if Adam's family had not fallen.
What became of the family because of the fall? Both man and woman left God and went to Satan. The ideal of the Kingdom of Heaven vanished To be saved means to correct their blood lineage. Without correcting the lineage, God can take no part in His creation, especially in fallen human life. Today we lament over all the evil we see. Why did the perfect God let this happen? It was because of the fall. So the satanic world expanded from its satanic origin. The purpose of salvation is to do anything and everything necessary to restore the results of the fall at every level.
Because man and woman did not start in God's lineage, they have no foundation to connect to God. Centering on Satan, Adam followed Satan, Eve followed Adam, Cain followed Eve and Abel followed Cain. But what we see today in True Parents is Adam following God, Eve following Adam, Cain following Eve and Abel following Cain. These two patterns are completely opposite, 180 degrees different. One is hell, the other, heaven.
When we look at the world today, what do we see? Hell. Is that God's world or Satan's world? Satan's. What about the great nation of America? It is in Satan's world. False love, not true love, reigns. Where is true love and a true lineage? We cannot find it anywhere. Lineage comes from the love between husband and wife. So the purpose of salvation is to put Adam and Eve into their true position. In order to cure a disease, you have to operate on the sick person. For God, this operation is nothing other than the method of straightening out the lineage, changing the lineage and putting true love into it.
Through the Bible we see God and Adam, father and son.Satan took Eve from God and then took Adam from God, and then he took the children. We have to restore this by paying the price. Satan took Eve, and then through the children went deeper into the abyss. Restoration had to start from Abel, the last in line. God took hold of Abel and worked His restoration strategy. What is this strategy? It is to reach Cain by working directly through Abel. After the fall, the brothers became enemies. So as a result of the fall, the members of what should have been a united family all became enemies of each other.
Satan's objective is to separate and keep divided, so he can exercise his dominion. God's purpose is to make one -- one world composed of united families. God's world would look like one huge individual man. Satan deforms that and divides it as much as possible. By doing so, he stops God and perpetuates his own evil reign. In history, what God is trying to do and what Satan is trying to do are completely opposite. Satan encourages separation and fighting. God tries to have people sacrificially love and unite. These are completely opposite. In the Last Days, what do we see? Satan's world will become very apparent in human life from the family to the clan, nation, world and spirit world. It is completely ungodly; it is something which God hates.
On the worldwide level, through the first, second and third world wars, God has been separating what is His side from what is Satan's side. By doing so, God has expanded His domain. Looking at history, we clearly can see that Satan strikes first. But then God, who is beaten first, eventually is the victor It is Satan's pattern to strike first and God's pattern to be struck, then win. We can see this in everyday life as well. If an elder brother or sister strikes any of their brothers or sisters first, everyone, including the parents, takes the side of the one who is struck. God is always on the side of the one who is struck. In the three world wars, the ones who struck first, lost.
We must understand that Christianity played an important role here. In both the First and Second World Wars, England and America were struck first. In all three wars the aggressors looked as if they would win, but then they eventually lost, because God was not with them. We can see so clearly that God is struck first and then gains it back. In school we may see a person who, although he is not doing anything wrong, is persecuted and suffers. But at the end, good always wins. We can draw another logical conclusion: the better religions are persecuted more, because Satan does not want them to continue. But God, through these important religions, tries to do away with Satan. Satan also knows that through these religions restoration is continuing, so he tries to stop them.
Where does this pattern of fighting and struggle originate? It originates in the individual's mind and body. The mind is on God's side and the body is on Satan's side. The struggle expands from the individual to the family, clan, nation and world, and the world will divide into religious and non-religious spheres. This is symbolized by the two thieves at Jesus's crucifixion. They represent the left and right wings, which fight against each other. Also, Barabbas, who escaped crucifixion, represents Islam, which fights against Christianity. Christianity lined up with the right wing and Islam lined up with the left wing; So this great separation takes place in the Last Days. We see the division of left and right wings in Korea and the division between religions in the Middle East. The world-level task is how to solve these divisions and unite the two sides. The satanic world must come to an end. When the satanic world comes to an end, God's world must begin, which means that God has to take over and rearrange the world.
The base of Satan's world is satanic families and nations. Take America, for example. The typical family will have three generations - - grandfather, father and son. But we see that these three generations are fighting among each other. The family is almost annihilated. The country itself is more divided than united. It is being reduced to total individualism. Individualism is based on the one who doesn't care for the nation, tribe or family. He eventually comes to deny even his own purpose. This is what we see, to our dismay, in America. To hippies there is no world and no family, and this eventually leads to suicide. Free sex is commonplace. This is what God hates most. He created man and woman to follow strict discipline about this. We can explain this as being 180 degrees different from what God meant to have happen. The position of owner and servant is reversed. The servant has become the king and the king has become the servant. This is what happened in communism. They call someone a bad name -- bourgeoisie -- and then just try to destroy them.
The essence of God is love. Love's central point is emotion and deep feeling. Free sex denies this; they participate in a physical, mechanical love devoid of emotion. In the extreme there is incest, a behavior which in God's ideal is worse than that of animals. The grandfather lives with his own daughter in-law. God cannot imagine this; it is 180 degrees apart from God's direction. What God promotes, Satan destroys. Homosexuality, alcohol and drugs degrade love; they have no place in God's Kingdom. This world is clearly hell. If you have no idea of heaven, imagine the complete opposite of this world, which is hell. Snake like dancing is a tool of Satan to achieve his goal. This is true; it is not a laughing matter. It makes people behave in crazy ways. Satan is boasting of what he has achieved and is laughing at God, saying, "How can you make Your Kingdom out of this?"
We now know which way God is going; it is 180 degrees different from where Satan is now. Satan's voice is encouraging people to drink more, smoke cigarettes, take drugs and indulge in free sex, to "enjoy life." Do Unification Church members practice free sex? (No.) What percentage "no?" (One hundred percent no!) We know that is a very strong position. How about homosexuality? (No! ) What stance does America's new president take on homosexuality? (Supports.) Ignorance; without his intending, he is agreeing with Satan. The way for America's survival and prosperity in the future is to go against the way it is walking now. To go the opposite way is God's direction.
Everyone in America is enjoying his life without hardship or suffering, but here in the Unification Church members are working hard, suffering and wanting to pay more indemnity. Is that good or not? (Good.) But you cannot enjoy Christmas and celebrate happy New Year in the conventional way. You don't like what Satan's world does. You seem very foolish, but are you wise to be so or not? (Wise.) The world turns against us and says, "Moonie, Moonie!" But if you stop to think about it, what has Reverend Moon done in America that is so bad? People first think he must have done something wrong, but actually he hasn't done anything wrong. We can rightfully conclude that those who go against the satanic world are the ones going God's way. God is in that desperate situation, with Satan and the whole world opposing Him. Because all satans say, "Reverend Moon is a bad person," we can deduce that Reverend Moon is the person God loves the most. That is the way history looks at it.

How God Restores

There was a time when it was very difficult to distinguish between God and Satan, but today it is very easy to discern God and Satan. They work 180 degrees differently. So the Unification Church is very much the center of God's dispensation. If we were truly bad, we would diminish, but actually we are growing and growing. With whose help? (God's help. ) When we go as a blessed family to our hometown, our direction is very straight. We do not drink, smoke or practice free sex, but rather we try to bring the people into God's direction. This is new to them, but somehow they come to like it.
Satan's world has no hope, and the people of the world are completely disoriented, not knowing east from west. There is more and more corruption, in many different forms. Sometimes they see a Unificationist family and their eyes pop open. They are amazed. They say, "Don't follow the Moonies," but we Unificationists are the only ones going to heaven. All of Satan's side is going in the other direc- tion, to hell. The Unification Church is going up steadily to heaven. The world is going towards hell. There is the formidable disease of AIDS. Are human beings susceptible to AIDS? (Yes.) Do Unification Church members ever contract AIDS? (No.)
Satan strikes, but God mends and repairs. And the Unification Church works to repair what the satanic world has broken. It is so simple; in one hour the essence of satanic history has been explained. But if you lack this knowledge, you could not solve this problem in one million years. It is very sad. There was one poll concerning sexual experi- ences in one school. Only one young man had not had sex, and it turned out he was a blessed child. He explained his position and won the respect of a majority of his class. It's sad, but that situation exists today.
What is the Unification Church going to do? It is going to unify the left and the right and the Christian world and Islamic world. No one other than Reverend Moon and the Unificationists can go between two people and reconcile them. America, representing the right wing, struck Reverend Moon. The left wing, as well as Christianity and Islam also struck Reverend Moon. The fact that they struck Reverend Moon, without any clear reason, puts them on Satan's side. Ironically, this Christian nation struck Reverend Moon and is now on Satan's side. This fact has never occurred to them. It means they are striking God.
Who hated Reverend Moon more, Christians or Jews? There is no doubt that the communists are on Satan's side, but even the religious people are now on Satan's side. The Jews and the Christians came against me and God. Clearly, the 2,000 years of suffering which Christians went through took them to a high and powerful position. But why, in a mere 40 years, have they plummeted down and been reduced to complete powerlessness? It is because they came against Reverend Moon. We look at gorgeous churches and synagogues, but now they are only 10% to 15% filled. Those who are there are old; pretty soon they will go to the grave. Then there will be no one. This is true for all religions.
So what are the Unificationists doing? We are going to restore the family and nation. If we restore the family and the clan, then the country will be restored. This is where to make an impact. When the family and clan are restored, the country will be restored automati- cally. There are many countries with populations of less than 10 mil- lion. When we come to have a prototype country that is under God's domain, will all the other 160 countries follow? (Yes.)
How could America, which God fostered, and which was so righteous, decline in a mere 40 years? It is because they opposed Reverend Moon and God. Reverend Moon has established the historical record for bearing suffering and persecution. So what is Reverend Moon thinking and saying? Is he praying to God, "Please stop this persecution"? No. Rev Moon knew, as he continually said every Sunday, "The world will decline and perish, but Reverend Moon and the Unification Church will not. We will stay and prosper by doing God's will."
So Father has been thinking and preparing to receive the broken world and restore it. The individual, family, clan, tribe, nation and world have come and hit me. These are the phenomena of persecution. Be hit first and then inherit. Whenever we go, to New York or Washington, we can see clearly that the society is closer to Satan. Unification Church members do not wear makeup, but they shine with beauty. You don't have to anguish over deciding whom to marry. So the more we are present, the more Satan shakes, but God's hope becomes bigger. As Satan disappears from this world, God's comfort is restored. Amen.
All of this is the result of Reverend Moon being struck and persecuted so much, so Father doesn't mind being struck. (Thank you, Father.) Until now, humankind was in the dark; they were ignorant of their own fall. Consider communism; it was ruthless and formidable, reaching to the top of the world. The small Reverend Moon said to them, "You will be phased out and cease to exist." And it came to pass, didn't it? Now Father is proclaiming to the entire satanic world, "You will cease to exist." This is Father's proclamation today.
There is no way for us to deny the existence of Satan. We know that he exists and walks about the earth. We also know that God is moving behind Satan, trying to repair the situation and make a better world. There is not a single person, family, tribe or country that did not come against Father. Everyone went against Reverend Moon. As a result, God will now inherit all that foundation, bring it into His domain and make it righteous. Since Father cannot let the world perish, saying he has nothing to do with it, Father worked to make connections with everything. He made all the conditions to prevent the people from perishing. Father makes all sorts of world-level arrangements to reconnect everyone and everything back to God, at his own expense. Father has a relationship to every Unification Church member, so even if they die or are washed out into the satanic world, Father later can pull them back to God. You have good security.
Actually, have you ever stopped to wonder if there is anything that Father doesn't do? There's no such thing; he does everything. Now we know these are phenomena of the Last Days. So what is the conclusion? Pay no attention to anything else; just hold on to Reverend Moon. Thus, when Father gives a direction, we can reply confidently, "Yes." We don't discuss it; we just go ahead, because we know that we are better off that way. There are a lot of Japanese members who are accustomed to following old Japanese leaders, but now Father appoints one Korean leader and directs that everyone follow him. The American members want Father to choose a different leader. Fathers choice is very colorful -- but the color doesn't matter.

Restoration of the Lineage of God

Now we know the basics of history and the basics of God's work, which is the restoration and salvation history. Therefore, let us now discuss the main theme, the reappearance of the Messiah. God's situation has been that He has not a single women or child whom He can claim as being on His side. God centers on Eve, Cain and Abel, that means the mother and children, whereas Satan has Adam. (At this point Father is explaining while drawing diagrams.)
Satan worked upon Eve, and the fall took place. We have to reverse the fall; we have to go the opposite way. False lineage and false love came to exist. We have to create true love and a true lineage. In the Old Testament era, indemnity was paid with an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. It was one-for-one indemnity, simple reverse indemnity. Where does this indemnity take place in the Old Testament? With Jacob and Esau, and their mother, Rebekah. This indemnified the fall. Just as in the fall, when God the Father was deceived, in this family the father, Isaac, was deceived. So Rebekah deceived for a good purpose and restored the fall. Jacob then did the work of a true Abel and subjugated Cain. From that point, the true restoration course started.
However, Esau and Jacob were grown men; the restoration they accomplished did not take place in the womb, at the root. Therefore a subsequent stage, one of restoration in the womb, took place with Tamar, Perez and Zerah. Tamar deceived her father-in-law, Judah, and his son, her husband, and then gave birth to the twins, Perez and Zerah. Thus within the womb, restoration took place. He who was to be the elder son became the younger son, and he who was to be the younger son became the elder son, perfectly restoring the elder sonship in God's eyes. We see restoration by indemnity took place.
Tracing it back to the womb, the elder sonship was restored. From this point Israel, the victor, comes. Even today these puzzles have not been solved. Many scholars today say they were just immoral. But from there, from Judah, Jesus' lineage came. No one knew God's plan, but now we can see it so clearly. That was a restored lineage, God's lineage. From there began the real history of the Israelites. They grew into a large nation. How did Israel become a victor? By clearing his lineage; his blood was purified. Israel means victor.
For 2,000 years, history flowed. In order to end evil and restore goodness, you need clean blood, God's blood. Two thousand years later, Mary conceived and gave birth to Jesus. Mary was in Eve's position, Rebekah's position and Tamar's position. But she was on a national level, instead of a family or tribal level. Mary, in the same way, deceived her father-in-law and her husband. For Mary, it was hard to understand why she had to deceive her husband and father-in-law and conceive a baby. But she gave birth to Jesus. That was not a simple thing. At that time what she did called for death by stoning. Joseph was righteous enough to protect her. That means that Adam protected her. So when Jesus was born, Satan had no claim on him, because of his lineage and these conditions of indemnity. So we know what Jesus is called as a result of this: the first begotten son. He is the first begotten son, because through him, for the first time in history, all blood can be cleansed and all people can be reconnected to God. It took 4,000 years for God to do that, in ways so mysterious to us.
At that point, Mary was supposed to bring Jesus and John the Baptist into unity, which would signify Cain and Abel becoming one. That was Mary's mission. John was in the Cain position and Jesus was in the position of God's son. But we know what has actually happened. Did they unite into one? No, they failed to do that. If Mary had achieved that, certainly Jesus would not have had to die. He would have gone on victoriously to complete his mission. But he did not. Instead he was crucified and there came into being the division of the world into left and right. That means throughout the world, Cain and Abel continued to be separated. Cain's religion, Islam, and the Abel religion, Christianity, have fought many times. Leah and Rachel should have become one, and Mary was supposed to do the same. But Leah and Rachel did not unite, and that was the origin of the division of Israel into ten tribes and two tribes, and this also was the very origin of Islam.
So Mary in a most concrete way should have arranged Jesus' marriage quickly. Who was to be Jesus' bride? It was to have been the sister of John the Baptist. Mary had to get the woman from the Cain side and bring her to Jesus. There was no woman available on the Abel side, so she had to get the woman from Cain's side. If Mary had worked with all her might to accomplish this, she would have been successful. Then purified blood and a new lineage could have come into existence. Restoration would have been very quick.
By doing that, the mother and son would have come into unity and restored Eve's failure. If Abel had united with Cain, then the mother would have been restored to the original position. That is the tragedy of the Israelite history. There were two options; one was the mother uniting Cain and Abel, and the other was Cain and Abel uniting and restoring their mother. They could have done it either way. The Jewish religion was in Abel's position, the nation of Israel was in Cain's position on a national level; these two should have united. Then Cain and Abel on a national level would have restored a national level mother. The mission of Israel was to bring Cain and Abel into unity, to restore the mother's position. Restoration must reverse the fall.
The chosen people must prepare for the coming Lord. God created all things and then created Adam. With the model of Adam, He created Eve. Once Cain and Abel have united and have restored the mother, Eve, Adam's perfection can come about. Adam cannot be restored until this is complete. This is the way they failed in Adam's family, so they lost the kingship on the family level. This now needs to be restored on a national level, however, with countries in these positions. This is what the Old Testament is all about; this is Israel's mission, the national level. Then when the Messiah came, that was the end of the Old Testament and the conclusion of the national level. The New Testament era, which Jesus did not complete, is the world level era.
If the Old Testament had come to a successful conclusion, Jesus could have restored the nation and world within 40 years. However, because of Jesus' crucifixion, it took 2,000 years for the world to be restored spiritually. Through Jesus' crucifixion, the divisions of left wing and right wing, and Islam and Christianity, came into being, and they fought each other. When Jesus died, this division came about, and it must be restored before he comes again. This is exactly what Father is working on. The Interreligious Federation for World Peace and the Federation for World Peace are meant to bring together left and right, and Christianity and Islam, and to make them become harmonious.
Thus we can understand the providential significance of World War II. Under God, there were Cain and Abel within the Allied forces, and under Satan there were Cain and Abel within the Axis forces. We all know who they were. The significance of World War II was that it resulted in all sides coming into unity. Cain and Abel united on the world level. The unity of spiritual and physical and mind and body came about. World War II accomplished this unity. This was the fruit of God's work. For the first time in history, centering on Christianity, the fallen side was defeated and God's side was victorious.
There was the repetition of positions: England as mother, America as Abel and France as Cain. Just as with Rebekah and Jacob, England and America should have become one. England gave birth to America. England is an island and America is a continent. The mother, England, would come under the dominion of her own son and receive influence from him, in order for the Lord to come. America was in Abel's position, and France was in Cain's position, similar to John the Baptist. By winning World War II, the unity of the whole was established, although, looking back, it was only for a short time. Even though the fall took place on a family level, it now must be restored on a world level. The mother and her two sons, Cain and Abel, must now look for Adam, her husband. Adam is the Lord of the Second Advent.
Looking back at Jesus' time, Jesus was the Messiah. The country of Israel, as Gain, and Judaism, as Abel, had to come into unity with their mother. Together they had to look for Jesus. Let's look back and examine if they did that. What if Jesus had been born not as a carpenter, but as a royal prince? What if Jesus had come as the son in a rabbi's family? If he had, he would have been connected to Satan's lineage. Jesus' family tree was simple; he did not have too many relatives. Jesus was a stepson, not a legitimate first son. Mary should not have lived with Joseph. We know so little about that, but look back 2,000 years and imagine. They should have kept this as a closely guarded secret amongst themselves. But someone knew, and talked. "Oh, you are keeping your wife, who gave birth to an illegit- imate child." Do you think this didn't spread all around their family and clan? Yes; they could not erase that information. No matter what Jesus said or claimed to be, they all knew that he was an illegitimate child. How could God make an illegitimate child the Messiah?
John's disciples asked Jesus, "If you are the Messiah, where is Elijah?" Elijah was supposed to come first. Their presupposition was that the Messiah was to come on the clouds. They were waiting for someone to come from the sky. So even though God sent Jesus as King of Kings, because Elijah hadn't come and because Jesus was illegitimate, do you think it was easy for people to follow him? No. Look at how history goes; you be the judge. Even today, the Jewish people don't recognize what happened. Only 8% or 10% of the Jewish people became Christian. Jesus was a perfect heretic to them, and remains so even to this day. If 2,000 years after he came they cannot believe in Jesus, how could they have believed at that time? If Jesus had been accepted when he came, restoration would have taken a mere 40 years. History would have been very different. But he died, and he has to come again.

History at the End of World War II

So, at the end of World War II the world was unified under England, America and France. At that time, Reverend Moon came. Was it easy for them to know that and believe him? Based upon what we saw at Jesus' time, could these great nations have followed him? Cain and Abel and Eve's purpose is to find the Lord. But he doesn't come from the sky; he comes as a human being. Just as at Jesus' time, they had a difficult time believing. Wise man in these nations should have gone to Rev. Moon and offered to follow and serve him. But this idea never occurred to them; they had no idea that God expected this of them. It was exactly the same situation as at Jesus' time. People were looking at the sky. With that knowledge, we understand why they oppose Father. So even though Rev. Moon was not crucified physically, it amounted to the same thing, because everyone denied him.
These nations should have become one with Father. If they had, heaven on earth would have been achieved almost instantaneously. It would have taken only seven years to restore the world to the ideal, period. But the failure of 2,000 years ago was repeated. Just as Jesus was denied, Reverend Moon was denied. So what was waiting for Rev. Moon? God and Reverend Moon were chased out into the wilderness. God worked so hard for 6,000 years to establish a victory. That victory was lost overnight. Everything was claimed by Satan, and Reverend Moon was chased out into the wilderness. Nobody other than Father knew this. The whole of humankind was within arm's reach, ready to be saved, but no one came. Overnight, the whole foundation which God prepared was dumped into Satan's camp, and now this one single person, Reverend Moon, together with God, had to figure out some plan to re-indemnify the whole foundation.
When Reverend Moon was opposed, on whose side was God? Reverend Moon's. Imagine the whole foundation of 6,000 years, gone in an instant. Reverend Moon was the only one left with the knowledge of what he was supposed to do and what the world needed. God came to Reverend Moon -- there were just these two miserable persons in the entire world. Everything else was given back to Satan. Satan was rampant, he did anything he wanted, and God was completely defenseless. Just as Jesus had the right and left side thieves, Reverend Moon too had to work something out. So Father took the Unification Church and put Christianity behind him, and he worked to re-indemnify the entire foundation. This meant that he had to re-indemnify the Old and New Testament eras.
Father had no foundation he could inherit. He had to restore the Old Testament era. After completing this, Father's Blessing, the Marriage of the Lamb, took place in 1960, exactly 14 years after the liberation of Korea at the end of World War II. Since humankind fell in the perfection level of the growth stage, in the fourteenth year the marriage took place. Then Father embarked on the three 7-year courses. These took place, and, centering on America, they were completed in 1981. This was the completion of the New Testament era.
The countries which God selected, England, America and France, failed at the end of World War II. Father had to re-indemnify this, selecting Japan, America and Germany. Germany and Japan were devastated, and thus were in the same situation as Reverend Moon. God could not choose America again, but Father could and did. God is in the first generation position, and Father is in the second generation position. Father could legitimately take America again even though it previously had failed. Why is America necessary? There is no other country like America. America is unique, in that the Old Testament and New Testament are here. So Father leniently, though decisively, took America in. If Father had not done this, America would have gone down terribly. America is now holding onto the thread of hope because of the Unification Church members. Look at Korea and Japan, two enemy countries, along with America-Japan and America-Germany. They all are enemy countries. All these countries had failed God. But Reverend Moon took these enemies and worked the restoration. How difficult and impossible this was. God and Father had to work to their utmost capacity to bring it about.
Father sent missionaries out to the world from Japan, America and Germany. Father told the missionaries to unite, no matter what. If they had done so, each country would have been restored much faster. You know what happened to these missionaries. The Japanese said, "I have been in the church the longest, so you must follow me." The Americans said, "No, be realistic. America is the center now." Look at Germany, they would never let themselves be outdone. "Even though we are the third, look at our technology, we are a nation of excellence." There was incredible fighting; they made as much noise as the satanic world, not any different. Father understood well; he got the remnants, so that's what results. Satan took the best.
Americans said, "Why do we need the Koreans and the Japanese? Why is America the archangel nation?" This is not just Father's interpretation; America speaks for itself. Free sex and homosexuality are not the traits of Adam and Eve, but of the archangel. Angels are not allowed to have a spouse. Since they are not allowed a woman, they take men, in great numbers. Also, individual ownership is highly questionable in God's eyes. America's wealth is for the world. If Americans try to keep it for themselves, they will decline.
It is very simple, and not only for America. Look at the Roman Empire. The Israelites considered themselves to be the chosen nation, and thought that when God brings victory all the world would come under them and worship them. It never occurred to them that God would sacrifice them to restore the whole world. Look at the British Empire; there was a time when the sun never set on England's territories. They thought that they should be worshiped and respected by the whole world. It didn't happen that way. America is the same. Americans don't think that America is for the world.
America is the only Abel country. The Catholic countries are in Cain's position. America is the only independent Protestant country. If Americans think that the world is for them, then America will suffer. Look at ourselves. If, as Father goes higher and higher, we think everyone should come and worship us, then the Unification Church will suffer the same fate. Do not think, "Oh, I'm an early blessed couple and everyone should take care of me." Do not think that now that you are blessed, God is going to live with you. No; you are blessed for a reason. It is so that God can accomplish restoration through you. We must attend God, not settle down and think, "I am the center of the universe." That is not God's heart. God's heart is that if He muse, He will sacrifice us to restore the entire world. When Father sent us to be Tribal Messiahs, his idea was not that we stay in a high place and be respected and supported. Father's idea is for us to become a servant and go and save the world. The Tribal Messiah's position is the same as Jesus' position. If we become more and more comfortable, we will decline.

The Way of the Messiah

In "The Reappearance of the Second Coming," what does reappearance mean? The Lord of the Second Advent was to appear in 1945, but since that foundation was lost, he must reappear now. From 1945 to 1952 was seven years, and from 1952 to 1992 was forty years, during which time Father re-indemnified everything. Why 40 years? Father has to restore the 4,000 years of Israelite and Christian history. But Father cannot live 4,000 years or even 400 years, so his only option was to do it in 40 years. Within this mere 40 years, Father re-indemnified the entire 4,000 years of the Old and New Testament eras. All realms of individuals, families, tribes and nations and the whole world itself opposed Father. God and Father were chased out into the wilderness, and they now have climbed up each wall inch by inch and have pulled down each wall of the eight stages, from the individual wall to cosmic wall.
Reverend Moon went straight, taking no detours. Until now, all American members did not want to put the Unification Church out front. But that is not what God wants. When we fight, we must proclaim. The Unification Church developed because we did not hide our name. How can God help us if we hide our name? We should be the same as David proclaiming his name before Goliath. When Father went to prison he said, "I am the head of the Unification Church." Until now all the Unification Church leaders did not disclose that they are Unification Church members. The way we conducted ourselves was as losers. Father did all the fighting, and without Father's effort we would not be here. We have to repent deeply at this time for what we owe to Father.
Father proclaimed the messiahship, not to ignorant people, but to people of the top status in the world. We must now teach simply: the Messiah is here; we must follow him to prosper We see that this morning's teaching cannot be rivaled by even 100 scholars. So we can only imagine the painful, miserable experiences Father had in his career. Although we can only imagine, we should imagine it. We are going against Father if we do not proclaim our identity. Consider all the indemnity that was paid throughout history, and compare that to Father's 40 years of suffering and intense pain.
How much easier is it to go the way of God after learning and knowing everything there is to know through Father? We don't have to zig-zag; we don't have to fumble or struggle; all we have to do is, with this clear knowledge, follow the way of righteousness, which is God's way. Imagine the past, when God tried to do something centering on some person, and that person didn't know, and God was not allowed to teach him. It was very difficult for God to work through him, and so he failed, and God had to pick up another one, and another one. Look at Father. Father figured out all these things by himself, so he made it extremely easy for God to work.
In the ordinary tempo of God's providence, to go over this stage as Father has would have taken hundreds of years, but look at what Father did. Within 40 years he has done it all, and it was never easy. There were hundreds of times more Cains than appeared in prior history, and Father had to go through it all, because Father knew the Principle. We all know the Divine Principle, thanks to Father; we didn't pay the price but we were given it. Therefore we can pass over what would otherwise take us 10,000 without any problem, in the spirit world. With what we know, we can pass over thousands of years of time in the spirit world with one jump.
To some of us, this still may sound conceptual. If it does, you have to repent, because, conceptual as it may seem, Father lives based upon Divine Principle, betting his life with such pain, and moves on to actually accomplish in deed. It is as if we were in Africa, surrounded by countless raw diamonds, everywhere so common and easy to pick up that we see no value in them. Father, however, has an educated mind, and he sees what is a diamond, and he knows what is only glass. That is the analogy; that is the difference between Father and us. Divine Principle: we must begin to know how important it is. Father knows, because he worked for it. We must feel a strong impact this morning concerning the necessity that we understand Divine Principle and how it came to be.
There were eight stages, and Father won the victory on each of them. Twenty one years of Father's 40 years of indemnity took place here in America. He brought enemies of America to America -- Japanese and Germans -- and made them all contribute to America. He did this even though America was not deserving in God's eyes. America failed God so miserably, so God did not even want to look at America again. America was in that situation. Especially this is true of the Christian churches of America. Father took responsibility for them again. Knowing how miserable they are, still Father steadfastly put everything he had into them for 20 years.
Even though Father did that, American Christian leaders and Christian leaders all over the world say they cannot see how the world can keep going in the future. They have no hope, no perspective. This is America's situation, completely confused. From now on, how can America lead the world? America doesn't have the vision. Who has it? Reverend Moon. Therefore, the way for the Christian churches in America to survive from now is to follow the Unification Church. The Unification Church explains the meaning of the entire Bible, solving its problems and explaining it completely and clearly. Many American Christian people will turn completely around and begin moving in a new direction just by hearing the Divine Principle one time. We have that strong power in the Divine Principle. Do you understand? (Yes, yes!) Powerful, powerful.
People of any intelligence will turn around completely by connecting with Divine Principle and Reverend Moon's thought one time. Look at the communist world leaders; through a 4 or 5 day training course they completely turn to God's side. It's no problem. Now look at the youth of the former Soviet world. They have completely come to Reverend Moon's side. Until now, American young people have been against me, saying, "How about that Reverend Moon; he is a heretic, we don't like what he is doing." It is so miserable that the younger generation has been going that way. But there is hope, l believe. We have brought students, even from famous universities, to Moscow, where they could study Divine Principle for two weeks with Soviet students teaching these Ivy League students. Do you understand? How shameful the American situation is! You should continue to develop that strategy now.
So Father has fought against the evils of America and won, and fought against communism and won; he fought against Kim Il Sung and won. He won all the victories, and the necessary foundation is coming back to his own family. You must know that from this point on, for a long time, wherever we go, there is no one who has any legitimate basis to come against Reverend Moon or us. No one can intelligently deny this; neither the scholarly world nor the economic world, nor the political world. They have no vision. Reverend Moon is the only one who can provide vision to the political world, without which the political world cannot continue meaningfully. The same is true for the religious world; there is no world which can survive without Reverend Moon's teaching.
In the beginning, many years ago, Father went down to Washington. At that time, they did not believe in Father, because they did not understand what Father was teaching, and they still thought they were higher beings than Father. But today, it's completely different. When Father goes to Washington, they meet Father in a different way. They talk about Reverend Moon being there; the word gets around very quickly. If Reverend Moon is not that important, why do they bother to talk about him like that? Japan, Russia, anywhere Reverend Moon goes, people's eyes open up and they become very attentive. It is the same in China and also North Korea -- Mother eventually will go to North Korea and deliver a speech. (Applause.)
The mass wedding of 30,000 couples has made a great impact in many different areas, because all parents, no matter which country or cultural background, know that children are very difficult to influence and control, that they will never listen to parents. But here, Reverend Moon gives the blessing to 30,000 couples at one time, accomplishing it all within a few days. That speaks millions of words to them; they realize, "Oh, so that's the power of Reverend Moon." No religious leader nor the president of any nation can accomplish such a feat; it's unheard of. Not even Kim Il Sung, who is the greatest and most efficient dictator, can make anyone listen to him like that. And Father is no dictator the 30,000 couples came to Korea and went through marriage enthusiastically and joyfully, of their own will. (Applause.) In the next three years we will reach Father's goal of 360,000 couples. Then we perhaps don't need to do so much; the world will pretty much take care of itself.
On another track, each country has its own national religion. Some South American countries are Catholic; everyone follows their national religion. If Unificationism is adopted as a national religion and Russia is one country seriously contemplating this -- that's all; it is finished. It could be more like 3,600,000 couples, all at one time. Where can the young people who are searching for meaning and truth go, except to the Unification Church? Everyone should at least poke their head into the Unification Church and see what we are doing. And those who are serious about marriage must peek into the Unification Church at some time or other. Once they do, they find the place of eternal value, in marriage as well as in all other aspects of life. (Applause.)
We are on the way to the unified world. We tend to think that we must keep working like this for another hundred years. No, the unified world is quite within our vision now; it is very near, much nearer than we think. And Father created this under such opposition, but today there is not so much opposition. l blessed many couples, thousands of couples from all over the world, creating the world foun- dation. Father is only a man with one family, and he made this foun- dation over the span of 40 years. How long did it take Father to make this foundation all over the world? Not so long. Do you understand? It has not been so long! I am welcomed everywhere now.
This is not a concept; it is reality. The historical age which Father envisioned as a concept is now reality. Now, look everywhere; it is reality. Father is talking about something not so far away; it is close, next door. That concept is actualized as concrete activity tak- ing place in reality. How far away is the unified world? Not so far. Look everywhere. Satan's world is falling down; it has completely no hope, it is falling, falling, becoming old, everywhere. Satan's world is completely ending on the earth; God's world is the destination and final hope. Do you follow me? (Yes!)
So, after crossing victoriously over the pinnacle of the world, the country and the clan, now Father comes back to the family. Where is the ultimate solution of this entangled, complicated, fallen history? It is not in the country; it comes down to the individual's mind and body, to the individual and the family. This is the key position to solve, because Adam fell within the family. So now. as Father has said over and over, the time of witnessing only to individuals is obsolete; we must witness on the family level, to entire families. Until now, throughout history, it was very difficult to move from the family to the clan, and from the clan to the nation, and so forth. But now all the walls have come down; Father brought them down. So, God can travel without restriction with Father and with his family. We are going back to the family, and restoring families, not individuals. Therefore we go home for tribal messiahship.
Compare this with Jesus 2,000 years ago ascending to heaven. Now, 2,000 years later, at the second advent, the Lord of the Second Advent as the True Parents will bring in and restore hundreds of thousands and even millions of families on the horizontal level. Of course, we have been proceeding in such a way that our goal is the restoration of the world, but you don't have to tackle the world problems, those are far too big. All you have to do is pay attention to your own clan. Then you will inherit the right of influence based upon Father's victory over the nation and world. The key to the victory is with Father. So Father is the victor on all levels: the Adam kingdom, family kingdom, national kingdom and world kingdom. All we need to do is mind our own clan and bring our own clan, then the restoration of the world will be accomplished.
Here is the analogy: Father not only restored the historical failures of humanity, but made the complete foundation intact. It is a good tree, with perfected roots, but the tree has no branches or twigs. The center root, center trunk and center bud all are connected to Father, so all we need to do is create lots of branches and twigs. These form the complete mainstream -- the center root, trunk, branch and center bud. By this analogy, all we need to do is add the branches. This is a perfect tree. Do you follow? Once we connect, then everybody will res- urrect. All which was created for tens of thousands of years around the world will in a short time resurrect and be living again.

Our Mission Is To Proclaim the Messiah

So after he reappears, the Lord of the Second Advent will find again Eve's nation, Cain's nation and Abel's nation. England, France and Italy are enemies to each other; Father will restore this. For the first time in history, these enemy nations will come to America, help America and make America more united. Such a thing has never been witnessed before in history. Never before have we seen countries saving an enemy country, as these countries have come to save America.
Therefore, America now stands with the precious chance to restore everything which they were to have done, but failed in the past, not only once but twice. Now America can be restored and continue to prosper. We know the USA movement, United to Serve America, and the Women's Federation for World Peace. America is the representative of the Christian civilization realm; it is the bride's country and bride's religion. We have all often heard that Christianity is the religion in the position of the bride who is to meet the bridegroom. That bridegroom is the Lord of the Second Advent who is to come. They had one chance to meet the groom, but they failed. But now the time has come around and they are in the position to meet him again, and they had better succeed this time.
By Americans doing that, they restore the mission which they failed, to serve for the sake of the whole world. By successfully completing their mission now, and by continuing to work for the sake of the world, they are made alive again. Now is their second chance. So America had better realize the real meaning and value of the Unification Church, and they will, too, centering on True Mother. She recreates or reestablishes the foundation which God realized in 1945 at the victorious end of World War II, centering on America. It failed, but now it is arranged again. The whole world now is in position to get in touch directly with Reverend Moon. Until now, Mother has been following Father like a shadow. Now, the whole world is in the perfect place and time to meet the groom; all brides are about to meet the groom. We are in that time identity. Now Mother is in the position to stand with Father, not following, not just tagging along, but with an equal foundation. Therefore, Father established the Women's Federation for World Peace and proclaimed the equality of women and the liberation of women. During this time, from 1952 for forty years until 1992, Mother has made the entire unified foundation to reach out to the whole world, like Father.
It seems like a casual thing, as if Father could say at any time, "Liberation of women." But the proclamation of the liberation of is the same foundation the Christians lost 40 years ago, and only after restoring that can women successfully meet the bridegroom. Meeting the bridegroom successfully qualifies women to be liberated. That's the position which Father is mentioning as having been established.
Father prayed for the seven main nations in God's providence, Korea, Japan, America, Germany, Italy, England and France, continuously for 40 years. This phase of the dispensation is what Mother undertook, giving speeches in the seven nations, and doing restoration work centering on the seven nations. The religion of the bride failed at the task of engrafting, but now Mother is restoring this failure. She has visited the seven nations, and now she engrafts again and makes the complete foundation which the successful bride's religion should have accomplished. Only after Mother accomplished that could the liberation of women take place. (Applause.)
After World War II, all the brides were ready to meet the groom. Now we are back in that position. They are approaching the groom. Wherever Mother went, she was welcomed. The women of each country knew the position they are in. This includes the communist countries of Russia, China and, by March, North Korea. Mother will be going there and delivering the speech about God. The founding rally was April 10, 1992, and within one year's time, by the end of March, 1993, Mother will accomplish the historically successful completion of this mission. She will re-graft that for which humanity lost the chance in 1945.
Now we can go back and proclaim the Messiahship in our own tribe and in our own home. We shout it out and speak it more frequently than we have eaten in our past lifetime. More than we moved our mouths to chew food, we should speak the proclamation this time. Father wants us to move our mouths. It is not your own life about which Father is concerned, but the hundreds of thousands of lives which must be saved through you. Of course, by doing that, we will live, too.
Talk and talk, even in your sleep, talk about the Messiah and the proclamation of True Parents. We will record on tape that we must believe in the Messiah and meet the Messiah before we can live again; otherwise we will perish. We pray that over and over again, continuously throughout all 24 hours. "They say there is a new Messiah coming: find out about it!" It is the True Parents. "TP," and the True Nation, "TN." To understand the possibility of saving the nation, we must understand about our parents. This is synonymous: the reappearance of the Lord of the Second Advent means that now he has completed the perfection of his family. The new era follows automatically.
The new family, actually, the family of Adam in the Garden of Eden, would have begun and continued directly into Heaven, but that did not happen. Now the new family appears, the original, completed, perfected family appears, and now begins the new era. We can call this the Completed Testament Age on the world level. Do you follow? (Yes.) As we can well imagine, Satan is getting more and more numb. He is witnessing the beginning of mass numbers of blessed families. We can have 36 million, even 360 million; Father does not mind. The fallen world is now erased, the restored world is now complete; this means there is 180 degrees difference now from the past, and wherever we go there is heaven. First, we have to quickly transfer lineage, transfer ownership and transfer the realm of heart from that of Satan into that of God.
True love is the key foundation. Through true love we live for the sake of others rather than for the sake of self. In the satanic world, everyone lives for the sake of "me." Is that 180 degrees the same or different from us? (Different.) We live for the sake of whom? (Others.) Living for the sake of others means that the family lives for the clan, and for the race, which has hundreds of thousands of families in it, and for the nation, which has a lot of races in it, and for the world, which has a lot of nations in it, and therefore millions and millions of families in it. So families sacrifice for the sake of the clan; the clan sacrifices for the sake of the race and country, and the race and country sacrifice for the sake of the world. In that way, the smaller one will sacrifice for the larger objective in God.
All the spirit world will practice this, without exception; since we practice it here, they naturally practice it there. Thus, everywhere we go it is our domain, because it is God's domain. Would you American blessed couples like Father to visit your blessed home? (Yes.) To visit or to stay? (Stay.) Why? (Because we love you.) Yes, because you love Father, but how did you come to love him? You're that good. It is because Father loved you so much. With or without us knowing, Father opened up our way, not only the individual way, but the family way, and even the clan's way and nation's way. God loved the world, and so He gave the Messiah. The Messiah is necessary for me, and for us, on earth and in the spirit world. So we are all going in one direction.
We passed beyond the New Testament, because the wall of Tribal Messiahship has been surmounted, and now is the time that we can reach out. The era of the Completed Testament means that without further indemnity of any kind, Father can send out the Tribal Messiahs. Then every person and family can return to God, return to the Kingdom of Heaven, and partake in the kingship of the Kingdom of God, by becoming one with a Tribal Messiah. It's a wondrous thing which is happening. Everyone in our home can be restored and connected to the Kingdom of Heaven; even our physical parents, who gave birth to us physically but still remain in the fallen world, can be connected to God Himself instantaneously. Everywhere we go we can make this happen, without indemnity.
Now, God no longer is restricted in His freedom to appear; God can go anywhere, following Tribal Messiahs. God can go and God can come; this never happened before in history. For the first time since God created Adam's family, God can live in there, He can stay there if He wishes; He can go somewhere else if He wants to; He can travel as much as He will, to any country. With all the different Tribal Messiahs, He can do the same. That means He can go everywhere, in and out, as He pleases; He can dominate with absolute love and put everything under His dominion.
God is everywhere now, so everywhere cannot help but become the Kingdom of Heaven. The unified world, centering on God, can connect on every level: the unified family level, unified nation, unified world and unified cosmos level. Do you understand? God can go back freely through that point of connection. Until now, Satan made many walls, protecting his own world. Now we can tear the walls down, all over the world, tear them down and be completely free. Centering on the Tribal Messiahs connecting to their tribes, all families will connect after God goes everywhere. Every family and every individual will connect, everywhere. That is the original ideal of God on the earth. Now He is forming the body of a complete nation. How wonderful an age we are living in now! Amen! (Amen! Applause.)
The main thing is that we now can live with God, freely. There are four realms of heart and three kingships. How can we create the family? This is the blessed couples' family mission. This is the last terminal, our destination. So it is clear. This can connect with God everywhere, from the individual foundation, to the family and all over the world, in heaven, too. This is the completion of liberation.
Those who can create the brilliant blessed families in the new age of the Completed Testament, raise your hands. It is no problem, and you understand clearly now. (Yes.) Once you understand, making it happen is no problem. That is your mission; not Father's mission. (Yes! ) Until now, God was helping you and Father was helping you. Now you understand, and so you can do it, no problem. You don't need God, you don't need. . . (Laughter.) It's true! Liberate God and True Parents. Do you understand? (Yes!) Clear, clear.
Col. Han prays:
The Women's Federation rallies are completed in all the states, are they not? (Yes. ) Mrs. Spurgin, we must begin from the state level. After we do the states, we come down lower and lower, to the county level and to the actual physical family level. In the family there are the father and children. Man is in the archangel's position, and so Father and the children should become one. We have our True Mother, and the children, Cain and Abel, return to the mother's womb and then eventually become one with Father. With this condition, then, Father has new, original sons and daughters, namely us. Finally, we must come back to where we are. We must first become one with the True Mother, then we come to Father, and then we return to where we are.
We must return to the position where we are reborn in the position correlative to Father's own physical children. Obviously it is not possible physically, but conditionally it is possible, and God will accept the condition, based upon true love. It is just like we are returning into Father's body before being conceived as a fetus. Do you understand? We've got to travel back and return. Then we will have connected with true love. It is like electricity from a generator, traveling around a circuit, going back and completing the cycle. One time we have to do that. That is the true meaning of "to be born again" in true love and True Father.
Later on the wife and children will come to obey the husband. This must happen before we really can enter the Kingdom of Heaven. So, this will be the predominant pattern in the Unification Church in the future: centering on the mother, the children will become one and eventually come to the father and return. So the family is the unit, not the individual. Be blessed, then go into Tribal Messiahship, connect them back to the mother as children, and return to the father. So, True Mother is the real entity of the Holy Spirit, but she is not a spirit, she is a physical mother.
It is the time for all of us to be able to live on the face of the earth. As Father has said repeatedly, it is not strange, yet wondrous, that even Premier and Mrs. Deng's son, and the second generation in China, all like Father. No one taught them; no one told them to do that. And Kim Il Sung's son is no exception. It is all due to the Principle. Women should not rest, even though you worked hard until now. Until now, the man played the key role in the dispensational recovery, but now is the time of the woman's role, which is much more important. The men took the rule of the world, and always they messed things up. Now it is up to the women, by Principle, to really start working and make it a successful world. Once we become one with Father, we can do it; the women will become successful. This is the real solution to the world's problems. Divine Principle points in one direction; everything is consistent.
Unification begins within each one of us, in the mind and body relationship. Upon Unification faith can come peace, happiness and freedom. American Unificationists should know that. Freedom with mind and body -- with what kind of freedom can we make the foundation of freedom? The mind and body have to unite. The problem is "me." The ideal world is the unification world. You will get freedom and peace in the ideal world. The Unification Church should be teaching that to all people.