

Belvedere--International Training Center

Translator--Peter Kim, August 4, 1996

What this title means is that, centered upon the family, this is the era when Heaven and Earth are to unite. This is the era of unification. Centering upon families the entire world will turn. Even before the Fall of Man, God originally wanted the kind of foundation such as True Parents established in Washington, DC several days ago--the Family Federation for World Peace. That is the kind of original foundation God desired prior to the Fall of Man.

The environment always consists of a subject and object relationship of dual characteristics. As a person, we have a mind and a body, which are in subject and object relationship. Centered upon our mind, we need vertical unity which then expands horizontally into a husband and wife relationship of subject and object. This is how the formula for oneness of the subject and object relationship expands. When we have absolute unity between our mind and body, this itself becomes object and one with another subject, such as the husband and wife relationship. Once absolute oneness is attained within the husband and wife relationship, it becomes objective to the family level. Then you come into oneness with the family level and so forth.
Therefore the history of restoration is the history of recreation. God created the environment first. Second, He created subject and object. When subject and object become one, they form the position of either subject or object. Third, another relative object is created. [Father draws a diagram to illustrate on the board] Therefore, either this becomes subject or object position or vice versa. Then they become one again. The creation of the environment, the creation of subject and object, the creation of the counterpart of object are all centered upon love. As God created the environment, subject and object and the counterpart of object, since the history of restoration is the history of recreation, when we recreate humankind again, such as Unification Church members, we have to create our environment first. What then is the environment to ourselves? As a man, as a woman, we have to mature ourselves. We have to build harmony. In other words, we have to create absolute unity between our mind and body within ourselves. This means the creation of our environment within ourselves.
God doesn't have any conflict between His mind and body. Only because of the Fall of Man did human beings begin to have conflict between their minds and bodies. Without creating the environment first, God could not have continued to create other things. Likewise, without absolute unity between our mind and body, there is no creation and nothing else can be accomplished. Once our mind and body become one, then man in the position of subject and woman in the position of object becomes object to our counterpart object and become one again at a greater level. [Father draws on the board to illustrate] This united being becomes minus to the subject/object relationship of husband and wife. This is how it continues to expand.
This is the formula. Each time you build the unity between mind and body or husband and wife, it expands to even greater levels. The first condition for fallen mankind is that of the unity between their mind and body. Upon that foundation you can build the unity between husband and wife. Who stands in the position of subject between husband and wife? (Husband.) American women have the tendency to consider that women are in the subject position. However, woman's shape is like that of a receptacle. The concave shape is a receiving shape. Whereas the convex shape symbolizes giving. When water is poured into a container does it fill from the edge of the container, or from the deepest bottom? (Deepest bottom.) Since man contains the seed of life, he should plant it in the deepest place. Does woman contain the seed of life? (No.) Absolutely not. Then if you desire to receive the seed of life you have to become an absolute object. In order to qualify as an absolute object you need to demonstrate absolute faith, love and obedience to your subject.
Absolute obedience means that you have to negate yourself one hundred percent. It is the place of investing and forgetting. The absolute zero point. When you as object, come to the point of absolute negation, then your container is absolutely empty. Then when subject is ready to give, the subject would begin also from absolute zero point. The place of love connection takes place at the point of absolute negation, absolute zero point. In order to seek absolute love you cannot have consciousness of self. When you have absolute faith in God you don't exist, in a way. You totally give yourself in faith. This concept of absolute refers to two becoming totally one. There is no separation and no individual, just two becoming absolutely united. Based upon this principle can we find any American woman in the secular world who has achieved this standard? In front of love there is no self character. Because we have to become absolutely united with love first.
Since God is the owner of absolute faith, when He first created, it was on the foundation of absolute faith. We are referring to the highest degree of absoluteness, not something mediocre. All beings were created on the foundation of the absolute faith of God. Since God applied His absoluteness as the standard in order to create this universe, His partner of love was created at that level also, the level of absolute love, absolute faith and absolute obedience. The theory of absolute giving and forgetting stems from here. Because in order to create, God had to invest absolutely everything of Himself--His absoluteness, His uniqueness and His unchanging and eternal character. These are the four major attributes of God.
Every created being is in an absolute position. Since every created being is different, each one is unique, unchanging and eternal. All created beings are considered individual truth bodies. Based upon this principle, every created being was completed. The species do not mix. The entire creation was established based upon absolute faith, love and obedience. Therefore, in order to qualify as the lords of creation we must have this absolute standard within us. Since even grass has been created with unique, unchanging and absolute qualities, when you cut the grass, don't you imagine it will feel pain? When you cut the grass you observe moisture coming out of it. That is the blood of the grass. This is how the grass dies. When we drain the blood from our bodies, we die. When we cut the grass and make food from it means we are draining the blood from the grass.
The Principle of Creation shows us that lower-level created beings exist for the higher created beings. This is true from the mineral kingdom all the way up to humankind. Therefore, when the higher level being has to absorb the lower level being, the higher level being should offer absolute love. Based upon this absolute love foundation, higher level beings absorb lower level beings. The purpose of our lives as human beings is to offer ourselves to God. What part of God would you like to be absorbed by? Once man and woman become one as plus and minus horizontally, based upon that absolute oneness, then even God Himself who is a dual characteristic Being, becomes one also. The theory of evolution doesn't refer to love at all. No ownership. It is true that lower beings develop through the higher beings, but the difference between the evolution theory and Father's teaching is, there is always a so-called love gate for a lower being to be absorbed into a higher being.
There is no way to evolve without passing through the love gate. All the species created by God have the same attributes--they are absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal. Always the higher being will absorb the lower being. The evolution theory ignores this love relationship in terms of progress. That is why the evolution theory is wrong. Without understanding the love concept, there is a misconception of the stronger eating the weaker. In the history of humanity, always the more powerful nations invaded the weaker nations and took over. Originally, the purpose of taking over anything was for the fulfillment of love. The act of absorbing should bring the lower level to the higher level and complete love.
When American members deal with Oriental members such as Japanese and Korean, some of you might feel yourselves to be citizens of the most developed nation and so why should you have to deal with people from lower level countries. But you should not hold that kind of concept. As long as you hold that kind of concept as an American, your country will disappear some day. Do you want to hear people saying, "Yankee go home!" or "Yankee come back!" (Yankee come back.) But in the world today we hear the cry "Yankee go home!" As long as you hear that in the world America will perish because this is against this formula of recreation.
Father has always based his life upon this particular formula. If he does not he would go down the drain also. We need to serve God based upon the absolute standard of faith. In raising us, Father applies this absolute faith standard just as God did when He created man and woman. We have to stand at the absolute zero point in order to receive this kind of love and care from Father. Have we always stood in the position of absolute zero in front of True Father? Very often we have questioned in our minds and not had the mind of absolute zero. This means there is no absolute unification between Father and you. Is this true? (Yes.)
When Father goes to the Kingdom of Heaven, unless you become absolutely one with Father, can you go to the Kingdom of Heaven also? (No.) You all take pride in your individuality and privacy and that no one can prevent you from doing whatever you want. Many Americans think in this way. You are so individualistic and private that even God has to make an appointment before visiting your home. Every morning we witness the sunrise. Can we hide from the rising sun? If the sun has individualistic and private concepts and decides to hide away from us, how could we survive? Suppose the air we breathe everyday were to claim its own privacy and individualism. How could we breathe and live? Our body would be destroyed if creation began to rebel because of individualism and privacy.
The universe has no individual concept. The universe has a total concept. Those who advocate their privacy and extreme individualism are going against the universal law. Therefore, they are bound to perish eventually. If Reverend Moon were to insist upon his own privacy and extreme individualism do you imagine that he would come here on Sunday mornings? (No.) You know well. When you come here you have to be prepared to be swallowed completely. Because if even a tiny part of you is not swallowed, then Satan would work through you. Americans who continue to maintain their privacy and extreme individualism are foolish people. In our own lives we don't want to deal with people when they continue to be really foolish. By the same token, the world will reject Americans who continue to be so foolish.
Do you want Father to go away or to remain and come back? (Come back.) How close do you want him to come? Do you want to see him coming into yourselves even if he makes his way into your entire being? (Yes.) That is the way you want him to be totally bound with you. The secular world criticizes you for such thinking. Secular Americans don't like Reverend Moon because he is promoting the things which Satan hates the most. Secular Americans naturally belong to Satan. Who is going to prevent their decline? Unification Church members who are totally united with Father are the only ones who can prevent America from going down the drain. If we can offer greater power of love and care than the American people do for their country, then we can take over and swallow this entire America and the American people.
Once you have this great power of love, which is big enough to swallow entire America, there may be some individuals who complain inside of your stomach. However, they will be digested. Americans claimed that the melting pot of America would melt Reverend Moon and Unificationists within five years. However, the reverse is happening. No matter how great you think America is and how great American people are, there is absolutely no way that the American culture will be able to digest Reverend Moon's teaching. But, Reverend Moon's teaching is big enough and powerful enough to digest and embrace the entire America and American families without any difficulty. Without the family there is no base for the nation. Without home there is no hope, no couple. Is America able to digest the young people, the family, senior citizens? The Unification Church is able to digest every aspect of society and every age group. Regardless of age and marital status, when Father invites them to the Blessing they will come.
Don't you all desire to follow wherever Father may go? Because you all knew that Father was in New York on this day, August 4, we have an overflow crowd here. However, if you all knew that absolutely Father was far away and unable to attend here this morning, then probably not even this room would be filled. That's why last night Father announced to the leadership that he would not attend here this morning.
Everything goes in stages. When an individual doesn't like something then the family doesn't have the possibility to like it either. This goes up through the tribe, nation, world, cosmos and eventually God. Every single level has to be satisfied. Do you think this is really the truth or something that Reverend Moon just made up? (Truth.) What is the essence of the truth? Do you want to enjoy just looking at the truth or would you rather become absolutely one with it? (Absolutely one.) Then what is the truth? If you take subject position to someone who is actually above you, then a gap exists between this subject being and yourself. The amount of the gap denotes that this higher position being is much truer than you are. Do you understand the concept? As soon as you discover this level of truth, then you should become absolutely united with this truth. There can exist millions of various levels of truth. We see many different scientists claiming that they all have the truth. Also religious leaders do the same thing. In every field, whether it be science or religion, as soon as this difference is discovered between the self and the higher being position, then unity comes at that level. Once you know this level of truth, then the term heretical is simply nonsense.
When the sun is high in the sky no one can claim that it is night. It is obviously day when we see the sun. If someone is running faster than you in a race, can you claim that he is wrong while you are falling behind? No. You have to do your absolute best to catch up with him. Even if you sweat and have no sleep at night, still you have to continue to run in order to catch up. When people observe Reverend Moon doing miraculous work, which normally would take ten generations of people's work to accomplish, can they claim that Reverend Moon is wrong? (No.) Instead of trying to make him wrong, they have to do their absolute best to catch up with him.
Father, as the King of wisdom says this: If you want to follow the right path then you have to adhere to one principle. All smaller beings should offer their absolute obedience to higher beings. For example, individuals should offer their absolute obedience to their families. The family should offer absolute obedience to the tribe, the tribe to the nation, nation to the world, world to cosmos and cosmos to God. God offers and demonstrates His absolute faith, love and obedience to the entire created beings. Is that okay? That is great okay. Which okay do you want, mediocre okay or great okay? (Great okay.) G also stands for God. Do you like that? (Yes.) Why? Do you like it because it is true, or just because Reverend Moon says so? (Because it is true.) G-okay place is action place, sacrifice place, throne of God-place.
When you climb a mountain and you are sweating from your exertion, would you like to take a rest underneath a big shady tree or a little tree? (A big tree.) When people follow Father climbing the mountain, they don't have to look around to find Father even if they are lost. They simply need to find the biggest tree or boulder on that mountain and Father is there. Father is a clever man and so he will never perish. Throughout Father's entire life the entire world has been opposing him. However, the time is now changed and the entire world is beginning to support and cheer Father's work. The only choice left to Father is to go up. Since Father is being boosted up higher than Mount Everest, then at the highest place in the world God will come down and meet with Father. Do you want to meet God? (Yes.) Do you think that God wants to meet you in a low place of Hell or some place high like on top of Mount Everest? (On top of the mountain.) Why on top of the mountain? Because that is where you can see the white, unstained snow. That is where you find glaciers and everlasting snow. The color white is symbolic of victory. The high mountain peaks are covered by white snow caps, because white symbolizes victory.
Satan remains deep in the dirty, dark valley, gathering debris. This white mountain peak symbolizes victory. If Father stands on top of Mount Everest are you all willing to follow? (Yes.) In order to reach the top of Mount Everest you would have to sweat a lot of water from your body. Also you would lose about twenty pounds in weight. You might wonder why you should bother. Let Father go ahead and you will set up a tent in a lower place and sleep while Father climbs up. Would you do that? If you do so Satan will immediately come and take you down to Hell. But those who keep on following Father up the mountain, sweating blood and tears, will be elevated by God. This is the meaning behind the Bible verse, "those who are willing to sacrifice their lives will gain their lives, while those who try to save their lives will lose."
When Father and his family are being persecuted, you are still relatively untouched. If anything should happen to True Father's family we have to be in the same situation with them. If someone has to go to prison, we will have to volunteer to take their place. If anything goes wrong with Father's family do you still want to sit in the valley while True Parents are climbing up the mountain? No. If you take that position you are bound to perish. The valley is the most dangerous place to be. Father has the right to forgive anybody for anything. Even America is doomed to go to Hell, yet Father is still holding onto this America.
The history of restoration is the history of recreation. In order to recreate the Cain children, Father set aside his own children and offered total devotion and obedience to you. All the love power, manpower, financial power was poured into this America. Is that true? (Yes.) Father is continuing this providence in debt. Oriental people are making sacrifices in order to save the American people. The providence must continue despite the great debt. In Father's mind, since the task ahead of him is so great, many times he would set aside his own children and just keep going. Because if he remembers all the details of his family issues he would not be able to focus on the providence.
In His great love God sent Jesus to humankind and Jesus was crucified by them. God had to continue with His providence of restoration. Because of the blood shed by Jesus on the cross, the fallen humanity had the opportunity to be restored. If any tragic situation occurs within the true family, we should take it as grace and blessing from God and True Parents. Since Father's life is based upon this absolute principle of God, if the American people make a mistake, Father still has the right to forgive them and hold onto America. This is the power that True Father has. Do you understand? At this time Father is heading in a certain direction and the entire world is following him. When Father turns around 180 degrees Father may focus himself totally on his own family and the world will be left behind.
No matter how difficult Reverend Moon's life may be, and no matter how heavy a persecution may come to Father, he will never complain. At the time of Danbury incarceration the entire world was cheering to see Father behind bars. Did Father ever complain to God about that? Think about the agony which God had in His heart at that time. Instead, Reverend Moon was comforting God saying, "I will recover, don't worry." Since the entire world is full of fallen parents, as the True Parents to humankind, Father's conviction is that he will solve this problem and if there is anything to complain about he will do so. Only after liberating God and comforting God's heart will Father say something. Even if God were to make a mistake, only after True Parents demonstrate their pride in God, comfort His heart and accomplish everything would God say that He made a mistake and then it would not be a mistake. So if Father would confess to God that he made a mistake, God would tell Father that there was no mistake. True Father would admit in front of God that all the mistakes of Adam and Jesus were all his mistakes, God would embrace True Father in tears and claim them as His own mistakes. That kind of heart would be taking place. Do you understand Father?
You are like the children of thieves. Think about the Japanese sisters who are sacrificing themselves, their husbands, their children in order to provide the financial support for the American movement. American leaders are freely spending the money from Japan. Japan as the Eve nation is like a money mother. American leaders are continually demanding more money. There is no way the Unification Church of America can expand with such an attitude. They will go down to Hell. Have any of you really contributed any significant amounts of money to the major providence? The members in Korea and Japan are selling their houses, their property for the sake of the providence, whereas in America you continue to receive money and maintain your own lives. Is this the way that we shall receive God's blessing? The attitude taken by American people is of a low dimension compared to the members in Korea and Japan.
Even when it comes to dispatching 184 national messiahs from America, America is asking help from France and England in order to fulfill 184 national messiahs. But America should be in the position to share more people with Great Britain and France instead of asking these countries to help America. This is the way of life you American members are living. Yet, Americans have ignored South America. Therefore, Father wants to make Americans feel ashamed through South America people. Do you feel good or bad? (Bad) Is it as bad as if you are dying? If you truly feel suffering as if you are dying, then you will stop begging. Father doesn't want to come to Belvedere on Sundays, to a public place. Do it by yourselves. There will be struggle and conflict. You will sit here and compare whoever comes to give service with Father. But if you place yourself in the position of criticizing people's ability and try to compare them with Father, and also complain about Father, you are doomed to Hell. Those early members of the Unification Church will face the same situation. The only chance that we have is to throng to Belvedere and increase in numbers, even if Father is not here. Then you will have hope.
That is how you will be able to pull yourself out of this deep hole, otherwise if you just sit still waiting to be elevated, you will be pushed down even further. This is how heavenly fate operates. No matter how much you feel proud of yourselves and insist on your position, it doesn't work. You Blessed couples who have been raising your Blessed children from your own thinking, and based on your behavior will all eventually lose. Father plans to bring American people to South America and have them work with the land every day. That is how your children will be able to prosper. You have to become farmers and fishermen. Americans don't like that. Fishermen are powerful. No matter what kind of difficult situation they face they have to catch more fish. Powerful men. God helps that kind of person. It unifies the country.
In order to be resurrected you need to feel very bad in the process. You will feel yourself struck everywhere and the sting of arrows of judgment all over you. The scars of these arrows will become your testimony of faith. Reverend Moon was persecuted all over the world. Hit everywhere. But he didn't fall down. American Unification Church members have concepts which are opposed to Father's concepts. Do you clearly understand? (Yes.) If you truly understand clearly then you have to turn yourselves around 180 degrees. Turn back to safety. You are standing in a dangerous place, a no-confidence place. The most serious fighting place is within American couples. God doesn't like this fighting place. You have to make new beginning or you cannot go back to God's side, to the original place.
You must be feeling badly, but that is Father's purpose. Father wants you to have a new start on this first Sunday of August. If there is something wrong we have to crack it open to see what it is. That is why Father is giving this formula. In order to recreate we have to create the environment first. Have we created the environment in our homes in order to receive God? Have you really established your family so that your neighbors and entire community pay respect to your family by declaring you, as a Unification Church family, to be such a good example? We have to lift up our standard within our community and our homes. But we have ignored that aspect of life. When your neighbors all respect you and your family as an exemplary family, then they will eventually follow you.
Follow the formula of forgiving and forgetting. In following the formula of God's creation, once you create the environment, then subject and object appear. By the same token, if you create that kind of environment within your community then your family can stand in the position of subject and deal with the entire community. If you do so then all the families of your community will follow you and become unified with your family. This is the way of recreation. Remember, we have to create the environment first. If you live in an apartment complex for five years and are afraid to open your mouth in order to witness to neighbors, are you good or bad? You have to create the atmosphere around you, the recreation foundation atmosphere. Have you made that kind of foundation? No, you have not. In order to take that position you have to become subject, like God. You have to invest with your sweat, flesh and bone. You must make determination for three years. Inside, you understand God's Principle--outside you follow Satan's way. Make determination. In America Father finds it difficult to see an object world.
Only after reaching the unity of your mind and body are you qualified to get married. You mothers and sisters have to create your family by offering your absolute obedience to your husband and create the environment for your family. Have you women demonstrated absolute faith, love and obedience in following your subject? No, you have not. What Father is teaching you is the heavenly formula way. Ever since coming to America Father has invested in every possible way in order to create the environment. In this enemy country Father has invested absolutely everything. Father's standard was one of absolute faith, love and obedience in order to recreate America. During the past twenty years Father has turned America around. Can't you sense that America has been turning? (Yes.)
Father has been supporting, serving and caring for you all these years, coming down to your low level to do so. Like Satan's servant. But at the same time you expect Father to continue in this abnormal way. No. Father has been elevated to another level, to God's throne, to a royal seat, and now it is our turn to take responsibility. Can you do this? I have taught you so carefully. If you don't follow Father's example you will not be able to survive. Therefore, you have to take up the mission and follow with absolute faith, love and obedience. This is the heavenly formula way. If you follow this way it leads only to prosperity. Repeat after Father. [here Father has the audience repeat a phrase in Korean] This means the creation of the environment.
Are you women in the subject or object position? (Object.) What about man? (Subject.) The subject has to give one hundred percent absolute investment. This is how you become one. In almost every sense women are smaller than men. Because they are in the position to spin around you 360 degrees. Therefore, you men who are in the position of subject have to fill them in so that they can become elevated to your level. Beginning in your family life, husbands have to teach their wives how to elevate to your level. Unification Church couples have a mandate from God: we all have to sell our property, pack our belongings and follow Father wherever he leads, or wherever he sends us. Are you all ready to do so? (Yes.) Why? Because you haven't done anything until now. Whereas Father has reached the level of liberation of individual, family, tribal, nation and world level, even up to God. Father has reached to that level. Since Father has reached this cosmic level he is sending us out at the national messiah level. But we cannot simply make a quantum leap so easily. We have to go step by step.
Because of True Parents grace, now if Father sends you out as national messiahs then you are elevated to that level. However, you have to invest totally, 100 percent in order to meet this criteria. We are not really qualified to perform as national messiahs. Therefore, Father teams us up as groups of national messiahs, consisting of seven different national messiahs. As a national messiah team we go out to the world. There will be more than 184 families supporting us. The first stages of national messiahship is bringing unity between the Abel national leader and Cain national leader. Father completed the creation of the environment. Father has completed the role of Adam, Jesus and the Lord of the Second Advent. Within Father himself, the perfected Adam, perfected Jesus and perfected Lord of the Second Advent exists. Father has already built the ladder from Hell to Heaven. Satan has tried in every possible way to cut off this ladder. But Father has defeated Satan at every stage and now the ladder is completed. This ladder stands as a highway from Hell to Heaven. There is only one ladder.
If you had to build this ladder and go up step by step it would take more than four million years. Since Father has completed this ladder, Father now lends you this ladder to climb up. You don't have your own victorious foundation of family, tribal and national messiahship. This means you don't have your own ladder. The only way for you is to use Father's ladder. We have to come to complete zero point through absolute faith, love and obedience. Do you clearly understand? (Yes.) True Father has created the atmosphere for you to become national messiahs. This is the place higher than the place of Satan's dominion. This is the place of the direct dominion. Do you understand? The only way to go up to the level of national messiahs is by going up the ladder which Father has created. This is the time to claim back God's kingship. Kingship means national messiahship. Father is the King of kings. Your position is to follow the way of absolute faith, love and obedience. This is your mission, not Father's mission. Until this time Satan has occupied the national base.
Now you have to truly represent True Parents and take dominion as national messiahs. You have to make sacrificial investment towards this end. Take such action. Otherwise you will not be able to possess that honorable position. Without assuming this position you cannot connect with True Parents and Heavenly Father. Do you understand? (Yes.) This is your mission. Satan doesn't have this formula. The formula of forever investing and forgetting. Without practicing this formula successfully, without sacrificing you cannot reach God and True Parents. This is a reasonable conclusion. Now it is daytime, not nighttime. In the clear light of day you understand this formula. Is this true? (Yes.) There is no darkness, no night, only morning daylight. This is the place of truth. God's system of recreation is a most hopeful place. Do you feel that you are victors? Not victorious. Father doesn't like the adjective. You must feel that you are victors.
Heaven represents father and Earth represents mother. You came from the womb of your first mother and your second mother is the earth. From the earth all resources are supplied. Earth is the position of women. The earth digests everything and does not complain and so women must have those same characteristics. The land is our second mother. The Holy Spirit is our third mother, heavenly mother. First father is husband and the second father, mother's landowner king. To whom does the American land belong? The American president? The people? Yes, but the nation is the mother place. However, a president only reigns for four years, but God's way is that of everlasting Kingship. Democracy is the brotherhood position. Brothers fight one another. How can they become unified? It is not easy, brother to brother. They need parents in order to unify. Heavenly parents and earthly parents. [Father draws on the board to explain his point] That kind of foundation is called the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
As you see from Father's topic this morning, the Parents of Heaven and Earth are in the position of plus, subject. Whereas the era of family is in the position of minus, object. We need absolute oneness, absolute unification between these two. God represents the vertical aspect because He is the father of our mind. Mother represents earth and our body. Do you desire a unique, unchanging and eternal body or a temporary body? God created unique, unchanging, eternal and absolute love. God needs forever, unchanging love. Which part of men and women's body is different? Their eyes? The only part that is different is their sexual organs. Woman cannot be changeable. Woman is a unique, eternal and unchanging being. Is that true? (Yes.) Centering upon her sexual organ. Man is a unique, eternal and unchanging being centered upon his sexual organ.
Do you all have absolute sexual organs? Do you American women have absolute sexual organs or free sex sexual organs? (Absolute sexual organ.) Because of the Fall this unique, unchanging and absolute sexual organ has become the worst and most dirty place. Heavenly humankind hates that. Especially the religious world has denounced immoral sexual behavior. God doesn't want to see this breakdown of the sexual organ. Sodom and Gomorrah was full of immoral action which eventually led to its destruction. Now America is full of this immoral action which will lead to its destruction. Do you think that God welcomes free sexual behavior? (No.) In America the establishment of homosexual and lesbian couples is now beginning. Drinking alcohol, smoking, taking drugs are all Satan's weapons. The power of true love is a thousand times more powerful than all of these things. Because humanity lost true love, now they are seeking after artificial stimulation.
Free sex is like a poisonous snake, promoting AIDS and destructive diseases. One bite from this poisonous snake forever cuts down the ideal world. The enemy Satan is behind this hateful free sex action. The so-called religious world has always been teaching how to subdue the flesh body. The major religions have always maintained that human beings should not drink alcohol, nor smoke and never engage in free sexual behavior. This is the position of the mind.
The zero point is the "against" place. Without taking "against" place we cannot go down to the source, the original base. Do you understand? Original world, fallen world making unification. Satan made up that same plus. Zero point is going down non-plus. Then automatically combine. The religious world is the place of persecution. Every famous religion of the world has been persecuted. Do you understand? Unification Church leaders are all of you. Heavenly Father is God. Earthly Father is Reverend Moon, Father's body. Mind side, place of completion is vertical Father, Heavenly True Parents. Absolute, unchanging, eternal unification. Without making unification you cannot get into Heaven. This is the Principle of Creation. God's absolute law. Do you understand True Love atmosphere contains no Satan? The mind power can grow to occupy the flesh body. The mind is the place of strength and the body is the place of weakness. With the protecting action of prayer proclaiming that "I belong to God, I belong to God, I belong to God," even praying three times like this, then Satan cannot touch you. The bible teaches to pray unceasingly. That kind of mind power can occupy the body. The body will become like a baby and the mind can easily control this baby without any problem.
For three days Jesus descended into Hell and taught there. The master of Hell, Satan, could not touch Jesus because of the foundation Jesus established. Do you understand? After World War II the Christian cultural world stood on the foundation of a one world basis. America inherited that powerful position as center of that world. God's sovereign power was to create one world under God, not one nation under God. Until this time America has been proclaiming one nation under God. However, God wants one world under God.
American Christianity was represented by Protestantism, the younger brother to Catholicism. The younger brother of Protestantism took the position of the elder brother. Had America welcomed Father at that time then the world could have easily been restored. All of the blessings which God bestowed upon America were for the sake of the entire world, not for this nation alone. Because America became self-centered it has declined.
The Family Federation for World Peace rally in Washington, DC historically stands in the position of the top rally. No one can take the position of opposing. Everyone welcomes. How can this be denied? No power in the world is able to oppose. Because at the time of the Fall God was not able to control Adam and Eve, God had to recreate humankind after He lost the True Love seed. Adam and Eve produced the worst love seed. God had to create a new blood lineage. In the womb two brothers fought. God explained that in the womb two nations were fighting each other and the big nation must serve the small nation. This is God's providential way. In the recreation process God continuously invested and forgot. How difficult this process is. Imagine what a tedious and deeply miserable situation it has been for God to endure. How long it has taken to even reach to this point in the providence.
The process of recreation has been a long and torturous course for Heavenly Father. God has been seeking his true eternal love seed. Satan's seed is an imitation. It is not genuine. God's seed is unique, unchanging and eternal. How can humankind change their imitation seed back to God's original, unique, unchanging and eternal seed? How difficult God's position is. Every aspect of humanity is rotten. How can this rotten atmosphere be recreated? The only way is for this rotten atmosphere of humanity to become fertilizer.
The Unification Church is connected with God's True Love seed, while America has become a rotten field with no power. They have no power to save the family. In the Garden of Eden this rotten seed was sown at the teenager level. That time was equivalent to spring time. We are now in the time of autumn, harvest time. Therefore, we see the rotten seed that was sown in the spring time in Eden now spread throughout the world. This is the time of family breakdown because of this fallen rotten seed. No power in the world can recreate that seed. Only True Parents, who come like physicians, can recreate God's original True Love seed.
Reverend Moon has created the individual, family, national and worldwide base. The worldwide family base cannot be touched by Satan, because this is the place of the direct dominion. Only True Love can connect to the direct dominion. Is this clear? (Yes.) Do you like absolute love? (Yes.) From where will you obtain absolute love? Without True Parents you will never be able to catch absolute True Love. The True Father is the bearer of the True Love seed.
You have to feel that your family represents all past families and future families. That was the original standpoint of Adam's family. The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth represents our family. Without such family base the Heavenly King cannot come down to the Earth. Heavenly King and Earthly King connect into one. The unification of the mind and body is the place of this unification. God is the vertical King and True Parents are the horizontal King. Your mind is the vertical king and your body the horizontal king. Unification between mind and body becomes the heavenly kingdom headquarters place. The True Love center is the unity between man and woman centered upon their sexual organs.
Historically, the sexual organ has been considered the worst place. Because of the Fall everything came under Satan's dominion. Therefore, God has had to go the way of recreation through the world of religion. The formation religion was represented by Judaism, growth stage religion was represented by Christianity, and perfection stage religion is the Unification Church. We live in an age when computer technology makes it possible for us to be able to communicate with one another through a computer screen and even see one another while we speak. This means the spiritual world and physical world are moving closer together. True Parents are the central point of these two worlds.
Without the family base we cannot make the King's foundation. The family unit is the base for the foundation of the King. Soon we will have the 3.6 million couples Blessing. If you want to make a victorious foundation you have to follow Father's example. Father has given you family messiah, tribal messiah, national messiah and True Parents world messiah surrounding 360 degrees. Now Father is sending out national base messiahs. Not individual, but family base. You need to become family king, tribe king, national king, world and cosmic king.
Now is harvest time and it requires just one puff of wind for everything to be harvested. The time is so ripe now. We have to advocate the wind of the Blessing which will sweep throughout the entire world.
It is like a tornado Blessing. A tornado follows a certain path. Once we succeed with this 3.6 million couples Blessing worldwide, then those who are preparing to get married will pay attention to what kind of marriage the Unification Church is promoting. Don't you agree? (Yes.) The 3.6 million couple Blessing will be a universal event. Not just anyone can create such phenomena. Only King of True Love power, only Second Advent power can create this. The Blessing tornado is coming.
In the future, once married, if a couple gets divorced, they will be chased out of their community, because that kind of community will live under the standard of absolute love. Satan was the one who broke up the original family. In order to maintain the standard of absolute love, the world has to be mobilized to keep up with this standard. What should be done with Unification Church Blessed couples who deviate and produce children from such action? Father feels that we cannot accept that. Adam and Eve fell while in the period of growth. This is why they were expelled from the Garden of Eden by God. We received the blessing in the realm of perfection so how can we be forgiven if we deviate after this?
Because of the influence of American secular culture, some of the second generation children have deviated and fallen. How can this be prevented? If there are any Blessed couples producing such children, we don't need that kind of family seed anymore. They will have to be exiled so that that particular family tree can become extinct. Father is saying this now, even though it may not happen immediately. However, in the future it will take place.
You may be Americans but you cannot lead your lives based upon American standards. There are many secular Americans who have to be isolated. This is the reason that the American secular world hates Reverend Moon for teaching this truth. Imagine how much effort the satanic world invested in order to eliminate Reverend Moon. If the satanic world invests ten ounces of effort into persecuting Father, then Father gets 700 ounces of power in return in order to attack the satanic world. That is the universal law. The very title, the very name True Parents is so precious and so great that Father has to be absolutely sure that this lineage is not stained in any way whatsoever. This is the biggest test Father has to face. Throughout his life Father has never killed anyone. By this Father means spiritual killing.
When Adam and Eve fell, God, who was in the position of spiritual True Father, could not kill them. If the parents of Blessed children make mistakes then you children will be at the end of the line of human history. Right here in front of us, Heaven and Hell will be divided. Not some place else. Our bodies belong to Hell. Please make sure that you don't construct a hellish family. Please build families where heavenly True Parents and earthly True Parents dwell together with you. Do you clearly understand Father? (Yes.) This is a very serious matter. Please do not forget this heavenly formula which Father taught you this morning. Don't look at one another superficially. Look at a person's heart, mind and soul. That is the way that Unification Church members should look. We have to discipline ourselves to the extreme level that if our mouth is sown we have to rip it open and speak out the truth.
We have been shutting off all of our five senses until now. Father wants us to become bold and courageous in proclaiming True Parents. This year's motto is Let's Be Proud of True Parents and Let's Love True Parents. This time has now come. Father has held so many events in Washington, DC during the past six months. Now the people in Washington, DC are so wide-eyed and amazed. Without knowing why, they begin to follow. When the time is ripe such as this and you Unificationists keep your mouths shut, then others will come and replace you. Your younger brothers and sisters will push you aside and take up the main role if you fail to speak out.
Are you going to keep your mouths shut or are you going to speak out? (Speak out.) If we fail to do our responsibility then the animals and birds will come and play our role. The time has now come. Up until now God was unable to exercise His power on this Earth. But the time has now come when Heavenly Father can assert His power on this Earth. This means the time of hope has come. It is no longer the time of restoration through indemnity. Now is the time to show our results. This is the age of showing results. What kind of results do you wish to show?
The time of globalization of the true family has come. Therefore we no longer need religion. This means the religious world will disappear. The true family, true nation is a higher level. Now the time has come. Do you clearly understand Father? (Yes.) Time will not wait for you. Father has understood his entire lifetime how important it is to catch the moment. Repeat after Father one more time, please. [Again the audience repeats in Korean after Father] That means, please create and show the true love environment beginning from your family. The perfect subject can make the perfect object. The perfect object can make the perfect subject. Perfect humankind can make perfect God, liberate God centering on True Love. The same concept can connect anywhere. This is an amazing concept. Don't rest, just work day and night. Do you want to take a vacation? (No.) No. You have a more busy way to pursue.
Following the love atmosphere, we must make ideal couples, perfect couples. God wants to recognize ideal couples centered on True Love. Spread out and shine your lights everywhere. People will look at your loving couple, and your loving international couple, and be influenced by you. They will respect you. How can you make that kind of influential atmosphere? Expand and be welcomed everywhere. Create God's free atmosphere. Have happy faces, angel-like faces, people cannot forget you. They will want to invite you back again and again. Give out truth. Don't take a rest even one minute. Just work toward this goal. The busy way is best.
After you pass away God will show you your property, result of seed. What kind of seed? True man, true man teacher, true man king seed, those three. Bearing children and teaching this standard, that becomes your property in Heaven. In this world money and power is your property. But in Heaven, true man is property power. God does not need money, gold, silver and other precious stones. God doesn't need knowledge or power. But God needs True Love people. The restoration course is that of recreation. The Kingdom of Heaven is now vacant. Jesus doesn't have that true family and cannot enter into Heaven. He remains in Paradise. But Paradise is a waiting place, not a registration place, not where you get a ticket, or get married. At the time of the Second Advent we have to get married, have children; we have to make one world under God. Then kingship. Centered upon True Love all can be connected, King of Kings place.
How many babies do you want to have? Many or only one? American women don't want to conceive children because they like to maintain their slim bodies. Every year the black population is increasing, whereas the white population is becoming smaller and smaller. You American sisters should think of bearing twins, maybe one boy and one girl. This would be like God's creation of Adam and Eve. How wonderful. Jesus could not form his family. His twelve disciples plus himself made thirteen. But those twelve did not unconditionally unite with him and so he could not form the family base. He was not able to stand in the position of tribal king. Everything separated.
Do you want to have many children or a minimum number? If your wife refuses to conceive another baby, encourage her because your next baby may become a prince of God. Who knows.
Father was born as the sixth child in Father's family. However, if Father's physical parents had practiced birth control maybe we would not have Father now. When God was watching Father's family, if He observed them practicing birth control would God have tolerated that? (No.) God would not wait to give Father's physical family a chance. He would move to another place. The same applies to your families. In order to give birth to more children True Mother had to go through caesarian section four times. If your devotion is for the sake of humanity then you will have greater children each time. The true children who were born by caesarian section are brighter and more spiritual. They can see through people spiritually and try to advise Father concerning Unification Church leaders who are close to Father. If some leaders are not really worthy, they try to warn Father about this fact.
Do you wish to receive the gift of a child from God? (Yes.) If your husband is not really good enough, not mature enough, then please raise your husband to the level of king and make yourself a queen and then produce a child. Like the mother of a nation, you have to reach that level. Then make your husband the king of the nation. Then produce princes and princesses. That is fallen women's ambition. Put your effort and soul into your family in order to produce children of God. Will you do that? (Yes.)
Father remembers at the time of Yeon Jin Nim's birth True Mother's doctor was dismayed. "How can you continue to have more babies?" But of course this medical doctor did not know the Principle or God's providential Will. But Father knew that True Parents had to have at least twelve children. Therefore, Father had no other choice. Father's standard is the absolute family standard.
At the time of True Father, unless True Mother could produce twelve heavenly children there would be a big problem in God's providence. Within twenty years that task had to be accomplished. Otherwise, True Mother could not have assumed her position as True Mother. Do you follow? (Yes.) Among True Parents' children twelve different aspects of humanity are represented. All different kinds of talents are represented among them, representing the satanic world and the heavenly world, and True Mother's responsibility is to unite them all and educate them properly. But True Mother was not given enough time in order to educate them properly. If directly following World War II Christianity had accepted Father as the Lord of the Second Advent, the ideal family would begun to be established at that time. However, Christianity failed to accept Father. Father was forced out into the wilderness and Father's family had to start from scratch.
Father lost his twelve disciples and seventy-two elders. Right through from the family level to the national level was lost, because of the failure of Christianity. Father began to create Blessed families beginning with 3 couples, then 36 couples, 72 couples, 120 couples, 430 couples, 777 couples, 1800 couples, 6000 couples, 6500 couples and 30,000 at the worldwide scale. This is how the heavenly foundation has been expanded. From the time of 30,000 couples Blessing, at the horizontal level we have begun to push the satanic world. The 30,000 couples Blessing was equivalent to the formation level, Adam's level. The 360,000 was equivalent to the growth level, Jesus' level. The 3.6 million couples Blessing will represent the perfection level, the Lord of the Second Advent level, which is the worldwide level. In order to accomplish the 3.6 million couples Blessing on the worldwide level, all the national kings must be mobilized.
Until now there was no royal family in Heaven. Now Father is choosing royal family members on the worldwide scale. No longer on the national level, but the world level. Father's grandchildren will be given international, interracial marriages. However, this is not possible for Father's own children. It takes three generations. Within the first and second generation of Adam's family there was no other choice but to marry among their siblings. However, the third generation becomes more open to the nation and world. Do you follow Father? (Yes.) Your highest goal and dream should be that one of your descendants be able to marry into Father's lineage.
In the future those Blessed couples who go through the hardest and most principled course of life within the movement, their descendants may have the opportunity to mingle with Father's lineage because of their ancestral merit. But those Blessed couples who want to take the easy course and take a back seat, will have no chance for their descendants to marry into Father's lineage. Those who seek money, power and fame will be eliminated by God. Only those families who absolutely kept their lineage pure, as well as devoting themselves absolutely to God and humanity, only from such families will Father expect some good offspring to come to Father's lineage. Do you clearly understand? (Yes.) Only then will your lineage belong to the royal family in eternity. That engrafting will take place on this planet. Not in the spiritual world. This is the Principled way.
Those who sacrifice themselves like Jesus did, up to the point of sacrificing their own lives, will be the ones who will be included in arranging this heavenly royal tree in this world. Father is in haste to establish our own heavenly educational system from kindergarten through university level by the year 2000 so that our children will remain intact, completely free from satanic influence. Amen? (Amen) (Applause) The statistics show that the more developed countries have the higher level of broken families and many social disorders. Therefore, how can we protect our children from these developed countries' influence and culture? This is the task facing us. Father is planning to move his own family from America in the near future. Be honest, is America the proper place to raise children? (No.)
At the time of Adam and Eve there was only one fallen Archangel, but he caused human beings to fall. When we observe this fallen society in America, how many millions of fallen Archangels exist? Free sex, homosexuality, lesbianism, tobacco, drugs, alcohol. It is full of all kinds of deadly corruption. Originally, Father didn't want to bring true children to America. True children could have been protected and isolated from the rest of the world. However, they have to live their lives, to study and grow in this environment. Therefore, they were allowed to deal with the secular world.
Everyone in the free world stands in the position of fallen archangels. This is the place where free sex is being practiced. The heavenly standard is absolute sex. At the inaugural ceremony of the Family Federation for World Peace True Father proclaimed absolute sex as the standard. No more free sex. Absolute sex is unique, unchanging and eternal. This is the standard which can eradicate free sex and all other corruption from this world. No artificial stimulation from drugs, free sex and alcohol can reach to the level and degree of stimulation of absolute sex. All five senses come into one, centered upon absolute sex. It is full of enjoyment. God is the Absolute Being. The power of free sex and drugs is nothing compared to the power of God's absolute love power. Within the essence of God's absolute love power is absolute freedom, absolute hope. Without such absolute couples there is no hope, no freedom, no value. All love, life and lineage is connected with the sexual organs of men and women. Heaven or Hell begins at this point.
Father is feeling so hungry now. (Laughter) Do you all understand Father's message this morning? (Yes.) Father may not come here anymore. Father has been going to Kodiak for many years now. However, this year Father began to feel an uneasiness. He began to question why he should go there. But out of love for the members in Kodiak and Alaska Father went. Then Father caught a cold and began coughing and all kinds of physical trouble came to him. If Father has to go there again he feels it will be for the sake of vacation and then maybe it will be alright. (Applause) Father's total focus is upon the South American providence at this time. Therefore, Father wonders if he goes to Kodiak again if maybe his concentration and focus will become divided. This causes Father to feel uneasy. Do you understand? (Yes.) Father's own body tells him these things.
Last night some of the true children told Father that they had been planning for one year to go to Alaska in the middle of August to be there when Father and Mother are there in order to do some fishing and hunting with Father. They know that in the middle of August the silver salmon run and so they imagined that Father would go there. Even though the true children have made this plan for one year, when they asked Father if he will be going he told them that he hasn't yet decided. Father now has to return to South America and invest his soul and effort in order to raise up the leaders there. Then Father can bequeath his tradition and foundation to them.
Now Father is focusing on farms and forests to produce timber. All manner of projects are going on now in South America. North America is a large land mass, but when it comes to the quality of the soil, South America is richer. The South American continent has been abandoned so far. If we plant trees in South America they will grow at twice the rate of trees planted in North America. The rate of growth of trees in South America compared to North America is about five to one. Also it is possible to constantly rotate the planting and harvesting of grains and crops in South America. There is no season you cannot farm. But on the North American continent this is not possible. The price of farmland in North America might cost $100,000 for one thousand acres of land. Whereas in South America that same land would cost about $500.
The time may come when Father will instruct the brothers and sisters in North America to transfer to South America in order to build the ideal village, the ideal Kingdom of God there.
This area [indicating to the map] four hundred kilometers in diameter centering around Campo Grande is bigger than the land of Korea. There are thirty different counties within this vicinity. Father decided to buy thirty ambulances to donate to each of these thirty counties. This is out of Father's love. It is grace from Father. Because Father came to realize that in this particular farmland of Brazil, those farm owners have enough money to travel by their own vehicles. However, their farmlands are so huge, and the uneducated farm workers do not have money or means of transportation, and they have to raise their children without being able to educate them properly. What happens if one of them becomes sick? Many innocent children die due to lack of proper care. Also, these children are unable to go to school so they lack education. Father's heart went out to them and he decided to donate these ambulance vehicles so that if anyone becomes sick they can be transported to the nearest hospital. Also these ambulances can be used to transport the children back and forth to school.
On August 15 the governors of these thirty states will gather at Campo Grande and we will hold a big distribution ceremony of all of these thirty ambulance vehicles. These ambulances will bear the words: "We are grateful to the Founder of the Unification Church, Reverend Sun Myung Moon who donated these ambulances to our county." These ambulances will be driven over the same roads time after time because so few roads are developed there. They will be moving along with the sirens blasting. Imagine the promotional value to the Unification Church. (Laughter) Because of this relationship, five hundred leaders of this entire region will be gathered and educated. Eventually it will be five hundred people from each county. Father wants to connect them. Father wants to tie them all up together so that when Father pulls one end of the string all the thirty different states will be pulled at once.
This is the best location for farming and forestry. There are no mountains in the wilderness of South America. Usually it is bare ground and swampy water. But this particular region is different. It resembles Korea. It has mountains and fresh water rivers. Very rarely do you find clean running water on the South American continent, but in this region unique crystal clear water runs in a river there. In one section of this one river there are twenty-two different waterfalls. This will become the most famous place in South America, as well as the entire world. (Applause)
In Brazil they are proud of their famous waterfall. But that is only one waterfall. Here on this land, Father has twenty-two falls. The water is clean enough to swim. There are many varieties of fish in that river. If you wade into the center of the river many fish will swim around you. Your children will surely never want to come out of that river if you bring them there. The local leaders of that region did not know that there were waterfalls and so they were curious as to why Reverend Moon was focusing his attention on that region. Then they learned that there are beautiful waterfalls there and they were so amazed. Those of you who want to go there and see these waterfalls with your own eyes, show your hands to Father.
Father has the scientific knowledge and technology to develop an advanced world. Don't you think Father is a strange man? (No.) Father feels that we must not and cannot lose. That is why he is planning all of this. Again, Father is reminding you that up to six-thousand innocent lives are being wasted daily because of starvation. Twenty million people in a year. Who will save them? The American government? The American people? Developed countries? They are all after exploitation. We have to eliminate this exploitation and offer help. After three years of investment in the oceanic industry we have finally come up with the best quality fish powder. This is probably the best substance to save these dying people. Now we are developing ways to produce this fish powder and send it to the starving people of the world.
This brand of fish powder is of such high quality protein that if one pound of fish powder is sent to Africa they can add up to twenty pounds of flour and it is still potent enough. If they don't have enough flour, the fish powder can be diluted with twenty times of water and people can drink it. This solution is potent enough to save people's lives. This kind of fish powder will be taken by astronauts when they go into space. If you have a backpack filled with fish powder you could survive for one month. Therefore, Father proclaims that the time of traveling while living our lives is now coming. Are you interested in this? (Yes.)
Father has spent a lot of time in explaining all of this to you. [Now Father draws on the board] This is North America and this is South America. They represent plus and minus. Father is involved in all of these various projects in order to bring North and South America into one. This is the foundation to bring the entire world into unity. Father intends to unite Catholicism in South America with Protestantism in North America. Many Catholic and Protestant leaders of South and North America believe that it is possible to unite North and South America. You may not understand, even if Father tells you this, but you can believe that this providence is going on.
Do you understand the meaning of Father's topic this morning? (Yes.) Your family is this precious. Therefore, please prepare your family to be big enough and open enough so that you are able to welcome 180 people from 180 nations into your family, even though you are not equipped with the money and space to accommodate this many people. But if you truly set a goal to do that then God will work through you. In the early days in Seoul at our Chang Pa Dong Church Father kept our church open to anyone. That is why many wanderers, beggars and such people easily came into the church to have a free meal. That was the preparation. Therefore, we have to prepare our homes in this way. Do you white brothers and sisters like black brothers and sisters? (Yes.) Only within Unification Church is this possible. Unless we can demonstrate that we can build the Kingdom of God on Earth by having all five different races living together in harmony, we cannot dream of building the Kingdom of God on Earth as well as in Heaven.
If we have such a dream, then we have to make this dream come true. We are the people to fulfill it, to make the ideal world come true. Since we have such a dream and hope within us, are you disappointed or are you just too tired to even think about it? Which one is it? (Neither.) You brothers and sisters sitting out there in the hot sun, do you feel great? (Yes.) Father is going to continue his sermon until 5 p.m. today just to see if you are all able to remain sitting there until he finishes. (Yes.) Is that as much strength as you are able to muster? Demonstrate again your response. (YES.) Good. Because of your determination Father feels he doesn't have to get into deeper explanation because he believes that you have understood. Therefore Father will conclude his sermon. (Applause)
Let us pray.



World Mission Center, Translator Peter Kim, January 2, 1996

It has been a long day for you. When do you want to go home? Father is leaving the country on January 5, in three days' time. The year of 1995 ended the day before yesterday. Now we are beginning the new year of 1996. The days do not change, and yet the year changes. People grow older and eventually pass into the spiritual world. However, no one really remembers what happens in each year or carries that memory with them. Each year people have plans. Individual plans, family plans, national and world plans. Yet no one is really aware of those plans when they go to the spiritual world.
If there is a one hundred year old tree, each year that tree grows larger and age marks appear within the tree as the years go by and new branches grow. Yet no tree remembers all of those expenences over  
the years. Have you seriously thought about death? People usually die when they are not expecting it. Since Heung Jin Nim entered into the spiritual world, twelve years have passed, but Father feels as if it were only yesterday. In a way Father repented because when Father and Mother think of those seemingly short twelve years, Mother naturally considered that in twelve years Father would become almost 90 years old. In that sense Father felt sorry.
It is an historical question and imminent task for us: how to achieve our goal within twelve years, because God's providence is now blooming. This year Father will become 76 years of age. How many years until Father reaches the age of 100? Twenty-four years. How many months? 360 months. That sounds like a long time. However, when you watch your children grow, the infant stage may be now, but they grow up very fast. When they get married you will all feel as if it were only yesterday that they were babies. Father feels the same way. This twenty-four years will pass like one month.
You have made so many pledges of determination in the course of your life of faith. When we first left our homes for the mission given by God, remember the kind of pledges we made? If we do not fulfill those promises and have to return home, how agonizing it will be for us. And the people of your hometown, when they hear about your pledges and see you return empty-handed, what will they think? Is there anyone who has confidence that they do not have to join the spiritual world at any time? What if you should die tonight? We have to think about this. The fact that we are still alive means we are standing right on top of death. This means we are fighting against death and are winning. That is why we are alive day by day. No one can guarantee to win their constant battle against death. Some day you will lose the battle and you will die.
In the mirror we may enjoy ourselves and feel that we are handsome or beautiful. However, when we die this body will rot and decay back into the soil and we will be left with nothing. How miserable. The Unification Church movement is the most precious gift for any human being. This is the place where you can purify yourself, and accomplish what God wants you to do. This is the best opportunity for you to accomplish anything as a human being. Yet when you left your home, you left promises behind you that you would become a true person, a true hero, but in the course of your life on this path, you didn't achieve these promises. Instead, you made a lot of mistakes and ended up in the spiritual world where no Unification Church members are -- in other words, in Hell, while others have ended up in the Kingdom of God. Later on your village people, your relatives and neighbors who have known you in the physical world, will join the spiritual world and realize that you, a Unification Church member, ended up in Hell. Imagine the kind of feeling you will have to go through.
In that kind of miserable situation what kind of feeling would you have within you? This is a serious matter. No matter how miserable you might feel, nothing can be undone then. While working for God and the Unification Church you were opposed and persecuted by so many people. Though you were supposed to accomplish your life's goal, instead you ended up in Hell. When you realize that you fell lower than non-Unification Church members, think about how miserable a feeling you will have to bear. The course of the life of faith is winning the battle with death.
The year of 1995 has passed. With the ending of each year we have to be grateful that we passed through it. With what substance? Not because you are still alive, but rather because of what you have accomplished during any particular year for the sake of God. What kind of result have you achieved? If you think about this seriously, you have to fight with yourself in order to find one more extra day in order to accumulate more results for God. When it comes time to go to bed at night and you try to squeeze one more hour into that day which will cover one whole day of tomorrow, then you have to accomplish. If by doing so, you gain one more extra day, what would you do? In that extra day you earned, if you are able to convince someone who can then move your entire nation, that means you are saving your nation. That one's day result is possibly saving your nation.
This means saving your time in order to do the public work you are destined to do, and disciplining yourself to follow the right course -- the course of the life of faith that we all have to walk. Do you understand this? Everyday we have to think about death. Today I am walking this way but if I suddenly drop dead what is going to happen? Even if you drop dead in the middle of your walking, if your determination was by going that way for one hour you would win one day, you will be successful. Unification doesn't come through the entire course of your life. Unification comes in one particular moment. If you have an archenemy for example, but you say one word to melt his heart, in that instant you will become friends. Then unification comes about.
Whenever you finish your mission at the end of the day, please think that through your action you want to add one more hour of success to that day. When reaching their seventies and eighties people have a general sense of when they will join the spiritual world. Those who have important missions to accomplish, like Father or other big leaders, are under so much pressure. They have a general consciousness of their death. Particularly those exiles who are caring for and loving their countries. They have sleepless nights so they can predict their future.
Father's life has been so tumultuous that he has been imprisoned and tortured many times. In each particular moment while he was being tortured and imprisoned, he thought that he must not die, because Father knew who was to be responsible for the course of humanity. Therefore, he felt he could not die. Even on the verge of death, if you truly pray and shed tears which can lead you beyond death, then God will come down and help you. Do you understand this? Torture and suffering are not the problem. Rather, you have to make sure that you accomplish your mission before you die. That is the question all the time. That is a fearful mission. Have you really thought about it?
Please remember the day when you truly dedicated yourself to God and truly worked for the sake of the whole of humanity. Those days should be remembered by you. If you remember those days and the high level life of faith that you began ten years ago and yet you feel differently from that time, then you have to repent. You need to reflect deeply within yourself and ask why. It is obvious that there is a difference between your effort in giving to the public mission then and now.
We know the terminology of restoration of the cosmos. That concept includes the liberation of God. When it comes to the restoration of the entire cosmos, have we stood in the position of restoration of the cosmos for even one single day? That is the question we have to ask ourselves. If not, then what does the restoration of cosmos have to do with ourselves? We have to sacrifice ourselves and go beyond death in order to be connected to that particular cosmic mission. Otherwise we do not have anything to do with it. We cannot travel just horizontally; our life has to travel vertically upward. As you continue your life, don't expect it to become easier. Rather it should become harder and steeper.
The course of our life is one where we have to build bridges through sacrificing ourselves so many times, giving our devotion and life in order to do so. On our own we cannot complete our goal of scaling this vertical ladder. Therefore, as we continue to climb the ladder, with each step we have to shed our genuine tears in repentance telling Heavenly Father that we want to do our absolute best to climb the ladder, though we are unworthy to do so. From this position, we can beg God's assistance. That is the only way that God will come down and help us to accomplish our mission. Do you follow? You cannot retreat from the course of climbing this vertical ladder. If you fail to accomplish your public mission then you will be criticized. If you cannot climb up further what shall you do?
If you feel that you are unable to go one step further, then you have to determine to sacrifice your life in order to reach another step. When you are in the position of feeling stuck and unable to move another inch, then you have to remember the kind of course God has walked all throughout human history. God, who lost His original Adam and Eve, has not been able to restore them back completely, even after 6,000 years. When you think of this, you will feel that you can go beyond death. As soon as you feel God's heart of agony and you shed tears because of that realization, then you will be lifted up and go beyond the goal that you are trying to reach. Because God will help you. Unless we reach the point beyond our death we cannot receive help from God.
After Father leaves this country on January 5, he plans to research the ocean front in South American countries, such as Argentina, Uruguay and others. When Father thinks about these projects he realizes that they will make him fatigued. Ordinary people might feel that when they are tired they should rest, but Father feels challenged to go through the fatigue and accomplish. Father's thinking is this: if in a particular boat there are ten of us strong people, yet even if nine of the others collapse in the midst of the course, I cannot because I have the biggest mission. God likes such a person. When we think in a self-centered way God does not help us.
You ladies feel good when you apply make-up to your faces. When you are dressed up and made up and you leave your home, perhaps you meet a woman wearing rags and no make-up on her face. What do you feel when you see her? Do you feel embarrassed? Even in an encounter with such a person, you should be able to feel that she is like your mother, your sister, or your daughter. That is the key -- how to generate that kind of heart -- because God's heart always goes out to such people.
Father has experienced many different types of prisons. Therefore Father has seen people who were so hungry that once they got some food they collapsed and died. Then other inmates would take the food from the dead person's mouth and eat it. If the parents of that dying inmate were there, do you imagine they would take out the food from their dying son's mouth and eat it? (NO) If you have such a parental heart, then all the inmates of that particular prison would honor and respect you naturally. While Father was in Hung Nam prison in North Korea it could be so bitterly cold in the winter time, if you spit, your saliva would freeze even before hitting the ground. When the prison uniform was given out, it was very thin material. One shivered all night. In that kind of environment how can one generate a parental heart to the inmates to the point of being able to take off one's prison uniform and give it someone else? That is the key. God comes down to that kind of place, that kind of heart. Even if you take off your jacket in that severe weather and give to another, you don't die.
Among 240 million Americans how many of them have that kind of serious parental heart? Father really wants to know if we truly consider the Will of God as my will; if we truly consider the True Parents' will like our own. Do we consider the Will of God as something separate from ourselves? If we consider this Will of God as belonging only to God, or as True Parents' goal, then we have some distance because it is relative to us. But when we feel that it is our own will, then there is no distance. God has been seeking the restoration of the original Adam and Eve. However, He is not seeking them from some place distant but rather from within "myself." That is the attitude that we should have.
What kind of course do you imagine Father had to go through in order to determine the cause of the Fall? Have you thought about it? When Father truly felt the heart of God at the time of the Fall of Adam and Eve, Father immediately traveled to the original time when God first felt that agony and heart. That painful agony came about at the point of the Fall of Man. This pain itself forms a subject and object relationship. Therefore, Father concluded that the Fall took place due to the misuse of love. What kind of agony have you experienced because of the Will of God? If you truly feel the pain at not being able to fulfill the Will of God, your heart will travel to the point where you can find your object.
In the course of the providence, whenever Father makes a decision it is the correct one. Father does not take chances. He doesn't act on whim. Once Father is connected to God and figures out what is the most agony that God has, then Father immediately travels to that spot and can make decisions based upon that situation. Then just as God has no friends, Father has no friends. He is alone. That is why Father always feels that he has to do everything himself. Since God's dispensation in South America began one year ago, just imagine how much work Father has accomplished in that year.
Even when Father decides to have a conference on a certain day, everyone around Father tries to delay in order to have more time to prepare. But Father alone insists to go ahead, with or without enough preparation time. Because Father knows the timetable. If they truly understood what Father understands, they would be in an even greater hurry than Father. But they are so ignorant of the providential timetable.
Walking through this course of dispensation, Father has trusted our members just like his own sons and daughters. He gave much responsibility to many members. However, many of them have failed Father.
When Father looks at you all, there is no one who is standing straight in front of the Will of God. Can you confidently claim to have been standing straight for twenty years in front of the Will of God? There may be thousands of thin roots underneath you, but the central root should be just one. Where there is one central root, there should be one central trunk, not two. That is the shortest distant that you can travel. Not traveling in a zig-zag manner. Since you joined the Unification Church has your life followed the central trunk and central root? Usually, once we discover the truth we make such strong determination to give our lives. However, within a couple of years we lose our determination and we vacillate. Remember, from the central root straight up the central trunk and on top of this central trunk God's throne is waiting for you.
God has been seeking the true children who can inherit the throne of the Kingdom of God in Heaven. What about the life of Adam and Eve? Did they demonstrate a zig-zag path? That is why human history has become so complicated. This is not conceptual. This central root, central trunk and central body are still there, planted by God. But we have to find the right person who can stand in that position. The twelve disciples of Jesus Christ created their own denominations eventually. But the central root position is only one. Who can take that position? No one.
It is incredible that the Unification Church finally came up with the teaching of elder sonship, elder parentship, and elder kingship. That is straight from the central root, central trunk and central body course. This is a vertical relationship, but when we expand it on the horizontal level it spreads out from the individual to the cosmos. The reason Father is giving this special teaching is because we overcame one hurdle. Therefore, Father will not have so much time to deal with you as often as he has been doing so far. The time of the life of the elder son is different from the life of elder parents. The period of elder sonship is different from the period of parentship. When the period of kingship emerges it is a vertical time. Unlike the time of family under parentship. As Father completed his religious conference, Ecumenism in America, this realm is represented by Abel. Now Father has to create the Cain realm which will be represented by the secular world heads of state.
If Father gives them enough time to work and prepare to invite such people to Washington, then they will just take it easy. However, if Father gives a deadline of three days to accomplish then everyone becomes more desperate to achieve the goal. It is a matter of your heart, attitude and determination. The time is not the key factor. How about changing the date for the 3.6 million couples Blessing Ceremony from November 1997 to November 1996? Would you not become more serious about this event if that were the case? If Father gives the goal of November 1996, would you become more serious about this event, or would you be knocked down and give up? Even at the cost of our lives, and even after we die we still have to accomplish this. No one is going to help you. It isn't a case of firing the canon ball. The canon ball has already been fired and is on its way. Now it is a matter of hitting the target.
Without doing this, how can we restore through indemnity the 40 years of history or 4,000 years of history? We have to give our one hundred percent effort. It is all a matter of your mental attitude. With the right attitude God will come down and work through you. Do not imagine that you can sit eating your meal in a relaxed manner. Eat while on your way to witnessing. You answer well. But answering is not the key. Practice is the key. When people talk much they usually have a lot of excuses to offer as well. Do you understand?
Whenever we want to plan an event, do we need to have three weeks, two weeks or one week in order to prepare? God does not like long periods of preparation. Father is giving you a practical tip here. Whenever a major event is being planned by Father for the first time, remember that the event may be held in the future as well. Therefore, you have to make plans for the second and third conference already. Then when Father gives direction for such an event you can tell him that you are able to accomplish it within three days.
Geographically speaking, Uruguay is in exactly the opposite position to Korea. If you were to drill straight down in Seoul, Korea then you will end up in Montevideo. (Laughter) It is on the same axis. How often has Father been teaching us about the importance of axis. Already Father has thought about this axis line with Uruguay down there.
Father has been practicing the philosophy of fishing here. He gave the bait to Uruguay and then the bigger fish of Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay kept their mouths open, waiting for a bigger bait silently. The bigger the fish the bigger the mouth. Therefore Father is able to hook them more easily. (Laughter) When such a central figure thinks in such a way for the sake of God, and accomplishes such events for the sake of God, then that person will never lose. In order to catch a big fish you need a big bait. When you throw the larger bait into the water, there should not be people around making a noise. It has to be quiet and when the big bait begins to sink the big fish will bite it.
The country of Uruguay itself will become a bait for bigger countries. In your case, to whom do you want to grab onto? Would you prefer to grab hold of Father or a small local leader in your region? (Father) Suppose your local leader kicks you out of the movement and persecutes you. Because of that would you leave the church? Then you are like a small leader shrimp. That means you are not even worthy to become chum. Are you bait or are you chum? What are you? We have to think about this. When Father stands before an American congregation of our members, he doesn't feel attracted by your appearance. He doesn't see anyone who really appeals to him. Father is not an ordinary person. He is different from everyone else. Do you understand that?
During the 1950s in Korea, there was a small village located approximately 55 miles from Seoul. In those days there was no nice paved roadway to that village. But during that time there were three sisters from one particular family who were praying constantly for Father to come to visit them. They often received revelation that the next day Father would come to visit them. Then they all prepared delicious rice cakes and cleaned their houses and waited for Father. But Father never came. However, instead of giving up, they continued to pray even harder. Upon receiving another revelation they prepared again. They did this so many times. How about you? If that were to happen to you, would you give up and destroy everything and complain about the revelation? Whoever complains in the life of faith will have much potential to fail in his life.
Do you have a tendency to complain about things? Someone said "no complaints," but when he spoke he didn't look straight into Father's eyes. If Father were to complain about his course of life during the past forty years, imagine how much he would have been able to complain. Keeping it all within his heart, what kind of agony would he store up? Father had absolute confidence from the very beginning that this truth would save America, Russia and the whole world for forty years. However, many people didn't accomplish their missions. If Father had begun to complain about his followers and the evil world that didn't accept him, what kind of miserable life Father would have. Do you understand?
Do you think that we would have the opportunity to even know about the terminology of True Parents? Yesterday Father conceptually wrapped up the concept of True Parents for us, but if he really were to get into details about the meaning of True Parents it might take thousands of years. We have to understand this. Father's character is like a fire. No one can compare. Yet Father is also most patient. This is where the value lies. That is why everything has been possible up until this point. What about our lives since joining True Parents? Have we complained during our life of faith up until this point or not? Those who have not complained at all show your hands to Father. The course of the life of religion is even going beyond death. We are still alive. Therefore we cannot complain.
The Bible teaches us that those who are willing to sacrifice their life shall gain it, while those who are trying to save their life shall lose it. Suppose this particular sister here was so dedicated to the mission that she forgot to comb her hair for one week and may appear as a crazy person. Yet when God looks down upon her would He love her or would He consider her as a crazy woman? (He would love her) If she is really such a person, then when God comes down and sees her, should anyone laugh at her God would punish them and give all the fortune of that person to her. We all learned from Father Satan's strategy and God's strategy. God's strategy is being attacked first and then claiming everything back from the attacker. This is a mysterious strategy. On the contrary, Satan's strategy is to attack first and ultimately to lose everything.
Our attitude in life should be to wait and understand that the road of restoration is the one where we change the road of death into the road of life. Even if it means to go to the extreme of sacrificing our lives. Then you can survive and be successful. While you are alive you have to experience death. If you have to walk such a path, imagine how miserable your life would become. Because you have to become the partner of God who has been giving and investing and forgetting. You have to become like God. The life of faith is killing my present self and preparing my future self to a greater degree. In our life of faith the most fearful thing is becoming a leader. Do you follow Father? The leader's position is one of giving and investing. Not taking from someone.
Father has now achieved his goal and is sitting on the top of the world and he knows that many important people want to meet him. Therefore, Father is retreating to the extreme countryside in South America and hiding himself where there is water, untouched soil, trees and mountains, just like the original creation of God. That is the place Father is going. Returning to nature is Restoration again. Loving that water, grass and trees there just as God loves them. God created all these elements as well as the fish in the water. All different kinds of fish. If Unification Church members catch a certain number of fish from some place, you have to pay them back by offering a month's supply of food to the fish. Whenever Father goes fishing the first fish caught is always released as a condition. Suppose Father is only able to catch one fish per day. He still has to put that fish back. Sometimes Father sets conditions. For example, if he is only able to catch one fish a day, then as he releases the fish he prays: Since this is the limit I am able to catch, by releasing this fish, then for one month I don't have to release the fish. If I catch two small ones then I will release both of them. If you have such a heart then the fish will naturally be attracted to your bait and keep on biting.
When leaders fish together with Father, the leaders sit there for many hours without being able to catch anything, while Father is catching many. Some people believe there is magic in Father's fishing pole. Even when it comes down to the level of fish, when there is a heartistic relationship, fish are drawn. That is why it is exciting for Father. People who usually go with him become tired within a few hours and try to run away. Yet for Father, he never feels tired. He can fish the whole night long. Since Father is on the topic of fishing, he is affirming his direction to you as you receive four different types of boats. Leaders of each country, you must train yourselves how to drive and repair boats and do fishing. If you do well, Father may build a boat yard or factory in your country in the future.
Father is launching the project which your ancestors are doing. Therefore, you have to have the attitude that since it is your ancestors' project then we are the ones to first inherit this. You don't like to think that way though. Some people tried to duck out when Father first tried to bring them fishing with him. But now they are crazy about fishing. Even if you want to go fishing, you cannot unless Father agrees. When you complete your mission then Father will take you fishing. Father has completed his work in other areas; that is why he is cultivating this oceanic enterprise in many ways. But if Father were to go into details about his future plans today you would all go crazy. Therefore, Father won't reveal these things now. Even if Father tells you what is going to take place this year and next year it is difficult for you to believe. If Father were to explain things that may happen in twenty years from now you wouldn't believe it. Just as the members who left twenty years ago heard Father's explanation as to what would be happening today but they didn't believe. Now, standing outside of the movement, they realize that these things actually came to pass.
Even though many of these former members have made their careers since leaving the movement, they now realize that they won't be able to take their money and career with them when they die. They feel stuck. All the money and careers they have made has been under the condition of the enemy Satan. As we continue to build the road to our physical death, are you going to build a wide enough road so that 1000 people can line up and walk with you? Is this an easy task to accomplish? If you take your life easy, do you imagine that you will be able to accomplish this? As you continue to build your road, have you thought of building it wide enough and fast enough that True Father will follow your road and even God will travel along your road through different nations? Do you want to receive True Father to your country? Originally, those who were born outside of the United States, please raise your hands. Most of you. Have you really thought about building a super highway that God and True Parents can travel along with you?
Where Father is going don't you think that God will want to travel also? Where there is a steep mountain and narrow valley you cannot build a super highway wide enough to bring many people along with you. The secret is, instead of building a narrow road due to the circumstances, you have to develop many attractions there. Then they will come. If God and True Parents come there you can show how to catch many different species of fish. Then you can explain to God how, since He created so many varieties of fish, you can catch them in all different ways. Then you can make God and True Parents excited.
When Father was recently in Brazil, he woke up before 5 A.M. and would go out to the small rivers for fishing. People would wonder what he was doing. The fish are limited in number and how much can one fish in the dark? But they don't understand. We have to be trained in many different ways, so that in the midst of a down-pouring shower, if God comes, you should be able to take God out for fishing. Also, if there is a flood and land sinks, you should still be able to find a certain spot to catch fish with God. That much training we need. Suppose there is pouring rain, but one fish bites your line and takes off. Then you have to follow that fish. In order to catch the fish you will forget about the umbrella. You will forget about being wet and still cling to your line and go after the fish. Unfortunately, after all this effort, the fish you catch is only small. Then you will begin to realize that in order to catch this little fish you got completely soaked, broke your umbrella and that when you go home your family and neighbors will persecute you.
You have to prepare yourself to be able to cope with that kind of treatment from people. In that embarrassing situation you taste life. That is the beauty of life. No matter how unfriendly or rigid looking a husband one may have, when he falls into that situation he will have to smile and be nice to his wife. Then she will realize that he is never this way, and remember that particular day as a most memorable day. Thinking power is a great thing. When you have that kind of variety of experiences you can make yourself a versatile leader. You will be able to lead in any circumstance. When someone is crying you will hold onto his ear and slap his face. Naturally, he will rebel against you for taking such action. Then you have to give him a nice reason such as, "you look exactly like my elder brother and he used to slap me a lot. I wanted to kind of pay him back so I slapped you." That will make him smile or laugh. That is how you can instantly become close friends.
If someone keeps acting like a big shot and boasts about himself, keep on praising him until he reaches the top. Once he realizes there is no way to go further up, he will plummet to the bottom. That is the time you can step on him. This kind of practice of life causes every kind of people to like Father. Not only Unification Church members. Fishermen, miners, farmers, even thieves like Father. Those thieves could sit down with Father and after listening to him speak, get up and leave without stealing anything. Don't you think this is an exciting life? Those who want to accompany Father on a fishing trip, raise your hands. If you want to be eligible to do this then establish a fishing club consisting of fifty or more members. Minimum membership is fifty.
If you become successful in forming such a fishing club membership, then some day Father may call you and tell you to bring your club members. You don't need to bring fishing rods, bait or anything. But you still have to buy the tickets. (Laughter) Then Father will take you and your club members to a particular spot where you can catch big fish. Are you interested? Father will open his eyes and watch you. Those of you who are confident to build such a fishing club with fifty members or more raise your hands while closing your eyes. Father is counting now. Keep your hands up. Please translate for the Japanese members to help them understand what I am saying. Keep your eyes closed. If you truly feel that you want to do it then please show both of your hands. If you have good fishing boats in your country you can digest up to thirty people at a time. By doing so you can train them.
Father will establish a focal point, something like a headquarters office to where you can report regarding your fishing activity. Where there is potential Father will send his representative to further investigate what kind of fish can be caught at your location. Then we will send tourists and sightseers. As Father predicted, in the near future, the world will be attracted by this industry.
Have you heard the great news regarding the Il Hwa soccer team of Korea? (Yes) Three consecutive championship victories. In this third year, after they won the championship in Korea, they were sent out as the representative team of Korea and won the Asian cup again. (Applause) We are referring to professional soccer matches with Asia. As a bonus, Father is inviting these Il Hwa soccer team members to Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay and Father will provide a match with the national teams there. (Applause)
Now we shall organize the fishing clubs. Those who raised their hands today to form fishing clubs in your countries, please provide your names on the list before leaving. When you have the opportunity to go on a fishing trip with Father do you want to cover about ten miles from your home town and go fishing or do you want to go as far as you can with Father? How far? One-day course or two or three-days' course? (One week) How about those who are willing to go around the world with Father? Raise your hands please. Go ahead and form your clubs then. This year of 1996 Father will call upon you. Four or five teams at a time may be called to Montevideo. All the fish that you catch will be bought back with the top price. If you really know how to calculate plus and minus, how many fish you catch and how much money you can earn, then you can become successful. Then wherever you go with your club members you can always rent a boat at a cheap rate and have money left when you return home.
Whoever reaches up to 500 membership will receive a mold of the Good Go boat in order that you can build your own boats in your country. Eventually there should be all 163 nations building boats. Then you can sell the boats and make money. Right now these boats are being built at a shipyard in Korea, but when the time comes you will be able to build your own boats and make money. In the near future there is a plan to build submarine villages. We will have submarines under the water with five or ten families living there together. Anytime you want to move from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean you simply sail there. This time is coming and we will do this.
The people living on the land will observe that a particular submarine village submerged over a month before without surfacing and so they may all be dead. However, when we have submarine villages, we will have small holes in the wall where we can stick out our fishing rod whenever we need fish. Are you interested in this life?
The big shots of the world have already covered the famous places of the world. There are beautiful beaches in Rio de Janeiro. There thousands of people will pour to the beaches in season. When they are in the water swimming they often urinate in the water. Those who are guilty of urinating in the ocean while swimming, raise your hands. You are laughing which means you are already guilty of this.
Suppose there is a beautiful beach with clean water and tens of thousands of people come there to swim. Then a newspaper reporter comes and takes a sample of the water and has it analyzed. If the result shows that ten percent of the water is urine then immediately people will stay way from that beach. Then where else can they go? Once they come to learn this information through newspaper articles they no longer will frequent the well-known beaches. Rather they will go to hidden, untouched, small places. Therefore, they need small airplanes and small landing strips in the remote countryside.
Actually, as long as there is land it isn't so much of a problem. In South America Father saw places where it took a bulldozer one week to create a natural landing strip. These small planes are able to land on the grass or even sand. It isn't so much of a problem. In the near future we will have many small airports throughout the world. Unification Church members will be in charge of operating them and you can live your lives on that income. Also you can go wherever you want to go. Because you are in charge of the airport airplanes have to come and land there and if they are not full they will give you a seat.
The time for automobiles is passing away. Soon we will witness the small airplane era. Small airplanes are not so expensive actually. In each country the most beautiful and scenic areas are in the remote countryside. Therefore if we were to build small landing strips in such locations and have our own privately owned resorts then people will come and visit. We are living in such a time when we don't have to own these airplanes. We can charter small planes and use as many as we want.
Suppose we have small airports in 160 nations in small scenic and beautiful resort areas and a tourism guide book showing all the different locations with information and photos. Then once you have your fishing club membership up to fifty people or more, once again you take them to different locations throughout the world. Within five years the club membership will expand to hundreds of people. (Applause) Once they come and have a wonderful experience because of the good service and friendly environment, they will be totally amazed.
The time is coming soon when there will be dozens of cruise size love boats and dozens of small submarines and helicopters. Then the love boat cruiser will drop off a group of people here and there around the world and they will spend a week in each place. Then as the boat comes around they can be picked up again and another group dropped off. This kind of sightseeing arrangement can be made. Isn't it exciting? Those who have enough money won't have to remain in one place. They can travel to the remote countryside of the world and do their work at the same time they are enjoying their lives.
Suppose one company buys twenty round-the-world tickets. It doesn't have to be limited to one person using all the tickets, but rather all the company directors and executives can share the tickets and go wherever they want to go and enjoy their lives. When you have a number of boats you can share the boats to also travel wherever you want to go. The route can be decided by yourself from north to south or east to west. This will also include hunting expeditions. For hunting purposes we can create animal farms of even tigers, wolves and lions. We can raise them and ship them to wherever we are going to do hunting. It is just a matter of shipping them from one place to another.
We will cultivate fish farming for the sake of fishing. All manner of fish can be farmed so that people can catch whatever type of fish they want. If one place has only three kinds of fish we will be able to connect it to another fish farm that has a larger variety so eventually people will be able to fish for a greater variety of fish. Father's plans are limitless. Where there is hunting and fishing then we can also create a soccer field, tennis courts, volley ball courts and even a playground like Disney World.
When soccer teams have to travel to play matches, they don't necessarily have to fly. Rather, they can take the love boat on the way. The reason for the idea of submarine villages is because there are so many restrictions due to national boundaries worldwide. If you have a submarine you don't have to be bound in that way.
You should know by now what God's future plan is. The time is now right where we shall not need school buildings nor office buildings. Wherever you go you need only have a laptop computer and you will be able to communicate with everyone. You can swap your office workers from one place to another, maybe fifty at a time. You will not be restricted by one particular bit of information whatsoever. The revolution of information and transportation technology has broadened the human horizon so widely. Video tapes will be utilized for the purposes of education. Then you can study whatever you want to at any level. That is why Father has been combining and organizing scholars from all over the world, and also newspaper organizations, in order to disseminate our message. Are you interested in all of this? (Yes)
Do men like this better, or women? You American women claim that more women are interested. This means you need to learn how to drive boats as well as cars. Also submarines. Prepare yourselves.
What is this year's motto? Let's Be Proud of True Parents, and Love True Parents. Since you heard Father's New Year's message do you now feel that you know why we need True Parents? (Yes) We must understand how many murders, suffering, struggle and persecution that history has come through until True Parents appeared in this world. The notion of True Parents existed even before creation. That was the standard God wanted to see. When God lost the name True Parents because of the Fall of humankind, what agony and suffering God had to go through. This is a reality.
This is Father's written direction to you for 1996. Write it down now.
January 1, 1996 New Year's message: Let's Be Proud of True Parents and Love True Parents:
I. Let's be proud of True Parents.
A. The original standard of the purpose of creation is True Parents.
In other words, True Parents are the center of all of creation. Do we want to stand on God's side, being proud of True Parents or standing on Satan's side? Instead of Satan's side, let's say human being's side or Unification Church's side or God's side? (God's side) God never had the chance to be proud of True Parents upon that original standard. If Adam and Eve had perfected themselves and become the original standard of True Parents then they would have become the pride of the entire physical world as well as spiritual world for eternity. On God's side we should be proud of True Parents and place ourselves in the position of parents to be proud of.
B. True Parents are the purpose of God's absolute love.
C. True Parents are second God.
Don't you think that we should be proud of True Parents? (Yes) The more proud you are of True Parents the greater you will become in terms of scale and size. If you do so at the village level, you will become famous in your village. Whereas if you do so at the world wide level then you will become a world leader. People will pay attention to True Parents and to God.
D. True Parents are the model of the heavenly family.
True Parents are the model to build the heavenly family. In other words, without True Parents we cannot build a heavenly family.
E. God dwells with True Parents and True Parents become the cornerstone, or foundation to build the Kingdom of God on Earth as well as in Heaven.
F. Let's be Proud of True Parents so that all of the creation, humankind and even God Himself can be happy to hear that news.
G. Centering upon myself and my family, let's prepare to expand the realm of the Blessed couples.
This means we have to bring the victory for 3.6 million Blessing due to take place next year. Upon the completion of our family we should be proud of our tribe, our society, and so forth.
II. Let's love True Parents.
A. Let us love True Parents beyond the level that Abel was made an offering, and love the enemy.
Because we all carry satanic blood lineage, we don't have any direct connection with God's blood lineage. In order for us to be qualified to enter the Kingdom, we have to love our enemy's children more than we love our own children. This will be the condition that we can be connected spiritually to God's direct lineage. That is the level we are addressing here. Originally, man was supposed to become God's true children who would naturally have a direct connection with God.
Since God's creation, human history consists of thousands and thousands of years. Yet only 4,000 years ago the foundation for God to begin the history of restoration began. Why? It was the time of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Not because God had no interest in restoring humankind earlier. Humankind received God's love enemy's lineage. Put yourself in God's place. You have your fiancee whom you are going to marry tomorrow and tonight your enemy appeared and snatched your fiancee away from you. That man then becomes your love enemy. After several years he and your former fiancee return with their children, your enemy's children. What kind of animosity and hatred would you hold against your love enemy?
When you face the children of your love enemy you still should be able to love them more than you love your own children. That is the only way to restore this lineage. Do you think that it is possible for you? What do you think? Without question it is very difficult. In front of God there is only one Adam and one Eve. According to the Principle He cannot create other ones. Therefore, He has to restore them back to the original state. Even if you offer your love to your enemy's children more than your own children, don't you think the concept of the enemy's children will remain with you? Will you be able to completely eradicate the concept that they were your enemy's children or will you constantly struggle with this feeling? Which way? You will remember from time to time, will you not? That is why it has taken tens of thousands of years. Up to ninety percent that feeling was eradicated and then came back to the original point again. That repetition went on throughout history.
God's heart is a million times purer than our own hearts. Once that scar was engraved in God's heart because of the fall of man it couldn't be erased so easily. Do you follow? That is why God had to have Abel sacrificed. Abel's blood was shed in order to save Cain. Throughout history Abel, on God's side, sacrificed himself, begging God to love Cain more than God loved Abel. That was the way God's heart began to melt. On the other hand, think that by losing His children over and over, God's heart gained thousands of scars and dulled His sensitivity. At the time of Abel's sacrifice, Abel's appeal to God suddenly inspired God to be able to embrace Cain. That is the way you can overcome the agony and sorrow and embrace and love the enemy's children more than your own.
That process should occur from the family, nation and world level. Do you understand Father? Jesus taught us to love our enemy. However, loving our enemy is not so difficult. But to love our enemy's children more than our own beloved children is more difficult.
B. Let's love True Parents more than you love your own family members.
God's heart when he loved and embraced Cain is included here. Just like Abraham's heart which enabled him to sacrifice even his only son Isaac. The heart that enables you to sacrifice your own son with your own hand, because God's love is always restoring, embracing and loving Cain. Within yourself there is always the Cain aspect which is represented by your body. Throughout your entire life your Cain body has to be sacrificed. That is the way you can comfort your heart, the Abel part of yourself.
C. Let's love True Parents more than you love your own country.
In order to restore your country you have to love True Parents more than your country.
D. Let's love True Parents more than God loves the world.
God loved this world so much that He sent His own begotten son. Number four tells us to love True Parents more than that.
E. Where you live the life of true love is the foundation upon which God will dwell together with you and you will participate in God's work.
III. After being proud of True Parents and loving True Parents, let us give thanks to True Parents, because True Parents are the ones who lead you to save yourself, family, nation and world.
A. Let's give thanks to True Parents for being able to meet True Parents.
All throughout the course of human history, no matter what people may have desired, they had no opportunity to meet True Parents. But comparing True Parents' physical lifespan in this physical world it is like one small dot on human history. This is the particular time period that we are living with True Parents. Therefore, we should give thanks for being able to meet True Parents. The fact that we are able to meet True Parents in this particular time period is a miracle of miracles.
B. Let us give our thanks to True Parents for the fact that we learn from True Parents all the truths we need to restore ourselves and build the ideal world. Therefore our lives should be filled with thanks at all times. Just as we return thanks to our spouse whom we love, by the same token we have to return our thanks to True Parents.
C. Let us give our thanks to True Parents for showing us the way to become filial sons and daughters, patriots, saints and holy children.
Remember the main numbers: I. Let's be proud of True Parents; II. Let's love True Parents; III. Let's thank True Parents.
We must remember this. This is our mission: to let the world know whom we are proud of, whom we love, and to whom we give thanks. Let's be proud of True Parents, Let's love True Parents and Let's thank True Parents, in detail. Through this teaching we can solve all individual, family, society, national and world problems. Even the problems of the spiritual world as well as cosmic problems can all be solved with this teaching. We should make a lot of stickers, pamphlets and posters and spread it all over the world. (Applause)
Whenever you have time, go out with a bunch of posters and place them on any open space. That is your job. Do you understand? (Yes) We should be more professional than worldly advertising companies. Advertisers come up with all manner of slogans for the purpose of making money. We will do this in order to save people. Therefore we should do better. From now on there is a separate direction. Advertising and spreading Father's name is for the purpose of bringing more people to the next Blessing.
IV. Go over the goal of the 3.6 million couple Blessing
Our goal is 3.6 million couples. The more detailed title is 3.6 Million Couples Blessing. While we are being proud of True Parents, loving True Parents and thanking True Parents our goal is to reach 3.6 million couples for the Blessing. Do you follow? (Yes)
A. Completion of Tribal Messiahship
We must complete this responsibility. Whatever country you may live in, there is a head of state, a Cain-type king. As a tribal messiah you are in the position of Abel-type king. You should therefore be able to educate your Cain-type head of state. That is your original mission as tribal messiah. On the worldwide level, Father is the Abel king of all the 160 nations. The purpose of Adam's family and Jesus' was to secure the kingship. But they did not fulfill this. As you know, Jesus failed on the national level because he was unable to establish his family. Father is sending you out as a tribal messiahs to 163 nations. Each of you are in the position of a national Abel-type king. Therefore, you are the one who has to fulfill your mission as a national messiah there. Abel king of your nation.
The original Adam was in the position of the family level messiah and Jesus Christ came as the national level messiah. However, Jesus was unable to establish his family. But based upon the victorious foundation of True Parents at the worldwide level as the Abel king of all 160 nations, you have the blessing to form your own Blessed family. Sent out to the 160 nations in the position of Jesus Christ who establishes his own family and stands in the position of Abel king of each nation, you are, in a way, in the position of the second Adam and Father is the perfected third Adam. You are now going to restore the nation of Israel.
As you go out to 160 nations you will represent each nation as an Abel king and when this entire 163 nations are restored together then at the worldwide level Father will sit on the throne as the Abel king of the entire 160 nations. You will sit underneath in the position of national Abel kings. Please pay attention. This is very important teaching. As a Blessed couple and tribal messiah, we are all sent out to each nation. Remember, eventually these 160 nations will have to become united into one nation. One Israel. At that time True Father will be the King of these united nations. Even before that stage comes, as you work in each nation you will be working as tribal messiahs in the position of Jesus Christ, the second Adam position, while True Father will stand as the perfected third Adam and Abel king of your nation.
Eventually, when the number of countries which will totally surrender and become united with True Parents increases, then all humankind will be one nation and Father will sit as the Abel King of all humankind. We will be standing at Jesus Christ's level. However, we will be more fortunate than Jesus because we have established families due to the grace of True Parents. Once that one world under God and True Parents is established we will have state governors' positions all over the world. But there is no place like that now. As tribal messiahs you are now establishing your positions as state governors all throughout the world.
As a tribal messiah, you all have to restore the original Adam's family level foundation, then upon that foundation Father is now sending you out with your own family. This means you stand on Jesus Christ's level with the restored family as Blessed couples. Your mission is to establish foundations through helping leaders of the different nations to be united with True Parents. In your own nation serve and honor True Parents as Abel King of your nation. When nations such as this increase worldwide, all 163 nations will be under Father, the King of kings. One World Under God and True Parents. When such a time comes our Blessed couples will remain as heavenly citizens there. All of the satanic world kings will be reassigned at state leader levels, because there will no longer be a national concept existing, only one nation. Therefore, state leaders and state governors will exist but there will no longer be any kings. Father will be the only Abel True King of all humankind. (Applause)
In order to accomplish your mission and lead your nation to True Parents you have to begin by restoring 160 families. This is the first stage of your mission. Then in your own nation twelve different tribes are to be established. That is how you will go up step by step.
B. The restoration of 160 families.
As tribal messiahs this is the only mission you have to accomplish. Restoring 160 families then you will naturally belong to any of the twelve tribes. By then there will be twelve different tribes established and you will be able to register yourself with one of those twelve different tribes.
C. The completion of Adam's family.
This means the first Adam's family level as a tribal messiah. As a tribal messiah you have to complete that mission there.
D. The remembrance of Father's prison life.
As a tribal messiah, no matter what manner of difficulties you may encounter in the future, nothing compares to the hardship of Father's life course of imprisonment and persecution. Whenever you encounter difficult situations remember Father's life course in prison. Therefore, you have to become totally united with Father in heart and united with God.
E. The need of understanding or acknowledging the restoration of your nation.
F. The tribal messiahs, in the realm of absolute environment, must resemble the life course of True Parents and experience it by heart.
When Father refers to the realm of absolute environment, this includes past, present and future.
G. Organizing prayer groups of 360 people in each nation.
Since tribal messiahs are sent out all over the world, there should be tribal messiah signs hung out all over the world. The entire world should be decorated with such tribal messiah church signs. In each team there should be ten people per prayer group, praying in different locations throughout your nation. Ten people in thirty days per month requires 300 people. But you will have sixty more people so it will rotate continuously. Then if possible, twice a month all 360 people should gather together and go over the details of your prayer conditions. We are talking about prayer vigils of ten people rotating.
You all have inherited the tongil candle which should be used for prayer conditions. Through this tongil candle prayer, all 360 people will become totally united. Just as 360 days become one year.
H. Centering upon the Blessed couples we have to unite all the secular families.
This means your relatives and neighboring families to begin with and eventually expanding this unification of families to your 160 families. Centering upon true families, we have to unite all those families.
I. We must establish the way of unification of the world by the year 2000. We have to make the entire world unified by the year 2000. We have to provide the means or the way by then. We are entering into the time of mass migration. Centering upon your 160 families which you are responsible for, the time will come when this mass movement of humanity will take place. From one nation to another. The time of mass migration means that the time has come when Father has to re-shuffle in terms of structure of our leadership.
When 160 families centering upon their tribal messiah move to Korea then the Korean people will have no place to go. Therefore they will have to move to Africa. This kind of exchange migration will occur all over the world. At the time of Stalin in the former Soviet Union, Stalin was the satanic messiah figure. He actually tried to practice the migration method. For example, moving 300,000 Korean residents from one section of Siberia to another, they were dropped in the wilderness and told to live there. Kim Il Sung practiced the same thing. But when our time begins it will be only voluntary. No force will be used. Therefore, if America is unqualified to register they will be the last. There will be no racial discrimination whatsoever. First come, first served will be the rule.
Because of the Fall of Man God lost the first, second and third generation because they all belonged to Satan. At the time of restoration, centering upon True Parents as the first generation, now the second generation position is held by tribal messiahs. Our responsibility is just enormous. We are unable to fully comprehend how enormous. We have to become bridges. Do you understand? The entire humankind was supposed to become the children of God. Due to the Fall, all became the descendants of Satan. Now at the time of restoration we all have to switch our position. Turn 180 degrees toward God's side. That is the massive task before us in the field as tribal messiahs. Don't you agree?
This is not Father's own thinking but rather the Principle of Restoration. That is why Father tells us that mass migration will occur. The Japanese cannot live their entire lives in Japan. They may have to move someplace else. According to their order of registration on the list, the first on the list will probably go to Korea, while the second tier will probably go to Japan and third tier to Archangel country. In this way people will move. Do you understand? That is how the course of restoration will take place.
One lineage, one culture, one tradition will be established. Do you have any questions about it? In order to prevent any confusion or complexities when this type of mass migration occurs, Father is preparing already through international, interreligious, interracial Holy Wedding Ceremonies. Naturally, all those Mafia and evil groups of people will be eradicated, chased out. Once this heavenly sovereignty takes place, it won't matter if you have a million dollar house or assets. Once your destination is decided you have to go. If you want to secure the position of restored Adam, you have to go out to the secular world and bring your Eve to be restored. The men are supposed to move to some place and restore the women there for the Women's Federation for World Peace. This is how you will restore the Eves.
If your husbands are being mobilized by Father to go to another country in order to restore the women of that country through Women's Federation for World Peace, then wives should remain patient and await your husbands' return. That is why Father has trained you in all the tactics of fundraising. Who is usually better at fundraising, men or women? (Women) That is right. Therefore, when your husband is away don't go far away to do fundraising, but stick close to your neighborhood and try to make your livelihood there.
In order to fulfill our mission we have to come up with a certain determination. Father's next title is:
V. My Pledge
A. My pledge is to do my mission.
B. I will win victory.
C. I will bring the result. Without bringing the result your world will be in vain.
D. I shall become the exemplary person within my country. This means under the existing sovereignty or national flag. That is how you will be connected to the world.
E. Tradition of True Parents, true teacher and true king in our daily lives. This means, as Father has taught us, our conscience precedes parents, teacher and master or king. Centered upon our conscience we shall establish the tradition of True Parents, True Teacher, True King in our daily life foundation.
This is our pledge and determination today.
Father will not give you a timetable of when he will restructure the leadership and move people around. However, someday he will do these things. Father is giving you time, particularly wives, in order that you can prepare yourselves on how to support your families without your husbands. Sooner or later Father will mobilize your husbands to some other place for another mission.
According to God's timetable, those who were born prior to 1945 must be mobilized this time, because they belong to the Cain side. They belong to World War II. Those who were born prior to 1945 were supposed to belong to the Lord of the Second Advent. Directly following World War II, had Christianity not rejected the Lord of the Second Advent, you who were born prior to 1945, would naturally, automatically belong to the Lord of the Second Advent. Then together with the Lord of the Second Advent, you are the ones who were supposed to build the Kingdom of God on Earth.
At the time of Jesus' birth, the Romans were taking a census and each citizen had to go to their birthplace in order to re-register. Likewise, those of you who were born prior to 1945, after forty years of wilderness, you are supposed to move with Father in order to return to your own home. Your home means True Father's home. You have to follow Father like following Moses. It is a big challenge, is it not? When the time comes for you to move yourselves, those who have less property will have it easier. Therefore, make sure that you lead a simple life.
This is the Will of God. I don't have a choice. Without accomplishing these things how can we expect to restore the entire world so that no discrimation exists? There is no way to do so. Our future generations must be able to inherit heavenly tradition through us. But there is no heavenly tradition whatsoever in this world. Therefore, Father established tribal messiahs and sent them out in order to establish heavenly tradition in all the nations of the world. If in fact, right after World War II had the 800 million Christians of the world accepted Father as the Lord of the Second Advent and united with True Father, tribal messiahship would have been established. Then the entire world would have been restored overnight. It would not have taken a long time. But because of the rejection by Christianity of the Lord of the Second Advent, the last nation became the first nation. Turning 180 degrees. For example, Japan was most miserable directly following World War II, but now Japan has become the number one country economically in the world. However, if Japan fails to accomplish her mission, then Japan will become the last once again.
The Christians of Korea rejected the Lord of the Second Advent; now as the Unification Church membership grows and people from all over the world rush into Korea, the Korean Christians will have no place to go. There is no choice for them. They have to move from Korea. Don't you think that it is logical? Where else can they go? They cannot continue to live there.
God's ideal of establishing the elder sonship and parentship and kingship within the three generations of Adam and Cain and Abel, was destroyed by the Fall of Man. Everything was lost. In the Last Days, centering upon the Lord of the Second Advent, out of nothing Father has to create these different generations as well as the restoration of lineage, true ownership and heart. This restoration of heart represents restoring Adam's family. Unless you have the same heart you cannot receive the Blessing. As long as this Principle exists then there is no other choice but to build the unified world eventually. Once you truly understand this truth you have no other choice but to study Korean and master it as a language.
Suppose there are ten people existing in similar situations. If any one of them speaks Korean fluently and understands the Korean culture, that person will become the first choice when it comes to restoration. Another privilege or advantage is having an international marriage. If Japanese people wish only to marry with other Japanese then they will fall behind. This applies to all nationalities. This is a very serious teaching that Father is giving. We need a very clear understanding. When the time of kingship comes we all have to re-register as citizens. Therefore we need to have a clear understanding of what Father is teaching us. The era of elder sonship and the era of parentship is now passing. We are entering into the era of kingship. We need to clearly understand in order to be able to complete everything.
We will have many different tribal messiahs and they will all be registered under twelve different tribes. This is a very senous matter. For example, the Kamiyama tribe may now be registered under that name, but at the time of this re-registration if some of the Kamiyama tribe members are left out, for whatever reason, then once registration is completed they will have no place to go. They cannot re-register in the Kamiyama tribe at a later time. They will have to try to re-register under another tribe and will encounter difficulties. Do you understand?
If the entire world had received True Parents directly folllowing World War II, then the entire world would have been able to register. Even after entering the Kingdom of God we all have to be mixed. That is why Father is encouraging you to enter into international marriages in order to prepare for this. Since the Unification Church international Blessed couples are in the Abel position to the internationally married couples in the secular world, our internationally Blessed couples must be able to save them. These secular internationally married couples may feel lonely and be comforted to find other international couples such as our Blessed couples. Then it will be easy for them to come and attend the Blessing through us. This is how we will be able to restore them.
In order to save Japan, Father has instructed Reverend Kwak to mobilize the nations of Canada, Philippines, Taiwan and New Zealand so that these four nations will have a sisterhood relationship in each prefecture with Japan. There are 55 provinces within Japan and these four nations will establish sisterhood relationships with each province. Father already instructed Reverend Kwak to accomplish this. While Father was in the Philippines delivering his speech, two Japanese leaders came there to give a report to Father. At that time Father instructed them regarding these sisterhood relationships.
You have responsibility now so don't pay attention to where Father may go from now on.