
Выступление на митинге, посвященном учреждению Женской ООН Авеля

Д-р Мун Хан Хак Джа,  16 июля 2012 года, Республика Корея 
Уважаемые гости, прибывшие из 194 стран мира, а также руководители международной Федерации женщин за мир во всем мире!
Я хотела бы тепло приветствовать женщин-лидеров, женщин-миротворцев и участниц ФЖММ из 194 стран мира, приехавших в Международный центр Чхонщим в Корее, чтобы принять участие в историческом учредительном съезде Женской ООН Авеля.
С юных лет преподобный Мун и я содействовали осуществлению воли Небес и пытались донести до людей видение о мирном и гармоничном мире, изначально задуманном во времена сотворения. Мы прибыли сюда сразу после завершения провиденциальных трудов в Америке, чтобы учредить Женскую ООН Авеля, которая призвана осуществить провиденциальную задачу построения вечного мира на земле, мира без войн и конфликтов.
Мы с мужем, преподобным Муном, уже провозглашали о том, что Корея — это родина Бога. Поэтому учредительный съезд Женской ООН Авеля, которая сыграет провиденциальную роль, возглавив построение нового гармоничного мира, в соответствии с волей Бога должен был быть организован именно в Корее.
Дорогие женщины-лидеры со всего мира!
Все вы помните о том, что человечество, страдая от последствий Второй мировой войны, согласно Божьей воле учредило Организацию Объединенных Наций ради достижения мира. В июне 1945 года представители 45 стран мира съехались в Сан-Франциско, США, чтобы принять участие в подписании Устава ООН. Сейчас, когда в состав ООН входит 193 страны-участницы, она стала единственной в мире организацией, цель которой — поддержание мира на земле.
Уважаемые лидеры-миротворцы!
Какова же реальность сегодняшних дней? За последние 60 лет ООН не смогла сделать ничего для предотвращения многих войн, включая Корейскую войну. Холодная война подошла к концу, однако в мире до сих пор вспыхивает множество вооруженных конфликтов разного масштаба, которые уходят корнями в противостояние между богатыми и бедными, между различными расами и между религиями. ООН оказалась неспособна выполнить взятую на себя миссию поддержания мира в соответствии с изначальным идеалом.
Поскольку ООН была создана во времена Холодной войны в результате компромисса между Америкой и Советским Союзом, эта организация с момента своего рождения была ограничена в возможностях построения мира на земле, который выходил бы за рамки отдельно взятой страны. Вот почему я говорила о том, что с точки зрения Божьей воли ООН не избежать положения Каина. Именно по этой причине мы убеждены в том, что возрождение ООН жизненно важно для утверждения вечного мира на земле, задуманного во времена творения. Для осуществления этой цели я представила на рассмотрение план обновления ООН, который был официально внесен Филиппинами в качестве страны-представителя. Этот план заключает в себе создание Межрелигиозного и межнационального Совета при ООН. Этот Совет, как организация типа Авеля, станет верхней палатой Организации Объединенных Наций, в то время как существующая ООН, превратившаяся в арену противостояния между странами-участницами, станет нижней палатой.
Уважаемые лидеры-миротворцы!
Организация Объединенных Наций не смогла продвинуться дальше попыток сбалансировать интересы отдельно взятых стран. Поэтому мы настаиваем на том, чтобы нынешняя система государственных организаций, в центре которой стоят мужчины, сменилась на новую систему женского миротворческого движения, центральное место в которой занимают неправительственные организации. Это необходимо для того, чтобы ныне существующая ООН вышла за рамки своих ограничений и в конце концов активно занялась построением мира на земле. Поскольку женское миротворческое движение может быть организовано лишь благодаря международному сотрудничеству, выходящему за рамки деятельности неправительственных организаций, нам необходимо учредить Женскую ООН Авеля.
Оглядываясь назад, мы видим, что нынешний учредительный съезд Женской ООН Авеля был бы невозможен без создания Федерации женщин за мир во всем мире, ведущей организации женского миротворческого движения, которая появилась в соответствии с волей Небес. Эта организация была создана в апреле 1992 года, когда на Олимпийском стадионе в Сеуле собрались представительницы около 70 стран, а также 150 000 женщин Кореи, занимающих руководящие посты. В течение 20 лет с момента своего основания Федерация женщин за мир во всем мире активно участвовала в международной миротворческой деятельности благодаря целой сети миротворческих движений, участницами которых стали женщины из 160 стран.
Кроме того, Федерация женщин не планирует быть одной из ряда других женских организаций. Ее цель — основать международное миротворческое движение нового типа, средоточием которого станет провиденциальная цель построения идеального мира Бога. Наша Федерация с самого начала отличалась от решительно настроенных женских политических объединений, стремящихся достичь своих целей посредством конфликтов.
Федерация женщин, созданная ради воплощения провиденциальной задачи, за двадцать лет пережила значительный рост, направляя и организовывая различные поддерживающие и образовательные программы во всех странах мира, призванные возвысить положение женщин и способствовать созданию семей, основанных на истинной любви.
Преподобный Мун и я, соучредители Федерации женщин, с момента создания этой организации строили основание по всему миру. Мы также смогли расширить сферу деятельности миротворческого движения благодаря помощи 1600 добровольцев из Японии, отправившихся в 160 стран мира. Даже сейчас эти люди трудятся над тем, чтобы добиться примирения между странами, и проводят множество разных добровольческих и образовательных программ во всех странах мира, выходя за рамки рас, религий, языков и межнациональных барьеров. Все эти проекты осуществляются согласно указанию преподобного Муна, которое он дал в своей речи во время основания Федерации женщин: «Мы должны понять, что значит быть истинной матерью и истинной женой, следуя за Истинной Матерью, которая одержала победу от лица всех женщин мира. Мы должны добиться создания идеальных семей благодаря Движению истинной любви. Затем нам необходимо основать движение за осуществление идеала истинной любви и жизни на благо других во всех сферах нашего общества ради построения вечного мира на земле».
Вслед за особым посланием, с которым я выступила в сентябре 1993 года в штаб-квартире ООН в Нью-Йорке, и после трех лет международной гуманитарной деятельности, Федерация женщин была признана неправительственной организацией с общим консультативным статусом при экономическом и социальном Совете ООН.
Конференция за мир, которая проводится ФЖММ на Ближнем Востоке каждый год, начиная с 1997-го, привлекает живой интерес и участие женщин-лидеров более чем из двадцати стран Ближнего Востока. В данный момент организация расширяет свою деятельность, внедряя еще более конкретные проекты в данной сфере, о которых я и хочу рассказать.
В этом году в конце июня ФЖММ провела 16-ю ежегодную Конференцию на Ближнем Востоке, которая была организована совместно со штаб-квартирой ООН в Женеве. Тема конференции звучала так: «Влияние конфликтов и природных катаклизмов на детей: как предотвратить, защитить, исцелить и вдохнуть новые силы». Вклад докладчиков из различных организаций ООН, поделившихся знаниями из важных областей, а также активное участие большого числа постоянных представителей при ООН, консультантов и международных представителей неправительственных организаций — все это позволило мне почувствовать, что подобные мероприятия могут способствовать реальному исцелению мира, если все принятые решения будут воплощены в жизнь.
Федерация женщин активно участвует в проектах помощи, направленных на поддержку людей, пострадавших от стихийных бедствий, и жителей голодающих районов, а также оказывает помощь женщинам и детям из Северной Кореи. Эти усилия приносят реальные плоды.
Я хочу от всего сердца поблагодарить тех, кто поддерживает Федерацию женщин и помогает ей двигаться вперед.
Тем не менее, настало время, когда Федерация женщин должна выйти на новые рубежи. Она должна подняться на ступень выше и начать строить мирный и гармоничный мир, объединив усилия с другими неправительственными организациями при поддержке женщин-лидеров со всего мира. Учреждение Женской ООН Авеля, которая должна выйти за рамки женской неправительственной организации и объединить правительства всех стран мира, является абсолютно необходимой задачей, а также указанием Бога, которое мы должны выполнить.
Я торжественно провозглашаю об открытии Женской ООН Авеля, которая поможет всем женщинам мира исполнить данную историческую миссию и расширит сферу деятельности женских организаций до международного уровня.
Дорогие женщины-миротворцы!
Какой путь должны избрать люди в наше время? Проблемы современного человечества могут быть решены лишь с помощью идеалов истинной любви, основа которой — Бог, а также идеала «Единой семьи под Богом», о котором преподобный Мун и я, будучи Истинными Родителями, учим всю свою жизнь с того момента, как эта истина была явлена нам Небесами. Этот идеал — единственный путь, который приведет человечество к вечному миру и счастью.
Мы живем в переломный момент истории. Настала эпоха вселенской революции, когда идеал Небес, о котором так мечтал Бог с момента сотворения, должен быть прочно утвержден благодаря объединению духовного и физического миров. Дольше это откладывать нельзя. Небеса уже провозгласили 13 января 2013 года Днем Основания.
Вот почему сейчас все люди должны послушно следовать наказу Небес. Мы должны прожить оставшееся время с твердой решимостью, следуя руководству Истинных Родителей, возглавляющих Небесное провидение в качестве субстанциального воплощения Бога, Царя мира.
Дорогие женщины!
Путь, который должно пройти человечество, уже предрешен. Что может заставить вас усомниться в преддверии знаменательного дня, о котором Небеса возвестили устами Истинных Родителей? До этого дня осталось меньше года. Благословения Небес будут сопутствовать вам на пути построения мира на земле с помощью Женской ООН Авеля.
Однако я хотела бы еще раз подчеркнуть, что приоритетом для Женской ООН Авеля должно стать движение за создание истинных семей, живущих на благо других и воплощающих истинную любовь, в совокупности с надлежащим ценностно-ориентированным образованием. Войны и конфликты возникают из-за эгоистичного желания силой захватить чужую землю, чужое имущество и так далее. Мир же строится на основании жизни ради блага других, то есть способности отдавать, исходя из истинной любви.
Лидеры, не умеющие или не желающие лицезреть новую реальность нашего мира, будут сметены прочь ветром перемен, который нагрянет подобно цунами. Я уверена, что теперь настало время сделать твердый шаг вперед, чтобы открыть для себя новые возможности и новые ценности.
Дорогие женщины-лидеры!
Призвание женщин не в том, чтобы только получать помощь и защиту от мужчин; это независимые личности, которые представляют собой женский аспект природы Бога и чье призвание — помогать мужчинам стать зрелыми и мужественными. С точки зрения истинной любви, женщины являются бесценными партнерами в любви для мужчин. И мужчины, и женщины обладают абсолютно равной ценностью.
Мужчины и женщины, соединяясь в истинной любви, которая является изначальным идеалом, занимают равное положение. Также они получают право быть друг с другом в любом месте и в любое время. Более того, они получают абсолютные права на наследство, когда имущество каждого из них в равной степени принадлежит обоим супругам.
Таким образом, мужчины и женщины, соединившиеся в изначальной любви, которая является Божьим идеалом истинной любви, были созданы как абсолютно равноценные личности, обладающие истинной любовью. Они не только занимают равное положение и имеют равные права на участие, но и делят друг с другом все свое имущество.
Поэтому мужчины и женщины не должны бороться или соперничать друг с другом, не должны пытаться перенять внешность, черты характера или социальные роли друг друга. Не нужно стремиться к этим вещам или пытаться заполучить их силой. Напротив, отдавая друг другу с истинной любовью то, что есть у каждого, и тем самым делая друг друга завершенными и цельными личностями, они могут соединиться и сформировать нечто большее, разделив свою жизнь с партнером. Женщины в XXI веке должны сыграть важную историческую роль, став своего рода колесом в машине и вместе с мужчинами продвигаясь к построению гармоничного мира. Миновав столетие военной мощи и технологий, женщины займут центральное положение в грядущем веке культуры любви и мира, и их положение станет как никогда важным и решающим.
Я искренне прошу вас пройти путь истинной матери, путь истинной жены, путь истинной дочери и путь истинной женщины-лидера и построить единый мир, наполненный свободой, миром и счастьем в истинном смысле этих слов.
Давайте же встанем на путь истинной матери, истинной жены, истинной дочери и истинной женщины-лидера, которая сможет построить единый мир, наполненный до краев истинной свободой, миром и счастьем.


Paying the Ultimate Price to Follow God’s Path

As soon as I was released from Seodaemun Prison, I went to
the Gabsa Buddhist temple on Mount Gyeroung in Choongcheong
Province. I needed to heal the wounds from my torture
in Seodaemun Prison. Also, I needed a forest where I could pray
and think about the future of our church. This was not long after the
end of the Korean War, and just finding enough food to survive was
often a difficult task. Despite such short-term difficulties, however, it was
important that I make plans for the longer term. We still did not have a
church large enough to hold all our members for service, but I felt it was
important to spend some time looking out into the distant future.
Following the collapse of Japanese colonial rule and the liberation
of Korea in 1945, the two countries had not established diplomatic
relations. Japan had not recognized the government in Seoul, and
Korea considered Japan an enemy country. My belief was that, when
the situation of the world was considered, it was important for the two
countries to resume contacts. A number of attempts were made to send
a missionary to Japan, but these were unsuccessful. In the end, it was
Bong Choon Choi who accomplished this task.
In 1958, I called Bong Choon Choi to meet me on the mountain
behind the Gabsa temple.
“You need to go immediately to Japan. You will not be able to return
to Korea until you have succeeded.”
“Yes!” he replied, without hesitation.
The two of us then sang the Korean Christian hymn whose words begin:
Called of God, we honor the call;
Lord, we’ll go wherever you say.
We came down the mountain together in high spirits. He never
asked how he was supposed to support himself in Japan or how he was
supposed to begin his activities there. Bong Choon Choi was that kind
of audacious man. Travel to Japan was not allowed for most Koreans.
His only option was to try to enter Japan even without a visa. He would
need to endure many things.
Bong Choon Choi did not even know if he could enter Japan, but
he was prepared, if necessary, to lay down his life. Until I could hear
that he had safely crossed the strait to Japan, I put aside all other work
and sat praying in a small room in the church. I didn’t eat or sleep. We
even had to take out a loan of 1.5 million won to send him. We had
many members who had nothing to eat, but evangelizing Japan was so
important that everything else had to be put aside.
Unfortunately, Bong Choon Choi was arrested as soon as he arrived
in Japan. He was placed in prison, first in Hiroshima and later in Yamaguchi,
until he could be deported back to Korea. While in prison he
decided he would rather die than be sent back, and so he began to fast.
During his fast, he developed a fever. The Japanese authorities decided
to place him in a hospital and delay his deportation until his health could
be restored. While in the hospital, he managed to escape from custody.
After such efforts made at the risk of his life over a year and a half,
Bong Choon Choi established the church in Japan in October 1959.
Korea and Japan would not establish diplomatic relations for another
six years. In fact Korea, because the painful memory of suffering under
Japan’s colonial rule was still quite fresh, was rebuffing any suggestion
that it open contacts with Japan. I had our missionary smuggle himself
into this enemy country for the sake of Korea’s future. Instead of refusing
all contact, Korea needed to evangelize Japan so that it would be in the
position to be the senior partner in the bilateral relationship. Korea was
impoverished materially, so it needed to open a channel to the Japanese
leadership, get Japan on its side, and then link itself to the United States.
That was how Korea could survive. As a result of the successful effort
to send a missionary to Japan, owing to Bong Choon Choi’s sacrifice,
an exceptional youth leader named Osamu Kuboki joined the church,
together with a group of young people who followed him. The Japanese
church became securely established as a result of their work.
We sent missionaries to America in the following year. There was no
visa trouble this time. They were able to receive passports and visas before
leaving. In securing the passports, we were aided by some cabinet
ministers of the Liberal Party who had played a part in having me imprisoned
in the Seodaemun Prison. Previously, they had opposed us, but
now they were helping us. The United States in those days seemed like a
very far-off country. Some of our church members opposed the idea of
sending missionaries there, saying it was more important to grow our
foundation in Korea first. I convinced the members of its importance,
however, saying that unless America’s crisis could be resolved, Korea
would be destroyed, too. In January 1959, we sent Young Oon Kim, one
of the professors who had been fired by Ewha Womans University. Then
in September of that year, we sent David S.C. Kim. The work they began
in America was aimed at the entire world.


[Editor’s note] This is the keynote address given by the Rev. Dr.  Sun  Myung  Moon 
during the Third Assembly of the Mongolian People’s Federation  for World Peace, 
which took place on April 10, 2006 in the Republic of Korea.  
Leaders from all over the world who are working hard for the development of 
the Mongolian People’s Federation and the Universal Peace Federation, which was 
launched as the Abel UN!  
Hand in hand with the heavenly fortune, a new spring has finally come to my
fatherland, on the Korean Peninsula. I welcome you all personally and on behalf of
the members of my family to this meaningful event, which you are attending despite
your busy schedules. I hope you will fill your hearts with the  new spring of
heavenly fortune and take these blessed words back with you to your nations.
Distinguished world leaders:
This is the third Assembly of the Mongolian People’s Federation. After
inaugurating the Universal Peace Federation in New York, on September 12, 2005, I
went on to complete a global tour of 120 nations in order to pass on my inaugural
message. I proposed that the Universal Peace Federation, in the position of the
Abel UN, should be developed as a new international peace organization and that at
the same time the United Nations, as a Cain-type institution, should be reformed by
having  a  Peace  Council—a  legislative  organization  consisting  of global religious
leaders of the same rank as members of the current UN Security  Council—
established  within  it.  I  am  referring  to  the  founding  of  a  Peace Council that will
speak not for the interests of a particular nation, as the existing UN representatives
do,  but  which  will  truly  work  for  the  welfare  and  peace  of  humanity from an
interreligious and universal perspective.
The concept of the Universal Peace Federation, which was launched with such a
grand purpose and objective, could not have emerged from any human brain. It is
the greatest, the utmost blessing given by Heaven to humanity and is ushering in
the new millennium. It is my hope that the Mongolian People’s Federation too will
fulfill its duty as a partner of the Universal Peace Federation in achieving its noble
Toward that end, I would like to pass on to you today a revelation from God that
is absolutely essential to all 6.5 billion people comprising humanity. I hope you will
all be wise leaders who open your minds and listen to the voice of Heaven. I will
impart to you this extensive message of Heaven under the title “The True Owners
in Establishing the Kingdom of Cosmic Peace and Unity.”
Leaders of the world!
God, the Creator of all things under the sun, is the true parent of all humanity.
He is not a parent in the parochial sense, existing only for a  certain religion, a
certain race, or the residents of a certain region. You may call Him by any name, be
it Jehovah, Allah, or any other. What is important is that He positively exists, lives
as the true parent of all people, and is carrying on the great work of creation. In
accordance with the principles and the laws of nature that He set  up  at  the
beginning of time, He governs everything in the universe, and He carries out His
providence through history.
The Actually Existing Spirit World
Ladies and gentlemen:
The human mind is more elevated than the human body and the spirit is more
elevated than the mind. God resides in a place more elevated than the spirit world,
where our spirits are destined to pass on. Only when we have become completely
one with God in true love are we complete. Such a perfected person might be a
small individual but would nevertheless represent all of history and all potential
future relationships and so could be said to possess infinite value. Once we are
aware of this cosmic value, we realize that our lives should be led by and carried
out in service to our minds.
That is why your conscience knows and remembers not only every  action you
have performed, but also every thought you have entertained. Your conscience is
aware of these things before your own teachers, parents or even God is. Hence, if
you were to live in absolute obedience to the commands of your conscience, which
is your teacher for eternity, you would be absolutely guaranteed to have eternal life.
Such is the way of God’s creation.
When viewing the structure of a human being from a different angle, we can
recognize that God created us as beings with dual characteristics. He created our
physical  bodies  as  miniatures  of  the  corporeal,  tangible  world  and our spiritual
bodies as representatives of and lords of the incorporeal world. Accordingly, a
human being is intended to live for a hundred years or so in the physical world and,
once the physical body ceases functioning, to pass on naturally and automatically
into the incorporeal, spirit world. In this way, though it cannot be perceived by the
eyes  in  our  physical  bodies,  the  spirit  world  is  the  automatic  and inevitable
extension of our lives on earth, humankind’s eternal, original homeland, created by
The spirit world does actually exist. It is not a world that has been fantasized or
imagined into existence. We do not have the right of choice concerning it. It is not a
world we can go to if we please, or refuse to go to if we would rather not. Just as
God is eternal and unchanging, the spirit world created by Him is also eternal and
unchanging. Just as we live in the physical world in our physical bodies and form all
sorts of relationships with the existing world, even in the spirit world we are
destined  to  go  on  living  in  our  spiritual  bodies,  forming  and  maintaining close
relationships with all phenomena of the spirit world.
The Relationship between the Spirit and Physical Body
However, in the relationship between the spirit and the physical body of a human
being, the spirit is the more important of the two. The physical body lasts for about
a hundred years before it stops functioning, but the spirit lasts eternally,
transcending time and space. No matter how well a person dresses and fares in the
physical world, he is bound to die. Therefore, before you pass on to the next world,
you should achieve unity between your physical and spiritual bodies by living your  
earthly  life  in  such  a  way  that  you  meet  the  standards  of  both  the physical and
spiritual worlds.
In  other  words,  you  have  the  responsibility  to  perfect  your  spirit within your
physical bodies based on the finite life you live in the tangible, physical world. This
does not mean, however, that the perfection of a spirit self happens automatically.
Only on the basis of your having achieved complete unity between your mind and
body during your earthly life, by expressing true love through  actions, can your
spirit self fully mature.
Ladies and gentlemen:
In order for fruit to ripen and be put into storage in autumn, it must first pass
through the growing process of spring and summer and be provided with the
nutrients supplied by nature and the tender loving care of its owner. Fruit, raised in
an orchard by a lazy and ignorant owner, will be afflicted with all kinds of diseases
and be affected by foul weather. Eventually it will fall from the tree before it is ripe
or be classified as worm-infested. Though it is still fruit, it is different from other
fruit since it would never be good enough to sell in the market.
Fruit that has fully matured on the tree will automatically go  into the owner’s
storehouse. Similarly, only when the spirit of a person has reached perfection
during his life in the physical world, which can be likened to  the tree, can it
automatically enter the incorporeal spirit world of the kingdom of heaven. In other
words, a person will enter the kingdom of God in heaven automatically only when
he has qualified for and enjoyed the kingdom of heaven on earth by living a fully
matured life in his physical body.
While living on earth, your every action and movement is recorded on your spirit
self, without exception and with the public laws of heaven as the standard.
Accordingly, you will enter the spirit world in the form of your spirit self, which has
recorded your life on earth with 100 percent accuracy. Your spirit will show plainly
whether you have led a ripe life of goodness, or a wormy, rotten life of sinfulness.
What this means is that God will not judge you; you will be your own judge. If a
person is aware of this astonishing rule from Heaven, would the latter days of that
person’s life on earth be spent in selfishness and immorality, succumbing to all the
temptations of Satan and in pursuit of nothing but pleasure? No, rather you should
abstain from injuring and scarring your spirit, even at the risk of your earthly life.
Please bear this truth in mind: Whether you are bound for heaven or for hell is
determined by your thoughts, speech and behavior in each moment.
This  does  not  imply,  though,  that  the  spirit  leads  its  own  life or that it can
express true love through actions on its own. Your spirit self grows, matures and
finally becomes perfected only within your physical body, through an earthly
lifetime of having actualized true love, bringing your mind and body into a smooth
unified relationship of give and take.
Nevertheless, undeniably, your outer self and inner self are in  a  constant
relationship of conflict and struggle. How much longer will you allow this fighting to
continue? Ten years? A hundred years? In contrast, there is undeniably a proper
order for all forms of existence in the universe. This indicates  that  God  did  not
create human beings in this state of conflicted disorder. You need to know that it is
your duty and responsibility as a human being to dispel all temptations directed at
your outer self—your physical body—and achieve victory in life  by following the  
way of your inner self—your conscience. Heavenly fortune will be with those who
lead their lives in such a way. They will attain the perfection of their spirit selves.
Bounds of Heaven and Hell
Ladies and gentlemen:
What kind of places are heaven and hell? What kinds of people enter heaven? If
it really does exist, where would it be? Would it be outside the galaxy, on the other
side of the sky? Or is it only a product of our imagination? These are questions that
everyone will have pondered and asked at least once.
In brief, heaven is a world overflowing with God’s true love and established with
true love at its axis. It is a world where true love is the external form as well as the
internal content of every environment. It is a world where true love is present at
the beginning and end of life. It is a world full of people who were all born through
true love, who live in the embrace of true love, and, following the track of true love,
finally pass on into the next world, the spirit world.
Consequently, antagonism and jealousy cannot be found in that world, for it is a
natural world where each person lives for the sake of the other. It is not a world
governed by money, honor or power. It is a world wherein the success of a person
represents the success of the whole, the likes of a person represent the likes of the
whole, and the joy of a person represents the joy of the whole.
Heaven is a world filled with the air of true love, where all breathe true love. It
is a world where life throbs with love at any place at any time. It is a world whose
constituent members are all connected to the true God through blood ties. It is a
place where the whole world and all people are linked together in an inseparable
relationship, like the cells in our bodies. It is a world that is governed only by true
love, the love that is God’s essence. Accordingly, God also exists for true love.
A Life of True Love
You should lead a life that is completely devoted to true love. Your life should be
one in which you love God more than did Adam, Eve or Jesus. By  thoroughly
actualizing true love, you should perfectly unite your mind and body and find and
establish the realm of the relationships of true love. To put it another way, you
should perfect a true family on earth, and the three generations of grandparents,
parents and children should live together in true love. Only then will you be eligible
to enter heaven.
What kind of love is true love? The essence of true love is found not by having
others serve you, but it is found when you give, serve and live  for  the  sake  of
others.  It  is  love  that  gives  and  forgets  that  it  has  given,  and continues to give
endlessly. It is love that gives with pleasure. It is the heart of pleasure. It is the
love  of  a  mother  holding  her  baby  to  her  bosom  and  breastfeeding it. It is love
expressed through sacrifice as when, with pleasure, a child acts with filial piety
toward his or her parents. It is a love just like that God expressed when creating
humankind, an act requiring absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal love that
gives without conditions or expectations of receiving anything in return.
Ladies and gentlemen:  
True love brings about the incorporeal order, peace and happiness that serve
the common good. True love is love that determines the source, center and owner
of the universe. True love is the root, and the symbol of the will and power of God.
Therefore, when bound in true love, it is enough to be together eternally; for it is a
love that can attract not only the universe, but even God. The value of true love lies
in its power, which is strong enough to eradicate the walls of  national, racial and
religious boundaries, created by fallen human descendents. That  is  why  the
absolute condition necessary to enter the kingdom of heaven is a life that has been
lived for the sake of others, that is, a life of true love.
Yet, look at the world we are currently living in. The people of the world are
caught in the trap of extreme selfishness, clamoring for material gain. They have
lost  all  sense  of  values  and  have  fallen  into  the  depths  of  self-gratification and
degradation. The world is filled with alcoholics. As if drugs and free sex were not
enough, there are even those who commit incest—an act not even  seen in the
animal world—and still live with their heads held high. This world has become one
wherein beasts with human faces roam freely, even after violating women—
grandmothers, mothers, wives and daughters. This world has become one wherein
the swapping of spouses between couples is rampant. Such circumstances are
without a doubt the pinnacle of the destruction of morality and  the  very  last  of
fallen acts. This world has become hell on earth, where the perfected world,
embodying the ideal God envisaged at the Creation, cannot even be dreamed of.
Results of the Fall
We have come to know that all these problems are rooted in the Fall of Adam
and Eve, our first ancestors. Adam and Eve, who were at the perfection stage of the
growth period, had a sexual relationship before their rightful  time, due to the
temptation of Satan. In this manner, an illicit sexual union of  man  and  woman
constituted the Fall. This is why, over thousands of years, people have continued to
commit such indecent acts, traitorous acts that drive a sharp spike into the heart of
God. They have been unable to escape from the realm of the fallen lineage.
Ladies and gentlemen:
A man or woman alone can only be one-half of the whole. That is  how  God
created us. For that reason, He has interchanged the owners of the reproductive
organs, the love organs. The owner of the wife’s reproductive organ is the husband,
and the owner of the husband’s is the wife. Only when each is rooted in true love
for the sake of the other are they in the position of the owner of their spouse. In
other words, irrespective of who they are, all human beings can become perfected
individuals—and not just mere halves—only when they have secured the position of
an owner through marriage.
The human sexual organ is sacred. It is the palace of life where the seed of life
is  sown,  the  palace  of  love  where  the  flower  of  love  is  made  to bloom, and the
palace of lineage where the fruit of lineage is borne. Through this absolute sexual
organ, the absolute lineage, absolute love and absolute life are brought forth; and
absolute harmony, absolute unity, absolute liberation and absolute tranquility are
brought about.
For what reason, then, are we trying to restore the position of the owner of the
reproductive organs? It is to possess God’s love from that position. He is the
subject of three great loves. As the owner of the universe, He is the true teacher,
true owner, and true loving parent. These form the basis for the true, “three great
subjects” system of thought. All these teachings and truths are created through the
life of a true, model family; and with its expansion, the society, nation, the world
and even the universe will be transformed into the peace kingdom of the model,
ideal family.
However, because of the Fall, the first Adam lost the original, true lineage and
consequently failed to form the original couple and the original family. Adam, who
should have become the true teacher, the true parent and the true king, inherited
the lineage of Satan and was degraded to the position of a false teacher, false
parent and false king.
When we come to think of it, the purpose for Jesus’ coming down to earth did
not lie elsewhere. It was to restore the fall. If Jesus, who had come as the second
Adam, had not lost his life on the cross, he would have restored the original lineage
of God, unrelated to the Fall, and would have reversed the failure of the first Adam,
established the true family as the Savior of humankind, and founded on earth the
original human homeland, that is, the kingdom of the world embodying the ideal of
peace, the kingdom of heaven on earth. However, the disciples, the Jewish leaders
and the leaders of the nation of Israel all failed to recognize the Christ, and their
disbelief caused Jesus’ life to come to an end in such a wretched and tragic way.
Has there been anyone who knew of the grievous heart of Jesus,  who had to
leave earth at an untimely moment, leaving no descendants? Though two thousand
years of Christian history have passed, has there been any Christian who stopped
to imagine Jesus’ sorrowful circumstances? Jesus left suddenly, leaving behind him
few traces other than a promise to return. Though his physical body has long been
buried and become dust, the will that God had tried to fulfill through him is finally in
the process of being completed at this time, at the end of history, through True
Parents, who have received the seal of Heaven and been manifested on earth.
However, the life of Rev. Moon, whose task it is to complete the mission of True
Parents, has been one of sorrow, marked by inexpressible suffering and
persecution. The third Adam, the True Parent, needs to restore through indemnity
and completely reverse all the failures of the first and second Adams. It is a mission
to complete not only the mission of the Savior, Messiah, and Lord at his second
coming, but also the mission of all those major figures on whom religions are based.
With similarities to God’s creation of the universe, his life has constituted the great
work of the re-creation of humanity, where not even the smallest error is permitted.
It has been a lonely course that cannot be fully comprehended by anyone. It has
been a course that took him down thorny paths through the wilderness—paths that
he had to follow while utterly alone. Not even God could acknowledge him.
Hovering many times between life and death, and vomiting blood, he has still had to
rise again like a phoenix to remain true to his promise to God.
Rev. Moon, though he was innocent, has had to endure unjust imprisonment six
times: for working in the underground independence movement when he was
studying in Japan in his early days; for propagating the will of God in Pyongyang,
which was under communist rule immediately after Korea’s independence; during
the Syngman Rhee administration, after Korea had been reborn as a free nation; and,
furthermore, even in the United States, which proudly presents itself to the world  
as a model of democracy. Who on earth can understand the life of Rev. Moon? His
has been a life of misery, which he has endured by biting his tongue, for the sake of
comforting God, and for the salvation of the fallen people of the  world  who  are
suffering in the realm of death. Even now, if one person were to look into my heart
and speak a word of sympathy, my tears would become an explosive waterfall.
Heaven Begins from the Family
Ladies and gentlemen:
The sinful era of restoration through indemnity, the era before the coming of
heaven, has passed and the era of the constitutional government, ruled by heavenly
law, that is, the time after the coming of heaven, is upon us. You are now living in
an era of grace in which, after receiving the marriage blessing from True Parents,
completing the conversion of lineage, and leading a life of the settlement of noon, a
life without shadows, you can automatically enter the kingdom of heaven. That is to
say, if you establish a true family on earth and lead a heavenly life, once you die
your life will be connected to the Kingdom of God in heaven, and you will enjoy
eternal life.
Therefore, in the framework of the family, you should serve God as the Father
in the highest position. Everyone of you should become His children, entering into a
parent–child relationship with Him and perfecting yourselves through living together,
closely linked in blood ties. In short, you should form and live in the realm of a true
love relationship with God.
Who would be the greatest grandfather of the universe? The first human
ancestors, Adam and Eve, call God “Father.” Should their children call Him
“Grandfather”? No, they too should call Him “Father.” Why is this  so?  From  the
viewpoint  of  God,  the  vertical  center,  all  object  partners  of  love are equal. His
object partners, who are produced through the horizontal expansion and
multiplication  of  His  love,  assume  equal  value  regardless  of  who they are,
transcending time and space. Simply put, everyone has equal value in perfected
The kingdom of heaven must first be achieved on earth. What this means is that
the kingdom of heaven being established in the corporeal world is prerequisite to
establishing the kingdom of heaven in the incorporeal world. Therefore, heaven is
not a world found in outer space on the other side of the galaxy, nor is it the byproduct of imagination existing only in the human brain. It refers to the substantial
kingdom of heaven on earth, which can only be created when you  have led lives
expressive of true love. When you leave the physical world on that foundation, you
automatically enter the incorporeal kingdom of heaven. This means that only when
you have led a heavenly life on earth, can you lead such a life also in heaven.
Only the fruit that has fully ripened on the tree is classified while in storage as a
product of the best quality. Herein lies the reason why your lives should not be
ones bound for hell, like fruit that is devoured by insects on the tree. You should
never forget that you yourselves, through your life on earth, determine whether
you go to heaven or to hell.
The Value of Family
Ladies and gentlemen:
The reason why we miss the family we have left behind is that at home there is
love for one another. It is where the love of mother and father, the love of elder
brothers and sisters and younger siblings, and the love of one’s spouse, children
and close neighbors are all deeply embedded. It is a place of mutual affection,
where all relationships and affinities are brought together through mutual love. This
makes  you  want  to  cherish  each  and  every  member  of  your  family.  It  is  the
yearning  and  desire  of  any  wanderer  who  has  left  his  family  behind to reappear
boldly before his family one day as a liberated being, and to embrace mountains,
streams and trees, love his kith and kin, and sing songs of ecstasy.
However, the situation of humankind, descended from the Fall, has been
different: banished from their hometown and destined to wander  in  isolation  and
defeat, human beings are unable to go back, no matter how much they miss their
family, for they have lost the root of the heart of their original homeland.
However, with the ushering in of the era of a new heaven and a new earth after
the coming of heaven, human beings have been pulled out of the  swamp that was
sucking them down, and the way has been opened for them to return to their
hometowns— hometowns that they could not forget even for a moment—and meet
with their family. Could there ever be a day of greater blessing for humanity? The
time of heavenly power and fortune has now come, a time to reestablish the original
family that was lost through the Fall of Adam and Eve.
A Family of Three Generations Living in Harmony
When seeking after the lost original family, you should set out from the position
of the perfected Adam, the position of the perfected Jesus, and the position
representing  the  perfected  Second  Coming  of  the  Lord.  God  will  dwell in such a
family. That family would be one of three generations—grandparents, parents and
children—living in harmony. In such a family you need to live in service and
attendance to the grandfather as the historical root of your ancestors.
The family sets the pattern for all people to live together in harmony. The family
where parents and children love and respect each other, where husband and wife
are grounded in mutual trust and love, and brothers and sisters trust and rely on
each other, and all live together as one, is the model and the ideal. This means that
you need to establish a true family wherein the stem of true love emerges from the
root of true love and bears the fruit of true love.
In such a family the root of history is alive, and the root of  the kingdom of
heaven extends into it. It is in such a family that the kingdom of heaven on earth
takes root. It is also where the everlasting root of kingship is firmly planted, and
where the roots of the past, present and future are represented by grandparents,
parents, and grandchildren, respectively. The root of the past represents the spirit
world; the root of the present is the palace representing the world today; and, the
root of the future establishes the grandsons and granddaughters as princes and
princesses, and erects the palace of peace representing the two worlds, the spirit
world and the physical world.
In such a manner, the three generations of grandparents, parents, and
grandchildren should live together as one family, serving the eternally existent God.
You  should  know  that  to  seek  after  and  establish  such  a  family  of  Cheon Il Guk
(God’s  kingdom)  is  the  responsibility  of  tribal  messiahs,  the  mission of the
Ambassadors for Peace, and the desire of God.
The movement to realize a society of mutual existence, prosperity, and benefit,
by making humanity one great family, breaking down the walls in our hearts and
eliminating even the boundaries between nations, begins thus from  one  family.
Therefore, we should bear in mind that to form and establish true families is our
providential calling, advancing the establishment of the cosmic peace kingdom on
You should form families that God will miss and yearn to return to after He has
been away. You should raise families to which He can come freely as the Parent
visiting  His  children.  That  is  what  it  means  to  live  in  service  to  God.  In  such  a
family, God becomes the Subject of our conscience, acting vertically. Following that
vertical Subject, your mind stands in the position of the vertical subject of yourself,
and brings your mind and body into unity. That is where parental love, conjugal love,
children’s love, and siblings’ love—in short, the four realms of love or the four
realms of heart—are perfected. Only in such a family can the upper and lower, front
and behind, left and right be connected as one and circular motion continue.
If  the  world  were  filled  with  such  true  families,  that  world  would be one
governed by the heavenly way and heavenly laws, with no need for lawyers,
prosecutors or even judges. Ponder this for a moment. Who would be most fully
aware of your good and bad deeds? It would be your grandparents, your parents,
your spouse and your children.
Is there anything that cannot be resolved within the family? When parents and
children, husband and wife, and elder siblings and younger siblings set an example
of  living  for  the  sake  of  one  another,  how  could  they  do  anything unforgivable?
What chance would they have to commit crimes? A world governed by the heavenly
way and the heavenly laws is a natural world, an unobstructed world of truth and
pure reason, and a world of the settlement of noon, where no shadows are cast.
Esteemed representatives of the Mongolian People’s Federation:
We should all return gratitude and glory to God and True Parents for
enlightening us about the incredible providential age in which  we  are  living.  We
should  give  praise  and  thanks  for  eternity  to  True  Parents  for  opening the time
after the coming of heaven, which is unprecedented in history and which will never
be repeated in the future, and for bringing about the era of the settlement of the
realm of true liberation and complete freedom. Just as the sun  rises with brilliant
light  in  the  eastern  sky,  heavenly  fortune  is  now  shining  upon  all people. The
curtain of darkness that shrouded us for thousands and tens of thousands of years
is lifting at last, as Heaven’s will is taking root in your hearts. This is a path of
destiny  you  cannot  avoid.  Therefore  stand  up  with  courage  and  shout out,
“Whoever wants to die will live, and whoever wants to live will die!”
Ladies and gentlemen:
The mission of the Mongolian People’s Federation has now become  clear.
Serving the Universal Peace Federation as the vertical Abel, and the religious realm
and national realm of the world as the horizontal Abel, it should be in the position of
Cain and work as the central figure in establishing the global kingdom of the peace
ideal. I hope you also will participate actively in the Bering Strait Tunnel Project,  
currently being promoted as a Universal Peace Federation construction project.
Through the completion of this project, humanity will become one great family and
the establishment of a war-free world of the peace ideal, espousing the blessings
of eternal peace will come to be.
Please become true princes and princesses who can attend and live together
with God, the eternal peace king, as the true parent of humanity. Let us restore the
Mongolian People’s Federation to the Mongolian Shared Lineage Federation by
receiving the marriage blessing of True Parents and perfecting the conversion of
our lineage. Please take to heart that this is the task assigned to you by God, and
become the true owners in establishing the Kingdom of Peace and Unity in Heaven
and on Earth.
May God’s grace be upon you, your family and your nations.
Thank you.

Sun Myung Moon: New Era of Peace will Shine in 2012 | SUN MYUNG MOON

New Era of Peace will Shine in 2012

Throughout their lives, Rev. and Mrs. Moon have established many international organizations and institutions to promote world peace. They invested unreservedly in many fields including interreligious cooperation, projects to benefit society, intercultural activities, sports, education and the media, and have successfully led these initiatives with the aim of promoting peace and bringing salvation to humanity. Now Rev. Moon is proclaiming the eve of New Era of Peace starting with the end of 2012.

New Era of Peace will Shine

In a proclamation to the world Rev. Moon announced that in two years will shine a new era of peace and prosperity, spiritual and physical world will be linked as never before.
 The immoral secular traditions will go to extinction, and all of humanity will become one family through inter-cultural marriages .

We are living in an historic time
Rev. Moon has warned the world already in his Peace Messages, that God does not want wars anymore. It is our selfishness and greed leading us towards a terrible global war and the nuclear destruction. 

"It is a time for a great historic revolution to unite the spiritual and physical worlds and to create the ideal kingdom of heaven that God has longed for. We can no longer postpone of prolong the fulfillment of His wish." -
 Sun Myung Moon
God's Kingdom starts after 2012

"I have already proclaimed that January 13, 2013 will be a "Foundation Day". That day will be the actual beginning and birth of God's kingdom.. An unavoidable time is upon us today where we must invest ourselves... All the good spirits in the spirit world are mobilized and are already moving forward, one step ahead of you." 
- Sun Myung Moon

The Path Humanity Should Take

Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Proclamation:
Distinguished Guests,The path that humanity must now take is clear. What would give you to hesitate in the face of the D-day that Heaven has revealed through us, the True Parents? There are now only 2 years remaining.
If you view the flow of history through eyes that focus on God’s providence, you can see that the changes of the times can be broadly classified into three stages. First is the “era of worldly matters,” in other words, a time when materialism took precedence.
Next came the “era of human affairs,” a humanistic era when peoples’ knowledge and emotions took precedence in and dominated the world.
However, these eras were transitional. They are destined to end. They were courses of preparation necessary in order to enter the era in which people could rid themselves of their fallen nature, return to their original selves and live as one united family where they attend God as their father.
The “era of heavenly affairs” is the final stage, in which human beings should follow the path of living for the sake of others. They should do this through establishing an absolute standard on the foundation of purifying themselves, both inside and out, through the holy Blessing Ceremony. This is the time of opening up the era of God’s kingdom, Cheon Il Guk, a time in which we can return to the heart of the one true God. Please engrave this point on your hearts.
Once the actual era of God's unified peaceful world - Cheon Il Guk begins, the spiritual and earthly worlds will be connected and brought into oneness, and all things will be governed under the Union of the Spiritual and Physical Worlds, which will be established on earth for the first time. Moreover, the providence will be carried out according to the heavenly law and the heavenly way.
Elections will disappear: They are conducted in a purely secular fashion and will absolutely disappear from the face of the earth. All people will become one family through cross-cultural marriage and the World Peace Marriage Blessing, and we will enjoy tranquility and happiness in the sacred reign of peace. Let me say it again: this day is drawing near.
As part of preparing for that time, a few months ago, on February 14, I proclaimed to all of heaven and earth the start of the new heavenly calendar. The Gregorian calendar and lunar calendar shall now stand in the positions of Cain and Abel and serve the role of supporting the heavenly calendar, by which we will record and indicate the progress of God’s providence.
You must all now engrave True Parents’ teachings onto your bones and practice them in your life. We have no choice. If we do not prepare now, we will surely be left behind. Read the full text

Peace Messages from Rev. Sun Myung Moon

  1. God's Ideal Family and the Kingdom of the Peaceful, Ideal World - I
  2. God's Model Ideal Family and Nation, and the Peace Kingdom
  3. The True Owners in Establishing the Kingdom of Peace and Unity
  4. The Family Rooted in Absolute Sexual Ethics: Model for Peace and the Global Kingdom

Vanga's Prophecy about Moon: "Christ will Return, Religions will Unite"
Vanga's predictions 2012, "New religion will take the earth by storm": RELIGIONS WILL UNITE - GOD IS ONE "Christ will Return, Religions will Unite, The Messiah will come as a Peacemaker and build a world Highway...
Sun Myung Moon: Revolution of Heart
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Blessing that Liberates God and Overcomes Historic Baunderies
Moon's Blessings Weddings Marriages Unification Church matching sect cult religious marriages Historic Blessing of Marriage Interreligious and International Marriages Liberate God's Heart by overcoming historic resentments...
Personal testimony: Jesus guided me to Rev. Moon
MY PERSONAL MEMORIES My life in search of the truth. I experienced things that I want to share(This personal story, got very popular and was read by thousands of people. It sparked interest in are...

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1 Respones to "Sun Myung Moon: New Era of Peace will Shine in 2012"
Fazendo deferenca 1 A 1 каза... 
when the world are acared about pole shift Nibiru desaster in 2012 we the families that love God and the TRUE PARENTS of all humanity have hope that the world will just be a better world of joy peace and unification HIS LOVE for all humanity would stop that to happen. We should smile and pray with our True Parents and sleep huging his picture with gratitude and shouting ok mansey and I love you TP I love you TP I love you TP!!!every moment
23 септември 2011, 18:39

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