

Belvedere, International Training Center, Translator - Peter Kim, February 27, 1994

Are there any volunteers to translate the title Father has written here, Sum Wee Jauk Hae Bong She Dae Wha Woo Lee Wee Aun Chang? It isn't an easy one. Some of the Japanese leaders might be able to read it. It says, The Time of Liberation in the Providence and Our Safe Settlement. Are you actually able to grasp the meaning of it?
When we speak about the providential history, it is inclusive of the beginning of human history until today. The providence also includes the Fall of Man and the history of restoration; like a transition. Therefore, we have to receive liberation which means restoring ourselves to the correct position of right side up. When you are imprisoned you truly understand the meaning of liberation, but without that kind of experience, it is difficult to fully understand the meaning of liberation. Long term inmates of a prison become more serious the closer the time of their release comes. Especially the three months prior to their release becomes a very critical time for them. Within themselves they begin to reconnect with the world outside. Because it signifies a brand new start for them they become so serious that they often cannot sleep for making new plans in their minds.
The definition of prison is to be confined within a certain boundary. This becomes the entire world of the prisoners. When the time comes for their release it means to go beyond the boundary and this is not always an easy thing for long term prisoners. By the same token, due to the Fall of Man, all humanity has been confined within the prison of the entire planet Earth. Therefore the most critical question for fallen people is how to be liberated from this fallen world, from the individual to the cosmic level. We have individual boundary fences, family level fences, tribal, national, world, universe and cosmos level fences. At every level we find the prison fence. However, in general, people are unaware of this reality. How can we go beyond these fences?
Due to the Fall of Man we are having to deal with all these different levels of fences and whose responsibility is it? Man's. By the same token, when we commit a crime in this world, even though we are part of a family it is not they who are responsible in terms of paying indemnity. It is you who have to pay. By the same token man is the one who fell and so it is man who is responsible. As an individual you are a national of a particular country, but if you commit a crime it is you who have to pay for that crime, your country cannot.
Our ultimate course of life as fallen men and women is following this road and going beyond the boundaries at each level of our confinement. Fallen men do not understand this course and they are often oblivious to the fact that they fell. Adam and Eve were the ones who actually knew that they fell, but since then nobody really understood the Fall of Man. After Adam and Eve, everybody was born within the prison walls and throughout history these prison fences have been expanded from the individual to cosmic levels. At each level it is a war and who is responsible for creating this kind of battle? If you become a prisoner you will experience the fight that exists within any kind of prison. Within a prison, it is usually the one who has served the longest term who is the boss and they are usually the most serious criminal. They act like a king in the prison and new prisoners have to pay respect to him and so in that sense, there is no freedom there. Whatever you have to do in the prison, you have to obtain the permission of the kingpin or you will be punished. If you don't follow the boss's way of doing things then your life will be threatened. It is like a Mafia organization.
Generally people do not realize that they are in this central point surrounded by all levels of prison fences. America may be the most powerful country in the world and yet America still falls into this category also. If we go beyond all these different levels of fences, then where can we go? That is the original world in which we don't find any fences. However, in the fallen world there are fallen individuals, fallen families, fallen tribes, fallen people, fallen nations; we have to feel that. Therefore, if we just continue living in this fallen world surrounded by all these fallen people then eventually even after we leave this world we will end up in fallen spiritual world-so-called hell.
This is eternal hell where all the different levels of hell are combined. If we fall into this hell, how can we get out of it? We have this reverse way to go at all different levels. Those who live in this hell have all the burdens of their ancestors, family, nation and world in the past who made such mistakes and are being carried by those in hell. If you try to get out of this hell then all the people who came there in the past with all their burdens will grab hold of you and won't let you go. Hell is the place where all the self-centered people are gathered. If anybody tries to do something they become besieged by all these self-centered individuals, so you are not free. In that place everybody tries to step on you and go above you. However, God's way is allowing others to go ahead of you by always yielding and becoming more humble. That is the difference.
Have you truly thought about the situation we find ourselves in, surrounded by all these different levels of hell confined within this hellish society? Looking at the world do you see it as doomed to perish or prosper? (Perish.) Then what should you do? Do you really feel that this entire world, including you and your family, is perishing and will be destroyed soon? Do you really feel that? This is not a conceptual matter but a very serious reality. Of course this side is physical hell and this, the spiritual hell, but we are talking about this physical world hell. How can we transform this physical world into the Kingdom of God on earth? We have to go through these eight different stages.
We are saying that the entire world has become a hell, so do you think that we should be able to enter the Kingdom of God altogether or as individuals? (Together.) Is there any single individual throughout history who entered the Kingdom alone? Of course we lost the Kingdom of God at the individual level so we should not follow this entire world which is a fallen world. The trend of this world leads to the door of hell. Where is the heavenly gate? We have to turn around 180 degrees in order to find the heavenly gate. Once you turn around 180 degrees, then the entire world including your family, tribe and nation will oppose you and try to prevent you from progressing. How can we overcome this opposition and obstacle? This has been our task, the inevitable course that we have to deal with. In order to succeed in our mission of turning around 180 degrees and marching forward, we have to deny ourselves, our families, our tribes, our nations and the world. We are now going in the reverse direction and so we deny the world first, then the nation, tribe, family and self. This is the reverse course. Once you overcome the world level then the national level is waiting to oppose you and so on. Do you really feel that?
As Unification Church members we are always referring to the indemnity course, tribal messiahship, etc. However, do you really feel that? Father explains their necessity here clearly, but do you feel that immediate task is right in front of your eyes? You have to pick up whatever tools you may need to accomplish it. Father is not just talking but this is the reality and truth which he is giving to you. There is no choice, we have to go through this course and go beyond each level. When we truly understand this problem, then our external concerns of making a living, and where to live become inconsequential. This entire world is a fallen world and is for us a world scale prison. Please understand this. We have to receive the day of liberation.
People are talking about obtaining freedom, peace and happiness, but what do they mean? They are already admitting that we are living in the fallen world and we are fallen people who need freedom, peace and happiness. Because they do not know where they can obtain freedom, peace and happiness, they imagine these can be found within their own national boundary. However, everybody has to go beyond their national level. Within the worldwide fence level there is no real freedom, peace or happiness. We have to transcend this level. If the Fall of Man is a reality, then what Father is teaching us here is a fact and reality also. Please understand, from the individual level to the world level, eight different levels of prison boundaries have been expanded. We have to turn around from this level and go back the reverse way down to the individual level.
[Father draws on the blackboard.] In the reverse way we have to create a new world on eight different levels again. In order to reach this original point again, as an individual, you have to overcome these eight different levels and then the entire heavenly eight different levels will spread out in front of you. The dispensational time of liberation includes this, as a whole being and not just as an individual. It is 180 degrees in a different direction. In that way the historical dispensational time of liberation will occur.
When will this wrong-side-up world become right-side-up? If this wrong-side-up world is in this position then you have to push one side so that it turns over 180 degrees. Push like this, just as when you turn over a heavy object. Have you done it? When did you do it? Did you reverse it on the individual level? Then the family level lies before you. Even if you complete this at an individual level, you still have your family level, including yourself, your tribal level, society level, national and world levels to complete. As you continue this work then you may probably complete the individual and tribal levels, but just as with Christianity, at a community level they don't want to do that because they want to keep things as they have been doing them on the national level.
For example, America doesn't want to change completely from the wrong-side-up to the right-side-up. This has been the problem. This entire nation of America has to be made right-side-up again and this means totally turning it around. Think about the confusion and difficulties this would create for them. So, they resist it. If this entire nation of America became right-side-up, does that mean the rich people become richer and poor people more poor? (No.) Upside down means turned inside out. That is why, for example, in the communist world, it was promoted that all the farmers and laborers should be the first class people.
As we change this world completely around and then as people become totally changed, they should move from their particular place to a newer place. People don't realize this. In other words, we have to make an exodus from this nation of America as Americans to someplace new to become new people. However, Americans don't think that way. That new world is this world-heaven. Do you understand? In order to enter this new world the way we have been going, we will have such a long trail; a family trail, tribal trail, etc. but this is not the right way. You have to make yourself very clear as an individual at this point to be qualified to enter this world.
Centering upon Adam and Eve, the Fall occurred at the family level. From that family level the world has expanded and so the entire world has to come through that family gate once again. Do you want to remain in this world or leave this world and enter this fresh new world? (Fresh new world.)
At the time of the Exodus the Israelites followed Moses. In the beginning they were so happy to go to a new world, but they did not realize the wilderness was waiting for them. That is why they all perished in the wilderness. By the same token, those Unification leaders and members who have been following just like the Israelites followed Moses and did not understand the life in the wilderness, will just disappear one by one and leave and die. Just as Moses was leading the Israelite people to the new nation of Canaan, Father has been leading all of you to the new Kingdom of God. Therefore we must drop all our relationships and memories from the past and follow in Father's footsteps. However, people have a tendency to stick with their old habits and memories and try to go back to their old lifestyle. This has been a problem. As you reach this level as an individual and family, you have to go through another eight stages of the world and return and bring the rest of the people with you. You should be the spearhead in terms of entering that world. Therefore you have a long trail, you have a family trail, tribe trail, society and national trail and they are not connected to this world [the original world] because they came from this world [indicating the fallen world]. Therefore you are the one who has to connect all these different levels in the new world. While you are going through this process at this level you should not face any opposition. No matter which direction you may go there should not be any opposition. That is why we call it the unified world.
No matter how big this world may be, it will become like one big family in terms of the structure and organization. The concept behind the new world will be like one family; a family level family, tribal level family, national level family and world level family. It is just a matter of size, but the entire world is one family.
In this fallen world there is no level of family which God can work through. That is why God has been working throughout history in order to restore a family. Because God lost Adam's family then God began to work in Abel's family and so on, all throughout history. Do you understand? Ever since the Fall of Man there has not been one single family through which God could work. That is why God has been waiting for that single original family and that family is the family of the Messiah. The Abel side family appears and then the rest of the world represents Cain side families. This Abel side family, even though a single family, will prosper and destroy the Cain side families step by step. All the Cain side families from individual to world levels, will try their best to destroy this Abel side family of the Messiah. The Abel side will suffer, just as the Israelites have suffered throughout history because they were the chosen people.
Until the national sovereignty is secured, which means when the Messiah becomes the king, the Messiah cannot truly be called Messiah. Abel as an individual, should win the victory and then that individual victorious foundation will remain. On that basis he will move on to the family level fight against Satan and claim victory moving throughout all the eight different levels. Whoever is selected by God, whether individual, family or nation, will always have to deal with this kind of opposition from the Cain side. Just as Christianity has been dealing with worldwide opposition, by the same token the Unification Church, ever since its birth has been dealing with this world level opposition. Even in this fallen world there may have been an individual who was strong enough to win a victory here and family level here, but they were not on the same straight line. This line has to be straight, but sometimes the line has been a zigzag and then they don't connect. This has been the problem.
During the Old Testament Era there was the servant of servant level victory, adopted son level victory and this has to be connected in a straight line. At the time of the New Testament, it was like that also. The Messiah's role is to connect all those victories on a straight line so that God can work through them. At the end of the Old Testament Era, Jesus Christ came as the Messiah to straighten the connection. In this time Father came and connected everything in a straight line. As Father is the Messiah of this world, he has to include this entire Old Testament Era and New Testament Era and place all these victorious foundations on a straight line. Presently they are all scattered around, circulating like the four seasons that come and go. They are all in different locations presently. As you know, True Parents made the proclamation of True Parents and the Completed Testament Age last year. That by itself is an astonishing fact and unimaginable reality.
True Parents could make that proclamation after they had gone through these eight different stages and come this reverse way and won the victory as True Family. Because of the victorious foundation won by True Parents as a family, God, who was waiting outside of all these fences, can now dwell and work with True Parents directly on all these different levels in this world.
These past forty years Satan has been persecuting and opposing Father, trying to prevent him from reaching this level as an individual, and to keep True Parents and the True Family base from extending to all the eight different levels. Even though there has been persecution on all those eight different levels, Father won the victory on each level. Please understand, True Father went over all the eight different levels and reached the victory here at the eighth level where he received God and came back to the original point. Because of the Fall of Man, God couldn't interfere in this sphere of hell, but had to remain outside of the boundary. Father came all the way out and received God and then came back to the starting point. All these eight satanic levels gave way and lost to Father. Since he received God and went back to the original point, no satanic world is able to stop him. Centering upon True Parents' family now we will enjoy all eight different levels of the Kingdom of Heaven. Satan has no business with this. Just as it says in the Divine Principle lecture of the Last Days, this is the crossing point. Father won all the victories, received God and came back to this original point so that we can live with God together and prosper. This crossing point is the time of the proclamation of True Parents and the Completed Testament Age. It doesn't have anything to do with Satan whatsoever. Therefore, the more aggressively we move to do God's work, the more severely the satanic world will be damaged and go down.
Do you Americans want to work with your own nation or do you want to go out to and work for the world? (World.) Then you want to abandon your country of America? (No.) If your answer is no, then you have to go out and win a world level victory and come back to your country just as Father has done. Just as Father dropped everything in the past and went out you, too, must do the same. Abandoning means you are gaining. [Father refers to the blackboard diagram.] This is the fallen world of hell and this is the heavenly world. We need to liberate this hell and make heaven on earth. Is this clear? (Yes.) This liberation dispensation Father is mentioning is again, the crossing point where the left side will become the right side and right side will become left side, a 180 degree turn. The downside will become upside and the upside will become downside. In this family level, centering upon True Parents' family, the tribe, nation and world will emerge and above that line is the Kingdom of God on earth; below it is hell. After the Kingdom of God on earth is established, the Kingdom of God in heaven will automatically become connected. Then the world of the Fall doesn't exist anymore. Only when we have this world can we say that total liberation takes place. Then we won't be able to see all the eight different levels of fences anymore.
Perfection must occur in this physical world on a horizontal level. Father's family is here after True Parents won the victory, then centering upon this central point, on a horizontal level, all these eight different levels must be passed through in order to reach to perfection. Then five billion families will be on the same line. However, because True Family is the central family the entire five billion people of the world must have True Family in their own family as their center. Do you understand? Centering upon True Parents, your entire tribe should be unified. Without having True Parents as the center you cannot have a true tribe, true nation and true world. That is the way the world will expand. The vertical center is True Parents and True Family, but on a horizontal level all these five billion families are on the same line.
Liberation takes place in such a way that if your tribe becomes totally one with True Family then your tribal level liberation takes place. When True Parents and you as tribal messiah become totally one, your entire tribe will naturally become a true tribe. When twelve different tribes become united then that becomes a people-like the Israelite people at Moses' time. When you have restored these twelve tribes together and God works through that and makes you a king, then you become a people. In America if you have twelve different big tribes together and become totally one, then you can even claim national sovereignty and become a national Messiah. With that kind of king or president totally centered upon God and totally one with True Parents, the entire nation will belong to God and True Parents, don't you agree? (Yes.) By the same token, suppose all the representatives of the United Nations, which represents the whole world, become totally one with True Parents overnight. Conditionally, that means the entire world is connected to True Parents. Through what? Receiving Blessing from True Parents.
The Fall of Man eventually comes down to the fact that their marriage was a false marriage. As God and True Parents bestow the correct marriage upon them, the entire world will belong to God and True Parents. Because True Parents already won all the different levels of victory here on this level, horizontally, then Satan cannot interfere with whatever True Parents may do from now on. Suppose Father were to utilize one major television station in Washington DC and gave this victorious trumpet blowing for forty hours, the entire world will be turned around. On each level, as you see, there will be a change because True Parents already won all the necessary levels of victory. Father is able now to expand it and embrace all the different levels of the entire world and globe. In that field Satan cannot interfere because this is True Parents' dominion.
At such a time when True Parents can do as explained here to the world, we are already beyond this time of liberation and are actually at the time of settlement of our own selves. In this liberation place there is no Satan, no hell. Do you understand? True Parents have already made a victorious foundation over the cosmic world. Once again, please remember, for all these reasons, centering upon True Father, we have to make it upside down and right-side-up. This is our task. With one blow on a worldwide scale America would just turn around. We need a clear concept of this for now we have received the time of liberation in the history of God's providence. It is like taking a world tour where you begin in America and travel north around the world and return to your original starting point. This is exactly how True Father did it providentially. Suppose the entire five billion people of the earth want to take this world tour together at the same time? This world would probably be in turmoil. So one representative, True Father, already did it spiritually and physically by setting the victorious foundation all over the world. So now we have to just stick with Father and make sure to stand right behind him and follow his footsteps all the way. The entire five billion people of the world will become united with Father. The body should follow the mind everywhere. Do you really understand how significant and important True Parents are for our lives now?
From the beginning of Adam's family to the entire world level, now there is access here. True Parents have created the access pillar. On an individual, family, or national level the speed is the same. While you are circulating there it sometimes goes up and sometimes down. You are totally free and without barriers. Amen. (Amen!) True Father now occupies a central position in the universe, not just this world, but the cosmos also. Do you understand that we are now on the same horizontal level with True Father, True Parents? You can see by looking at the chalk marks on the board how many times Father emphasized it. Even at the horizontal level, all these eight stages are connected centering upon True Parents. We can separate these into Old Testament Era, New Testament Era and Completed Testament Era. Because the eight different levels are like mountains we need these different time periods such as the Old Testament, New Testament and Completed Testament. However, we are now on the same horizontal level so it isn't necessary to have these different time periods because it jumps like this with one blow.
The Completed Testament Age does not have any obstacles or stages to go through. It is the time to build the ideal family, ideal nation and ideal world which will become the world of peace. Historically speaking the eight different vertical stages are represented by the three different horizontal stages of Old Testament, New Testament and Completed Testament. When we look at history vertically, there are three different stages up until the Completed Testament Age which is represented by 6,000 years of history. However, within forty years of Father's life, this entire 6,000 years has been indemnified. The Old Testament Era was the time of the first ancestors, the New Testament Era was the time of the second ancestor and the Completed Testament Age is the time for the third ancestor of humanity. Father has been victorious on all these different levels vertically and has expanded this victorious foundation horizontally. Satan has no claim over this.
This history which took 6,000 years vertically until the Completed Testament Age, had to be indemnified within forty years. This has been Father's course. It is like the completion of the first Adam, second Adam and third Adam. The third Adam is able to restore the first and second Adam. Looking at history from a restorational point of view, the first Adam is the elder brother, the second Adam who is Jesus, is the second elder brother and Father is the youngest, the third Adam. It is like three sons from God's point of view. However, this third Adam, the Lord of the Second Advent, came and liberated the two elder brothers, Adam and Jesus Christ. When Jesus came he was supposed to restore the first Adam, but he failed to do this. That is why the third Adam, Father, as the Lord of the Second Advent came and restored these two elder brothers. Do you understand? Even if Father brings Adam and Jesus Christ, God will put True Father on top of them and Satan cannot say anything because nothing but victory will remain there. Satan cannot interfere or say anything. Do you understand? Again, Father stays in his position then Jesus and Adam are next and Satan cannot say anything. Do you understand?
All throughout these 6,000 years, people at different levels had different desires and longings, but now Father expands this onto a horizontal level of Old Testament, New Testament and Completed Testament. Because of Father's victorious foundation, Satan cannot interfere so you are totally free to act. Looking at this situation horizontally there are different levels or stages, but because of True Parents' victory, those tribes and people belonging to all three eras are united. The people from the Old Testament Era which means the first Adam period and the second Adam period which is Jesus' time and includes all the different denominations of Christianity, and the Completed Testament Age which is the third Adam period, are totally centered upon True Parents now and horizontally speaking, they are all one. The fundamental relationship is the father/son relationship centered upon True Parents, so it is irrelevant whether you belong to the first Adam period tribe or the second Adam period tribe. The basic relationship with True Parents will be the father/son relationship and through True Parents Blessing, everyone can be restored and be totally free. According to this principle, in terms of father/son relationship, thousands of different generations can be created here on the horizontal level. Within one week this entire humanity of five billion people can be restored through this father and son relationship.
Though the fallen world is below this horizontal level right now, once it is completely turned 180 degrees, this world will become the Kingdom of God on earth. Is that true? The time of liberation in God's providence is taking place on this one straight horizontal line. Do you understand? (Yes.) Satan knew that this time was coming, that is why Satan created all the immorality problems that we are facing today in America. Therefore, there is only one way to restore this country. Because Satan created the misery we now face, we have to leave Satan and follow True Parents. That is the only way. You were born as children of the first ancestor, second ancestor and third ancestor because Father restored all of them. You should understand this clearly and have the conviction that you have within you the completion of Adam, the completion of Jesus Christ and the completion of True Father. Do you understand?
Blessed couples raise your hands. "Blessed couple" means that you represent True Parents. It means you are like a new tree, True Parents' tree. Therefore, please understand that the proclamation of True Parents and the Completed Testament Age is this significant and precious. That is why the entire spiritual and physical world have become one at this point. The spiritual world represents the archangel's world and the earth represents Adam's world which is in Abel's position. Now these two are combining into one and we are creating the Kingdom of Heaven on the earth and in the spiritual world. By having the physical and spiritual world united, just like Cain and Abel being united, True Parents are now able to do their work and the Kingdom of God on earth and in heaven can be created. This is equivalent to the time before the original fallen situation occurred. Is this clear? (Yes.)
Then within you, what do you have and whom are you representing? (True Parents.) You must remember Father's conclusion and that is that you are a representative of the perfection of the first Adam, the perfection of the second Adam, Jesus Christ, and the completion of the third Adam, True Father. Within yourself you represent that much. Do you understand? Father brings these three different levels of the first, second and third Adam and engrafts them into you. You have to have the concept that you are becoming the new baby generation. No matter how much difficulty you may encounter, you should never lose sight of the fact that you are the center of the universe. You have to have that kind of concept. Do you have confidence? (Yes.) Only from that kind of confidence and that kind of practice will you find your peace, freedom and real happiness. That is the way we will accomplish the safe settlement of our individual level, our tribal level, our national level and world level.
The grand conclusion from God's providential point of view is that in Adam's family centering on Eve, Cain and Abel should have been united and embraced by Eve. However, this did not happen. At the time of Jesus Christ, the nation of Israel was in the position of Cain and Judaism was in the position of Abel. Centering upon the mother, Mary, this Cain and Abel were supposed to be united and embraced so that they could receive the Messiah. However, this failed also. That is why the dispensation was delayed to the worldwide level where Eve was represented by the nation of England. America was born from this Eve nation, isn't that true? The Anglo-Saxon tribe and France were enemies, exactly the Cain, Abel and mother positions. That foundation was historically awaiting the coming of the bridegroom upon the earth, not spiritually. Do you understand? The Christian world has the notion that Jesus will descend from the clouds. Right after World War II, do you think that it was easy for the nations of Great Britain, America and France to bow down in front of Father and acknowledge him as the Lord of the Second Advent? It was virtually impossible just like at Jesus' time and that is why Father went through the forty year course in which he won all the victories by himself. It was a re-indemnification.
True Mother is in the position of having the responsibility to unite and embrace the major countries of America, Japan, Germany and Korea. America represents Christianity and the free world. Right after World War II was the only time that the entire free world, centered upon Christianity, was totally united. Returning to the point of the second Messiah we just have to turn and right after World War II it was supposed to have happened that way, but it failed and so Father had to walk the forty year course.
In place of Great Britain, Japan is now the Eve nation. Father actually selected enemy countries such as America which was in the enemy position to Germany and Japan. From Father's point of view Japan was his enemy country and America, providentially speaking, failed. By the same token, Germany was in the same situation. It was the most evil nation during World War II. It was fearful. During World War II Germany was responsible for eliminating thousands of Christians and millions of Jews. After World War II, all these countries failed and so now True Mother came and is restructuring this system of Cain and Abel and Adam and Eve nations relationships. America is in the Abel position and Germany is in Cain's position. America represents Christianity which means it is in the bride's position. After World War II, centering upon the Christian cultural background, the entire free world, particularly the providential nations of England, America and France, should have bowed down in front of Father and received him as the Lord of the Second Advent. However they failed, and Father had to walk the forty year course of re-indemnification. Then Father and Mother came to America and installed True Mother as the world level True Mother, having her speak at the United Nations and Capitol Hill, Cain and Abel. True Parents then connected this with Mother's speaking tour of Japan. As you know Japan was opposing our Church so much, but that opposition was knocked down and Mother won the victory there.
Last year there was so much opposition to Mother going to Japan to speak publicly, but at the Tokyo Dome Mother addressed 50,000 women leaders. She also spoke at the Diet and throughout Japan. This year True Mother is planning to speak to 100,000 women leaders at a few places in Japan. Religiously speaking, there are many different unknown religions in Japan. The population of Japan is about 120 million and half of that represents approximately 60 thousand Japanese women who are influenced to some degree by all these different mixed religious ideas. Father wants to educate them through True Mother with God-centered Christianity which is Godism, and change their views and religious beliefs. After True Parents turned Japan around, particularly using this women power, True Parents then went to Korea. The United Nations and Capitol Hill as Cain and Abel were combined and then connected with the Mother's position which is Japan. Japan's color is a complicated color, not the unified color of Christianity. Eve's country should have only one color, that is the Christian culture color. However, Japan, representing Eve's position has a different color. How can we make Japan the same color as the Christian cultural world? You women have to be responsible for changing the color and turning Eve's position around. Man represents the archangel position and has no power, no partner, no property. Do you understand? Man does not have authority. Women have to follow the right way now. Do you understand? Father has the bridegroom's power, everything is connected to one and moving in a different direction. All men follow behind without opposition. This is the Divine Principle perspective. Do you understand clearly? (Yes.)
In order to bring about the re-unification of Korea we need young people, particularly those college students from North Korea and South Korea, to be totally united. They represent Cain and Abel. Cain is represented by North Korean youth and Abel is represented by South Korean youth and centering upon True Parents these two Cain and Abel countries must combine into one to make the original unification foundation. We need these young people not only to bring about the unification of Korea, but to establish the unified world at the world level. This is why Father brought the youth representatives from different countries and held the Youth Conference in Moscow. According to Father's time clock everything is progressing well. Both South and North Korea have really tried to put the students from both countries together in order for them to have dialogue and build some kind of relationship. However, they have not been successful in all these years, only through Father, at this time. It has begun through the Moscow conference and at the same time Father already established the Women's Federation for World Peace and the International Youth Federation for World Peace. The Mother position and Cain and Abel children are represented there. So the world will follow as Father planned based upon that peninsula unification base. Do you understand? (Yes.) It will become equivalent to the situation after World War II. Once Kim Il Sung and True Parents become totally united then the world will be united.
Once North and South Korea become totally united centering upon Kim Il Sung uniting with True Parents, and the world becomes unified, it will be equivalent to the time of 1945 to 1952 when the entire world should have become like that. It is like the seven days of God's creation and we need this seven years. The world failed, so Father re-indemnified all the conditions within the last forty years. Starting from 1993 we need a seven year time period in order to complete this. By the year 2000, when Father will have reached the age of eighty years, this entire world must become totally united and must be under Father's sovereignty and the world wide level unification will take place. During this seven year time period Father needs women. After World War II the bride was unsuccessful so in this seven year period it is the mission of women to inherit this seven years and make a completion. This is why Father has established the Women's Federation for World Peace. It will serve as the worldwide women's base. Do you understand? Based upon that, you can connect with the bridegroom. This is Eve's mission until the year 2000.
Satan knew Father's plan of forty years and so he dominated this nation of America, implanting all kinds of immorality and social problems within this country. Who can save America from this miserable situation? The American government and military power cannot do that. Only centered upon Reverend Moon can this be done; otherwise there is no way for this country to be saved. The only one who understands God's viewpoint is Reverend Moon. If you don't follow Father then this country is doomed to perish. The conclusion is simple, make sure that your mind and body are totally united, unite your family and control your sexual desires totally according to God's law. Once you open your sexual place to free sex then all evil will infiltrate. Think about the actual reality out in the world where father-in-law and daughter-in-law live together and grandfather and granddaughter live together in relationships of incest. This is worse than animals. Satan made that kind of incest relationship. How can it be reversed and restored? How can this miserable situation be corrected and brought back to the original point? "No matter how famous the Second Advent is, he cannot do that! Ha, ha ha!" Satan is laughing like that. But God is a living God with great power forever. Do you understand? (Yes.) God's hand cannot touch that kind of fallen relationship. All those problems should be resolved, chased out. Do you follow? (Yes.) Centering upon True Parents we must return to our hometown. There is no Japan, no America, no Germany in God's eyes. Wait and see. America is so proud of its power and Japan is so proud of its economic power, but because of free sex and immorality those countries will perish. Who can save them? Only we can liberate them and make a safe settlement. The amount of liberation that you are able to bring to the people in this world will determine the level of your safe settlement. Since Father knew all these secrets and plans and the work that he had to do, if he had stayed in Korea safely and comfortably, what kind of world do you think we would experience today? There would be no change in this world whatsoever. What about you? The world out there is big, it isn't just one country. Are you going to just sit still and hide some place? (No.) That is why Father has sent you out as a family messiah and tribal messiah and eventually, you have to become a national messiah. Horizontally they lie on the same line. "Messiah" means True Parentship and this cannot be invaded by Satanic power. Is this clear? Satan cannot infiltrate that world. We have less than seven years now, so go out and grab those congressmen, governors, senators and leaders of this country and work with them. If it is necessary you have to step on them because we have that kind of strong armament of truth. We are that powerful. Do you understand? (Yes.)
Now it is our world and if there is anyone who is opposing you then go and pay a visit to that person and challenge them. Ask them clearly why they are opposing us? Have they studied our teaching? Have they met Reverend Moon personally? Do they personally know Unificationists? If they have not, then we have to challenge their opposition because they have no foundation whatsoever. Rumors spread by newspapers were originally made up by communists, who wield the worst kind of satanic power. You American leaders, don't lose this golden opportunity because time passes away quickly. Father came to America at the age of fifty four and he began turning this country as an individual. Have you truly helped Father?
Americans complained about an Asian man coming here and teaching Americans, but look at the state of this country, it is perishing. Where is their ideal family, where is their ideal nation and world? There is no true brotherhood, no true couples, no true Parentship. The ideal family love is descending with the Second Advent and chasing out the American way. At last they can understand the truth and turn around the opposite way at the time of the Second Advent. Otherwise, there will only be perishment for America and no power in this country can save it. This is the truth!
A few days ago, Father gave direction to Reverend Joong Hyun Pak to make a video tape of Father's speeches that were given when Father first came to America in 1974 and spread this truth again to the entire world, in particular this country of America. In those speeches given in 1974, Father clearly gave a proclamation and warning to the world. We have to re-educate and re-alert them by giving these speeches because we now have enough external power and foundation to influence people. Many of the leaders, intellectuals, and politicians of this country who used to oppose Father recently changed their attitude by stating that they believe America truly needs Reverend Moon and begged him not to leave from America. However, in reality, it is we who have to do that work. Centering upon the Washington Times, all Christianity in this country is now united together with the conservative power. They are begging Reverend Moon to remain in the center of the Christian and Conservative Movement to save this nation of America. Have you heard of Nostalgia cable television station? Now we have complete ownership of it. During the process of our purchasing this company, Pat Robertson, Billy Graham and other prominent Christian leaders were strongly opposed to the idea of Reverend Moon owning this cable TV station. However, God was on Father's side so they were unsuccessful in their opposition.
When you look at the situation objectively, do you think God is on Father's side or on your side? (Father's side.) What about you? Then what are you? (We are on Father's side.) Then that means you have separated from Satan's side. Are you totally one with True Father? (Yes.) How many percent, 100 percent or 1000 percent? (100,000 percent.) You always say that. If it is only eighty percent then it means you have twenty percent of Satan there and God will kick you out. Abel's side is never eighty percent, but completely 100 percent and connecting from generation to generation eternally. That is the original creation viewpoint. You cannot deny this. Because you know the truth which we have learned from True Father, how much liberation we generate and create in God's providence will determine the amount of safe settlement for ourselves. That is Father's message to you this morning. Everybody is equal here. Those who invest more effort and bring more results will be rewarded more. If you don't work then others will come and take your blessing away.
There is one huge Christian denomination working closely together with Father in order to save this country. Something is going on that you don't yet know about. They have understood clearly that the Christian world cannot have hope in the future and cannot digest and control the world as they desire. They have understood that the only solution lies with Reverend Moon. Do you understand? Once they move in and fully begin working with Father, you will lose everything and they will take over your work. We shall see the truth of "the first shall be last and the last shall be first." Father gave you the tribal messiahship right in advance, enabling you to go out and bring in your entire tribe, at least 160 tribal members, and register on the heavenly roster. However, if you fail to do this, sooner or later these Christian ministers will come with big numbers, entire congregations, thousands of people will join at the same time. What shall you do at that time? God's purpose is the salvation of the entire world.
It is fair that the amount of liberation that you bring will determine the degree of safe settlement of yourself. Looking at Father's life we can see that the communist world and entire free world have been opposing Father, but now the time has changed. These major communist countries are now under Father's influence and the world is welcoming Father. Who made this time change? Did America make this kind of change in the world atmosphere? No, it did not. God did not make that kind of change. It came centering upon Reverend Moon and the completion of Adam's position. After the Fall, Adam and Eve started from the lowest position, that means the beginning of hell. How can we eliminate this world? We have to clean it up and re-indemnify the mistakes centering on True Parentship. This was the original point. True Parents are the completion of Adam's mission, the establishment of the formula True Family. Do you understand? (Yes.) From that basis you must expand to the world level. True Parents have appeared on the earth and by re-indemnification have brought the world back to begin again. They will clean up Satan's world based on this center. The world's people will follow that. That is the formula way. Those who unite, will automatically have the value of completion as well. Is that true?
Father had to work under opposition, but we have no opposition to work under anymore. If there is anybody opposing you just grab him and challenge him. It doesn't matter who he might be. Ask him if he is able to solve the problems of today's youth and today's families. If he cannot, then you can tell him he should step down from his public position. We should have guts now. Without it we cannot save this country. It is not the time for us to crawl underneath and peek out at the world, rather we have to be bold and strong. Father is brave and bold and Mother is, too, as she proclaimed, "I am the True Mother." You heard, you saw how True Parents are taking the revolutionary position, the victors position. You, too, must have that kind of guts and attitude and take action just like True Parents. Do you understand? (Yes.)
Will you do that? (YES!) Now Father is erasing this morning's topic from the board so do you clearly understand? (Yes.) You now know how we can secure our safe settlement? (Yes.) Father accomplished all this during heavy persecution, but we don't have to face such persecution. Even at the time of the liberation of Korea from Japan in 1945, everybody ran out to the street and cheered but Father could not do that. Because Father knew that the actual liberation of Korea had not come at that point. Now the time has come when we should openly do Mansei. Will you do that? (Yes!) Father will trust you. Please join me in prayer.



Belvedere, International Training Center, Translator - Peter Kim, February 13, 1994

The title of Father's speech this morning is Na Noon Nu Goo Aet Noon Ga.
Then who were you? Most of you will respond, "I was an American." Japanese may respond that they were Japanese. Also, you may regard yourself in relationship to your school or university. What about now? Now you will say, "I am a Unification Church member." Is that the end of it? What is the purpose of your being a Unification Church member? At every step of our lives-when we go to high school or university, as an American citizen, as a Unification Church member-we have a purpose. What is the purpose of our going to school, of being an American citizen or of being
a Unification Church member?
What is when we say "I," it generally includes both man and woman. As a man, I should be able to connect to the past, present and future; so where can I stand in order to be able to connect all these different time periods? Each period is different, the past is not the present and the present is not the future. There are all different kinds of time periods and yet there is only one distinct conclusion. That is that man and woman exist there, no matter what time period we are talking about. Man needs woman and woman needs man.
Then once again we ask the question, why, for what reason, were man and woman born? Were they born to remain as young children, to study, to become American citizens? The ultimate purpose of man is to become the husband of a woman and for a woman, it is to become the wife of a man. Regardless of the time period, this eternal universal formula of man for woman and woman for man remains.
Regardless of how good a time you had in the past, if your present situation is miserable, then you are a miserable person. No matter how rosy your future may appear, if you don't have your spouse then your future can be interpreted as miserable. Why do we need each other? Because man and woman want to become husband and wife and produce children, a son like the husband and a daughter like the wife. Furthermore, whether you like it or not you go after happiness by loving your son and daughter as much as you love your husband and wife. That is where your happiness can be found. Therefore, our universal desire is to raise our children and see them become like ourselves, as husband and wife, throughout eternity. This is how the human race has been developing and this is what we wish to see in the future also. The desire to see one's tribe and lineage continued is within everybody: my tribe, my people, my nation. When we refer to "my people" and "my lineage," it should not be limited only to the past and present time, but should continue for eternity.
We all have a limitation in terms of our physical life here on earth, so it would be impossible to watch over our lineage for eternity. This means that we have to be connected to someplace other than this earthly life. Once we join the spiritual world there is no limit of time or space whatsoever. No matter how many thousands of years we may stay there, we still can enjoy the future with our coming generations. What will be the most joyful experience in the spiritual world? The ideal that we are dreaming of experiencing in the spiritual world will be filled with ideal children, like our own daughters and sons whom we can live together with for eternity. That is our ideal dream.
Everybody wants to be the center of their own lineage, their own tribe and their own people. Do you agree? Regardless of whether they lived in the past, the present or the future, they all want to begin centering from themselves: my parents, my spouse, my children, my ancestors. When we say "I," it includes both men and women, but there are so many men and women! Because we all desire to become the best, I want to know where is the place where I can stand as a representative of man and woman? What qualifies an individual to become the representative of an entire race? In order to have that kind of qualification you must be able to feel you are qualified to represent the entire group-not centering upon self-but representing the entire humanity. That kind of conviction and confidence should be with you. When that kind of qualified man and woman become one, then that is the ideal couple. Why do we refer to them as "ideal couple"? In the beginning, when God created Adam and Eve, He wanted them to become an ideal man and woman who would represent the entire world. Why are Unification Church members so precious in this world? Because we are the ones who have the qualification to say, "I, as a man, represent the entire 2.5 billion men in this world" and, "I, as a woman, represent the entire 2.5 billion women in the world." When the man and woman who are able to represent all men and women of the world become one, they become the ideal couple who can represent the entire human race. That is the way the entire human race can be united. It's the beginning point where people can become one.
You should think that "I" represents all my organs, my entire body. That is the value of "I". As you move your arm and finger, your eye should not resist; rather, the eye should follow the same direction. By the same token, if your leg moves, the eye coordinates with it. Whatever part of your body moves, your eyes must coordinate together. It is up to your mind. If your mind moves in a certain direction, your body must follow that direction because the mind is the center. Your nose is also in the center, so when you move forward your nose is in front of every other organ of your body. (Laughter.) It is like the representative. Your other organs may protest that they don't want to see the nose in front. Then you would have to walk sideways so that your ear can be ahead! (Laughter.) Actually, when it comes to reality, it doesn't matter which organ we are talking about, they are all representatives of your entire being. By the same token, should Reverend Moon, the founder of the Unification Church, just favor the white race or the black race? No. He should love every race equally because he is their representative.
If there are many different black countries and the presidents are all fighting one another, Father still has to love and consolidate them and somehow build unity amongst them. If there is somebody who will remain the representative of the entire human race until the last, he will be the winner. As there are so many men and women, we may wonder what is the qualification needed in order to represent the entire human race? Will diamonds and money do it? If money and diamonds are the qualification then people will fight.
How about knowledge? Knowledge alone cannot qualify one for that position. If knowledge is the key, then the person with the most knowledge will be so arrogant that he will demand everybody else listen to him. In the scholastic world if one scholar knows even one formula that nobody else knows he boasts unbearably much about his discovery. Other scholars will suffer a lot if that happens. Don't you agree? When the other scholars suffer under his arrogance, they will get together and spit on him. However, even if one particular scholar has the most knowledge, if he is humble enough then others will join together and raise him up. If anybody is arrogant he will be punched down to be made humble, but if somebody is humble then everybody will raise him up. What does that mean? People in general have a desire to be equal. What is the substance which can equalize all the different people in all the different fields of life? Love. Look at little babies; they don't really have anything to offer, yet when you look at them you just feel love. You want to put your cheek against theirs and kiss them, right? Even little puppies come and lick babies' cheeks. You have seen this, haven't you? (Laughter.) Therefore, love is the substance that can equalize no matter how high or how low.
Let us suppose there is a family whose grandfather was the president of a big country for a long time and was very famous throughout the world. His entire family is very simple and in some ways without formal education and yet there is no conflict there as in the political world because they are a family. Even though they are all at different levels, what is the substance that unifies them and creates peace and harmony in the family? Let's say you have a big sack which contains your family. In it we find yellow, black, white, educated people and uneducated people. Everybody can be contained there and become one family unit. What about God? When you join the spiritual world do you think that you will travel alone or will you need the family environment? (We need it.) Forever? (Yes.)
We are referring to love, but there are many different kinds of love. What kind of love are we referring to? (True Love.) Then what is True Love? Where can you find True Love? If you grab a man or hold a woman, can you gain True Love? Let's face the reality, is the world out there good or evil? (Evil.) Why do you say so? Answer Father, why do you say so? Because it is lacking True Love; it cannot be found out there. Suppose True Love is above water level and the entire world out there is below water level, then how can you find True Love? That is why the Bible tells us, "Those who seek their lives will lose it and those who are willing to give their life will gain life." It is kind of paradoxical isn't it? Does anybody like that kind of statement? Does Reverend Moon like that kind of statement? No, Father doesn't like it. Why do we need that way of life then? Because we are all sick people and in order to recover we have to go the reverse way. As we are really sick we may die at any moment; therefore, in order to sustain our life, we have to follow the doctor's direction no matter how difficult that may be. We have to regain our health that means we have to overcome the suffering and sickness.
God created this world and He still exists, so why is this world evil? The world is like a machine that is temporarily broken. If God had created this broken world and broken man, it means He cannot restore this world back since He created it broken. But Heavenly Father did not create this broken world. It means that man and this world lost God and separation took place. Therefore, we are separated from God and if Satan exists it means that we automatically belong to Satan if we don't belong to God. God wants to lead this entire world into a good direction but Satan, as God's enemy, will try to lead this entire world in the opposite way where destruction and despair reside. When we observe this world, particularly the rampant free sex, homosexuality, lesbianism, and AIDS here in America, we see that with all these kinds of problems it is like a living hell. Suppose we have to save this world. How should we go about it? We have to turn it around 180 degrees from where it is and head in a different direction, the original direction. The conclusion is simple; since the things we see in this world are what Satan wants most, then what God likes most is totally opposite of this. That means no homosexuality, no free sex, no lesbianism, no AIDS and then there would be no problems. Simple conclusion, simple direction.
Can you find any religious movement in this world, except the Unification Church, which is promoting this kind of ideal? The Unification Church is the only one. Do we have anything to do with AIDS? (No.) What about free sex? (No.) What about homosexuality? (No.) You cannot find this kind of deviated behavior in the animal kingdom or even in the world of insects. Only fallen mankind is dominated by this evil. Once you know then it is very simple, isn't it?
How evil is this world right now? You cannot even describe it. What is the fundamental cause of all the evil that we see in this world? Again, the fundamental conclusion comes down to man and woman. Once we find the solution for one man and one woman coming out of this mess, then the entire world will have hope. Don't you agree? (Yes!) No matter what problem we speak about, the fundamental point is that one man and one woman didn't know where to stand-they didn't find the right position where they could stand. As a representative of all women, this woman should believe that as long as she can be totally united with this one man, and build peace and harmony with him, that she can have that kind of family and that kind of world. With what? Not with money or knowledge, but by love. What kind of love? Godly love, that you give and forget without expecting anything in return. It is human nature that if somebody sacrifices his or her life three times, or gives you a precious gift three times that you will feel you want to pay back at least once. That kind of mind exists within you. We should have at least that. Jesus also said that we should forgive our enemies seven times seventy. That means for eternity.
Suppose I am such an evil person and Father keeps forgiving me over and over until I finally repented and became a new person. All those people and events that I was related to while I was doing evil will be saved also. The reason is they are all hooked to me. Suppose I knew all these evil people in the world, and one day I became a truly Godly person because of Father's forgiveness. Then I can go around the world again and give my testimony to those people and by doing so teach them and make them new people. I can truly testify that I was the prince of Hell but because of Reverend Moon's forgiveness I finally became the prince of the Heavenly Kingdom.
Then others will want to become like me and follow me. That is why Jesus and John the Baptist all proclaimed that the people needed repentance. They didn't mean only evil people, but everybody, without exception. What is it that we need to repent for? The thing that Satan likes most is the thing that God likes the least; therefore, we should repent in order to rid ourselves of the thinking and the habits which Satan likes most. That means we didn't love God and we need to repent. We have to repent and redetermine that from now on we will kick Satan away and that we will love God. What does God need? Does He need money, power and knowledge? God has these things. What then does He need? An object of love, a True Love partner. That is the ideal of creation. Do you understand? We have to repent for loving Satan rather than God. We must have a new determination through our repentance that more than we love our spouse, children, family and friends, we have to love God. We didn't love God with True Love.
True Love is such that you are willing to even sacrifice your life for God and True Parents. Then even if you are born again, you must be willing to risk your life again for their sake. That is the kind of love we are talking about. Suppose you lose your physical life and you join the spiritual world; even in the spiritual world you will seek for your wife because of love. Here is a husband who will wait for eternity until he finds his wife. That kind of love, we can say, is True Love. What would you do with True Love? True Love connects every aspect of life, everything in this universe. As a couple, as long as you have True Love and are united, then the entire universe is with you. Once you are totally united as husband and wife with True Love, including God, then the entire universe will give you applause.
In the orient we have a common understanding from Confucianist teachings that if you have a true ideal in this world but are unable to fulfill it here on earth, you will still be longing for that ideal in the spiritual world. In the Western world do you have that kind of philosophy or understanding? Your original mind doesn't want one-day love. Is True Mother a happy woman and is True Father a happy man? (Yes!) Ask True Mother. This happiness does not depend on whether it is morning or night or if you are high or low. Whatever situation you may face, True Love remains the same. True Love can fill up everything just like water and air. True Love has such amazing power that as soon as you look at your husband you will see the wide bright world beyond him, like a 100 mile-per-hour speed boat in the wide open ocean. By the same token, when a husband looks at his wife, he should be able to see that kind of world through her. Suppose this ideal husband and wife are driving this 100 mile- per-hour speed boat out in the ocean. The boat jumps and flies because of the speed and the waves. How wonderful it will be for them! Even if you become like a gypsy, so long as you have True Love, this is the happiness of all happiness. No matter what you may do, you will still be happy. Nothing will make you unhappy. Therefore, it is a universal law that women alone cannot get into this kind of experience, nor can men alone achieve it. It needs man and woman together and only then can this kind of happiness be experienced.
Those who have spouses, raise your hands. Have you as a wife, experienced looking at your husband for many days and whether he is sleeping, walking, eating or whatever, your eyes don't feel tired? Without sleeping of course you have to watch him. (Laughter.) Have you done it? Think about it, if you have that kind of happiness and desire from your heart and you do that, then how happy you will be. You will touch even one strand of your wife or husband's hair and you will still feel happy. Just by holding one strand of hair you will smile for one month. (Laughter.) By looking at your husband's photograph, you will bow down for eternity and feel happy for eternity. What a fortunate and happy wife you will be if you can do that!
Your nose will say that in eternity it wants to remain the nose of the husband who loved his wife and felt joy and happiness. That is the way of smelling happiness. That is the way of doing love talk until you have talked so much that your lips become thinner. (Laughter.) If you praise and love your husband that much, is that a sin? (No.) Suppose you grab your spouse and keep on kissing your spouse for 100 years without eating or sleeping and because of that you eventually die together and go to the spiritual world together. Because of that, will you go to hell or what? A love throne would be waiting for you! That is a possible conclusion.
Do you love your spouse to the extent that the five major organs of your body go crazy? You should feel that once you begin talking with your spouse about love, that nothing can stop you. If there was a way to attach your wife to your hip so that no matter where you went or what you did, she would be welded to you, would you do that or not? If you are a husband that is equipped with True Love, you would love that idea, but if you refuse it then it means you are not filled with True Love.
We have 240 million people here in America. Is there anybody except Father who is talking about this? (No.) Who is actually crazy, American people or Father? American people are crazy as Satan's sons and daughters. Now you understand what True Love is so once you grab it, don't let it go. Once you are welded to True Love and somebody comes along and cuts you off then you go around and get welded on the other side. Any place that there is space you should be welded again. You husbands and wives, when you sleep together in the same bed do you sleep with your bodies touching or separated? Which way do you usually sleep? Father says we need training to sleep in a sleeping bag-but this is a new invention-a sleeping bag which has two openings, one for two heads. This one bag will contain two bodies and at the end four feet will stick out. That kind of sleeping bag is needed. That means that even in the middle of the night if you have to go to the bathroom, you have to walk together. (Laughter.) You would be lucky, because it doesn't matter if you do number one or number two your spouse will watch you and protect you. (Laughter.)
Do you like the smell of your husband's semen? Answer to Father. Does it smell good or bad? You may not like the smell of your wife's stool, but do you smell your own? Why don't you smell your own but you smell your wife's? Because you are not totally one. You don't smell your own because it is part of you. Do you feel your heart beating all the time? But actually it is beating all the time. Why don't we feel that all the time? Because it is part of you, it is not separated. Have you seen your conscience? (No.) Have you touched it? (No.) Then how do you know that you have one? Because you feel it. Have you seen love? (No.) Have you touched it? (No.) Then how do you know that love exists? Because you feel it. Have you seen God? (No.) Have you touched God? (No.) How do you know that He exists? By feeling God. Oneness is the key. We shouldn't be able to feel anything that is a part of us operating separately. When we feel some part of us operating separately, then something is wrong within oneself. Your being, consisting of millions of cells, is totally one, without any separation whatsoever and as an entire being, you are dealing with this universe. There should be no separate feeling. We shouldn't be able to feel any separation among our body parts. What kind of factory exists about one foot below our mouth? That is where all waste matter is expelled from our body, and although it is so close in proximity to our smelling organ we don't sense that at all. However, within our daily lives when we are even twenty feet away from somebody and smell their waste, we run away. It is like an object that is within your vision. Once this object gets closer and closer to your eye are you able to see it? No. Why not? Once it becomes so close to you and becomes one with you, then you should know what it is and accept it as it is.
Women look at themselves in the mirror at least ten times a day, don't you? More than ten times. Every two hours you go to the restroom. You always touch up your makeup or your hair and look at yourself. You look at yourself in the mirror more than man does. So if Father asked you to draw yourself, would you be able to do that easily? (No.) Why not? Because you are totally one with yourself. If you are able to feel the difference, then you are in trouble because it means an outside force has intervened. Do you understand? (Yes.) What about drawing your wife's face really well, can you do that? If you can, it means you are not totally one with your wife. Of course you are able to draw the shape of your wife's face, but you are the one who should know the different expressions of your wife's face. When she is sad, you should be able to describe your wife's face as a comforting face. When she is happy, you should be able to see a different expression, many different expressions depending upon the emotional changes. That is why you cannot exactly draw your wife's face. Do you understand that logic? Have you felt that? Think about how happy you would be. That is why if you are married to the person for whom you felt first love, and first love is the most important one, then no matter how ugly your wife may be, she is beautiful. Your wife may be shaped like a pumpkin and yet you feel so happy to touch her, feeling, "Ah, she is so round." Or you may feel that she is so flexible, that if you punch her it bounces back, or she is so big that you cannot even touch your hands around her. (Laughter.)
What is the title of this morning's sermon? Who Was I? It is reasonable to conclude that once we find a prototype of an ideal man and an ideal woman then we can duplicate this prototype man and woman in order to make this world into an ideal world. Between husband and wife, have you had any fights? Have you? (Yes.) Those who didn't have the experience of having a fight between husband and wife, raise your hands. Then you all admit that you have been fighting with each other, so are you qualified to go to the Kingdom of Heaven or Hell? Those who fight will go down to Hell. What if there is an occasion when you must fight? The moment that you feel like fighting then you have to think to yourself that the king of Hell is right in front of you, ready to take you. Then you have to shut down all of your organs and become a dummy. Then get into meditation and picture a scene of love and enjoy yourself. (Laughter.) Suppose your wife still comes around and punches you and each time she punches you, your body turns a little bit more. Finally you turn a complete circle three times, still with a smiling face. Then her punch will become her kiss. Experiment. (Laughter.) You may ask Father if he has done it and Father will tell you that he can do that. In public, Mother must have at least several points which she never understands about Father. Do you understand that? (Yes.) That is the occasion when Father would go to a different realm.
Your enemy is often within yourself-what you see, what you say, what you hear. Do you understand? [Father writes on the blackboard.] This Chinese character that Father has written usually consists of many different reasonable facts. For example, this letter only on this side means holiness or holy man. This character represents eye, this, mouth and this represents your ear. In other words, what you see, what you say and what you hear and the person who can control these three is a holy man. That is what this character means, Father says. As a king you may hear all types of reports, sometimes very confidential ones, but if you say everything that you hear then your entire country will go down the drain. You have to be able to control the information. Therefore, become holy men and holy women. Do you want to become holy men and holy women? That means to become king or queen of what you see, what you hear and what you say.
Usually women have a tendency to say everything that they hear. When you shake a beer bottle and open the cap, what happens? It shoots out, right? And that is the way women usually act. At that moment you have to treat your organs as your enemies and shut down everything so they don't function. This is a special warning to women. When you hear something, then run away from that if it is not necessary for you to hear. If there is anything extraordinary taking place outside usually women run out first to find out what it is. That is true! When you feel that way you have to command your legs, "Don't move me." Your eyes look at things and analyze and evaluate immediately, but God gave you that merit in order to raise your children properly. You really need sensible eyes, ears and mouth in order to raise children. When you deal with your husband don't utilize them all, but do just the opposite.
If you know these kinds of details then you will be able to use them to help you. What is the conclusion? The entire world problem can be solved when we solve the problem of man and woman. Your family is the battlefield of the world war right there. Unless the world war in your family is ended, then the world's problems will not become extinct. Where there is a battle raging God cannot dwell, only Satan can dwell there. God can dwell only in a peaceful place so build peace within your family. Then hope, happiness and freedom will be yours. This is a simple truth. Mankind's history has been one of continuous fighting until now. How to stop this is the biggest problem for humankind. Only Reverend Moon is providing the answer to this dilemma. How to make a peaceful world is the most important thing. This is your work for your whole life. Until now, mankind has not solved this problem. There are only two struggles within the world: the fight within yourself (the fight between mind and body), and the struggle between man and woman. Once we resolve these two problems, the struggle between our mind and body and the man and woman struggle, then all the problems in this world can automatically be solved. Do you understand? Those who claim not to have any struggle within themselves, raise your hands. That means that you are all doomed to go to hell. Originally, man was not created this way. So if we have conflict within ourselves it means we cannot go to the original Kingdom of God in Heaven, but that we will stay in the middle someplace.
We have all learned about the restoration of brotherhood, parenthood, kingship and royal familyship, haven't we? Did we learn it, or did we only hear it but have nothing to do with it? Once we hear the truth we have to become the embodiment of the truth. That is the key and that is the problem. Therefore, where is our enemy? It isn't the world which is opposing you or the enemy who is piercing you with a knife. The battlefield is right within you. Your body is the very enemy, but this body expands to the nation and so the entire nation is the enemy nation, the entire world is the Satanic world. Do you understand? Your body is the essence of Hell. What is your body? (Hell.) If we say that to somebody else they will sue you and you will go to jail. Therefore nobody will do that to you so you have to do it to yourself. That is why we need religion. The religious way is the way of subjugating the body in order that it may follow the conscience. Conscience should have sovereignty.
We have a couple of feet of snow outside with no place to park so some of you may conclude that if you come to Belvedere on such a morning that your body will suffer a lot because of sitting down for many hours listening to Father and that you prefer to sleep more. Father's response is, "Go ahead and sleep more and see what happens." Why do you think that Father is giving such a difficult talk for us to understand instead of giving us an easy talk? Father knows the reality and if Father does this, our body will become a giant and dominate our conscience. That is the way religious life is. Religious leaders up until this point didn't know where the problem lay. If we study Christianity we see the monks and nuns of the 16th and 17th centuries placed great hardship on their bodies by leading an ascetic life. Now we know what to do and how to do it and what the problem is. They didn't know. We have to push down our body's desire all the time. In society we see that people want to follow whatever others are doing that looks like more fun for them, but that is because they don't fully understand that their body is their enemy.
We have to make it our habit to push down our body's desires. Without doing so we cannot restore the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. How can we restore the original authority of our conscience? That is the key. We must understand how fearful the Fall is. It is more fearful than AIDS. If you have AIDS it may end in your generation; however the Fall will be inherited generation after generation, so it is more fearful. You have to feel that. Suppose you have AIDS, can you eat and sleep really comfortably? You have to understand that you have a most fearful disease within your blood. You are destined to go to Hell. Suppose there is a way to get out of this fearful situation. Then you should be able to sacrifice everything, including yourself, to achieve that. Because of the Fall, our blood lineage has been stained. Your blood lineage is connected to Satan's blood, your body is Satan's body. Your original mind is accusing the body all the time. Body power is presently stronger than conscience power and this is a problem. Only through True Love's connecting power can we find a way out. The original human ancestors fell down from that place and could not reach the original love connecting point. The world of the mind is always warning you that you have to reach the highest love place. Your conscience understands everything.
[Father writes on the board.] This Chinese character stands for the Fall. This is the first time that Father has written Chinese characters so big, but the reason for him doing so is that the problem is big. Once we get rid of the Fall then automatically, naturally, your mind and body will become united. Are your mind and body totally united? Do you still need to practice in order to overcome your bodily desire? Do you need to fight or not? How about you, Jim? (Yes, Father.) Are you now taking action or thinking? (Fighting.) Is it easy or difficult? (Very difficult.) It has been very difficult throughout history. Throughout history there has been fighting between mankind's mind and body. When can we find the truth? When you are unhealthy you cannot find the truth. Until now, nobody has been able to stop this war. From now on with the guidance of Reverend Moon we are beginning to stop the war. This is the main mission of the Unification Church.
Has America been an enemy country to Father or not? Once it was. Father is trying his absolute best to save this enemy country. But Father doesn't see anybody like himself among you. You have to fight against your body if your body is trying to dominate your conscience. You need that kind of determination. Even if you have to lose your life, you should feel so strongly that you don't want to be subjugated by bodily desires. You must feel the conviction to finish this fight. We have to win this war in our lifetime. The only way to gain the victor's position is on the earth in your lifetime. How important this time is! Do you understand how serious this is? We must understand this.
All these struggles came into being because of love. Adam and Eve made a love relationship with Satan when they were at the top of the growth stage which resulted in the Fall. In the process of restoration, Satan will always attack and oppose you at each stage of growth, but you have to overcome at each stage. All was lost at the top of the growth stage so until we reach that level again this constant battle against Satan will go on. We have to secure our life by winning the victory at each stage until we go beyond that level at the top of the growth stage. Then we will be able to enter the realm of the original world which has nothing to do with the Fall of Man.
[Father draws on the blackboard.] Here is the family level, tribal level, national level and world level. At the world level, Satan can no longer interfere. Satan knows that once God combines all these nations and enters into the world level that he cannot interfere. That is why Satan has divided the world into as many nations as he possibly could. All these nations have their own boundaries and fight all the time. Even America has a boundary between Mexico and the United States. There are boundaries between men and women, parents and children and all struggles and conflicts that exist. Even between East and West there is conflict and America always regards herself as the superpower, sitting on the top of the world. But we need a world that has circular movement just like the circulatory system of the human body. The harmonious action of give and take is where growth occurs.
The Western world considers their civilization the best and regards the Eastern civilization as secondary, but they should not think that way. In reality America is struggling behind Japan, isn't it? The American people's thinking and way of life is more individualistic and self-centered like grains of sand on the beach, whereas Japan at least has a family-oriented society. When you make rice cakes, you combine a lot of flour and yeast together and cause them to cling together. When a national emergency comes about, the Japanese people, no matter what kind of position they may hold in society, will all pitch in and help even in humble manual work to help the whole. That kind of spirit exists there. Do you understand? To save your nation you would even sell your house and go to labor hard every day without complaint for the sake of the nation.
How about Unification Church members, are only Japanese people living that lifestyle here? No, here we are all races and colors and we all do the same. Our countries have been enemy nations, but we all live with the spirit of living for the sake of the nation and world. Do we have the possibility of becoming universal men and women? That is why Father has made interracial and international marriages. Actually, the nations of America and Japan cannot make these kind of arrangements between people. However, the Unification Church can do as it wishes. Suppose half of the American population have this interracial, international marriage arranged by Reverend Moon, then this country would belong to God wouldn't it? (Yes.) Therefore, is your responsibility severe or easy? Yes, very severe. No matter what, we will do it over and over, giving and forgetting until we take up the victor's position.
Satan can only reach up to the national level. When it comes to the world level, only God is able to subjugate it. Once we go beyond the national level then Satan has nothing more to do with our lives. Look at the reality of the world, the gigantic nation of America is being manipulated by Kim Il Sung. President Clinton doesn't know what to do and the Washington Times is giving him such a strong blow that it may knock him down. Who is doing it? Who opposed President Carter? This man standing here on the stage. (Laughter.) Clinton is exactly like the brother of Jimmy Carter. How can we protect the nation and world from their political action? America doesn't have that power. We are the ones who must know in what direction the world should go.
Don't you think it was excellent that Father came up with the declaration of True Parents and the Completed Testament Age last year? (Applause.) Let's remember that the entire leadership in our American Church all, one way or another, opposed Father's idea. Father was the only one who was strong enough to push this proclamation. Do you know why? Because of the fiasco in Waco, Texas. David Koresh was considered as a false Messiah and the media began portraying Father as one also. That is why Father's determination was, "Well if you think that, you will indeed see the real one." All of America was watching and waiting for Father to fail and go down the drain, but Father's response to that was, "You just wait and see how I prosper." Father had the determination while he and Mother were giving the speeches around the nation that if anyone, out of any audience any place, were to stand up and oppose Father then Father would go down and grab him and ask, "Do you know what True Parents and the Completed Testament Age means?" That is what Father planned to do. No dictionary has those words, only Reverend Moon's dictionary. They only have some understanding of the Old and New Testaments but Father is proclaiming the Completed Testament Age which nobody knows anything about. Did Father wipe out the entire American opposition or was it only a mediocre victory? (Wiped out.)
Father gave a direction to members that within three weeks they had to prepare the Capitol Hill speech. It made everybody numb. Usually it takes two to three years in order to prepare and many of our leaders were hesitant. However, did we do it or not? (YES!) What about another three weeks for the United Nations speech, were you all happy to do that? (Yes.) Everybody understands that to stand before an audience in the United Nations and deliver a speech is not so easily arranged. But Father does not concern himself with how easy or difficult it is to achieve such things. Do you understand? The more difficult way is more interesting, more challenging. In Japan people also doubted our ability to bring success because the media had beaten down our church to such a miserable situation. Father knew that well, but with God's power Father lifted up our community in Japan again. This is the reality; Japanese leaders must think about that. They were saying that Father couldn't take action in the Japanese nation freely, but Father broke every barrier.
Then in Korea, Mother spoke in the universities which had previously been occupied by radical students who chased out CARP completely from their campuses, and was received with an open door. Previously they had been occupying the king's position, dominating the universities and chasing CARP out, but now we see a complete reversal of this and restoration of elder position. Do you understand? Now we continue with the Moscow Rally. We will reach North Korean "A" students, South Korean "A" students, Japanese "A" students, Chinese, Soviet and American, too. I've made that kind of foundation. It is most powerful. North Korean students and South Korean students are Cain and Abel. If South Korea connects with True Parents, then North Korea will be no problem. If they come against me they will begin to fall down. This is the Divine Principle perspective. Do you understand clearly?
Suppose that one day Father brings approximately 30,000 Russian students to do pioneering work here in America. Those Russian students speak very good English. Are you able to speak Russian? If you can't then you are the losers. While western students are enjoying free sex and drugs and losing their spirits, Russian students are studying hard and master even foreign languages. We sent some Ivy League students to Moscow where they were taught by Russian students, for which they should have felt ashamed. However, they didn't feel any shame, so they will eventually lose. If we do lose we have to be able to kneel down and surrender.
Because of the false love that was initiated by false parents then this false world emerged, the so-called Hell. We have to be able to go beyond the level of Hell and then we will be able to taste Heaven. Those who seek life in this Hell will fall again and die whereas those who are willing to lose their lives for the sake of God will enter into Heaven. They have to overcome all opposition from the individual, family, tribe, national and world levels. This is the life that Father has been living up until now and he has won the victory at each level so that even the Communist world became Father's friend. Father is going to hold another peace conference in Korea centered upon the Federation for World Peace and Summit Council. Then, even Communist friends such as Gorbachev will come as well as many other heads of state from formerly communist countries. Also, the heads of state of other countries centered upon America, will participate. (Applause.) That particular peace conference will take place in Seoul from March 27th to 29th of this year. Father is hoping and planning that when those heads of state come that Father will send them directly to North Korea to see Kim Il Sung. South Korea may oppose that idea but they will get a punch from these heads of state. We need that kind of power, don't you think? Who is able to create that kind of powerful foundation all over the world? (Father.) Father always has that kind of power. That kind of fighting is the true man's way.
The problem we are now facing is the struggle between our conscience and body. The false parents started this fallen world and so we need True Parents. We must go beyond Satan's boundary. The satanic world doesn't have anything to do with True Parents and the Completed Testament Age. Once we have the support of nations we will eliminate all the satanic elements completely. Do you understand? (Yes.) Think seriously about this, how difficult it has been for Reverend Moon as one single person to change this entire western world. Now the time has come for America to follow Reverend Moon; there is no other choice. It is a reality that the entire Christianity is following behind the Washington Times' lead to save this nation. The Christian cultural world have declared their newspaper to be the Washington Times, not the Washington Post. (Laughter.)
In the last twelve years Father has spent 1.2 billion dollars for the Washington Times. Have you even donated one penny for the Washington Times? No. That is why we have a problem. There are many billionaires in this country as this is the richest country in the world. Did they come up with even one million dollars to save this country through the Washington Times? They did not, so that is why they now honor Father. Even now, those people who have come to know about Father's work criticize Unification Church members because they see that we knew the truth but that we have kept our mouths closed instead of going and informing them earlier. Now it is too late. Many of these leaders think that Reverend Moon should not have to stand on the front line himself and proclaim himself as the True Parents and this age as the Completed Testament Age. Instead, you American members should have done this on his behalf. They understand this. Don't you agree that should have been the way it was done? Suppose America had received Father's message honestly like this twenty years ago, what kind of nation would we have today? American people are clever people, not foolish. If they hear this Divine Principle content once, they understand it one hundred percent better than you. The problem is that Unification Church members kept their mouths shut. You think about that. If we remain the way that we are we will become like slaves. Many of you just seek after safe jobs within companies in order to make money but instead you should be able to bring the Presidents of those companies and convert them into Unification Church members. Do you follow? Wake up now; otherwise, like Jesus said, "The first will be last and the last will be first."
Do you need True Parents? We should eliminate this satanic world because True Parents don't have anything to do with this satanic world. Once you enter into the heavenly True Parents' realm then your conscience will be open to True Love and you will receive the power of Parents. It is time for you to open the gate of your conscience in four different directions. Do you understand? Did you open the gates of your conscience or not? Your conscience is desiring to embrace the entire world, the entire human race, but you want to embrace only the white race. You have to testify to True Parents in reality not conceptually. You have to be able to prove yourselves and that is where we will be able to inherit the lineage of True Parents. The life, love and lineage is like a trinity which cannot be separated.
Our body is filled with satanic blood lineage. That is why our body is always trying to dominate our mind or conscience. When we received the Blessing we went through a special ceremony of transforming the blood lineage didn't we? Was this just a children's game? That was the moment that we denied and eliminated this satanic life, lineage and love and became engrafted into the heavenly lineage. Therefore, we must never want to go back to the old satanic world but just progress on in the heavenly world. Father knew that the time would come when we should all win this battle and go back to our hometown. That is why Father gave us the direction to become tribal messiah to our families. Father came up with the proclamation that Father's couple is the True Parents and the Completed Testament Age has dawned starting a new history.
Why do we need True Parents? Because our conscience is still not the full image of God, so True Parents are the ones who will be a constant power and energy source for our conscience for it to function properly. If you want to become true children, you have to stand above your body and lead your body, not be led by your body. In the early days of our church many sisters had the experience of going perhaps to the super market or some such place, but instead found themselves in the church. Such phenomena occurred because the mind was leading the body.
Your body always thinks about free sex and bodily desires. We have all these bodily desires, don't we? It is because we have inherited all the rotten fruits of our ancestors for generations. We are all the result of illicit love, so how can this be cleaned up? This is an historical problem. We are a result of all the illicit love that occurred ever since the creation of mankind. Unification Theological students please raise your hands. I see many of you are present here. You can understand this clearly. If you commit this kind of illicit love again you should determine to be able to cut off your hands, legs or whatever you need to cut off. Just the misuse of love caused such tragedy to the entire human race.
That is why Father has done his best to find any bridge, any way, to give you salvation. These women, you are like robbers. When Father chose True Mother there were so many different people who tried to criticize, condemn and judge Mother in order to take her position. Many women came to Mother and told her to get out from the room, that it was theirs, that they were the spouse of True Father. Even if Father held their hands or kissed them they would claim to have slept with him and that they were his wife. They would have said so. They came up with all kinds of allegations and accusations to destroy the Unification Church. But Father knew this principle. That is why he could survive until now and win all the victories.
This teaching Father offers you is not a simple teaching given at random. Father has already experimented in the spiritual world. He analyzed it and came up with this conclusion and then he gave us this teaching. We have to understand this. The substantiation of our conscience must materialize. Where is God? God is the root of love, root of conscience, root of mind, root of everything. God is the root of every part of my life. He dwells in the deepest place in the root of love, the deepest and most secret place, the deepest and most secret place of your lineage and from that very place everything stems, life, love and lineage. Your conscience is like the house of God. Even if you include God, your conscience still has room. Do you agree? God will be happy to be that way. The number one place is where God dwells.
We all want to become champions, don't we? If you are competing in the Olympic Games do you want to become the champion or would you be content with second or third place? The Olympic Games are held every four years. Sometimes the fastest record might be two hours and ten minutes, at the next Olympics it is perhaps two hours and five minutes, at the next Olympics perhaps two hours and twenty minutes but still the champion is the champion. They are horizontally on the same line as champions.
Are you champions of the marriage wedding? Once you are a champion it doesn't matter what nationality you are. Once you hold the champion position you are all at an equal level. When we marry we have to think that we are dealing with 2.5 billion champions, which means women or men. There are so many millions of men in this country and yet your partner was the only one out of them all. An absolute man has absolute love. An absolute woman has absolute love. There are not two women for one man, absolutely only one and vice versa. That is the meaning of marriage: a representative of the entire population of men becomes a representative of the entire heaven and earth. We should have this kind of pride as a champion when we go out into the world. We should not be side-tracked by the environment we find in the world around us. A champion has sovereign power. The Unification Church consists of all the champions of marriage like Olympic Game champions.
At the last matching Father selected your spouse. Out of 3,000 to 4,000 champions, he hand-picked one for you. This is not a children's game but a very serious matter. However, our eyes are stained with human waste and that is the reason we cannot see what Father has chosen for us. We should be able to produce good and brilliant children. Do you realize how much you need True Parents? You need them even more than your love. Why? Because True Parents are responsible to restore the past, present and future, even the spiritual world. That is why True Parents always dwell with God. God only dwelled with Adam and Eve within the boundary of the Garden of Eden; however, now God is working with True Parents beyond the national level, on the worldwide level. Satan already fell away from the national level; the completed stage is where True Parents are working. You also should have the confidence that you have nothing to do with Satan. Do you understand? Did Father say that we have something to do with Satan still? No. We only have relationship with God and True Parents. Therefore, we must understand that our conscience always stands on God's side and the time has now come when almighty conscience is now dominating the entire body and the entire world.
At the top of the growth stage we fell away from True Love but now we are going up. We are in the victor's position so Satan cannot interfere. Because of the Fall of Man, fallen mankind fell with false love and false conscience. But because of Father's grace we now are starting in the heavenly realm, the completed state; so with our power of conscience we will begin to fly from now on. At the time of the Fall the power of false love was stronger than our conscience, but because of True Parents' grace at this time, the power of conscience is stronger than false love. That is why we are able to dominate this bodily desire. Since we have found God again then Satan is separated from us. Because we lost God, Satan was invited into our lives. In order to chase out Satan we must invite God into our lives. This is true. Because we are in the heavenly completed realm, so long as we are centered on the power of conscience there is no problem in dominating our bodily desire. Do you understand? You have to have that kind of confidence otherwise you cannot win over the power of your body. Mind power is created by connecting with True Parents' power, giving you domination over your body. You have to have the confidence that this time is different from past times. It is time to chase Satan out from our lives. When Satan is gone, we invite Almighty God into our lives.
The subject now is God in the plus position, then man in the minus position. In between these two, True Love brings them into oneness, just as God's mind and body are one. Our conscience is our second God. Our number one God is Heavenly Father Himself, and your conscience is your second God. Do you understand? What is your mind? (Second God.) It is connecting you to the life, love and lineage of God. My conscience is my second God; that strong power can dominate my body's desires. We must have that kind of confidence and conviction. Who was I? I was supposed to be the love partner of God. Even God Himself, without having a love partner, could not fulfill Himself. We have to have the confidence in ourselves that, "I am the one who can complete God. As a second God I should assist God in making Himself complete." Man is plus and woman is minus but who helps man to complete himself? Woman, centering upon True Love. No matter what kind of famous subject position he holds, he cannot complete himself without his love partner. Do you understand? That is why we have this special privilege and right to live with God, because we are the ones who are to help God to perfect Himself. The most precious thing to God is True Love and man is to occupy True Love. It is humankind's original responsibility. How wonderful man is!
Until now, we have had the understanding that as human beings no matter how great our desire, we could not fulfill it. However, originally our desire and hope should have been fulfilled. Do you follow? Imagine, because of me, God can be perfected and God's love can be perfected. How wonderful this is! Once you have a love relationship with God then the concept of position follows. By the same token, when man and woman first enter into a love relationship each of them claims possession over the other. Through love the right of position comes into being. Once you become totally one with God through love then God becomes yours and you are God's son and vice versa because the two become totally one. God is like the mind and man is like the body. It is important to realize that your conscience is your second God, but without dealing with God Himself. Your conscience is absolute God for you.
It is like the relationship between the branches of government. There is Capitol Hill, the Presidential office and Chief Justice, etc. Then it goes down to the state level, county and village level. But as long as there is total unity between subject and object of all the constituents and all the necessary people at this level, then you don't need to bother so much about the organization above that. By the same token, as long as you have mind and body unity at the individual level, your God is your conscience. God and man are a plus and minus but at the individual level, as long as there is total mind and body unity within that individual, then that individual's conscience should be acting as his or her God. Without being led or instructed by God Himself you have your own God within you. Do you understand? Centering upon you, your absolute God is your conscience. Your inner God should be reflected outwardly through your body. Worship your conscience as your absolute God, then your bodily desire is not a problem at all. Father would then ask you who, between God and conscience, knows what you do first? Who shall know first, your conscience within you or God? (God.) Why? It is like a relationship between man and woman, if man knows what woman is doing before her conscience knows what she is doing, then woman will become man's attribute or part.
Everyone's mind is different, possessing individual characteristics. As each one's mind is different then each one's conscience should know first. God governs every person's conscience. Looking back at our original history, when God first appeared to Adam and Eve after the Fall, what kind of question did He put to them? Did He condemn them because they fell or did He ask them if they had fallen? Why did God ask man? Because God knew that their conscience must have known that they fell first. The owner was their conscience mind, not God. Therefore God had to ask first. That clearly indicates that the conscience of each one should know whatever happens within that individual self even before God. Is there anything within your life that your conscience doesn't know about? Absolutely not. Conscience absolutely knows. Therefore your conscience doesn't need any education. Have you heard anybody else teaching this kind of content? As long as you follow the way of conscience then naturally, automatically, you will be led to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Now you understand that conscience is everything and is leading the mind to the most high level. Why? Because the mind doesn't understand everything. Conscience understands everything and it is leading you towards the higher purpose during your whole lifetime. The problem for mankind is our flesh body which needs to be cleaned up and subjugated by our conscience and led automatically to the Kingdom of Heaven. Your conscience doesn't need education, which means it doesn't need a teacher. It means you don't need Reverend Moon. (Yes!) No, because once you make that completion of your conscience then you don't need anything, your conscience is your teacher.
Now we are making the conclusion that God existed before Parents, and before any teacher. He existed before everything. How precious conscience is for us and how we can protect its precious value forever: this is the mission of my whole lifetime. We can say that the philosophy of relationship you have to have is that kind of concept. I stand in a minus position and I follow a plus position forever and then combine into one and make another big plus or minus. Then you reach God's True Love at last. Once you are there you have completed your ambition. Your self is full up, your five senses are full up, your mind and body are full up. Then you are in the heavenly world where many are waiting to welcome you to the enjoyable surroundings. How much happiness you will enjoy at that time, how much joy God will feel to embrace you at last! He will say, "You came here my son, my daughter, making one family forever and ever." That is our peaceful, ideal home. How wonderful it is! Do you want to have that kind of world? (Yes!) You want to be like me? (Yes!) How can you do that? You are in the children's position and Father is in the parents' position. Parents make their children like them. Do you understand? They have the same content, same position, same level, which is forever valuable. Do you agree?
What is conscience? (Our second God.) What does your second God tell you? It keeps on teaching and telling you that we need to clean up this mess. The thousands of years of stained blood lineage will be cut off and cleaned. You should obey. From now on you have to connect your generation to the next generation and on and on. Do you understand? (Pointing to one sister.) Her face is that of an analyzing kind of woman. (Laughter.)
We understand now, so who was I? I was born as the partner of God. Without His partner, God cannot perfect Himself and man or woman alone cannot become such a partner for God. It requires couples and then God comes in between. God is the root of Adam's life, love and blood lineage, so when Adam and Eve would have been ready to marry, God would have come and become the root of both of them and joined them together. Do you understand? By the marriage of Adam and Eve, these two portions of God would be placed together and become a perfect partner of God. Eventually God would be perfected though their help. That was the significance of Adam and Eve's blessing.
God is vertical. (Father draws on the board.) This is God and this is children. The children grow up as brothers and sisters, growing through the different stages. It is like elementary school, high school and college. These brothers and sisters will be connected centering upon their parents at each level. It is as though the invisible God is revealed through these physical children. Vertically, God is still existing here as the center, yet horizontally they reveal God here. This portion here is the visible world and this top portion is the invisible world. One is in the subject position and one is in the object position, like plus and minus. This represents the marriage between man and woman, when the invisible world and the visible world are centered here in the middle. Man and woman, representing plus and minus, merge together at that central point and marry there. This invisible God is revealed through different stages: the children's stage, growth stage, couple's stage, and parents' stage. Eventually, this invisible being God and the visibly revealed God will come together. Through this marriage the perfection of brotherhood is possible.
It takes place from four different angles, vertically and horizontally. Even spiritual children will play a role here and become totally combined and circular movement will take place. It is the point of the perfection of children, perfection of brotherhood and perfection of couples. The perfection of husband and wife love is the completion of all types of love. Therefore, your wife is a daughter of God and your husband is a son of God. At the same time, your wife is your younger sister. Your wife is like the invisible sung sang within God and you are like the visible sung sang of God. Once the two of you become one in the center then you become parents, and God is there as a Parent. Centered upon True Love you become the second parents next to God. Just as God created His children we begin to create our children as parents. As a man we can take the place of God, as a perfected object of God, only when we produce our children and raise them as brothers and sisters, then on to the position where they marry and become a couple who themselves produce children. That is the time we should feel the same type of joy and happiness that God felt when He created human beings.
Our conscience is our vertical self and our body is our horizontal self. Do you understand? The invisible God reveals Himself through our body as a visible God and this expands to the family level. Who was I? The conclusion is that I was the one who was supposed to inherit all this from God, that is who I was. The world is an extension of myself. When you look at the world you will see many different levels of people. Some are your children's age, your brothers' and sisters' age, wife's age, mother's age and even grandparents' age. The base for all these different levels of people is the family; it just needs to expand and it becomes the world.
Centering upon your ideal family in this way, you can consider the entire world as an object and you revolve together as subject and object. Those people living in this kind of world will automatically enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. This world is a training ground. Do you understand? It is the training ground for Heavenly Kingdom citizens. This vertical line has only one dot with no space. That is why in the spiritual world no reproduction takes place. Only here in our horizontal, physical world can reproduction occur. This world is like a manufacturing plant because we have 360 different angles and therefore we have area and space where we produce. Each family is an individual factory where we produce heavenly citizens which means that the household is the factory for man in this world. Once the direction is set right for the families then we don't even have to educate our children. They will just naturally follow because everybody, even children, have their own God. No teaching is necessary. Because of the Fall of Man nobody understood this and that is why we needed education. Father's conclusion this morning to the question "Who was I?" is "My ideal family is the training ground where we can train ourselves to become heavenly citizens and embrace this entire world and lead it together to the Kingdom of Heaven." Amen. (Amen.) Do you clearly understand? Once you clearly know the truth then the truth itself will liberate you. You don't need prayer life. Make sure that you worship your conscience. No matter what orders and directions come from your conscience, just obey. It doesn't matter what time of day or night, it doesn't depend upon external conditions, just totally obey your conscience. Then automatically you will become a heavenly citizen. Amen. (Amen.) Even this snowy Sunday morning while you were sleeping, your conscience kept urging you to go to Belvedere to hear Father and you followed. Even if it is a heavy rain day with stormy weather, if your conscience tells you to go then you go. If your conscience tells you to go to the battlefield then you should wake up and go. By following your conscience you will never lose. Do you understand?
When Father first came to America it was at the prompting of his conscience that kept urging him to come here. Even though he knew there could be opposition, his conscience kept urging him to come. Therefore Father did come to America and clearly faced many different types of opposition, yet he is still here. Did Father lose or win? (Win.) Now America is following behind Father's step and if Father has to go then America will have to go together with him. Do you feel good? (Yes!) (Applause.) Please receive God's blessing and grace; that is why Father has given you this morning's sermon.