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Watch Now July1, 2012 Live Sunday service:” How are Human Beings in the Image of God?”

By understanding God's intentions, we can discover the purpose of creation at www.ucmd1.blogspot.com and http://ustre.am/KkQY!
Comments on: Skype: irffmd
or yahoo messenger: cirpalanick
or live messenger: ncirpala@hotmail.com

IVA church is a new religious movement to witness about Messiah sent by God nowadays, a branch of an incredibly fast-growing international movement, which now boasts all over the world. Please help this group grow by spreading the word! So, why not "pay it forward" and
tell 3 (or more) people how wonderful http://ucmd1.blogspot.com is!
ALSO -You may send you prayer request to our church at pacea21@gmail.com,
- Don’t forget to send a donation NOW, just push donation button at www.ucmd1.blogspot.com,
- Our Church has positions for Virtual Volunteers and Interns (media, IT, International relationships etc.)
-You tell your friends, your family, your neighbors, your co-workers...and they tell theirs, and so on ...well, you get the idea!
-And please feel free to look through our videos, follow us on Twitter, or even ‘like’ us on Facebook:https://twitter.com/ucmd1
Subscribe to News Updates pacea21-subscribe@yahoogroups.com


Watch Now June 24, 2012 Live Sunday service:” Beauty & Righteousness”

The Divine Principle explains what it perceives to be beautiful, to be good and to be righteous at www.ucmd1.blogspot.com and http://ustre.am/KkQY!
Comments on: Skype: irffmd
or yahoo messenger: cirpalanick
or live messenger: ncirpala@hotmail.com

IVA church is a new religious movement to witness about Messiah sent by God nowadays, a branch of an incredibly fast-growing international movement, which now boasts all over the world. Please help this group grow by spreading the word! So, why not "pay it forward" and
tell 3 (or more) people how wonderful http://ucmd1.blogspot.com is!
ALSO -You may send you prayer request to our church at pacea21@gmail.com,
- Don’t forget to send a donation NOW, just push donation button at www.ucmd1.blogspot.com,
- Our Church has positions for Virtual Volunteers and Interns (media, IT, International relationships etc.)
-You tell your friends, your family, your neighbors, your co-workers...and they tell theirs, and so on ...well, you get the idea!
-And please feel free to look through our videos, follow us on Twitter, or even ‘like’ us on Facebook: https://twitter.com/ucmd1
Subscribe to News Updates pacea21-subscribe@yahoogroups.com


Happy Day of All True Things

인진누님과 형진님의 어메이징 하모니의 '어메이징 그레이스'

Family Federation for World Peace and Unification logoTrue Day of All Things
Established 5/1/1963 (lunar)


God created all things for the human environment even before He created man and woman. Yet after the fall, humans had to be restored before all things. Therefore, until the establishment of both Parents Day and Children's Day, Heavenly Father's restoration process could not include the environment. However, on the victorious foundation of True Parents' establishment of Parents Day and Children's Day, they were able to begin restoration of the environment and established The Day of All Things on May 1, 1963 (lunar calendar).
Romans 8:19-23 explains:
For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God; for the creation was subjected to futility, not of its own will but by the will of him who subjected it in hope; because the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and obtain the glorious liberty of the children of God. We know that the whole creation has been groaning in travail together until now; and not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait for the adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.
The desire of all things is to see the day when we can receive the true love of God through human beings. All things of the creation are looking forward to the fulfillment of the three basic loves: the love of God, the parental love from true parents, and the love of the children who receive this perfect love of God and parents. Because of this day, the entire cosmos has become harmonized: God, humanity, and all things. All things can find their real owner and all humankind can give glory to God because we have the freedom to embrace and love all things. Following our Father's example we should fulfill our position as God's representatives and children and truly love all things.
Photo from celebration on 6-9-2005 posted on familyfed.org
2005 Celebration
Chung Pyung Heaven and Earth International Training Center


Sun Myung Moon's Speeches from 2000
Thirty-Eighth True Day of All ThingsSun Myung Moon
June 2, 2006
You should know that True God's Day began based on the establishment of True Parents' Day, True Children's Day and the True Day of All Things. For the establishment of True God's Day, the providence had to travel the course of restoration through indemnity from the lowest level, which means the level of all things, for thousands of years. It was the course to complete God's ideal of creation. When the providence started, it had to travel a reverse course. Therefore it had to first restore the Day of All Things, then Children's Day.
Accordingly, when we restored True God's Day after the restoration of True Parents' Day, we were able to liberate God.
Then, on your level, how can you completely liberate the True God? You should be first educated and trained by True Parents and absolutely follow them.
Then you should become a true man and woman individually, and become completely one as a true husband and wife. Finally you should liberate the True God. All that will remain after such a providence are God's love, lineage, family and world.
What has remained as the han of God from the beginning of His providence of salvation after the fall? Throughout the entire history of salvation, God has aimed to realize the liberated realm of the Kingdom of God on earth and in heaven unifying both worlds based on His family, clan, tribe and nation.
That was the only purpose of God's providence of restoration. Amen. [Amen] Please say, "Cham arasumnida." [Cham arasumnida: I truly understand.] What did you understand truly? Did you understand the truthfulness of God or true love? Which is better for you? Do you prefer to understand God or to understand true love, even though you do not know about God?
It is all right even if you do not know God: not knowing God is not the problem, but you must taste true love. If you love the world desperately and plant the seed of that love in the world, then God will come to you. He will say to you, "I'm the God you did not know and I originally planted the seed. You did not know how to make the seed, did you? I'll teach you what the seed is." Then God will explain that the love between a man and a woman creates the seed. You can love your seeds more than yourselves. If you love humanity more than your own beloved sons and daughters, you can have all the things the owner has, even including the owner Himself. So, he or she who loves the most can be the best owner of all. Such a man or woman can have the right of inheritance.
Who do you think is the number one man in loving the creation on this land? Is it God or I? I try to compete with God day and night in the Pantanal, even in rain or a storm, thinking, "God could not have loved these as much as I do." In the beginning, I tried to love big animals. Later, I dug holes in the ground and caught little insects and tried to love them more than God does. God loves the insects hidden in the ground not only of this land but also in the Arctic filled with snow. I try not to lose the competition with God in loving such insects. Since I love the creation like this, I began to wonder why all these various kinds of animals gather in this dirty water in South America.
Actually, they have escaped from man and live in such dirty water. You know, the water of the Pantanal is very dirty, but it is heaven for those animals. So many kinds of animals and fishes are living there. If I asked them why they lived in such dirty water, how would they answer me? They may say that they would not want to be eaten by people who are destined to go to the hell and want to hide themselves in such dirty water because people try to exterminate them. Is that the right answer?
Then, what I want to do is to purify this water and to preserve all kinds of fishes from the crisis of their extermination. I want to raise those fishes and make them liberated fishes, that live in the water of original, true love. I want to clean the waters of the Amazon River and Paraguay River, which are flowing from the Andes Mountains, and to liberate all fishes from living in dirty water.
Likewise, we should become the princes and princesses of liberation who cleanse the dirty world where all people live like the fishes that lost their way. When all people are mobilized for this work, they will automatically be liberated and enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
If you are water, you should be 100 percent clean water. Are you convinced that you are 100 percent clean? You should indeed have a 100 percent purified qualification when you enter the Heavenly Kingdom. That is why you should pass through filtration hundreds of thousand times to clean yourselves before you stand in front of the gate. Why? Because it is an enormously difficult job to change the blood lineage from Satan's lineage to God's lineage. Even though the entire cosmos is against it, everything in the cosmos should pass through filtration, the course of exchange. Do you understand? You should know that true love is the essence that can filter any dirty water. So, if you pass the test of true love, you can clean anything.
I think you did not know this clearly before, but now you know it clearly, don't you?
What would you think if I took all the women away from their men and mobilized those women to save other poor men in the world, and have the men live alone for twenty or thirty years? If you make such conditions [of celibacy] in Buddhist temples, you may enter heaven and eventually enter the dominion of royal kingship of the heavenly kingdom. I may mobilize women and train them to do such work of liberation. Do you think God would say that True Parents shouldn't think like that?
Do you understand what I mean? [Cham Arasumnida!] You did not know truly until now. You did not know how to live. Now I can say, when I think of my responsibility, it may not be so difficult for me to love my enemy. It may also not be difficult to bless my enemy. The most serious responsibility in my position is to take responsibility for all the families and tribes of those enemies who are to perish. Unless I have such a heart, Satan would not have eternally surrendered. If there is even a little bit of hatred toward my enemies in my heart, that feeling of revenge will never completely disappear. Do you understand? [Yes.]
Although you have not understand clearly, you should know the truth of this. Concerning the creation, you should also love all kinds of things from animals, insects and fish. Furthermore you should make this world for all people to be able to live in--from orphans to princes and princesses in all one hundred and eighty-five nations. We should liberate God, True Parents, all people and all nations. That is the original purpose of God's will. When you go to Jardim, you should understand that you should think about three kinds of holy grounds. First, the Hotel Americano is the original, fundamental (woncho) holy ground. What does the "original holy ground" mean? It is the holy ground of God's ideal of creation. Second is the root (kunwon) holy ground. The root of human history was the fall of the human ancestors. The fall. You should not forget that. Because of this, humankind lost God and parents. Because of this they lost everything. Therefore you should know what the original root of the fall was. What is the next one? It is the holy ground of victory (seungri). It symbolizes the victorious completion of restoration through indemnity.
Since I have decided on these three holy grounds in Jardim, you should inherit more fortune during the forty-day workshop. You should become a liberator on the fundamental level and the levels of the root and victory. Consequently, you should prepare yourselves for the age of registration and migration with the worldwide fortune of North-South unification. Amen. [Amen.] In this year we should establish the proper conditions and accomplishments for the sake of the unification of the spirit world and physical world, unification among all nations, unification between religions and the unification between the Upper and Lower Houses in the US. The thirty-eighth True Day of All Things, this June, is a great moment at which to announce the new movement of global unification. It is the moment that you have been waiting for. Amen. [Amen!] I wish you to stand in the position of true liberation and love the creation on behalf of God. The day will come to us, when everything will be worked out and open to us. Amen. [Amen.] Will you make a dash for this goal? Will you just stroll along, or will you charge forward? [We will charge forward.]
[Originally published in Today's World, June 2000]


Watch Now June 17, 2012 Live Sunday service:” How God create the Universe in just 6 days?”

Comments on: Skype: irffmd
or yahoo messenger: cirpalanick
or live messenger: ncirpala@hotmail.com

Find all answers at: -Live video Service for nonbelievers and believers at www.ucmd1.blogspot.com and http://ustre.am/KkQY!
PS: IVA church is a new religious movement to witness about Messiah sent by God nowadays, a branch of an incredibly fast-growing international movement, which now boasts all over the world. Please help this group grow by spreading the word! So, why not "pay it forward" and
tell 3 (or more) people how wonderful http://ucmd1.blogspot.com is!
ALSO -You may send you prayer request to our church at pacea21@gmail.com,
- Don’t forget to send a donation NOW, just push donation button at www.ucmd1.blogspot.com,
- Our Church has positions for Virtual Volunteers and Interns (media, IT, International relationships etc.)
-You tell your friends, your family, your neighbors, your co-workers...and they tell theirs, and so on ...well, you get the idea!
-And please feel free to look through our videos, follow us on Twitter, or even ‘like’ us on Facebook: https://twitter.com/ucmd1
Subscribe to News Updates pacea21-subscribe@yahoogroups.com


Watch Now June 10 Sunday service:” Energy of the Universe”

Comments on: Skype: irffmd
or yahoo messenger: cirpalanick
or live messenger: ncirpala@hotmail.com

Find all answers at: -Live video Service for nonbelievers and believers at www.ucmd1.blogspot.com and http://ustre.am/KkQY!
PS: IVA church is a new religious movement to witness about Messiah sent by God nowadays, a branch of an incredibly fast-growing international movement, which now boasts all over the world. Please help this group grow by spreading the word! So, why not "pay it forward" and
tell 3 (or more) people how wonderful http://ucmd1.blogspot.com is!
ALSO -You may send you prayer request to our church at pacea21@gmail.com,
- Don’t forget to send a donation NOW, just push donation button at www.ucmd1.blogspot.com,
- Our Church has positions for Virtual Volunteers and Interns (media, IT, International relationships etc.)
-You tell your friends, your family, your neighbors, your co-workers...and they tell theirs, and so on ...well, you get the idea!
-And please feel free to look through our videos, follow us on Twitter, or even ‘like’ us on Facebook: https://twitter.com/ucmd1
Subscribe to News Updates pacea21-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

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