
“Please Don’t Die”

I continued to devote myself to prayer, and I came to feel intuitively
that the time had come for me to marry. Because I had decided
to follow God’s path, everything about my life had to be done in
accordance with God’s will. Once I came to know something through
prayer, I had no choice but to follow. So I went to one of my aunts who
had much experience in arranging marriages and asked her to introduce
me to a suitable wife. This is how I met Seon Gil Choi, the daughter of a
prominent Christian family in Jung-ju.
She was a well-raised woman from an upright family. She had attended
only elementary school, but she had a character that disliked
having to cause even the slightest trouble to others. Her character was
so strong and her Christian faith so deep that she had been imprisoned
at age sixteen for refusing to comply with a Japanese colonial requirement
that all Koreans worship at Shinto shrines. I was told that I was the
twenty-fourth man to be considered as her groom, so it seems she was
very selective about whom she would marry. Once I returned to Seoul,
however, I completely forgot I had even met the woman.
My plan after completing my studies in Japan had been to travel to
Hailar, China, a city on the border between China, Russia, and Mongolia.
My school in Tokyo had arranged a job for me with the Manchuria
Electric Company, and my plan was to work in Hailar for about three
years while learning Russian, Chinese, and Mongolian. Just as I had
earlier sought out a school that would teach me Japanese so that I could
win over the Japanese, I wanted to go to this border city and learn a
number of foreign languages as a way of preparing myself for the future.
It was becoming increasingly clear, however, that Japan was heading for
defeat in the war. I decided that it would be better for me not to go to
Manchuria. So I stopped by a branch office of the Manchuria Electric
Company in Andung (present-day Dandong) and submitted paperwork
to cancel my job placement. I then headed for my hometown. When I
arrived, I found that the aunt whom I had asked to arrange my marriage
was in great distress. Apparently, the woman I had met was refusing to
consider anyone other than me as her partner and was causing great
trouble for her family. My aunt took me by the arm and led me to the
Choi family home.
I explained to Seon Gil Choi clearly about the kind of life I intended
to lead.
“Even if we marry now, you should be prepared to live without me
for at least seven years,” I told her.
“Why should I do that?” she responded.
I told her, “I have a task that is more important than family life. In
fact, my reason for getting married has to do with my ability to carry
out God’s providence. Our marriage needs to develop beyond the family
to the point where we can love the nation and all humanity. Now that
you know that this is my intention, do you truly want to marry me?”
She responded with a firm voice: “It doesn’t matter to me. After I met
you, I dreamed of a field of flowers in the moonlight. I am certain that
you are my spouse sent from Heaven. I can endure any difficulty.”
I was still concerned, and I pressed her several times. Each time she
sought to set my mind at ease, saying, “I am willing to do anything, as
long as I am able to marry you. Don’t worry about anything.”
My future father-in-law passed away a week before our scheduled
wedding date, so our wedding was delayed. We were finally able to hold
our ceremony on May 4, 1944. Normally May is a time for beautiful
spring days, but on our wedding day it rained heavily. Rev. Ho Bin Lee
of the Jesus Church officiated. Later, after Korea’s liberation from Japan,
Reverend Lee would go to South Korea and establish an ecumenical
seminary called the Jung-ang Seminary. My wife and I began our married
life in my boarding room in Heuksok Dong. I truly loved her and
took such good care of her that the mistress of the boarding house
would say, “Oh my, you must really love her, since you treat her as if you
were handling an egg.”
I got a job at the Kyongsong branch of the Kashima Gumi Construction
Company in Yongsan in order to support our family while I also
carried out church work. Then, one day in October, the Japanese police
suddenly stormed into our home.
“Do you know so-and-so of Waseda University?” they demanded.
Without even giving me a chance to reply, they pulled me out of the
house and took me to the Kyounggi Province Police Station. I was being
detained because one of my friends had been arrested for being a communist
and had mentioned my name to his interrogators.
Once inside the police station, I was immediately subjected to torture.
“You’re a member of the Communist Party, aren’t you? Weren’t you
working with that rascal while you were studying in Japan? Don’t even
bother trying to deny it. All we have to do is put in a call to Tokyo Police
Headquarters and they will tell us everything. You can give us the list of
party members or die like a dog.”
They beat me with a table and broke all four of its legs against my
body, but I refused to give them the names of the people who had
worked with me in Japan.
The Japanese police then went to where I was living with my wife,
turned it upside down, and discovered my diaries. They brought the
diaries to me and went through them page by page, demanding I tell
them about the names they found. I denied everything, even though
I knew they might kill me for my silence. The police stomped on me
mercilessly with their spiked military boots until my body was as limp
as if I were dead. Then they hung me from the ceiling and swung me
back and forth. Like a slab of meat hanging in a butcher shop, I swung
this way and that as they pushed me with a stick. Soon, blood filled my
mouth and began dripping onto the cement floor below me. Each time
I lost consciousness they would pour a bucket of water over me. When
I regained consciousness the torture would begin again. They held my
nose and stuck the spout of a teakettle into my mouth, forcing me to
swallow water. When my stomach became bloated with water they laid
me face up on the floor, looking like a frog, and began stomping on my
abdomen with their military boots. The water would be forced up my
esophagus and I would vomit until everything turned black. On the
days after I had been tortured this way my esophagus felt as though it
was on fire. The pain was so great I could not bear to swallow a single
mouthful of soup. I had no energy and would just lie face down on the
floor, completely unable to move.
The war was coming to an end, and the Japanese police were desperate.
They tortured me in ways words cannot describe. I endured,
though, and never gave them the names of any of my friends. Even as
I was going in and out of consciousness, I made sure not to give them
what they wanted. Finally tiring of torturing me, the Japanese police
sent for my mother. When she arrived my legs were so swollen that I
couldn’t stand on my own. Two policemen had to put my arms over
their shoulders and help me walk to the visiting room. My mother had
tears in her eyes even before she set eyes on me.
“Endure just a little longer,” she said. “Mother will somehow get you
a lawyer. Please endure, and don’t die before then.”
My mother saw how my face was covered with blood, and she
pleaded with me.
“It doesn’t matter how much good you are trying to do,” she said. “It’s
more important that you keep yourself alive. No matter what happens,
don’t die.”
I felt sorry for her. I would have liked to call out, “Mother,” embrace
her, and cry out loud with her. I couldn’t do that, though, because I
knew perfectly well why the Japanese police had brought her there. My
mother kept pleading with me not to die, but all I could do in return
was blink my badly swollen and bloodied eyes.
During the time I was held in the Kyounggi Province Police Station, it
was Mrs. Gi Bong Lee, the mistress of the boarding house, who kept me
supplied with food and clothing. She wept every time she visited me. I
would comfort her, saying, “Endure a little longer. This era is coming to
an end. Japan will be defeated soon. You don’t need to cry.” These were
not empty words. God had given me this belief. As soon as the police
released me in February of the following year, I took all my diaries that
had been stacked in the boarding house to the bank of the Han River.
There I burned them so they would not cause any further trouble to
my friends. If I had not done this, I knew the diaries could eventually
be used by the police to harm others. My body did not recover easily
from the torture. I had blood in my feces for quite a while. Mrs. Lee, the
boarding house mistress, and her sister helped me to nurse my body
back to health with great sincerity and dedication.
Finally, on August 15, 1945, Korea was liberated from Japan. This was
the day every Korean had been waiting for. It was a day of tremendous
emotion. Shouts of “Mansei!” and people waving the Taeguk flag covered
the entire peninsula. I could not join in the festivities, however. My
heart was deadly serious because I could foresee the terrible calamity
that was about to befall the Korean peninsula. I went alone into a small
anteroom and immersed myself in prayer. Soon after that, my fears
were realized. Although liberated from Japanese rule, our homeland
was cut in two at the 38th parallel. In the North, a communist regime
that denied the existence of God came to power.


The Calm Sea of the Heart

Japan’s situation in the war became increasingly desperate. In the
urgent need to replenish the shrinking ranks of its military, it
began giving early graduation to students and sending them to
the war front. For this reason, I, too, was graduated six months early.
Once my graduation date was set for September 30, 1943, I sent a telegram
to my family saying, “Will return on Konron Maru,” giving the
name of the ship I was scheduled to board in Shimonoseki for Busan.
However, on the day I was to leave Tokyo for the trip back to Korea, I
had a strange experience in which my feet stuck to the ground, preventing
me from moving. As hard as I tried, I could not pick my feet up off
the ground to go to the train at the Tokyo station.
I told myself, “It must be that Heaven doesn’t want me to board that
ship.” So I decided to stay in Japan a while longer and went with my friends
to climb Mount Fuji. When I returned to Tokyo a few days later, I found
the country in an uproar over news that the Konron Maru, the ship I was
supposed to be on, had been sunk on its way to Busan. I was told that more
than five hundred university students had been killed. Konron Maru was
a large ship in which Japan took great pride, but it had been sunk by an
American torpedo.
When my mother heard the news that the ship her son was scheduled
to board had been sunk, she immediately ran out of the house
without even thinking to put on her shoes. She ran barefoot five miles
to the train station and went directly to Busan. When she arrived at the
Maritime Police Station in Busan, she discovered my name was not on
the passenger manifest. The boarding house in Tokyo, however, told her
that I had packed my bags and left. This put her in total confusion and
agony. She just kept calling my name, not even realizing that she had
large splinters in her bare feet.
I can easily imagine how she must have been beside herself with
worry that something might have happened to her son. I can understand
my mother’s heart, but from the day I chose to follow God’s path I
became a terrible son to her. I couldn’t afford to let myself be tied down
by personal emotions. So I had not sent word that I had not boarded
the ship that had been sunk, even though I knew she would be deeply
concerned for my safety.
Upon finally returning to Korea, I found nothing had changed. Japan’s
tyrannical rule was becoming worse by the day. The entire land
was soaked in blood and tears. I returned to Heuksok Dong in Seoul
and attended the Myungsudae Church. I kept detailed diaries of all the
new realizations that I had each day. On days when I had a great number
of such realizations, I would fill an entire diary. I was receiving answers
to many of the questions that I had struggled with over the years. It was
as if my years of prayers and search for truth were being answered. It
happened in a short time, as if a ball of fire were passing through me.
During this time I had the realization, “The relationship between
God and mankind is that of a father and his children, and God is deeply
saddened to see their suffering.” In this moment all the secrets of the
universe were resolved in my mind. Suddenly, it was as if someone had
turned on a movie projector. Everything that had happened since the time
humankind broke God’s commandment played out clearly before my eyes.
Hot tears flowed continuously from my eyes. I fell to my knees and bowed
my head to the floor. For the longest time I couldn’t get up. Just as when my
father had carried me home on his back as a child, I laid my body down in
God’s lap and let the tears flow. Nine years after my encounter with Jesus,
my eyes had finally been opened to the true love of God.
God created Adam and Eve and sent them into this world to be fruitful,
to multiply, and to bring about a world of peace where they would
live. But they could not wait for God’s time. They committed fornication
and bore two sons, Cain and Abel. The children who were born from
the Fall did not trust each other and brought about an incident where
one brother murdered the other. The peace of this world was shattered,
sin covered the world, and God’s sorrow began. Then humankind committed
another terrible sin by killing Jesus, the Messiah. So the suffering
that humanity experiences today is a process of atonement that it must
pass through as God’s sorrow continues.
Jesus had appeared to me as a boy of sixteen because he wanted me
to know the root of the Original Sin that humankind had committed
and to bring about a world of peace where sin and the Fall would no
longer exist. I had received God’s serious word to atone for the sins of
humanity and bring about the world of peace that God had originally
created. The world of peace that is God’s desire is not someplace we
go to after death. God wants this world, where we live now, to be the
completely peaceful and happy world that He created in the beginning.
God certainly did not send Adam and Eve into the world for them to
suffer. I had to let the world know this incredible truth.
Having discovered the secrets of the creation of the universe, I felt
my heart become like a calm ocean. My heart was filled with the word
of God. It felt as though it might explode, and my face was always shining
with joy.


Befriending Laborers by Sharing Their Suffering

Just as I had done in Seoul, I made it a point to go everywhere
in Tokyo. When my friends would go to places such as Nikko to
see the beautiful scenery, I would prefer to stay behind and walk
through all the neighborhoods of Tokyo. I found that it was a city that
looked fancy on the outside but was actually filled with impoverished
people. Again I gave all the money that I received from home to the
poor people.
Back then everyone in Japan was hungry too. Among the Korean
students there were many who were in financial difficulty. When I received
my allotment of meal tickets each month I would give them all
away to students who couldn’t afford them and told them, “Eat. Eat all
you want.” I didn’t worry about earning money. I could go anywhere and
work as a day laborer and be fed. I enjoyed earning money and using
the money to help pay the tuition of students who didn’t have money.
Helping others and giving them food to eat filled me with energy.
After I had given away all the money I had, I would work as a
deliveryman using a bicycle-drawn cart. I went to every district of Tokyo
with that cart. Once, in Ginza, with its dazzling lights, I was carrying a
telephone pole on my cart and it turned over in the middle of an intersection.
Everyone around ran for their lives. Because of these kinds of experiences
I still know the geography of Tokyo like the back of my hand.
I was a laborer among laborers and a friend to laborers. Just like the
laborers who smelled of sweat, I would go to the work sites and work
until the sweat was pouring down my body. They were my brothers, and
I didn’t mind the terrible smells. I shared sleeping quilts with them that
were so filthy that black lice crawled across them in a line formation.
I didn’t hesitate to grasp hands that were caked with dirt. Their sweat
mixed with grime was filled with an irresistible warmth of heart. It was
their warm hearts that I found so attractive.
Primarily I worked as a laborer at the Kawasaki steel mill and shipyard.
In the shipyard there were barges used to haul coal. We would
form teams of three laborers each and work until one o’clock in the
morning to fill a barge with 120 tons of coal. We Koreans could do in
one night what it took the Japanese three days to accomplish.
There were people at some work sites who extorted the blood and
sweat of the laborers. Often these were the foremen who directly managed
the laborers. They would take 30 percent of the money earned
by the laborers they managed and keep it for themselves. The laborers
were powerless to do anything about this. The foremen would exploit
the weak but curry favor with those who were strong. I became so angry
with one foreman that I finally went to him with two friends and
demanded that he pay the workers their full wages.
“If you make someone work, then pay him exactly what he is owed,”
I told him.
He still refused, so we went to him a second day and even a third day.
We were determined to keep up the pressure until he relented. Finally I
kicked him and made him fall down. I am normally a quiet and passive
person, but when I become angry the stubborn character of my younger
years comes back.
The Kawasaki steel mill had vats used to store sulfuric acid. Workers
would clean these by going into them and making the raw material
flow out. The fumes from the sulfuric acid were extremely toxic, and a
person could not remain inside for more than fifteen minutes. Even in
such deplorable working conditions, the workers risked their lives in
order to have food to eat. Food was that precious.
I was always hungry. I was careful, though, to never eat a meal for my
own sake. I felt there needed to be a specific reason for me to eat a particular
meal. So as I would sit down to each meal I would ask myself the
reasons for my hunger: “Did I really work hard? Did I work for myself,
or for a public purpose?” I would face a bowl of rice and tell it, “I am
eating you so that I can do tasks that are more glorious and more for the
public good than what I did yesterday.” Then the rice would smile back
at me with its approval. In those instances, the time spent eating a meal
was mystical and joyful. When I didn’t feel qualified to talk this way, I
would skip the meal no matter how hungry I might be. As a result, there
were not many days when I would have even two meals.
I didn’t limit myself to two meals a day because I had a small appetite. In
fact, once I began to eat there was no limit to the amount I could consume. I
once ate eleven large bowls of udon in one sitting. Another time I ate seven
bowls of a dish consisting of chicken and a fried egg over rice. Despite this
appetite I kept up my custom of not eating lunch and limiting myself to two
meals a day until I was more than thirty years old.
The sensation of hunger is a type of nostalgia. I knew very well about
the nostalgia of hunger, but I believed it was the least I could do to
sacrifice one meal a day for the sake of the world. I also never allowed
myself to wear new clothes. No matter how cold it might get, I would
not heat my room. When it was extremely cold I used a newspaper to
cover myself; it felt as warm as a quilt made of silk. I am very familiar
with the value of a sheet of newspaper.
At times I would simply go live for a while in an area of Shinagawa
where poor people lived. I slept with them, using rags for cover. On
warm sunny days I picked lice from their hair and ate rice with them.
There were many prostitutes on the streets of Shinagawa. I would listen
to them tell me about themselves, and I became their best friend
without ever drinking a drop of liquor. Some people claim they need to
be drunk in order to speak candidly about what is on their mind, but
that is just an excuse. When these women realized that I was sincere in
my sympathy for them, even without drinking any liquor, they opened
their hearts to me and told me their troubles.
I worked in many different jobs during my studies in Japan. I was
a janitor in an office building. I wrote letters for illiterate people. I
worked at various job sites and was a foreman. I was a fortune teller.
When I needed money quickly, I wrote calligraphy and sold it. I
never fell behind in my studies, however. I believed that all these
things were part of my training process. I did all sorts of jobs and
met all sorts of people. In the process I learned a lot about people.
Because I had this experience I can now take one look at a person and
have a good idea of what the person does for a living and whether he
is a good person. I don’t have to weigh various thoughts in my head,
because my body will tell me first.
I still believe that to develop good character a person needs to
experience many difficulties before turning thirty. People need to go
down into the crucible of despair at the bottom of human existence and
experience what that is like. People need to discover new possibilities in
the midst of hell. It is only when climbing out of the depths of despair
and making a new determination that we can be reborn as people able
to pioneer a new future.
We should not look only in one direction. We should look at both
those who are in a higher position and those lower. We should know to
look east, west, south, and north. To live a successful life depends on
how well we see with our mind’s eye. To see well with the mind’s eye
we must have many different experiences and remember them. Even
in the most difficult situations we should maintain our composure,
demonstrate warmth toward others, be self-reliant, and adapt well to
any circumstance.
A person of good character must be accustomed to rising to a high
position and then quickly falling to a low position. Most people are
afraid of falling from a high position, so they do everything they can to
preserve it. However, water that does not flow becomes stale. A person
who rises to a high position must be able to go back down and wait for
the time to come again. When the opportunity comes, he can rise to an
even higher position than before. This is the type of person who can
acquire a greatness that is admired by many people and is a great leader.
These are the experiences that a person should have before turning thirty.
Today I tell young people to experience everything they can in the
world. They need to directly or indirectly experience everything in the
world, as if they were devouring an encyclopedia. It is only then that
they can form their own identity. A person’s self-identity is his clear
subjective nature. Once a person has the confidence to say, “I can go
all around the country, and I will never come across a person who is
capable of defeating me,” then he is ready to take on any task and have
the confidence to accomplish it successfully. When a person lives life in
this way, he will be successful. Success is assured. This is the conclusion
I arrived at while living as a beggar in Tokyo.
I shared meals and slept with laborers in Tokyo, shared the grief of
hunger with beggars, learned the hard life, and earned my doctorate in
the philosophy of suffering. Only then was I able to understand God’s
will as He works to bring salvation to humanity. It is important to become
the king of suffering before age thirty. The way to gain the glory of
the Kingdom of Heaven is to become a king of suffering and earn your
doctorate in that philosophy.


Rev. Sun Myung Moon

1976 Special Speech Enlightening What Has Happened and TF's Strategy

September 20, 1976 -- Tarrytown, New York

"I would like to share something important with you. I have had many experiences in which I was misunderstood, yet I remained absolutely silent without protesting and stood quietly on the side of God, giving Him my utmost loyalty and knowing that He was on my side. There is no death anymore, and if I were to suddenly die I would continue to work in the same way in the spirit world. That is why I don't protest, even though the world curses and criticizes me and is scornful to me. After my death millions of people in the spirit world and here on earth will testify to my deeds, and to what I have done in history. This may not come in my own lifetime, but in eternity I know that my deeds will shine.

Moreover, I will have opened the way to help those who suffer most, after I go to spirit world. I can be in a position to assist those who are suffering here on earth, because by my suffering I will have set the condition. You see, in the spirit world those in history who suffered the most in the name of God occupy the central positions, so I intend to outdo or surpass the suffering of all the past saints, so as to not only dwell among them but rise up above them, so that together we can more quickly liberate the suffering souls of the world. Do you understand? It's all a part of heavenly strategy. Even though I have suffered, and will suffer still more, and I will be misunderstood and accused even more, by taking this treatment without protest I continuously nurture this tradition, and eventually our way of life and our truth will prevail. I know it. The work will never stop, whether I am here on earth or up in heaven.

Thus it is immaterial whether or not I can unify the world within my lifetime, for this work will go on and on, and I will continue to lead it, whether I am here on earth or in the spirit world. This ideology, this philosophy, this tradition and this heart will inevitably unify the world. Even after my death, as a spirit man I will constantly appear and lead you into the same tradition, the same way of life, until we have achieved the complete kingdom of God here on earth. This is the principle under which I am operating. I do not expect this to happen in ten years or even in my lifetime, but in eternity.

I know the spirit world so well. I know its system and organization inside out. At present that world is invisible to you, but the assault of the spirit world upon the physical world is almost like a hurricane or a typhoon. Soon the new heaven and earth will open up in front of you. I know that timetable so clearly. It is coming, and it will bring a new world and a new way of life. When an extreme high pressure point and an extreme low pressure point confront, the impact is great and the result is new form. We might say that an historical typhoon has come to blow in front of the Unification Church, and the high and low pressures will clash and explode, opening up the way for us. That time is not very far away. The spirit world and the physical world are getting closer and closer, and I must lead you and this movement in the right direction."

Address to Conference of US and International Leaders - Rev Sun Myung Moon

Statement of Tribute and Condolence by Archbishop George Augustus Stallings, Jr., Patriarch and Founder of the African-American Catholic Congregation and its Imani Temple on the Occasion of the passing of the Reverend Dr. Sun Myung Moon

G. Augustus Stallings, Jr., DD, Founder and Patriarch
609-611 Maryland Avenue, NE, Washington, DC, 20002


For Immediate Release
Contact Info: Minister Ginger Cornwell  - 240 354 7601

Statement of Tribute and Condolence by Archbishop George Augustus Stallings, Jr., Patriarch and Founder of the African-American Catholic Congregation and its Imani Temple on the Occasion of the passing of the Reverend Dr. Sun Myung Moon, Co-Founder of the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity (HSA-UWC) aka Unification Church.

The Family of Humanity and the World Community will no longer have the opportunity to be in the physical presence one of the greatest Spiritual Leaders and champions of world peace in modern times. The Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon is affectionately known by thousands of clergy, heads of state as well as his followers, and devotees as “Father Moon”.   He has cast a wide spiritual net across a swath of humanity during a ministry of almost 76 years in a tireless effort to return the world back to God's original ideal: namely, where all men and women could recognize God as the Father of us all and each of us as brothers and sisters, one to another.
He earnestly believed that this goal could be ultimately achieved through the Ceremony of the Blessing of Marriage where the descendants of enemy nations, marrying one another in a cross cultural blessing, could tear down the walls that separated and divided nations, peoples and races. I too have been a beneficiary of the Marriage Blessing Ceremony as my wife and I were matched and blessed by Father and Mother Moon.
He lived to see not only his vision blossom and bear fruit in the lives of his church members associated with the Unification Church, but also in the lives of countless faith and civic leaders and their communities, individuals and families who were touched and influenced by his uncompromising love of God and his undying passion in the pursuit of world peace.
He and his beloved wife, Mother Moon, stand as the "True Parents,”  and now, as he stands in spirit with Mother Moon the presence of the love of God  will only expand through  them as our "True Parents" - parents in the image of God that see all humanity as God's family - regardless of race or religion. 
As people of faith, we know that from the moment he met Jesus on a mountainside in Korea until today he has been faithful and therefore he transitions now from a temporal life to an eternal life. He lives and will continue to guide, inspire and lead us to the promise land in spirit and through his beloved wife, Mother Moon. 
His mantra of "living for the sake of others," "loving one's enemy," and "liberating and comforting the suffering heart of God," caused by man and woman's rejection of God through disobedience, set him apart from other world spiritual leaders and caused faith leaders from Christianity and other faith traditions as well as his followers to see and embrace him as a messianic figure called by God and anointed by Jesus to restore humanity back to God's kingship. Not a "self proclaimed" "Messiah,”  but rather as a man "anointed" by Jesus,  confirmed and widely acclaimed as the "messiah" or "anointed one" by some of this nation's and the world's most prominent religious leaders.

In some instances he was maligned, misunderstood, misjudged and criticized, even having his divinely appointed mission misinterpreted, Father Moon never allowed the naysayers to deter him from advancing God's Providence through Spiritual Principles based upon the Word of God as revealed to him and recorded in his magnum opus, "The Original Substance of the Divine Principle." He lived for God and God's People and not for himself.

Our love and condolences, heartfelt prayers and deepest sympathy go out to his beloved and devoted wife of 52 years, Dr. Ha Ja Han Moon, Co-Founder of HSA-UWC and Co-Founder of the Women's Federation for World Peace, their many children and over 45 grandchildren, church leaders and devoted followers. She will now stand strong to lead us on with her youngest son Rev. Hyung Jin Moon - who Father Moon appointed in 2009 as the one chosen to represent him.

We are confident that the Unification Movement will flourish in the wake of the passing of its fearless and gifted spiritual leader. In the eyes of his detractors, his powerful and prophetic voice, radical ideas and brilliant ways of thinking will no longer be a threat to their myopic worldview or intimidate their narrow minded reasoning. For, history tells us that even though the visionary passes on, the vision still lives and presses on towards fulfillment. As the great American poet laureate, Carl Sandburg, articulated so succinctly: " A tree is best measured when it is down -- and so it is with people."
The world has yet to discover, realize and appreciate the genius, selflessness, humility and true love of a man of God and the driving force behind everything that he sought to achieve and accomplish in his earthy life: namely, to realize in concrete and visible ways "the hope of all ages – is a unified world of peace.”   That vision and hope live on in those who believe in and embrace him as the True Parent, True Father, True Teacher,  servant and lover of all humankind.

May he rest in peace.

Archbishop George Augustus Stallings, Jr.
Founder and Patriarch
African American Catholic Congregation
Co President
American Clergy Leadership Conference

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The Cross of True Father

 Rev. Hyung Jin Moon, August 26, 2012, Korea

Hello, everyone. First, I’d like to express my gratitude to the many members throughout the world who have been offering jeongseong last week and this week. Those prayers have given Father a lot of energy and also have given a lot of power and energy to True Mother, who is protecting and being with True Father day after day. The True Children are with Father around the clock, 24 hours, taking turns; the staff members are with True Parents as well; and the CARP [Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles] students are also taking turns to be with Father at the hospital. We’re very grateful for everyone’s jeongseong.
Last week, as you know, Father had to struggle against many circumstances. This is not an easy fight. I will go into detail a little bit more a little later, but last week there was an infection in his blood, so we were concerned about that. Fortunately after the week was over, that was caught and resolved. We could eliminate that infection, so we’re very grateful about that.
Also last week, as you have heard, the oxygen saturation level in Father’s blood was similar to the previous week, and he’s still attached to many machines. Right now he is fighting, investing himself fully in a struggle of life and death. This is not an easy thing, not a simple thing at all. Please understand that.
Spiritual and Physical Salvation
Let’s begin with Father’s words. Let’s read these together, on page 685 of Cheon Seong Gyeong. “The Messiah goes from the bottom of hell to the top of the most glorious place in the world of humankind. This means that there is no place that he would not go, even at the risk of his life, to save humankind.” Aju.
Now when I look at this, I’m reminded of John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Aju.
We’ve learned from the Principle that Jesus came to offer not only spiritual salvation but physical salvation as well. However, because of the insufficiencies of humanity, Jesus died earlier than he should have, and he was able to give only spiritual salvation to humanity. When God had to send Jesus the way of the cross, this was a very painful thing for God. Also, this was not the path that God originally desired for Jesus. If only humanity had received Jesus and accepted him as Messiah, he would not have gone that course!
Jesus went that way, however, in the end. Even though this was not God’s first choice, God was able to use that course to give humanity spiritual salvation. In other words, the crucifixion and resurrection course of Jesus made it possible for humanity’s mind to go to God, and humanity could receive salvation in the world of the heart and the mind.
When the Lord of the Second Advent comes, however, we have the opportunity to go to the world and to the place that God desires us to go. That is the mission of the returning Lord. So Father came, and True Parents came, to provide to humanity not only spiritual salvation but also physical salvation.
The Government as the Archangel
Father and Mother have gained victory through an incredible struggle. But still when we look at our world, we see that in humanity’s history we’ve had tyrants and dictators, and until now we’ve been living in the realm of Satan. We see that the government, which is in the position of the archangel, has dominated human beings. That is the world we have lived in.
We know through the Principle that by taking advantage of Adam and Eve’s freedom of choice the archangel took away Adam and Eve’s position as lords of creation. Now we need to return to that position and to restore the three great blessings. In the past, no matter how much we may have tried, humanity was always in the position of slaves. The kingdoms that should have allowed humanity to go to God instead oppressed humanity. As we analyze any and all countries, we know that although government is necessary, the position of the government should be to assist humanity to develop and grow toward God. But not only in the modern age but also throughout history we see that all the nations that have existed have always pushed down humanity.
If we look at the current world as well—as we saw in the news last week and as we see what’s going on in the world—we can see that the world we live in is very unstable. It’s not just the weather. I know, the weather was poor last week. It seemed like heaven was crying. It’s been raining in Korea for the past two weeks. But also we see instability in the countries around the world.
The Weakening of the United States
Father spent 33 years in the United States, investing himself in order to save America, but America has fallen a long way. It is becoming weaker and weaker. The government is growing larger, and as it does the freedom of its citizens is lessening. In the last four years the president of the United States has increased the debt about $5 trillion. There’s an election going on now.
Father always challenged America. He challenged its president and always tried to meet the president of the United States. The United States needs to go on the correct course in order for the world to be able to go on the correct course. Now America and the world are going in the direction of socialism. The position that America occupied in the world is going down. You’ve all heard the Strong Korea lecture, so you see that another force is growing stronger. This is a force that does not pursue freedom. Instead it pursues strength and power—not power that tries to give freedom to other countries, but power that has the character to try to take away the freedom of other countries and other peoples.
We see that the force of China is different from the force of the United States. China is not a country that will sacrifice itself in order to give freedom to other countries. If the 21st century were to be dominated by that kind of a force, then this will be a very dark century. It would be a world that is under an oppressive force, very different from the United States. Until now the United States has protected Korea and Japan. Father was always telling America that it had to fulfill that responsibility, and America did that.
In the current situation the United States is drowning in debt. The government is growing larger, and America itself is becoming smaller and weaker. It has a lot of debt and it is wasting a lot of money. As a result, America is becoming weaker, and as a result the world is becoming more and more dangerous.
The Growing Power of China
We saw last week already that what Father prophesied in 2005 is coming true: The island countries are now facing a problem in the Pacific. You remember Father’s words of 2005, don’t you, about the Pacific realm? He said that the island nations must be careful and must quickly come together, otherwise, large countries such as China and Russia may be able to take over such countries in just a day and make them their own. This is what Father prophesied in 2005. From 2005, Father was concerned about this kind of thing. We were not aware; we heard those words, and we couldn’t understand what he was talking about.
If you saw the news last week, I’m sure you know what kind of thing is going on. We’ve prepared a number of slides. This one shows Chinese activists landing on the Senkaku Islands, saying, “Oh, this belongs to China.” And Japanese activists have landed there saying, “This belongs to Japan.” These are very small islands. This was last week. Because of these activities, the atmosphere within China is changing very much.
Let’s go to the next slide. Now there are demonstrations going on in China as anti-Japanese feeling is growing. People are saying, “Let’s fight Japan.” They’re turning Japanese cars upside down. This photo was taken in Guangdong last week. Something needs to be changed.
Religion Must Give Truth to Politicians
We are a religion, but we cannot just look at religion. This is what Father has always said. We don’t just speak about spiritual things. In the ideal world, religion, politics, and economics must move together. Religion cannot just sit still. Religion is not just prayer and meditation. That is not all religion does in the ideal world. If politics goes bad, then in the ideal world religion in the Abel position needs to take care of that. If the world goes too much in the wrong direction, then religion must stand up and oppose that. That has not been done by religion until now because religion was under the government or was under a certain dictator. But in the ideal world it cannot be like that.
That is why Father has always told religious leaders that religion must challenge political leaders to say the right things, to give truth to the political leaders. This is how the world must go.
Last week we saw problems in the Middle East. You’re aware of this, aren’t you? Peace is not coming to the Middle East. Last week Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu said that by September 25th the United States must make a decision; otherwise, because Iran is developing nuclear weapons and Israel is worried about this, there’s a high possibility that Israel may attack Iran.
What kind of world are we living in? Are the citizens of Korea thinking about this, or are they just living comfortably? In the Middle East, there is a high possibility of war. It’s not just fooling around. And if there’s war in the Middle East, the United States will have to become involved. If the U.S. becomes involved, then probably Russia also will become involved because it has a lot of interest in the Middle East. If the United States becomes involved, other countries will not be able to stay still.
The First World War began with a very small conflict, and it developed into a world war. Why is it that modern people think erroneously that war cannot occur in our generation? We are going into a very dangerous and fearful time. It is not fooling around.
In the Principle, there is the prediction, the prophecy, that the third world war must come. It may be an ideological war, or it may be a hot war. But the direction that the world is going now is not the direction of an ideological war. This is a situation that is deteriorating very quickly.
Some religion, some faith has to stand up and fight for the freedom of the world. It has to shout out for the safety and security of the world. Some religion must stand up—not simply standstill, but stand up—and shout out for the ideal world of freedom. It must let people know how precious freedom is, how precious is the gift that God has given us. Until now humanity has lived like slaves under tyrants and dictators and we must not repeat that kind of history.
“Father Is on the Cross”
In this ominous age Father suddenly became ill. I was with Father for a year and a half, as you know. He would have colds and he would become ill, but I saw that he would recover very quickly. For maybe a few days, he might feel some difficulty, but a few days later he would come back to Hoon Dok Hae and be as strong as ever. I saw that continuously.
Whether he’s in Las Vegas or wherever he might be, I often heard him say, “I’m going to live until 117,” and I believe that. But why, suddenly, is Father suffering this excruciating pain now? As I said last week, 10 years ago in the United States Father had a serious operation, and the day he went into the hospital was the day on which the Iraq war began.
Who is the Lord of the Second Advent? He’s the most precious existence to God. He’s more precious than the entire cosmos put together. Now, when the world is going into an immensely dangerous time, why is it that Father again must take up the cross? This week, Father’s pulse and oxygen saturation rate were stabilized, and we’re grateful to God for this. People say, “Oh, I heard Father’s improved a lot,” but Father is still fighting.
The doctor said it this way. He said generally people might recover at a speed of 55 kilometers an hour, for example. Comparatively, Father might improve a little bit but the speed of his improvement is like five kilometers an hour compared with a normal person’s recovery. So, Father is fighting day in and day out.
When the world is standing on the cliff and appears about to head into war, Father is experiencing this kind of pain. This week as we watched Father—and if you’ve seen older people in the hospital, maybe you can understand—in order to help Father’s oxygen saturation and his breathing, a tube must go through his mouth. If that remains in the throat for too long, then it causes problems, so the tube had to be changed this week. Otherwise bacteria might get in.
In the past when we would go to see Father, we would see the tube in Father’s mouth and there was a plastic part that covered the mouth. We had to change that, and it was extremely uncomfortable for Father. It was so painful for him that he bit down on the tube so hard that one of his teeth fell out. We took out that plastic part. It was very difficult for us to go to Father.
We’ve always seen Father being so strong, but now he is lying down, and the part covering his mouth is not there, so he has to keep his mouth open. Of course, he must be kept in a state of sleep because his situation is so painful.
This week the doctor will make a decision whether to keep the tube in Father’s throat or to open a passage into his throat. Think about it. Throughout Father’s life, he has given us God’s word; he’s always been active, always moving around. For almost two weeks now, he’s been restrained because there are so many tubes in him. To keep them from coming out, his arms have to be restrained. Also, he cannot express himself in words. This is more difficult than the cross, greater suffering.
This past week as I have seen Father, I really feel that Father is on the cross. It is as if he’s been nailed to a cross. Even Jesus was in that situation only for a few hours. But Father is in this situation day after day. This is not just our father. This is your father. He’s the father of the world. You offered a lot of jeongseong last week, and I’m very grateful to those who did that. Members around the world are offering a lot of jeongseong. I’m receiving e-mails and other messages.
Really, we don’t know what is going to happen. We need to offer jeongseong with greater effort. What’s most painful for me is that I’m not able to do anything for Father. I’m not able to bring him water; I’m not able to talk with him in a relaxed way. I cannot talk with him about anything. There’s nothing I can do for him, and that for me is the most difficult.
Jesus’ disciples, as they saw him on the cross, felt helpless because they couldn’t do anything for him. They wanted to do something for him, but they couldn’t. In that situation the disciples denied Jesus. If Jesus had been on the cross for a long time, then the disciples may have said, “It’s difficult for me; I’m in difficulty; why do I have to continue to withstand this situation?” But I’m sure the members of the Unification Church are not that kind of sons and daughters.
Yesterday, for example, we were able to see a photograph of Father’s lungs. The right lung was not recovering, so we were concerned. But when we compared the photograph with one taken two days before that, the doctor showed us that the right lung had not been recovering, but yesterday there was some oxygen getting in through the right lung. But he’s still in the ICU, and it’s still very painful for him.
Truly we must give more power and strength to Father. We must offer jeongseong together for that. 

Сонхва Истинного Отца

Я молюсь, чтобы благодать и любовь Истинных Родителей Небес, земли и человечества снозошла на все Благословленные семьи на каждом континенте, в каждой стране, в провиденциальных организациях и по всему миру.

Наш любимый Истинный Отец, который пришел на землю как спаситель человечества, мессия, Истинный Родитель и царь царей и прожил 93 года своей святой жизни истинной любви, проливая кровь, пот и слезы за освобождение Бога, спасение человечества и мир во всем миреполностью завершил свою провиденциальную миссию, перейдя в духовный мир в 1:54 по корейскому времени 17 числа 7 месяца по Небесному календарю в 3 год Чхонги (3 сентября 2012 года) в международном медицинском центре Чхонщим на Чхонпхёне в окружении Истинной Матери и Истинных Детей.

Я приношу свою искреннюю благодарность всем членам по всему миру, которые приносили условия чонсон ради выздоровления Истинного Отца.

О деталях и полном расписании церемонии сонхва Истинного Отца будет объявлено позже.

17 число 7 месяца 3 года Чхонги по Небесному календарю (3 сентября 2012 года)

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