
N o w I s G o d ’ s T i m e God’s Peace Kingdom Is The Eternal Homeland for All Blessed Families

N o w   I s   G o d ’ s   T i m e
God’s Peace Kingdom Is The Eternal Homeland for All Blessed Families
The Reverend and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon
Respected leaders of the United States:
I am grateful that so many of you could
gather here today, in spite of your busy public
and private schedules.
Let me begin my address by reading an

excerpt from a prayer that I offered forty-seven
years ago. The year was 1958 and I was a 38-
year-old single man. This prayer is recorded in
the Cheon Seong Gyeong, a collection of passages
from sermons I have delivered over the course
of my ministry.
“Loving Father, thank you for the grace by
which You have protected Your humble son, who
has fought since childhood so that Heaven may
not suffer humiliation and insult.
“Even the finest things of this earth are worthless when measured against the original heart by
which You act. Considering this, we should feel
boundless longing to stand in a position where we
can connect to Your heart. A person who encounters Your true love could lose the entire world and
not miss it.
“Beloved Father, we must now establish the
ideal world, our original homeland, where Your
love saturates every person’s life. During our
earthly lives we must prepare for the day when
we will make the transition into the next life as
Your liberated children, inhabiting a realm of freedom there. Just as a child must be healthy in the
womb for it to be healthy during its life in this
world, we must lead wholesome lives in this world
if we are to be healthy and complete after entering Heaven. Nevertheless, the world in which we
live today is under the dominion of evil and therefore is full of contradictions. Thus the only way
that heaven and earth can support us in our
endeavors, and the only way we can harmonize
with the dynamic ebb and flow of the universe, is
if we are victorious over ourselves to the extent
that we are ready to give our lives.
“Loving Father, You have toiled throughout
history to create a new springtime of hope for
us. Let us recognize that, in order to greet the
new spring, our lives must be bound to Your life.
We must assimilate ourselves completely into You
and be absorbed in You. Allow us the certain
knowledge that this is the only way to receive
Your spring and break forth as Your beautiful
“Help us to also understand that just as a tree
that blossoms in spring must pass through summer and autumn before it bears fruit, so too our
lives must pass through a certain process before
we can bear fruit. No matter how long it takes,
or how stormy the environment, we cannot allow
our inner self to be invaded. We must continue a
course of steady development. This is the only
way we can reach the next spring as a mother’s
body for a new life, a mature seed ready to be
sown in the fertile soil.
“Though we may appear shabby and
wretched, we must not forget that we are people
whose internal form is as a crystal, capable of
gathering the infinite life force to be planted as
life-bearing seeds in the infinite world. I beseech
You that we always remember, in the face of difficulties, that the more pitiful our external appearance, the more significant and substantial is our
internal value.
“We know, loving Father, that anyone whose
heart is not overflowing with longing to attend
You and bow down before You will be unable to
bond with You in that eternal world. Let us open
our hearts now, so that we may feel Your heart.
Let us hear Your voice today as it wells up within
our hearts, so that we may establish our lives in
your truth. Let us appreciate with our whole
heart the tragic course You walked as You struggled behind the scenes of history to reclaim each
one of us. Of our own accord, we bow our heads
in Your presence.  
Respected leaders of the United States,
what is the first attribute of truth? It is that it
is eternal and unchanging. If I truly have
received the anointing of Heaven as the Savior,
Messiah, Second Coming and True Parent, who
appears on the earth to communicate
Heaven’s truth and save humanity from the
hell of the human fall, then the word that I
teach must not change. There should not be
even the slightest difference between what I
teach today and what I taught 20 years ago or
40 years ago.
I received Heaven’s call at the youthful age
of 16 and have dedicated my life of over 80
years to the task of accomplishing God’s will
on this earth and saving humankind. My teachings do not derive from my own knowledge or
personal philosophy. The words that come from
my mouth, whether 50 years ago, at this
moment, or at any moment in the future, are
truth given by Heaven to humanity. They are
the heavenly doctrine that humanity should
uphold and live by forever. Even if all six billion
people on earth were to oppose me, my words
are still the eternal and unchangeable truth.
Nothing can be added or taken away, not even
one iota.
As I prayed 47 years ago, so too today I pray
that you will open your hearts and experience
the heart of God. Please listen to the voice of
God that wells up from within the deepest
recesses of your own heart. Please do not ever
forget Heaven’s wondrous will and love, which
have guided my footsteps back to America even
after I thought I would never return.
One Moment and One Lifetime
God created us to be born in love, raised in
love, live our lives in the midst of love, and then
die in the arms of love. So everything—our
birth, our life, and our death— should give rise
to gratitude.
From birth we find ourselves sharing in the
lives of our parents. We become participants in
their lives. Our parents conceived us in love;
2in us they planted the flag of their love. We live
our entire lives in accordance with the banner
of our parents’ love. We should wave this banner each moment of our lives by loving our parents and our siblings.
The person who ignores the value of each
and every moment to love will lose what is
truly precious. Whether we win or lose is determined in a single moment. Every historical victory and every heavenly victory was
determined in a moment. Therefore, a great
person lives his or her life constantly aware of
the precious value of each moment, for every
particular moment is uniquely special. Such a
person can be included in the ranks of the
saints, and even become a divine son or daughter in Heaven and on earth.
From this perspective, it is vital to understand how to live in relationship with God’s will,
in the contexts both of daily personal life and of
historical time. Before we talk about our hope
that God’s will be done and His Kingdom come,
we need to assess the degree to which we are
living in oneness with His Will.
The Bible records a 4,000-year Providence of
Restoration that includes Noah’s family,
Abraham’s family, Moses’ family and Jesus’
family. We see that the mistakes the members
of those families committed were not events
extending over a decade or several decades.
Those who erred did so in a single moment,
and the error of that one moment fated them
and their descendants to a path of indemnity
extending over a thousand years of history, and
caused peoples and nations to fall into a bottomless pit of destruction.
That reveals the seriousness and importance of each moment of our lives. Even the
eternal Kingdom of Heaven cannot exist apart
from the single moment. Eternity does not
begin when a person dies; it begins when a person comes to know Heaven’s will. If even a single moment should ever be skipped, or if there
should be even the smallest hole in time, eternity will cease to exist.
As people of faith, it is good for us to dream
of the eternal, but it is even more important that
we understand how to eradicate evil and advance
goodness in the context of our own life in today’s
reality. In other words, what you should fear
most is not the judgment that will come in the
Last Days, but whether you are living each
moment of your daily life in oneness with God’s
Will. You should be concerned about how your
life intersects with the course of God’s Will.
The Path to Our True Home
The truth is that the circumstances of our
families, societies, nations and world do not
align with our will. Therefore, we find ourselves
dealing with all manners of difficulties, and we
struggle back and forth across the turning point
between good and evil. Every single day we
prepare and struggle to triumph over our circumstances. Even in terms of our daily schedules, we often experience that we cannot do all
the things that we planned to do in the morning. This is all the more the case as we take on
a greater public role. We find that we need proportionally greater determination and driving
force in order to conclude each day of our lives
with victory. The days add up to become
months, then years. Ultimately, they add up to
form our entire life.
Ladies and gentlemen, while living on this
earth, neither we nor anyone in history can
escape the confines of time. Individuals, families, tribes, peoples, nations and the world move
within one realm of time. Each person has a
certain purpose to fulfill during the course of
his or her life. A person will strive for ten years,
twenty years, or an entire lifetime in pursuit
of this purpose. The larger the purpose, the
stronger must be the person’s internal resolution and dedication. To accomplish his or her
purpose, a person must possess an internal
determination strong enough to overcome any
You may not understand about the spirit
world. But through God’s special grace, I came
to know that unknown world with certainty.
3Looking at the fundamentals of that world, I
saw that it operates on a simple principle. When
people cross over into that world, those who
lived for the sake of others according to God’s
heavenly laws and principles will enter
Heaven, while those who lived selfishly and
only for themselves cannot avoid going to hell.
What is heaven? Heaven is a kingdom of peace.
It is where the original ideal of creation that
God purposed from the beginning is completed.
It is the true homeland all human beings must
seek and find.
We are descendants of Adam and Eve, who
were expelled from the original homeland as a
result of the Fall. Therefore, it is our destiny to
return to and re-enter that original homeland.
However, we cannot enter there by human
effort alone. It is possible to enter only because
God has worked through history to enable fallen
human beings to go there. God established various religions, suited to each peoples’ diverse
cultures and traditions, to guide humanity.
Religion, however, only trains people to acquire
the qualifications. To actually bring us to this
higher dimension, God is now leading humanity above and beyond the cultural backgrounds
of the various world religions, towards a single
unified religious world.
The Goal of Life
All religions teach their followers to live for
the sake of others because their purpose is to
prepare their people to live in the original
homeland. Living for the sake of others is the
essence of true love. To train us in this way of
life, religions give highest priority to the practice of meekness and humility. They teach us
to place other people above ourselves and to
live for their benefit. They teach sacrifice and
Ladies and gentlemen, what is the ultimate
goal of life? It is to possess God’s love completely. To reach that final destination, a man
and a woman must travel the road together.
They may encounter life-threatening situations
dozens or even hundreds of times, or even die
on the way, yet that is the path of life that leads
them back to God.
What is the ultimate human desire? It is to
possess God’s love completely. True love is the
core of God’s being. You may possess God’s
attention completely, yet God will not be your
God unless you possess God’s true love. On
the other hand, if you completely possess
God’s true love, then you will not mind even
if God is not with you. You enter a state where
everything that is God’s is yours, and everything that is yours is God’s. Then for the first
time, the internal and external will be one.
The place filled with such love is the ideal
Kingdom of Heaven. Once you reach this state,
you will perceive beauty in all beings in the
world, and everything in the world will live
for your sake.
And yet, ladies and gentlemen, because of
the fall of the first human ancestors, all people
without exception have inherited Satan’s false
love and were born with Satan as their parents.
Satan’s lineage has been passed down to you
through your mother and father. This is the picture of who you are here today. Our beginning
was in error because false parents abducted us;
therefore, we must go back and begin again in
the lineage of the True Parents.
This is how deadly serious our lives are. You
must inherit God’s love, God’s life, and God’s
lineage. It is possible only through the Holy
Blessing Ceremony. This ceremony is not a religious rite of the Unification Church alone but
grace from God. You were dying because you
were pricked by Satan’s poison-tipped needle,
but through this ceremony you will be revived.
The Purpose of Creation
Then, let us look from God’s viewpoint at
the reasons He created human beings. There
are three. First, God created human beings with
material form in order for Him to be the Parent
of all material existence. God, being invisible
and without material form, cannot have dominion over things that have material form. In
4other words, God needed to exist as a being with
form: that is the form of a Parent. God wished
to become one with Adam and Eve and through
them to act as the substantial Parent to all
Second, the invisible God cannot produce
children of His perfect image by Himself. A
vertical line perpendicular to a horizontal plane
cannot move beyond the single point where it
intersects that plane. There is no reproduction
in the spirit world. The spatiality that is necessary for reproduction to take place is created
only when there is a horizontal deployment
from the perpendicular axis tracing a sphere
through 360 degrees. God needed an organic
process by which to produce citizens of the
Kingdom of Heaven, and so He created this
horizontal earthly world. When a man and
woman meet and form a couple through conjugal love, they create a sphere through their give
and take action, and become a channel by
which to produce citizens of the Kingdom of
Heaven. God’s desire was to multiply so many
people of the Kingdom of Heaven that there
would be more than enough men and women
to fill the ideal world He envisioned. This is the
reason it is important for husbands and wives to
bear and raise many children.
Third, God created human beings in order
to establish and maintain an eternal partnership of love. When God created Adam and Eve,
He intended that they would become His eternal partners of love. But they were not the only
ones. Once God had established Adam and Eve
in His partnership realm, it was His intention
to likewise establish their children and all their
descendants in a world where everyone would
be His direct partner of love. In this way, God
created human beings to maintain the world of
love’s partnership for eternity.  
If Adam and Eve call God “Father,” then
should their children call Him “Grandfather?”
No, they would also call Him “Father.” God is
the vertical center. From God’s perspective, all
the partners of His love are equal. Each partner
of God’s love possesses equal value transcending time and space. After all, each is produced
when God’s vertical love is extended horizontally on the same plane. This means the value
of perfected love is always equal.
Intermediaries between the Spiritual
and Physical Worlds
Next, let us look at the process of God’s creation. When God created the universe, first He
created the natural environment and then on
that foundation He created human beings. In
the beginning, God was the center of everything. In the end, He desired that human beings
establish equilibrium and unity throughout the
natural world. Thus, human beings would be
in the central position—with the spirit world
relating to the mind and the physical world
relating to the body. Humanity has a mission:
to serve as the intermediary between the spiritual and physical worlds.
Look at the natural world in which we live.
It contains two axes: one visible and the other
invisible. The Earth, as an object partner,
revolves around the sun, its subject partner, at
the same time that it rotates on its own axis.
Likewise, our body revolves around our mind
by following the mind’s directions at the same
time that it also engages in its own rotational
motion that enables it to exist and function. I
am trying to illustrate a universal principle, one
that illuminates the path of restoration that
leads to the salvation of fallen humanity.
Human beings have a body that revolves
around the physical mind. The physical mind
revolves around a higher center—the spirit
mind, and above the spirit mind is yet a higher
center—God. Human beings are complete only
when they are completely one with God. Yet, a
complete human being, though he or she may
appear to be an insignificant individual, represents all of history and all relationships of the
future. That person’s value is equal to that of
the entire cosmos. If we wish to attain such cosmic value, we will let our spirit mind lead the
way as we go about our life. This is heavenly
law. The time has come when Heaven will
judge whoever goes against the promptings of
5his or her conscience, which speaks through
the spirit mind.
We are now living in the Age After the
Coming of Heaven. This is an era when your
sincerity, your dedication and your sweat will
bear fruit. The founders and saints of the great
religions, accompanied by myriads of good
ancestors, have descended to the earth and are
participating in the works of the Providence.
Now is the time to flee from this world of anxiety, fear and confusion, and follow the teachings of the True Parents to establish God’s
Kingdom of Peace on earth. If you, the citizens
of the leading nation of the democratic world,
cannot do it, God will accomplish His will
nonetheless, even by educating atheists in formerly communist countries to do so.
The State of Resonance
Ladies and gentlemen, how can we become
intermediaries who can unite with the will of
heaven? We should enter a state of resonance
with God. In nature, resonance occurs when
two objects vibrate with the same frequency.
Sound waves of harmonic frequency create resonance. The resonating objects no longer
vibrate independently, but begin to move
around one center. In the same way, when a
person’s spirit self and physical self resonate
with each other and begin to revolve centering
on God’s true love, the person’s spiritual cells
and physical cells begin to function together.
His or her physical eyes, for example, will
vibrate in step with their spiritual eyes, and
they will be able to see not only the physical
world but also the complete reality of the spirit
For the same reason, when we reach the
state where our spirit self and physical self
become one by the explosive force of true love,
we will resonate with the earthly world, the
heavenly world and even with God. What is the
force that can move our mind and body into a
state where they resonate 100 percent? It is not
God’s wisdom, efficacy, or power. Only His true
love can do it.
Every human being has a dual structure,
consisting of mind and body. Each man and
each woman has a mind and a body. So when
a man and a woman come together, it could be
said that there are four entities present. If they
are not united, it could be chaos. But these four
become naturally one when they resonate with
God’s true love.
Lords of Creation Who Can Inherit
God’s Kingdom
Ladies and gentlemen, it is a law of the universe that for every particular being or central
core, there will always be a second being that
revolves around it as its partner. The relationship between God and human beings is an
expression of the same principle that causes
electrons to revolve around protons. The
human mind, like an electron, forms a relationship with and interacts with God’s mind as if it
were protons. By this principle God carries out
His Providence of Restoration.
Indeed, as you delve into the words of truth,
you will experience how God’s life energy and
love commune with one another. As the
Apostle Paul said, it is because God loves us as
His children that we shine as lights unto the
The truth is eternal and unchanging. But
how in this evil world can you distinguish
between good and evil in order to travel the
path of truth? The answer is this: turn away
from the pursuit of self-aggrandizement and
place yourselves in a low, humble position.
The Bible says, “Whoever humbles himself will
be exalted.” (Matthew 23:12) The essence of a
human being is spiritual. When people die and
go to spirit world, they understand much more
clearly that essentially human beings are created to live for the sake of others. Nonetheless,
we have not been able to escape from selfishness and individualism because we still are
yoked to Satan by the shackles of his fallen
6You should now eat spiritual food. Between
spiritual food and physical food, which do you
think should be tastier? If you are to survive
and stand on the side of God, you should prefer the taste of spiritual food. This means that
you should prefer a life based on spiritual
strength rather than a life based on physical
It is said than human beings are the lords of
creation. Yet a person does not become a lord of
creation simply by virtue of being human. To be
minimally qualified, a person must not live
mainly for him or herself. They are rightly
called lords who live for others and serve the
whole. God is trying to accomplish His will
through such people. God is not building the
Kingdom of Heaven for Himself. By having
such selfless people build the Kingdom, He
wants it to belong to them.
God created human beings to live forever.
But if we were unable to cast off the yoke of
this evil world during our sojourn of one hundred years or so on the earth, how would our
life be superior to that of an animal? Because
we are spiritual beings, we should differ from
animals. It turns out that the reason human
beings can be lords of creation is that our hearts
never grow old. Nature is always changing.
Even a rock, a symbol of permanence, cannot
endure forever the effects of erosion. Only the
human heart was created with the potential to
remain unchanging for eternity. Hence the
title, “lord of creation,” cannot be awarded based
upon one’s money or knowledge. It is not based
on power. It is only based on the true unchanging love—God’s love.
Becoming Original Human Beings
Ladies and gentlemen, what are the ties that
will bind original human beings to each other?
Original relationships involve sharing joy and
exhibiting the values of praise and respect for
each other. Above all, they manifest perfect
true love within the realm of God’s absolute
Thus, original human beings are to encapsulate the harmonious oneness of all relationships
in heaven and on earth. This is the very reason we have both an invisible mind and a visible body. If we had preserved the relationship
of mind and body that God had intended, then
the mind and body, though distinct and different from each other in terms of function, would
be eternally united and whole.
Please consider your own life. I don’t think
you can deny that your mind and body are
often fighting each other. How much longer are
you going to allow this fight to continue? Ten
years? A hundred years? Or will it not end even
when you die? There is a definite order
designed for all beings in the universe. This
means God did not create us to exist in the
imperfect state in which we now find ourselves.
Your task now is to empower your mind and
subdue your body. The grace of Heaven will
be with you in this effort.
In the relationship between the mind and
body, the mind is the more important of the
two. The body persists for about a hundred
years and then passes away, but the mind, or
spirit, will live for eternity, transcendent of time
and space. You may spend your days on earth
eating and dressing extravagantly, but someday you will die, and then what? You are better
off setting a good spiritual standard and then
harmonizing your physical life to that standard.
Make of yourself a person of integrity and
wholeness embracing both spirit and flesh.
Building the Peace Kingdom
Respected leaders of the United States, we
are now entering a glorious age. The Kingdom
of Heaven on earth, God’s ideal of creation, is
being established before your eyes. This is the
Peace Kingdom. In my life of more than 80
years, I have walked a lonely path. Heaven
called me to walk that path, soaked with blood,
sweat and tears. Now, that effort is bearing victorious fruit for the sake of all six billion people
of the world.
7In more than 180 countries, Ambassadors
for Peace have inherited Heaven’s will and tradition. They are working hard, day and night,
proclaiming the values of true love and true
families. They are moving forward with full
force to establish world peace. In the Middle
East, one of the world’s tinderboxes, Jews,
Christians and Muslims have found the
resources in my philosophy of peace to engage
in a new dimension of dialogue for peace.
Unification Thought played an important role
in ending the Cold War. I am now playing a
decisive role behind the scenes to bring about
the unification of my homeland, Korea.
But ladies and gentlemen, that is not
enough to satisfy me. I began my life’s work at
the command of Heaven. I have come as the
True Parent of humankind with God’s anointing, and I am determined to keep my promise
to Him to create a united world of peace.
As I stand here today on this platform, I
would like to make a truly important historic
declaration to humanity. For thousands of
years, Satan used the Bering Strait to separate
East and West, North and South, as well as
North America and Russia geographically. I propose that a bridge be constructed over the
Bering Strait, or a tunnel be dug under it, so
that it will be able to connect the world super
highway starting from the Cape of Good Hope
in South Africa to Santiago in Chile, and from
London to New York, making the world a single
community. I would call this, “The World Peace
King Bridge-Tunnel.” Ladies and gentlemen, to
succeed with this dramatic and historic project, the United States of America, Russia,
Europe, China, India, Japan, Brazil and all the
nations and religions of the world should work
hand in hand. With the complete success of this
project, humankind will be one step closer to
the Peace Kingdom on earth where there is no
more division and war.
Heaven warns us that we can no longer tolerate separation and division. So let us really
bind the world together as one community, tear
down the walls of race, culture, religion, and
nationality, and establish a world of peace on
this earth. This has been God’s fervent desire.
There is no other way. Humankind’s current
course of conflict and selfishness is a dead-end
street. People are beginning to realize the significance and the hope in my  teachings of “true
love, true life and true lineage” which are the
pivots of building a world of peace. As the
power of Heaven sweeps down upon the earth,
even countries and peoples that appear strong
today will run out of options and will surrender.
The choice is now yours. The Will of
Heaven does not change. The teaching that I
received in prayer 47 years ago is the same
message I am giving to you who are living in
the twenty-first century. The power and fortune of Heaven gave me the victory. Will you
join in step with Reverend Moon as I rise, and
work with me to establish true families, true
societies, true nations and a true world on this
earth? Or will you continue as Satan’s captive
behind the wall of your religion, the wall of
your culture, the wall of your nationality and
the wall of your race, and spend the remainder
of your life in agony and regret? Heaven is summoning brave generals who will turn this world
of evil upside down and establish a new heaven
and a new earth.
Today I have delivered Heaven’s message.
Please inscribe it deep in your hearts, and
become wise leaders who will set new coordinates for your lives.
I pray that God’s abundant blessing will be
upon your families and upon your nations.  
Thank you.


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    The Universal Peace Federation (UPF) is a global network of individuals and organizations dedicated to building a world of peace in which everyone can live in freedom, harmony, cooperation, and prosperity. Peace is not simply the absence of war or a term that applies only to the relationships among nations. Peace is an essential quality that should characterize all relationships.

    UPF recognizes the need for careful and measurable use of enforcement such as political, military, and civil power to sustain lasting peace. UPF has been a leading exponent of “track two” diplomacy, with particular emphasis on the role and responsibility of religious and spiritual leaders to transcend historical self-interest and pursue the ideal of “One Family Under God.”

    Development needs to be seen in relationship to peacebuilding and a broadened vision of human security that complements social, political, and economic components. Furthermore, virtues such as honesty, generosity, courage, fortitude and empathy are core strengths or capacities that are needed in order for a social system to function well and result in political, social and economic development.


    • Opening Ceremony
    • Welcome Banquet

    • Opening Plenary
    • Session: Peace, Security, and Human Development
    • Session: Regional Perspectives
    • Leadership and Good Governance Awards

    • Sessions: Regional Perspectives
    • Closing


    The Korean peninsula is a microcosm of the core global issues of peace, security, and development, with stark contrasts between north and south and periodic threats of conventional or nuclear battles. What better setting for sharing insights and best practices and for building partnerships that can lead to genuine progress?

    Sheraton Walker Hill
    Walkerhill-ro 177
    Gwangin-gu, Seoul 143-708
    Hotel Tel: (82 2)455 5000



Address given at the Groundbreaking Ceremony of the Gimpo Aviation Industrial Complex of the Times Aviation of Korea Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Gimpo Aviation Industrial Complex of the Times Aviation of Korea 

June 10, 2006

Respected Governor Hak Gyu Sohn, Honorable Minister Byeong Jik Choo of the Ministry of Construction and Transportation;
Leaders of the Korean Helicopter Industry;
Residents of Gimpo, and distinguished guests from at home and abroad;
And, in particular, Sikorsky executives who have come from overseas to congratulate us on this joyous day!
We are truly grateful to all of you for coming such a distance, in spite of your busy schedules, to attend the groundbreaking ceremony of the Gimpo Aviation Industrial Complex of the Times Aviation of Korea
Furthermore, we would like to express our gratitude once again to all of you, who have made it possible to hold today’s groundbreaking ceremony for the Gimpo Aviation Industrial Complex, situated halfway between Incheon International Airport and Gimpo International Airport which was opened more than half a century ago. It is our hope that it will develop into a state-of-the-art aviation industrial complex, both in concept and in reality, through its receiving approval as an industrial complex and being designated as an enterprise drawing foreign investment.
I have dedicated my entire life to teaching the path of “living for the sake of others” through the practice of true love. This is a basic principle that surely applies not only to individuals but to all levels of life — from the family to the society and to the nation. Early on I had the conviction that my homeland of Korea — which at the time was suffering in poverty — would become prosperous and, furthermore, that it would become a nation that could share what it had with the rest of the world. It should be able to contribute spiritually; furthermore it would need a strong foundation of technical engineering skill, and therefore I founded Tongil Heavy Industries Co. Ltd., some forty years ago. The company imported the most advanced automobile technology from German companies and thus laid the foundation for the automobile technology of modern-day Korea.
Pursuing world peace through efforts that reach beyond particular religions and nations, I have dared to initiate the large-scale project of connecting the regions of the world through constructing a tunnel and/or bridge across the Bering Strait between Russia and the United States Through such an undertaking, I am doing my utmost to inspire all technology contribute to the peace and welfare of humankind.
Now that I have concluded 34 years of work away from my homeland of Korea and have returned to my country, I have decided to lay the foundation for aviation technology — which of all industrial technologies requires the most precision — so that in the twenty-first century Korea may become a leader in the machinery industry, and, in particular, contribute to the development of the aviation industry. Therefore, I have established the Times Aviation of Korea, and pursued technological cooperation from the Sikorsky Company, which prides itself on having the best helicopter technology in the world.
Henceforth, the Times Aviation of Korea will focus on developing helicopters for transportation of large groups of people, thus to meet public demand, while opening new horizons in the helicopter industry. We expect it will not only revolutionize mass transportation in Korea but will also contribute to improving the quality of life in this country by raising the efficiency of the utilization of its territory.
It is my hope that the Times Aviation of Korea will, through the foundation of the Tongil Group, extend to 180 nations across the world through the realization of an “even distribution of technology” campaign that I have always advocated. This will play an important role in establishing Korea as an industrial power, and thereby contribute greatly to the nation’s development as well as to the happiness of all people of the world.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
My efforts for the sake of all humanity’s welfare and peace are even now being carried out in various fields.
After inaugurating the Universal Peace Federation in New York, on September 12th last year, I traveled to 120 nations of the world in order to pass on my inaugural message. I proposed that the Universal Peace Federation, in the position of the “Abel UN,” should be developed as a new international peace organization. At the same time the United Nations, as a Cain-type institution, should be reformed by having a Peace Council, a legislative organization consisting of global religious leaders of the same rank, as members of the current UN Security Council. I am referring to the founding of a Peace Council that will speak not for the interests of a particular nation, as the existing UN representatives do, but that will truly work for the welfare and peace of humanity from an interreligious and universal perspective.
I am undertaking this awesome project for the sake of peace and for the welfare of humanity. Therefore, people all over the world call me the Peace King and the True Parent of humanity. The Times Aviation of Korea will eventually become a big contributor to fulfill such a universal project.
I extend my gratitude to the government of Gyeong-gi Province and the city of Gimpo, and to the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy and the Ministry of Finance and Economy, and particularly to the Ministry of Construction and Transportation. I would also like to express my deep appreciation for the support of the residents of Gimpo, and last, but not least, for the firm commitment of technological cooperation from the Sikorsky Company.
Thank you.


Declaration Rally for the Era of the Kingdom of Peace in Heaven and on Earth

God’s Ideal Family and the 

Kingdom of the Peaceful, Ideal World

Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon

March 25 — April 3, 2006

Republic of Korea

Ladies and gentlemen, I address you as leaders from around the globe who do not hesitate to make extraordinary efforts for the realization of world peace and an ideal hometown encompassing heaven and earth.
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all of you. You have come thousands of miles to Korea in the midst of your busy schedules to take part in this rally to establish a new political party, the Cheon Il Guk House for Peace and Unification. You are building the Universal Peace Federation, a model UN-type organization. And you represent the concerted efforts of all the world’s nations to establish the Cheon Il Guk, the kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world.
Ladies and gentlemen, as we begin the twenty-first century, we find ourselves at a truly historic turning point. We are at a point of decision. Can everlasting world peace take root, or are we doomed to repeat the twentieth century’s dark and oppressive history of war and conflict?
The twentieth century was a period of ceaseless struggle, including wars for colonial dominion, the First and Second World Wars, the Korean War, and the Cold War. Living through this era, I dedicated my life entirely to the accomplishment of the Kingdom of God, the kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world. I have always prayed sincerely that the United Nations, founded after the Second World War, would be an institution of peace, and that it would uphold God’s will for the realization of eternal world peace.
The United Nations has made important contributions for peace. Nevertheless, at its sixtieth anniversary last year there was a broad consensus, both inside and outside the organization, that the U.N. had yet to discover the way to fulfill its founding purposes. The number of member states approaches two hundred, but the offices of these states do little more than represent and even insist on their own interests. They seem inherently unable to resolve conflicts and achieve peace.
For these reasons, I would like to once more declare today before all humanity the message I gave throughout the Universal Peace Federation inauguration tour, which was launched last year on September 12 in New York and took me to 120 nations around the world. It is entitled, “God’s Ideal Family and the Kingdom of the Peaceful, Ideal World.”
The Universal Peace Federation’s mission is to renew the existing United Nations, a “Cain-type” UN, and provide a new level of leadership as an “Abel-type” UN. It will unite heaven and earth and form the kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world.
This message should be engraved in the hearts of humankind. It is Heaven’s special blessing in this Age After the Coming of Heaven. It is also a warning to us that we should take to heart and put into action.

God’s Ideal Family

Respected world leaders, what do you think is God’s ultimate purpose for creating human beings? Simply put, it is to experience joy through relating with ideal families filled with true love. What does an ideal family look like? First, each person in the family is an owner of true love. When God first created human beings, He made Adam representing all men, and Eve representing all women, with the intention that they become owners of true love. The quickest way for them to cultivate a character of true love was to secure a parent-child relationship with God, whereby they could live in attendance to God as their Father. They were to have followed the path of living as one family with God.
I invite you to enter into a mystical state and prayerfully ask God, “What is the center of the universe?” The answer you hear will undoubtedly be, “the parent-child relationship.” Nothing is more important or more precious than the relationship between parent and child. This is because it defines the fundamental relationship between the Creator God and human beings.
Then, what defines the parent-child relationship? Three things: love, life and lineage.
The first is love. We can love with true love because God, our True Parent, first loved us with true love. God created human beings out of His absolute love, to be His partners in love. This relationship forms an axis of love, linking God the Father with human beings as His sons and daughters.
Is there anything higher or more precious than to be a son or daughter of God? If anything were higher, then surely human beings would aspire to attain it. But there is nothing higher. Do you think that when the omniscient and omnipotent God created Adam and Eve, He secretly reserved the highest position for Himself and made Adam and Eve to be only second best? We cannot imagine that God would do that to His children, to His partners who share absolute love with Him.
As our eternal True Parent, God invested Himself 100 percent into the creation of human beings and endowed us with the right to have equal status with Him, to participate in His work as equals, to live with Him, and to inherit from Him. God bestowed upon human beings all of His attributes.
Though God is the Absolute Being, He cannot be happy alone. Adjectives such as “good” and “happy” cannot apply to any being that lives in isolation. They apply only where there is a robust mutual relationship. Imagine a professional singer who finds herself exiled to an uninhabited island. She may sing at the top of her voice, but with no one to listen, will it bring her happiness? In the same way, even the self-existent God absolutely needs a partner to share love with in order to experience joy and be happy.
Next is life. How shall we live to become God’s partner and return joy to Him? In other words, how shall we live to become children of God, people whom God delights to call “My son,” or “My daughter,” because He sees in us a divinity equal to His? How can we become God’s partners in completing the work of creation, partners who will inherit the entire creation? I answer: We should emulate the ideal that God’set up at the beginning of His creative acts. In the beginning of creation, God acted upon the principle of living for the sake of others. In other words, everything that He did was for the sake of His creations, whom He hoped would develop into His partners of true love. The practice of true love is the nucleus of God’s creative activity.
Therefore, to become God’s children, our first responsibility is to resemble Him. We need to embody true love. The way to embody true love begins by living as a filial child, then a patriot, a saint, and finally a divine son and daughter of God. At that stage we can experience the innermost emotions of God’s heart and resolve the grief that He has experienced for tens of thousands of years ever since the fall of Adam and Eve.
God is almighty. It was not due to any shortcoming or lack of ability that He has been imprisoned in great pain and has endured immense suffering behind the scenes of history. Rather, there are provisions in the Principle of Restoration, which He was not free to disclose, that called Him to wait with forbearance until Adam and Eve’s positions, lost at the human fall, were recovered with the appearance of the perfected “Second Adam”. Although God is all-powerful, He will not set aside the eternal laws and principles that He Himself established.

The Importance of Lineage

Do you know what has pained God’s heart most, causing Him the greatest grief over the long history since the fall of Adam and Eve? God lost His lineage. And with the loss of His lineage, He lost His right of ownership.
Let me talk about lineage for a moment. Lineage is more important than life and more important than love. Life and love come together to create lineage. Lineage cannot be established if either life or love is missing. Therefore, among the three qualities that define the parent-child relationship, love, life and lineage, lineage is the fruit.
God’s lineage contains the seed of true love. God’s lineage provides the context and environment for a true life. Hence, for us to become the ideal people envisioned by God, that is, people of ideal character, and to create ideal families, we first need to be linked to His lineage. To take it a step further, only when we are linked to God’s lineage is it possible to create God’s homeland, the ideal nation. Only when we are linked to God’s lineage is it possible to establish the kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world. Please inscribe the importance of lineage in your hearts. I cannot emphasize this enough.
Without lineage, neither life nor love can endure. You strive to set a good tradition, but it will endure only through your lineage. Lineage is the bridge allowing the parents. spirit to carry on through subsequent generations. In other words, lineage is the first and final condition necessary for parents to harvest the fruits of their love, the fruits of their life and the fruits of their joy. We need to know this with certainty.
Yet when Adam and Eve fell, this lineage, more precious than life, was lost. The fruits of true life and true love never matured. They became the fruits of Satan, lacking any relationship with Heaven. From them descended the six billion people now covering the earth.
God intended for the seeds He planted in the springtime of the Garden of Eden to grow into a bountiful crop that He could harvest in the autumn. The ideal of God’s creation was to raise Adam and Eve, His son and daughter, to the point where they would blossom in true love, flourish with true life, and bear fruit in a true lineage. God desired to harvest owners and families of eternal life, eternal love and eternal lineage, and to harvest His kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world as their homeland.

God’s Suffering in Search of the True Parents

Instead, false love, false life and false lineage infested the earth. God’s love, life and lineage fell into the hands of the adulterer Satan, the enemy of love. Heaven and earth were suffocated and transformed into hell. The world became a wretched place, far from God’s presence. Yet humanity to this day lives in ignorance of this.
People are deluded into believing that the lineage of the enemy is the lifeline upon which the world depends. This is the wretched truth about humanity descended from the fall. That is why we refer to this world as hell on earth. God views humanity’s tragic situation with a heart full of pain.
After creating Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, God intended to wed them with His Holy Blessing and bequeath to them Heaven’s right of ownership. God wanted Adam and Eve to inherit from Him the ownership of the entire universe.
Because of the fall, however, all this came under Satan’s control. God is like a father who worked and sweated his entire life to accumulate assets for his children, only to have a thief steal everything in one night.
Who can comprehend the sorrowful, painful heart of God? God lost His lineage, lost His children, and was forced to hand over the ownership of the nations and world to Satan. There was only one way to recover this lineage and ownership. This was the path to win the natural subjugation of Satan, to have Satan surrender voluntarily. What is the secret to accomplish this? It is only by the power of true love, when we love our enemies more than we love our own children.
Was there ever a time when God could rejoice with human beings as their True Father and True Mother, enjoying the natural bonds of parent and child? Has God enjoyed even a year of comfort with His children, knowing that what He created was good? The answer is no; God has not enjoyed it even for one hour. And has anyone been able to comfort God in this pain? No, because no one has known the reason for the unbridgeable gap that has separated God from humankind for tens of thousands of years. No one has known why God and humanity are in such a tragic circumstance.
The biblical account of Cain and Abel reveals the beginnings of human conflict right in Adam’s family. It provides the archetype for humankind’s unending history of struggle, war and conflict. We are conflicted on many levels, beginning with the war between body and mind within each individual and extending to wars between nations and even to the global conflict between materialism and theism.
Extreme selfish individualism threatens our prosperity even today. We deem young people to be the hope of humanity holding the promise for the future, but drugs and free sex enslave them. Advanced countries seem to believe that material goods are all that matter. They recognize only their own interests while ignoring the misery of tens of thousands who die of starvation every day.
Who can untie this ancient knot of Cain and Abel? It has been tightened for thousands of years and grows ever more tangled. Do you think the United Nations can do it? The U.N. at its founding proclaimed a movement for world peace, and for sixty years it has dedicated itself to this task; yet world peace still remains far distant. Peace among nations can never come when those entrusted with the task have not resolved the Cain-Abel relationship between their own mind and body. Therefore, the time has come to launch the Abel-type sovereignty for the peaceful, ideal world that will set its course according to God’s will.
God eagerly anticipated that someone would appear and resolve these tragedies, but no such person appeared on earth. God waited and waited, looking for anyone who would take on the role of the True Parent. If someone had come forward, I am certain that God would have appeared in his dreams, carried the sun and moon to him, and showered him with lightning of joy and thunder of ecstasy from the heavens.
In this sense, it is a miracle of miracles that for the first time in history a man has succeeded in attaining the position of Adam. He has secured the status of the owner of true love and received God’s anointing as the True Parent of humanity. It is an amazing fact that his lifetime coincides with yours, and that you and he breathe the same air. He is the horizontal True Parent, who comes to rescue fallen humanity. I, Reverend Moon, gained victory in that position. And on that foundation, on January 13, 2001, I dedicated to Heaven the “Coronation Ceremony of God’s Kingship.” By that ceremony I liberated and released God, the vertical True Parent who has taken responsibility for the Providence of Restoration. In all of history, this was the highest and greatest blessing humanity has ever received. This victory was absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal. Through this absolute providential victory, God’s body and mind are completely liberated!

The Way to Peace Through the Holy Blessing Ceremony

Respected leaders! Our bondage to the lineage of Satan has caused so much suffering throughout history. Let us now boldly step forth to sever it and be grafted onto the root of the lineage of the True Parents. Why should we foolishly continue to live and die as wild olive trees? A wild olive tree, even if it lives a thousand years, will only continue producing the seeds of more wild olive trees. Where can we find the path to escape this vicious cycle? It is through the Holy Blessing.
The Holy Blessing Ceremony offers the grace of being grafted onto the true olive tree. It was instituted by the True Parents, who bring God’s true lineage to humankind. Once you change your lineage to God’s lineage, your offspring will belong to God’s lineage naturally. The Holy Blessing is received in three stages: resurrection, rebirth and eternal life. Once you receive the True Parents’ Holy Blessing, you can give birth to pure, sinless offspring and build an ideal family.
The best way to receive the Holy Blessing is with someone from another race, nationality or religion. I call this an “exchange marriage”. This contributes to the enormous task of transcending the barriers of race, culture, nationality, ethnicity and religion and creating one family of humankind. In God’s sight, skin color makes no difference. God does not recognize national borders. God does not stand behind the barriers of religion and culture. They are nothing more than the Devil’s tricks. He has used them to rule over humanity as a false parent for tens of thousands of years.
Imagine two enemy families who have cursed each other throughout their lives, people who would never dream of living together. What would happen if these families joined together through an exchange Holy Marriage Blessing? A son from one family and a daughter from the other family become husband and wife, love each other and build a happy home. Would the parents in each family curse their own children? When their son loves this beautiful daughter of a hated enemy, and she as their daughter-in-law gives birth to Heaven’s grandchildren as pure and clear as crystal, the grandparents would smile with pleasure. In time the two lineages that were once soaked with enmity will be transformed.
What method other than exchange marriage will empower Whites and Blacks, Jews and Muslims, Orientals and Westerners, and people of all races to live as one human family? The ideal family is the model for living together in peace. The ideal family is the nest where we live and learn to become one. There we have the foundation of love and respect between parents and children, shared trust and love between husband and wife, and mutual support among siblings. For this fundamental reason, you should receive the Holy Marriage Blessing from the True Parents and establish Heaven’s tradition of ideal families, even if it means risking your very life.

A Life of True Love

Let me reiterate: To resemble God, the original Being of true love, we should become the owners of true love. We should embody true love and practice it in order to develop our character. This is the way each of us can become true parents.
What is a life of true love? True love is the spirit of public service. It brings the peace that is at the root of happiness. Selfish love is a mask for the desire to have one’s partner exist for one’s own sake; true love is free of that corruption. Rather, its essence is to give, to live for the sake of others and for the sake of the whole. True love gives, forgets that it has given, and continues to give without ceasing. True love gives joyfully. We find it in the joyful and loving heart of a mother who cradles her baby in her arms and nurses it at her breast. True love is sacrificial love, as with a filial son who gains his greatest satisfaction in helping his parents. God created the universe out of just such love: absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal, investing everything without any expectation or condition of receiving something in return.
True love is the wellspring of the universe. Once we possess it, true love makes us the centers and the owners of the universe. True love is the root of God and a symbol of His will and power. When we are bound together in true love, we can be together forever, continually increasing in the joy of each other’s company. The attraction of true love brings all things in the universe to our feet; even God will come to dwell with us. Nothing can compare to the value of true love. It has the power to dissipate the barriers fallen human beings created, including national boundaries and the barriers of race and even religion.
The main attributes of true love are that it is absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal, so whoever practices God’s true love will live with God, share His happiness, and enjoy the right to participate as an equal in His work. Therefore, a life lived for the sake of others, a life of true love, is the absolute prerequisite for entering the Kingdom of Heaven.
Respected leaders, you are now living in the age when all marriages can receive God’s Blessing. God’s promises are coming to fruition. The Kingdom of Heaven on earth, God’s ideal of creation, is being established before your eyes.
I dedicated my life of more than eighty years solely for Heaven. It has been a lonely path, stained with blood, sweat, and tears. Yet now it is bearing victorious fruit for the sake of the world’s six billion people. From the spirit world, the Founders of the world’s religions, tens of thousands of saints and your own good ancestors are watching your every move. Whoever, therefore, strays from the heavenly path will be punished accordingly.
In more than 180 countries, Ambassadors for Peace who have inherited Heaven’s will and tradition are making serious effort, day and night, to proclaim the values of true love and true family. They are moving forward with full force to establish the kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world on this earth.
In the Middle East, one of the world’s tinderboxes, Jews, Christians and Muslims have found the resources in my philosophy of peace to engage in a new dimension of dialogue. In past decades my Unification Thought played a decisive role in ending the Cold War. Now I am successfully leading behind-the-scenes efforts to bring about the reunification of my homeland of Korea.
But I am not yet satisfied, because I began my life’s work at the command of Heaven. I have come as the True Parent of humankind with God’s anointing, and I am determined to keep my promise to Him. I am determined to obliterate all national divisions and barriers that have poisoned this earth and to establish the kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world, where all people everywhere can live hand in hand.

Ambassadors for Peace are Heaven’s Secret Envoys

Respected Ambassadors for Peace: I believe you have learned many things through this message from God. You represent Heaven, and as long as humanity continues to drift aimlessly, it needs your help. Please take this opportunity to make a new determination to be Heaven’s envoys, prepared to uphold Heaven’s command. With this in mind, I would like to summarize today’s message so that we can all take up Heaven’s mission and inscribe it deep within our hearts.
What did I say we lost by the fall of Adam and Eve, who were created as God’s children?
First, we lost the realm of the lineage given to us by God. Lineage is the most special among all gifts parents bequeath to their children. By the fall, Adam and Eve inherited the false lineage of Satan and descended to the status of his children. We must understand with certainty that all human beings today, without exception, are descendents of the fall and have inherited the lineage of Satan.
When God created Adam and Eve, He invested His entire being, 100%. He created them based on the standard of absolute love, absolute faith, and absolute obedience. He gave them His lineage as the seed for their love and life. Likewise, from this moment, God is re-creating you as new people. The path is open wide for you to change your lineage through the Holy Wine Ceremony that the True Parents have instituted. The Blessing is yours, either as newlywed couples or as already married couples, that you may establish true families.
Second, the fall caused the loss of the realm of sibling love, when in the family of Adam the older brother Cain killed his younger brother Abel. God’s original family structure was full of blessings, including love and harmony among siblings. The fall degraded the sibling relationship to a rivalry filled with envy and resentment.
To restore this problem in the lineage, I am leading humanity worldwide to join in exchange marriages. These marriages restore the original family structure, when those who are “Abel,“ relatively closer to Heaven’s side, take on the subject role and the position of the older brother.
Ladies and gentlemen, because I spent my life discovering and disclosing these secrets of Satan, it was inevitable that I would face persecution. At times the suffering was so intense as to be indescribable in words. Now, however, I am victorious over all obstacles. I can therefore declare the Age After the Coming of Heaven, the age when the power of Heaven becomes manifest.
On this foundation, I am building a worldwide Abel-realm that brings together religions and nations representing seventy percent of the current world population. To create a corresponding worldwide Cain-realm, I am bringing together all those born with the Mongolian birth mark, which includes some seventy-four percent of the world’s population.
Now these two, the worldwide Abel realm and the worldwide Cain realm, must become one and unite with the Universal Peace Federation, which has been initiated as the Abel sovereignty. To establish the kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world, we must transcend religious affiliation and nationality and remove all national boundaries and other barriers. I would like to reiterate that this is the only way humankind will be able to achieve the original ideal of creation. It is our destiny to fulfill this responsibility. By doing so, we will establish the original right of ownership lost by the fall of Adam and Eve.
As you form this new Abel realm, please remember that now you are charged with digesting the Cain realm throughout heaven and earth. By doing so, you will create the conditions to establish the New Heaven and New Earth, the Kingdom of God on earth and in heaven, with God’s complete authority.

A Project for Peace

Leaders from around the world, let me take the opportunity provided by today’s distinguished forum to reiterate the proposal I made for a truly providential and revolutionary project. For the sake of peace and human welfare, and also for building God’s fatherland and original hometown, I propose that we build a passage for transit across the Bering Strait, that remnant of Satan’s historical division between east and west, and north and south, and where the North American and Russian land-masses are separated.
This passage, which I call the “World Peace King Bridge and Tunnel,” will link an International Highway System that will allow people to travel on land from Africa’s Cape of Good Hope to Santiago, Chile, and from London to New York, across the Bering Strait, connecting the world as a single community.
God is warning us that He will no longer tolerate separation and division. Carrying out this project will bind the world together as one village. It will tear down the manmade walls of race, culture, religion and country, and establish the kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world that has been God’s cherished desire.
The United States and Russia can become as one. The European Union, China, India, Japan, Brazil and all nations, and also the world’s religions, can combine their energies to succeed in this project. The success of this project will be decisive in establishing the kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world, where people will no longer make war with each other.
Ladies and gentlemen, some may doubt that such a project can be completed. But where there is a will, there is always a way — especially if it is the will of God.
The science and technology of the twenty-first century render it possible to construct a tunnel under the Bering Strait. The construction costs are also not a problem. Think of how much money the world is wasting on war. Humanity needs to realize that we are committing fearful sins in the presence of history and our descendants.
Let us take one example. How much money has the United States spent on the war in Iraq during the past three years? It is approaching $200 billion. That budget would be more than enough to complete the Bering Strait project.
In this age, war is a most primitive and destructive means of resolving conflict, and will never lead to lasting peace. Now is the time, as the prophet Isaiah taught, to beat our swords into ploughshares and spears into pruning hooks. Humankind should end the perverse cycle of war, which only sacrifices our children’s lives and squanders astronomical sums of money. The time has come for the countries of the world to pool their resources and advance toward the kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world desired by God, the Master of this great universe.
Ladies and gentlemen, humanity is traveling down a dead-end street. The only way to survive is to practice my teaching: the peace philosophy of true love, true life and true lineage. Now that we have entered the Age After the Coming of Heaven, your good ancestors are activated and the heavenly hosts are sweeping down upon the earth. Soon the countries and peoples that appear strong and mighty will change course and shift in this direction.

Our Mission

I leave you with a choice. There can be no perfection in ignorance. The message from Heaven that I convey to you today is both a blessing and a warning to this generation. I will take the lead in establishing true families, true societies, true nations and a true kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world. Will you join me as I rise and gain strength in accordance with heavenly fortune? Or will you remain captive behind the same old walls, all of them Satan’s handiwork: the wall of your religion, the wall of your culture, the wall of your nationality and the wall of your race, and spend the remainder of your time on earth in agony and regret? Heaven is summoning you to be the wise leaders who will set aright this world of evil and establish a new heaven and new earth, a new culture and an ideal kingdom.
The Universal Peace Federation, which was born through the concerted efforts of those here, represents God’s victory, the fruit of the True Parents’ blood, sweat and tears, and the world’s cherished hope. It will carry out the role of an Abel-type counterpart to the existing United Nations, a new sovereignty for building a realm of universal peace known as Cheon Il Guk. Please bear in mind that you are given the heavenly mission to build God’s substantial homeland, which is nothing less than the ideal which God intended at the time of the Creation.
Think of the peacekeeping work of the United Nations. Sometimes it withdrew its forces before the mission was completed. The Korean War was one such example. For this reason, on October 20 in Ukraine, during the world tour of 120 nations inaugurating the Universal Peace Federation, I declared before the world the establishment of the “peace kingdom police force” and the “peace kingdom corps” for the welfare and future of humanity.
These two organizations will safeguard order and peace in the new world. Humanity is still ensnared in the traps of division and self-interest, which are remnants of the Age Before the Coming of Heaven. These two organizations will be the vanguard for educating humanity in true love in the Age After the Coming of Heaven. The purpose of this education will be to create the true individual, true family, true nation, true world and true universe.
I hope that you will put on new “true love armor” in this new age and be wise and brave activists in the universal peace kingdom corps, for the sake of humanity’s future.
Please inscribe this warning from Heaven deep in your hearts. Remember that the only way to inherit Heaven’s lineage and establish the realm of liberation and complete release is through the Holy Marriage Blessing instituted by the True Parents. Furthermore, the Holy Marriage Blessing provides the means to establish God’s ideal family and the kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world.
I ask you to devote your best efforts, as the True Parents have, for the development and success of the Universal Peace Federation, and toward creating God’s ideal family, ideal nation and the peace kingdom. Please become true princes and princesses who can attend and live together with God, the eternal Peace King and True Parent of humanity. Let us live up to the standard of a true filial child, patriot, saint, and member of the family of God, and create the eternal kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world.
May God’s blessings be with you, your families and your nations.
Thank you.