

Belvedere--International Training Center, Translator--Peter Kim, May 26, 1996

[Mr. Peter Kim has the audience repeat Father's title in Korean] Sook-Myung-Juk Nah-ui Sehng-Eh. My Life's Fate and Destiny.
Destiny refers to a horizontal concept, whereas fate refers to a vertical concept. When the vertical and horizontal concepts work together we discover the center. Our fate cannot be changed, we simply have to
follow it. Without having a center established, our destiny refers to a horizontal relationship between subject and object. Therefore, when a division occurs between subject and object, then this destiny can be changed. Westerners have a tendency to flow with this horizontal destiny, whereas Orientals have the vertical concept as their beginning.
For thousands of years Oriental culture has been based upon farming and agriculture. This has caused them to build a vertical concept of looking toward heaven for the blessing of weather and crops. If you are a serious farmer you have to look toward the sky daily. You have to observe the direction and strength of the wind. As a farmer, this is how you connect yourself to heaven. The four major religions of the world all emerged from the Asian continent which is the center of spirit.
Western culture originated from the North Pole. They have been hunters. As a hunter you are always looking down in search of prey. In that sense the Western culture had some advantage. As hunters they always had to trace the animals' footprints in the ground. This caused them to cover great distances and this is how they came to pioneer all the different continents of the world and develop various civilizations. We cannot deny this. Our lives are a part of a culture that we are presently creating, as well as a part of civilization. Orientals, for example, write vertically from right to left. Westerners write horizontally, from left to right. If we try to combine the Oriental and Western way of writing we find it cannot be done. The ideal vertical line should be only one.
Throughout history there has been no central ideology. There have been various ideologies, all at different levels. However, there has been no connection from the individual to the cosmic levels. They have all had their various agendas. The nation of America is proud of being a world super power. However, the lives of individual Americans are not all in line with the national goal and direction of America. As individuals, we all have our own philosophies, ideologies and ethnic group ideas. In this modern world there is no unity because there is no center. If there is no center, then like a boat, it will sink.
Father's topic, My Life's Fate and Destiny, means even if you as an individual have your own life, you cannot stick with your own thinking. Rather you have to follow the direction of your family. The family should follow the direction of the tribe. The tribe should follow the direction of the nation. The smaller purpose is always living for the larger purpose and whole. As an individual you cannot become the center of the universe. It requires a central ideology which is able to represent the individual, family, tribal, national and world levels. In this modern world individuals have their own ideas, but at the end of their lives it amounts to nothing. It becomes extinct. The individual level should always be able to expand to the family level. This expands through all the various levels. This is the process of development. This is the way we can form the central vertical line.
You might try to form a circular sphere as an individual, family or tribe, but as long as you are separated from this central line you will never be able to reach to the top and will ultimately waste your life. We always have to be connected to the central line. Do you want a straight line in your life or a zig zag line? (Straight line.) In order for you to be able to live a life on a straight line, you need a straight concept. Do you have a straight concept?
What is the destiny of a life of individualism? It is destined to a road of decline. In the end you will lose everything. Individualism will lead you to destruction. Those who insist on following the way of individualism will be pushed out by the universe. This is reality. Do you follow Father? (Yes.) It is absolutely necessary that you establish your central line. What level of central line do you want to establish? (Family central line.) In American society couples are breaking up every single day. This is a serious problem. If God indeed exists, can we conclude that we need our center for every level of our life, from the individual up through the cosmic level? (Yes.)
Everything originates from God, forms a sphere and eventually returns to God. This is where the concept of Alpha and Omega comes from. Then shall we welcome or reject individualism? (Reject it.) The family consists of many individuals. If an individual member of a family is in need of something then the entire family will also be in need. However, we cannot simply cling to our own family and not care for other families. The same is true at the tribal level. If each tribe remains isolated one from the other, we can never have peace and harmony in the world. We need to unite many tribes in order to form a nation.
There are 184 member nations of the United Nations. But if each nation sticks with their own national interests there can be no concept of a world. If each of these 184 nations insists on being the central nation of the world we would have war. If America insists on being the central nation that the world must follow, the rest of the world would spit at America. Above America is the world and universe. As long as America sticks with its nationalistic pride it will never be able to embrace the world. Then only conflict will break out between the various races and religions. As long as America continues along this horizontal line, the force of gravity will drag it down further and further.
What is the center and direction of the entire world? No one knows the answer to this question. Even though everything may become united at a horizontal level, if this center continuously moves, only destruction will result. There will be conflict because other centers will form and try to take over. How can there be a concept of eternity in such circumstances? We cannot deny that everyone desires one eternal center for the world. Once this center is secured we will be able to begin building a world of ideal peace and happiness.
Unification Church Blessed couples have a tendency to focus upon their own families. As long as your family is secure you don't really care about the movement. If your life is based upon this belief, even if your family lasts for thousands of years, eventually you will be destroyed. Because there is no connection to the central line. There is no future for your family if you maintain such a philosophy. Do all the limbs and organs of our body act according to their own individual thinking? Rather they all follow a central direction. What is that central direction? It is the function of the conscience. Our conscience always tries to maintain balance within ourselves. But our body continually tries to take subject position which causes conflict within ourselves.
From the beginning of human history this conflict between mind and body began. This conflict has continued up to this present time. Until we realize total unity centered upon our conscience, there is no hope for humanity. The lives of the saints of history have always advocated the subjugation of the bodily desires. In order to do this, the various religions all advocated the practice of sacrifice, service, fasting, obedience and chastity. Such disciplines were intended to establish the central position for life. Because we have a conscience we are able to attain higher and higher goals. However, our bodies rebel against this. In order to reach to the higher levels of conscience, it is necessary to eliminate our bodily desires.
In today's world we witness the conflict between mind and body. All of the various dictators of history have all lived their lives based upon bodily desires. Consequently, all of them eventually just disappeared, because the bodily way of life leads one to destruction. No matter how beautiful a woman may appear physically, if she clings to the desires of her body she is destined to Hell. What is your position? Are you on the side of your body or your mind? (Mind.) If our lives are based more than fifty percent on our mind then we can cross over the borderline. However, if we don't even have fifty percent of our lives dedicated to following our mind, then we are still on the other side. Do you follow?
Humanity can be categorized into two groups. Those who live their lives centered upon their bodily desires and those who try to center their lives upon the mind or spiritual life. If we say the right hand side belongs to God and the left hand side belongs to Satan, would the mind be on God's side or Satan's side? (God's side.) What about the body? (Satan's side.) Do you believe this absolutely? (Yes.) Have you ever considered to whom your five senses belong? If you have one eye belonging to God and the other belonging to Satan, then your life will be standing at the crossroads between Heaven and Hell. These are not Father's words, this is the universal law.
Our conscience knows exactly where we are positioned. There is no excuse. Do you belong to Heaven or to Hell? (Heaven.) It is easy to claim that you belong to Heaven. However, to make it a reality is not so easy. Is it easier to go to Heaven or to Hell? (Hell.) You don't need any training, prayer or discipline of any kind in order to go to Hell. Just follow the ways of the secular world and you will easily be able to enter into Hell. However, in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, you have to cut off all of your secular concepts and ways of thinking and being. Do you think that it is possible to hold a meeting of conciliation between God and Satan? (No.) Is that an absolute, unchanging, eternal 'no'? (Absolutely No.)
If compromise is possible between God and Satan, naturally Satan would invade. The same is true within ourselves; if we allow compromise then Satan will invade us. As Blessed couples of the Unification Church, do you expect to go to Heaven or Hell? (Heaven.) Just by saying so? It sounds good but in reality it is not so. This is a problem. Each one of us knows ourselves. Everything, including our lives, originated from God. Therefore, centered upon our conscience, our five senses must be united. From this center we expand all the way to the cosmic level and return again to God eventually. As an individual we begin from this point [indicating to the board] and continue to expand outward to the cosmic level.
Should we have one center or two? (One.) If you decided to climb up the Empire State Building using a ladder, would you prefer one continuous ladder, or a ladder that is split into several parts? (One continuous ladder.) Actually, ladders usually have two parts. We can compare the relationship between our mind and body to this ladder. Even if we begin from two different points, eventually these two should connect and go around and return to the same original point. This is logical. This starting point is myself, including my family. We all have the desire to be the center of our family, tribe, nation and world. Don't you all desire for your family to become the royal family of the entire humanity. Don't we all have this desire? (Yes.) Actually the poorer your life, the greater your desire in this regard.
[Father draws on the board] This line clearly indicates the center. The top of this line should be Heaven and the bottom Earth. Even if we visit Hell, this principle still applies. The entire world of Hell will desire this principle. If we are in the position of this central family and we go to Hell, the entire world will follow, because we are a part of this whole. When the whole moves, as an individual you cannot be separated from that. Even Hell will welcome you if you play that role. Do you agree? (Yes.) Is it your life-long goal to seek Heaven or Hell? (Heaven.) Where is the beginning point? The individual and the family. The family unit is represented by man and woman as plus and minus.
The entire universe consists of the subject and object relationship. Vertically we have our mind and body. Our limbs move, centered upon the mind. This mind is your conscience. No matter how difficult your situation might be, you have to follow your mind. This is our fate which cannot be changed. This is our destiny. This destiny means that only you can fulfill it. It is yours alone eternally. There is no power that can cut off the relationship between parents and children. Within the Oriental language we make a clear distinction between fate and destiny. Fate is eternal and unchanging. Whereas destiny is interchangeable at a horizontal level.
What is the vertical center within our families? Your parents are the center of your family. Nobody else can replace their position. Since your parents are the center of your family, even if there are billions of different families they cannot replace your parents' role. Can you deny the fact that you came from your parents? (No.) This is eternally true. This is what we refer to as our fate.
In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were supposed to become totally united into one. When we refer to their unity, does it mean the unity of Adam and Eve alone or other people as well? (Adam and Eve.) No one else can interfere in that unity. Otherwise, God would have created three or four, or even one hundred individuals in the beginning.
Did Adam and Eve's sexual organs belong to them alone? Did Adam's sexual organ exist for the sake of Eve and Eve's for the sake of Adam? (For each other.) That is correct. The concept of love is absolute and unchangeable. Adam and Eve had their destiny also. No one realized this fact until now. Man and woman cannot be born as they wish. We have no choice. We can never alter our fate. Marriage is on your line of fate, not just your destiny. Fate is eternal. Do you clearly understand Father's explanation of fate at a vertical level, and destiny at a horizontal level? Whoever follows the central line, the line of fate, is on the right track to Heaven.
Human beings have been wasting their lives, wandering around trying to find success, happiness and peace of mind. When Father refers to our destiny, he is not referring to one aspect of our daily lives. He is referring to the whole spectrum of our entire lives. Our daily life eventually accumulates into our entire life. If we accumulate a good daily life then we create good fortune fate. Do you understand? (Yes.) Did any woman here have a choice about your birth? It is your fate to be women. If you accept that reality can you alter your fate? No. There is no freedom there. A woman has her destiny as a woman. The same applies to men. It is the destiny of man to seek woman and for woman to seek man. That is your road of fate.
Our road of fate lies before us in order that we might perfect ourselves as individuals, become parents and raise our children in a family environment. That is our fate. Our family structure consists of up, down, right and left, parents and children, elder brother and younger brother, and husband and wife. Centered upon True Love this creates perfect families. Is this clear? (Yes.) Even if Father claims not to like this way, still each of you have to like this way and follow it absolutely. Even if Father were to abandon this way of life and go in the opposite direction, as long as you follow this principled lifestyle, you will go to Heaven. Do you understand Father clearly? (Yes.) If you truly understand then you no longer need a teacher or a master. If you truly understand all that Father has taught you here this morning, then you need no further education.
If this world consists of all different kinds of isms, would you rather cling to cosmicism or Godism? (Godism.) Why Godism? Because this is the original alpha point and we have to go back to omega. At each level, individual, family, tribe, nation, world and cosmos, the center point is God, because everything originated from God. This is the boundary between Heaven and Hell. [Father indicates on the board with a diagram] The center point on each level is the family. In our family, our parents are the center. How about in our village? Usually the mayor's family would be the center. At the national level, the president's family would be the center. At each level there should be a central position. In the Last Days, when the King of King's comes, the central family will be established. When Jesus came to this world, he came to receive his bride and form a true central family.
Whatever direction you come from, as long as you find the True King's royal family, you will be on the central line. That is why the royal family has been clung to throughout history. As Unification Church members we all wish to follow and be with true children. This is how we are able to be connected to the True Parents. What is God? He is the King of each and every level, all the way to the cosmos. Finally, He is God of God. Based upon this universal law and principle, what kind of ideology do you think that the world would adopt? A democratic ideology, or a kingship ideology? (Kingship.) What will happen to the democracy of this America then? Once this kingship appears, America's democracy will oppose it. No matter how much opposition there might be, this kingship concept is our destiny. The democratic world is now rotten with corruption of every kind.
In the democratic world, when a presidential election is held, all manner of power is manipulated in order to win. Even the power of dirty money is used. They manipulate with media. In some cases they even use a beautiful woman as a tool in order to gain more votes. Do you think such a trend should continue or be cut off? (Cut off.) In order to do so, we have to be able to educate people logically so that they can understand why it should be cut off and follow the heavenly way. This principle is the way to do so. As we continue up through the higher dimensions, at each higher level, the lower levels are included. Because of this particular relationship, from nation, to tribe, to family, to individual, centered upon your family, unification can begin.
Therefore, do you want to set your life-long goal based upon this principle that we learned from True Parents this morning, or would you rather have a secular philosophy? (True Father's teaching.) But True Father is Korean and the Western world doesn't like Korea. Koreans are making reformation, making new developments, giving hope. It is said that Koreans may be more troublesome than Jews. (Laughter.) At the same time we also have to admit, that because of their unique characteristics, historically Korea has produced such a person as Reverend Sun Myung Moon.
Throughout the entire five thousand years of Korean history there has never been any moment when Korea declared total freedom. The land of Korea has been oppressed, controlled, dominated and persecuted by the so-called major powers of the world--China, Soviet Russia, Japan and even Western powers. Therefore, deep in the hearts of Koreans is the sentiment that some day Koreans will rise up and dominate the entire world. This has been the life-long goal generation after generation. The leading force of this burning desire has been the various prophecies and predictions in Korean history.
In comparing the history of Israel and Korea, we find that Israel had to wander in the wilderness for two thousand years. In Korean history, for almost seven thousand years, including Chinese history, we see that Korea has been unrecognized. Abandoned in a way. Koreans believe that even Chinese characters were originally invented by Koreans. The Koreans are the only race who absolutely worship God and their ancestors. Therefore, an order from the grandparents or parents is tantamount to an order from God in the minds of Koreans. Grandparents are considered to be in the position of God. The younger always obediently follows the elder within the Korean family structure. This family ethic is found only in Korean families. So if God wishes to send the Messiah, then God must choose a Korean family.
In Korea there is a common tradition that children are willing to sacrifice their lives for the sake of their brothers and sisters, and their parents; that parents are willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their children. All family members are willing to sacrifice for one another. It is only within Korean families that we find such family commitment. Such families will become central families at any level. If American families are able to adopt this same tradition of Korean families, then no matter how many centuries pass, American families will be the central families of the world.
America is considered the super power of the world, and the materialistic culture of America is influencing every nation of the world. It is also influencing the family structure of Korea so that many evil things are occurring even within Korean families now. Therefore we hear the cry, "Yankee go home!" You don't like to hear this. Right now Reverend Moon is giving you surgery, otherwise you will never have a new life. Reverend Moon is not only cutting all of you open, but your families, tribes, and nations as well in order to remedy this problem. However, they don't want to feel the pain of surgery and so they try to drive Reverend Moon away.
If Father looks at the nation of Japan he sees that one of its legs is rotten. Therefore, Father cuts off this rotten leg and all the Japanese people protest that it is painful and they don't wish to lose this leg. They try to expel Reverend Moon for this reason. In the case of Great Britain, perhaps the brain of the nation is no longer functioning. Therefore, Father tries to do brain surgery in order to rectify this problem. But they want to chase Father away. As a medical doctor Father is rejected around the world because no one wants to experience pain. Do you like medical doctors? (No.) Usually, from the stage of infants all the way up through to grandparents, we all fear doctors. (Laughter.)
Reverend Moon has come as the physician who is able to cure the disease of the human fall. This causes humanity to tremble and run away from Reverend Moon's surgery. Since we became Unificationists, we know clearly what the disease of the Fall is. We understand which part of our lives is now damaged by this disease. On a Sunday morning, for example, you wake up at 3 a.m. in order to attend Belvedere and listen to Father. Even though your mind desires this your body tries to persuade otherwise.
In order to create a fine sword, it takes a great deal of beating and pounding of the iron and placing in the fire by the blacksmith in order to create this fine sword. Therefore, would you want to be hit only 100 times or 1000 times? How about forever thousand times? (Yes.) Then a strong sword would emerge. From this example, are you able to imagine the kind of training God gave to True Father? Until this time, God never provided anything voluntarily for Father. Father had to work in order to attain everything. However, based upon a promise with God, Father is the one who has been shedding his sweat, tears and blood all of these years in order to reach the point of promise. This is how God helped Father. Otherwise, how could he claim him as the Son of God? Whenever God promised something to Father, usually God pushed Father into a prison.
Father realizes that the testing ground for him during this particular time period is in the countryside of South America. Therefore, voluntarily Father went to South America before God asked him to do so. Even if God pulls him away, Father will continue to go there. This is how God will end up being pulled there by Father. God will follow Father. Because without Father in this physical world, there is no way to find the final culminating point of the Will of God. How about all of you? Are you able to find it without Father? (No.)
The youth of this nation of America refuse to follow Father to South America. Father has done everything that he has to do in this nation of America. It is now up to you. In a way Father is abandoning North America in order to concentrate on South America. However, in the near future Father may leave South America and go to Africa. Through this route he will return once again to Asia. Father desires to go to Africa in order to save those individuals who are dying of starvation daily. When that problem is solved, then Father will eventually return to Asia.
As True Parents to humankind, Father has the responsibility to save those twenty million people who are dying of starvation every year. This is the reason why Father is focusing on the projects in South America at this time. In the past twenty years, Father took every possible opportunity to be out on the boat fishing, setting the conditions to save these people. Have you heard of the so-called 'boat people'? Who is going to take responsibility for those twenty million people dying of starvation every year, as well as the boat people? Do you imagine that America or the United Nations is going to do so? Even if funds and materials are donated, by the time it reaches the people in need, it is only about thirty percent of the original amount.
Only under Reverend Moon's help will these organizations deliver 100 percent to those people in need. (Applause.) The work of the American Red Cross and the United Nations needs to be combined together in order to provide even more food and materials that are needed. Because the Unification Church members who are working for these projects will never steal anything, we are able to guarantee that 100 percent of the supplies will reach the people in need. Therefore, Reverend Moon has this much credibility on the worldwide level.
You don't need a teacher in order to understand at what level you are standing. Father has hardly covered the introduction to his talk and two hours have passed already. The reason being that we all have so much garbage within ourselves. Father has to actually clean you all out in order to give the message. It is the same principle as creating the environment first and then the creation of Adam and Eve. Do you understand? (Yes.)
Do you wish Father to continue on this subject when he returns from South America next time, or would you prefer him to continue now? (NOW.) As long as we stay on the central line, then no matter how wide your dimension may be, just look up at your central, vertical line and you will never lose your way. Don't feel dizzy. Just stay on the center. God's absolute love heart is one dot. Is this clear? (Yes.) The True Love central family will be welcomed by everybody.
[Father draws on the board] Divided by this central line, the left side represents Satan. Centering upon this original point there will be eight different levels of development. But at each level there should be a central family. The universe is the extension of your family. Just as within ourselves we have our mind as our center. Likewise, when we enter into our family we should find our parents there, in the position of our mind. However, in the secular world everyone feels they have the right to launch a demonstration against the mayor or president. This kind of individualism destroys this modern world.
Communism was once prospering and they claimed that they would conquer the world. However, within seventy years the demise of Communism came about. Communism actually spread the evil social forces of striking and demonstrating. They are the experts in demonstrations. However, this became their downfall. But as we continue through each level the basic principle of living for the sake of others applies throughout. This is how we can progress. If you live only for your own sake you will decline.
On this left side, which belongs to Satan, there is no spherical movement. No matter how hard you might try to climb the ladder, there are no pillars to support the various layers. We refer to this as Hell. This is the world of conflict and destruction which represents Hell. Do you have this conflict between mind and body within yourselves? (Yes.) As long as this conflict exists within yourselves there is no God. Our mind, which is in the position of subject, must be united with our body.
In the world around us, from the mineral kingdom all the way up to human beings, the subject and object relationship is always operating. The purpose of subject and object is to come into unity. Because of the pair system, movement occurs. This morning we have learned from Father the central concept. This represents Father's very topic this morning, a life of destiny and fate.
Can you have many sets of grandparents? (No.) Is your answer absolute or temporary? (Absolute.) Within American families we find step-grandparents as well as step-parents. If such families exist, are they destined for Heaven or Hell? (Hell.) This universal law cannot be altered by any human power. Grandparents stand in the position of God within the family. They stand as the special emissary of God within the family. Our parents stand in the position of king and queen of this physical world. Our elder brothers and sisters stand in the position of the directors of the governmental branches of our nation. Therefore, we must obey the law within those boundaries. There is no concept of individual freedom existing there.
The central law of America is the American Constitution. Centered upon this Constitution you have ordinary laws in 360 degrees to cover the entire spectrum of your lives. The Constitution stands in the vertical position, whereas the minor laws are in a horizontal position. The combination of the vertical and horizontal make perfection at the national level. We see the subject and object relationship within the American legal system between the Constitution and ordinary law. This teaches clearly that all human beings have dual characteristics. There is the vertical center and the horizontal center. As long as this vertical line exists, no other species can intercept. This is the law of evolution.
As long as we have this clear understanding of this universal law which Father is teaching here, then no matter where we may go we will prosper. Father's message is a universal proclamation because he is teaching the universal law. Have you ever thought about this? Often we have a very careless attitude toward Father's messages to us. Do you clearly understand? (Yes.) Father is teaching Godism. No matter where you may look within the world, there is no other ideology greater than Reverend Moon's Godism in this world. Why? Because Reverend Moon's Godism is teaching that we have to liberate God and assist God in reaching perfection. Do you understand? Without our couples we cannot liberate or perfect God. The family is this important. It is the original foundation of God's ideal of creation.
As you claim to understand clearly Father's message, regardless of Father's presence in this world, now Father can claim that the world will be turned toward God and His Kingdom will come on this Earth as it is in Heaven. True Parents are the owner, teacher and master who came to save the entire world. That is what True Parents means. Even at an individual level God favors True Father the most in this world. On the family level God likes True Father and True Mother the most. But when it comes to the level of true children, they still have to go through the growth period just as Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. They still have the freedom to choose. God instructed Adam and Eve not to eat of the fruit. Because Father and Mother brought true children to America early in their lives, they actually received a lot of damage because of this American culture. Had Father kept them in Korea this would not have happened.
The true children have to absolutely obey and follow True Parents; otherwise there is the possibility of them deviating. We also stand in the same situation. Once we restore the church, national and worldwide level, then all those who deviated will be cut off. There will be three different stages for the marriage Blessing. There will be a church level Blessing, a national level Blessing and a worldwide level Blessing. The criteria of whether we go to Heaven or Hell will be how much purity our Blessed family lineage preserved. This will determine where your tribe will belong.
There are five billion people in the world, but the central line is only one. Father has accomplished many projects and has touched virtually every area of the world. In every level of society Father has reached the top. Even in the world of sports the Il Hwa soccer team won the Korean national championship three years in a row. This became an historical record. They became the Asian champion team. Recently they played a top South African team which had been champion in fifty-two nations. Il Hwa soccer team beat this South African team five to zero. (Applause.) Also the Il Hwa team beat the famous South American soccer teams from Brazil and Argentina. The Il Hwa soccer team's background is God and True Parents. This makes them number one.
Until we reach the goal of liberating and perfecting God, the Unification Church will have to prosper. This is logical. We now know that we absolutely need our family. Therefore, have pride in your family's ability to liberate your tribe, your nation, world, cosmos and even God Himself. That should be the pride of our families. All Blessed couples, show your hands to Father please. Many Blessed couples have lived their lives on their own without having this central goal. However, we now understand clearly, do we not? (Yes.)
Do you wish to see your family expanding as the central family all the way up through the cosmos? (Yes.) Have you taken the time to think about the lives you all lived prior to joining the Unification Church and your lives since joining the Unification Church? Have you considered the kind of revolutionary life course you have all undertaken? Have you evaluated your lives in this way? (Yes.) Do you see a great transformation in your lives? (Yes.) How far are you willing to travel and to reach to what?
Even if there are thousands of princes and princesses in the palace, when the king holds a banquet they all have the equal right to participate in that banquet. The same is true for every aspect of everyday life in that palace. There are no obstacles to any of them to participate in life there. They all are able to claim it as their own palace and kingdom. As long as you become one, united upon True Love, then everything belongs to you. True Love can create perfection at every level of existence. How wonderful True Love is. How much do you appreciate and desire True Love? (Very much.) More than your life? Is this true? (Yes.)
The meaning of mansei is long life. It also is the meaning of perfection, of hope. What a wonderful concept this is. How wonderful True Love is. Every part of ourselves appreciates True Love. (Yes.) Based upon True Parents' foundation, from the individual to the world level, anyone who is united with True Parents along this line is able to travel freely to any level they wish. There has been no one other than Reverend Moon in the whole of human history who has been persecuted by the entire spectrum of Heaven and Earth. Persecution is not necessarily a bad thing. The strategy of God is to receive the attack and then to conquer. Whereas the strategy of Satan is to attack first and then lose everything.
The four thousand years of human history was indemnified by True Father within forty years. Following World War II, if Christianity and America had united with True Father, then the entire world could have been restored within seven years. The ideal world could have been built. Father had that much preparation and foundation back in 1945. However, this foundation was lost due the failure of the chosen people to unite with True Father at that time. It was possible for Father to have come up with a Heavenly Constitution within which the universal law would naturally be included. [Father now draws Chinese characters on the board and begins to explain their meaning] Let us evaluate this Chinese character here. The top part half moon shape symbolizes the entire universe and God. It is like the house or dwelling of the entire universe. The next part of this character symbolizes three levels of formation, growth, and perfection. The center line connects these three stages and this symbolizes the king. The character belonging to the one symbolizing king represents four different directions. The last one at the bottom symbolizes my own.
Centering upon God, all the four directions evolve together under God's rule. Father thinks that this particular Chinese character was formed in such a way especially for the Last Days when Reverend Moon would appear to reinterpret the meaning of this character. (Applause.) [Father continues to draw on the board and explain the meaning of certain Chinese characters] This particular Chinese character consists of the natural water flow. These three dots represent the flow of water, like a river. The flowing current of the horizontal world. The faster the river runs, the cleaner the water will be, whereas the slower the water runs the more stagnant the water will be. In the steep mountains the water runs very fast, producing crystal clean water.
We find the waters of the oceans constantly moving. No matter how huge the waves may be, eventually they come down to the flat point. This is where give and take action occurs. If there is no wind, then there are no waves. The wind always blows from the higher place to the lower place. The high air pressure always travels down to the low air pressure. This process sometimes produces tornados and hurricanes. Wherever there is an abundance of water and air, nothing is able to stop them. Anything in their path will be eliminated. Even water drops from your roof top are eventually able to make a hole in solid rock. Because of this power, water is able to travel both high and low.
Water and air have the ability to penetrate any open space. Suppose the water and air of this world had their own agendas. What would happen? They are shapeless materials. Also there is no shape within eternity and so everyone likes that. The eternal shapeless form is what everyone likes. We have ascertained that both water and air travel in eternity. How about love? Does love travel a one-way course? It travels everywhere. Suppose there was a competition between air, water and love in terms of their speed and intensity. Which would have the greater power? (Love.) In terms of ability to travel anywhere and infiltrate anything, love would be the winner.
The power of love is able to penetrate the power of death. Not even a steel plate could obstruct the course of love. The characteristics of love are such that there are no obstacles in its path. The world of love has no boundaries nor obstacles. It is wide open and eternal. It is beyond time and space. The place of absolute, limitless freedom is the Kingdom of Heaven. Can you understand this concept? (Yes.) The culminating point of love is one dot. That dot is God's heart. This is the realm of true, unlimited love. This Chinese character [indicating to the board] represents Heaven, and this character represents house. Heavenly house. It also consists of two people. Therefore, Father interprets this as the cosmos being the house for men and women.
We therefore need man and woman. [Father continues to explain the meaning of Chinese characters by writing on the board]. This Chinese character represents virtue. Embracing power. Father's explanation and deep interpretation of these various Chinese characters is very meaningful. For example, within the Chinese character representing sacrifice, this first character represents lamb. Then it is combined with another character which represents myself. Therefore the interpretation of this word is the sacrifice of oneself for the sake of others.
Orientals are taught this particular philosophy and way of being from very young. Therefore, usually Oriental diplomats are superior to Western diplomats in terms of human relationships. We Unificationists have been serving True Parents for over forty years, yet still we are unable to deeply understand True Father. After forty years of following True Father we feel tired, yet we realize that we have to continue to follow Father. (Amen.) But there is excitement in this course, is there not? (Yes.) No matter how many hours Father spends teaching you, without realizing how many hours have gone by, you simply surrender yourselves to receiving Father's message. Isn't this true? (Yes.) We are all working in the place of the True Parents as Unificationists. Just like the interpreter here today is speaking to you in place of True Parents. However, once we deviate from True Parents' standard we will be eliminated. It is this serious.
Let us return to Father's topic this morning. We must all understand that no matter where we may go, as long as we center ourselves around this central concept and live according to that center, then we will never violate the Heavenly Constitution and we will be welcomed. Do you understand? (Yes.) As long as your life is centered upon True Love, then every member of your family will want to remain eternally with you. Therefore, when you go out to the world, the entire universe will respond to you in the same way.
What color is this handkerchief? (White.) To whom does it belong? (Father.) However, Father does not think of it as belonging to him. Rather he feels that this belongs to God first. This is the difference between Father and us. Even a small item such as a handkerchief Father does not regard as belonging to him. Father's thinking is that first of all it belongs to God and the entire universe all the way down to every single individual in this world. Therefore, even if I use it to clean my nose I cannot throw it away. I have to keep it and fold it and continually find a clean spot on which to wipe my nose. When there is no more clean spot left on the handkerchief, then Father finally returns it to his pocket. Because this handkerchief doesn't want to leave from the true owner.
When you sit down to eat, don't you feel like taking the most delicious food offered there? When Father asks all the various foods if they would like to come closer so that their master can consume them, they all respond "yes". You have to be the master of True Love. Not the master of fallen love. If you are a True Love master you should reach for the dish that is furthest away from you. If you practice this method of True Love, eating the least desirable dish first, then others who are with you at the table will eat the most delicious food first. That way, it will all disappear. If the dishes that are not favored by other people still remain because you will be the only one eating them, then these foods will long for you and follow you because you are the only one who cares about them.
The entire creation understands that they want to be under the dominion of and consumed by the True Love master. All creation wants to contribute to the formation of True Parents' bones and flesh. Unification Church members, standing in the position of True Parents, should consume food in place of True Parents. Every one of your five senses, your mind and your body should all function in the place of True Parents. (Amen.) Even as you proclaimed that, your eyes were looking down. You should proclaim while looking up. Do you clearly understand Father? (Yes.)
True Parents stand in the position of representing the center of the individual, family, tribe, society, nation, world and cosmos as a King. Everyone desires to reach that position. They long to cling to True Parents in order to become the embodiment of the True Parents. We stand upon Father's victorious foundation in being able to declare elder sonship, parentship and kingship. We are now in the era of Kingship. Therefore, from the individual level all the way to the cosmic level, the various aspects of the projects and works Father has created can be united with Father's central true family.
Adam was in the position of the elder son. He was supposed to grow into the position of elder parent and then eventually he was supposed to become the elder king. The central king. However, all of these positions were lost due to the Fall. In this era of Kingship we have right wing and left wing ideologies. Because of this separation, up until now there has always been conflict. There was no natural flow of give and take until now. This conflict has existed at the individual level between mind and body, at the family level between husband and wife and right up to the worldwide level.
These eight different layers on the heavenly side and satanic side [indicating to the diagram on the board] had thick boundaries in between them. However, centering upon true family, these two worlds should become united vertically with a natural flow of give and take. Then all boundaries will be eliminated. Once this occurs it will form a 360 degree spherical movement. This is the Kingdom of God on Earth. The Unification Church has reached the pinnacle of the entire world now.
At the national level on Capitol Hill and at the worldwide level at the United Nations, True Parents have successfully brought various denominations of Christianity together as well as various aspects of human life. Now all other religions of the world should all become united as well. This is now the goal Father is pursuing.
Humanity has been divided horizontally by thick boundaries at eight different stages. However, in this era of Kingship, centered upon true family, all of these barriers and walls should be torn down. Because of this separation and division, elder sonship and kingship have all been denied. Now is the era for the tearing down of all of these walls and boundaries and for all humanity to become engrafted onto true family. By doing so this vertical shape will be able to absorb the entire eight stages of human life on both the right and the left, thus bringing them into unity with this vertical shape. The most critical problem which this world is facing right now is the problem of family breakdown. Within this secular world there is no concept of individual, family, society, nation, world and God. They deny everything. However, in the world of unification, centered upon True Parents, we have the individual center, the family center, tribal center, national center, world center and even universal center. Now True Father is forming this blessed family.
True Father's work has been to eliminate these horizontal, satanic divisions and separations and absorb all of them into the vertical line of human life. Then to restore the role of Adam and Eve. Adam was supposed to have been in the position of elder son, parent and king. But all was lost due to the Fall. Now Father reestablished this form centered upon Blessed couples. The secular world represents the left wing concept. From this worldwide scale, even Communism has come down to the level of nationalistic Communism. It will come down even further to the ethnic and family level Communism. However, within Communism there is no such concept as family. They have no cornerstone in the family.
The smaller this horizontal world becomes, the greater and more expansive this vertical world will become. Eventually, this horizontal aspect of life will be absorbed by this vertical shape and form a globe. Once the entire people of the world are united with the love of True Parents and honor True Parents, then this entire world will become one sphere, centering upon true family, true clan, true tribe, true society, true nation, and true world. Eight different stages will be formed as one unit. Once this world is formed you will be able to travel to any level. Wherever you go there will be no obstacles. Because you will be going in the place of True Parents. This is the world of unification.
The secular world has lost everything. They have lost the concept of the world, nation, tribe and family. Individuals are left to themselves. They become like hippies. In the midst of pouring rain they have no idea which direction to go in. They stand waiting for the rain to stop. This is how they eventually lose themselves in the midst of free sex, drugs, homosexuality and other social evils. This is the foundation of the secular world all over the world. This is the Kingdom of Hell on Earth. It all began from the point of the action of love. However, because of the wrong direction of this action it has manifested into this satanic world. The correct direction will create the heavenly world. This means the direction has to be changed 180 degrees. We live our lives centered upon sexuality. Through the expression of physical love the families of True Love, True Life and True Lineage are established.
All true happiness and freedom are connected to this place. If husbands and wives fight with one another, happiness and freedom are lost. Our love organs are the headquarters palace of love, life and lineage. This palace does not reside within God. Human beings' sexual organs are where the palace of True Love, True Life and True Lineage dwell. Without true loving couples and families, God is not able to create perfection. It is through the unity of our minds and bodies, and the perfection of our love that we have the power to perfect God. That is the value of human beings. We were created for this important purpose.
We have to walk the road of heavenly fate. Between man and woman, who stands in the central position? (Man.) This is the principled formula. The road of heavenly fate is centered upon our families. Then it is extended to the tribe, society, nation, world and cosmos and eventually back to God. At every level the center is the family. The expansion of your family is the world. Your family consists of grandparents, parents and children. In the world at large we can see couples who represent grandparents, parents and children. Wherever you may go serve the people as if they were members of your own family. If you serve others in this way there will always be prosperity. This American society centers itself upon couples. But where are the grandparents, parents and children of these couples? The American way of life is a failure from Heaven's point of view. If America continues on this path they are all doomed to Hell. Father has come as the doctor who is able to heal the ills of this society. This is why Father works day and night shedding blood and tears everyday in order to save the families of this world.
If we visit the parks of the cities of America, we will find elderly people sitting, looking aimless and homeless. Approach them and ask them if they would like to visit the homes of their children and play with their grandchildren. All of them would say that they would like to. However, they all feel they have to make an appointment in order to visit their own children's homes. Who created such a terrible society? Satan did. God's ideal of love was destroyed by Satan. Satan was originally the Archangel who was created by God without a partner concept. Therefore, this Archangel has created such an evil society where the ideal of love has been destroyed and deviated. That is why we are witnessing the rampant abuse of love through free sex and homosexuality. These acts have their origins in the fallen Archangel, Satan.
If the entire humanity were to follow the way of homosexuality, how long would humanity last? The entire humanity would become extinct within one generation. It is because Satan wants to see the total destruction of humanity that these terrible trends have come about. We have to understand this. Do you think that the American society is good enough to belong to the Kingdom of Heaven? (No.) Since grandparents represent God, they are in the position to be able to visit their children's and grandchildren's homes whenever they want. There should be no barriers at all between them. However, in this society, at every level, restrictions and obstacles exist. When we become old we desire to become the friends of children. This is why grandparents are the best friends of their grandchildren. Just as children are pure and innocent with no desires, so aged grandparents have to become this way. This prepares them to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.
Human beings emerged from zero. Then as children grow they develop and learn and their world emerges. On the contrary, as grandparents become older, all aspects of their lives shrink until they return again to the zero point again. Our origin was not our choice. As we grow old we again return to the point of zero.
When a child is born, the entire family is mobilized in order to give the proper support and care for that child to grow to maturity. When grandparents become old and helpless, the entire family should again mobilize to provide the smooth and comfortable path for grandparents to return to zero. That is their preparation for Glory. This is how they should end their lives and return again to God. Do we dislike our aged grandparents? (No.) American couples usually do not wish to serve their parents-in-law. They also limit the number of children they have so they can enjoy their lives as a couple. If there are only two of you, who would want you?
If you are able to truly devote yourselves to your grandparents, your parents and even your husband or wife when they can no longer take care of themselves with greater devotion than you gave to your infant children, then you will gain a free pass to the Kingdom of Heaven. Do you Americans understand? (Yes.) This is very important for you to understand and act upon. Do you feel good? (Yes.) Not everyone has the privilege of serving their elderly grandparents and parents. Therefore, we should demonstrate this heart of love to others in the place of our elderly grandparents and parents. If you give your heartfelt service to elderly people, this practice of life will give you the qualification to enter Heaven. If you are able to create such a family environment of being able to welcome every level of people then your family will be called the palace of grandparents, the palace of parents, and the palace of children regardless of race. How precious this headquarters family palace would be.
If we want to be the people who are able to travel this heavenly highway, then as a prerequisite we have to be able to reach the ideal family level. Then we will find ourselves upon the highway. If there are ten people within your family and you dedicate yourself for these ten family members, you will automatically become the center. The more you invest and forget, the more you will become the central person and owner.
Women had no choice about being born as women. Therefore, they have no right to choose to dislike man for all eternity. The same is true for men. (Amen.) That which is the absolute truth for women is also the absolute truth for men. As soon as women conquer true men that means that they have mastered the truth. Some women may question why they were born as women. But you cannot complain about your identity. Woman is like a box that contains something precious. Suppose you have something far more precious in your box than any man. You wouldn't trade the precious item in your box with one hundred men. As you know, men are unable to give birth to children. Even though men desire their lineage, by themselves they are unable to give birth to their children.
On the other hand, women have to receive the seed for their baby from their husband. If you desire to receive this precious seed of the baby, should you be humble or arrogant? (Humble.) Your breasts belong to your children. When mothers feed their babies, is it more comfortable to sit on the chair or on the floor? If you sit on the floor you make a cradle with your legs and with your arms you support the child. Therefore, Father is instructing Unificationist women how to sit when they feed their children. If your husband wants to give you a kiss while you are sitting upon a high chair and feeding your baby, he is only able to approach you from behind. However, if you are sitting on a flat open floor your husband is able to kiss you from 360 different degrees. (Laughter.) How much happier that woman would be.
We need to combine both Western and Oriental cultures. It is the custom in the West to keep your shoes on until you go to bed. It is like animals who walk around in the mud and dirt and then just fall down and sleep like that. But human beings should be different from animals. Orientals have the tradition of looking up when they walk and of removing their shoes when they enter their home. The reason why Orientals are usually shorter in stature is because they look up when they walk and so this makes them want to sit down more and rest. Whereas Westerners are always looking down when they walk and this makes them desire to reach up toward the sky. (Laughter.) This isn't Reverend Moon's imagination, but rather a logical explanation.
In the Last Days it is natural that Western women will long for Oriental men and Western men will long for Oriental women. Is America or Asia represented here in this congregation today? Those who claim yourselves as pure Americans, raise your hands please. Not so many of you. How about Orientals? Wow! Oriental power! (Laughter.) When you Americans look at these many hands, is this fearful Oriental enemy power or your friends? (Friends.) Because they are here to save your nation of America.
Father abandoned his family and nation in order to come to save America. Without loving the four different races of people represented in this country, Father doesn't feel he can return to love his own nation and ancestors. We should be able to offer our love, care and service to people of all different races more than we do for our own race. Only then will we be qualified to return to God. Father teaches us the shortcut to the Kingdom of Heaven, which is that the individual must live his or her life for the sake of the family, the family for the tribe, the tribe for the nation, the nation for the world, the world for the cosmos and the cosmos for the sake of God. God lives for the sake of us.
When we reach the level where God can love us at the level of perfection as individuals, families, nation and world then we can truly claim to be one with God. This is how we are able to occupy everything centered upon True Love. Can you do it? (Yes.) You sound good. By now you have received enough information of how to solve the worldwide problems and even more. We all have five senses. These five senses all exist for the sake of their object. We understand the concept of subject and object relationship, don't we? (Yes.) Your husband represents the perfected individual king, the king of the family, the king of the nation, the king of the world, and the king of the cosmos. That is the value of your husband.
Your husband came all the way down from God as the seed of life. Transcending the cosmic, universal, world, national, tribal and family levels. The gift of life which you receive from your husband is not for your sake. The seed of your children is given for the sake of the entire universe and cosmos. Representing your family, nation, world and universe. Your husband came from the cosmic level of God all the way to the individual level. Now as you receive the seed of life from your husband your child will return in the reverse way back to God. It is an incredible fact that your husband came all the way down to your level to find you and give you the seed of life. Once you truly understand your husband's cosmic value, can you ever consider divorcing? (No.) It is through your sexual organs that you are able to travel to reach to eternal happiness, peace and freedom.
In order to receive this true seed of life, so many women have been persecuted by men in the position of the Archangel. Because the Archangel denied every aspect of God's ideal. Therefore, the Unification Church is the place of mass weddings centered upon God. If none of this were true, then why should Reverend Moon have had to pass through so much persecution and indemnity. In order to establish this family tradition, Reverend Moon had to pass through such difficult courses and give you this family foundation as a gift. We must clearly understand this. The moment of sexual intercourse between man and woman is a most serious moment.
We cannot trade this precious gift with the entire world even if you live for billions of years. As a blessed couple when you encounter beautiful men and women in the secular world do you still lose your hearts? (No.) This is a most serious matter. The task is how can we maintain our lineage of purity for thousands of thousands of generations to come. The point of proclamation is your marriage. Because of the misuse of the sexual organ at the time of Adam and Eve, that one particular misuse of this organ has caused thousands of years of pain and indemnity to God and humanity. Do you clearly understand? (Yes.)
[True Father addresses the clock on the wall] You clock, stop ticking. (Laughter.) Once Father is in the mood to continue, he doesn't want to consider the passing of time. However, when he looks at the clock he loses his power. If you attend a feast or banquet as a guest, once you have eaten and enjoyed all the wonderful food offered, then you are free to leave and go home. When you come here as the guest of the feast, once you have enough then you leave and go home. The host of the feast or banquet usually doesn't eat until all of the guests have finished eating. Whatever is left over the host will eat. In other words, the people who remain until the end of the banquet are the owners. Those who leave early are like the thieves. Which category of people would you prefer to belong to? (Owners.)
We don't have anything to be proud of as men and women. Because from the moment we were born we had no choice. Nothing belonged to us. As women you like to decorate yourselves and walk down Fifth Avenue and be proud of yourselves. However, there is nothing for you to be proud of. No matter how wonderful a family you might form, if you don't know God you are a failure. You must be able to register within the heavenly registration book. No matter how famous you are in this world, unless your name is listed in the heavenly registration book, you are doomed to Hell.
As an American citizen, even if you are physically crippled, you are still proud of yourself. A passport signifies that you are a citizen of a certain country. But we need a passport in order to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Only after you register as the citizen of one nation are you eligible to apply for a passport. When you are born, your birth is registered. When you marry, your marriage is also registered. When you die, registration has to be completed. Without registration your existence doesn't mean anything. Have you all been registered in the Unification Church Registration Book? (Yes.) Was your birth registered there? Father requires an answer from you. (Yes.) At the time of your birth? (When we joined the church.) That is correct. When you joined the church it was recorded. It is equivalent to recording your birth. You all have spiritual parents. Just as the Archangel has only one parent, so we also have only one spiritual parent. In the archangel position. The archangel doesn't have the concept of a partner, nor property, nor family, nor tribe.
After you record your birth in the Unification Church you also pass through marriage. When you enter into the Kingdom of Heaven you should be welcomed as heavenly citizens in that world. We have three different stages or gates that we have to pass through. Through the Blessing we become one tribe. There is no concept of America, no concept of Japan. We are talking about one tribe and one nation. After your Blessing you need to adopt the language of your Parents.
If a British bride went to the Netherlands and found her husband there, can she insist that her husband's family adopt the English language as their mother tongue? (No.) Then what language does she have to learn? She must put the English language aside and learn the Dutch language. Otherwise, she will fail to be received by her new family. You might feel sad because Father gives you these challenging words. However, even though Father realizes it might be difficult for you, still he has to tell you this truth.
Once you enter into the Unification Church you have to speak the language of the True Parents. The first citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven is True Father. Next is True Mother. Therefore, we have to learn the language of the True Parents. Once this heavenly sovereignty is established, those who are unable to speak Korean will not be able to put a foot on this sovereignty. Do you want to see Father secure an American passport? (NO.) Does that mean that once Father holds an American passport that all Unification Church members will have to speak English? (No.)
There is always a central root system of any tree. There is a central trunk, and on the top a central bud. This vertical line is very important. Surrounding the central bud are the branches of the tree. In the spring we might see many different kinds of buds. However, the central bud must be straightly aligned with the trunk and central root of the tree. In the world of trees, what is the center? The largest and straightest tree would stand as the central tree. In order to maintain this position it has to have the straightest line from the central bud, the straightest trunk all the way down to the central root. This one straight line is essential.
[Father draws on the board] This is the seed of a tree. As it germinates it becomes a tree root, trunk and bud. This vertical line is represented by the trunk. Within every aspect of the tree there is the realm of plus and minus. Give and take action occurs among plus and minus centered upon the central trunk. When you drive along you see thousands of trees. Father would like you to learn a lesson by observing these trees. From one small seed a huge tree is eventually created with hundreds of various branches. No matter how small a seed might be, the value of this seed is equivalent to the original seed of the tree. The original seed being plus and the new seed in the position of minus. Everything in creation develops and multiplies based upon the principle of give and take action between plus and minus.
If you were to create a beautiful statue of your husband out of gold and live with that statue your entire life, would you be happy with that? (No.) It is pure gold. Isn't that wonderfully precious? (No.) There can be no give and take between husband and wife if the husband is made out of pure gold. Suppose there is a humble looking beggar next to this wonderful golden statue. Would the wife living with the golden statue give her kiss to this beggar rather than the golden statue? She would surely choose the beggar man. Giving a kiss to this poor beggar man is more precious than giving a kiss to this precious golden statue.
By following the path of money, knowledge and power can we find love? (No.) In order to receive love we have to humble ourselves and make ourselves the objects of love. Only love for the sake of others will bring love from your partner to you. Did God create love for the sake of Himself or for the sake of others? (For the sake of others.) The love of God is absolutely unselfish. If Father had accumulated everything for the sake of himself since coming to America and used others for his selfish purpose, would any of you be here today? (No.) Since coming here over twenty years ago, Father has never spent even one second for the sake of himself. On the contrary, he has mobilized all possible manpower, money power and whatever he could for the sake of this nation of America.
Righteous Americans have no choice but to bow down to the dedication and sacrifice of Reverend Moon and Unification Church members. (Applause.) In the near future we will see that wherever Unification Church members live, the entire people of that place will come forward to praise and offer banquets for these Unification Church Blessed couples. They will realize that they were supposed to learn from these Blessed couples. However, all manner of opposition came to these Blessed couples. Once they realize the injustice of this persecution they will come forward and praise you and offer banquets for you.
The secular world has virtually been lost from the level of the individual all the way to the world level. However, the people of this world, when they look inward, they will see that everything is being recreated by Unification Church members from the level of the individual, family, nation and world. Therefore, in the near future Father declares that the entire world will be restored in a flick of a second. Can a true Unification Church member be bought for ten million dollars? (No.) How much of a price tag do you want to place upon yourselves? This means this sister is more valuable than a mountain full of diamonds and nothing else can replace her. Is this true? (Yes.) That means if she has to live her life all alone, still she should feel happy.
Unification Church members are the new breed whom the secular world is unable to control with money. Unification Church members have the special quality that even if the throne of a king is offered to you, still you would abandon that and keep your status as a Unificationist. There is true value there. Do you think that Reverend Moon could still remain as the founder of the Unification Church if he had been bought with money long ago? (No.) About fifty years ago when Father first wrote the Divine Principle in Japan, a Japanese tycoon had the opportunity to read this handwritten copy. He realized that this was the truth which could save the entire nation of Japan and the world. Therefore, he offered Father as much as 250 billion dollars for the Divine Principle. However, Father did not sell it. Do you imagine that Father would sell the Divine Principle if he is offered the entire nation of America? (No.)
What then can buy the Divine Principle? (True Love.) That's right. (Applause.) There are so many problems in this nation. Conflicts between various religions, races and ethnic groups. However, all of you maintain that you want to adopt the life of True Love. That is why Father is offering the Divine Principle freely to the world. Can we estimate how much value True Love possesses? It is priceless. Do you understand? (Yes.) All of you long for True Love. But are you able to see and touch it? (No.) Have you seen True Life and True Lineage? (No.) We are not able to see True Lineage, True Conscience, True Love and True Life. But still we all possess them.
Since we are the children of God we possess all that God possesses. Just as we have love, life, lineage and conscience, so God has love, life, lineage and conscience. But by Himself God is not able to see, touch and feel these things. All by Himself He is unable to utilize them. We do not pay attention to our constant heartbeat or the blinking of our eyes. The reason being that we are one with ourselves. The same principle applies to God Himself. A woman possesses love, life, lineage and conscience but she is not aware of them. But the moment a handsome man appears before her, these unseen elements will begin to function just like thunder and lightning. It has the power of a volcanic explosion.
If you don't have your ideal spouse, then your ideal love, life and lineage have no meaning. The same principle applies to God. No matter how great God may be, as long as He remains alone His life, love and lineage have no meaning. That is why God began to create, in order to fulfill His love. However, God's True Love ideal was destroyed because of the Fall of Man. The sexual organs of man and woman are the starting point of either Heaven or Hell. The misuse of the human sexual organ creates Hell. We see in this fallen world the result of the misuse of love, the misuse of the human sexual organ. Fallen humanity is worse than animals.
In God's ideal there is no concept of free sex. Only an absolute, eternal sex concept. Unchanging and unique sex concept. This way leads to the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. This is a most logical conclusion. Therefore, be very careful regarding your love organ. Never allow yourselves to be seduced by this satanic secular world. The fallen love practiced in this secular world is very dirty. Is this clear? (Yes.) Your sexual organ exists for the sake of your True Love partner. Not for anyone else.
The marriage of Adam and Eve was supposed to have been the time of God's marriage also. The vertical love as the central line, combining with the horizontal line. All by Himself God is unable to experience the love of children, brothers and sisters, husband and wife, and parents. Adam and Eve were the manifestation of God on the Earth. At each level of their development they represented the visible God. As they were growing up as two aspects of God, they were observing the creation around them. They became aware that everything surrounding them existed in a pair system. This is a ladder of love. The mineral world desires to climb up to the vegetable world. Vegetables desires to be absorbed by the animal world. All creation desires to be absorbed into higher and higher creation. The highest creation is man and woman. God's love partner is entitled to eat anything in the creation. All creation exists for the purpose of love. Therefore, before we eat, we have to truly love everything. All things desire to be consumed by the subject of True Love. Nothing can compare to the preciousness of True Love. The True Love owner can occupy everything.
We all have the desire to conquer something. However, at birth we were in the position of total negation. We were at the stage of water and at that stage we desired to conquer our mother in the womb. Even though we were within the womb of our mother, instead of being conquered by our mother we actually conquered our mother. Then we conquer our father. The seed of life travels from God representing the entire universe. It travels through the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms and comes to the point of the human seed of life. In the animal kingdom all male animals contain the seed of life of their species. It might have taken billions of years in order to reach that stage, but it is a fact. The male animal is always more beautiful than the female. Is this true in the case of human beings? (Laughter.) Why do you laugh. Is man or woman more beautiful? (Woman.) That is true. God, who is the king of all knowledge, art and science, had no choice but to create women more beautiful than men. Amen. (Amen.) If there is a woman who has an unattractive face, but has beautiful hips and breasts, she is considered beautiful.
Through what power are you born to conquer your mother? The seed of life traveled all the way from God, penetrating the entire universe and came to you as the seed of love. Therefore, with this power we should be able to conquer both our mother and the universe. While inside the mother's womb there is a natural flow of nourishment from mother to child. This is a natural way of conquering our mother. We consist of the seed from our father and the flesh of our mother. When life is being formed within the mother's womb, is the seed from the father or the flesh from the mother in the position of subject? (Seed from father.) The father's seed is absolutely subject.
The seed of life which is inherited from our father is almost invisible to the naked eye. However, contained within it is the entire universe. Combined with the flesh of the mother a new human being is created. Proportionately, the flesh of the mother makes up ninety-nine percent of the new child. Even though proportionately there is so much imbalance, still the seed of life is the center and core of the child. Therefore, we should love our father before we love our mother because our father represents the central core and stands in the position of God in terms of giving life to the children. The father stands in the position of king of the family. However, within secular families this concept does not exist.
Have you American brothers loved and recognized your mother more than your father? (Our father.) Do you really mean that? (Yes.) If you truly mean what you say, then you are already qualified to enter into the kingdom. Father stands in the position of the central axis. However, if you place your 360 degree axis on your mother, you don't know where you will end up because that center will float around. Who has the greater tendency to change easily, men or women? (Women.) Then how can we place woman in the position of the central axis? Who is the subject of the mother? (Father.)
The children have to stand in the position of objects to their mother as subject. However, the mother alone does not have access to the seed of life. Only through unity with her children can she become qualified to come to the father of her children. Based upon the unity of mother in the subject position, and children in the object position, they can come before the subject of the family, the father. This is how the mother can receive the seed of life from the father. As a wife, you must come to your husband with your mind and body totally united centered upon True Love.
It is the mother's responsibility to share all nourishment and her flesh and blood with the child while it is inside her womb. Once the child is born the father has the responsibility to take care of both the mother and the child. The mother is responsible to raise the child and become united in True Love with the child. Just as the mother shared her flesh and blood with the child inside of her womb, now the father has to share his blood and flesh with the mother and child. Then throughout her entire life, the mother should be able to devote herself totally to her husband and child.
As children we need the love and devotion of both of our parents. This is how families are formed and developed. The father is the one who sowed the seed in the mother's womb. That seed became the origin of the child. Inside of the womb the child receives the flesh and blood of the mother. But when the child is born, it is the law of the universe that the father be responsible to share his flesh and blood with his children and his wife. When we grow and belong to the society and nation, the entire nation should provide that kind of support for us. The ideal king of a nation would be the one who devotes himself to the nurturing and raising of the ideal family. Then he can be referred to as an ideal king. This is how we can raise the perfected family so they can enter the Kingdom of God.
Without the Fall there would have been only one kingdom under God. Adam and Eve were in the position to reach the position of king and queen and care for the entire universe. They were supposed to be in the position of God to lead people to the Kingdom of God. Man and woman are two halves of one whole. Then where can they culminate again into one? The concave and convex shapes will meet at the central point of love. This is how they can meet with the vertical love of God. By themselves, man and woman are only half of a human being. When they meet in True Love they become a whole and complete human being.
[Father draws a diagram on the board] This very point is the beginning of human life. Man to this direction, woman to this direction. This is the stage of childhood, brotherhood and sisterhood. This is the stage of conjugal love. This is the stage of parents. At each level, centered upon parents, they prosper and grow. They discuss and solve everything centered upon their parents. This is how children grow and reach to higher stages of development.
Through the stages of childhood, brotherhood and sisterhood, couples, and then the stage of parents. Then God travels down to meet humankind. As human beings, men tend to have rougher characteristics and women have more feminine, softer characteristics. As we are growing up we separate from one another more and more. But as soon as we reach to this point [indicating to the board] we stop separating. Then we begin to move towards the center where we can find our ideal spouse. When we reach this central point of God's love as a man, as a woman we will have completed the love of childhood, brother and sisterhood, couples and parents. The completion of the realms of the spiritual world and the physical world is the point where man and woman marry. This is the point of stimulation, completion and perfection. Do you understand? (Yes.) Marriage is very important in the lives of men and women.
Even in the satanic world, most of the songs people sing are centered upon the relationships of love. A true masterpiece of any art form is that which describes the most detailed and the most stimulating point of love relationship. The most beautiful and artistic eyes in the entire world, are those of a woman who expresses the deepest longing for love. Without love all is darkness. As mother and children we receive the blood and flesh of the father and so we should serve him as the king of our family. If all the children cling to the mother, they are supposed to do so in order to show more respect and love towards the father. However, in the secular world they forget about the second stage. They just remain at the first stage.
It is natural for the children to cling to and feel closer to their mother. Because the children have received more than ninety-nine percent of their flesh and blood from their mother. But the father should not feel jealousy regarding this. Rather he should add more love and concern to the children so they can experience the complete love of both mother and father. However, in the secular world there is always disagreement between husband and wife over their children. When you look at your children you should recognize aspects of both father and mother within them. The husband is more rugged and stronger so that he can work more and earn money for the family.
In order to be qualified to stand as the True Father to humankind, imagine the difficulties, hardships and persecutions Father has had to endure and come through. Father's philosophy is not to become indebted to anyone. Father has conquered the top position in every field of endeavor. In 1992 Father declared the True Parents and the Completed Testament Era at the worldwide level. Because of this victorious foundation, True Mother was elevated to stand next to True Father, side by side. The motto for 1993 was, The Completed Testament Era and the Safe Settlement of True Parents. The motto for 1994 was, Let us Inherit the True Parents Victorious Realm. Through all of this, Father has completed his mission and has shared everything with humankind. The motto for 1996 is, Let Us Love True Parents and Be Proud of True Parents. Before loving yourselves, you should love True Parents. Reaching beyond your family level, you have to love and be proud of True Parents. True Parents are the only ones who were sent directly by God for the sake of humanity.
True Parents have walked the course of indemnity at the individual, family, tribal, national and worldwide levels for our sake. Therefore, we have no choice but to be proud of True Parents and to love True Parents. (Amen.) This means we have to love True Parents more than we love our own family and our own nation. Because of the fall of man, we have inherited false life, false love and false lineage. We have to transcend this realm and move into the realm of True Life, True Love and True Lineage. We have to abandon everything belonging to this false love realm and love True Parents and be proud of True Parents. Until now no one knew how to love True Parents and how to be proud of True Parents. With our physical five senses we have to begin to practice this. Because in the fallen world no one has ever reached True Parents standard of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and feeling. We are the ones who are privileged to reach this level with True Parents.
Even if you are in the position of the president of Harvard University, if you understand this truth then you will realize that you have been receiving so much blessing from God and your parents. Then surely you would have nothing but gratitude towards God and True Parents.
True Parents are your real parents. You have original parents. Do you understand this? (Yes.) Therefore, centered upon True Love you have true knowledge and true kingship. This means you have real ownership through True Parents. Therefore, we must be proud of True Parents and love True Parents.
Actually, as children we stole our flesh and blood from our father and mother. There is nothing which belongs to us. Therefore, we have nothing to be proud of by ourselves. The role of a woman is to raise her children and to build a proper vertical relationship with her husband. Once we form this perfect family then the nation is responsible to support your family. When thousands and thousands of perfect families such as this exist, then they form a nation. No matter how precious your family may be, you have to be ready to sacrifice your family for the sake of the nation. We absolutely need the sovereignty of the nation.
Even if we sacrifice our family and tribe we have to support our nation. Even Satan is using this tactic. If there had been no fall there would have been no national boundaries in existence. The entire world would have formed one nation. All of you, regardless of race, are brothers and sisters. If you have any feeling of prejudice toward one another you will eventually be exiled to the North Pole. The time of the mass migration is coming. Those who base their lives upon this kind of teaching and practice, will eventually live within the central mainstream. While others who don't have this understanding and practice in their lives, will eventually be eliminated.
Only the Unification Church is able to provide this ultimate truth to humankind. We are the ones who can consolidate and unify this entire world regardless of race, religion and nationality and build an ideal world under God. Therefore, we should have pride and continue to strive toward reaching that goal. There are millions of so-called Unification Church members in the world, but if any of them do not wish to follow True Father and do not wish to dwell with True Father they are not qualified to call themselves Unificationists.
When a husband comes home and finds only his children there he might comment that it feels as if no one is at home. Then his children will insist that they are there so how can he claim that no one is at home. So he will explain that he and their mother are one, so if their mother is not there then he is only half. Isn't that true? (Yes.) In America, we enjoy an affluent way of life. However, even though we may have the advantage of living comfortably in America, when Father is not here don't we feel that the entire country is empty? (YES.) Is this true? (YES.) Do you think that response would make Father happy? (YES.) Everything feels happy.
Father has not returned to Korea for over six months and so the church members in Korea are praying constantly to have Father return. However, when he was there all the time they seemed indifferent, but now that he doesn't go to Korea they are all anxiously praying for him to return. If Father were to visit your home, would you offer your bedroom so that Father could rest, or would you try to put Father up in a hotel nearby? (No.) Are you willing to offer your own master bedroom to Father? (Yes.) This means transcending race and nation, you can place True Father in the center with the husband and wife on either side, using Father's arms as your pillows, all embracing as one. (Applause.) When you smile this way you all look so beautiful. Father just doesn't know what he should do with you. When you smile so warmly Father has no choice but to smile back. (Applause.)
Once we have established the Kingdom of God on Earth filled with perfect families, we will be able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven in the spiritual world. Just as we were nurtured by the flesh and blood of our parents in this world, so we will be able to share the flesh and blood of God in the spiritual world. That is how we can dwell with God eternally. Our nourishment will be True Love in that world. This is how we will share God's love and flesh. The only thing that we can be proud of is True Love. God Himself is also seeking after True Love.
From the time of our conception we have received the flesh and blood from our mother. After we were born, united with our mother, we become one with our father. Once this perfect family is established, it multiplies and eventually forms a nation. Finally it reaches to the cosmos and God. This is the destiny of each and every individual life. We have to be totally united with our mother and then come before our father. Then as a perfected family become united with the king and entire nation. Then together with all other families of the kingdom, we enter into the Kingdom of Heaven and receive all the elements from God and praise Him.
God originally gave the seed of life to us. Therefore we have to love our father and mother just as we love God. Why do we need our mother? Because mother is the mediator in the position of minus to father in the position of plus. On the national level the mother will stand in the position of the queen. Then together with God all the many perfected families will form the ultimate cosmic family. This is the ultimate goal of God. American women should most especially come to this realization. Women represent the field where the seed is sown. The owner of the child is not the mother. The father is the owner.
The conflicts within American families usually end in the divorce courts. The justice system nearly always grants custody of the children to the mother who then claims alimony from the father. This is how the fathers have miserable lives. However, we have to eliminate this satanic law and set the heavenly constitution. When people come to clearly understand that the children belong to their fathers, then there will be fewer than one-third of the divorce cases than presently exist. Without Godism, how can we solve the many family problems. All of the religious, social and political leaders have no solution whatsoever to the problem of broken families. Only True Parents have the solution.
Unless Father reaches the top of any field he cannot rest, no matter what field of activity it might be. When we return to our families, we have to praise and serve our father and mother just as we do God. As a child we have to serve our mother just as we serve God. Then together with our mother we have to serve and be united with our father centered upon True Love.
This is the formula course for everyone to walk. Within your family you cannot be proud of yourself. You have to follow your parents and become united with them. From that position you have to be able to lead your nation. Once you become united with your nation you have to be able to lead your nation to the Kingdom of God. Until we have reached this ultimate goal we cannot be proud of ourselves, our families, our king or our nation. Only after reaching the ultimate goal of becoming one with God can we feel pride. Until now the history of restoration has been the restoration of the sad history of God. This is our destiny and fate from the infant stage all the way to God. Then eventually we will become the children of God as well as the friends of God. If God were to appear in such an environment, then all the people of your village would come forth and dance with God, welcoming Him. This same principle applies to the relationship with True Parents. Father has to establish the heavenly order now. Do you think Father has this kind of ability? (Yes.)
When preparing examination questions for students, teachers sometimes make a tricky question. Unless you totally understand the question you can fall into a trap. Maybe Father is doing the same to you. If Father tells you that he is the biggest liar and swindler in this world would you believe it? (NO.) Many good words begin with the letter 'n'. However, nobody likes the word 'no'. The unification of North and South Korea cannot take place without True Father. There are many projects which Father is working on beyond your imagination. As ordinary people we all have some kind of habit. When facing a difficult situation we feel stuck. Then whom do we call first? God.
We have to understand that we cannot alter this formula course. This fate has been given to humankind by God Himself. Without following this course we cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven nor meet God. Is this clear? (Yes.) This is an unchanging formula for your lives. (Amen.) That means 'number one man'. Do you clearly understand Father's message this morning? (Yes.) How many hours have we spent here together? (Six and a half hours.) Do you know that Father's age is getting close to eighty years? Can you imagine how much his legs are aching after standing here for more than six hours? He pours out every ounce of his energy for us. Now he feels that his hips are too heavy. Father is also very hungry now. Did you enjoy Father's message this morning? (Yes.) Do you feel happy? (Yes.) (Applause.) God bless you all. (God bless you, Father.)
Let us pray.



May 5, 1996

Belvedere -- International Training Center
Translator -- Peter Kim

When we raise the question of the purpose of life with ordinary people, no one seems to know the answer.
Do we live for the sake of eating or eat for the sake of living? If animals don't eat then they will eventually die. Why then do we eat? Why do we live? These are fundamental questions. If you had the choice, would you rather be born as a woman or a man? There are more than five billion people living on the Earth. They all exist in relative subject and object, plus and minus relationships. This is also true within the mineral kingdom. Therefore, we can conclude that the universe consists of the relationship of subject and object and plus and minus.
If only plus elements existed or only minus elements existed within the universe, all species would become extinct. Likewise, if there were 2.5 billion women in the world and not one single man, then how long would these women last? One generation. If there was only one man in the world and 2.5 billion women, what would happen? [Laughter] Do you imagine the entire 2.5 billion women would all rush toward him and try to grab him or just observe him from a distance? (Rush to grab him.) That would probably be the most fearful last war in human history. [Laughter]
When these 2.5 billion women are rushing toward this one man, do you think all the women would make themselves beautiful and wear their best clothes before approaching him, or rush toward him naked? What is your answer? Would they cover every part of their body and approach him or try to show everything to him? Would they approach him with a fearful appearance, or offer the best smile possible in order to attract him? It is more than obvious that women would try to present themselves in the best possible light.
Men and women look similar in a way, even though there are distinctions. When you were first born did you concern yourself with your spouse and future marriage? How about while you were growing up, did you really worry about such things? No. Why not? That is the way you were created. While Adam and Eve were growing up do you think they were concerned about their future spouse? No, they were not. They didn't have to worry about it and neither do you have to worry about it. It is all well prepared and arranged.
What was the cause of this universe? In observing the world outside, we can conclude that the entire universe consists of male and female, plus and minus, subject and object relationships. If Father concludes that the entire universe consists of male and female would you agree or disagree? (Agree.) By being born as a woman do you carry eternal purpose, or only temporary purpose? (Eternal purpose.) You know so clearly. If there were no women is there a possibility that men would exist? The reality is, we do have men and women in this universe. If women were born for their own sakes and men were born for their own sakes, then they would go their own way instead of combining together. They would have nothing to do with one another. If men and women were living such parallel lives would they perish in the end or prosper? (Perish.)
Then are women meant to live their lives alone, following their own goals, without considering man? (No.) It is a very serious subject. Women alone cannot live their lives. No matter how great a man might be, he cannot live his life on his own. No matter what this world might say, the inevitable consequence is that man and woman must travel together in life. Whenever we say man and woman together, then the entire universe will immediately bow down, smiling in agreement. As soon as we claim anything to the contrary, the universe will shake its head from side to side at us.
Then how should men and women live their lives together, in conflict or in harmony? (Harmony.) Suppose they fought each other in order to occupy the central position? Who is usually the central figure of the average American family? You American men answer Father. [Laughter] Are you the center of your families? (Yes.) We are not talking about Unification families, but rather secular American families. Who plays the central role in the average secular American family? (Woman.) Those American women consider themselves as family queens who can control their husbands. Would such families prosper? (No.)
There is a great deal of family breakup here in America. Is the husband or wife usually the cause of this breakup? (Wife.) You know well. Is that a good thing to see? (No.) Absolutely not. It is very bad to see the family destruction. When a divorce case comes before a judge in a court of law, which side usually gains the most sympathy from the judge? (Wife.) Do the children of this divorcing husband and wife belong to the father or mother? (The father.) Even if a couple goes through the divorce, the children must belong to the father. Why? Because the origin of the seed for the children comes from the father. The mother is like the blanket or scarf within which the seed is wrapped in order to germinate and grow. Usually it is the wife who insists on being given the custody of the children. Is such a mother right or wrong? She is wrong.
If there was a law written into the American Constitution which states that children from divorced couples belong to the father, there would not be so much destruction within American families. With such a Constitution, if there was a divorce case, the wife would leave her husband but she would receive no child support or alimony whatsoever. According to American law, when a husband and wife divorce the wife has the right to raise the children and receive financial support from her husband to do so. This gives them something to lean on. Otherwise they wouldn't dare divorce so easily. Do you agree? (Yes.)
Women are given breasts to feed their children and large hips to raise the children inside the womb. While your baby is inside your womb you share your blood and flesh with your child. The more children you have the more full will be the mother's love. Just as a man who lives a long life and experiences many various situations, a mother who raises more children will be filled with more love and knowledge in raising children with different characteristics. The mother will become a more rounded and loving person. The mother represents the earth. The four seasons take place centering around the atmosphere of the earth.
We human beings obtain our nourishment from the planet Earth. Likewise children gain their nutrition from their mother's body to begin with. In that sense we can say that women represent the Earth. On the Earth we have four different seasons and twelve different months. Mothers should be able to have many children and in raising them become a more rounded and loving mother. She would not complain, just as the planet Earth doesn't complain to anyone. If you have twelve children who represent the twelve different months, some months will be in conflict, some will compete and fight. However, as long as they have a loving mother who acts as a harmonizing force amongst them, they will be able to harmonize with one another.
All the children will extend their arms and embrace one another and, including their mother, become one big harmonious circle. How wonderful this is. Amen. How about that? Woman's purpose is so precious. Should we have as many children as we can afford, or just a limited amount? (Many.) Many or money? [Laughter] There are some women who want to have only one child. But why did God create two breasts? These two breasts are indicative that you should have at least two children. If you have only boys or only girls, one way or another the human race will end. Father concludes that unless you give birth to a boy and a girl, at least one of each, you cannot say that you are a mother or a father. No matter what, you need at least one boy and one girl.
Since you women have fully developed hips you are able to sit on the floor this way. Since woman represents the Earth she should sit on the floor. In order to have a greater chance of conceiving children, you always have to keep your hip area warm. A Korean style room where the room is heated underneath the floor is ideal for you. Therefore, you should marry a Korean husband and live in Korea. The under floor heating system began in Korea. Since this Korean heating system was created many years ago, we can conclude it was to keep mothers lower body warm. Therefore, Korea may produce world class leaders and eventually the Lord of the Second Advent may come from Korea.
Korean women usually wear long, loose fitting dresses. It is like a wind blocker because it is full. By contrast, Western women wear short, tight skirts so that when they walk with high heels [Father demonstrates] [Laughter] they are off balance. Western women, in general, don't wish to have many children. In comparison to Oriental women, Western women are more nervous by nature. If there is only one Oriental woman and ten Western women here who are engaged in conversation with one another, who do you think would be the last person to give advice? Oriental women.
Should we have as many children as possible, or only a limited number? (Many.) With your twelve children sitting in front of you and your husband sitting behind them, won't you feel really grateful to your husband to see that, in part, the children resemble him? Have you ever thought that your husband is the one who gave you the opportunity to use your breasts and hips most fully for the original purpose? Who is the one who caused the utilization of your breasts and hips most fully? The father of the family. You all experience your monthly period. Why? Does that indicate that you wish to reject your husband or still welcome him?
In order to have a relationship with your husband you have to be married. Women who refuse to marry will be condemned to death. If you were to survive, the universe would eliminate you. This is the truth. In that sense, following Father's teaching this morning, can we find a true original woman in the American secular world? (No.) Is there even one single woman who qualifies to meet Father's criteria? Does a woman with small hips have a good chance of bearing many babies? Do you American women prefer large, fully developed hips, or small, nice looking hips. Do you women prefer to have a slim body or a fat, well developed body? This question has something to do with our ability to bear children. Logically speaking, if any woman has small hips she is supposed to have small breasts as well. But usually it is the other way around. Even though women have small hips they have large, fully developed breasts. This means they are unbalanced. Whatever is unbalanced will eventually be eliminated by the universe.
You proud Americans sitting before Father feel as if you are condemned. In general, women have been living their lives in ignorance. There is a world of confusion out there. Was it a wise decision to join the Unification Church? You may not prosper in your generation, but your future generations are guaranteed. Guaranteed. Do you like that? (Yes.) Remember, your body structure is for the sake of your children and your love is for the sake of your children. If woman and man claim that their sacred sexual organ belongs only to them and no one else, what is going to happen in terms of their relationship as husband and wife?
Both will become extinct. Suppose you have a choice between two types of husbands; one claims to exist for you for all eternity. The other husband claims to exist absolutely for you only until he reaches thirty years of age. Which one would you choose? (First one.) When your husband claims to live for your sake throughout eternity, this means he lives for every part of you. For your belongings, your relatives and nation. Would this not make a wife so happy? This husband should have the concept that he does not live for the sake of himself, rather he is totally devoted to his wife. Do you want that kind of husband? (Yes.) Really? (Yes.) Father believes you.
This same principle is applicable to wives. A wife who loves every part of you and everything and everyone related to you, then you can certainly refer to her as the number one wife in the world. The final conclusion is that we should live our lives completely for the sake of others. This creates happiness in our lives. Do you understand Father's message? Father hasn't even begun to scratch the surface this morning and already one hour has gone by. Should we stop here? (NO.) (Tell us more.)
Why do your five organs exist? Do they exist for your sake alone? Does your nose exist so that you can smell yourself? (No.) Do you think that your ears exist in order to hear yourself? Does your right hand exist only to touch your left hand? They all exist for the sake of your object. Man exists for the sake of woman and vise versa. That is the natural conclusion. Is there anyone who disagrees with Father? That means you understand Father's teaching well. Some Westerners have blond hair, blue eyes and a different skin color. Sometimes Father wonders if you understand Father because you look so different from Orientals. Yet you understand. It is amazing! [Laughter] Therefore, the truth leads everyone in the one direction irrespective of race or cultural background.
If there was an American woman who was totally individualistic and living her life selfishly, then upon hearing Father's teaching, wouldn't her original mind begin to accept the truth? Just like a gradual soaking from the rain, the truth penetrates our being. Why then are we born? For the sake of others. Why do we live? For the consummation of love. That is why Father's topic today is Following the Cosmic True Love Way. That means we have to conquer that Cosmic True Love Way. Those who live their lives for the sake of themselves will automatically flunk the test. However, those who dedicate their lives for the sake of others eternally will be able to conquer cosmic love. That is a logical conclusion.
Since Father knew this truth, he didn't mind the thorny path of persecution and difficult life course up until now. Still Father continues to practice this Cosmic True Love Way. Therefore, the universe begins to recognize Father and praise him. This is the stage Father has reached now. Whoever is close to God and belongs to God, will eventually be revealed. Even if that person is buried in the mud, as the universe continues to evolve, his presence will become apparent. Because God has been wanting to give so much to the universe. However, there is no way to give anything to the universe and so God's eyes are swollen from shedding oceans of tears. It is not easy for God to see the sunlight anymore. He has cried so many tears that his eyes are so swollen and almost melted.
We can say that God's eyes are supposed to be the King of all the eyes in the entire universe. Don't you agree? In the same way, God's five senses are the King of all senses. God automatically thinks for the sake of others without ever thinking of Himself. Don't you desire such parents? Don't you also wish to have such a wife, brothers and sisters and fellow patriots. On the other hand, if you truly love your wife, your parents, family and country, do you think they will refuse you? If they refuse you then they are wrong and you are right. If you truly dedicate yourself for the sake of others and the universe, you can expect that reciprocal kind of relationship. When you are happy you want the entire universe to be happy also. Then when you are sad you want to receive their sympathy.
When you mothers breast feed your babies do you feel arrogant? Each time you feed your baby do you keep a journal as to how much milk you gave to your baby? (No.) When a mother gives such loving care to her children there is no beginning and no end in terms of value. It keeps going on and on. The reason we live for the sake of others is because it is the way of True Love. The rope of love is wrapping around your body more and more. That is how we can conquer the love of the universe. The universe stands in the object position in terms of the love of God. But through such a life we can even conquer the subject of love, who is God.
Where do you suppose God would want to dwell? He would like to dwell at the core, the very center, where the universe becomes one, centering upon True Love. That is the place that God wishes to dwell. Centering upon True Love, totally uniting our minds and bodies and bringing unification within our families. Then the entire universe is in perfect harmony and by so doing I can claim the entire universe as my own. That is the state of the True Love life. Women have two duties: to love your children and to love your husband. Who comes first, your children or your husband? (Husband.) You don't sound very confident in your answer. Please answer Father clearly. (HUSBAND.) That is true.
From whom do you begin to receive love? From your husband. Until you receive love from your husband you cannot conceive your children. You all know the preciousness and intensity of the first love your received from your husband. However, you should have an even greater degree of love that you can pour into your children. That is the way that you can raise your children properly. Do you understand? (Yes.) They will become the children who can dwell with God. Such children's entire bodies will be covered with the traces of their parent's love. They will be sealed within parental love. How wonderful such children are. (Amen.)
If you have such quality children, then when you enter the spiritual world God will receive your children and then you will be admitted eventually to the Kingdom of Heaven, too. Otherwise, you have no hope. Do you imagine that we can enter the Kingdom of Heaven without practicing love for the sake of others? (No.) Absolutely no. Father feels sorry for you women. However, Father also realizes that we are all fallen descendants who are not perfected yet. We have only one choice and that is to receive this teaching from the Lord of the Second Advent who came as the only True Father. [Applause]
Unless the women in the world eventually receive Father's teaching and follow that teaching, they have no other choice but to head toward Hell. Therefore, you have to follow Reverend Moon's teaching. When you use your five senses in speaking, seeing, hearing, smelling and tasting this must be done with love. Your five senses have two different paths. The original path is centering upon the unification of your mind and body and your five senses should follow that original direction. The alternative way is separating your mind and body and following your bodily desire. We always have to check ourselves as to whether our five senses are functioning in the only original one way, or whether we are deviating. This is the cause of a lot of confusion in this world.
There is a simple way to solve this problem. As long as you live your life in the spirit of love for the sake of others then you are on the right track. There may be some people who wish to remain as a seed that doesn't have to germinate or grow and practice Father's teaching. They want only to receive Father's word and keep it as a seed while continuing their lives in a different way. In fact, if Father's word is the seed for the teaching of happiness, peace and all good things, that seed is supposed to be germinated and grow and bear fruit and produce another seed. There are some people who claim to love Father's teaching but who don't want to follow the practice of Father's teaching. They conclude that it is too difficult to follow in Father's footsteps. Can they claim to be a true seed? (No.) Absolutely not.
What kind of Unification Church leader do you all wish to become? Once you hear one word from Father do you wish to practice one hundred times more than the word that Father gave you? Would you rather hear one hundred words and practice only one word out of the hundred? Would you say that even if you receive one hundred teachings from Father that you don't even want to practice one out of the hundred? Is that what your mind is saying? (No.) It is important for us to clearly understand that while this seed may have quality, only the good seeds which can reproduce will be stored in the heavenly storage barn. When you hear Father's teachings, such as this morning, yet you don't practice it, then you will have nothing whatsoever to do with Father in the spiritual world.
When you look at the life of snakes, they have to rid themselves of their skin at various stages of their growth. Likewise, sheep and cows shed their thick coats when Spring comes. What about you men and women? Looking at the world, we see all living creatures going through such stages in their lives. Are we an exception then? When you hear such precious teaching as Father is giving us this morning, do you think it will help us to grow or not? (It will help us grow.) These words will take off your skin and give you rebirth. Without this process you are not able to grow.
When a snake rids itself of its dead skin, it passes through a space smaller than its own body. Do you also want to do the same in order to shed your old skin? That is what is called the way of indemnity. Most people don't like this road of indemnity. However, only by passing this way will we be able to grow ourselves and move up to another level where the entire world will embrace us. There is a beautiful world outside. Why are we sitting in this small room listening to this teaching? Shall we stop this sermon now and go out and have a stroll? (No.) Father likes the Spring as much as you do you know. Father has millions of ways of communing with nature. However, whenever he comes to this room he feels suffocated.
Yesterday, Father had an exciting boat ride from Tarrytown all the way up to the Unification Theological Seminary at Barrytown. The Hudson River is known as a most scenic river. There are high mountains, small hills, picturesque towns, and places where it is covered with morning mist. Then Father realized that it is, in fact, the most scenic and exciting river to sail along. There are trains running to Albany and New York, while on the New Jersey side there are long freight trains. There are also trees and hills and Father was so happy to see it all. Father felt like a miniature world was surrounding him as he sailed up the Hudson.
In one particular village along the Hudson Father saw this old-fashioned boat which is started by hand. Its engine spit and spluttered. Father realized there are so many different situations and circumstances developing along this river. Then as the subject, I have to become a dancer, an engineer, and an artist. Father thought of how, when God was dealing with the entire universe, how busy He has been because he has been dealing with every possible situation. God may need more than a million ears and incredible eyes and organs that are way beyond our imagination. Otherwise God could not deal with all these different facets of His creation.
However, we must follow the course of the road of restoration. No matter how scenic the riverside was, the goal was to reach the Unification Theological Seminary. Therefore, Father's boat just kept on going. 'Merrytown' is a very good town because there we have UTS! [Applause]
During the time spent in Barrytown it began to rain and so for the return journey Father sent all those who came with him home by car. But Father himself traveled back to Tarrytown Marina by boat, in the rain. Because Father didn't want to lose that opportunity of observing the various aspects of the Hudson River again.
Now let us discuss substance. Why are we born? For the sake of love. God's first thought was of love. In order to achieve love there should be two shapes of convex and concave. The male shape is convex, while the female shape is concave. What is the purpose of these different shapes? For the purpose of true love. If the purpose of creating man and woman is to create true love, then what degree of fit should these two shapes have? A perfectly tight fit. When these two fit perfectly and someone comes along and gives them a big kick, should they still fit perfectly or should they expand and move? They should continue to fit perfectly tightly.
We are born for the sake of True Love and in order to achieve True Love we need the perfect fit between concave and convex. Just like being welded together so they could never come apart. This perfect fit should be eternal. Everyone desires this absolute love. Repeat after Father, ABSOLUTE LOVE. (ABSOLUTE LOVE.) UNIQUE LOVE. (UNIQUE LOVE.) FOREVER LOVE. (FOREVER LOVE.) UNCHANGING LOVE. (UNCHANGING LOVE.) How wonderful they are. (How wonderful they are.) [Applause]
Can you ever forget your first love? (No.) When it comes to the notion of your first love, is it stained or pure genuine first love? (Pure and genuine.) Do you think that your five senses are looking for pure and genuine love, or stained and deviated love? (True and pure love.) As a woman, as soon as you hear the word love you should immediately think about your husband and no one else. Supposing that you are seventeen years of age and walking on Fifth Avenue and encounter one very pretty woman and handsome man holding hands and talking together. What would you feel? Would you feel jealous or would you feel that no matter how beautiful and happy they may look I have a husband who is far better in every way and who gives me so much happiness. You should feel that they are like kindergarten school students compared to your couple.
Who is the oldest man in the world? (God.) Do you want to love God? What degree of love are you willing to offer to God? Will you love your husband first and then God or will you push your husband aside and love God first? (Love God first.) You are laughing. Is that because you like that idea? (Yes.) Then the sound is not so bad. Where do we receive love from? Practically, we receive love from our parents. Then we have to trace back all the way to God. In front of God, centering upon True Love, what is the closest to us, our children or our partner? (Spouse.) That is correct. God created Adam and Eve as His son and daughter, but God had in His mind their relationship as husband and wife. Therefore, at their level, that relationship comes first. If God is a male-oriented Being what position does He stand in? (Father.) A convex shape. Human beings are in the position of concave. That is the secret of the creation of the universe.
Until this time, no one understood this truth. As a man and woman, until you become totally one between husband and wife, you are both only half of a human being. A mother has within her plus and minus elements. The children, as sons and daughters, representing male and female, should then unite with their mother. From that position they can stand before God. Do you understand? Who is in the position of subject? The subject is represented by the vertical position and the object is represented by the horizontal position. When we are young and going to kindergarten we always run to our mother in order to share everything, both good and bad. By sharing with our parents, even at such a young age, we try to find balance within our lives.
Parents are like a nucleus and children are like the flesh surrounding this nucleus and they evolve around God. In the world of God's love there is no falsehood. Parental love is supposed to be the original genuine love. At the stage of elementary school there will be the same relationship of parents representing the nucleus and the children representing the flesh. The children revolve around the parents in harmony and unity in front of God. Eventually, that level elevates to greater levels. As an adult God stands as the central plus, then the parents as plus and children as minus, together form another minus to God's central plus.
Vertically God and parents and horizontally parents and children. [Father draws a diagram on the board to illustrate] When you reach this horizontal cutting line as a man and woman you cannot continue separately in this way [indicating to the board]. This is the growth period, then naturally you are growing separately centering upon God and your parents. However, when you reach adulthood, in order to find your own love you have to come back to the original center point and find your spouse. God is the origin of love. Then the question is, how can we meet God? The reason God gave us this period of growth, is so that both parents and children can pass through different stages of experience. God Himself had that kind of period spiritually speaking. In passing through these various stages of growth we can gain many experiences which we can then share with God. Do you follow? (Yes.)
God's growth period, which was spiritual, has to be manifested at this physical level. For example, when we want to see a tree we have to first plant a seed and have it grow into a tree. Looking at the seed itself we cannot see the tree. Then at what point can the invisible God become united with His visible children? That is a key question. God has His internal plus and minus, male and female characteristics. Spiritually, God passed through these different periods but there was no substantial body. However, because of human beings' different stages of growth, God Himself can substantialize His body. First, the reason that God created human beings is that He wanted to see His physical form in them; second, humankind was created as God's love partner; and third, in order to create unity between God and man and woman.
It is very important to remember that the very reason God created man in such way to have the growth period, is that God wanted to manifest His own growth period and see it manifest in this physical world. Do you wish to look at your childhood photographs? (Yes.) We are all so interested in observing our various stages of physical growth by looking at pictures of our childhood. In the case of God, His spiritual growth period is not visible anymore, that is why He created Adam and Eve so that He could observe their growth just like you looking at your childhood photographs. God is always happy to observe His children. God's past spiritual growth period is now being manifest here on the Earth as a living being through His children. By looking at His children He desires to feel such a great deal of stimulation, almost like an explosion.
In this physical life, we are first in the womb stage of life, followed by infancy, then brother and sister relationship, and then the conjugal relationship of husband and wife. Eventually we can become parents ourselves. Centered upon our parents we kept on growing higher and higher. This growing period is aiming toward securing the parental position. Before reaching the position of parents we first have to experience our love partnership. Only after experiencing conjugal love will we be able to obtain the parental position.
God exists for the sake of love. The ideal of God's creation is the manifestation of His invisible Being, including His growth period. Then finally as a substantial Being, through man and woman's perfection, He wants to create the foundation of love for the visible and invisible world at the uniting point. The period of children, brother and sister, husband and wife and parents are all very distinct one from the other. The children have to be united with their parents, then brothers and sisters centered upon parents should become one, husband and wife should be united with their parents and as parents you have to become one.
Even at the fetus stage your parents represent the nucleus of your world of existence. This is true at the various stages of your growth, childhood, brother and sister, and husband and wife. All the way up through each stage your parents are the vertical center of your life. Then even when you become parents yourselves, your parents are still your center. Father concludes that when it comes to the road of the practice of vertical love, there is one vertical axis. From the stage of childhood, brother and sister level, husband and wife level and as parents yourselves, still your parents' love is the vertical center of your life.
As we go through these four different stages, God's love experience will be with you at each and every stage. God will come down to your level vertically and meet you at each stage. This invisible, spiritual realm comes down to the physical realm and becomes one. That is the point where the ideal of children's love, brother and sister's love, conjugal love and parental love meet. [Indicating to the diagram on the board] This very point is where the internal purpose of love, and external purpose of love occurs at the time of your marriage centered upon God. This is where the convex and concave meet for the first time.
Shall we have two vertical center lines or only one? (One.) Absolutely only one. This left-handed side [indicating to the board] as a woman from infancy through adulthood, then on the other side as a man from infancy through adulthood. Then they come to the central point and meet and form this double layer at this central point. The conclusion is that the culminating point of True Love for each of these stages of growth is where the marriage of man and woman occurs with God's blessing. Marriage is the place of eternal settlement. Which is the place of sexual intercourse? (The sexual organ.) Until now all human being's sexual organs were considered bad. But originally it was the central love palace place. This is the Holy of Holies Headquarters Palace Place. How wonderful.
Without that sexual organ connecting place we can never discover True Love, True Life and True Lineage. Without that place there can be no beginning to the Kingdom of Heaven. That is the way to true peace, true freedom, true happiness and true unification. Freedom means an open place, not a hidden shameful place. Husband and wife meet one another naked and unashamed. Completely liberated and free. The love action is a totally free intoxicating action.
When you make love as husband and wife do you proceed very carefully or do you proceed using your full power? That is the moment that the entire Heaven and Earth are shaking. It is like thunder and lightning and then the rain comes down. Man and woman are the King and Queen of love. Making noise is good. Every cell of your body is intoxicated with joy at that time. Don't you want to see such a phenomena. Humankind has to follow the recreation owner, the second Creator.
What is the Unification Church? It means the place of unification of the mind and body and the place of study of the Divine Principle. This teaching instructs clearly how to unify the mind and body, man and woman, parents and children centered upon True Love, True Life and True Lineage. The West and East are separated now, but with the appearance of Reverend Moon the East and West can become unified through true marriages.
Those internationally Blessed couples, raise your hands please. There is one particular American brother in Kodiak who told Father that he has several physical brothers who are all married to American women. However, this particular brother has an Oriental wife. When the brothers gather together they sometimes have arguments about who has the better wife among them. According to him Orientals have the softest skin and so as far as touch he has the best quality. Many Western women have hair growing even on their legs, which they shave. Therefore, when they put their legs next to their husbands in bed at night, the husband feels a roughness. On the other hand, Oriental women don't usually have body hair. They are so soft and smooth.
Because Oriental women are so small, they sleep like a shrimp. [Laughter] In order to find your wife you have to search around the bed to find her. This is what Father was told by this brother, this isn't coming from Father's imagination. [Laughter] Some Western women are larger than their husbands. But this brother told Father that his wife was so small so he had no fear. She is so small that he could embrace her entire body in his chest. However, Western women are usually large enough so that you cannot embrace them in the chest. From that lesson Father comes to the realization that God is the King of wisdom.
Between a husband and wife which one is supposed to be helped the most? If you are walking together and you come to a stream that has to be crossed by getting your feet wet, if your wife is larger than you it isn't easy to carry her. If you happen to have a large wife, then even if you give her a ride on your back her feet may still touch the water and she will direct you to raise her up higher. But a small Oriental wife will say nothing even if you give her a ride on your back with her facing back to front. When a husband awakens in the morning and wants to have just another few moments of dozing, a Western wife would make a lot of noise by wearing high heeled shoes around the house even if she is only making one pot of coffee. However, an Oriental wife would quietly slip out of the bed and make no disturbance whatsoever and prepare a delicious breakfast table by the time you wake up.
An Oriental wife would welcome her husband home and prepare everything for his comfort; she might even clip his fingernails. [Laughter] That's true. [Laughter] She would even trim her husband's nose hair. Do you American wives know how to do such things? (Yes.) Even if you do know there is no fun when an American woman does these things. This one American man in Kodiak concluded to Father that it is much better to have a small Oriental wife than an American wife.
Whatever is precious is usually small. Have you ever seen a diamond as big as a house? Precious treasure is usually small enough for you to be able to hide it. [Father suddenly notices the clock on the wall] There is something wrong with that clock. What time is it? If any minister tries to give a sermon for more than thirty or forty minutes the congregation would try to kill him. [Laughter] How about all of you, do you want Father to continue? (YES.) With such a wide topic Father might have to continue to talk for more than one year.
Father wants to give you in a nutshell what the essence of this topic is. Therefore be alert. Now you understand this point, that God is the first Creator. Adam and Eve were in the position of the second Creator. Adam's children were supposed to be in the position of the third Creator. God as the first generation; Adam and Eve as the second generation and the children of Adam and Eve as the third generation. These three generations had to be perfected. However, God was unable to have His grandchildren and so this world became a fallen world. The family is the center of the universe because God, husband and wife, children and each stage of human beings' lives is centered upon the family. Where is that central place? (The sexual organ place.) The feeling when you say that isn't so good.
The action of the Fall destroyed this most holy place. Therefore, whenever anyone mentions this sexual organ in the secular world it is the worst kind of curse or feeling. No matter how handsome or pretty you may be, you all have the destiny to secure that holy place. The sacred place of your sexual organ is the final place that you have to conquer. Ever since His creation, God has been seeking after that most holy of places. Because that is where Love, Life and Lineage emerges. That place is the final destination for God and human beings. Without that particular organ God is unable to perfect Himself centering upon love. Because of man and woman's sexual organs, centered upon True Love, we can liberate God. This is absolute truth.
Throughout human history has there been anyone who knew this very truth which Father teaches now? (No.) We must understand that thousands of lives have been sacrificed, and thousands of kingdoms have passed throughout history and yet God has been seeking this very secret place. In order to find and secure the value of that organ God has had to sacrifice millions of lives. Therefore, Father concludes that if we use this sexual organ properly following God's direction, the entire universe will be restored. However, if we should deviate even one degree, the entire universe and your life will be destroyed. With what can man and woman find this very central point. Can it be achieved through marriage between woman and woman? (No.) How about man and man? (No.) Even in the animal world this does not occur. Love is the most valuable and precious thing.
Once Adam and Eve would have become totally one centered upon their sexual organs, then God would have followed them. The first generation is represented by grandparents, then parents, and the children as a couple. Do the grandparents live their lives holding onto money? (No.) What then? They live by holding onto each others' sexual organs. That is the best and only thing. Once that relationship is broken everything else will be destroyed.
Do you think that there is any family who wishes to see their grandparents broken apart? (No.) Everyone wishes to see their grandparents holding onto one another. Is money the glueing power between a mother and father? (No) It is their sexual organs. What about you, between husband and wife? Once your love relationship is broken with your spouse your house and assets all fall apart. Love is the key to everything. This is not some concept, but this is reality. Do you clearly understand Father? (Yes) God is the first Creator; Adam and Eve are the second Creator; Adam's children are the third Creator. If the grandchildren level had been perfected at the time of Adam then this foundation could have been expanded overnight.
Once it is perfected at the level of children, then the number can be multiplied instantly. Because of this reason and relationship, those who reject the levels of God and parents, cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, don't you feel that you should have your children? We are referring to prior to the Fall. Adam's children were supposed to be in the position of the third Creator. As Father explained earlier, God's experience of this growth period was inherited by Adam and Eve through passing through this practical, physical growth stage. This invisible growth stage was manifested within Adam and Eve's lives in the visible world. Combining these two, Adam and Eve's children will pass through the same experience. They will inherit Adam and Eve's growth stage experience in this physical world.
In the Unification Church teaching, without knowing the content of the first Creator, God, and the second Creator, Adam and Eve and the third Creator, all the children, these secrets cannot be revealed. That is why the Unification Church is teaching these various teachings and content. The children's level are God's grandchildren. When Adam was growing up, to reach this point he received only God's love. However, the grandchildren, when they reach the same stage, will receive love from both God and their parents, Adam and Eve. In other words, they inherit the kingship from the spiritual world and the kingship from the physical world. That is the way the Kingdom of God on Earth will be naturally connected to the Kingdom of God in Heaven. The Kingdom of God will include this physical world kingdom and the spiritual world kingdom. They are inseparable.
Have you American young people received both grandparents love and parental love? Many have only step-grandparents, and step-parents, not original grandparents and parents. This is not God's ideal. Those who do not experience living with their grandparents and parents and receiving the proper love and care from them, do not have the right to bequeath your tradition to your generation following God's direction. Do you understand Father? (Yes.) That is why the family is the key. The family is the only place that you can find that kind of treasure of love and experience. Without the family you cannot inherit the ideal kingdom. Do you understand? (Yes.) This is the formula.
True Parents are in the position of grandparents to all of humanity, True Father position to all of humanity, Husband position to all the women of the world; and Elder Brother position to the entire world, particularly women. This is precious good news for us all. Historically, our ancestors failed in fulfilling this goal and so this is the last golden opportunity that we all have to unite with True Parents horizontally. By doing so we can expand this level of the ideal world and establish the Kingdom of God on Earth here. Together, following True Parents we can enter into the Kingdom of God in Heaven. [Applause] Father is now erasing this diagram from the board. You understand this content fully, do you not? (Yes.)
The reason that Father discloses the very secret of why God created human beings and what kind of relationship we should have with Him, is because as heavenly citizens we must have full and complete understanding of this very truth. We do not begin to learn these things after entering into the Kingdom of Heaven. Imagine if this kind of heavenly secret were to be revealed through live television coverage to all 240 million American people. How many days or hours would be necessary for a great percentage of the American population to turn to God? Once they clearly understand this, what percentage would turn around do you think? Nobody knows. Do you think this is some kind of fiction story or the truth? (The truth.) Because of this power of truth, the Unification Church, in such a short time period, has spread throughout the world. No matter how severe the persecution has been, once people know the truth, they can always overcome that kind of obstacle and remain with God.
If the citizens of the developed countries of the world continue to oppose Father and refuse to accept this truth, then African brothers and sisters who openly embrace this truth will become the masters of these developed countries eventually. The history of the Unification Church is almost fifty years old. The world population now stands at approximately five billion people. If each person on average lives to one hundred years of age, then each year we are losing fifty million people worldwide. They pass into the spiritual world without knowing the truth. We have wasted billions of people in the past fifty years because we didn't teach them the Divine Principle.
The so-called developed nations status is now being taken over by Oriental nations. The Orientals are working day and night like ants. Western people are like grasshoppers by comparison. The developed countries are losing the edge now. Do you suppose that America is able to digest Japan, China, Reverend Moon, Communism and Soviet Russia? Single handedly Father has launched campaigns to unify China, Japan, Soviet Russia, Africa and America. This is the reality. Does Father have a good brain or not? (A good brain.) Satan's world is completely opposite to the way of God. Satan doesn't like this 180 degrees opposite way to his.
There is now a competition between the South American nations as to who is going to adopt Reverend Moon's teaching first. The African countries are trying to claim that ideology even before South America. African brothers and sisters feel that 3.6 million couples is an easy task because the African continent alone can reach that goal.
As you know Father completed educating 3,600 Christian leaders in Brazil. They felt that 3.6 million couples could be found in Brazil alone. Brazil has a population of 170 million. The neighboring countries of Uruguay, Argentina and Paraguay complain that it is unfair of Father to pay so much attention to Brazil just because it is a big nation. Even though they are smaller in size they claim that they can do better than Brazil because as their nations are smaller it will be easier to restore and for Father to establish the heavenly sovereignty and build the Heavenly Kingdom there.
Father is thinking of hiding himself somewhere deep within the Himalayan mountains where no one can find him. In that deep mountain sanctuary Father might issue an order that anyone who truly wishes to see him in person should come and find him. Father expects the Unification Church members to be the first ones to come to find him in the Himalayan mountains. Is that true? (Yes.) Problem or no problem? (No problem.) Suppose Father were to hide himself deep in the jungles of South America and issued the order to the people in the world, would you Unificationists come and try to find Father or would you stay away? (Find Father.) If Father were to stay in the Arctic and you were not allowed to travel to see Father by boat or airplane, but rather you had to build a bridge to the South Pole, would you do that? (Yes.) Is that true? (Yes.)
Since the nations of Uruguay and Korea are exactly opposite to one another geographically speaking, instead of flying around the world in order to reach Uruguay, how about building a tunnel from Korea to Uruguay with an elevator system? If Father were to issue such an order to all of you to begin digging a hole from Korea, would you do that? (Yes.) If Father tells you that unless you complete digging this tunnel from Korea to Uruguay you cannot enter into the Kingdom of God, then you will probably accomplish it.
Once you were willing to do whatever Father told you to do, like when you first began to follow True Father. You temporarily abandoned your families and homes and some even had to go to jail just for following Father. Isn't that true? (Yes.) We are all born for the sake of love. Love is very equal. When you achieve the quality of love when you are living in an externally poor state, it is more precious. If you are living an affluent life, there is a greater possibility for your love to fluctuate. Are Unificationists wealthy and affluent people? (NO.) We are all cousins to beggars actually. However, we still enjoy our lives more than kings and tycoons in the secular world.
If Father directs you all to pack up and go to Africa today, would you do so? (YES.) That is a fearful sound. Members of the CIA and FBI might come here secretly, but Father is glad if they are here to receive this message. There is absolutely nothing to hide. Even within America there are many various layers of communication systems. Even if such a hearing device is hidden here, Father cannot be restricted because of that situation, otherwise Father is not a true prophet. However, Father desires to declare the truth in front of anyone. Father is not a thief and so he is unafraid.
We have to follow the path to find love. From where does love begin? During the month of April, around Easter week and True Parents Day, Father taught us that we all have to go through mother's womb stage, then united with mother go through father. This is the stage that we have to travel in order to find love. Without doing so we cannot achieve the goal of love. All of us want to become the center of the world. Isn't this true? (Yes.) Also we all wish that people would follow us. However, the world is wide and big with thousands of years of history. The world grows and develops in various stages. Even though human history is fallen, the ultimate destination of human history is the original world. We all want to become the center of various stages of human history.
Adam's family, tribe, society, nation, world and cosmos are all different stages. Adam's family represents the seed of humanity. When there are many seeds like Adam's family then they will become a tribe, society, nation and world. The vertical tradition always comes down to the point of one single family. Without the family we cannot connect the various stages. The Unification Church's teaching has this vertical central axis which is connected all the way down from Adam's family to the center of the world. Adam is the center of his family and the king of all humanity will be the Lord of the Second Advent.
This worldwide scale king's family and Adam's original family are the same in value as the seed. However, due to the Fall, this seed family disappeared until this time. As a fallen human beings we all have to go through this seed family, otherwise we cannot be saved. Therefore, finding this seed family has been the purpose of human history. Since this seed family is here, even though we didn't inherit all these various stages of seed families, from Father's seed family, various stages can be engrafted. It can come down to our individual family. Blessed families will stand in the position of seed families on the worldwide scale. The True Family is the central vertical axis. However, when it is spread horizontally there should be many Blessed couples. Once True Parents have appeared the unity between man and woman will occur and they will create a new seed again and the various stages will be engrafted.
On the worldwide scale, beginning from the True Parents, Father has given Blessing to 30,000 couples at the formation stage, 360,000 couples at the growth stage, and next year 3.6 million couples at the stage of perfection. The globalization of Blessing is taking place. The secular world also talks about the globalization of sports, academics and economics. However, no one has any idea of globalization of the ideal family. Because the key problem of the world is neither economic nor political. Rather the problem within families is the key. Particularly the developed countries families are all torn apart. The central country which has been spreading the practice of free sex throughout the world is this America.
The time is coming when the United Nations will come up with a resolution to prevent American young people from entering the rest of the world. Why? Because they are the source of free sex and AIDS and all manner of disorder. Is this true? (Yes.) Just because Americans have sufficient money individually does not qualify them to travel wherever they want. Especially when they used their money to spread some incredible immoral disease. Therefore, America is doomed to perish.
If America were a country where all the poor people live, in other words if America were a poor country, it would have more hope than it presently does. We need the globalization of the ideal family. Do you understand? There is no one in the world who has anything vaguely like this idea. Have you gained or lost ever since knowing Father? (Benefitted.) You are all indebted to Reverend Moon for eternity. That doesn't mean that Father wants you to pay him back. Rather, Father wants you to raise your children in place of Father. In other words, when you have your own children, stamp your label upon them and bequeath to the next generation. You need to set that kind of tradition with your families.
How many couples will America be responsible to bring to the next Blessing? (360,000.) What is the population of the United States? (240 million.) If America had received Father as the Lord of the Second Advent directly after World War II, then by now at least two or three generations would have prospered as God's children. You all want to become the central families centered on True Love, don't you? (Yes.) Therefore, do you clearly understand Father? (Yes.) In order to follow the road of love you cannot travel alone. We must come to the realization that we are nothing other than the fruit of thousands of generations of human history. We are not the origin, but we are the result.
This brother here has over forty billion cells in his body. Each cell of his body contains elements inherited throughout human history from the time of Adam. In order for any tree to bear fruit and produce new seeds, the tree has to become full-grown. It needs to develop its root system, trunk, branches and leaves. Once the tree reaches maturity, that is the only time that it bears fruit and eventually creates new seeds. In the same way, this brother is sitting here, but in order for him to be sitting here it has taken all of human history. He is the result of all of that. Ultimately there may be many seeds, but this brother wishes to become the central seed which will play the major role in the future.
We have to understand clearly that each of us is the result of tens of thousands of various generations of fathers and mothers resulting in his lineage. Adam's family time, Adam's nation time, Adam's worldwide time, this kind of lineage is all connected to him. Because Adam represents God Himself, the center of the family, but at the same time the body of God. The center of the nation, and yet God Himself. The center of the world, and yet representing God.
Human beings are born to achieve the unification at the family level; national level; and Heaven and Earth level. That kind of seed of potential is entering into the wife's womb from the husband. This is not merely from the husband himself, rather it is connected with history. Bequeathed generation after generation. Do you think in these terms? When you look at your husband you have to think in such historical terms and value. Your husband is not simply one man, but rather he is connected all the way back to Adam through thousands of generations. Your husband is the inheritor of all these thousands of ancestral seeds of life which will be given to you as his wife.
These seeds have the vision and desire to be connected with and continued through thousands of more generations to come, eventually to be able to build the Kingdom of God here on the Earth where God's loving children can dwell together with Him. Connected vertically to God all the way down [Father draws on the board to illustrate] to your couple. This point here represents your husband in the plus position. This represents the wife in minus position. Between husband and wife a branch can be developed. As a wife, have you ever thought that you have received the historical seed through your husband, and together with him you are about to create a new historical fruit? The seed of life never perishes.
The love-making between husband and wife is the place where you receive the historical seed. It is the place where you can generate new historical seeds and create new life. As an ideal wife you should not be ashamed in front of anyone, neither should your children. You should be proud that your husband represents the entire male population of the world. Because your husband is the number one male in the world, your couple is supposed to create the number one children in the world. In order to do so, don't you think you have to become absolutely one with your number one husband? Your ten senses, mind and body, every part of you should exactly fit in perfect harmony with your husband. Have you become one with your husbands?
This human seed contains the plus and minus characteristics of both you and your husband. The wife stands in the position of a big minus and the husband in the position of a big plus, then together you form perfect oneness. That is how the revolving motion will take place and you will be expanded to a greater level. In order to accomplish this, first the mother and children should be united together. Based upon this unity between mother and children, then unity with the father takes place. This is how unification will continue throughout eternity. Without securing this unification, these various historical stages will become broken, which means that your family cannot have any connection with the original seed of God. Do you understand? (Yes.)
This took thousands of years of history. Since mother and children are supposed to become one, the mother is in the position to share parts of this seed of life from the stage of pregnancy. Because you are sharing your flesh and blood with your child in the womb. That is how you can become one with your children. Even at the stage of fetus, children receive the flesh and blood of their mother. In this sense they are part of the body of their mother. When they are born they are fed by their mother and that oneness continues. Once you have total unity with your children then you bring your children to your husband so that all of you can become one.
Until you are born you receive everything from your mother for your existence. However, the seed of life which the baby contains, comes from the father, but the structure is from the mother. Nothing belongs to you, yourself, when you are born. You have to understand that clearly. Nothing belongs to you. Therefore, until you die you have to be absolutely united with your father and mother because everything belongs to them. Do you clearly understand? This is the way in which we can spread this horizontally. You are the result of thousands of years of vertical history and at your level you can spread this at a horizontal level. This enables your whole family to be connected to this vertical lineage.
Remember that of yourself you have nothing. When do you become the owner of yourself? If Adam and Eve had become perfectly matured, then God would have entered their lives and they would have been able to claim that God belonged to them and that they belonged to one another. The only time that we can claim ourselves is when we consummate the married life of True Love. Through the practice of True Love you can claim your husband, your wife and your children. Because that is the place where God can dwell. This is the point where you become totally one as husband and wife and one with God. Upon that foundation you have to offer your absolute love, faith and obedience to True Parents and then you have hope.
Until you find your ideal spouse with God's blessing you have to give your absolute obedience to your parents. You don't have any concept of freedom. These are not the words of Reverend Moon; rather this is the law of creation. You American leaders need to understand this clearly. You all have a concept of freedom and privacy. What is freedom and privacy? Until you are blessed as a couple you have no freedom of your own. Even in the secular world, only when you are introduced as a married man and woman are you perceived as a serious mature adult. You have to reach the position of parents.
Have you really obeyed your parents until you got married? In order to reach the Position of Adam and Eve's blessing they had to be centered upon God. When you reach the stage of husband and wife, then you should inherit True Parents' heart. That is the only way that you can produce children of True Parents' heart. Then when you have your own children, until they receive the Blessing, you have to always protect them and carry them around with you. Do you understand? You cannot let boys and girls run freely together.
Do you think that you should give your first kiss to your eternal spouse or to some other playboy? (Spouse.) That is your original mind responding. Even holding hands and giving your heartistic embrace should be only for your first love. Pure gold will transmit electricity using every part of that gold. This is how pure men and women are possessing that same eternal value.
If you fail to go through these stages in this physical world, when you join the spiritual world you will have no choice but to go through this process. This individual family expands to the worldwide level. The husband is the center of the family. The center is one point, but the angle should be 360 degrees when it revolves around. Mother and children should unite together and then become one with the father.
When your children are inside the mother's womb they receive their flesh and blood from the mother. Once they are born and begin growing up, then together with their mother they receive flesh and blood from their father. The father has to go out and shed sweat and tears in order to bring back home food to the wife and children. During the first stage of existence in the womb, children receive flesh and blood from their mother, but in the second stage, together with their mother, they receive blood and flesh from their father. That is what a family is. No concept of self existence should exist within the family.
As a husband and father we have the responsibility to raise, feed and share our flesh and blood with our children and wife. Even if husbands have to shed blood, sweat and tears out in the world, they have to appreciate that. As a child, you should consider your mother as the source of life, love and lineage. Then together with your mother you should consider your father as the source of love. This is the way that your family will become united and perfected. The seed of life came to you from your father. Therefore after becoming one with your mother you eventually have to become one with your father who is the source of the seed of life.
We have to become good quality mothers whom children can unite around. Also, as a mother you have to be able to unite with your children. It is essential that you all become mothers of this quality. The mother alone cannot raise the children. Because the children are supposed to share the flesh and blood of their father as well. Therefore, how can you even think of taking your children away from their father.
[Father begins to draw a diagram on the board] This is the stage that we refer to as the family Kingdom of God. The next stage that we refer to is that of national parents. Therefore, we have to become national level parents. Who is the national level father? Adam and God. Adam and Eve inherited that right from God, but actually it is the position of God as well. This represents the nation. The parents of the nation, representing plus and minus, make up millions of families within the nation. Within these millions of individual families there should exist unified families who should have a reciprocal relationship with the parents on the national level. Do you understand?
If these individual families live their lives for the sake of the entire nation, then the national level central parents will give and share their blood and flesh with those individual families. The king who is willing to sacrifice his own children, and his throne in order to save his people will be called a righteous king. In this relationship we can see this ideal relationship between the family of the king and your individual families. On the national level, if this situation is an ideal one, then this king will take care of the individual families personally. Such a king would be referred to as a righteous, saint-like king.
Then to whom does this land of America belong? Do you have an American king? You have an American president. However, the position of president is only in place for four years. This is the land intended to be prepared to receive the Lord of the Second Advent who will rule this world for eternity. Just as the father shares his blood and flesh with his children, then on the national level the king is supposed to be in the position to share his blood and flesh with all the families of the nation. The land of America belongs to the king and the king's family.
We are all standing in the position to receive blood and flesh from our parents. Without our parents we cannot exist. Who are the children of filial piety? The children who please and obey their parents are referred to as the sons and daughters of filial piety. On a national level, when you devote your entire life for the sake of the entire nation you are referred to as a patriot. However, at a higher scale, when you live and dedicate your entire life for the sake of God and humanity you will be called a saint. On the cosmic level you should be able to sacrifice everything, yourself, your family, your relatives, your nation. Until you reach that point, there is no concept of yourself, your family, or your nation. Only when you are fully accepted by and become one with God can the concept of myself, my family, my nation come into existence. Because of the lack of this system of understanding there has always been conflict, dictators and wars in this world.
First, within your family you should achieve unification; second, you should achieve unification with your king; third, you should achieve unification with God, your ultimate parent. On this final level, more people are involved. Yourself, your father, your mother, and your king which includes your entire kingdom. Then you can go to God and become one. Then you can truly claim yourselves as children of God. Do you clearly understand Father? (Yes.) In one kingdom there can be millions of different ideal families. Under God there can be many thousands of different kingdoms united with God.
Our Family Pledge No. 2 states: We families centered upon True Love, pledge to attend God and True Parents, to become central families representing the cosmos. To fulfill the way of Heaven, becoming individuals of filial piety for the family, patriots for the nation, saints for the world and holy sons and daughters of Heaven and Earth.
Please remember, until we reach this final stage, in the process of becoming one with my family level parents, national level parents with your ideal king, there can be no concept of the individual self, family or nation. Only when you become totally one with God will you become totally liberated to claim yourself, your family, your nation and your world. Do you clearly understand? (Yes.) Until we reach that ultimate level, we can have no concept of our individual self. In order to reach that goal please become one with your mother first. This is the first stage in this process. We have to clearly understand our path. Then finally when we become totally one with God, we will be fully recognized as children of God. Then we will stand in the position of sharing love with the world in the position of lords.
We need to follow the family level parents, national level parents, and cosmic level parents in absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. In such a world, could you possibly imagine any concept of self? No. That is why those who enter the Kingdom of God do so with their restored nation. The perfected Adam's family will enter the Kingdom of God. This includes the family level, national level and cosmic level. If you reach to that level then God will dwell with that family. That is how Adam's family will become qualified to enter the Kingdom of God. Once you make mistakes at these various stages, how difficult it is to return to the original position.
This four position diagram [Father draws on the board] as we learn these eight different stages, we are all helped and obtain approval from parents. That is the only way we can proceed through the various stages. Isn't this true? (Yes.) Father's conclusion is that in order to achieve the ideal of True Love, we have to sacrifice ourselves in order to reach the family level, centering on family level parents. Then we have to reach the goal of national level parents. Finally we reach to the cosmic level God and we will be able to achieve the ideal of love.
Through living our lives for the family, this family then exists for the nation. This seed of life came from God originally so we have to go through various stages, then the ultimate goal is to reach God. Once we reach the place of God then a new universe and cosmos of peace, love and freedom will blossom. There will be no worry concerning money, food and material needs. This will be the life in the Kingdom of God.
In such a world we won't need any physical vehicles, food and clothing. All we will need is True Love. Whatever you have based upon the spirit of True Love will manifest before you immediately. This vast universe will become your holy ground; your home. Many precious stones are awaiting their owner. This means God's true princes and princesses. In such a world you can travel billions of miles in an instant. With the spirit of True Love, the moment you have the desire to see someone, then no matter how far away that person might be, immediately he will appear right in front of you. Centering upon true love and the Will of God, if you have the notion to have a banquet for thousands of people in the grounds of Belvedere tonight, then as soon as you have a clear plan the entire set up will appear here before you. Everything is possible in that world.
Once you experience that kind of world, you will lose all interest in this limited physical world. The world of spirit is such a convenient place. It is the world that transcends time and space. Do you want to follow where True Parents go? (Yes.) Then you have to know this truth. Only after Father established the victorious foundation to be able to introduce these secrets is Father revealing these truths to the world. Father knows this very truth from the individual to the worldwide level. Therefore, he just continues to follow this course. Today our topic is Following the Cosmic True Love Way. What Father has described to us is exactly that. Through following this way we can reach to the position where we can claim to be the children of God and the friends of God.
Since we originated from God, we have to return to God by following the Cosmic True Love way. Do you understand that? Chinese characters are deeply meaningful. This one here [Father indicates to the board] means two people. Then together with this character [indicating to the board] it means the house that is surrounded by God. A God-caring house where two people live is the cosmos. How about that? That is why Father's title today is Following the Cosmic True Love Way. Centering upon True Parents, on the family level, we will become the true children of filial piety. On the national level we will become the true patriots. On the world level we will become the true saints. On the cosmic level we will become the true holy sons and daughters. Throughout history no one has accomplished this. However, since we have learned this secret truth from True Parents, we stand in the position to achieve this. God Himself needs His family because He is all alone now. After establishing all of these various foundations we can claim to be holy sons and daughters.
This means that we have to invest everything for the sake of the family; the family for the sake of the nation; nation for the sake of the world; and the world for the sake of God and the cosmos. This is the course. We have received too much, that is why we have to constantly invest and give. Do you understand Father's message this morning? (Yes.) Since we have learned this cosmic true love way from Father, we have to follow this path. Those who are determined to follow the true love way show both of your hands to Father. This is the month of May when everything is flourishing. Just as God's blessing is pouring abundantly upon creation during this time, may His blessing pour down upon all of you. Please join me in prayer.