

East Garden, December 8, 1995, Translator -- Sang Kil Han

Women, please raise your hands. Are you bona fide women? We have to recognize, to understand that what made the world into such a mess started with women. We must be reminded that one day's evil doing by Eve made literally tens of thousands of years of hard work for God plus all the price that humankind had to pay to redeem that one day's evil doing. What does this mean? This means that the sexual matter is of such magnitude, so important, that we can only imagine, and how many tens of thousands of years it has taken for God to get rid of it. As a result of the Fall, God lost his children, the brother and the sister, even their parents, husband and wife, and all the related relationships, all these were instantly lost. What significant impact that act of the Fall -- which happened in one day -- has brought forth to humankind. We have to have insight. So this becoming good children, good husband and wife and good parents, these four are the relationships, the perfected situations that have all been lost because of this one act. As a result of it, and only working to regain this perfect relationship of children, love relationship of husband and wife, and parental relationship toward these children, there has not been one day, not even one instant that God has been able to fulfill. All these things were completely lost. Out of these four realms of heart, not one could God retain. God lost everything, all four. What has been destroyed cannot withstand that high standard of God's ideal. No one can deny that. So what are we to do? We have to remake ourselves, restore ourselves to the position of God's perfect creation, as a legitimate, qualified restored daughter and son. This is what we have to do.
Who are Adam and Eve? Adam and Eve are God in flesh. It's their role. And these women and men, these children, when they are perfected as true daughter and true son, and also Adam and Eve, will grow up to be the perfect husband and wife and be a part of God. So one woman's act brought forth the result of losing all these four realms of heart, totally shattered it to pieces, and now she has to indemnify all the shortcomings, and perfect everything. This is very conceptual, but have you ever thought like this? Actually this is no concept, this is the reality we are facing. We have to understand that this is not only the concept that the Unification Church and Father teaches -- which you can memorize in a few seconds -- but this is reality for which God and Father and all humankind has had to work so many thousands of years to indemnify and to make that one fallen woman into a perfect woman; it's mind-boggling, the venture God has been taking on. We have to understand that. But think about it. If you were given the responsibility by God to restore, on the worldwide-scale, this whole mess of history, how pressing, how difficult would it be? We have to feel that realistically. After the Fall, the men played their role as remaining ongoing fallen archangels' position. That's how they have been trained, to keep on and on with what they have been doing.
The result of the Fall, by Eve, resulted in two things: 1) deceiving her own husband and 2) deceiving her own father. God is Father and Adam is elder son. That is the crux of the problem. Consequently, all women are responsible for restoring their own son and their own husband. Every woman on Earth has the destiny or responsibility of finding her own true husband. That means nobody is going to bring him to her. She has to find her husband-to-be and educate and nurture him so that he is the kind of husband God wants him to be. Now we have two directions: first, to restore the husband. It is hopelessly fouled up because of the existing civilization, so easier, yet more practical is to find that woman's son and bring him into restoration, finding in him a true husband he should be and that God expected a man to be -- a perfect man. You, as women, should find such a son to nurture to such a standard. Fallen woman, even though she is fallen, now realizes what she is supposed to do. She will take her son and nurture him in such a way that will bring him up to the level where the Fall didn't take place. That's where God's creation of ideal man is; you have to bring him to that and let him work it out to untangle all this history. So in restoration, it's clearly the transition time from true parentship to true kingship. In restoring this kingship, we have to restore the three. Before kingship can be restored, we should restore true parentship. Before true parentship can be restored, we have to restore elder sonship. So in this perspective, without the presence of True Parents, eternally there is no way for the Fall to be mended, or for fallen people to return to where they were before the Fall. There is no way we can reach that ideal perfection without True Parents.
When the Messiah comes again, Lord of the Second Advent, what is his specific target? Who would he want to meet? It's not his son or his daughter. It is his bride, because he expects his bride to bring sons and daughters. Through that bride, the Messiah is to plant the seed of True Love. So since she expelled God and her husband out of Heaven as a result of the Fall, now her destiny is to bring them back and establish the real husband in such a way as to bring the level up to where God can accept it. That is purity. She must restore the purity of that man. So when she becomes a bride to the groom, the bride should be of the utmost purity, so impeccably chaste it is not questionable that she is pure and worthy of receiving the original husband and rearing the original sons and daughters as well. So what the Fall amounted to was not only expelling her husband and their children-to-be, but also the One Who is to Come. Because of the absence of her qualifications, her purity, the One Who is to Come had no place to stand; so even the One Who is to Come she has destroyed. Expanding this logic and reality, she not only forsook Adam, but the second Adam, Jesus and the third Adam, the Lord of the Second Advent. Adam means family-centered, Jesus means nation-centered, Second Advent means world-centered -- those three husbands were killed by Eve. On all three levels, Eve destroyed all three Adams, first, second and third Adam. And she failed to recognize her husband, a real brand new opportunity husband who came as a legitimate, qualified, true husband. In conclusion, the Messiah came and taught this, but what is the ideal expected by God and by the Second Advent? To find some woman, who without the Messiah coming and telling her, would realize that her position now is to restore this elder sonship and husband family base, the restoration of elder sonship, and parentship, kingship.
At Jesus' time the nation base lost that elder sonship, parentship and kingship. At the Second Advent time after World War II, everything was lost, chased out to the wilderness. Just like that! Defeated by the action of the bride. When the Lord of the Second Advent comes he expects to see her. She is expected to be there, preparing, knowing all these things and ready to reindemnify everything and meet the Lord of the Second Advent. She is expected to come in the most serving way. But as history witnesses, when the Lord of the Second Advent comes and the bride is not ready, then how heartbreaking and disappointing this is on behalf of God and the Messiah, to come and find this unpreparedness on behalf of women. So now women want to reach to a perfection level without understanding all these responsibilities, without understanding all these historical failures of women. Women have inherited that position at the Last Days. What should have happened was, without Father telling all this complicated story, naturally, each one of us should have been aware of all this and with repentance, waiting with bowed head for the Messiah to come, we could have received him as the legitimate bridegroom. But instead women, as well as men, are not ready, not knowing anything, and now the Messiah comes and teaches about restoring elder sonship, restoring true parentship, restoring kingship, all these things the Messiah takes pains to teach women. Women don't even understand clearly what it is all about, and they continue to be unaware and unprepared. This is truly what we face today.
What about American women? What do you feel? Did you ever dream that was woman's position? So women should understand all these things, even before anybody has to remind them, let alone teaching them in detail. They should understand this already, and duly prepare to receive the coming bridegroom, for which mankind has been waiting thousands of years. But instead, look at American women; they do not know anything about this and are unprepared, and they also think bridegroom and bride, men and women are equal. What that amounts to is, you American women think you are equal to the Messiah, the One Who is to Come, even though you wouldn't admit it. Has it ever occurred to you to restore and prepare that one bridegroom in the perfect Adam's position? God has worked so many tens of thousands of years just for that one purpose. Therefore, that One Who is to Come, the Messiah, retains that intrinsic value, because God placed that much work and that much value into him. Now he appears in front of us. Indemnity payment. Adam's past indemnity payment -- how much quantity, accumulation upon accumulation, that kind of amount. You have to know that. Why did God pay that kind of heavy indemnity? Heavy indemnity was for fallen Eve. Eve should have stayed in Eve's position, which is saving Messiahship. Eve lost that, everything. Instead of God standing in Eve's position, He had to bear such heavy burden. So women, starting from the one who is sitting on top row here as a representative of American women, must understand more about this. That's the woman's position, including American women. Now you know that throughout history God has worked and paid much dear indemnity to bring the Messiah here on Earth.
Women must understand these teachings, understand all the lessons we learned from God's working throughout history. Now they are determined, even belatedly, because Eve now stands in the original position. By restoring herself and bringing her husband in front of Parents, and also finding her children and bringing them back into perfection, all these things we have to literally undertake. That's your individual responsibility. We know that husband represents Heaven and wife and children represent Earth. Because of Eve's wrongdoing, Heaven and Earth have been separated and have lost everything. Now we understand this, and literally we take this responsibility upon ourselves to restore elder sonship, parentship and kingship. This is what we must do to prepare the pure transition of true parentship into kingship. That's why women have to restore their own husband and also their own children, based on this principle. In other words, spiritually, God has worked so hard to prepare the last Adam, the Messiah to come, in the flesh, into perfection. We can't imagine how hard God must have worked spiritually. Adam's position is horizontal as opposed to Earth's foundation representing Eve. Parents is spiritual world where God represents the center place. Here on Earth women have to do the same thing. Father, children, Adam's position, as well by Adam's having to make the Kingdom of Heaven. Until now God has been working to prepare that kind of foundation for the time of the Second Advent. Creating a spiritual Kingdom of Heaven. Whose mission was this? Fallen Eve's mission. Representative bride position means horizontal bride, vertical husband's bride. That means Adam's bride, which also means God's bride. Do you understand? Therefore, the preparation of a nation is Eve's mission. The Second Advent is on the Earth. The teaching is clear now. Until now God has taken the providential way. That providential purpose is Adam's perfection, children's position. Also the father's perfection, creator's position. God's side is plus and the bride's side is making preparation. This means the children and the real husband. Eve's mission is the restoration mission. Perfection on Earth -- this is God's ideal. Is this clear? From now on you have to create your children and your real husband. Second Adam's mission and God's mission instead of Eve's mission. Do you follow that?
We must understand this mission of Eve in a renewed sense. When the Messiah came he found desolation; there was not any such preparation. Therefore he could not teach right away. Now the time is changing and Father is able to teach. Had Father taught you this years ago, maybe it would have helped you, but Satan would have objected and claimed you back. Therefore, Father had no way to teach us freely. However, this is a different age and Father is able to teach us. Once and for all we have to understand this clearly and stand in the position we should have thirty years ago. From this point on we stand as an original person to restore my own husband, and my own children, and prepare them so that God can come and dwell with them freely. Just as God has done and Father knows very well what God has done. Now Father is teaching this to all the brides in order that they can restore their husbands and their children, Heaven and Earth. Then dedicate them to Heaven so that God can live with them. This is the mission of women.
Through her first love experience Eve chased God away. Therefore we need to follow the reverse process; we need to chase the false husband out from our homes and usher in the original husband and dedicate him to God. That is God in the flesh. God can dwell with such a family. It is not the role of the Second Coming, it is not even God's role, rather it is our role as women to restore the rightful husband and children and make them available to God to cherish as the original creation. Eve originally chased out the original husband and ushered in the false husband. This one act of one woman has nullified all relationships up until the present time. Our mission as women is to completely reverse this situation. God looks at all women here on the Earth as one woman. He does not treat millions of women differently. He applies one principle to each. Whenever God views women He sees them as one, with one role -- to reverse the process of the Fall.
The preparation here on Earth has to be laid by women so that your husband and children, in a restored position, can serve the True Parents to come. Adam must be accepted among us before God can be accepted into us. There are no two ways about it. The bride is so important. The bridegroom is the main body, but the bride is so important because the brides are the ones to bring the bridegroom into perfection. Do you understand? Through his speaking tour Father has made clear the restoration of elder sonship. Now it is to make clear the establishment of true parentship and make clear the re-entry of the restoration of kingship. In order to proclaim this, to accomplish this and make connection with this, Father made this world tour. Once the elder sonship is restored there is no way for it to be reversed or affected. It will be there permanently. Once the True Parentship is established, that too can never be affected. Now we are going over the second stage or growth stage into the perfection stage. When Father establishes kingship then the Abel of kings cannot be opposed by Satan. The more they oppose the faster they will decline. This will be the completion of the family base centered upon God.
This world is not in the direct dominion of God. When the Second Advent enters into the direct dominion era it cannot be influenced by the pattern of the indirect dominion. The Second Advent can control the cosmic base. Satan controls at the national level, which is under the cosmic base. Satan cannot control the direct dominion sphere. As we exert good influence over the world, so shall the Satanic order decline and be destroyed as the direct dominion reigns more and more. We have to understand that God has spiritual dominion and True Parents have material dominion. This is the direct dominion and Satan's indirect dominion now has no place. There are two totally different spheres existing now. This transition time which began two years ago has caused many changes in the world. It will take approximately seven years in order to change substantially. We don't witness change overnight. However, seven years is a relatively short time period for us to witness such change. We will be able to witness this.
If we look at the situation in Korea, the former presidents have failed and look at what is happening -- they are totally chastised through blame and accusation. Look at how the world order is being tested so seriously. The whole system in Japan and Korea is being shaken. In Korea two former presidents are now in jail. The presidency of America is also undergoing a most rigid testing. House Speaker Newt Gingrich is opposing President Clinton by insisting that in seven years the budget has to be balanced. When Newt Gingrich proclaims that this has to be done because America has the responsibility for the whole world then God thinks it is all right. However, if Mr. Gingrich is determined to do the same thing merely for America then it would mean other nations would be sacrificed. Other nations would be afraid if America were to insist for its own national interests alone. If America insists on acting for its own sake alone, it would drive God into such a position that He would be unable to forgive America.
We have to understand that what Father is doing in South America is not in order to establish any visible foundation such as we might expect. Rather it is to make a foundation in order to bring North and South America into a legitimate Cain and Abel relationship. Once that is established, even though America may blunder -- and now the chances of this are almost certain -- still there is another chance for America to continue to survive. This is the purpose behind Father's work. Following behind Father, there is a chance for America to find a future. Japan is also failing in spite of Father's teachings. However, Father still pushed them to make 160 missionaries around the world. When they do that it will establish enough foundation for Japan to remain. All of these things Father has accomplished here and then he went to Korea and left Mother. Centering upon Mother, all the second generation can connect with Father. CARP, in Abel position, connects with students, in Cain position, combine into one centering upon Mother and Father. Do you understand? Government is no problem. True Parents can embrace that kind of second generation. Standing in that king of Abel's position. The Cain king's position is declining and Father's Abel king position is ascending.
Kim Il Sung lost the Cain generation students. The South Korean government lost the Abel generation students. True Parents embraced the Cain and Abel side students. This is going over the mountain top. The elder son position is declining and the younger son position is ascending to the mountain top now and inheriting everything. 160 nations representatives. This is like the seed for 160 nations. This is what Father has planted in 160 nations. Connected with this foundation, the missionaries in 160 nations now have a clear message as to what they need to proclaim to the rest of the world. They need to distribute Father's victorious seed. Seed means Father's words. Same contents, same spirit, same value. Even though it is a missionary speaking in the place of Father, it will have the same value as though Father spoke because it is the Principle and Father has dedicated himself to it. No matter how humble a nation may be, if they take Father's words seriously and heartistically then the spiritual world will immediately come down and work with them. Every home should hear Father's speech content. The spiritual world is the archangel world. This is the world of Father's completion. When they connect together it completes Adam's position. Through the Fall Adam's position was lost. In this age, True Parents appear and the restoration of the Archangel and Adam can occur.
After the Fall, separation occurred between Adam's world and the archangelic world. Separation between God and humanity occurred. During this time of True Parents, Adam's world and the archangel world can unite into one. Then God can come down and connect with that original position. This is the recreation and perfection of the family concept world. Bride foundation is needed. You need to make that kind of foundation. Do you understand? (Yes) You have to work in order to make recreation come about. This is the bride's position. No matter now difficult it may be.
Through practicing this principle, you women will become invincible and be able to win over the Cain king. Your Abel king will win over the Cain king. This is how the United Nations can be influenced, far easier than you may think. It will happen. You wait and see. You will be a king maker, in an Abel king position instead of a Cain king position. Is this clear? You have to recreate the Abel king. This means you have to create a real American president. Clinton is the worst president. We have to determine ourselves based upon this principle. How can we manifest True Parents' kingship authority?
England represents the bride position centered upon Christian culture. Is that true? However, they did not welcome the bridegroom, but rather chased him out. They lost everything. American women have to restore the bride position. This is what American women's responsibility is. Do you understand what women's role is? You have to take that kind of action within this world. The Third World has welcomed Reverend Moon and I understand that if the investment in America had been given to Africa, how much more return it would give. If I were to withdraw all support and investment in America, what would this country do? It would go all the way to the bottom. We have to brace ourselves and have a renewed commitment in our lives or else we will find ourselves with nothing.
During my world speaking tour Father felt ashamed that he had spent too much time and resources here in America instead of other nations. America's wealth and prosperity is not for Americans alone, but rather for the whole world. That is God's viewpoint of prosperity. Now the time is changing. Just as God sacrificed his Abel son, the son that He loved in order to save Cain likewise we, too, must be willing to forsake our own husbands, who are in Abel's position, and receive persecution in order to save Cain. We have to make our own president into Abel position for the sake of this world. Father has always gone this way. This is clearly the role of American women. Do you understand?
All of the peace federations which Father has created, he has done so just for this very purpose. We women must become second king makers and sacrifice our families for the sake of this nation. This means the Women's Federation for World Peace members need to embrace the women of all families. Women's mission is that important. That is the bride position. After the Fall God lost the bride position, home and nation. Do you understand? You have to sacrifice your home in order to save the nation. Then the United Nations will be drawn to us. Everywhere in the world women will elect the president. Do you understand the principle Father is explaining to you? Those of you who understand what Father is pointing out to you please raise your hands. Even though Father directs this content mainly toward women, the men, too, need to understand what it is that Father is explaining.
Eventually the day will come when you will inherit every principle that women have worked on. Mother's position is Eve's position. Men are in the archangel position. Father has inherited to Eve that kind of value. Husbands should absolutely unify in helping your wive's position. From that point wives can bequeath to their husbands. All husbands need to understand clearly the mission of the bride. You have to absolutely help. This is a one-way course, not a two-way course. You have to follow True Parents and your wives; then you will be in the younger son position to Father's elder son's position. You have to follow your wives. Do you understand?
This is the way that men can receive rebirth. Father's position is elder position. This is the recreation system. What then is kingship? Upon the completion of the restoration of elder sonship, and the completion of true parentship, which has already been established, we are now about to enter into the restoration of kingship. It means we take up the responsibility to restore the Cain king within our nation. You can have absolute confidence that you can be better teachers than any women who were born here in America. Because God has wanted this situation to occur, in some way it isn't altogether bad that American women have been like queens and their husbands like servants. However, your servant will gradually turn into your ideal husband. That is the difference. Your king. You and your children must unite first and then together coax the father into an ideal person. Do you follow?
You should not use your wives as if they are your own property. They are far too precious. Therefore you should take them seriously and follow them for the purpose which Father has just described. There will be another Blessing that will take place. Even though we have received Blessing at the church level, there will be a national Blessing, beyond the church boundary. Upon the establishment of the independent Kingdom of Heaven you have to again be Blessed, connecting the church base with the national base. Then you need to receive the Blessing a third time, at the world level. When that time comes, all will yearn for international marriage. Father sees that the offspring of the international Blessings will find themselves in the mainstream of world leadership. Everyone will want to be Blessed internationally eventually.
Even though it was not so easy, Father pushed in order that later people will understand what Father's work is all about while he is still here on Earth. When that comes, it will be consistent with the flow of history and many will appreciate it, even years from now. Now Father, together with God, finds that it is time to relax just as all kings and presidents have done in the fallen world. Even though Father will not indulge in alcohol or any other vice such as that, still Father should take it easy, go hunting and fishing. Father should pursue this way while we prepare the Earth. That is what God intends. This is what Father's intense fishing has been all about, making a foundation through scenic tourism for us to have a place to go and support ourselves no matter where we are. The hobby industry is for this purpose now. We have not heard so much about condominiums until now. However, quite a number have been built. The condominium is like a commune villa where many of us can enjoy life together. We families are head of the world fashion. Hundreds of such projects have been going on for one purpose. Soon enough we will be able to experience this. We don't need to live in and enjoy one house for all of our lives. Rather we will be free to travel to South America or wherever we wish. Do half mission, half hobby and enjoyment. Just as God intended.
Father has seen all kinds of entertainment facilities throughout the advanced world. Therefore, he has a very precise idea as to what our future will be like. We will be needing many small to medium sized airplanes. They are as easy to build as automobiles. The development of so-called recreation areas has taken place only within the last twenty or thirty years. Prior to that there was nothing. Until now, the so-called recreation areas were only within the urban areas. However, Father feels there are hundreds of areas of scenic beauty that are not so accessible, but, with small aircraft we could travel there anytime. Father has developed a unique way of exercising our bodies which will keep us fit without having to go through a lot of complicated exercises.
The Satanic world has Olympic games, but equivalent to this is the Abel Olympic games. Father has to achieve something of high standard once and for all that people can recognize. An example is Father being the sponsor and owner of the Il Hwa Soccer team. If you can achieve a soccer team, such as the one Father has established in Korea, football teams and basketball teams become relatively easy to establish. All you need to do is buy the best players. Then people will feel that Father is a sportsman. This will help them get closer to Father which is a way of saving their lives. Father is envisioning having them participate in the Asian Games. If they were to win in such games people would wonder how that success came to such an unknown team. Naturally Father cannot be separated from that victory.
The Christians in Korea all get the clear message that if God is not with the Il Hwa team then how can they win the triple crown. Christians are trying in the wrong way. Eventually they will begin to accept Father. Father will invite all the high ranking religious leaders so they can learn from Father's everyday life. Father will invite the Pope along with them. Father can change all of their concepts within two years. It is not a theoretic magnetism that Father has; it is simply fun to be with Father! Father now refers to a Chinese character symbolizing fun. Living here in America should also be fun. This is the fantasy of Chinese characters. It means having fun. When Father speaks the word America, he would like to have an entirely different meaning of America. A new image of America. The ideal America. God's ideal America. Not the kind of America that we have today.
The Earth is so blessed and women can be in God's place and give recreation to the Abel husband, the Abel king, the Abel children and truly establish the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. How wonderful this is. In Adam's family the elder sonship was lost through the slaying of Abel. In Jesus' time the parents' position was lost because Jesus was unable to become a parent. In Father's time the king's position was lost. Father was supposed to have been accepted in the position of king and so now we are in the process of restoring this.
By the year 2000 Father will have reached the age of eighty years. If there is some extension, it may take up to 2003 or eighty three years of Father's age. In order to change the direction in which the world is going is none other than the Blessing. We have to restore the family through Blessed families. Father knows that this is the shortcut in order to bring all of humankind into the one good direction to God -- the Blessing is that way. AIDS virus in just a few years has affected 20 million people. Can you believe that? By the year 2020 it will become the main destructive factor of human life. One way to prevent this is through the Blessing. The leprosy that occurred one century ago is nothing compared to AIDS. We have to isolate this disease at the society level. We must clearly understand that the poisonous snake that caused the Fall of all humankind is precisely the woman's sexual organ and man's sexual organ. This is not an exaggeration at all. Clearly this is true.
The man and woman's sexual organs are a more formidable enemy than lions and all wild beasts put together. We have to clearly understand that lions and tigers will only consume the human flesh and leave the bones, but the human sexual organs will consume the very basis of human existence. Heaven, ideal and happiness will all be shattered into pieces through this. Do you think we have until the millennium to achieve this goal, or do you think that we are in a race against time? Those who think that we have time to take it easy, please raise your hands. If you feel that we have to really hurry or we will run out of time, raise your hands. That is true and man is only second in rank in this regard; women are so very important.
Father would like you to express this in writing so that you can remember it more clearly. Are you ready? Then take notes. December 8, 1995 upon Father's return from the 16-nation world tour, direction:
I. The Providential Perspective.
A. Elder Sonship
B. True Parentship
C. Kingship
(Father has expanded on these three already.)
D. Understanding the importance of women's position today.
E. The need to find responsible persons. (Men and women, and the atmosphere of this project should be presented everywhere in all families.)
II. Father began building boats and distributing them to other countries long ago.
1. Careful upkeep of such boats is most important. Since these boats are going to be museum pieces of these countries in the future, it is necessary to preserve them for posterity. These are fiberglass boats that will not corrode. Father is indignant that he gave two boats to each state and they have not been well maintained. We have to clearly understand that the property which belongs to the Church is more valuable than property in our own homes. America has this all reversed and therefore is experiencing difficulty.
2. Create 50-man groups. These 50 men will average one bus load and be an effective unit for operating a hobby industry. We can turn our agricultural effort into fun or hobby effort. Fishing and hunting are not chores, they are hobbies.
Each family is supposed to witness to 160 families. Since there are fifty people, one-third of them should be able to witness, the others educate. That means you change places.
3. Education and witnessing.
III. Blessing of 3.6 million.
a) Complete the mission of tribal messiah;
b) Witness through the dissemination of literature;
c) Train your clan. You have no time to wait for them to volunteer themselves. This will work, even though you don't yet understand it. Now elder sonship is restored completely; True Parentship is restored completely; legitimately, both mind and body, and kingship is restored;
d) The pure life movement begins with Mother. Because of the original bad mother the children have become bad. Now is the time to restore this.
Sixteen percent of all Canadians do not know who their father is. Father imagines that percentage is even higher here in America. Maybe up to 30 percent. The pure life movement is very necessary. Father received a very impressive note from one eighteen year-old second generation who was blessed this time. Father asked why he volunteered for the Blessing at such a young age and he told Father that his parents were so harmonious as a couple that it was an inspiration to him. How many more hidden couples such as this exist within the Unification Church Blessings? This is the good news of the gospel. That is true. If women complain then where will your children go? If you talk about women's liberation and confront your husband, what in fact do you gain? It is very bad.
Now take this down:
IV. The Era of the Restoration of Kingship.
1. Dominion from Above;
a) We should mobilize the spiritual world. You can mobilize the spiritual world when you are more advanced than your ancestors in the spiritual world. When you dedicate more heart, put more love, more effort into what you do, then the spiritual world will help you;
b) The time of unifying our ancestors is now. Instead of trying to work by yourself, work in unity with your ancestors in the spiritual world; as past and present, we will approach our second generation. Our second generation will be much better off if we do so;
c) Era of Combined Operation: This means you don't work alone but rather you work in cooperation with the spiritual world.
d) Dedicate more loyalty toward Heaven and Parents. If we do so other people will be impressed and follow our example. The display of loyalty is better than any past times in history.
2. Mother should unite with Abel king and restore the Cain king. This is the age of restoring the Cain king. In order to achieve this goal you have to restore the children and recreate the father. We have to restore our bridehood toward the bridegroom who is already here.
Now Father has dictated these notes to you, and starting from today we must pledge to put all of our efforts into being successful in accomplishing these various directives. Amen? Amen. Title I is the Dispensational Perspective. Now that the speech in Canada is over, completing the 160 nation tour, Father will travel to South America soon and speak at interreligious and media meetings there.
You must insert in your instructions the need to display a Unification Church Family Tribal Messiah plaque at your home. Is this clear? Every Blessed couple, you need to display such a plaque outside of your homes. Father may go to a city and ask the police chief where can he find such signboards on homes in that town. Then the police chief will direct Father to such homes and then Father may come and visit you and even sleep there one day. If you gather many people in your home Father will come and give a talk to them. Father can be very mobile. Once he has these small planes available, Father can fly in any direction he wants. We are well underway now to making our own airplanes. That is not a problem.
Mother, together with Abel, will save Cain. The restoration of the Cain kingship is the mission of women. Is that clear? That's all! Father wants you to understand that this is a very important announcement. It is the role of mothers to restore the unity between religion and politics. The Women's Federation has to complete this goal. Then join that foundation together with the Abel at the grammar school and high school level. In other words, the world will move in such a direction that a woman's presidency will be more vital than any man's presidency. This trend will come about.
Imagine if you make an impact in the social movement and create a better world, don't you think your presidency would be welcomed within a very short time? The religious world and political world represent mind and body. They need to come into one. The Cain and Abel conflict that has gone on all throughout human history now has the ability to end through women. You can bring them together in peace and guide them to Father. Through this, all world conflict will cease. After the Blessing, at the worldwide level, your clan will be able to move from one place to another with ease. This is humanity's destiny. You don't have to remain here in New York; rather you can go to the most remote corner of Africa. If your value is recognized you will be invited like a queen!
Now is the time of equalization; there is not so much difference in human lives anymore. The only difference is: who is closer to God? How hopeful the future life will be. Now you understand what Father has been explaining to you regarding the importance of women. This is a proclamation. There should be no human being living on the Earth who has not heard of this. Can you imagine God's joy when all that Father has said here today becomes a reality? This is God's dream.


God’s Will and the Ocean

God’s Will and the Ocean
Speech given at the Leaders' Conference, June 27, 1983

This is a new chapter, a new era, a new history. You are the master of this new history. In order to do that, you must have determination. Without that determination, you will not even get near it. Once you determine to risk your life for that purpose, you can separate yourself from Satan; Satan will have no

business with you anymore. Don't try to preserve your life. Go to the land of
death. That means that God will take your sacrifice, and God will never let you die. That is the Principle.

This is my life exactly! I have always been ready to die. This tradition goes down from me to you, from you to all others. As long as you are alive, as long as you are breathing, you cannot complain because you have already made that resolution; you are ready to die, but you have not died yet. You can say, "I am still alive! I must go on, more and more. I am not yet dying, that means I can still go further. Thank You God!"

My legs are always swollen for some reasons not caused by using leg muscles. (So, I experience much discomforts and pains) with the overuse of my legs from standing on the deck so long. However, I say, "Thank You, God! I have not yet died; I am still breathing. God, I can go on."

One night there was an accident and I collapsed in the bathroom. Mother does not know, but I fainted. When I got up, the first words I spoke were, "Thank You God, I have not died. I can go on and on and on." That is the kind of tradition I laid in the Unification Church. How can we complain? If we disregard this tradition, America will become a very dismal and tragic country. When you inherit this tradition, America will be glorious and prosperous. Everlasting blessings will come to you if you do inherit this.



Belvedere International Training Center, Translator - Peter Kim, October 3, 1995

What does this banner say? Read it loudly. Sehgeh Tongilguk Gaechunil. Those who cannot read what this sign says please raise your hands.
Father shared this experience this morning at the 7 a.m. ceremony. However, he is now sharing this with you again. As you know, Father recently gave a sixteen city speaking tour. He spoke in sixteen different states. During this time Father gave the speech True Family and I in English. Father read this speech more than one hundred times, including the sixteen official speeches he gave. However, when Father read the original text just once in Korean, it gave Father more inspiration and deeper understanding of the true meaning of the speech than reading it one hundred times in English. From this experience, Father realized how important it is for each one of us to unify languages into one.
You Americans may not appreciate this because you feel you are able to communicate freely in English wherever you go. Those who stick with the English language will pay more indemnity. Eventually you will have to go through the hardship of learning Eastern languages. Not languages alone, but the culture also. The structure of the language is very important in and of itself. In the Korean language the order is different. In Korean we would say, food eat. In English we say, we eat food. It is exactly opposite. That gives us more of a headache when we study and shows us how complicated it is. Your head has to spin in order to learn a differently structured language. It is complicated.
Therefore, no matter how difficult it may be, we must unify the languages. Only True Parents are able to do this. Father likes the word 'unification'. Because it symbolizes all of nature. Trees and green grass provide oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. Whereas humans emit carbon dioxide and take in oxygen. If the plants did the same humanity would have been eliminated long ago. But there is give and take between humankind and nature. It is similar to the Arabic number 8, it goes and comes back again. This is ideal. It is like a propeller, this eight shape. When this propeller spins fast one cannot even see it anymore. Centering upon yourself, you must be able to build a harmonious relationship with the entire world, centered upon this shape. Horizontally and vertically you have to be able to build a bridge. Once there is a circular movement then the entire area inside this circular movement is mine. You are sitting on top of it.
If you ask children how much they want something they stretch their arms to the full extent to demonstrate how much. This is the beginning. As much as they can stretch. They never tell you a tiny little bit. (Laughter.) The vertical relationship always stands in the position of subject, while the horizontal stands in the position of object. Electricity is generated through a spinning motion also. The roller inside spins which generates energy, which in turn is converted into electricity. Do you like unification? (Yes.) Do you want unification amongst Americans only or unification amongst different races? (Different races.) All the white males take black female brides. All the black males take white female brides. When Father was in Argentina recently he learned that if one keeps on breeding the white bulls with white cows all the time, gradually that particular breed becomes weaker. However, mixed breeding produces much better stock.
The main reason birds migrate from one place to another, covering vast distances, is to adjust themselves to different climates, to bring about a change. Salmon always return to the original water in which they were hatched. Father doesn't know who taught the salmon to do this. But it is reminiscent of the time when Adam and Eve were separated. After being hatched in the cold river water they remain there for a while and then they become separated out into the open ocean. Five different oceans. Then after four to six years the male salmon return to the original hatching place two weeks in advance and wait for the arrival of the female salmon. Then they breed together in the original place. Who gives them the direction to find their original home again after traveling through five different oceans? That puzzles Father still. By doing so they produce much healthier salmon.
Nobody throughout history has been matching people from opposite extremes of race and culture to one another except Reverend Moon. Because of this all manner of evil labels have been given to True Father. What do you feel? Is it a good thing for Father to do this or not? (Good.) Suppose there is a white couple with brown hair and blue eyes. They face one another and smile. Then there is another couple, the female has golden hair and blue eyes, and the male has black skin and black hair. This couple face one another and smile lovingly. Which looks more beautiful to you? (Second one.) When the sun is shining on these two couples the interracial couple will shine far more. However, if a couple of the same coloring stand together, it is not so stimulating to watch. Looking at your spouse's face, if it has the same color and the same shape with the same kind of eyes and nose, it isn't so stimulating. When God looks upon these two different couples, which couple would attract His attention most, the first or the second? (Second.)
Father has matched many couples interracially. Now Father is paying attention to what kind of children they will produce. They should be beautiful children. In the flower bed do you want to see only white flowers? How about only yellow flowers? Have you seen any black flowers? Black is the most exciting love color. What do you think? We all like unification then? (Yes.) Suppose we have only one eye. If you have only one eye, you have to turn yourself 180 degrees in order to look over here. It is dangerous. You may bump into something or hit somebody because you cannot see. You have to turn your body. The ratio of accidents occurring would be double. If you only have one nostril, the air will have a difficult time to penetrate through. [Mr. Kim says, "My explanation was not at all interesting Father tells me."] (Laughter.) (Father laughs.) But you know what I meant, right? (Laughter.)
Having two eyes and two nostrils is far more convenient for seeing and breathing. What if we only have one lip, upper or lower? (Father laughs.) What if our upper lip is shorter and our lower lip is longer? [Father makes a face to demonstrate.] As you see from Father's mouth, if you want to speak your mouth shape will be twisted and look strange. If you only have one ear you will have so much more difficulty. Life would become so very complicated. If you only have one hand and one arm, then if you want to scratch on this side, you have to turn around in circles to try to reach. We are created in such a way that it is perfectly balanced. We need this kind of balance in order to maintain ourselves. If we are under threat of attack from an animal, unless we have all of our faculties we would be in much greater danger. The pair system is so important. Most of our organs consist of pairs. All of creation is made up in the pair system. Man and woman, mind and body, heaven and earth. They are opposite to one another and yet they are in harmony and balance. Like oxygen and nitrogen, they are entirely opposite, and yet they live harmoniously together.
What is the force of this harmony? What brings harmony into being? If it is money it would never work, because everyone would want more. How about knowledge? If you have a little bit more knowledge we have a tendency as fallen people to look down on another who has less. This creates enemies. What about the possession of love? If you have more love would you do the same thing? The person who possesses more love would try to obey the other person. If you love somebody, even at the risk of your life you try to protect and invest yourself for the sake of the one whom you love. Is that right? (Yes.) In terms of the characteristics of love, giving more will generate even greater love. You embrace the entire five billion people from one end of the earth to the other in your arms. Does it make you feel good? (Yes.) Some of you may feel that Father only speaks this way because True Mother is so beautiful. You may feel that Father already has the most beautiful True Mother. (Applause.) However, if True Mother was black and huge and unable to fit in any chair, with a big nose and big ears then you would not say this to Father. Some of you may think this way.
In order to be called the king or queen of this world, you might have the biggest eyes, biggest nose, blackest color of skin. White is not such a special color. Yellow is not too special. Therefore black could be just fine. Along with all the big organs. (Laughter.) There is nothing unnatural about it. Even so, if Father is totally in love with that kind of exemplary True Mother would you welcome that? (Yes.) How could True Father be totally in love with that kind of True Mother? Only through the power of love. Love power is the only power that can totally intoxicate Father. When Father would look at such a True Mother's big eyes, then he would be totally in love just by looking at such eyes. When the tear drop would be the size of an egg from such large eyes, (Laughter.) Father would receive it. Only the power of love can do that. Everybody may spit at her because to them she looks ugly, but Father will be in deepest love. It is a natural conclusion. If there is any power that makes you feel that this entire universe is most beautiful it is the power of love. If anyone does not agree with that, they are crazy.
If you are under the spell of love, then even though your spouse's face is scarred from chicken pox, you will think of it as lots of small containers on her face. Then when the rain comes a lot of water will remain there and you will go and drink that water from her face. (Laughter.) How very enjoyable. (Laughter.) (Father laughs.) Not a strange face. That is the symptom of first love. It does not matter how ugly your love may appear. You never forget your first love. You will remember that particular face, no matter how ugly, for all eternity. I don't know. Love has a strange power.
You like unification then? (Yes.) Centering upon what? Centering upon yourself. What element is needed centering upon yourself? (Love.) Knowledge, money and power are all temporary. However, the power of love is eternal. God wants eternal love. Can love exist by itself? (No.) Love comes through your object. That is where Father's teaching comes in. Man absolutely needs woman, and woman absolutely needs man. Because of this absolute need you can find absolute love. Why? It is God's desire to be unified in love as the absolute owner. Through True Love we are connected with the concept of eternity. Those who want eternal love raise your hands. Why do you raise your hands? (Laughter.) Where do you want to see your eternal love located, at the bottom or on the top? (Top.) How about space? Would you like to see your eternal love confined in a small space or in a wide open universe? (Universe.) How about the depth? Would you like it to be skin deep, or a bottomless depth of eternal love? (Bottomless.) This is the shape of love from all different angles. It extends to all possible directions and thus creates a circular movement.
It is as if, having your house as an axis, you create a big circle covering the entire Asian continent. Then another circle covering the entire American continent. And another circle covering the entire European continent. Maybe up to the sky and down into the ground. You create all kinds of circles. When you breathe, if you keep on inhaling after one minute or so you will faint and fall down. In order to have a perfect balance, even in terms of breathing, we inhale and exhale. This give and take is the point. When you observe someone walking, it is like zero point and from here another step takes place each time. Perhaps you want to be alone standing on one foot. Does that look good? It is like homosexuals. They both stand on one foot and the two of them limp along like this. [Father demonstrates.] It is like a three legged race. That is the life of homosexuals.
Do you have to live alone or do you need your spouse? When it comes to fighting between husband and wife, it usually occurs between couples who love one another very much. If you are far away from one another in feeling then even when you draw close you still feel distant. There is no room to have a husband and wife fight. If your love life between husband and wife is flat with no waves, there is no room for fighting. When your love life makes curves you may hit the ground. Then you may become angry. Suppose there is a constitution in existence that states husband and wife may only meet once every three months. For ten years you live such a life. When you meet your loving spouse only once every three months, do you think you have room to fight with him? (No.) After three months of separation, when you meet your spouse for the first time, instead of thinking of fighting, you open your mouth as big as possible and jump on him or her and bite. The amazing thing is, even though your spouse comes at you with a lion's mouth and tries to bite you, before he or she bites you, first you will kiss that mouth. There is no concept of fighting there.
Usually husband and wife fight when they stay together day after day and sleep together every night. By doing so some discrepancies come up and then you may fight. The fight usually comes about when a husband wants to make love to his wife and she refuses. Or vice versa. That situation usually causes a fight. You should not do that. It is like a formula. Fighting between husband and wife usually stems from their love relationship. If you are truly determined to keep the standard and intensity of your first love experience throughout your marriage, there will be no fighting. Love does not belong to you. Love should belong to your spouse. Only then does that love become yours. That is why we need unification. Unification only takes places from the point of your offering to others. Not from the point of taking.
If you stand facing one another, palms together and push; if one side gives up and moves back then the speed will increase rapidly. The opposing power is retreating, propelling the other side forward more rapidly. Therefore what happens when we apply this theory into the relationship between husband and wife? Suppose they are strongly standing against one another on opposing sides, but due to the power of love, the woman yields in order to create unification and harmony; everything speeds to unite them. Does man or woman grow tired of their married life first? Which of the two is physically stronger, man or woman? (Man.) You claim that man is stronger. Therefore in one night the husband might be able to make love two or three times. However, in the case of the woman once is enough. In that sense who gives up first? (Woman.) God created woman like a valley and man like a mountain top. How to build a balance between them is the question.
By nature, woman is more emotional. It is a good idea for woman to try to embrace every aspect of creation in her heart, in the position of mother, rather than focusing only on loving her spouse. Woman is a container who can produce many different children. It is similar to creating an entire circle. Woman has that kind of room to contain such emotion and feeling. Whereas man is more vertical. Man wants to give everything at once. But woman is more like 360 degrees, with more room in her, and also has more potential to deviate. Therefore, Father encourages you to have more children. Then as a couple, when you have more children, when you make love you may talk with one another and tell one another that each time you make love it is like the love of one of your children.
If you have twelve children you will experience different types of love from all twelve. The father of those children gave the seed of all the different types of love from each child. The wife and children receive this. Therefore the children wish to return something back to their parents. If you have twelve different children and you wish to make twelve different kinds of representative love with your wife, it would mean that you would make love as husband and wife every two and half days approximately. After you are married what is the frequency of making love to one another? Every three days or every night? If love is something good that everyone should enjoy in the truest sense, don't you think it is better to make love every day? (Laughter.) Father is discussing the relationship between true husband and wife. We are not talking about something else. (Laughter.)
Another way to make love to one another is to try to make it represent each one of your organs. If you focus on that kind of thing you will be able to enjoy it much more. There is more excitement in it. Your organs may complain and protest that although they are a very important part of your body, you never have made love representing them. Your nose may also protest to you and keep punching you the way Father just did to me. (Laughter.) We should make such exciting and meaningful love. Every cell of our body wants to receive love just as animals expect to receive love from man. The nature of sheep is to give absolute obedience to their master. If one sound comes from the master they all follow. Even if you step on their feet, instead of biting you they give their hip to you in order that you may pull your foot out of the way. There is no resistance. That is their genuine nature.
When we say, Amen. Should we instead say, A-woman? (Laughter.) (Father laughs.) The sound A-men naturally harmonizes together. It is like a high and low pitch. The meaning of Amen is number one man. Number one man represents God. If you proclaim that from now on we have to say, A-woman, then God will run away. (Laughter.)
What is the topic Father is speaking on today? [Father writes on the board.] Is there any non-Korean who is able to read what Father has written? Repeat after me, GaechunjulGaemeans opening, like opening a flood gate. Chun means Heaven, Jul means occasion, season or event. When we open the gate, are we talking about opening it 360 degrees, 180 degrees or just 90 degrees? What is it? (360.) What is the point which can give you the room for 360 degree opening. From zero point coming back to zero point. Is it knowledge and money? They are all related to a one way concept. Then what is it? When it comes to the concept of love, even making love, you begin from zero point. Then when it is over you return to zero point. It is like conquering the top of the man's head and coming back again to the bottom.
As we age, do we have to go up higher and higher or lower and lower? Higher up to God. Every day bigger. When you make love, if you become smaller in terms of the scale, can you conquer God? (No.) Father is referring to the practice of love centered upon your individual self here [indicating to the board]. You create love as an individual and expand your love to the family level, tribal level and all the way up to God. It takes eight different stages. If we look from the vertical view [Father is drawing on the board] this expansion is flattened and will look like this [indicating to the board]. From the individual to God makes this shape. Don't you want to become the representative axis here? You embrace one another as husband and wife and you also embrace your children. Father concludes that through embracing and hugging as husband and wife you are learning how to embrace your children. Would you be opposed to that? (No.) When you have a lovely baby do you want to embrace your lovely child only once a day, or each hour, or every minute possible? Any minute possible. Don't you feel that you want to keep your mouth on your lovely baby twenty four hours a day. This is a mother's heart.
By loving your child in this way, you should be able to see your husband. Your baby is an extension of your husband. That is true. It is fair to say that if you give a hug and a kiss three times to your baby, at least you have to do it once to your husband. This is training for you. One baby is the training ground for husband and wife to build their love relationship. From the mother's point of view, the baby is also an extension of herself. It is like a flower of love whose fragrance you are now enjoying. Without the husband the baby could not exist. Without the mother, the baby could not exist. The mother takes care of the baby all day long while her husband is working. In the evening when the husband returns home, he will run to give the baby a hug and a kiss. The wife watches this and feels grateful for her husband's appreciation of their baby. That kind of feeling of love should empower her to serve her husband even better at night when they make love. She should be willing to do so. We should not lose this kind of moment and treasure in your family life. If you lose it then it will become hell.
It is logical that in any family, until the wife reaches the age when she cannot have any more children, husband and wife should continue to have babies. Then they are able to develop this fresh kind of emotion of love for one another through their babies. Once the woman loses the ability to have children she feels miserable. Once your menstruation cycle ends it means you are unable to have children. Therefore, through your children you have to revive and refresh your feeling of love all the time. If you have many babies, then even when you reach to menopause and are unable to give birth anymore, your memories of raising your children will remain with you. When you join the spiritual world, you will observe that those mothers who raised many children on this physical earth will be in the higher realm. We can apply this principle in our lives as Unification Church members. If we raise many spiritual children, which is far more difficult than raising our own physical children, then we will be in a good place in the spiritual world.
Usually American women spend a lot of time and effort making up their faces. Father wonders if you have put as much time and effort into loving your husband as you have to applying your make-up? Even until death they still make up their eyes. It isn't normal from the love world's point of view. Not normal means going to hell. There are some women who do not consider their husbands as important as their rouge and lipstick. Even if you drop all of your make-up, but pay complete attention to truly loving your husband, you will be a happy woman. Even if your husband is old, you can compliment him on his lines and tell him they make him look distinguished. Then your husband will feel very good. The wife can describe to him how his wrinkles show how much love he has as a human soul. Just imagine how happy such a husband would be. If your husband's hands are wrinkled you can say it is due to love. We touched one another so often in love and so the hands became wrinkled. If your husband's chest is scrawny now due to his age, still you could encourage him by telling him that because he gave you so many hugs he is only left with bones now. (Laughter.) That is the way we should think.
That is the only way for God to be happy. Think about how old God Himself is. If we are talking about the absolute love standard, whatever belongs to your lover, it has to be absolutely your object of love. Wrinkles, bald head, everything should be the object of your love. If there is such a woman who thinks in this way she is very fortunate. Does this make for happiness? (Yes.) I say not so happy. (Happy.) Your sound isn't very exciting. You have to be able to win over Father in this contest. Not so happy! (HAPPY.) You should have given that kind of excited, loud response in the beginning. Instead it is like kicking a mule in order to gain a response.
This is the first time that Father has revealed such an explanation to all of you, including True Mother. (Laughter.) Father wonders, since he is growing old now, if Mother is getting properly educated today. (Laughter.) (Father laughs.) This is a good chance to educate Mother. It is not a laughing matter. [Father and Mr. Kim are exchanging in Korean. Mr. Kim is trying to make clear what Father is saying.] (Laughter.) [Mr. Kim says: Don't laugh at me okay.] (Laughter.) Even when you sleep you want to keep so close and keep touching the blanket your spouse is using. That much love is there. If you don't want to let that blanket go you have to keep that blanket in your mouth biting on it. Is that a happy couple or a miserable couple? (HAPPY.) Is that an ideal couple? (Yes.)
You are in bed together and there are many different fish hooks. Would you rather sleep with all the hooks attached to your five senses and sleep together, or no hooks and sleep alone? (Hooked.) Not hooked. (HOOKED.) Not hooked. (HOOKED.) (Laughter.) Everything becomes possible because of love.
Even when you go out to take a walk in the field and you happen to see a beautiful flower, then go and touch and kiss that flower remembering your wife when you do so. If you find an ant, touch it gently as if you were touching your wife, thinking of her as you do. Don't you think the ant will be happy? (Yes.) The ant is so small that you are unable to kiss it. Therefore just give the sound of a kiss to it. People with such a heart of love are only happy. Do you understand? (Yes.) Nothing can compare with such a high, deep, wide love. How wonderful it is. How happy are such a couple? (Very happy.) God wants to dwell with such a couple.
We have to know clearly that if there is such a woman as Father described amongst Unification Church women here, she is surely happy. Do you remember your husband's face? (Yes.) Have you seen your husband's crying eyes? Have you seen him when his mouth and nose is twisted like this. [Father demonstrates.] (Yes.) Have you thought that the person who can comfort him when he is in such a mood is you, his wife. We have to seriously think about this. We have to understand that you wives have to be determined to become such wives that if your husbands are so sad, so hurt, that in one hour you are able to make their eyes beam and their mouths smile. As a wife you should have such a determination to be able to comfort your husband and soothe his pain so that he will find peace and quietly fall asleep on your lap.
If you try so hard to make him feel happy again and nothing works, then try bringing your photo album with photos of you at a young age, even you with a diaper on. Show him these kinds of photos. Even show him a photo of yourself crawling with your diaper half-off. Then your husband will change his mood. Looking at all these photos of you in all your stages of development, and then looking at you as a fully grown lovely woman, he will find something fresh that will make him happy. It is your responsibility to make your husband happy. Father is giving you a tip here today.
On the other hand, if the husband comes home and finds his wife in a bad mood, then the husband should suggest that they go out and eat dinner together and help to change her mood. While you are driving to this restaurant you have chosen (I hope it is at least ten or twenty miles), (Laughter) then in the middle of the road you can stop the car and begin singing the song you used to sing to your wife before you married. As soon as your wife sings along with you then everything is fine again. After that you can drive to the restaurant and have a nice meal. Your stomachs are full, your feeling is now full and you can come home happily together. Just like when someone is singing you need to give assistance by tapping or humming along with them. The same principle applies. Help one another and support one another. Through this you create your own happiness. When you hear Father's explanation, don't you think that Father is a great man? (YES.) (Applause.)
Actually, Father is learning also. Therefore, please learn quickly and become even better than Father. Father wants you to become better. Father is pushing eighty now. He is supposed to go down. What is the substance of Father's talk today? Father is giving you the secret of how to open the love relationship. How to unify, how to create balance and harmony. Where there is no balance all beings will disappear and be destroyed. Today is the Foundation Day for the Nation of the Unified World, in order to achieve the goal of a unified world.
We should be able to give support and go with the rhythm of the world together. Are you really ready to do that? (Yes.) Amongst Americans, individualism is very popular isn't it. Will those who have an extremely individualistic concept have an easier way to flow with the world rhythm? (No.) Do a truly loving husband and wife want to see the concept of privacy in one another? (No.) Amongst Americans and women in the secular world, do they want to have their own savings account, or one joint family account? In many cases in American families, each family member has their own account. Is it better to have one account for the whole family or each member of the family to have their own? (One.)
We have millions of Unification Church members all over the world. Do you welcome the idea of us having one savings account? (YES.) That is the way we can unify the world. The power of love is the only thing which can accomplish this goal. Therefore the concept of a unified world is a very complicated one. We have to understand this. Do you like Father? (YES.) Do you like Father or Mother better? (BOTH.) Father is asking the sisters whether you love Father or Mother the most. You responded Father. You should not hesitate to give that answer because it is natural. (Laughter.) You are in the position of daughters to Father and Mother. Usually daughters love their Father more. Even if you claim to love Father more, then Mother should be happy about it.
The object of love can be two. The vertical object and the horizontal object. Do you understand? (Yes.) For woman the objects of love are her husband and children. The husband's objects of love are his wife and children. The children's objects of love are father and mother. Do you understand? (Yes.) Woman has two breasts and two well developed hips. Her breasts represent son and her hips represent daughter and the vertical shape of her body represents her husband. Therefore, Father is teaching us that without the experience of raising physical children here in this physical world, when you go to the spiritual world you will not be welcomed. The second letter of the word here [indicating to the Korean Father wrote on the board] represents opening. Chun represents heaven. However, in the concept of heaven, which is the best? The concept of love heaven.
Love is the only power which can open the door to the nation of the unified world. If love is the only power to open the door to the unified world, suppose there is a door of love. Then what kind of qualification does one need in order to open that door? One needs a ticket of love. In the Bible it refers to twelve pearly gates that have to be passed. God is the center of all humanity, including your children. If you have raised your children properly in front of God that is your ticket of love. Even though there are twelve different gates, even though you have to go around several times you will still be able to pass with this love ticket. If you stick in just one direction without raising many different children, you will be confined. Because Jesus was unable to teach his twelve disciples to go through these twelve different gates, he was crucified on the cross. Because Judas sold Jesus. By the same token, if we want to be truly welcomed in the spiritual world and pass all twelve gates, we should be able to go and work in twelve different nations from the bottom to the top and restore them. Only by having that kind of experience will we truly be able to pass through all the different gates. This covers the entire kingdom. Are you interested? (Yes.)
Just because you have been born in America as a citizen, does it mean you have to live here for eternity? (No.) If you want to live for three years in twelve different nations, it will take thirty six years. In those twelve nations you have to serve people as though you were a servant; a servant of love. In My Pledge there is one particular phrase: In the shoes of a servant, with the heart of a parent, shedding tears for mankind, shedding blood for heaven and shedding sweat for the earth. Do you want to live such a life? If you go around the twelve different nations and you are treated miserably, it means you are following in True Parents' footsteps. You are offering that much. That is where God's blessing will be bestowed. This particular word Chun refers to servant and it also refers to bell. What is the purpose of a bell? To give news to places far away. Do you understand? (Yes.)
Through this Gaechunjul which means the season of the opening of heaven's gate, now we can have the Kingdom of God on earth. This is a very important day. Father is teaching you to become such a couple who are able to cheer mansei with all five senses together in order to cheer your husband and wife. With that kind of excitement and sincerity. Mansei for God means for your husband and home at the family level. Mansei for True Parents represents mansei for your wife at home. Mansei for the Unification Church represents mansei for your children. Husband represents heaven, mother represents earth and children represent humankind.
Have you become the body in which all the cells are totally united and excited to shout out mansei for your spouse and children? When we cheer at the end of each of our meetings, it is training us how to build an ideal family at home. We need that same spirit in applying ourselves to our daily lives at home. Do you understand? (Yes.) Have you lived such lives until now? If not, learn from Father through this kind of teaching. Make sure you come to Father's speech whenever Father is here.
Now it is afready after 11 a.m. After two hours of talking Father has hardly touched upon his main topic today. (Laughter.) It may take all day long today. (Applause.) The ideal family you establish is thousands of times more precious than all the hours of teaching and preaching. The ideal family is more important than anything. Once you attain that you don't need any preaching. Do you understand? (Yes.) The characteristics of love should be eternally expanding. If you shrink it then it will become so small that you can hardly notice it. Love is the biggest thing in this entire universe. However, it can also be smaller than anything in the universe. Love is so sensitive that when your loving husband gets on your nerves for just one flickering of a second, you feel sad. Usually divorce takes place between husband and wife for some very small reason. Love has such a characteristic. Because of that sensitivity of love, it can also conquer everything. Therefore, stay away from love fighting. Because if you start having fights because of love, you grow further and further apart from one another.
We hide our most valuable treasure where no one would notice it. Because there are a lot of people who may steal that. It means you have to be very careful. We need etiquette, order, and all manner of environmental restrictions and codes in order to protect it. There should be a border line. As a woman there are certain restrictions you must adhere to. Likewise for a man. Through understanding and digesting these norms and regulations in the fields of women and men, both should be able to travel in and out of both sides freely. When we speak of the world we are referring to heaven and earth. This means the cosmos. What can bring about the unification of the cosmos? Only True Love. We need to have a True Love key. Since your couple has the True Love key, your family is like a True Love vehicle. This key can be used by the mother and father of the family, but children will be able to use it also when they grow up. Because they are one. Vertically and horizontally they are united into one. Do you understand? If your family establishes such an ideal standard, you will be trusted by any member of your family or friends. They will freely allow you to use their car or anything belonging to them. Because they realize the standard of your family.
If you move into your home town as a tribal messiah, in the beginning you may be opposed on all sides. However, if you continue to live such a high standard of life, within ten years they will recognize and respect the value of your life. They will respect your family. Therefore if you wanted to borrow something from your neighbor you could easily do so because they would trust you. Also they would be free to borrow from your family. This kind of relationship will be established.
If you keep on following in Father's footsteps for the next ten years, do you imagine you will end up by prospering or not? (Prospering.) The Foundation Day for the Nation of the Unified World was proclaimed by Father in 1988 right after the Olympic Games. Father explained at that time how the Cold War began in 1950 through the Korean War. It went all the way around and finally ended up in 1988 with the Seoul Olympic Games. The Cold War began and ended in Korea. The Seoul Olympic Games had the largest number of participating countries. In fact Kim Il Sung's regime should have attended which would have made 161 countries. However, they did not attend. Those athletes who came to the Seoul Olympics represent the second generation. The second generation came from all over the world representing 160 nations and were united in Seoul. This was truly an historical event. Through this event, the youth from the communist world and the youth from the democratic world became united here. Because of this condition the world communism demised. Therefore, there is no reason for the democratic and communistic blocs to fight anymore. Only the foundation of unification remains.
At the time of the Korean War sixteen nations sent their soldiers to Korea. Actually the United Nations soldiers emerged because of the Korean War. Up until that point they did not have United Nations soldiers. Also Father spoke in sixteen nations in South America. Now Father is planning to give a worldwide speaking tour to 160 nations. Do you see the connection? Father is declaring here today that from the year 1988 until the year 2000, which is a twelve year period, is the critical period for humankind. It is a transitional critical period. If the twelve major nations of the world are united, then the entire world can be unified. As we have been going through this twelve year period, Father declared tribal messiahship mobilization. Through the tribal messiah mobilization, the Cain and Abel positions were established. Upon this foundation Father sent out Mother for the speaking tour. He also declared, True Parents and the Completed Testament Era. Also, through Mother and the Women's Federation for World Peace, women's liberation began. Through tribal messiahship the Cain and Abel positions of the children were established. Based upon that Cain and Abel children's unity with True Mother the base was established for True Father to emerge. This happened in 1992 when I declared world women's liberation. Do you understand? From the unity of these three positions with Mother in the Eve's position, Cain and Abel could restore the original house. Then, Satan's side turned around 180 degree towards True Father. This is the bride's foundation, the bride's church, the Christian world. That is why Father can connect the tribal messiah to the world messiah, because he won that position. [Father draws on the board.] House messiah, tribal messiah, national messiah, world messiah. This world came against the house place and tribe place, going over them to make a winner's position. God and humankind are separated through eight degrees. How can they be connected? There was no way until now. [Father continues to draw on the board and explain.] Put in here, separate God is plus and Father is minus. Then combine into one and come down; world messiah, national messiah, tribal messiah, family messiah connected into one. Satan invades the world in eight different degrees. This tribal messiahship is a house or family problem: how to save 160 homes. Then become a tribal messiah and automatically national messiah and world messiah are connected there. This represents 160 nations. This small dot in the center represents you as a tribal messiah. The second circle represents 160 homes, 160 families that you have to restore. The third largest circle represents 160 different nations. Eventually all the tribal messiahs have to reach out. In order to reach these 160 nations, you have to go through these 160 families that you restore. These 160 homes connect with the nation.
By doing so Father can bequeath his foundation of victory to the entire 160 nations of the world. That is why this year's motto is, Let's Inherit True Parents' Realm of Victory. This means, centering upon Adam's family we lost the entire world. From True Parents' position Father is bequeathing everything to the entire world. Centering upon God, True Parents level comes all the way down here and then there is no more obstacle. Once True Parents have won the victorious level here, it goes back up to God without any resistance. These stages, [indicating to the board] the Blessed couples should accomplish.
In 1992 True Mother took off to do public work. Following this, the 30,000 Couples Blessing took place. This year, as you know, there were 360,000 couples. Our next goal is 3.6 million couples and then 36 million couples. (Wow!) It is no problem. Once we reach that goal, we can eliminate all these family problems in the world. Particularly the moral degradation, homosexuality, family break up problems. All these can be eliminated. In the satanic world, all these many obstacles existed. But centering upon God, True Parents, have won the victory at each stage. They came back down to our level at the bottom and we will begin going back up to God. At each stage we have Blessed couples, ideal families. The destruction began at the family level. The rebuilding process begins centering upon the family. There are 160 nations here [indicating to the diagram] but it is all a matter of stages. We will develop and achieve our goal. Eventually when we reach to our goal we will reach God. The place where God can dwell and operate freely.
Just as Adam and Eve's family were not supposed to go down. Rather they were supposed to build the ideal family centering upon themselves. Once this level is reached [indicating to the board] then God can come down to our own individual level and live with us freely and do everything with us. Without accomplishing our tribal messiahship we cannot reach our goal. Also God cannot come down to our level. Once the family was lost then the world was lost. During World War II the Christian world, as the bride should have welcomed the bridegroom messiah. The vertical husband is God.
The horizontal husband is perfected Adam. After Adam and Eve fell, Cain and Abel followed Satan and got into hell. With the coming of the messiah, as the true husband, he can chase out Satan. All that God lost the messiah claims back again. [Father draws on the board.] Jesus died on the cross and later expanded to the world base. The formula is Eve, Abel, Cain. The nation of Israel was in the position of Cain, Judaism was in the position Abel. Eve's position was Jesus's bride's position. Centering on their mother, Cain and Abel were supposed to combine into one, then connect with the husband, the bridegroom. That person was Jesus Christ, the messiah. True husband, vertical parents, horizontal parents, they connect into one with God. Jesus' home country was plus, Abel home; and the Roman nation was Satan's home, minus. How can they be united into one? At that time, Satan was the national base and as a result, it divided into many nations. Now the United Nations has 184 nations. Satan has expanded that much. Why? It is because Satan knows that God is looking to restore one nation centered on Eve's religion. All others are Archangel religions. The mother religion and the three archangel religions were to combine into one and build one world under God.
America needs to become one nation under God. America is the bride religion. England represents the Eve nation. America was born out of England. This is a mother-son relationship. France was exactly the enemy of both England and America. Those three countries connecting into one would represent one independent, Christian culture world under God at that time. Do you understand? The Eve nation, the bride nation. The bride should have embraced Cain and Abel meaning the secular world and the religious world. True Father connecting there would make one world under God. The year 1945 plus seven years would bring us to 1952. In those seven years, had Christianity welcomed me the unified world would have been no problem. Why? It is because of the tribal messiah concept. The world would have gone into God's bosom, victorious, one nation, one world. Upon that base the Second Advent would have connected. The Christian world consists of almost one billion people. If that quantity of people had been blessed into a family system, maybe even in three years a unified world could have come about. They lost everything. God lost everything. How can that be taken back? The Christian world cannot do that. God made those kinds of victorious fruits for the Lord of the Second Advent. However, once the Lord of the Second Advent was chased out by Christianity, that fruit came under the dominion of the satanic world. God and the messiah were chased out.
The world base made up one bride foundation. Three nations of England, France and America represented God's side. Satan's side was represented by Japan, Germany and Italy. The Axis nations represented the body, the Allied nations represented the spirit. Mind and body split. This fight expanded to the world base during World War II. Why? The family lost the True Parents. The false parents appeared and everything went completely opposite to God's way. All went into hell. All can return to heaven during the Second Advent time. Once the Lord of the Second Advent establishes ownership, everyone can return to heaven. Heaven is our original home. This time of the Second Advent is the first time that the individual belongs to God, the tribe belongs to God, the nation belongs to God and the world belongs to God. Otherwise there will be no way. This is the mission of the messiah.
The entire world came against me. Not only the Christian world, but also the communist world. Everything was lost. They chased me out into the wilderness. The Lord of the Second Advent is here [indicating on the board]. God is here. They are separate. No matter how much I wanted to get there, there was no family base. Therefore there was no hope. Satan invaded this world completely including the Christian world centered upon the individual family base. How could Father begin recreation? No hope. No Eve. No bride representing the center of the world. The Christians came against the messiah in the Second Advent time. All foundation was completely lost. One family was lost in Adam's time. The world base was lost. The world family base is again in a fallen situation. The worldwide foundation has to be prepared again. Four thousand years of history were lost. How can this be restored? We have to use the same formula base. Family-centered base. How can that family formula be taken back again? This was Father's mission. He had to invade all levels of restoration. Everything was against me; all the religions, all people, all the communists. The secular people and Satan wanted to expel me from the earth, from his kingdom forever. The satanic world had all its power concentrated on hitting Reverend Moon. That also happened centering upon America. That means the American nation is the worst enemy for me. If America cast out God's providence which God invested in for a long time until now, everything would be lost. Yet, no matter how much difficulty I faced, I invested everything. This is Father's course in America this past twenty-one years.
How can this country be saved? This is the Abel nation. International Unification Church members are in the position of saving America. They stand in the Abel position to America in the position of Cain. They have to love American people. Representing Abel, we need a more patriotic spirit than American people. Do you understand? Invest and forget. Unificationists are in the Abel position, America is in the Cain position. Father invested everything into America. America lost its position as Jesus's spiritual home, and the world unification home. From now on it is the individual home, tribal home, national home. Again we are taking these back. This unification course is Reverend Moon's home. Father had to go over the individual, family, tribe, nation and world levels. The whole world was against Father, especially during Carter's admistration time. Carter sounds like cutter which means cut down. During Carter's administration the free world was retreating to communism. High level intelligent students became Communists and invaded all of the free world. Communism invaded so many nations during Carter's administration. They could win up to seventy per cent, formation level and growth level. After that it is God's position, they can not go over seventy per cent. During World War I and World War II seventy per cent were Satan's side as his national foundation. The World War I attack came from Satan's side. It was the same in World War II. During World War III the ideal world should have come. Since 1984 we have been introducing God's new ideology to the entire free world. This was the Soviet political strategy for world expansion, Father understood that. At that time Gorbachev visited America and Father created the Washington Times. Gorbachev was chased out and Father became his most fearful enemy. God's side has to take responsibility and that is how Father did it.
Satan invaded that individual and family base in Korea through a woman from the underground church who was prepared. She was taken prisoner by the Japanese and since Father also was working underground, they were supposed to meet in prison. Because she did not accept Father, the Christian world was lost. The spiritual world worked against these people and Father began to receive persecution from all sides of the world; from the family and the society. Everyone said, Oh! that Rev. Moon is a beggar. You don't know about that. Satan's side branded Father the worst kind of person in the world, spreading all manner of bad rumors. No matter how much they were against me, Rev. Moon understood his purpose. Father's mission is not just the national mission, or his own mission. In Korea any kind of religious people cannot meet me. Father did not meet them. Ultimately Satan controlled them to be against me. Do you understand? At the national base time, they hit me and Father could claim territory. For forty years Father was hit down. After that, all over the Christian world people could begin to change to Father's side. America also. America spread all manner of evil rumors about Father which came from Korea. Father did not go down. Eventually he rose up. In one week's time of teaching the Divine Principle, people can completely change; it has become the most fearful armament of truth for the satanic world. The established churches always insisted that their members not come and hear, see or have any give and take with the Divine Principle teaching. But we were open all the time, day and night.
The only hope for the world is Reverend Moon. (Amen. Applause.)
Satan knows that Reverend Moon has a fearful truth. After forty years no country in the world can eliminate the power of Reverend Moon. In the United States Father is powerful. America is proud of its materialistic power. The family decline in this nation is so serious that even the politicians are taking steps to promote moral values, even Clinton. So many famous professors recognize my contribution. Whoever steps on Reverend Moon will fall down. Even America, Russia, China, Japan, England, etc. All boundaries are being pulled down. We are moving out all over the world now. We are going to South America, to the remote countryside. People are asking questions about that. It is because I want to make brotherhood. Catholicism and Protestantism are older brother and younger brother. Now Parents have appeared on the earth and they should now follow me. The Old Testament, New Testament and Completed Testament must unite. That is God's secret and Satan's secret. That is how to unite the world. We must understand this and make it 100% successful. This is the kind of world phenomenon that has to take place. Rev. Moon has the concept and the energy to do it under God's historical guidance. The Christian world does not have a real foundation. The Unification Church has a real foundation.
No matter how Korea may oppose they will be pushed down. No matter how strong America is, if they oppose they too will be pushed down. I am creating a brotherhood. Do you understand? Father's position is Abel to the Christian world in the position of Cain. The two need to combine into one. Then the Cain and Abel nations of South America and North America will combine into one as the elder brother and younger brother. When Father met with the South American leaders Father talked to them about precisely what they must accomplish. Father told them he understood their situation and they listened. European people are in the position of Cain. The Christian world combined into one. Jesus lost Judaism. The world of Islam and Judaism combine into one and they combine with the Roman world and go back to that root.
In Adam's family, Cain and Abel was the original set up and they were to connect with the mother. Leah's son and Rachel's son had a different spirit in Jacob's family; they were Cain and Abel. The world emerged from two families. Now they must unite into one. Every country is fighting at the world level. This is the fruit of the Cain and Abel struggle. That is the North and South American providence. Mind and body came into fighting after the Fall. The fallen world controls the flesh body. Do you understand? We need to recreate man and woman through Blessed couples. This is rebirth. True Parents recreate the family and return to the original base.
All over the world, the Unification Church is the foundation for a nation. Originally God intended to have one world under God. Because of True Parents and True Love humanity can be reconnected to God. Satan controlled the world through fallen human beings and expanded it to hell on the earth. This is the reality of modern society in America today. Children don't know their parents. Husbands don't know their wives. Brother and sister don't know each other. Satan completely broke up God's ideal base. God cannot get into this world and the lives of His children no matter how He tries. But Reverend Moon appeared. Satan challenged him. Satan's most fearful enemy is Reverend Moon.
In 1992 the liberation of women took place and 30,000 couples were blessed internationally. This was the world horizontal formation. The 360,000 Couples Blessing was the growth stage. Satan began to scream through persecution from the Blessed families.
The feeling is not so bad, not so good. We have almost reached the goal here. Father has been standing here talking to you in English, but God's side must use the original language. Now the time has come when to everybody who hears this particular message, the door of the nation to the Kingdom of Heaven is wide open. Every obstacle has now been eliminated by True Parents. Even in the middle of their sleep people will spring up and seek where they can find this message and join the group. This is the time for that to occur.
After we reach the 3.6 million Couples Blessing, do you think those who want to get married will go and find their own spouse while everyone else is joining the Unification Church Holy Wedding? Because everyone, including schoolteachers and parents and policemen will have to answer what that 3.6 million couples Unification Church Holy Wedding is all about. Whether they like it or not, they will eventually hear about this and be attracted by this Holy Wedding concept. At every village level, if civic leaders praise this Holy Wedding ceremony, then who could think of it as anything but holy. While Father was going around the nation of America giving his speech, different dignitaries introduced Father. Then newspaper reporters realized that many of these people received the blessing from Reverend Moon recently. They were shocked. (Applause.)
Father feels some of them might have been so shocked that they might even have wet themselves. (Laughter.) Please keep on laughing so that Father can drink some water. (Laughter.) (Applause.) You have to be a unified self. This means your mind and body should be in unity. Do you understand clearly? (Yes.) You have to understand logically. Between husband and wife we need unification. Father has demonstrated what kind of unification. It is reasonable that a couple might be a little bit distant for a time. After all how did they meet? Through picture matching. Therefore they need some time. Sometimes it only takes two seconds to match two pictures. Father's record is that in one single day he matched more than 4000 couples. (Applause.) Even if you have to count 8,000 different photos would it be a simple task? (No.) But Father's matching was like lightning.
There are many miraculous stories amongst these matched couples. Many of them saw their matched spouse in their dreams or visions. Sometimes they remembered exactly the shape of the faces. Then after they were matched they realized their dream came true. (Applause.) Those non-Unification Church parents of our members expressed their surprise. They could not imagine how Father could do that. Father told them that was his authority and no one can interfere. If it is not the right position and right direction then his leg doesn't move and his hand is pushed away. Father is giving you some secret here. This is the power and authority behind the scenes, but now he is revealing it to you. Even though the satanic world opposes him, still Father trusts you and so he can reveal this.
When it comes to the blessing of every one of you, Father gave such a spiritual power and providential significance. Yet, if you consider divorcing or separating you will be punished. Today Father is telling you to please pack your bags and leave from the church. (NO.) (NEVER.) Never. No. Have you seen Father act like normal Christian ministers, holding the Bible in his hand and visiting someone at their house and welcoming them at his home? (No.) Father doesn't care whether they come to him or not. When they do he often gives rough words to them. She may declare how can he be considered a minister. (Laughter.) She may accuse Father for speaking for many hours. Perhaps he will be accused because they say members have to leave from their homes and break their homes. But Father knows that you stay longer here, because as his speech continues, even more exciting and serious truth comes out. (Yes.) (Applause.) Even if you sit here all day long you don't feel pain. As you watch Father speaking as an almost eighty year old man, as the hours pass he gets even stronger and kicks people around. (Laughter.) Instead of becoming more pale and fatigued his face becomes more bright and his spirit more vigorous, ready to catch even a lion. (Applause.)
Please understand, whenever you see this sign that is written on the banner today the kind of victory Father has won from the individual level, family level, all the way up to the cosmic level. Understand because of this foundation Father has laid we now have the privilege to read this proclamation today and live in this special time period.
It was expected that since Rev. Moon made the announcement that he would bring America and Russia under his wing they expected that he should make a quantum leap. As if he could just fly to the world just like that. But on the contrary, they realize that Reverend Moon is retreating all the way back to South America and staying in a small fishing village. It is puzzling to them. Also he sent all the Unification Church leaders to their home towns with the name of tribal messiahs where there is no foundation for him. This puzzles them. But Reverend Moon has such a foundation that no matter where they were sent to, if he calls them they will come. Those Japanese women who married American men, quietly, secretly raise your hands. Openly raise your hands. Probably in the future the rest of you will have American husbands as well. Prepare yourselves.
Do you think that Father is strong or weak? (STRONG.) He even has physical power. If you truly listen to Father and practice what Father teaches, you may become a congress woman or the wife of a congressman in the future. Or even the First Lady. In order to become the First Lady of America you have to become an American citizen. (Applause.) You American citizens, even though Father is almost eighty, he does not have American citizenship, because he doesn't have any political ambition here in America. Even if you want to run for congress in this country, you have to be at least a nine or ten year old American citizen. Father is a green card holder. Therefore you cannot think that Reverend Moon is seeking political power by himself. Father's desire is to educate, raise and train the potential possible leaders of America and leaders of the world, in order that they might build a better world. Don't you want that? (YES.)
You understand the meaning of this. You have to understand that this represents Father's life on the individual, family, national and cosmic levels. Father has been bearing the flag in front and won the victory at each level. This is the record of Father's life. Like conquering Mount Everest. While climbing up that steep mountain he made a hole and placed a bar so that everything is secure now for you to be able to climb up. Until he overcame these obstacles he didn't need his family. He had to go over the obstacles by himself. In other words, Father already climbed over Mount Everest. That is why he can now give this blessing to the world. (Applause.)
Whenever we receive Father's words we have to be centered upon the three major determinations. Firstly, absolute faith; secondly, absolute love; thirdly, absolute obedience. This is the model we need to always remember. When God first created the world and Adam and Eve, these were the criteria with which He created. Absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, this is the motto we must practice. God expected Adam's family to achieve this level of absoluteness. However they failed and we lost these. Therefore, as Blessed couples, Unification Church members should live up to this standard. Do you understand? (Yes.) God is the subject Being. God created every creature upon this foundation of absolute love, absolute obedience and absolute faith. It was the same with Adam and Eve. They occupied the highest position. Therefore they had to follow the same commandments as God. That was God's absolute love to enable them to become His love object partners. Their personalities had to be complete vacuums to become God's absolute partners. God invested His absolute power all at one time. These three action categories should have been exercised. That was the content of Adam and Eve's commandment. If someone tries to insist that Rev. Moon is too absolute with his teaching, you have to argue that it was God who originally created everything upon those criteria. The restoration providence starts from that point.
It starts from your own family, between husband and wife, parents and children, between families and other families, all the way up to tribes, nations and the world. If we all live up to this kind of standard don't you think that we would have an ideal world here? Between your eyes and nose is there absolute trust or do they harbor some mistrust? (Absolute trust.) If your brain commands your eyes to do something they absolutely obey. Or do your eyes tell the brain that they need to think about it first. (Laughter.) Do you think that your eyes would say that? (No.) You are driving along and there is an obstacle ahead of you. Immediately your eyes will warn your mouth to shout out that it is dangerous to warn someone. But will your mouth refuse to do it? When your brain gives direction to the legs to walk, the left and right leg automatically take turns and move forward. Do you imagine that the legs would have to pay close attention to whose turn it was? No. It flows naturally. Absoluteness dwells in that naturalness.
God is like our brain of love. The love brain is God. True Parents are our horizontal true love brain. When the spiritual brain and the physical brain are waiting for a command, centering upon True Love, then every action is enjoyable. When you go to see your lover do you hesitate? (No.) You deny everything and go to see him or her. You husbands, have you thought about giving your absolute love, faith and obedience to your wives? (Yes.) What? (Laughter.) There is a limited amount of food, do you try to eat it for yourself or give it to your wife first? (Wife.) (Laughter.) After you give your answer you laugh. Therefore the answer is not a truthful one.
Remember, unification only comes on the basis of these three criteria: absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. Father's life is based upon absolute faith and so no one can influence or sway Father. Even during his incarceration because Father had absolute faith, something else was to be provided through this kind of trial.
Because of Danbury, Father realized even more deeply what kind of misery America was going through and how difficult America is. Therefore, Father shed many tears. Father saw one young man, what kind of environment he passed through and what kind of influence he left behind him. All kinds of stories came up. Through that experience, Father truly understood what America was all about. Father got even stronger in his determination to change this kingdom of hell into the Kingdom of God on earth. (Applause.)
Father was told after he was in Danbury for a while, how, when Father first entered into Danbury some there decided to observe him for three weeks. Then after three weeks of observation, if Father did not meet their expectations of a good person, they would eliminate him. They had that kind of scheme. It can happen in prison. But on the contrary they all became Father's friends. Even when they were able to go out for a few days to visit their families, they would always come to Father when they returned and report their return. When good food was sent in for them they would offer it to Father. When their wives and parents visited they always wanted to introduce them to Father. (Applause.) After six months in prison, if Father was proceeding down a hallway for example, anyone walking that way would stand against the wall and make a path for Father to walk comfortably. They showed that kind of respect. Father has that kind of power. You know that. That is why during Father's stay in the prison there was no accident.
At the end of Father's term, the prison officials were worried about having too many people at the gate of the prison welcoming Father. Therefore they let Father leave through the small rear door so that no one would know when Father came out. He was supposed to leave at nine o'clock. However, they let Father go at 4 o'clock and had him wait some place else until everything was quiet. Then they let Father go. After Father's departure from the prison there was a murder amongst the inmates and many kinds of crimes were committed. Later on, the prison officials testified to one man's influence and how it was peaceful when Father was there.
Every Sunday morning at 5 a.m., Father was doing Pledge service by himself at first. Then three inmates joined Father, and eventually more wanted to join. However, Father didn't want to cause a commotion there so Father limited it to the three. Even now, if Father sends a letter to those inmates they will love to come and see Father. But as they are all convicts, you might all run away. Therefore Father doesn't do that. Wherever Father may go his leadership is outstanding and people accept that. While Father was in Hung Nam prison camp there were those there who had been instructed by the spiritual world to become Father's followers. However, only three of them were able to come out with Father. This cannot be done by force, it has to be done freely. Therefore Father is a fearful person to the world. Through such trials Reverend Moon has been prospering.
There is no other secret for Father to become a leader even in the prison. He uses this criterion, this standard wherever he is. If there is someone younger than Father, then Father treats him as a younger brother. Older than Father, then he treats him as an uncle or elder brother. In the darkness when we see a light we are drawn towards it. Love light makes a beautiful atmosphere. Love has that kind of revolutionary power. It is most precious. Do you understand? As long as you live up to this standard you will never lose. Because as long as you do so God will follow and protect you. Throughout his entire life Father never thought of using anyone for any purpose. Father always gave his total trust. As long as Father's total and complete trust is in them and they turn around and betray Father, still Father doesn't lose. A much greater compensation will come back to Father through some other means. The Unification Church has been cheated, betrayed and abused by so many different people. It is almost like a miracle. If someone whom Father trusted a great deal betrays him and leaves, God sends almost exactly the same looking person, with better qualities to Father. Often the person will be almost identical in behavior and mannerisms. But internally a much greater person.
Whenever Father has been betrayed by someone, he never curses them. Instead Father feels they are like his children. Now children are making a mistake and are temporarily away from me. That kind of heart is with them. That is why God pays back to Father with an even greater person. Just like those children who leave their parents because of some upset feeling. But they cannot cut themselves off from their parents. In the same way, those who have experienced a True Love relationship with True Parents and leave never forget Father. They never forget that experience. Whenever they happen to meet Father again they are in tears. Because their original mind is operating. Because of the practise of this teaching on Father's part. Father spent all night without eating and sleeping, giving all kinds of guidance to those who left him. Father did not do it for himself. Rather he invested in them for their own sake and for the sake of this entire world. Their original mind knows this.
Are you hungry? (Laughter.) Since we are hungry let us conclude. Almost four and half hours have passed but Father doesn't realize how long it took. Do you understand Father this morning? (Yes.) With the heart of this teaching we can unify the entire world. Father's intention was to give you a full historical detailed explanation this morning. However, he ended up by giving you a simple conclusion today. Father is sorry. There is a speech given by True Father in 1988 for this special day ceremony. Please find that particular speech and read it. Each year on this day Father gave a special speech. If you can find all eight please read them. If you know Korean you may be able to read them without difficulty. However, if the speeches are not translated into English you may have difficulty. But go ahead and read them anyway. (Yes, Father.) Yes, Father. You don't speak Korean do you? (No.) Father likes your determination but maybe there is no English translated version for you.
At the ceremony at East Garden this morning Father told us about this, but in public Father is telling you here this morning. Father's teaching of the last forty years will be heard by billions of people. Even if Father joins the spiritual world, Father's speech tapes will be played and replayed throughout the entire world. All the nations will play Father's speech tape so that each nation will be able to listen twenty-four hours, 365 days. All throughout the world. It is that precious a message. That time is coming. Do you truly understand how precious Father's message is at this point? (Yes.) This is the message that shows how you can pave your way so that God can come down. This is the teaching that shows you how to become God's sons and daughters. Do you understand? (Yes.) We must understand that we must go beyond this teaching to the three criteria given by God at the time of creation to Adam and Eve.
Suppose you overcome all of the obstacles while pursuing your life to reach this absolute standard and finally you go beyond the original Adam and Eve's level. Then for the first time you meet God face to face in tears. Do you think it will be a happy experience or a sad one? (Happy.) Will you shed tears of joy or tears of sadness? We lost everything with the tears of sadness. Therefore we have to restore everything back with tears of happiness. Have you ever felt such a feeling when you met Father face to face? Even as brothers you should be able to go beyond that level of heart. Our heart should long for our physical parents like our lover. We have to go beyond that level towards Father. Like a son in tears because of longing for his own parents. We Unification Church male members, should experience this heartistic feeling towards Father as a man longing for and missing True Father in tears. We have to go beyond that level. Looking at ourselves we can see how far we are lagging behind.
A son of filial piety makes his parents cry a lot. What kind of tears do they shed? Your homework is how much can you make God cry. Do you understand? When it comes to Father's life, there have been so many times when Father made God cry. Do you follow Father? (Yes.) Therefore, please, during your lifetime create such a life that Father and Mother will be many times in tears. Only then, when you join the spiritual world, you will have a much greater result in front of God and True Parents. If there is such a son and daughter in this world, no matter how distant they might be, Father and Mother will feel like running there anytime day or night. But Father doesn't see many children like that. Do you understand Father?
Father's conclusion of his message is that we must go beyond this absolute standard which God has given to Adam's family when He created them. We have to shoot for the goal of reaching beyond this level. Then we can build the Kingdom of God on earth as well as in heaven. In order to reach that goal we have to be in tears so many times. We have to be able to make God cry. Had Adam and Eve not fallen but had completed themselves, don't you think that God would have come down and embraced them in tears? Endless tears of joy. God is waiting for the day that He will meet you in such a situation. When Father joins the spiritual world, will God come down from His throne and give Father a hug or will Father have to run and give a hug to God? They will hug and kiss in tears of happiness. That is the goal as a son of God. It is that serious. Father's goal is there and according to this goal everything is being adjusted. Whatever problem you may encounter in your life, always your standard and your solution should come from God's point of view. If you always refer to God's point of view then your conscience will automatically tell you what will make God happy and what will make God sad. If there is a right direction, then no matter what obstacle is in the way, you have to go with it. Do you understand?
Father's life has proved this. Because of this absolute faith and conviction Father has been able to do so many great things. Do you understand? (Yes.) We have to go through this worldwide level. This is the restoration through heart. Those who have absolute conviction and make a pledge today to God and Father that you will become such a son, such a daughter and build such families for you to be proud of and build the Kingdom of God on earth with you, please raise your hands. This should come naturally through exercising True Love. Even without thinking this should come automatically and naturally. God Bless you. (Applause.)
[Mr. Peter Kim prayed.]