
Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and for the Proclamation of the Word by God’s Substantial Self.

Distinguished guests participating in today’s event, I am truly happy and grateful to see you at this new assembly. What I am about to proclaim to you today is part of the course of True Parents’ tour that is to proclaim the ultimate conclusion and fulfillment of all aspects of the providence of restoration during the lifetime of the True Parents. The path taken by the True Parents shall serve as a tradition and historic example; thus, I am proclaiming that all of you should model your life course on this path, become families that pledge to inherit and fulfill the will of God that True Parents have already accomplished, and be true to this pledge.
On April 18, (2011) we celebrated our 52nd year of marriage. On that occasion, I brought to a close the era before the coming of heaven, which was marked by sin and indemnity [atonement], and proclaimed the era after the coming of heaven through which a new heaven and new earth will be realized by returning to true love.
Through this tour, I am leading a lifestyle befitting the era after the coming of heaven. Please engrave this point in your hearts.
All the blessed children in the heavenly and earthly worlds, who are related to the True Parents by blood, should keep this comprehensive and final proclamation in mind. This proclamation is being given in order to fully establish the ideal nation that comes from the incorporeal God and corporeal God, the God of Night and the God of Day, and from the ancestors of Jesus and of the True Parents.

The details of True Parents’ life course have already been disclosed and conveyed to you through my autobiography. I pray that you will all become the representatives and heirs of True Parents before the conclusion of the Cosmic Assemblies for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and for the Proclamation of the Word by God’s Substantial Self. Please take heed of my autobiography, which is a record of my life’s work to enable the True Parents to succeed in their mission during their time on this earth, and build on my achievements. Please also inherit the teachings I have bestowed upon this world. In doing so, I pray that you will surely be triumphant in your course of life.
Like the True Parents have done, you too should become heavenly bridges for all your relatives and the members of your clan that are around you, and also a God-centered leader that can guide your clan to God’s kingdom.
I ask that you take this proclamation of True Parents to heart and pledge to put it into practice.

I will now quote from content read at the 44th True God’s Day and the Coronation Ceremony for the Kingship of God. This represents the content in the textbooks and teaching materials that summarize all the content I have taught throughout my life course.

Respected leaders from around the world, distinguished guests from home and abroad, ladies and gentlemen!
On behalf of True Parents, True Family, the Republic of Korea, and Unification Church members who are blessed throughout the cosmos (i.e., spiritual world and physical world), I sincerely welcome and express my deepest appreciation to you for coming to participate in this ―Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and for the Proclamation of the Word by God’s Substantial Self.

In the past year, thousands of representatives and top leaders from 120 nations of the world have honored us with their presence on several occasions, including our Golden Wedding Anniversary and Coronation; the Legacy-of-Peace Memorial Festivals held at the United Nations headquarters building and in cities around the United States and the world; and many other significant events.
Once again, I would like to express my appreciation on behalf of all the people of the Republic of Korea and all of humankind.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is a very eventful time in God’s providence. Last year I celebrated my ninetieth birthday and took my first steps toward the hundredth year of my life. I have been blessed with a long life, beyond the average human lifespan. Last year my wife and I were also able to commemorate our fiftieth wedding anniversary. From a providential point of view, last year was not simply the year of our golden anniversary; it was also a Jubilee year.
We have fourteen children. Five have graduated from Harvard University, and among our forty-plus grandchildren several are already studying there. Moreover, a great number of good men and women from 194 nations have come to recognize and follow us as the King and Queen of Peace and the True Parents.
Throughout our lives, we have established many international organizations and institutions to promote world peace. We have invested unreservedly in many fields including interreligious cooperation, humanitarian projects to benefit society, intercultural activities, sports, education and the media. We founded all these initiatives with the aim of promoting peace and bringing salvation to humanity. After working to succeed in all these things, some people would commend us and say that we deserve to look back and comfortably enjoy the rest of our lives. They encourage us to forget about the world situation and sit back and enjoy the successes achieved during the past ninety years!

However, my wife and I cannot look at the lives we have led in such a worldly way. We have had to complete the mission of the actual True Parents, given to us by God, who is Himself the vertical True Parent of all humankind. Now, with less than two years remaining in this mission to make God’s kingdom, Cheon Il Guk, a reality, we are leading each day of our lives with more seriousness than ever before.
Throughout my life, I have offered myself for the liberation of God, the one and only True Parent of heaven and earth, to restore to Him His rightful position as Parent, to save all human beings who suffer in the realm of death, and to return them to God’s bosom.
For this purpose I have persevered and triumphed over countless tribulations while leading the people of the world, who are living like lost and unaware orphans searching for their heavenly parent, toward the goal of global salvation. Due to the Fall, brought about by our first ancestors, people are born into the false lineage. Every one without exception wanders in darkness even now, unable to break free of Satan’s bondage. Under such circumstances, how could we be anything less than completely serious in our lives as we guide the 6.5 billion people of the world along the path toward the building of God’s kingdom on earth?

The Three Stages of Life
Ladies and gentlemen, God created us as His children. As the original, absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal being, God created human beings by breathing His love into them to endow them with a soul. If not for the Fall, we would have been able to perfect ourselves, including our spiritual self, as God is perfect, fulfill the way of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, and attain eternal life.
But unfortunately, human beings are living as descendants of the Fall. In order to live a perfect life, all people without exception must receive new life through the blessing from True Parents and pass through the three stages of rebirth, resurrection and eternal life. Rebirth, in this context, refers to an individual attaining new life. Resurrection is when a family and nation attain new life, and eternal life refers to all of humankind attaining perfection and living forever in God’s homeland after establishing the kingdom of heaven on earth and in the spirit world by attending True Parents, the King and Queen of Peace.
Your ancestors who are in the spirit world shall now return to this earth at this time of the True Parents, who directly govern all life and all things as the substantial entity of God who exists without form. They will go through the three-stage blessings of rebirth, resurrection and eternal life and complete the Original Divine Principle education — the education on absolute marital fidelity — organized by True Parents. Only then can they take part in the original authority granted by the Sunghwa — ascension and liberation — and attain the qualifications to become citizens of Cheon Il Guk while on earth.

We can clearly see that each person’s life goes through three stages. Everyone is conceived as a new being through the grace of God and the love of True Parents through a blessed family. The first stage of life is the nine months spent in the mother’s womb. No one is exempt from this! Whether or not we are conscious of it at the time, all of us without exception do spend nine months in our mother’s womb. Even though a woman’s womb is smaller than some rice cookers, from the perspective of a fetus, it is larger than the entire universe.
What about our birth into the second stage of our lives, which occurs on earth? How could we find words adequate to describe the struggle of a newborn baby as it is faced with a completely unfamiliar, new world? The first lonely cry of a newborn as it experiences the large and wide world that it finds upon exiting the womb also represents the promise of a one-hundred-year future, the blessing and celebration of entering a new time and space.
We have all received the blessing of birth that enabled us to live in the second stage of our lives. Although a hundred years is much longer than the nine months we spend in the womb, please do not forget that there is still a course we must follow to a higher end. Although we have all forgotten the standard of consciousness that we possessed in our mother’s womb, and though you may think that we are now enjoying our lives fully in this big, wide world with a higher standard of consciousness, there is yet one final stage of our lives, which is the way toward eternal life.
This third stage occurs in the world of eternal life, the spirit world, which we enter upon ending our life on this earth. We were originally meant to enter the spirit world having first perfected our spirits during our life on earth. It is a world that cannot be imagined by people descended from the Fall. It is a world in which we transcend time and space. Just as the fetus in his or her mother’s womb cannot imagine life on earth, we, as people living and breathing air in this earthly world, cannot easily understand the spirit world, where we will be reborn in our spiritual bodies, living and breathing true love.
Ladies and gentlemen, as people face death, they may tremble in fear and terror if they do not understand the true meaning of passing on. Although human history has continued for more than six thousand years, no one, unfortunately, has clearly taught the truth regarding death. Now, in the Last Days of history, I, as the True Parent of humankind, have been able to reveal this truth, this heavenly secret.

The Sunghwa Ascension Ceremony
Ladies and gentlemen, the word ―death is sacred. It is not a synonym for ―sadness and suffering. True Parents have created the term Sunghwa [ascension] to explain the true significance of death. The moment we enter the spirit world should be a time that we enter a world of joy and victory with the fruits born of our lives on earth. It is a time for those of us remaining on earth to send off the departed with joy. It should be a time for great celebration. We should be shedding tears of joy instead of tears of sadness. That is the way of the sacred and noble Sunghwa Ceremony, the first step the spirit of the departed takes toward enjoying eternal life in attendance to God, within His embrace. At the moment of death, our spirits should feel more excited and thrilled than a newlywed bride feels when she goes to her groom’s home for the first time.
In order to open the door for all people to experience this kind of precious eternal life, I held a Sunghwa Ceremony at the United Nations headquarters in New York on March 18, (2010) last year in honor of world leaders who had recently passed into the next world.
The following are the names of those commemorated on that occasion:
General Alexander Haig, a former U.S. secretary of state, who with the UN forces saved my life, through the bombing that liberated the North Korean Heungnam Special Labor Camp where I was imprisoned during the Korean War; Mr. Kim Dae-jung, our former South Korean president, who won the Nobel Peace Prize; Mr. Hรฉdi Annabi, a Tunisian diplomat and head of the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti, who died in the 2010 Haitian earthquake; the one hundred UN workers who died alongside Mr. Annabi; Mr. Rodrigo Carazo Odio, a former president of Costa Rica, who is known internationally as ―the Peace President; Mr. Abdurrahman Wahid, a former president of Indonesia, who gave his entire life for the sake of his great nation; Mr. Steingrimur Hermannsson, a former prime minister of Iceland, who helped host the meeting of then Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and United States President Ronald Reagan, which accelerated the end of the Cold War; Shaykh Hassan Cissรฉ of Senegal, who is respected as a great scholar of Islamic authority; and Mr. Laxmi Mall Singhvi of India, who is remembered as the ―Ambassador of Reconciliation and Peace by India’s 1.1 billion people.
There are other people whom we also remembered through this ceremony and sent to the spirit world with the Sunghwa Blessing. I’m sure you have heard about the sinking of the ship Cheonan in Korea where 46 sailors suddenly lost their lives in the course of duty. During my four-city speaking tour in Korea in April last year, my wife and I bestowed the grace of the Sunghwa Blessing on these unfortunate seamen who died.
Later, during another event at Las Vegas, I bestowed the Sunghwa Blessing on one Dr. Reiko Kawasaki, a 17th-generation descendant of Tokugawa Ieyasu, the last shogun in Japanese history, who united the Japanese archipelago in the 17th century. She was a medical doctor from Las Vegas, and recently passed away after living a life of continuous service to others. Before her passing, she played an important role for the sake of the realization of world peace by setting a foundation for the future resolution of various issues in Korea, Japan and the United States, including political and economic issues. Thus, I have included her in the list of those who received this sacred Sunghwa Blessing.
However altruistic and philanthropic people’s lives may be, none of them can be guaranteed entry into the world of eternal life without receiving the Marriage Blessing and the Sunghwa Blessing of the True Parents, Rev. and Mrs. Moon. This is because the parent-child relationship between God and humankind was severed due to the Fall of the first ancestors. Please take this point seriously.

Ladies and gentlemen, this era, when God has introduced the heavenly calendar, is a serious one. It is now the time in which all 6.5 billion of the world’s people must understand the teachings I received from heaven, which I bequeath as the True Parent who is responsible to give eternal life to all of humankind. Now is a time that you can share the good news of the coming of the True Parents throughout the entire world.
The time has come to honor and inherit the tradition and spirit of the Korean people, from which the True Parents emerged, establish the heavenly tradition, and bring about world peace by uniting all 6.5 billion people of the world with the United Nations. With the start of the heavenly calendar, please do not forget that the Sunghwa Blessing Ceremony is a sacred rite in which anyone can inherit the worldview of a holy citizen of the kingdom of heaven and celebrate God’s liberation and all humankind’s liberation.
In this way, the ideal of a family based on true love can be completed, and God and all people, the heavenly spirit world and the earthly physical world, can be completely united to usher in a reign of peace over the world. Please take this time to express your gratitude to God and True Parents for giving the keys of the Blessing Ceremony and Sunghwa Ceremony to all the world’s nations, allowing for the establishment of the traditions of God’s kingdom, Cheon Il Guk, through True Parents.
Please join me in giving a round of applause to our Heavenly Father and to True Parents for their benevolence, through which we can receive the grace of precious life without being asked for anything in return.

One Family Under God
Ladies and gentlemen, what is the path that humankind should take today? Even now tens of millions of innocent lives are being lost each year to war, disease, starvation and natural disasters that arise in all parts of the world. In every field you observe, from the individual to the collective level — whether religion, politics, education, culture or ideology — people are deeply mired in the swamp of self-centered egoism, raising walls around themselves. We now live in a world brought to ruin, where genuine communication has broken down.
Ultimately, the problems afflicting humanity can only be resolved through the worldview of One Family under God, in other words, the ideology based on true love, which my wife and I, the True Parents, have learned from Heaven and have championed and taught throughout our lives. This is the only way for humankind to find the path toward peace and happiness.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are living in a historic time of great cosmic transition. It is a time for a great cosmic revolution to change history, to unite the spiritual and physical worlds and to create the ideal kingdom of heaven that God has longed for since the beginning of time. We can no longer postpone or prolong the fulfillment of His wish. I have already proclaimed that January 13, 2013 will be―Foundation Day. That day will be the actual beginning of God’s Kingdom of Cheon Il Guk. That day will be the origin. Yet, less than two years remain until then.
Therefore, it is time for all people to be humbly obedient to Heaven’s decree. An unavoidable time is upon us today when we must invest ourselves completely with a life or death commitment for these remaining two years under the guidance of the True Parents who carry out the providence on earth as the substantial representatives of God, the King of Kings. All the good spirits in the spirit world are mobilized and are already moving forward a step ahead of you.
Ladies and gentlemen, do you have any idea how much pain God suffered the moment our first ancestors, into whom God had invested His complete and unreserved devotion since time immemorial, fell and disappeared into darkness, becoming part of Satan’s lineage? Are you even remotely aware that our Heavenly Father — who endured tens of thousands of years of excruciating heartache so great that His bones shed tears and His flesh quivered — had to go through the long, dark tunnel of indemnifying the human Fall in order to save His lost children? How many of you have spent days and nights in tears, yearning to comfort our Father in Heaven?

The Mission of the Korean People
All people of the Christian faith recognize that God sent His true son Jesus Christ to earth two thousand years ago to save humankind. However, Jesus suffered a miserable fate. The leaders of Judaism and the people of Israel were supposed to receive Jesus as the Messiah and follow him with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. They should never have allowed Jesus’ crucifixion to take place. He suddenly left this world, leaving behind the words, ―It is finished. Yet these words apply to spiritual salvation only, and he promised to return.

Ladies and gentlemen, God quietly raised and prepared the Korean people over a period of thousands of years. After two thousand years of preparation, His labor has finally borne fruit with the Second Coming of Christ on the far distant Korean Peninsula. The Korean people have, from long ago, served God with the sense that He is their original ancestor and that they are descended from Heaven. They have referred to Him as ―The Honored One, that is, Hana-nim, and attended Him as the Lord (Creator of night and day). Thus it is, that the origin of all numbers lay in one and two. Because Koreans attend such a God as their original ancestor, the spirit of interdependence, mutual prosperity and universally shared values is alive in the soul and tradition of the Korean people. They have maintained themselves over five thousand years of history, yet not once have they invaded or plundered another nation or people. The spirit of benefiting all mankind still flows in the veins of the Korean people. The spirit of filial piety, fidelity, and loyalty, which are the fundamental virtues of human life, are still alive and breathing in Korean history. These values can be found in the men and women of Korea and reflect the pride and spirit of the Korean people.

I have inherited such traditional values as the true filial piety exemplified in the folk tale Shimcheong, about a devoted daughter who offered her life so that her blind father could see; the profound love and fidelity displayed by Choonhyang, who overcame the fear of death in order to keep the promise she had made to her husband; and the unbreakable loyalty exhibited by Admiral Yi Soon-shin, who gave his life to save his nation and people despite being abandoned by his king and other leaders. These lofty Korean values and traditions are not just matters of historical chance. Based on these values, Heaven has prepared this people; this was all part of the providence of creating a foundation to send the returning Messiah. On the foundation of such preparation, and riding on the energy of this peninsula, I finally came, having received Heaven’s seal as the True Parent of humankind and the king of kings.

The Path Humankind Should Take
Distinguished Guests, your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The path that humanity must now take is clear. What would give you cause to hesitate in the face of the ―D-Day that Heaven has revealed through us, the True Parents? There are now only six hundred days remaining. Heaven’s blessings will be with you on your ambitious and busy course.
If you view the flow of history through eyes that focus on God’s providence, you can see that the changes of the times can be broadly classified into three stages. First was the ―nature-centered era, a time when instinctual feelings, materialism and a closeness to animals and the things of creation were prevalent. Next came a ―human-centered era when people’s knowledge, feelings and emotions took precedence and dominated the world.
However, these eras were transitional. They were courses of preparation necessary in order to enter the era in which people could rid themselves of their fallen nature, return to their original selves and live as one united family where they attend God as their father. When that happens we will enter a ―God-centered era, the final stage in which human beings who know and feel God’s Heart and Will follow the path of living for the sake of others. They will do this through establishing an absolute standard on the foundation of purifying themselves, both inside and out, through the holy Blessing Ceremony. This is the time of opening up the era of God’s kingdom, Cheon Il Guk, a time in which we can return to the heart of the one true God. Please engrave this point on your hearts.
Once the actual era of Cheon Il Guk begins, the spiritual and earthly worlds will be connected and brought into oneness, and all things will be governed under the ―Union of the Spiritual and Physical World’s Association, which will be established on earth for the first time. Moreover, the providence will be carried out according to heavenly law and the heavenly way. Elections conducted in a purely secular fashion will disappear from the face of the earth. All people will become one family through cross-cultural marriage and the World Peace Marriage Blessing; and we will enjoy tranquility and true love in happiness during the sacred reign of peace. Let me say it again: this day is drawing near.

As part of preparing for that time, on February 14, (2010) last year I proclaimed to all of heaven and earth the start of the new heavenly calendar. The Gregorian calendar and Lunar calendar shall now stand in the positions of Cain and Abel and serve the role of supporting the Heavenly calendar, by which we will record and indicate the progress of God’s providence.
You must all now engrave True Parents’ teachings onto your bones and practice them in your life. We have no choice. If we do not prepare now, we will surely be left behind. We should learn from the courage and fortitude of the white-necked cranes that fly across the Himalayas — which are more than seven thousand meters high — in preparation for winter.

My Final Words for Humankind
True Parents have already prepared the last words I will give to humankind. These have been prepared based on my triumphs over six or seven life-or-death situations, including six periods of unjust imprisonment. I am leaving behind eight textbooks and teaching materials for humankind to use for all eternity. Altogether, these are published in almost a thousand volumes.
They are:
The Sermons of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon,
Exposition of the Divine Principle,
Cheon Seong Gyeong [Heavenly Scripture],
The Family Pledge,
Pyeong Hwa Shin Gyeong [Messages of Peace],
True Families—Gateway to Heaven,
Owner of Peace and Owner of Lineage, and
World Scripture.

These are textbooks you will have to read and study even after you go to the spirit world. They are not just teachings that come from the mind of one person; they are textbooks and teaching materials that teach the heavenly way that God has granted to His suffering children for their salvation.
You should now set up the HoonDokHae study tradition in your families using the books I have mentioned. That is the tradition where three generations of a family start each day by reading Heaven’s word, and lead a life of practicing what they read, with a new heart. Let’s create a world where people in the spirit world and the earthly world can both attend True Parents at the same time, and read the word on the heavenly path together.
Once this happens, no matter how hard Satan may try to worm his way in, to infest your lineage, once he encounters the HoonDokHae tradition he will find no room to move. If a family is aligned with God as at high noon, where no shadow is cast and still does not receive God’s blessings, who then could ever be deserving of them? When such heavenly families fill the earth, the world will automatically become the heavenly kingdom on earth and in the eternal spirit world, fulfilling the vision of ―One Family Under God.
Ladies and gentlemen, two years ago, my memoirs, “As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen,” an honest and candid account of my life, was published. Through this book I share how I discovered God’s will for humankind and the path that we, as God’s children, should follow. My life has been a typical model of the saying, ―If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, and try again. I have as much faith in this book as in the HoonDok textbooks and teaching materials I have mentioned. For this reason, I recommend it to you, believing that it will show you how to lead your lives according to true principles. It does not subtract or add anything to the ninety years of my life, which I have led under Heaven’s decree. I pray you will carefully read this articulation of true love and find great inspiration.
I have already mentioned that a life of vertical ―noon-time alignment casts no shadow. If we can all shine as we live such glowing lives, there will be no chance for the shadow of sin to be cast. Those who receive the light will be indebted to the light. I pray that we can now wipe away the tears of people in misery and poverty, and lead an illuminated life of eternal true love that dissipates all darkness.

Proclamation of the Era of the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind
Ladies and gentlemen, last year in Las Vegas, there was a special proclamation centered on God that was given by the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind on two separate days—one part at 2:20 AM on the 8th day of the 5th month of the Heavenly Calendar (June 19, 2010) and the other at 3:25 AM, on the 15th day of the 5th month of the Heavenly Calendar (June 26, 2010).
The number 3 from 3:25 AM represents the three eras from the saying ―Success comes at the third attempt. It also symbolizes the Old, New and Completed Testament ages. Twenty-five minutes, or the number 25, is a quarter of one hundred. The True Parents have achieved ultimate unity and offered and proclaimed the era of God’s full transcendence, full immanence, full authority and omnipotence upon the standard of perfection, completion and conclusion.
Furthermore, with the Sunghwa Ceremony for former United States Secretary of State General Alexander Haig, I proclaimed that the ceremony for the victory of the first, second, and third Israels, which completed the ceremonies for rebirth, resurrection and Sunghwa during my lifetime, was transferred to Korea.
Korea will now become God’s homeland and hometown. Declaring that Korea is God’s homeland, the ―World Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and for the Proclamation of the Word by God’s Substantial Self was completed in Korea on July 8, and again in ceremonies in the United States, representing Christianity, the second Israel, and in Jerusalem. Through these proclamation ceremonies, all the borderlines in the entire cosmos have been abolished. Consequently, centering on God, heaven and earth shall exist eternally, night and day, under God’s reign and with the support of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.
Distinguished guests, at this serious and important time, a revolutionary and cosmic change must now take place in your lives. In light of this let us summarize the message Heaven has given to us today.
First, all blessed families should attend God at the center of their families and every day carry out HoonDok education, which can completely unite parents and children. In other words, you should thoroughly teach the Divine Principle, the textbooks and teaching materials True Parents have bequeathed, True Father’s autobiography, and absolute marital fidelity taught through the ‘Original Divine Principle.’
Second, Heaven has permitted the grace of the authority of Sunghwa for rebirth and resurrection to be bestowed on the family unit. Here, a requisite condition is the complete unity between parents and children. In other words, you must establish the standard for absolute parents and absolute children, and establish an absolute family in the normal course of events.
Third, humankind has moved out of the authority of the era of restoration through indemnity, thanks to the grace of True Parents who have suffered hardships through which they sweat blood. Therefore, do not forget the fact that during True Parents’ lifetime we all have the responsibility to liberate families, tribes, peoples, nations and the world in which God can dwell, from the authority of hell. Now that the era of restoration through indemnity has ended, what kind of era is dawning? The reign of tranquility and prosperity in the victorious authority centered on God and True Parents shall be eternal.
Fourth, we are now entering the era of the authority of God’s direct dominion. Ladies and gentlemen, I have said that less than two years remain until the ―D-day proclaimed by Heaven. I beg that you inscribe in your hearts the fact that we have entered the era of the authority of the cosmic Sabbath in which your direct family members in the spirit world shall return to the earth to receive the Original Divine Principle education, and where eight generations will live together in a single family. Aju!
Ladies and gentlemen, these concluding remarks explain the broad outline of all my endeavors. They bring to a close this rally that is being held for the religious circles, the earth, the spirit world, physical world, and Cain and Abel-type world, in order to finalize what I, the Rev. Moon, have achieved through the course of my entire life with God, the master of the spirit world and physical world. This is not something that could have appeared in history before now.
We have come to today’s assembly through the starting point of the Seoul Assembly that represented both Korea that will become God’s homeland; and the central nation of America, through the Washington DC-New York Assembly. These have been held in order to establish the realm of victory, and to make headlines that summarize my life course, which decisively brings to a conclusion the realm of victory, creating a world in which God, completely victorious in the providence, is liberated and completely freed through the life course of the True Parents; and in order to bring perfection, completion and conclusion to the era after the coming of heaven.

True Parents’ Special Instructions:
(I am conveying the following instructions to the 387 ambassadors of the 194 Abel UN member nations and 193 Cain-type UN member nations, to boon-bong-wangs and Ambassadors for Peace, to the presidents and national leaders of each nation who are present in Washington DC/New York, and to all of heaven and earth.)
Establishment of the New Tribal Messiah Global Federation for Peace in the New World:
1. Centering on Hwang Sun-jo, the President of UPF-Korea, the Sunghwa Ceremonies for the realm of the tribal messiah and for the first, second and third Israels were to be completed between October and December 31, 2010. The three-day ceremony and indemnity stick ceremony (of the Blessing) are also to be completed. Korea is God’s homeland and hometown; because it is True Parents’ nation, we should have all the people of Korea take part in these ceremonies.
2. Those who have accepted the responsibility of boon-bong-wang or Ambassador for Peace should hold and complete spiritual–physical world Blessing Ceremonies at the same time throughout the world, by D-day.
3. The ancestors from the realm of the original lineage and people belonging to the heavenly realm who received the Blessing centering on True Parents—including Adam and Eve, the Moon clan, boon-bong-wangs and Ambassadors for Peace, each nation’s president and leader of the national assembly—should realize the realm of oneness embodying all of God’s all-transcendent, all-pervading, all-capable and omnipotent qualities.
4. With October 14 sixty years ago as the beginning point, now, after sixty-years of restoration through indemnity, and in relation to the three days of the 14th, 15th and 16th day of the 10th month, by the heavenly calendar, in the 10th year of Cheon Il Guk, this proclamation rally being held on the 17th day of the 10th month by the heavenly calendar [November 22], in the first year of Cheon-gi (2010), is one of perfecting, completing and concluding the final stages of all the proclamations given in heaven and on earth up until the D-day proclamation of True Parents, and which correspond with the documented record of proclamations True Parents have made.
5. True Parents’ proclamation at the Assembly to Proclaim the Substantial Word and the Era of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind—the Washington DC-New York Assembly, the Hoover Dam Assembly in Las Vegas and the Seoul Assembly in Korea, which is becoming God’s homeland and hometown—signifies the ultimate perfection, completion and finalization of the providence. This mission must be completed within the next one year and eight months, by the D-day designated by True Parents.
6. In this way, Korea, which gave birth to the True Parents, will be perfected, completed and finalized as God’s homeland and hometown. Centered on President Lee Myung-bak, who represents the governments of Korea (south and north), which is God’s homeland and hometown, former US President George Bush and US President Obama, whose positions correspond to the presidents of the Cain-type UN and Abel-type UN, and all the presidents and citizens who participated in the G20 meetings must unite to bring about the success of these rallies and perfect, complete, conclude and offer them according to True Parents’ heavenly decree. If any among these are unable to participate, True Parents will select others and bring them to perfect that work in their place.

Advent of the Era of the New Substantial Image
Ladies and gentlemen,
As I believe you have seen in the video today, we are now in a time where God is concluding the providence and harvesting its fruits in the final stages. Not long ago, Prime Minister Danny Philip of the Solomon Islands personally visited True Parents. He was deeply moved by God’s Word, and before he left, pledged and promised that his nation would become an ally nation of True Parents. He showed his resolve to become God’s laborer and a soldier who stands in the frontline of the providence. In Nepal at this very hour, Original Divine Principle lectures received from True Parents are being broadcast by a national television station in Nepal, to educate all its people.
Activities centered on the United Nations are now on track and gaining speed. The Women's Federation for World Peace, which my wife and I founded, has been recognized for initiating activities that are in line with the UN’s founding purpose and goals. Thus, it is becoming recognized as one of the top tier organizations among the 3,400 plus NGOs registered with the UN. Furthermore, WFWP has achieved outstanding results in its activities promoting women’s rights, and solving problems of poverty and education for children. WFWP has already been awarded for its work on a number of occasions.
Recently, control of The Washington Times, which had been taken from my hands by trickery, has now been taken back. If this isn’t a miracle, I don’t know what is.
Top officials from the Cain-type realm, from the black and white races, will unite to create a federation centering on The Washington Times board of directors in order to promote the truth of God’s will for His homeland and hometown and to protect the nation of God’s sovereignty.
Ladies and gentlemen, the world is now revolving centering on True Parents. Historically, Korea and Japan, Japan and the United States, the United States and Russia and other such nations have been enemy nations. The people from these nations will also take part in the cross-cultural marriage blessing on a nationwide scale in order to eradicate the fallen lineage received from Lucifer and inherit the new heavenly lineage.
The ongoing project to build undersea tunnels between Korea and Japan and across the Bering Strait, which I have proclaimed to all the world, will be spearheaded by religious leaders on a worldwide scale and completed in attendance to our liberated God.
In this world, atheism and communism, which deny the existence of God, will be discarded, paving the way to building the world that God originally envisioned, where all people can freely communicate in harmony.
The historical conflict and strife experienced by the four great representative kings—that is to say, the God of Night, the God of Day, the King of Kings, and True Parents—and which arose because the first ancestors fell, has finally been completely resolved by the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. A world where all people are equal and all nations become like brother nations to create ―one family under God is being created right before your eyes.

I pray that all of you will become victors who are part of this historic and providential revolution. May the heavenly fortune that flows through the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind be with you all.
I pray in the name of True Parents that God’s blessings be with you, your family and your nation.
Thank you.


The True Owners in Establishing the Kingdom of Peace and Unity in Heaven and on Earth

Speech for the Third Assembly of the Mongolian People’s Federation for World Peace

April 10, 2006 ,Seoul, Korea

Leaders from all over the world who are working hard for the development of the Mongolian People’s Federation and the Universal Peace Federation, which was launched as the Abel UN!
Hand in hand with the heavenly fortune, a new spring has finally come to my fatherland, on the Korean Peninsula. I welcome you all personally and on behalf of the members of my family to this meaningful event, which you are attending despite your busy schedules. I hope you will fill your hearts with the new spring of heavenly fortune and take it back with you to your nations.
Distinguished world leaders:
This is the third holding of the Mongolian People’s Federation Assembly. After inaugurating the Universal Peace Federation in New York, on September 12, 2005, I went on to complete a global tour of 120 nations in order to pass on my inaugural message. The message expressed that the Universal Peace Federation, in the position of the Abel UN, should be developed as a new international peace organization and that at the same time the United Nations, as a Cain-type institution, should be reformed by having a Peace Council — a legislative organization consisting of global religious leaders of the same rank as members of the current UN Security Council — established within it. I am referring to the founding of a Peace Council that will speak not for the interests of a particular nation, as the existing UN representatives do, but which will truly work for the welfare and peace of humanity from an interreligious and universal perspective.
The concept of the Universal Peace Federation, which was launched with such a grand purpose and objective, could not have emerged from any human brain. It is the greatest, the utmost blessing given by Heaven to humanity and is ushering in the new millennium. It is my hope that the Mongolian People’s Federation too will fulfill its duty as a partner of the Universal Peace Federation in achieving its noble goals.
Toward that end, I would like to pass on to you today a revelation from God that is absolutely essential to all 6.5 billion people comprising humanity. I hope you will all be wise enough leaders to open your minds and listen to the voice of Heaven. I will impart to you this extensive message of Heaven under the title “The True Owners in Establishing the Kingdom of Cosmic Peace and Unity.”
Leaders of the world! God, the Creator of all things under the sun, is the true parent of all humanity. He is not a parent in the parochial sense, existing only for a certain religion, a certain race, or the residents of a certain region. You may call Him by any name, be it Jehovah, Allah, or any other. What is important is that He positively exists, lives as the true parent of all people, and is carrying on the great work of creation. In accordance with the principles and the laws of nature that He set up at the beginning of time, He governs everything in the universe, and He has carried out His providence through history.

The Actually Existing Spiritual World

Ladies and gentlemen: The human mind is more elevated than the human body and the spirit is more elevated than the mind. In a place more elevated than the spirit world, to which our spirits are destined to pass on, resides God. Therefore, only when we have become completely one with God in true love are we complete. From this perspective, a perfected person might be a small individual but would represent all of history and all potential future relationships and so could be said to possess infinite value. Once we became aware of this cosmic value, we would realize that our lives should be led by and in service to our minds.
That is why your conscience knows and remembers not only every action you have performed but also every thought you have entertained. Your conscience is aware of these things before your own teachers, parents or even God is. Hence, if you were to live in absolute obedience to the commands of your conscience, which is your teacher for eternity, you would be absolutely guaranteed to have eternal life. Such is the way of God’s creation.
When viewing the structure of a human being from a different angle, we can perceive that God created us as dualistic entities. He created our physical bodies as miniatures of the corporeal, tangible world and our spiritual bodies as representatives of and lords of the incorporeal world. Accordingly, a human being is intended to live for a hundred years or so in the physical world and once the physical body ceases functioning to pass on naturally and automatically into the incorporeal, spiritual world. In this way, though it cannot be perceived by the eyes in our physical bodies, the spiritual world is the automatic and inevitable extension of our lives on earth, humankind’s eternal, original homeland, created by God.
As you can see, the spiritual world does actually exist. It is not a world that has been fantasized or imagined into existence. We do not have the right of choice concerning it. It is not a world we can go to if we please or refuse to go to if we would rather not. Just as God is eternal and unchanging, the spiritual world created by Him is also eternal and unchanging. In like manner to our living in the physical world in our physical bodies and forming all sorts of relationships with the existing world, even in the spiritual world we are destined to go on living in our spiritual bodies, and to form and maintain close relationships with all phenomena of the spiritual world.

The Relationship between the Spirit and Physical Body

However, in the relationship between the spirit and the physical body of a human being, the spirit is the more important of the two. The physical body lasts for about a hundred years before it stops functioning, but the spirit lasts eternally, transcending time and space. No matter how well a person dresses and fares in the physical world, he is bound to die. Therefore, before you pass on to the next world, you should achieve unity between your physical and spiritual bodies by living your earthly life in such a way that you meet the standards of both the physical and spiritual worlds.
In other words, you have the responsibility of perfecting your spiritual selves within your physical bodies based on the finite life you live in the tangible, physical world. This does not mean, however, that the perfection of a spiritual self happens automatically. Only on the basis of your having achieved complete unity between your mind and body during your earthly life by expressing true love through actions can your spiritual self fully mature.
Ladies and gentlemen: In order for fruit to ripen and be put into storage in autumn, it must first pass through the process of spring and summer and be provided with the nutrients supplied by nature and the tender loving care of its owner. Fruit raised in an orchard by a lazy and ignorant owner will be afflicted with all kinds of diseases and be affected by foul weather. Eventually it will fall from the tree before it is ripe or be classified as worm-infested. Though it would be fruit, it would be different from other fruit since it would never be good enough to sell in the market.
Fruit that has fully matured on the tree will automatically go into the owner’s storehouse. Similarly, only when the spirit of a person has reached perfection in his life in the physical world, which can be likened to the tree, can it automatically enter the incorporeal spiritual world of the kingdom of heaven. In other words, a person will enter the kingdom of God in heaven automatically only when he has qualified for and enjoyed the kingdom of heaven on earth by living a fully matured life in his physical body.
While living on earth, your every action and movement is recorded on your spirit self, without exception and with the public laws of heaven as the standard. Accordingly, you will enter the spiritual world in the form of your spirit self, on which are recorded your lives on earth with 100 percent accuracy. Your spirit will show plainly whether you have led a ripe life of goodness, or a wormy, rotten life of sinfulness. What this means is that God will not judge you; you will be your own judge. If a person has been made aware of this astonishing and terrible rule from Heaven, would the end of that person’s life on earth be spent in selfishness and immorality, as a descent into all the temptations of Satan and in pursuit of nothing but pleasure? You should abstain from injuring and scarring your spiritual bodies at the risk of your earthly lives. Please bear this truth in mind: Whether you are bound for heaven or for hell is determined by your thoughts, speech and behavior in each moment.
This does not imply, though, that the spirit leads its own life or that it can express true love thorough actions on its own. Your spirit self grows, matures and finally becomes perfected only within your physical body, through an earthly lifetime of having actualized true love with your mind and body in a smooth relationship of give and take.
Nevertheless, undeniably, your outer selves and inner selves are in a constant relationship of conflict and struggle. How much longer will you allow this fighting to continue? Ten years? A hundred years? In contrast, there is undeniably order for all forms of existence in the universe. This indicates that God did not create us human beings in this state of conflicted disorder. You need to know that it is your duty and responsibility as a human being to dispel all temptations directed at your outer self — your physical body — and achieve victory in life by following the way of your inner self — your conscience. Heavenly fortune will be with those who lead their lives in such a way, and they will attain the perfection of their spiritual selves.

Bounds of Heaven and Hell

Ladies and gentlemen: What kind of places are heaven and hell? What kind of people enter heaven? If it really does exist, where would it be? Would it be outside the galaxy, on the other side of the skies? Or is it only a product of our imagination? These are questions that everyone will have pondered and asked at least once.
In brief, heaven is a world overflowing with God’s true love and established with true love at its axis. It is a world where true love is the external form as well as the internal content of every environment. It is a world where true love is consistent at the beginning and end of life. It is a world full of people who were all born through true love, who live in true love, who live in the embrace of true love and follow the track of true love, and who finally pass on into the next world, the spiritual world.
Consequently, antagonism and jealousy cannot be found in that world, for it is a natural world where each lives for the sake of the other. It is not a world governed by money, honor or power. It is a world wherein the success of a person represents the success of the whole, the likes of a person represents the likes of the whole, and the joy of a person represents the joy of the whole.
Heaven is a world filled with the air of true love, where all breathe true love. It is a world where life throbs at any place at any time. It is a world whose constituent members are all connected to the true God through blood ties. It is a place where the whole world is linked together in an inseparable relationship, like the cells in our bodies. It is a world that is governed only by true love, the love that is God’s essence. Accordingly, God also exists for true love.

A Life of True Love

You should lead a life that is completely devoted to true love. Your life should be one in which you love God more than did Adam, Eve or Jesus. Through thoroughly actualizing true love, you should perfectly unite your mind and body and find and establish the realm of the relationships of true love. To put it another way, you should perfect a true family on earth, and at least the three generations of true parents, true brothers and sisters and children should live together in true love, because only then will you be eligible to enter heaven.
What love is true love? The essence of true love is not having others serve one but giving and serving for the sake of others. It is a love that gives and forgets that it has given and that continues to give endlessly. It is a love that gives with pleasure. It is the heart of pleasure. It is the love of a mother holding her baby to her bosom and breastfeeding it. It is love expressed through sacrifice as when, with pleasure, a child acts with filial piety toward his or her parents. It is a love just like that God expressed when creating humankind, an act requiring absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal love that gives without any conditions or expectations of receiving anything in return.
Ladies and gentlemen: True love brings about the incorporeal order, peace and happiness that serve the common good. True love is love that determines the source, center and owner of the universe. True love is the root, and the symbol of the will and power of God. Therefore, when bound in true love, it is enough to be together eternally; for it is love that can attract not only the universe but even God. The value of true love lies in its power, which is strong enough to eradicate the walls of national boundaries, races, and furthermore, of religion, created by fallen human descendents. That is why the absolute condition necessary to enter the kingdom of heaven is a life that has been lived for the sake of others, that is, a life of true love.
Yet look at the world we are currently living in. The people of the world are caught in the trap of extreme selfishness, clamoring for material omnipotence. They have lost all sense of values and have fallen into the depths of self-gratification and degeneration. The world is filled with alcoholics. As if drugs and free sex were not enough, there are even those who commit incest — an act not even seen in the animal world — and still live with their heads held high. This world has become one wherein beasts with human faces roam freely even after violating women — queens, grandmothers, mothers, wives and daughters. This world has become one wherein the swapping of spouses between couples is rampant. Such circumstances are without a doubt the pinnacle of the destruction of morality and the very last of fallen acts. This world has become hell on earth, where the perfection of the world embodying the ideal God envisaged at the Creation cannot even be dreamed of.

Results of the Fall

We have come to know that all these problems are rooted in the Fall of Adam and Eve, our first ancestors. Adam and Eve, who were at the perfection stage of the growth period, had a sexual relationship before their rightful time, due to the temptation of Satan. In this manner, an illicit sexual union of man and woman constituted the Fall. This is why people have continued to commit such indecent acts — traitorous acts that drive a sharp spike into the heart of God — over thousands of years. They have been unable to escape from the realm of the fallen lineage.
Ladies and gentlemen: A man or woman alone can only be one-half of the whole. That is how God created us. For that reason, He has interchanged the owners of the reproductive organs, the love organs. The owner of the wife’s reproductive organ is the husband, and the owner of the husband’s is the wife. Only when each is rooted in true love for the sake of the other are they in the position of the owner of their spouse. In other words, irrespective of who they are, all human beings can become perfected individuals — and not just mere halves — only when they have secured the position of an owner through marriage.
The human sexual organs are sacred. They are the palace of life, where the seed of life is sown, the palace of love, where the flower of love is made to bloom and the palace of lineage, where the fruit of lineage is borne. Through this absolute sexual organ, the absolute lineage, absolute love and absolute life is brought forth; and absolute harmony, absolute unity, absolute liberation and absolute Sabbath brought about.
For what reason, then, are we trying to restore the position of the owner of the reproductive organs? It is to possess God’s love from that position. He is the subject of three great loves. As the owner of the universe, He is the true teacher, true owner, and true loving parent. These are the true three great subject ideologies. All these teachings and truths are created through the life of a true, model family; and with its expansion, the society, nation, the world and even the universe will be transformed into the peace kingdom of the model, ideal family.
However, because of the Fall, the first Adam lost the original, true lineage and consequently failed to form the original couple and the original family. Adam, who should have become the true teacher, the true parent and the true king, inherited the lineage of Satan and was degraded to a false teacher, false parent and false king.
When we come to think of it, the purpose for Jesus’ coming down to earth did not lie elsewhere. If Jesus, who had come as the second Adam, had not lost his life on the cross, he would have been of the original lineage of God, unrelated to the Fall, and would have reversed the failure of the first Adam, established the true family as the Savior of humankind and founded on earth the original human homeland, the kingdom of the world embodying the ideal of peace, that is, the kingdom of heaven on earth. However, the disciples, the Jewish leaders and the leaders of the nation of Israel all failed to recognize the Christ, and their disbelief caused Jesus to end his life in such a wretched and tragic way. Has there been anyone who knew of the grievous heart of Jesus, who had to leave earth at an untimely moment, leaving no child behind him? Though two thousand years of Christianity history have passed, has there ever been any Christian who stopped to imagine Jesus’ sorrowful circumstances? Jesus left suddenly, leaving behind him few traces other than a promise to return, and though his physical body has long been buried and become dust, the will that God had tried to fulfill through him is finally in the process of being completed at this time, at the end of history, through True Parents, who have received the seal of Heaven and been manifested on earth.
However, the life of Rev. Moon, whose task it is to complete the mission of True Parents, has been one of sorrow, marked by inexpressible suffering and persecution. The third Adam, the True Parent, needs to restore through indemnity and completely reverse all the failures of the first and second Adams. It is True Parents’ mission not only to complete the mission of the Savior, Messiah, and Lord at his second coming, but also the mission of all those major figures on whom religions are based. With similarities to God’s creation of the universe, his life has constituted the great work of the re-creation of humanity, where not even the smallest error is permitted. It has been a lonely course that cannot be discussed with anyone. It has been a course that took him down thorny paths through the wilderness — paths that he had to follow while utterly alone. Not even God could acknowledge him. Hovering many a time between life and death and vomiting blood, he has still had to rise again like a phoenix to remain true to his promise to God. Rev. Moon has had to endure imprisonment six times, though he was innocent: for working in the underground independence movement when he was studying in Japan in his early days; for propagating the will of God in Pyongyang, which was under communist rule immediately after Korea’s colonial independence; during the Syngman Rhee administration, after Korea had been reborn as a free nation; and, furthermore, even in the United States, which proudly presents itself to the world as a model of democracy. Who on earth can understand the eventful life of Rev. Moon? His has been a life of misery, which he has endured by biting his tongue, for the sake of our God who deserves pity, and for the salvation of fallen people of the world who are suffering in the realm of death. Even now, if one person were to look into my heart and speak a word of sympathy, my tears would become an explosive waterfall.

Heaven Begins from the Family

Ladies and gentlemen: The sinful era of restoration through indemnity, the era before the coming of heaven, has passed and the era of the constitutional government, ruled by heavenly law, that is, the time after the coming of heaven, is upon us. You are now living in an era of grace in which, after receiving the marriage blessing from True Parents, completing the conversion of lineage, and leading a life of the settlement of noon, a life without shadows, you can automatically enter the kingdom of heaven. That is to say, if you establish a true family on earth and lead a heavenly life, once you die your life will be connected to the kingdom of heaven in heaven just as you are, and you will enjoy eternal life.
Therefore, in the framework of the family, you should serve God as the Father in the topmost position. Every one of you should become His children, entering into a parent-child relationship with Him and perfecting yourselves through living together, closely linked in blood ties. In short, you should form and live in the realm of a true love relationship with God.
Who would be the greatest grandfather of the universe? The first human ancestors, Adam and Eve, call God ‘Father’. Should their children call Him ‘Grandfather’? They too should call Him ‘Father’. Why is this so? From the viewpoint of God, the vertical center, all object partners of love are equal. His object partners, which are produced through the horizontal expansion and multiplication of His love, assume equal value regardless of who they are, transcending time and space. Simply put, everyone has equal value in perfected love.
The kingdom of heaven must first be achieved on earth. What this means is that the kingdom of heaven being established in the corporeal world is prerequisite to establishing the kingdom of heaven in the incorporeal world. Therefore, heaven is not a world found in space on the other side of the galaxy, nor is it the by-product of imagination existing only in the human brain. It refers to the substantial kingdom of heaven on earth, which can only be created when you have led lives expressive of true love. When you leave the physical world on that foundation, you automatically enter the incorporeal kingdom of heaven in heaven. This means that only when you have led a heavenly life on earth, can you lead such a life also in heaven.
Only the fruit that has fully ripened on the tree is classified while in storage as a product of the best quality. Herein lies the reason why your lives should not be ones bound for hell, devoured by insects on the tree. You should never forget that you yourselves determine whether you go to heaven or to hell through your life on earth.

The Value of Family

Ladies and gentlemen: The reason we miss the family we have left behind is that at home there is love for one another. It is where the love of mother and father, the love of elder brothers and sisters and younger siblings, and the love of one’s spouse and children and close neighbors are all deeply embedded. It is a place of mutual affection, where all relationships and affinities are brought together through mutual love. This makes you want to cherish each and every member of your family. It would be the yearning and desire of a wanderer who has left his family behind him to appear before his family once again boldly as a liberated being, and to embrace mountains, streams and trees, love his kith and kin, and sing songs of ecstasy. However, the lot of humankind, descended from the Fall, has been different: banished from their hometown and destined to wander around forever in isolation and defeat, human beings are unable ever to go back, no matter how much they miss their family, for they have lost the root of the heart of their original homeland.
However, with the ushering in of the era of a new heaven and a new earth after the coming of heaven, human beings have been pulled out of the marsh that was sucking them down, and the way has been opened for them to return to their hometowns — hometowns that they could not forget even for a moment — and meet with their family. Could there ever be a day of greater blessing for humanity? The time of heavenly power and fortune has now come for us to reestablish the original family that was lost through the Fall of Adam and Eve.

A Family of Three Generations Living in Harmony

When seeking after the lost original family, you should set out from the position of the perfection of Adam, the position of the perfected Jesus, and the perfected position representing the Second Coming of the Lord. God will dwell in such a family. That family would be one of three generations — grandparents, parents and children — living in harmony. You need to live in service and attendance of the grandfather as the historical root of your ancestors.
The family sets the pattern for living together in harmony. The home wherein parents and children love and respect each other, husband and wife are grounded in mutual trust and love, and brothers and sisters trust and rely on each other, and all live together as one, is the model ideal family. This means that you need to establish a true family wherein the stem of true love emerges from the root of true love and bears the fruit of true love.
In such a family, the root of history is alive, and the root of the kingdom of heaven extends into it. It is in such a family that the kingdom of heaven on earth takes root. It is also where the everlasting root of kingship is firmly planted. The roots of the past, present and future are represented by the grandparents, parents, and grandsons and granddaughters respectively. The root of the past represents the spirit world, the root of present is the palace representing the world today, and the root of future establishes the grandsons and granddaughters as princes and princesses, and erects the palace of peace representing the two worlds, the spirit world and the physical world.
In such a manner, the three generations of grandparents, parents, and grandsons and granddaughters should live together as one family, serving the eternally existent God. You should know that to seek after and establish such a family of Cheon Il Guk, God’s kingdom, is the responsibility of tribal messiahs, the mission of the peace ambassadors, and the desire of God.
The movement to realize a society of mutual existence, prosperity, and benefit, by making humanity one great family, breaking down the walls in our hearts and eliminating even the boundaries between nations, begins thus from one family. Therefore, we should bear in mind that to form and establish true families is our providential calling, advancing the establishment of the cosmic peace kingdom on earth.
You should form families that God will miss and yearn to return to after He has been away. You should raise families to which He can come freely as a Parent visiting His children. That is living in the service of God. To such a family, God becomes the Subject of our conscience, acting vertically. Following that vertical Subject, your mind stands in the position of the vertical subject of yourself, and brings your mind and body into unity. That is where parental love, conjugal love, children’s love, and siblings’ love — in short, the four realms of love or the four realms of heart — are perfected. Only in such a family can the upper and lower, front and behind, left and right be connected as one and circular motion continue.
If the world were filled with such true families, that world would be one governed by the heavenly way and heavenly laws, with no need for lawyers, prosecutors or even judges. Ponder this for a moment. Who would be most fully aware of your good and bad deeds? It would be your grandparents, your parents, your spouse and your children.
Is there anything that cannot be resolved within the family? When parents and children, husband and wife, and elder siblings and younger siblings set an example of living for the sake of one another, how could they do anything unforgivable? What chance would they have to commit crimes? A world governed by the heavenly way and the heavenly laws is a natural world, an unobstructed world of truth and pure reason, and a world of the settlement of noon, where no shadows are cast.
Esteemed representatives of the Mongolian People’s Federation: We should all return gratitude and glory to God and True Parents for enlightening us about the incredible providential age in which we are living. We should give praise and thanks for eternity to True Parents for opening the time after the coming of heaven, which is unprecedented in history and which will never be repeated in the future, and for bringing about the era of the settlement of the realm of true liberation and complete freedom. Just as the sun rises with brilliant light in the eastern sky, heavenly fortune is now shining upon all people. The curtain of darkness that shrouded us for thousands and tens of thousands of years is lifting at last. as Heaven’s will is taking root in your hearts. This is a path of destiny you cannot avoid. Therefore stand up with courage and shout out, “Whoever wants to die will live, and whoever wants to live will die!”
Ladies and gentlemen: The mission of the Mongolian People’s Federation has now become clear. Serving the Universal Peace Federation as the vertical Abel, and the religious realm and national realm of the world as the horizontal Abel, it should be in the position of Cain and work as the central figure in establishing the global kingdom of the peace ideal. I hope you also will participate actively in the Bering Strait Tunnel Project, currently being promoted as a Universal Peace Federation construction project. Through the completion of this project, humanity will become one great family and the establishment of a war-free world of the peace ideal, espousing the blessings of eternal peace will come to be.
Please become true princes and princesses who can attend and live together with God, the eternal peace king, as the true parent of humanity. Let us restore the Mongolian People’s Federation to the Mongolian Shared Lineage Federation by receiving the marriage blessing of True Parents and perfecting the conversion of our lineage. Please take to heart that this is the task assigned to you by God and become the true owners in establishing the Kingdom of Peace and Unity in Heaven and on Earth.
May God’s grace be upon you, your family and your nations. Thank you.



July 29th, 1990 

Belvedere, New York
Translated by Col. Sang Kil Han

The topic of Father's sermon this morning is "Let Us Return to God's Side." We are all on a forty day witnessing condition, aren't we? [Yes.] So even though you are here this morning, you are otherwise engaged in witnessing activities, are you not? [Yes.]
What do you feel when you go out and witness? [Joy.] Do you think this kind of activity is necessary for an individual? [Yes.] In what way? What difference do you feel between witnessing and not witnessing? This sister says she feels the support of spirit world and God's presence. If you really feel that, that is a great situation. That's important.
It is bad to become too accustomed even to a good situation. If it becomes too automatic, even if we say the correct things, even if we praise God and the religious leader we are following, living with them in actuality can be a very different thing.
Those who are Japanese members, raise your hands. Those who are not Japanese members, raise your hands. It is about half and half. Is this America or Japan? [Laughter.] When God looks down on us, would He feel closer to the Japanese or to the Americans?
In the past, we regarded communism as an enemy, but in the last few months, since Father has met with Gorbachev and the walls between communism and the free world are crumbling down, we feel a tremendous change of heart toward them. Regarding the leader of a communist country, like Gorbachev, we used to immediately feel, "Oh, he is the enemy. We wish he would be brought down." Now, how do we feel? Father is pointing this out because forty years ago, Japan was an enemy to America and was on Satan's side. Until now, America has been standing on God's side, Japan was God's enemy too. As you know, their religion was not very godly. Yet today, Japan has changed so much. The wall came down and they changed over to God's side so much that God is now giving the world wide blessing to them. They represent the world.
Japan used to be impossibly bad. Yet once they turned around and started looking at things correctly and started picking up all the good points from others, they advanced faster than everyone else, faster than anyone thought they could. Twenty or thirty years ago, they took photographs of everything that was excellent and took the photos back to Japan and recreated those things themselves. They accumulated all the good things of the world. They worked so hard, and even though they did not know God, they learned what made America and the free world so prosperous. They learned that it was God who gave them the blessing of prosperity, so they adopted a similar lifestyle. The Japanese discovered God, even though it was late. America, on the other hand, completely ignored God and looked everywhere else, even though God was right there and should have been the center of attention. They completely forgot Him.
Are the Japanese Unification Church members strictly like the other Japanese? No, they are different.
Look at the attitude of the Japanese members of the Unification Church as opposed to the Western members. The Western members say, "Oh, yes, I know God. My parents and all my ancestors have been living this way, I know what religious life is like. This Unification Church is not something so new." For the Japanese, everything they are going through is new. They are excited; they are faithful; they want to focus on it and put all their zeal into it. For Westerners, religion is often just a mannerism.
The Japanese came to America and bought a lot of real estate, like the Rockefeller Center, which is a kind of symbol. They are creating a lot of ferment and ripples. Who made them do that? Actually, it was not the Japanese themselves. If you look closely at the Japanese, they are not even tall. They are quite small; about half the size of Westerners. Some of them are a little bigger than a toy! Some tall American looks down on them and has the urge to play with them-they are that small. Without question, the Japanese are in everyone's focus right now, especially the Japanese Unification Church members. They are the special targets of attention.
If Father says to them, "All Japanese Unification Church members now fly to America," they can do it overnight, whereas if Father issued a command to the American members to go to Korea, they would not move so quickly. Even when the Americans went to Korea, the first thing they would do is look at Korea critically, from their own standards: "Oh, this is good, this is bad." They would immediately start to evaluate centering on their own ideas. Actually, what they see about Korea now is not the important point. How the Unification Church started and developed in Korea and what kind of suffering the country went through, the internal aspect of Korea, is the most important part. The other things that we can see with our eyes are not important at all. We will see the same things anywhere we go in the world. External things are on the satanic side.
God's work is re­creation, to redeem the first failure. If you are to create again, would it be easier to create in a backward country just beginning to be civilized or in one which is already civilized and cultured? Which is easier to make into a new being? Which is more difficult? (The second one is more difficult.] Why? When one is being created, he doesn't have anything. Certainly, he has no preconceived notions, no developed ideas of his own. Water, air, and earth are all God needs to recreate a person. Things should be reduced to the zero point before they can be recreated. If you are renovating or recreating a building, you have to tear down a lot before you can put up something new.
The communist countries now realize that communism was wrong. They thought it would work, but now they know that it is not going to, so they have to change quickly. What do you think they will pay attention to first? First, they will pay attention to religion, something which they have not thought about at all or very deeply for a long time. What stirs the world up ~ about it, why is it making so much impact-what meaning is there? That is their concern now.
The communist world has crumbled because they did not have an ideology that could bring success. That means that they are at point zero and they know it. There is evidence of this. Look at the Russian students who have come here. Their eyes are so focused. Everything they see is fantastic to them. They just keep saying, "Fantastic!"
They are quite well versed in English-at least they understand English almost completely. How many people in America bother to study the Russian language? This is a grave matter. Who would advance faster? Certainly, Russia will be quicker to understand and digest all the nutrients of America. There are not many Americans who are determined to go to another place, especially Russia, and study about them and learn from them and influence and be influenced by them. But in Russia, many are eager to come to America and evaluate things, learn and then have a tremendous influence on the future.
The Russians can assess this country very quickly. They can say, "Oh, this is right; this is wrong." The students are making very accurate observations about America They are, for the most part, very united in their judgment. They seriously discuss together what points they should adopt and what points they should discard. It is a very fearful thing, if you really think about it! They are highly accurate and they have very strict criteria, very strong standards of what they should adopt and what they should not. Communism's original ideal was to influence the whole world. That was their goal. They have been accustomed to thinking like that for seventy years now. They come here and they immediately look at things in terms of that goal.
The first thing they notice here is the individualism. They never saw or heard much about individualism in their country. They say, "Oh, Americans do not have the world, the nation, even a society in mind. They don't even have a family in mind. All they care about is the individual." At best, an individual will go away in one generation. Then what comes next? Nothing. Another thing they notice is that Americans think and do things centered upon America. They don't always see the world and try to reach out to it. They don't think so much about that. They think about themselves and how to bring the world to themselves.
Another thing that they notice is that there is not one race which is identifiable as American. In other countries, it is not like that. Here in America, all the people of the world are gathered together. Americans cannot be identified by race alone. It is very complicated. America is composed of its own historical enemies. Under the blessing of God, all the Abel's of the world and all the enemies came and became bonded together. What is the bonding agent? Christianity was the mortar that held all these pieces together.
Here in America, this great Christian country-does real Christianity exist? (No.] Does individualism have anything to do with the Christian spirit? [No.] Absolutely not. The mortar is losing its bonding power. Everything is being scattered. The ones who came from certain parts of Europe and are of the same race all stick together with a sort of clannishness. There are factions like that rather than complete oneness. In cities if they have a certain population of a faction or party, then they will elect a mayor of the same background. If the mayor is black, that means there is a Large black population influencing the vote. We see that in Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, and New York-the major cities of America.
The people who were living under communism and who are still pursuing influence in America are in a good strategic time frame now. Armed with a new ideology, a new idea that can lead and gather together all the groups and the minorities, they will make an impact. They already see this, but they do not have a deep understanding, nor do they have any tradition. Without these two, even though you know what is to be done, you cannot go about accomplishing it. They see that Unification Church has all this, however, and through Unification Church, they can accomplish this quickly. Unification Church has a Christian background. This is a very attractive point They see a prime chance here in America, whereas the American people, the government, the politicians, and even the intelligence agencies do not know that there is such a means of uniting America. They don't see it, but other people do.
Reverend Moon is thinking very much about this, deeply thinking about it and working at it too, but even though America is a big country, there are not many people, in fact there are none. who can envision how to bring these divided factions together, unifying them. Only Reverend Moon can do this.
The minorities and different ethnic groups saw how the white people treated Reverend Moon. They knew it was wrong. Last year, Father directed all the members of the church who belonged to these ethnic groups to go ahead and create their own ethnic church, with their own people in their own country, because we know now in which direction the world is going. Do you understand? [Yes.]
America really must become re­aware of itself and of its internal situation. They should at least know whether they are consistent with the direction the world is moving in. The world is moving in a certain direction. Which direction am I going in? That is something we have to know.
Let us pay attention to God's position now. God is trying to do this historical work. Through whom is God going to accomplish this historical task? Through Americans, who are prepared but who are disintegrated and not united? Or would He go to a group or situation where they can immediately organize and work more effectively? Which group would God select to get His work done? Father came here twenty years ago and has always gotten the impression that the different ethnic groups do not like the way white people think and act. They are not sympathetic to them, nor do they respect them or want them to prosper. They see Americans going on vacation and enjoying themselves and having free sex and thinking that they have a right to everything, whereas the ethnic group is working hard.
You don't have to wait and see if Americans decline. They are already on an unmistakable decline. Everyone knows that except them. Look where individualistic thinking leads: everything from free sex to drugs. To maintain drug addiction, you have to sell everything you own and then the only way to do it is to take other people's possessions. Then you go to jail.
It is not that Reverend Moon is trying to undermine America. No. In fact, Reverend Moon is trying to sympathize with America, but if we leave America alone, it will just continue on that destructive course. Reverend Moon is trying to remedy that and to bring America into unity. He wants to repair America, to help America, but his activities have been regarded with hostility, as if he were an enemy. Reverend Moon did not want to bring Japanese people here and do this work centering on them and their way. No. In fact, it was completely the other way around What Reverend Moon wanted to do was to use the pure white people, the Anglo-Saxons, to reorganize this country's situation. But over and over again we found that they are already sick; they are deeply diseased. Individualism has triumphed almost to the point of no return. They are enjoying things whether they are right or wrong. They don't care; they are indifferent. In order to help them reverse their course, to go God's way, Father brought many Japanese members in to try to influence the white people.
Should Reverend Moon say to those Japanese members, "You are here in America, so respect their ways and do things as they do"? Or should he say, "Don't ever do things the way Americans do. Instead, show them your ways of doing things so they can learn and perhaps change." That was Fathers intention in bringing the Japanese here. The American members didn't know what was happening and they said, "Oh, since Reverend Moon is Asian, he does not understand me or America. Now he is bringing in Japanese to overpower us." The Japanese were to show the Americans how to think about the country, the group, not the individual. "Don't take the individual so seriously as to endanger everything else." Look at the Japanese. They become united very quickly, don't they? This is why the Japanese members increased and increased so that now we have almost half and half here at Belvedere.
How would God try to get this historical work done? Should He try to do it through the white Americans and just wait and wait and do more and more to heal this sickness of individualism (when they don't even recognize that they are sick) or should He use people from other countries which developed later but who have a correct grasp of the situation and of what God needs? God needs to unite the entire world. What do you think? Does God still have to use white people? Can you say that confidently? If you were God, would you go to people other than the white people? Father knows it is not easy to hear this, but he has to say it. This phenomena is so real. How can you deny it?
Look at what is happening now in Europe. Europe is fast becoming one country. Pretty soon America's influence over them will be negligible. Russia is rapidly approaching them. Before Russia and Germany get together, America must act to maintain a close relationship with Germany. When Europe unifies, they will unify rather quickly because of having the same background of Christianity. All of Europe will become one strong country. What of America then? America will be far away and dwindling. America will find itself a second rate nation. It is unthinkable now, but it will be so. Father is working on how to prevent this, how to save America from that situation.
Father has envisioned the Federation for World Peace. What is this designed for? What is its specific aim? It is designed to do what America cannot do. It is to allow America to still be the center of world peace. That is what Father is doing and Americans are not paying much attention. They don't understand, to begin with, and they don't like it. They don't see that they need it, whereas the Russians are very excited: "Oh, this is a good idea." They immediately see the point.
This is a grave situation. We are trying to prevent it because when it happens, there will be no remedy. Tradition is crumbling down, everything is crumbling down. So many things are changing and which way they will go, nobody knows. No one knows which way the world is going to go or indeed which way it should go. Reverend Moon, however,
Recently, the premiers of seven nations got together and tried to do something to help Russia. This happened only a few months ago. A long time ago, Reverend Moon said that we should do this and it was a very good time to do it, but no one believed him, always looking at Reverend Moon with skeptical eyes.
Reverend Moon visited Russia. He is making a flow of traffic and communication between the two countries. The American government should do this, but Father has been doing it in their stead because they are not doing it. The American people say, "This is good, but how can we trust Reverend Moon?" Yet this is what America should do. If America were doing it, Father wouldn't do it. Because they aren't doing it, Father has to do it in order to prevent everyone else getting together with Russia to the exclusion of America.
What is the topic of Father's sermon this morning? "Let Us Return to God's Side." Does that mean, "Let us Return to Individualism"? [No.] God's side is the national base, not the individual base.
What is the world's population thinking? What is America thinking? "I am on God's side," they would say. England would say, "We are on God's side." Catholics and Protestants-both the church leaders and the churchgoers- think they are on God's side. God really has a difficult time. They all think they are on His side and are asking for individual salvation. At best, they are working hard for the salvation of their own church. God, weighing the whole world, the declining communist and free worlds, is trying to save all. There is no individual base in God's idea. He is always trying to save the world, whereas existing Christian people think they are on God's side on an individual basis. They do not even know what God has been working for. They are so backward. Looking at them, God feels so angry and hopeless, He almost wished He could do away with all religion. He regrets that He created it. It is that difficult a situation.
Does that include the Unification Church and the Unification Church members? No? What do you mean by "no"? Does God only want the Unification Church and its members to remain while everyone else is done away with? The fact that God cannot work with all the religious groups means that they do not understand God's ideal. Their understanding is so little that He has the urge to do away with them. Yes, God is that frustrated. We cannot say that Christendom is still strong and everyone, even God, has hope in it. They are powerless, visionless. They cannot do anything. We know that. They are ill; dying.
The only hope is Reverend Moon and the group he is leading to do God's will. What do you think about that? Be fair. Don't judge because you happen to be Unification Church members. Do you have individualist­based thought? Then what is its base? Is it based on the world, on the nation- on God? What is True Parent's base? Is it individualistic or is it for all the world? [For all the world.]
Do you live and work twenty four hours a day on a world­based vision or do you think about the world maybe a few hours a day? [Twenty four hours.] Maybe twelve hours a day, a Unification Church member lives for the sake of the world. The other twelve hours, he is centered on the individual purpose. With other people, it may be more than half the time that they are individually based. You know your own situation. We all know how many hours a day we are based on the individual level. Those who say, "Father, I am on God's and True Parent's and the world's side more than twelve hours out of twenty four," raise your hands. Do you really mean that? Are you honest and serious? You do not have much confidence. You raised your hands initially, but they are starting to sink!
This is the question. This is a very real problem now. We are chasing God out of our lives if we do not think about the world base and instead we withdraw to the individual base. Then God cannot be with us. Whatever great works I plan, if God leaves me, then I have nothing and I am in real trouble. But even if we do very difficult work and face miserable, impossible situations, as long as God stays with us, we are safe. We are okay.
Yesterday Father and Mother had a little talk about this. Mother said, "Father is a person who knows nothing but God's will, twenty four hours a day. He doesn't think about anything else." To Father, all that matters is whether or not God can be with him at all times. That is what matters.
This world is so blind. No one knows what difficult situations Father is working to solve. None of the world champion leaders understand God's viewpoint, the Divine Principle. The only person upholding God's ideal is Reverend Moon himself.
Do I think about the whole twenty four hours a day or am I thinking about individualism? Am I on God's side or on the opposite side of God? We already know. Each of us knows inside. Am I on God's side more than twelve hours a day? Count it. Make your own statistics.
We say we are here for the sake of God's will over and over again, but we are almost always phony. Father is saying that twelve hours, not even twenty four hours, is our formula for victory. The way we can win victory is to determine to work more than twelve hours a day for God's sake and God's work. That is our pledge. That is our philosophy and lifestyle. That is the only answer for us to come onto God's side. Why do we work twelve hours a day for God's side? If you understand God's side, you can never criticize the Unification Church. Are you confident that we can work at least twelve hours a day for God's side? [Yes.] It is simple and very easy to say, "Yes", but the reality is not so easy. You know very well.
Am I on God's side? That is the question. You have to ask your hands, ask your feet, "Are you working more than twelve hours a day for God's side?" When all of your members say, "Yes", then you can be confident.
During re­creation, I should not really think so much about myself. I should always think about the world and the country. Since this is re­creation, we have to invest everything we've got into it. If we do that, what happens? The world will be liberated, God will be liberated, our parents will be liberated. Then our mission is done.
What about Father's own children? Would they think the same way we think? Yes, they are thinking like that. Father can carry on a conversation with any member for three minutes and know what side he is on.
What do you think? In Reverend Moon's time, did he work more than half of his time for the sake of God's will or did he work less? [More.] God knows that more than anyone else, so He helps Father and cooperates with him. Look at the gigantic work Father has been doing.
It is really shameful when we cannot do what Father does and don't even know what he is doing and yet criticize him. "Oh, Father is doing it wrong, I am right. If I were he I would do this."
When we are Blessed and have children, every one of us wants our children to be greater than we are, don't we? Where does that heart, that mind, come from? [From God.] Yes, He is much the same. God wants us, the objects of His love, to be even greater than Himself.
When God invests in His re­creation 100%, the best that He can hope for is to create another being which is also 100%. But, as Father said, God wants His object to become even greater than He. In order for that to happen, He has to put in more than 100%. He has to work infinitely and absolutely to achieve that goal. He has to put in many times more than 100%.
When He does that, you can see the concept of eternity. This is eternal. It goes round and round and becomes bigger and bigger.
We settled here for twelve hours, but in order to reach further, we have to do what God is doing-we must put in more than twenty four hours. Then we will gain this result.
This is such a grave point, the fact that Father has achieved so much of an incredibly difficult historical task in rather a short life span. Father is seventy years of age, but he has accomplished hundreds of thousands of times more than any other individual. How was that possible? It was possible through this Principle. It is the nature of true love to give 100% and then forget about it. He forgets about what he did yesterday. His only concern is to do more. He forgets what he did last year and does more and more. Father has been living like this.
If we have done something and then come to Father and say, "Father, I've done so much," he will not recognize us. That has nothing to do with true love. That person is a phony. He is on Satan's side. He doesn't know the principle of true love. No matter how much he has done, as soon as he starts complaining and saying he needs to be recognized, he stops right there. He cannot go an inch further.
Father has done a great deal. Does Father make claims, "This is what I have done, what I have invested. Now I should run the place, I should be in control. " No. Father does not even think that. He thinks, "It is my foundation and my work, but I do not even remember it." How can we then claim something for ourselves-"That's mine"? We can't do that. Do you understand? [Yes.] What we do is for the world.
Achieving is one thing; maintaining is another. Only with the heart and lifestyle of Father can one maintain his foundation. Reverend Moon is a person who is close to God. God cannot ignore Reverend Moon. He has to stay with him always.
God wants to put more than 100% into Reverend Moon. He wants to put even 1000% into Reverend Moon, more and more, pushing him up and up. Just as Father doesn't stop, God doesn't stop either. This is very rational. Once something is rational, it is a law. You don't have a choice about it-you have to do it. It is complicated but it is simple at the same time.
Do we all understand Father's point? Those who say, "Oh, Father, I don't really understand what you are saying," raise your hands. No one. That means that we all know what Father is pointing out. Then would we all like to become like Father? [Yes.] Father is giving us permission to do that. By all means, do everything as Father does. If it doesn't work, then you can come to Father and accuse him.
No one has really understood Father and helped him in a real sense. There is no exception, even among Fathers own children. When Father says, "Do you understand me 100%?" it always remains a question. They have to improve on that, too. Father's children might say, "Father, why do you invest twenty four hours a day into the world and not much into me? After all, we are your family. We are your sons and daughters." Then Father says, "You do not understand me 100%." But what happens is that when Father lives like this, the True Children come under the complete protection of God. They may not realize that.
Who inherits all this? The ones who work completely in oneness with Father. The ones who have the same ideology, the same lifestyle, will inherit it all.
How about us? How should we follow Father? We have to think in terms of giving more than twelve hours a day. Here is the twelve hour line. In order to be on God's side, we have to cross this twelve hour line and go beyond it. We have to spend at least more than half our day on God's work. Do you understand? [Yes.] The only other way is to go down and return to Satan.
Let Father ask you a question. Has your spirit risen up higher or sunk lower than it was on the day you joined the Unification Church? Don't you think that in the early days of your life in the church you actually did more? When you first heard the Divine Principle, you were very excited. You thought, "Yes, this is the ideal of the world. God is a great guy. How can I find out more about this theory?" Isn't that true? Are you as excited as the day you joined the church? You have become insensitive. At that time, you were so sensitive even your skin responded. There was a day Father excited us so much that we couldn't believe it ourselves. Now you not only look at him but hear him speak to you so personally, giving such a vital talk every Sunday, but you think, "Oh, Father says the same things over and over." You've become completely numb. Have we become like that? [No.] It looks that way to Father.
Once we stop, we are declining. There are no two ways about it. As long as we are moving ahead, we are growing. Are we moving ahead every day? Then we are growing in our life. That is a question for us. Once we start hesitating, then we come down. Since Father knows God's will, Father wants to do more and more. Father knows it is needed. Opposition is no reason for Father to stop. Father does not think about opposition because now the time is such that if Father works here only three or four years more, he can gain more result than in twenty years before. Now is the time when in a relatively short time, more can be accomplished than could be in the past, even with a lot of work. This is why Father does things now that he didn't do years ago. He takes chances. He takes on ventures. Other people say, "Oh, Father, you are too much ahead of your time," but Father knows it is not so. Many people think, "Why do you do things other people do not understand?" But what does it matter if people don't understand? Father has to do what he has to do.
When Father started the VOC lectures, lots of people said, "Father you are doing something that no one understands. Why?" Father knew that he had to prepare. Look at the situation today. Everyone says, "Reverend Moon, you did everything right " Whatever Father predicts happens, whether it is days or years later, so Father does what he must do. Whether people understand or not.
This is no ordinary matter. This is a real glimpse into Father's great secret of life. The most important thing, the ultimate thing is, what relationship do I have with God? That is what is most important
Are we going to be sons and daughters of God? There are many different kinds of sons and daughters. Not all are alike. We are all sons and daughters of God, but some children bring problems to their parents. Some children bring joy. What kind of sons or daughters will we be? That is the question Father is asking us. He wants many people to become God's begotten sons and daughters. The only way for us to become like this: we work twenty four hours a day for God's will.
It is as if you have a stone and you go out in the field and throw the stone into the woods. You don't even imagine it, but the stone fells a pheasant and you capture it. That is what we are doing. How wonderful and exciting and rewarding that is. This is not a remote metaphor. This happens all the time in our life centered upon God.
Some might remember that when Father first came to this country, Father had to do many things which were rather incredible at the time. Why did Father say those things? How difficult it was for Father. Father pushed ahead and invested more and more because Father knew it had to be done. Father did this; not the American government, not the free world. Do you understand? Now you clearly know and understand everything.
We must be thinking all the time, how much do I invest per day? We have to aim for more than twelve hours. If you do that, you can rest assured that you will eventually return to God's side. It is guaranteed. Do we understand now?
What do you think? We all go to spirit world. What do you think life in the spirit world is like? Is there a factory to produce food, clothing, housing, automobiles and airplanes? There is nothing we can be proud of here on earth, about which we can say, "Look spirit world, at what we have. You don't have this." You don't need those things in spirit world.
The world soon will face greet problem of garbage. Do you think in spirit world they have to worry about garbage? Why not? Do they eat anything in spirit world? [Yes.] How can you evade the problem of garbage then? It works like this: in spirit world, all we do is brush something off and it is all clean, back to the original state.
If you want to eat something, all you need is desire. Then it comes. Transportation in the spirit world is similar. The mode of transportation is love. If you love someone very much in the spirit world and long to see him or her, then all you need to do is to have a feeling of love. Then immediately, you travel to them, even billions of miles. They will say, "How did you come?" You will say, "Because you called me, I came." It goes beyond distance and time.
The whole universe is ground for cooperation with us. You don't need things like knowledge, material wealth or power in the spirit world and those things don't mean anything there. Those who had great power here on earth are devoid of power when they go to the spirit world. They cannot stay anywhere. Nothing will welcome them. No matter how much spirit world might want to connect with you, if you don't have any currency there, you cannot connect. How miserable that is. How lowly and sad a place that is. How sad. Nothing cares for you. You cannot move freely, talk freely. You will experience that world. How to connect with it is a problem.
You have to make the connection, the preparation while you are here on earth. Otherwise, you will be miserable. Father knows the contents of that world very well. True love is the only currency there, the only thing with any meaning. If you had true love and then passed away and went to spirit world, you immediately have a relationship there. If you lived with true love, you can breathe the same air or atmosphere as the spiritual world. Do you understand? [Yes.] Otherwise, you will choke. You breathe the love which you practiced here on earth when you are in the spiritual world. What if you do not have air? It is the same if you do not have love in the spiritual world. You have to prepare that on earth. God is the center of the spiritual world. God is absolute love. True love travels fastest in the spirit world. If you have true love, you can go anywhere. Love travels the shortcut.
The only way Father can live this way is by knowing God and eternity. God is first and eternal life is second. Because Father knows God. because Father knows eternal life and true love, Father can live this way of life. Do you follow? [Yes.] It is all very closely related. It is actually one. Without true love, you cannot attain eternal life. Without eternal life, you cannot go near God. So these are three different aspects of one related whole.
Where can we find true love? When we invest, when we love more than 100%. The Bible said it correctly: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." That is the first commandment. It was said so well there. God said that. That is the only way we can live eternally and connect with God. Why? Because the original investing power was true love.
True love is founding the 100% plus place of investment. Then life continues forever. Life forever immediately connects to God because God is a forever being. God lives and has true love forever. That is an attribute of God.
You have to imitate that attribute of God. Otherwise, every person is going into the dungeons of hell. This is a very serious question. The world now has many complicated problems. How can they be solved? We can solve every world problem through these three things: true love, eternal life, and God.
We have to be assured of eternal life. Where does eternal life begin? With true love. Satan cannot do this because Satan certainly cannot devote more than 100%. He cannot reach this point, but the would­be sons and daughters of God can. They can go over this point and beyond it, investing more than 100% in true love. Do you understand? [Yes.]
Do it and find out where you will be in the spirit world. You will have eternity. For eternity, we will thank Father: "Father, thank you for teaching us that. If you didn't teach that to me, I wouldn't be here!" That is what we will say in spirit world.
Do you clearly understand this-not half understand it but fully understand it? [Yes.]
We heard and we learned, but it is not our knowledge. ­ We have to do it, then it becomes ours. Then we have to teach other people. Education is the only hope for bringing other people to life. He who gets closer to God is he who has done the most and who brought the most people to God. It is not what he knows; is it not money. It is what he does for how many people.
This is a question: how many people have we really loved more than we loved ourselves? That always remains as a question.
Those who are willing to die will live. What does that mean? To die means to live for the sake of others. That is dying. Then he will live. Do you understand that Biblical passage?
Now we learned first that we have to be on God's side by working more than twelve hours a day for God. First, become like this. Then it will be decided who comes closest to God. We must first practice this and then teach other people. You can very easily bring them to God's side if you explain this simply by doing it. Then that will determine where you will be and you will be a successful victor and liberator of men.
When we do that, we do not need to climb up a ladder to the good place in spirit world. Automatically, we are pulled and lifted up to a high, high position like a balloon. A balloon cannot remain at a low place even if it wants to. A balloon will go up and up. Spirit world is the same.
Because we know all of these secrets, now it is easy for us Unification church members to stay on God's side. Unification Church members have those kinds of contents: the theory of the Divine Principle. With this, we can save all of humanity. No problem.
Did we come here in order to get paid a salary? [No.] The concept of a salary has no place here. We have to invest more than 100% for the sake of the country. Maybe we should pay Father a salary! When we are hungry and have nothing to eat, then we can come to the church and eat. The church is a guarantee. If we dedicate ourselves twenty four hours a day for the sake of others, will we die? Will we perish because of that? Absolutely not. Father guarantees it. Those who are not clear about this are really declining. They are nuisances; bad example­setters. That is what slows everyone down. Which is more sinful-to expect a greater salary or to expect a lesser salary? What about, "I will dedicate myself with no salary"? What would a person like that be?
Even though Father works twenty four hours a day for God, he still has extra that can go around to other people. Father borrowed money and assumed that burden for the sake of the dispensation, for the sake of God's will. Have we run into so much debt ourselves and carried the burden of that debt? Father has no intention of making lots of money and putting it in the bank for the sake of his children. No. Father borrows millions and billions for the sake of the world and he carries the burden of that debt. You think, "Oh, that can only lead to ruin." No. It looks that way, but if it is God's work, God has the power to create. He is the Almighty God. He can do anything. As long as God helps, Father can do anything, including this.
If we make today a turning point, forgetting the past, saying, "Now I will dedicate more than twelve hours, more than half of my time for the sake of God's world and spend these more than twelve hours investing more than 100% in true love," and practice this, then it will be a new epoch for the American movement, the worldwide movement. This is epoch making. Do you understand? [Yes.] From that, America has hope. America will be recreated and saved.
Those who pledge this morning that we will not become dependents of the American Church but will contribute and dedicate more than twelve hours a day for the sake of this country and the world, raise both of your hands. Do you mean it? [Yes.] God bless you.