

March 26th, 1997 

Washington Hilton Hotel
Translated by Mr. Peter Hyo Yul Kim

Closing remarks at the inaugural meeting of the Martial Arts Federation for World Peace

I am grateful that with your cooperation this convention has been very successful. We have a saying in Korea that getting started is half the job done. Therefore, please do not get discouraged but think that the rest will follow naturally. Originally I planned to lecture for three hours, however time is ticking away so I have less than one hour to talk.
We have to understand what humankind needs and desires most. Nobody in history knew this. In a true man, mind and body become united. What about you? Does this apply to you? Both men and women desire mind-body unity.
When we look at human history, our ancestors, Adam and Eve split. Because their mind and body divided, human history is a history of division. Originally there should have been one nation under Adam and Eves supervision and rule. However, because of their division there have been many different nations. There are hundreds of nations, with differing cultures and traditions.
If God exists, what kind of nation and world would He create? It would be a world of unification, without division or separation. A human body has over 40 billion cells. Wherever we go, whatever we do, these 40 billion cells work together in harmony. Gods world is the same. God Himself has absolute mind-body unity. The teachings of major religions all emphasize mind-body unity, because this is how we resemble God. Because we do not have mind-body unity we cannot see peace. The concept of peace entails more than one person; there should be a horizontal alliance between at least two or three people. That is what we call peace.
Then why did division start? Because of the human fall. Why did the fall cause such division? Because of Satan, human beings started with false love, not with the true love that comes from God. Our physical body has become the vessel of Satan; it is like Satans military base. So where does hell begin? With our physical body. This is why our mind and body are fighting.
Why has our body become the vessel of Satan and the starting point of hell? It is because of false love. Because of this false love we inherit false lineage. Because Adam and Eve fell at the growth stage, God never had a chance to build His original true love relationship with human beings. Humankind has been dealing with satanic love, which is false love. At the fall, the power of false love was stronger than the power of our conscience; that is why the fall took place. Therefore, humankind has been attached to the power of fallen love. That is why even now men and women are driven by bodily desire.

The importance of religion

Satan is above our mind. In other words, our physical body, which represents satanic power, is above our mind. So there is a gap between mind and body. We must fill the gap. Therefore, when we push this mind to transcend bodily desires, God can come down and dwell with us. In order to achieve that goal we must deny our body. Because of the fall, humankind needed the major religions. Those religious doctrines all emphasize pushing down our bodily desire. That was the responsibility of religions. They also emphasize abstinence and celibacy. That is why in Buddhism and Catholicism there are nuns, priests and monks who practice abstinence, although they do not know the original reason.
There are only two ways to secure mind-body unity. One way is to negate and keep pressing down your bodily desires. The second way is to focus absolutely on the connection with God and love God more than your children or your parents. Then you will be connected to God and your bodily desire will be negated. This is the reason that among all the world religions, Christianity is a major power.
Religious doctrines emphasize voluntary service for others. Satan wants to go up, but serving others makes us go down. Religions teach us to be humble and patient and not to resist others. In that sense, resisting is linked to the satanic world. To be humble is the opposite of being arrogant. Religions also emphasize a sacrificial life. By practicing a sacrificial life you will become more humble. Religions teach the value of making offerings, and martyrs offered their blood. That is why Jesus said that those who seek to gain their life will lose it and those who are willing to lose their life for Jesus' sake will find it. This statement sounds somewhat contradictory, but it means that if you live your life just for your own sake then you will die spiritually, even though you remain physically alive. But if you give up your life for the sake of others, even if you lose your physical life, you will live with God in eternity.
Religions also emphasize fasting. Have you experienced fasting? Kindness, humility, fasting, sacrifice, and martyrdom hit our body, dont they? You martial artists do not think of such things, do you? You train and then go after food and drink, saying, "I need more, more food, more energy." Our bodily desires, which represent Satans side, are diminished by things like fasting and making ourselves humble. As our bodily desires keep going down, our mind comes up and we get closer to God and Gods love comes upon us. Gods love dwells upon the foundations of kindness, humility, fasting, sacrifice, and martyrdom.
Christianity teaches the relationship between parents and children. Since Jesus is described as the bridegroom, Christianity also teaches the relationship between bridegroom and bride. Christianity teaches the relationship among brothers. Jesus called himself our brother, indicating that we are all one family centered on God. Then, what is the purpose of pushing down our bodily desires? It is to unite mind and body and then unite with a spouse who has the same mind-body unity; it is to find our love partner. So first, we have to unite mind and body and second, we have to find our spouse.

Experiencing mind-body unity

Do you like love? (Yes!) How much? Is your love greater than the universe? We all seek love, but the love we inherited all the way from Adam and Eve is satanic love. In our blood lineage there is separation between mind and body. If there is a division of mind and body in our spouse, that means four entities are fighting. That is the reality of the fallen, satanic world. We should destroy this problem and eliminate this division. If such elimination had come about a long time ago, the process of restoration would have been much simpler. Suppose there were only two people in this world to be restored: it would have been much easier for God to restore them instead of restoring millions of people.
Do you all feel qualified to enter the Kingdom of God? You cannot enter as long as there is a division between your mind and body or between you and your spouse. God does not exist where there is division. God has nothing to do with such divisions. The first criterion for God to be involved with you is absolute unity between mind and body centering on true love. Our bodily desires, which are on the satanic side, have been higher than our mind. By pressing our body down further, our mind comes up and then we achieve mind-body unity.
When I watched your martial arts demonstrations tonight I saw many of you trying to reach the unification of spirit and body. As you know, the moment of the unification of your spirit and body is the moment of unification of your mind and body. When you perform certain demonstrations, you achieve that goal. Once you reach mind-body unity you can break whatever object you are trying to break, because once you become one you generate great power. Once you reach that moment of unity between mind and body and spirit, then you feel like your breathing has stopped and you can do whatever you want.
In my experience, the moment my spiritual five senses are opened I can see the entire spirit world freely. What enables me to see the spirit world? The power of love. You cannot see the point upon which your mind and body unite. However, you must know that is where strength, energy, and power are generated. Once you reach absolute mind-body unity, miracles take place. All kinds of miracles will happen, such as healing. It is not difficult to see miracles.
What kind of love do you need? True love? Can you say what true love is? True love is love which unites you and your love partner absolutely and inseparably for eternity. Have you and your spouse achieved that? Once you reach that goal as husband and wife, God will come down to you and be united with you absolutely and immediately. Once God comes down upon you and is united with you, you can do many miracles. If you open your arms you can make people repent. Whatever you wish will happen. Don't you think that would be more interesting and more fun than breaking bricks and boards? If you can perform such miracles you can revive the dead. This is possible only when you can utilize the power of true love. The more you practice true love the greater it becomes. Those who want to possess true love show your hands. But there is a precondition: if you want to obtain true love you have to keep pressing your body down to the zero point. Can you do that? If you cannot do that you will go to hell. He
I am a religious leader and somewhat controversial. The world has been criticizing and persecuting me in every possible way, but I didnt perish. Just as you have been training in how to defend yourself and how to attack your opponent, Satan has been attacking me and persecuting me all these years, but I always defended myself and found my way out. Whenever I close my eyes I can go up to God and God comes down to me. We freely travel together. True love provides that power and ability. Because I possess such true love, there is no boundary when I reach the spirit world. The Kingdom of Heaven is where people of no boundary and no limitation live. Dont you think it will be good?
It is getting late. You heard enough messages tonight, didn't you?

Overcoming bodily desires

You should know one thing. You are all strong people; your bodies are well built and well trained. But in your daily life, will you follow your bodily desires, or will you make sure that your body follows your mind? Which way? You are a physically strong man, which way will you choose? People are being led by their bodily desire every day. Your body always says, "Well, your beloved wife is waiting for you at home, but she doesnt know where you are going so you can go and buy a drink and spend some time with your girlfriend." You don't care if your infant children are waiting for you at home and crying for you, you just follow your bodily desire. If you really do that do you think your mind is happy?
Originally, God created humankind so that our mind would lead our bodily desires. But in this world the order is reversed. That is why everybody goes to hell. However, if this becomes right side up, you will all go to the Kingdom of Heaven. You must know this clearly!
You are martial arts specialists, grand masters. Even if you dont have all the logic and reasoning for this at least you must know one thing: our physical body is the most fearful, treacherous vessel of Satan. Unless we rid our bodies of this fallen, satanic nature, God cannot come down to us. Just as God could not interfere in the fall, God cannot enter our physical body. Satan can be described as Gods love enemy. Nobody knew this fact. We inherited Satans blood lineage. Human beings were supposed to multiply from Gods lineage and become Gods children, but instead we received Satans blood lineage and became Satans children. This is why God cannot interfere.
How did the fall happen? Because of our eyes, nose, ear, mouth, or hand? Through the misuse of the sexual organ, through false love, the human fall took place! Because of false love, human beings became false parents, giving false love, life, lineage and conscience. They became one with Satan instead of one with God. No one became absolutely one with God. They all united in opposition to God.
What kind of world are you living in now? It is hell! Nobody knew that. I have been fighting all my life to eliminate Satans lineage from humanity. Yet the world's religious leaders and their followers have been opposing and persecuting me until now. In particular, Christianity has been opposing me, America has been opposing me and Russia has been opposing me. From the individual level to the family, tribe, society, nation and world, the entire world has been attacking me all these years. But I didnt pause. Nobody supported me. Satan and his children attacked me.
(At this moment, one of the participants presented a medal to Father.) Since you are presenting this to me, I will receive this. You are thinking of me as a champion. Thank you.
Who is the most famous or popular person in this world? It is me. What am I famous for? The world has been crying, "Reverend Moon is the worst devil, the worst person in this world. Let us kill him. Let us chase him out and eliminate him." That has been the cry. Even if I am an aged man, I am still strong. For that reason, nobody can conquer me! Do you feel good now that you have finally met me? (Yes!) But I dont like the fact that I met you tonight. I am standing on top of the cliff and you are standing at the bottom. So I have to use my strength to pull you up. That is why I dont like you. There are over a thousand people here tonight. If I have to pull everybody up, each of you will say, "Me first! Me first!" All five billion people will ask to be pulled up first.
But you are special people. You are grand masters, so shall I give special consideration to you and extend my hand to you first? To whom shall I extend my hand first? Those who are asking to be helped first are destined for hell. So, instead of asking for help you have to prepare yourself by attaching a hook with a rope onto your belt and then hook it onto my belt. That way we cannot be separated. That is how it is meant to be. If you hook onto everything that belongs to me, including the truth that I teach, saying "This is mine, absolutely mine; I wont let it get away from me; I will stick with the truth even to eternity," then there is hope. Only when you take such action will you be liberated.
So you know that no matter what, you must achieve the goal of absolute mind-body unity. This body has been a thief, a historic burglar. Satan, who is an enemy of God, corrupted and murdered countless people; Satan corrupted Christianity and made it shed blood. This body and Satan have murdered, sacrificed, martyred and shed blood throughout human history. This is why we have to capture this body and Satan.
So how did I say the human fall took place? How did it happen? [Through the sexual organ.] How do you know if I am lying? A person who looks like a swindler has a long nose. How do you prove that I am not lying? You have to ask your mind and listen to your mind. When you deal with somebody, dont depend only on your physical senses but use your intuition. If you cannot distinguish the difference, think of yourself as a stream of water in a quiet forest and then, just like radar, your mind will capture the mind of another person, analyze it and let you know. Your mind will play the role of radar.
Suppose you are to go home to take care of your children and meet your wife, but your body is leading you to a bar. Then ask your mind which direction to take, and it will tell you clearly. If there is a beautiful woman right next to you, your body keeps getting closer to her and is attracted to her; then ask your mind if you have to go with her or stay away from her; your mind will tell you to stay away from her. No matter who you are, when you do something wrong you always hear the inner voice of your conscience, dont you? Your mind always tells you the truth. Is it true? If you know that your wife is waiting to meet you at 5:00 p.m. but your body goes to a bar, dont you feel guilty? Yes or no? [Yes.]
Who is the owner of myself? Not my body but my conscience. The conscience is the eternal owner, the eternal subject. You do not know that. You should know how valuable it is. Your conscience protects you more closely than your parents, your teachers, your king or your president. Your conscience is the closest being to you. You must know that. Your mind is in the subject position, and the conscience is even closer than God is. However because of the fall, our minds function became weaker than our bodily desires. I am not lying to you. I have experienced this and I am telling you this. I have dealt with many people in the spiritual world and I gave the same truth to them. Do you understand? Now you are learning to conquer your bodily desire.

Achieving true love

Once your mind and body become one, Gods love will automatically be upon you. True love has magnetic power. Gods love is powerful like a magnet. People with mind-body unity always become the subject anywhere they go. Those who are subject have a magnetic power and can create unity wherever they go. Dont you think so? The concept is becoming reality. Once you reach mind-body unity, you dont have to make effort to bring God down to your level and become one with you. God will automatically become one with you.
[To a Christian minister:] Do you have absolute mind-body unity? [I am trying.] When does the trying end? When will you complete it? Trying means that you are in the middle position. Trying by itself cannot accomplish the purpose. No matter how difficult it may be, we must make unity between mind and body. [To a professor:] No matter how famous you may be, you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven until your mind and body are united. [I am trying.] God does not like only trying. If you are trying, that means you still belong to Satan. This is the logical conclusion. Do you understand? Lets think about the second method.
You must love God with your mind and body united. You have to conquer Gods vertical love. God is the vertical central figure. There is only one point where God can settle in you, and that is at a 90-degree angle. However, because of the fall, humankind could not connect with God at a 90-degree angle; the angle has varied. People's minds are not vertically oriented; the problem is that people are horizontally oriented. How can we adjust the mind to the original direction? In order to go toward the original direction, you must prepare for the pain of re-creation. Otherwise, there is no way to be saved. This is very logical.
Unification Church doctrine is very scientific and logical. The role of religion in this world now is diminishing. However, the young people of the Unification Church are alive and working. When Gods true love comes down and reaches our level, it ignites a spark like a lightning. Once that happens all satanic elements will be eliminated from us and we will automatically become one with God and Gods true love. Dont you want to invite that kind of true love to come to you? [Yes.] Those who want true love raise your hands.
American women who have a weight problem restrict their bodies because they want to diet, not because they want to conquer bodily desires in order to make mind-body unity. If anyone does this for the purpose of chasing Satan out from herself, she will receive blessing, but I dont see anyone doing that in America. This is why religious people have healthy bodies even if they dont diet. Because people eat like pigs, Satan will take their bodies and they will die early. They are punished. Because they ate like pigs, their bodies become large and heavy, and they will die sooner. They will go to hell sooner than others will. So you must understand this truth clearly.
When you go to the spiritual world, you will meet me. When you see me in the spirit world you will say "Oh Reverend Moon, I met you on such and such a day in such and such a year at the Martial Arts Convention at the Hilton Hotel. Therefore, no matter what my status, please help me and take me to a good place in the spirit world." What kind of answer should I provide? Even if I am walking side by side with you, you will not be able to follow me. The atmosphere of the spirit world is love. Love is like the air in that realm. Therefore, if you are not really on the same level with my love you cannot deal with me.
I can see nobody here who does not long for true love. Am I right? What is true love? What is the essence of true love? [Father picks a few flowers from the vase and throws them to the audience.] True love is giving and forgetting about it, and then giving again. It means giving forever and forgetting forever. True love means giving everything. Even if God disappears because of giving He will still give. Once you give everything of yourself for the sake of your spouse or object, then you are in a vacuum. You belong to the person to whom you have given. When there is absolute low pressure, suddenly the higher pressure comes and fills in the vacuum, making equilibrium. Isnt it true? [Yes!] Gods love works in such a way.

Living for the sake of others

For hundreds and millions of years, God has been giving and providing everything, but God never tried to remember it. He forgets. If God remembered what He has given to humankind the giving would stop. Therefore, God forgets and keeps giving. This is how motion occurs. There is one absolute law in this world that whoever most lives for the sake of others will become the central person in the family, community, and society. The one who gives most will be the central person because that person resembles God, who has been giving for the sake of humanity all these millions of years.
Among your family members, whoever sacrifices and devotes himself or herself most for the other family members will be the central person in the family. Such children are called filial sons and daughters. Such citizens of a nation are called patriots. Saints give everything and sacrifice themselves for the sake of the world. Those who try to save the world even at the cost of their nation are saints. A holy son is one who observes the palace law of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in heaven, as well as the heavenly law of both the spiritual and the physical worlds. The one who practices and lives for the sake of these four laws will be called a holy son.
The universal truth is that the one who lives for the sake of others will become the central figure. For example, you are all martial arts masters. There is a limited time for demonstrations. If everybody tries to go first, can we call them people who live for others? Suppose one grand master who is qualified to give a demonstration yields his turn to other people one time, a second time, and a third time and without complaining or feeling sorry, by the fourth time everybody will come and say, "You go first." Dont you think so? This is the very principle by which I have been living my entire life. Even though the entire world has been criticizing me and opposing me I know this is true. This is absolute truth and this is why I have been following it. In the end, the entire world could turn and give me its support and recognition.
God is the absolute being who gives eternally; that is why He is the eternal center of the cosmos. This is the true conclusion. Do you understand? The one who eternally lives for the sake of others becomes the eternal owner and eternal central figure. On the contrary, what is the definition of the devil? The devil is the being who keeps living for himself, taking from others, and asking others to do things for his own sake. The devil will become smaller and eventually disappear, while those who live for the sake of others, such as God, will become bigger and bigger. This is very logical and principled.
Some black brothers and sisters have been severely persecuted and attacked by white people because of racism. They have animosity and anger within themselves, and they seek revenge, but that is not the right way. The same applies to people of any color. Orientals, Hispanics, Italians, Blacks and others are continuously entering the United States. If Americans live for the sake of these people, America will be raised up, but if Americans do not live for the sake of others America will decline.
Whoever attacks first will naturally be defeated. As we learned from World Wars I and II, the side which attacked first was defeated in the end. Also in World War III, the side which attacked first will be defeated in the end. This is the truth. This is the formula in the providence of God. Isnt it true? [Yes.] I dont think so. [Still the audience answers, Yes.] If you are so sure, then you must answer yes with a voice loud enough to awaken God.
Well, I am so intoxicated by my own talk that I forgot about my cold. That is why I am getting sicker. Isnt it a good thing that I can help you enter the Kingdom of Heaven by sacrificing myself for all of you? The same applies to you. You shouldnt complain about a situation when everyone is complaining. You shouldnt despair in a situation where everyone despairs. Dont waste your energy for nothing. That is the kind of life I am living. If you dont worry, you will live a long life. This is the way to resemble God.

Changing the direction of your life

Dont you want to become the true children of God? [Yes!] Have you thought about the difference between your love toward your children to whom you gave birth and your love towards God, as you become His true children? Which is greater, the first love or second love? [Second love.] How many times greater love do you have for God than for your children? Which is greater: the love between secular parents and children or the love of true children toward God? If the second love is greater than the first love, how many times greater is it? [Infinitely greater.] Good answer. Remember what Jesus said: "Whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother, and sister, and mother."
More than anyone or anything, you must love God. Do you understand? This is the fallen world. The love in this secular world is connected to the fall. The love in the original, unfallen world is much more valuable than the love in the fallen world. The love in the original world gradually increases but the love in the satanic world gradually declines and ends up in hell.
The world where we are living is the kingdom of hell on earth. You must know this. You must stamp out this world. You have to reverse the course 180 degrees. After listening to my speech, can you reverse your life course 180 degrees? What if I say not to drink anymore? Why do you think I will say not to drink? Satan has used alcohol as a weapon to control humanity and destroy human beings. Smoking also. Of course, give up drug abuse and free sex, for these are clearly Satans weapons. You have to understand why you should not touch those things. Unless you are given a clear reason for not smoking, drinking, or abusing drugs it is not easy to do that. It is not fair.
You are thinking and feeling different things after hearing my teaching this evening, right? Or is there no change? This is what is called a brainwashing session. Shall I brainwash you a little bit more? (Applause.)
Just as Jesus Christ taught us, those who seek to gain their life will lose it and those who are willing to lose their life for his sake will gain it. By the same token, if you truly live for the sake of the entire world, for the sake of others, even if you lose your life God will come down and revive you. If I teach you this truth will you still call me a bad guy? [No!] No means K. N. O. W. You know. I am revealing facts based on my personal experience.

Bringing people to the Blessing

Human beings deal with four different directions - north, south, east, and west. Suppose you lose your life three times yet are willing to give your life again, because in order to make a circle you need four points - north, east, south and west. So even if you lose your life three times, God will give you a fourth life. Women throughout the world caused Adam to fall; women destroyed Jesus family and destroyed the world of the Lord of Second Advent. Women in the world caused the death of the first Adam, crucified the second Adam, and almost destroyed the third Adam, the Lord of the Second Advent. Women are in the position of Eve. Eve destroyed three husbands. So we must not trust women. (The audience laughs.) Dont laugh. There are reasons. It would take hours to fully explain why I am saying this.
[To a member of the audience:] If you are a true husband, even though your wife attacks you three times, you should be able to say that you cannot abandon her and you will live and die for her sake. If you can do this, you will be able to live. If you can do this, you will become a true husband, guaranteed by God. Even if a man is attacked by his wife three times, if he returns to his wife still smiling we can call him a true man. In this way, you can sit on Gods shoulder. Dont you remember when Jesus Christ was pierced by the Roman soldiers spear, instead of cursing them he prayed to God, "Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." He forgave the Roman soldiers. Why did Jesus do that? He did it in order to enter the position of God and eliminate Satan.
Dont you think America is in the position of enemy to me? It incarcerated me although I didn't commit any sin. Yes, in that sense America is in the position of enemy to me. I came to America offering everything, sacrificing, and providing everything: my wealth, my power and almost everything for the sake of this nation. If I keep doing this, eventually the entire nation and the American people will recognize what I have done for the sake of their nation and their people; then they will all follow me. Again the universal principle is that those who love more than anybody else will become the central person working for the sake of others. Do you understand clearly? [Yes!] Thank you!
In order to find Gods love, you should live for the sake of others. Then, what do you want to have today? You want to have Gods love. In order to do that, you should bring yourselves into the position of Gods sons and daughters. Wouldnt it be nice if the son and daughter were to become a couple? If you are truly determined and united and are willing to offer more love to God, then God will offer love to you. When a couple lives for the sake of each other more than living for the sake of God, God will instantly come down to their position and become one with the couple. Is this the correct answer or the wrong answer? [Correct answer] That is the way we can conquer God.
Those who do not want God to dwell within them show me your hands. (No-one raised their hands.) Then, anyone who desires this, show me your hands. (Everyone raised their hands.)
This means you will take my advice tonight? [Yes!] If you truly do that you can register in the Kingdom of Heaven. You will be registered fairly in the Kingdom of Heaven. Then God will have me bless you and make you His sons and daughters. How would you like that? (Applause.) Do you want to participate in that and become a good couple?
Well I am told that there are about 200 million people in the world being trained in various martial arts. If you bring all those 200 million people for this marriage blessing to Washington, D.C., we will have a big problem, because we have the capacity for only 3.6 million couples. Therefore, I am allocating for you only 1.2 million people. Can you do it or not? [No-one answers.] If you cant do it, then there is a big chasm between you and me. The problem is that you are not totally one with me yet. When will you be one with me? When?
You cannot meet me in person any time you wish. I am in a higher position than you are in many different aspects. Why dont you promise me that you will receive the blessing? My most precious gift to you tonight is this advice: to come to the marriage blessing in Washington, D.C., this November. If you do not take my advice, when you come to the spiritual world you will all wail with regret: "If we had listened to Reverend Moon, we wouldnt be in this situation." Because I know that you will be in grief, I am giving this advice to you.

Developing the Martial Arts Federation

Well, it is getting late. So I am going to tell you my plan for the Martial Arts Federation for World Peace. Did you expect to find out about this Marital Arts Federation for World Peace? [Yes.] Do you want to sit still and have me support this Martial Arts Federation for World Peace? If nobody else comes with support I may turn my back on this. If I support the Martial Arts Federation for World Peace three times, what do you think you should offer? Some parents do not trust you and they do not send their children to you to be trained because you might abuse the students obedience for your financial purpose. I know that students follow your directions well. If you begin to tell your students to bring extra money for you to support yourself, this will cause a big problem and you will be kicked out from your town.
You wont be able to do such things for your own financial support, but if any one wants your strength for money, you can be easily sold. This is because your financial situations are difficult. In a tough situation, even some martial arts experts can be bought and manipulated by rich people. Their power, strength, and skills can be abused and misused. There is no secret in the world, and once you get caught as a supporter of gangsters, you lose your life. Well, you grand masters are better off. However, first and second-degree black belts open schools and have a hard time, resulting in some problems. Although you have influence over these young people, you cannot be totally responsible for their lives, can you? Even the nation cannot be responsible. Only God can. I understand God clearly. That is why I am giving you this advice tonight. I am not here to make money from you. Even for this convention we spent about $1.5 million. What about you, has anybody offered even $1,000? Have you offer
You cant take the responsibility, can you? So, I have a plan to solve these problems. When I went to South America I saw many young people in poor conditions. Some of them become gangsters and do all kinds of bad things. Some of them become thieves and robbers. In one state of Brazil, I am planing to help young people who do not have proper schooling or job skills. I am planning to do the same in 33 South American nations. That is why we are constructing buildings to accommodate them and give them proper training and education. In order to support the Martial Arts Federation for World Peace, I am planning to build a huge martial arts center in each continent. In those continental centers, students and teachers could be trained at the same time. Both students and teachers can pursue their academic studies as well as martial arts training. Teachers can be trained as martial arts specialists or grand masters on different levels. Some will qualify as elementary school martial arts grand master
Although ninth-degree grand masters may build a training center, not anyone can build one. It will depend on their efforts and their skills. If they keep training hard they can keep going up the ladder and become college-level grand masters. This will be like a degree program. For example, if you reach the third-degree black belt level you will be qualified to teach elementary level children. With a sixth-degree black belt certificate you may teach middle and high school kids. A ninth-degree black belt may teach college students. You will be able to take care of your family financially because you will have a set income. With a B.A., M.A., or Ph.D. degree, you should be able to work with the local police and religious leaders. Religious leaders are in charge of people in a spiritual sense, and you can give a vision to people of the right way of life.
In conclusion, make sure that you are united with the spirit of this convention, and make unity between your mind and body. I am absolutely sure that I can block evil and liberate God, something no one in the world can do. This is why I am instigating you to take up the task. You must know this. As long as you follow what I have taught tonight, the future of the Martial Arts Federation for World Peace will be prosperous.
If you grand masters do not follow my suggestion tonight, then I will begin to mobilize the grand masters from Korea to support these efforts for the sake of the world. I have that kind of foundation. So, support me, become one with me, and lets become victorious. I like a victor. How about you? Dont you like to become victors?
It is getting late. It is almost midnight. After finishing this gathering I will have to drive five or six hours to New York. My wife, Mrs. Moon, is giving a nationwide public speaking tour in Korea, so I have to go to New York to hear my wifes speech. Even if it is sad to say good-bye, I have to go. Good night. Thank you very much.


Как получить духовную помощь?

Мун Сон Мён

Наше отношение

Какое отношение мы должны воспитать в себе, чтобы мобилизовать духовный мир? Нам необходимо изменить свои жизненные установки. Наше отношение - это стремление подготовить окружение для получения духовной помощи. Мы должны использовать слова Отца и стать каналом для получения духовной силы.На самом деле, духовный мир стремится стать сопричастным нашей обстановке и деятельности. В значительной степени он хочет во всем принимать живое участие. Поэтому во всем, на что бы вы ни смотрели, вы должны искать благородство и относиться ко всему, как к собственности Истинных Родителей. Тогда все станет для вас дорогой антикварной вещью, сокровищем, ниспосланным Богом. Каждый предмет ждет вашего прикосновения, надеясь через вас почувствовать вибрации БогаОтноситесь ко всем вещам, как к святым. Почему носовой платок, принадлежавший святому, будет бесценной вещью? Из-за вибраций этого святого человека. Вы также должны придавать вещам ценность святости. Притрагиваясь к предметам, почувствуйте, что вы передаете им особое великолепие.
То же самое относится к людям, с которыми мы встречаемся и живем. Когда вы видите другого человека, как вы о нем заботитесь? Какие чувства вы испытываете к этому человеку? Вы должны действительно любить людей, потому что каждый человек - храм Бога. Когда вы прикасаетесь к кому-то, почувствуйте, что через ваше прикосновение вы оба получаете благословение.
Каждый человек имеет два аспекта - душу и
тело. Наша истинная душа хочет прикасаться к телу со всей сердечностью, неся ему любовь. Мы должны думать о своей душе, как о душе Бога, потому что ее любит Бог и именно там Он живет. Смотрите на каждого мужчину и женщину, как на святого человека. Относитесь к телу человека, как к святыне, и к душе человека, как к священной.
Если вы будете так жить, то скоро услышите внутри себя тихий голос, голос своей души. Тогда куда бы вы ни пришли, нигде не останется ни зла, ни тьмы вокруг. Только хорошие духи смогут прикасаться к вам, если вы создадите такую атмосферу. Если вы поставите себя в такое положение, духовный мир прольет на вас со всей своей щедростью благословение и силу.
Вы должны черпать энергию из духовного мира. Пусть она сольется воедино с вашим телом, чтобы даже ваши руки и ноги чувствовали себя по-особому. Когда вы будете лежать в постели, даже если это будет всего-навсего спальный мешок, место, окружающее вас, приобретет вид царского дворца, а ваше тело будет покоиться на царском ложе. Вы должны называть себя храмом Божьим. Тогда все добрые духи прикоснутся к вам.

Сон и пробуждение

Ложитесь с умиротворением и красотой в душе. Изгоните из мыслей все безобразное. Утром, просыпаясь, прильните к груди Господа, и после, идя выполнять свою миссию, вы будете пребывать на троне Бога.
Духовный мир постоянно окружает вас, внимательно к вам прислушиваясь. Всегда помните, что его можно мобилизовать. Если вы будете продолжать так думать, то ваша душа сможет контролировать обстоятельства. Постарайтесь превратиться в камертон, звучащий в унисон с Божественным звуком, в унисон с бескорыстием Бога.
При таком созвучии с Богом, встречая кого-либо, вы сразу сможете сказать, что это за человек, очень естественно это почувствовав. Иногда вы собственными глазами можете увидеть свое духовное "Я". Тренируйте и дисциплинируйте себя, чтобы развить в себе эту способность. Живя таким образом, вы всегда правильно поступите в любой чрезвычайной ситуации.
Вы соревнуетесь с духовным миром, поэтому должны быть убеждены, что одержите победу.
Адам по своему положению должен был сам управлять духовным миром, а не наоборот.

Молитва и ее действие

С помощью молитвы, исходящей из глубины души, вы можете изменить человека. Станьте магнитом, притягивающим людские души, духовным магнитом, привлекающим людей любовью. Сохраняйте такое отношение, и тогда ваша молитва станет реальностью.
Молитесь всем сердцем, сосредоточивая всю свою душу на объекте вашей молитвы, иначе ваша душа станет беспокойной и суетливой.
В духовной жизни нужно находить время для
молитвы. Сядьте и молитесь, даже если на это потребуется 8 часов - это время никогда не будет потрачено напрасно. Затем можете идти и работать для Бога еще 8 часов. Поэтому постоянно молитесь и, помолившись, идите вместе с Богом. Если вам, например, потребуется подготовить проповедь, духовный мир поможет это сделать. Когда вы куда-нибудь пойдете, духовный мир поможет вам найти путь и вы сможете почувствовать, что значит преодолевать препятствия. Вы станете бескорыстными, чувствуя силу своей души и тела, стремящихся к гармонии.
Итак, ключевое слово к такому образу жизни - уважение:
Уважайте все сущее, как святое;
Уважайте всех людей, как святых;
Уважайте себя, как святого;
Уважайте свою душу, как святую;
Уважайте свое тело, как святое.
Относитесь с глубоким уважением ко всем людям, кем бы они ни были. Относитесь к тем, кто старше вас, с уважением ребенка. Обдумывайте свои слова. Перед тем как произнести их, трижды подумайте. И всегда сохраняйте смиренное отношение.
Всегда делитесь лучшим, что у вас есть, с другими. Опустошите свой бумажник, тогда вы будете заслуживать лучшего. Если вы будете плохо относиться к людям, вы не сможете заснуть, а когда сделаете что-то хорошее, ваша душа будет спокойна. Дайте выход всей грязи имеющейся внутри вас и очиститесь от нее. Загляните к себе в душу: что вы там найдете? Не таите в себе эгоистических чувств - публично раскайтесь в каждом из них. Практикуйте добродетель смирения.

Секретные методы

Если вы будете направлять свои усилия на развитие такого отношения, то духовный мир обязательно придет к вам на помощь. Духовный мир использует очень много каналов, через которые спускается вниз и участвует в осуществлении провидения Бога. Он изберет лучший из этих каналов.
В Церкви Объединения истинный лидер должен уметь мобилизовать духовный мир. Как только вы соприкасаетесь с духовным миром, начинают происходить всевозможные явления: некоторые - очень странные, а некоторые - совершенно замечательные. Не позволяйте им управлять вами: вы - субъект. Не поддавайтесь воздействию странных явлений; раньше вам приходилось в одиночку сталкиваться с трудностями, теперь у вас есть более ясное представление. Вы уже знаете секрет получения силы из духовного мира: свидетельствуйте людям, вкладывая в них все свое сердце и душу. Находясь в тюрьме, я молился, и заключенные просто приходили и стояли передо мной. Ведомые духовным миром, они знакомились со мной и привязывались ко мне.
И вы можете быть такими, как я. Проблема в том, что вы слишком далеки от того, чтобы мыслить в духовном измерении: святые вещи, святое человечество, святой храм, святая душа. Когда я был в худших ситуациях, испытывал одиночество и голод, мне приходили откровения или передо мной появлялся важный гость. Когда мне нужны были деньги, духовный мир направлял ко мне кого-нибудь.
Духовный мир никогда не бывает далек: он может сообщаться с нами. Но мы постоянно должны чувствовать, что делаем недостаточно и что всегда надо пытаться делать больше.
Действуйте пользуясь поддержкой духовного мира. Если за вами стоит духовный мир, вы никогда не будете одиноки, у вас всегда будет энергия и сила. Даже когда у вас не останется ни копейки, все равно не бойтесь. Будьте предприимчивы и смелы. На пути к успеху чем дальше идешь, тем больше хочется идти.

Земная жизнь и вечная жизнь

Может ли человек знать, сколько ему суждено прожить? Вдруг завтра вы умрете в возрасте 25-30 лет. Есть ли у вас гарантия от Бога относительно того, как долго вы будете жить? Ни у кого такой гарантии нет.
Мудрый человек рассуждает так: "Жить мне осталось мало. За этот срок я должен подготовить себя к вечности. То, как я проживу следующие два года, станет моделью для моей вечной жизни".
Наполнитесь чувством любви. Любите Бога и
любите других людей, как Бога. В течение всего дня, 24 часа в сутки отдавайте свою энергию другим. Если вы будете так любить человека, то, даже если вам придется рано умереть, такая любовь будет вашим наивысшим достижением в вечности. И когда потом Бог отпустит вам на жизнь больше времени, вы испытаете огромное чувство признательности. Всегда заставляйте себя жить полнее. Человек, который ожидает смерти и вдруг получает жизнь, пребывает в глубокой благодарности.
Оставьте после себя то, за что Бог сможет похвалить вас. Каждый момент настолько важен, что нет времени для беспокойства или отчаяния. Человек, сознающий, что по сравнению с вечностью земная жизнь коротка и, следовательно, должна быть наполнена реальными делами, поистине мудр. Подумайте над тем, какую духовную метку вы имеете на лбу. Спросите себя, скольких людей, сколько родов, сколько племен, сколько наций вы любили.
Стремитесь стать магистром любви. Планируя таким образом свою жизнь, вы никогда не проиграете. Стройте планы так, как будто у вас осталось только два года, а потом вдруг на третий год, когда вы по-прежнему будете живы, задумайтесь о том, сколько радости в жизни! Это - "воскрешенная" жизнь.
Мне еще нужно сделать очень многое: любить свою жену, детей и все человечество. Я должен любить Церковь Объединения, должен заплатить искупление за остальное человечество. Я должен освободить людей от греха. Я решительно настроен на то, чтобы оставить после себя ценное наследие.

Отношение к работе

Когда вы работаете, любите свое дело, любите вещи, с которыми работаете, и, безусловно, любите людей. Всегда относитесь к другим людям с уважением. Бог создал нас, но мы постоянно формируем себя, восстанавливая нашу изначальную ценность.
Возвращайте часть заработанного вами Богу как десятину. Отдавайте десятую часть своего дохода вашей местной церкви, десятую часть на работу национального уровня и десятую часть на мировой уровень: в общей сложности - три десятых.
Отдавая другим, не считайте, что вы отдаете из своего кармана. Отдавайте так, как будто это - часть сокровища, посланного вам Небесами. Тогда получающий через вас будет на самом деле получать от Бога. Духовный мир будет помогать вам, Бог все запомнит и воздаст вам в десять раз больше.
Пусть ваше предприятие станет местом пребывания Бога: не чувствуйте себя просто рабочим или администратором. Вкладывайте все свое сердце в работу. Решите, что вы выполните свою работу так, что она будет с пользой служить людям. И тогда ваша деятельность в любой области будет нести в себе любовь Бога. За что бы вы ни несли ответственность, отдавайте этому все сердце и душу 24 часа в сутки, почувствуйте, что вы - родитель и это - ваш ребенок.
Что бы вы ни делали, думайте, что делаете это в сотрудничестве с Богом, почувствуйте себя вторым хозяином и вкладывайте в дело всю свою любовь. Настоящий хозяин - это тот, кто больше всех любит.
Неся любовь, вы обретете вечную ценность.




February 16, 1997

Belvedere International Training Center
Translator -- Peter Kim

Good Morning! Is anyone able to read the title Father has written? Excluding Japanese and Korean brothers and sisters. (One brother makes an attempt) (Laughter) Repeat after me please. (Korean title is pronounced by Peter Kim) When we refer to children generally we commonly understand that children exist because of their parents. In order for a son to exist it requires both a father and a mother. When there is more than one child we refer to them as children. If parents are the origin then their children are the result. Also, if parents are in the position of the first cause, children are in the position of the second cause. The first and second cause should resemble each another. By resembling one another they have to ultimately become united based on what? Knowledge? Money? Power? No, for the sake of love. What kind of love? The kind of love which is greater and bigger than man or woman. The kind of love which is greater than man and woman combined.

The search for Ideal Love

How can man and woman become parents? Only through love. The ambition of parents' love is greater than themselves. If the ambition and goal of the parents' love is here [indicating to the board] then the ambition and goal of the children's love should reach to this goal as well. The content of the ambition of love is neither division nor separation but rather the ambition of love is unifying and harmonizing. The kind of unity that will last eternally. Everyone desires that quality of love. No matter who you may be, everyone equally desires that quality of love. Even beggars and street people. Isn't it true? (Yes) We have to understand that once we attain and practice that kind of love, we will be respected and envied by all of humanity.
Throughout human history has there been even one couple who has attained that level of love True Father has just described? No. Americans are so proud of their development culturally and technologically and consider themselves such good people; however, we cannot find even one couple practicing the love Father has described. In terms of this kind of principled love, even Americans, from the individual, family, society and national level do not pass this criterion. Therefore, isn't it fair to say that America and Americans are not really good enough? Where do you think that kind of American is presently located? Closer to Hell or Heaven? (Hell) All Americans possess a certain desire to become united. But has anyone done it? (No) What about you American Unification members? (Not yet) The concept of "not yet" continues forever. Meantime, the trend continues to go down, ever since the fall of Adam's family. How to stop this worldwide phenomenon now? This is very, very serious.
Within human history there has been rising and falling at all different levels of life, beginning with the individual level, family, society, nation and world. Now in this twentieth century, there is no place where we can find ideal love. Do you agree? (Yes) If the quality of life of humanity throughout history has been a failure, then what about God who has been trying to look after humankind? Has God also failed? (No) How can you confidently proclaim that? (Because we have True Parents) True Parents didn't just suddenly find the solution. Rather, True Parents are still working on reaching the final solution. If you take a quantum leap like that in order to respond to a question, you automatically fail. It is necessary to go step by step.
We all know that God is omnipotent and omnipresent. Then why has the human world become the way that it is? Where is God and what is He doing? When looking down upon humankind in its present state, do you think that God is happy or suffering? (Suffering) How do you know that? The reason why God has not intervened in human affairs is because there is some reason why God cannot interfere. That is why human beings could not have the hope and goal of being restored. What do you think the reason is for God's inability to intervene in human affairs? Does God need money? (No) Well, if He doesn't need money, how about knowledge and power? (No) He already has these things. Do you think that God would be pleased at seeing material things or be proud of His own knowledge that He would burst? (No) Do you think He feels so proud of being the most powerful being in the world? (No) What is it that God needs? (Love) Where can God find love? (Absolute sex) (Laughter) Where is absolute sex? God Himself has absolute sex. There should be absolute sex of both male and female. Between two men or two women absolute sex is not possible.
God has dual characteristics of male and female. Therefore, God needs both man and woman. This means that man alone and woman alone cannot achieve absolute sex. If there is a beautiful woman in front of God do you think that He will be pleased by woman alone? (No) Who else does He need then? (Man) The absolute sex of man and woman both exist in front of God. Then what else is needed? The first condition is to make their relationship into one, unification. Absolute man needs absolute woman. Absolute woman needs absolute man. Are you absolute men and women? Once you pledge to become an absolute man, no matter what kind of obstacle you may face, you should never compromise. All obstacles should absolutely dissolve in front of your determination. That is the absolute standard. If you are attacked and opposed by someone, that person will eventually become tired of opposing you if you show no sign of change.
Do you all want to become absolute women? (Yes Father) All men and women desire to become absolute. Have you become absolute men? (Not yet) (Laughter) When will you become absolute men? This is a very serious matter. It is logical that absolute men and women are necessary before absolute love can come about. All absolute women, please show your hands to Father. Father suggests that you all come and take a good look at him. (Laughter) Theoretically, if there is an absolute man, then all the women of the world will be attracted to him. Even if the 2.5 billion women of the world would be attracted by him, would this absolute man have to run away or stay still? (Laughter) It is a big problem for him. (Laughter) Even if there are 100 absolute men they would still be in trouble. There should be at least 2.5 billion absolute men. Then things would become equal.

Absolute love is forever

Regardless of nationality, position, male or female, we all desire an absolute partner. Blessed couples raise your hands. Can any of you say that you are an absolute couple? (Sometimes) Sometimes is not forever. Father's standard is not off and on. It is eternal. This is not a laughing matter. This is an extremely important issue. If there is a couple who has not reached the absolute standard yet and the wife observes her husband pursuing another woman, will she be happy? (No) Why not? Even though you may not have reached absoluteness in terms of unity and harmony, if your spouse goes after another person you absolutely do not like it. That means that you have the desire to become an absolute partner.
When wife or husband looks at you with a smiling face and bright eyes, do you want to see those loving eyes and sparkling smile only now and then, or forever? (Forever) Absolutely forever. Then you will become totally intoxicated. In the secular world can we find any couple with that standard? (No) How about the relationship between your mind and body? Do you have absolute unity or struggle? (Struggle) As children of God we are still struggling for that. Do you think God also has that kind of struggle within Himself? (No) God doesn't have that struggle but you have it. If God is in the Kingdom of Heaven and you don't resemble Him, then where are you? Now you understand what Hell means. It is easy to conclude that if we cannot find any absolute couple in this world then this is clearly a world of Hell.

This world is Hell because
it lacks absolute love

This world is not Hell because of lack of power, money or knowledge. It is Hell because it lacks absolute love. It has become absolute Hell. Why has it become so? Once the fruits of a tree are ripened the farmer will gather them and store them away. That will become like a heavenly barn. However, if the fruits became rotten before they were able to ripen, they would all fall to the ground. Such fruits cannot be brought into the heavenly storage barn. That is equivalent to the fall of man. They fell from the tree before they were ripe. No matter how much we may dislike it, the fact is we are the result of fallen fruit and living in this world of Hell. This fruit of love was supposed to ripen and eventually be stored in the heavenly barn. But this did not happen. Is there a way that we can translate this world of Hell into the heavenly world? Can we accomplish it with money? (No) Does America like money or not? (It likes it) Therefore, America belongs to the satanic hell side. No matter how proud Americans may be, they cannot transform this world of Hell into the Kingdom of God on Earth.
If we have a disease in our body a doctor needs to find the cause in order to root it out and bring the cure. It is logical to conclude that our human ancestors fell because of the misuse of love. Man and woman have their respective love organs. Can man or woman alone create fornication? (No) Adultery takes place when man and woman make love together. When God watches humanity misusing their love organs do you think He would welcome them or kick them out? (Kick them out) He would absolutely kick them out. We have to clearly understand this. If you don't understand the meaning of the Fall then you are in trouble. Don't you understand that you are the rotten fruit from the result of the Fall of Man? We are still rotten and generate such an evil bad smell. We need to be burned and eliminated, even thrown in the ocean! We ourselves should have that kind of desire. Do you want to be burned in the furnace? (Yes) Sounds not so bad! Feeling not so bad!

Hell is the world of conflict,
Heaven is the world of harmony

Now you understand your status. So do we deserve Hell or Heaven? (Hell) What is the world of Hell? Hell is where you live in constant conflict. Whereas Heaven is the world of harmony. What is the world that Reverend Moon and God are trying to build? The world where absolute harmony, unification and peace prevail. This is God's and True Parents' purpose. Is that clear? (Yes) What is your goal and purpose? (Make the Kingdom of Heaven) Sounds good, but how can you accomplish it? You are a fighting field person. Your mind and body are in constant conflict and disharmony. How can the world of Heaven be built on such a base? It is easy to give the good answer to Father, but are we really qualified to give such an easy answer all the time? (No) This is the problem.
The time and place we are living in today is a most dangerous, fearful time and place. We have to take this very seriously. Centering on one's self, there is always a fearful atmosphere surrounding and attacking us. How can we protect ourselves? This is how we should think. In this fearful world, danger always exists. You may yield everything you possess, but you should make certain to maintain your absolute love. This is the condition for you to join with God in the spiritual world. If you have that kind of love core, what would you do with it? We have to know that we have an objective love core and there must be a subjective love core, which is God Himself. Do you understand? You have to resonate with that kind of concept. Without this concept you cannot connect with your opposite sex absolute love atmosphere.

We struggle because we were
conceived from false love

If that kind of love core has to be connected, should that occur through your body or your mind? (Mind) Why? This means that your conscience is closest to God. We all experience the struggle between our mind and body. Why do we have this struggle? We are born as a seed of love. However, within our seed of love exists the seed of love of mind and the seed of love of body. These two identities are divided and the struggle begins. Do your parents always live in perfect peace and harmony? Or do they struggle and fight sometimes? (They sometimes struggle and fight) Don't you think that your parents sometimes entertain the idea of divorce in their minds? (Yes)
In this world, parents do not have absolute unity. They are inclined to struggle and fight with one another and even think about divorce. Is such a world Heaven or Hell? (Hell) Do you imagine that your two eyes desire to divorce? (No) These eyes always have harmony and unity one with another. They follow each other. Do you think that your left nostril desires to divorce your right nostril? No. They always work in harmony with each other. Your upper and lower lips always operate in oneness and remain eternally together. Do you think that your right ear will decide not to hear anymore and let the left ear do it all? (Never) (Laugher) If there is a sound which is unclear, these two ears will mobilize the entire head in order to catch that sound. What about your hands? When you clap them together, do they protest and want divorce?
What about people? People who run to divorce courts all the time? Do their laps jump together for joy because they are divorcing? Actually our five senses do not have any concept of divorce. However, our body's desire is the problem. Our bodily desire demands that our mind follow. This bodily desire is the king of individualism. The very name America has the connotation of a nation only caring about cars. Not people, not ideals, nothing but pride in cars. Even if you own a car, you need a driver and gasoline. America is presently out of gasoline. It is falling down to the bottom of Hell. America has no power.

Satan likes extreme
individualism and privacy

Where are all the American people heading? Who can liberate them from the treacherous path they are following? It is a painful situation. You Americans might feel uncomfortable because of Father's words, but this is the truth. Do you feel good? (No) Americans in general are very proud of their extreme individualism and privacy. However, this is the very thing that will reduce you to tears. Individualism and privacy are the very things which will ruin America. If men and women both hold strong individualistic concepts, how can they create harmony and unification? Satan is very happy with this situation of extreme individualism. The free world is ignorant of this. If America is truly rotten and headed for Hell, we need to be medical doctors and have the medicine to inject in them to cure their disease. (Yes) What does 'yes' mean? (We follow True Parents.) True Parents are not American citizens. When you proclaim to be followers of True Parents, the dignitaries and opinion makers of America persecute you. They call you crazy. We don't need Moonies, they say, just the opposite of God.
We Unification Church members understand the concept of the Fall do we not? (Yes) Do we love the concept of the Fall or hate it? (Hate it) Why do you hate it? Because it is the destruction of absolute sex. Do you want changeable sex or unchangeable sex? (Unchangeable sex) Most of Americans don't agree with you. You are a different breed. A breed not found in the secular world.

I am manufacturing true sons
of God, many Reverend Moons

What is the title of this morning's message? Father has a very heavy schedule today. However, he has not even touched upon this title as yet. (Laughter) If he continues like this, you will all become so intoxicated that it will take all day. (Applause) What is more interesting, the content of Father's message or Father himself? (Both) I don't like that. Since True Father belongs to True Mother you cannot take True Father for your own sake. Therefore True Father is going to create another man, Reverend Moon, for women and another woman, Reverend Moon, for men. This is how you can remain with Reverend Moon for your entire lives. (Applause) This would be like a "true son producing company." (Laughter) Do you like Reverend Moon's home? (Yes) This home of Reverend Moon would be a manufacturing plant that would constantly be producing Reverend Moons. Therefore, no matter how handsome and capable any man might be, he still must pass through this factory in order to become another Reverend Moon. (Amen) Then the original Reverend Moon will give him the Blessing. Then you can have him.
Once they have passed through this manufacturing process, Father will give them the Blessing. Then together with their children Father will send them to their home towns. These second Reverend Moons become Blessed couples. Blessed couples are second Reverend Moons' production factory of true children. (Applause) Is this clear? (Yes) Centering upon the original Reverend Moon production factory, we now have branch factories throughout the world. All of them are operating to produce more Reverend Moons every minute. Do you feel good about it? (Yes) This is the kind of world that we call the Kingdom of God on Earth. The Kingdom of God is made up of 'families'. Beginning with the true family country, true tribe country, true nation country, true world country, true cosmic country, and absolute love country. Which one do you like best? (Absolute love country) Sounds good. You women answered clearly. Every family is True Parents love factory family. The original, ideal, home factory family. Your Original Factory is cause. Second, result place. Cause and result connect, make one direction. Ideal atmosphere, reaching the Kingdom of Heaven. If you have understood this clearly then Father is in the position to learn from you.
This is the third day since Father celebrated his 77th birthday. So, when Father hears that you are absolutely confident in accomplishing this goal, Father feels happy to continue to share with you. If True Parents represent the Main Factory for producing True Children, our responsibility as the children of True Parents is to be branch factories. However, in terms of value we share equal value with Father's main factory. Which is more ideal? Should our branch factories grow and become one thousand times greater than the main factory or should we remain a thousand times less? (Greater) True Parents family is in the position of the seed and the first cause. We are in the position of the second cause. The seed is one, but once it is germinated and grows into a big tree, then billions of seeds are produced. These seeds create the second cause. What is the relationship between the original seed of Reverend Moon and our seed? There is a relationship of cause and result - the first seed and the second seed. However, in terms of value they are equal.

We should fill the world
with blessed couples

This year Reverend Moon, the first seed, the first cause will officiate at the Blessing ceremony of 3.6 million couples. Can you reach that? (Yes) What is it about this 3.6 million couples Blessing that encourages us so much and makes us so enthusiastic? It is the way to build the Kingdom of God on Earth. Unless this entire planet Earth is filled with Blessed couples, we cannot claim that the world has been liberated and become the Kingdom of God on Earth. Do you understand? (Yes) The 5.5 billion people of the world are all separated and divided. Therefore, we should have enough Blessed couples to fill this entire world so that parents and children can have absolute unity. On this basis God can come down and work through everyone, just like our blood veins. Whomever God is working through, that is the Kingdom of God on Earth. This is what God and True Parents want to create this year.

God needs one point where His
pure lineage and ideal begins

There are many different nations in the world. [Father draws on the board] This represents all of humanity. This small circle represents Adam's original family. [indicating to the board] The size has increased as history continued. Now we are in this modern world stage. Centering upon Adam and Eve there are eight different stages. Human history has progressed in this way. What kind of central figure do you want to become? Do you want to be a central figure for your family, tribe, society, nation, world or even beyond? (Beyond the world) Like whom? Like God. God cannot enter into relationship with this fallen world because there is no true love to be found here. There needs to be one point where God's pure lineage and ideal begins and expands to where the entire world is filled with God's lineage. Then God can come and dwell with humankind.
However, if the world is invaded by Satan to this degree [indicating to the diagram on the board] then God cannot enter into this portion of the world. Therefore, the whole world needs to be surrounded by God's love. The providence of salvation is the providence of restoration. All of human history is the result of the human fall. In this fallen world the restoration has begun and eventually the whole world will be restored. In order to accomplish this God has to find the original man and woman's position. In order to restore the original man and woman the law of indemnity has to be applied. To pay the proper indemnity we have to build all the different levels in order to restore everything back to God.
The secular world has already established a firm grip on every aspect of human life. However, throughout history there has been an expansion of various religious movements, always growing and developing. Political and secular leaders always have persecuted them and tried to eliminate them. Historically, all religions have had to deal with persecution from this secular world. The purpose of religion is to reach humanity with the truth. But Satan has always built fences around the nations to prevent this. This wall or barrier begins at the individual level: the war between our mind and body. Even between husband and wife there is often a certain wall or barrier. Among children, family to family, nation to nation and in the world, these barriers always exist. Even between God and this world there is a barrier, a dividing wall. Without the Fall there would be no such barrier in existence.

The fallen world came into being
through the misuse of love

God has never been able to interfere. Because this world of division came into being due to the Fall of Man through the misuse of love. There is only one man who can intervene and straighten this mess out and that is True Father, True Parents. This has been the desire and goal of every major religion. True Parents are the ones who know what God's True Love is and what Satan's fallen love is. Father stands in the position to grab hold of Satan's neck and challenge him. Satan has to admit that he is responsible for creating this fallen world.
Then if True Parents ask God if He wants the exact opposite of this fallen world, God will have to agree that He does. Who can accomplish the desire of God? This fallen world came into being through fallen parents centered upon fallen love. Therefore True Parents come centered upon True Love to build the True World. In order to accomplish this what has to be done? We have to follow True Father by walking the way of indemnity - Tan gam boki. This means restoration through indemnity. Without going through this course there is no way to go up. We will continue to fall down. It is like being in a deep well with a ladder. As we try to climb up the ladder Satan always pulls us down again. We could not establish the foundation where we have absolute unity between our mind and body.
The distance between our mind and body has become so great, from the original Adam and Eve's fallen position to this fallen world right now making one circle. That much distance exists between our mind and body. It can be an even greater distance from the individual level all the way to the cosmic level through the eight different stages. Without overcoming this we cannot return to the original position. This world has been created by false parents and false children. In order to restore this entire world back again we need True Parents and True Children. The Archangel is not in the position to have either a partner nor possessions. Do you understand? (Yes) In this archangelic world, in these Last Days there exists no concept of partnership. This is why so many couples live together as single individuals without marrying. This is the world we live in right now. They enjoy free sex in this world. But God wants to see absolute sex and absolute partnership between man and woman, not homosexuality, not lesbianism, no partnership.
Who originated the practice of free sex? Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, centering upon the Archangel. As it was sown, so it shall be reaped in the Last Days. Therefore we are witnessing this phenomenon in this fallen world now. In this society there are homosexuals and lesbians, this is Hell on Earth. The American family has been broken down through this kind of corruption. This is harvest time but Americans are so ignorant of this fact.

The pursuit of freedom without
responsibility is a weapon of Satan

Not even God can harvest out of America. Just as God was unable to interfere in Adam and Eve's behavior, so He cannot harvest here now. Satan led all the way down to our time. Not even Satan wants to touch it now. This is the result of Satan's activities so God cannot interrupt. It is true that no matter how powerful a nation may be such as America, it cannot solve the present situation which the world is facing. The former Soviet Union tried their absolute best to unite the world under communism but they failed. Now the democratic world is trying in their own way to unite the world through free election systems and such. But in every corner of the world where they have tried to assert influence, it has not worked. The entire world hates those politicians because they are liars. Free sex, alcohol, drugs, and tobacco are all the weapons of Satan. Also the pursuit of freedom without responsibility is another weapon of Satan.
We clearly know that this entire world is under Satan's domination and influence. Through whom did we learn this? We learned this through True Parents who come with all the secrets of God and Satan so that we are able to protect ourselves in this decadent world. True Parents revealed all the secrets to us. Do you need True Parents? (Yes) Do you need True Parents in just one place or in every place all over the world? In one family or the whole humankind family? (Everywhere, Everybody)
We are living at the turning point or transitional period that the original mistake of Adam and Eve's Fall has resulted in this fallen world right now that we are living. So True Parents finally came to this world as a blessing to humankind. Together with True Parents we are restoring our original lineage and right of possession. After the Fall everything was lost to Satan. Now we are reversing. We are restoring the realm of heart. [Father draws a diagram on the board] The realm of heart represented by the seven generations from Adam, the tribal unit, is now being restored. Based upon that tribal foundation we will reach for the people and the nation. Therefore Father is expecting tribal messiahs to take responsibility for their own tribes.
Didn't all of you receive the Blessing? (Yes) Please remember, if True Parents are the first manufacturing plant then we are the second manufacturing plant. The meaning of receiving the Blessing is transforming the lineage and right of possession. The meaning of the providence of salvation and the providence of restoration is the state of restoration on one individual and family level to be connected to the entire world. We have to remember that had America, centered upon Christianity, united with Father as the Lord of the Second Advent right after World War II, then within seven years the entire world could have been restored. However, because of their failure Father had to begin from scratch which took forty years of wilderness course.

Korea must be unified before the
world can be unified and restored

If those eight million Christians had received Father as the Lord of the Second Advent after World War II, then Father could have blessed 800 million people within one week. It would not have needed even seven years. Maybe two or three years would have been sufficient. But because of their failure everything was lost. Father lost everything from the family that was supposed to become one with Father. The Moon tribe was supposed to have been united with Father. Even the Korean peninsula, South and North was supposed to be united with Father. The entire world which was supposed to accept Father as the Lord of the Second Advent - everything was lost and Father ended up standing in the wilderness. This is why Kim Il Sung appeared and came to North Korea in the Satanic true parents position. He blocked every road and way for Father to reach the people. The reunification of the Korean peninsula is a prerequisite to the unification and restoration of the entire world.
Look at the world now. Germany is unified and most of the countries in the world are unified, but the Korean peninsula is still divided. East and west is horizontal and north and south is vertical. Vertical side is not unified. The last thing is to make a peaceful foundation. Without that land we cannot build up God's Kingdom. Everything was lost. God's Kingdom of Heaven lost. Father's hometown settlement, original hometown place. Therefore, Father initiated tribal and national messiahship.
At the time of Jesus, God sent Jesus down as the one to establish both tribal and national messiahship as the basis to build God's Kingdom on the Earth. He had no nation, no tribe, no God's True Love place. So Jesus went to Paradise, not Heaven. Heaven consists of tribes and nations, making one line to the Kingdom of Heaven. Now, Father is in God's position on the Earth. He sent out national messiahs to 185 nations of the world. Jesus was not able to establish his own family. At this time, Father is sending out Blessed couples as national messiahs. Without the family God's Kingdom cannot be built.

Christians suffered bloodshed because
they lacked a national foundation

During the 2000 years of Christian history so many Christians were murdered, such a long, long time of suffering, giving their sweat and their blood. This happened because their foundation was underneath the national level. Therefore Satan was able to attack them. This is the correct viewpoint of providential history. The Lord of the Second Advent comes representing True Love and True Love connects to the True Life Seed. After the Fall God lost his blood lineage. In order to return to that original point we need to deny ourselves and demonstrate absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. No matter what difficulty Father faces, I will go in one direction forever. I don't care what persecution I need to go over, I will fulfill my purpose. That is God's love-attending place.
The conclusion of Father's message to us is that we have all learned about the restoration through indemnity from the individual level through the eight levels to the cosmic level. Is there even one moment where we have completed our restoration through indemnity from the individual to the cosmic level? (No) We may understand the word indemnity. However, do we have any degree of completion of indemnity at any level? This previous diagram [indicating to the board] shows how the fall took place from Adam's family all the way to the entire present world. Now Father is drawing another diagram to show the indemnity course. This is True Parents family [indicating to the board]; had the free world received Father as the Lord of the Second Advent, it would not have taken forty years. Rather right here [indicating on the board] is the point where Father could have expanded the true family and restored the entire world.
The period from the time of Adam and Eve to this point [indicating to the board] could be tens of millions of years. No one throughout human history clearly understood the process of restoration through indemnity. Over and over as champions of each age failed, God had to begin this restoration through indemnity course again and again. This took tens of millions of years up to this point. In Adam's family there was Eve, Cain and Abel. During World War II Great Britain, France and America represented these three figures of Adam's family. Great Britain, as an island country, represented Eve. The ocean symbolizes women. Therefore the island nation of Great Britain represented Eve who was female. Usually people from island nations desire to land on the mainland. Great Britain gave birth to America which stood in the position of Abel. France was always at war with Great Britain and even America. Therefore France stood in the position of Cain. Cain always fights Abel and also Eve.

Christianity lost the physical foundation
because of the crucifixion of Jesus

Christianity actually lost the substantial body because of the crucifixion of Jesus. Therefore right after World War II Christianity had a spiritual body. If the Israelites and Judaism had accepted Jesus as the Lord, then the other major religions already prepared by God in various parts of the eastern world, could have been mobilized with the help of the spiritual world and conquered the Roman Empire without much difficulty. Because Jesus came as the bridegroom. This bridegroom's status was taken away in the Garden of Eden at the time of Adam and Eve. At the time of Jesus, this position was lost once again. Following World War II Father came as the Lord of the Second Advent as well as the bridegroom to the entire Christianity. These three nations, Great Britain, America and France should have received True Father as their bridegroom.
The axis countries of Japan, Germany and Italy represented the body of Jesus Christ. Whereas Great Britain, America and France represented the mind of Jesus. True Father came as the Lord of the Second Advent or bridegroom to the entire world in order to unite these two different worlds. In Adam's family they split. In the Last Days the True Parents have to unite them. Actually at the time following World War II world unification could have been established. The axis countries tried their best to eliminate the mind of Jesus Christ which was represented by Judaism, Jews and Christianity. Spearheaded by Hitler, millions of Jews were killed at this time. Originally, centered upon the Lord of the Second Advent, world unification should have taken place here. [indicating to the board]
Directly after 1945 Father could have held mass weddings throughout the entire world centered upon true love. This would have broken down many boundaries and walls created by Satan throughout the world. All humankind would have become God's and True Parents' children. This would have meant unification all the way to Adam and Eve's position. If only this free world had not chased Father out after World War II, then free sex and homosexuality would never have appeared in this world, not even in America.

The worldwide True Family will
emerge from True Parents

Now in this battlefield, once the axis and allied countries become united, then the allied countries will be in the position of Abel and the axis countries in the position of Cain. Based upon their unification the Lord of the Second Advent will descend as the bridegroom of the entire world and he will find his bride. With True Father and True Mother forming the true family, that family will be expanded to the world level.
After the Israelites and Judaism rejected Jesus and crucified him then the history of Christianity had to go through the persecution period of the Roman Empire and throughout history. Likewise, when the axis and allied countries rejected Father after World War II, then Father had to go out to the wilderness. Their rejection meant the loss of the worldwide foundation placing Father back in Korea. This took forty years to come out to the world. Bringing Jesus' body figure to the mind figure and uniting them again. Centered upon that foundation Father is now accomplishing the worldwide dispensation.
Jesus' body was lost in Asia. Therefore the world is now returning to Asia. We live in what is known as the Pacific era. Centering upon True Parents, from the individual to the world level spiritually and physically Father's influence and power is now felt throughout the world. Now, after forty years of Father's incredible sacrificial work, the Pacific era is dawning again.
Within True Father's family there are children from two different mothers. Because of this wilderness course Father lost everything in a way. Just as Father had to go through the wilderness course when he lost his first wife through divorce, now the entire world is experiencing the same thing through the breakdown of families. It completely lost God's True Love family center. God's value system was lost.

Father had to restore 4000 years
of history in 40 years

The bride culture is the world of Christian culture. The bride wants to meet the bridegroom. The Marriage of Lamb was to take place. [Father draws on the board again] Because Father was chased out into the wilderness, he had to indemnify this 4000 years of history. On eight different levels from the individual to the cosmic level. This forty years represents 4000 years of history. It was lost and Father had to restore everything. God could not help him. God could support him, but Father had to do this single-handedly. Centering on his own family, Father had to go through the eight stages.
On his individual level the blessing had to be achieved here [indicating to the board]. Then from that point on he could expand to the world. You do not have any idea what kind of course the restoration through indemnity is. This indemnity course is placed between God and Satan. Father had to juggle between God and Satan, Father had to bring God down and kick Satan away. That has been his life for forty years. But Father himself cannot live for 400 years, let alone 4000 years. Therefore, he had to indemnify this period within 40 years.
The Second World War ended in 1945, but within seven years everything could have been established. But due to the opposition of Christianity and the free world Father lost this seven year period. If we count from 1952 and add forty years, it becomes 1992. In that year, Father's 40-year course was over. In the year 1992 True Mother was elevated to equal position with True Father. We lost the foundation of Christianity which stands in the position of the bride. Through True Mother we reached the American Congress and the United Nations through True Mother's speaking tour. We also declared True Parents Day to the world. Men and women in the American Congress didn't know what they were doing, but as you know Congress passed the resolution of Parents Day.
When True Parents Day is adopted by 185 United Nations member nations, then the world will be truly united. The national messiahs who have been sent out to 185 nations are working hard to have True Parents Day resolutions passed in their mission nations which eventually will be culminated in the United Nations and then world unification will come. Amen. (Amen) (Applause)
Once we accomplish our goal of the 3.6 million couples Blessing this year successfully, then this influence will be felt all over the world in 185 nations. Then our national messiahs will have this invincible foundation to work on. They will be able to pass this resolution of True Parents Day within their own nations. Eventually this will lead to the establishment of the Women's United Nations, Youth United Nations and Student United Nations and will bring about the unification of the entire world. Amen. (Amen) (Applause)

Father is creating world organizations
to bring about world unification

That is why Father is creating Abel-type world organizations. If this present United Nations does not function properly to bring about world unification, Father is preparing Abel-type organizations such as the Island Nations Federation for World Peace, Peninsular Nations Federation for World Peace and Continental Nations Federation for World Peace just in case. At the present time, the politicians, who represent the body, are dominating the world, the mind. Father, who represents the mind of the entire world, will come to lead the entire world in the right direction.
The UN has presently complicated the system and is going down. The new Abel-type organizations which Father has created can go all over the system, connecting family-system and heavenly system. All over the system we can change the blood lineage, create filial piety, make patriots, saints and holy sons and daughters connecting to True Father. We will create this kind of value. Always, Father is making that kind of preparation, that kind of foundation. We have to follow God's concept in leading the world. God cannot permit any other way. We have to lift up God's Heart. Everyone of conscience can easily understand the wonderful and amazing things Reverend Moon is doing in the world.
The eight different stages from the individual to the cosmic level could not be overcome by anyone. Father alone established victory on these eight different stages. In the midst of Satan's persecution, Father won the victory at each level. Wherever Father may go now in the world there is no more rejection. Even in America they beg Father to stay. (Applause) In Africa, they say don't go home, Reverend Moon. What Father has accomplished in South America in this one year period is tantamount to the total work Father has done in America this past twenty years.

I revealed many heavenly secrets
this year in South America

Through various means of education Father revealed many secrets in South America during the past year or so. For example, Father declared to those ardent Catholics there that Jesus was supposed to get married and have many children. Father also told them that Jesus was an illegitimate son and that holy mother Mary made many mistakes. They were shocked but they could not argue with Father, because Father spoke logically. Those who studied the contents of Father's message and Mother's speech which was shared throughout the world last year, could not come up with any alternative solution.
Once it becomes a worldwide debating issue, from the elementary school student all the way to the very elderly man, all intellectuals will debate these issues. Then eventually they will go with Reverend Moon's teaching in this twentieth century. In this century of modern technology and science no one would go with the old way of teaching. Father has absolute confidence because Father has clearly proved to himself and observed what was happening in South America while he was teaching this new truth to the top leaders, scholars, theologians, both Protestant and Catholic, and leaders from every walk of life down there. Father witnessed with his own eyes that they had no challenge to offer to Father. Because logically they cannot argue with this truth. Truth is truth! Therefore Father appears in front of you this morning with absolute confidence and commitment that this world is now coming closer and closer to world unification. Amen. (Applause)
This is our task now, to go over each of these eight different stages [indicating to the board]. This is our task. Are you confident that you can do it? (Yes) But you are in ignorance of how to do it. True Parents have set the example and showed the way how to accomplish this. Now you just have to be united and connected to True Parents. During this forty-year course which Father walked to indemnify 4000 years of history, Satan has mobilized every possible means to attack Father, to block Father's way and to eliminate Father. Father, however, overcame each stage. Today Father is healthier and stronger than ever! (Applause) Does Father have a bad brain? (An absolutely good brain) (Laughter) Father knew from the beginning how much suffering and hardship God had to endure. Father's secret was his desire to do what God has done. That was Father's main secret.
From 1992 Father declared the liberation of women. In 1993 our motto was True Parents and the Completed Testament Era. In 1994 The Safe Settlement of True Parents and the Completed Testament Era. In 1995 Let's Inherit the Victorious Foundation of True Parents. In 1996 Let's be Proud of True Parents and Love True Parents. Under last year's motto, when you loved and were proud of True Parents did anyone oppose you? (No) Finally, on the worldwide level, our time has come in this year of 1997. By accomplishing the 3.6 million couples Blessing this year the entire world will become God's.
The way we can be proud of True Parents and Love True Parents is by accomplishing the 3.6. million couples Blessing. Once this 3.6 million couples Blessing is successfully accomplished, then even elementary school children will challenge their teachers saying: "When looking at this present rotten, decadent world I don't see much hope. In the world I observe two kinds of marriage; one is marriage based on one couple at a time, but they often fail. On the other hand we see that Reverend Moon has married 3.6. million couples at one time and they are all good couples. Therefore which route should I take?" (Laughter)
Suppose the teacher would respond by telling that child that Reverend Moon's way was the only hope. Do you imagine that the parents of that child would scold him for listening to his teacher's advice? If so, do you think the child would follow his teacher or his parents? (Teacher) Even the parents would encourage their young children to follow the advice of the teacher because that is the right way. Do you think that the high school and college students who are ready for marriage are going to follow this new world heavenly trend? (Yes) Once the victory of the 3.6 million couples Blessing is established, if young people decide to marry without researching the Unification Church marriage, they will not flourish. Similar to fallen leaves in the autumn, they will become fertilizer.

From the year 2000, God will
occupy the world with True Love

The entire world will have to pay attention to the Unification Church wedding. Particularly teachers, professors and Ph.D. candidates will have to write their thesis on the Unification Church wedding ceremonies. Because unless they understand fully about the Blessing they will not be qualified to have the title of Ph.D. From the year 2000 centering upon True Love, God will be able to occupy the entire world.
Father now gives you the secret today, the only secret: Since True Parents already won the victories at eight different stages, our task is to overcome these eight different stages on our own. In order for us to win the same victories as True Parents we have to make sure that we hold on fast to True Parents. If True Parents go by boat, we have to hang on to their belt; if True Parents fly by Concord we still have to hold onto them even if our legs fly up in the air. (Laughter) No matter what, we have to make sure that we are united with True Parents and constantly follow in their path. Unification Church members have more wisdom than flies. If Father is flying by cosmic Concord, and we hang onto Father's belt and land at the same time with Father and the fly is sitting on our back and yet we still land where Father lands before the fly does, then we are wiser than the fly! (Laughter)
When we board a plane to go to Korea from New York, we might see a fly in the airplane and we can ask the fly "where are you going?" Then the fly might answer "I am going to Korea." (Laughter) Then the fly may say to you, "Where are you going?" and you can say, "I am going to the Kingdom of Heaven!" (Applause) Do you have a clear understanding of Father's message this morning? (Yes) If Father goes to Africa will you follow him? (Yes) If Father asks all Unification Church Members in America to go to Uruguay tomorrow, then when everyone lands in Uruguay the entire nation of Uruguay will immediately be filled with unification. Can you American women do that? (Yes) Do you have confidence? Really?
[Father addresses one American sister in the crowd] Here we have such a beautiful girl, with beautiful eyes and beautiful lips. Maybe God wants to meet her and have her become his most beloved daughter. Would you like that? (Yes) Really? (Laughter) If she happened to be a young oriental girl and Father were to address her directly in this way, at such close contact she would surely blush. But since this girl is a western sister she is still calm. That is okay. (Laughter)
The meaning of this morning's topic, Our Responsibility as the Children of True Parents corresponds with our original ancestors in the Garden of Eden. When God created Adam and Eve there was only one commandment that God gave to them. Do not eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. They needed to demonstrate absolute faith, love and obedience to that commandment from God. However, they did not. When God gave that commandment to Adam and Eve He already had the foundation of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. Upon that foundation God could give that commandment in the position of subject to His objects. But Adam and Eve did not follow God's standard of absolute faith, love and obedience. Therefore God lost His love partner. We now live in the time when we have to restore the mistake of Adam and Eve. This means that we have to demonstrate absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience in order to accomplish the task that is upon our shoulders. In order to do this we have to grab hold of True Parents' belt and go with them all the way to the end. Then we will accomplish our mission: the building of the Kingdom of God on Earth. Amen. (Amen) (Applause)