

February 7, 1995, Washington, DC, Translator -- Hideo Oyamada
Mr. Oyamada is the representative of the Eve nation. The Adam and Eve nations need to make unity. Therefore, he will be my interpreter. [Father laughs.]
This is my seventy-fifth birthday and Mother's fifty-second birthday. That is why I invited all the overseas missionaries to America. The fiftieth anniversary of the end of World War II marks a period of change. A

new era and a new dimension is beginning. From the providential point of view, we don't have a heavenly nation. We don't have a heavenly fatherland. The great desire of all human beings is for our original parents and our original fatherland. That is the original human desire ever since our birth. Because of the fall we lost our original human ancestor and our original fatherland. Christianity has tried to find the original ancestor and original fatherland. Human history after the fall records the search for this original ancestor and original fatherland.
[Father writes on the blackboard and Mr. Oyamada reads the words he wrote:] God, Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel; Satan, Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel. If the human ancestors had not fallen, Heavenly Father's orders would go directly to Adam, and Adam's orders would go to Eve. Then Eve as the mother would give orders to Cain, the oldest son, and finally they would reach the youngest son. This was the original heavenly order. However, the fall completely disturbed this heavenly order, and all family members fought each other. Because of the fighting and lack of unity, Heavenly Father could not dwell there. The original heavenly world was lost, and everything was completely nullified.
In place of Heavenly Father, Satan has controlled the whole world. In place of Adam, there was fallen Adam. In place of Eve, there was fallen Eve. In place of Cain, there was fallen Cain. You should clearly understand that, because of the fall, we lost the original concept of order. History has been the story of salvation, restoration and re-creation. The providence of salvation is the providence of restoration and re-creation.

The Formula for Restoring Everything

There is a heavenly formula for restoring everything, which goes back to the original process by which God created the world. First, Heavenly Father created the environment, including the sun, air, water and soil. Without these four elements human life and indeed all living things would die. Within the environment there are always subject/object relationships. This subject / object relationship is the formula. If you carefully analyze the mineral kingdom and plant kingdom, you can find plus and minus in a reciprocal relationship. There are male and female animals. Human beings exist as men and women. The whole environment consists of plus and minus, subject and object.
Without subject and object, there can be no action or motion. The universe originated through some force or power. What was this energy, and where did it come from? Take, for example, the husband/wife relationship: where does its energy come from? Which comes first, energy or action? A boy looks at a girl and then action starts. Action comes before force or energy. Reciprocal action does not come from a single existence; there need to be dual characteristics. When there is a reciprocal relationship between subject and object, the foundation for energy is created.
Then how do subject and object become united? The motivation is True Love. Love is the motivation, and action is the result. A reciprocal relationship starts when one invests one's self. God's work of creation started with investment. God invested Himself and then forgot it, over and over continuously. Heavenly Father stands in the subject position and gives love to us in the object position. When we receive this love and investment from Heavenly Father and return energy to Him, that is the start of a reciprocal relationship. On that foundation, a bigger plus, a higher-dimension plus is created. That is why God created our original mind and gave us the desire to move from the individual level to ever-higher dimensions, including the family level, clan level, tribal level, worldwide level and universal level, until we finally become the object of God.
What is the motivation of God's creation? To create the object of love. Heavenly Father kept investing more and more, in order to have a bigger object. Heavenly Father has the same type of feelings as a human being. If you are lonely, what kind of partner do you seek? An object of love. As an absolute subject, God eternally invests and forgets, invests and forgets. As objects in front of Heavenly Father, we should also invest and forget, invest and forget. In this way we can become the objects of God.
To invest and forget means to sacrificially serve another person; that is the origin of the universe. As the subject of love, Heavenly Father needs a love object. That is why He started creating the universe. As horizontal objects of love, we need to create the foundation upon which Heavenly Father can settle on this earth. The foundation of Heavenly Father's settlement is the family. This is the most fundamental unit of Heavenly Father's creation.
Everything will be organized and mobilized through the family unit. Through the family, Heavenly Father wants to dance and sing with us, enjoying a relationship with us. The core of the family is man and woman, husband and wife. Husband and wife should each be united in mind and body. On that foundation, the husband becomes the plus and the wife becomes the minus. Within the couple, plus and minus should be united. Through this unity, the husband and wife become a higher-level plus, resulting in the creation of children. The husband and wife become parents, giving birth to children, who grow up and become parents in turn. These three generations compose the family.
God's formula is based on reciprocal relationships. When you look at your face you see two eyes, which function in a reciprocal relationship. You don't have just one nostril; you have two nostrils, functioning in a reciprocal relationship. Everything exists for the sake of the object. What is the force that enables mind and body, husband and wife, parents and children to unite? True Love. Where does True Love come from? If you look for a marriage partner, do you want a spouse who is better than you or worse than you? Where does such a motivation come from? Heavenly Father also looks for a partner of love. That is an eternal, original, absolute desire: the desire for a superior object of love. We want to experience love on ever-higher levels. Through True Love, we can connect to the whole universe. The standard for all these levels of love is the family. Even the president of the United States connects with people centered on the family. If Adam had not fallen, he would have connected to the whole universe centering on the family. He would have been an unchanging subject, representing the whole universe like a king.
The president of the United States represents the whole nation. Adam and Eve would have been the king and queen of their family and eventually the king and queen of the the tribe and nation. Heavenly Father is in the subject position, and human beings are automatically in the object position. There are kings and queens on different levels, but however large the level, they should completely fit into the formula, which is True Love.

Investing and Forgetting

True Love starts with total investment and forgetting. To invest and forget means to serve others and think in a sacrificial way. The person who constantly serves other people and thinks in a sacrificial way always becomes the central figure. Do you follow? This is a most important teaching. Why is Heavenly Father the eternal subject? From the beginning of creation, He has been eternally investing and forgetting, investing and forgetting, in a sacrificial way.
If there are ten members in a family, the one who is most sacrificial, sacrificing himself ten times more than the other family members, is the central figure. To serve others and sacrifice one's self for others is our moral standard and our teaching. Because Heavenly Father is that kind of eternal subject, as His objects we should automatically have the same attitude and follow the same principle. One family member sacrifices for the others and serves them, and then that family sacrifices itself for the clan and serves the hundreds of families in the clan.
In the creation, Heavenly Father started with the mineral world, investing Himself and forgetting, until the higher level of the plant kingdom emerged. In the plant kingdom as well as the mineral kingdom, everything consists of plus and minus. Everything followed the formula.
Children are educated in kindergarten and then elementary school according to this formula of plus and minus. After they finish elementary school, they go to junior high school and high school; at every stage they meet the concept of plus and minus. When they go to the university and pursue a doctoral course, they learn plus and minus. On that foundation every level, including the national level and worldwide level, follows the same formula of development through the reciprocal relationship between plus and minus.
If you go witnessing in your state or nation, you should be the subject of that environment. You begin in the object role and serve people, until finally you gain the subject role.
If you look at the course I have been pursuing until today, I connect with the academic realm, the political realm and the media realm, always making connections on the highest levels, by following this formula. I begin from the position of object and serve the people in that realm. Finally I gain the subject position. That is the absolute formula, the iron-clad law. I served the famous professors and scholars, and eventually they learned that the Rev. Moon is superior to them. If you follow this formula, you will be the central figures. In the academic, political and media realms, I have been continuously investing and forgetting. Even Nobel laureate academics who thought they were at the center of knowledge are as nothing in front of me.
Individualism is a big problem. People always want to receive without investing. However, first you have to invest and then you can receive. Do you understand? You know clearly the universal formula. When you enter the elementary school, you have to unite with your teacher. Then you can go the next higher level, which is the junior high school. The same thing is true with high school and university. You should unite with the subject and then move up to a higher level.
By following the formula of investing and forgetting, you can develop from the individual level all the way to Heavenly Father. How much money has our movement invested up until today? No record has been kept of how much was invested. I forgot everything. I just invest and forget.
However, all these processes can be completely integrated within the family. All the family members should be connected, each of them existing for the sake of others. What is the motivation of all the actions in the universe? Although there are many different dimensions, they all follow the formula of True Love.
What kind of people were the saints and sages? For example, Jesus Christ taught that we should love our enemy. That means to forget the wrongs and forgive the enemy. When was the decision made to publish the Washington Times? While the court case was in progress. I was considered the enemy of the country. They brought a court case and put me in jail. However, I invested and forgot. That automatically made me the central person. This is an application of the universal formula.

Sacrificing for the Whole

Look at my hand. The hand by itself has no meaning. What is the meaning of my eye, nose, ears and legs? They exist for me. They have no value apart from the whole. Even the nose exists for the whole. The five or six organs are for the sake of their object. What about my lips? They exist for myself. What are my ears for? They exist for myself. All the organs of my body exist for the sake of myself. Thus we should know clearly that in all the world nothing exists for its own sake but for the sake of the higher level.
What is the starting point of the material world? What is the motivation of its existence? All material things desire to connect to human beings. What is the motivation for existence of a molecule or atom? To reach the higher plant realm as soon as possible, to be absorbed by some subject in a higher realm.
The individual sacrifices for the sake of the family. All beings seek the higher purpose. Each being seeks to unite with a higher realm, representing God. We need to step to higher realms in order to eventually reach Heavenly Father; we go from the family to clan, clan to nation, nation to the world, and the world to Heavenly Father. This is the traditional, historical formula which all things must follow.
In relation to the animal world, human beings occupy the position of God; human beings represent God to the animal world. Human beings are in the top position of creation. All creatures want to follow human beings. What is the motivation of the mineral realm? To become part of the plant realm. When you look at this as a vertical and horizontal process, if the horizontal realm puts pressure on the vertical aspect it pushes the vertical aspect higher, and if the vertical aspect pushes down on the horizontal aspect it becomes wider. What does this teach us? If we sacrifice our flesh, our mind will become higher. If our mind becomes higher, our flesh cannot complain. We find here the principle that the horizontal aspect should sacrifice for the vertical aspect; that is why we sacrifice our flesh for the sake of our mind, which is our vertical aspect.
Plants sacrifice themselves because they know that by sacrificing they become part of a higher level. The whole plant world would sacrifice itself for a small worm; a worm will sacrifice itself for a rabbit, and a rabbit will sacrifice itself for a tiger, because the tiger is on a higher level. Finally, the whole animal world will sacrifice itself for the sake of human beings.
Although our body of flesh does not want to sacrifice itself, it should sacrifice for the sake of the mind. This is why all religions teach us to sacrifice our body of flesh for the sake of our mind. However, our body never wants to sacrifice itself; therefore, we have to push our flesh in order to enable our mind to rise to a higher level. By itself, if our mind tries to approach Heavenly Father it would take a thousand years; but if we sacrifice our body completely we can reach Heavenly Father within a second. We should know that the traditional, universal formula for development is to sacrifice oneself, invest and forget. Because this formula was lost, people have not been able to develop.

The Dwelling Place of Love, Life and Lineage

What do all things want to approach? The place of love, the place where love is exchanged: our sexual organs. All things want to connect with love, life, blood lineage and conscience, which are all linked in the place where man and woman unite: the sexual organs. This is the dwelling place of love, life, blood lineage and conscience. Every purpose dwells there. The movement of the universe is based on this formula.
As human beings, we should follow Heavenly Father's way. As human beings, we should connect to the deepest part of Heavenly Father. All human beings approach the original place of love as children, as brother and sister, as husband and wife, and as parents. People in all four stages of human life approach this original place of love. This is the place of sexual intercourse. This is the formula for this world's existence.
As human beings, we should go towards God. The animal world goes towards human beings and, through them, towards God. The motivation of the animal world is to reach the realm of God's love through human beings. This is the formula. If we nullify this formula, everything that exists in this world will be destroyed. This is the fundamental concept of our being.
Charles Darwin's theory of evolution was completely incorrect. He talked about the survival of the fittest and the weak ones being sacrificed for the stronger ones. People are confused because they don't know what is subject and what is object. They don't know the formula governing the subject/object relationship. They don't know which is first, concept or substance. The concept, or love, is first, followed by the substance, man and woman. There is concave and convex. On the foundation of unity between concave and convex, love and life are established. Through the reciprocal relationship, plus and minus unite and form a unity on a higher dimension. This is the formula of development.
Take our eyes, for example. Which was first, concept or substance? Before the eye developed, did it know that the sun existed? It didn't know, but the purpose of the eye is to look for the sun. Did the nose know there was air before it existed? No. It didn't know. What is the motivation for the eyebrow? It is just like a screen. Did the eye know that things would be flying everywhere and thus it would need an eyebrow? The substantial eye did not know, but the concept knew. You may think there is no meaning to the eyebrow, but before the eyebrow existed there was a vast background of knowledge that gave rise to the substance. Do you know why the eyelid blinks? Did it know there would be dust in the air? Did tear ducts develop because the eye knew there would be dust in the air? The eye didn't know these things. Do you think the eye would be more beautiful and more convenient without an eyebrow? However, without the eyebrow how would the salty sweat be kept out of the eye? Why do we have lines in our forehead? They are sweat lines. Thus we know that concept existed before substance.
Did the man's sexual organ know before birth that it would go into a woman's sexual organ? [Laughter.] No. The concept was first. What is the meaning of nose hairs? [Father laughs.] For a woman to have nose hairs is a very terrible thing. The concept is first and substance is second. Do you follow? Concept is first and substance is second.
Between the amoebas and human beings are thousands and thousands of relationships. Human beings come on that foundation. Without the connection of the love relationship, no new baby can come to exist. Every step of development, from the lower levels to the higher levels, always took place through the love relationship. Without that we could not reach higher levels. Thus evolutionary theory is false; it is the way of thinking of a thief. Concept is the priority.
Can you see love? We cannot see or touch love. How do we know this? Without an object of love, we cannot know that love exists. We have love, life, blood lineage and even conscience, but because we are so completely one with them we cannot feel them. How many times do you blink your eye? Can you calculate the number? Why don't you know? Each square centimeter is affected by air pressure, but we don't feel that pressure. If you put your hand on your breast, what kind of sound do you feel? Your heartbeat. How many times does your heart beat each day? It makes a big sound, but we don't realize it because we cannot feel it. Why? Do you put a big mask in front of your nose when you go to the bathroom? Because we are completely united with it, we do not sense the smell.

The Zero Point

Why did God create us so completely united with aspects of ourselves that we cannot even feel them? If you have a love object, you can suddenly feel love, life, blood lineage and even conscience. An object of love creates a big stimulation; it is a powerful stimulus, like an electrical shock. If we invest only thirty percent and neglect the remaining seventy percent, we cannot receive anything from the subject of love. However, if we invest a hundred percent and more, then we can feel the shock of love, through the subject of love. A hundred percent shock, all open! Unless we live a hundred percent for the sake of others, we cannot feel the love-shock.
If our mind and body are fighting against each other, how can we move? We cannot approach the zero point in such a condition. The zero point is where subject and object, plus and minus connect. Thus you should unite your mind and body first, and then unite with your spouse. American people especially need to understand that individualism cannot produce unification. You have to warn American people to change and go to the opposite side. Can you do it?
This is the formula we need to learn from the sun, air, water and soil. They sacrifice themselves for the others. These four elements sacrifice themselves and serve others. For instance, if there is a small opening, water will go through it. In the body, the blood penetrates the smallest openings. In a tree, the fluids rise to the top branches. Air itself follows the same formula. It invests and forgets; it gives in a sacrificial way. Even the sun works so hard, but does it take a rest? For a hundred million years it has been giving light, without stopping. The sun represents God's position. It is the life element without which no being can sustain its existence.
Is love more similar to water or to air? Both air and water flow. Does high-pressure air flow toward an area of low pressure, or does the low-pressure air flow to the high-pressure area? High-pressure air flows to the low-pressure area. Just like the sun, just like high-pressure air, Heavenly Father invests and forgets, coming down to the low area. Suppose water is heading down to a dirty place: will it protest going to a low place? Water and air freely flow everywhere and occupy every place. This willingness to flow is the formula of love.
Suppose a Japanese cloud said, "I hate American clouds. I do not want to be matched to an American cloud." Would that happen? Suppose a Japanese ocean said, "I don't want to circulate in an American area." Or suppose water in an American ocean protested against circulating 4,000 miles to Japan. Does that happen? Does water discriminate between developed and underdeveloped countries? Are there national borders dividing the currents? How do human beings compare to the currents of water? They create borders and discriminate against each other.
Do American sparrows and Korean sparrows chirp differently? [Father says, "Da, da, da, da."] Why do Korean men and American men use different languages? They cause damage. Who caused this? They hate each other and fight. Parents and children fight. Even the rice -- or bread, for the Western world -- doesn't want to hear such sounds. God does not dwell where there is fighting. If your mind and body are fighting, God does not dwell with you. Universal law does not permit it. We should clearly understand this concept.

Restoring the Family

The formula of re-creation involves reversing the positions of Cain and Abel. Because of the fall, the original blueprint was lost. Restoration means coming back to the original point, the original family unit, the original family formula of parents and children. Because God lost the family, He has been seeking the family. God comes down to the lowest part, seeking the lowest Abel in the satanic world. Satan occupies the head place in the satanic world. God has been coming down to hell. How miserable God's situation is! From the providential perspective, how amazing indemnity is!
Until today, Cain and Abel have been fighting. Abel is the right wing, and Cain is the left wing. They have been fighting. Where did this fighting start? In Adam's family. Adam and Eve were the parents; Cain and Abel were elder brother and younger brother. Because of the fall, Adam and Eve were not true parents; therefore, the elder son and younger son began to fight. If parents are centered on True Love, the elder and younger brothers will embrace. However, without parents there is no embracing power; the children fight with each other.
Thus the family level was lost. To restore this, a higher-level, national foundation was needed. Judaism developed in the Abel position and the nation of Israel was in the Cain position. They should be united as Cain and Abel. When Adam and Eve are completely united, centering on Heavenly Father, Heavenly Father can dwell there. When the mother and elder son are united, universal power operates. This is the formula of re-creation. Do you follow? When there is unity between subject and object, universal power dwells there and heavenly fortune guides them.
Why do we feel pain when we have a disease? Pain exists because of the lack of unity between subject and object. When there is no unity between husband and wife, heavenly power is chased out. Therefore, they feel pain.
Thousands and thousands of electrical bolts are operating in the universe. In electrical terms, if plus and plus are always fighting, how can they unite? If thousands and thousands of electrical bolts come down, what will happen? Will electricity gradually start to flow when there is only plus? When plus and plus unite, and minus and minus unite, then plus and minus will begin to cooperate, creating some kind of reaction.

Protecting the Subject/Object Relationship

Before marriage, sisters live together and brothers live together. Before marriage, sisters are friends with sisters and brothers are friends with brothers. They meet every day, talk together, and sleep in the same place together. However, after marriage they focus on their spouse. Once the subject is decided, no other subjects are allowed. The heavenly formula guards the unity between plus and minus. Before a reciprocal relationship is made with an object, it is permissible to connect with others. However, once the reciprocal relationship is established, no other subject or object is permitted. You tell them to find their own spouse. Universal power protects the partnership; it is a helping force. When husband and wife are united, other influences are kicked out. If you see some handsome man, are you interested in him or not? [No! Everyone laughs.] This is the formula for settlement. Is it temporary or eternal? Do you want temporary love or eternal love? [Eternal love!]
We know that Heavenly Father always invests and forgets and that He protects the subject/object relationships. This is an eternal partnership. True Love means eternally to invest and forget. On that foundation, the world of eternal peace, happiness and love can be established. On the foundation of our own unity we can connect with our environment. When the horizontal base is established, the vertical dimension operates, creating a place where the children can settle. Subject and object, plus and minus need to be united. When the central point of unity is established, horizontal expansion to the four corners of the earth is possible. This is the formula for the environment of reciprocal relationship between subject and object.
Because of the fall, the elder son became the younger son, and the younger son became the elder son. Restoration means to take the reverse course and return to the original position. God could connect only to the younger son, while everything in the higher position was connected to Satan. Everyone in the family and on the national levels persecutes those in the lowest position, who are in the Abel position. Because of this persecution, those in the lower position automatically rise higher and higher. Thus the younger brother becomes the elder brother.
Why does God's providence of restoration take such an incredibly long time? Because the elder son always persecutes and tries to assassinate the younger son. Finally, he is conscience-stricken; then he apologizes and gives everything to the younger brother.

Resolving Conflicts

On the national level, Jesus Christ came. He was crucified between the right-hand thief and the left-hand thief. Because of Jesus, they fought each other; Judaism and Israel fought each other. However, this did not fit into the formula course.
The fighting in Adam's time was on the family level, while the fighting in Jesus' time was on the national level, and the fighting at the time of the Lord of the Second Advent is on the worldwide level. Right wing and left wing are represented by the democratic world and the communist world. True Father is the third Adam, embracing the right wing, the democratic world, and the left wing, the communist world. How can they be unified? At Jesus' time they failed to unite. True Parents have to digest both communism and the democratic world. At Adam's time there was a family-level failure, while in Jesus' time there was a national-level failure. Both of these failures should be indemnified now on a worldwide level by Father. As the True Parent and the third Adam, I will completely digest them and embrace them, without fighting.
The worldwide-level communist leader, Gorbachev, and the national-level communist leader, Kim Il Sung, should be digested by True Parents. Because True Parents unified the plus, or democratic, world and the minus, or communist world, that means that what was originally lost on the family will return on the national level. Because of that, I declared "True Parents and the Completed Testament Age." Why have Cain and Abel, or left wing and right wing, emerged in history? People don't know. Neither the communist world nor the democratic world knows what direction they should take.
We should know our historical mission. I am using the Eve nation, Japan, to embrace the archangel nation, America. That is the process I am using now. Fallen Eve separated from Adam's world. How can Eve, the mother's position, unite the archangelic and Adamic world? If women work for the unification of the world, it will be no problem for men to unite. The women's age is coming. American women are like queens, and American men are like servants. The man stops the car, gets out, and opens the door for the woman exactly like a servant. Such a standard of action cannot continue forever. Only until the year 2000. Only another six years.
When the real king and real queen appear, people will follow them. People will have to follow the real king. The year 2000 will mark the beginning of that age.
You have to come to the zero point. You have to cancel the attitudes of this world and reach the zero point. You have to connect with the true subject, True Parents, and heavenly love; then you and your partner can create the realm of a unified couple.
The course of restoration is seeking this original ideal. Until today, the history of restoration has focused on restoring the positions of Cain and Abel. Cain tries to kill Abel three times, but then Cain is conscience-stricken. Feeling sorry, he will give the elder sonship to the younger brother, Abel. Because of this process, the history of restoration takes a long time. Because they could not bear Heavenly Father's direct blood lineage, they sacrificed their blood lineage.
God has no concept of enemy. God's way is always the loving way, not the hating way. Finally, even Satan will obey me and naturally surrender to me. This is the original idea of creation. In order to unify the right-hand side, I came to America and worked to unify with every realm, including the Congress and the United Nations. By unifying the right wing and the left wing, I laid the foundation to restore everything and safely settle True Parents and the Completed Testament age. Thousands of years ago Heavenly Father lost the original position. Through the indemnity course, Cain becomes the younger brother and Abel becomes the elder brother, regaining and restoring the original position.
The crossing point is the point of complete negation, a zero. The whole satanic world must be nullified. That is why religions have always taught people to leave their home town. Traditional religions could not teach people to return to their home town. For the first time in thousands of years of human history, the hometown providence is possible. Unification Church members have not understood how important the hometown providence is.
Adam and Eve were chased out of the Garden of Eden. In the process of restoration, we will come back to the original position of Adam and Eve. Because of false parents and false marriages, the process must be reversed. Because of false parents, people have been destined to go to hell. But with True Parents, the process is reversed and we can go to heaven. This is the final goal sought by all religions; even Heavenly Father has been seeking this original standard. Thus, the central concept is a family. On this foundation, people can unite and their positions can be reversed; for example, the children's position becomes a minus and the mother's position becomes a bigger plus. We must follow the reverse course back to the original position.
The mother's position is the bride religion; this has been the role of Christianity in history. Christianity becomes a minus and seeks the new bridegroom, the messiah. Thus the mother and children, centering on the bride, return to the original Adam. Then we can kick out Satan. The messiah comes down from heaven. The heavenly bridegroom should seek the bride and children. When mother and children unite, they are in the minus position in relationship to the bridegroom, who is the bigger plus. This is the formula of development. Then the restoration is finished.
Through the unity between Cain and Abel, the birthright of the elder son is restored. On this foundation parents are restored, and if Heavenly Father dwells there, the kingship or heavenly sovereignty is restored. Finally the fighting between brothers and sisters is solved.

What Father Taught the Japanese Women

Why has American democracy been declining? Free sex, homosexuality and AIDS have spread all over the country. People must desperately follow me; otherwise there is no hope. Why am I doing things this way? The archangel caused Eve to fall, so Eve should restore the archangel to the original position. When high-level men meet the Japanese women, they melt. The fallen archangel melted Eve, but now Eve is melting the archangelic world.
Until today no one knew the secret of the heavenly formula course. Because of that, no one can deny me. This is the process of restoration, but I have been giving women more insight. I have been teaching Japanese women the nature of women's role in God's providence. You should know the content of what I have been teaching the Japanese women.
Centering on Heavenly Father, there have been two kinds of women after the fall: the original or legal wife, and the mistress. From the two kinds of wives, two kinds of children have emerged. Originally, there should have been only one type of children and one type of wife. One is the elder sister and the other is the younger sister, and their positions coincide with Cain's position and Abel's position.
How could fallen Eve be restored at the time of Jacob? Jacob suffered for seven years in order to marry Rachel. Why has the history of restoration been so complicated? The things that happened to Eve should have been restored in the case of Jacob and Rachel. However, Jacob's family went through the same course. Why did Laban send Leah, the elder sister, to Jacob's tent on his wedding night? In order to restore the original position, Jacob had to love the enemy, the elder sister. In Jacob's family, the elder sister, Leah, should have taken the position of younger sister and the younger sister, Rachel, should have taken the position of elder sister. That is how restoration would have been accomplished. However, Leah and the servant girls claimed the heavenly lineage for their side. These three women bore ten children for Satan's side. The original, heavenly wife, Rachel, was completely denied. Leah and the concubines had ten children, while Rachel had only two. Originally, Cain's wife and children were supposed to follow Abel's wife and children. Abel's plus and minus (his wife and children) were supposed to be united on the foundation of Cain's plus and minus (his wife and children). That was the formula of restoration. However, everything was reversed.
Along these lines, the kingdom was divided into the northern part, Israel, and the southern part, Judah. The dynasties fought against each other. All twelve sons and tribes of Israel should have united to welcome the messiah. Otherwise there was no foundation to receive the messiah. Plus and minus should be united centering on the messiah.
Before the Lord came, Elijah was chosen by Heavenly Father to help the northern and southern kingdoms unite. Finally, on Mount Carmel, there was a showdown between the 850 false prophets and Elijah in order to determine who was the true God. All morning the other prophets prayed, but nothing happened. Finally, Elijah placed water on the altar, and Heavenly Father worked. However, the people could not accept Elijah as a heavenly prophet, and they tried to assassinate him. Finally, he escaped and prayed, "Heavenly Father, please take my life." Heavenly Father said, "Don't worry. I have been preparing things. Seven thousand people did not worship the false gods." If they united with Elijah, the messiah would have been welcomed. Because of the failure at Elijah's time, however, the restored Elijah had to return before Jesus could appear. Because Elijah ascended into heaven, the people expected Elijah to come down from heaven.
That was the time of John the Baptist. Among the tribes of Israel, if there were 7,000 prepared people who could welcome Jesus, the heavenly providence would have been completely fulfilled. If John the Baptist and 7,000 followers had united with Jesus, Jesus Christ could have restored all the people of Israel centering on the family of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ. However, everything failed.
Who was the father of Jesus Christ? [Zechariah.] Zechariah. This followed the same formula of legal wife and mistress. The mistress was Mary, and the legal wife was Elizabeth. The relationship between Elizabeth and Mary was just like that between Leah and Rachel. Zechariah's family should have restored Jacob's family; they had exactly the same course. Elizabeth should have restored Leah's position and then introduced Mary to Zechariah. The result of the relationship between Zechariah and Mary was the birth of Jesus Christ. With Mary and Jesus united as plus and minus, and Elizabeth and John the Baptist united as plus and minus, a greater plus and minus would have been created by the unity between the two wives and two sons. If this process of unity had taken place, all of history would have been completely restored. Everything would have been solved if Jesus Christ had been safely married.
Why could Jesus Christ not get married even by the age of thirty-three? Jesus Christ is the true Adam, isn't he? As the completed Adam, he was connected to the True Love of God. If one such man and woman are united in marriage, they would have the position of royalty on the national level. If this marriage had been completed, everything would have been accomplished.
Why couldn't Jesus get married even by the age of thirty-three? Restoration is accomplished through indemnity. The fall involved a relationship between the archangel, Eve and Adam, culminating in Cain and Abel. Lucifer's betrayal involved taking away Adam's sister, Eve. Jesus' position was Adam's position, and John the Baptist's position was the archangelic position. All these historical events led up to John the Baptist's younger sister being in the position to become Jesus' wife. With Jesus destined to be in the elder son's position, John the Baptist's younger sister would have become Jesus' wife and all of history would have been restored.
When Jesus Christ was seventeen years old, he told Mary whom he should marry. Jesus Christ spoke strongly about the necessity for this marriage, no matter what sacrifices might need to be made, but Mary could not accept it. Mary went through such a severe course after her relationship with Zechariah. She experienced much persecution from the environment. If this sexual relationship had been publicized, people would have stoned her to death. If Joseph had not declared that her baby was his son, Jesus and Mary would have been stoned to death. Joseph was the savior of Mary and Jesus Christ. If Mary had confessed who her child's father was, there would have been a problem. Thus Jesus and John the Baptist's sister had the same father, but different mothers. They were half-brother/sister. John the Baptist knew very well that Jesus Christ was an illegitimate child. When John the Baptist received the revelation that Jesus was God's beloved son, he could not accept that an illegitimate person was the messiah. Under these circumstances, for Jesus to marry John the Baptist's younger sister was unacceptable. Although they had different mothers, they were both children of Zechariah. How could people accept such an incestuous relationship?

The Need for a True Center

Why have there been so many miserable incestuous relationships in America? The Lord of the Second Advent clarifies all these situations. The Lord of the Second Advent chases out such situations; they have no center; they lead to hell. The free world has no center. The Christian world has no center. I am turning them back toward heaven.
Because they chased out the central figure, they have been declining for the past forty years. People have engaged in free sex. Sexual relationships between man and man and between woman and woman follow the archangelic way of life, not the heavenly way of life. At the end of World War II Great Britain, America and France were in Abel's position, and Japan, Germany and Italy were in Cain's position. If I had been united at that time with Sung Jin Nim's mother, who was in the bride position, the heavenly providence would have been completed forty years ago. The central family, central tribe and central nation would have been united around Korea as the core of parental unification. Centering on Eve's position, all nations could have surrounded that country, making the atmosphere of unification.
However, the same thing happened as in the Garden of Eden, and I was chased out. The Christian world did not welcome the second advent, so I was chased out into the wilderness. The family was lost, and only Adam remained. The satanic realm chased God out.
How can the Lord of the Second Advent make the family, tribe, nation and world a second time, culminating in the year 2000. At that time I will be eighty years old, the same age as Moses.
Centering on North America in the plus position, the Unification Church is plus and Christianity is minus. On the foundation of this reciprocal relationship the South American countries, which are primarily Catholic, are Cain and North America is Abel. The two continents have been fighting, as hostile, enemy nations. The Protestant and Catholic civilizations should be united.
The archangel should unite with Eve, creating a sisterhood centering on Christianity that can unite with True Parents. Centering on Father, Cain and Abel can return to their original position, and America will take the plus position. In the reversal process, enemy countries become brother countries.
North America should go down to South America and unite with them. The united North and South America will become a big plus and Europe, centering on Germany, will automatically be in the position of a big minus to them. Martin Luther tried to unify Protestants and Catholics. When Protestants and Catholics are united in America, they will automatically be united in Europe.
The united Americas and Europe will become a still bigger plus, and Asia will automatically be in a minus position to them. Then everything is finished. There will be a new United Nations. In Asia, north and south, Cain and Abel will all be completely united centering on True Parents. This is the path of restoration. Through this course we will restore Roman Catholicism and the Roman Empire. Finally, even Adam's course will be completely restored through this process.

Eve's Mission

Because of Eve's fall, the family was lost. On the worldwide level, the family will be restored, centering on Eve. That is why I have been advancing the worldwide providence centering on the restoration of women. Therefore, the Japanese women came here to establish sisterhood bonds with women from America, their former enemy nation. Korea and Japan have been enemy nations, but through the sisterhood bonds everything can be solved. Therefore, should we stop now or should we continue stronger and stronger? [Continue.]
I know everything that we need. We cannot deny that we are following the same historical formula. Who should be responsible for this? Each of us. Abel should take the responsibility. We should be responsible for that. You should be responsible from your head down to your foot.
Are you united with Japanese women? If you don't speak Japanese and the women don't speak English, what should you do? Will the archangel follow Eve or Eve follow the archangel? You should speak Japanese.
The woman's responsibility is the mother's responsibility. Women have a difficult mission. Western civilization has been in the plus position, and the Oriental world has been in the minus position. How can those positions be exchanged? Only by me.
Now you understand the role of women on the front line. Centering on the mother, Cain and Abel can unite with the true Adam. When the mother embraces Cain and Abel, a worldwide brotherhood and sisterhood is created. This is the women's mission.
What is the individual role of women? Because Eve fell, the elder son, Adam, was chased out and Heavenly Father was chased out. Because of the fall, Eve lost the elder son and the father. According to the Old Testament teachings, the law of restitution is eye for eye and tooth for tooth. Because of satanic Eve's actions, God uses heavenly Eve to restore everything.

Rebecca's Mission

First, Rebecca helped betray the elder son and helped her younger son restore the elder sonship. The second son had to gain the birthright, or the elder sonship. Centering on Rebecca, Jacob, the second son, was restored as the elder son. What kind of mother would let her younger son take ownership of everything that belonged to the elder son? For the second son, Jacob, to get the blessing, Isaac and Esau were betrayed. This is the process of restoration. Thousands and thousands of years ago Heavenly Father started the history of restoration.
Twenty-one years after fighting with Esau, Jacob headed back to his home town beyond the Jabbok River. Jacob was sleeping in the desert near the Jabbok River when suddenly the archangel came and asked, "Why are you sleeping here? Wake up!" They began to fight. They fought all night. When it was morning the angel begged to be released. "Unless you bless me I will not let you go," Jacob replied. The archangel said that Jacob had won the victory not only over men but over God, and he gave him the name Israel.
Jacob was in Adam's position. His victory meant that Adam dominated the archangel and restored the Garden of Eden. The invisible archangel was completely subjugated by Jacob; then the substantial archangel, Esau, could be automatically subjugated. Thus Jacob got the birthright and could go back to the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

Tamar's Mission

Jacob got the victory over the invisible archangel and the substantial archangel, but still the fallen world had started from Eve's womb. The period of life up until forty years of age remained to be restored. In place of Rebecca, Tamar became the central figure. Tamar betrayed her husband and father-in-law. Because Tamar knew how precious the blood lineage was, she risked her life to preserve this blood lineage. Tamar's husband had died without fathering a child. In the Israelite tradition, if a husband died without fathering a boy, his younger brother should take the widow as a wife. But the second son avoided his role. Tamar waited for the third son, but he was still young. Women have a special time period in which they can have a baby. Although it was difficult, she decided to approach her father-in-law, Judah. Thus Tamar dressed as a prostitute.
Could you do that? [No answer.] These are not my words. This is the historical background. The satanic root must be removed.
In Rebecca's case, her two children fought within the womb. She prayed to God to understand why there was such a struggle. God told her that two nations were fighting within her womb; the bigger nation would become weak and the smaller one would become strong.
Tamar also prayed to God and got the same answer: the stronger would become weak and the weaker would become strong. The midwife put a red ribbon on the hand of the baby whose hand came out first. That was Zerah. Then he pulled his hand in. Therefore, within the mother's womb, the blood lineage was changed, and the second son became the elder son.
Do you understand? This was the first time in human history that the elder son and younger son changed positions within the womb. This was an ultra-victory course, an internal victory. On the foundation of Tamar, Heavenly Father was able to have direct dominion freely.
The chosen nation started from this point. It was an astonishing thing that chosen people could emerge on earth. This was the historic start of God's ability to freely control, beginning from the environment of the womb. The historic victorious foundation started from this point. From this eternal change of blood lineage came the Israelite nation. On this foundation the messiah could come.
It took 2,000 years for the messiah to come. Because the satanic world had already developed to the national level, the heavenly side should also reach the national level. The Cain-type foundation in the satanic world had reached the national level, but God's side didn't have that national base. It took 2,000 years to reach that level. For 2,000 years the Israelite people went through difficulties: they were enslaved, they were captured by other nations. They had to cleanse the stained blood lineage.

Mary's Mission

Then Mary came in order to restore the position of Abel on a national level. On the national level, Mary betrayed the elder son and husband when she betrayed Joseph and the father of Joseph. Joseph's parents were dreaming beautiful dreams about the children that their son's future wife would bear, but she completely destroyed this dream by becoming pregnant before marriage. They heard that Mary had become pregnant. Joseph was in Adam's position. Eve had betrayed Adam and went to hell. Now Adam had to save Eve (Mary) and restore her.
If Joseph had said the baby was not his, Mary and Jesus would have had to die. He saved Mary and Jesus. That was a tremendous, amazing thing. From the family level to the national and worldwide levels, all historic conditions were indemnified at this time. Why did such a thing happen? Because Eve was tempted by the archangel, she had to restore the archangel. Otherwise, there was no way for him to return to his original position. Originally, Mary should have restored the national-level mission, but she failed.

The Failure of Christianity

After World War II, Great Britain was in the mother's role, in the position of Eve; America was in Abel's position and France in Cain's position. England represented the Christian civilization as well as the Holy Spirit position; it was the center of the spiritual civilization of Christianity. Forty days after Jesus' resurrection, the Holy Spirit descended to earth in order to restore the physical world. Because the Christian civilization did not accept the Lord of the Second Advent after World War II, the time for restoration came around again forty years later.
On Cain's side were Japan, Germany and Italy. Originally, the Lord of the Second Advent was to bring a spiritual civilization to Japan, Germany and Italy, representing the material civilization. These two should have united, as plus and minus, and accepted the Lord of the Second Advent. The unified foundation of spiritual civilization and physical civilization would become the minus position in relation to Heavenly Father and True Parents, as the big plus. If they had united, a peaceful, unified world would have developed.
However, Christianity did not accept me. The peaceful, unified world was lost. Heavenly Father and I were chased out into the wilderness after World War II. Every foundation was lost. Just as in the Garden of Eden, the heavenly Adam and Heavenly Father were chased out. Korea was divided into north and south; Kim Il Sung ruled North Korea as the false parent, while True Parents were in South Korea. The two nations fought each other, and the north attacked the south.

Creating a National-Level Foundation

Seventy days after the fortieth anniversary of the founding of the Unification Church, Kim Il Sung died. Seventy days after I declared Godism and heavenly thought, Gorbachev and the Soviet empire declined. Now Kim Il Sung is gone, and Gorbachev is my younger brother. This means that kingship can be restored. Without me, it is impossible to unify North and South Korea. I have been working for forty years to restore the situation that existed at the end of World War II. I have been working through Japan, America and Germany to indemnify those lost years. Now we can make a new heavenly model nation. Within the Korean peninsula, as I become the plus and the Korean people become the minus, the fatherland can be unified; North and South Korea will be united. On the worldwide level, North America is in the plus position and South America is in the minus position; if they unite centering on me, a worldwide nation will emerge. Because of this we desperately need to cooperate centering on South America.
Among Japan, America and Germany, America is in the Abel position and Germany is in the Cain position in relationship to the new bride nation. Centering on True Mother, America and Germany are uniting and moving toward Japan. Taking the reversal course, Cain and Abel must unite through the mother, Japan. Centering on the U.S. Congress and the whole United Nations, unity can be achieved. This becomes the horizontal foundation which can be raised up vertically. The archangel caused Eve to fall; in the reversal course, Eve should restore the archan gel.
Because Mother doesn't have the national-level foundation, I am sending out 1,600 Japanese women. When Mother came to Japan for her speaking tour, she spoke to the Japanese Diet (Congress). The American Congress and Japanese Diet could connect as Cain and Abel to the mother and, through her, return to the father. Because of that foundation, she could connect to the Korean Congress. On this foundation, the second-generation people in both north and south can be united, and the unification of the Korean peninsula will be completed. Within the Korean peninsula, four factions have been fighting: the pro-Japanese, pro-Chinese, pro-Russian and pro-American. The second generation is completely different; when they completely unite with True Parents, the peninsula can be unified. When Mother spoke on forty university campuses, the leftist student groups completely united with CARP, enabling CARP to restore the elder sonship centering on Mother. Now all the leftist students in Korea are connected to CARP. South Korean students, in the plus position, and North Korean students, in the minus position, are unifying to hold the Asian rally that I am promoting.
Mother's role centers on the Women's Federation for World Peace. When CARP is completely united with her, there will be no more fighting with communists. Now is the time for the unification of the Korean peninsula. The vertical foundation of 160 should be connected horizontally to 160 nations. Within the satanic realm there is fighting, but I am working to horizontally unify 160 nations. How can we help underdeveloped countries? We need to unify the horizontal world, restore the history of fighting, pay indemnity and connect to True Parents. Shall we do it?
In South America, Uruguay is in the plus position and Paraguay is in the minus position. On this foundation Brazil and Argentina can also completely unite as plus and minus. When these two pluses and minuses unite, all of South America can unite, creating a godly national base. That is a special site for God's providence. How can we make a new country? I don't want America, Brazil or the European realm. I don't want some high-level satanic country. Instead, I want to build up the lowest country. The time for highly-developed countries with grand buildings has passed. Pride and arrogance destroy everything. I was in the lowest position, but I always make bigger and bigger plans. I am just in a servant position. We must go over the satanic world.
You need to know that the formula for restoration starts with the family. Re-creation follows the same formula.
[After a break for lunch, Father resumed speaking, listing the following directions and commenting on them:]
I will give direction to you. On February 2, 1995 at the national leaders conference following True Parents' Birthday, the following directions were given:
I. New start of true ancestor and true nation
A. Resolve the resentment of the fallen family.
B. Indemnify the Blessed family.
C. Go toward the perfected family.
In this world there are three kinds of families: fallen families, Blessed families and perfected families. Blessed families have not yet reached the completion level. Because of that I gave the Family Pledge and the Family Federation for Unification and World Peace.
1. Establish new ancestor and new country. We should be the
new first ancestors.
2. Inherit True Parents' tradition.
3. Unify mind and body, unify husband and wife, and unify parents and children.
The family is the original unit. On that foundation we unify the family, the nation and the world. The family is the fundamental unit.
4. Centering on the Family Pledge, we can complete the family.
5. Establish elder sonship, parenthood and kingship.
6. Establish a new heaven and earth and a new model nation.
7. Establish a new culture, the unified culture of the new country.
II. True Parents' victorious realm and the unification of the United Nations.
A. Federation for World Peace
B. Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace
C. Women's Federation for World Peace
D. World CARP
E. Youth Federation for World Peace
I am working to unify the divided UN. Centering on True Mother, mind and body should be united. The Federation for World Peace is the extension of the body, and the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace is the extension of the mind. Because of the human fall, mind and body have been divided. How can they be united on the worldwide level? True Mother and True Parents are in the plus position in relation to the worldwide mind (IRFWP) and the worldwide body (FWP), which together stand in the minus position to True Parents.
True Mother is represented on the individual level, the family level, the national level, the worldwide level, the cosmic level and the level of Heavenly Father. These six stages center on True Mother. All mothers are extensions of True Mother. Horizontally, high school students are plus, or Abel, and college students are minus, or Cain. Because the younger children are closer to True Mother, they have the plus position. All eight stages of plus and minus should unite centering on Mother; eight levels of children should be completely united in the minus position to True Mother. [Father writes on the blackboard:] The Youth Federation for World Peace is in the Cain position, while high school and college students are in the Abel position; they should form vertical and horizontal unity centering on True Mother. The big plus position is religion, represented by the IRFWP, and finally the FWP.
All five organizations will integrate into a new UN. Until today the United Nations has represented only the political realm. Why do True Parents need to focus on unifying the United Nations? Because of the fall, Eve's mind and body were separated, and there was a division between older children and younger children. Thus in the worldwide providence, everything will be restored centering on True Mother. Through True Mother's complete unity with True Father, and Father's complete unity with Heavenly Father, everything that was lost in the Garden of Eden will be restored. Through the United Nations, we can connect to the whole world and unite the whole world. The world is the extension of the family. Students, centering on True Mother, will form a big plus in relationship to the big minus formed by the IRFWP and FWP. Centering on True Mother, mind and body must be completely united, and on that foundation True Mother goes to unite with True Father; then all children, young and old, will all be completely unified, resulting in the unification of the whole world. That is the mission of the Blessed family.
Why am I planning a new model nation? That will be the model nation which the whole world will follow. Because the family fell in the Garden of Eden, we will restore everything through the family. The True Family will connect to the eight stages that were lost. Through this we can restore every stage of the historical foundation.
Until today the United Nations has only represented the body; it does not represent the mind, the mothers, the students, or the youth. Centering on Mother is equivalent to WFWP. Cain and Abel on all eight levels need to connect to Mother. Centering on True Mother, all mothers should connect to high school and college students. They are Abel, and other youth are Cain. Through mothers they connect to True Mother and then to True Father and Heavenly Father. In this way, we can unite the world.
Because of Eve's fall, mind and body were separated, children were separated, and everything was separated. To restore everything centering on the family, especially the mother, everything needs to turn around 180 degrees and come back to the original point.
The standard or model nation needs to be created. In my plan Paraguay and Uruguay will unite vertically, while Brazil and Argentina will unite horizontally as left and right. Centering on these four nations, the model nation will be created. Centering on these four nations, it will be easy to expand to the thirty-two nations of South America. Then North America as plus and South America as minus can easily be united. Until today the North American Protestant civilization and the Latin American Catholic civilization have been fighting each other. However, they need to stop fighting, reconcile with each other, and form one large America. Until today European Protestants and Catholics have been fighting. Although they have the common base of Christianity, it is very difficult to unite Catholicism and Protestantism. I am making a foundation and centering on South and North America, which can become the formula for the unification of all Europe.
God's original plan was for the Roman Empire, centering on Christianity, to guide the world. But the Roman Empire centered on itself and used Christianity. That was a big problem. They should have sacrificed themselves centering on the Christian civilization and dedicated themselves to living for the world, but that didn't work at that time. All the Israelite people, centering on Judaism, should have sacrificed themselves for the sake of the world; that was God's plan. But the Israelite people could not do that. They have the same role as Abel. Abel is the center of the family, but Abel should sacrifice himself for the family and the family should sacrifice itself for the world.
We should prepare for a big transition. Because of that I established a sisterhood relationship between America and Japan. Later there will be a Men's Federation for World Peace, which will establish brotherhood relationships. The World CARP and YFWP will do the same.
III. Big Transition Period
A. Transition period of blood lineage.
Because a woman fell, the blood lineage will be reversed centering on women and True Mother.
B. Transition period of ownership.
God wanted to give the ownership to Adam and Eve but they lost it. Centering on Eve everything must be regained and brought back to the father's side. That is the big transition period of ownership.
C. Transition period of heartistic realm.
In the heartistic realm, three stages are especially important: the individual, family and tribe. To restore these three stages of the heartistic realm, we should do tribal messiah work and restore 160 families.
D. Registration in the heavenly kingdom on earth.
Once we have restored the ownership, blood lineage and heartistic realm, we have the foundation to register as citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
E. Transfer of the fatherland of the unified world. That is our new model nation.
F. The Kingdom of Heaven on earth and the Kingdom of Heaven in heaven.
On the foundation of the unified Kingdom of Heaven on earth and Kingdom of Heaven in heaven, we can transfer to God's side. After we make the foundation on earth and the foundation in heaven, we can transfer. This is the only way we can register in the new Kingdom of Heaven. The completion of ideal love is the turning point of perfection and liberation. Perfection of the ideal brings complete liberation through True Love. [Mr. Oyamada and Father had difficulty trying to translate this concept. Mr. Oyamada said, "You should learn Korean."]
Even Heavenly Father and True Parents have not been able to unite one hundred percent centering on God's ideal, because of the fallen world. The fallen world must be completely nullified in order for us to transfer to God's side. On that foundation, Heavenly Father and True Parents will become completely united.
G. On the foundation of the perfection of the ideal of love,
Heavenly Father and True Parents can transfer to the heavenly side.
That's a big title. It means the construction of a new system and a new order. What does this mean? Human beings and all creation must be united. Human beings are in the plus position, and all things are in the minus position. Their relationship should be like that of a unified mind and body. Our mind represents heaven and our body represents all things. In restoration history, mind and body have been divided; the mind has been on one side and the body on the other. However, from now on, everything should be united, like mind and body, and be restored back to God. People should unite mind and body, and their activities, such as witnessing and fundraising, should harmonize. Our care for material things is represented by fundraising and our care for spiritual things is represented by witnessing. In heaven we will strengthen both our mind and our body.
Then the whole world will become just like one nation or one family, centering on True Parents and Heavenly Father. Within the nation there are men and women. Both men and women belong to the spiritual world and the physical world. The mind is connected to the spiritual world and the body is connected to the physical world. Both men and women need to develop mind/body unity. Do you follow this?
The nation is automatically the extension of the family. Because of that, we desperately need the family and the nation. Because of that, we should invest sacrificially for the nation and for the world. All families and all nations should work to establish a new model nation. This is our direction. The individual lives for the family, the family lives for the nation, and the nation lives for the world. We should invest and forget, always sacrificing ourselves for the higher dimension. What kind of people can be central figures? Those who invest more and forget more. From now on, we will keep records of the amount of money people dedicate each month to create this new nation. That will be our heavenly tradition, showing our filial piety to ten generations of ancestors, investing and forgetting as we sacrifice for the heavenly kingdom on earth. This is the kind of system we should construct.
[Father called the next point number three, but on the tape there was no mention of a preceding number one or number two.]
3. Centering on the family, we need professional education.
First we made some physical or material foundation. From now on, we witness to restore people from the satanic world to the heavenly nation. That is the 1-1-1 formula: one person per member per month. If we restore one person per member per month for seven years, that makes eighty-four people. The eighty-four people include the twelve disciples of Jesus Christ and the seventy-two elders. That is the foundation to connect the tribal level to the worldwide level. We should pay indemnity for the failure of Jesus' course; that is the meaning of the 1-1-1 formula. We absolutely need to fulfill our mission of tribal messiah. I asked Rev. Kwak to make a form that can be distributed worldwide; we should develop materials and make certificates. How much we contributed or dedicated to the heavenly world will set the tradition for the next six generations.
4. United Nations.
We should establish a new system that transcends national borders. Within the heavenly kingdom white, yellow and black people should live with no racial discrimination. No discrimination should be allowed in the heavenly civilization.
5. We should prepare leaders who can educate the whole society in each nation.
Social educators and instructors are needed. Centering on the church, we will educate leaders to serve the people of each nation.
What is the position of the Unification Church in relationship to the Family Federation for Unification and World Peace? In the formula of restoration, one side is plus and the other side is minus. The Family Federation is plus and in the subject position, while the Unification Church is in the minus position. So the Unification Church just follows the Family Federation. The roles of subject and object had not been established in the past, but this should be clear from now on.
Twice a month, on the first and fifteenth days, each family should have a pledge service and hold a family meeting. As members of the Family Federation, you have a firm responsibility to educate people. Don't give your own speech. Read the Divine Principle book and the books of Father's words. Teach your relatives what True Parents have done. That is the formula course. We have many materials. Show the videotapes of the ceremonies; show the videotapes of what True Parents have done.
Each Blessed family should have the books of my sermons and all current materials. The Family Federation should prepare them and make them available. I instructed Rev. Kwak to collect all information and make reports on what is going on. We should not cease our efforts. We should continue to work hard. We should make living materials, not dead ones.
Until today, we have not had systematic training. True Parents have showed the tradition and set the standard. You can succeed horizontally by doing what True Parents have done. You have the truth that True Parents have given you -- not your own. Deliver this truth to the world. Not to do so is a very big crime, a big sin.
As tribal messiahs you should be responsible for all the families and relatives. Later you will be national-level messiahs. As a messiah you must take care of everything that is happening in your nation and be responsible for it. We will organize people as family messiahs, tribal-level messiahs, national-level messiahs and worldwide-level messiah. As messiahs you should always compare yourselves to Father, the worldwide messiah, and the hard work he has been doing until now. As a family messiah, are you working harder than me? The worldwide messiah works so hard! In your limited area, you have to work harder than me. True parents are needed on the family base, tribal base, and national base. To be a messiah means to be a parent, investing and forgetting from the parent's position. As children of True Parents you should think of what True Parents are doing. With that determination in a short period of time, you can go beyond the level of a family messiah and become tribal and national level messiahs, approaching even the level of worldwide messiah. As the sons and daughters of True Parents, you should rise to the level of national messiahs. That is my original plan.
Centering on your family there should be twelve families. On that foundation of twelve families you need seventy-two families for the tribal level. Twelve represents Jacob's course, seventy-two represents Moses' course, 120 represents Jesus' course, and 160 represents the course of the Lord of the Second Advent. True Parents are working on a worldwide level to restore 160 nations; you should follow Jesus' course.
I gave In Jin Nim the title of Chuk sa jang, meaning the "blessing-control chief." As a family-level messiah you absolutely must restore twelve families. The requirement for tribal level Chuk sajang is seventy-two Blessed couples, and the requirement for the national level is 120 Blessed couples. The requirement for the worldwide level is 160 Blessed couples. Centering on 120 families you can connect to 120 nations. With 72 Blessed couples you can connect to 72 nations. Do you understand? Through this we can save all the satanic nations. Your mission is to send twelve Blessed couples as overseas missionaries.
[Father writes on the blackboard.] This is plus and minus. When plus and minus are united, universal power and heavenly fortune will support us. This is the formula of re-creation. Centering on Korea, I reach out to the whole world, following the plus/ minus formula of re-creation.
From now on the standard should be set by the seminary graduates. Therefore, the most excellent members should be sent to the seminary. Centering on the ideal family, we will extend to the world. This is the way we will follow.
For this new period, we should make a new system and create a new order. We should keep statistics on the number of hours you invest in fundraising and the number of hours you spend witnessing. Then we can analyze the statistics and set the standard. Your good ancestors will check everything every seven years. On that foundation we will set a standard. The first twenty-one year course was finished and a new twenty-one year course has begun. The first twenty-one year course was from 1960 until 1981. In 1982 the next twenty-one year course started. The third twenty-one year course is to make a new model nation. The purpose of the worldwide course is to make a new model nation. We should be responsible to invest in the establishment of a new model nation. Bring a bulldozer or some heavy machinery and dedicate it for making a new model nation. Members of 160 nations will work to establish that nation.
The Japanese women are working. Next the women of the archangelic world will work hard. Eve nation women and archangel nation women join together to separate from the fallen world and connect to heaven. How hard will American women work? The women of the archangelic world should set a new archangelic tradition. This is something that the women, not the men, need to do. The women representatives of the Eve nation and the archangelic nation women must work hard and set a new tradition. Do you understand? Really, these are not my words. This is the viewpoint of the principle of restoration. You should proudly do hard work, bending your backs to do hard work. Will you follow Father's way? [Women answer: Yes!]
I am sending brother missionaries from Korea to forty nations and ten Japanese sisters to each of the 160 nations. True Mother spoke at forty universities in Korea, and on that foundation Koreans were sent out to forty countries; each of those countries represents four nations. Forty times four is 160. Each country should expand its membership to 4,000; then they will establish sisterhood bonds. That is the future plan. True Mother set the heavenly standard. Mother sacrificed and made a foundation; within one year each nation should expand to 4,000 members. Within each group of four nations, there should be 16,000 members who can establish sisterhood bonds; this will eliminate so much hostility. On that foundation I prepared 160,000 sisterhood pairs. These forty nations, each representing four nations (160 nations altogether) will hold sisterhood ceremonies.
During the Korean War young people from sixteen nations were mobilized. The number sixteen is a multiple of four. The number four is the total satanic number. The Cold War started from the Korean peninsula. People from 160 nations attended the 1988 Olympic Games in Korea. On the foundation of the Olympic Games, North and South Korea were admitted as members of the United Nations: North Korea was the 160th member and South Korea the 161st member. To indemnify the number 160, I sent sisters to 160 nations and instructed each nation to grow to 4,000 members.
Now brotherhood ceremonies between Korean and Japanese men have been held, with 16,000 participants. All of this is to indemnity the satanic number four and restore it to God's side. Because of the human fall we lost the four-position foundation. From Adam's fall until the time of Noah was 1,600 years. Those of you who attended this ceremony should return to your own country and raise up 4,000 people to participate in this sisterhood ceremony. Every country leader should focus on how to get 4,000 women to participate in a sisterhood ceremony. If you make such a condition, the blessing of the connection between America and Japan will go to your descendants. Then all the surrounding countries can participate in the same partnership foundation. If you fulfill this, heavenly fortune will always protect you.
Our coming big wedding is based on the number thirty-six, which is four times nine. Nine is also a satanic number. Nine plus one is ten, and the number ten means reaching heaven.
National representatives, please raise your hands. Each state should have some kind of sisterhood ceremony. If one state has a thousand participants, that will be a powerful foundation when elections are being held. Shall we do this? American side, how would you like? [Do!] The Japanese side has no problem; they always make complete preparations. Can you continue the sisterhood activity on a large scale, involving more Christian women leaders? Do you understand? [Yes.] This is the only hope for the survival of the Christian world. When women register, men will follow automatically. Men are no problem in America, because every woman is the owner of the home. Is that true? [Yes, I guess so.] Not guess. It is really so. [Laughter.] Women are the key to reaching the men's realm and making it strong. If you can make women strong, the men are no problem. Women are like the needle and men are like the thread. This is true. I understand clearly.
So we should continue. Please, when you return to your home state, find 4,000 women to participate in sisterhood ceremonies; these people will be the new hope of the nation. If you do not do this by the next election, they will die. You should have this kind of strong foundation in every state. These sisterhood relationships will give you added power. Many senators and congressmen are interested in this activity. They think it is beautiful to have queenly power in their state. At election time, you can connect male leaders with these women. To gather a thousand women in one place will be no problem.
Is this a hopeful world or a hopeless world? [Hopeful!] Do you think so? I have that kind of power all over the world. The Parents' Day proclamation was signed within seventy-four days. It normally takes fourteen years to get such a proclamation passed.
There are no enemies, no obstacles in front of us. Use the subject/object pattern to advance. Cain will follow us then.
God's springtime love is visiting the earth. The seeds of spring have the power to grow and produce flowers. Butterfly and birds will visit the flowers. All that is necessary is one springtime seed. So shall we decide to do this? Those who decide not to do so, raise your hand. [Laughter.] Someone was sleeping in the back and didn't hear me, so I will repeat: raise your hand. [Laughter.]
[Father speaks in Japanese:] Japanese members, do you understand? Any problem? Mr. Kamiyama, do you understand? Yes! I am planning to send famous American leaders to Japan. [Father asks various Japanese leaders and they respond.]
By now you have received enough from True Parents. You are representing True Parents. As kings and queens in place of True Parents, you should do your national mission. How do you feel? How many members will you gain?
I may invite the best of you on a world tour. I may pick the top fundraisers and witnessers and make them examples for the whole world. I may give an outstanding person a position in a worldwide business. If people are evaluated according to their achievements, no one can complain. Such a time has come. In elementary school and high school students are evaluated and on that foundation are recommended for a higher level. Not only good things and bad things will be checked, but everything will be checked and evaluated. Therefore, all the national leaders should prepare such a kind of system.
Now I am preparing new leaders, centering on UTS and Bridgeport. I want to train at least 4,000 centering on Bridgeport, Barrytown and Sun Moon University; then I can choose people and send them to the whole world.
Until today I just paid indemnity and didn't check anything. From now on, everything will depend on your fulffllment or achievement. Now the time has come for me to check everything. I am preparing a standardized form to check. I will examine the computer records of our worldwide movement, and if there is good achievement, True Parents may visit these countries. We will send some students to be the future leaders. Church activity and student activity will be recorded every month and every year. Centering on the World Mission Department, a recording system will start. Centering on the Chuk sa jang, everything will be prepared.
All leaders should be seminary graduates; otherwise you are not professional church leaders. Even I graduated from seminary in Korea. I am also planning to establish a graduate-level seminary at Bridgeport University.
Is this sparking the imagination in your brain? Do you have a clear concept?
[Father speaks in Japanese.]
Everybody stand up, please. The main leaders have to make preparations to drive bulldozers and heavy machinery. Do you understand? Woman leaders, too.
[Everybody bows to True Parents and joins in cheers of mansei.]


True Parents and True Family Co-Founder's Address by Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon

Autumn 1996 Speaking Tour

Respected guests, members of the Family Federation for World Peace, ladies and gentlemen:
It is my great pleasure today to be able to share with you distinguished leaders, a message about the True Family. As you know, the family is the cradle of human life and the cornerstone for a peaceful world.
It is my hope that at this gathering we will begin to find the way to build true families that are healthy and vibrant in the love of God.
God is the absolute One, the only, unchanging, and eternal One. His will is the same. If the human beings Adam and Eve had become one body under the love of God, everything would have been complete and perfect. God's origin, purpose, and process of creation, as well as cause, effect, and direction, are all absolute.
The human ancestors Adam and Eve entered into chaos after they fell through their ignorance. This ignorance and chaos expanded from the individual level to the levels of family, nation, and world. It has been the task of religion and the Providence of Salvation to liberate us from this sphere of the Fall.
In the Last Days, the Messiah comes and teaches clearly the absolute, the only, unchanging, and eternal cause, direction, and effect, from God's viewpoint. He will cleanse the world of ignorance and chaos and return it to the original bosom of God. This is the completion of the will of God.
If this does not happen, then in the Last Days all religions, "isms," systems of thought, and nations will pass away. Now humankind is facing the Twenty-first Century, entering the new historical era of the Third Millennium in just a few years. At this important moment, I would like to deliver this speech on the "View of the Principle of the Providential History of Salvation," so that we can resolve to prepare ourselves for the new era.
To bring about completion and perfection between God and humankind, centering on True Love, God required that man accomplish a condition of responsibility in order to reach unity with Him. Therefore, God needed to give the Commandment to the first ancestors. In other words, God knew that they were in the growth period, on the way to reaching perfection, so He established the Commandment as the condition for His children to inherit the most precious thing, True Love.
Originally, True Love was to be gained through life experience and understood through internal realization. True Love is not something that can be learned through words, a written text, or schooling. It is experienced completely only in life. Created as new-born infants, Adam and Eve were to grow and perfect themselves gradually through experiences of the heart of True Children, True Brother and Sister, True Husband and Wife, and True Parents encompassing their whole lives. Only after experiencing the True Love of God in its entirety can one perfect the Purpose of Creation and become an ideal human being.
Every person desires that his object of love be ten million times more valuable than himself, or even infinitely more valuable. In the same way, God desires that humankind, His object of love, become infinitely valuable. If a human being perfects himself, then that person obtains God-like value by attaining God's divinity and perfection.

God's Ideal of True Love

God is absolute, but His ideal of True Love cannot be realized by himself. That is because love always requires an object -- a beloved. At this point, we should understand the relationship between God's True Love and humankind's True Love, and how they begin and are perfected. What would have happened if God had not chosen human beings as His absolute objects of True Love, and instead had sought to begin and perfect True Love in some other way? In that case, God and man would have pursued the ideal of True Love with different motivations, directions, and purposes. God would have had to achieve His ideal of love through an object higher than humankind; and by the same token, humankind's ideal of love would have had no direct relationship with God.
But God as the subject of True Love did establish humankind as the object of His True Love. Accordingly, God can fulfill His ideal of True Love only through humankind. The fulfillment of God's Purpose of Creation is the ideal world where God and mankind are united through absolute love. Human beings were created as the greatest object of God's love. They alone in all Creation embody the nature of God. They are born the visible bodies of the invisible god. If a person perfects himself, he becomes the temple of God, a visible, substantial body in which God can freely and peacefully dwell.
God's overall ideal of absolute True Love is realized and perfected through humankind in a vertical parent-child relationship.
God created Adam first. He was to be the son of God and at the same time the substantial body of God Himself. Later, God created Eve as the object of Adam so that Adam and Eve could perfect the ideal of horizontal love, which is conjugal love. Eve was to be the daughter of God, and also, as a bride she was to perfect substantially the ideal of the horizontal love of God.
The place in which Adam and Eve are perfected, consummating their first love by marrying under the blessing of God, is precisely the place where God meets His substantial bride. This is because God's ideal of absolute love descends vertically and joins where the ideal of conjugal love between Adam and Eve is realized horizontally. The True Love of God and the True Love of humankind join and perfect themselves at the same point, although they came from different directions, one vertical and the other horizontal.

Why God Needs Humankind

God's act of creation was inevitable. And we cannot imagine Creation without a purpose. There was only one reason God needed the Creation: to realize the ideal of True Love. God developed life from the simplest and lowest levels up to the human level in pairs, subject and object and positive and negative, to form reciprocal relationships under the ideal of love. The Creation's ideal of love and God's ideal of ultimate love are not separate or different. This Principle of Creation is at work to perfect the absolute love of God through the perfection of the love of man and woman in the human world. This is the reason why in the beginning God created one man and one woman, Adam and Eve.
God's Purpose of Creation called for Adam and Eve to obey the Commandment of God, who is the subject of True Love, and perfect themselves as True Man and True Woman. Furthermore, they were to become a True Couple united in the True Love of God. Then, by having sons and daughters through that True Love, they would have become True Parents and lived in happiness. Had Adam and Eve perfected themselves in True Love, they would have fulfilled God's desire to wear a substantial body. And when they perfected themselves as a True Couple, the ideal of God's absolute love would have been fulfilled.
By Adam and Eve having children of goodness and becoming True Parents, God would have established Himself substantially as the Eternal Parent and achieved His ideal: Citizenship in the Kingdom of Heaven would expand infinitely in the afterlife of the spirit world based on myriad generations of descendants in the physical world.
But Adam and Eve, the human ancestors, fell away from God. When they were expelled from Eden, they had not yet had children. Having driven them out, God had no basis to follow behind them to bless their marriage. The entire human race has thus descended from our failed ancestors. Humanity has multiplied without any direct relationship whatsoever to the love of God.
Distinguished Leaders: Could the Fall of Man have been the result of eating the fruit of a tree? The fall of Adam and Eve was immoral conduct against the ideal of the True Love of God. The fact that Adam and Eve needed to obey the Commandment shows that they fell in a stage of imperfection, that is to say, during their period of growth. The Archangel, who is symbolized by a serpent, tempted Eve to eat of the fruit of good and evil, and she fell spiritually. She later tempted Adam (who was also too immature to eat of the fruit), and they then fell physically.
The only possible sin that could have been fatal in the Garden of Eden, where Adam and Eve were in communication with God and living in joy, was the sin of illicit love. The first consummated love of the human ancestors, because it was supposed to have been the perfection of the love of God Himself, should have marked the beginning of a celebration that would continue throughout history, filled with the never-ending intoxication of joy and blessing for God, Adam and Eve, and the universe. It should have been a joyous occasion in which the love, life, and lineage of God would have been established within humankind. To the contrary, however, Adam and Eve covered their lower parts and hid themselves among the trees, trembling in fear. By disobeying heavenly law, they established an immoral relationship as the basis for false love, false life, and false lineage.
As descendants of Adam and Eve, all human beings are born with Original Sin. The Fall gave rise to conflict of mind and body within every person and caused our societies to be filled with tainted love, and people do things that contradict the desire of their original minds.

Taking Responsibility for Love

According to the ideal of love, all love relationships in the animal and plant kingdoms are for reproduction only. Human beings are the sole exception. Humankind enjoys freedom in the conjugal relationship of love. This is humanity's special privilege as the lord of all Creation. God gave the blessing and infinite joy of love to His sons and daughters. However, the True Freedom that God allowed requires human responsibility. If an individual were to insist upon and practice freedom of love without responsibility, how much confusion and destruction would take place! Achieving the highest ideal of human love is possible only when one takes responsibility for love.
We can think of this responsibility in three ways. The first responsibility is for one to become the master of True Love, truly free and thanking God for the freedom of love and knowing how to cultivate and control oneself. This responsibility for a love relationship should not be taken merely because of law or social convention. Instead, a person should establish responsibility through his own self control and self determination within the life-committing vertical relationship with God.
Second is one's responsibility toward the object of love. By nature, people do not want their spouse's love to be shared with others. Horizontal conjugal love, which differs from the vertical love between parents and children, loses its potential for perfection the moment it is divided. This is because the Principle of Creation requires husband and wife to become one in absolute love. Each spouse has the responsibility given by love to live absolutely for the sake of the other.
The third responsibility of love is toward children. The love of parents is the basis for children's pride and happiness. They would wish to be born through the total and harmonious unity of their parents in True Love, and they would wish to be raised in that kind of love. The most precious responsibility of parents is not only to rear their children externally, but also to offer them life elements of True Love that can perfect their spirituality. This is why the family is so valuable. The daily experience of the heart of True Children, True Brothers and Sisters, True Spouses, and True Parents cannot be acquired in any place other than the True Family.
If Adam and Eve had become a couple of True Love centered upon God, God could have dwelt in Adam as His substantial body and thus loved Eve. What is more, Adam and Eve could have become True Parents who substantially embodied God, and become the origin of the love of goodness, a life of goodness, and a lineage of goodness.
Due to the Fall, however, Adam and Eve became the substantial body of Satan and ended up becoming the original evil couple, evil parents, and evil ancestors. Their union became the root of evil love, evil life, and evil blood lineage. Because human beings originated from this root, they descended from the adulterous Satan, who is the enemy of God, and inherited this lineage of evil parents.
Ladies and Gentlemen: How great must have been the pain of God when, by the Fall, our human ancestors destroyed His ideal of True Love! Humankind should have been the sons and daughters of God, but they do not know God Himself as their Original Parent. Yet even though His sons and daughters serve Satan, God has worked for the Providence of Salvation. Because He is an absolute being, and His ideal of creation is also absolute, He has carried out the Providence of Salvation even amid great sadness. God's Providence of Salvation is the Providence of Restoration, which means to recover the lost Purpose of Creation, centered on True Love. The Providence of Salvation is also the Providence of Re-creation.

The Essence of God's Providence

Based on this point, the root of the Providence of Salvation is the re-creation of the seed of the original child, the human being who will fulfill the ideal of creation. That which God abhors -- the life and blood lineage that began with the false love of the adulterer Satan -- must be cleansed. The essence of the Providence is the task of setting up the birth of the True Parent, the Savior united with the True Love, Life, and Lineage of God.
Since the ancestors of humankind failed to fulfill their responsibility, inherited the immoral lineage of Satan, and came under the dominion of Satan, God Himself could not directly intervene and return human beings to their original position. Furthermore, God can neither unconditionally accept humankind, who chose to go to the side of the evil Archangel, nor punish them. So God uses the strategy of placing a central figure on the side of the good Archangel; by being struck first, that figure establishes the indemnity condition to recover what was lost. Satan strikes first but as a result must take the losing position. The First, Second, and Third (Cold War) World Wars are good examples of this. The side that struck first, lost.
From the overall perspective of the Providence of Restoration, the foundation of cooperation between mother and son is very important. This was so at the time of Jacob, Moses, and Jesus. God was working His Providence to separate people from satanic life and lineage by establishing the foundation of cooperation between a mother who had to fulfill the responsibility of Eve, the originator of the Fall and the second son of the family.
God cannot directly relate to the first son, because he is in the position of having a direct blood relationship with Satan, who through the Fall was the first to dominate humankind. God has been restoring the blood lineage of goodness by having the second son, who represents the side of goodness, establish a condition. Then God has had the first son, representing the side of evil, take a position subordinate to the second son.
In the family of Adam, God carried out the providence of establishing the second son, Abel, and having him subordinate the first son, Cain. Even though Eve had fallen, as a mother she could have made an effort to create unity between the two brothers. In the end, however, Cain murdered Abel, (Genesis 4:8) and the Providence of Salvation, not being fulfilled, was prolonged.
There was also a required formula of cooperation between mother and son at the time of Noah. But that formula of meaningful cooperation was not realized until the time of Rebekah and Jacob.
The human Fall was committed by three beings: Adam, Eve, and the Archangel. The Archangel seduced Eve, causing the spiritual fall, and later fallen Eve seduced Adam, causing the physical fall. As a result, they turned their backs on God, and the fallen Archangel became Satan. Since the Providence of Salvation is the Providence of Restoration, the Principle of Restoration can be carried out only by going in a direction 180 degrees opposite of the Fall.
God lost Adam, who had the seed of True Love and True Life. So God had to find a son with the new seed free from satanic accusation. Just as God created Adam first at the time of the creation, God must prepare a son first who has no relationship to the Fall, according to the Providence of Restoration, which is the Providence of Re-creation. This is the basis for the idea of the coming of the Messiah. The Messiah rejects the sinful lives of those with a fallen lineage under the dominion of Satan. He comes as a True Person who engrafts fallen humanity into the seed of new life. The Messiah has his roots in God, and comes as the Second Adam, who wipes away all that was committed by the first Adam. This is the reason God cannot send a superman Messiah who will work only through miracles.
For a son to be born on earth with this seed of God's love and life, there first must exist a mother. And the mother cannot give birth to this child in a conventional way. Conception must happen through the formula of restoration. All the cooperation between mothers and sons in the Providence of Restoration is a preparation and a condition for the Son of God to be born with the seed of new life, free from satanic accusation. By making conditions to avoid Satan's attacks, and by subordinating the firstborn son who represents evil, mother and son restore the love, life, and lineage that were taken over by Satan.

The Meaning of Jacob's Victory

The Bible, which records the providential work of God, contains many stories that are difficult to understand. For example, Rebekah deceived her husband Isaac and her first son Esau, and helped her second son Jacob receive the blessing. (Genesis 27) God took the side of that mother and son, and although they used methods that at first glance seem unjust, God still blessed them for their actions.
In Adam's family, Cain and Abel fought outside the womb. Their struggle resulted in the death of Abel, the second son.
Then came Jacob. On the merits of many godly people who paid indemnity and sacrificed after the time of Abel, Jacob at last caught up to the level at which Satan first dominated humankind. Then Jacob dealt with his twin brother, Esau. At the ford of Jabbok, Jacob set up the condition of spiritual victory over the angel. (Genesis 32:28) And through winning over Esau, (Genesis 33) who was in the position of the substantial body of the Archangel, Jacob consequently was blessed as the first victor in history, and was given the name "Israel." But by then he was already in his fortieth year.
Satan sowed the seed of false love within the womb of Eve, which gave birth to evil life. Therefore, God needed to purify a mother's womb from which the heavenly Son could be born. That purification period of separation from Satan had to begin at the time of conception and continue to age forty, so even though Jacob was victorious he did not meet that criteria. The great mother who assumed the responsibility to meet this condition was Tamar.

Tamar's Providential Role

Tamar had married Er, the eldest son of Judah. (Genesis 38) But Er displeased God and he died. According to the custom of that time, Judah gave Tamar his second son, Onan, that they might bear a child for Er. But Onan, knowing that Tamar's child would not be his own, spilled his semen on the ground. This was a sin in the eyes of God, for which Onan died.
Then Tamar wanted Shelah, the third son of Judah, for a husband, but Judah did not give him to her. Judah thought that his two sons had died because of Tamar, so he was afraid that Shelah would die and end the family lineage.
But Tamar had the conviction that she was to carry on the lineage of the chosen people. To do that, she disguised herself as a prostitute and slept with her father-in-law, Judah, and became pregnant with twins. At the time of birth, one of the twin sons, Zerah, stretched out his hand from the womb to be born first. But he was pulled back into the womb, and the second son, Perez, was born first, taking the position of the elder brother. Thus, within the womb of Tamar, the first and second sons fought, and their reversal of position separated them from Satan. That became the condition for restoration in the womb. Upon this condition, the Messiah could be conceived within the blood lineage of the chosen people, on the base of the nation of Israel that could stand up to the Roman Empire two thousand years later. The victorious foundation on the national level could then be formed in the womb of a mother free of satanic accusation, prepared for the seed of the Son of God. On this foundation, the Holy Mother Mary emerged in the mainstream of God's Providence.

Mary Receives God's Will

Mary, when she was engaged to Joseph, received from the Archangel Gabriel the surprising message that the Messiah would be born through her. (Luke 1:31) In those days, if an unmarried woman became pregnant, she would be killed. But Mary accepted the will of God with absolute faith, saying, "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word." (Luke 1:38)
Mary consulted with the priest Zechariah, who was her relative and was highly respected. Zechariah's wife Elizabeth, with the help of God, was pregnant with John the Baptist. She said to Mary, "Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb. Why is this granted to me that the mother of my Lord should come to me?" (Luke 1 :42-43) With these words she testified to the coming birth of Jesus.
In this way, God let Mary, Zechariah, and Elizabeth know about the birth of the Messiah before anybody else. All of them had the absolutely crucial mission of following the will of God and serving Jesus. Zechariah's family let Mary stay in their house. Jesus was conceived in the house of Zechariah.
Elizabeth and Mary were cousins on their mothers' side. But according to God's Providence, they were considered sisters, with Elizabeth as the elder (Cain) and Mary as the younger (Abel). Mary received Elizabeth's help in the presence of Zechariah. Through this cooperation, Zechariah's family, on the national level, indemnified the lack of unity between mother and son with Leah and Rachel in Jacob's family. (Genesis 29-30) This allowed Jesus to be conceived. For the first time in history, there could be born on earth, free of satanic accusation and through a prepared womb, the seed of the Son of God -- the seed of the True Father. In this way, the only begotten Son of God, the owner of the first love of God, was born for the first time in history.
Mary had to achieve something that could not be understood by common sense, nor easily tolerated under the law of those times. Mary, Elizabeth, and Zechariah had been spiritually moved. They followed the revelation that came from God, and unconditionally believed that it was the will and desire of God.
Although the Son of God could be born on earth, he needed a wall of protection to grow up safely in the satanic world and fulfill the will of God. God had hoped that these three people in the family of Zechariah would establish that protective foundation. There are many points to consider with regard to how seriously the three had to dedicate themselves to protecting and serving the Son of God, and how long they should have been united with each other.
In the Bible it is recorded, "And Mary remained with her [Elizabeth] about three months, and returned to her home. "(Luke 1:56) After that, there is no biblical record of any further communication between Mary, Elizabeth and Zechariah. From the time Mary left Zechariah's house, difficulties began for Mary and Jesus. The family of Zechariah should have been the wall of protection for Jesus until the very end.
A short time later, Joseph discovered that Mary was pregnant. How great must have been his shock at that moment Mary, his beloved fiancee, without having had any relationship with him, had become pregnant after a three-month stay in another place. It was natural for Joseph to question Mary about who the baby in her womb belonged to. What would have happened if at that time Mary had explained everything candidly? If she had exposed everything, it could have been the end of a clan. So Mary simply responded that she was pregnant by the Holy Spirit.
Mary's pregnancy began to show, and the people of the surrounding area became aware of it. What would have happened if Joseph had declared that he didn't know anything about it? But Joseph was a righteous man. He believed in the revelation of God and defended Mary, saying the pregnancy was his responsibility. Mary may have been ridiculed for becoming pregnant during her engagement, but she had avoided death by stoning.
Joseph, who loved Mary, protected her this way in the beginning. However, there was a great deal of anguish deep in his heart. Once Jesus was born, Joseph's suspicions about the father of Jesus only increased and his heart ached. As Jesus grew older, the two became more and more distant in heart. And because of this, family problems frequently arose. Jesus was viewed as an illegitimate son, and lacking the protection of Zechariah's family and the love of Joseph, he grew up with an indescribable loneliness in his heart.

No Bride for Jesus

Jesus was aware of his path as the Messiah, and he lamented by himself these lonely circumstances and the serious obstacle they presented to fulfilling the will of God. The Messiah is the True Parent. And to fulfill that mission he needed to receive his substantial bride. Jesus had to reverse, at the very root, the false love by which the Archangel had caused the fall of Eve, who was growing up as the sister of Adam. Consequently, Jesus, in the place of Adam as the Son of God, should have received as his bride the younger sister of someone in an archangelic position. That bride was to have been none other than Zechariah's daughter, the younger sister of John the Baptist. To fulfill this in a world where Satan plays the role of owner and lord, Jesus needed a foundation of protection formed by absolute faith. Tragically, the entire foundation ended up collapsing around him.
This would not have happened if Zechariah and Elizabeth, who had received the revelation and spiritual support from God, had maintained absolute faith. If they had fulfilled their responsibility, Mary would have been in contact with them continually, even after her three-month stay at their house. God chose Zechariah's family as the foremost representatives of the entire world, so that even after the birth of Jesus they would protect, serve, and witness to him as the Messiah. They not only should have served Jesus as the Son of God and Messiah with utter devotion, but they should have learned the will of God through Jesus and followed him absolutely. Also, John the Baptist was born to serve Jesus and should have fulfilled his responsibility to guide everyone he led to repentance to believe in Jesus and receive salvation.
But unfortunately, although Zechariah, Elizabeth, and John the Baptist testified at first to Jesus as the Son of God, there is no evidence that they served him as such. The respected priest Zechariah was simply a spectator. John the Baptist stood separate from Jesus. These circumstances blocked the people from following Jesus and made his path very difficult. And once this family lost faith in Jesus, looking at him through human eyes, there was no room for them to help him receive his bride.
We should also consider the influence that Joseph and Mary's relationship had on Jesus. Mary had to restore the position of Eve and Tamar through indemnity, so she should have remained as only the fiancee of Joseph. Providentially, they could not be husband and wife. It was God's desire that they not have sexual relations either before or after Jesus' birth. Joseph still loved Mary after Jesus was born, but Mary should have wanted to separate from Joseph to raise Jesus as the Son of God.
But the real circumstances did not make this easy to do. Even though Mary's original mind told her that she should not do so, she had sexual relations with Joseph. They had children, which was a repetition of Eve's mistake. With this condition, Satan invaded them. With the exception of Jesus, everyone who should have protected Jesus came under the dominion of Satan: his father, his mother, his Abel-type brothers (John the Baptist and his brothers) and his Cain-type brothers (the children of Joseph).

Jesus Seen Through Human Eyes

When someone is invaded by Satan, he loses all spiritual support and inspiration. Trust in God, as well as a sense of gratitude to Him, is lost. One begins to see everything through human eyes. Mary did not help Jesus with the wedding he desired. She even opposed it. This was the direct reason that Jesus could not receive his bride, and could not become the True Parent; and this forced him to go the way of the cross.
Jesus' words to Mary during the wedding at Cana, "Oh woman, what have you to do with me?" (John 2:4), reveal a reproachful heart to a mother who helped in the weddings of others but neglected to help Jesus receive his bride, the most important requirement of the Providence. With this perspective, now we can understand why Jesus asked, "Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?" (Matthew 12:48)
Faced with the opposition of Mary, Zechariah, Elizabeth, and finally John the Baptist, Jesus gave up hope for their protection as he sought to fulfill his mission. Therefore, Jesus left his home in search of a new spiritual foundation to restart the Providence of Salvation.
Now without a family and household, Jesus lamented, "foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man has nowhere to lay his head." (Matthew 8:20) With his family level foundation lost, Jesus sought to replace it. That was his three-year course.
In the end, as people disbelieved and the disciples lost faith, Jesus took Satan's attack. And as his foundation crumbled he went the way of the cross. Originally, Jesus came to the earth as the Messiah to give blessings to his disciples and all humankind. He was to build the sinless Kingdom of Heaven. But because of the lack of faith in him, he could not receive his bride, he could not become the True Parent, and he could not accomplish his mission. This is why he promised to return.
According to the Bible, "Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." Today, therefore, I clearly reveal this truth about Jesus and Mary in order to liberate them despite opposition from established churches such as the Catholic Church and Protestant churches.

Completing the Ideal of True Parents

The Lord of the Second Advent comes to perfect the foundation of God's Providence of Restoration left uncompleted by Jesus. That is to say, he comes as the seed of the original True Child to complete the ideal of creation. He comes to complete the ideal of True Parents, who are the origin of the True Love, True Life, and the True Lineage of God. He comes on the victorious foundation of the fundamental providence of God's side up to the time of Jesus. He also stands upon the victorious foundation of Jesus' life and finds the bride that Jesus could not find. Together they become the True Parents to save all humankind.
Through the blessing of new marriages that pass on God's original blood lineage, the True Parents will be able to give salvation to all humanity. People will become True Persons engrafting into the True Love, True Life, and True Lineage of God. Furthermore, the Messiah will establish a True Family, creating the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Thus, it is the International Holy Weddings that establish this new blood lineage when the Lord of the Second Advent comes in the flesh.
On the level of the great world-wide family, the Lord indemnifies that which was lost in the family of Adam and restores the True Elder Sonship, True Parentship, and True Kingship that should have been perfected in Adam's family. He will transform this world into the Kingdom of Heaven on earth under the dominion of God, opening the Kingdom of Heaven in the spirit world for registration. Humanity will enter into the era of kingship both spiritually and physically centered on God; and establish a world of victory, freedom, happiness, and unity; and create the Heavenly Kingdom on earth and in the spirit world, which is God's ideal of creation. This is the View of the Principle of the Providential History of Salvation. I hope that in the future all of you can also receive this joyous new marriage blessing.
My dear leaders and distinguished guests, I want to again express my appreciation that you have taken time from your busy lives to attend this important meeting. I hope you are able to have a clear understanding of the direction of providential history so that you can become true leaders in establishing a peaceful world. May God bless you and your families. Thank you.



Belvedere -- International Training Center, Translator -- Peter Kim, September 8, 1996

Father feels that you understand the meaning of this title. As man and woman are born they must go through the process of family life, then the nation and world until they eventually arrive in Heaven. We begin on Earth and we join in Heaven. During our journey we will encounter various kinds of individuals. From the individual to the cosmic level there are good and bad individuals, good and bad families, good and bad societies and good and bad nations. From the individual to the cosmic level both Heaven and Hell are represented. Do you agree? This is the structure of the world. When we look at our lives, everyone has the natural tendency to claim that which is good as their own, and to reject that which is bad, and this applies to the individual level on to the world level. It is very important to know the criterion by which to judge what is good and what is bad. Is money that criterion? (No.) How about knowledge? (No.) What about power? (No.) Then what is it? (True Love.) That is right. Humankind cannot live without love. Therefore, love is the most important factor. We need families because we have to meet love within our families. Without family, we cannot find love. That is why it is natural for man and woman to meet within the family structure.

What then is love? Which is more delicious, love or a hamburger? (Love.) (Laughter) If you eat three times a day and hamburger is the only food available, then you have to eat hamburgers three times a day. However, do you eat love three times in a day? Do you eat love or do you practice love? (Practice.) In the Bible it tells us that Adam and Eve ate the fruit of good and evil. What is that fruit? The love organ. Whose loving organ was it? Eve's. If a woman meets a king then she will produce a prince or a princess. However, if she meets a beggar she will produce a beggar child. Therefore, woman's sexual organ is the crossroads between good and evil. By observing the result, you will be able to discern what is good or bad. A woman's love organ is the determining factor.
Which description is more vivid and realistic: Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil or Adam and Eve practiced the fruit of good and evil? (They ate.) Because if you eat something it becomes a part of you, your tissues and cells. But if you practice something it may have nothing to do with your body. If a man has a relationship with a virgin girl it is common in the Korean language to say that he ate her. The Fall of Man took place because of love. Therefore, the Fall of Man is love that took the wrong direction. This love took a wrong turn by the misuse of the sexual organ. If Adam and Eve did not have sexual organs then humanity would not exist. Without our sexual organs we cannot even think about having the Kingdom of God on Earth. Only through this good, true sexual organ can we establish the Kingdom of God on Earth. However, a bad sexual organ creates Hell on the Earth.
The meaning of the Kingdom of God is eternal and unchanging by definition. Do you American women prefer your sexual organs to be eternal and unchanging or changing from day to day? (Unchanging.) American men and women like to practice free sex. Is free sex eternal sex, eternal love? (No.) What is it then? (Hell.) It creates Hell, but what is it? (Temporary.) You say that it is temporary but in fact it is less than a second. If you practice free sex then in your life you experience joy for less than one second. Do you really want to pursue that kind of life, that kind of love? (No.) The Fall of Man is the misuse of the sexual organ. The misuse of Eve's sexual organ meant that she took the wrong partner. As long as you practice the misuse of the sexual organ, then the human world, the animal kingdom, the plant kingdom, even the insect kingdom -- wherever you go in this universe you will be rejected because you are acting against the law of the universe. Why do we say free sex is bad? Because if you practice free sex you change your lineage, minute by minute, as you change your partner.
The history of America has come down to you through your ancestors, the Pilgrim Fathers, from generation to generation. There are some good traditions and some accidents and mistakes that have taken place. You cannot change all that overnight. If we want to claim that America is a great country, then you have to be able to present your ancestry all the way back to the Pilgrim Fathers, proving that American history has been straight and good. However, if you just extract all the evil parts and then claim that America is good, that becomes a false representation. America looks good on the surface, but in reality is America a good country? (No.) In general, the clothing of American men and women is luxurious and expensive and they seem proud of themselves and their clothing. But are they good people deep inside? Not necessarily. Suppose we have someone who changes his or her clothes three times in a day, and another who doesn't change for one year. Which of these is a greater person? Perhaps the person who changes clothing three times a day is also someone who changes their mind and attitude and behavior three times a day. On the other hand, the person who doesn't change his clothing for one year may be steady and straightforward consistently without even blinking. (Laughter) Which one is greater?
In comparing the Chinese with the Americans, many Chinese of the past wore the same garment on their body for three years without any problem. However, American people would spit at them. But are the Chinese or the Americans a greater people? (Chinese.) Why do you say so? We can interpret your answer as meaning that the American people are generally impatient. They don't know how to practice patience and silence. If this room were filled with American people each of them would want to talk. They don't like to yield and listen. But if there were one hundred Chinese people here this room would be quiet. It is better to be quiet rather than noisy. If you are noisy, chances are you will go downward. However, when it is quiet you have room to move up.
When we compare day and night, in the daytime people and animals move around in the world. It is noisy and crowded. However, when night comes, people and all creatures sleep and it becomes quiet. When do you think animals and plants and all living creatures grow? (Night time.) Why night time? Because in the still of the night, whatever nutriments they absorbed during the daytime they utilize to grow. But in the daytime, it is so noisy and they have to give attention to all directions. If you visit Manhattan you will always feel that it is noisy whether you are on the street or in an apartment. However, if you visit a Chinese city, even though there may be thousands of people on the street you will feel it is quiet. In general, when American people like someone it doesn't usually last more than three years. However, once Chinese people come to like a person it goes on for three hundreds years. Father feels that America may be a great country now, and has been leading this world while making lots of noise. However, China, has been very quiet up until this point, but once China begins talking, then Chinese power will govern the world.
In a hot tropical zone where the climate is very hot and humid, Americans might last there for ten hours and then run away. However, Chinese people would settle and cultivate farms there no matter how hot and humid it might be. If we go by this formula who will be able to rule the tropical and frozen zones of our planet? (Chinese.) Father used the example of the Chinese people, but perhaps Unificationists could be more extreme in every way than even the Chinese. (Applause)
It is customary between American couples for the husband to give a kiss to his wife in the morning and greet her. But in the case of Chinese couples, even if you were to observe Chinese families for one year you would never see them kissing one another or referring to one another in endearing terms. (Laughter) American couples may also fight and raise their voices to each other even daily. Whereas whatever Chinese couples do, it is done quietly.
Everyone claims to like God and has a certain way of thinking about God; however, God has been silent for billions of years. Is that a good God? Do you still like God? Speaking in a logical way, since Chinese people are able to exercise patience and silence for many years, then as the ruler and owner of the Chinese people, God has to be even more extreme in that way. This being the case then we can say that the Chinese people are the ones who have stimulated God and have provided the motivation for God to be quiet and silent for millions of years. And to have endurance. That is power! Look at Father's life. For the past forty years, from the beginning, Father had everything planned, step-by-step. However, Father did not reveal everything all at one time. Rather, Father has been quietly implementing the plan, step by-step, until the time is right to reveal certain truths.
Up until this time, people from every corner of the world have labeled Father as a heretic and all kinds of names in order to persecute him, but Father never blinked. He just left them alone and continued on his path. Like when you visit a village where you are unknown, the dogs from that village will bark at you because you are strange to them, with strange aroma, strange smell. In the same way, Father has been pursuing the path of God for all these years, but the people of this world have not recognized him and have acted like barking dogs. Father goes to Korea, Japan, South America, North America; wherever Father goes, people don't remain silent. Those dogs may bark loudly yet Father does not say a word to them. Ultimately, Father's voice is even greater than their barking. That is why Father keeps himself very quiet.
Would you say that Reverend Moon is a troublemaker or a peacemaker? (Peacemaker.) (Laughter) Why do you laugh? If you truly believe in what you say then you have to show a serious expression. Don't take what you say so lightly. Don't laugh. If you laugh it indicates that you don't take it seriously. The secular people of the world may consider that Father has created all kinds of controversy throughout the world. However, is there any Unificationist who believes that Father has caused a lot a trouble to the world? (No.) Unificationists may have differences among each other, but whenever we see True Parents we always rush to follow them. Isn't it true? (Yes.) Why do you do so? Because you have to climb up the ladder. We know that this ladder is very high and steep and it is difficult to climb even one step at a time. But because we know what is waiting for us on the top of the ladder we continue to follow in the footsteps of True Parents.
Have you heard the news that Father is sending out national messiahs to the world? Each national messiah group consists of seven different national messiahs. Father has directed them to go to their respective countries and live in the same house with one another. Do you like that idea? (Yes.) Would you prefer to live in a house with your family alone or together with seven other families? (Together.) You Americans favor your privacy and individualism. Who are the ancestors of privacy and individualism? The fallen Adam and Eve. The root of that is Satan. Everyone wants to receive love. However, can we apply the formula of privacy to love? We all want to receive love from the individual level right up to the cosmic level. We want to receive love from our spouse, our parents, our family, our society, our company, our nation, our world and even from God Himself.
In receiving love can we practice the life of privacy? (No.) If you stick with a life of privacy there will be no love partner. This is a reasonable conclusion. Those who advocate the life of privacy, please show your hands to Father. In your mind you still like the life of privacy but you dare not show your hands before Father.
This morning, Mother has to leave for the airport by ten o'clock at the latest so Father has a time limit to finish before then. But if Father continues like this we will be still going at five o'clock this evening. (Laughter) Do you think that what Father has taught us so far this morning has something to do with his topic today? (Yes.) Suppose our way of peace is centered upon money. Would you like that way? (No.) How about seeking peace through knowledge and power? (No.) Then what would be your vehicle to seek peace? (True Love.) Do you really like love? (Yes.) But love cannot be practiced alone. It always takes two. Without exception, everyone in this world wishes to achieve peace and happiness through love. Do you like this idea? (Yes.)
The term free sex is indicative of brief and temporary happiness. Would you like to have temporary happiness or unchanging happiness? (Unchanging happiness.) Sounds good but your motivation is not so good. We all seek happiness. But centered upon what do individuals seek love and happiness? (Eternal, unchanging and absolute love.) Therefore, it is completely logical to say that only when we live our lives centered upon absolute love, can we have absolute happiness in our lives. Have you thought about absolute love? (Yes.) Do you think about it all by yourself or with your ideal spouse? (Ideal spouse.) Is your ideal spouse eternal or temporal? (Eternal.) When you refer to your ideal spouse are you referring to the one who can freely touch you and embrace you anytime of the day or night without a time limit? Is that what you mean? Or, do you mean that this ideal spouse can only embrace you between certain hours and when you are eating they should not even talk to you? (Laughter) What kind of ideal spouse are you talking about here? (The first one.) (Laughter) You don't have confidence in your answer; that is why you are all laughing too much. But this is a serious issue.
We can only receive love from our partner. Therefore, if you want to find absolute love you need an absolute partner. Then you have to give your absolute faith, absolute love, absolute trust and absolute life to your spouse. Otherwise you cannot receive absolute love from your spouse. Do you imagine that your eyes would prefer absoluteness or changeability? (Absoluteness.) Your five senses like abs~lute love.
Have you ever turned off your five senses against your husbands? (Yes.) (Laughter) Only when you have an absolute relationship between husband and wife can you expect to receive absolute love. This is the prerequisite. Do you understand Father? (Yes.) Do you think there is room in the minds of secular American women who marry and divorce within a week to think about absolute love relationships? (No.) Where can we find absolute love? In kissing? (No.) Where then? Our absolute sexual love organ, which brings man and woman into unity is the place where absolute love can be found. Sexual intercourse place. People do not know this truth. Those of you who are without sexual organs, raise your hands. (Laughter) Your sexual organ exists for the sake of absolute love. This is your unique, eternal purpose. God needs sexual organs, too. Do you think God created man and woman just because He needs man and woman or God needs sexual organs too?
Eternal love is found through your ideal spouse. People have been unaware that the owner of the woman's sexual organ is her ideal spouse. Likewise, the owner of the man's sexual organ is his ideal spouse. When this ideal husband and wife become one through their sexual organs then the owner of the unification of their sexual organs is God. We have to know that our sexual organ does not belong to our self but rather to our ideal partner. And our combined sexual organs belong to God. This is the backbone of the human history. Without the sexual organ we cannot make human history. The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and in Heaven begins from this point. The ideal family, ideal people, ideal nation all come from the sexual organ.
If you are tired of hearing Reverend Moon talk about sexual organs and if you turn away from the truth you will be turned back again 360 degrees to the original point. We need our sexual organ in an absolute way because we have to find absolute love. It is that valuable, that important. It cannot be exchanged for anything in this world. There are many secular American women who would even sell their own husbands for enough money. Are such women true women? (No.) If you want to find an absolute husband you have to offer absolute protection to your husband. You cannot separate yourself. Your original mind seeks that level of love. The reason that we don't have this is because of the Fall of Man. Father concludes that the owner of free sex and privacy is Satan, because through free sex the human sexual organ is destroyed. The crossing point of Heaven and Hell lies within your sexual organ. Centering upon your love, your mind and body can be united. However, you vacillate so often even in the course of one day.
Until now man and woman didn't know what ideal love means. However, Unification Church members have been taught this morning what true ideal love is. Therefore, we should practice it. Since your sexual organ is the most valuable thing in the entire world you should protect it in the most valuable way. That way, it will never change. Have you Blessed couples ever considered divorce? Are you tempted by handsome men and beautiful women who pay attention to you? (No.) Actually, all manner of thoughts come and go through your minds. Father's conclusion is that many American women have inherited the lineage of prostitutes. But you don't feel badly about it. American women feel superior to and scorn prostitutes, but in reality these prostitutes are earning money, this is their job. However, American women are even worse because they practice free sex just because they enjoy it. Who is the owner of love? God is the owner of love. The owner of love gave you your spouse and assigned you to become this man's wife. Therefore, you stand as a public couple and your union should last eternally. It is logical to conclude that as the attributes of God are absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal then the couples who are anointed by God should possess the same attributes as God: absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal. So of course, we, the people whom God likes, should also have these same attributes.
We have to learn about Adam's family. Adam's family crossed the line of love. Centering upon false love, a false lineage was created within Adam's family and this family became upside down. Who can enter the Kingdom of God? The Kingdom of God is the place where only absolute, ideal couples who practice absolute love centering upon God can enter as a family unit. Since Satan knew of God's strategy to restore the entire humanity back to His bosom, Satan sought to destroy humanity, completely 180 degrees opposite of what God wanted. Therefore, Satan has spread the disease of free sex, homosexuality, lesbianism and all manner of evil. Through the practice of this free sex life like homosexuality, humanity will become extinct within one generation. In lovemaking it requires the sexual organs of man and woman in order to fit together. However, homosexuals think they can make relationship between the same sex. This is Satan's strategy in order to destroy God's ideal and purpose of creation by spreading such evil ways. Humanity would eventually be destroyed.
If America clings to this way of life do you think America should perish or prosper? (Perish.) No matter how much America may resist, if it continues on such a path then God will eventually come down and punish America. God hates the American atmosphere. Satan created this kind of Hell on the Earth. God's ideal world doesn't have that kind of activity and atmosphere. The Bible tells us that the weeds will be thrown into the fire and only the grain will be stored in the warehouse. Who are living in America today, grain-type people or weed-type people? (Weeds.) Certainly not real grain. Adam's original family was to be connected to God's blood lineage. These were to be represented by real grain. After the Fall the blood lineage of humanity became connected with Satan. In order to climb back up to God's level there are eight stages to pass through. Servant of servants, servant, adopted son, step son, true son, mother and father. Individual, family, tribe, nation, world, cosmic and God's level is the vertical line. [Father draws on the board the eight different stages both vertically and horizontally]
God created man, but because of the Fall, in God's eyes there are no men. Everyone was taken by Satan. Therefore, the recreation process is needed. Even the angelic world fell. God begins His restoration process from the bottom up. The Archangel was originally in the position of the servant. After humankind fell, they fell below the level of the servant to the servant of servants level. This level is lower than that of a slave. From this position the restoration process begins. We then have to restore to the level of the servant which is the level of the Archangel. The Archangel caused the fall and he himself fell. We then have to go beyond that level to the adopted son level which is above Satan's level. Therefore, we have to be even better than the fallen Archangel. In order to accomplish this in the secular world where Satan dominates, and the original husband stands in the position of the Archangel, God's restoration comes through the second husband. Originally God should have stood in the position of the one and only husband of mankind. But through the Fall Satan took the position of the original husband. Therefore in the restoration process this has to be reversed. God began in a similar position to that of concubine.
We can see this process clearly in the Bible in the family of Isaac. His wife Rebecca actually cheated her husband and elder son by giving the blessing to her second son Jacob. By doing so the three generations of grandparents, parents and children should agree with this providence. Her husband should be happy to share this with her. That kind of role was played out. When God comes in the position of concubine, in order to create God's lineage in the family, the original archangelic husband, satanic husband, should say "well, you are the only woman there, so through you my wife, you should have children, have lineage" and should give his blessing. Otherwise, the restoration is not complete at each stage. The restoration process continues through the stages of servant of servant, servant, adopted son level and then step son level. God comes in the position of the concubine, the second husband, because the wife is already taken by the archangelic husband. Because of this relationship the step son comes and then true son. After this then wife, mother and father levels. The world is unaware of this process. Only Reverend Moon has revealed this truth to this world. (Applause)
The mission of the True Parents, who reveal this truth, is to wipe out the evil parents. Because of the Fall of Man, before God there existed fallen mother and children and restored mother and children relationships. But in this world where Satan dominates is this fallen mother lineage, this fallen lineage here [indicating to the diagram on the board]. In order to restore this lineage back to God it is not possible to do so horizontally. This lineage has to go down vertically and restore it back again. In order to accomplish this restoration process, God comes in the position of concubine and eventually He has to restore His position as the original spouse. There cannot be two lineages in the Kingdom of God. There can be only one line, not two. That is the reason the second mother and the younger son are in the position to play the central role to lead to the Kingdom of God. This is what we see so clearly throughout the history of God's providence. If this relationship continues in the way in which Satan has set up, it means the original wife's path is towards Hell.
However, when this is turned around 180 degrees, then the first wife becomes the concubine and the second wife becomes the original wife. By the same token, the first son from the first wife takes the position of the second son and the second son from the concubine takes the first son's position. In that relationship, the first son should offer absolute obedience to the second son. The first wife's lineage is the satanic father's lineage. However, even though this second wife took the first wife's position this lineage is a good lineage from God. This particular phenomena took place in Jacob's family. [Father draws on the board to illustrate] Originally, Rachel should have become the first wife of Jacob. Leah was supposed to be the concubine. But as you recall, Leah somehow took the first wife's position. In the Old Testament era, the rule was "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." When it comes to restoration between the first and second wife, it followed that same rule.
As in the Garden of Eden, in the family of Jacob, Rachel who was originally supposed to become the first wife of Jacob, became the second wife instead. Leah was not supposed to be in the position of the first wife but she took that position. Just as Eve took the first wife's position by the Fall. This was not the original wife's position. But with two mothers and two children's lineages they cannot enter the Kingdom of God. That is why the restoration has to take place within this family. In order to return to God, not just directly from Leah to Rachel, but through their children, it has to go around and eventually return to God. When Jacob was in Haran, Laban tried to destroy Jacob by giving his daughters to Jacob and claim all the wealth of Jacob. However, on the contrary, Jacob was wise enough to take both wealth and daughters from Laban and return to his family.
So remember, Laban who tried to prevent Jacob from taking away his wealth and possessions, eventually offered his servants and three servant's maids to Jacob. Through them ten sons were born, and from Rachel there were two sons. This became the twelve tribes. From this point the struggle between the northern ten tribes and southern two tribes began. [Father again draws on the board to illustrate] This is tribal level [indicating to the board]. However, on the family level at the time of Jesus, centering upon Zachariah and Elizabeth, his wife, and his son John the Baptist and Mary and her son Jesus, this same phenomena took place. Elizabeth was in the position of the first wife and Mary was in the position of the second wife to Zachariah. Just like Jacob's wives, Leah and Rachel. But unlike the time of Jacob where Leah took the first wife's position, at the time of Jesus, Elizabeth actually introduced Mary to her husband Zachariah. This was completely opposite to Leah who desired to occupy Jacob and his family. Whereas Elizabeth's desire was how to save God's providential foundation within their family. Because of God's revelation she invited her younger sister Mary to take the position of wife to her husband.
John the Baptist was in the position to offer his absolute obedience to Jesus. God's providence of restoration took place at the time of Jesus in this relationship [indicating to the board]. Originally, Zachariah's lineage was going in this way [indicating to the diagram] but this was cut off and Mary and Jesus took the position of the first wife and first son. By doing so, Jesus took the position of the elder sonship and Mary took the position of the elder wife. That is how this satanic lineage was restored back to God. By doing so vertically, from one parent, same parents, one mother line, one lineage was established. The main reason that John the Baptist could not follow Jesus with his whole heart and soul, was because John the Baptist knew that Jesus was his half-brother.
In the Garden of Eden the Archangel took Eve who was in the position of the younger sister. Therefore Jesus was supposed to take the younger sister of John the Baptist as his bride.
Jesus' position was the completion level Adam. In the Garden of Eden the Archangel, in the Cain position, took Eve the younger sister of Adam. At the national level, Jesus in the position of Adam, was to take the sister of Cain (John the Baptist). This is how restoration was supposed to have taken place. In the mind of John the Baptist do you think it was tolerable that Jesus, his half-brother, should marry his own sister? No. It is unimaginable even that Mary literally took Elizabeth's husband and assumed the first wife's position. Then Jesus, the half-brother of John the Baptist, wants to marry his own half-sister, the younger sister of John the Baptist. Can you imagine such a thing? At that time they could be stoned to death for such action. The entire tribe could have been stoned to death. That is why Jesus was unable to receive his bride. Then he had to leave his home in order to establish his spiritual foundation in the wilderness. When that failed he had to take the road to the cross.
This same phenomena will appear again in the Last Days because we have to indemnify this particular relationship in the Last Days. We have to expect the Lord of the Second Advent, but at the same time we see all manner of evil taking place and the families being destroyed. In order to indemnify what happened at the time of Jesus then in the Last Days all of the families should be turned around to the right direction, with all manner of things taking place. (What we are talking about here is incest.) Had Elizabeth protected her younger sister Mary, and had John the Baptist followed Jesus then they would have become one family. Christianity stands in the position of the bride. Since Christianity is the bride religion, in order to indemnify this particular relationship of Jesus' time, in the Last Days the same thing will happen. Since World War II, the rulers of the world are like the evil ones, like step-sons who are not really directly connected to God's lineage. This is the time when women will feel confused in their lives. That is why women have the tendency to dislike their legal husband. They are supposed to look for the true husband. In that position the Lord of the Second Advent comes like a concubine position. All women are supposed to seek such a husband. Therefore, women are in a position to dislike the existing relationship with their husband and are otherwise compelled to seek their True Love ideal.
Satan immediately intervened in that situation and provided free sex and has led many people astray. Usually when this kind of relationship takes place the woman gives more attention to the second husband. The first wife should follow the second wife in order to be restored. The second wife is in the position of concubine who has more experience in dealing with men. This is the time period, the Last Days when the first wife is in the position to introduce the concubine, the second wife to her husband, and then follow the second wife to reach to the road of restoration. But they do not know how to do this. Therefore at this particular point [indicating to the board] the Lord of the Second Advent appears. He will act as a kind of traffic controller. All the women in this world who stand in the position of the first wife should be restored through the Lord of the Second Advent, Reverend Moon, who comes at this particular point. Even American women have to love True Father more than your husband, more than your children, more than your parents. Reverend Moon comes as husband to 2.5 billion women of the world. Reverend Moon is in the position of the King of the grandfathers, King of the fathers, King of the elder brothers, King of the younger brothers and King of the husbands. If you don't feel that way you fail. Reverend Moon represents the fulfillment of men's position, true husband, true father, true grandfather.
This is the Second Advent with Reverend Moon in the position of connecting to the true blood lineage of true family, true tribe, true nation, true palace place, True Parents. The worst parents are the fallen parents with the false blood lineage. We have to change, indemnify. You have to change 180 degrees back to God's true blood lineage. The way is through one mother, one child. One lineage, not two mothers, two sons. That family gets to Heaven. Is this clear to you? (Yes.) When we look at human history and the life of women, they have been hurt and heartbroken by their husbands and men in general. Men have always been paying attention to other women. Because of these complicated relationships billions of women have been heartbroken and hurt. Therefore, in the Last Days, when finally the Lord of Second Advent, the real true man appears in the world, then all the women have the tendency to go towards that man. He comes in the position of the true bridegroom. Through this phenomena this world will be turned around.
At this crossing point the Lord of the Second Advent should appear here as the vertical pillar, upon which the entire women of the world can lean then turn around and return back again to the original world. But because of the opposition from Christianity directly following World War II, the Western world, led by America, just kept on falling further down and down and now we observe this rampant uncontrollable sexual behavior. Again, had the entire world followed Reverend Moon directly following World War II they could have gone in this direction [indicating to the board] but because of the failure of Christianity this world kept falling further down. How could Christianity with 2000 years foundation in this world fall to such a degree that we see Christian nations rotten and weakened by immoral behavior? How could America become so rotten and chase out the Lord of the Second Advent? Now it is turning around.
Because of the Fall of Man, God's blessing became upside down. But now with the advent of Reverend Moon he will make it right side up again. This is the mission of Reverend Moon. From 1992 Father declared the liberation of women and True Mother was elevated to True Father's level horizontally. Women had no power. Until then Mother followed Father vertically. This is the first time in history that on the world base True Mother stands by True Father, side by side, on God's throne. All humanity, following True Parents, have the same value. Because of this blessing, since 1992, these eight different stages of the world, from the individual to the cosmic level, can travel back and forth horizontally, jumping from one stage to another easily and freely. In the last forty years, the kings who represent the vertical relationship and the people, who represent the horizontal world, all were mobilized to oppose Reverend Moon. On the individual and family levels they all tried to destroy Reverend Moon. That is why we witnessed a lot of kidnapping incidents within our Church. In order to kidnap, organizations usually mobilize the entire family. Imagine, parents kidnapping their own children. Every direction, all around, were hitting Reverend Moon.
Reverend Moon's name is being resurrected at this time and the world is turning around. Now world leaders are recognizing Reverend Moon. World leaders are welcoming him. Reverend Moon is marching on as True Victor. How can we save all the families of the world and turn them back into original families centered upon God? The original family seed, Adam's family seed, was lost. Now True Parents have come to claim back God's original family seed and establish God's ideal family on the Earth. True Parents must make up Adam's family purpose, Jesus' family purpose and world family purpose. Take back from Satan. The way of restoration has been the way of being struck and claiming back. No matter how much this fallen world may hate Reverend Moon they cannot kill Reverend Moon. Reverend Moon stands in the direct dominion place. Reverend Moon did not fall down even when Satan struck so many times, this could not block Reverend Moon's perfection stage.
Within the family of Adam we lost elder sonship, parentship, and kingship. On the world base Father took back all these things. Father took back by liberating the free world and the communist world. By Father's hand we won back. Once we accomplish the 3.6 million couples Blessing, then 36 million and 360 million couples Blessing will be easy. Inheriting the true blood lineage of True Parents automatically opens the way to Heaven. This means the place of no religion and no separation. One world, one cosmos under God. No fighting field. The power of true love is the strongest power in the world. The five senses unite in one core centering upon true love. Once this true love power is established it is impossible to turn back to any other direction. The power of true love is stronger than the power of drugs, alcohol or anything else in the world. You can never be turned back. Exciting Power. True Love Power. All cells in your body connecting to this power forever. Ideal couple settling place. All families systems will connect. In schools, elementary school children will be asking their teacher, "Teacher, is Unification Church marriage good or bad?" The teacher will reply "not bad." If the teacher says "not good," children will confront. All will be following the heavenly way. Connecting to the family base.
It takes the family base unit in order to be able to enter the Kingdom of God. Therefore, after the 1997 Blessing, Father will begin to bless people in the spiritual world so that they can have families and enter into the Kingdom of God. (Applause) Through Heung Jin Nim, Jesus will receive blessing and then following that, all the saints such as Buddha, Mohammed and Confucius will receive the blessing so that they may enter into the Kingdom of God as well with the True Parents. Without the family unit it is impossible to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Within the blessing there is no religion, no bride culture, only a one-way culture. The home of the true family is the center of everything. Same value as True Parents. Absolute love.
When this time comes there will be no need for religion or philosophy. Even Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed and Confucius all need true families in order to enter into the Kingdom of God. When that time comes it will not be necessary to believe in a religious leader, but rather your parents, your husband, your wife, your brother and sister will be your leaders. Grandparents represent the spiritual world, parents represent the King of the physical world; the next generation couples represent the King's palace. That kind of value will exist. You will not need any leader on the Earth, from any category. Parents follow grandparents, children follow parents and grandparents. Clearly and logically understand this, please. Take all of life and go this victorious way. Be absolutely dedicated to grandparents, absolutely dedicated to parents, absolutely dedicated to your love partner, absolutely dedicated to your children, centered on True Parents. That's all. True Love connecting everything when God is King. God, connecting all the time, everywhere, everything. It is True Parents' mission to establish this base.
Jesus lost the nation base, the family base. True Parents have gone over all the way to the world base. Therefore you have to graft onto True Parents with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. When God created this world He created with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. Even every creature was given a love partner. God invested everything in the love partner. Investing and forgetting. All that investment went into Adam's family. God went to zero point in obedience. That kind of action. You have to follow the São Paulo declaration of last year. That is the mainstream. You must demonstrate absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. This is the formula to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Without this, you cannot get into Heaven. Is this clear? Only God and Reverend Moon can make all these directions of victorious foundation. Spirit World must unite also. Now we are growing up to that perfection world. With what? Perfection family. Ultimately, there will be no trouble to make one tribe, one nation. No problem. And Kingdom of Heaven, too.
Therefore, Father has given you today's topic, The Era of Bringing Liberation for the Family of World Peace. From this Father declared the Eight Stages of Restoration (Pal Jong Shik) on August 31, 1989 in Kodiak, Alaska. Then the next day, September 1, 1989 Father declared Heavenly Parentism. That way, all the secular forms of ism should disappear. Democracy, too, should disappear. Worst foundation is the democratic system. Party-fighting system. That is not God's concept. How can that be the foundation of the nation owner king? Democracy is the concept of brotherhood, Cain and Abel. They are fighting. The foundation of the nation cannot be established on such a foundation.
On September 1, 1991 Father declared the Tribal Messiah providence. Then on April 10, 1992 Father formed the Women's Federation for World Peace centering upon True Mother. In 1993 Father declared "True Parents and the Completed Testament Era." In 1994 the motto for the year was "True Parents and the Safe Settlement of the Completed Testament Era." Even if the entire world opposes us, we have to establish a safe settlement in this world. Neither Communism nor America can destroy us anymore. In 1995 the motto was "Let us Inherit the Victorious Realm of the True Parents." Because once we are settled then the blessing will come. Therefore, it is natural to inherit. By doing so Blessed couples can become totally united with God and True Parents, centered upon absolute faith, love and obedience. In that, can we find the concept of America? No, we cannot. The original world does not contain the American culture. Not Anglo-Saxons. Do you understand? (Yes.) All that exists in the original world is God, True Parents and children, speaking one language. That language is not English. English is not humankind's hometown language. The American culture is a horizontal culture. No vertical concept exists there. The horizontal love that is practiced in most of America is like animal love. I don't like fallen America. It is heading for destruction in the very near future.
What is this year's motto? For all humankind, all creatures, all things on the Earth, "Let us Love True Parents and Be Proud of True Parents." On October 3, 1988, directly after the Seoul Olympics, Father declared the "Day of the Opening of Heaven." From that point all of these other necessary steps have taken place, and based upon these various victorious foundations of our True Parents, from this year the world starts turning! Centering on Father, everything is turning around. Following Father's long, long tail. Grabbing Father's big, big tail. This is the significance of it all. In these eight different stages, this year is the culminating stage and the entire world is now beginning to turn around and follow behind True Father. On a worldwide scale the restoration of elder sonship and parentship has taken place and now kingship has to be established. Therefore, in this year alone, Father has formed the Federation for Island Nations, the Federation for Peninsula Nations and the Federation for the Continental Nations. By doing so Father is bringing all these organizations to the United Nations where they can stand as Abel organizations.
Through these Abel organizations all the base units of families can be mobilized and so the nations can be restored which means the Kingship can be completed. Adam means the King of Elder Sonship, King of Parentship and King of Kings in the family base. We want to bless one nation under True Parents. Kingship experienced on the Earth. That flat base kingship can connect with the Kingdom of Heaven on the Earth. Is this clear? (Yes.) It is now in sight. This is reality, not some concept. No matter what, Americans have to follow Reverend Moon. Father has made this powerful base in North America and South America and is now bringing about brotherhood. The unity between the elder and younger brothers. No matter how strong Roman Catholicism may be it has to follow Protestantism. No matter how strong Protestantism is it has to follow Reverend Moon in the position of Abel. You know the Divine Principle viewpoint and how all these things connect. It is a logical conclusion. It cannot be denied.
Please understand that today's topic, The Era of Bringing Liberation to the Family of World Peace means that Father is liberating the satanic world families in order to build the world peace family, the family of peace. Where can we complete our love? Through our sexual organs. When Father speaks of liberation it means the liberation of the sexual organ as well. The opposite of free sex is absolute sex, unique, eternal and unchanging sex. The root of True Love begins here. We cannot change anything. The power of True Love is so valuable.