Showing posts with label IDEAL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IDEAL. Show all posts



Belvedere -- International Training Center

Translator -- Peter Kim, September 3, 1995

As we always try to practice our Korean, is there any non-Korean here who can read the title that Father has written here on the board? We all need to study Korean don't we? (Yes.) Then please repeat after me: Chamdoyn Yisangjuk Geejeeneun Uhdeenya? Where Is The Base For The True Ideal?
Do you understand the meaning of "ideal"? Does this word originate from mankind or from God? (God.) People in general talk about idealism, but they don't think about the source of the ideal. They just assume that it comes from man. However, it has to come from God who is the source of true happiness, true peace, true ideal and the root of all goodness. Happiness, peace and unification all originate from God.
A tree might have different sized branches and leaves, but it has one central root. Cutting off some branches will not affect the root. This tree may have branches that go in different directions, and with the changing of the seasons its foliage may change and even die and fall to the ground. However, as long as the central trunk and root are alive, the tree will be fine. Nutrition travels through the root to feed every branch of the tree. However, beyond the root there is a mainstream energy source that feeds the root and trunk of the tree so that the tree is able to survive. This mainstream element has to be consistent; in the past, present and future the source of nutriment should always be the same. If the degree of this mainstream element of nutrition changes in any way, the actual species of the tree may even change.
We maintain that we have our own individual ideal, our own private ideal. However, can we honestly claim to have our own ideal? (No.) No matter how great you may be, you cannot claim to have your own ideal. We can only claim our ideal when we find our ideal partner. When man and woman are united and become one, then you can begin to speak of the ideal. For example, focusing upon one of your eyes, can it claim to be ideal? Can just one eye, either left or right, say this is ideal? But when both of your eyes are functioning properly, then you can maintain that you have ideal eyes and ideal vision. Whenever we refer to the ideal, it must always include our object and subject. Ideal is a relative term. Your nose has two nostrils, not one. If you block up one nostril and claim to have an ideal nose, you would not be speaking the truth. Suppose you had only one lip, upper or lower is irrelevant. With only one lip you cannot claim to have an ideal mouth. (Laughter.) Suppose the right ear says that it doesn't care about the left ear? (Laughter.) The ideal exists within a subject and object relationship.
The internal center of conscience is subject, the external center is object. This dual system exists within the whole of creation. One way systems will disappear. No matter how much homosexuals claim they have the ideal way, within one generation humankind would disappear. Is that ideal? (No.) Many American women insist upon living their lives alone. They claim not to need men. Is this ideal? (No.) If every woman were to adopt such a lifestyle then within one hundred years the human species would disappear. Ideal means more vertical, more global, expanding forever. Without the subject and object relationship we cannot find the ideal world. Is this clear? (Yes.)
Does your right eye exist only for the sake of itself, or does it exist for the sake of its partner? It exists for its counterpart. Both eyes exist in order for you to see your partner, your object. How about your nose? Does it exist for itself alone or in order to smell the object world? (Object world.) Do you understand? When your mouth is being used to speak, is it doing so for your self alone? (No.) It exists for the sake of your partner. You have two hands, but if you have to hold your own hands for even ten minutes you may become tired of it. However, if you have to hold the hand of your beloved spouse, then even after one hundred years you will not tire of it. (Laughter.) The terminology of ideal does not fit with an individual alone. Therefore are the individualists of this world who seek their own lives without concern for others truly idealists, or those who are ruining this world? All Americans please answer Father clearly. What kind of people are they? Such people as these will eventually disappear. They cannot maintain such a way of life eternally.
Nothing in this world exists by itself. Even particles have plus ions and minus ions. In all plants plus and minus exist. In order to connect to the ideal world, the subject and object relationship is necessary. Otherwise, from the individual alone, we cannot be connected to the expanding universal world. The conclusion is simple; without partnership we cannot exist and expand forever. Is this a right or a wrong conclusion? (Right conclusion.) American people consider Reverend Moon a bad person. But no matter what they may say, this conclusion is the correct one. Therefore those women who live alone without a spouse should not feel proud. Rather they should feel ashamed. After the Fall, generation after generation sank further and further into hell.
Is there anyone who ever met a true man? Not former president Truman, but a true man. (Laughter.) What kind of person is a true man? (Father.) Because you think that way, Father has been criticized. What is the difference between you and Father? You have two ears, two hands and so has Father. Therefore, what is the difference? Do you think that Reverend Moon's eyes don't blink? (Laughter.) Then what is the difference between us and Father? The difference is direction and the concept we cherish. All the things that human beings think now, Reverend Moon thinks the opposite way. The partnership world is the way in which Father thinks. In following and establishing such a world, automatically the ideal settlement will come to pass. It's very logical.
Is there any woman who is perfected yet? (Yes.) When you look at the world, do you see any perfect woman from God's viewpoint? (No.) In the eyes of God do you think that there is any man whom God truly wants and praises? Is there any man whom, when God draws near him, without realizing it, God would kiss him. Is there such an attractive man existing in this world? When it comes to the love relationship between husband and wife, they sometimes do not realize that they are being irresistibly drawn together while they approach one another in order to kiss. Do you think there is any man whom God feels irresistibly drawn towards? Absolutely not. Suppose God found a man or woman in this world whom He was drawn towards and without realizing, God was constantly kissing this man or woman for ten years. Would you consider God crazy? (No.) (Father laughs.) There is an eternal capacity centering upon love and, therefore, eternal happiness.
Have you husbands and wives ever kissed one another for ten days non-stop? (Laughter.) Suppose a husband and wife want to keep on kissing one another eternally but, due to circumstances, they only do so for ten days. Would such a couple be miserable or happy? (Happy.) How happy they would be. Suppose you find some strands of gray hairs in your wife's hair. You would try to grab them and pull them out. Then would your wife feel badly about it? Do you think that she would yell and hit you, or would she turn around and give you a hug or a kiss? (Laughter.) Which one? (Laughter.) You may not be living such a life between husband and wife as Father has just described, but at least you should have that kind of concept of your married life.
When it comes to the terminology of base or foundation, it goes together with formula. Do you want to have your base shaky or stable and unchanging? (Stable.) Do you think that going to parties where people drink and dance and shake their bodies about and lose their minds is the stable base of their lives? (No.) Do you find your stabilized base at your home or at a dancing party? (Home.) From whom at home? (Spouse.) You may say spouse. However, man is a monster to woman and woman is another kind of monster to man. Can two monsters get together and bring hope? (Laughter.) How can you control your monster at home? (Laughter.) Do you need a whip to control and tame it, or a leash to pull your monster around by? Because your monster is always acting funny and changing every which way within a matter of minutes. You might feel it will be easy as long as I supply enough money for this monster. However, there would be no end to the amount of money this monster would consume.
Knowledge would not be able to control your monster either, even though so much emphasis is placed upon its value. How about controlling your strange monster through power? (No.) Everyone understands this. The conclusion is that no money, power or knowledge would be able to control your strange monster. Then what can control your monster? (Love.) What kind of love, free sex love? Secular American love? (No.) What kind of love? (True Love.) What kind of True Love? (God's love.) What kind of God's love? You don't know. You have to learn through me by absolutely obeying the precious teaching I give you which I have worked so hard for. Then it is possible to teach, otherwise you cannot teach and cannot reach to the ideal place eternally. That is the reasonable conclusion. Is that true? (Yes.) This teaching is a precious thing.
You need money, knowledge and power as well as True Love. However, not for your own self but for the purpose of the whole. Partnership-centered consciousness should be first and foremost in your minds. What about God? What kind of God is He? Does God need knowledge? (No.) He is already the king of knowledge. How about money? (No.) God can create whatever He needs. How about authority and power? (No.) God can do anything. The Creator does not need knowledge, power and money. Then what does God need? Partnership. He needs His partner. Then who is qualified to be God's partner? Monkeys and gorillas? After visiting the zoo, can you tell your friends and children that you just met with their ancestors? (Laughter.) If you visit the zoo with your friends and stand in front of the cage of gorillas, are you able to tell your friends that the gorilla is their grandfather? (Laughter.) Do you think your friend would be happy with you, or would he or she give you a kick?
When it comes to our love partner, we are seeking the highest possible being. Isn't that true? Before you were blessed did you really hope for a spouse far inferior to yourself, or rather were you expecting a person far superior to yourself? (Superior.) Father says, inferior. (NO.) (Father laughs.) Even if Father insists you are looking for a spouse inferior to yourself, but you keep on telling him no. Because you can say no means that human beings can eventually be restored to God. Suppose you had hoped for an intelligent and handsome husband, but instead you ended up with a mediocre one whom you don't really like and respect. As a wife, do you have to ask him to please die? When you quietly in your mind hope for your husband to die so that you can have a second chance, that feeling is centered very much upon your own individual desire and greed. It is not arising out of sympathy and concern for your husband.
If you see somebody in a more miserable situation than yourself, it is the heart of God, the parental heart, to feel compassion for that person. Suppose a mother has two sons and one is like a vegetable and will never awaken, while the other son is a president of a nation. Which son do you think the mother's heart will go out towards the most? (The first one.) The same principle applies when it comes to your relationship with your spouse. If your spouse is not as wonderful and as capable as you expected, then your heart should go out to comfort his heart and support and help him. Your heart should be like a mother's heart towards her children. This is like God.
In the first scenario you are hoping for your spouse to die in order for you to have a second chance. Suppose you were given that second chance and you received another spouse who was better than the first one. However, if you see someone who looks better to you than this spouse you will still have the heart of hoping that this second spouse will die soon. Are people who practice free sex happy? (No.) Those homosexuals are constantly seeking for a better looking partner. Eventually they would target even the president of a nation because of his fame and dignity. They might even end up with an animal in Africa. The justification would be that having tried every kind of man as a partner, they found that there was no one extra special; therefore, why not with a chimpanzee. Think about how horribly depraved such a direction would be. There is no merciful heart.
Father has flattened you American women here this morning, just as when fish are flattened through a certain machine. Do you still feel all right?
Then you are crazy. Do you still like Father? (Yes.) Father hates you. Do you still love Father? (YES.) Then there is a big problem here. (Laughter.) It is a good problem, even a revolutionary problem. You all joined the Unification Church and met the so-called world brainwasher. When you evaluate yourself, at this point do you think that you have become better than before you joined? (Yes.) Suppose that Reverend Moon gathers all of the American women together and tries to match them. Do you suppose they would go to that marriage for their own sake or for the sake of the whole? (For their own self.) Own self? Is that right? (Well that's what they usually do.) (Laughter.) To marry for the sake of the whole is not so easy. But it is the most precious. If we do find those men and women who are willing to be married to anyone for the sake of the entire universe and cosmos, how precious and great such an attitude that is. If there is such a person who finds a woman to marry, he would consider his spouse to be the essence of the entire five billion people. When feeling such a way, how much love he would pour out upon her and how he would cherish her. You may claim that your spouse represents the entire human history; past, present and future, and all different races.
If you are white and your spouse is dark-skinned, you can claim her to be finer and more beautiful than all the white women of the world. White people are daytime partnership people. I prefer nighttime partnership instead. Nighttime kings of love-centered partnership, how wonderful they are. What do you think? Which one would you choose? Day love center or night love center? Which one? Do you have ears? (Laughter.) Use your ears. [Here Mr. Kim translates for us.] When Father says day king he is referring to the white race, and night king refers to the black race. (Ah!) Are you with him now? (Yes.) The night king has already passed the stage of the day king. Whereas the day king has a long way to go in order to reach the night king. Then which one do you choose? (Night king.)
Therefore you will become a well-rounded person. God will love you from every angle; top, front, rear and side. Then you will feel so happy. Day kings may insist that in order to love them you have to approach them from the front side only. Do you want the kind of spouse who will be open to your approaching from whatever angle you wish? Which would you prefer? (Second one.) Do you think that two black people making love in the darkness will be able to see each other's faces? (Father laughs.) Well, maybe they won't see the face of their spouse during lovemaking, but if they make a big scream or yell due to excitement think of the echo it will create. It will reach to the entire universe.
Before Father found True Mother, don't you think he was considering finding a dark-skinned wife as True Mother? Do you think that Father considered this or not? (Yes.) Suppose God provided one black woman for Father's marriage; do you think Father would have rejected her? (No.) When God first created this entire universe it was created from darkness, not from daylight. If we are referring only to daylight, the white race, we are referring to only one side and not the whole. Even when we refer to light and we extend it infinitely, are we able to see the end? Usually it is described as darkness. Just as when we observe the universe we see the darkness. When God is embracing this universe, will He only embrace the portion that is lit by sunlight? No, He would embrace the entire universe, even the places beyond our reach, described as darkness.
We need to compare here three different cases. Firstly the night people long for and miss night people; secondly, day people miss and long for day people; thirdly, night people miss and long for day people. Of these three, which is the strongest case? (Night and day.) You know that. If you have such a concept and feeling then the entire world may become the Kingdom of God on earth. Because the entire day and night will embrace and become one. However, if you remain with only a one-sided feeling, then there is always division existing.
When you were growing up, before you had strong feelings towards the opposite sex, girls usually paid no attention to boys because they were bothersome. They would pull your hair and pinch you, all manner of naughty behavior. Also the boys don't really care for the girls because they always cry, etc. They usually don't like one another very much. It happens this way in order that they are able to experience two extremely different poles, such as the contrast between the North and South Poles, before they really get together. Once they have the experience of feeling far apart, then when they grow up and discover the speed they can travel towards one another, it will be extraordinary. It will be so great that they will shoot to the sky together, centered upon True Love of course. But when they meet in the center, if the angle is deviated, instead of traveling upwards, they will travel at a deviated angle eternally. Therefore this is very crucial.
[Here True Mother explains what Father said in Korean to Mr. Kim.] (Father laughs.) I need many interpreters. (Laughter.) [Mr. Kim: You must forgive me. Mother is always the best interpreter.] If man and woman are exactly the same size, when they collide with each other in the center, they will become one flat figure. Then there would be no spinning and circular motion. However, man is much bigger whereas woman is smaller. That is why, when they collide with one another, they will begin a revolving motion that will continue throughout eternity. Do you understand? Do you wish that, in general, women would become bigger than men or that this would stay the way it is now? (Stay as it is.) Who is the center, man or woman? Father claims that the small size should be the center. (No.) The bigger one should naturally be the center. Looking out over the field here at Belvedere we can see that the tallest tree is the center. When people view the trees from far away they will automatically see the tallest one first.
Therefore, who is the center? (Man.) Within your family, do you women make your husbands work like slaves or do you serve your husbands? What about you? The woman who makes a slave out of her husband will endure or disappear? (Disappear.) Really? (Laughter.) It is a big problem. You women have to dedicate yourselves to making your husbands kings within your families. The center is absolutely one. Can you admit this? If you women mistreat your husband, making him your worker, then your family will have no hope. In American families, do we find grandparents there? Are parents there? No. Do we find true couples there? No. Neither do we find true brothers and sisters, nor true children. This means families are the expansion of hell on the earth.
God is longing for the ideal family and ideal home all throughout America. But instead, families are losing everything. Grandparents are not there. Parents are not there. Couples are not there. Brothers and sisters and children are not there. It is like a barren desert. Is it hell or heaven? (Hell.) The dungeon of hell. Father is so sorry to have to say such a thing. From the viewpoint of God's providence, and in many ways, Father knows and understands America very well. Then why do we claim that man must be the central figure? [Father begins to draw on the board.] When we divide, in general, there is plus and there is minus. The upper side is plus and the lower side is minus. What does woman represent? (Minus.) Minus means that you are in the position of receiving. The position of plus is the position of giving. If you are in the position to receive, should you be on the top or on the bottom? (Bottom.) Even when you make love woman is supposed to be at the bottom. What is it you have to receive? The seed of life. Through this seed of life, the seed of True Love and True Lineage can be connected. If it becomes upside down there will be trouble. Have you ever seen it raining from the ground to the sky? When the water flows, does it flow from the lower to the higher place? Does the air flow from the area of high pressure to the area of low pressure or vice versa?
In the relationship between man and woman, who usually seduces whom? (Man.) When man comes around, even innocently, he always tries to get your attention and tease you. When riding in a jam-packed subway car, men and women are often mixed together. Usually, does the man's hand come to the woman's hip or the woman's hand come to the man's hip? (Man.) MAN. Man, naturally. Usually it is man who takes the initiative in love-making. The reason being that man is trying to give life. Woman has nothing belonging to herself. Your breasts and hips belong to your children and your face and your sexual organ belong to your husband. These parts of you do not belong to woman. Man likes woman's soft face. Therefore women make up their faces with cosmetics every morning. [Father demonstrates.] (Laughter.) She is calling her husband close to her through making her face beautiful.
If men don't like the pretty soft faces of women then what shall women do? (Laughter.) It is a natural phenomenon for butterflies to flit around looking for beautiful flowers, and for hills and mountains covered with snow to wait for the coming of spring. Women are supposed to stand in that kind of position. You are created in such a way as to await man's action. Woman is supposed to wait and remain alert. When you see the right man you have to cling to that person and become one vertically. That person will become your eternal spouse, your king forever. Do you understand? It is also the universal truth when it comes to the concept of man. When we are talking about women we are already referring to men's existence. Not for woman's sake alone, not for man's sake alone. If we think in this way we are speaking of destruction. For the man, woman comes first. For the woman, man comes first. Do you feel bad? (No.)
Within the secular world, people have claimed that whenever men wanted women, they were there for them. That is not so. Man is there for the sake of woman also. That is how we can find the balance. You women all have eyes. Suppose you are walking on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. With your eyes do you always look at women or at men? Which one? Automatically your eyes see men and not women. Everything in this universe exists for your opposite sex. Not for your own sake. Therefore, woman exists for the sake of man and man exists for the sake of woman. If the entire five billion people have this absolute concept then we would have a one man, one woman kind of world. No destruction whatsoever. The subject center is always God-centered. The individual, family, nation, world, and cosmos have as their center God. Forever. This is the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. This was to have been completed at the time of Adam and Eve.
Had God found such an ideal man and woman, even if He had to abandon the entire five billion people of mankind, He would still cling to this ideal man and woman. Through such a man and woman the entire universe would begin revolving around. Do you understand? Amongst you women, are there any who feel they do not need men? Please raise your hands if you feel so. If there is such a woman, you have to plug up your love-making organ with concrete. Because if any woman claims such a thing she is not a woman anymore. One of the reasons that this world has been turning into such a hell is because women have been misusing that love-making organ. Woman has claimed ownership of that love organ and it is not woman's possession. It absolutely belongs to man, now and forever. This is the formula way. Make sure that you understand that your love organ does not belong to you. It belongs to your king, your spouse. The secular world has created a very complicated problem.
Only true man centered on this absolute base can find the ideal world. Then he can connect everywhere to that hopeful world, free of conflict and pain. After the Fall humankind lost everything. Man and woman have embraced the concept of self-centeredness and this is a real problem. Individualism has brought this country down to hell. America is losing everything. No matter how much America may oppose Father, they are declining deeper and deeper into hell. This is a reality. Do you understand? God poured down immense power to this American Christian-culture world. Centering up on God, Father has understood how much God has poured out and lost, and His untold agony. America rebelled against Father and put him in jail. They want Father to disappear. But throughout the entire world the cry of "Yankee go home!" can be heard. They don't need the exportation of America's free sex, homosexuality and lesbianism. These are Satan's armament to destroy God's side. Is this clear? America is going to hell. Father spent twenty years during this important age in his life in this country.
Throughout twenty years you have sat here and faced me and I have poured down my whole energy and power towards you. I have poured out every source of energy, manpower and finances into America during this twenty years. Autumn time is the time for harvest. How can we harvest America? Looking around we see we cannot harvest this America. In reality we cannot find even one fruit. No matter how much hard work has been accomplished in and on behalf of this nation, I have to turn away. I am sorry for you. I poured out my heart and educated you so many times, but you did not study. There is no result. If you were to be given a grade mark, you would have failed. I have not found anyone, anywhere in America who can make the kind of promise and commitment that is needed. You have to know that yourselves. Do you understand? (Yes.) During the summer years I have poured out tremendous energy and now, in the Autumn years, I cannot harvest even one fruit. That is why Father has to go to South America.
Originally Father didn't plan to come to speak here today. But Father was urged to come to teach you where is the base of the ideal. Why then is woman born? (For the sake of man.) Man was born for the sake of whom? (Woman.) Your husband or your wife is your partner forever, not your temporary partner. You are parents to your children eternally. Satan has used the armament of temporary partners to destroy this society. Is this clear? (Yes.) Therefore, you alone cannot achieve the true ideal. You need your partner. If we are referring to an ideal school, then you need teachers and students. The teachers are working for the sake of the students and the students work hard with the help of their teachers. That is the ideal.
Within any company, the president of that company is not in that position for his own sake. Rather he is in that position to lead his employees. Employees are there in order to achieve the goal sought by the president. For the sake of your own family you are not permitted to take public items from the company and use them for your own family. You cannot do that. If you practice such an evil deed, your country will decline. If American people keep taking advantage of the nation as a whole then this nation will eventually perish. Because of the social security system and pension system, all those lazy people abuse and take advantage of this nation. It is not balanced and fair. If there is imbalance, either within an individual or a nation, eventually there will be decline.
Are you Unification Church members here in order to receive from Reverend Moon for your own sake, or are you here in order to give to Reverend Moon for the whole? (To give to Reverend Moon.) Even if Reverend Moon failed, the Unification Church would prosper. Reverend Moon is not indebted to you, members of the Unification Church. Up until this age of almost 76, Father has been going through all kinds of pain, struggle and difficulties. Still he never gives up. Until he joins the spiritual world he will continue to do the work and invest his effort as always. Father never forgets that at least fifteen million people per year are dying of starvation. Who is going to be responsible for those innocent lives? America? If America turns its back on such innocent lives then America will not prosper. Rather America will perish. However, Father's conviction is, even if Father is bombarded with debt, still he will go forward and help these people until he dies. That is the way Father becomes the center throughout the entire human history. This is the absolute conclusion.
When John the Baptist first saw Jesus, he declared; behold the innocent lamb bearing the burdens of the world. It is the same meaning. We have to live for the sake of good people, evil people and even for the sake of hell. If you truly practice that kind of life then God Himself will come and bow down to you. If there is such a person he will never perish. By the same token, the entire world for the past half a century has been mobilized to criticize and persecute Reverend Moon. However, Reverend Moon continues to prosper. Even now Reverend Moon is not failing or declining. Father is revealing the secret, that while he has been investing his entire life and assets for the sake of America this past twenty years, he has only prospered. Now Father tells you Americans that if you invest everything you have for the sake of South America, then America will only prosper. America, instead of losing, will gain even South America.
America may abandon and reject Father, while South America welcomes Father. Father began in North America from the position of servant of servants. Now Father is able to start in the South American nations on a much higher level from the beginning. A campaign has already been launched to select 500 of the elite from each nation and educate them with Divine Principle. But if we are not in the position to digest all of these South American leaders who will be educated by Father and come here to work with you, then you will become losers. Therefore, Father may take you all to South America and train you there so that you can become even braver soldiers.
Comparing the famiy systems of North America, based upon Protestantism and South America, based upon Catholicism we see that the South American family system is more stable. America's own ideal cannot exist alone. It needs partnership. Do you want to follow Father's concept or work against Father's concept? (Follow.) Then let Father lead you and you follow behind him. High level members of society respect Father more than you do. I was not taught by the scholarly world, rather I taught them. The political world has been taught by me, as well as the cultural and religious worlds. I have made this kind of foundation throughout the world. No-one can deny I have made my foundation worldwide within my lifetime, because of God. Father is moving in God's mind. You need to understand this purpose. This is summer time and for building a new river. I am making the river and God is pouring out the water behind me, creating a new culture, a conscious world. No one knows that, but time will tell. Rev. Moon is going higher and higher. Now top leaders of the world are going to respect me. It is not I who am going to respect them. Is that right? (Yes.)
America believes that it will stand forever as the central nation of the world. NO. Until now America has held the central place in the world based upon the Christian culture. The Christian culture base is subject and the American culture base is object. If America no longer has Christian culture world subject consciousness, then it means the end of this country. The subject object relationship makes the field of the ideal. Look at America now. There is no longer any partnership. They think they will control by power and everyone will follow. No. America has to take the leadership role for the sake of the world. Otherwise there is no way for America to lead.
The Israelites thought that the messiah was coming for the sake of their own nation and they would be the central nation forever. But God's concept was different. His concern was how to save the world. The messiah was sent for the sake of the world. God did not need only the one nation of Israel. Rather God desired that Israel become totally united with the messiah for the sake of the whole world. Do you understand? The same concept applies to Christianity. Catholicism may have Rome as its center, but from that center Christianity is to serve and save the entire world. They don't realize this. Rome needs the partnership of the world. The partnership world means the Kingdom of Heaven on the earth.
Father came to the United States to proclaim the ideal of one world under God, not just one nation under God. It has always been God's desire that the American ideal of one nation under God be extended to the ideal of one world under God. However, American people do not realize this fact. America's role is to invest and forget everything. True Mother invests in her children and forgets her investment so that such children can never separate from such a True Mother. Isn't that correct? This can create filial piety. Do American women invest in their children according to this standard? Children are often left behind, alone, awaiting their mother. This cannot be an ideal home environment. Do you understand?
The same thing applies to Unification Church members. If you think that God's blessing is for you alone it will lead to destruction. Your role is to invest and forget. This is how God has created the universe. He has continued to invest in mankind for thousands and thousands of years. God's children have to have His original blood lineage centering upon absolute love. The problem is that fallen mankind has inherited Satan's blood lineage. Because the Archangel connected with Eve sexually, this act begot fallen parents, fallen man and woman, fallen children, fallen nation, fallen humankind. This has expanded to the world we live in today. This world is populated by wild olive trees. This world does not have true olive trees. God understands this reality. How can this be restored? The way of God's providence is the restoration course in order that God can send that one true olive tree; the messiah. Then all the wild olive trees may be grafted onto the one true olive tree and God can harvest, at last, the fruit of His lineage. God does not have such fruits in his warehouse. The Kingdom of Heaven is the place of families, not individual men and women, nor children separately.
Was Father speaking to you in Korean or English just now? (English.) Because you have not taken seriously Father's directive to learn Korean. You have to study the Korean language. If you do not speak the Korean language, you cannot follow True Father into heaven. True Parents speak Korean, therefore it is all humankind's hometown language. Is that correct? (Yes.) You answer yes. Then you have to speak your hometown language. We do not need to speak hundreds of different languages. Humankind should speak just one language. Why do you have to learn Korean? Father's teachings now comprise 250 books. There will be 300 more. Reading these in the original language you will understand everything. Divine Principle is just one part. It is not the entire doctrine of the Unification Church. There are 300 more. Sometimes I read those books. I realize that I have taught everything to the Unification Church members. I have precisely taught you. You cannot accuse me of not having taught you well. All the things that I taught in years past have now come to fruition. Amazing situations have occurred all throughout the world. Fifty years ago I taught all of this. Do you understand? (Yes.) I have thought of everything.
The topic today is, Where is the Base of the True Ideal? We can interpret this as where is the formula for the true ideal? There should be a formula for tasting, for eating, for smelling, for seeing, for dwelling. However, the original formula should be the one which God has been seeking. There is a formula for women and there is a formula for men. Can we exchange them? Even if you don't care for your formula as a woman, can you take man's formula and become a man? (No.) Never. Yours is the most precious one. We consider a diamond as the most precious stone. It is considered the hardest stone. This is one of the reasons that diamonds are precious. Gold we grade differently. It is a graded metal but it never tarnishes, never changes. Therefore it is precious. Pearls harmonize other colors. They do not change. That kind of specialness and uniqueness is there. Do you think that God would apply a changeable and unstable formula for the creation of mankind? No. Do human beings desire changing and unstable formulas? (No.)
When you face God, do you want to be inferior to Him? Or would you like to be equal to Him or even better than God Himself? (Better.) Better than God. God is unique, unchanging, and eternal. Do we have these attributes within ourselves in order to become better than God? This is what we need to ask ourselves. Who is the richest being in the universe? God. If God wants to, He can create an even bigger universe than this one, something eternal and absolute and everlasting. Therefore, God can provide and create anything anytime. Then what is it that God needs? An ideal object of love. Who is that ideal partner for God? Monkey? (No.) True man, true woman, true couple, true parents, true family, true children, true brothers and sisters. Are you true? Is every part of your being true? God is seeking, but cannot find His true object. As a human being you have four branches; your arms and legs. Which of them is true? Is your hand true? Are your lips true? What about your mind, is your thinking true? No.
If you have only one true attribute within yourself what would that be? Knowledge? (No.) Power? (No.) Authority? (No.) What then? (True Love.) Did you ever see that True Love? Are you able to touch and see it? (No.) Are you able to see your conscience? (No.) No. These are invisible, but invisible attributes are the most important ones. We are not able to see God. It is the same meaning. You proclaim that you have life and you have love, but you are unable to see and touch these things. Neither can you see and touch your blood lineage, but you cannot deny their existence. God is the deepest and most central root of our love, life and lineage. Logically we cannot deny this.
The Bible teaches us to do our utmost to love God with all of our heart and all of our soul. This is the number one commandment. God is our subject. We have to love our central figure. Suppose we expand our conscience and love to the end of the universe, who should be the center of all these attributes? God has to be the center. [Father draws on the board.] After the expansion of our conscience and love, eventually it will revolve back to the original point, where God is the center. Day and night. Plus and minus. This is the ideal world. [Father continues to draw on the board as he explains.] Right wing, left wing. Reverend Moon made that kind of victorious foundation through right and left wing ideology.
Do you want to meet God? (Yes.) If you truly wish to meet God then give up your life for the sake of the entire world, and try your absolute best, and then you will find God. Even when it comes to God, He exists in the center, but He has been devoting and giving every ounce of Himself for the sake of the universe. God is invisible. Eventually the energy and heart that God has poured out will revolve and return to the original place where God dwells. That becomes the vertical axis, or pillar [indicating to the board] centering upon God. We cannot see God even though He is the axis of the entire universe. As a visible being, man and woman revolve centering upon God and that is why this entire universe is visible. Where can we set the axis? Centering upon America? (No.) The starting place is the individual. [Father draws on the board.] The entire universe consists of man and woman, plus and minus. When we write M on the top and W beneath it, then they fit together into one. Convex and concave should come together and become one. If we do not experience putting them together, we do not understand love.
Without forming W and M together, we cannot say that man and woman's blood mix together. Only through the mixture of man's and woman's blood can a whirlpool form with a center where your being can exist. It becomes an axis. There we can draw the father and son relationship, brother and sister relationship, and husband and wife relationship. All of mankind, without exception, needs parents. Man needs woman and woman needs man. Everybody needs brothers and sisters. Everybody needs children. This is the formula. Without having parents we are called orphans. If you do not have a spouse you are referred to as a widow or widower. If you don't have brothers and sisters you are referred to as an only child.
When it comes to your family lineage, you don't want your stepson or adopted son to inherit your lineage. Americans have many stepsons. American children have many step fathers and stepmothers. Are these ideal fathers and mothers? Are these ideal brothers and sisters? No. We have to understand that we need these four different relationships. We are referring to the Four Great Realms of Heart. Without this we cannot actually think of forming this four position foundation. This vertical line [indicating to the board] represents the relationship between parents and children. The horizontal relationship represents the conjugal relationship between husband and wife. This lower stage of growth is the siblings' relationship. [Father continues to draw on the board.] At the bottom here is the children's relationship. First there is the love of children towards parents, then love between brothers and sisters, then conjugal love, and then the love of parents towards their children. This is the formula. Without experiencing these four realms of heart we cannot form the four position foundation base.
As human beings, we all have to pass through and experience these four realms of heart. This is how we can grow and mature. If we apply this formula to any level of society, even to the nation and world, it will fit. This formula will fit any age group within any society. The base for experiencing these four great realms of heart is your family. Once you master these four great realms of heart, you will be able to expand it to the community, national and worldwide level. This base is very important. [Father draws a diagram.] There are three different stages; grandparents, parents, and children. Once they become one, this revolving movement should occur. This central line [indicating to the board] may represent the brother and sister relationship. However, the center point here [indicating to the diagram] is the central point for all the different types of relationship.
Infants need to be embraced by their mother, nurtured and fed by her milk. Even if, while feeding, the baby cries and kicks, still the mother loves the baby. In that case the baby is the king over the mother. The mother's deepest heart and the baby cannot be separated eternally. No-one can separate that kind of partnership between mother and child. Father cannot separate them, grandfather cannot separate them, relatives cannot separate them. They are completely protected. Isn't that right? (Yes.) How wonderful this is. The entire universe protects this relationship. Do you have mothers? A mother of temporary love or a mother of eternal love? (Eternal love.) Do many American children have mothers of eternal love? They are crying out day and night. This is a problem. Is this true? (Yes.)
Children desire a hopeful settlement with their parents where they will never be separated. Do you have such parents? No you do not. Eternal plus and minus cannot be separated if they are centered upon unchanging love. This kind of atmosphere we describe as the Kingdom of Heaven on the earth. Everything is within that atmosphere; true conjugal love, true parents', true sons' and daughters', true brothers and sisters', and true children's love concepts are all there. All gathered in one place. This is the place of marriage. This is the eternal formula of God. This is home for everyone of the entire world. This is the place of welcome.
[Father continues to draw on the board.] Three generations after the fall, God's position was grandfather. Adam's position was that of parent. Children were not there. Three generations. This is fallen.
God's formula is that of a couple, not two men and two women. But a man and woman couple. Absolutely one man and absolutely one woman centering upon absolute love. Then there would be no problem. Do you understand? (Yes.) Every angle would welcome such a couple. This is the ideal place. God is in the position of the absolute grandparents, True Parents' position is that of Adam and Eve, children centering upon absolute love. The universe welcomes and protects this. This kind of ideal king and ideal queen represent God's love ideal. However, the fallen world does not have this ideal formula as its base. In our church there is God as our absolute center, True Parents are in the position of Adam and Eve, children are the church members. No matter how difficult it might be, nothing can separate the power of family love. Love can control the unification concept. American Unlfication members could not complain especially when their marriage is between black and white. This is God's original ideal of creation. God needs one seed and that will represent humankind, that is the connecting place. Up to now God did not have any kind of tradition. 5 billion people are like that.
Our Family Pledge number 3 is going back to this formula. The family is the love text. You have to make this concept formula otherwise you cannot enter heaven. Is that right? (That is right.) The universe agrees. Adam and Eve, as an ideal couple, could have borne twenty children. (Laughter.) Yes. That is true. Then they could have been greater creators than God Himself. God created only one couple. Adam and Eve could create many couples. They could have harvested more fruits for God than God Himself. However, the center would be only one. God. You have then to multiply many babies. How many dozens? (Laughter.) Children of true parents would bring only joy to God. God would bless them abundantly. Therefore, you need many children, just like me. (Laughter.) How wonderful. Centering upon Father you have to accomplish this. Can you do so? (Yes.)
Therefore, Father's conclusion this morning is that our family is the training ground to create ideal individuals. Also the family is the formula to establish the ideal base which is the ideal formula. The family is the essential base that we have to establish and perfect. In order to complete and protect this absolute concept of ideal base and ideal formula, would it be better that you go through seven days of fasting and get closer and closer. How about forty days of fasting, could you do this? Fasting forever, no problem. Dying, no problem. (Laughter.) Father is referring to your love partner. When you look at your parents you feel happy just looking at them, don't you? (Yes.) Even if you have to go around the entire world you still want to be with your parents don't you? (Yes.) That is the way. That is the formula of love. Do you Americans not feel that you need brothers and sisters? (We do.) You do feel so. When you say 'yes' is it low, medium or high? (High.) Father doesn't see many Americans who cherish brotherhood and sisterhood as much as Oriental people, such as Koreans. Koreans really cling to one another as brother and sister. Many are willing to die for their brothers and sisters. Sometimes they sell their own bodies in order to save their brother or sister.
If you are trained within your family unit, according to the high standard Father has explained here, then since this world is an expansion of the family unit, this world will become ideal. Because there will be only ideal people and ideal families. When such individuals who are trained as ideal individuals within ideal families join the spiritual world, your way will be so easy and joyful. Father has been imprisoned six times within his life. He has faced all manner of accusations and persecution. However, Father has lived his life with excitement and joy because he knows the value of that kind of world, from the individual to the cosmic level, including the spiritual world. The invisible world is the eternal subject world. There are many stars there, gold, diamonds, etc. In that world we can travel freely and be easily centered upon the love concept. In one second we can travel the universe. Your thought concept can make you free. Whatever you desire will be immediately manifested, a place filled with beautiful fragrant flowers. Do you understand? (Yes.) You will possess a beautiful young face in that world. Not an old face. For you, when you first enter the spiritual world, it might be that you don't realize this person or that person is your grandparent, or great grandparent, because they appear youthiul. It takes time to realize. There we connect in love forever. I know this well. It is a most convenient place. This world is a most inconvenient place.
No matter how much America and the world may persecute me, I have to go over it. Do you understand? Don't separate from your grandparents. Don't separate from your parents. Don't separate from your husband or wife. All of humankind are your brothers and sisters, don't separate from them. Wherever I go I automatically stand in the subject position centering upon True Love. Your mind automatically is pulling you towards the True Love dwelling place. It is a natural phenomenon. Do you understand? (Yes.) Did you truly love me? (Yes.) How deep and how wide? Father has that love power rope that Satan cannot separate.
Since we know that because of the True Love that Father has explained to us, we were born, we live and we work. Therefore, we will establish an ideal base within families and we will accomplish what Father has instructed in his place. We will bear and harvest the fruits. Do you think that we are good enough now, that Father can place his trust in us and leave this country expecting us to do our mission here? Those who have confidence, please raise your hands. You will become those real original seeds, like during the harvest, you have gold value. Is that true? True Father's family value and your family value will bear the same fruit value. Do you understand? One seed will sprout and grow and produce the fruit for harvest. One seed planted, many seeds planted all having the same value. Do you understand? If your family is in South America, some remote place out there, and you are growing there as True Parents and then expanding, you can harvest there. Can you make that kind of seed within you?
The main family is the same. When it comes to love between husband and wife, every family has the same conjugal love. All couples create their children in the same way with sexual intercourse. That is why, after the Blessing, Father orders those Blessed couples to become tribal messiahs. If you accomplish your mission as tribal messiahs, the entire world can be united without going through fighting. Do you understand? Father's life within this country during the past twenty years, has demonstrated clearly what kind of exemplary life we, tribal messiahs, have to live. Now, don't you think you have matured enough in the past twenty years? (Yes.) That means you are now mature enough to bear fruits and produce the seeds of new life. This is the mission of the American Unification Church members. Do you understand clearly? (Yes.) Those who want to accomplish this mission please raise both of your hands. Shall we say Father we shall win? (Father we will win.) Father we will do it. (Father we will do it.) Connecting with the American people we will do it. (We will do it.) (Applause.)
Once we understand and practice this formula we can build the Kingdom of God on earth, we can liberate the spirit world, we can even liberate hell.
Please join me in prayer.
[Mr. Peter Kim prays.]


God's Ideal Family - the Model for World Peace

Inaugural Convocation of the Universal Peace Federation

Keynote Address

Reverend Dr. Sun Myung Moon

"God's Ideal Family - the Model for World Peace"

September 12, 2005 - Lincoln Center, New York, New York

Good evening.
I address you as leaders from around the globe who do not hesitate to make extraordinary efforts for the realization of world peace. I would like to express my deepest gratitude for your being present here tonight in spite of your very busy schedules.
Ladies and gentlemen, as we begin the 21st century, we find ourselves at a truly historic turning point. We are at a point of decision. Can everlasting world peace take root, or are we doomed to repeat the 20th century's dark and oppressive history of war and conflict?
The 20th century was a period of ceaseless struggle, including wars for colonial dominion, the First and Second World Wars, the Korean War, and the Cold War. Living through this era, I dedicated my life entirely to the accomplishment of God's ideal of peace. I have always prayed sincerely that the United Nations, founded after the Second World War, would be an institution of peace, and that it would uphold God's will for the realization of eternal world peace.
The United Nations has made important contributions for peace. Nevertheless, at its 60th anniversary there is a broad consensus, both inside and outside the organization, that the U.N. has yet to discover the way to fulfill its founding purposes.
The number of member states approaches 200, but the offices of these states do little more than represent and even insist on their own interests. They seem inherently unable to resolve conflicts and achieve peace.
For these reasons, I declare today before all humanity the founding of a new international organization, the Universal Peace Federation. Its mission is to renew the existing United Nations and provide a new level of leadership as an "Abel-type" United Nations, that is, a United Nations whose efforts for peace are offered to Heaven, investing itself ceaselessly in living for the sake of others. To commemorate this day in its fullness, I am declaring a message from God to humanity in this age. It is entitled, "God's Ideal Family the Model for World Peace."

God's Ideal Family

Respected world leaders, what do you think is God's ultimate purpose for creating human beings? Simply put, it is to experience joy through relating with ideal families filled with true love. What does an ideal family look like? First, each person in the family is an owner of true love. When God first created human beings, He made Adam representing all men, and Eve representing all women, with the intention that they become owners of true love. The quickest way for them to cultivate a character of true love was to secure a parent-child relationship with God, whereby they could live in attendance to God as their Father. They were to have followed the path of living as one family with God.
I invite you to enter into a mystical state and prayerfully ask God, "What is the center of the universe?" I am sure that the answer you hear will be "the parent-child relationship." Nothing is more important or more precious than the relationship between parent and child. This is because it defines the fundamental relationship between the Creator God and human beings.
Then, what defines the parent-child relationship? Three things define this relationship: love, life and lineage.
Without our parents' love as a precondition, none of us would be alive today. God created human beings out of His absolute love, to be His partners in love. This relationship forms an axis of love, linking God the Father with human beings as His sons and daughters.
Is there anything higher or more precious than to be a son or daughter of God? If anything were higher, then surely human desire would aspire to attain it. But there is nothing higher. Do you think that when the omniscient and almighty God created Adam and Eve, He secretly reserved the highest position for Himself and made Adam and Eve to be only second best? We cannot imagine that God would do that to His children, to His partners who share absolute love with Him. As our eternal True Parent, God invested Himself 100 percent into the creation of human beings and endowed us with the right to have equal status with Him, to participate in His work as equals, to live with Him, and to inherit from Him. God bestowed upon human beings all of His attributes.
Though God is the Absolute Being, He cannot be happy alone. Adjectives such as "good" and "happy" cannot apply to any being that lives in isolation. They apply only where there is a robust reciprocal relationship. Imagine a professional singer who finds herself exiled to an uninhabited island. She may sing at the top of her voice, but with no one to listen, will it bring her happiness? In the same way, even the self-existent God absolutely needs a reciprocal partner of love in order to experience joy and be happy.
Next, how shall we live to become God's reciprocal partners and return joy to Him? In other words, how shall we live to become children of God, people whom God delights to call "My son," or "My daughter," people who embody a divinity equal to His? How can we become God's partners in completing the work of creation, partners who will inherit the entire creation? I answer: We should emulate the ideal beginning point of God's creative process. In the beginning of creation, God set up the principle of "living for the sake of others." God set the practice of true love as the nucleus, and from that point He began to create.
Therefore, to become God's children, our first responsibility is to resemble Him. We need to embody true love. The way to embody true love begins by living as a filial child, then a patriot, a saint, and finally a divine son and daughter of God. At that stage we can experience the innermost emotions of God's heart and resolve the grief that He has experienced for tens of thousands of years ever since the fall of Adam and Eve. God is almighty. It was not due to His shortcoming or lack of ability that He has been imprisoned in great pain and has endured immense suffering behind the scenes of history. It was because there are provisions in the Principle of Restoration, which He was not free to disclose, that called Him to wait with forbearance until Adam and Eve's positions, lost at the human fall, were recovered with the appearance of the perfected "Second Adam." Although God is all-powerful, He will not set aside the eternal laws and principles that He Himself established.

The Importance of Lineage

Do you know what has pained God's heart, causing Him the greatest grief over the long history since the fall of Adam and Eve? God lost His lineage. And with the loss of His lineage, He lost His right of ownership. Let me talk about lineage for a moment. Lineage is more important than life and more important than love. Life and love come together to create lineage. Lineage cannot be established if either life or love is missing. Therefore, among the three qualities that define the parent-child relationship, love, life and lineage, lineage is the fruit.
The seed of true love is embedded in God's lineage. God's lineage provides the context and environment for a true life. Hence, for us to become the ideal people envisioned by God, that is, people of ideal character, and to create ideal families, we first need to be linked to His lineage. To take it a step further, only when we are linked to God's lineage is it possible to create God's homeland, the ideal nation. Only when we are linked to God's lineage is it possible to establish world peace. Please inscribe the importance of lineage in your hearts. I cannot emphasize this enough.
Without lineage, neither life nor love can endure. You strive to set a good tradition, but it will endure only through your lineage. Lineage is the bridge allowing the parents' spirit to carry on through subsequent generations. In other words, lineage is the first and final condition necessary for parents to harvest the fruits of their love, the fruits of their life and the fruits of their joy. We need to know this with certainty.
God intended for the seeds He planted to grow into a bountiful crop to be harvested in the autumn in the Garden of Eden. The ideal of God's creation was that He would raise Adam and Eve, His son and daughter, to the point where they would blossom in true love, give bloom to true life, and bear fruit in a true lineage. God desired to harvest the owners, families and nation of eternal life, eternal love and eternal lineage. Yet when Adam and Eve fell, this lineage, more precious than life itself, was lost. The fruits of true life and true love never matured. They became the fruits of Satan, lacking any relationship with Heaven. From them descended the six billion people now covering the earth.

God's Suffering in Search of the True Parents

False love, false life and false lineage infested the earth. God's love, life and lineage fell into the hands of the adulterer Satan, the enemy of love. Heaven and earth were suffocated and transformed into hell. The world became a wretched place, far from God's presence. Yet humanity to this day lives in ignorance of this. People are deluded into believing that the lineage of the enemy is the lifeline upon which the world depends. This is the wretched truth about humanity descended from the fall. That is why we refer to this world as hell on earth. God views humanity's tragic situation with a heart full of pain.
After creating Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, God intended to wed them with His Holy Blessing and bequeath to them Heaven's right of ownership. God wanted Adam and Eve to inherit from Him the ownership of the entire universe. Because of the fall, however, all this fell under Satan's control. God is like a father who worked and sweated his entire life to accumulate assets for his children, only to have a thief steal everything in one night.
Who can comprehend the sorrowful, painful heart of God? God lost His lineage, lost His children, and was forced to hand over the ownership of the nations and world to Satan. There was only one way to recover this lineage and ownership. This was the path to win the natural subjugation of Satan, to have Satan surrender voluntarily. What is the secret to accomplish this? It is only by the power of true love, when we love our enemies more than we love our own children.
Was there ever a time when God, as their True Father and True Mother, could rejoice with human beings, enjoying the natural bonds of parent and child? Has God enjoyed even a year of comfort with His children, knowing that what He created was good? The answer is no; God has not enjoyed this even for one hour. And has anyone been able to comfort God in this pain? No, because no one has known the reason for this unbridgeable gap between God and humankind. No one has known why God and humanity are in such a tragic circumstance.
The biblical account of Cain and Abel reveals the beginnings of human conflict right in Adam's family. It provides the archetype for humankind's unending history of struggle, war and conflict. We are conflicted on many levels, beginning with the war between body and mind within each individual and extending to wars between nations and even to the global conflict between materialism and theism. Extreme selfish individualism threatens our prosperity even today. We deem young people to be the hope of humanity holding the promise for the future, but drugs and free sex enslave them. Advanced countries seem to believe that material goods are all that matter. They recognize only their own interests while ignoring the misery of tens of thousands who die of starvation every day.
Who can untie this ancient knot of Cain and Abel? It has been tightened for thousands of years and grows ever more tangled. Do you think the United Nations can do it? The U.N. at its founding proclaimed a movement for world peace, and for sixty years it has dedicated itself to this task; yet world peace still remains far distant. Peace among nations can never come when those entrusted with the task have not resolved the Cain-Abel relationship between their own mind and body. Therefore, the time has come to launch an Abel-type United Nations that will set its course according to God's will.
God eagerly anticipated that someone would come and resolve these tragedies, but no such person appeared on earth. God waited and waited, looking for anyone who would take on the role of the True Parent. If someone had come forward, I am certain that God would have appeared in his dreams, carried the sun and moon to him, and showered forth lightning of joy and thunder of ecstasy from the heavens.
In this sense, it is a miracle of miracles that for the first time in history a man has succeeded in establishing the position of Adam, securing the position of the owner of true love, and received God's anointing as the True Parent of humanity. It is an amazing fact that his lifetime coincides with yours, and that you and he breathe the same air. I gained victory in the position of the horizontal True Parent, who comes to rescue fallen humanity. On that foundation, on January 13, 2001, I dedicated to Heaven the "Coronation Ceremony of God's Kingship." By that ceremony I liberated and released God, the vertical True Parent who has taken responsibility for the Providence of Restoration. In all of history, this was the highest and greatest blessing humanity has ever received. This victory was absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal. Through this absolute providential victory, God's body and mind are completely liberated!

The Way to Peace Through the Holy Blessing Ceremony

Respected leaders! Our bondage to the lineage of Satan has caused so much suffering throughout history. Let us now boldly step forth to sever it and be grafted onto the root of the lineage of the True Parents. Why should we foolishly continue to live and die as wild olive trees? A wild olive tree, even if it lives a thousand years, will only continue producing the seeds of more wild olive trees. Where can we find the path to escape this vicious cycle? It is through the Holy Blessing.
The Holy Blessing Ceremony offers the grace of being grafted onto the true olive tree. It was inaugurated through the True Parents, who bring God's true lineage to humankind. Once you change your lineage to God's lineage, your offspring will belong to God's lineage naturally. The Holy Blessing is received in three stages: resurrection, rebirth and eternal life. Once you receive the True Parents' Holy Blessing, you can give birth to pure, sinless offspring and build an ideal family.
The best way to receive the Holy Blessing is with someone from another race, nationality or religion. I call this an "exchange marriage." This contributes to the enormous task of transcending the barriers of race, culture, ethnicity and religion and creating one family of humankind. In God's sight, skin color makes no difference. God does not stand behind the barriers of religion and culture. They are nothing more than the Devil's tricks. He has used them to rule over humanity as a false parent for tens of thousands of years.
Imagine two enemy families who have cursed each other throughout their lives, people who would never dream of living together. What would happen if these families joined together through an exchange Holy Marriage Blessing? Would the parents of two such families curse their son and daughter who became husband and wife, loved each other and built a happy home? If their son were to love this beautiful daughter of a hated enemy, and she were to become their daughter-in-law and give birth to Heaven's grandchildren as pure and clear as crystal, the grandparents would smile with pleasure. In time the lineages once soaked with enmity would be transformed.
What method other than exchange marriage will empower Whites and Blacks, Jews and Muslims, Orientals and Westerners, and people of all races to live as one human family? The ideal family is the model for living together in peace. The ideal family is the nest where we live and learn to become one. There we have the foundation of love and respect between parents and children, shared trust and love between husband and wife, and mutual support among siblings. For this fundamental reason, you should receive the Holy Marriage Blessing from the True Parents and establish Heaven's tradition of ideal families.

A Life of True Love

Let me reiterate: To resemble God, the original Being of true love, we should become the owners of true love. We should embody true love and practice it in order to develop our character. This is the way each of us can become true parents.
Then, what is a life of true love? True love is the spirit of public service. It brings the peace that is at the root of happiness. Selfish love is a mask for the desire to have one's partner exist for one's own sake; true love is free of that corruption. Rather, its essence is to give, to live for the sake of others and for the sake of the whole. True love gives, forgets that it has given, and continues to give without ceasing. True love gives joyfully. We find it in the joyful and loving heart of a mother who cradles her baby in her arms and nurses it at her breast. True love is sacrificial love, as with a filial son who gains his greatest satisfaction in helping his parents. God created the universe out of just such love: absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal, investing everything without any expectation or condition of receiving something in return.
True love is the wellspring of the universe. Once a person possesses it, true love makes him or her the center and the owner of the universe. True love is the root of God and a symbol of His will and power. When we are bound together in true love, we can be together forever, continually increasing in the joy of each other's company. The attraction of true love brings all things in the universe to our feet; even God will come to dwell with us. Nothing can compare to the value of true love. It has the power to dissipate the barriers fallen human beings created, including national boundaries and the barriers of race and even religion.
The main attributes of true love are that it is absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal, so whoever practices God's true love will live with God, share His happiness and enjoy the right to participate as an equal in His work. Therefore, a life lived for the sake of others, a life of true love, is the absolute prerequisite for entering the Kingdom of Heaven.
Respected leaders, you are now living in an age of blessing. God's promises are coming to fruition. The Kingdom of Heaven on earth, the Kingdom of Peace that is God's ideal of creation, is being established before your eyes. My life of more than eighty years, this lonely path trod solely for Heaven and stained with blood, sweat, and tears, is now bearing victorious fruit for the sake of the world's six billion people. From the spirit world, the Founders of the world's religions, tens of thousands of saints and your own good ancestors are watching your every movement. Whoever, therefore, strays from the heavenly path will be punished accordingly.
In more than 180 countries, Ambassadors for Peace who have inherited Heaven's will and tradition are making serious effort, day and night, to proclaim the values of true love and true family. They are moving forward with full force to establish peace on this earth. In the Middle East, one of the world's tinderboxes, Jews, Christians and Muslims have found the resources in my philosophy of peace to engage in a new dimension of dialogue. In past decades my Unification Thought played a decisive role in ending the Cold War. Now I am successfully leading behind-the-scenes efforts to bring about the unification of my homeland of Korea.
But I am not yet satisfied, because I began my life's work at the command of Heaven. I have come as the True Parent of humankind with God's anointing and I am determined to keep my promise to Him. I am determined to obliterate all national divisions and barriers that have poisoned this earth and to establish the world of peace, where all people everywhere can live hand in hand.

A Project for Peace

Leaders from around the world, let me take the opportunity provided by today's distinguished forum to reiterate my proposal for a truly providential and revolutionary project. For the sake of peace and human welfare, I propose that we build a passage for transit across the Bering Strait, where Satan has historically divided east and west, and north and south, and where the North American and Russian land masses are separated. This passage, which I call the "World Peace King Bridge Tunnel," will link an International Highway System that will allow people to travel on land from Africa's Cape of Good Hope to Santiago, Chile, and from London to New York, across the Bering Strait, connecting the world as a single community.
God is warning that He will no longer tolerate separation and division. Carrying out this project will bind the world together as one village. It will tear down the manmade walls of race, culture, religion and country, and establish the world of peace that has been God's cherished desire.
The United States and Russia can become as one. The European continent, China, India, Japan, Brazil and all nations, and also all the world's religions, can combine their energies to succeed in this project. The success of this project will be decisive in establishing a Peace Kingdom where people will no longer make war with each other.
Ladies and gentlemen, some may doubt that such a project can be completed. But where there is a will, there is always a way especially if it is the will of God. The science and technology of the 21st century render it possible to construct a tunnel under the Bering Strait. The construction costs are also not a problem. Think of how much money the world is wasting on war. Humanity needs to realize that we are committing fearful sins in the presence of history and our descendants. Let us take one example. How much money has the United States spent on the war in Iraq during the past three years? It is approaching $200 billion. That budget would be more than enough to complete the Bering Strait project.
In this age, war is a most primitive and destructive means of resolving conflict, and will never lead to lasting peace. Now is the time, as the prophet Isaiah taught, to beat our swords into ploughshares and spears into pruning hooks. Why must we continue this tragic path, pouring countless dollars into wars that, in the end, will never bring the reconciliation of enemies? The time has come for the countries of the world to pool their resources and advance toward the world of peace desired by God, the Master of this great universe.
Ladies and gentlemen, humanity is traveling down a dead-end street. The only way to survive is to practice the peace philosophy of true love, true life and true lineage taught by Reverend Moon. Now that we have entered the Age after the Coming of Heaven, your good ancestors are activated and the heavenly hosts are sweeping down upon the earth. Soon the countries and peoples that appear strong and mighty will change course and shift in this direction.

Our Mission

I leave you with a choice. There can be no perfection in ignorance. The message from Heaven that I convey to you today is both a blessing and a warning to this generation. I, Reverend Moon, will take the lead in establishing true families, true societies, true nations and a true world. Will you join with me as I rise and gain strength in accordance with heavenly fortune? Or will you remain captive behind the same old walls, all of them Satan's handiwork: the wall of your religion, the wall of your culture, the wall of your nationality and the wall of your race, and spend the remainder of your time on earth in agony and regret? Heaven is summoning you to be the wise leaders who will set aright this world of evil and establish a new heaven and new earth.
Today we are participating in the inauguration of the Universal Peace Federation. It represents God's victory, the fruit of the True Parents' blood, sweat and tears, and the world's cherished hope. It will carry out the role of an Abel-type United Nations in relation to the existing United Nations. Under the banner of the Universal Peace Federation, we will serve as peace police and peace army to safeguard global peace. I hope that you will put on new armor in this new age and be wise and brave activists in this worldwide peace force, for the sake of humanity's future.
Please inscribe this warning from Heaven deep in your hearts. Remember that the only way to inherit Heaven's lineage, and to establish for eternity the ideal families that God has longed to see, is through the Holy Marriage Blessing established by the True Parents.
In closing, I ask you to devote your best efforts for the development and success of the Universal Peace Federation.
Thank you.


God’s Model for Absoluteness, Peace and the Ideal Is the Family and Global Kingdom Upholding Absolute Sexual Morality Dr. Rev. Sun Myung Moon

November 21, 2006 

Korea International Exhibition Center
Goyang, Korea

Beloved blessed families of the world, respected Ambassadors for Peace, leaders from all walks of life, and distinguished guests from at home and abroad:
Today is a significant day in the history of God’s providence; it begins the forty-seventh year since I declared Children’s Day. There are four great milestones that must be reached and established in the providential course of restoration through indemnity, in order to fulfill God’s purpose of creation that was lost through the Fall of Adam and Eve, our first ancestors. They are: God’s Day, Parents’ Day, Children’s Day, and the Day of All Things. This is the first observance of True Children’s Day, one of the four great providential milestones, following the victory of the Coronation for God’s Kingship in 2001 and the beginning of the providence of Cheon Il Guk (God’s Kingdom) that was proclaimed at the time of the Entrance Ceremony of the Cheon Jeong Gung Peace Palace and the coronation ceremony, in June this year.
To commemorate this significant day and renew our resolve, I would like to convey Heaven’s words on the subject of “God’s Model for Absoluteness, Peace and the Ideal Is the Family and Global Kingdom Upholding Absolute Sexual Morality,” which is a summary of the message from Heaven that I have given to the 6.5 billion people of the world over the past year. It is to remind you once again of your role and mission from the viewpoint of God’s providence, and of the importance of the age in which you are living.
These words are the words of life that 120 international religious leaders who received them from True Parents directly are proclaiming in 120 nations of the world. The world speaking tour carried out by members of the three generations of the family of the True Parents has opened the path to the salvation of humanity through Heaven’s message and the Blessing. On that foundation, these religious leaders who represent the Cain-type world have taken up the cause and are traveling to every corner of the world.

The Emergence of the Universal Peace Federation

Ladies and gentlemen, throughout history, people have worked continuously for peace, based upon human effort alone. Consider the confrontation between democracy and communism. Outwardly, the difference between the two was the extent to which they recognized and insured individual rights and freedoms. Yet from the viewpoint of God’s providence, Communism and democracy were like children who had lost their parents. The two divided into the positions of Cain and Abel respectively and became trapped in the fetters of fraternal conflict.
Throughout history, peace movements inevitably reached their limit and ended in failure because they were carried out by imperfect human beings. This why the United Nations, although launched with the splendid dream of realizing world peace, today has to admit its innate limitations and confess that it can no longer give hope to humanity. This is simply because the UN was launched during the era prior to the time when God could directly govern the unfolding of His providence in history.
Now, however, it is entirely possible for the Universal Peace Federation to fulfill its mission to unite heaven and earth and form the kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world. That is because it represents God’s victory and the fruit of the True Parents’ blood, sweat and tears. Therefore, the Universal Peace Federation is the world’s cherished hope. It will carry out the role of an Abel-type counterpart to the existing “Cain-type” United Nations, to renew the UN and provide the leadership for a new sovereignty of universal peace known in Korean as Cheon Il Guk. Therefore, please bear in mind that you, as the world’s leaders, are given the heavenly mission to build God’s substantial homeland, which is no less than the ideal that God intended at the time of creation.

God’s Purpose of Creation

Respected world leaders, what do you think is God’s ultimate purpose for creating human beings? It is to experience joy through relating with ideal families filled with true love. What does an ideal family look like? When God first created human beings, He made Adam representing all men and Eve representing all women, with the intention that they become owners of true love. Then what was the quickest way for them to cultivate a character of true love? Simply put, it was to secure a parent–child relationship with God, whereby they could live in attendance to God as their Father and form a model family embodying God’s ideal of peace. They were to have followed the path of living as one family with God, experiencing joy eternally.
God created Adam and Eve and established them as the first ancestors of humankind to form the model family and establish the ideal of peace. He committed Himself completely to raising them as His son and daughter, who were to be encapsulations of the entire cosmos, mediators between the spiritual and physical worlds, and lords of creation, and who would be joined with Him through true love, true life and true lineage.
Ladies and gentlemen, it was necessary for Adam and Eve to establish a model, peaceful, ideal family. God, the Absolute Being, created human beings as His children in order to instill in them absolute values on the basis of an absolute standard. Thus, human beings must follow the way of that absolute standard in keeping with the demands of the heavenly path. This means we must follow our destined life course in order to attend God, the Absolute Being, as our Parent. In other words, for people to perfect themselves in resemblance of God and obtain the stature of people of character who can be called sons and daughters of the Absolute Being, they must follow the path based on the absolute standard determined by Heaven. The essence of this path is the standard of absolute sexual morality.

Absolute Sexual Morality

The first stage is maintaining absolute sexual morality—in other words a standard of absolute sexual purity—prior to getting married.
After we are born, we go through a process of growth. We pass through infancy and childhood in a very safe and secure environment under our parents’ love and protection. We then enter the time of adolescence, which signals the start of a new and dynamic life as we forge relationships on a totally new level with those around us, as well as with all things of creation. This is the moment when we begin to travel the path to becoming an absolute human being—internally, through the perfection of our character, and externally, by reaching adulthood.
Yet, at this time there is an absolute prerequisite that human beings must uphold no matter who they are; that is maintaining their purity. Sexual purity is based on an absolute model of sexual morality for human beings. God gave it to His children as their destined responsibility and duty, to be carried out in order to fulfill the ideal of creation. This heavenly path is thus the way to perfect an absolute model of sexual morality.
What was the single word, the one and only commandment God gave to Adam and Eve, the first human ancestors, upon their creation? It was the commandment and blessing to maintain an absolute standard of sexual abstinence until Heaven’s approval of their marriage. We find this in the Bible passage that indicates that Adam and Eve would surely die on the day they ate of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. If they had refrained from eating and had observed Heaven’s commandment, they would have perfected their character and, as co-creators, stood with God, the Creator, as His equals. Furthermore, they would have taken dominion over the creation and become the lords of the universe enjoying eternal and ideal happiness.
It was God’s blessing that He told them to preserve their purity so that they could be married with His Blessing as His true children, become true husband and wife, produce true children and become true parents. This deepens our understanding of this commandment: it was not something separate from absolute sexual morality, which is a principle of God’s creation. The profound truth that lay hidden within God’s commandment throughout history was this: human beings must inherit and live by a model of sexual morality that is intrinsic to God’s ideal for creation in order to perfect their individuality as God’s children, and establish themselves as lords of creation.
Second is the absolute model of sexual morality in the relationship of husband and wife. More precious than life itself, this is the heavenly law of absolute fidelity.
Husband and wife are eternal partners given to each other by Heaven. Through having children, they become the co-creators of true love, true life, and true lineage, and the original source of that which is absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal. This is because it is a heavenly principle that people cannot give birth to children by themselves, even if they live for a thousand years. How can people who preserve their purity before marriage and become bonded together in purity as husband and wife by Heaven deviate from the heavenly way and go astray, following the wrong path? Human beings are different from animals; if they understand God’s purpose in creating them as His children, they will realize that wrong path is one of betrayal and defiance to the Creator beyond imagination; it is a path of destruction along which they dig their own graves. Resulting from the human Fall, this path is outside the realm of the ideal of creation.
Ladies and gentlemen, absolute sexual morality is the greatest blessing that Heaven has bestowed on humankind. Without adhering to the standard of absolute sexual morality, the path to the perfection of one’s character, to spiritual maturity, is closed. Furthermore, without securing the foundation of absolute sexual morality within a true family through perfected persons, it is impossible for God to establish His stature as a personal God and incarnate God. In order for God, the Absolute Being, to have direct dominion over our lives and to live and share joy with us, we who were created as His object partners and children must assume the form of a perfected family based on the standard of absolute sexual morality, as God does. Only within the boundaries of a family upholding absolute sexual morality is it possible to create relationships based on an ideal model of sexual ethics for life as it originally should have been. This life includes the three-generational realm of grandparents, parents, children and grandchildren. Please understand clearly that God’s eternal life and a human being’s eternal life are made possible only on this foundation.
Therefore, if, upholding absolute sexual morality, Adam and Eve had achieved individual perfection—the perfection of their character—in accordance with God's will, and entered into conjugal relations through His Blessing, they would have attained complete oneness with Him. God would have dwelt within their union. Also, their children would have been linked to this holy order of love, enjoying a direct relationship with God as their Parent. In other words, the marriage of the perfected Adam and Eve, based on their absolute sexual morality, would have been God's own marriage. While God is forever God, also Adam and Eve would have become the embodiment of God. They would have become God's body. God would have settled inside their minds and hearts to become the True Parent of humankind in both the spiritual and physical worlds, on the foundation of absolute sexual morality.

The Importance of Lineage

Do you know what has pained God’s heart most, causing Him the greatest grief over the long history since the Fall of Adam and Eve? God lost His lineage. With it, God lost the basis of human brotherhood and even His ownership over the creation. God’s lineage is more precious than life itself. Without it, the fruits of true life and true love never matured. They became instead the fruits of Satan, lacking any relationship with God. From them descended the 6.5 billion people now covering the earth.
Ladies and gentlemen, lineage is more important than life and more precious than love. Life and love come together to create lineage. Lineage cannot be established if either life or love is missing. Therefore, among the three—love, life and lineage—lineage is the fruit. God’s lineage contains the seed of true love. God’s lineage provides the context and environment for a true life.
Hence, for us to become the ideal people envisioned by God, that is, people of ideal character, and to create ideal families, we first need to be linked to His lineage. To take it a step further, only when we are linked to God’s lineage is it possible to create God’s homeland, the ideal nation. The kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world is established in this way through relationships based on absolute sexual morality.
Please inscribe the importance of lineage in your hearts. I cannot emphasize this enough. This is because the parent–child relationship is the highest and most important of all relationships, and the model, lineal relationship between parent and child is the only way through which God’s lineage can be bequeathed and made to last forever. You must be clear on this point.
Instead, false love, false life and false lineage have infested the earth. God’s love, life and lineage fell into the hands of the adulterer Satan, the enemy of love. Heaven and earth were suffocated and transformed into hell. The world became a wretched place, far from God’s presence. Yet humanity to this day lives in ignorance of this. People are deluded into believing that the lineage of the enemy is the lifeline upon which the world depends. This is the wretched truth about humanity descended from the Fall. That is why we refer to this world as hell on earth. God views humanity’s tragic situation with a heart full of pain.
Furthermore, when, due to the Fall, Satan gained control of the realm of lineage, he also usurped the right of the elder son and the right of ownership. God is like a father who worked and sweated his entire life to accumulate assets for his children, only to have a thief steal everything in one night. Who can comprehend the sorrowful, painful heart of God? God lost His lineage, lost His children, and was forced to hand over the ownership of the nations and world to Satan. However, the life of Rev. Moon, whose task it is to complete the mission of the True Parents, has been one of sorrow, marked by inexpressible suffering and persecution.
The third Adam, the True Parent, needs to indemnify and completely reverse all the failures of the first and second Adams. It is a mission to complete not only the mission of the Savior, Messiah, and Lord at his second coming, but also the mission of all those major figures on whom religions are based. With similarities to the process of God’s creation of the universe, his life has constituted the great work of the re-creation of humanity, where not even the smallest error is permitted. It has been a lonely course that cannot be fully comprehended by anyone.
It has been a course that took him down thorny paths through the wilderness—paths that he had to follow while utterly alone. Not even God could acknowledge him. Hovering many times between life and death, even vomiting blood, his life has been one of establishing a model of sexual morality, the life of a phoenix that had to rise again to remain true to his promise to God.
Though he was innocent, Rev. Moon has had to endure unjust imprisonment six times: for working in the underground independence movement when he was studying in Japan in his early days; for propagating the will of God in Pyongyang, which was under communist rule immediately after Korea’s independence; during the Syngman Rhee administration after Korea had been reborn as a free nation; and, furthermore, even in the United States, which proudly presents itself to the world as a model of democracy. Who on earth can understand the life of Rev. Moon—a life that has been one of perfecting a model of sexual morality? His has been a life of misery, which he has endured by biting his tongue, for the sake of comforting God, and for the salvation of the fallen people of the world who are suffering in the realm of death. Even now, if one person were to look into my heart and speak a word of sympathy, I would burst into tears and my tears would flow like a waterfall.
There is only one way to recover the realm of lineage, the right of the elder son and the right of ownership. This is the path to win the natural subjugation of Satan, to have Satan surrender voluntarily. What is the secret to accomplish this? It is only by the power of true love, when we love our enemies more than we love our own children.

True Love

Then what is true love? Its essence is to give, to live for the sake of others and for the sake of the whole. True love gives, forgets that it has given, and continues to give without ceasing. True love gives joyfully. We find it in the joyful and loving heart of a mother who cradles her baby in her arms and nurses it at her breast. True love is sacrificial love, as with a filial son who gains his greatest satisfaction through helping his parents.
When we are bound together in true love, we can be together forever, continually rejoicing in each other’s company. The attraction of true love brings all things in the universe to our feet; even God will come to dwell with us. Nothing can compare to the value of true love. It has the power to dissipate the barriers fallen human beings created, including national boundaries and the barriers of race and even religion.
The main attributes of God’s true love are that it is absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal, so whoever practices true love will live with God, share His happiness, and enjoy the right to participate as an equal in His work. Therefore, a life lived for the sake of others, a life of true love, is the absolute prerequisite for entering the kingdom of heaven.

The Spirit World Really Exists

Ladies and gentlemen, each person has a mind and body, and a spirit self that is more elevated than the mind. God resides in the world in which we live with our physical bodies and also in the spirit world, to which our spirits are destined to pass on. Therefore, only when we have become completely one with God in true love are we complete. Such a perfected person might be a small individual but would represent all of history and all potential future relationships, and so could be said to possess infinite value. Once we are aware of this cosmic value, we realize that our lives should be led by and carried out in service to our minds for the sake of perfecting a standard of absolute sexual morality. 
That is why your conscience knows and perceives not only every action you have performed but also every thought you have entertained. Your conscience is aware of these things before your own teachers, parents or even God are. Hence, if you were to live in absolute obedience to the commands of your conscience, which is your teacher for eternity, you would be absolutely guaranteed to have eternal life. Such is the way of God’s creation.
When viewing the structure of a human being from a different angle, we can recognize that God created us as beings with dual characteristics. He created our physical bodies as miniatures of the corporeal, tangible world and our spiritual bodies as representatives of and lords of the incorporeal world. Accordingly, a human being is intended to live for a hundred years or so in the physical world and, once the physical body ceases functioning, to pass on naturally and automatically into the incorporeal, spirit world. In this way, though it cannot be perceived by the eyes in our physical bodies, the spirit world is the automatic and inevitable extension of our lives on earth, humankind’s eternal, original homeland, created by God.
The spirit world does actually exist. It is not a world that has been fantasized or imagined into existence. We do not have the right of choice concerning it. It is not a world we can go to if we please or refuse to go to if we would rather not. Just as God is eternal and unchanging, the spirit world He created is also eternal and unchanging. Just as we live in the physical world in our physical bodies and form all sorts of relationships with the existing world, even in the spirit world we are destined to go on living in our spiritual bodies, forming and maintaining close relationships with all phenomena of the spirit world.

The Relationship between the Spiritual and Physical Bodies

However, in the relationship between the spirit and the physical body of a human being, the spirit is the more important of the two. The physical body lasts for about a hundred years before it stops functioning, but the spirit lasts eternally, transcending time and space. Isn’t even a person who dresses and fares well in the physical world bound to die? Therefore, before you pass on to the next world, you should achieve unity between your physical and spiritual bodies by living your earthly life in such a way that you meet the standards of both the physical and spiritual worlds.
In other words, you have the responsibility to perfect your spirit within your physical bodies based on the finite life you live in the tangible, physical world. This does not mean, however, that the perfection of a spirit self happens automatically. Only on the basis of your having achieved complete unity between your mind and body during your earthly life, by expressing true love through actions, can your spirit self fully mature.
Ladies and gentlemen, in order for fruit to ripen and be put into storage in autumn, it must first pass through the growing process of spring and summer and be provided with the nutrients supplied by nature and the tender loving care of its owner. Fruit grown in an orchard by a lazy and ignorant owner will be afflicted with all kinds of diseases and be affected by foul weather. Eventually it will fall from the tree before it is ripe, or be classified as worm-infested. Though it will still be fruit, it will be different from other fruit since it will never be good enough to sell in the market.
Fruit that has fully matured on the tree will automatically go into the owner’s storehouse. Similarly, only when the spirit of a person has reached perfection during his life in the physical world, which can be likened to the tree, can it automatically enter the incorporeal spirit world of the kingdom of heaven. In other words, a person will enter the kingdom of God in heaven automatically only when he has qualified for and enjoyed the kingdom of heaven on earth by living as a fully mature person while in his physical body.
While living on earth, your every action and movement is recorded on your spirit self without exception, with the public laws of Heaven as the standard. Accordingly, you will enter the spirit world in the form of your spirit self, which has recorded your life on earth with 100 percent accuracy. Your spirit will show plainly whether you have led a ripe life of goodness, or a wormy, rotten life of sinfulness. What this means is that it is not God who will judge you; you will be your own judge. If you are aware of this astonishing rule from Heaven, will the remaining days of your life on earth be spent in selfishness and immorality, succumbing to all the temptations of Satan and in pursuit of nothing but pleasure? No, rather you will abstain from injuring and scarring your spirit bodies, even at the risk of your earthly life. Please bear this truth in mind: Whether you are bound for heaven or for hell is determined by your thoughts, speech and behavior in each moment.
Nevertheless, when you look into your lives, undeniably, your outer self and inner self are in a constant relationship of conflict and struggle. How much longer will you allow this fighting to continue? Ten years? A hundred years? In contrast, there is undeniably a proper order for all forms of existence in the universe. This indicates that God did not create human beings in this state of conflict and disorder. You need to know that it is your duty and responsibility as a human being to dispel all temptations directed at your outer self, your physical body, perfect absolute sexual morality and be victorious in life by following the way of your inner self—your conscience. Heavenly fortune will be with those who lead their lives in such a way. They will attain the perfection of their spiritual selves.

The Kingdom of Heaven and the Family

Ladies and gentlemen, what kind of place is heaven? In brief, heaven is a world overflowing with God’s true love. True love is its axis. True love is everywhere, in the outward expression as well as in the inward thought. Everyone’s life is filled with true love from beginning to end. The people of heaven are born through true love, live in the embrace of true love, and follow the track of true love all the way to the day they pass on into the next world, the spirit world.
Heaven is a natural world where all people live for the sake of one another. Consequently, antagonism and jealousy cannot be found anywhere in that world. It is not a world governed by money, position or power. In heaven, the success of every person represents the success of the whole, the likes of every person represent the likes of the whole, and the joy of every person represents the joy of the whole.
Heaven is a world filled with the air of true love, where all breathe true love. Its life throbs with love, everywhere and all the time. The citizens of heaven are all linked together through their common membership in God’s lineage. There, the whole world and all its people are linked together in an inseparable relationship, like the cells in our bodies. True love, the love that is God’s essence, is Heaven’s only governing power. Accordingly, God also exists for true love.

A Family of Three Generations Living in Harmony

When seeking after the lost ideal of the original family, there should be someone in the position of perfected Adam, someone in the position of Jesus, and someone in the position of the Lord at his second coming. From that starting point, we can establish the family in which God will dwell. In that family, three generations—grandparents, parents and children—will live in harmony. Parents and children will serve and attend the grandparents, because they represent the family’s ancestors, its historical root.
Ladies and gentlemen, the family sets the pattern for living together in harmony. It is the model for living together as one. There we have love and respect between parents and children, mutual fidelity and love between husband and wife, and trust and mutual reliance among siblings. This means that you need to establish a true family wherein the stem of true love emerges from the root of true love and bears the fruit of true love.
In this manner, the three generations of grandparents, parents, and children should live together as one family and serve the eternal God. God desires to see such families, and it is your responsibility as tribal messiahs and Ambassadors for Peace to seek after and establish them—families of Cheon Il Guk, the Kingdom of God.
Ladies and gentlemen, you should form families that God will miss and yearn to return to after He has been away. He should feel comfortable to visit your home like any parent coming to visit his or her children. This is what it means to live in service to God.
Within such a family, God is the vertical subject of your conscience, and your conscience is the vertical subject of your body. Thus, unity with God brings your mind and body into unity. Family members who have established that vertical axis can perfect the four realms of love and heart: parental love, conjugal love, children’s love, and siblings’ love. That family links all directions: up and down, front and rear, right and left. They revolve around each other in everlasting spherical motion. This is God’s eternal, model, ideal family, which expands to ideal model nations and His peace kingdom. If only the entire world were filled with such true families! It would be an orderly world where people governed themselves by the heavenly way and heavenly laws, with no need for lawyers, prosecutors or even judges.
Who would be most fully aware of your good and bad deeds? It would be your grandparents, your parents, your spouse and your children. Is there anything that cannot be resolved within the family? When parents and children, husband and wife, and elder siblings and younger siblings set an example of living for the sake of one another, how could they do anything unforgivable? What chance would they have to commit crimes? A world governed by the heavenly way and the heavenly laws is a natural world, an unobstructed world of truth and pure reason. It is a world at the “high noon” of absolute values, without any dark shadows.

The Intercultural “Exchange” Marriage Blessing

Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, our bondage to the lineage of Satan has caused so much suffering throughout history. Let us now boldly step forth to sever it and be grafted onto the root of the lineage of the True Parents. Why should we foolishly continue to live and die as wild olive trees? A wild olive tree, even if it lives a thousand years, will only continue producing the seeds of more wild olive trees. Where can we find the path to escape this vicious cycle?
It is through the Holy Blessing. The Holy Blessing Ceremony offers the grace of being grafted onto the true olive tree. It was instituted by the True Parents, who bring God’s true lineage to humankind. Once you change your lineage to God’s lineage, your offspring will belong to God’s lineage naturally. The Holy Blessing is received in three stages: rebirth, resurrection and eternal life. These marriages contribute to the enormous task of transcending the barriers of race, culture, nationality, ethnicity and religion, and to creating one family of humankind. In God’s sight, skin color makes no difference. God does not recognize national borders. God does not stand behind the barriers of religion and culture. They are nothing more than the Devil’s tricks. The Devil has used them to rule over humanity as a false parent for tens of thousands of years.
You have the mission to teach the members of your families and clans that perfecting a life of absolute sexual morality through the intercultural exchange Marriage Blessing is the ultimate means to establish a peaceful, ideal world here on earth. Your families and clans should all join the holy ranks of those blessed through intercultural marriage through the perfection of absolute sexual morality.
Ladies and gentlemen, the path is now open wide for you to change your lineage through the Holy Wine Ceremony that the True Parents have instituted. The Blessing is yours, either as newlywed couples or as already married couples, that you may establish true families.

True Parents’ Peace Movement

Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to reiterate the proposal I have made for a truly providential and revolutionary project. For the sake of peace and human welfare, and also for building God’s homeland and original hometown, I propose that we build a passage for transit across the Bering Strait, that remnant of Satan’s historical division between east and west, and north and south, and where the North American and Russian landmasses are separated. This passage, which I call the “World Peace King Bridge and Tunnel,” will link an international highway system that will allow people to travel on land from Africa’s Cape of Good Hope to Santiago, Chile, and from London to New York, across the Bering Strait, connecting the world as a single community.
God is warning us that He will no longer tolerate separation and division. Carrying out this project will bind the world together as one village. It will tear down the manmade walls of race, culture, religion and country, and establish the kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world that has been God’s cherished desire.
The United States and Russia can become one. The European Union, China, India, Japan, Brazil and all nations, and also the world’s religions, can combine their energies to succeed in this project. Its success will be decisive in establishing the kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world, where people will no longer make war with each other.

The Arrival of the Kingdom of the Peaceful, Ideal World

Beloved blessed families, you are now living in the most blessed and exalted time in history. The Age after the Coming of Heaven has arrived! I proclaim the beginning of the new heaven and new earth, long-awaited and yearned for by billions of your ancestors in the spirit world who have come and gone in history. This is the era of the kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world. The four great religious founders and billions of good ancestors have come down to earth to guide you on the heavenly path. The age when the fallen and corrupt world wreaks havoc on humanity, allowing evil people to live better than others, is passing away.
We should seek out and establish that nation and righteousness—the ultimate destination for all of us—that attends God as the center. What would that nation be? It would be the kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world. It would be a nation that resembles the form of a model true family with three generations living together in harmony, trusting, respecting and supporting one another and becoming one in love. In short, it is the nation that humanity has desired throughout the ages, the Utopia where God is sovereign.
This means we need a movement to realize a society of interdependence, mutual prosperity and universally shared values. We need to make humanity one great family, by breaking down the walls in our hearts and eliminating even the boundaries between nations. This movement begins from one family. Therefore, each of us should bear in mind that it is our providential calling to form and establish a true family. It is the way we can advance the establishment of the cosmic peace kingdom on earth.
Indeed, all this is coming to pass. In the Middle East, one of the world’s tinderboxes, Jews, Christians and Muslims have found the resources in my philosophy of peace to engage in a new dimension of dialogue. In past decades my Unification Thought played a decisive role in ending the Cold War. Now I am successfully leading behind-the-scenes efforts to bring about the reunification of my homeland of Korea.
But I am not yet satisfied, because I began my life’s work at the command of Heaven. I have come as the True Parent of humankind with God’s anointing and I am determined to keep my promise to Him. I am determined to obliterate all national divisions and barriers that have poisoned this earth and to establish the kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world, where all people everywhere can live hand in hand.

Our Mission

The Age after the Coming of Heaven that God and True Parents have opened is a time of dramatic change. You have the mission to make this era blossom and bear fruit in blessing and glory. Therefore, please become Heaven’s emissaries, fulfilling the dual missions of the “Peace Kingdom Police Force” and “Peace Kingdom Corps.” Serve humanity under the banner of the Universal Peace Federation, which is working to take up the role of an Abel-type United Nations. Worthy citizens of the world, if not you, then who will nurture and protect the blessed families and this blessed planet Earth that God has given us?
Ladies and gentlemen, I have said that in the Age after the Coming of Heaven we must recover the true lineage that was lost when Adam fell, by receiving the Marriage Blessing through the True Parents. The providence of the Blessing should be perfected through five stages: the individual, the family, the tribe, the race and the nation. In this way, let us fulfill our divine mission as blessed families in the Age after the Coming of Heaven by restoring and establishing the ideal three-generation family on the world level. This is the same purpose for which Jesus came to the earth, and which he sought to accomplish before passing from this world.
Therefore, I am now leading all tribal and national messiahs to unite and bring to a final end the improper relationship between the political sphere, representing the Cain realm, and the religious sphere, representing the Abel realm.
The Mongolian Peoples’ Federation, representing 74 percent of the world’s population, should bear in mind that the providential age is now upon us in which it should fulfill its duties by restoring the world through the Blessing on the world level. This will bring to a close the conflict between Cain and Abel, which began in humanity’s first family.
Ladies and gentlemen, the providential time has now come when we have the mission to unite the two sons, Cain and Abel. It is by their mother’s love that they can become one. Then, having recovered their original positions, they should dedicate the restored, original, ideal family before the True Parents, the King and Queen of Cosmic Peace. Please take to heart and engrave this in your mind: You are living at a time when God gives you the mission—through restoring the true, ideal family—to offer before Heaven the realm of the sibling love and the right of ownership that were given over to Satan through the Fall of our human ancestors.
You are now advancing into the era of liberation and complete inner freedom, which is the providential era of the realm of the heart of the fourth Adam. In other words, it is the Age after the Coming of Heaven. This is the time when, metaphorically speaking, the sun is directly overhead, such that no shadow is cast. This signifies that the era before heaven, including the Old, New and Completed Testament ages, has been surmounted. These eras have required immeasurable restitution and atonement in re-creating the ideal. The present time, however, corresponds to the era, prior to Adam’s Fall, of building the original ideal world. It refers to the era of true love that is all-encompassing, all-powerful and has overall authority. It is the realm of heart in which the spirit world and the physical world are bound together as a unified realm centering on the True Parents, the King and Queen of Peace. In other words it is the era of the kingdom of peace and unity in heaven and on earth. 
Please become true princes and princesses who live in attendance to God as your True Parent, for He is the Peace King of the multitudes. Let us build the everlasting peace kingdom by attending True Parents, who have been enthroned as the King and Queen of Cosmic Peace in the world of eternal liberation and freedom—where there is no need for the Savior, Messiah nor Second Advent of the Lord—and fulfill the dutiful family way of filial sons and daughters, patriots, saints, and divine sons and daughters!
By following God’s commandment to uphold absolute sexual morality, let us establish exemplary families, inherit True Parents’ victory of restoring through indemnity the realm of three generations, and perfect the world as it would have been without the Fall!
Let us establish a model ideal family to bring the complete settlement of the cosmic ideal realm of liberation and complete freedom, and the kingdom of goodness in which we can enjoy a time of absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal peace and prosperity, which can become the homeland of cosmic peace that can be praised for all eternity!
May God’s blessings be upon your family, your nation and the world for all eternity!
Thank you.