

July 29th, 1990 

Belvedere, New York
Translated by Col. Sang Kil Han

The topic of Father's sermon this morning is "Let Us Return to God's Side." We are all on a forty day witnessing condition, aren't we? [Yes.] So even though you are here this morning, you are otherwise engaged in witnessing activities, are you not? [Yes.]
What do you feel when you go out and witness? [Joy.] Do you think this kind of activity is necessary for an individual? [Yes.] In what way? What difference do you feel between witnessing and not witnessing? This sister says she feels the support of spirit world and God's presence. If you really feel that, that is a great situation. That's important.
It is bad to become too accustomed even to a good situation. If it becomes too automatic, even if we say the correct things, even if we praise God and the religious leader we are following, living with them in actuality can be a very different thing.
Those who are Japanese members, raise your hands. Those who are not Japanese members, raise your hands. It is about half and half. Is this America or Japan? [Laughter.] When God looks down on us, would He feel closer to the Japanese or to the Americans?
In the past, we regarded communism as an enemy, but in the last few months, since Father has met with Gorbachev and the walls between communism and the free world are crumbling down, we feel a tremendous change of heart toward them. Regarding the leader of a communist country, like Gorbachev, we used to immediately feel, "Oh, he is the enemy. We wish he would be brought down." Now, how do we feel? Father is pointing this out because forty years ago, Japan was an enemy to America and was on Satan's side. Until now, America has been standing on God's side, Japan was God's enemy too. As you know, their religion was not very godly. Yet today, Japan has changed so much. The wall came down and they changed over to God's side so much that God is now giving the world wide blessing to them. They represent the world.
Japan used to be impossibly bad. Yet once they turned around and started looking at things correctly and started picking up all the good points from others, they advanced faster than everyone else, faster than anyone thought they could. Twenty or thirty years ago, they took photographs of everything that was excellent and took the photos back to Japan and recreated those things themselves. They accumulated all the good things of the world. They worked so hard, and even though they did not know God, they learned what made America and the free world so prosperous. They learned that it was God who gave them the blessing of prosperity, so they adopted a similar lifestyle. The Japanese discovered God, even though it was late. America, on the other hand, completely ignored God and looked everywhere else, even though God was right there and should have been the center of attention. They completely forgot Him.
Are the Japanese Unification Church members strictly like the other Japanese? No, they are different.
Look at the attitude of the Japanese members of the Unification Church as opposed to the Western members. The Western members say, "Oh, yes, I know God. My parents and all my ancestors have been living this way, I know what religious life is like. This Unification Church is not something so new." For the Japanese, everything they are going through is new. They are excited; they are faithful; they want to focus on it and put all their zeal into it. For Westerners, religion is often just a mannerism.
The Japanese came to America and bought a lot of real estate, like the Rockefeller Center, which is a kind of symbol. They are creating a lot of ferment and ripples. Who made them do that? Actually, it was not the Japanese themselves. If you look closely at the Japanese, they are not even tall. They are quite small; about half the size of Westerners. Some of them are a little bigger than a toy! Some tall American looks down on them and has the urge to play with them-they are that small. Without question, the Japanese are in everyone's focus right now, especially the Japanese Unification Church members. They are the special targets of attention.
If Father says to them, "All Japanese Unification Church members now fly to America," they can do it overnight, whereas if Father issued a command to the American members to go to Korea, they would not move so quickly. Even when the Americans went to Korea, the first thing they would do is look at Korea critically, from their own standards: "Oh, this is good, this is bad." They would immediately start to evaluate centering on their own ideas. Actually, what they see about Korea now is not the important point. How the Unification Church started and developed in Korea and what kind of suffering the country went through, the internal aspect of Korea, is the most important part. The other things that we can see with our eyes are not important at all. We will see the same things anywhere we go in the world. External things are on the satanic side.
God's work is re­creation, to redeem the first failure. If you are to create again, would it be easier to create in a backward country just beginning to be civilized or in one which is already civilized and cultured? Which is easier to make into a new being? Which is more difficult? (The second one is more difficult.] Why? When one is being created, he doesn't have anything. Certainly, he has no preconceived notions, no developed ideas of his own. Water, air, and earth are all God needs to recreate a person. Things should be reduced to the zero point before they can be recreated. If you are renovating or recreating a building, you have to tear down a lot before you can put up something new.
The communist countries now realize that communism was wrong. They thought it would work, but now they know that it is not going to, so they have to change quickly. What do you think they will pay attention to first? First, they will pay attention to religion, something which they have not thought about at all or very deeply for a long time. What stirs the world up ~ about it, why is it making so much impact-what meaning is there? That is their concern now.
The communist world has crumbled because they did not have an ideology that could bring success. That means that they are at point zero and they know it. There is evidence of this. Look at the Russian students who have come here. Their eyes are so focused. Everything they see is fantastic to them. They just keep saying, "Fantastic!"
They are quite well versed in English-at least they understand English almost completely. How many people in America bother to study the Russian language? This is a grave matter. Who would advance faster? Certainly, Russia will be quicker to understand and digest all the nutrients of America. There are not many Americans who are determined to go to another place, especially Russia, and study about them and learn from them and influence and be influenced by them. But in Russia, many are eager to come to America and evaluate things, learn and then have a tremendous influence on the future.
The Russians can assess this country very quickly. They can say, "Oh, this is right; this is wrong." The students are making very accurate observations about America They are, for the most part, very united in their judgment. They seriously discuss together what points they should adopt and what points they should discard. It is a very fearful thing, if you really think about it! They are highly accurate and they have very strict criteria, very strong standards of what they should adopt and what they should not. Communism's original ideal was to influence the whole world. That was their goal. They have been accustomed to thinking like that for seventy years now. They come here and they immediately look at things in terms of that goal.
The first thing they notice here is the individualism. They never saw or heard much about individualism in their country. They say, "Oh, Americans do not have the world, the nation, even a society in mind. They don't even have a family in mind. All they care about is the individual." At best, an individual will go away in one generation. Then what comes next? Nothing. Another thing they notice is that Americans think and do things centered upon America. They don't always see the world and try to reach out to it. They don't think so much about that. They think about themselves and how to bring the world to themselves.
Another thing that they notice is that there is not one race which is identifiable as American. In other countries, it is not like that. Here in America, all the people of the world are gathered together. Americans cannot be identified by race alone. It is very complicated. America is composed of its own historical enemies. Under the blessing of God, all the Abel's of the world and all the enemies came and became bonded together. What is the bonding agent? Christianity was the mortar that held all these pieces together.
Here in America, this great Christian country-does real Christianity exist? (No.] Does individualism have anything to do with the Christian spirit? [No.] Absolutely not. The mortar is losing its bonding power. Everything is being scattered. The ones who came from certain parts of Europe and are of the same race all stick together with a sort of clannishness. There are factions like that rather than complete oneness. In cities if they have a certain population of a faction or party, then they will elect a mayor of the same background. If the mayor is black, that means there is a Large black population influencing the vote. We see that in Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, and New York-the major cities of America.
The people who were living under communism and who are still pursuing influence in America are in a good strategic time frame now. Armed with a new ideology, a new idea that can lead and gather together all the groups and the minorities, they will make an impact. They already see this, but they do not have a deep understanding, nor do they have any tradition. Without these two, even though you know what is to be done, you cannot go about accomplishing it. They see that Unification Church has all this, however, and through Unification Church, they can accomplish this quickly. Unification Church has a Christian background. This is a very attractive point They see a prime chance here in America, whereas the American people, the government, the politicians, and even the intelligence agencies do not know that there is such a means of uniting America. They don't see it, but other people do.
Reverend Moon is thinking very much about this, deeply thinking about it and working at it too, but even though America is a big country, there are not many people, in fact there are none. who can envision how to bring these divided factions together, unifying them. Only Reverend Moon can do this.
The minorities and different ethnic groups saw how the white people treated Reverend Moon. They knew it was wrong. Last year, Father directed all the members of the church who belonged to these ethnic groups to go ahead and create their own ethnic church, with their own people in their own country, because we know now in which direction the world is going. Do you understand? [Yes.]
America really must become re­aware of itself and of its internal situation. They should at least know whether they are consistent with the direction the world is moving in. The world is moving in a certain direction. Which direction am I going in? That is something we have to know.
Let us pay attention to God's position now. God is trying to do this historical work. Through whom is God going to accomplish this historical task? Through Americans, who are prepared but who are disintegrated and not united? Or would He go to a group or situation where they can immediately organize and work more effectively? Which group would God select to get His work done? Father came here twenty years ago and has always gotten the impression that the different ethnic groups do not like the way white people think and act. They are not sympathetic to them, nor do they respect them or want them to prosper. They see Americans going on vacation and enjoying themselves and having free sex and thinking that they have a right to everything, whereas the ethnic group is working hard.
You don't have to wait and see if Americans decline. They are already on an unmistakable decline. Everyone knows that except them. Look where individualistic thinking leads: everything from free sex to drugs. To maintain drug addiction, you have to sell everything you own and then the only way to do it is to take other people's possessions. Then you go to jail.
It is not that Reverend Moon is trying to undermine America. No. In fact, Reverend Moon is trying to sympathize with America, but if we leave America alone, it will just continue on that destructive course. Reverend Moon is trying to remedy that and to bring America into unity. He wants to repair America, to help America, but his activities have been regarded with hostility, as if he were an enemy. Reverend Moon did not want to bring Japanese people here and do this work centering on them and their way. No. In fact, it was completely the other way around What Reverend Moon wanted to do was to use the pure white people, the Anglo-Saxons, to reorganize this country's situation. But over and over again we found that they are already sick; they are deeply diseased. Individualism has triumphed almost to the point of no return. They are enjoying things whether they are right or wrong. They don't care; they are indifferent. In order to help them reverse their course, to go God's way, Father brought many Japanese members in to try to influence the white people.
Should Reverend Moon say to those Japanese members, "You are here in America, so respect their ways and do things as they do"? Or should he say, "Don't ever do things the way Americans do. Instead, show them your ways of doing things so they can learn and perhaps change." That was Fathers intention in bringing the Japanese here. The American members didn't know what was happening and they said, "Oh, since Reverend Moon is Asian, he does not understand me or America. Now he is bringing in Japanese to overpower us." The Japanese were to show the Americans how to think about the country, the group, not the individual. "Don't take the individual so seriously as to endanger everything else." Look at the Japanese. They become united very quickly, don't they? This is why the Japanese members increased and increased so that now we have almost half and half here at Belvedere.
How would God try to get this historical work done? Should He try to do it through the white Americans and just wait and wait and do more and more to heal this sickness of individualism (when they don't even recognize that they are sick) or should He use people from other countries which developed later but who have a correct grasp of the situation and of what God needs? God needs to unite the entire world. What do you think? Does God still have to use white people? Can you say that confidently? If you were God, would you go to people other than the white people? Father knows it is not easy to hear this, but he has to say it. This phenomena is so real. How can you deny it?
Look at what is happening now in Europe. Europe is fast becoming one country. Pretty soon America's influence over them will be negligible. Russia is rapidly approaching them. Before Russia and Germany get together, America must act to maintain a close relationship with Germany. When Europe unifies, they will unify rather quickly because of having the same background of Christianity. All of Europe will become one strong country. What of America then? America will be far away and dwindling. America will find itself a second rate nation. It is unthinkable now, but it will be so. Father is working on how to prevent this, how to save America from that situation.
Father has envisioned the Federation for World Peace. What is this designed for? What is its specific aim? It is designed to do what America cannot do. It is to allow America to still be the center of world peace. That is what Father is doing and Americans are not paying much attention. They don't understand, to begin with, and they don't like it. They don't see that they need it, whereas the Russians are very excited: "Oh, this is a good idea." They immediately see the point.
This is a grave situation. We are trying to prevent it because when it happens, there will be no remedy. Tradition is crumbling down, everything is crumbling down. So many things are changing and which way they will go, nobody knows. No one knows which way the world is going to go or indeed which way it should go. Reverend Moon, however,
Recently, the premiers of seven nations got together and tried to do something to help Russia. This happened only a few months ago. A long time ago, Reverend Moon said that we should do this and it was a very good time to do it, but no one believed him, always looking at Reverend Moon with skeptical eyes.
Reverend Moon visited Russia. He is making a flow of traffic and communication between the two countries. The American government should do this, but Father has been doing it in their stead because they are not doing it. The American people say, "This is good, but how can we trust Reverend Moon?" Yet this is what America should do. If America were doing it, Father wouldn't do it. Because they aren't doing it, Father has to do it in order to prevent everyone else getting together with Russia to the exclusion of America.
What is the topic of Father's sermon this morning? "Let Us Return to God's Side." Does that mean, "Let us Return to Individualism"? [No.] God's side is the national base, not the individual base.
What is the world's population thinking? What is America thinking? "I am on God's side," they would say. England would say, "We are on God's side." Catholics and Protestants-both the church leaders and the churchgoers- think they are on God's side. God really has a difficult time. They all think they are on His side and are asking for individual salvation. At best, they are working hard for the salvation of their own church. God, weighing the whole world, the declining communist and free worlds, is trying to save all. There is no individual base in God's idea. He is always trying to save the world, whereas existing Christian people think they are on God's side on an individual basis. They do not even know what God has been working for. They are so backward. Looking at them, God feels so angry and hopeless, He almost wished He could do away with all religion. He regrets that He created it. It is that difficult a situation.
Does that include the Unification Church and the Unification Church members? No? What do you mean by "no"? Does God only want the Unification Church and its members to remain while everyone else is done away with? The fact that God cannot work with all the religious groups means that they do not understand God's ideal. Their understanding is so little that He has the urge to do away with them. Yes, God is that frustrated. We cannot say that Christendom is still strong and everyone, even God, has hope in it. They are powerless, visionless. They cannot do anything. We know that. They are ill; dying.
The only hope is Reverend Moon and the group he is leading to do God's will. What do you think about that? Be fair. Don't judge because you happen to be Unification Church members. Do you have individualist­based thought? Then what is its base? Is it based on the world, on the nation- on God? What is True Parent's base? Is it individualistic or is it for all the world? [For all the world.]
Do you live and work twenty four hours a day on a world­based vision or do you think about the world maybe a few hours a day? [Twenty four hours.] Maybe twelve hours a day, a Unification Church member lives for the sake of the world. The other twelve hours, he is centered on the individual purpose. With other people, it may be more than half the time that they are individually based. You know your own situation. We all know how many hours a day we are based on the individual level. Those who say, "Father, I am on God's and True Parent's and the world's side more than twelve hours out of twenty four," raise your hands. Do you really mean that? Are you honest and serious? You do not have much confidence. You raised your hands initially, but they are starting to sink!
This is the question. This is a very real problem now. We are chasing God out of our lives if we do not think about the world base and instead we withdraw to the individual base. Then God cannot be with us. Whatever great works I plan, if God leaves me, then I have nothing and I am in real trouble. But even if we do very difficult work and face miserable, impossible situations, as long as God stays with us, we are safe. We are okay.
Yesterday Father and Mother had a little talk about this. Mother said, "Father is a person who knows nothing but God's will, twenty four hours a day. He doesn't think about anything else." To Father, all that matters is whether or not God can be with him at all times. That is what matters.
This world is so blind. No one knows what difficult situations Father is working to solve. None of the world champion leaders understand God's viewpoint, the Divine Principle. The only person upholding God's ideal is Reverend Moon himself.
Do I think about the whole twenty four hours a day or am I thinking about individualism? Am I on God's side or on the opposite side of God? We already know. Each of us knows inside. Am I on God's side more than twelve hours a day? Count it. Make your own statistics.
We say we are here for the sake of God's will over and over again, but we are almost always phony. Father is saying that twelve hours, not even twenty four hours, is our formula for victory. The way we can win victory is to determine to work more than twelve hours a day for God's sake and God's work. That is our pledge. That is our philosophy and lifestyle. That is the only answer for us to come onto God's side. Why do we work twelve hours a day for God's side? If you understand God's side, you can never criticize the Unification Church. Are you confident that we can work at least twelve hours a day for God's side? [Yes.] It is simple and very easy to say, "Yes", but the reality is not so easy. You know very well.
Am I on God's side? That is the question. You have to ask your hands, ask your feet, "Are you working more than twelve hours a day for God's side?" When all of your members say, "Yes", then you can be confident.
During re­creation, I should not really think so much about myself. I should always think about the world and the country. Since this is re­creation, we have to invest everything we've got into it. If we do that, what happens? The world will be liberated, God will be liberated, our parents will be liberated. Then our mission is done.
What about Father's own children? Would they think the same way we think? Yes, they are thinking like that. Father can carry on a conversation with any member for three minutes and know what side he is on.
What do you think? In Reverend Moon's time, did he work more than half of his time for the sake of God's will or did he work less? [More.] God knows that more than anyone else, so He helps Father and cooperates with him. Look at the gigantic work Father has been doing.
It is really shameful when we cannot do what Father does and don't even know what he is doing and yet criticize him. "Oh, Father is doing it wrong, I am right. If I were he I would do this."
When we are Blessed and have children, every one of us wants our children to be greater than we are, don't we? Where does that heart, that mind, come from? [From God.] Yes, He is much the same. God wants us, the objects of His love, to be even greater than Himself.
When God invests in His re­creation 100%, the best that He can hope for is to create another being which is also 100%. But, as Father said, God wants His object to become even greater than He. In order for that to happen, He has to put in more than 100%. He has to work infinitely and absolutely to achieve that goal. He has to put in many times more than 100%.
When He does that, you can see the concept of eternity. This is eternal. It goes round and round and becomes bigger and bigger.
We settled here for twelve hours, but in order to reach further, we have to do what God is doing-we must put in more than twenty four hours. Then we will gain this result.
This is such a grave point, the fact that Father has achieved so much of an incredibly difficult historical task in rather a short life span. Father is seventy years of age, but he has accomplished hundreds of thousands of times more than any other individual. How was that possible? It was possible through this Principle. It is the nature of true love to give 100% and then forget about it. He forgets about what he did yesterday. His only concern is to do more. He forgets what he did last year and does more and more. Father has been living like this.
If we have done something and then come to Father and say, "Father, I've done so much," he will not recognize us. That has nothing to do with true love. That person is a phony. He is on Satan's side. He doesn't know the principle of true love. No matter how much he has done, as soon as he starts complaining and saying he needs to be recognized, he stops right there. He cannot go an inch further.
Father has done a great deal. Does Father make claims, "This is what I have done, what I have invested. Now I should run the place, I should be in control. " No. Father does not even think that. He thinks, "It is my foundation and my work, but I do not even remember it." How can we then claim something for ourselves-"That's mine"? We can't do that. Do you understand? [Yes.] What we do is for the world.
Achieving is one thing; maintaining is another. Only with the heart and lifestyle of Father can one maintain his foundation. Reverend Moon is a person who is close to God. God cannot ignore Reverend Moon. He has to stay with him always.
God wants to put more than 100% into Reverend Moon. He wants to put even 1000% into Reverend Moon, more and more, pushing him up and up. Just as Father doesn't stop, God doesn't stop either. This is very rational. Once something is rational, it is a law. You don't have a choice about it-you have to do it. It is complicated but it is simple at the same time.
Do we all understand Father's point? Those who say, "Oh, Father, I don't really understand what you are saying," raise your hands. No one. That means that we all know what Father is pointing out. Then would we all like to become like Father? [Yes.] Father is giving us permission to do that. By all means, do everything as Father does. If it doesn't work, then you can come to Father and accuse him.
No one has really understood Father and helped him in a real sense. There is no exception, even among Fathers own children. When Father says, "Do you understand me 100%?" it always remains a question. They have to improve on that, too. Father's children might say, "Father, why do you invest twenty four hours a day into the world and not much into me? After all, we are your family. We are your sons and daughters." Then Father says, "You do not understand me 100%." But what happens is that when Father lives like this, the True Children come under the complete protection of God. They may not realize that.
Who inherits all this? The ones who work completely in oneness with Father. The ones who have the same ideology, the same lifestyle, will inherit it all.
How about us? How should we follow Father? We have to think in terms of giving more than twelve hours a day. Here is the twelve hour line. In order to be on God's side, we have to cross this twelve hour line and go beyond it. We have to spend at least more than half our day on God's work. Do you understand? [Yes.] The only other way is to go down and return to Satan.
Let Father ask you a question. Has your spirit risen up higher or sunk lower than it was on the day you joined the Unification Church? Don't you think that in the early days of your life in the church you actually did more? When you first heard the Divine Principle, you were very excited. You thought, "Yes, this is the ideal of the world. God is a great guy. How can I find out more about this theory?" Isn't that true? Are you as excited as the day you joined the church? You have become insensitive. At that time, you were so sensitive even your skin responded. There was a day Father excited us so much that we couldn't believe it ourselves. Now you not only look at him but hear him speak to you so personally, giving such a vital talk every Sunday, but you think, "Oh, Father says the same things over and over." You've become completely numb. Have we become like that? [No.] It looks that way to Father.
Once we stop, we are declining. There are no two ways about it. As long as we are moving ahead, we are growing. Are we moving ahead every day? Then we are growing in our life. That is a question for us. Once we start hesitating, then we come down. Since Father knows God's will, Father wants to do more and more. Father knows it is needed. Opposition is no reason for Father to stop. Father does not think about opposition because now the time is such that if Father works here only three or four years more, he can gain more result than in twenty years before. Now is the time when in a relatively short time, more can be accomplished than could be in the past, even with a lot of work. This is why Father does things now that he didn't do years ago. He takes chances. He takes on ventures. Other people say, "Oh, Father, you are too much ahead of your time," but Father knows it is not so. Many people think, "Why do you do things other people do not understand?" But what does it matter if people don't understand? Father has to do what he has to do.
When Father started the VOC lectures, lots of people said, "Father you are doing something that no one understands. Why?" Father knew that he had to prepare. Look at the situation today. Everyone says, "Reverend Moon, you did everything right " Whatever Father predicts happens, whether it is days or years later, so Father does what he must do. Whether people understand or not.
This is no ordinary matter. This is a real glimpse into Father's great secret of life. The most important thing, the ultimate thing is, what relationship do I have with God? That is what is most important
Are we going to be sons and daughters of God? There are many different kinds of sons and daughters. Not all are alike. We are all sons and daughters of God, but some children bring problems to their parents. Some children bring joy. What kind of sons or daughters will we be? That is the question Father is asking us. He wants many people to become God's begotten sons and daughters. The only way for us to become like this: we work twenty four hours a day for God's will.
It is as if you have a stone and you go out in the field and throw the stone into the woods. You don't even imagine it, but the stone fells a pheasant and you capture it. That is what we are doing. How wonderful and exciting and rewarding that is. This is not a remote metaphor. This happens all the time in our life centered upon God.
Some might remember that when Father first came to this country, Father had to do many things which were rather incredible at the time. Why did Father say those things? How difficult it was for Father. Father pushed ahead and invested more and more because Father knew it had to be done. Father did this; not the American government, not the free world. Do you understand? Now you clearly know and understand everything.
We must be thinking all the time, how much do I invest per day? We have to aim for more than twelve hours. If you do that, you can rest assured that you will eventually return to God's side. It is guaranteed. Do we understand now?
What do you think? We all go to spirit world. What do you think life in the spirit world is like? Is there a factory to produce food, clothing, housing, automobiles and airplanes? There is nothing we can be proud of here on earth, about which we can say, "Look spirit world, at what we have. You don't have this." You don't need those things in spirit world.
The world soon will face greet problem of garbage. Do you think in spirit world they have to worry about garbage? Why not? Do they eat anything in spirit world? [Yes.] How can you evade the problem of garbage then? It works like this: in spirit world, all we do is brush something off and it is all clean, back to the original state.
If you want to eat something, all you need is desire. Then it comes. Transportation in the spirit world is similar. The mode of transportation is love. If you love someone very much in the spirit world and long to see him or her, then all you need to do is to have a feeling of love. Then immediately, you travel to them, even billions of miles. They will say, "How did you come?" You will say, "Because you called me, I came." It goes beyond distance and time.
The whole universe is ground for cooperation with us. You don't need things like knowledge, material wealth or power in the spirit world and those things don't mean anything there. Those who had great power here on earth are devoid of power when they go to the spirit world. They cannot stay anywhere. Nothing will welcome them. No matter how much spirit world might want to connect with you, if you don't have any currency there, you cannot connect. How miserable that is. How lowly and sad a place that is. How sad. Nothing cares for you. You cannot move freely, talk freely. You will experience that world. How to connect with it is a problem.
You have to make the connection, the preparation while you are here on earth. Otherwise, you will be miserable. Father knows the contents of that world very well. True love is the only currency there, the only thing with any meaning. If you had true love and then passed away and went to spirit world, you immediately have a relationship there. If you lived with true love, you can breathe the same air or atmosphere as the spiritual world. Do you understand? [Yes.] Otherwise, you will choke. You breathe the love which you practiced here on earth when you are in the spiritual world. What if you do not have air? It is the same if you do not have love in the spiritual world. You have to prepare that on earth. God is the center of the spiritual world. God is absolute love. True love travels fastest in the spirit world. If you have true love, you can go anywhere. Love travels the shortcut.
The only way Father can live this way is by knowing God and eternity. God is first and eternal life is second. Because Father knows God. because Father knows eternal life and true love, Father can live this way of life. Do you follow? [Yes.] It is all very closely related. It is actually one. Without true love, you cannot attain eternal life. Without eternal life, you cannot go near God. So these are three different aspects of one related whole.
Where can we find true love? When we invest, when we love more than 100%. The Bible said it correctly: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." That is the first commandment. It was said so well there. God said that. That is the only way we can live eternally and connect with God. Why? Because the original investing power was true love.
True love is founding the 100% plus place of investment. Then life continues forever. Life forever immediately connects to God because God is a forever being. God lives and has true love forever. That is an attribute of God.
You have to imitate that attribute of God. Otherwise, every person is going into the dungeons of hell. This is a very serious question. The world now has many complicated problems. How can they be solved? We can solve every world problem through these three things: true love, eternal life, and God.
We have to be assured of eternal life. Where does eternal life begin? With true love. Satan cannot do this because Satan certainly cannot devote more than 100%. He cannot reach this point, but the would­be sons and daughters of God can. They can go over this point and beyond it, investing more than 100% in true love. Do you understand? [Yes.]
Do it and find out where you will be in the spirit world. You will have eternity. For eternity, we will thank Father: "Father, thank you for teaching us that. If you didn't teach that to me, I wouldn't be here!" That is what we will say in spirit world.
Do you clearly understand this-not half understand it but fully understand it? [Yes.]
We heard and we learned, but it is not our knowledge. ­ We have to do it, then it becomes ours. Then we have to teach other people. Education is the only hope for bringing other people to life. He who gets closer to God is he who has done the most and who brought the most people to God. It is not what he knows; is it not money. It is what he does for how many people.
This is a question: how many people have we really loved more than we loved ourselves? That always remains as a question.
Those who are willing to die will live. What does that mean? To die means to live for the sake of others. That is dying. Then he will live. Do you understand that Biblical passage?
Now we learned first that we have to be on God's side by working more than twelve hours a day for God. First, become like this. Then it will be decided who comes closest to God. We must first practice this and then teach other people. You can very easily bring them to God's side if you explain this simply by doing it. Then that will determine where you will be and you will be a successful victor and liberator of men.
When we do that, we do not need to climb up a ladder to the good place in spirit world. Automatically, we are pulled and lifted up to a high, high position like a balloon. A balloon cannot remain at a low place even if it wants to. A balloon will go up and up. Spirit world is the same.
Because we know all of these secrets, now it is easy for us Unification church members to stay on God's side. Unification Church members have those kinds of contents: the theory of the Divine Principle. With this, we can save all of humanity. No problem.
Did we come here in order to get paid a salary? [No.] The concept of a salary has no place here. We have to invest more than 100% for the sake of the country. Maybe we should pay Father a salary! When we are hungry and have nothing to eat, then we can come to the church and eat. The church is a guarantee. If we dedicate ourselves twenty four hours a day for the sake of others, will we die? Will we perish because of that? Absolutely not. Father guarantees it. Those who are not clear about this are really declining. They are nuisances; bad example­setters. That is what slows everyone down. Which is more sinful-to expect a greater salary or to expect a lesser salary? What about, "I will dedicate myself with no salary"? What would a person like that be?
Even though Father works twenty four hours a day for God, he still has extra that can go around to other people. Father borrowed money and assumed that burden for the sake of the dispensation, for the sake of God's will. Have we run into so much debt ourselves and carried the burden of that debt? Father has no intention of making lots of money and putting it in the bank for the sake of his children. No. Father borrows millions and billions for the sake of the world and he carries the burden of that debt. You think, "Oh, that can only lead to ruin." No. It looks that way, but if it is God's work, God has the power to create. He is the Almighty God. He can do anything. As long as God helps, Father can do anything, including this.
If we make today a turning point, forgetting the past, saying, "Now I will dedicate more than twelve hours, more than half of my time for the sake of God's world and spend these more than twelve hours investing more than 100% in true love," and practice this, then it will be a new epoch for the American movement, the worldwide movement. This is epoch making. Do you understand? [Yes.] From that, America has hope. America will be recreated and saved.
Those who pledge this morning that we will not become dependents of the American Church but will contribute and dedicate more than twelve hours a day for the sake of this country and the world, raise both of your hands. Do you mean it? [Yes.] God bless you.



November 27, 1978

What attitude do we need to nurture in order to move the spirit world? We need to change our concepts. Our attitude is an environment that must be prepared in order to receive spiritual help. We must use Father’s words and make ourselves channels to receive spiritual power.

Actually, the spirit world wants to be part of everything we have and do. They want to be involved to such a great extent. So whatever we may look at, we must search for the nobility in it, and treat it as if it were owned directly by True Parents. Then everything becomes like an expensive antique, a God-given treasure. Each object is waiting for your touch, hoping to feel the vibration of God through you.
Consider all things holy. Why does a handkerchief owned by a holy man become so valuable? Because of the vibration of the holy man. So you, too, should give all things a holy value. When you touch something, feel that you are giving it glory.
The same holds true for the people we meet and live with. When you see another person, how much do you care for him or her? How do you feel towards that person? You must really love the people you meet, because they are the temples of God. When you touch another person, feel that through your touch, both of you will be blessed.
Each of us has two aspects, mind and body. Our true mind wants to touch our body with heart and give love to it. We should think of our mind as God’s mind, because God loves it and that is where He dwells. Look at each man or woman as a holy person. Regard each person’s body as sacred and their mind as hallowed.
If you live like this, soon you will hear inside of yourself a small voice, the sound of your mind. Wherever you walk, no evil or darkness can remain. Only good spirits can touch you if you create such an atmosphere. If you place yourself in such a position, then spirit world will pour down upon you its abundant blessing and power.
You must attract this power from the spirit world and then weld yourself to it. Make it one with your body, so that even your arms and legs feel special. When you are in bed, even if it is a sleeping bag, your surroundings will become like a king’s palace. Your body will be resting in a king’s bed.
You must name yourself as the dwelling place of God. Then all good spirits will touch you. When you go to bed, lie down with a beautiful mind. Remove all ugliness from it. In the morning when you wake, come before the deep bosom of God, and then, when you go out to your mission, you will embark from the throne of God.
The spirit world is always around you, listening and attentive. Always be aware that it is within your reach. If you keep thinking this way, then you will be able to control your circumstances. Make yourself a tuning fork, resonating with and vibrating along God’s frequency. Resonate with God’s unselfishness.
If you partake of this resonance with God, then when you see someone, you will automatically be able to sense what type of person he is. Sometimes you will be able to see your own spirit man with your own eyes. Train yourself and discipline yourself to develop this capacity. If you live this way, you will be always able to act in the right way when an emergency arises.
You are in competition with the spirit world, so you must be determined to surpass it. Adam’s position is to control the spirit world, not the other way round. With prayer coming from deep within your mind, you can move a man from outside to inside. Become a magnet, a mover of people’s spirits. Become a spiritual magnet, drawing people with love. Maintain this condition or attitude, and then your prayer will become a reality.
Pray with all your heart, focusing your mind and soul on the object of your prayer, otherwise your mind will become restless and hasty. In the life of prayer, you must make the time to pray. Sit down even if it takes eight hours and pray. This time will never be wasted. Then you can go out and work eight hours for God. Therefore, be prayerful now and then go out, you and God together. If you have to write a sermon, for instance, the spirit world will help you prepare it. If you go out, the spirit world will lead you. You will discover the feeling of breaking through. You will become selfless, feeling the power of your mind and body pulling together in harmony. So the key word for this kind of life is respect.
Respect all things as holy things.
Respect all men as holy men.
Respect yourself as a holy person.
Respect your mind as holy.
Respect your body as holy.
Pay deep respect to all people, no matter what kind of person they may be. As a child, be respectful towards an elderly man. Think over your words three times before uttering them and always have a humble attitude.
Always share with others the best thing you have. Empty your pocketbook to give. Then you will deserve the best result. If you do not do good for your fellow man, you will have no sleep. If you have done good, then your mind will rest in peace. Unpack the dirty elements inside yourself and cleanse them. Open up the baggage of your mind and look what you find there. Don’t harbor selfish feelings. Repent publicly for any selfish feelings you may have entertained. Practice the virtue of meekness.
If you push yourself to develop these attitudes, then the spirit world must descend to assist you. The spirit world is using so many channels by which to come down and participate in God’s providence; they will choose the best one to use first.
In the Unification Church, a true leader must be able to mobilize the spirit world. When you touch it, all kinds of phenomena start to occur, some very strange, some very wonderful. Don’t be manipulated by them. You be the subject. Don’t let yourself be driven by strange phenomena. Before this, you may have had to face these challenges all alone, but now you have a clearer understanding.
You already know the secret of tapping power from the spirit world: witness to others, pouring out all your heart, soul and mind for them. When I was in prison camp, I would pray, and prisoners would just come to me and stand there. When they were introduced to me through the guidance of spirit world they would cling to me.
You, too, can be like me. The problem is that you are often too distant from thinking about the spiritual dimension: holy things, holy mankind, holy temple, holy mind. When I was in the worst of situations, lonely and hungry, a revelation would come or an important guest would appear before me. When I needed money, the spirit world would guide someone to me. Spirit world is never far away. They can cooperate with us. We should always feel that we are not doing quite enough, and that we always have to try harder.
Act with the support of the spirit world. If they are behind you, you will never be lonely. You will always have energy and power. Even though you may be penniless, still have no fear. You can be adventurous and bold. On the road of success, the more you walk, the further you yearn to go.
Who knows how long he or she will live? Maybe tomorrow you will die, at a mere 25 or 30 years of age. Do you have some guarantee from God how long you will live? No one has such a guarantee.
A wise person thinks like this: “I have only a short time to live. Within this time I must prepare myself for eternity. The way I live in the next two years will be the model for my eternal life.” Then explode your sense of love. Love God, and love another person as God. For an entire day, 24 hours, pour out your entire energy for someone. If you love a person like this, even though you may die early, you will have made the highest accomplishment in all eternity. Then when God gives you more time to live, your response will be immense gratitude. Push yourself to live more fully. The person who expects death and then is given life dwells in the fullest gratitude.
Leave behind something that God can praise. Each moment is so precious there is no time for worry or frustration. The person who recognizes that earthly life is short compared to eternity, and therefore condenses his accomplishments, is a wise man indeed. Think about what “label” you wear spiritually on your forehead. Ask yourself how many people, how many clans, how many tribes, how many nations you have loved.
Seek to become that master of love. Program your life like that, and you will never be a loser. Plan as if you only had two years to live, and then by the third year, when you are still alive, think of the joy of living! This is “resurrected” living. I still have so much to do: love my wife, love my children, love all mankind. I have to love the Unification Church. I must pay indemnity for all mankind. I need to liberate man from sin. I am determined to leave behind tremendous assets.
When you work, you must love that business, love the products you work with, and, of course, love the people. Always give honor to the other people. God created us, but we are also shaping ourselves and restoring our original value. Return a portion of what you earn to God as a tithe. Give one tenth to the local church, one tenth to the national level work and one tenth for the worldwide level, three tenths in all.
When you give to others, don’t think that you are giving to them out of your own pocket. Give out as though it were coming from a heavenly treasure. Then the person who is receiving through you is actually receiving from God. The spirit world can then help you, and God will remember everything and return it to you ten times over.
Make your company a dwelling of God. Don’t just feel like a worker or supervisor. Invest your heart in your work. Determine to make it a business that will serve all people. Then wherever your business goes, it becomes God’s “love extension.” Whatever you are responsible for, give it your heart and soul on a 24 hour basis. Feel like you are the parent and it is your baby.
Whatever you do, think that you are carrying it out in partnership with God. Feel that you are the second owner and pour all your love into it. The one who loves something the most is the ultimate owner. When you give love, you will attain infinite value.


God’s Model for Absoluteness, Peace and the Ideal Is the Family and Global Kingdom Upholding Absolute Sexual Morality Dr. Rev. Sun Myung Moon

November 21, 2006 

Korea International Exhibition Center
Goyang, Korea

Beloved blessed families of the world, respected Ambassadors for Peace, leaders from all walks of life, and distinguished guests from at home and abroad:
Today is a significant day in the history of God’s providence; it begins the forty-seventh year since I declared Children’s Day. There are four great milestones that must be reached and established in the providential course of restoration through indemnity, in order to fulfill God’s purpose of creation that was lost through the Fall of Adam and Eve, our first ancestors. They are: God’s Day, Parents’ Day, Children’s Day, and the Day of All Things. This is the first observance of True Children’s Day, one of the four great providential milestones, following the victory of the Coronation for God’s Kingship in 2001 and the beginning of the providence of Cheon Il Guk (God’s Kingdom) that was proclaimed at the time of the Entrance Ceremony of the Cheon Jeong Gung Peace Palace and the coronation ceremony, in June this year.
To commemorate this significant day and renew our resolve, I would like to convey Heaven’s words on the subject of “God’s Model for Absoluteness, Peace and the Ideal Is the Family and Global Kingdom Upholding Absolute Sexual Morality,” which is a summary of the message from Heaven that I have given to the 6.5 billion people of the world over the past year. It is to remind you once again of your role and mission from the viewpoint of God’s providence, and of the importance of the age in which you are living.
These words are the words of life that 120 international religious leaders who received them from True Parents directly are proclaiming in 120 nations of the world. The world speaking tour carried out by members of the three generations of the family of the True Parents has opened the path to the salvation of humanity through Heaven’s message and the Blessing. On that foundation, these religious leaders who represent the Cain-type world have taken up the cause and are traveling to every corner of the world.

The Emergence of the Universal Peace Federation

Ladies and gentlemen, throughout history, people have worked continuously for peace, based upon human effort alone. Consider the confrontation between democracy and communism. Outwardly, the difference between the two was the extent to which they recognized and insured individual rights and freedoms. Yet from the viewpoint of God’s providence, Communism and democracy were like children who had lost their parents. The two divided into the positions of Cain and Abel respectively and became trapped in the fetters of fraternal conflict.
Throughout history, peace movements inevitably reached their limit and ended in failure because they were carried out by imperfect human beings. This why the United Nations, although launched with the splendid dream of realizing world peace, today has to admit its innate limitations and confess that it can no longer give hope to humanity. This is simply because the UN was launched during the era prior to the time when God could directly govern the unfolding of His providence in history.
Now, however, it is entirely possible for the Universal Peace Federation to fulfill its mission to unite heaven and earth and form the kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world. That is because it represents God’s victory and the fruit of the True Parents’ blood, sweat and tears. Therefore, the Universal Peace Federation is the world’s cherished hope. It will carry out the role of an Abel-type counterpart to the existing “Cain-type” United Nations, to renew the UN and provide the leadership for a new sovereignty of universal peace known in Korean as Cheon Il Guk. Therefore, please bear in mind that you, as the world’s leaders, are given the heavenly mission to build God’s substantial homeland, which is no less than the ideal that God intended at the time of creation.

God’s Purpose of Creation

Respected world leaders, what do you think is God’s ultimate purpose for creating human beings? It is to experience joy through relating with ideal families filled with true love. What does an ideal family look like? When God first created human beings, He made Adam representing all men and Eve representing all women, with the intention that they become owners of true love. Then what was the quickest way for them to cultivate a character of true love? Simply put, it was to secure a parent–child relationship with God, whereby they could live in attendance to God as their Father and form a model family embodying God’s ideal of peace. They were to have followed the path of living as one family with God, experiencing joy eternally.
God created Adam and Eve and established them as the first ancestors of humankind to form the model family and establish the ideal of peace. He committed Himself completely to raising them as His son and daughter, who were to be encapsulations of the entire cosmos, mediators between the spiritual and physical worlds, and lords of creation, and who would be joined with Him through true love, true life and true lineage.
Ladies and gentlemen, it was necessary for Adam and Eve to establish a model, peaceful, ideal family. God, the Absolute Being, created human beings as His children in order to instill in them absolute values on the basis of an absolute standard. Thus, human beings must follow the way of that absolute standard in keeping with the demands of the heavenly path. This means we must follow our destined life course in order to attend God, the Absolute Being, as our Parent. In other words, for people to perfect themselves in resemblance of God and obtain the stature of people of character who can be called sons and daughters of the Absolute Being, they must follow the path based on the absolute standard determined by Heaven. The essence of this path is the standard of absolute sexual morality.

Absolute Sexual Morality

The first stage is maintaining absolute sexual morality—in other words a standard of absolute sexual purity—prior to getting married.
After we are born, we go through a process of growth. We pass through infancy and childhood in a very safe and secure environment under our parents’ love and protection. We then enter the time of adolescence, which signals the start of a new and dynamic life as we forge relationships on a totally new level with those around us, as well as with all things of creation. This is the moment when we begin to travel the path to becoming an absolute human being—internally, through the perfection of our character, and externally, by reaching adulthood.
Yet, at this time there is an absolute prerequisite that human beings must uphold no matter who they are; that is maintaining their purity. Sexual purity is based on an absolute model of sexual morality for human beings. God gave it to His children as their destined responsibility and duty, to be carried out in order to fulfill the ideal of creation. This heavenly path is thus the way to perfect an absolute model of sexual morality.
What was the single word, the one and only commandment God gave to Adam and Eve, the first human ancestors, upon their creation? It was the commandment and blessing to maintain an absolute standard of sexual abstinence until Heaven’s approval of their marriage. We find this in the Bible passage that indicates that Adam and Eve would surely die on the day they ate of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. If they had refrained from eating and had observed Heaven’s commandment, they would have perfected their character and, as co-creators, stood with God, the Creator, as His equals. Furthermore, they would have taken dominion over the creation and become the lords of the universe enjoying eternal and ideal happiness.
It was God’s blessing that He told them to preserve their purity so that they could be married with His Blessing as His true children, become true husband and wife, produce true children and become true parents. This deepens our understanding of this commandment: it was not something separate from absolute sexual morality, which is a principle of God’s creation. The profound truth that lay hidden within God’s commandment throughout history was this: human beings must inherit and live by a model of sexual morality that is intrinsic to God’s ideal for creation in order to perfect their individuality as God’s children, and establish themselves as lords of creation.
Second is the absolute model of sexual morality in the relationship of husband and wife. More precious than life itself, this is the heavenly law of absolute fidelity.
Husband and wife are eternal partners given to each other by Heaven. Through having children, they become the co-creators of true love, true life, and true lineage, and the original source of that which is absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal. This is because it is a heavenly principle that people cannot give birth to children by themselves, even if they live for a thousand years. How can people who preserve their purity before marriage and become bonded together in purity as husband and wife by Heaven deviate from the heavenly way and go astray, following the wrong path? Human beings are different from animals; if they understand God’s purpose in creating them as His children, they will realize that wrong path is one of betrayal and defiance to the Creator beyond imagination; it is a path of destruction along which they dig their own graves. Resulting from the human Fall, this path is outside the realm of the ideal of creation.
Ladies and gentlemen, absolute sexual morality is the greatest blessing that Heaven has bestowed on humankind. Without adhering to the standard of absolute sexual morality, the path to the perfection of one’s character, to spiritual maturity, is closed. Furthermore, without securing the foundation of absolute sexual morality within a true family through perfected persons, it is impossible for God to establish His stature as a personal God and incarnate God. In order for God, the Absolute Being, to have direct dominion over our lives and to live and share joy with us, we who were created as His object partners and children must assume the form of a perfected family based on the standard of absolute sexual morality, as God does. Only within the boundaries of a family upholding absolute sexual morality is it possible to create relationships based on an ideal model of sexual ethics for life as it originally should have been. This life includes the three-generational realm of grandparents, parents, children and grandchildren. Please understand clearly that God’s eternal life and a human being’s eternal life are made possible only on this foundation.
Therefore, if, upholding absolute sexual morality, Adam and Eve had achieved individual perfection—the perfection of their character—in accordance with God's will, and entered into conjugal relations through His Blessing, they would have attained complete oneness with Him. God would have dwelt within their union. Also, their children would have been linked to this holy order of love, enjoying a direct relationship with God as their Parent. In other words, the marriage of the perfected Adam and Eve, based on their absolute sexual morality, would have been God's own marriage. While God is forever God, also Adam and Eve would have become the embodiment of God. They would have become God's body. God would have settled inside their minds and hearts to become the True Parent of humankind in both the spiritual and physical worlds, on the foundation of absolute sexual morality.

The Importance of Lineage

Do you know what has pained God’s heart most, causing Him the greatest grief over the long history since the Fall of Adam and Eve? God lost His lineage. With it, God lost the basis of human brotherhood and even His ownership over the creation. God’s lineage is more precious than life itself. Without it, the fruits of true life and true love never matured. They became instead the fruits of Satan, lacking any relationship with God. From them descended the 6.5 billion people now covering the earth.
Ladies and gentlemen, lineage is more important than life and more precious than love. Life and love come together to create lineage. Lineage cannot be established if either life or love is missing. Therefore, among the three—love, life and lineage—lineage is the fruit. God’s lineage contains the seed of true love. God’s lineage provides the context and environment for a true life.
Hence, for us to become the ideal people envisioned by God, that is, people of ideal character, and to create ideal families, we first need to be linked to His lineage. To take it a step further, only when we are linked to God’s lineage is it possible to create God’s homeland, the ideal nation. The kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world is established in this way through relationships based on absolute sexual morality.
Please inscribe the importance of lineage in your hearts. I cannot emphasize this enough. This is because the parent–child relationship is the highest and most important of all relationships, and the model, lineal relationship between parent and child is the only way through which God’s lineage can be bequeathed and made to last forever. You must be clear on this point.
Instead, false love, false life and false lineage have infested the earth. God’s love, life and lineage fell into the hands of the adulterer Satan, the enemy of love. Heaven and earth were suffocated and transformed into hell. The world became a wretched place, far from God’s presence. Yet humanity to this day lives in ignorance of this. People are deluded into believing that the lineage of the enemy is the lifeline upon which the world depends. This is the wretched truth about humanity descended from the Fall. That is why we refer to this world as hell on earth. God views humanity’s tragic situation with a heart full of pain.
Furthermore, when, due to the Fall, Satan gained control of the realm of lineage, he also usurped the right of the elder son and the right of ownership. God is like a father who worked and sweated his entire life to accumulate assets for his children, only to have a thief steal everything in one night. Who can comprehend the sorrowful, painful heart of God? God lost His lineage, lost His children, and was forced to hand over the ownership of the nations and world to Satan. However, the life of Rev. Moon, whose task it is to complete the mission of the True Parents, has been one of sorrow, marked by inexpressible suffering and persecution.
The third Adam, the True Parent, needs to indemnify and completely reverse all the failures of the first and second Adams. It is a mission to complete not only the mission of the Savior, Messiah, and Lord at his second coming, but also the mission of all those major figures on whom religions are based. With similarities to the process of God’s creation of the universe, his life has constituted the great work of the re-creation of humanity, where not even the smallest error is permitted. It has been a lonely course that cannot be fully comprehended by anyone.
It has been a course that took him down thorny paths through the wilderness—paths that he had to follow while utterly alone. Not even God could acknowledge him. Hovering many times between life and death, even vomiting blood, his life has been one of establishing a model of sexual morality, the life of a phoenix that had to rise again to remain true to his promise to God.
Though he was innocent, Rev. Moon has had to endure unjust imprisonment six times: for working in the underground independence movement when he was studying in Japan in his early days; for propagating the will of God in Pyongyang, which was under communist rule immediately after Korea’s independence; during the Syngman Rhee administration after Korea had been reborn as a free nation; and, furthermore, even in the United States, which proudly presents itself to the world as a model of democracy. Who on earth can understand the life of Rev. Moon—a life that has been one of perfecting a model of sexual morality? His has been a life of misery, which he has endured by biting his tongue, for the sake of comforting God, and for the salvation of the fallen people of the world who are suffering in the realm of death. Even now, if one person were to look into my heart and speak a word of sympathy, I would burst into tears and my tears would flow like a waterfall.
There is only one way to recover the realm of lineage, the right of the elder son and the right of ownership. This is the path to win the natural subjugation of Satan, to have Satan surrender voluntarily. What is the secret to accomplish this? It is only by the power of true love, when we love our enemies more than we love our own children.

True Love

Then what is true love? Its essence is to give, to live for the sake of others and for the sake of the whole. True love gives, forgets that it has given, and continues to give without ceasing. True love gives joyfully. We find it in the joyful and loving heart of a mother who cradles her baby in her arms and nurses it at her breast. True love is sacrificial love, as with a filial son who gains his greatest satisfaction through helping his parents.
When we are bound together in true love, we can be together forever, continually rejoicing in each other’s company. The attraction of true love brings all things in the universe to our feet; even God will come to dwell with us. Nothing can compare to the value of true love. It has the power to dissipate the barriers fallen human beings created, including national boundaries and the barriers of race and even religion.
The main attributes of God’s true love are that it is absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal, so whoever practices true love will live with God, share His happiness, and enjoy the right to participate as an equal in His work. Therefore, a life lived for the sake of others, a life of true love, is the absolute prerequisite for entering the kingdom of heaven.

The Spirit World Really Exists

Ladies and gentlemen, each person has a mind and body, and a spirit self that is more elevated than the mind. God resides in the world in which we live with our physical bodies and also in the spirit world, to which our spirits are destined to pass on. Therefore, only when we have become completely one with God in true love are we complete. Such a perfected person might be a small individual but would represent all of history and all potential future relationships, and so could be said to possess infinite value. Once we are aware of this cosmic value, we realize that our lives should be led by and carried out in service to our minds for the sake of perfecting a standard of absolute sexual morality. 
That is why your conscience knows and perceives not only every action you have performed but also every thought you have entertained. Your conscience is aware of these things before your own teachers, parents or even God are. Hence, if you were to live in absolute obedience to the commands of your conscience, which is your teacher for eternity, you would be absolutely guaranteed to have eternal life. Such is the way of God’s creation.
When viewing the structure of a human being from a different angle, we can recognize that God created us as beings with dual characteristics. He created our physical bodies as miniatures of the corporeal, tangible world and our spiritual bodies as representatives of and lords of the incorporeal world. Accordingly, a human being is intended to live for a hundred years or so in the physical world and, once the physical body ceases functioning, to pass on naturally and automatically into the incorporeal, spirit world. In this way, though it cannot be perceived by the eyes in our physical bodies, the spirit world is the automatic and inevitable extension of our lives on earth, humankind’s eternal, original homeland, created by God.
The spirit world does actually exist. It is not a world that has been fantasized or imagined into existence. We do not have the right of choice concerning it. It is not a world we can go to if we please or refuse to go to if we would rather not. Just as God is eternal and unchanging, the spirit world He created is also eternal and unchanging. Just as we live in the physical world in our physical bodies and form all sorts of relationships with the existing world, even in the spirit world we are destined to go on living in our spiritual bodies, forming and maintaining close relationships with all phenomena of the spirit world.

The Relationship between the Spiritual and Physical Bodies

However, in the relationship between the spirit and the physical body of a human being, the spirit is the more important of the two. The physical body lasts for about a hundred years before it stops functioning, but the spirit lasts eternally, transcending time and space. Isn’t even a person who dresses and fares well in the physical world bound to die? Therefore, before you pass on to the next world, you should achieve unity between your physical and spiritual bodies by living your earthly life in such a way that you meet the standards of both the physical and spiritual worlds.
In other words, you have the responsibility to perfect your spirit within your physical bodies based on the finite life you live in the tangible, physical world. This does not mean, however, that the perfection of a spirit self happens automatically. Only on the basis of your having achieved complete unity between your mind and body during your earthly life, by expressing true love through actions, can your spirit self fully mature.
Ladies and gentlemen, in order for fruit to ripen and be put into storage in autumn, it must first pass through the growing process of spring and summer and be provided with the nutrients supplied by nature and the tender loving care of its owner. Fruit grown in an orchard by a lazy and ignorant owner will be afflicted with all kinds of diseases and be affected by foul weather. Eventually it will fall from the tree before it is ripe, or be classified as worm-infested. Though it will still be fruit, it will be different from other fruit since it will never be good enough to sell in the market.
Fruit that has fully matured on the tree will automatically go into the owner’s storehouse. Similarly, only when the spirit of a person has reached perfection during his life in the physical world, which can be likened to the tree, can it automatically enter the incorporeal spirit world of the kingdom of heaven. In other words, a person will enter the kingdom of God in heaven automatically only when he has qualified for and enjoyed the kingdom of heaven on earth by living as a fully mature person while in his physical body.
While living on earth, your every action and movement is recorded on your spirit self without exception, with the public laws of Heaven as the standard. Accordingly, you will enter the spirit world in the form of your spirit self, which has recorded your life on earth with 100 percent accuracy. Your spirit will show plainly whether you have led a ripe life of goodness, or a wormy, rotten life of sinfulness. What this means is that it is not God who will judge you; you will be your own judge. If you are aware of this astonishing rule from Heaven, will the remaining days of your life on earth be spent in selfishness and immorality, succumbing to all the temptations of Satan and in pursuit of nothing but pleasure? No, rather you will abstain from injuring and scarring your spirit bodies, even at the risk of your earthly life. Please bear this truth in mind: Whether you are bound for heaven or for hell is determined by your thoughts, speech and behavior in each moment.
Nevertheless, when you look into your lives, undeniably, your outer self and inner self are in a constant relationship of conflict and struggle. How much longer will you allow this fighting to continue? Ten years? A hundred years? In contrast, there is undeniably a proper order for all forms of existence in the universe. This indicates that God did not create human beings in this state of conflict and disorder. You need to know that it is your duty and responsibility as a human being to dispel all temptations directed at your outer self, your physical body, perfect absolute sexual morality and be victorious in life by following the way of your inner self—your conscience. Heavenly fortune will be with those who lead their lives in such a way. They will attain the perfection of their spiritual selves.

The Kingdom of Heaven and the Family

Ladies and gentlemen, what kind of place is heaven? In brief, heaven is a world overflowing with God’s true love. True love is its axis. True love is everywhere, in the outward expression as well as in the inward thought. Everyone’s life is filled with true love from beginning to end. The people of heaven are born through true love, live in the embrace of true love, and follow the track of true love all the way to the day they pass on into the next world, the spirit world.
Heaven is a natural world where all people live for the sake of one another. Consequently, antagonism and jealousy cannot be found anywhere in that world. It is not a world governed by money, position or power. In heaven, the success of every person represents the success of the whole, the likes of every person represent the likes of the whole, and the joy of every person represents the joy of the whole.
Heaven is a world filled with the air of true love, where all breathe true love. Its life throbs with love, everywhere and all the time. The citizens of heaven are all linked together through their common membership in God’s lineage. There, the whole world and all its people are linked together in an inseparable relationship, like the cells in our bodies. True love, the love that is God’s essence, is Heaven’s only governing power. Accordingly, God also exists for true love.

A Family of Three Generations Living in Harmony

When seeking after the lost ideal of the original family, there should be someone in the position of perfected Adam, someone in the position of Jesus, and someone in the position of the Lord at his second coming. From that starting point, we can establish the family in which God will dwell. In that family, three generations—grandparents, parents and children—will live in harmony. Parents and children will serve and attend the grandparents, because they represent the family’s ancestors, its historical root.
Ladies and gentlemen, the family sets the pattern for living together in harmony. It is the model for living together as one. There we have love and respect between parents and children, mutual fidelity and love between husband and wife, and trust and mutual reliance among siblings. This means that you need to establish a true family wherein the stem of true love emerges from the root of true love and bears the fruit of true love.
In this manner, the three generations of grandparents, parents, and children should live together as one family and serve the eternal God. God desires to see such families, and it is your responsibility as tribal messiahs and Ambassadors for Peace to seek after and establish them—families of Cheon Il Guk, the Kingdom of God.
Ladies and gentlemen, you should form families that God will miss and yearn to return to after He has been away. He should feel comfortable to visit your home like any parent coming to visit his or her children. This is what it means to live in service to God.
Within such a family, God is the vertical subject of your conscience, and your conscience is the vertical subject of your body. Thus, unity with God brings your mind and body into unity. Family members who have established that vertical axis can perfect the four realms of love and heart: parental love, conjugal love, children’s love, and siblings’ love. That family links all directions: up and down, front and rear, right and left. They revolve around each other in everlasting spherical motion. This is God’s eternal, model, ideal family, which expands to ideal model nations and His peace kingdom. If only the entire world were filled with such true families! It would be an orderly world where people governed themselves by the heavenly way and heavenly laws, with no need for lawyers, prosecutors or even judges.
Who would be most fully aware of your good and bad deeds? It would be your grandparents, your parents, your spouse and your children. Is there anything that cannot be resolved within the family? When parents and children, husband and wife, and elder siblings and younger siblings set an example of living for the sake of one another, how could they do anything unforgivable? What chance would they have to commit crimes? A world governed by the heavenly way and the heavenly laws is a natural world, an unobstructed world of truth and pure reason. It is a world at the “high noon” of absolute values, without any dark shadows.

The Intercultural “Exchange” Marriage Blessing

Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, our bondage to the lineage of Satan has caused so much suffering throughout history. Let us now boldly step forth to sever it and be grafted onto the root of the lineage of the True Parents. Why should we foolishly continue to live and die as wild olive trees? A wild olive tree, even if it lives a thousand years, will only continue producing the seeds of more wild olive trees. Where can we find the path to escape this vicious cycle?
It is through the Holy Blessing. The Holy Blessing Ceremony offers the grace of being grafted onto the true olive tree. It was instituted by the True Parents, who bring God’s true lineage to humankind. Once you change your lineage to God’s lineage, your offspring will belong to God’s lineage naturally. The Holy Blessing is received in three stages: rebirth, resurrection and eternal life. These marriages contribute to the enormous task of transcending the barriers of race, culture, nationality, ethnicity and religion, and to creating one family of humankind. In God’s sight, skin color makes no difference. God does not recognize national borders. God does not stand behind the barriers of religion and culture. They are nothing more than the Devil’s tricks. The Devil has used them to rule over humanity as a false parent for tens of thousands of years.
You have the mission to teach the members of your families and clans that perfecting a life of absolute sexual morality through the intercultural exchange Marriage Blessing is the ultimate means to establish a peaceful, ideal world here on earth. Your families and clans should all join the holy ranks of those blessed through intercultural marriage through the perfection of absolute sexual morality.
Ladies and gentlemen, the path is now open wide for you to change your lineage through the Holy Wine Ceremony that the True Parents have instituted. The Blessing is yours, either as newlywed couples or as already married couples, that you may establish true families.

True Parents’ Peace Movement

Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to reiterate the proposal I have made for a truly providential and revolutionary project. For the sake of peace and human welfare, and also for building God’s homeland and original hometown, I propose that we build a passage for transit across the Bering Strait, that remnant of Satan’s historical division between east and west, and north and south, and where the North American and Russian landmasses are separated. This passage, which I call the “World Peace King Bridge and Tunnel,” will link an international highway system that will allow people to travel on land from Africa’s Cape of Good Hope to Santiago, Chile, and from London to New York, across the Bering Strait, connecting the world as a single community.
God is warning us that He will no longer tolerate separation and division. Carrying out this project will bind the world together as one village. It will tear down the manmade walls of race, culture, religion and country, and establish the kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world that has been God’s cherished desire.
The United States and Russia can become one. The European Union, China, India, Japan, Brazil and all nations, and also the world’s religions, can combine their energies to succeed in this project. Its success will be decisive in establishing the kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world, where people will no longer make war with each other.

The Arrival of the Kingdom of the Peaceful, Ideal World

Beloved blessed families, you are now living in the most blessed and exalted time in history. The Age after the Coming of Heaven has arrived! I proclaim the beginning of the new heaven and new earth, long-awaited and yearned for by billions of your ancestors in the spirit world who have come and gone in history. This is the era of the kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world. The four great religious founders and billions of good ancestors have come down to earth to guide you on the heavenly path. The age when the fallen and corrupt world wreaks havoc on humanity, allowing evil people to live better than others, is passing away.
We should seek out and establish that nation and righteousness—the ultimate destination for all of us—that attends God as the center. What would that nation be? It would be the kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world. It would be a nation that resembles the form of a model true family with three generations living together in harmony, trusting, respecting and supporting one another and becoming one in love. In short, it is the nation that humanity has desired throughout the ages, the Utopia where God is sovereign.
This means we need a movement to realize a society of interdependence, mutual prosperity and universally shared values. We need to make humanity one great family, by breaking down the walls in our hearts and eliminating even the boundaries between nations. This movement begins from one family. Therefore, each of us should bear in mind that it is our providential calling to form and establish a true family. It is the way we can advance the establishment of the cosmic peace kingdom on earth.
Indeed, all this is coming to pass. In the Middle East, one of the world’s tinderboxes, Jews, Christians and Muslims have found the resources in my philosophy of peace to engage in a new dimension of dialogue. In past decades my Unification Thought played a decisive role in ending the Cold War. Now I am successfully leading behind-the-scenes efforts to bring about the reunification of my homeland of Korea.
But I am not yet satisfied, because I began my life’s work at the command of Heaven. I have come as the True Parent of humankind with God’s anointing and I am determined to keep my promise to Him. I am determined to obliterate all national divisions and barriers that have poisoned this earth and to establish the kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world, where all people everywhere can live hand in hand.

Our Mission

The Age after the Coming of Heaven that God and True Parents have opened is a time of dramatic change. You have the mission to make this era blossom and bear fruit in blessing and glory. Therefore, please become Heaven’s emissaries, fulfilling the dual missions of the “Peace Kingdom Police Force” and “Peace Kingdom Corps.” Serve humanity under the banner of the Universal Peace Federation, which is working to take up the role of an Abel-type United Nations. Worthy citizens of the world, if not you, then who will nurture and protect the blessed families and this blessed planet Earth that God has given us?
Ladies and gentlemen, I have said that in the Age after the Coming of Heaven we must recover the true lineage that was lost when Adam fell, by receiving the Marriage Blessing through the True Parents. The providence of the Blessing should be perfected through five stages: the individual, the family, the tribe, the race and the nation. In this way, let us fulfill our divine mission as blessed families in the Age after the Coming of Heaven by restoring and establishing the ideal three-generation family on the world level. This is the same purpose for which Jesus came to the earth, and which he sought to accomplish before passing from this world.
Therefore, I am now leading all tribal and national messiahs to unite and bring to a final end the improper relationship between the political sphere, representing the Cain realm, and the religious sphere, representing the Abel realm.
The Mongolian Peoples’ Federation, representing 74 percent of the world’s population, should bear in mind that the providential age is now upon us in which it should fulfill its duties by restoring the world through the Blessing on the world level. This will bring to a close the conflict between Cain and Abel, which began in humanity’s first family.
Ladies and gentlemen, the providential time has now come when we have the mission to unite the two sons, Cain and Abel. It is by their mother’s love that they can become one. Then, having recovered their original positions, they should dedicate the restored, original, ideal family before the True Parents, the King and Queen of Cosmic Peace. Please take to heart and engrave this in your mind: You are living at a time when God gives you the mission—through restoring the true, ideal family—to offer before Heaven the realm of the sibling love and the right of ownership that were given over to Satan through the Fall of our human ancestors.
You are now advancing into the era of liberation and complete inner freedom, which is the providential era of the realm of the heart of the fourth Adam. In other words, it is the Age after the Coming of Heaven. This is the time when, metaphorically speaking, the sun is directly overhead, such that no shadow is cast. This signifies that the era before heaven, including the Old, New and Completed Testament ages, has been surmounted. These eras have required immeasurable restitution and atonement in re-creating the ideal. The present time, however, corresponds to the era, prior to Adam’s Fall, of building the original ideal world. It refers to the era of true love that is all-encompassing, all-powerful and has overall authority. It is the realm of heart in which the spirit world and the physical world are bound together as a unified realm centering on the True Parents, the King and Queen of Peace. In other words it is the era of the kingdom of peace and unity in heaven and on earth. 
Please become true princes and princesses who live in attendance to God as your True Parent, for He is the Peace King of the multitudes. Let us build the everlasting peace kingdom by attending True Parents, who have been enthroned as the King and Queen of Cosmic Peace in the world of eternal liberation and freedom—where there is no need for the Savior, Messiah nor Second Advent of the Lord—and fulfill the dutiful family way of filial sons and daughters, patriots, saints, and divine sons and daughters!
By following God’s commandment to uphold absolute sexual morality, let us establish exemplary families, inherit True Parents’ victory of restoring through indemnity the realm of three generations, and perfect the world as it would have been without the Fall!
Let us establish a model ideal family to bring the complete settlement of the cosmic ideal realm of liberation and complete freedom, and the kingdom of goodness in which we can enjoy a time of absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal peace and prosperity, which can become the homeland of cosmic peace that can be praised for all eternity!
May God’s blessings be upon your family, your nation and the world for all eternity!
Thank you.


Declaration of the Establishment of Cheon Il Guk Cheon Il Guk is the Ideal Heavenly Kingdom of Eternal Peace Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon

June 13, 2006

Highest leaders of all of the nations of the world, honored guests of Heaven who have gathered from every corner of the earth to celebrate this treasured historic and providential day, and people of the spiritual and physical worlds who are being reborn as citizens of Cheon Il Guk:
In the name of all humanity in the spirit world and physical world, numbering more than 300 billion, I offer boundless gratitude and glory to God, the Creator of all things, the eternal True Parent of humankind and Great King of the Cosmos.
I ask you to raise your voices high in praise for the victory of the True Parents of Heaven and Earth, the King and Queen of Cosmic Peace. They have personally completed the entire course of restoration through indemnity in order to save humanity, who, as descendants of the Fall, would otherwise be eternally destined to wander in evil and suffering, ever sliding down the path to hell.
You stand today in the venue of a tremendous event in providential history. This event is unprecedented and will never be repeated. It is the day when the King of Peace finally ascends in glory. Please recognize that, although they may not be visible to you, thousands and tens of thousands of your good ancestors of blessed families have come here. They are above your head now, joining with you in celebration of this awesome moment. All nature is rejoicing, and heaven and earth resound with choruses of Hallelujah.
If you truly understood the infinite value of this day, you would not be able to sit still. You would go throughout the world singing hymns of joy and dancing in ecstasy.

The Coronation of God’s Kingship

Do you know the significance of January 13, 2001? It was the Day of the Coronation of God’s Kingship. For countless years Heaven had been waiting for that event in eager anticipation. It was the greatest and most exalted celebration humanity had ever witnessed. On that day Reverend Moon, who had received the anointing as the True Parent of all humanity and traveled a path of indescribable suffering and pain until he had gained the final victory, offered his entire foundation to Heaven.
For tens of thousands of years, God had endured an existence full of lamentation and grief, even as He conducted His Providence with a parental heart. When that coronation ceremony was offered to Him, it marked the moment of His long-awaited liberation and release. On that providential day, we declared to all heaven and earth that we would attend God as the vertical True Parent and great King of the Cosmos, that we would unfurl and raise the banner of Cheon Il Guk, and that the new sovereignty of Heaven had begun.
For the next three years, the True Parents held firmly to the helm while the winds of heavenly fortune surged around us like a typhoon. We dashed forward as though each day were a thousand years. Then on the foundation of True Parents’ victory, we declared May 5, 2004 the Day of Ssang-hap Ship-seung. On that day, the True Parents brought to a close the Age Before the Coming of Heaven with its long years of grief, and opened theAge After the Coming of Heaven, the new era when we can build a new heaven and a new earth. This marked the beginning of a great and historic revolution to return the earth to God as a substantial reality.
Beloved citizens of Cheon Il Guk, today you are receiving amazing grace. You are participating in the coronation ceremony of the substantial King of Cosmic Peace, and you are being registered as citizens of Cheon Il Guk. Not only you, but also your ancestors by the tens of thousands will thank you throughout eternity for the grace they are receiving along with you today.
The Bible says “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness.” (Mt 6:33) Today you are witnessing the miracle of miracles: the establishment of Cheon Il Guk, the substantial sovereignty in the Age After the Coming of Heaven. God truly works in mysterious ways. By the first day of the new millennium, God had already placed Cheon Il Guk on the horizon. Who could have imagined though, that they would see the day when the King of Cosmic Peace would ascend to his throne? We thought it was just a dream, but we are witnessing it in our lifetime.

The Path of the People of Cheon Il Guk

Citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven, this is a precious and blessed day of victory and glory. Now, as the King of Cosmic Peace, I will declare, on this thirteenth day of June in the sixth year of Cheon Il Guk, the fundamental duties and mission that every citizen of Cheon Il Guk should understand and live by as they walk the way of Heaven.
First, as God is the vertical True Parent and you are true children of God, you will establish the realm of three generations in your family, perfect the Four Great Realms of Heart, and attend God on the vertical axis for eternity.
Further, you will inscribe on your heart the need to uphold the Cosmic King of Peace, who is the horizontal True Parent, and to live with absolute obedience on the horizontal axis for eternity as a citizen of Cheon Il Guk. You will make living for the sake of others, which is the practice of true love, the standard of your life. You will establish a true family and raise true children who are sinless and pure, thus protecting God’s lineage and bequeathing it intact from generation to generation.
Second, no matter what the situation, you will live with your mind and body united as one. In my case as well, from the day I first determined to follow Heaven’s path, I resolved to keep this as my motto: “Before you desire to have dominion over the universe, you must first have dominion over yourself.”
God has given you a conscience as your guide in accomplishing this objective. Your conscience knows everything about you. It has complete knowledge of every action and step you take; it even knows your thoughts. Your conscience knows all these things about you before your teacher or your pastor knows. It knows them before your parents know. It knows them even better than God knows. So if you place your conscience in God’s position over your life, and go the way of absolute obedience, of “high-noon settlement”, it is certain that you will establish a realm of resonance between your mind and body and perfect their unity.

World Peace through Exchange Marriage

Citizens of Cheon Il Guk, the unification of spirit world has been completed. The issue now is the 6.5 billion people living on earth in the physical body. They struggle in agony in the midst of sin and suffering, yet they are your brothers and sisters. Your third mission is to educate them and bring them home as people of Cheon Il Guk.
You should educate everyone to understand that all human beings without exception are descended from the Fall and must change their blood lineage through receiving the Holy Marriage Blessing from the True Parents. You must continue the work of engrafting people onto the True Olive Tree, by having them participate in the grace of “exchange” (cross-cultural) marriage, until the day when all humankind, numbering more than 300 billion souls, is restored to God’s lineage.
Fourth, you are created to spend ten months in your mother’s womb, about one hundred years on earth breathing air, and then all eternity in the spirit world. You should understand that, just as proper preparation in the womb is required for a healthy life after birth, you must devote your earthly life to prepare yourself for the next stage of life in the spirit world. Never forget that in every time and place, and no matter what you are doing, your ancestors in the spirit world are with you. Be ever mindful to live in harmony with the spirit world. Communicate in prayer with the heavenly world with sincerity and dedication, so that you may become perfected in your spirit self while you are living on the earth.
Fifth, your talents and abilities are required for the management and governance of Cheon Il Guk. Now, therefore, cut away and cast off your mask of selfish individualism. It is but a remnant of the Age Before the Coming of Heaven. In order to belong to Heaven, you must change ownership by participating in the Ceremony of Returning Ownership, offering everything you own to God and then receiving it back from God.
In addition, all citizens of Cheon Il Guk will provide funds for the well being and peace of humanity, not by taxation but by voluntary contributions. They will demonstrate the model of offering the first three tenths of their income for public purposes. This cannot be an imposed tax; it has to be a gift that citizens offer willingly to Heaven with joyful hearts.

The Life of Citizens of Cheon Il Guk

Sixth, beloved citizens of Cheon Il Guk, in the Age After the Coming of Heaven it is possible to recover the ideal world of creation that was lost as a result of the Human Fall. God created all the earth’s creatures as our natural environment; they are absolutely needed for human prosperity. Human beings and nature are meant to share a realm of mutual resonance, with humans as the subject partners of love and nature as the object partner thriving under human management and beautified by human creativity. We can no longer tolerate actions that destroy nature and pollute the environment.
As citizens of Cheon Il Guk, please have the wisdom to protect and love nature. Return to nature and enjoy a life of liberation and complete freedom. To love nature is to love God and humanity. When human life resonates with nature, human character can blossom in perfection. The flowers of a true culture of heart, a true artistic world, will bloom. It will be the Garden of Eden, the original ideal where human beings and all creation live in complete harmony and express their original nature.
If you practice such true love in your daily life, how can God do anything but bestow great blessings upon you? You will live for all eternity in blessing and happiness.
Seventh, the Age After the Coming of Heaven that God and True Parents have opened is a time of dramatic change. As registered citizens of Cheon Il Guk, you have the mission to make this era blossom and bear fruit in blessing and glory. Therefore, please become Heaven’s emissaries, fulfilling the dual missions of the “Peace Kingdom Police Force” and the “Peace Kingdom Corps.” Serve humanity under the banner of the Universal Peace Federation, which is working to establish the position of the Abel-type United Nations. Worthy countrymen and women, if not you, then who, will nurture and protect the blessed families and this blessed planet Earth that God has given us?
Please become true princes and princesses who live in attendance to God as your True Parent, for He is the Peace King of the multitudes. Let us build the everlasting Peace Kingdom by attending the King of Cosmic Peace and fulfilling the dutiful family way of filial sons and daughters, patriots, saints, and divine sons and daughters.
Beloved people of Cheon Il Guk, I hope that you truly will celebrate and enjoy this precious and holy day. Brush off all your cares and worries and celebrate this day in joy while attending your Heavenly Father and True Parents with all your heart. The sincerity and dedication expressed by each of you brings even more glory to this day. The beautiful mountains, streams, trees, and flowers here in the vicinity of Cheong Pyeong Lake are showering their blessings upon you as you prepare to embark on your ambitious journeys. Your descendants, too, will take pride that you participated in this long-awaited day, and they will honor and praise you forever.
I pray that the abundant grace and blessings of God in heaven may be upon you and your families.
Thank you.