
Вторая годовщина Всемирной мемориальной Церемонии Сынхва Преп. Мун Сон Мёна

Вторая годовщина Всемирной мемориальной Церемонии Сынхва Преп. Мун Сон Мёна


“Прощение, Любовь, Единство”



▲ Всемирная Мемориальная Церемония по случаю Второй годовщины Сынхва Мун Сон Мёна, Истинного Родителя небес, земли и человечества – 12 августа 2014 г. Гапёнг, Корея




Около 30,000 участников, включая действующих и бывших глав государств и других видных деятелей из Кореи и других стран, любящих и скорбящих об утрате преп. Мун Сон Мёна, прибыли для участия в мемориальной Церемонии в Гапёнг, Корея, по случаю второй годовщины его Сынхва (Вознесения) 12 августа 2014 года.


На Всемирной Мемориальной Церемонии по случаю Второй годовщины Сынхва Мун Сон Мёна, Истинного Родителя небес, земли и человечества, как гласит его титул, в том числе перечислялись его многочисленные начинания, направленные на достижение мира во всем мире, особенно его наследие с центром на мирных инициативах в Северной и Южной Америке.


Его Превосходительство Живко Будимир, президент Боснии и Герцеговины; Его Величество Дэвид Мохато Беренг Сееисо и Масенате Сеейсо, король и королева Лесото; Его Высоч. Туй Атуа Тупуа Тамасесе Эфи, глава государства Самоа; Его Прев. Диссанаяке Мудийянселаге Джайяратне, премьер-министр Шри-Ланки; Его Прев. Кай Рала Ксанана Гусмао, премьер-министр Тимора-Лешти; Ади Койла Мара Наилатикау, бывшая первая леди Фиджи; д-р Луис Федерико Франко Гомес, экс-президент Парагвая; Его Прев. Хулио Мария Сангинетти, бывший президент Уругвая; Его Прев. профессор Дионкунда Траоре, бывший президент Мали; Достоп. Хосе К. де Венеция-младший, экс-спикер филиппинской Палаты Представителей; Его Прев. Анварул К. Чоудхури, бывший заместитель Генерального секретаря ООН и высокий представитель в Организации Объединенных Наций; Достопочт. Дэн Л. Бертон, бывший член Конгресса США; Чун Тэ Ик, председатель корейской Совета по международным отношениям; Хон Иль Шик, бывший президент Корейского университета, отдали почести во время мемориальной церемонии.


Со вступительным словом выступил преп. Рю Кёнг Сок, президент Федерации семей за единство и мир во всем мире (ФСЕММ). Преподобный Сон Ён Чон, от лица ФСЕММ Японии, произнес представительную молитву перед началом Церемонии. Д-р Хак Джа Хан Мун, вдова преп. Мун Сон Мёна, возложила цветы, затем видные деятели из Кореи и других стран, также возложили цветы в знак своего уважения. Далее последовала видео презентация под названием «Великий курс на создание нового мира».


Достопочт. Дэн Л. Бертон, бывший член Конгресса США, в своей речи сказал: «Сенатор Хэтч просил передать, что он помнит о преследованиях и жестоком обращении, которые претерпел преп. Мун». В заключение он сказал: «Я считаю, что причиной несправедливости, обрушившейся на преп. Муна, послужила его праведная позиция в борьбе с коммунизмом и безнравственностью. Я согласен с сенатором Хэтчем, и хотел бы еще раз подчеркнуть это прямо сегодня перед вами на этом историческом событии. То, что случилось с преп. Муном, не было волей праведных американцев, это был трагический случай всплеска религиозных преследований и фанатизма. Как верующий человек, имевший честь служить своей стране в Конгрессе Соединенных Штатов, и от имени патриотических и любящих Бога людей Америки, я сожалею, что американская система не сделала ничего, чтобы защитить этого Божьего человека".


После того, как сводный хор исполнил поминальные песни, Ким Ёнг Хви, и Ли Дже Сук, от имени компиляционного и организационного комитета публикаций, возложили в качестве приношения английский вариант Писания Чхонильгук –  Чхонсонгён (천성경 / 聖經) и Пёнхвагён (평화 / 平和 ). Сок Джун Хо, председатель Фонда Миссии ФСЕММ, возложил как приношение Белую книгу о церковных ценностях во всем мире в 2014 году, памятную книгу о публичной деятельности ФСЕМВМ во всем мире.

Доктор Хак Джа Хан Мун в своей речи, в частности, сказала: «В 1970-х годах, преп. Мун отправился в Соединенные Штаты как врач и пожарный. Небеса подготовили США как оплот свободного мира; однако страна двигалась в направлении, противоположном тому, что было обозначено Божьей волей. Соединенные Штаты оказались на грани жизни и смерти в результате упадка культуры, увеличивающегося распада семей и влияния коммунистической идеологии. В период до второй годовщины Сынхва преп. Мун Сон Мёна (Вознесения) мы сосредоточили свое внимание в основном на мирных инициативах в Северной и Южной Америке. Давайте сделаем все возможное, чтобы создать основание Единого Сердца, Единого тела, Единого настроя, Единой гармониисозвучно воле Бога!»


Преподобный Мун родился в Чхонджу, недалеко от Пхеньяна, в 1920 году. Его вознесение свершилось во время его пребывания в Международном госпитале Чхонщим, в Гапёнг, Кенгидо, в 1:54 утра 3 сентября 2012 года (17 июля по лунному календарю). На Церемонии Сынхва преп. Муна присутствовали 250 000 делегатов со всего мира, приехавших в Корею, чтобы засвидетельствовать свое уважение. Преп. Мун основал Ассоциацию Святого Духа за объединение мирового христианства (HSA-UWC) в 1954 году и поднял ее до уровня глобальной религиозной организации с миссиями в 194 странах мира. Преп. Мун посвятил всю свою жизнь религиозному примирению, миру во всем мире и спасению человечества.

Как «Человек планеты, любящий мир», преп. Мун Сон Мён вышел за рамки расовых, национальных, идеологических и религиозных разногласий. В своей автобиографии преп. Мун вспоминает свой жизненный путь: "С того дня, как я услышал призыв Бога у подножия горы Мёду, я жил как марафонец, бегущий без остановки по воле Бога ". Он описывает свою жизнь как "путь, с которого я не мог свернуть, от которого не мог уклониться, путь крови, пота и слез, который не позволял мне оставаться почтительным сыном, даже в отношении собственной матери". Памятная церемония второй годовщины его Сынхва отразила траекторию жизненного пути преподобного Мун Сон Мёна.



Family Federation for World Peace and Unification - True Mother’s Words at Aloha Reunion

True Mother’s Words at Aloha Reunion

On July 22, True Mother spoke at the opening ceremony of the “2014 Aloha Reunion with True Parents”. This is a currently ongoing workshop for youth and takes place in Hawaii. True Mother is there now, actively speaking, sharing and pouring her heart into the workshop. Here are her words on the opening day:

My message today for you is to become water that spreads out the true love of our Heavenly Parent and the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. Water is a living substance that is essential to all people, creation and animals, without exception. Right? We may go by without breathing for some time; however, what will happen if we don’t have water? We die. Though water is so precious, it has become polluted; however, we cannot let it kill all living beings, right?

Thanks to True Parents, you are like pure water born from blessed families for the first time in 6,000 years. You are like pure water. All living beings should be delighted with your presence wherever you go. However, we do not enjoy such an environment today. Why is that so? You will learn why through this workshop; you will learn what kind of people True Parents are, what are your responsibilities and mission and the victorious environment that True Parents have achieved until now. You must be able to see it yourself and experience it. You are still growing; hence, I hope you all can nurture big dreams through this workshop period. Do you understand?

True Parents must not only be your True Parents and but also humanity’s. Even though the seven billion people of the fallen world do not know how they ended up in such an environment, their original minds desire to become happy, to find peace and to live a good life. Yet, the reality is that humanity, throughout history, has been cultivating all problems. They are raising those problems. Not a day passes by comfortably. We thought that we would be happy if food was abundant and lived well, but that isn’t the case either. We become discontent. Why is that so?

Originally, we were supposed to grow in accordance to God’s word, and receive God’s blessing. This world, however, could not receive that blessing. The Fall of Adam and Eve, the first ancestors, brought about the dismal human history. God was supposed to become the King of peace and the owner; however, because the world fell under Satan, peace could not reign in the world. When you observe human history, territorial problems, racial problems, religions and the culture developed from the convenience of civilization, these are all causing destruction, right? The only people who can resolve all these problems are True Parents. Only True Parents can do that. Yet, not many people know of True Parents.

This points back to your parents, who received the Holy Marriage Blessing by True Parents, who were supposed to create a wider and bigger environment in front of True Parents, yet—what can we say?—they lacked the ability to do so. As a result, they not have the needed support in all fields. Hence, I would like to entertain great hopes of your big dreams. What do you think? The first thing I did after True Father’s ascension was to organize Father’s teachings. We have accumulated around 600 volumes for the past fifty or so years. Not everyone can read them all, right? 

It is difficult to hold on to all those volumes and read them. It would be difficult to digest the many contents. That is why I have classified the teachings, given titles to them and organized them by level, so that you will be able to easily understand and digest the teachings that True Father gave to raise you into beings that can bring about new changes through the blessing of rebirth; hence, I mobilized all theology experts and am in the process of making three volumes, two of which have already been completed. The last volume is Cham Bu Mo Gyeong. Once these three volumes are completed, all humanity will be able to have access to these teachings, which outline how we were meant to live.

All people need water. Living beings dance wherever there is water. However, we need to be the pure water in this world—pure, untainted and not polluted. The world today, however, has become greatly polluted. As you probably know through the news, this is a season when Korea should be having rain. It is the rainy season in Korea. However, it hasn’t been raining much, and this drought has caused fields and farms to go dry and crack. Human mistakes have caused such phenomenon, and I cannot just helplessly watch this happen as the True Parents. We must all stand up and correct this problem. We must educate people that it is important to restore the environment into the one that God created, a world that has not fallen and one that is pure. This is our responsibility.

Now, when we look at this world, Hawaii can be seen as the most unpolluted island in the world. There are seven islands in Hawaii, and we call this island the Big Island. This is the most unpolluted island. The volcano is still active and exploding underwater. In other words, the island is still growing. It is a growing island. As you observe this amazing nature during the workshop, I hope you can offer sincere gratitude to our Heavenly Parent. As you compare the nature here and that of your countries, please reflect on the field you will study and how you can become leaders that can realize the ideal of the Kingdom of Heaven that our Heavenly Parent originally created, that same beauty within your countries. Please become determined to become like pure water. Family Federation for World Peace and Unification - True Mother’s Words at Aloha Reunion


DAE MO NIM’s words from July 11, 2014.

(Unofficial notes)

"Good evening, everyone. The weather is so nice this evening. Tomorrow morning, I will leave for Japan at 7:20 am, so I better deliver this speech to you tonight instead of tomorrow. Back from Africa a week ago, I am recovering from water problems. However, Japanese members are waiting for me, so I am giving this speech tonight.

CP works started 20 years ago, 23 years ago if I include when HParents talked with me. The first words that DMN said to HFather were "I am insufficient." Heavenly Parent said: "That is why I am using you." All the construction around CP has been a big work but making Satan into angels and ES into AGS was a much larger work. The liberation goals were given in numbers to be completed by certain dates.

DMN asked HParents how to do this work. She had many worries and offered severe conditions such as 10,000 bows in one day. So much devotion was offered that one of DMN's teeth came out. HParent said to DMN, you need 1) to be sincere, 2) to work based on fact with no falsehood, and 3) to do it with love. DMN thought to herself, why did HParent say things in this order? She realized that love can only come after being sincere and working truthfully. HParent further said 4) have the mind of sacrifice and devotion and 5) work diligently, then HParent will do the work.

After making the training center in the SW, since spirits could not see themselves and their house in the SW, DMN decided to show them and let them know and listen to the DP. She showed Satan the past: before the fall, and after the fall when 2/3 of the angels fell with Lucifer. Why couldn't the spirits see themselves and their house in the SW? This was because of deep resentment. Spirits at the SW training center receive lectures and are shown the scenes of the creation of AE, and HParent creating all things and humankind. They are also shown the scene of the fall that occurred due to excessive desire and lack of love. They also see the central figures and providential contents for 100 days, after which they have become AGS.

Likewise, education, culture and medical services have to be "made" here in the restored Garden of Eden. The construction of the Wanglim Heavenly Palace (the main building at the training center) had to be completed in time for True Father's 80th birthday and the ceremony of the Coronation of God's Kingship. At the end of December 1991, on a dark, cold night, the sites for construction of all the buildings around CP were shown to DMN and Hoon Mo Nim. They went together to the site for the construction of the Cheon Cheong Gung. It was difficult to push through all the pine trees. They saw the site for the main building, building A, and building B, and were shown the amount of money needed. Despite the huge amount of money needed, without any fear they said yes to HParent, that they could finish the construction by the end of 2005. The Peace World Center had to be constructed quickly to attend TPs beautifully and to have TF's Seonghwa there. Pine Ridge resort is the first place that TPs went to after the helicopter accident. A hot spring emerged at Pine Ridge and that spring water cured True Father. Back pain can be cured there. TF did walking exercises in the spring and recovered quickly. A fishing area was also made there for TF.

By 2020, all the non-profit organizations around CP should become profitable. Originally we did not own the land beyond the Water of Life. We bought the mountain with the Tree of Blessing and a lot of other land around the area.We have also bought the mountains on the right and left sides of the Cheon Cheong Gung mountain and also behind the CCG mountain. So there will be no development around CCG in the future. We need to know the sincerity, honesty and living for the sake of others content of the CP providence. We also need to know the contents of the indemnity conditions made by TPs to remove Osin. These are the works by TPs to let us become one so that Satan cannot work. Then there can be a revival of the church. Even if a church leader gives a good sermon, it is not sufficient. You need to receive it well.

Reflect on yourself and become a person of character. We must become one -- one is heart, mind, body and mindset -- and also one with our church leader with absolute faith, love and obedience so that the sacred Heavenly Parent can live within us. We should not have fallen nature. No drinking, smoking or taking drugs, and no looking/touching/eating. Be afraid of public money, including tithing. Also, don't infringe others' hearts. If you speak thoughtlessly, a descendant may be mute. Witness to your family members and church members and offer a tithe of your time. Take pride in the Principle and TPs.

2014 is a difficult year and June, July and August will be difficult internally for our movement. Let's become one! Let's make this culture! Such filial sons and daughters of HParent and TPs I hope you can become. I will close here. Thank you."

God bless, itn, David Carlson

(Taken from the notes of a long-time foreign missionary who attends CP frequently)
Heung Jin Moon 문흥진's photo.
Heung Jin Moon 문흥진's photo.


DP Life — When You’re Stuck in a Rut

When You’re Stuck in a Rut

We all set out on our journey with the best of intentions, but life inevitably throws the occasional road block, flat tire, or thunderstorm our way. It’s easy to stay positive when everything is going according to plan, but when we find ourselves in difficult situations it can be hard to see beyond our immediate frustrations.

If good experiences bring out the best in us, then negative ones often bring out the worst. The Divine Principle tells us that we all possess these two natures and all have the potential for positive or negative reactions:

“We find a great contradiction in every person. Within the self-same individual are two opposing inclinations: the original mind that desires goodness and the evil mind that desires wickedness.”

It’s not always easy to follow our original mind, the part of ourselves that is connected to our divine nature. In fact, it often feels easy and natural to slip into negative patterns. It takes effort and mindfulness to build up our “original mind muscle,” but when we are aware of the contradiction, we can learn to choose our response instead of just reacting to the moment.

When you find yourself in the midst of a breakdown—car related or otherwise—follow these four steps to keep your cool:

1. Pull Over - Give yourself some space to breathe and process. Within this pause, allow yourself to let go of whatever expectations you may have had so that you can deal with the situation as it is, and not how you wish it could be.

2. See the Broader Picture - Try to step outside of your immediate situation. What is the ultimate goal? Getting to your destination safely, or getting there on time? What is the most important thing? Who wins the argument, or the health of your relationship?

3. Ask for Help - If your car breaks down on the road, most of us don’t hesitate to call road-side assistance. If you get into an accident, you may need the police or an ambulance. When life hits you with a metaphorical breakdown, who is on your 911 list? Who is your police officer or fireman, who will drop everything at a moment’s notice to come to your aid? Who is your doctor, the one who will help you patch up and heal your spiritual or emotional wounds? Allow the people in your lives the blessing of coming to your rescue, and let them know you’d be willing to do the same.

4. Practice Gratitude - When you choose to be grateful for what you have instead of worrying about what you don’t, every situation will take on new meaning. When we look for the positive, a traffic jam becomes an opportunity for a deep conversation with our fellow passengers, an unexpected stop a chance to explore a new place. By embracing spontaneity and gratitude, life’s little bumps, though frustrating at first, can lead to valuable lessons and meaningful experiences.

Do you know someone who has fallen upon hard times? Share these tips with them to let them know you care. How do you get over the humps and bumps in life? Help your fellow readers out by sharing in the comments below!

More Insights DP Life — When You’re Stuck in a Rut